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Shaun Spalding edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

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New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
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Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
Shes so beautiful, bros...
Post game
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come home to discord
Toby Fox would have not been able to make Undertale with xir tutorials so in a way xir is responsible for Undertale too
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feedback on my game demo please

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Threadly reminder
Why are game developers so lazy?
Why is she deadnaming herself in her patreon.
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keep moving forward lads
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>/agdg/ getting outpaced by the old boomers and FNF zoomers that still use Newgrounds
Grim state of affairs

name one lazy developer
Woah! What a babe! In this angle you can barely notice the chiseled masculine jawline, forward chin, wideset forehead and male pattern baldness!
y-you too
I visited it but there were no pictures of gravure models
imagine being such a faggot you upload someone elses work here and claim it's your work
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it's been 20 days :(
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Anyone else ever gets super horny at their own games art?
Sometimes i watch my own sex scenes from my game to see if they look good and get hard.
>porn game devs

worse than mobile game devs
is'nt that jared from silicon valley?
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>collab already collapsed for no reason
getting ready for the next influx of newfags 6 months from now asking "why not make a game together?"
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Here’s something different.
probably because most people are hot dogshit at everything, including taste

Only people who don't understand what quality looks like could believe AI is anywhere near replacing any major part of the dev process. The big 3 of code, assets and music are not even close to production ready.

>has paper
>doesn't make a paperdoll replica
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One day the destined tardwrangler shall appear and lead agdg to the promised land
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It makes me wonder how much time this dude spent trying to look for the best possible angle for a selfie that could hide as much as his masculine features as such an angle could hide.
>AI code
this does a lot of lifting. mostly small weights, but often enough. You need to already know how to code a game to get anything good out of it though
I need to study the intricacies of how Kievnauchfilm makes their paper puppets first.
nice adam's apple bro
give up
There are stories of dudes getting beaten and forced to be women in prison. And then there are just dudes who do the most horrifically embarrassing shameful things to themselves.
I'm not clicking a website literally called virus, are you retarded?
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I'm pretty lazy. Haven't gotten to finalizing the art and most of the important game mechanics.
Why do megachads always want to transition while weak chinned men become incels?
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>he implemented my suggestion
So as we all know, the niche but beloved Zachtronics shuttered 2 years ago. There is a void here for Zachtronics-type games. Who's working on such a thing?
>virus spreads calling others pajeet
oh the irony
you just watch it, I'll restore greatness to this filthy place
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This looks nice. Now make it such that the more accurate you are the more points you get.
I learned a lot from that guy. shame he tr00ned out. I think Celeste dev influenced him
whats a zachtrachinc?
>I just learned how to create pages on wikipedia time to scam others heheehe
I am a professional software engineer. I use copilot daily. It has never, ever, helped me solve a real problem. It is just a good autocomplete. It makes easy stuff easier, and doesn't help with hard stuff. That's why it's useless for making a game, and also why it's shilled by beginners. They think the easy beginner stuff it helps them with is just AI being awesome and they don't realize that's pretty much the limit of its capabilities.
If you are making enough stop using copilot and get a plugin that lets you use o1, if copilot is retarded then o1 is the equivalent of an average iq dev, it won't do all the code for you but will actually be useful for mid complexity stuff.
Make appealing characters
Procrastination is the result of fear, not laziness
CoPilot is a piece of shit compared to chatgpt. ChatGPT can actually teach you. But I'm tired of trying to explain simple concepts to retards so that's all I say.
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That doesn’t look like Alice.
>I am a professional retard
I can agree with that actually
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Fuck, I finally got the stuttering solved. It turns out navigation can be multithreaded to avoid freezing the main game loop. It doesn't solve the problem of the navigation server locking up for 300 milliseconds when you query an unreachable place, but at least the player wont notice it.

It still makes me nervous though, multi threading in godot is not reliable, especially with the workerthreadpool. Setting too many group tasks causes the threadpool to glitch out and return the task completed with an empty result, individual tasks seem to be working for now in an empty level, but I'm worried they'll break in a busy scene.

Now I can focus on fixing their logic so they don't look like robots. Also the loading and unloading of the agents, for now they simply pause in whatever state they were in if they get too far from the camera and unpause when the camera gets closer, need to have some simplified behavior so it doesn't look like they were in suspended animation when the player wasn't looking.
Anon why are you using source?
copilot is not good, claude though...
Another disgusting OP by the Eric schizo from /sdvg/
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Holy shit gamedev makes me so horny.
I just tried playtesting my game and i nutted.
procrastination is the result of not having vision
>t. blind
procrastination is the result of dopamine imbalance, if you do it too much you have adhd
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Good morning, lolidevs.
When you know how to program and you know your language/libraries, the hard stuff is "when these 6 systems interact via spaghetti middleware, a variable is getting a stale value somehow." It's not shit like "this function doesn't return what I want". LLMs simply can't help with the former thing because it requires reasoning.
Also copilot is much better than GPT4 at code prompts. I don't know about other models, but they still won't be able to reason.
bocchi the reddit tranny (women dont have no dicks nigga)
Give her a big futa bulge with a precum stain at the tip
good devs don't need to be taught. the only use case for code AI is to help beginners reach a basic pajeet level of competency
gpt4 is prehistoric at this point
Sorry, but the interview's not coming out. I accidently gave away some information about HC that the public isn't ready to hear yet. Felix obviously heard it during the interview, so he had to be silenced. I hope you can understand.
interesting opinion, post game so we can verify your power level
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>women dont have no dicks nigga
How come i have one then?
Holy shit, you could cut glass with that chin. HOLY SHIT!
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>so he had to be silenced.
futas arent girls, you are a futa
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Source wishes it was this jank.
My game is not ready for posting. But a large company pays me $240k USD to write code for them :)
Ok retard.
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Indiedev -> AGP sissy coomer pipeline is real
per 60 years?
Good morning Eric-sama. Hope you have a peaceful and productive day.
First, let's write out the word: strawberry
Now, let's go through each letter, keeping a count of the Rs:
s - not an R
t - not an R
r - this is our first R, count is 1
a - not an R
w - not an R
b - not an R
e - not an R
r - this is our second R, count is now 2
r - this is our third R, count is now 3
y - not an R
Final count: There are 3 Rs in "strawberry".

Therefore, the word "strawberry" contains 3 Rs.
Lmfao and what has replaced it.
the fuck is that then
Why not use BS::thread_pool instead? It's rock solid.
who's gonna tell her >>495551296
How do I use that?
aayyyyyyyyyyy caramba!
ai slop
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Remember to put fake looking screens in your game, to give it a "professional" feel.
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should have known that jews were behind the unity scandal thing
post example
we're all in this together (except the crabs)

Thanks. I had the thought to add little targets you could hit with the ball, and thought that would clash with an accuracy bonus, but maybe both could work.
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>Indiedev -> AGP sissy coomer pipeline is real
What is that, C++?

I'll have to learn at some point, but I'm having enough trouble keeping track of shit in gdscript.

I wish there was a language that was halfway between visual scripting and pure text programming. Let me write my own code in nodes and string them together to see the flow of logic.
>some information about HC that the public isn't ready to hear yet.
this sounds ominous
If you need an AI to write code for you, how will you be able to spot the parts that are incorrect? How will you be able to reason about their interworkings when something goes wrong?
post game or you are a nodev
>how will you be able to spot the parts that are incorrect?

because it won't do what i told it to do

>How will you be able to reason about their interworkings when something goes wrong?

copy and paste the code back into the text box, then copy and paste the error logs and it tries to fix it
I procrastinate a lot and I have a gdd/lore document longer than the Silmarillion
If you need a calculator to calculate for you, how will you be able to spot the wrong calculations?
Holy shit just learn to code you fucking dumbasses. You're writing a SOFTWARE PROGRAM and you don't think you should have some SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING SKILLS? Sit down, take your Adderall and study C# or something for 2 weeks. God knows you people will shit up the thread with beginner questions for more time than that in the next year of spinning your wheels.
Calculators don't make mistakes. "AI" makes a mistake every other line of code. You don't notice because you're unskilled.
>copy and paste the code back into the text box, then copy and paste the error logs and it tries to fix it
this has worked for me, but sometimes you have to do it a lot and hit the rate limit without solving it all.
Eating cake while I dev.
I'm gmi.
>but sometimes you have to do it a lot and hit the rate limit without solving it all.

take the code and put it into another AI
it's not, you are just closeted gay
>programmin engine
>one day of devvin passes
>notice fps has dropped from 10k to 1200
>cant find issue
>another day of devvin
>fps is now 200-500
i fear my own incompetence.. there's barely anything on the screen yet...
>Calculators don't make mistakes. "AI" makes a mistake every other line of code. You don't notice because you're unskilled.
you have to have the lifestyle he had when making braid, not when making sokoban
yeah I do that too lol. claude to chatgpt, and failing that go to lmarena.ai
you're looping somewhere
are you poor?
He's right though, at least with the first sentence.
No. I'm a penny pinching jew.
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>_enter_tree is first called when the node is added to the tree
>not when it's instantiated
>mfw creating a buff system in like an hour
holy fuck I need to rework my state machine into nodes
why was it ever so hard to begin with
*and even paid accounts get rate limits. it's bullshit
I already knew the full Deltarune experience would be mid considering the expectations but this is just sad
marnix hates me
EVERYTHING is a loop anon
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

When making a new unity project it asks me for my "organization", it's actually an already filled field I cannot change, the data must be from when I made an account, can't remember.
The name of the "organization" doesn't seem to be in the project settings at all, I can't find it or change it.
Question: will it appear anywhere in the final project? The name is kinda embarrassing
you have _init if you need it when its instantiated
can you niggers stop posting shit I only see in my worst fever dreams
you mean hitting up the clubs and picking up 3/10 chubby sluts with your improvisational dance skills?
that's because you said he should kill himself
for those of you familiarized with the left wing "everything must never be offensive" crowd in real life, is naming a jewish kingdom "secret kingdom" and making them have land ownership over the israel/palestine area going to get me turbo ass fucked cancelled to the shadow realm?
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I use that when creating the buff, but _enter_tree basically replaces the need for any sort of enter() function like in a state which I felt was my big discovery.
I just realized I might have had gay relationship in high school
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That's cause a node doesn't do anything when it's outside the tree, just takes up memory.

I wish there was an indepth explanation of how exactly the fuck godot works, it runs off servers, but they're all in a single thread, but for some of them you can call functions from other threads, and it will do the work without blocking the main thread somehow. But then in the main thread you can call functions from anywhere and they will work, but the engine 'switches context' to make it work and kills the performance of the main thread. Like shit either make it work fully parallel or fully synchronous, don't do this half half shit without any explanations of what's going on under the hood.
we know
4chan is shitting itself for me right now so the webm isn't loading, just tell me what horror beyond human comprehension or something that it's supposed to be
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5 days non stop composing music.
I finally reached a point where I feel I finally can make something that is close to real music for a game.

There was a jock who'd jokingly slap my ass in the hallways and because I didn't want him to walk over me I'd start slapping his ass too. he started calling me weird joking pet names, and I again started doing the same to him, he talked about a lot of sexual stuff and innuendos. he even kissed me a few times. I didn't think about how fucking gay it was, at the time I thought he was just joking/bullying me
Why do you care what people who don't buy videogames say? The entire leftist project of the last 50+ years has been to collectively exercise soft power over industries and institutions they DON'T HAVE ANY INTEREST IN. This is why every leftist media project bombs like hell, lefties ARE NOT GOING TO BUY YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU CATER TO THEM, YOU ARE JUST BEING A LOUDSPEAKER FOR UNPOPULAR IDEAS FOR FREE BECAUSE YOU'RE A COWARD.
>saar i must do propaganda for mr goldbergstein to own the libs!!! btw i am trans
relax rajesh
>emotional song NES
What part of this "level 1 town in an rpg" sounding ass song is supposed to be "emotional"
Why are you posting your tranny schizo babble here? Did you get banned from veddit? No one cares we're just amateur gamedevs, go start a grifter youtube channel or something madam.
nah man, they have the lost tribes of Israel, it's baked in.
Yeah NTA but when I first started trying to learn Godot figuring out how to make a state machine work with the way nodes work made me want to kill myself. I still don't understand what part of node structure is supposed to make the engine MORE intuitive; there are a trillion resources on how to do shit in a normal data structure and approximately 0 on how to deal with Godot jank.
the chords are emotional.
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What the hell does any of that even mean?
Nick Fuentes was right.
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I don't have a game (yet), but I have an image for a game in my mind. Just a simple walk left beat-em-up. Would it be a mistake to start making sprites and test animations now before I've started doing anything in engine? I just can't get myself excited for this project before I have something to look at, but I also know there's some resolution scaling issues with sprites that I don't fully understand but could cause me issues later down the road and force me to remake everything.
ya, well, whose the retard who chose to use Godot.
>posting is incredibly slow right now
>half the time captcha throws an error instead of loading
>make project
>release project to public
>if even one person plays it and is pro-palestine or some other gay shit, see's jews own entire area, public humiliation ritual begins
>if even one person is pro-israel, see's israel is called "secret kingdom" and screams antisemitism, public humiliation ritual begins
>one popular person is particularly offended, makes video inciting hate mob
>#cancelYourGameName #cancelYourUsername starts trending, #dontbuyYourGameName #banYourUsername
>you want to make more games
>your games are DOA forever, so it doesn't matter
>if your account has your face on it, and you try to get a job in the future, showing your game as part of your resume, you're fucked
>some people are so slimy as to contact your family, and either way, if they're political, they'll be angry depending on which side they sit

magic game, kabbalah magic, do magic with kabbalah in magic game, retard

imma be honest chief, I don't give two shits about anything going on over there unless it has to do with kabbalah
>answer this politics question

Is there a reason you're going for a scratchy, shitty NES sound? It really limits what you can do, basic bitch synths can only make convincing music with a lot of layering or through using very selective note ranges.
Just use samples, all the rules stay the same but your shit will sound like actual MUSIC.
>I don't have a game (yet), but I have an image for a game in my mind.
it's a real life yokai caught on video
I wanted to make a modern NES chiptune using LMMS and shit like reverb, lmao.
is this cris? you're insane
>public humiliation ritual
The people who pay attention to these or care about them at all were not going to pay for your product, regardless. This is why lefties cancel SUCCESSFUL projects and people by going after their advertisers and banks, because they know they have no real influence on people who are already invested consumers in whatever project or medium or personality.
>oh no some jobless spiteful faggot on twitter isn't going to play my game (which Xe wasn't going to buy anyways)! Better let the left control my entire life and browbeat me into ideological submission!
Don't get me wrong, if you don't have the charisma to sell yourself as a controversial figure this may actually be a problem for you but the solution is to have some charisma and stand by your creations on the ground that the INTENDED audience is all that matters.
no, I'm a different schizophrenic autist, very very new to game dev, but have over 10 years experience making art (no ai), ~5 years writing scripts and making art for graphic novels/stories (never felt as good as the possibility of making a game instead), and only about a week learning c++,~ 4 days total using blender, and ~4 days using unreal.
if that's what it takes, then sure
Jeez, even I think that jawline is too manly.
nodes are instances of a class
Have you considered using more pleasing instruments/tones? this is quite harsh on my ears.

