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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 22, 6:30pm EST | Malboro Crystal - The Goblet W13P26 | Undisputed 2, 3,and 4 >>494947097
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>495522167
catboy supremacy
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
My moonie enjoys this new thread smell, last thread got pretty stale
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Delete miera from the game
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post elezen please
thank you
Thread topic: Schizos!
Have you been schizo'd lately?
Who is your schizo?
Who are you schizoing?
same but all thighlanders
>complains about things being stale
>spews meme moonie garbage
Crystalbros, please queue for The Everkeep
Find the nearest miera player (I am the miera player)
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>NA faggot
>wake up incredibly early to fill in shift Im usually asleep for
>See last thread
So this is the power of EU…
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>Who are you schizoing?
the schizos
i have a critical weakness to male middies
My moonie will bite you
I am a secret schizo.

I keep tabs on you, where you are, and what you're doing. I have alts on every DC so I can monitor your activities from afar without arousing suspicion. I know your posting style and the patterns you most frequently use for filenames. I know all of your friends' names, where you idle with them, what you talk about with them, and what you do with them. I know their mains for pve and pvp. I tracked down the in game addresses for their houses and apartments. I used mutual servers and mutual friends to track down their discord accounts and have opened dm's with them. When you're both idle but suddenly get active at the same time, I know that you're talking to them. I know your friends' posting styles and most frequent filename patterns too so I can know when you're talking to them in the thread. I use all of this information to stalk you and them from the shadows, without arousing any suspicion. I record my observations in a compendium. I teeter on the edge of publishing it and exposing you every day.

I will keep biding my time. I will never melt. I will never betray my true insanity. I will bury my insecurity, insanity, and irrationality. My severe schizo tendies will compound and multiply upon one another. Every day I get more brazen. Every day I get worse as the schizo stalker syndrome takes hold. I will continue getting worse every day that you cast me aside, until I go nuclear and expose everything to everyone.

I am your "well-adjusted normie" friend. I am the danger lurking in the shadows. I am the monster behind the mask. You will think this is all a fiction for (You)'s. It's all real, but I play my role too well to ever be suspected.

I hope you can discover the real me and cut me off before it's too late. Unfortunately, that will not happen. I will destroy you. I will destroy myself. I am a secret schizo.
fuck you fag boy
Sunnie Sunday, post sunnies
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same bu- >>495535741 this anon said it best.
I am
a femezen
suffering from a migraine
Its more that i dont want to lead people on too much and make them think ill totally erp with them in game when there's a small chance i would. It is fun to get those replies and sometimes ill have fun with it though.

I just like how big the sandwiches are there. Feels like a good deal for all the overpriced stuff out there. That being said id go with the Breakfast baconator from Wendy's over anything at McDonalds.

IF YOU WANNA GET BIG YOU GOTTA EAT BIG. I bet you're a 2 scooper.
I have to stop coming from the thread because Im mentally ill and trans, sorry if you wanted to EB me
I'm schizoing schizos who schizo schizos while schizoing schizos so they schizo and get schizoed by schizoes until everyone is scchozed and then nobody will be sczinosoed
some futa tranny
everyone at all times
my fem middie is incapable of saying no to catgirls
not if my sunnie bites you first
>That being said id go with the Breakfast baconator from Wendy's over anything at McDonalds.
totally not fat
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I was up all night
got four more levels
I'm so close to 100 I can taste it
the grind hurts sometimes (now is a part of sometimes)
Im maskma deez nuts
I am
a male midlander
dedicating myself to working out
and wonder if my eyebrows will fall off
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I really need to pee
some veena bitch
no one, I just want to be left alone and not stalked anymore
I'm okay with this as your sunnie has weak fangs, my moonie has superior skin piercers and will win this trade off
It's over...
*opens mouth*
do we like moonies
Just so everyone knows, I'm not Macska, and did all the shitposting, so you can stop blaming him and unblock him and everything
*opens mouth*
i still cant sleep so i will browse twitter to find middie gposers
Cute thighlanders
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Post lore.
I love petting hrothgirls. I love hrothgirls, Charlie, I LOVE HROTHGIRLS.
you don't even look like a man wtf
Only if we can make tasteful yuri together.
>am everyone's schizo
>could post my character and nobody would know me
>all of my screenshots are years old so those that do would think it's a skinwalk
oops I posted on the old thread
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This is Final Fantasy XIV fan art featuring an Elezen Warrior of Light

yeah sure why not
how can I get a crazy stalker like this? sounds hot
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I miss Stormblood.
they should add more adventurer plate shit for rare achievements
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>tapping the gam sign
erm actually the m in miera stands for male
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Happy Sunday! Don't forget to hug a sunnie today!
Unintentionally looks like MTQ, which makers her cuter somehow.
Post thighs
This must be fake
posted in dying thread please help
ok rikka
tomestones are literally the easiest thing ever to regain, use them
failing that, go in undergeared. You'll probably never interact with that group again. They can't even be properly mad, because you're not sync'd, you're at level for the dungeon.
you could use the infinite wealth that everyone in thread seems to have and buy gear.
I know that dumbfuck I'm saying you look like a woman why you @ing me
Where's my Ultimate Thrillseeker plate?
im afraid i have weak and smol fangs but it wont stop me from trying to maul you
my cute miera blushes a bit whenever he sees another cute miera...
very cute thighlanders
me too bro
that's what i'm sayin bro
just saying hi bro :)
I really want to pose with my EU crush but she's never around
My moonie will win this mutual mauling, are you sure you wanna do this sunnie?
It even has 500 updoots
They really do need to flesh out the achievement shop, it's barren.
adventure plates really were the best thing about endwalker
I'm gonna bend you over and fuck that pussy so hard you never think about saying hi to me again bitch
Who's your eu crush?
I have one. No idea why. Im a literal who but he cant help but to reply to me 6 times with the same repetitive shit.
I think he’s convinced himself I post less because of him but I only visit the thread maybe twice a week anyway
Soooooooooo since I didn't preorder dawntrail do I just lose those exp earrings forever?
yeah you can gain tomes super easy bro
you get gear while spamming dungeons too anyway so who cares.
Merchant gear is always there too.
Here we see the exact moment anon trooned out.
When did you troon out, fellow sisters? For me it was Shadowbringers.
Who is your EU crush anon..
>Yoshi P has run the game into the ground so hard the only people left playing are Second Life rejects
Owari da...
my moonie has been struck with the desire for an eb again...
It's me. I will never forget the cum.
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Just because Elezen are rare amongst player characters, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Memes aside, the top kind of is a blend of Neo Ishgardian and the Salon Server tops, the skirt could be basically any of the plain skirts that reach at least the knees, e.g., Varsity Skirt, the Spring Skirt. Shoes the closest two are Drindl's and the Loyal Housemaid, and for gloves false nails / claws of the beast. It's not really that far off.
brown bun
There's nothing FF about that image except maybe the ears
god damn right i am...but we both have to be naked and covered in oil. thems the rules
I love these head canons that only exist in this thread
you sound kinda gay man :/
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You should be careful moonie, sunnies have higher strength, dexterity AND vitality!
The ears are the least femezen thing in that image
>convinced himself I post less because of him
little bro got bullied out of the thread lol
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anyone wanna do roulettes with me when I come home at approximately 2:30-3 EDT...
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I'm an old man now, bro... Unlike most people who get into this stuff, I stopped and embraced my masculinity and started a family...
I am still progressing through EW and I am pretty broke. I spent a lot of gil buying a cute outfit for my elf.
I accept your terms, it'll make it more interesting
Negligible difference, The sheer difference in fang size makes up for it
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And not the background of New York?
why didn't you pre-order if you wanted them
Post a screenshot of the Tulliyolal market place right now.
Are you EU or NA? I can give you gil for gear if you want. Or just go in undergeared, no one will give a fuck.
>nooo you cant make jokes or ill call you names!
grow up anon
You're retarded
now that that's out of the way, go in undergeared for dungeons. They won't really care. If the healer does care, he's a shit healer. I should know. I tank and heal.
It'd be funnier if the reflection was a GAM
electrope has many uses
>friend says my liontail is a cow tail
>tell him it isnt and lions are strong brave creatures and not cattle
>he shows me a video of lions roaring and it sounds like cows
Naw Ive been on and off posting for almost as long as elk, just always under the radar because honestly I cant stand taking screenshots all the time and I also take long ass breaks from ffxiv. He only showed up maybe 3 years ago and it really hasn't changed much.
Its weird because he doesnt have dirt on me so he just kinda desperately reaches.
cringe tranny shit, needs a fat sweaty man in the mirror
I have 3 Maro in my friendlist and 2 of them post here...
That doesn't narrow it down.
I hope you got in otherwise I'm doing this for nothing.
>i drink piss as a joke
ok kyoppi
big tiddy cat?
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She's looking at the villain
I drink piss btw guys
my moonie ended up getting a breakfast baconator cause it's pouring outside and wendy's is closer
the ultimate form of humor is post-post-irony
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I can't go in anyways...
I don't know about being a cow but it does mean you're futa-coded
I'm glad I'm not a pedophile like Kyoppi
Enjoy your baconator drunk moonie
u made me feel welcome when i popped in my first day

