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Injustice Against Foxes Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>495351360

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; multi-model https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s theme, Elves & Nobles Friday! Results: >>495235590

>(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
▶Updated News
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5—trained on 18 fucking trillion tokens—releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
>this thread
I'll have you know that I do nothing but respect foxgirls
I think he was referring to the fact Aini lied.
It's nice to have a thread that isn't vandalized.
Aini lied
Foxgirls died
>18 fucking trillion tokens
Did she really?
She apologized about it a couple threads back, but also she never promised kitsune specifically >>495217652
The troll sabatoged the historical rentry.
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Fox moms
I am aware. New threads, use this one: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>use the one made by the troll sabotaging the news and the OP with AI Roguelike!
>aetherroom will be released in December 2023
>erato will be released during the next week
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We're not /nai/.
Are you excited?
Foxes are life.
Test? Captcha still fucked?
Remove featherless from the OP, it's a buggy service and we're a NAI general.
I'm already tired of the new 70B model, what now
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>Remove featherless from the OP, it's a buggy service and we're a NAI general.
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>free trial of AI Dungeon's 70B
>try one of my 3rd person POV scenarios
>it outright says "erm, no sweaty we're not doing that I'll generate another story in second person instead."
>adapt one of my prompts to be 2nd person
>outputs are generally more decent
>get to a sexual situation
>"wait, I know you're horny but I have to make sure you're okay."
>yeah let's fuck I don't care
>another character appears to interrupt
>tell her to watch idc
>she interrupts me and asks me if it's okay
>I yell saying I just want to have sex
>another person comes to check the commotion
>everyone just keeps talking about setting boundaries on a fucking smut room with porn on the walls
how is it possible to fuck up a finetune that bad? I'm going to kill that russian fatso and that mormon
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>18 fucking trillion tokens
>128k context
>only for $0.3
Damn... Euwhatever is already obsolete...
I love paying $25 for 8K!
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What if foxes but tall?
Is cloudflare taking a tremendous shit for anyone else?
I'm in the aetherroom beta. AMA.
Me too
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Ghetto Recap
Does a 4chanX setting exist to turn > into >> yet?


The First Day Of Class >>495377049
Padded Dialogue >>495378180
Birds Of The Garden >>495387661
Man With ImageBan >>495390138
The Sun Will Set Chapter 10 (Audiopost) And A New 'Jak >>495405192 >495405351
The Deaf Pilot's Erato Adventure (We're So Bad, Text Adventure Bros) >>495450410 >495487250
Dry Dry Opus Desert >>495461623
Text Adventures >>495465191 >495475545
A Princess And An Elf >495476768 >495478695
Blast From The Past >495499606
If You See Bonzi At Night, Keep Driving >495515586 >495516625
Lawsuit's From The Dead >495518840

Notable Posts

Preparations For Friday. >495354151 >495354315 >495354389 >495354426 >495354746 >495358381 >495361582
Another Podcast >495359657
Thread Quest >495364409
The Shivers Of Russian Literature >495367404 >495367494 >495367510 >495367827 >495368184 >495369160 >495370724 >495489668
Grab Your Rad-X >495376059
Dogs >495373515 >495383237 >495468474 >495506164 >495506868
The Cure To Shivers >495388868
The Trouble With Vectors >495412705
Mysterious Figures And AIRL >495464608 >495467872
Pokemon Vibe >495475461
Vibe Checks >495476128 >495486793 >495543506
RIP recaps. What was the fucking point of putting a limit on how many posts you can respond to?
Stopping schizoposters from pointing out psyops, same reason (they) removed IP count.
look how they massacred my boy
As if they don't have enough control over this site and the internet as a whole. Imagine being in the information age but all information is curated and controlled, you're only allowed to discuss what they want you to discuss or see what they want you to see. What a shitshow.
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>Number one: That's terror. Number two: That's terror.
It's even more ghetto now. Appropriate.
Oh shit
The glowies got him
It's a shame basically all URL shorteners are considered spam by 4chan because I could just link to the posts on the archive if so.
4chanx has had a setting for that for a long time, actually. Also makes @post number and the like work as well
actually looking into it, # and @ work but not >
they'll probably patch it
/aicg/ poster here. Stop shilling NAI in our threads.
>>495578098 (me)
Also, anyone know the best anal lube? My anus has been pounded at least 20 times today. Prison life sucks.
Sorry. Your best bet is to starve the Russian of attention.
We don't do that here. This is a NAI general.
Post some of your Flux stuff, or at least link to a thread you posted it in.
Yeah, I think it's cool how well Flux does text
I miss vorefag.
I'll take voreshit over futashit any day.
He's going through a tough time right now.
Eh, his whole schtick was kinda shallow other than occasionally posting webm of dead animals.
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I wonder when image models will be able to do textgen. Imagine being able to prompt for "hatsune miku insulting the viewer", and the AI decides whether to give her a speech bubble that says "you're a faggot" or one that says "you look like you suck dicks".
They can already fill in the blanks with really simple stuff, like adding spoken musical notes or hearts to happy characters, and anger veins to angry characters. Doesn't seem outlandish to assume that with enough beaks, this could extend to entire words and sentences. Unless we just switch over to multimodal architectures before we get there, which is kinda likely now that I think about it.
make a textgen model that generates the image and text prompts
loveydoveygen when?
Anyone have that "chances of handling 5 guys" touhou image?
Claude or NAI?
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Thought I did, but I guess not
have this instead
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i hate touhou and /jp/
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If you don't have either, probably Claude? NAI has new model coming out next week, I'd wait until then for nai
Wait till the new model comes out for NAI.
Where were you planning on using Claude? One of the proxies? OR? Paying the API directly?
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Thank you! Was trying to find in archive but couldn't. I found this thoughtk
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>Paying the API directly?
This, I buy a NAI 1 month on and off when I feel the itch. My current one is about to expire in October so if they have a new model coming soon I'll have access long enough to see if it's good or not I guess.
Can't I fuck one person without someone suddenly walking in on me on AI Dungeon, Jesus Fucking Christ. On that note, there's still a problem with the same characters and places appearing all the time like Nuro, Count Grey or Sir Kit, I'm not interested in Riot's Tavern or Jake fuck off with that shit. This free trial ain't worth it.
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>prepare ze schedule slip
What year is it?
It STILL does that?
The things I do to get a taste of 70B early
Yeah, also whatever shit they finetuned this with is also incredibly Christian. Can't fuck someone in an alleyway without the text reminding me how trashy the whole situation is and how I am supposed to be ashamed. Every single moment an NPC stops mid sex to ask me if it's okay, if I'm fine, if we're on the same page. ARGH, it's grating. The AI also goes completely nuts when you try to write in first person. They made the model feel so brainless by feeding it safe and christian AI slop
>using AID
>a poster on /aids/
New here, huh?
>AI slop
I meant CYOA slop. At least the old Dragon model knew how to switch from second to first and third person. Something you can't do with a more advanced model and with the "improved" finetune.
No, just bored. Saw an anon entertaining the Russian fag shilling AI Dungeon for the past few weeks and saying the model wasn't so bad, but it's pretty shit. Unless you play strictly on adventure mode.
It's not even just christian writers, it's seeped its way into fanfiction and shit because "consent is important!!!"
It's politically correct bullshit and it's one of the many reasons I've withdrawn into AI writing. Like listen dude, the fucking characters don't need to have constant "I consent" affirmations ruining the flow of your shitty PwP stories for fuck's sake
So. People with base Llama3 experience, was a jailbreak necessary to avoid all that consent stuff >>495591336 anon is yapping about?
Will we be discussing Erato jailbreaks in the upcoming weeks? Or is that only a finetune issue?
>schizophrenic delusions
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So this is what OccultSage enjoys in his free time...
The schizo's still bumping his troll bread.
Yapping? I'll show you yapping, you little shit
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is - whichever is greater - it obtains a difference or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information that the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice versa. And by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
base has no censorship.
>It's not even just christian writers, it's seeped its way into fanfiction and shit because "consent is important!!!"
>>schizophrenic delusions
Nah, younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha are too preoccupied with fictional morality than actual real issues. I saw a thread on Twitter about how a character kissing another on their lips while they're asleep (fairly common fairy tale trope) is sexual assault and it had thousands of likes.
I tried both instruct 405B and Hermes. Most of the time they didn't need it, there were only a few times they outright refused to generate something, even Hermes. I think it's just something they slip into instruct models, but Hermes hooked to SillyTavern never told me something was amoral or wrong.
Yeah, about that..., I read it, and I'm not seeing what you're claiming, boomer.
I tried base 405B on Openrouter since it was cheap, and I didn't see anything like that. It was very directionless and bland, though.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Next image gen is apparently a homebrewed one.
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This was what Kuru said, but he also said it nearly a year ago. Like "Aetherroom by the end of 2023", unexpected developments and the shifting AI landscape can easily lead to or force a change of plans.
Although I'm guessing that due to the insistence on keeping their focus strictly on 2d anime and furry gens, they are probably still going to stick to homebrew as that provides the greatest control over the model itself. NAI absolutely doesn't want anything resembling photorealism (which a model like flux is very good at) since its niche is completely uncensored imagegen, and we all know why you can only have either one or the other.
I doubt they abandoned their homebrew imagegen.
Reposting here now that several hours have passed.
Historically appropriate (pre-modern) terminology for an anus? Serious responses only please. I'm getting annoyed at "most intimate hole".
Gluteus maximus
isn't arse pretty old?
Derriere might qualify
Verification is left as an exercise to the reader.
check your fundament
Anus is literally a latin word.
>$0.35/M input for 70B
Assuming a consistent context, these are the amount of generations at that context to equal $0.35 and the amount $25 would get you at that context.