What did Nintendo mean by this?
please respond
not helpful
Working as intended.
Fuck innovation, fuck you.
the real question is why he isn't
again, I don't care about them PLAYING my game, I care about them, like pokemon fans with palworld, immediately jumping to the defensive based off of a screenshot with an enlarged israel/palestine named "sod mamlakah" (secret kingdom), paired with people in traditional jewish garb in sod mamlakah, and going "RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE RACIST!!! GENOCIDE SUPPORTER!!!! ANTISEMITE!!!! MURDERER!!!!!", even though, a short ways to the west is a collection of 3 countries that are muslim (folk islam is interesting) named "cradle of the jinn"
stealing this
There's no problem starting with art but you do need to get to actually making the game at some point. I wouldn't recommend finalizing any assets until you know how they're gonna function in the game.
Any particular you're doing 2D? Are you an experienced or capable 2D artist?
There is no bigger humiliation ritual than making a pozzed pro ZOG shart thoughtbeit.
I actually don't understand how other engines can work without a node structure; computers are synchronous machines and so the pieces of the software must run in a serialized manner to have predictable results. A node structure is just that serialization in a visual format so you can determine which pieces of your game run in what order. The only conclusion I can come to is that all engines use a tree structure under the hood and just hide it from the programmer.

Take the case of there being two objects with their own scripts, one object moves on it's own, the second object follows the first object. If the order of these scripts get messed up then the second object will update it's position first using the 'current' position of the first object and then the first object will move. The two objects will appear to go out of sync. How do other game engines handle this without a tree structure?
Basically all I want to make is a character walk cycle. I'm doing 2D because I have no 3D modeling experience, and I'd rather not have to learn both programming AND modeling (and rigging and animating and texturing) from scratch as I'm making my game. I have some experience with 2D animation from when I was younger and posted on Newgrounds and I like to draw. That's about it.
>they hired a veteran programmer who understands all the ins and outs of the engine
>oh the horror!
Okay, anon, how does people WHO WILL NEVER BUY YOUR GAME screeching to other people WHO WILL NEVER BUY YOUR GAME actually affect you or your game's bottom line? And what high stakes are you risking even if you do become minorly controversial for 5 minutes on twitter?
You're looking for a reason to justify not even making the game in the first place. Make the fucking game.
yeah, I wanted to make a chiptune thought.
don't let your teacher hear you using words that are banned in class
>register llc
>buy enterprise plan
>pay 0.00005 per chat
Nodes are easy though? They’re all objects. The mildly confusing thing is knowing which nodes have which functions because sometimes a canvas node won’t have the same function a node2D has even though it would make sense.
ECS is meant for games, anon. Really no better way. For UI though will build something more classically object orientated
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.... do you know how reviews, fake or not, will effect the products that show up on amazon? what about on steam? what about on any service that has a rating system? do you regularly see <4.5 star movies on rotten tomatoes? 4.5 stars. four point five stars and you will rarely see it, any less, and you have to purposely seek it out.

I don't care who or how many people play my game, but if anyone's going to play it, I don't want it to drop below 4.5 stars. is that fucking hard to understand? we're in the general of people who either want to and expect to make it, or cope and say they're doing a fun little hobby, and you're wondering why I want to make it?
>walk left beat-em-up
What the hell is wrong with you
I dunno >///<
>understand how other engines can work without a node structure
Threading. Also, you do understand code is executed, literally, top-to-bottom as written right? It doesn't flash the entire code and try to do everything at the same time, yeah? So serialization occurs inherently, and we use threading to break up that serialization into multiple sets of concurrent serial instructions that different bits of the computer can do at the same time.

Okay, if you have at least basic 2D animation knowledge then 2D is fine. 3D is insanely easy to learn for the rudimentary animation uses you're looking for, though, and its a common noob trap for non-artists to just go for 2D because they assume 3D is even more complex - and then their game just looks like shit because they drew everything badly by hand and the computer isn't being used to do the heavy visual lifting.
Don't be afraid to pick up 3D and try to translate your 2D work into 3D later down the line if/when your own traditional art abilities start limiting you.
There’s no way Spalding is that smart. Where are the amazing games then?
oh also

>"maybe I should remove israel/palestine"
>You're looking for a reason to justify not even making the game in the first place. Make the fucking game.
???? holy shit dude "remove israel/palestine" /= give up on making game
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Back in the early days of /agdg/ one dev made a game about a school shooter to shock the left, it didn't end well for him. Your idea is even worse since israel is unpopular among all demographics for people under 30, that could work for something centered around feminism/immigration or anything that makes only left leaning players seethe. Or you could just make a game you want to make instead of this cringe garbage.
You don’t even make games. Don’t talk of what you don’t know and simply heard from a youtube video. I spit on you.
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Amazing, but why does she have only one boob?
im not in the mood to make games anymore... i think i quit.

>What is that, C++?
Of course.
Okay, maybe I'll try to into 3D after I've finished a small 2D game just to prove to myself that I have the discipline to go through with it.
Do you think anybody is trawling the fucking hundreds of indie game submissions on Steam to look for review bomb targets? Most of those games are reviewed badly anyways since they're dogshit asset flips but the devs still make money and people who don't play videogames... don't fucking play them! Who knew?
Like why are you so obsessed with an arbitrary score on a distribution platform? Actual AAA games with huge budgets and tons at stake get reviewbombed and boycotted by miserable Leftards all the time and plenty of those still make boatloads of money, look at Hogwarts Legacy. What do you think review scores actually mean when everyone knows the people expressing opinions on games aren't the same audience as the people buying and playing them?
chiptunes don't have to be harsh. it's mainly the pitch of the long notes.
I forgot to double check on my PC speakers when exporting, lol.

It's an issue of me listening to a single type of speakers.
Someone already psychologically priming themselves to give up on a piece of content because scary tumblr refugees might say mean things is not going to finish an actual game.
pretty much exactly my thought, even if it's there because kabbalah is a magic form and you need to go somewhere to learn it, jews were nomadic in the time period of the game, and having romani (again, because magic) and jews be 2 nomadic tribes you can learn magic from... seems a lot more fine than making people freak out over modern politics because I didn't sanction the area properly to modern standards
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>tfw want to listen to the new masterpiece but youtube is broken again
I renewed my chatgpt subscription. God it is so fucking awful. I remember why I canceled it. It has negative productivity. It's so fucking stupid and absolutely useless
>was supposed to aggydaggy all weekend
>have multiple college papers, an exam, and a career fair to prep for
Ughh at least I got to fuck around for a bit in Blender
Is Claude better?
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Just drop out of college, dummy.
>do you think vinesauce vinny is not going to randomly play your game on a "steam speen stream"?
no, I'm not confident that won't happen.
>do you think sub 5m subscriber youtubers won't play your game hoping it'll be their big break into fame and fortune
no, I'm not confident that wont happen

still, there's a chance it won't, but in the meantime, as long as I'm constantly getting recommended vinesauce vinny - skibidi toilet fart - steam speen stream, I'll assume if I make any wrong moves, at some point someone with a following always has the chance of making a let's play, it getting a bump in players, screenshots being posted somewhere, and people freaking the fuck out because a character in a location said "shalom" instead of "mashallah"
I dropped out of high school (13 years ago)
yeah, because crumpling up a piece of paper with a map on it == giving up on my game. it's a question, not a profession of how guilty I feel making a game at all and how evil I am for having thoughts of devving.
>code is executed, literally, top-to-bottom as written right?

In a single script yeah, but you have multiple things in a game running their own code, how do you determine which one runs first without a scene tree?
A good majority of you all are pathetic. I need not name the people who are not pathetic, for they already know who they are.
I think so
why do you put people down to make yourself feel bigger
you're my rolemodel mr 'goon
Have you seen his game? He pretty much has to
Okay congrats on being delusionally terrified of internet goblins? I still don't know what you think happens when Le Funny Internet Man brings your game to a wider audience and some of them - who do not play or buy videogames - screech about it on twitter.
Are you legitimately afraid of being bullied over an indie project so hard that it will physically/mentally affect you? Because if so I think you have some psychological issues you need to worry about first and then worry about the controversy of your hypothetical videogame second. I won't pretend people haven't been bullied into KYSing themselves by internet mobs, but those people are usually already psychologically primed to do so long before they become controversial.
right, I'm using reference headphones
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literally 4 years i dont post here, came to check on the general idea of using AI to do art and code. Since my job is literally ask chat gpt to write code this days. Pic related, 5 minutes warrior model. texture is shit, i dont know about topology tho ...
You have fucking calls, dude. Calls within scripts that are being called FORM your tree, Godot just (badly, imho) visualizes this for you.
>being a great programmer =/= being a great game designer
toby fox is calling the shots. "I want you to program this and that" and (s)he can do it better than most(at least in gamemaker, the engine they use). it's not like (s)he was hired to be a creative director
What is your game
get on my level
>i don't know about topology
We know you don't, which is why you think AI output obviates the need for a real 3D asset artist.
Throw a couple dozen of that file into a game engine and see how it runs. Better yet try to animate it.

That's not me, the guy in college, btw.
My renderer just batches similar draw calls into one (by pipeline)
go ahead, say you support x or y side in a conflict, ukraine on twitter, russia on instagram/whatever the other side uses
yeah, sure, because you barely have followers or anything to your name, it'll just be people calling you names and using your posts/pics as "gotcha"s, but as soon as you release anything, that post is going to be used to defend "why you shouldn't play this", look at hogwarts legacy, not necessarily the best example, but without a doubt they would've made more money had jk rowling not been attached to the franchise.

I think the only thing that made up for that fact was that they included the trans bartender.
This is the way.
lel, i think i get the feel about it. still shit huh ? any progress in 2d sprite art?
Spare me from your hypocrisies. You all seem to forget that you were the ones who instigate these wars.
You're one of the last people who should be saying stuff like this lol
sorry cris, sounds a bit procedural. the bassline dosen't fit
So that's what I'm saying, all game engines use trees under the hood.

The only difference with godot is that a script HAS to be attached to a node to run if it's not an auto load.
nodes annoy me because you can barely make any assumptions about them. a lot of code is just asking questions about nodes, which is onerous, janky, and far from free at run-time. it's also not type-safe in the case of queries about methods; just because a node has a method named "dongs" doesn't mean it takes the arguments you expect.
Okay, anon, nobody is arguing that twitter screechoids don't exist. I'm still unclear on the logic of "twitter screechoids will say bad things, therefore I can't make content I want to make"
How do you foresee twitter screechers impacting you, realistically speaking?
>hogwarts legacy would have made more money without JK Rowling
The franchise wouldn't EXIST without JK Rowling, dumbass. Making SOMETHING that makes SOME MONEY is always better than making NOTHING and guaranteeing it makes NO MONEY. And if you try to optimize what you do make around the values and ideas of people that don't contribute to making you money (and only contribute to losing you money) then you're just ignoring your actual audience.
>You all seem to forget that you were the ones who instigate these wars.
What the hell are you talking about, autist?
Just because your game sucks doesn't mean you have to spam all the site, it's not only /agdg/
dios mio...la abominacion del artificial intelligencia...
Mine doesn't use any tree structures. Virtually every collection of objects is either stored as an ordered map (in the simulation, and yes, a hash map is faster, but I'm paranoid about deterministic order which is going to be relevant some day when multiplayer's added), a vector (in the renderer) or a hash map (everywhere else).
ECS just seems to be the idea that every field of an entity should be a handle to some data that lives elsewhere, accessed through explicit queries. I don't see how this can do anything but harm productivity.
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this was a test from the other day. it's surprisingly good in some ways, all that depth, including the back from one front-on image. but models are still like playdoh. Maybe next year...
>a script HAS to be attached to a node to run if it's not an auto load

I stand corrected, apparently scripts in godot can be loaded and run through code only.

