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JEB! Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://blog.playstation.com/2024/09/12/helldivers-2-the-chemical-agents-warbond-launches-sept-19/

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
>Cool, I've been running a lot of missions trying out the "dead" stratagems now and I've been finding out that most stuff actually works pretty well now.
Most of the stuff was already viable again even before this huge overhaul. I mean, yeah, the overhaul helped things but going so far as to say that things weren't viable was just a mental barrier for people.
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>"why dont you fight on [planet] because it has a better decay rate and will be easier to take!"
>the visibility on [planet]
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>Bugdivers have been human wave attacking the wrong planet for so long that Joel had to actually intervene to give everyone else a shot at actually winning the major order
Man, I fucking hate casuals like you have no idea.
>no "Democracy 100%" icon on the top
One Jebb...
MG has been further powercrept out of competition desu. Doesn't really do anything particularly well.
They should at least reduce it's recoil by 75% while prone because of the bipod. Then you could maybe use it easier at long range. idk
The best nights are on foggy shithole missions with snow/sandstorms
>teammate takes airburst
>excited to see his expertise
>teamkilled twice with it, only once did he kill himself
>oh well
>shot and killed twice next mission
>exploded by crossbow once
>deal with it, eventually find a bunker
>no one comes over
>give up, go back to them
>die to impact grenade
How do these people get so efficient at accidentally killing their team.
Idk, it's reasonable to expect all that meat that was thrown at the planet would end up as gains in the end.
It is kind of criminal that you can't actually use the bipod on the damn thing despite it being out and deployed all the time. Maybe the engine can't support it.
It actually makes sense to have resistance falters after nonstop assaults
The galactic war sim sucks and is probably the most disappointing part of the game
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>CtD again
D10 Bots
That's cause it is designed with fucking live service in mind.
Can you imgine how fun it would be if you could play this game like Battlefront 2/Empire at war fps combat mission with strategy planet/fleet/armory management, perhaps with some minimal elements from hoi or stellaris?
The engine doesn't have to support it retard that's what the bipod is for
It's kind of weird that they just HAD to implement the HMG at all, right? I mean, I like the HMG as is and since its launch, it's just that the generic MG only has a bigger magazine than HMG and penetrates more than the stalwart, so why bother to generalize with it when specialists just do it better?
I think they should make the stalwart a primary (nerfing the damage of course), and have the MG not need to reload at all by use of a belt-fed backpack or something, just a whole lot of low powered dakka for chaff clearing. Then the HMG shines as the version that deals with heavies but needs to reload.
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What are his words of wisdom?
They should let us carry objectives in both hands so that one person can properly and solely be delegated to carrying the objective
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Was looking through my screenshots and found this. Man these missions were such bullshit when they launched. You have 4 minutes to win before the tide becomes overwhelming and unceasing. I think it was also dropping factories on us too.
I wish you could carry SEAF artillery warheads around under one arm like you can with objectives. Also wish they worked like hellbombs and would go off if they take damage. I want to be able carry a nuke around with me.
They were still bullshit when they were removed. I wonder how they would fare now that AT has been buffed and you can actually reliably kill shit.

Also, it's funny that despite you being tied to the evacuation site for the entirety of the mission, they somehow thought that putting POIs way far away from the complex would be a good idea. Yeah, sure, let's risk failing the mission just so we can possibly get five more Rare Samples out of the deal.
dead game.
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Peak Physique bros... Our time is now.
Diver running infront of tank gets tired.
Diver running behind tank gets exhausted.
running around on discount hellmire with inflammable armor is really fun, screaming endlessly and your teammates have no choice but to endure it
They were fine at lower difficulty and a good source of samples. Bot ones were bullshit at higher difficulty because they’d destroy all the cover on the map and just annihilate you. By the end you were kiting like 50 chainsaw guys and 3 hulks while 20 ranged guys just ragdolled you over an open field full of shallow craters.
Can't wait for the Bayonet stratagem.
One of my core memories was shooting at a bunch of heavy devs while peeking from a blast crater. Shit was ass but it had its moments.
Doomsissies... kek.

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>still no carry the flag objective
wtf swedecucks, what are you even doing ???
i want to like the HMG, is it still ass?
is it viable if i casually play 7s maybe?
They just stealth nerf the HMG for absolutely no reason, cope Hopetranny, keep licking them boots
>failed to join
The tesla tower is pretty good when your teammates aren't complete retards who throw an airstrike on it the moment it's deployed
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>throw any kind of turret or mines
>someone instantly strikes it down with an airstrike
every single time
>engaging with faggots doom sayers
Don't do that anon
It's still one of the best anti-bot support weapons available. If you're having trouble with it, you're probably trying to use it in a way it wasn't intended to be used.
You're telling me doomsissies would go to lying just to lie now? You're telling me for the first time.
does it still attack you even while prone?
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What's the best gas/fire build rn
Bend over, sissy.
a burst fire machine gun to pen med armor, it was shit at launch and worse than the amr in every way inc
guessing this is still the case
"Heavy Machine gun durable damage was nerfed by nearly 50%
Devastator heads were changed from 125 no armor, to 100 light armor. This effectively is a stealth nerf to light armored weapons, they now need 155 damage from light armored weapons to kill."
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Why are you "people" like this ?
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i am having some fun with gas nades, flamethrower primary, nade launcher secondary, and a full boom strategem loadout
tried full fire meme loadout and kept coming across nests on bugs with no way to close them lel.
full already
live game
live general
>failed to join

It was clearly never intended to be more than some light RP fluff for the devs to GM behind the scenes, and not a system they expected players to take as seriously as they do. That's why the rewards are mostly inconsequential and the results never make much of an impact.

They over-hyped it, maybe, but this is mostly just typical spergy gamer autism.
Iam running
>grenade pistol
>brap grenade
>brap armor
>brap striike
>brap drone
>brap launcher
cope bugnigger
I want a flamethrower drone so bad
It's stupid good and the only thing that I have trouble killing with it are the stupid shield devs, because every time I shoot them they flinch and raise their shield to cover their faces which is fucking annoying.
I want a brap barrage. but I think it would be too OP
Literal zoomer brainrot.
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>AC no longer ricochets into fabs
>takes 5-6 shots to kill turrets to the heat sink from 3 shots before
>regular striders don't spawn anymore so it can take anywhere from 3 to 5 shots to down a rocket strider when it used to take 2 (and 1 before they gave the rider explosive resist)
It's unironically a better bug weapon now. Somebody on the dev team must be upset that they can't directly nerf it since it's Pile's favorite weapon.
>AC no longer ricochets into fabs
Really? Why would they change that?
Yeah, the AC doesn't feel good to use anymore, you're unironically better off with the Quasar
Good, I have autocucks fatigue.
I assume it's some side effect of changing fab health so you can shoot them till they die.
Another victory for the white side of history.
yeah alexus tried hard enough to nerf AC
but it's still KING of versatility, even RR cucks trying to cope with killing dropships (they shot only 3/39 of them)
doesnt realy matter since you just hit at the bottom of the vent and kill it 1 hit, from a wider angle of aproach than before i might add.
Correct, it's because the round explodes and deals damage to the general health pool of the fabricator upon hitting the flap now, instead of bouncing off and ricocheting deeper into the building.
Autochaddons still close bug holes, we OWN you AMR cucks!
>ACuck cope
god, they would do that wouldn't they
like a railgun, but made shittier to balance out the bayonet
GGs, forts after objectives are peak kino.
>"b-but muh bubble shield, muh reddit jumpack, muh crutch guard dog, muh mandatory ammo pack because my support weapon is a ammo-hungry piece of shit"
>Quasar can OHKO fabs from across the map without having to account for projectile drop
Feels good
>ACtranny taking a swing at the RR kings
How many shots does it take the kill a Stridor with the AC, little fella?
>trying to blow up fabs with AC when you could just stick a Thermite onto it

I do have to admit though, Recoilless and EAT being able to blow them up in one shot is stupidly satisfying. Clearing bot outposts is an entirely new ball game now that you just need line of sight on them like Shrieker Nests and Spore Spewers.
in what?
>rrcucks before nerf
>ACtranny still thinking he's king in a post September 17 patch
Sorry, but RRchads OWN bot lobbies now. Nobody wants to waste 5 shots to kill a hulk.
You only get 3 thermites though, 5 with engineering armor, not going to waste them on busting fabs when the eagle airstrike exist.
AC not ricocheting into fabs is such a non-issue I'm amazed people are mad about it. Just shoot the vent straight on and you still pop them in one shot.
tried the lib pen on bots and am pleasantly surprised, it's quite nice to use.
I got weak litle arms so the Adjucator kicks a bit to much for my liking but the lib pen seems to be designed for lean divers with it's low recoil and femine white paintjob.
>5 shots
shitter detected, still 2 shots to the eye slit to kill them if you can actually aim
"lololol, I don't even need to aim because I'm retarded, my RR will one shot hulks anywhere on it's body"
You're a faggot
take the DCS pill, you can shoot down gunships in half a mag
Reminder that the flamethrower is still bugged
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Don't bother using it guys, it's a complete waste of a stratagem slot
I crashed
Ah. Well how many AC rounds does it take to kill a fabricator?
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>ACfags desperately trying to cling on to their title as best support weapon
Way more than what is reasonable.
It is a waste of a stratagem, just bring the primary flamethrower and an actual usefull support weapon or stratagem.
Lol. I wouldn't expect anything less. I haven't had a chance to play since before the update dropped so these tips are nice at least.
child toy
>lib pen
woman choice who can't handle recoil
TRUE man choice
>RR slaves are forced to be the designated Factory striders remover because they can't waste their precious rockets on anything else, meanwhile ACGODs can still deal with the majority of the enemies.
RRtroons are a bunch of 1 trick ponies
>ACnigger is bugfag
What a surprise
>"A-actually one shotting a hulk from anywhere is a crutch!!!"
I'm adding that one to the list of ACope.
>all these sissy gun users
JAR-5 Chads keep winning.
My commando can 4 shot strider, can you say the same?
>AC strugles to kill hulks becouse of false positive hitmarkers when aiming for the eye.
>AC can barely kill turrets or tanks anymore
>AC can barely kill factory striders anymore
>AC sucks at killing chickens
>AC struggles to destroy fabs
Owari da AC sissie.
unironically skill issue
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Did the Orbital Precision Strike get nerfed? I've had several tanks survive direct hits from it.
>"my point-n-click "I WIN!" button isn't a crutch acskually"
lamo, keep coping shitter, learn2aim
No, tanks got buffed
As far as combat goes AC is stronger and more fun than it's ever been. It's no longer ideal for BTFOing structures. It became awful against annihilator turrets. Not the tanks themselves, just the base-mounted versions. But that's okay. I love my AC for melting factory strider faces and onetapping hive guards. Just gonna run EAT or Commando along for those godforsaken turrets.
Still the best weapon against factory striders unless you wanna count RR noob tube.
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SPEAR is good now?
Tanks and ops got buffed. Surviving direct hits is swede code. 3500 damage to 3000 health tank.
AC sissies on lethal doses of copeium.
good in terms of raw damage (4000), but it got shit on all over by the RR as of late
Spear is fine but suffers from not having a dumbfire mode. RR does like 80% of Spear's damage and can more easily headshot BTs, striders, etc than Spear can.
too ammo hungry
Hilarious. Meanwhile us flamethrower chads will be happy with having fun against one faction and dying miserably against the other.
Spear was good, now it's better but overshadowed by other AT.
always has been
but sadly RR overshadow spear, but it's more balance issue
>"HA! how about you learn to aim shitt-"
>*gets flinched*
So are you going to keep going with the aim cope or are you going to make up a new one on the spot? I don't know about you, but if I want something dead I want it dead fast.
I'd take your opinion more seriously if you weren't so obviously ESL
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>autocannon players will call the recoilless rifle the shitter weapon when pre-buff patch the ac was considered the baby weapon
Nah i will stick to quasar cannon.
regardless of your side in the ACsissy wars it's undeniable that RR is overtuned and trivializes a great deal of situations, especially when team reloaded
They had to super buff everything just so people could understand the value of a support weapon that needs a backpack and SHOULD BE unable to kill armored targets, lmao
ACbros...we must come to terms...our reign has come an end...
t. fellow AC user
OPS got buffed, but only if you directly it an enemy with the projectile (meaning they have to be right on top of the beacon). Big enemy HP got super buffed across the board, so if they eat only the explosion they're not really going to feel it.