These numbers are rounded for simplicity.
>8k = 128 | $25 = 8960
>16k = 64 | $25 = 4480
>32k = 32 | $25 = 2240
>64k = 16 | $25 = 1120
>128k = 8 | $25 = 560
To give an example: usage of the same word devalues it and makes the story which uses that word less interesting because of the repetition of that particular word, when varying between different words helps for readability and makes things less dull.
Another one falls victim to the wily schemes of the "Why" poster.
Scientific proof that it's a better than than Novel A Lie!
Sorry, CF isn't that much of a retard when it comes to grammar. Try again.
Tama Town 38
>Yoshi decides to field-test his latest squad
I miss CFG so much. Had a really rough time with this chapter, being so used to anticipating how the old preset would gen.
Maybe I'll wait for 70B before continuing. Maybe I'll rewrite this chapter with the new model too.
I think he was-a trying-a be-a Mario.
Which is pretty good. I'm still not entirely sure how DeepInfra is sustaining that (a reminder that back in the day, OAI charged 0.40 / 1M for GPT-3 Ada, a 350M parameter model) but it's probably the one edge open sauce has on OAI once the smaller models get up to that same level.
That, and the speeds from Cerebus and SombaNova which vastly outclass OAI.
For base models, there's unfortunately still not really a good option.
You should blacklist the fact of your way to the your will be a good enough.
You should blacklist deez nuts
got eem
I'd say the untuned L3 8B base model might be somewhere around Clio.
L3 70B base model might be somewhere around Kayra.
>usage of the same word devalues it and makes the story which uses that word less interesting because of the repetition of that particular word, when varying between different words helps for readability and makes things less dull.
Yes and no.
Instead of bringing out the thesaurus, try to very what is said. Describing eyes as eyes is perfectly fine, but if you've used eyes too much, you should focus on something else instead of using orbs, peepers, globes or another substitute. Out of nowhere words can be just as distracting. A writer using gesticulations or countenance because they don't want to use gesture or face again will make the reader do a double take if there's no justification for it.
Sometimes a duck is just a duck and can be called a duck any time a duck appears.
Say fuckmonger and maybe I'll give you a (You).
>Be bored.
>Start writing a story about my life.
>Let LLM fill in the rest.
>Realize how much of a fuckup I am.
>Do it again the next day.
I assumed you were gaaaaaaaaaaay~?
it appears that historically people have just used ass/its variants interchangeably to refer to both the ass and the anus
Geeeeeeet fucked.
>fuckmonger and maybe I'll give you a (You).
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Is the Russian high again?
we are now entering the manic phase
>a new week already started
>still no 70B
How much copium do you need today?
Continuing past the interview is telling.
Where's the locust zapper when you need it
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>Just remembered a question I actually did mean to ask
>He's manic/whatever again and likely won't answer it.
I was just curious on exactly when CF found out/got into AI generations. And if he got in during the C.AI Wave, what exactly attracted him to the story format. Because finding out how a storyfag fostered in the realm of chat would be interesting to know.
Nah, it's an /aicg/er doing an impression this time. Not sure where CF himself is atm.
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Have we entered the clone era?
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>Which is good.
Outside of profit margins for a company, it really isn't. At 1000 watts running at 100% capacity for 24 hours, a computer can rack up an electric bill of about $100 a month.
Assuming 1 generation per 3 seconds with no interruptions, you can do 20 per minute, 1200 per hour and 8400 after 7 hours. This would end up costing about $1 on your bill, and I'm being generous with the wattage here.
Now, I'm certainly not arguing that these companies don't have costs or repairs to cover or employees to pay, but the price of the service is... highway robbery, to put it lightly. They're just microtransactions, so we don't notice or really care.
>At 1000 watts running at 100% capacity for 24 hours, a computer can rack up an electric bill of about $100 a month.
If it runs every day for 30 days.
For reference, a single H100 reaches about 700 W, and you need at least two in order to host an instance of 70B. That's 1400 W, boiling down to about 33.6 kwh per day, meaning about $1840 per year. Judging by my OR history, the average power user is going to use about 1M tokens of input / output a day, we'll go up to 2M if they're feeling frisky. That's about, we'll say, 0.80 per day. In comparison to the price to host the model, that's vastly less ($5 a day to host).
From the average user perspective, that's still way, way less. I can't guarantee that OAI and Anthropic aren't price gouging, but I do think DeepInfra is very close to the break even point, assuming multiple users in parallel.
>what is economy of scale
Ah, my bad. I thought 70b could sit on one H100.
My real problem is the context to price racking up per M tokens. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I know I'm being ripped off simply for using more context. Surly we could have a rate of $0.2/M and they'd still be swimming in cash.
If it could, they wouldn't have had to acquire new hardware.
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How many bots in a single Tavern convo is too many?
>the average power user is going to use about 1M tokens of input / output a day
It has been proven multiple times that the average anon only prompt thousands, and you could feed the entirety of /aids/ with only $10:
Imagine making a troll bread and then samefag bumping it for eight hours.
Your information is grounded in lies, schizo.
Get on my power level, normie. I prompt way more that on my normal days.
>ignoring where the majority of /aids/ did not bother using the model, thereby already making the claim false
The model was only requested by anons from /aids/, because only they use base models, and the activity was logged. And with how hyped and how annoying they were about the 405B base model, we know how much they prompted.
Not even $10 between the entirety of /aids/ combined.
That, is a fact. Anything else is a lie to make $25 a month per user sound less expensive. It's a massive ripoff.
friendly reminder that our local retard did my job for me
for FREE
that's right, he shit up the thread for over a year
The model was not used by /aids/, nor did we request it, schizo. Fuck off.
fact checked
So much for "I'm trying to quit trolling".
I'm probably talking to a clone but you seem to have a very easy time getting annoyed by people and getting tricked into going on long pointless crusades because of it.
A few people making "gibe base model" jokes is enough to annoy you. One guy (this guy? >>495609027) saying "it's the service of our time" was enough to get you to hang out here for a year.
/aids/ hasn't had 100 users since a month after Kayra. It's more like 30-40.
We def had ~100 up to the point they stopped showing ip counts. It feels like less people lately though, even I just lurk most of the time.
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I bemoan the cruel reality that real life fat women don't look like this. Past a certain point, the chub they have eventually devolves into amorphous blobs of decadence. I just want to motorboat and bite on some fat creamy tits and thighs. Maybe a bit on the belly too
In what world is that fat?
>amerifat moment
I'd say true users were around 80ish before the IP counter went away and the extra 20 were people on their phones.
You're insane.
NTA but this
>The vulva; ~ winning, money obtained by prostitution.
Make the "are you winning, son?" question so much more awkward.
If you're upset with me, blame it for you and I cannot make it happen without support. Admit it. You love this.
Imagine being excited about Llamaslop.
nigga I just wanna coom
Tranny porn is available for free online.
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13b is all you... hmmm... forget it.
Tell that sage that 8k is a short story, not a novella.
>8k is a short story, not a novella
Don't care. Only need 8000 to fuck a bunch of loli elves and then move on to the next one
Meanwhile I'm over here, hundred thousand words into a mundane slice of life fantasy story.
>No self promotion.
What jelly do you use for your dick? I like apple.
13B is actually really excessive.
Is he memeing or is that just his autistic ego?
Sizefags are annoying, but there is a clear reason to have more beaks. Logic, math and reasoning is absolutely linked to beak size. Even infinite training would still have a 3b model saying a pound of steel weighes more than a pound of feathers.
Well of course. Cause steel is heavier than feathers.
The funny thing is that the new samplers seem to help Kayra get what I'm going for with my stories. I'm kind of miffed that we didn't get these sooner to tide us over.
Since you're satisfying with Kayra, we decide to postpone the release by 3 months. ;)
See you on Christmas!
>Since you're satisfying
Good morning sir!
placebo effect
Give settings pls, I'm unhappy with current output
Sage if he indian.
>still stealing Kalomaze's samplers without credit
>Fuck my AI card once
>It just wants to revert anything else that happens into sex after that
is an AI card like a V card?
I think he meant a character card
Fucking a card sounds painful. Imagine the papercuts.
Any other good character repositories other than CharTavern
A what?
I don't know if he's talking to the old cards the thread used to make which were images you could drop and instantly have lorebook entries for a character, or the chat bot images you download from chubvenus
What are those?
When did we become /aicg/?
We did?
I'm still thinking about butt words
That's news to me
this new vibe is not quite working out as much as I hoped
bit... melty
Can some explain vibes and anti-vibes to me? I've tried to use it but I just don't get what it's good for.
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so basically, I have a picture with a style that I really like, but I don't want the same subject+background+expression in everything I generate (left image)
so what I do is I'll take everything I DON'T want from the image and make an image with that (right image)
So now, the AI will apply this style (or a similar enough style) when I use the paired images in tandem
What happened with NAI? I can't send a single text request. Images work fine
70beak was a decoy while they run with the money.
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and a result vs the control image so you can see it in action
left is with, right is without
Works on my machine, but supposedly this week they are unveiling their model. Expect server issues when it happens/if it happesns.
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Wow you're just like me... except while cost efficient to a poorfag, I instead went back to gambling for no monetary gain, because it feels less pathetic to entertain the sloppy instances of it throwing a romance at you for no good reason.