>var MyClass = load("res://my_class.gd")
>var a = MyClass.new()

I'm going to have to rethink my state machine.
i gess /agdg/ are non believers in AI art. the model can be animated, the mesh kind of works, the texture is shit for the most part.


well seems like free placeholders.
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I'm having an existential crisis with my game, bros.
It was originally inspired by this fake Serial Killer Roguelike, except I wanted to invert the scenario and make PC an occult investigator, trying to unmask the dynamic monster/entity (which is randomly picked every game to keep the mystery exciting) before it kills you. Basically trying to make a Mystery Roguelike instead of Dungeon Crawling.
I decided to use Unreal Engine so the game could also be used as a portfolio piece, went for Genshin level of graphics, made a 0.1 playable demo with 1 interior level, simple clue-based dialogue system and a mystery of "who broke the coffee machine" and realized that the resulting gameplay is just sooo boring. And getting all assets on Genshin-level fidelity for the first project takes too much time.
Anyone else here with a similar experience?

Same. It can be useful as a more advanced Google search for small scripts/to remind you the syntax, but for example the writing/character ideas it suggests are completely soulless and repetitive.
*oh and no progress on sprite art, still the same as ever. (the 2d art in pic rel was from a capcom dnd game)
>you make indie game
>maybe it gets popular, maybe it stays unknown
>if it gets popular, the controversial thing gets you cancelled
>you make another and another indie game
>one of them gets popular, the big break
>maybe these other games have nothing controversial, but hate mob discovers controversial topic in old game and cancels you
>congrats, boogie5844 (or whatever his username is), onision, and (almost) vinny.
>no going back, because pretty clearly you did that, you made that, and even if you remove the game, the screenshots still exist

only chance is a notch situation (except he did it with his posts instead of in his games), where you just abandon and sell your most popular game and double down on saying controversial things without risk of your games losing money (because someone else owns it)
>well seems like free placeholders.
basically yeah.
can AI trannies just die and stop posting in this thread?
Right so the model needs to be reworked by an actual experienced human, assuming you don't want to load your game up with lazy dogshit.
So you still need a 3D artist, or to get those skills yourself. What exactly is the AI accomplishing, then? Maaaybe making the concept/test phase a little faster? But even that is going to collapse at scale since the AI will start hallucinating and require handholding.
I find it really productive. You can have a "god struct" too, if you want. Once you have a good foundation in place, it's so easy and quick to prototype new component configurations and behavior.
Sounds like a gdshart issue. Use a real language
I don't know if it would harm productivity but it's obviously very unfriendly for cache access which is probably why Unity's ditching it in favour of DOTS.
>>hogwarts legacy would have made more money without JK Rowling
>The franchise wouldn't EXIST without JK Rowling, dumbass
the GAME, the singular game would still exist without jk rowling taking a part in it's creation in the form of story telling. people didn't like that it meant more money in jk rowlings pockets.
post some progress to counter it
Oh so you think being 'cancelled' by terminally online autists is some kind of black mark on your soul that impacts you in the real world forever afterwards.
Has anyone ever told you to fucking touch grass, dude? You cannot be in a mentally healthy place and believe this. Normal people don't give a fuck what happens on twitter, you'll be controversial for 15 minutes and them nobody will care.
Predict the next /agdg/ hit.
I’ll start: Kyubu Kyubu Dice
no lol
Name one game where the woke twitter mob getting upset led to actual gamers not playing the game.

If anything controversy is just free publicity and gets you sales from people who want to support you even if the game itself is crap (see: Hatred).
>the GAME, the singular game would still exist without jk rowling taking a part in it's creation in the form of story telling.
No it wouldn't, assuming JK Rowling exists and creates the franchise she's not just going to give up ownership of it so other people can make money off of it. Even if that theoretical scenario does make more money, it wasn't an option for WB or whoever so they had to bring her on and just eat the controversy. And it worked!
You're spiraling into delusional nonsense that doesn't matter at this point.
this is silly

isn't locality of reference an ECS selling point?
Played baldur's gate 3 and now i'm demoralized, I will never make a game a tenth as good so why bother
> ECS only starts to make sense when you are big enough to have multiple teams, with one team building the engine and the other using the engine to make the game; or you are an engine company and your customer makes the game. If that is not your situation, do not rathole. https://twitter.com/Jonathan_Blow/status/1427358365357789199
You won’t with that loser ass attitude.
3d AI gen has not been remotely viable until this year. It's akin to dalle1. I can see it being useful without editing a year from now. I imagine LORA style training on specific game's full suite of models will happen.
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Why is the thread so bad today
>you make online media (video games)
>why are you afraid of your online presence being permanently tarnished without forging a fake second identity starting from zero again or waiting many years for everyone to forget as your account lays dormant and loses 80% of its following, the remaining 20% not even knowing they're following you in the first place?
idk nigga, probably because I have to put my game ONLINE for anyone to play it?

>touch grass
oh, is that where all the purchases and downloads come from? for fucks sake.

hogwarts legacy, though, after a while, the people who would've played it started playing it anyway. school shooter game (mentioned here >>495558293)

Warner bros owns the harry potter franchise, she already gave up ownership of it.
>get called out that AI doesn't accomplish anything for a development workflow
every single goddamn time
Fez 2
> Because it is far more complicated, thus takes far more work, than what you actually need to do. That work has a large opportunity cost. https://twitter.com/Jonathan_Blow/status/1427378984145154048

To me this has more nuance than, “you ain't gonna need it”. I don't think “concrete implementations” would do all that much to strengthen his argument that unnecessary complexity gets in the way of shipping for indie devs:

> Even 10% friction more than I ever had would have killed me. I wouldn't have been able to make the things I had. Even 5% more friction would have been really bad. https://youtu.be/4t1K66dMhWk?t=3635


> I have, several times, built games where I barely managed to finish. … I've just experienced that too many times to increase friction. I need to decrease friction. https://youtu.be/4t1K66dMhWk?t=3072

And again, in relation to entities rather than Rust's borrow checker:

> If you are trying to focus on the way your entities are set up, you are mis-directing your effort and that's going to make it harder. Try to solve the problem that makes your game interesting. What is it about the gameplay that makes it interesting … that users can see? Focus on that, solve those problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7W3xM2tzRA

On what he uses instead of ECS/components in his engines:

> One struct per entity type, with a base struct that is common to all of them.
Hogwarts Legacy got way more free marketing and sales from the fake controversy around Rowling than it would have without.
I'm not an AI fan, I'd rather it went away, but it's still fascinating. I'm just commenting on what I think will happen based on past events and experiments with the tech.
you are typing nonsense bro. seems like a desperate artist on a suicide watch. lemme help you lil artist : Models can colapse if they are trained in generated models. that is why chat gpt 4 will not generate content for chat gpt5. the output is necessarely smaller than the input, and if it is not enough the model will be shit. therefore be happy to be an artist and fear not. it will never replace you it will only make your job easyer by 70%.
>online presence being permanently tarnished without forging a fake second identity starting from zero again or waiting many years for everyone to forget as your account lays dormant and loses 80% of its following, the remaining 20% not even knowing they're following you in the first place?
Yeah see you're paranoid about batshit insane nonsense

>Warner bros owns the harry potter franchise, she already gave up ownership of it.
But they couldn't scrub her from the fucking history books now could they? This should illustrate my point for you - you CAN'T excise yourself from ownership of what you make, nor can you insulate yourself from some retarded twitter screecher deciding to take offense at any arbitrary thing. You could publish an entirely inoffensive game and then next week it turns out that now using the color green is high fucking bigotry, and you're fucked. If you let that kind of social tyranny impact your decisionmaking you have given your autonomy up to people that hate you, and can start hating you for any arbitrary reason at any time.
>I can't make a game because mean people will yell at me
New level of nodev cope
hey anon
hey gamedev anon
why doesnt your game have multiplayer
do you only target lonesome NEET gamers, anon?
who's gonna recommend this game, anon?
do you not know what it's like to play with friends, anon?
im not smart enough to make a multiplayer game..
... no, or if it is then the people selling it are snake oil salesmen. Any generic system will never be cache friendly except by accident; your structs should be written and stored in a way that optimizes the ability to get as much soon-to-be-used data into the L1 cache as possible. So you need to also be aware of how specifically a given struct will be accessed by the engine's functions.
LLMs don't only collapse from eating their own shit, they also constantly fail because of the inadequacies and biases present in their training data, and because there is an inherent lexical gap in what humans request of the LLM and what humans intend to recieve from the output. This is why humans program in human language which is then programmatically turned into machine code. Even if we developed LLMs that use code-like human-machine interface, that just creates an entire further specialized skill needed to use the LLM and it will still hallucinate and arbitrarily misinterpret things.
anon, do you know how long the israeli-palestine conflict has been going on? It's practically always been a controversial topic. it'd be a smarter move to not have a location based on the real world location even back in the 90's, and it'll probably still be controversial in another 40 years
I made a multiplayer game but I couldn't fix the jitter.
Based, I agree.
Playing with friends has to be one of the biggest memes I’ve ever heard. You watch these “people” “play” and wonder if they even have self awareness. I will make single player games and you will like them.
there is a philosofical problem to multiplayer games : people are shit. the less the better.

there is also a tech problem also : software achitecture can be an ass if you want to deal with multiple users.
hit a nerve because you don't have friends to play with, anon?
envious of the socially capable, anon?
I played bg3 alone and with 3 friends. Alone was so much more fun
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Isn't funny how agdg keep talking shit when they seen my art, writing or music.

But somehow when you mix every element I make, like somehow they complement each other and the result is like if each one multiplied the end result of the other skills?

Like my results go from mediocre, to somehow really advanced because now my skills work finally as a team?

I do feel nobody on agdg can even understand that.

they only critique individual elements, not when they work as a team.
Relax on the projection there.
You're really grasping for straws at this point. I didn't realize fucking Total War and EUIV and Crusader Kings were hyper-cancelled because they feature a region of the world that's historically been prone to warfare.
>Isn't funny [schizobabble]
Multiplayer's a stretch goal but I am keeping the engine's architecture designed in a way that'll make it relatively painless to integrate. I don't want to fall into the trap Paradox ran into where they ended up having to chase down a million sync errors.
Okay post game
bro it does not happen that much, and when it does the code shows errors, and we also check the code witch makes it ok. That with AI generated unit tests and human tests makes it fine. :D Code generated is not even a question to me we all use it at work. Art still is a problem as we can see.RHD4s
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hard hitting trash collection gameplay
do any of them name the areas "bad people area", "shadow government land", or "these guy's literally run the world", do they make that area seem like one of the sides owns it, or has 100% control of that area?

well, "secret kingdom", 100% jewish, is up that alley.
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Networking is broken because it was never meant to scale this much. The internet needs to be rebuilt.
Two more weeks, we will all be living in the matrix in two more weeks!
In the 1950s they said the same thing about flying cars btw.
anon dont you know automatic garbage collection lowers your FPS!
Riveting gameplay.
what if you randomly get attacked by bears or racoons
You all use it at work and you are an ESL retard. Coincidence?
impressive. post more stuff, animation mabe ?
Several of the most popular mods for those styles of games do absolutely do that. I don't know of anyone from the 4X/map painter community being sent to fucking siberia for making intentionally horrifically racist mods and content for their game.
You have a really weird fixation with the idea that everyone on the internet is going to suddenly and spontaneously look at you if/when you publish something. Do you suffer social anxiety or generalized anxiety by any chance?
aggydaggers truly are the niggers of the gamedev.

If you actually gave a care for your fellow man and listened to and supported each other you would be a lot more successful
HoI4 correctly portrays a clean Wehrmacht (and a clean Waffen-SS).
some people are beyond help.
No I think the problem is that we don't ignore each other enough

Here's my animation progress over 10 years.
Get this bullshit tolerance crap off my board. Everyone here is an amateur that sucks at most of what they do, and even worse, suffer from the retarded notion that their own bad ideas are secretly genius.
I tell people on aggydaggy that they're goddamn idiots to try and save them from themselves, and I wish all my fellow anons were so kind
>inb4 crab
No I want all of you to make it, but you're NGMI if you produce unapologetic garbage and refuse to acknowledge flaws.
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i believe in you anon
your game will be amazing
If I wanted positivity and sweetness I wouldn't be seeking it on the internet. I want random people who do not know me to tell me when my jank ass shitfuck attempt at making a game looks like ass so I can fix it.
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Cool roguelike, I hadn't heard of it before.

I'm skeptical that any amount of real experience will actually help you get a job. You'd be better off practicing your dick sucking skills and marrying middle management's daughters.

Yea it sounds like the mystery gameplay could become very flowcharty once you figure out how the systems work. Which would be bad for a "replayable" rougelike.

It sounds similar to that Shadows of Doubt game. While very successful and unique, I think the gameplay and mystery solving elements become boring fast.