Basically, you have to actually be "precise" with Orbital Precision Strike in order to kill big enemies with it. No more just landing the toss a few feet away and scoring a kill.

It does damage out the ass, but except against Bile Titans and Factory Striders a lot of it is gross overkill. Recoilless also does overkill but not as much, and has more ammo and a faster reload, so it's more flexible, and Recoilless's ability to manually aim still lets you one-shot the big enemies if you're good at aiming. Hell, with how good AT is now I would call it a waste to use Spear shots on Gunships, and it's unfortunately still useless against Dropships since the lock-on time means you won't get a shot off before they enter hover mode.
I might be wrong but from my experience so far RR doesn't 1 hit the normal tank cannons from the front or side in 1 hit, UNLESS you dive forward.
So is the momentum trick still a thing or is there something else at play here?
It does from the side if you shoot the rear half. The front and side-front will need 2.
it literally takes one shot. cant tell if bait or retarded
I genuinely get a bit of a tear in my eyes listening to the extract music bros

That theme is just absolute genius composition. The way the drums kick off and it has that like, Snake Eater, James Bond kinda groove, like you four dumbfucks are getting all cocky that you think you finished the mission and you're about to leave, but then it gets gradually more intense and the swagger is replaced by tension and desperation as shit hits thefan and you realise you still gotta make it out alive. It so perfectly captures the gameplay as well as the sense of overconfident bravado and brainwashed militarism, but then there's the swell of legitimate and sincere fucking GLORY at the end. You actually did make it and should be genuinely proud, despite the subtext. It's beautiful.

The composer better win an award man.
>600+ kills in a solo D6 bot mission
what is wrong with this difficulty
Total clanker death
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ACucks in this thread complaining that other weapons are good in their own way now, too.
you faggots got a buff too, quit bitching.
Haven't played anything lower than 9 in months. What are you facing there to get that many kills? Like a billion comissars?
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It's okay to have options that trivialize part of the game.
Firstly because one-shooting BT and Chargers doesn't stop Stalkers and Hunters to try and rape your face
Secondly, because if you don't pick it, you still have plenty of good options. You don't have to gimp yourself if you don't pick the OP weapon
How does skill come into play when it's purely a numbers change?
Only thing it's overtuned for is one-shotting dropship with any hit.
If it doesn't one-shot heavies (apart factory strider since those are rare enough that a two-shot is fine), it simply isn't worth using with how limited ammo is and how long the stationary reload is.
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He's one of the good ones.
Shoot chicken legs.
Shoot hulk eyes.
Shoot gunship thrusters.
Explode in Fabricators openings.
Fuck Bitches.
Fuck Bitches.
Snort cocaine.
Shoot the fabricator miniguns then the eye
Shoot anything tankier in the ass
If you cannot do this, you suffer from skill issue.
I wanna use it but it keeps team killing, and my teammates destroy it on purpose cause they sperg out about it potentially killing them
>doesnt even have different tracks based on faction and difficulty like the first game did
He doesnt deserve shit
pretty much
it was a d6 orbital cannon mission on Vog-Sojoth (so no cover whatsoever, every bot can see you across the map except in a blizzard) and it was just nonstop patrols spawning all around me from beginning to end and of course especially at the end after the objectives were done, there was 2 hulks on the field at any given time
every bot drop dropped 3 to 4 devastators, 3 chickens and the rest of the ship was just all commissars and MG raiders with a hulk every 2 drops or so
there was a detector tower at one point as well padding the kill count that my OPS missed somehow
the endgame patrols were scary as I was literally on a beach fighting for my life and then I turn around to find about 30 commissars and MG raiders marching out of the fucking ocean, like fishes evolving to walk on land
>player leaves
>now no one can fill and I have to abandon the operation to have a team again
guess im waiting for another
>shit patch > "we hear you guys!" > good patch cycle for the fucking matchmaking to work properly
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GGs bros it's always fun playing with /hdg/. I look forward to clans in the future.
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How do you think they're gonna fix it?
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>"noooooooo you cannot use heavy armor against bugs ! its shit"
>mfw chud helmet + heavy armor squad
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these are troon capes from the troon mod, do with this info as you will when pubbing
Lower the cooldown time after each jump, that's it
These guys are my favorite to fight now. The missile depletion shits cool, and dodging their rockets is fun.

I wish they did more telegraphed attacks and shit with other bots. I noticed the annihilator tanks will do this sweep animation periodically so you can actually get close to them.
Make it turn you into this
>doesnt even have different tracks based on faction
Yes it does
Only on the bug side really but it's no longer directly based on the difficulty, it's based on the enemies that are on the field (which depends on difficulty)

The music in HD2 is a lot better than HD1 though in my opinion
what about Z cape?
Jump distance, knock back, honestly something resource wise would be nice like a Regen could be nice.

Honestly Id like dark matter height and distance, double jumps and something like a 12 second cooldown
explodes when shot at
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>The music in HD2 is a lot better than HD1 though in my opinion
Perfect addition to my Chud helmet and medic armor.
Dash instead of dive, controllable.jump
That'd be cool
i also cry a little when hearing successful extract theme its so good
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It has 2 fucking tracks per faction, main theme, login theme and extract theme.
This game needs more fucking music. And not just 2 more tracks to squids.
Already are giga gay capes that pair only wel with the gimpsuit medic armors.
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they should rename the Thermite Grenade to Satchel Charge since all it does is stick to the target and then explode for a fucktillion damage now
The best part is how dynamic it is.
If the game shits out BTs or Factory striders, the music has a specific cue for that. If there's nothing, the music calms down. If people are dying, the music accounts for that as well.
The composer apparently also made music for Destiny 2 which had a very dynamic soundtrack and I absolutely loved the shit out of that game's OST just the same, I'm so glad they picked him for this game.
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You're giving me flashbacks, anon
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Satchel charge won't stick but will have AOE and huge damage, fuck off furry faggot
yeah the bipods not working is a huge drag. I hope they implement that in a future patch: slightly better handling and significantly reduced recoil when firing the bipod MGs prone.
and also the Autocannon should knock you over and require prone firing lol but I probably shouldn't get carried away
the mutated larva is my friend, he makes the buggers all confused and retarded
Is movement speed really tied to fps? Felt sluggish when I played earlier
certainly all the botniggers will have no problem heading over to pandion today since that's the closes to being completed

boots, Onions Zogoth
How are we still at a net zero, didn't this order began a few days ago?
Satchel is gonna be a big ass bag filled with tnt, that's gonna do an OPS tier explosion at the cost of range and -1 uses.
bots shit the bed and lost 2 planets on day 1
Nailbiter MO™
Cause we've lost plants and retaken others?
sex with korone
Joel didn't give new def mission so there was nothing for us to fail, while the grinders ground in place to eventually get some other planets.
Shitter bugdivers hogged all the liberation rate to bash their heads against Pandion, and prevented the chad botdivers from being able to defend planets that they had the numbers for.
botkeks lost 2 planets when the order started
All this MO is gonna do is show people the zero progress being made, even when there's a huge spike in playercount
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If they're going to do an MO like this we need some buffed liberation rates or something for the duration because holy fuck this is boring.
botfags who love to talk shit but never back it up fucked us
>Bot cucks get -0.5 modifiers because no one plays bots
>Surely it's because there's too many bug players sucking up our percentages
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I cannot wait for the inevitable minigun stratagem. I want a full minigun squad. Total bug death.
>we noticed that players didn't like sudden deaths to headshots. To correct this we made it so any kind of damage will suddenly kill you