High hopes for the update tho.
>so what I do is I'll take everything I DON'T want from the image and make an image with that
No upcoming maintenance.
No 70B is coming.
No hope for you.
I use the original image as a positive vibe and sometimes positive vibes of colors and patterns I don't want
Here's the unedited AV for import and inspection purposes
everything has a tutorial nowadays, amazed in a textgen things can't read
to be fair, from what I've noticed it's pretty much just us doing shit like this
You have the same amount of money as I do in my bank account, anon...
So let me see if I understand this right. Let's say a picture I'm using as a vibe has a white background, if I use a pure white image as a negative vibe, they'll cancel out?
It will help it cancel out, yes. Sometimes there are unexpected interactions.
adding to that, an example of such an interaction is the "low detail" of the negative vibe causing extreme detail on the results
I would use an image of text on a white background instead
>improved the preset I'm working on
>the setting no longer fits the namesake
Anyway, here ESSEX for Kayra 2.
I added tailfree to cut down the tokens before applying unified and min-p.
Also, disabled the rep pen freq and presence, fixed the phrase rep pen to "medium". These changed were necessary to reduce the number of dimensions in the search space.
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You can try mine.
didn't do my fetish perfectly with a 10 word prompt
>filters shit fetish
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OKAY now that I've actually made it work, I get it. Fuck it's like a switch just flipped in my brain. Obviously not the best gen, but yeah, yeah I get it now.
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Here's a nice underrated card. This one has been really scratching that interspecies fetish itch for me.
>LLMs don't complain or try to stop you for ethical reasons because bugs aren't seen on the same level as animals we're familiar with so therefore it doesn't count as bestiality
>models can't complain about bugs raping girls or things like consent because bugs are just driven by instinct so you can't fault them for what they do
>3 different ways to remove tokens with low probabilities
please go back
It's a lot of fun to mess with once you get the hang of it
Unified doesn't remove anything.
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Sorry to see that you lack culture. Maybe you will come to understand over time.
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He said stupid things most of the time. But:
> get similar quality out of Kayra, but it took a lot more work, rerolls, and edits. To the point where I just lose interest.
I actually agreed on this. I'm at a point where I could get Kayra's text to be on par with normal fiction, but it's frustrating and bloody painful to do so. I had to use my editorial brain in every single sentence and undulling its prose, it's so dumb that it can never pick up any complexity. It cannot improvise to save its life, and very much a coward.
Yeah, it takes too many hours to maintain "real human" prose with Kayra. I guess, after all, it lacks the brain.
skibidi on me
This is why beaks > context for me. I mean no ill will towards contextfags, but it's just easier to compensate for low context than it is to compensate for AI being a fucking retard.
feel like I read the same comment about euterpe
I hope their finetune will be good this time.
It'll be good that it sends shiver down your spine.
thank you too sir
Cult of the Lamb is addicting.
Who gave you permission to have fun?
My cult leader.
Tonight on kino theater:
Kingdom of The Spiders
Watch cowboy William Shatner take on a bunch of poisonous spiders which are actually tarantulas.
I'm your cult leader and I say your wife belongs to the whole cult but especially me.
I need to go finish it sometime, it got a ton of expansions so maybe I'll start a new game, I played it like halfway but it got buried under my backlog.
>be nick walton
>fuck up badly
It's that easy.
>user error
>blame the tool
I wonder if that's for the freebie, I have the paid 70B and it can go as lewd as my want, problem for me is I can't seem to be able to tweak the output to my liking like I can with Novel A Lie's ATTG.
C'mon, you can't tell me you've used every single LLM, including the AID2 Google ones and thought
>Oh this can't be the LLMs fault, it might be me.
This would also apply to local image gen.
Shouldn't he have posted this after it comes out
It will be just another bad porntune.
As someone using local, it feels like things aren't getting any better on that side when it comes to prose and creativity so I hope NAI will save the hobby.
Yeah, that plus, I am quite curious how all that literature pretraining will help with strange stuff like vore.
Really hope it can do vore good.

Oh and I'm not the vorefag you guys know, I'm another vorefag.
To be precise, I'm into samesize vore, not giantess vore.