I don't like 3d graphics for turn based roguelikes, things get in the way of eachother, assets are more expensive, and it can't run well on low end machines.
The majority of people posting in here are genuinely low IQ. The left side of the bell curve. You can't have productive conversations with them. At least I can't. (145 IQ)
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I should be able to finish in two weeks.
No I think the problem is that when you see a fellow man in trouble you immediately assume he's the same lowlife scum pathetic bitter loser like yourself and decide he deserves nothing because mommy and daddy never loved you and your schoolmates laughed at you for wearing the same khakis for 6 grades straight
not all of us are worthless cumstains like (You)
>thing that's fan made does it
.... great point, but that's not the fucking game. I know, shocking, fan made content isn't official content.

I do have GAD, but you can go ahead and blame it on my schizoaffective bipolar too. what difference does it make, it's all the bulverism/genetic fallacy.

>do bad thing
>consequences happen
"uh erm no, that's not how it works, you're mentally ill"
sure. I guess, but I'm still not going to do controversial thing.

>game about war has nazi controlled germany
>he thinks this is a modern issue that will get you cancelled instad of a historical accuracy that is no longer going on
yeah, was it released between 1920 and 1950? no? then it's a historical reenactment. israeli-palestine is a controversial sensitive subject that is going on right now.
2014 is best. wouldn't you agree? was 3d a mistake?
good morning kannadev
>(145 IQ)
Okay this got a laugh out of me, good shitpost going in my kek collection. Need to start putting something like this in all my correspondence (186 IQ).
for a first game maker game it looks aight
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nice of him to make an appearance again
there's a reason why pure 2D is dead, even in japan anime.
cool stuff.
Archtower shilling post.
skill issue
yoooo now THIS is a game!
Those farm sim nerds ain't got nothing on this!
>I know, shocking, fan made content isn't official content.
Anon what do you think is the real difference between shit someone makes as a mod and the shit you'd make on, like, Unity or whatever?
Do you think you'll magically become some higher level of being when you push something to Steam? Nobody is going to fucking care, you're not special.

>you can't blame my multiple mental disorders for my extremely weird, paranoid view of the world
I mean you do realize you're doing the same mental gymnastics as people afraid to order in a McDonald's because "people do sometimes fuck up their order and get laughed at (nobody cares 5 seconds later) so I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO FUCK UP MY ORDER AND GET LAUGHED AT (they will flay my body in the town square)"
this abortion got more (You)s than most of the polished veteran agdg game posts have throughout the last year
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Kuroneko is much better
imagine wanting to be a veteran here
then why did you even watch the anime if it's called "my little sister can't be this cute"?
you knew where it was heading
2d sakuga is more popular than ever though. 10 years ago little indies couldn't easily hire a team to animate a trailer for their game. now everybody and their dog has one.
I won 4 million in government funding to kick start our gamedev business out of university, but my wife is saying to decline it.

I have been in startups since 2018, but never with this much money.

Wife says I will work 24/7 making the game, and basically: "what is the point of you as a husband at that point?". She is Hard No and wants me to not pursue funding.

Anyone been through this? Advice?
A veteran /agdg/ game is a badge of shame
how much to commission one so my game tops marketing
2d sakuga is literally 5 seconds of fluid animation and then 40 minutes of powerpoint slideshows.

you wont make a fully animated film with 2D sakuga.

Not even disney can do that shit now.

And no, 30 seconds trailers in 2D is not the same as making a full game with 2D.
You kind of sound like a complete piece of shit anon
Post game ideas so we know if your wife is right
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Getting no (You)s is a very good compliment.
It's a tacit admission that you are above most of the people in the thread, they know they can't give good feedback other than "looks good".

It's a sign that it's time to graduate from progress posting, and move onto anonymously shitting on noobies. As all the greats have done before.
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How else am I supposed to see kuroneko then mr big brain?
>bulverism fallacy again
oh goodie, how about instead of going "this is because you're clearly going through a mental health crisis", very unhelpful, or "this is the internet, there are no consequences", also very unhelpful, you tell me why this won't happen, whether on a big (say, 500k or more people are exposed to the game) or small scale (50k or less people are exposed to the game).

telling me "take your meds" is pretty dumb when I take them, "get therapy" also dumb, "hey therapist, I have a map in my game that-" "oh I'm so glad you're making something!", and all that related to the bulverism fallacy isn't helpful.

"your game won't have any players", and what if it does? "well nobody cares if you have controversial shit because xyz game does", and what if they do?, "that's not how the internet works", and what if you're wrong?

nothing of what you've (or multiple of you) been saying is actually helpful, what if my game does get players? "no, it won't because... uh mine hasn't. be-because it's your first game, because uhhh I haven't seen your game but it sucks, because it's an indie game and not AAA, because uhh"... and what if it does get players, you know, game about magic might get stingy sjw harry potter fans, who.... you guessed it, run to social media and scream about injustices they think exist.

now actually say something useful instead of "no players, shit indie, mentally ill, take pills"
It's moon ma'am!
I can dm you the demo if you want, but I can't post anything here directly as you know.
>fellow man
lmao, even
my "fellow man" is either my father, my brother, or one of 2 of my close friends
everybody else can suck my cock while rotting in the ditch
why would I care for someone other than me or my close circle?
> One struct per entity type, with a base struct that is common to all of them.
he needs to take the "one struct to rule them all" pill
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Ignore the engagement-seeking AI post.
It's not real.
but you didn't know kuroneko existed before clicking on the incest anime!
>you tell me why this won't happen
I have been pointing out why this won't happen this ENTIRE time, you have a mental block against processing that information as even potentially valid because of your mental condition. You're asking me to make a blind man see colors.
And the fact that you felt the need to post America's next great novel confirms for me that this is a point of great mental tension for you.
You are only even seeking input in this thread so that you have an outlet to argue in favor of and compound your neuroses. The internet is a genuinely unhealthy place for you.

then what's the point of this place existing?
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Made a new spell, the Fire Nova
It deals heavy damage, one shotting most enemies, but it will have a long cooldown, around 10 seconds.
With rights upgrades, it becomes very powerful and consistent.
>bulverism fallacy A G A I N
holy shit dude
now stop doing it, it's just making me roll my eyes

>you have a mental block
hey buddy, reread the comment you replied to, that's been what your arguments have been saying. now that you've read it, respond accordingly, this is how a discussion/debate works. usually, in debates, petty insults and blatant fallacies aren't welcome. for now, I'm going back to revising my world map to place the other continents in appropriate spots and marking locations for jewish nomads.
> One struct per entity type, with a base struct that is common to all of them.
he needs to take the "one struct to rule them all" pill
i am having so many issues with posting rn
connection errors out the ass
You understand what the fallacy fallacy is, right?
The point is to pop in, get feedback, and then bounce. Rinse and repeat every two weeks or a month. You're supposed to graduate from this place one day, not spend the rest of your life here. Like look at Marmoreal for example. 10+ years in this shithole and he just now "finished" his game like a month ago, and he's still here.
Thank goodness
just treat it like a regular job and 9-5 it, pay yourself a nice salary, its free money
I think that game already came out bro, it's called Vampire Survivors. You'll need to come up with an original idea, sorry! :)
>"2d is dead"
>not it's not, see
>*cris shifts the goalposts and tries to lecture*
fuck off cris
>Connection error.
fuck off cloudfare
yeah, almost makes me want to go back to deving
looks meh
yes, and that would be applicable if you werent in fact doing the bulverism fallacy

here's exactly where you did the bulverism fallacy
>[you have a mental block] against processing that information as even potentially valid [because of your mental condition]
>confirms for me that [this is a point of great mental tension for you.]
>You are only even [seeking input in this thread so that you have an outlet to argue in favor of and compound your neuroses]. The internet is a genuinely unhealthy place for you.
>you do realize [you're doing the same mental gymnastics] as people afraid to order in a McDonald's because "people do sometimes fuck up their order and get laughed at (nobody cares 5 seconds later) [so I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO FUCK UP MY ORDER AND GET LAUGHED AT]
>[You have a really weird fixation with the idea that everyone on the internet is going to suddenly and spontaneously look at you if/when you publish something. Do you suffer social anxiety or generalized anxiety by any chance?]

speculating my mental state instead of logically reasoning the issue or statement at hand is... the bulverism fallacy
For now, but all yesdevs leave. No more penguin dev. No more SNKRX dev. No more Why485.
just treat it like a regular job and 9-5 it, pay yourself a nice salary, its free money
kek! Thank you son, you are the best!
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I knew about her existence before watching anon...
This is exactly what happened the last time I broke into the ladies' spa
Kino paint like
Give me 4 million dollars and then move on with your life
your issue is thinking that animation fundamentals that make 2D great, don't also apply to 3D animations.
Looks like something I'd ignore in the steam store because it had a "message" or was an allegory about depression
Why can’t we have more games with these kinds of animations?
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Now who does she remind me of…
omg attractive woman making tik-tok faces.
Looks awesome
I don't think the level design process will take too long, Was able to make a full level today. It feels like most of it is making everything up to the level design.
Looks nice.
thinking about putting my game on steam for the next fest without any press/mail lists work done
dont do it, if you put it and dont have any comms how will ign and others feature your game?
>I'll just make random assumptions about the poster so I can post a webm I like
I meant 3d was a mistake for you, your 3d animations are not anywhere near as good as your 2d animation(which in 2014 was approaching respectable).
>been devving a rollback netcode fighting past few monthes
>starting to have doubts
I’m not insanely far along that I can’t quit it, but I also feel like I’ve made some pretty decent progress. The problem is fighting games are pretty hard to sell. I dont wanna invest time (and money, since I suck dick at art) on something thats completely financial unviable. Am I stupid and should I quit now? Or keep going for it and saying fuck it
>speculating my mental state instead of logically reasoning the issue or statement at hand is... the bulverism fallacy
Anon I pointed out how insanely illogical your position is multiple, multiple times before you said anything about your brainworms.
You're doing a fallacy fallacy. You cannot accept information contrary to your already held beliefs, which are deeply illogical and display a severe persecution complex, so you have to do mental gymnastics and say that I'm attacking you on the basis of your mental health when in fact your shit was wack before you confirmed your mental health problems and would be equally wack if you didn't have brain damage.
>some bad things sometimes happen to some people in disparate situations, ergo ALL BAD THINGS WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME IN ALL SITUATIONS
This isn't reliant on you being brain deficient, its fucking moon logic. You also just happen to have very real mental illnesses on top of the moon logic. I don't have to pretend the latter isn't true and that's not bulverism, it'd be bulverism if your logic was sound and I just said "yeah well you need brain pills retard"
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what, this?
my fault for even asking a question related to amateur game development in this god forsaken board
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most game animators are shitters and the ones who cant make such animations don't work outside big expensive productions.

However, nothing stops you from learning the same techniques and tools the elite guys learned in college.


Astartes was literally made by a single 3D guy and it shits on anything the warhammer company has ever made.

Talent is not a linear thing.
You can become so skilled you can BTFO AAA companies.
>thinking about money
just finish your game
Tech like that can be a portfolio piece, sell it as an asset or make it open source if you don't want to keep updating it.
thank you this is genuinely the exact words i needed to read
this is a great idea too, im pretty proud of how far i’ve gone so im sure it’ll be fine
>connection issues
fucking hell cloudflare give me a goddamn captcha
What I mean is that HoI4 doesn't portray the holohoax.
>more bulvarism fallacy, mixed with "no you"
my brother just woke up, and before I could finish describing the map, it was "oh man, no don't do that", pretty much as soon as I said "isreal-palestine area", didn't even get to say "jewish kingdom"

cya faggots in another few days
It doesn't exactly matter, you might want to do it beforehand so they can report on it if it goes on the front page, which you require a fuckload of wishlists beforehand to be on the front page before any tag selection for searching for specific stuff.
I need to study martial arts and boxing to figure out how melee artists fight and move.
>speculating my mental state instead of logically reasoning the issue or statement at hand is... the bulverism fallacy
Anon I pointed out how insanely illogical your position is multiple, multiple times before you said anything about your brainworms.
You're doing a fallacy fallacy. You cannot accept information contrary to your already held beliefs, which are deeply illogical and display a severe persecution complex, so you have to do mental gymnastics and say that I'm attacking you on the basis of your mental health when in fact your shit was wack before you confirmed your mental health problems and would be equally wack if you didn't have brain damage.
>some bad things sometimes happen to some people in disparate situations, ergo ALL BAD THINGS WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME IN ALL SITUATIONS
This isn't reliant on you being brain deficient, its fucking moon logic. You also just happen to have very real mental illnesses on top of the moon logic. I don't have to pretend the latter isn't true and that's not bulverism, it'd be bulverism if your logic was sound and I just said "yeah well you need brain pills retard"
Like if you said "I am worried people will bully me into suicide or self-ostracization" and I just said "lmao tranny" that'd be bulverization. I asked you about that issue and even said its a valid concern for people with existing psychological issues (which is a larger problem you'd need to solve first) but you ignored that even though I was AGREEING with you that you shouldn't make XYZ offensive content in that scenario.
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How come game engines don't support vector graphics? I looked into it, and the closest you can get is using a technique called signed distance fields. It's clearly technically possible, so why isn't it done?
So how many reviews does my game need for a wife like this? 500 review game enough? Make the game, put it up to be sold, and then just go to a game convention in Japan 6 months from now when the game is popular. Just like that I bump into these cute busty milker beauty.