thank you fren
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Thanks to anyone who joined.
This thing is made of Auricite, right? It looks like the crystal that you used to seal away Hades, only super-heated and stuffed in a cup
People call this a super-easy savage tier and yet even players with clears have been tripping over their own feet all night at this.
I wonder which pedophile this is. I cast a large net.
Ndja please...
cringe femoid shit
cringe tranny shit
based king I kneel
>he/him :3
youll be fine running those and the drops will be upgrades
You mean pooped?
bro you didn't need to give even more proof that it's tranny shit
That's Azem's magical MacGuffin so we can travel to other reflections, it's probs made out of grapes and random stones if Azem made it.
>most of DT is you following Wuk around as she kills her cartoonishly evil but actually well meaning dindu brothers
>the final zone is FFIX Disney Land where everyone uploaded themselves to the Metaverse to dodge their shard being destroyed (also they eat souls to keep their shard running)
Did I get it right? I watched a DT summary video.
A full set of Twelve Gear is ilvl 205 and costs ~10k Wolf Marks. You're probably capped and forgot about it.
Im not a lala if thats what you mean
>own a private plot and a plot for my FC
>can't enter lottery for both at the same time
This system is so fucking retarded.
ok then upgrade your lowest ilvl gear using one of the many methods suggested to you until you can do it
yo dawg we heard you like schizos
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>self vanity as a persona ruining what could have been a funnier and more remembered and almost iconic image that would have been funny
niggas just throw money at poor people to draw themselves e-flating over their troons
Your friend has bad opinions and is wrong. That's ok, you don't always have to agree with friends, but you ARE a strong powerful lion and I believe in your mighty roars.
>cartoonishly evil but actually well meaning dindu brothers
Wow, they're like real Mexicans except for the well meaning part! How immersive!
It's not, I only schizo people who "joke" about liking kids. If that's not you then yours is somebody else.
of course, I'm happy to help...
You look like you kiss guys exclusively taller than you
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OoooOOooooOO aether you want to do this dungeon with me and get your first time bonus things oooOOoooOOOoo
Eos is the better fairy. Killing Selene is justified.
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Azem's symbol flashing on it means it'll be a MacGuffin for dumb bullshit sooner rather than later.
My moonie is not logged in or else she would
sorry, misread. A full set of Packliege gear is even cheaper for iLvl 110
what DC dumbdumb
Zoraal Ja's heel turn completely came out of nowhere and makes no sense considering his gimmick.

Is Dawntrails writer a shoot retard?
stinky I said it's aether
its okay i still love u
My moonie loves you too :3c
I dont think you actually understand his character in the MSQ if you think it came out of left field
You summoned another dps for me at least, ty my liege /kneel
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Cage it
It's pretty much been established that the writer for EW's patch content and Dawntrail's MSQ has a track record of being absolutely dogshit at his job.
No you don't understand he was in the hyperbolic time chamber so all of his evil dude development happened off-screen. We like this.
oh thank fuck i found a healer and tank, we are so back
I miss the fujo.
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I would ask for someone to cytube the 3rd, or hell even the 2nd, madagascar movie, but I'm gonna go try to sleep
>considering his gimmick
His gimmick is that his absolute confidence is a facade covering for the fact that he believes himself to be a bastard and thus seeks to prove that he's not through accomplishments, namely, retracing his father's path. When he not only fails but fails in a direct confrontation against his father's shade his confidence is shattered and he becomes obsessed with defeating his father by any means.
I dunno what you're talking about, its established very early on that he is a gigantic asshole and he goes full evil edgelord mode about half way in to the expansion (When you finish Sydeep Cenote)
You didn't actually think the guy who said he wanted to invade Old Sharlayan was a good guy did you?
That's the moonie effect for you
Literally the first private conversation with his mage fuckbuddy we see implies him as wanting power to kill everyone he doesn't like anon.
As >>495537780 said everybody saw him as the bad guy. The problem was there was so much more character there they could've expanded on but didn't cause they decided you needed to talk to Wuk more.
He's just like me...
>second dt dungeon
>zoraal seems concerned after accidentally making the dungeon hard for the party
>”wow this actually might be a cool nuanced character “
>turns out no hes just an entirely retarded evil guy
Fiera butts obstructing my breathing passages until I die.
>I dont think you actually understand his character in the MSQ

>Famous war hero
>Leader of the army
>Respected by all
>Strong, silent, clearly capable but not cocky or a braggart
>Takes advice from a wise elder who is his right hand man


It's a 180 turn in personality that isn't built up to at all.
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Post Femra
Go to bed AM.
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>>Strong, silent, clearly capable but not cocky or a braggart
Sar, he literally says that they should invade Sharlayan and take all their stuff the first fucking time you meet him.
>Ishikawa leaves
>Graha suddenly not as clingy
>femra when they're not the center of attention for more than five minutes
Why are femra like this?
How do I get into gposing and taking good screenshots with proper lighting and stuff, is there any guide on it out there?
Him killing his father was the most retarded move. He wanted to bring the world under his heel and foce peace through fear of war but once he got to rule a country with an army even stronger than tural instead of waging real war he just kills his father out of nowhere. It's obvious he had daddy issues thanks to being the promised son and all that shit but it still doesn't make sense how he just used cheats to kill him instead of proving h's a better ruler.
>Oh my hecking gawd! He wants to invade other countries! That means he's automatically evil!
Go wash your vaginas, you're stinking up the thread.
New to Dancer. I'm guessing that for my opener, getting Technical Step going is my top priority so that I can stay in sync with everyone else's two minute burst window, right? Even if it's a bit inefficient for my personal damage?
I miss that. It was super charming. I want cute interactions to look forward to.
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This femra comes with a bonus song that's stuck in my head again
>invade other countries
His conversation was about reaching the golden city to get unimaginable power and he told his right hand he will share the power with him and let him use it on whoever he wants (he's not talking about foreigners) retard.
Are you here to talk to me, the coolest, strongest, and everyone's number one favorite Male Middie, Remus Anima!?

Well, make yourself interesting, then!
>he'll never ask us to call him Raha
Why even live?
Why do the feminine, cock obsessed bi boys who play this game drive me absolutely insane with obsessive lust? Biofem btw
Do you not understand the difference between confident/ambitious vs egotistical/malicious?
This guy only plays Germany in HoI4.
Is Wuk Lamat being clingy instead not good enough for you?
No thank you
>feminine, cock obsessed bi boys
where do I find them?
Erm, most of us are 100% faggy though...
What race are you?
Not in my direction that's for sure, miss me with that shit.
every time I see SB I get so hard I think I might pass out so it's not just you
>Alisaie and Krile call him Raha
>the fucking WoL doesn't
>kills off the number 1 fan of the WoL alongside G'raha and calls it quits and leaves
literally who
Okay let's go. He was nice to me and does some cool gposes. That's all I have to say.
are you talking about that pink haired retard bunnyboy that used to be a greenhaired brown bunny woman that was into guro?
Why is the head writer so overwhelming awful at his job?
>I dont want to put effort into this, I just want to go home
It really makes me wonder what sort of nepotism put him in such a position
And if you actually paid attention to the MSQ skipper-kun you would've caught onto the fact that Zoraal Ja wanted to become dawnservant to prove he's stronger than his father despite not having two heads.
>Gets smoke blown up his ass all his life about being Tuliyollal's strongest soldier
>Gets the opportunity to prove himself by succeeding in the Rite of Succession
>Gets his shit stomped in by his Dad's shade because he was cocky and thought he could take it on solo (couldn't)
>Ego is shattered and in a fit of rage attacks the official there
>is DQ'd from the Rite thus ending any chances he had of surpassing his father
>loses his shit
This was all plainly written in the MSQ if you paid attention but it seems you didnt. When 7.1 brings NG+ back I recommend you play through the story again and actually the text boxes on your screen
>used to be a greenhaired brown bunny woman that was into guro
Next time I see him might actually kill me
It's clear dawntrail wanted to be a story like Coco is about generational trauma
They just spent too little time on the setup
There’s a female highlander image out there somewhere like that wish I had saved it.
Zoraal Ja is a gigantic fucking retard
Wuk Lamat tells you at the start of the game that Tural does not have a navel tradition. they don't build massive warships, but somehow this fucking lizard-brain retard thinks they can invade the most magical and technologically advanced nation in the world and win (Tural don't have a navy btw)
Hes not just "Confidant" he is Overconfident and clearly a fucking psychopath from the moment you meet him.
He's such a brown sugar daddy.
Carrying sprouts through MSQ on Dynamis as a healer is fun. Had a bard that stood in almost all of Ultima's AoEs that was funny to watch. Sprouts be cute
Sleep well husband.
Ishikiwa is literally still on DT credits as one of the four main writers, just not the lead writer.
>And if you actually paid attention to the MSQ skipper-kun you would've caught onto the fact that Zoraal Ja wanted to become dawnservant to prove he's stronger than his father despite not having two heads.
Suddenly turning into a petty little bitch goes against all his prior character though.

You can't just introduce Hercules, the chad of chads, slayer of pussy and bro of bros and then have him turn into the incel wojak meme off screen. That's just bad writing.
I'm fine with other people calling him Raha. It makes sense that Krile would as a fellow Student of Baldesion she's known him for a while and they're close. It makes sense that Alisaie would as she's overly casual, probably heard Krile call him Raha and assumed she could too and he's too polite to ask her not to, but c'mon not *one* scene where he tells us not to be so formal?

