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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 22, 6:30pm EST | Malboro Crystal - The Goblet W13P26 | Undisputed 2, 3,and 4 >>494947097
• Sept 23, 3PM PST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm CST | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Last time on zackrawrr: >>495550710
Futa is straight
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(Message could not be displayed due to Term Filter 8.)
no it aint
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lizards run this shit
cc doko
We need more of this...
thinken about meena cwarrot...
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my sunnie and three +'s
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Gay bunboys RUN this shit
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If you could please add this to the next OP

Twin Peaks meet up Saturday 9/27 8pm EDT
Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34
Season 2 episode 3-6

Come join us on Ultros, Primal for season 2 of twin peaks. Each episode comes with a special foreword from a mystery speaker!
Each episode now till the conclusion of season two is only around 40min long so we're gonna start powering through them. Thankfully we still have some good ones left till the mid season slump (i might split them up and show a movie between them since theyre kinda rough to watch in one go)
Come enjoy some twin peaks with me and chat a bit, or take the link and run i dont mind.
Kiss all trannys
need melf EB for my fiera
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post them
>They have a penis and vagina so it’s bi
>They can identify as men so it’s gay
>They have a penis so it’s gay
Choose one.
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total moonie hypnosis
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Moonies! :3
catboy supremacy
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Ippiki Atros, Yaranaika Abe, Rylai Shendelzare, Felix Argyle, Ririten Yuyuten, Harkenia M'haura, Godspeed You, Read Faelynn, A'exis Faelynn, Lei Lani, Ceveth Airen, Kuus Hime, Archana Bellsong, Mute Luhren, Ninii Nii, Serys Rudine, Shyvana Hiiragi, Mahayana Atman, Suro Ruro, Tolan Revant, Cute Girl, Byooki Braus, Sabin Rene, Etiennette Aquila, Stratos Fairclough, Jarben Raret, K'is Maram, Algy Fair, Reimi Shirohime, Naandae Vara, Jessa Covey, Harpuia Rivers, Rheia Etsaetal, Waffle Slapper, Emina Sha'ressa, Meracle Shinx, Laeka Torei, Talonaar Skystrike, Spuki Bugi, Blackcat Ofilomen, Auks Reuenthal, A'hl Rhowa, Masha Moshantu, Sena Sanjou, Rukira Michaelis, Cu Chulain, Aldyet Holt, Momo Deviluke, Brahms Torsten, F'telor, Wet Paws.
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So many refuse to accept its beauty.
Transbians are disgusting
Do malera like fiddies
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>size difference of over a foot
oh hes a pedo
Your butt is kinda flat but I still want more
hypnotizing moonies to house train them
They love fiddies
post your character!
this is basically exactly my fiddie
What's the minimum level that you would accept to ERP with someone? Does it matter to you if a character's level 2 or 15 or 50 or 100?
what's the fastest dungeon of Halatali (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) and Lost City of Amdapor? I want this Darklight Helm
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i am a moonie
why are you posting ancient names
all me
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nobody gives a shit about any of these 30 year old pedophiles anymore
Kiss all trannies I volunteer to do it /smooch
I'd be interested but I'm too autistic to actually meet without spilling my spaghetti. Good luck on your search.
Everything changed when I found out I could just put the miqo'te idle and /sit on my miera or anything else for that matter
Any level
My min height femra otl
EB a femra*