bravo swiggers
Skill issue. Unironically.
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t. light armor cuck
yeah, and in return almost everything you have is three times stronger against the enemy now
it's fine
just be aware of your surroundings bro
btw enemies don't make any sounds when they're behind you
Literally get good.
>oh no i died in the game about being coked out canon fodder
Drop back in and finish the fight you cunt
The swedes are on top of the sound problem already
so now we aren't allowed to have fun?
This is all I think of every time I see the jetpack icon
>Moon planet isnt available
Golden Frieza?
it is unironically better this way
getting oneshot every time feels way less unfair than getting oneshot 10% of the time
>1/2 shots everyone
>takes 7+ shots to start dying and instantly regens back to full either by killing or avoiding combat
>can fly everywhere in seconds
>enemies can barely run and jump
What a disgustingly poorly balanced pvp experience.
>Man enemies do a little more damage now
>But it's not a skill issue, the problem is that enemies are silent!!!
Anon you're full of shit, just accept it's a skill issue
Man can bottards ever stop losing holy shit amirite?
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>Liberation rate +10%
>Non stop defenses
Now that would be a MO
Why is no one fighting the bots. What makes them less fun than the bugs? Do you think that if the game released with only bots to fight it would be as popular? I think the game would have died in a month if there were only bots.
I wouldn't mind a hotfix that immediately made tank sounds 1000% louder because holy fuck why can a tank silently sneak up on you
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where will all the bug players go when Pandion isnt available anymore?
>left JUST when we were finally 4/4
i hope indians touch you
Hellmire. Home sweet home.
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There's just something visceral about killing hordes of bugs. I don't think bots aren't fun, but something in my lizard brain makes killing bugs so fucking satisfying.
Waves of them coming for you, the way they pop, burn, gets mangled. Bots just aren't the same. You can unload your fucking weapon in the middle of a blob and go full retard.
Gacrux, they are simple minded, they just keep extending out from the center
To Malevelon Creek (bugs edition)
I will go where ever the blob goes.
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>Chasing defenses across the bottom right of the galaxy.
>Run into black hole that starts sucking the gloom up
>Celebrate for a day before the Illuminate come out of the black hole pissed.
peacock is fun
Any sissies want a lobby?
helldivers are the super elites!
Is the heavy fire resist armour worth it? I definitely am thinking about picking it up
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I'm doing my part
super abstract merchant?
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>that res
dew it
Okay, fuck this chat. .l. noobs
It looks good and gives the best resistance to fire, so yeah.
10 bugs, peacock
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It is simply too unrealistic to wield!
t. Pilestedt
full or private
pool closed due to spore aids
He already went back on that because everyone wants that, and while he's autistic, he's also smart enough to give people what they want. The buff patch is the proof of that.
idk what the fuck is going on in this webm but these handheld miniguns have more recoil than this maybe it's some weird ammo idk
Probably .22 or some shit
d10 peacock but with non-pub aids host.
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yep, gonna try and build my own pc soon
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to be fair, this game is a lot more demanding than it has any right being.
3/4 +1
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Need an exosqueleton stratagem that makes you faster/stronger but you don't get a backpack, or something like that.
Maybe he thought we wanted a portable eagle strafe GAU and not the handheld miniguns?
Imo, an MMG stuck on max rpm, but with a backpack and 500-600 rounds sounds like it would be super fun.
Hell introduce a light minigun too, that is a stalwart with a backpack and 1k rounds.
The drawback being that you can only walk when shooting that thing (walk does sever recoil handicaps) and no ads as well as a 2 second windup.
Starting, lobby on invite only, ping me here if you want to join.
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>eradication mission bots
>run out of time and auto fail the mission
>3rd mission in a campaign

gas feels like it's gonna get nerfed. The grenades are so perfect against bots.
>those shells
>we can't revert the flamethrower
>Does it anyways
>but only make it seem like we did
I just want a heavy laser lmg. You know like the sickle but bigger. Hell maybe even just the sickle but you can fire forever without overheating instead of doing more damage.
The quasar should have a battery backpack that is required to be worn for you to fire. Also add an unsafe for it that lets you fire without waiting for the cooldown but with a chance that your battery backpack explodes
>just make it a spicy recoiless
>laser cannon
what are you even on about you stupid faggot
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>Super Helldive
>Exterminate Automatons
>two guys with Recoilless shoot down the dropships
>the bots die so fast that we're just standing around waiting for more to show up for half of the mission
uhhhh this is different
I think this strategy might just get nerfed you guys
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D10 Bugs. Time to kill anons.
They could make a power pack stratagem, that boosts all energy weapon dmg, heat reduction, cool down, add 1 extra cell for lasers, +1 arc to thrower and wider and further reach for the blitzer, increase PP aoe and range and obviously boost the QC and LC.
>super destroyer leaving low orbit
>die my first death of the mission on the very millisecond that reinforcements go away to some random instakill shot from nowhere
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>Time to kill anons
Uh, sis. Your comma?
But that's not the same as what I'm saying.
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Every energy weapon should have an optional backpack. Including the scythe.
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gimme a fun solo loadout
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>finish slaughtering bugs on HD2
>go watch fucked up bug rape hentai
supply pack + liberator carbine or scorcher +grenade
>this is your "hungdiver"
problem they have is backpacks and support weapons slot differently, all support weapons that use a backpack to reload need to be manually reloaded, there's no automatic feed
the game can't do what people want
This guy would've done some insane shit in Vietnam.
>chick lean
She's lucky those are blanks or she's be flat on her ass.
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There, I fixed boosters.
Please refrain from reposting stuff from reddit
the best you'll get is an armor set with an ability that makes your sprint speed the same as experimental infusion
>we're adding a drum magazine to a liberator variant
>the variant with improved RoF that chews through bullets, right?
>the variant with that does the least damage per bullet, right?
>the normal one...?
>No, we're putting it on the variant with a lower RoF than the Pummeler and Breaker Spray & Pray
I mean it IS an improvement, but why?
I am now making a list of bad players as well. Holy shit this is miserable.
I guess an option would be to have the minigun drop down with 0 ammo, and once you put the backpack on you can "reload" to get your ~500 shots. I mean, that's how you'd be reloading it once dry and picking up ammo later.
Otherwise they'd need to revamp some mechanics.
what about the fire hellpod booster?
Anyone who takes that one gets immediately ejected off the Super Destroyer.
Each shot is its own magazine. Reload time is so short it has the desired RoF. No reload animation.

There's way's around it. I dunno what's the best approach since the game's programmed on a swedejank engine.
>fire hellpods users get automatically redirected from the mission objective to the nearest sun
I wish I could put a drum magazine on all the liberators.
i mean you are not wrong
I got the zyklon title but I can't put it on, what's that about?
You'd still need a "reload" of sorts once you are dry (belt empty), and get new ammo from any box (need to feed the new belt).
The fucking game just crashed on me. What the fuck.
HSO should be made baseline and so should Superior Packing Methodology. I hate when some nigger that doesn't have it AT LEVEL 100 calls down supplies and now I can't fill up.
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it's still bad but what made it beyond terrible was how you instantly made your "role" even more worthless the moment you reload, god help you if you wasted the last bullet too. So this helps for whoever is mad enough to use it.
Why do you guys fight each other like this, is it because you're so desperate for another faction you need to make a third one out of yourselves?
it used to black screen my pc, now it just freezes it. progress?
Trust me, dude, none of those people will be diving to squids often, so branch bantz is as far as this can go.
In fact, the 4 and a half squiddivers will be crying that bots and bugs are porcrastinating on their front while their progress is stuck in place.
Best loadout for a contrarian shitter who wants to feel superior to everyone?
kys nigger tranny
Deployable Shield
Orbital Precision Strike
It's my favorite loadout and has been even before all of those have been buffed
Lib conc
smoke grenades
ems strike
smoke eagle
any mines
>unbind push to talk because I only play with my friends over mumble
>feel like playing right now
>no one online
uhhh lobby doko
hopefully you fags don't mind a silent fag
there is a malicious swedish code that chooses when to rape you, and we got the bad end of it that time.
still finished objs tho
Grab an MG sentry and throw it perpendicular to whatever you're fighting.
what /hdg/ think about mechs?
pocket L shaped ambush gamer
haven't touched them since they fiddled with the aiming
>solo bugs on diff 7
>peak of challenge, can't go higher due to how difficult bug mechanics are

>Solo bots on diff 9
>easiest shit known to man, game is only harder the more people playing because of TKs and patrols spawning more often

And I'm using the flamethrower for both of them and it's better against bots.
Dont bother with them since they run out of ammo so quickly and you only get two of them per mission. If there is a fuckload of big enemies that merit a mech, I would rather bring an HMG emplacement since you get it back so quickly and dont have a limited amount of them.
low quality bait
I still like them, I just wish they would allow you to take more than 1 on your loadouts, I would gladly take 2 very often.
They say it's because of technical issues and I'm inclined to believe them on this particular bullshit, but it's still sad that we can't.
mortar turret
napalm barrage
jump pack
I love all the returning normies who use the same tired meta of the incel breaker on bugs and they CANNOT FUCKING AIM AND LIGHT ME ON FIRE OVER AND OVER.
Emancipator fucks super hard against bugs.
Really really fun, they need to give it just one more call in and it's perfect.
I was getting hammered by a stalker and an IB user lit me on fire while i was getting ragdolled by their attack. fucking survived a split seconds only due to democracy protects let me stim
>wipes a pack of devis with two eruptor shots
did anything change for the purifier with all the armor and health changes?
Ok so after analysis I think I have an idea on what happened. You threw all your thermites at the end, and the one alpha warrior that you chucked one at at around 00:05 immediately used its burrow ability to teleport behind you, with your thermite still lodged in it's carapace.
How often do you have to verify the integrity of the game files? It seems every other match I get the matchmaking bug.
I am never swapping off the beloved gas/stun nades again. I always run anti-armor anyways. Good analysis
picked up the DCS in a hdg lobby last night and it is nice against bots
No but Pilestedt said it's getting buffed next
>realize chargers get blocked by shield gen
>Have to go to work before I can test Tesla tower + shield generator