Y'mhitra calling Y'shtola Shtola, I think Lyse calls M'naago Naago, are there other examples? They're nice details.
Cope harder, Hiroi, you're getting AXED soon
Hey maybe if they stopped trying to cram 2 expacs into 1 the stories would be better just a thought!!!
There's nothing wrong with being a mamool ja supremacist. It doesn't make you evil to care about your own people above all others.
>You can't just introduce Hercules, the chad of chads, slayer of pussy and bro of bros and then have him turn into the incel wojak meme off screen.
This nigga didn't read the Omphale.
Don't look up what happened to Heracles' family either lol.
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I miss characters having character
Sorry chuddy, diversity is Tural's strength.
>If you don't have a navy it's impossible for you to ever build one up
Read a history book sometime moron.
They moved her to "overseeing".

Which, considering most people already assumed was a bullshit position so players wouldn't immediately realize she's just been moved to one of YoshiP's two other projects, and DT's writing came out like this, it's pretty obvious that was the case. She basically left and is only nominally still involved. And considering YoshiP just openly said he doesn't want to work on XIV anymore, I'm pretty sure soon enough they won't even bother hiding it anymore.
What happened to Aymeric why do we not see him anymore?
O shit there's new mahjong tournament coming? This time I'm actually gonna get rich.
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It's that guy from that one game
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my femra looks and acts like this
>a petty little bitch goes against all his prior character though.
He doesnt turn into a petty little bitch though he just finds a different way to achieve his goals after getting DQ'd from the Rite and that was to go knockout Ketenramm for his spare set of keys to open the gate the golden city and eventually become Sphene's King of Resolve with all his Electrope augments. He's still very consistent in his character which has been "I will surpass my father" the entire MSQ. Did you forget that when Zoraal Ja invades Tuliyollal he's surprised that Gulool Ja Ja is still alive in the palace and his happy he gets his chance to kill him?
He's busy governing.
Matoya also calls Y'shtola Shtola.
And, well, it probably doesn't count, but I guess now we have Krile/Maya too. That would probably be more of a "call her that name in highly emotional/dramatic scenes" thing rather than a familiar thing though.
His JP VA got into irl seiyuu trouble so in typical Japanese fashion he was written off.
I meant his VA? I heard he was a sexy man who fucked a fan?
JP voice actor had an affair with a coworker and is now persona non grata in the industry so they didn't bother to recast him.
you do standard step at start of countdown then pop it as your first attack then do technical step
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Leave Ryne alone!
>He doesnt turn into a petty little bitch though
Losing a fight and attacking the referee is turning into a petty little bitch.

This guy was the respected leader of the army, it's not believable that he'd have a hissy fit breakdown over losing a 1v1 with his dad's ghost. Daddy issues or not, a man like Zoraal Ja wouldn't turn into a little pissy bitch like that. It's shit writing.
Does that mean Aymeric will no longer be in the game, can't they recast him if that's the case? But why not just recast him? I loved his English VA, that's bullshit if I'll never hear him in game again
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My femlala acts like this!
>write out Aymeric bc of JP VA fucking someone
>write out Yugiri bc ENG VA was fucking murdered
sisters, is the voice cast for XIV okay
barely legal ginger minge
gaia is a lucky girl
This will be easy for me as I am not a pedophile
I noticed Effy slinked off after getting called out for being retarded last thread
my femra brings femras like this on dates
Rome is the exception that proves the rule bro. The only reason Rome was able to defeat Carthage was because they were the protagonists of the Universe (also because Carthage regularly sacrificed their children to Baal and relied on Mercenaries instead of a trained standing army.)
Anyone want to do an expert on crystal?
Final fantasy 14?
No matter how objectively shit the writing gets, there's ALWAYS bootlickers ITT defending it.

Go ahead, call me a cutscene skipper/speedreader/wow immigrant.
he couldnt handle the fact that theres people who dont like him
I'll take "Things Effag never talks about" for $400.
>This guy was the respected leader of the army, it's not believable that he'd have a hissy fit breakdown over losing a 1v1 with his dad's ghost.
It's completely believable when the "Miracle son of the two heads" "tuliyollal's mightiest warrior" gets a reality check that he's not as strong as he thought he was.
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Are they fucking with me? I'm the Warrior of Light, savior of the Star. I feel very much like I'm being fucked with.
Hi. You wanna?
i just think zoraal ja was a boring and uninspired character
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Mine looks and acts like this.
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Know your role and shut your fucking transphobic mouth, chud.
They literally don't know who you are in Tural, aside from being a foreign mercenary that came on the boat with Wuk.
more likely that he went to bed, you obsessed weirdo
Oh man, I hope the retard that the other day was getting all huffy telling me this never once happens in the expansion is here, reading this.
This thread is making me upset. Why couldn't Krile have been properly treated? I don't mind not being the main character, but why didn't they make a compelling story? Why'd wuk lamat have to be fucking awful. Why are we in south america? Why is normal america full of bad voice acting? Why did they have to play endwalker music in one of the cutscenes to guilt us into feeling better. Why is the Raid storyline 20 million times better than the MSQ?

I just wanna feel like I'm apart of a good story, I know they can do it, they've done it before, how are they fucking it up so hard?
wanna what...?
But the character is female the fuck has that got to do with trans shit? I mean I guess the character does look like a manly beast.
>eb is trans
>hate wuk
This puts me into a weird spot…
This tweet counts as premeditation. I can kill that tranny any time and claim self-defense.
>No one on Tural had to deal with the Final days
>No one in Mericidia will have any idea that final days happened.
I'm actually kind of mad that there wasn't a quest somewhere about hunting down one last Blasphemy in Tural.
I like Wuk Lamat's Japanese Voice
i dont even think about ryne
japanese hubris
its unmatched
Easily defeated by a magic wand.
It's easy.
YoshiP doesn't give a fuck anymore, and has taken all talent from the game into his other unannounced projects. We only have the incompetent writers left.
>Why did they have to play endwalker music in one of the cutscenes to guilt us into feeling better?
This is something the game loves doing. Charismatic characters coupled with fan-favorite music can make you like almost any scene. DT just fucked this up compared to say, the Answers scene in EW (which I really hate myself).
Lounge on your couch and binge watch a show and talk about our respective days.
>I'm actually kind of mad that there wasn't a quest somewhere about hunting down one last Blasphemy in Tural.
How can you hunt a Blasphemy in Tural when the Final Days never reached them in the first place?
You're a foreigner in land far from home where they had little knowledge of what was happening overseas. You're basically unknown to them as a Warrior of Light to the common man, they only would know you as a companion to the Third Promise first before knowing your legend as the Warrior of Light who saved the star. Is this not what people wanted? A reset to just being an adventurer and not some celebrity hero with people fawning over and asking for your help everywhere you go?
>"we need to scale down go somewhere where no one knows who we are so we could be literal who again"
>same retards also:
>"I'm the hekkerino warrioriono of lightino how dare you not know me!"
Why is Tranny "humour" always "Lmao I have a Porn addiction" or "I want to violently harm people I don't Like"
Only ffxiv could make matt mercer sound like absolute shit
>”Yea man, whatever, just do a McCree knockoff voice its good enough. Btw our mic broke heres something we picked up for $15 at walmart”
The problem is not with being an unknown, the problem is with your entire character being reduced to just Wuk Lamat's spare cumrag.
Thanks Doc
I suppose, then but how did Wuk Lamat hear about the Warrior of Light considering how sheltered she is, she took a boat ride from Tural to Old Sharlayan to recruit specifically the Wol so there must have been some word, no?
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>Dozens of instances of the WoL showing up in new lands and complete strangers going "Whoa, better not mess with whoever that is, he's radiating badass vibes"

>Go to Tural
>"Hey dickhead, you one of Wuk Lamat's servants? Here, do this errand for me..."
Stop noticing things.
>then but how did Wuk Lamat hear about the Warrior of Light considering how sheltered she is
Erenville told her about you, which prompted her to go Old Sharlayan to find you and recruit you to her cause. This was established in 6.5 to 6.55
>come to tural to be wuk's used cumrag
>people refer to you as wuk's used cumrag
no cap on god????
>entire character being reduced to just Wuk Lamat's spare cumrag
DT if it was good
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good morning wuk warriors
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>Me when I see fem hroths.
She asked Erenville when he was visiting home to recommend someone strong and well traveled to her. You'd know this if you weren't a cutscene skipper.
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It takes a severely mentally unwell man to want to pretend to be a woman in the first place.
>agree to be Wuk's help in the Rite
>retards go "wtf why am I background character and not the center of attention???????????"
>/vg/ ads are now literally porn
Well I guess we’re a nsfw board

Final fantasy xiv
i feel like shit... better buy a game to make feel like less shit
They have 0 self awareness.

You'll often hear them accidentally say something based but attribute the blame/praise to the completely wrong party because they just can't allow themselves to admit inconvenient truths.
meena hands
If you defend DT unrionically, you are retarded.
If you defend DT ironically, you are pathetic and desperate for interaction.
>completely unknown
>get off boat together with person he knows
>"oh you must be friends with the person I know"
ooooohhh heckin TRANNY LAMAT stealing my wols heckin thunder and fame!!!
lil guy in the back absolutely stealing the show
sis your adblocker
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I didn't think answers was as cheap tho. I found it fitting as it was one of the most critical moments of Endwalker in explaining the sundering and was able to tie things together well. Which is purely my opinion, not wanting to invalidate yours, but do know people agree with me, that they did find this meaningful.