*Offer only open to characters at least 6'(183cm) tall
Brayflox, it's a semi-popular way of grinding light for relics.
moonie btw
may i p
Like explain moonies to me
two bunboys rubbing their butts against each other...
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Moonies nya
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>Stratos Fairclough
The good times
cute little faggot :3
meria's almost 40 and all the pics of her that get posted are from 15 years ago
What if Im 7’…
What's wrong with his SNOOOOOT?
how do you do it? im dumb and dont know...
Ill smooch you anon wya
all me
>take a picture of empty server
>blur out the server name just in case
"See guys, I'm quitting for real"
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Be careful with that word, I might fall in love
What the FUCK?
Isn’t Elk almost 40 too? These boomers could be my parents.
If the character's level 2 it means they got just far enough to travel to Balmung. Plap once then discard them, they would do the same to me
If the character's level 15 it means they thought that this was a character they wanted to play but lost commitment, and probably will again halfway through the scene
if the character's above level 30 or so, especially if they're still advancing, then I will ERP with them, though I have high standards and might let them down and back out partway through
my favorite moonie boy
you'll be old before you know it. enjoy it while you can.
Nah. Elk's in his early 30s.
Hey… do you wanna cuddle and touch noses…?
I think I've been extremely lucky because all the trannies I've met from xivg have been quite nice. A couple were playful/flirty but none were giga coomers or anything and there was no push to ERP or gpose, only nice chats while playing the game.
>putting "wowg" in the title
Clever girl
mediocre moonie
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I didn't think anyone would reply i wasn't ready for this
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It's finally over...no more power leveling until the new field operation is out
finish your full msq first or i refuse to respect you enough to even consider a conversation.
yeah no
>malera are all incels
>femra all chase after malezen and middies
literally the most cucked race
too bad, now post location!
that was last thread in the filename dumbass
You aren’t lucky, we’re just mostly like that
you are the cutest little faggot here doe :3
I wanna frot you with another miera so bad
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Nice gaslight, bwo
Hope you’re okay with bugger guys…
My bed, maybe you'd like to come join me? :3
Incels? Do you mean their high intelligence and Azimborean nature?
i am a maliddie from the maliddie council that just ripped a really wet fart

would anyone like to sniff?
But the thread elite told me you're insane AGP modbeasts who only think of sex...
Hi :3
Wh-.. stop!!!
On the assumption you mean bigger, yes...
*smooch*ing this anon back

It's almost as if certain people make things up about us, who'd have thought?
shaking shitlander hands typed this
it's in the link to the primals concert now, but I think you already knew that :)
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he snuck it in the link
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Only level 100 pentalegends
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my immersion.
schizophrenic + nobody gives a shit take the L
they are
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I try not to be terrible
I love foxgar snooty mcboopsome
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Did Balmung close again?
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Based. Stay gone, freak.
>it’s in the title!
>wait no the link!
Shit yourself
I don't usually rp with alts. Commit into it a little.
Still don't know who this is, probably just deleted a trial account
>mentor crown ultimate legend goes down wrong lane in LoA and dies to wall
kek, how does this happen?
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The elite are liars.
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Hello xivg. What we schizoing today
big hats
Their main character page did say Rank 4 Veteran
The Asmongold OPs are fucking hilarious
fake as shit all you did was hide and select a different server with no characters and log in to a different account on the lodestone
deletion webm on catbox or you're a pussy
did LT drop the evidence document yet
I'm doing trust but also didn't expect them to be that lazy to keep the npcs in for the trust.
I am
going to try extreme trials for the first time tonight
Max-height Femra EB for my Min-height Malera
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
You think oppressive regimes started with slavery? You have the perspective of an ant inside the world's biggest skyscraper.
The world you're living on is oiled by blood.
The borders you know were paved in blood.
The races you know all were divided to facilitate violence.
Hate is a foregone conclusion of the human condition, regardless if you're punching up or down.
Most groups feel like they're punching up, most of them were in fact in positions they had to historically.
The feeling of you being in the last generation that will end war has existed in mankind since the day the first large scale war was waged.
History is full of cycles, victories and losses that feel significant are but a drop in a revolving whirlwind we call mankind.
Femezen popezen girlcock built for yuri!
gay ass thread
Theres the two mods for it. But if you mean how to mod in general that takes a long time to explain and you should probably look into it.
y t is the CUTEST moonie at lb14 right now...its insane how much she mogs all other catgirls
I believe we're doing some "is futa gay/tranny" baiting for now, later it'll probably be arguing about specific people
You missed out on hot femezen on femezen sex last thread.
But as a pope you wouldn't be interested
>roulette hero desperately trying to find ways to feel superior to actually skilled players
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That's every thread.
Do you like pet names?
Says the transbian
erm who is this
the most mediocre
Proud of you, newcutie
Femra wife for my femezen
thanks bwo
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Post your large hefty lesbian shenis on catbox for me please
t. femmy femezen
how much exp does a frontlines roulette give
wait Popezen is a tranny?
FFxiv shower thoughts
so that baby who nearly turned into a blashpemy in Thavnair, if a newborn has the full bodied aether, or in this case the dynamis/akhasa to turn into a blasphemy it does throw the whole "is a fetus a human" argument for FFxiv out the window, its seems even a baby has a full sized human soul ready to go.
Not that abortion is a thing aside from magic in ffxiv.
frotting you with bigger miera... while kissing your cute mouth
I guess we're vandalizing OPs like middle schoolers now.
i still haven't seen your cock
you just know some 300lb spic plays this thing
I can do so in an hour or two
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Making my shota alt on Balmung.
Give me a lewd gimmick.
lol a janny here is an ancient ebin of eld.
like 70%
The hell is this stupid shit
you again
Instant loss.
How do you make dungeons fun to new and experienced players simultaneously
>Burger King healer dies to doom on Angra Mainyu
>Burger King OT forgets how to voke when sprout MT dies to red/white floor
Maybe it's a good thing that AR roulette is always Aglaia now
FFXIV shower thoughts
you are a moonigger
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>no vagina
>I don’t wanna be futa
Checks out, he sticks to his guns.
Tell us more about your futa femezen you are going to fuck the lesbians with
I don't know why it even matters, when we don't know who it is