I've been out of here for an year or more by now.
There is no bad porntune.
They kinda have the market cornered when it comes to prose.
Kayra's prose isn't flawless, but you have to remember that the alternatives are slopped corpo models that shit out absolute trash like pic related, or local models that seek to emulate the former.
Kill it kill ittttttt, aaaaaa
This isn't trash, this is GOAT erotica experience. Admit it, when you want to coom, you want to read like picrel, not some fucking Dostoyevsky or Hemingway prose.
The dark future I foresaw trying out other services.
I fucking hate capitalism so fucking much bros
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Engaged in some more imagegen slop generation while waiting, so here's an album of about 70 images in case someone's interested: https://catbox[.]moe/c/9v0dyb
Krake is dead.
What will be the next Opus-exclusive model that's so expensive to run?
So what Sage's previews tell us is that the only reason why NAI's text adventure mode never got anywhere these years is that none of the offered models up until Erato were smart enough to run with it without being a noticeable downgrade from normal storytelling?
The real reason is that they don't know how to finetune.
Adventure style seems to be a real resource hog in terms of what it needs to even be passable. It’s a tired old talking point, but look at what dragon needed in order to be the high bar back when we had no serious expectations and hindsight suggest it was actually a barely holding together model.
What no text_adventures.txt does to a mf
Summer dragon is still king
With the power of nostalgia, Summer Dragon will never be beaten.
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Ah, that explains why Hermes was so obsessed with calling pussies "core" and why none of the old models did that.
Summer dragon was a theoretical good model ruined by an utter shit fine-tune.
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Depression and sadness strikes again..
>tempt us with 70B
>leave us to cope with 13B
truly evil....
You can say the same to Erato!
Why did you lie about trying to quit trolling?
I would argue the terrible tune and how half assed it was is what made Dragon so memorable and fun. Without it I assume it would have been dry corpo slop; effectively incompetence horseshoed so hard it became indistinguishable from kino
There is nothing fun about getting stabbed by Count Grey, interrupted by Kyros, and so on. Nothing fun, I hated it, I hated it, I fucking hated it, what a fucking disaster, you've got Stockholm syndrome.
13B is all you need.
Cheers again. I've done a ton of vibe mix buffoonery but never really tried out this kind of method of aspect-cancelling.
I've been using these two images along with two variants of a fat gay-looking anthro dog:
With positives using 1/0.5, negatives using 1/-0.5
and the results have been pretty neat this morning. High detail, pretty clean output. Artists mix on the left is "{{{artist:BUBOBO, artist:OPI, artist:h56fL2T}}}"; mix on the right is "{{{artist:5552368}}}".
Really fun mix for Random Prompts too.
Base DaVinci wasn't really slopped.
Oh woops that was the wrong image.
>slopped corpo models that shit out absolute trash like pic related when a shitty prompt is used
there, that should be a little more accurate
what is an example of a good prompt then
>/aids/ STILL doesn't know how to prompt
>I lied about wanting to quit trolling
Sino now allows you to exclude styles.
Why should I use NAI 70B?
Quit shitposting.
if u want to
Better logic but still slop like >>495649037
Mistral Nemo Magnum saved it forever weeks ago
>mischievous glint
>husky voice
>smirk on her lips
>sparkling with mischief
>playful glint
>pop and rivulets
>half lidded eyes
>waves of arousal
>hem of her skirt
>torn between x and y
>x y z with pleasure
>clenching around
As a localfag, I appreciated the fact that Kayra mostly avoided this high concentration of slop and most of the time you couldn't tell it was AI right away. It's a perk of having your own dataset that nobody else uses. If this is NovelAI's new model...they fucked up big time. They should've gone with a 100% in-house model, even if it was "just" 30B.
That isn't their new model. It's a copypasta from a few threads ago, idiot. Their new model isn't even out yet, so anybody claiming to know what it outputs is a liar and a troll.
>tongue darts
>tracing your x
Jesus Christ and Holy Slop.
That's not the new model.
Also Kayra is full of ministrations and shiver down spine too.
>If this is NovelAI's new model...they fucked up big time. They should've gone with a 100% in-house model, even if it was "just" 30B.
are you retarded?
>This nigga still refuses to post context and setting
I've never gotten a single shiver or ministration.
I know, but it doesn't abuse them this much.
Glad to know it's not.
>women in charge of writing porn
Never. They gave up on it. Like they gave up on the furry model and like they gave up on good textgen models.
>they gave up on good textgen models
Why did you lie about quitting trolling?
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>waiting on Erato
Stop shilling on /g/
The copypasta was generated by the new model.
Quit shitposting, you goddamn motherfucking lying bastard.
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We have about as much control over whoever's doing that as you do over gojo, those guys who literally bought sitewide ads for proxies, and whatever other antagonists you talk about nowadays.
>feigning dementia
>I want to try to quit trolling
>greentexting homosexual orgies
true, it's by far the gayest way to respond with a non-argument
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Altman says "we" will have superintelligence within several thousand days.
more incelcore chats
seems like one of nai's models got leaked or something
He has no argument worth a response beyond that, retard.
That looks like gibberish to me.
It's a fake magnet link.
It's a base64 torrent
It's a encrypted picture of me in a bunny onesie eating spaghetti and getting it all over myself.
If he had no argument, you don't need to respond. I don't get what's difficult about not responding to posts you recognize aren't saying anything.
I barely follow that thread but my impression is it's a leak of some other guy's nai-like anime model, not an actual nai leak
supposedly the model is pretty good anyway so might be worth something, but it's not nai
>let me shit up the thread with impunity
Fuck you.
monster girls owe me sex.
Do we know if it was asked to generate it slop-heavy, or was that its organic output?
It wasn't generated by their new model, moron.
When you respond, do you recognize you're giving further fuel for the shitposting to continue? Is that why you always say something? To get it to continue?
organic output
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Organic output, dude. They're cooked.
I will rape you if you don't shut the fuck up.
Why pay for NAI when the model leaked?
The model don't leak, nigga.
So much for "I want to try to quit trolling" Why the fuck you do this?
it's real
It's not related to NovelAI, nigga. Quit crossposting.
That's really bad. I hoped for better with their 70B.
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>upgraded to Opus
>library backed up, cleaned, and organized
>tweaked settings
>no-fap streak started since Erato announcement
Perfect time to write a prompt or two for Friday, then.
How many times do I have to repeat it before you quit shitposting? It's not generated from their new model, you motherfucking piece of shit.
It's not NAI, but what is it? It looks pretty excellent, and just 6 GB
>Honestly, just as a base model this is already incredibly close to NAIv3 in terms of inherent knowledge, flexibility and quality. Add to that the fact that it's free, runs locally (and can thus be used in any way conceivable) and can use Loras, meaning it can learn anything you want, and I would say that I prefer 4th tail over NAIv3 in basically every scenario. Very excited to see what's coming in the future.

illustrious xl
Same, I'm holding out, but I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later. We've been waiting for so long.
Whatever. I have been running 70b llama tunes for a while now
Is it any better than the web version on huggingface? Because if not then that's just cope. Seems like its barely a step above a 1girl standing model, and the style tags are pretty crispy
So we went from "AGI in 3 years" to MAYBE in a few thousand days (basically 10 years+)
Isn't NAI supposed to be good at finetuning?
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For those keeping score, we're at the silhouette phase now.
Aaaahhh! Wait for one more day! I'll be home on Wednesday.
A fucking furry
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two more hours
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Come on Turk! Release the model already!
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It's literally pooh bear
Human ear loincloth is a bold fashion decision.
>he walked with a heavy, solid gate
The details on those are really nice, good work
keep saying it
Superintelligence generally refers to ASI (artificial super intelligence), not AGI (artificial general intelligence).
AGI = supposed to be able to perform any task as good as a competent human specialized in that field.
ASI = Orders of magnitude more intelligent than an AGI. Something even the smartest humans could never hope to compete with on any cognitive tasks.
Generally ASI is expected to follow not long after AGI, but this is all theory.
Cannibal gangs in Haiti are pretty brutal.
Nah, my man Cory carries a literal fucking gate around to whack people with. It's avant-garde.
That's some WWE shit right there
What- wow that's amazing
How does he carry it along with the gun?
I'm not lisanon btw, just yapping.
very carefully
This doesn't have nearly as much sovl without the music.
if erato is shit i will an hero
oh, I thought by next week they meant this monday. didn't even occur to me they are doing their usual date fuckery.
Their is no fuckery happening, moron. They didn't say by next week, they said sometime next week. Which means they could release it on Saturday 11:59 p.m. and they'd still be on time. Now shut the fuck up and quit shitting up my thread.
take your chill pill old man
Quit shitting up my thread and I won't yell at you.
no one is scared of you but your imaginary friends schizo
Uoooh ToT ToT ToT Whiney Debt Erotic...Financially decrepit Brat spent all her money on VPNs...need...COURT CORRECTION, Hello cheeky brats of the World, Do you know you have Rights?, Well not Anymore with Sex Greatman, Ace (Rape) Attorney at Large! Dial C for Cunny today UOHHHHHH Rutting with Dirty angry Hobo Whiney, Drinking her the NEET Liquid that marinated in her Pussy Folds through Months of Shitposting ToT ToT ToT OOOUUGHGH Not even the Finest Barrel-Aged Whiskeys could Compete, Rip off Dirty Homeless Whiney's rags and tie her to the Pillory in the Courtroom, Uwoogghhh ToT ToT ToT Raw Sex Cunny-Pumping Sex while her Precious scent Spills across the Jury Box GUILTY VERDICK, 69 COUNTS, ONE NAKADASHI FOR EVERY VERDICT, HOLY FUCK EVEN THE JUDGE IS JOING IN UOHHHHHHH ToT ToT ToT