I find the difference with how footfalls was used in Dawntrail more to just remind you about how you felt about the trailer and try to invoke the same emotions as you did about endwalker, whereas Answers in the Endwalker cutscene is trying to bring you new information and context.
>character who portrayed as an asshole who just wants to get his job done and fuck off from backwater hole acts as an asshole
stop pissing indoors have to clean after it.
And steal money directly out of Moot's pocket? Don't you know adblocking is literally theft!
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Thats not how it went in Tural, everybody who tried to fight you had someone else tell them NOT to cause you weren't to be messed with. Bakool Ja Ja had to have his people tell him several times that you weren't to be messed with by appealing to his ego and saying they had an important mission to do and that bloodshed won't help, even the head of mystic had to tell his brother we had aura and were trouble.
show me the goods...
Why do you feel like shit, anon?
may my catboy plap
I need to replay 6.55 to see what was said again. I don't remember specifically because I played it when it released.
Why is channer "humour" always "Lmao I love jerking to kids" or "I want to violently harm people I don't Like"

It's inconsistent writing. Either the WoL radiates power or they don't. I'm sick of the constant fuck ups. It shouldn't be this fucking hard to write a character with a consistent presence.
That happens three times in DT. One is a mook who sees you and immediately realizes if he fought you he'd die, the second is Woke's dad who sees you and immediately realizes you're fucking strong. The third happens at the start of the raid story.
Delete your browsing history
There is some degree of targeting going on
If you spend too much time on Rule34/Danbooru it starts giving you Porn Ads on 4chan
Im Macska
You forgot "I farted so hard I shit".
This was my thought. It felt like there was so much more they could've done with some of the characters but didn't. They really could've maybe shown more of the pressure he was putting on himself or how people propped him up. Perhaps even early on a time were he was at least a little cordial to you rather then spitting on your face from the get go. Maybe people might've liked Wuk a little more if they took some screen time from her and gave a little more to the other contestants.
That's one hell of a lie.
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Wtf is this real?
my moonie farted so hard she shit
>Meet Wuk Lamat in 6.55, already hate the premise of the story being introduced.
>Talk to G'raha, tell him straight up I don't want to help Wuk Lamat, this isn't what I'm about and the Warrior of Light shouldn't be participating in something like this.
>"But thou must."
>Proceed to spend an expansion that's gonna mark the story and pace for the next 2-3 years being Wuk's cumrag.

YoshiP said this expansion was supposed to establish the tone and intention for the next 10 years of story and the very first, clearest message we've gotten has been that we don't matter anymore, we won't be actual characters in the story from now on, and if you want to have some sort of relevancy you should unsub and go play something else.
Thanks Wuk!
I saw and comm'd this cute delinquent highlander in m3n during my roulettes, and I would like to share their plate with the thread.
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My malezen is like this.
My sense of Humour is Racism actually
Holy fuck I find people being racist for no reason really fucking funny and I can't explain why. It doesn't even need to make sense, calling a white person a nigger for no reason is the funniest shit ever.
I'd Mateus her, if you know what I mean.
Good morning /xivg/
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Anyone defending DT is being ironic
Stop being so easily baited. Act like you’ve been on 4chan for more than 10 minutes.
i feel like i lost a part of my EB... I thought I could fill that interaction with strangers, but it only made me miss my EB more
Proof? Does she like femxaela?
cute fiddie
That's kind of cool
uhhh meguca mateus?
I want to lick Wuk Lamats feet.
Holy cute
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thread hangout spot should not be on balmung
>Dislikes: Truck Drivers
Meena are the most powerful race
>he doesn't know about the secret hangout spot in his mom's bedroom
I'm not being ironic when I defend the MSQ though it's genuinely an 8/10 experience. Most of you legitimately skip cutscenes then make up head canon to fill in the blanks, I saw it happen during EW's release as well
Mayo monkeys really be laughing at the dumbest shit.
Why not? All the people that actually matter are on Balmung. Name one person not on Balmung.
yeah it should be on ultros so i dont have to go anywhere
but how else will the ebins plap and goon?
trying to pry balmung out of these pornsick burnouts' hands is fucking impossible
Yoshi'p Sampo
>tone understander logged in
stick to reading slice of life manga and don't reply to my posts anymore.
Back in '07 saying "I like eggs" with no context was the funniest fucking thing you could imagine bro.
What do you mean that you lost a part of them?
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Bluetooth Tony
that's a malera
Don't mind them, they are weak sissy boys irl badly compensating.
*replies to your post*
Meena more like me gonna stick my penis in them.
He's good with connecting with people
coomers are not people
If you’re so concerned about being the main character of a story why are you playing an mmo? Go play a single player rpg, faggot.
The fact still stands
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I'm not being ironic, DT was a fairly mid writing wise but theres no point in making up shit it never did to shit on more. People will misremember and outright lie for no reason, why not correct them and drive more discussion?
Actually the funniest thing you could say was "I'm from gaiaonline and I love Elfen Lied".
You might want to avert your eyes, I'm gonna post a picture of my modded femra in a bit. It will be spoilered
As true as that maybe this sort of shit always leads to debate and fragmentation. Same thing is happening on a more micro level with people constant changing the actual hangout location within balmung.
I wish I had a face 1 femra gf irl
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i have a full set of 530 caster gear from blue mage but for some reason the game recommends my 510 bozja gear for pictomancer
what's the deal with that?
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Fuck the australian server with 200+ ping, no.
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do you have any other pics of your miera
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My moonie just woke up and is very horny
Everyone from <alter>
The purple Hair Elezen
That bunnyboy played by an IRL woman.

I was talking about IRL
I wasn't introduced to 4chan (and the internet in general) until '09
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I'm playing FFXIV, where somehow this wasn't a problem up until DT. Funny how that works. I'd even have been willing to let someone else be the main character if it didn't basically reduce me to a manservant. At least when Alphinaud treated me like one it was meant to be a rude and negative thing that other npcs would point out as such, not the devs smugly looking at me over their shoulders and waiting to see if it annoys me and start calling me entitled.
Because it has 5 full materia slots.
the problem isnt that it's on balmung the problem is that anons here get bored of being in the same spot for 6 months and demand loudly in the thread that it should move until it eventually does instead of just fucking off with their friends elsewhere
reminder that you can currently transfer to balmung and that nobody cares about your house on another dc anyways. it's entirely your own fault if you refuse to use the tools available to you to change your situation.
Got a bitch of hroth cum on your lips sis
may I rape?
yeah on aco
Seconding what >>495541107 said, what do you mean? Were you getting bored of your EB and started paying more attention to friends? Did you cheat on your EB...?
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I NEED to suck her toes so bad.
why doesnt it recommend that gear for blue mage then
based i'll have a look and sexpest you even harder
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is it 530 blu exclusive gear?
Balmung is the only server that matters. If you're not on Balmung you're irrelevant
I wish
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What do they reap?
What do they harvest?
You can't say souls, that would infringe a blizzard IP.
The only expansion where you were 'A Character' was Shadowbringers, arguably endwalker
>ARR no one gave a fuck about you
>HW was about Estenian and the Ishgard War
>SB was Lyse time
>ShB was us as a main character
>EW goes back to us being the walking nuke who takes orders again
If you wanna split hairs, DT was the first time we had an influence on the plot because Wuk lamat seeks us out for advice and then acts on said advice
This but unironically. People whine about being gatekept but mods are free, mare is free, balmung is open, you're willingly choosing to avoid the avenues of our community while crying about acceptance and not fitting it.
Because the game is made by dummies.
oh i'm a retard
i thought i had the augmented cryptlurker stuff but its just the phantasmal set
Your sub fee.
fucking GRUG my GOAT
Cool picture bunny and grats on the mount
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blud is practicing crop rotation
there will be consequences
Anyone who transferred from Ultros to Baldung back in 2014 is irrelevant. Know your history.
We were very much the main character in Stormblood. If you define the main character as someone who actions the plot we have always been the main character, perhaps with the exception of ARR. This is because we play as the main character
I know this is Macchi replying to himself, but can somebody explain why I should even want to be on Balmung if I don't goon habitually? Not for content, certainly.
It's afternoon you third world bigot.
It really should be. They need to be kept contained. Anytime one of their sexpests leak, the thread gets set afalem by schizoposting for months.
Shadowbringers kind of ruined the game. People have taken the success of ShB as the standard, and the devs are trying to recreate ShB over and over.
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Anon, where do (you) go when you die? Which plane? Heaven or hell?
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you'r mom
What is Grug up to now?
A lot of nugirls have that reaction cupcake. It's okay. That feeling eventually eases and melts into the warm safe comfort once you're in a proper soft fluffy diaper.
That icky feeling tends to come and go in waves, at first. It takes time to calm the waters inside to find true bliss wrapped around your bottom. A soft, thick, warm diaper leaving a nice puffy flat front at your crotch. It'll make you feel all safe and allow you to let go of those toxic male socializations instilled in you.

You've been poisoned so deeply by that icky toxic boy socialization that it feels almost primal to resist restarting.
Those earliest building blocks of gendered socialization are put in before you even have much of a mind to understand anything let alone your gender.
It's that earliest block at the base of male socialization that deep down your heart knew needed to be knocked out so it can be rewritten with happy good girl socialization.

Gendered socialization is so intrinsically entwined with potty training. The first time a gendered socialization was inflicted on transgirls to participate in was during potty training. Girls sit, boys stand. Diapers help nugirls open those mental pathways back up so they can become trugirls free of that toxic male poisoning.

Removing those mental blocks also allow HRT to work more effectively. The brains ability to subconsciously resist transition due to shame, fear, and deep rooted socialization can seriously hinder a nugirls ability to pass.

But by embracing your need to start over as a girl, the treatments will be unhindered by mental blocks and allow you to perfectly pass. Physically and emotionally. A perfectly passing girl.