Just looks like a ploy to make an alt account and keep posting anyway, none of us care or know who it is
I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby
Snap out of it
I get the feelin' I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it
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my moonie looks like this
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First EW dungeon has the Scions split up, Y'shtola goes with the "healer" group so she's there as npc, but will still be there anyway if you go in as Trust (until they split off).
Serial miqitten plapper that wants to be a hyur Nunh
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>install C+
>spend like 12 hours trying to fine tune my character as much as possible while trying not to break the character/outfit models
>forced to settle on a barely noticeably slightly thicker version of her because anything further starts breaking topology
this was a fucking mistake
Gigantic woob
He bullies lalabvlls
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wip moonie
Not popezen, don’t care.
make mechanics that are new and require you to pay attention instead of powering through them.
Guys guys. New revolutionary idea
F- - (minus minus)
No peenor or vagoo!
Dont even ask what an F - - - is
I wonder what political ideology is the most popular for each race + sex combo
no this cannot be... is it him??
Rapes teen and adult catgirls
Hung shota is the best type.
pretty straight
gay ass replies
>erm who is this
not a boy
Y'shtola, how old is she?
>person self reporting that they looked at porn when they were underaged

there I saved you from the link.
You looked better minty
so ugly...
popezen already posted it on /aco/
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>person self reporting that they looked at porn when they were underaged
...do you think ANYONE starts looking at porn only when they're a legal adult
it's funny reading the stupid names in here and remembering you all probably have names like Matthew, Edward, Lester or even Chester.
everyone looked at porn when underage
i miss etie
These aren't gimmicks, these are just obvious...

>face 3
>its an obvious alt because it acts in the way that all interaction is good interaction
As a moonie, I think that political ideologies are cringe.
sis thats just null[ification]
>no f— eb
Why live
Okay transbian
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>get to old west town in MSQ
>suddenly feel silly as the person with the big sword in gunstown, USA
>have to level GNB to 95 so I can continue MSQ
worth it
>Male Midlander
Gay Communism
>Female Midlander
Gay Communism
>Male Elezen
Gay Communism
>Female Elezen
Gay Communism
>Male Miqo'te
Gay Communism
>Female Miqo'te
Gay Communism
>Male Lalafell
Gay Communism
>Female Lalafell
Gay Fascism
>Male Roegadyn
Gay Communism
>Female Roegadyn
Gay Communism
>Male Aura
Gay Communism
>Female Aura
Gay Communism
>Male Viera
Gay Communism
>Female Viera
Gay Communism
>Male Hrothgar
>Female Hrothgar
Gay Communism
My catgirl is going to reverse rape your shota
trannycoded post
>no pussy
Lost interest
did the same thing but with machinist
unless you're a sunnie this doesnt narrow it down much...
moonies are libertarians
Why do all the catgirls use the Y'shtola face
is it really popezen if they’re not wearing a crown
I waited until i was 21, where i lost my virginity.
pornographic material is for adults only.
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>12 inch long, forearm width penis with massive balls

Gross, keep that shit away from me.