God dude just dumb loadout combinations make this game so fun to keep playing.
guess I'll stop putting dog poop in his mailbox
Why doesn't the ammo belt move? Films have taught me that the bullets should go into the minigun conveyor-belt style as it fires.
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Drawanon request, can I get an alpha warrior with an active thermite greande lodged in his head in the style of pic related? A helldiver being lego'ed to the side would be nice but not necessary.
The bots are only super difficult because they're super bugged.
They vertically climb things, spawn patrol rates jump randomly and never despawn.
Modern tech allowed us to create belt sleaves to prevent stuff getting stuck inside for potential jamms, as well as simplify the belt being guided into the weapon.
Nerve gas?
I like to think that they lack depth perception. They're fucking with me aren't they?
He said it’ll be able to shoot like a scorcher uncharged or charge up. Which is nice but I hope they give it some more damage on the charge shot, maybe 350 total to bring it more in line with the current primary power level
Or have a nid with a burning thermite on the head chase a helldiver like a dog.
>Thermite (for Hulks and Tanks)
>Orbital Gatling Barrage
>Orbital Gas Strike
>Grenade Launcher
>Supply Pack
Yep, it's comfy Bots D7 time
I'm just trying to farm samples
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This didn't vibe with me in my head.
But here an image of play fetch is starting to form.
Pandion is like the worst planet imaginable, are bugfags mental? Gigafog + littered with tiny little faggot trees that don't help you at all but obscure enemies and limit your movement.
why the hell
is there a way to turn off the profanity filter?
Vatocanon doesn't 2-shot Hulk eyes enaymore? i feet it has gotten worse since the last "buff" patch.
The worst part is, when it's liberated, it'll be a defense campaign likely tied to an MO. Then we get to do it all over again.
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what profanity filter?
okay guys hear me out
this is how to make the SMGs viable
>buff ballistic shield
>"nerf" Crossbow and Pummeler by making them two-handed and then buffing them
>add off-hand sword support weapon so that one-handedness is useful on both fronts instead of only bots
>also give them drum magazines because fuck it why not, plenty of irl SMGs had drum mags
It's a good thing that dude is blind, otherwise he'd get an aneurysm when stepping onto the super destroyer.
It's still not in a bad spot, IMO. It always felt more like a medium enemy killer rather than an AT option. Obviously, there's some utility lost in being worse at killing heavies, but she still fucks on devestators, striders, commanders, spewers, and grouped light units. With the improved AT, the autocannon can take a backseat against heavies and broaden its priorities against high-volume armored targets.

Something's gotta take a hit when you massively increase AT's potency, so a weapon that's only situationally good against heavies is an acceptable sacrifice.
Alright what planet should I be fighting on
With how strong CB is it could easily be turned into 2handed without any buffs and still be fucking top tier.
Pandion is getting the big push right now. None of us like it, but the writhing mass of retards on that planet is finally strong enough to overcome the unreasonably high decay rate.
Off-hand sword support weapon seems badass, but not really useful when you consider that one of the best strengths in one-handed weapons is the fact you can sprint and shoot backwards without stopping at all. Why bother using melee when you're super mobile?
I think instead one handed weapons, and only them, shoud be accurate while using Jetpacks. To super emphasize their mobility.
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An American needs to go explain to the Swedes what an SMG is. It doesn't mean "slower firing and bigger bullets than assault rifles"
I love the returning normies who still want to use the incel breaker and can't aim for shit so set me on fire over and over. I've started taking the fire armor with no fire stratagems just to avoid being tk'd by orbital napalms and such.
Joel caved and set the regen to 1.5% down from 3%. That's the only reason the bug chasers are making any progress
Just use extra padding armor instead.
This. Honestly feels overtuned. The fact that the Eruptor can't hang with it after nearly being as good as it used to be tells me one of two things.
they overcorrected from it being total shit and it's too good now
The Eruptor was never actually that good and needs a little more to make it viable in the wake of the new balance state
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>None of us like it
Playing on Pandion even with all the buffs has been the least fun experience I've had on this game. I cant fucking wait for this shithole to be liberated so people can play on literally any other planet. Hell, I'd rather play on Hellmire
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show me your diver drip, lads
Idk, the eruptor is just a slower version of the CB, just with less anti armor aoe. Both are top tier as they are. Nothing else comes close to their utility when there is a bajillion mediums all over. Tried using JAR, PP or Purifier and they feel miserable per shot compared to what Eruptor or CB do when you are swarmed. Only GL is better at that role.
>flamethrower fag on my stack "discovers" the arc thrower
guess I'll just have to run arc armor
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GGs (please be nice to eachother)
9mm bullets are fatter than 5.56 and 7.62
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Having a hard time figuring that out since I die in 1-2 hits to everything in the armor I liked. On bots it hasn't changed at least, I just like the full Enforcer set with the default black cape, simple and sharp. On bugs I used to run Juggernaut + steel trooper helmet a lot, might have to go back to it again but I can't swap off medium extra padding for bugs anymore.
I'm level 18 and I've yet to see any armor I want to use aside from the default 150 medium armor, the drip is underwhelming
ask your mom to turn it off for you
Eruptor doesn't seem to oneshot Devastators and Bile Spewers as consistently as it did back in the old shrapnel days. Could be my imagination, I'm not sure.
Can't post on 4chan what the fuck?

Me (ork) vs. Bots
No you aren't crazy. I remember cutting devs into two and sending the top half flying off.
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>level 17 joining my D10 lobby
Guess how much time he has before shamequitting
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These are two my go to favorites
If the flamethrower is shit but the primary is good, what strat/grenade matches well with
>Juggernaut + steel trooper helmet
good taste
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He sticks all the way to the end.
>implying these creatures are capable of shame
If he leaves it's to write a review that the game is still trash and needs more buffs.
If a game for everyone is a game for no one, is a game for nobody a game for somebody?
AC, GL, or RG
It had airburst or something shrapnel back then absolutely nutty.
It's not bad now, but it's not amazing.

Crossbow is just the king gun. Quiet, good ROF, clean scope, easy to aim, BEEG damage. Wreckss bugs and bots equally. I will enjoy it while I can.
It's weird that I can run the exact same loadouts on Bugs and Bots and it's the peak loadout imo.
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currently rocking this
the sissies complaining about this update are the no ones
Now add another diver level 100+, burning and punching bugs but still not reloading your bullshit
Nah, low levels in D8+ are more often based than not in my experience. The shittiest people attitude-wise are often mid-level (30-70) because that's when the Dunning–Kruger effect is at its peak.
If you interpret "a game for nobody" as being an extremely niche thing, then yes, there will probably be at least a few people who like it. There are people that get off to women with oversized kneecaps.
yeah, crossbow and RR buffs created a universal all-round loadout
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Another day, another drawing.
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>low levels try to play the game as it is intended and use whatever they have on hand with good spirit
>faggot mid-levels think the game is hard and just run whatever S tier weapon their favorite youtuber told them to use
>high level helldivers just going "FUCK IT WE BALL" trying all kind of weird loadouts
Only thing I haven't quite decided on is my secondary.
Senator for big damage? mini-uzi for get the fuck off me button? Laser dagger because it's fun running around shooting a laser and lighting things on fire? Bushwacherk for pocket shotgun mini-primary?
>mini-uzi for get the fuck off me button?
isn't this the entire point of a secondary
Thinking about getting back into the game. Have every warbond before polar patriots and enough to get one more. Which one should I get?
Isnt raise the flag the same thing
No at all
The devs should really add some single mission operations in the high difficulty. Not everyone can commit to 3 hours without interruption. This is why the planets are being lost.
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>Another Day goes by
>all planets still at ~1%

(also post reaction memes I need stuff for my folder)
You don't have to complete the entire operation in one go. It will resume where you left off the next time you log in.
I don't really run the same loadout on both factions
At first I was taking dagger on bots to save ammo when dealing with grunts, but there are so few grunts at d10 I barely get to use it. Crisper can deal with berserkers but xbow is still better for that. So I started bringing stim pistol just cause I can.
On bugs I don't run crossbow at all, but if I did, I would bring crisper or redeemer.
Overall for universal loadout I would suggest crisper. In a pinch it can kill a hulk. It's not great for bugs but bugs are easy and you don't need good weapons to deal with them.
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it doesn't filter what i say... it filters what others say
>without interruption
What's the second armor? I can't find it in the warbonds, is it a superstore item?
I can't live without Bushwacker against bugs these days
the stagger and immediate damage is just too good. it's perfect for dealing with that Hunter/Shrieker/Alpha Commander that's breathing down your neck which is everything I want from a secondary
Or you can't drop down in diff if you don't have time to spare?
These go incredibly hard. I kinda stopped focusing on the stats of armors and just run around in whatever i think looks nice. Looking cool is part of the fun
>all planets still at ~1%
Pandion is approaching 30% and will cap rapidly at this rate
once again continuing to iterate super special helldive until they pick it up
>full operation
>life pool carries over between missions
>no duplicate equipment or stratagems except for starting gear to prevent soft locking
Are you one of these faggots who were sleeping on redeemer and worshipped senator?
Redeemer has always been the best tool for self-defense
There should be more with some progress on them
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doin a heckin racism against bots or bugs, diver's choice
>Which one should I get?
None are as good as Cutting Edge or DemoDeto but
Viper has the Bushwhacka which is really fucking cool and clutch, and one of the best boosters in the game
Chemical has a cool grenade, and some strats that are really close to being good if devs rework them a bit
Freedom Flame has good enough weapons after the patch
>level 100+
>completely soaked in blood lying on their back on the pelican ramp with 200 stim needles sticking out of their body spamming the stratagem button to repeatedly raise their arm so it looks like they're jerking off
full - be racist ELSEWHERE please
>failed to join
People have been fighting on Gaellivare for 3 fucking days
not even 1%
what is going on
>failed to join
Guess i didn't want to play with you, haha...
>The last diver to come by here didn't land the strat ball accurately enough. He was enlightened shortly theresfter.
The aids from Pandion went to Gaellivare
no, I think Redeemer is better than Senator
but it doesn't have the stagger to save me from Commanders so ever since Alphas were added I've switched to the Bushwacker
I am having to reverify every fucking time lately, what is going on?
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Is there any reason to keep making helms after this
how do you top peak
>22k bugdivers outside of pandion