You'll only understand the magic of diapers once you try them. Every transgirl desires to perfectly pass. By wearing your diapers sweetheart you'll be able to become a PP girl too.

But the first step is acceptance. Repeat after me.
I'm a transgirl, and I need my diapers.
See a lot of timid bookworm types from lalagirls
Sorry, it's all about ancients here sweaty! No cool lore for you!
Love this lil guy haha!
Never thought I'd see anyone in this game be even slightly based.
Are catgirls built for hrothgar knots?
People will really say they're bottom right then turn around and deny being pedophiles.
It's ok anon, it happens. Glad to have been helpful.
No but fem hroths are built for human cock.
me as bottom right
It's mostly just that all the big ebin stuff happens on Balmung. Non-Balmung ebins are a few dozen, non-NA (and non-lightcord) ebins can be counted by a single hand. If you have no interest in the highschool drama there's zero incentive to be on Balmung.
we stopped interacting as regularly... he isn't around much at all on his main character anymore, he's more often online on his alt now...
we used to take cute pictures at the beach and watch fireworks and the last time we did that was... 3 years ago

what NO. I literally can't think of anyone but him, even when I talk to other people, back in my mind I wish I was hanging out with him instead...
A tiny human cock could never please a femhroth
>went to bed
The hell of heaven and wind.
Probably Heaven since I love Maelstrom and stop pirates.
Catgirls, Puppy Girls, Bird Girls, Glubs..
Anything really.
hes not gonna fuck you lil bro. stop simping
Fucking real
>everyone takes ShB as the gold standard
>no one remembers the dogshit faffing about timewasting bits that make up 70% of the run time, only Tesleen's transformation, emet popping in for 20s every few hours and MT gulg to the end
>Not using fantasia for your pp
I'm an /xivg/ poster who is not an ebin. It just works.
Cute faggy meena needs facial correction.
Are we going to explore the seven hells next? It better has a direct reference to Emperor Mateus.
do we even know who's in it these days and who isn't?
I think the best thing you can do is talk to him about it and try to somehow rekindle your relationship with him
>>ARR no one gave a fuck about you
All of ARR is basically the Scions touring you through Eorzea, and you gaining more and more of a reputation as an adventurer as your slay primals, culminating in you defeating Gaius and Lahabrea and being declared Champion of Eorzea. The patches then are about the Syndicate and Ilberd setting you up as a power hungry usurper-wannabe.
>>HW was about Estenian and the Ishgard War
HW gives us the Fortemps family as our own personal link to the story, as well as rescuing the Scions that got lost, yeah it revolves in much part around Estinien, Ysayle and Alphinaud's character development, but WoL still gets to have a personal stake in it, and we get to defeat Thordan and two eyes Nidstinien in the end.
>>SB was Lyse time
SB still revolved in large part around the rivalry with Zenos and how WoL was the only one that could hope to stand up to that final obstacle, plus we get to become Khagan of the steppes. By the end we're known as the savior of Ala Mhigo and Doma.
>>ShB was us as a main character
>>EW goes back to us being the walking nuke who takes orders again
No, in EW 90% of what happens happens because Zenos keeps trying to get at us. We're the ones that end up killing Fandaniel/Zodiark and inadvertently start the Final Days. We're the ones that travel to Elpis and discover the plot, and set in motion the events that will define 12000 years of history. And we're the ones that go through Ultima Thule, fight Endsinger, and finally manage to convince Meteion, with help from the Scions of course, but we're still the central piece.

DT is literally the only expansion where we've mattered so little that our presence doesn't actually change anything, literally all the needed to solve their own plot, dogshit as it was, was to just tell Wuk Lamat to be confident earlier. She can solo the final boss.
Is his main someone known to the thread?
Do we care?
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I'm going to be resting comfy like al queda in those windy mountains.
Heaven of Wind. Sky Pirates don't count as regular pirates, right?
Dawntrail setting off self inserters really is the cherry on top to the expansion. Love it
I swear no one actually likes miera. People thirst after them here but I've never seen any of you do anything with one
t. female troon
>We're the ones that end up killing Fandaniel/Zodiark
he would have just killed himself if we weren't there.
His entire point was killing himself and taking everyone with him
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Just mild curiosity
/pet /pet /dote
No, if we weren't there, he would have just destroyed the world himself. He said so. He just set up a situation where winning is ideal, but losing isn't a big deal either.
Wuk Lamat has a custom face, right? I played around in the character creator trying to make one that looks like her but can't arrive to the result.
So true. If you don't have barbs I don't want to plap.
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Yoshida betrayed his own vision for FF14, he admits in that article from years ago that adding in sci-fi elements would heavily damage the setting.
>Solution 9
This fucking guy.
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gm anyone wanna farm more fates
Wowfags really expose themselves by admitting they're okay with getting cucked out of the main character role
Do it then..
bros, ratfiddie or face 1? I can't decide
they're old news, current fotm is male middie
>She can solo the final boss.
Thats a gameplay/narrative moment. She can't literally solo the final boss in whatever imagined scenario you're coming up with. She comes in at the tail end after we fight her down anyway.
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Is that blue puppy eared moonie around? I wanna tease him :3
Hello, jizzmop
Yoshida is the japanese Todd Howard minus the charisma
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Gem. Didn't know about the foundations.
It depends on the characters you make
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>go to the same venue on NA and EU

>tasteful mods
>visually appealing body proportions

>venue looks like VRC public world
>everyone is glowing
>balloon tits
>heightbeasts galore
face 1 please there's not enough
ugly femra, having 2nd thought fanta'ing into one
Yeah he's a lying hack, everyone knows this.
Talk to that autistic moonie and she'll suck you dry she's free use for miera
yup, wife.
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They are quite liked but you can't compensate for a lack of personality by playing a Miera. Speaking from experience
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It's all a psyop by Big Miera to pump and dump the stocks
hewwo to you, ser.
>Thats a gameplay/narrative moment.
Funny how this game has never had to make that distinction until now except for Minstrel tales.

And funny how the game didn't actually make that distinction this time either.
cute larp, let's see some proof
My moonie has inished her weekly shop and is now ready to log in
>Mods anything
Post examples of euros or I will assume you are full of shit
good, fanta to femezen and get licked
Weekly reminder that Runarr ran through Yshtola and make her toes curl and her eyes roll back to the point that she is trying every method possible to go back to the First.
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My personality is being a bunny
Y'shtola BARBED
Catgirls are built for loving catnunhs, hrothmen are built for their loving hrothwives.
ur wrong
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You got it boss
I'm an Euro, am I tasteful?
based runar
She canonically friendzones him
BVILDERED for a woodchipper
The game never makes that distinction because its meaningless.
Did you know, the WoL is a super special guy in canon because he can teleport with aetherytes and not get tired? That's the reason why the scions recruit us? Because we're just a hekkin good packmule?
ew, gay
And by woodchipper I mean human penis.
catgirls are cats Hroths are lions, they are incompatible /sweat
>Showing that much shoulder
yes, we're both thread regulars...
I know.. I just can't bring myself to do it, I guess... I feel like it's just me and he doesn't have the same feelings or else we wouldn't have slowly drifted like that... I don't know how to bring it up.
I thought that was shoros bf
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I'm doing Squadron stuff, go wild dork.
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hrothmen are built for hrothmen
even square acknowledges it
>she canonically [headcanon]
niggas be homosexuals fr
So you admit our presence there was inconsequential?
straightest catboy
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Which one
Remember when Yoshi-p said we would get back old PvP rewards like 3 years ago?
This is a good 'zen
Pull your EB to the side and have serious talk when he logs in his main. If he doesn’t want to, then you know what you must do.
Is there anything you both like to do in game? Maybe you could try doing it more often if there is.
my head is the most important thing on this planet
without my head, my perception of everyone would not exist, therefore the whole universe would not exist

therefore headcanon is true canon
You're a fag
you sound like a twitter user trudging through old tweets thinking people are beholden to them years down the line despite them being different people now.

There've been other examples like Eden Shiva with Gaia saving us and Hydaelyn protecting us during Ultima Weapon like 3 times, hell even Hades needed Thancred to dive in and stab him with white auracite shards after we won the fight since he was about to come back and kill us. And Endsinger had the Scions protect us with their prayer shield. Wuk Lamat is just another narrative moment in a fight no different than any other finale we've had recently.
First, the game doesn't make that distinction because up until now, what you saw in the fights was what canonically happened, unless the game went out of it's way to say it wasn't like with the aforementioned Minstrel. Only now, in the face of Wuk Lamat's absurd feats of strength that out her as the single most powerful person in the universe, does anyone even try to present this narrative that what you see in fights is just "gameplay/narrative difference".

And second, the Scions didn't even know we could teleport like that when they recruited us. They recruited us because we proved our strength fighting the golem, and our character by protecting that girl from the Ul'dah merchant. Not that I'd expect the kind of retard that defends DT to know that, it's clear none of you know fucking anything about the game until now.