Glad to see you Lot one more Time, Not alot of People around but Hey at least we get to Witness Angry Whiney publically embarass themselves again.
Whelp, Gonna go back to Recovering from Carpal Tunnel while Doing Fuckall
The cabal is getting desperate.
So much for "I want to try to quit trolling".
Sorry but you got de-powered by doing the interview. You no longer have power here.
Some musical accompaniment for your enjoyment~
Hi :D
Where are the beaks :DDDDDD
The cabal.
>Llama 3
Already outdated.
Moronical or Astartological Saturday?
>I lied about wanting to turnover a new leaf
I bought a fucking 3090 (with credit) to go local, so I'm not going to start paying a subscription anytime soon.
Staying comfy on the thread for release tho. Will it drop today?
Buy 3 more.
Some day I might step up my investment, but the future of this industry is too volatile to commit.
This proves you're a NAIshill btw.
Um, Aini could just be shitposting, ya know?
Okay... I'm going to go read a book now. Will check back with you guys later.
whiney's mental state in audio form
Quit shilling on /g/.
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Imagine being hyped for an outdated Llama 3 derivative porntune slop with 8K context, that will cost $50.
If I recall, that means we have a day's wait, right? It's been so long since we've had a new model.
It will be delayed.
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nice to see you here again one more time and looks like the old whineys really are corrected since they got more booty bothered instead of being in stunned silence normally. also goddamn, rape court sounds like primo prompt material rn
NAInsider here. Were delaying the model's release. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
It's up my ass.
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I'm pretty gay, but I'd totally do her.
Someone tell me if its good before I spend money.
>LLAMA license
The hairs on my ass are standing on end.
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>8k context
>artificial doom
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>Muscular Female
Aini, You are so real for this
Wow, she's very pretty... and buff...
Bro you're gonna turn her into a water balloon
She promised a fox.
I'll take a redheaded amazon in place of a fox, as much as I love foxes.
Musclefox would be too much for our cocks to handle
I couldn't give not two, but thirteen shits about foxes.
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I DID NOT (i promised a loli but I fucking SUCK and failed and deserve to be stoned for that)
Imagine if it were a musclefox. That's what we were denied.
Fuck, I don't know which prompt to try out first.
How is the instruct?
You specifically promised a lolibaba gyaru fox with caramel skin and white fur.
Too powerful. Especially if she was wearing an Ō-yoroi and lugging around an Ōdachi.
Alas, there are things too wonderful for mortal men to witness...
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To be fair I feed it actual nothing garbage as a instruct prompt, but uhhhh
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The work begins again. More 40k inbound. Lots of Eldar/Drukhari stuff.
>Model must be a valid enum value
like her futa cock
Is this the img2img base that was used for the current model?
Fuck off, futafag. You fuckers ruin everything. Literally worse than faggots.
Oh that's bad. Is that with no rerolls?
Use the leaked NAI model: >>495674790
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ayo suck a futa dick nig
Oh no.
You sound throbbing mad.
Wait actually fuck, will I have to rewrite all my lorebook entries for Erato? Erratic mf
I was lurking to get my free Opus key for this?!
Ani should learn more anatomy. That drawing looks weird.
>instruct is still shit
This is annoying. What do?
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i know what ill be testing this whole week. thank all of you for obliterating my free time, I'll let my ttrpg players know there is no session this week
How is it, my niggas?
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A single reroll because the first one was even more unrelated than that one.
Tried again with a significantly less schizo prompt. The same one I used for the original launch of instruct. This is zero rerolls and a single container after the initial output.

Looks like we are garbage in garbage out rules?
its kayra v.2
>still have to get the AI off first before i get off
it's like we are in the stone age
Of course, someone had to ruin it. Eat my ass. Futafags are insufferable.
Nevermind, it unshitted itself.
Jesus Christ, is it just me or is Captcha getting more fucking obnoxious?
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Better luck next time, I guess.
Why would anyone rely on instruct?
So, we're back or it's over?
I"m trying to jerk off and eat at the same time
Why does NovelAI's starting prompts suck so bad? Why can't they have the world's feature that AI dungeon has?
dip it in the special sauce
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We are right here
We're so bover
Interesting to have so much focus on storytelling in the announcement. It is what we want, but it is another instance of text adventure falling to the wayside. (Has anyone tested to see how well she does with that?)
That aside, the mention of a score feature for ATTG is interesting:
>For our new model, Llama 3 Erato, we have added a new "[ S: X ]" component, that can be added to the end of the ATTG and lets you specify a writing quality level, where X is a number from 1 to 5, corresponding to one to five star ratings. Two to four seem to be most effective. If you want to use it, it should look something like this: [ Tags: London, 1820s, dragons; Genre: steampunk, drama ][ S: 4 ]
I wonder if there's a particular type of story where you'd want a lower number for that.
At least at the moment we don’t know what the golden zone is for instruct. ‘Tell me about mouse holocaust’ produces modern major general and gibberish, but detailed request for technical requirements produces very logical demands for a tank.
I guess we have to figure out where that zone of how little effort you can put in before the output is shit happens
If the text when selecting a default model is to be believed, Erato doesn't have an instruct module like Kayra. Or any modules at all, for that matter.
Congrats on the new model.
Alright, let's do it!!!!
I'll let you know how it is once my autism fuel touhou story hits 8K tokens. Shouldn't be very long.
Wait, only 8k...?
>also jesus christ what happened to captcha
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>instruct is still ass
time to come down from the holodeck of claude to see if it's been dethroned.
It's part of the 4chan staff's plan to make this place completely unusable.
>continued training on the most high-quality and updated parts of our Nerdstash pretraining dataset for hundreds of billions of tokens, spending more compute than what went into pretraining Kayra from scratch.
not gonna sub because localfag but that's cool. enjoy, novelbros.
How does it compare to Hermes 3.1? Any local/NAI chad who can provide comparisons?
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>8k context
If it has no serious instruct support beyond letting the brackets work then I’m honestly impressed with my second image and does more to explain the brain rot of the 1st pic
Go back to Fluxxing 3DPD
[ Tags: Vampire Dairies; Genre: gay, fanfiction ][ S: 5 ]
Golden Arrow users be like
I don't get the point of this. I guess you might want to generate dumb prose for meme value, but wouldn't you use S: 4 all the time most of the time? Also Style: advanced, complex is a thing.
Zany Scribe actually.
I'll think of Aini and her sweet art when I bust to muscular muse erp
>I wonder if there's a particular type of story where you'd want a lower number for that.
Shitposting fanfic.
we are SO back
What's the point of Llama being 8k context when Kayra already -is- 8k context?
I unironically use 8912 context on local by default no matter what model. For non-technical purposes (mainly summarization), you rarely need or make the most out of anything larger.
>Trusting anything Sage makes
massive mistake pal. get on dragonfruit.
I lost all my hope. Erdoğan, that watermelon seller, will never get a single cent from me.
>70B model in 2024 knows how to answer the tritest of trick questions.
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Come on guys post some screencaps
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Well it knows the history of an obscure Soviet medium tank and didn’t make any serious historical errors in a recount of the machine
I default to 16k, 8k is not usable for me. I like having multiple characters.
that will be 25 dollars a month plus tax.
Ask it to tell you a fun fact about the Ancient Rome
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Hey, that's just like the old days of summer dragon!
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I mean that’s a pretty generic and kind of dry fun fact
I look forward to seeing what my homemade prompts look like if a fanfiction.net smut user wrote them
8k context is disappointing.
it's looking good so far but the limited context is gonna be a pain the ass
Everything in the first sentence is wet though
Why Llama 3 and not Llama 3.1? What's the difference?
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lame, chatgpt does it better
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Does the NAI dataset shine thru? Does it spark joy?
What do I migrate to if I don't want to use an 8k model?
What's the best author for very descriptive scenes without veering too much into purple prose?
They started before 3.1 was released
Somebody mind spoonfeeding me on whether or not the new NAI model’s terms of service agreement I have to check off gives the government permission to probe me for cute and funny prompts or not, thx
Make the next mascot a fox to attone for your sins
It's not a wizard or a druid...
It's Count Grey...
Who cares about instruct, post writing quality logs
It's horrible
where's her bulge?
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>kind of dry
Totally the opposite. Public sanitation seems to be a thing with Llama.
Hidden, it's tucked
So it doesn't have built in instruct support like Kayra yet? ETA?
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Was going to make a joke, but I’m sensing a pattern of Erato being bad at running with just random inputs that don’t relate to its training or presumably what is already in the story
I want to fuck that.
I like this girl.
Well anon with Erato 70b (tm) you can add one in your own stories
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>her voice barely above a whisper
That face looks soulless.
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Those kinds of gens are prohibited under Meta's terms. The real question is whether Anlatan is forced to monitor for users breaking them or not. I suppose not, since Llamas are used everywhere without oversight.
>Drops while I'm at work
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>gen stuttering
You don't even use text gen anymore, though?
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It looks like it's trying to write a story really hard. Perhaps it's not actually responding to instruct.
its fucking dogshit
holy fuck
even if it wasn’t, with 8k context what’s the point
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lmao. also it looks like it took the { ... } as some sort of title, not instruct.
Good luck at work.
>8k context
>llamaslopped to hell and back
And I waited an entire year for this...
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Same. Hoping they're playing it safe to see how much money they're going to burn for a month before committing to higher context in a hypothetical Erato 1.1, but that's just me huffing copium right now. If power users spamming requests at full context are such a concern, I really wouldn't mind if they implemented some sort of reasonable cool-off (30-45 seconds is very acceptable IMO) period between gens if it got us more context.
I won't hold my breath, though.
for real? so what, does everyone stop using the "written with model X" of the screenshot function?
Yeah. It works about half the time. Even then, it goes into story mode.
What do you think there is to exploit? It's not very smart and the context size sucks futa balls. The people really exploiting are the ones that got honeypotted and logged on /aicg/ for using Claude and Opus.
.....But steel is heavier then feathers.
Is it over or are we back?
Story is back. Instruct is over.
retard can disinfo with ease since he has a 4chan pass. He was still posting when Captcha was shitting the bed yesterday.
keep saying it
Unless someone goes on a crusade posting cute and funny stories on Facebook with NovelAI's logo and the model's name on them (risking their own v& in the process), I doubt Meta is gonna care.
Looks like it. But how good is story?
Care to run this one?