What if this guy simply recorded it for himself?
>So how many reviews does my game need for a wife like this? 500 review game enough? Make the game, put it up to be sold, and then just go to a game convention in Japan 6 months from now when the game is popular. Just like that I bump into these cute busty milker beauty.
you’d have to be a fucking alchemist turning lead into gold to get a wife like that
Not frameratally viable
I need to study martial arts and boxing to figure out how melee artists fight and move.
Clearly you didn't read very far because while it's possible, performance is terrible.
You can get a wife like this even if you're dirt poor, you just have to have social skills and not be retarded
How does one make an image like this that changes once opened?

Kek I won't be surprised if that game gets an agenda tossed in harder than what the closet homo already does. His game is popular thanks to a fanbase he got prior to gamedev. I doubt he'd have as much success if it werent for what amounted to free marketing.
I do turn lead (pencil work) into gold (my game).
You need to work on 2D fundamentals. Your characters don't show any adherence to fundamentals of 2D animation, you're very clearly just aping things you've seen in other vidya but without a good understanding of why those other vidya animations are done the way they are from an animation standpoint. So everything ends up looking stiff and jank.
You were kinda starting to cook with that jumping animation, had some squash n stretch going, but then it looks like you abandoned 2D to go full 3D and stopped iterating on actual animation skills. You're making better assets for sure, but with the same stiff 10-frame animations that don't move fluidly.
Am I getting throttled or something? Why does captcha load for 2 fucking minutes, and then sending fails half the time?
bummer if true
tabletop sport, but sexy
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>put my game up on steam
>done absolutely no marketing (like didn't even tell my friends about it), and it's not yet released
>already 5 wishlists
How the fuck did they even find my game?
So I'm going to release a short(like 1 hr) game in a month that will act as kind of a way to get myself on the map so that I can get some marketing clout for another game that I'll release in january. The game I'm going to release in about a month is pretty good quality, but still short. Do you think it's still okay to charge like $2.99 for it despite the short length, or is free really the way to go here?
i farted and it smells awful holy shit
i check for new upcoming releases every day
you're getting h4xx0red
did you open any strange files from agdg lately?
90% why people refund games is because they suck (or are unplayable).
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where the FUCK are the CRPGs?
they're all gone now since you left a month ago
I don't need 2D fundamentals.

What I need is to take acting, dancing and martial art classes and gymanstic videos.
A high quality short game still takes way more than a month to make. Concern yourself more with how to make the game than what you'll say for your GotY acceptance speech.
They played BG3 and gave up on gamedev
i asked josh and he said its alice's fault
>be too busy making it
>GotY acceptance speech time
>stumble over my words
>permanently encased into history of your failures that far outweigh your game success
how? just render it once and keep it going
No, you need 2d fundamentals. Good 2d animation isn't when everything moves just like the real world. The artistry to animation is in using the medium to do MORE than what the real world allows.
cite 5 examples
I still need to know how a boxer moves and throw punches to understand how to animate like that.
Programming hardcore RPG systems is a bitch and a half, the audience isn't particularly large, and RPGs are the poster genre for assets or scenarios taking 30 hours to make and then only being able to use them once or twice. The real timesink is just creating the sheer number of fucking assets, scenes, scenarios/quests and writing dialogues its such a fucked volume of work.
Hence why more people make JRPG style games where its a lot of the same work conceptually but everything can be lower effort and lower quality and still work just fine. Like I can design and implement one enemy and then just palette swap them and change some numbers and I've got 5 different encounters now, and it works because of the style.
Sure, but you can always reference specifics. You can't reference fundamentals, you need to know them.
I'm saying this as someome who sucks shit at drawing btw don't think I'm dogging on you. If you have the potential to animate well, which I think you do, then you SHOULD.
Cris is right here. I see it here in /agdg/ sometimes, like in two of the boomer shooters (Cosmic Call's sword animation, and the other one with the baseball bat). Those animations were clearly made by someone who does not do any sports at all and has no idea how a real human body moves during a swinging motion. You need to first know the rules in order to break them.
rate my spritesheet.
You're dumb too. Animations can't be the same as reality because you can only show what you see. Swing a bat and sword and tell me what you see.
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>I ate all of the cookies in your browser and now my tummy hurts.
>A high quality short game still takes way more than a month to make
I already have most of it made. I'm basically taking parts of my big game that was originally set to release in january and making 2 high quality short games out of it instead. The first one is high quality and very viral material, but no replay value, while the second should still have high viral potential and is higher quality and will have high replay value.
okay I kinda figured, just checking
is indie game dev more of an art feat than a coding feat? i swear i can code like half my game ideas piss easy without breaking a sweat but when it comes to art i cant do shit
>capture de tela
Understanding how to manipulate visually 3d objects on a 2d plane is an animation fundamental. But you need to know how to give animations weight, impact, squash/stretch and reciprocation, etc before you can ever animate a good looking realistic movement. This is because in the real world our eyes and brain are doing a LOT of heavy lifting, along with our other senses, that even a really accurate animation translation won't replicate.
Take walk cycles for example. Rotoscoped walk cycles look WRONG. Realistic movement on a 2d plane looks floaty, weightless, unless extreme care is taken when animating to align things. Conversely, a little bit of squash and stretch and proper weighting to the limbs can produce convincing walk cycles with much less real-world fidelity. This is why even Disney stopped rotoscoping once they figured out they could just tone down rubberhosing and apply those old school animation techniques more carefully and get even better results.
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progress: I'm playing Tomb Raider
Obviously not. Artists get it so easy. An entire 3D modeling program with rigging, animation and texture painting. There's even free export to many formats. Then game engines can use that, but looks like you still have to make shaders. It's a good thing coders made those work easily and let you just fill in the boxes. Then there's memory and processing speed because you don't want repeated parts and wow it's almost as if indie game dev is more of a coding feat than art feat.
ok chatgpt
Most of my projects die when I have to shift the focus onto the art. Having to draw and animate, is a bit too much at times. Coding either comes easy once you know the language or someone has a tutorial with the code already made.
just give him the book.
progress : I played Deadlock the entire weekend. Back to wageslaving monday, yay.
well you're required to have code but you're not required to have art, at the same time coding only gets you so far and art takes you ????
Ideally you'd be an adequate coder and an adequate artist rather than a great coder and bad artist or great artist and bad coder.
Depends on the genre.
If you're more of a specialist, work in specialized genres where art doesn't matter and/or hire another specialist to handle art.
Generalists are usually seen as better off in the indie space at least for dropping small game projects semi-frequently, but you're not gonna get a lot of Dwarf Fortresses or Minecrafts out of generalists.
>hire another specialist to handle art.
how much do I need?
a game where the main villain is just a guy with a fucked up fetish
The last big hit of /agdg/ was crumble which is a specilist job
>he knows real world information applicable to this niche subject? HE MUST BE AI!
Hilarious self-report there little timmy
The fetish is being evil.
Minecraft is more of a generalist game than it is a specialist one. More art assets than any kind of coding. The coding is simple. Dwarf Fortress is arguably the same, but only because adding an asset is akin to adding code. That's why for years now, Dwarf Fortress has made practically no progress.
prove you aren't using gpt then
My uncle disagrees, all his games are art based with all code done in scratch
Okay? That contradicts nothing I said? Both generalists and specialists can be extremely successful. Experience and talent are time-based factors that also matter.
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I play tennis and one of main things any coach will teach is to watch your racket make contact with the ball. Obviously, you don't watch the backswings because you're watching the ball, but even if the racket is flying to fast for you to have a clear conscious image of contact, your brain is still able to use faster muscle-memory to adjust your contact point if your eyes are aimed at contact.

Again, you need to know the rules to break them, or it just looks wrong. You can add additional stylizations on-top of good fundamentals, but if you don't have solid foundations, it just looks wrong.
It's far easier and neater to acquire external assets via asset shop or commission and plug them in at any stage during the project than it is for an artist to outsource all the coding. Stop coming up with dumb excuses.
fuck your uncle.
show us your game.
How did you get your game to look so realistic?
see >>495564536
Watching this webm gives me anxiety on making first person arm animations.
Okay you're either retarded or trolling
>dorf fort is a generalist game because it requires you to code both the insanely complex procedural worldgen and character AIs AND assign an ASCII key to a tile
Shut the fuck up.
And Minecraft has a ton of art assets... that all look like shit. Especially when Notch was still making it, he very clearly softballed all the art in favor of building the game engine up.
Not that either game is made by super geniuses, but the devs of both put all their eggs in the basket of programming the game engine and saying fuck the aesthetics.
i think it went the other way around for that anon
minecraft was made using greyboxing with a lot of art contributed by the community, notch was always a programmer never an artist
are you learning to code ? first game i guess.
>You can add additional stylizations on-top of good fundamentals, but if you don't have solid foundations
The things you're calling 'fundamentals' is the equivalent to tracing as a line artist. Looking at someone moving in the real world and emulating it doesn't give you the ability to animate that movement, or god forbid any movement you don't have a direct reference of, convincingly.
Like imagine you wanted to paint portraits and instead of learning about values, tones, lighting, imposto etc I just gave you a photo of a face and said 'paint that until it looks right'
No I already know enough about coding, trying to learn game design
Yeah thats my fucking point
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Being able to make a photo by drawing by hand from a reference has big value.
try this one lil fag.


pro tip : i really think for gamedesign doing games work better than reading books.
It's not tracing. It's the equivalent of understanding "form" and "gesture", which is grounded in good "form".
Ok big fag bro, thanks for the resource. Also post game.
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worked fine on toasters and browsers two decades ago
when I reach my artistic peak my artistic final form you will see
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Just spent the last hour trying to boot my PC after swapping the CPU for a better one and replacing the GPU thermal paste, now I can get to work.
Yes, but the fundamentals of traditional art and animation both are distilled lessons and methodologies learned by generations of great artists forcing themselves to learn by reference. They give you the toolset to approach creating art not just off reference but even out of thin air, which pure reference drawing will only get you to by agonizingly slow progress and the continuous correction of bad habits.
It should already be apparent to you that most people cannot produce an image on canvas of an apple, for example, even if an apple is sitting right in front of them. Most of us (discounting geniuses, whom the arts largely relied on to figure all this shit out in the first place) don't intuitively know the tools and methodologies available to us, and its counterproductive to try and do anything without knowing the tools to use or how.
It only worked because of how insecure it was, modern games are made with a lot of security features.
my game is old and bad. it was published tho so many years i cant even remember... i posted progress here tho, mabe you can find it on old pages of old devs that used to archive it.
So what tools do you use?
Where is your new game then? Are you posting here just for fun?
oh wow I'm glad we have all this security protecting us from evil vectors and framerates
Traditional art also practices form and gesture both by tracing and by using references. But the fundamentals go beyond that just like they do in animation.
tired of medieval fantasy games being about wh*te """people"""
you're free to make your medieval brazil fantasy game
Again, for animation, squash/stretch, reciprocation, weight, 3d perspective (especially in rotation), etc are considered core fundamentals. Someone linked a good animation masterclass video earlier but a lot of this stuff can be found easily online in any format you like since digital 2d animation has exploded.
im a full time wageslave bro, i just got that old sadness from when i used to make game...
i used to code on unity, what are you guys using today ? unity seems bloated as fuck.
Someday I'm making a brazil magical history game about the templars (Pedro Álvares Cabral and co. were actual templars, look it up) searching for the Holy Grail in Colonial times
Non-whites have nothing to look back fondly on, and so they have nothing to project a vision of onto the future. Asians are bugmen living in the eternal present only to consume so they just project material trends onto their fantasy fiction.
Slavs are living in IRL sci-fi hell, but if they did make some historical fantasy you'd just call them white
The spic mind is unknowable to us I'm convinced those people have no internal narrative
Niggers don't know how to read or write so idfk what you expect them to make. They basically live in a contemporary fantasy where cause and effect don't exist, every day is an adventure when you can't mentally forecast the outcomes of events.
i hate reloads that look like this
That guy put his arms too close to the camera anyways. In a game, they wouldn't take that much space.
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Yeah, I'm thinking about a relatively lowpoly 3D like Neverwinter Nights. There were a few investigative modules for it (Almraiven, Blackthorn) with a nice gameplay, 3D allowed for some interesting exploration and searching for clues. It's also tile-based, so generating semi-random maps is feasible.
i see some br bros still hang in here. there was an oldfag complete psycho coding in C or C++ that deployed a steam game ... a ship game with a Path of exile skill tree.. there was also a another br that was making a 80s car race game .. pretty neat. brs are strange bro ...
this kind of games are huge. why not try to make a roguelike instead? you can deliver value faster with it and it has that rpg feel.
I want to create the world and characters before I make the game, at least so I have something I feel good about before I start coding. But I have no idea where to start and no idea for a world or characters sounds interesting or good on paper. Where do I even start
Ok but what tools do you use?
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>see hobbydev finish a game
>they're proud and happy, people play it and are having fun
>"how much have you made on it hobbydev?"
>"oh idk, never really bothered to check"

How does this make you feel?
i give up i do
How does one make an image like this that changes once opened?