What part of "If we weren't there he'd just have destroyed the world himself on the spot" do you not want to understand, retard? Are you really this brainrotter that you cannot understand basic fucking sentences anymore?
Wrong, meena x meena is the most kino pairing imaginable
Well, at some point you're gonna have to face the facts... better sooner than later honestly, the more you lead yourself on the more it'll hurt I would know... also, hey, it's not a guarantee that he doesn't have the same feelings for you, maybe he's been thinking the exact same thing but hasn't found a way to tell you about it
Hey Sis.
How was your weekend?
ignore that anon himcess
I'll hold you and whisper calming chinese literature until you sleep
eu venues and limsa denizens are just as bad as na for modbeasting, as someone who goons on both
She's an unironic pedophile so you better be a shota
Gm pedo
This whore >>495543037
just talk to her when she's not with her new boytoy or wait until she's looking for a new one
Real and straight
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>Wrong, meena x meena is the most kino pairing imaginable
I'm sorry but we need to put you down, it's for the good of the Viera Race.
Hey can I smooch those tiny gumdrop bumps while calling you a cute lil failmale and rubbing your ears?
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do u wanna farm fates
My miera is builded for fiera
>Only now, in the face of Wuk Lamat's absurd feats of strength that out her as the single most powerful person in the universe
What are you fucking talking about
which zone are you farming
>you sound like a twitter user trudging through old tweets thinking people are beholden to them years down the line despite them being different people now.
Shock horror people want to understand the philosophy of the game they play from the people who create it. You sound like a fucking Retard
My moonie thinks this place is pretty depraved and corrupts those who spend too long here
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midcringers have been flavor of the month for like 9 months
Play DT and you might know what people are talking about, secondary-kun
Kinda wish I didn't delete my mods and my cat now, would look good in that top upscale
ive got like 15 left in the blue forest and then a bunch left in the last two zones
It was great, I remember none of it!
No, I don't drink at all before you ask :3
How was yours?
I had my 3 hours sleep, I'm good to go for the day but I won't say no to another Chinese lore drop.
Had to hit me with the failmale huh..
Extra points for that.
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This is a very nice cat
>Alexanders time stop part hits
>everyone freezes
Ok, that was kino
okay i might join you later then
ty anon
im bored, sure.
>It was great, I remember none of it!
>No, I don't drink at all before you ask :3
this nigga has dementia
Post your moonie so I can do depraved and corrupt things
a moonie corrupted me
>posts a reaction gif from the pedo anime
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I took it
You wouldn't dare do that to a fellow miera...
25 so yeah it's possible.
Nah it's just ADHD, you doofus.
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Good morning (forma del afternoon)
>he admits in that article from years ago that adding in sci-fi elements would heavily damage the setting.
He said he likes less machinery and pure fantasy is his preference, he said no such thing as damaging the setting, just that he would not have used the alagans and garleans the way they were on the original but now he has to roll with them. That's all he said here.
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With all this arguing going on, it's important to remember miera x femra is still the best pairing.
>Had to hit me with the failmale huh..
You mentioned it when I first replied to you a while back, frankly I think you're lovely regardless of how you identify. That said being a fragile little boy toy is always bonus in my book :3
I bet this faker can't even Crip walk.
>want to take a break
>have a fully decorated mansion
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Nyo! The era of Straight Hroths is finally here!
Is it bad that I get off from being called a pxdo now...?
uncensored ears spotted
tongue engaged
>game has never had to make that distinction until now except for Minstrel tales.
Anon????? Your HW trials??????
Your pre-Emanation cutscene where alphy directly tells you to fuck her up with your comrades?

>An insectoid beastman tribe connected by a hive mind, the Gnath have but one collective desire: to expand their territory and prosper without fear of dragons. It was by this simple yet powerful wish that a mighty primal bent on war and conquest was summoned into existence. Bound by your promise to Vidofnir to remove this threat to dragonkind, you must now lead your companions into battle against the savage entity known as Ravana, Lord of the Hive.
>you must now lead your companions into battle
>you must now lead your companions into battle.
>you must now lead your companions into battle
My moonie would never!
You found a bad moonie..
oh ok
*hands you the fidget spinner*
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What's the easiest ADS type mount to earn? They're all from PvP, right?
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Learn to read my Retard friend.
Kemono Friends WAS better.
This is a pedophile by the way. She wants to rape little boys. >>493783970
I honestly thought people forgot I said that but it's almost sweet how you remembered c:
Thanks bro
She just did that to save face in front of the friendgroup. He made her feel like a woman. That's why she wants go back.
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mooncat player.s..
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My lalaboy hypnotizes and plaps biggers.
I only know one mooncat like that (sub)
Nope, been a few months
I have an idea but no names
I do a few driveby schizos to get people to think it's another person. For example, before I head out to work, I make an inflammatory post and then check the results when I get back from work.
You look like tzera and this is not a compliment.
I am
a fiera
who went to sleep with a headache and woke up with a headache
>can't have minions and umbrellas out at the same time
Is this... the true power... of bugman programming?
He's literally talking about how he wants to divide the empire to make them more interesting than unstoppable army with guns anon.
NTM but what kind of corrupt and depraved things
I'll show you if you post...
>almost sweet how you remembered c:
Well maybe it would be sweet if you gave me nice things to remember other than sexually-charged degradation. Maybe we could make some memories together instead :3c
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I haven't played Dawntrail yet.
How are viper and picto in Eureka?
Anon, what is wrong with you? Look at the first line as well he's saying the level of technology in the setting should be around Castle in the Sky at the limit. Why do people like you have to argue when it's plain as day, black and white, read on paper, right there being said clear as day. Yet you will still argue it isn't.
Fuck people like you, uneducated swine's who have the ability to vote, you annoy me so much.
Fuck you're right, it's over drinking the fanta
Someone tried to skinwalk me recently but no one replied.
Probably an f+ I turned down for erp
No one, I don't have time for it
>technology in FF is le bad...because it is!!!!!
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Actually I don't know, you've gave me an idea to find out, might resub.
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Miss me yet
what do you mean by "ADS"?
almost tempting me with this one
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What could have been.
Find me in game and maybe we can but it's not a good idea to get attached like that to me..
Glad to hear that~ *pet*
I had a rough Friday, but anons from here tried to cheer me up and helped me getting through the WE. I'm truly grateful to them.
>Have you been schizo'd lately?
I don't pay enough attention to know when I'm being schizo'd. Well, except for that one anon who replies to all my posts with "no one likes you."
Anon thats literally an ARR mockup
I think this thread, and this playerbase in general, is reaching critical levels of corporate cocksucking. Yoshida can do no wrong, even when he contradicts everything he's ever said before, for the worse.
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Lowlander status?
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Sorry, I'm an ARR boomer so I always refer to them as "ADS orbs" instead of Allagan node or however they're more commonly called nowadays.
The next ff mmo looks great
Ask Perrine
I'm ready to have a little fun...
>Find me in game
Sorry I'm not good at geoguesser

>not good to get attached to me
Look i know you have some kind of thing going on but even if you're only in my life for a little bit of rather know that i spent that time with you and made your life even just a little bit better
god damn i wish we got this
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What a cute cat!
I will think on it... but it's also very mentally draining to think about a future without him, I don't even want to picture it...
No, I think we both pretty much just did everything already, but he's also a lot more independent, or maybe he doesn't like to bother me to do content, I'm not sure exactly.
We used to roleplay but that kind of fell off too, and I guess he didn't really enjoy it as much as I did in the first place. I thought roleplaying was really fun...
I thought that was her ass from the thumbnail
What an ugly pedo!
do you guys own onaholes
>Disrobed Estinien and Zero trained together in private.
Where are the doujins?
I had one but I fucked it too hard and it fell apart.
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Don't mind me, just botting some seals.
My femra has acted as one a few times.
What kind of fun.. this moonie is very intrigued
No, boring autist.
oh alright
yeah I think the yellow one is from 100 frontline wins and would be the easiest
there's a green one that was part of a battle pass which might come to the shop in 7.1 if yoshida isn't a lying hack
>have you been schizo'd lately
>who is your schizo
I have an idea but it seems like she's moved on to a few different targets that give him more attention when he makes jabs at them. She plays a femra on aether last I checked.
>who are you schizoing
My neighbor until he gives me back my fucking hedge trimmers. BRADLEY, YOU WHORE, YOUR BARBECUE WAS MID AND YOUR LAWN IS UGLY.
Let me guess, a fiddie SAM?
Zero doesn't look or act like this.
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>Straight Hroths
is perrine a shotafucker?
i had one but forgot to clean it so i threw it out
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>Why do people like you have to argue when it's plain as day, black and white, read on paper, right there being said clear as day.
Because you're lying. I referenced that very line on the previous post. You're drawing a conclusion that simply is not present, what are you, still coping about Corsair?
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>Erenville gets more fanservice than G'raha
Ishikawa is rotating in her "banned from writing DT" coffin
Yeah, 1 from 100 wins in Shatter, 1 from 100 wins in any map and the last one from 300 wins in any map iirc
I’m so used to each zone having two blue aether current quest lines and the follow-up quest, that Heritage Found threw me for a loop.
Never do that to me again, SE.
It's okay, you can call it a tranny.
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I feel called out...
And no, I'm not an onahole.

where's he at now?
That's great they helped, I hope you're feeling better now :3
Just..add me if you're on NA you dork.
I'm doing squadron stuff now but we can still talk between them.
Thank you though..
Why are so many europeans just… broken?
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Duly noted. Thanks!
When are we getting DT beast tribes?
He's currently identifying as genderfluid and uses all pronouns, I didn't want to be disrespectful despite her acting like a nigger.
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Aren't there actually seven of them?
Also, are any of these real in lore? I don't understand how it interacts with the aetherial sea

>captcha: PHAGT
well that's just rude
>Just..add me if you're on NA you dork.
I don't even know you're initials, much less your name DC or world D:
Need a femra onahole
I don't want to ruin the surprise... I could show you if you provide some stimulating visuals...
I am an Onahole.
With Myths of the Realm, it's been confirmed they don't interact with the aetherial sea at all. The afterlife's completely figured out and the Twelve were just pretending.
Balmung is open. I'll eat a 3 day if he's not on Balmung
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Left or right?
it's 2024 you can't say that, you're gonna get cancelled by the actual beasts on twitter
is that allowed
Left, he really needs a hug
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Will this suffice?
Mo Fu
Crystal - Balmung
It's that shrimple.
Yup! Use to be on Light but moved to Mateus and then Balmung, I just knew more people and even though I am EU, my hours are more NA.
but im on balmung. my free company is on balmung. do you want to join my free company?
him and perrine are pedophiles, that's why
>urethra visible through what looks like latex
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I dunno
I dunno
no one it bores me
Mamool Ja tribal quests where you do mini hunts please
Right, furiously jerking off to that cutie
>Why don't you let me LIE in peace? I posted a source to seem like an expert, you weren't actually SUPPOSED to read it! Bootlicker!
What's wrong with you trannies, for real.
Who is Him?
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I was hoping for a little more, but I can't hold on any longer...
Picto is actually underwhelming in BA and doesn’t make up for the lack of physeos from what i’ve seen. It’s pretty solid outside of BA but it’s strictly worse than summoner. I’m not sure about viper but i think samurai and monk are better melees still.