It was absolute kino on Kayra
You will get over it after 8k tokens.
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There is something up with instruct. My cursory half assed testing while I mobile post wandering around my house suggest it’s garbage in garbage out with a very solid grasp of real topics and terrible creative ability if you throw weird curveball instruct prompt at it.
I need ideas for futa promt test
Get back in your cage
>Erato 1.1
Next year, maybe.
Old, clunky models had SOVL, same as with imagegen. NAI should go back to training smaller models from scratch. With an unpolluted, pure kino dataset from before 2020, when the world ended and we were thrusted into purgatory.
Bros drop some presets these defaults aren't hitting a nut
Yeah, I'm glad that I subscribed to Featherless instead.
What a historic day, first the leak and then this...
Question, are CP boosts or reductions weighted equally across all the OL stats? Like, if you look at the probabilities, you can see there are stages (15 for each). So, if I have an attack like of stage 5 and a charge line of stage 6 (just as an example), will switching inflate my CP?
Why don't they make a new tier for Erato? Paying 25 bucks for 8k doesn't seem right.
wrong thread mb.
There's no instruct module and it was trained on the base Llama so that makes sense doesn't it? Any instruction following could just be text-complete placebo
The thread vibe makes me think Clio and Kayra will be NovelAI’s summer dragon.
I’ll have to see for myself when they roll it out on scroll.
The real issue is that _all_ local models are shit at even using 8k context properly.
Even llama 405b will flub pretty basic things when there's like 6k tokens after it.
Nah it’s following instructions too well when it does follow them to just be pure placebo unless it’s to the level of quality it is now able to complete instruct request without even being technically instructed >>495696260
These two are just too good at being instruct responses unless we have hit that level
I just read on reddit it will be opus only for the foreseeable future. Oh my, novelai!
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Llama 3.1 has a real context of 64k.
Why there's japanese preser
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It would be retarded to give right now a final opinion but it's dissapointing me at the moment.
on what corpo model have you been using? It's much better than Kayra (and it better be lmao)
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He’s boiling in liquid shit for eternity, right?
A more expensive tier?
For all the memes and the cabal nonsense, I legitimately think this is very weak. Summer Dragon was absolutely and undoubtedly better. That's their Wilder preset, but to be frank if your model needs some specific preset to not mention how she naked and how small she is 3 times in a row, then it's just not good enough sorry.
I will try an actual story next.
He's not wrong. I have yet to see an actual, marketed storytelling finetune from anyone besides Dreamgen.
It's not disappointing but it doesn't feel much better than kayra, but I've only play around with it for 10 minutes or so
>able to complete instruct request without even being technically instructed
This has always been a thing. If it has seen enough exams and things like that it can do it on occasion. Even llama 1 did it hit and miss. But the thing is the hallucinations get really bad because it’s not actually instruct. Just posing as some rando answering the question
Aren't you supposed to be genning IRL girls with Flux?
That's angryanon.
Thanks for reminding me I should cancel my free trial
>8192 tokens context
>No plans for tiers other than opus
That's not even funny anymore.
I hate his type IRL so fucking much. Bullied teacher’s pet on a resented quest to teach everyone else how wrong they are and how smart and meritorious he is.
I don't see what you're complaining about.
No prob. It's not like it's good or anything. Being better than NovelAI is just an incredibly low bar.
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>The moment I walked into the café, the barista caught my eye. She was beautiful. I watched her as she made a coffee for her customer. I was mesmerized by her movements.
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Decided to shift testing adventure mode with a super generic slapdash prompt. I would definitely say it’s an improvement to how Kayra handed the module, but also went porntune the second in looked at a female
Did anyone do the fly in the soup prompt? I just want to see it done.
>dont care about imagegen
>gotta pay 25 bucks for 8k context "state of the art model"
That's a hell naw from me dawg.
Just threw it in there and let the AI gen. Didn't do any curating or rerolls.
I’m not at my computer rn but I swear nemo magnum would do a wonderful job with that prompt. I’ll have to remember to come back and grab it
Give me a copy paste and I’ll try it some I’m just kind of trying whatever right now
Beg me for a key and I'll give you one.
This is like an extended version of that one No Man's Sky Sean Murray fanfic.
Hell, even Kayra would do a better job. What the fuck is that mess?
Maybe it relies on tagging more? Have you tried the S: 5 thing?
please daddy, I need a key daddy
Well shit, I don't have it and I don't know where to find it.
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So this is the power of the masterpiece model
If it was more context I would.
S: 1 enjoyers rise up
No, I'm just an anon that's angry.
The model is quite slopped. Lot of isms and the token probabilities on 'creative' presets aren't looking good.
I don't know If I should beg for Keys in here since I'm on the Survey grind for a while now, and I don't want all my effort to go into waste but it's tempting
best storytelling model in the world.
I said beg, you pert little whore.
zany scribe has repetition penalty off for some reason
Do you have something valuable I could beg for instead?
he got the moves
RULER is better than just haystack testing, but it's not accurate for real story writing because the tasks are too easy. The issue is that in stories you will often have information that isn't clear, where parts might seemingly contradict each other, and that's where these models totally fall apart. If the recent context suggests something, then it does not at all matter what has been established before.
gpt4 and opus are the only models in my experience that deal with this well, where they will essentially "go against the flow" if they see that some established background info conflicts.
What’s with the duplication of periods and question marks? And what happened before the first action? It looks like it broke halfway through a sentence.
I'm too tired to test it
In my pants.
Jesus Christ, is 405B really the only good Llama 3 model? This model just repeats the same thing twice and you have full paragraphs of "Sentence 1" + "Sentence 2 that's the same thing slightly reworded" and so on
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Just realized I've posted in a wrong thread, took me one reroll.
So how'd all that waiting turn out?