>~5 inch long, regular with penis with normal balls

No, im the tranny
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Actually, I am a straight catboy.
And you should seize the means of reproduction.
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made for limsa suncats
Penis and balls no vagina, not futa, thats a dude with tits.
ryoko arasaka and nerotha jaab will poison any rp community they enter, DNI
Nice armpit!
my rava grabs ur cock n balls
>>~5 inch long, regular with penis with normal balls
me both ingame and irl
My femezen would suck popezen's cute woober
so, so gay...
i fear you all need some sort of straightening
>obvious alt
by gods, i fear they must give awards for people with your intelligence
I first saw porn when I was in fifth grade. It was hentai. I busted so hard. It was a Zone flash animation and now here I am a GAM jacking off to FFXIV catgirls
NatSoc for Femra
I dodge.
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anybody? femras femlala wanna sniff?
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>2 inch stubby that barely functions
not white

not female
based proportionality enjoyer
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why do retards do this when it's hard as fuck to get a house in this game?
yeah thanks man, epic fucking meme, why did you make like a hundred alts to buy out an entire ward to yourself and prevent anyone else from having anything?
i miss this nigga bro
Femra Nation
SE needs to fucking fix this shit and stop letting people do it.
It's not for the meme, it's for subs. He's RMTing.
For this reaction youre doing right now, and you're giving it to them freely
this. why do any of you even play malera anymore? you're just going to get laughed at and ignored
He didnt like my nickname…
It’s not stubby… it’s cute
soft faggy meena with an uncut 5-6 incher x softer faggier meena with an uncut 4 incher = unrivaled kino
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>people are now starting to realize that most of the people here are shemales and finding an actual futanari character in the xivg community is rarer than finding a xivg biowomen irl that actually enjoys ERP
say it aint so.
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darker or lighter skin if he's an ul'dahn rat that spent a lot of time in the sun
or is it fine
All the same freaks to me
the day SE nerfs submarine drops is gonna be the funniest day ever
I play actual futa and nobody ever cares about the vag they just want my + to plap them
Cute… and pathetic
Warning: Player Revanna Regulus exceeded your configured VRAM auto pause threshold (1.17 GiB/550MiB) and has been automatically paused.
True futas are made to be impregnated
>>forced to settle on a barely noticeably slightly thicker version of her
That's the only good way to make use of it. Or sometimes you can also just adjust clothing to fit wider hips/butt.
I found that my large 2b butt clips through a buttcape from a chestpiece so I used the rotate option on some rear skirt bones and now it doesn't clip. Looks a bit odd on some chestpieces, but it works.
most rp'ers claim to be "trans" these days and yet they don't even try to pass or voice train or anything
>want to post my profile on a FFXIV dating discord
>afraid someone there will recognize me from /xivg/ and spread my IRL photo
>also all the men's profiles are using male avatars while I play a female character so I'd look like some indecisive agp tranny or something

it's over for me isn't it?
>deleted for saying futa is trans
uh oh elk meltie
Looks fine, or maybe a tiny bit darker, but the jump between shades can sometimes be pretty harsh.
marry me
Malezens and maleras, yes please.
Maliddies no lmao, they're as bad as mieras.
this is literally me
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Post art of your characters!
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Why should we honest sub enjoyers suffer for everyone else's greed?
t. 2.1 inch haver
Time to start leveling an alt bro.
I'm scared. I think Rori is going to quit the game...
Do either of you like men
How the hell are people so picky about their girls with dicks (guys with tits)?
Go anywhere with a 'stable' ERP community and the old-school futas/herms all inevitably die out. Its overcrowded, overcomplicated, and the focus is always on the dick. Its a weird retarded cope that somehow futa is 'less gay' because the make-believe person also has a vagina under their ballsack.