Not enough players on it to beat the decay rate
Once Pandion is finally taken it'll free up 50% of the playerbase, guess we'll see where they end up going then
One more racist needed
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Kinda wish this guy looked a lot cooler
Ive seen vids of the first game and the mission brief dude looked sick
he doesnt even have special armor just regular mid armor from the pack, the first guy looked like a 30k Commissioner
Probably once Pandion falls Gacrux and Peacock will start capping, possibly also Gaellivare
Coming from the guy that kneels when reloading?
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Imagine the player numbers if they let the blocked countries play again and they greenlit an xbox port.
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Look at how cool this guy looks
at least give the other dude a cool hat
>had to edit them to be brown and raceplay tats because you felt so threatened
ACopers on suicide watch
Bring in the goddamn Spartans. Those autists will have Joel SCRAMBLING to fuck over our liberation rates
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Looks really fucking gay tbqh.
cursed face
kneeling before the superior gun
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discount Zavala
Bayonet chads...
>hit a charger with a thermite
>it bounces off
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Ever since the brap warbond dropped, I have been in the cloud 70% of the time while engaging bugs. The blind effect lets you run circles around all of them. It's fucking great.
angled armor working as intended Helldiver
Sweden that's why
thermites are much harder to use on bugs, I go at them with gas or stuns
why are all the ship NPCs mulatto? i never understood that
Deep down you know exactly why the swedish game is like that.
You don't like it?
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I'm sick of being so bad at videogames and especially bad at Helldivers 2™
>blocked countries
Bro it’s like africa the mid east and greenland. None of those are major markets
helldiver pussy sex
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>Krieg Helmet
>Jump Pack
>Quesar Cannon
>Napalm AirStrike
yep, im thinking its bug stomping time
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I'm never switching off of medic lmao
I prefer the old eyes and no mouth. It's the superior style, friend.
It's from democratic detonation
A vision of the glorious egalitarian future
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yeah probably, but i wanted to try something different or it would feel to much samey as the last drawing i did.
I want to see more sexy Helldiver girls please
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happy sunday
Jerk off before posting, jeets
Atleast she wears a helmet unlike the other diver harlots, so I aprove of this one.
>stim pistol gets blocked by shield gen
I mean it makes sense but I'm still gonna complain about it LET ME HEAL YOU
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How is this going to help me get better at the game?
just do your best and be a good teammate and hdg will accept you
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New masks have been a blessing
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>drop in D7 pub because I'm shit
>clusterbombed on first encounter
Middle doesn't match at all bro
I'm really blind then cause i missed it somehow. Thanks anyways, anon
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you gotta engage with the conversations to get the lore
they're all low class citizens that were born on the outer rim, military service is how you increase your citizenship score
the engineer hopes one day she'll have a high enough score that her children can have a pet fish or even a hamster, and the ship master has never even physically been to super earth before and hopes to do that one day

the game is actually not woke, it's super fucking based that the mutts are all in the meat grinder and the pure bloods are back on super earth

this is your girlfriend now
To be honest, cluster bomb users do that way too often
What does the Ballistic Shield do exactly in terms of in-game mechanics? Does it shield you from Bile barf?
Oh hey, I tried the middle but the greens don't match up.

Goddamn the one on the left is stylish.
Dont fall for enemy propaganda, all helldivers are 100% aryan and nordic. The brown ones just have hellmire tan
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Are heavy armors worth using or is the bonus resistance a fucking meme?
Super earth assigns you a cute brown gf? I'll do my part!
it usually blocks any kind of non-explosive projectile. Bile barf is an explosive projectile (technically) so no.
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Eagle Tan
You just now this is some SEA nigger.
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Propaganda, THIS is the real Eagle
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now that we can get infinite stims by circle jerking eachother with the stim gun it's better than ever.
worse yet, he's from california
it's not even a wokeness thing, it's just weird that they literally slapped a single complexion on every NPC in the ship instead of doing a mixture of ethnicities. it seems more lazy and weird to me than anything political.
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What light armour for boogs?
Blitzer + GL mainly
legionaire.... the ability to throw strats farther is so nice. I spent the first 100 levels using engineer, but my eyes have been opened and legionaire is the way. i think it also has limb health that's greater than the health booster
(Male) no unauthorized breeding allowed
This isn't a bad design but it doesn't go with her voicelines at all.
My Helldiver has bones made of glass now.
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Custom voicepacks WHEN
Now that average deaths are up to 4-6 per person, I'm seeing people taking the extra reinforcements booster unironically.
Divers are crustaceans, 150 armor outer shell, but soft and squishy on the inside.
K-kanned `ummies?
I'm seeing the extraction booster too
they can change the descent music and the voice lines for mission command and the extraction pilot so hopefully one day. i just really want more custom music options.
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>they know
There should be more music in general.
Vitality and gigastims is all you really *need*. 2 other slots you can play around with
D10 bugs is kind of fucky lately. Either I get maps with few spawns or I get 5 patrols spawning on an objective at once.
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Next patch, right bros?
Clearly races have been mixed to the point that white people no longer exist, everyone is just light brown now
when are they fixing the walkers fucking hell the missiles are aids
>host locks in 0/5 slots

also failed lobby
Except for the peak physique chads, who are pure white or pure black.
but what about the intro cinematic with the really white guy and his nubian goddess?
They use the geneseed of the original viper commandos.

You forgot the black child and wife that got killed as an example?
its already good though
I play without vitality just fine so you don't "need" it actually
has to be stamina
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>attachments are in the game files now
Looks like bayonets are just the first step
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Remember it's a propaganda film, they needed to make the characters relatable by having a mixed baby
Electric motors. They're eco friendly.
You can play without any boosters just fine. But vitality and stamina seem like the most useful, stims too. Just pain kit improvements.
The rest are situational, with ammo and signal being the better ones imo.
What the fuck is that on Adjudicator. Looks like WW2 NV scope
>it's a propaganda film
>it's not real (even in universe)
>crybabies still cry that titans can't be killed in one headshot like the intro
Thank you SNOY for whipping the swedes to labor.
I hope that's a night/fog scope
WDYM? RR one shots titan heads.
Bayonets are going to give every gun they attach to more of that drag effect that makes the dominator annoying to use.
I thought that had scrapped this in favor of warbonds.
since the patch, there has been a lot of time before that patch
you are weak, but my physique is peak
Unscrapped in favor of attachment warbonds.
>moments before crashing so horribly that your entire computer ends up with terminal pub AIDS
I dont want to risk being shitskinned every other death
Maybe this will be the fabled requisition dump. 50k per attachment
you are weak of mind too damn
This tbdesu just install the whiteness mod on nexus if it bothers you, nobody else is even gonna see
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Yeah. I fully expect the new 'monetisation' expert to balance out how they put our new customisation stuff as 'fremium' content.
If it costs that much that better be all they cost
I am completely getting filtered by rare samples
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Post your million dollar new enemy idea
>bots tinkered with scavenged helldiver shield tech
>now have bots that generate a giant shield for enemies to hide behind
>only way to defeat them is by entering the bubble, or break it with stratagems/AT
what if it's not warbonds but some kind of gacha system
Look at the top of his head
Link? No way nexus jannies would allow something like this
bot that rapes you
alternatively bug that rapes you
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Thanks for the lobby
Was great despite me being an absolute shitter
I already posted my idea of a zombie faction several threads ago.
>everyone except me would hate this
>Bots copy the stratagem tech
>Automaton destroyer swoops in over the battlefield
>Now a new special bot enemy can throw their own precision strikes at you
Instantly garbage
probably a low light intensificator with a thermal
the left lense is too big to be a rangefinder and we already have that within the ui anyway
>Big fancy camera breaks
Grabbers have worm like mouth parts they capture you with and pull you down into bug holes
just like in real life, how realistic
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>every operation on Peacock has complex stratagem plotting
Probably my most hated modifier because I like EATs
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D10 bugs, joining The Blob since I've done p much only bots for too long.
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Arrowhead needs to make more Chud divers gear
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i've only ever played against bots because i enjoy sneakan and the space vietnam memes, how do i play against bugs
you just kinda hold left mouse button and dive back
Run, orbitals, orbitals, orbitals
failed to join
i suck so carry me
Run awaaaaayyy
Shoot them
Run really fucking fast if you have to reload
Don't forget your thermites
If you see the air shivering, call every barrage available
What mod
>Makes stratagem balls explode in your hand
Commando or Expendable for bile titans?
>million dollar new enemy idea
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It fills my heart with joy to see /hdg/ play together so often.
Thank you for the gift of fun, Piles
Expendable. Commando got shafted desu should probably have it's cooldown reduced
Actual Helldivers traitors who can also throw stratagems at you and use SEAF as fodder and vehicles.
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automaton girl unit that seduces and fucks helldivers to death
(Cyber commander don't destroy me)

Mobility is the most important thing. Wear light light armour and take the sprint booster on every mission as a basic requirement, then chose the rest of your gear from there. Pick weapons that are useful close range and don't have long reloads, like the Breaker. Cover isn't really important except against specific enemies but the bubble shield will stop you getting stunlocked in melee so it's still very valuable.

Your loadout wants to favour horde clearing, things like cluster strike, napalm, etc, as long as you have at least one support weapon or strat for taking out heavies quickly. Counter-intuitively, anti-tank is more useful against bugs than bots, because there's really not that many medium tier armoured enemies, it's just hordes of squishy small bugs that distract you and make the big guys difficult to deal with.

Unlearn the habit of turtling behind cover and sniping, get into the habit of running around kiting and throwing strats to thin the herd. Good luck Helldiver.
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Automaton dogs (not really new cuz they were in HD1 but I wish we got something more nimble this time. smething to break up bot sluggishness)
Anon already came up with that sorry >>495582552
actually ignore my retarded idea, give me fucking droidekas
throw orbital Gatling barrage on beaches and you're Gucci
grenade launcher.
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Weird lack of small flying drones.
More ideas:
automaton crab
automaton spider
automaton turtle
automaton horse
>shriekers but they hover around and shoot at you
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Small flying drones haven't ever been enjoyable to fight in any game
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>automaton horse
>bots deploy their version of death riders
Would be unbelievably kino
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two good ops. gg guys
I know.
Your biggest threat is getting surrounded, manage your distance if you're not running a shotgun.

You can reasonably fight back against a bug breach at any difficulty with orbitals and stuff to clear the heavies if you need to.