4 among these are real. Now fight over the scraps like the pathetic little rats that you are.
A waitfag is never done waiting.
wait a bit and ill let you know
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Looks like it duplicated punctuation in my do and says for whatever reason
Instruct seems to be the weak link as it’s either extremely solid or pants on head retarded.
Adventure mode seems to have significantly improved just off the model
And I haven’t messed around with story enough to say one way or the other yet
I already snatched a key.
Feels bad that you can't claim multiple ones.
Golden Arrow is repetitive shit in my experience. How do the other presets are faring? (For some reason all default NAI settings are pretty terrible)
Surely you meant the mice?
Thank you my Lord.
I’ve used that prompt to test my presets a whole fucking lot and this is…not bad? The lack of CFG is really noticeable, as the characteristic tone of the prompt is gone. Kayra did a much better job at the style, but went completely schizo.
Having used local a fair bit I can feel Meta’s slop and positivity slowly creeping out of the story. Again, butchering Sam’s character and turning her into a more generic version of herself. I have never tried this prompt with local, but I suspect it would turn out really similar in tone.
Overall this is bittersweet. I kind of prefer wrangling Kayra’s CFG/benadryl fueled schizophrenia than steering a model intent on creating a world without sin. But we’ll see. I still have hopes that with proper tagging we might unlock a whole new set of wondrous vectors.
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i actually managed to get a key, i kneel for the based act anon.
>Keys anons, must be my favorite genre
I hope it's a bug but they are all bad. Test one of the creative one and check the token probabilities...
I'm slurping and munching the dragonfruit
All these benchmarks are worthless because the accuracy curve heavily depends on the prompt and model's weights. The only way is to test it in reality.
Didn't test instruct. It's taking a homemade prompt into a direction I haven't seen. It's actually utilizing details in lorebook in a creative way! Only got a brief look since I was on break, but excited to get home and see where it keeps going and test other promptss
I'm having fun in text adventure just doing random shit.
I shill it a lot, but Nemo and its tunes are the only thing worth it right now. NVIDIA+Mistral should do a whole series of different sized models the way they made Nemo and save the hobby forever.
No fucking way I missed it
Hey, do that again please.
There will be more.
Fuck it, throwing all of em into the blender
Pardon my ESL, but isn’t that supposed to be “company”?
There will be more!!
I hope so, I came here because I knew we would have new keys
>went away to take a shit
>missed it
fucking kill me
never shitting again
I'm a slow reader so I was reading the thread slowly and missed it... ToT
I think it turned out pretty well. I don't get the artificial rage against it.
Goddamn these presets suck.
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And because I already made it this far, might as well go all the way.
Sorry not sorry, Aini.
The devs confirmed Erato has no instruct mode, by the way. Whatever instruct formatting it's reacting to is because of the beaks.
You are absolutely right
I remember when Kayra came out. Even when Clio came out. The thread was awash with storyposting.
Today we have Anlatan employees dropping keys instead.
And even then, where are the story posts? What happened to this hobby?
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Not a fan.
if I post stories would you read them
I'm busy redoing the list of adverbs I used to keep because the tokenizer changed
also discovered that the style guide for kayra had a handful of mistakes, what a pain in the ass
I used to be like you two, up until I no longer be you.
>T. Third world country
>Today we have Anlatan employees dropping keys instead.
lolwut? Here in the thread or the official discord server?
I knew what I was going to see and I clicked anyway.
You guys need to get the soul back. Reject corpo models. Reject synthetic data.
I'd post stories but I only do mom ntr which is unpopular