Kek I won't be surprised if that game gets an agenda tossed in harder than what the closet homo already does. His game is popular thanks to a fanbase he got prior to gamedev. I doubt he'd have as much success if it werent for what amounted to free marketing.
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You sound brown
Makes me feel like you have no game
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bro said i look back fondly to when my ancestor was a serf getting cucked by his local overlord, its called FANTASY nigga it doesnt need a single historical tie, learn to read mayo
is this real?
I got 0 (you)'s in the past and I am most certainly nowhere near the skill level of some of the high skill art devs here

A gf who behaves this animated would be nice.
I bet you like pegging
Well considering that you're a barone dickrider we can already tell you have no rizz and negative aura, real men don't play trooncore shit like shartdew valley.
well good news is : being a web dev is easyer than making game. still to this day my code is more efficient than the other devs just because i had to run it in a real time engine without using all my memory with bloated instances.
Post game then
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I am mayonnaise white but okay
It'd be cool to see my game having an all time peak of half a million players playing it. Even a consistent 10k+ player would be cool.

Correction, you have to be good looking. Social skills aren't that important
>extroverted: he is so funny! I love him
>introverted: he is so mysterious! I love him
>awkward: he is so adorable! I love him
Now change all those into ugly and if they so much as show interest he is suddenly seen as obnoxious, *unregistered presence*, weird
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I will surpass BG3
if you're white then why are you chock-full of thick leg hair? That's moor blood right there, you can't hide it.
We're not all twink faggot girlymen like you
it's called testosterone
I remember when I first made my page public. It felt nice until I realized how many I needed for any chance of success. Odds are those wishlisters are those collectors that collect every game on Steam
nah i'm good, i had a colonoscopy and it was very unpleasant to say the least
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How can I return a value from a workerthreadpool task in godot? I don't want the function to alter any variables outside of itself until it's complete and I call it for the results. Right now I'm having it alter external variables directly and I know that's a no no.
damn, can't control your emotions, huh? That's a prime case of thick moor blood pumping straight to your head right there.
>those collectors that collect every game on Steam
pricing my game at $50,000
Relax sister, that hairy hotblooded moor won't impregnate you
Why does the thought of moorish leg hair make your neurons activate?
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>a pale turk
Tomo is back!
why did they make that ugly woman into this pretty one
rewatching new game again
over status: it's
I'm not sure.
>The real timesink is just creating the sheer number of fucking assets, scenes, scenarios/quests and writing dialogues its such a fucked volume of work.
;_; some of my game ideas require a ton of assets....yeah I realize it's not easy as a solodev. Even my current game fails to reach the quantity of assets that would make it look good. It's kinda empty thanks to the foreground already having interactable assets so mixing in stuff you can't interact with just makes it a confusing visual mess. Maybe my next game since I have a better handle of how to gamedev due to this one being my first big one.
the fuck is moor blood
Do we even have any devs here making a CRPG? Whats a CRPG anyways, isnt that the same as an RPG?

What country even uses that?

Thats one plump butt and narrow waist, hot.
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i need a moor gamedev bf who knows how to use godot
You can alter external variables, but it needs to be wrapped in a Mutex.
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I have roughly half the thread filtered at this point
what is a mutex
it's actually captura de tela, that's Portuguese. Spanish is close, in that case it would be captura de pantalla
Yeah I'm in the process of drafting up a really simple back to basics JRPG with low-poly style and its a little intimidating the sheer size of assets, especially 3d characters, I'll need. But I'm circumventing a lot of the need for complex scripting, dialogues, and encounter/AI design by nature of the medium so once I get a good workflow established I think I can crank out something decent.
at the end of the task function you call another function but deferred:
>okay google
why do we hate godot?
what do you mean?
CRPG = computer RPG, usually a vidyer that closely emulates tabletop RPG rules or mechanics, many of which even straight up adapt tabletop stories or modules. Think Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age Origins. As opposed to an ARPG which uses RPG ideas like character stats and leveling within a more freeform gameplay system, like your Skyrims and Dark Souls.
it's the reddit engine
>mfw you can't kill berbers anymore because of queen elizabeth 1
What kind of game can I make to cope with the death of the west? (the west died 4 times first when imperial rome fell, 2nd when byzantine rome fell, 3rd when bongs betrayed the last king of europe Philip II and served a false queen, and the 4th time was when the US sided with the allies and let the british and french forever curse europe and let Russian come to power (also Japan had the right to invade China since China invaded first)).
t. celt-Iberian rape baby
>Whats a CRPG anyways, isnt that the same as an RPG?
it means Chinese Role Playing Game
Because, the barrier to entry is too low. Nodevs know that they can literally download and have the editor open with their first project running in less than 60 seconds. This really pisses them off, since they can't just use the cope that UE/Unity requires a large download and an account as an excuse for not starting on a project.
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I have come to the realization that abstraction is bad and it's better for code to live closer to god than under 3 layers of abstraction sin.

Double DIspatch is a poison used to shield programmers from their corporate managers.
>but it needs to be wrapped in a Mutex

That defeats the point of threading this task, I don't want to lock the parent thread.

Huh, interesting. Thanks I'll give that a try.
it's only used because it has been memed so much, unreal is superior in every way, unity is only worse than it in terms of being owned by a shitty company.
I will never get over the fact that demon souls was originally meant as sony's attempt to compete with the elder scrolls because they thought king's field combat was just as shit as oblivion combat.
Turns out all fromsoft had to do was repeat the souls formula and offer nothing new and wait for Todd to kill himself.
Anyways, I've basically given up all hope for tes6. So I'm going to make my own game.
Godot is really nice if you want to make low-effort garbage to submit to gamejams and paf a resume.
When you try to make real games on it you realize its missing features or just has bad implementations of shit that was figured out by commercial engines 20 years ago. It would have no audience if not for the fact that Unity pulled the pin on a grenade and blew its own fucking foot off.
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here's my idea: turbocollab
we bring together the full potential of agdg developers and aim to create the best possible game, but the goal is to be fast and to release the game in two weeks.
Let's start the brainstorming stage. I would go for a 1-screen roguelike. Any ideas? Lets do it! AGDG TurboCollab #0001
The main thread can try_lock and move on if data isn't available yet.
It's too fucking hard and weird.
That is to say we hate it because we had the displeasure of using it and mostly still use it.
t. biggest shitdot hater
unreal is about to nuke their entire asset ecosystem and are making previously free stuff now paid, they've been increasingly jewish and I think it's only a matter of time until another unity-tier PR disaster
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Where can I find models like these? They're low poly with detailed textures on them. This is from cadnav btw so it's probably ripped from some game with a virus.
>Anyways, I've basically given up all hope for tes6. So I'm going to make my own game.
Based. I want to make a Morrowind-like as well but I'm not deluded enough to believe that I have the art talent for it at the current juncture (didn't stop me starting a design doc though lmao).
I think a Daggerfall clone could do really well in the modern day too with some actual functioning game design but that niche is already being taken by some of the Daggerfall devs apparently.
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i think we should do something with modular content like picrel.
Everyone can make their own levels and in the end we stitch them all together
Okay but the value of Unreal isn't actually in the asset store. The people abusing the asset store to make cashgrabs can go and stay go, nobody who isn't a shitjeet should care.
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Yup, you are right, that's why I wanted to focus on investigation instead of doing a full on cRPG with combat and everything (NWN is only an example of a 3D style that can be realistically made by a small team nowadays). Also limiting myself with a single building for a level (Cafe/Hotel/Haunted Mansion).
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I wasted my whole weekend and did not dev at all despite being very hyped about it. How was your weekend anons?
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Trying out some Amnesia style doors and drawers
>agdg couldn't come up with nearly as neat as a guide as this
all i see is black and purple
That could actually be cool. Like that gigantic ball machine gif, but a game
This >>495579339. To make a collab work, you need the gameplay systems fully designed and/or implemented. i.e. A coder needs to solo most of the project first, or you pick a project that uses entirely off-the-shelf systems, like a VN. Then, you need an art director to come in and establish standards and guidelines for all contributors to follow. Basically, you're looking for people to do all the hard work first, and then other people can come in and contribute lazy grunt work.
Right, I forgot you can do that.

I really need a primer on programming again, came back to it after the summer and I'm just coasting on stringing things together with whats left in my memory.
Got most of my college work done so I'll be cleared up to dev more this next week.
I got to find a good in-depth vid on texture painting in Blender, it likes to throw a shitfit so clearly I'm doing something wrong. BUT ALSO I may just settle for doing materials and not painting anything.
If real, your wife is a bitch. Completely ignores that $4m is make it money, 5 years of hard work and you're free from being a wagecuck for the next 40 something years. Seems to me she is one of those "ick" he's a gamedev or "oh no he won't have a job that I can flaunt to my girl friends to for status's sake!" Put her in her place. Funding doesn't mean you work 24/7 anyways.

With that said I'd
>have never married such a woman in the first place
>if I did I'd explain it's not a 24/7 thing
>if she still objects, ignore her and do it anyways
But that's just me, any women who'd marry me would certainly know what she's getting into with how stubborn I am. Depending on the contracts terms I'd very likely take it, $4m is enough for me to never wage again.

Nta but if you knew how these grants work you could pump out low effort games and are completely entitled to the money as long as you followed the rules for it. I'd go low effort without including unique ideas/IP in it just in case they end up entitled to the IP.
About to finish up a refactor and then play video games.
think of a small goal and get it done
>but that niche is already being taken by some of the Daggerfall devs apparently
You mean this?
I guess you went to summer camp
You mean Penumbra style doors and drawers
Good shit Anon
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I can do some code. I'm in...
Didn't we already try that a few weeks ago? Our async-anon collab totally fell apart.
Why do I even have this concept art?
Why not just have a collaboration of 1 coder, 1 designer, 1 artist, and 1 sound designer/musician from the very start then?
You need to lock camera movement when you're opening/closing doors and drawers. The players head shouldn't be swinging away as they open a door, they need to see what's behind it (and its just a nuisance with drawers).
Even better if you go to open a door and the camera pulls in slightly as if the player is peering through the door and forcing the player to try and just crack the door to avoid getting jumpscared.
in my head, im making my hitman blood money-like... (using blender and godot)
i think i will start physically, in october, perhaps.
I look like this
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What does this reactive pathfinding actually mean? It looks like it's going toward each point but with a curve.
Holy kino.
That is a man in that photo.
IMO, ideally, you would want a "narrative director", a "gameplay director", and an "art director", but all these people would need to be director-level in terms of skill. Most people who want to hop into a collab aren't even close.
>50 swastika themed levels
cool idea though. spelunky map data is like this irrc
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What causes a game like Fear and Hunger to explode? It broke all the usual rules (hostile to the player, shit art, tons of explicit sexual content, etc) and achieved massive success which many much better games fail to do.
The red line is the best path, but it looks bad to have an enemy move straight like that, so minor reaction to environment and deviation is better.
agdg can't collaborate because the people on agdg are just too wildly different in tastes. There's no single unifying idea that more than one person on agdg would want to work on. It's like that joke that you can't get more than 2 people to agree on the same three pizza toppings.
just get chatgpt o1 to build the framework
>tons of explicit sexual content
Are you retarded? That's literally the reason.
in that case, the lore is so good that it made youtubers flock to it and write video essays. At that point it exploded and a bunch of people bought it. (most people don't even enjoy the game as much as they enjoy reading the lore and learning about it)
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>unreal is about to nuke their entire asset ecosystem and are making previously free stuff now paid
What does agdg think of this? Good Daggerfall-like or should we step up and clear these notches?
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Managed to do a decent amount of dev
Performance question: I have a routine that I want to execute when the player is past a certain position. What is more optimal: comparing the player's position with the execution point on every frame, or creating a hitbox encompassing the area through which the player can move and executing the code when a collision is detected?
Surely the former is more optimal, because it's the solution I see used in disassemblies of 90s games. Having the object check and compare the player position on every frame must be better for performance than having a giant collision shape check for collisions on every frame, right? Or is my thinking wrong?
There's no reason to use Godot now that Unity is good again.
Unreal is about to opne a new store for ALL engines, all the previous free stuff for unreal will be free for a while to ALL engines.
there were 4-5 tank games a short while ago
Is this done through simply setting some adding kind of rotation speed and acceleration to the movement?
Also my navmesh lines never look like the one in red, it's more like grey with alot of clinging to the walls...
My toaster can't run the Unity editor but it can run Godot editor.
Unity's dumbassery was the best thing that ever happened to me, I finally gave unreal a chance after a decade of being groomed by unity.
>4x maybe almost 5x the characters
>5x the maps
Idk that seems like a huge jump while only going from 2.99 to 4.99. I'd say more but, Vampire Survivors really screwed over a whole genre. Btw idk if you're aware of it but 3rd world countries have their prices auto adjusted by steam to make up for the lower purchasing power, well if you let it. You can always just manually adjust how much it costs in a country yourself. On one hand I want to tell you to at least price it at $3.99 since that quantity of characters is huge! At least it's easier to stomach the game going from 3.99 to $7.99 compared to $2.99 to $7.99. But if you're deadset at $4.99 than nevermind. Just hard to reason the higher price I'd consider since Vampire Survivors really did a number on the genre where getting away with a higher price might not be easy without the right game so to speak.