There are plenty of ways to close bugholes, popular choices are the exploding crossbow, grenade pistol, airstrike and even the 500kg. Orbital 120mm/380mm can be used but aren't popular because they don't clear that well and have higher teamkill potential. Napalm orbital is very popular right now for clearing large nests of enemies, certain objectives, or covering breaches.

Stalker nests are high priority if you find one or notice a stalker
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Fuck you
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you bet
>having fun
>instantly killed and taken out of it
>killed by reinforced scout strider

every fucking time, when are they fixing these cunts?
you vill shoot ze joint
I've seen a mod that makes samples and SC easier to see by adding arrows or something of the sort
Can you get banned if you install it? and where can I get it from?
there's literally a section of the tutorial where you pick up a flag and put it somewhere else
iirc when meme anticheat detects something it prevents your game from starting, it doesn't ban you
but don't credit me on that
>guy runs into a bug breach
>gets instantly killed by a charger
>reinforce him
>he immediately shoots me in the head and accuses me of TKing him before ragequitting
>I'm on the other side of a fucking wall and haven't fired a single shot into the breach
where do these retards come from
just shoot the missiles with an AR it's that easy
I don't think there is any sort of ban. I've never seen anyone ever complain about a ban. But i still wouldn't take chances because i got literally everything possible in my account. All the store shit, the fomo shit, everything unlocked. Getting my fucking account banned would be devastating lmao. I already grinded more than 10k SC back then anyway, and i'm not against paying when my reserve will be empty. One day maybe.
Used the sc marker mod for a bit, easily farmed a couple thousand SC both on my own and while playing live games, no trouble at all
you can clear bugholes with the eruptor if you aim low enough
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>no friends online to play HD2
>play with /hdg/
>friend comes online
>starts bitching when i'm not leaving instantly to play with him
I fucking hate clingy faggots so much
>at double gunship factory
>no support weapon, only sentries and my trusty purifier
>shoot down 4 gunships with purifier
>try to call in hellbomb
>cannot call it in because team was using it on another objective
>ok I'll just wait
>gunship patrol decides to visit
>kill 6 more gunships with sentries
>ok I'll call it in now
>still cannot call in hellbomb because team fucked up and called in another one
>have to wait another 30 fucking seconds
>team aggros 2 factory striders in my direction
>are you fucking kidding me
>kill the closest factory strider while dodging gunships
>finally call in hellbomb and destroy the gunship factories
>die to impact damage after tripping on a twig
They wasted all the reinforcements while I was doing this so I ended it by killing everyone with a derelict hellbomb. They were all wearing shield diapers.
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Attention : 20 days before the second patch of the 60 day plan.
>Come back to the game
>Sweet there's jungle planet now
>One guy die once to a strat
>Kick everyone one by one and then leave
I see some things never change
Technically, there are two jungle planets : Regular and Spooky
I was on cadrux, that's regular I assume
Kinda wondering what the fuck is a spooky jungle
Very nice.
they're darktide trannies malding that they won't get the same glow up
Damn that goes unreasonably hard, reminds me of these fellas.
True, but the crossbow outclasses it pretty hard in terms of utility thanks to it being 1-handed. You can carry objectives or shoot backwards while running without any real loss.
there's gacrux, the base jungle
scorocco III, the spoopy jungle
and there's also they gaellivare, the og not-really jungle
Will they pull it off? Will /hdg/ bend the knee to the swede?
where can i find the mod?
It's just dark no matter what, might as well not have a day night cycle.
Honestly really comfy for bots because they have low visibility and it's really easy to sneak around or disengage from fights
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>Will they pull it off?
They already pulled it off, imo. Anything else is just cherry on top.
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They literally cannot fuck it up
Hopedivers won.
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>devs don't play their own game and aren't aware the pub aids bug even exists
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>20 days before the second patch
>33 days before Liberty Day
Bros, we are going to FEAST in October
Johan is quite literally a 40k fan. He's buying new models with your money.
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>4 gunships with a purifier
How long does that take?
I run this look too.
if they up bug difficulty anywhere close to bots level, it will be over
....where can I find said mod?
That was the idea
Grenades are the stand in for ammo belts until we get an actual set
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Starting with bugs on Peacock then bots on Vog-Sojoth after is my current plan. D10s, of course.
dunno anon, I'm also looking for it
>clear a nearby base while duo handles a nearby another nearby
>one dies, reinforce him
>"we found your democracy wanting" and TKs me
>can't report him for it??
i just installed it and now i have crystals growing on my computer
>stratagem gets caught on my rover and I don't notice
>the very microsecond I hear that time has run out I get crushed by a fucking resupply pod
0 samples again, yay
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I gave the change a chance but after playing all weekend and Friday night, I really don't like the changes to helldiver resistances and enemy damage on bugs. It's not noticeable on bots, if you're gonna die over there you're gonna die regardless, but with the nonexistent sound design on bugs I'm constantly getting sneaked up on and 2-shot in 100 AR medium armor all the time. I really hate it and I hope they change it back.

It doesn't feel like there's any difference between 50-100 AR, you're 2-shot regardless, and if you use heavy armor, the slow mobility is too much of a hazard as well, which only leaves extra padding medium as the best armor, and I'm really tired of such a boring passive being so meta.
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Didn't HD1 have countless "wars" that would go from start to finish in just a couple months? Wasn't it possible to actually lose?
With this game it feels like nothing important has happened for a while now, sure we get "defend le planets" type bullshit (like the current MO) but what is the endgame? It doesn't feel like there are truly any stakes. The automatons have been 1 sector away from super earth for like 2 months.
Where is the MO that says "holy shit get to these planets or we literally all fucking die"? Where are the squids? Whenever we "fail" a major order its just like "ah geez I guess we get no medals, on to the next one" and nothing really happens. Are we just waiting around for the swedes to fix the game before we get any more story related stuff?
>It's not noticeable on bots
fuck you bugcel
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>jungle biome
>can't see shit on the map
>come to the obligatory giant river that always splits these maps
>follow the shore until I can cross
>lmao wrong way dipshit, you hit the edge of the map
>now have to hustle a gorillion km in the opposite direction
>get got along the way, drop my shit
>get respawned on the other side of the river
My kingdom for a rubber dingy deployable, good lord
I hear "getting snuck up on" and "not hearing sounds" as an issue on a lot of games I play, how hard is it to just give a quick look around? Or this an actual issue or just something people fall back onto as an excuse? I feel like its just an excuse used by people with zero situational awareness
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Mostly skill issue. Yeah sometimes you get ganked by some silent bugs, but the devs are working on that. Sometimes bugs tweak out and do some sicks combo that are bullshit.
But overall, its way better that way. If we were tankier the game would REALLY be too fucking easy. Right now with a good squad you can pretty much fuck around at level 10, and outside of the super nest, not have too much problems, if any.
think they're slow playing it until we get THE SQUID as their entire road map was likely re-done internally (assuming they have one) after their retarded amount of success.
it takes less than 2 seconds for a charger or heavy dev to spawn behind you and kill you in one attack
you can't look around every second
>how hard is it to just give a quick look around?
What makes you think I'm not doing that already?
diff 10 is actually super duper cozy, don't tell the shitters this tho
can't believe HMG emplacement is now le good on bugs
>but the devs are working on that

>Right now with a good squad you can pretty much fuck around at level 10
How is this different than before? The game has always been easy with a good, coordinated squad.
It has always been good on bugs, you know this just now?
sometimes you just forget to check the map every 5 seconds. I think it usually happens when a patrol spawning right around the corner coincides with you not checking the map because you were distracted by something or other. And depending on the planet you're on, as well as how frequently you check, that's more likely to happen. It happens to everyone, but the newer you are the more often it will happen which can make it feel unfair. I personally find it to be one of the more annoying things about the game and I've been playing pretty consistently since launch.
100 armor does feel shit while 150 feels pretty comfy. I've been trying heavy armor but the speed is a big deal against bugs.
How is it spawning behind you like that within danger range and no notable sound or effect, or just something giving it away in your sight ? Im really not trying to flame or anything, just trying to understand
On what, D1? Before the update you would immediately need to abandon the cuckemplacement any time a charger or bile titan spawned, which was always.
just shoot them
>no rear view mirrors.
do infantry really?
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crazy axdent
Give the servo assisted armors a shot.
The extra limb health helps more than you'd think. Plus you'll be a servochad and can stratmog throwlets.
it just does
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Literally from the patch note.
Have you never seen someone post a webm of them turning around and seeing an entire patrol spawn in behind them 50 feet away?
take the white wolf medium padded pill. 150 armor with medium movespeed is kino.
When you're dealing with an active threat in one direction it's not reasonable to expect you to be constantly spinning around to make sure you're not about to be crept up on by almost completely silent giant enemies
It's just massively counterintuitive that a fucking tank can sneak up on you, even if there is a firefight going on. You'd be able to hear that shit coming irl and it's expectation-defying and immersion-breaking that you can't in the game
>large units
I hope that includes alpha commanders, but ALL units need to be included in that regardless.
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chuds will rise
white wolf? isn't there the good ol' default medium padded armor?
Yeah but I never see the 30 seconds before that webm where the player might've just been staring forward not looking around for that entire time. I always look around so the only way something can be within murdering distance of me is if they actually spawn 5 feet behind me, not spawn 50ft away and walk up on me
See thats different, your attention is stuck in one direction you kind of always have to be aware of that risk that some little bastard is right behind you going to shank your kidneys, it sucks for sure but a risk for keeping your attention in one direction. The scenario Im having trouble understanding are those people who goof off looking in one direction but never look around and are surprised when that things behind them exist.
why should bugs have """"audio cues""""". If I was a bug I'd try to be as silent as possible
watch your back nigger
If you want to use the flamethrower stratagem, is there literally any reason not to just take the torcher and something like a stalwart? (assuming you're not a poorfag)
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I love this game.
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It's a shame that it's basically nonviable now, considering I die in 1-2 hits from everything.
Dog breath, more like dog shit.
So the only good item in the warbond is the gas grenade...
yes, but white wolf makes you stand out like a sore thumb and be less likely to be oneshot by a teamie
Is this bonus any good now that you die so fast?>>495594109
Also noticed very cool lighting around Pandion
Look, I've been playing more competitive games than this for years and it's ingrained into me at this point to be extremely aware of what's behind me and my minimap. When shit hits the fan, you can't check it every 5 seconds and it's dumb to expect one to do that. It's not dumb to expect sound cues and sound design to provide points at which you can react to something you can't see yet. Can we agree on that?
why was this deleted
I'm scared now
Anon the real issue isn't "some little bastard" sneaking up on you it's that enemies the size of fucking houses don't betray their presence in any way unless you're looking right at them or when they're already on top of you
I want to love it but there's just too much random bullshit that leads to prolonged frustration
I find it saves my ass a lot
>8 clips to convert
You cannot imagine how much I hate webms
Not as much as I hate steam recording and offset audio
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Chud divers to chud pods
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>We attempt to load an artillery
>infinite breaches.webm
>Reinforce won't let me steer, drops me on a 10m long 2m wide strip of land at the edge of the map sequestered by a three foot deep river
>Help clear bugs from there
>Only way across is to drown in the three feet deep water
>been playing more competitive games than this for years
Me too, ill agree things should have sound ques if they aren't, I remember during my times in apex people would complain about not hearing anything and sometimes getting snuck up on (never encountered it myself). And you know what I don't know what particular situation you've encountered where sound was an issue or enemies spawning literally within 5 feet of someones back, if that is whats happening then yeah that should be changed. But in my experience anytime something murdered me from behind it was warranted because I didn't look at my back or took the risk to keep my attention elsewhere.