The interesting change to eureka is that nu BLM is actually pretty solid, and probably the best caster in BA.
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probably the shota rabbit
hello im thread schizo i dont understand the questions but everything is going very good thank you
yeah, makes sense.
I'm really disappointed in MotR. Not only did they kill off the mystery, they also killed off all future intrigue that came with the gods being actual, real beings and not just imaginary manifestations.
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Alright then, who am I?
Have you ever seen what latex looks like?
Oh my anon.. chuckled aloud at this, thanks
no because im a male character
dont have one because im male
no one im too busy fucking bitches to do that
I think you should do what the other Anons have said and talk to your EB about things. At the very least you'll find out how things stand and you can decide how to go from there. Just be aware he might not respond in a way that you'll like.
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Thank you.
That is good news indeed, I really love BLM.
ill throw up a pf for it in 40 minutes, gonna do dailies first
Go back.

Post fat moonie tits.
No such thing, and I will make sure of it.
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I miss my autistic Goth GF
Yes, it was very very disappointing. The constant need to explain all mysteries really annoys me. Also with this reveal we now know all of Eorzea is living a lie, and we are now complicit in the said lie.
As you wish.
post EW was better than anything that happened in DT
oh no the franchise that is known for killing gods killed more gods! what a tragedy surely
How did new BLM change so much for level 70?
What's the interaction that pushes it above summoner in BA? Cause I doubt it changed enough to overtake smn for Ucob and such
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Please list some areas you wish to have as the new locale.
Need to bully this cowmoonie...
Kill yourself you disgusting pedophile. You don't even bother to deny it but I'll remind the thread at every chance.
For me it's the tenga spinner
Yep, I'm doing much better now. The evil no-no thoughts are gone for now.
I have an alt on Crystal. If I ever see you somewhere, I'll give you a big /hug.
keep it in the same spot, lb14 is perfect
just get it off of fucking balmung
The only posing my moonie does is making silly goofy wallpapers that she shows no one
this cat got HORSED btw
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Oh yeah? How you gonna do that?
can this game please do a collab with SMT... please...
i wanna see...
Does she like cocky lalaboys that are secretly very lovey dovey in private?
cute kot
Those thoughts are the worst..
and oki doki, that sounds fun :3
I imagine stuff like umbral soul being level 35 helped a TON. I can't picture anything else, though.
you, leviah, and zt all need to kill yourselves immediately
my femlala is a neutral waking up to watch man city vs arsenal while doing xiv dailies
They've been trying really hard for a while to get through or get rid of huge chunks of the setting, both narrative concepts and locations, but EW really picked up that pace and DT has continued it. I don't get it unless the unnamed project is another MMO, but I don't see people eagerly jumping ship to that if they deliberately crater XIV.
Physical violence.
Very cute moonie. One of the best.
I'm sorry but she doesn't show anyone them. they are for her alone. I'll describe one for you though It's he piles of gold in alzadaal's legacy with her diving into it like scrooge mcduck
>ex EB unblocks me from discord
>still have her blocked so nothing happens
>a few days pass
>she blocks me again
I don't understand...
take your meds alice
my catboy needs himself a faggy meena.... fuck im so jealous...
BLM is also one of the only jobs that actually likes having Haste Gear for the Haste effect
deploying smug shotas to her location
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why doesn't OJ get called a pedo all the time when he spends half his time making lalafell porn
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Hold on a fucking second the only horse I deal with is M4S
Cocky lalaboys are builded for my moonie
that sounds very cute
he's based
OJ has an unironic midget fetish.
There are people who travel to Tural all the time by ship now. You're telling me nobody sent word this whole time about the person continually saving the world?
I think it's the issue I've mentioned a few times before, that the devs really just want to do Shadowbringers again. ShB started this whole trend, and given how successful it was, they seem to be thinking that revealing everything is the key to success.
You got horsed by a schizophrenic EU cat
his lalafell don't look like children because they all have terminal tumor for limbs.
The modified horrors he creates can hardly be called Lalafell anymore.
It's pictures like that, dumb ideas that pop into my mind that I create, although I've not made any new ones in a while
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>Do you do something that I don't like but I like you?
>Do you do something that I don't like but I don't like you?

That's about 95% of the drama here.
le mao
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if you looked at his porn, you would understand that lalafell are just a race of Midnas. even the males. you are simply a retard
kawaii bastard fetish
>The constant need to explain all mysteries really annoys me.
I don't really understand why they keep doing it. I mean I understand knowing more about the lore is cool, but straight up revealing the curtain and presenting a turd.. there were much better ways to go about it.

Mysteries make this game interesting. People headcanon stuff and make stuff up. I had headcanon that one of my characters travelled from a shard in which a reflection of Nymeia resided, and she was her a priestess at her temple.
But as it turns out, not only did they not have reflections, they also... don't exist anymore. Any RP or backstory involving gods is done, EVEN IF lorewise the only person aware of it is the WoL.
MM did nothing to you? Ever?
It's mainly been merchants and Ul'dahn oil barons, and I doubt either group gives a shit about what the WoL does or who they are so long as their status quo is maintained.
My faggy meena is also very soft :3
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do you like catboys
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Yeah that fits for delusions about horse cock
Who??? There's only one EU cat (that I know of) that I talk to and they don't have a horse dick
sorry, got caught up with the groceries and might've missed you q_q
How much haste do the ring and earring add? Is +1 haste in eureka equivalent to +1 haste in bozja?
I never got around to getting them, mostly because they're stupidly expensive and not that useful on my most favorite jobs.
need faggot top catboy eb
my lalaboy is fermenting
My moonie needs pose ideas as she is creatively bankrupt
Yeah, they're cute! Although I care about the person behind the monitor over anything else...
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I'm still in a mission, that may be why.
Dunno if you can /tell me whilst I am..
>There's only one EU cat (that I know of) that I talk to
>they don't have a horse dick
>the past 6 months of EU drama in the thread was horse cock infidelity
pedophile being retarded, like pottery
Yeah, it hits roleplayers really hard too. Generally the game advances ongoing things so fast you have to constantly adapt your backstory.
They also try to tie things together but don't think it through, so trying to figure things out is a headache. Everything regarding Ultima(the High Seraph) and the Heart of Sabik that was explained for Anabaseios doesn't mesh with the Stormblood-era lore at all.
Highlander (M)
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What was the name of that mod that replaces Wuk's english va with the other languages?
Also, has the story skip for dt been released yet?
>The constant need to explain all mysteries really annoys me.
Type moon (aka the "Nasuverse") went from a gritty modern magic conspiracy with horror, mystery, featuring critique to both societal norms and human nature to ending up just as a long winded jargon infested word vomit fest and wanking off japan.
hehe mebbe meguca mateus xD
This is just pure illusion, all of them are sluts
It got taken down because Sel is a tranny-loving nigger.
any femlala brats who can step on me while calling me the p-word...?
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>Why does OJ get a pass
Cause I like him and his lewds you goofy faggot.
>wanking off japan
>Also, has the story skip for dt been released yet?
not until 8.0
Did it get uploaded to anywhere else? Who was the mod author?
>Although I care about the person behind the monitor over anything else...
O-oh.... I'm kinda ugly irl, unfortunately... :(
you mean to tell me a japanese story jacks off japan? no fuckin way
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The Vanu Vanu and Heavensward tribes as a whole had some cool stories.
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Nuts. I didn't like EW's story that much so I skipped it. Without the msq to hold my hand it did feel like an actual mmo.
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So EU you have a career poster who is convinced literally anything and everything is pedophila and he believe hes crusading anything and everything through social media culture warring.
In addition your last thread was a constant non stop meltdown over clingy people and this thread is a nonstop meltdown over DTs story.
The FUCK is going on over in Europe?
Wuk Lamat Voice Replacer, I downloaded it because I knew this would happen.
I already played through the msq so I haven't tried it, but it apparently replaces her voice with mgaow and other stuff.
I mean the kind of person you are and how well we click with each other... I don't care that much about looks to be honest also, you're probably just being self-deprecating... any average guy can look hot if he takes proper care of himself and exercises regularly
Java drive in do not click
Why is GW like this?
>friends with Nyaughty
Oh, that makes sense.
What makes you think he's European?
>introducing your lalafel friend to another friend
I love using a magic wand on femlala brats and watching them melt into stupid bitches in heat.
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i dont even know what the hell that is
Level up completed
Damn bro how can I get one too?
My moonie is unhappy today, she needs someone to pet her nonstop for atleast an hour
Thanks mang
*scratches her just slightly above the tail till she overstimulates and flops over*
Good job bro *smooch*
This doesn't happen though.
why would it get taken down?
np, have fun. i plan on using it when my alt gets to dt
Was he banned for this?
How do I relay Party Finder information through a Tell? Does not seem to work for me
I don't have time to pet you and hour but I can give you a pet!
There's a devoted Wuk/Sena defense force because trans queens must be protected.
guah fuck, not that kind of.. petting..
oh no it's the schizo!
my femroe is afking in solution 9 while playing osrs
Because he is black
Both of us could've been happy together
But you squandered it
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>trans queens must be protected
The french revolution part 2
She requires the full hour im afraid, petting her once it as good as agreeing to her and she wont let you leave until that hour is up
I still don't see why that warrants taking down the mod. The mod itself doesn't incite hate or harassment. What a fucking spineless website.
Goodnight everyone in the thread, tomorrow I quit my job
You wouldn't understand why this is a problem unless you're familiar with the tone and content of their early days and how "international" their setting pretends to be. This is way beyond something like a Sherlock Holmes story being overly flattering of the British, it's at times downright saying Japan is in fact the beacon of mankind for the future and has always been.
What a needy cat!
Wtf is this real?
I play on japanese anyway
Why was the Wuk Lamat voice replacement taken out?
One guy uploaded a mod that removed her model as a joke, and as a result Twitter doxxed him and he erased his online presence. Theirs is the most righteous crusade.
ok fine pets your gock with a fleshlight instead
based weeb bro
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very real
I mean, to be honest?
Hingashi is the best place in all of Hydaelyn
It's just the truth. Everyone else are basically savages.
Do I play through the MSQ as PLD or VPR, bros?
Lying fucking nigger