>this game runs in an old computer with no VGA.
What's a VGA?
Unironically youtubers
It already had a cult following before, but the outright hostility towards the player and the overtly explicit content filtered way too many people before it became "cool"
don't the guide lines trivialize the game. All you have to do to win consistently is just look at the numerator and then count which square to go into.
Assuming you're using an engine, the later will be more efficient because people way smarter than you wrote the physics engine and included spatial partitioning.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Skullls.
Not to brag but I'm pretty good at physics, was a A grader back in hs, so I think I would rather do it my way.
"Tank game" is just 1 out of 3 pizza toppings, at best. What's the art direction? What's the plot, if any? You're going to need to get the devs to agree on a lot more than just 'tank game."
You will be Stress Relief Captain instead, you're female right? You look like that too, right?
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Also one of them was cris
All the enemies would be conga-lining if they followed the optimal path. With reactive pathfinding they can deviate from the straight line path and still follow the closest line pretty well, allowing for more believable behavior while still efficiently rushing down targets.
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But how's it possible for the latter to be efficient even with spatial partitioning? Even if the hitbox collision detection is really well-written, isn't it inherently going to be a more complicated process than merely comparing two numbers?
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fine i'm come up with something like that
collabchads we're back
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It's a good game is all. Dev did no advertising so it took a while for it to be found and word of mouth to spread.
Rules are for the unambitious.
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uhhh... hi
You only get the red line if you use quadtrees instead of the normal A* pathfinding which I believe is the default for navmesh anyways. It's basically rotation and slight movement towards the points. I don't think it really matters how you do it. It's not of as much importance to performance than the line they calculated as long as you don't have them go too far off the red line.
wiiplay tank aesthetic. who didn't love that? wooden blocks etc. and the levels could be generated with that >>495579070
he only succeded becaue he is a schizo, you don't have the same luck
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tl;dr Epic is nuking the entirety of sketchfab and unreal marketplace to merge it into an unholy mess, there will be a grace period until february for creators to accept the new terms and if they don't the assets won't be available for sale anymore.
The old stuff in the old store will not be updated ever again and there's no license transfer, stuff like Megascans will now be paid too.
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Can I join sisters?
It's been my favorite slow motion trainwreck for years now
how to become the smart person and rewrite things to be as good as unity and unreal
Because it's hard to find people who are passionate/motivated from the start about a single concept. Nobody in /agdg/ shares interests. You'd have to pay them.
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>i-i-it was just luck
Okay, so where does that leave you? lmao retard
>entire collab started because people like farming and anime
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I've never gotten this far before, do you want to go on a date with me to McDonalds?
I agree with that anon's assessment. If an /agdg/ collab were to ever work, that is the way to go about it.
With spatial partitioning, the engine will check for things in order of how close they are to the thing it's checking against. If something closer didn't collide, it won't even check for the further things.

A point-to-point distance comparison is the exact same as a sphere-to-sphere collision check.

Either way, you're overthinking. It honestly doesn't matter. You're trying to optimize 100-200 CPU cycles out of the BILLIONS per second you get to use. Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
Do people look for voice work here? I mostly gave up on doing it but would like to try even if ai gonna wipe it out.

Sometimes actors can get more out of a character than was written in. AI will never do that.
Why is it set to fail?
>quoting the most retarded character in that entire show
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Most of the people who signed up never played a farming sim. Many never saw the anime it was inspired by, either.
she looks like she fucks balding fat nodevs
>Premature optimization is the root of all evil
This is a fucking COPE phrase used by PAJEETS so they can still go to sleep despite knowing that their shitty javascript website uses 5GB of memory to display a dog picture
to be fair anon didn't mention they played farming games or saw that anime
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Do anyone knows about a general like this one, but for coding apps instead of just games?
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Timmy the turtle outjewing the unity jews
Maybe its time for transition...
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she prefers yesdevs
>Maybe its time for transition...
You are a tranime poster, you transitioned a long time ago
Both are going to require a check at a certain frequency (say, once per frame), whether that's "did the player get to this location" or "did the hitbox detect the player"; it really comes down to whatever's your idiomatic way of approaching that sort of thing. There's no difference, just pick the one that feels more logical and is consistent with other such code in your game.
NTA but it really doesn't look good, it looks like a bunch of stiff assets and basic animations plugged into an engine with little coherence and then post processing cranked out the ass.
It somehow looks just as slapdash as actual Daggerfall, which shouldn't even be possible.
Anyone can use the phrase, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Peterson and Lefay are washed up boomers who like the idea of making game but don't have the youthful pioneer energy driving them like the old days and really don't give a fuck
Which leaves the actual work being done by a bunch of literal volunteers, all amateurs
And the whole thing is organized on discord and it's exactly as you'd expect
I actually had to unfollow their x account because of the PR and lore spam (zero updates about the actual ingame though!)
Are you familiar with the origins of the project? Some social media influencer guy started the whole thing (fucking years ago) and ended up having a nervous breakdown and wrote a huge article about it. It's like a sitcom.
who is peter and leaf?
My current project is organized on Discord but it's a really small team. In the future, how should I organize larger projects?
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Muffled Syrsa - Ballistic Hazards starts playing in the distance
get the fuck out gamelet
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it always surprises me when proper devs come up with the same dumb solutions I do, maybe I'm not THAT retarded
Looks bad
You can actually go out now? Kino. Where does it go though?
Okay, is there ANYONE from Bethesda who can actually like MAKE GAME? Even Kirkbride doesn't really do vidya shit anymore.
How did a company of legitimately untalented, dispassionate midwits become so dominant? Is it really because everyone else was smart enough not to even try open world games at the time?
2 guys from the original Bethesda Softworks, before Todd turned it into a console RPG company
Peterson basically created the foundations of all TES lore and LeFay coded the whole game in half a year in assembly or something crazy like that
Wow, you're still working on this? I didn't know you posted here, I last saw this shit on the RPGCodex years ago. Hope everything goes well
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In the one where damaskus works?
what program did you use to create your ui? is it 3D?
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I have over two years of professional gamedeving in godot..

The downside is that im a fucking Argie and on this third world shithole there are very few game dev jobs. So, gonna try to wagie on dot net or some shit.
What do you mean at the time? There are still no games that remotely compete with bethesda's.
Just clone a game, ship, and live like a king. Why are you third worlders so bad at making decisions that make you rich?
why not move to the usa? are you dumb or just lazy?
Neither of these things are impressive if you actually have played Daggerfall.
Pre-kirkbride TES lore is typical kitchen sink fantasy nonsense with the gods named after randoms from the office. Yeah yeah "sovl" but its not like anyone gives a shit about TES lore for any reason except Kirkbride taking it from generic to weird as fuck.
And Daggerfall always had and always will run like shit. Coding something really big really fast isn't GOOD if it runs like shit. Plus the biggest draw of the game is the procgen which is a really high effort way of not having to expend any effort.
Game is a crapshoot that evokes way cooler ideas than it actually delivers on, which is the entire Bethesda design philosophy.
Our current president taxes exported goods at 95%, there is no point.
It's not just Bethesda, all the old greats have utterly humiliated themselves and ruined their legacies. Spector, Garriot, etc
>How did a company of legitimately untalented, dispassionate midwits become so dominant? Is it really because everyone else was smart enough not to even try open world games at the time?
Arena and Daggerfall were both highly experimental, shoddy and only succeeded due to novelty and a lot of luck. Morrowind really upped the stakes but at the same time was the start of their pandering and selling-out arc which of course boosted the company into the behemoth it is today.

There's no need to compete with a hack studio. The only thing Bethesda games do right is let you do things unlike the rest of movie games.
I've never heard of this before but I'll look it up now, thanks.
>There are still no games that remotely compete with bethesda's.
No because other devs trade scale for quality and know not to challenge Bethesda consumer NPCs' blind loyalty.
Even the worst open world slop like CP2077 is light years ahead of Bethesda's empty open worlds with minimal gameplay interaction where the designers treat players like actually retarded children.
>all great game devs were really just lucky
agdg can't even begin to cope with this because it seems too far from the truth when it is the truth
that all your efforts may go to waste or strike gold in a moment's notice
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taxes chad cuck us argiebros. Besides do you think that The Angry birds clone number 44021 will get any significal money?

This is a blue board, but i still think that you should to be over 18 to post here,
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Yes I can't afford two dates at the same time, so he'll be giving us our happy meals on the house. I'll be sitting in the corner seated section. See you there in an hour!
Did they fix their retarded system with 9000 Render Pipelines that punish you for choosing any of them? No? Then there’s no reason to use Unity at all.
yeah life is just a big gamble so why even do anything? just stand around and wait for something good to RNG its way into your life
don't worry they're making a 4th one, THIS time it will work trust me
Someone who like makes game may eventually get lucky.
Someone who nodevs and crabs will never get lucky.
>CP2077 is light years ahead of Bethesda
This is satire right?
Literally what is happening right now with AI. We will live in a post-scarcity society and all you have to do is wait.
Are you retarded? Bethesda hides npcs inside walls so it can have invisible voices, meanwhile CD is actually pushing the tech forward.
>Did they fix their retarded system with 9000 Render Pipelines that punish you for choosing any of them?
Yes, all render pipelines are being unified.
nothing better than seeing some CS grad try and explain something and it's just
>oh yeah I already did that
same with art and music. Music is especially full of it.
wow. how can you be here but haven't heard of a quadtree before.
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You might think Daggerfall is bad and you might even be right but its one of the few games of that era that people are still talking about, playing and even developing for to this very day
You lost, why don't you sit in the corner and try to figure out why you don't understand anything and why you have such forceful opinions about everything even though you're a fr*ckin retard who is always wrong
If it works, why spend time implementing a different system? Do I need to remind you how long CD was working on that game? Now you tell me what CD did to push tech forward.
Anyone who believes otherwise hasn't played either Cyberpunk or a Bethesda game.
It is, though. There's actual gameplay design to the combat, it has multiple functional modes of travel, it has real voice acting and facial animation, someone actually DESIGNED the maps instead of just plopping shit on procgen terrain, your character build choices actually matter, the character creator doesn't blow cock and require mods to fix.
Now it is true that none of this makes CP2077 a great game or anything, and it took CDPR years to even get past this low bar of basic functionality, but the bar is so fucking subterranean for Beth games that none of them EVER meet the same level of basic functionality even years and years after release. Largely because Bethesda thinks you're a fucking moron and knows they can sell you games on a dogshit engine that cannot meet basic expectations of vidya in the modern day.
Nobody would care about Daggerfall if it wasn't part the Elder Scrolls franchise.
/agdg/ can't code
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>Uhhh you guys are dumb, my horse can still run as fast as your so called "car" why should I try anything better?
This mentality is why Bethesda games have stopped innovating since Morrowind.
"If retarded jank we used in 2003 because we didn't know any better works fine, why ever improve anything?"
People with standards can't operate like this
Why aren't you making a Daggerfall clone if you know game design so much better than us? You can wipe your tears with green instead of seething at my words.
>people are still talking about
Only brainrot agdg tomosimp incels still talk about it.
Who said I'm not? Do you really think I will share my current magnum opus with trash like you?
lmao these retards
How do i make my music sound like this
Starfield has made tons of improvement for Creation Engine 2, so you're claiming fiction.
>Now you tell me what CD did to push tech forward.
Not him but sure, I'll bite: their clothing system works by projecting cloth objects onto characters and simulating it instead of simply placing clothing objects over the character's mesh. The result is that clothes look great in that game and can easily be layered during runtime instead of an asset dev needing to make modular clothes that only work in specific combinations.
looks like a male
>Some social media influencer guy started the whole thing (fucking years ago) and ended up having a nervous breakdown and wrote a huge article about it. It's like a sitcom.
I've read that guy's article. It's a little more complicated than that. The guy who wrote the article, Indigo, was a YouTuber who managed to score interviews with Peterson and Lefay for his YouTube channel, and it was some other YouTuber, Stefan, approached Indigo and pitched the idea of Peterson and Lefay getting the band back together for one last gig. Stefan wised up that Peterson and Lefay weren't serious about the project before Indigo and left, but it took almost another year before Indigo came to the same conclusion.
post your game crybabies :^)
>Starfield is a sign of Bethesda's success and innovation
Oh no no no
>jeetilions move every day illegally
>mexicillions move ever day illegaly
yet you are too scared? typical frog poster
This. If I was a third worlder this is a massive jobby to enter. Literal life changing wealth at just 500 reviews compared to my actual location where that's like 2 or 3 years wagies at the price I'm going for. If I was there, man I'd get wealthy from gamedev and then proceed to make even more for the purpose of moving somewhere 1st world.

Nta but if I was in your position I would be a solo indie dev. A quick look online shows average (not median which is probably more accurate but harder to find in personal experience) is at $199 per month. What are you doing bro! Look at the youtuber CodeMonkey. He's never worked a day in his life. One of his recent vid's he reveal that has literally subsisted off gamedev and his courses and he's in a more expensive country, Portugal (Europe). A literally software engineer job doesn't even pay $2000 USD in his country, at entry level iirc. At $23,880 USD made in 10 years (in your country), all you need is 1 (ONE, UNO, EINS, YSKI) 14.99 game with 200 reviews and you literally made 10 years worth of post tax wealth. And when I ran the calculation I went hard on the taxes. Meaning I taxed you both for US taxes and Argentina taxes at a rate of 30% each. Do you not understand how easy of a life you could get with a game that is basically a flop in my country????