One thing I have come across was walking chargers, they didn't charge but would walk up on me and try to attack but even then I would often at least catch them sneaking up behind me
the campaigns do have win/lose conditions occasionally but for the most part they're just a LARP, the devs have cheated multiple times to get the outcomes they want. after everyone started quitting in protest and they were doing this invasion arc and no one was defending anything anymore because everyone quit playing lol
Uoh you retard.
nigga pandion has a fog that makes london look like clear skies
The biggest issue I have isn't with chargers, it's actually hunters. What frustrates me is even if you do notice them before they hit you, their tongue attack is long enough to where you still get hit despite diving, and now their swipe/tongue takes out at least 50% of your HP so if you get hit by the followup (you will most of the time), you're dead if you don't have more than 100 AR.
when the fuck are we getting ground vehicles? they don't even need weapons on them, just give me a fucking ATV or something, shit
The thing is, you do hear enemies moving all the time. Bots have the marching chant and the individual Troopers chatter while Berserkers have that droning whine as they chase you down, while bugs will chirp constantly while patrolling. Chargers and Hulks never patrol alone, the only time you might find them silently sitting around is at POIs. And, yeah, there's this thing called a fucking map that you can access by pressing a single button and it immediately shows you all nearby enemies.

They do kind of have a point though, big enemies should have very audible footsteps that immediately clue you in if they're anywhere within like 20 meters of you. Tank engines should be audible from about as far away. The game isn't really unbalanced because they don't make footstep noises, but it would be a nice little thing that everyone would appreciate.
>a quick look around
>in 1m visibility fog
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>do quick play
>drop into this fucking shit show
I don't even know how we ended up here 8 minutes in with no lives left
And no objectives done until I went over there and did it myself, I was in mission for maybe 1 minute before I took the picture
Whenever they sort out the PS5 performance issues with them, which is the same reason we can't take multiple mechs.
London isn't all that foggy these days, that image is tied to Victorian era or earlier when the whole city was smogged up like hell by coal-based industrial pollution. Sure you still get the occasional pea-souper but it's nothing as unique as its legendary reputation suggests.
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Bro your PrtSc key?
Doesn't matter if you can hear a titan because it spawned within spitting range
That is me except I use the Sickle.
We can't. War isn't fair.
I'm playing on a TV and phone posting my nigga
Feels like it'll be a mission/objective/event specific stratagem.
It's a videogame.
I have never seen a Bile Titan appear out of thin air, and refuse to believe it happens. Either you spot it randomly traipsing around the map from 200+ meters away, or it digs itself out of a Bug Breach, which you should immediately be ready for because it's a fucking Bug Breach.
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about war
he's on PS, and extracting screenshots is annoying
>Taking Pandion XXIV? A trifle! You see, I knew that every bug is born with a neurological kill limit, so I simply sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they capitulated
You jerk off to gay porn every night but you don't want to get HIV, do you?
It's a Space Station stratagem, just like the nuke. So pretty soon probably.
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Everything that can be in patrols can spawn out of nowhere
Titans can patrol, so that means a titan can spawn out of nowhere
I love turning alpha commanders into chunky mustard with the railgun
wait, you DID have the shield, they just decided to fuck you dive bomb the mech. g fucking g.
the webm program straight up bsods my computer now for some reason so i can't even use it anymore. i need to upgrade to a version of vegas pro that can make them i guess

have you considered trying steelseries sonar? it has a capture mode too that works alright. i used to use Nvidia shadowplay or whatever but it doesn't work on so many games, plus it's so restrictive about what games you can use the shaders on so it's just a shittier reshade.
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I dont watch gay porn so idk.
I play this because I want to get a fake sensation of violence and war. If I wanted to play something fair I'd play chess
Idk what sonar is or does
I don't use shadowplay because it adds inputlag to games
Steam recording doesn't and it's built in steam overlay, so I started using it
how does that even kill me
>I dont watch gay porn
You actually do, I hacked your webcam and you have crazy gayface, man.
Would it really be the end of the world if we could swim for a few seconds more?
shrapnel bouncing back
Anyway I just think giving Hunters "sound cues" is dumb and lame. It's called a HUNTER. It HUNTS me. It's not called Screeching Retard Who Is Loud
>anons still don't remember to take the steam I'd out of lobby links
>tfw have a spreadsheet of everyone who has hosted's profiles
They said large enemies, so probably only Chargers and Commanders? Funny enough, Hunters and Stalkers are currently the noisiest bugs.
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>anons still don't remember to take their steam ID out of lobby links
>tfw have a spreadsheet of every host's profiles
this is just some shitty mod.
sonar is an audio program that does audio profiles for different games, but it also has another game footage capture feature. it has auto capture and you can set a hotkey.
Oh no, my... username... that you can already get by joining one anyways...
I saw someone mention hunters in that chain so I just thought about that.
Do chargers really not have audible footsteps? I think it just gets drown out in all the chaos
Hah. I watched that one with my RR aimed at the BT head. Waited for the bomb to drop, then for the glow to dim enough to see that the BT was still standing before blasting it.
The update kinda cucked OPS and 500kg as heavy killers. But, I honestly prefer the dedicated AT supports being good at what they do over using reds for it.
Tho the OPS could use a small buff now imo.
Commandos pretty nice, you can snipe hulk eyes and break charger legs with just one.

They kinda tiered enemies to like heavies, and super heavies. And it feels like a lot more support weapons do more against heavies.

Commandos also pair great with other stratagems as they juuuuuust sit under kill threshold for a lot of enemies.

I'm honestly glad they kept this interaction, so a lot of weaker weapons can finish off heavies.

Also Leg meta still best meta.
Chargers don't have footsteps until they charge.
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They probably didn't include footstep sounds because it'd be basically all you hear when there's a bazillion enemies swarming you. Just too much of a pain in the ass to make it work right in the mix I guess.

Having it for big enemies like chargers, hulks, tanks and BTs makes sense though. I mean shit most games of this style have audio cues in the music, you know when there's a smoker or hunter or boomer in L4D just because of a couple piano notes, even if you never noticed it, your brain did.
>Host drops in on a cluster fuck and dies 4 times
>Second player comes in, they are now at 2/10
>They die twice and stabilise
>2 more players join and they are 0/20
Probably something like that i'm guessing.
Those plants are hilariously brutal.
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>mfw someone leaks my steam username (helldivers 2 in-game name) and most recently played game on steam (helldivers 2)
They really need to shorten the pre-fire delay and recharge on the quasar now, it wasn't even a necessary nerf in the first place but now all the other weapons have been buffed it just makes that weapon feel left out. Put it back to how it was on release and it will fit in right alongside the rest now.
>doesn't have brony avatar and animated profile background of catgirls with their tits out from those furry yiff games specifically to welcome Anons browsing your profile

Where is your soul anon
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>private profile
>private games
>private inventory
>private everything
not sure what you're hoping to find but okay
Start D10 bots mission
>one guy dies 5 times in 2 minutes
>another guy dies once and rage quits
>second guy ragequits randomly, I guess they crashed
>stuck with guy who keeps dying to every little thing over and over
>quit myself

And people wonder why bot planets are lost. No one knows how to fight them. People keep rage quitting and losing operations. It won't get better until they dumb bots down for the retards.
They absolutely can improve the audio for heavies. They just gave stalkers a growling audio queue now, so they could do the same for chargers and the other shitters.
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Are we all getting the same music though or is it different player to player?
I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive.
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>He's got my username
It's so fucking over for Dudeweedhitler420
RR feels like cheating
How can quasar even compete?
i can take ballistic shield with it and block bile spewer nut
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Nothing beats the feeling of getting kicked by a pub on D10 and actually managing to beat the entire mission alone with extraction just to spite him.
Ballistic shield should only take up an offhand slot, like briefcases and terminid egg samples. it only sheathes on your back whenever you have no backpack stratagem. otherwise, it drops
I don't know about this game but in L4D it was per player.

I would hazard a guess it's per player, there's been times I'm pretty sure I remember being in a quiet corner of the map looking for the super samples but the rest of the team was having a big fight, and I didn't get the action music. Not fully sure though.
>Xbow + Shield + Queso
Holy meme
Going to try that later
For me, it's taking hundreds of screenshots and clips of me playing with anons, and looking back at them later pretending you were all my close friends
literally me
i have like a dozen full hdg ops recorded and i look through them sometimes when i want to feel like a chad
I really cannot wait to see all the shit the swedish beast is cooking. I hope the clan thing is cool and doesn't need a billion people to be worth it.
Can't wait to see vehicles and the revamped attachment system.
Of course, the looms too. But i believe, deep inside me, that they're gonna pull off a 4th faction down the line. Human rebels or whatever.
But bugs are harder than bots.