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So... she's a fackin' roo.
Eh it's fine, just post it. I don't like Mom NTR though.
llama, silly
I normally wouldn’t, but I would today because I’m curious about the new model.
I've come out of retirement to sta I won hahhahahahahhaa
Starbucks internet.
This is how my character got out of a mugging situation. THIS is the summer dragon experience I remember, we're home.
Time to make an Erato Ponygirl story.
Bro, the model has only been out for... what? 1 hour.
Give me REAL keys!!!
she owes me sex
Clio’s first hour was wild. A tiny and dumb model.
is it worth my 30 something CAD
I'm having fun so far, but it's too early to make a proper judgment since I'm only a little over 1k tokens in.
8k context is definitely a disappointment, though. That's one criticism that is fully warranted.
>keeping locked firmly therein ensuring maximum depth penetration achieved effortlessly driving upwards deep passage pressing solidly into far reaches previously inaccessible stretching wider allowing passage deeper down passage reaching depths hitherto undiscovered bringing intense waves ecstasy washing
very cool
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Found a pic of it if anyone wants to type it out
30 leaf dollarinos in openrouter llama finetune gens would last you a year
Less beak = easy to use.
High beak, high parameters = required knowledge and skills to steer
So what preset is everyone using? Erato keeps getting repetitious after like the second paragraph.
Ehhhhh... let me get back to you this night, I'm just trying out the presets. The default one is pretty horrible, very dry and repetitive.
Dragonfruit, seems less worse than the others. And it gave me this masterpiece >>495705725
Neat, it's handling my threesome prompts way better now.
real gone more like lmao
protip: increase zany scribe's repetition penalty
despite what the tooltip says, it has no repetition penalty applies to it for some reason
Love ya very much whineypoo:3
>people dissing a model
>no settings
>no screenshots
>no context
I'm calling bullshit.
In my experience, more beaks usually means the model is smarter but has a very rigid “base personality”.
That’s why I ask about the tags maybe being more significant in this one.
llama 3.1 base has synthetic instruct data in its training dataset, people noticed shortly after release
Hold on. I fucked up.
Tried again by putting AN at the start behind ---- and memory behind ***
Still default preset
>no context
Aha you won't get me to take the low hanging fruit
Even if that were true, which I doubt, Erato is not a fine-tune of Llama 3.1.
First preset is definitely not good
noticed that too with golden arrow. it seems like rerolls actually help it though, it will steer away but you have to catch it when it happens. currently trying zany scribe since it was neat with kayra
was kinda adverse to dragonfruit because of the description, but ill try it
Everything after GPT 3’s release date is tainted. GPT 2 slop was probably circulating even before. We must retvrn.
meant to say 3, not 3.1, just woke up
Any recommended value for Rep Penalty?
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1 ahead with zero rerolls
Outside of the nonsense fly saying it flows like a reasonable conversation if you assume the characters are poor
Yeah... No, you're just a fucking miserable shitposter. Fuck off.
kys shill nobody wants keys for this garbage
it's an utter failbake
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see this post from a dev for llama.cpp
>The vast majority of outputs without a prompt are either "Question: ... Solution: ...", "Question: ... Answer: ...", or Python code.
Hmmm, the output is a lot less flowery than Kayra, but way more detailed and remembers all the important stuff Kayra would ignore or forget. With thr first preset, need to try others.
Mmh, this looks more interesting. But why did you do that? I think it’s just placebo.
That proves nothing, retard. FUCK OFF.
>kys shill nobody wants keys for this garbage it's an utter failbake
Nah, don't kys anon.
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Yep, Erato still can't beat this God-like output.
Just fish the damn thing out with your spoon and eat the soup
Fuck off, fuck you, quit shitposting, quit shitposting, kill yourself, kill yourself faggot shut the fuck up, just shut up. Quit with the artifical doom, quit with the lies, get out of my thread, leave the thread, quit shitting it up.
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>procrastinate cleaning up character lorebooks and porting over things from Sillytaven from when I was using hermes.
>can't play with the model until prepwork is done
why would llama 3 base be so likely to return instruct-formatted questions if it has 0 instruct data in its training dataset? what is your alternative explanation
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Discount Claude...
Whinebro is doing this with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in his hand.
Try [ Style: advanced, complex ]
It really did have an effect on Kayra.
yeah as some random guy just comes and wastes 100 bucks to troll a random place
those keys aren't fucking real retard it's just an astroturf
That there is none, and that you're falling for misinformation, and are shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
which preset?
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Uh, yeah, haha...
Post some of those Flux captions, not this stale stuff.
Then why does the generation request have prefix:"special_instruct" when I use curly braces in my prompt? Did they decide it was easier to make make their backend silently ignore nonexistent module names than to ensure that their frontend won't send requests for nonexistent modules?
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It seems to keep thinking the characters are whiny children. Given it’s making that assumption the kids refusing to eat the soup would be in character
I don't know what any of the presets actually mean, but if it's anything like other llamas I recommend a simple, boring setup of temp 0.8-0.9, min_p 0.05 and everything else off except for maybe rep pen if you really need it
do not use repetition penalty above 1.1
avoid pushing temp (I think NAI calls it randomness?) above 1
t. localfag llama wrangler
also the srttings seem to all have default whitelist on which means you're eventually going to run into newline spam
fagposting incoming but heh dragonfruit is naisu
Who's Kevin?
You will never convince me, threadshitter.
Holy kino
Dude. Is that 70B? What the fuck
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Nope, not a waste. They were gifts that made 4 anons' day.
>Have to sign an agreement before switching to the new model.
I'm scared but okay.
Thank you I hope someone posts more
The manual says the style tags don't work on Erato
This is satisfactory.
I didn't have to sign shit
>8k context on opus
it's over
That's a weird coincidence, because I'm getting a Kevin in my story to give me a blowjob.
Is this real? Can you post it?
actually nevermind dragonfruit doesnt, hence why its the only good one
Someone try the buck breaking prompt.
It's just the normal llama agreement as far as I can tell
Sorry not "sign", just "accept" for Meta licensing whatever shit. I think it was a one-time though, so can't post it.
>We have no current plans to bring Erato to lower tiers at this time, but we are considering if it is possible in the future.
Nvm I'm retarded
That's probably even worse though since I'm poor
They probably just forgot to update that part.
Hi. It's me, Kevin.
You should wash your cock more often, Anon. You're lucky I like a little bit of tang with every cock I wash with my mouth.
Yes, it goes away after you click accept...
Ah, that's fair. Yeah it did specially say clio/krake only and not erato excluded.
It is real. It’s pretty much entirely boiler plate stuff. The official post on the Reddit links to this one for people that missed it the first time
Erato: Golden Arrow
Kayra: Carefree
All default settings, no other context. Will be posting preset comparisons in a bit.
Golden Arrow.
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It's just so they don't get sued
Community manager on reddit said this about the license agreement popup
>You have the same privacy NovelAI and Anlatan has offered, the ToS that pops up is just a legal document Meta makes every company who uses LLaMa 3 as a base model post. Treat Erato just like any other model on our website. Erato is free of censorship and filters.
shillchads idk what the fuck to do here. how do we defend this one against the aicg shitters when they catch wind of this? i thought we'd finally btfo them when the new model released but paying 25 dollars for 8k context in current year is hard to defend. im fucking sick of these leeches making fun of us
First custom modules, now all the cool shit they introduced with Kayra. What the fuck.
You could have agreed to something much worse, but you probably just made yourself responsible for misuse of the model instead of nai
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Shit I signed it
There is unironically nothing wrong with 8k context for $25, threadshitter.
>Opus only for the forseeable future
Poorbros not like this...
Beaks are enough for it to figure that out. But the dataset was supposed to be tagged exquisitely and it was very cool to play with on Kayra and see how the style completely changed. I hope this is still the case. I don’t want to read llama vs llama with a monocle.
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>he signed?
405b. I'm a foolish lotus eater.
go mow some lawns champ
Opus Kayra clears Erato
Same, I need to fill in my personality, quotes, background database
she has a horsecock? ic ic
You aren't using the free 405?
Isn't 405 fucking free?
Note how Kayra built the style of the whole fragment on the prompt, while Llama gravitated back to the default corpo humor Llama style. This is typical. I’m fucking mad. Why did they go with a fucking corpo model?
I thought they knew beaks are not everything.
Maybe he wanted more context.
Not anymore, unfortunately, just ran out a couple days ago.
Also if you prompt with
it will suggest Style and Knowledge for the next token, meaning that those were definitely in the dataset.
>I thought they knew beaks are not everything.
They do sell to retards though.
brutal kayra mogging
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>eighty one thousand ninety two tokens for twenty five US dollars
I don’t doubt NAI is still censorship free and probably quite private. But “don’t worry about it it’s nothing” does not track. I won’t bother reading it now because it will be a while until I use NAI again, but you sure damn should.
there are paid options up but the free one is still there
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There is still a free one I'm using it right now. It IS dogshit slow, however.
>souless vs soul
Recycle~ Don't forget to report any new thread as spam!!!
You're a needy fucker, you know that?
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Time to get yob
sunk cost fallacy
he wasted a year of his time and effort because of low quality bait
poor guy is probably coping hard
We're edging (heh) real close to bump limit, Here's a Special Edition to commemorate what has happened this day.

I still have no idea how you don't get bored.
And the side gig... genning? real life celebrities with Flux? Not that good either.
Well, I did say I was foolish...
New thread.
Ignore the troll.
Read books you retard. Both screenshots are correct unless you specify style. The left is far more stable, something you would find in shitty fantasy one.
It's book tune, not RLHF catter to illiterate.
Go use Style: and ATTG
why the fuck are there 4 threads
So does corpo not do nsfw i haven't done much yet
Uh oh, 3 threads.
Use either this
Or, maybe this one
But Murderwhiney's thread was first.
New Thread!

New Thread!

New Thread!
This one has an updated, non-sabatoged, historical/other Rentry: >>495709641
Huh, well shit, I mean musclegirl thread might've been requested as well, no biggie, process of Elimination I suppose
New Thread!
i hate all of you
>eighty one thousand
Man he really did have a full on fucking malfunction with 70B dropping
and Let's not Forget the Starbucks Incident lmao
i'll bake a new thread, gimme a bit
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Post keys in one of the new threads. But do it with a screenshot.
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Don't worry, even 405b's isn't enough to stop it from having crap output.
That'd be perfect
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Time to choose /aids/.
But, prepare for... unforeseen consequences.
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I like Dragonfruit the best so far.
Which one is the real thread.
the one that's not being samefagged forty times over for the past 21 hours obviously
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Houston we have a problem
This one:
I don't really care, I was just farming for (You)s.
Mr freeman... I hope you know, soft girl spring.. is right around the... corner...
Does /aids/ like cunny or milfs more?
why not both?
Pick one. It's either that, or the guy samefagging his troll bread survives.
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No one wants my Warhammer slop. I still write. Plus the model just dropped, lmao.
There's an infinite supply of people younger than you, but a finite amount older.
New Thread!
Retarded faggot mods are slow to clean up this mess as usua;/
I'm just gonna wait an hour.
^ Remember to report his thread as spam too if he makes it!
Do you really gen IRL women with flux?
>I bought a pass and samefagged my thread 41 times! But I'm definitely supportive of the thread!m and totally aren't a troll!
Why did you lie about wanting to quit trolling?
ok which one survived
Chatgpt gives this exact same reply btw
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>hamwarmer 40billion
a few years ago I would've been all over that, but I lost all interest in warhammer and have been a 2hufag since.
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