this didn't happen
She is, nothing she likes more than having her mind go blank from repeated petting
My moonie doesn't have a gock she's a normal moonie
>most of the wuk lamat hate online is just transphobes hating on the english VA
>makes a mod removing her or altering her voice
>”wtf why was my mod that was only made for transphobic reasons taken down!!”
It’s comedy folks
PLD for EW.
VPR for DT.
Don't ask questions you already know the answers to
What's the cd on for absent friends?
Double thanks
If sena hadn't blocked me on twitter I would post this at him.
i think it's only visible if you have the link. try searching "wuk lamat voice", nothing shows up
I'm not racist but I'm a transphobe.
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Dawntrail before it was cool.
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No, only one.
god i wish that was me
enjoy the freedom anon
why do shotcallers in frontlines make it seem like they're god's gift to PvP that they can spam a macro every .2 seconds telling people to focus red as if they didn't already know
or if you tell them to calm down they have a melty and tell you to turn off your game sound instead of them just not smashing their "salt ready salt ready"every 2 seconds

XIV has one of the worst communities I've seen for casuals and hardcore players integrating and PvP is definitely a great example with how hardcore players flame any casuals in frontlines adn CC for underperforming or not doing exactly what they say
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>i think it's only visible if you have the link.
You are just lying
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>Why don't you schizo the lala that actively makes shortstack and not the 5 different pedos spamming my femlala does X here
pld for the fast queues
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Hijacking this post to ask the same but with the addition of DRK

And adding a poal and suggestive art to go with it because it's the only way to ever get responses around here

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I don't care about winning or losing in Frontline. I care about killing as many people I can so I can get the Hand of Mercy cheevo
they're actually really helpful
Lalafell aren't children
the second one did happen, the wuk la gone mod I still have a copy of but the original creator was threatened with doxx if he didn't take it down and took it down and privated
phobia implies one is scared of them, what are they gonna do throw a bottle of onions at you. personally i'm just a trans hater
What map is it for FL today?
I would say go for Viper then.
>the original creator was threatened with doxx if he didn't take it down and took it down
This did not happen.
i only care about killing premades in frontlines
as long as the premade loses, i win
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its the ones that attach a sound cue to their posts that annoy me
i can see you constantly spamming your a around yourself and marking enemies,your endless spamming of chat
i dont need endless fucking chimes assualting my ears aswell
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Why post Yshtola and not Khloe?
I'm racist and transphobic but I make exceptions for the standouts.
Literal baby achievement ever since the Endwalker PvP changes.
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It is scary how they're ruining things I like such as video games also it can also mean aversion according to Google
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Grape-Flavored c@ checking in! Nya~
it literally did? it's so weird to just deny this I don't get where you're going with this bait?
NTA but God, I would love to not be on balmung for a change
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Because I am a hagchad, not a cunnylover

...which jobs would be more for lolifags and which more for hagfags?
>no community note
It’s real
The mod got taken down but there's 0 proof of any "Doxxing"
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Oh I know. But I have a lot of characters I play FL with, my main is like 800 kills away from it
I'm not transphobic, I don't mind trans people, it's just trannies I hate
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it's the sound effects that get me, if they were just spamming up the chat for people who were looking I wouldn't care but trying to concentrate when there's a billion sound effects going off makes it impossible for me to play the game mode
and asking them to cool it immediately darws about half the alliance in aggro

same with CC to a lesser extent, but my main experience there is trying it out, people getting pissy, traveling to my server to dm me that I need to uninstall the game because they were so mad at me not being good in my first match of casual.
never touched it again, pvp is the peak of toxicity in this game, even more than the ACT people in savage and ultimate PFs
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Is Yoshida a pedophile for dressing up a little girl like this?
mebbe meguca mateus?
i need help gooning
Because we are god's gift to FL next question
Yoshida knows lala tummy is erotic.
somehow an improvement
>I have a lot of characters I play FL with
Why is everyone that plays this game such a weirdo...?
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We like Wuk. If you don’t, you’re from the Philippines. Yep, figured.
lalas are adults
aw he's in charge of aftercare once Runar finishes ruining her holes
Go away Sena we already know you're a closet racist
The minfilia attire is an odd connection, maybe he's a TayTay fan?
Based hag enjoyer
So, is being gross like a full time job for you, or just a hobby?
>Is Yoshida a pedophile...
Take one look at the guy and you won't need to ask...
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>20 mins queue
Why arent all trials able to be done with npcs?
No no, you can only like wuk lamat if you’re from the Philippines, she’s so similar to their native women
My moonie wonders at what age would she be considered a hag
he's based
why are they so hideously ugly, what's wrong with their faces?
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We love spreadsheets, we love excel, we love grinding
Photoshop Y'mhitra peeking through the window. The Rhuul line must be expanded.
fine im queuing
Case by case, but if you have to ask I'd probably marry your hag ass
>Someone's a weirdo for playing the game
Maybe the shitposters here were right
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Why are femraen like this...........
what's gross about a hag getting demolished by an enormous barb?
isnt this the limbab artist thats really into rodya?
what server i'll queue
In Japan? Like,18.
In the rest of the civilized world, it's probably at like late 30s/early 40s.
oh god.. my moonie is 28
This is what I thought too
they will be eventually
The Change of Voice actors in Hevansward really bothered me. I played all the way through to Shadowbringers before I realized I could change the audio to Nihon-desu. Went and made an alt and played through the whole game again and have been playing with JP voices ever since.
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Redoing brainless content across multiple characters is not "playing the game"; it's letting your mental disorder take over your life.
I just think some characters sound much cuter on japanese, especially lalas
>my moonie is
That pussy got cobwebs bitch.... that pussy expired...
Want to make a pf?
>playing the game isnt playing the game
would you think my femlala was cute if she spoke in japanese instead of english..........
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Has it popped yet? I'll log on to join.
She's probably cute either way
That ain't my pic (and I had to crop it) but lmao.
She would get blanketed instantly with no hope of recovery
Nyo.. its not true... she is still young and fertile!
JP Male Lalas also have VASTLY improved voices. Pipin is Gai Shishioh!
t-thank you...
oh no... that'd be SO bad...... >///<
pf it damn you
It's no different from replaying a game that you've already beaten. Yeah the content is braindead as fuck at that point but it's definitely better than wasting sub time just idling or not playing the game
sotp quueing and make a pf
current queue?
New thread
Guess it’s breeding time
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Password 1, after this im going to bed... im actually pretty tired.
Are you offering?
>not even a minute in queue
But also, move out of Dynamis, retarded attentionwhore, haven't had to wait more than 3 minutes in every other DC.
Post her...
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You answered me so we're legally married now
When and where
Trying to log on, but getting nothing but 90002 and 2002 errors
aieeee we just queued anon...
That's fine, I can't log on at the moment anyway
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Goopnose moonie
I'll have to another time, she has been summoned to play SM2
Give me full to finish to at least...
Just got on, but don't unqueue for me. It took a long time to get on.
That's quite greedy of you anon..
>do that blue flame guildhest for roulette
>tank doesn't tank
>hounds keep interrupting my heals
>a dps dies once
>blame the heals
I should probably switch off of Dynamis during peak hours.
/pet /pet
We just finished it! i seriously appreciate the effort tho, thank you so much anon.
It's been like this the last few days, hence why I haven't tried to log onto NA as much. From what I can gather there's a blackout of nodes somewhere in central US, likely to be central Texas causing me issues with trying to log onto any NA DC, or stay connected for more than an hour for that matter.
It's been 12 months now
Do femhroths have an identity yet? What players have femhroth WoLs?

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