Like outside of chicken walkers, and some across the map turret shit. Bots are a lot more manageable. It's just DPS checks out the ass.
If you bring the right gear you're fine.

Bugs just overwhelm you with a shit load of varied enemies that require specific counters per type.
it did 50 durable damage, not 55.
It's very likely it was an unintended nerf because 35 is 23% of 150. Why is that important? because the original HMG had a 23% durable damage ratio that was later buffed to be 33%. It's possibly some old version fuckery or oversight.
i desperately hope to god that one day we get shipborne combat alongside SEAF marines and boarding actions on illuminati space stations.
Post lobby.
I hope they let plasma light enemies on fire. Maybe as an upgrade or something
I can't tell any of you niggas apart in the lobby, you're all just straight competent
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organo-plasma gun-wielding bugs
>Letting the brap clouds cloud your vision instead of inhaling them
Is this your first tour or something?
>and doesn't need a billion people to be worth it.
We're like +30 people now, that's a fuckhuge clan by today's standards
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After bayonets, they better add melee weapons. And when we'll have melee weapons, they better add a super earth flag. Two handed, that buffs everyone around you. And you can also use it to wack bugs and bots.
some kind of John Carpetner©'s The Thing™/Flood enemy type could be interesting
Then why dont you post more WEBMs? You're robbing the anons who shitpost while working of content.
I was thinking about my own little autistic group of Helldivers.
It does amaze me how competent/hdg/ is at the game. Usually generals are full of shitters but everyone here is better than an army of quickplay randoms.
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the whole sneaky bugs/situational awareness thing is truly solved by divers operating in teams of 4 with mics and hyper-frequent comm radial usage and target-marking to look out for one another. we're not meant to have eyes and ears in the back of our heads. when you get a spores condition on top of a foggy map seed/stinky charger cloud, you're pretty much blind.

especially now with gas and stun being so readily available for crowd control you should always be able to coordinate good decision making and swarm management
it's a pve game
you can't really be bad at it
We clearly haven't played together yet
I just watched a charger climb all the way over one of those kinda tall rock spires to land right on top of a guy on a turret with 0 sound
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>it's a pve game
>you can't really be bad at it
Lol, lmao
Just attach your makeup mirror to your gun, sister, then you can see behind you.
They can't make the explosions too good because otherwise they'd be godly chaff killers. If you want to kill big enemies with them, you have to land the projectile directly on them now.
>teams of 4 with mics
Unfortunately we're in /hdg/
Quickplay into D10 bugs now
You say that, but every time I join quickplay game the team is at single digit reinforcements and barely left the drop zone
I refuse to communicate over voice with these hotmicing retards. The shit I hear over some of these mics leads me to believe that many ps5 players are not human.
post lobby coward
>we're not meant to have eyes and ears in the back of our heads.
and chargers are meant to fucking make noise while walking
You're free to think of me as a friend if you don't mind me being a shitter
Already full ? FUCK
Is there no solution to the nuking nursery glitch where the drill clips too low to the ground? I think it's a cool mission, but it's getting a lot
About a minute while dodging patrols, 3-4 shots each. Only took a single mag.
Can you really not spare 10 bucks ? Because i did the grind (without the mod) back then, and it was purely out of autism. Its not worth it at all if you value your time and if you're able to work an actual job.
>one planet is liberated
>another planet opens up
>it's the *exact* same planet type
c'mon man, I see all kinds of funky-colored planets looking through the map. Let me dive on one of these weird blue or purple jungles, stop giving me fucking desert canyons with fire tornados
bitch nigger stop flaunting your FOMO armor
im going to frag you
You can still buy mister chef armour codes
Not that anon, but I'm dirt poor bro. I can't shell out more money on a game I already paid for. I just wanna say least catch up to one warning, but I've got like 30 SC and nothing but grind left. So I'm interested.
>he doesn't own every single piece of gear in the game
Your account is bricked, you may as well stop playing right now. I bet you don't even have the creek fag cape.
I've yet to see anyone getting banned for like, anything. Could it be straight up cheating, changing files or whatever. The anticheat seems to be there for show and not much else.
cease this inane, post-ironic trannycord turbo-malarkey
understandable. i however simply do not appreciate ptt in a stressful, high APM situation.
you genuinely do not comprehend the sheer oceanic quantity of tacit knowledge you've acquired over the years. there are things you realize, notice, or otherwise know, that some other people simply never develop due to circumstance or environment (or the lack thereof). they are not lesser than you for their shortcomings, it is simply that you are better.
personally I think the problem is the frequency of the noise that chargers do make. it is low and hard to perceive over the other noises of battle
I meant warbond, not warning. I used up all my SC sources way back when and can't really afford anything unless I'm willing to raw grind the rest of the 970 SC.
bros if i just wanna use a machine gun what should my loadout be to deal with armored enemies
engineer armour and thermite nades, railcannon strike, rocket pods, 500KG, any of those should work
Thermites and supply pack. You don't NEED supply pack for machine gun but it feels good to never have to worry about ammo.
Thermites + engineering armor, then your choice of 500kg/OPS/EAT and two chaff clearing stategems of your choice.
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there's no light engineer armor in the cycle for a while is there....
nigga literally setup a lemonade in your front yard for 1 afternoon and just buy all of them, yes you already purchased the game and yes I'm defending live service jewery but you knew what you were getting into when you bought it
Reminder that space stations and vehicles were never a thing and you need to take your meds
>I bet you don't even have the creek fag cape.
despite playing when the creek came back, no, I fucking don't
I'd rather go and tell Arrowhead that people are using the exclusivity of the armor to scam people to guilt trip them into making it available in the superstore or something
Idk why me asking for a way to get SC without paying more is bothering you so much, anon.
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>ballistics/lasers get fire damage
>plasma weapons get the buff to have superheated toxic gas explosions
id be so fucking hyped
Space Stations were actually confirmed ingame once we excavated the plans for them during an MO. I believe that was also the MO where we unearthed the Commando plans?
nta but we can't do that here. My neighbor's nephew got his aunt and her boyfriend arrested for unlawful business practices and serving food without credentials and child endangerment because he was "inadequately supervised". they dropped the last charge but they still got hit with a huge fine from the city and the HOA lmao
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Democratic detonation has one. You don't want to run light armor in this patch anyways. Get yourself a medium engineering armor. Trench engineering is 10 medals and in the starting warbond available to anyone, get it.
They said it'd take time to make the space stations, it's merely a teaser for Helldivers 3
I'm sorry you live wherever you live. I was just trying to find a roundabout way of saying "just buy it lmao"
>Yes I know it's bad but pay them more anyways reeee
Im realizing how we got here as an industry.
>literally victim blaming
if a service is unique, there is no alternative.
If you take supply pack you don't need engi armor. You don't get extra grenades or stims from resupply just because you can carry more.
Yes, i could boycott the game or go firebomb sony HQ but unfortunately i am weak-willed just like the rest of you and will continue playing live-service slop
Victim blaming? Someone asked for an alternative after the mention of a mod for SC and the immediate response was "find the money and pay the goyims".

Calm down lmao. You're not a martyr.
i mean, yeah, but we're still talking about global 90% mission completion rate
it's very difficult to be genuinely bad in hd2
it's uncompareable to pvp generals
Supply pack is gay and boring.
Pretty sure thats just because people play shitty easy difficulties and/or there's at least one normal player to drag their retarded asses to victory.
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This the meta build for D10 bots
Engi armor is also gay and boring. Just like you
It's not even that. I play the game a lot and it's fun. No shame in playing love service slop. It's just when there's defense of the monetization in it. I understand loving Helldivers, but loving the monetization store?
personally i like engineer armor because it lets throw more grenades when i die
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>when i die
What about a resupply gun like the stim pistol but it shoots bullets for teammates??
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>he's a backpack cuck
Couldn't be me
Just use the fucking mod nigga, nobody cares
for some reason this got me thinking about tactical death rearm and, statistically, is medic armor a bad choice on good teams because you live longer and respawn fully armed
lol what
replace autocannon sentry with either 120mm or walking barrage and you're cooking
I guess as long as you also have xbow and thermite and expect the other guys on your team to bombard large bases
i mean okay it's pretty good for messing with trains of zerkers or patrols
i dont get this
sentries just aren't that good compared to real barrages
shut up and buy. you want the game to shut down?
Bugs 10 equals bots 6
Anyone who disagrees is a disgusting bugfucker shitter
bots will never be fun to fight because getting shot at sucks
Yes. The swedish deserve nothing.
Honestly compared to other GAS games that will sell you ONLY a shitty armor for 25€ (Halo/Darktide and probably a dozen more), Helldivers 2 is pretty fucking tame.
Still jewish, yeah, but i'd rather have that than whatever bullshit other games do.
Here's the SC mod for you newfags, original, straight from source, not the crummy reposted /hdg/ pub AIDS-ridden version https://litter.catbox.moe/if5boy.zip
And here's the sample mod https://litter.catbox.moe/9hmz3l.zip
You throw these in the data folder, and you need to rename one of them to patch_1. You can also just use the mod manager which does it for you
It wasn't like this 2 months ago
randoms were more competent on average
If you fully upgrade your ship they can withstand a lot of damage. The autocannon and rocket sentries were stealth buffed but no one has figured it out yet. The biggest problem with bots is when you get swarmed. The sentries provide a distraction and 99% damage uptime compared to other stratagem that constantly miss.
D10 democratic vote
this is a crypto miner, avoid.
>99% damage uptime
until it gets shot by a tank, cannon turret, barrager, rocket chicken, >2-3 rocket dev strikes, or any enemy walks close enough to them for them to turn off and just get meleed to death
your lobby crashed my game
Rocket sentry is top tier
You timed out, verify your files, pozzed man
Don't download this it'll create mustard gas
I'll post it on reddit, thanks.
A mod can't get you SC. That shits authenticated server side.
Fake thread from copeg schizo, ignore
their furniture is pretty good
What happens if you shoot stim pistol at bugs or bots?
it heals it
If you're unwilling to use a girly pink makeup mirror for tactical advantage, then you're not a real man because real men have confidence.
fresh bread
fresh bread

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