Fren, you can be free of the wagecage, take advantage of where you were born into your favor.
They implemented such good crowd-rendering tech that Unreal asked them to push it to the main branch.
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It's nice to see /agdg/ finally waking up and realizing Bethesda sucks.
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Spend like 2 hours watching some arab MMA dude teaching box fundamentals.

So far I learned:
>Normal stance, power stance
>Forward walk, side walk
>Jab, Hook, uppercut, cross punch
>Parry and slips
>Long block, cross block
>shining shoes

Actually now I want to make a 2.5D boxing game based on this video, and pretty sure It will be a much more interesting game than just copy pasting street fighter or kof.
I have thought Bethesda sucks for over a decade at this point.
bethesda sucks and yet no one replaces them
really gets the noggin jogging
How much did you invest in your game?
I know to stop taking someone seriously if they defend Scamfield in any way.
Bring SOPHIE back to live and have her remix your music.
he is here, don't reply
They literally had to be bankrolled by M$ because they were going under, kys.
If smoking crack sucks so much then why don't crackheads replace it with a healthy lifestyle?
>Sold out to activision
>Sold out to microsoft
Yeah, you can also whore yourself to pay rent. Doesn't mean you are anything but trash though.
Pointless since I'm first worlder. Excluding my own non existent salary, about 1.5k to 3k so far Ive got it written down somewhere but some of these "investments" technically apply to any game I make eg music I paid for can be reused.
Because how do you compete with people who have infinite money without having to put in effort? Its the same thing with Pokemon, a huge amount of their audience know they don't give a shit and are minimally invested but any would-be competitors lose out the gate because Pokemon owns the entire market.
Brand loyalty and nostalgia drive sales, not actual quality. Don't be fucking delusional.
it's pre-rendered but most UI elements are 2D, made with a mix of photoshop and blendo.

based, the codex thread is pretty comfy but ye we're originally agdg, even if we don't post often.

It's a late-game level when you get out of the city, a lysenkoist failure known as the dustbowl.
You should be investing 10x that if you actually expect returns as a first worlder.
17 years for me. fuck...
Both can be true
For me it's TES2-era Bethesda who sucked but were crazy enough to try new things and accidentally left us with a classic (that makes morrowbabs seethe perpetually)
Outer Worlds tried, but the magic of FNV apparently can't be recaptured.
>a classic
I will never be able to comprehend the minds of people who find procgen engaging.
Hey, Minecraft is fun at least.
It's almost as if I'm more excited about going somewhere than imagining there's something across the mountains and water that I can't reach, but like it totally exists okay?!
Citation needed.
>hating pcg
I bet you have no game.
Midwits often find themselves in the trap of not understanding why people like something because they've already determined that what those people like is X in a vacuum and nobody could possibly like X in a vacuum and oh gosh I love the smell of my own farts so much
Starfield may be mediocre, but you can't deny their innovations. Morrowind and Skyrim modders wish they had Starfield's systems.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Tip for Untotern level 1: Don't touch this pentagram.
Bethesda has sucked since its inception.
They havent made a single good game.
People only care about them because their games are easy to mod so they can install a bunch of graphics and coomer mods and fap to their own customized porn.
Hey Skynet was pretty good
But yeah it was even better with the big tiddy mods
>pretending like potential players aren't trash
Outer Worlds flopped because the devs got high on their own supply of huffed farts. "Everyone loves our political commentary and zany characters!" No they fucking don't, they liked having some moral/political ambiguity and kookiness to accent the core horrific grit and violence in games like Fallout and VTMB. They should have paid more attention to what their spiritual successors were doing than masturbating to their own ideas. I think Sawyer knew this at one time but went off the plot after PoE.
Also I love Tim Cain but that man is poison to gamedev, there HAS to be something wrong with him because he kills everything he touches fucking dies.
>Called pentagram
>Has 3 corners
>People only care about them because their games are easy to mod so they can install a bunch of graphics and coomer mods and fap to their own customized porn.
Not me.
I only care about them because they own id.
>gamedevs are good potential players
How does that work? There must be insane clipping.
are we talking about the same game where looking away spawns totally different people and cars
Something like that is very much proprietary, to nobody's surprise. They did some high level talks about how it works but the details are very much confidential. But to do it in real time with AAA graphics and no clipping is nothing short of a miracle.
>go somewhere
>there's nothing there but repeated tree sprites and the same 5 arbitrary enemies you see literally anywhere else
If the game actually had enough unique assets to fill its world out it wouldn't be so lame; its cool walking into a unique city or village the first time and seeing how different things are but its not infinitely fucking entertaining. Plus dungeons are just boring as shit.
But even with more assets I'm never going to be able to delude myself into thinking things in a procgen-heavy game are happening for a reason. There's not a story behind the randomly spawned ghost in some corner of a random dungeon. In well-designed games with intention behind these choices you do get those moments where the encounter design lines up with the world in a satisfying way (not that Bethesda themselves are particularly good at this, to be clear)
Also I must point out that Marvelous Designer can already do something similar but it's a 3D design environment, not a game.
That's how I know you are a g*m*r and not a gamedev.
They fixed that bug years ago.
You're arguing in bad faith by still bringing that up like its still happening in the current version of the game.
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Is solipsism really a good characteristic for an aspiring gamedev?
speak english
>Bro how did they push tech forward
>Here's how they pushed tech forward
>Brooooooo that doesn't count because the game was ass at release
I don't care if they gave us Mine Sweeper in the beginning, we're talking about how they pushed tech and did things nobody else did to great effect. This is a discussion about tech, not about shitty marketing, crunch and poorly thought out release schedules.
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Is low IQ really a good characteristic for an aspiring gamedev?
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>solo indie dev
>Fren, you can be free of the wagecage, take advantage of where you were born into your favor.

Dude. you hit me in the heart. NGL that is kinda of my dream and i would LOVE to know if i could actually make it, but it is a very risky bet.

Im 37yo and i want to start a family in the next few years.
If i was a decade younger i could try it, but Im about to get my college degree (i started the career in my 30s).
its safer and therefore probably smarter to just dev on a comfy wagie cage while still isnt too late.
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Yes but only if you have taste
IMO, It's okay if you're a decent looking low-IQ midwit normie grifter. Women and normies enjoy sociopathic personalities that on are level with their own, and you can sell things to that kind of audience. It's bad for high-IQ autists though.
>Is low IQ really a good characteristic for an aspiring gamedev?
what are you?
>>Fren, you can be free of the wagecage, take advantage of where you were born into your favor.
>Dude. you hit me in the heart. NGL that is kinda of my dream and i would LOVE to know if i could actually make it, but it is a very risky bet.
I'm a third world dev and I'm willing to black all my bets on it. If the gamble pays off, I'll be able to pay off the next 80 years of my like with 5-10 years of revenue. And if it fails I have other, more traditional safety nets (The eternal wage cage).
>its safer and therefore probably smarter to just dev on a comfy wagie cage while still isnt too late.
Devving while cageing is suicide. You can get away with it if you're motherfucking ZUN, making 2D shmups with 30 year recycled code, but for anything else you're shit out of luck. You might be able to push out a Stardew (In its early phases, missing a lot of QOL) or Undertale every 5 years but there's no way of knowing if you'll hit gold.
I'm a pattern-recognizing autist catering to autistic audiences.
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A nuclear explosion (also known as accidental 12000 indirect lighting energy)
proof? game?
Only if you post tits.
blue board
and yet the cars at the top are more valuable than the cars at the bottom
>market value is a measure of objective quality
Ah yes, the retard's fallacy
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>u might be able to push out a Stardew (In its early phases, missing a lot of QOL) or Undertale every 5 years but there's no way of knowing if you'll hit gold.

tbhs, i would be happy just making enough to mantain a family of 4 or 5.

I still gonna make games, but as a hobby. And you are probably right. i fear that it will take me years to finish any decent game if i do it while waging. But it will give me a safe way to support a family

Good luck to both of us anon.
guns from a thousand years ago are worth more than modern guns too you retarded chimpaze, you are such a bad faith actor
Don't fault him for it, his brain is so full of microplastics that he's unable to think anything negative about low quality, mass produced cheap garbage.
And I would much rather own those things.
Nobody asked
>Making the convo about you now
I'm not OP, I think any dev that expects success making 'retro games' is retarded
however, I also think modern designs are ugly as fuck, which isn't a very controversial opinion

plus a horse can take you home if you fall asleep at the wheel. You can live a comfy life plowing fields with your horse, growing them their own food and getting all the bitches (bitches love horses)
>I also think modern designs are ugly as fuck
There are 10000+ games released every day
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yeah i love horses... haha
>I think any dev that expects success making 'retro games' is retarded
You need to know your market. The Sukeban guys are released PS1 style low poly retro game #408394820 and it's looking like they're gonna make bank with it. Similarly, the Signalis devs made bank. You need to know what's in vogue: right now it's low poly slop so you make that, not an SNES shitformer with pixel graphics. Mostly retro devs fail because they're pursuing shit nobody cares about.
>however, I also think modern designs are ugly as fuck
Depends on where you're looking. Your average AAA slop is, indeed, ugly as fuck. What you need is a game with gameplay that isn't too offputting that it repels normies while having an appealing style that doesn't repulse gamers. That's where weebshit keeps winning, mostly on the style front. Sometimes so much so that they can get away with meh gameplay.
>You can live a comfy life plowing fields with your horse, growing them their own food and getting all the bitches (bitches love horses)
I'd gladly bring technology back by 200 years if I could get that. Keep the modern medicine and plumbing though, I enjoy not dying before my 60s and having a toilet.
Get to work on what?
>are released
> Mostly retro devs
Something is not well with me today. It's not because I'm ESL, I swear, it's because I'm sick and my head is spinning.
>Because how do you compete with people who have infinite money without having to put in effort?

Get some schizo to pull a kyo-ani on them.
Passionless fad-chasers with no games are at it again
>37 years old
>its safer and therefore probably smarter to just dev on a comfy wagie cage while still isnt too late.
Definitely, a little too late to go neet style desu
on the loli gaem, duh
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buncha tutorials on how to do this, how to program that... there are NO tutorials on soul
the most important thing, no tutorials whatsoever
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Why are details on the loli games so sparse
post your soulful game
the key point is you don't want RETRO GAMES, you want RETRO-INSPIRED GAMES.
You still need to make your own original art and learn how to do art. Retro isn't an excuse not to understand art and retro isn't great if you're just reproducing what was already done (especially because most of it was done by actual teams of professionals)
It's like talent. You're either born with it, or you aren't. And if it wasn't fostered in the early years, you'll have a hard time training it now. So were you born with sovl, or will you die a slopper?
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If you have to ask what is soul, it's already too late for you man
You can literally teach soul. That's what they did in traditional painting. You think religious paintings were just beamed into their head?
Unity 2017 UI is so fucking small
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>Just leave your family, sick mother and enderly father and start a new life at 37yo without money Brah!

Seriously. Over 18
i love cocks, what's the best game engine for people like me
>You think religious paintings were just beamed into their head?
Yes. The power of the Lord can give you soul.
the new?
Hmm wearing a horse skin doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
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Okay fine, I'm making assets rn.
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Why is Unity like this? Why doesn't 2017 have a wall to scale up the text or UI?
teach me how to make your outline shader
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Yeap. Besides i think that the best games are made with both consistency and patiente, without rushing it because money is tight.

I mean, if you were mid development and you suddently realize that your game could be SO much better if you make a mayor change, wouldnt you do it?
>a wall
a wall?
none of this looks new though
Fresh lad, breads.
I meant a way. My eyes hurt from trying to read the small ass text and icons that I got brain rot.
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Unity. They are two patch notes away to make their users suck their dicks or pay 99cents per install
>Hostile to the player
That's not a rule, shit tons of games that are hostile to the player are popular (dark souls, any fucked up roguelike, getting over it)

>shit art
Fear and Hunger's art isn't shit, it uses a gorgeous palette, a well executed painterly style, and you can identify its art rapidly. It oozes soul and emotion. It's evocative. Just because something isn't of high technical ability doesn't make it shit art

>tons of explicit sexual content
Sexual content isn't disliked. Porn is disliked. You can have sexual content if your media isn't porn. If you think that Fear and Hunger is porn, you are so divorced from reality, you're completely doomed

Everybody, gawk at this post. Look at how this person is so completely obsessed with success, desperately trying to discover a formula to sales. Consider how this post never, at any point, mentions that Fear and Hunger is a brilliantly designed game. That it's memorable. That it's extremely well executed, and teeming with great ideas. All he sees is the skin of the game.

Avoid this mindset. Make the games you want to play. Build things that will make people smile. Don't fall for this bullshit
Unity 8 will fix that
windows key and then +
Does it not have UI Scaling under Edit -> Preferences?
enlighten me
It was fun, different, and had lots of style.
interesting shading on the tree, is that getting darker with depth ?
>Anon discovers that interesting and good games sell
Its an unique game anon. The lore is interesting AF and the idea that you can die at every corner makes it exiting.

Currently playing termina. I fucking died like 10 times but i finally reached.... like 20 min of game content.

Send help.
>worthless people bring you into the third world to suffer
>feeling too sorry to leave them
Gonna Go live to muttland just to bang your mother so i can become your father and teach you a thing or two you minor faggot.
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im cloning your game, sue me.
your dmca is in the mail

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