Its just schizos looking for something to get mad about.
my femra has awoken
yeah bro any day now
Basically what >>495563993 says. Not males nor females, nor even other dickgirls care about the vagina when you have a penis, it becomes the primary sex organ
you can always recruit people for a "static" which is just a grooming ground for people like you to thrive.
Fair - I like tanking too much to give it up (or the queues).
Plus I had that glam already on my plates so I felt like it was made for this area.
Yes, uniroincally.
you guys know you can just write stuff by yourself, right? you don't have to interact with trannies to write
are you a femra?
its better to be honest and cringe than to live a lie.
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I was thinking of getting another comm. done but with that one guy that draws the busty white haired bun with dark skin.
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Biofems *generally* are going to prefer male characters so yea
No you didn’t, you never lost your virginity.
Elk is trans too, that’s why he loves futa and dating underage girls so much. Inb4 only other deleted text post in the last 30 threads lmao
I think it's better to watch a F+ sleeve a F than my male character fucking a F ngl
Oh no, we lose another male pretending to be a biofem
The more toxic and assholeish I act the more people in this game love me.
I would, but you guys never give recommendations for commissions.
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Can I get both?
Honestly either or would fix literally all my problems right now
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Catfishing tranny freak
>not Reds
My male midlander is thinking about doing this for the lulz
Ok but serious talk.
PVP is the one recurrent gameplay "activity" for this general.
Is there another weekly or semi-weekly activity you guys could get behind?
trannies make me hard
how? nobody thinks unnamed neko is a girl. retarded ass
You might need an alt to date or it's gonna be weird.
>t. straight man playing a fiddie
good morning middies
most ERP is centered around the dick, if vaginas had any relevance then yuri would be far more prevalent than it is
Sooner or later youre gonna catch yourself thinking “God I wish I was her” and perhaps your character isnt a tranny, but you sure will be
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A thread anon used to make drawings like these a few years ago and I've held onto it since
ok kyoppi
Even in drawn form the both of you look like you have the personality of an empty tissue box. Incredible.
PvP focus is what happens when the game content becomes stale. It happens to every MMO.
ok chloe
I've been sleeving F's on my Sunnie+ raid alt for a long time now, still no attraction to men.
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Ocean Fishing, Eureka and/or Bozja, group relic grinding, group Shared FATE grinding, sightseeing log, housing tours
Like every week until the end of time? Not really. Maybe maps. Idfk
thanks for confirming, sir crimson chin
i wish i had people to do savage or ults with because pfs have not been filling
I think it was plapc@ who made these
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Thinking everything is a slippery slope that will lead to becoming a tranny reveals more about you than anyone else
Only thing you'll be getting from me is a hug, and a smooch on the forehead while you cry into my chest and I tell you it'll all be alright
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Back when I tried to make my gimmick being that I was an asshole because I liked to eat apples
>trannies aren't groomers!!
CC is a xivgger-only fad, though. Well-adjusted human beings do
>field operations (Bozja was unusually populated last time I went there)
Just find some skeb artists.
t. almost month 6 of waiting on western commission
whats bugging you sis?
i would be ok doing eureka or bozja
dno really what other group content is out there besides raids
Eureka ofc
its more like men cant ERP how to work with a vagina
anal sex is common with futa on futa because a guy can fuck his own ass but they never bother to research or ask how the woman orgasm or arousal is besides getting it from porn.
The main thing with PvP is that anyone can jump into the queues, and its random. It becomes much harder to turn into an exclusive thing or people getting upset that they're getting ignored. Other content like that doesn't really exist.
That's an insult to the anon that actually drew those. All plapcat knows is getting carried in ultimates and being an annoying grownman gooner.
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So is this game a bunch of cliques fighting over territory?
every time I look at a section of the playerbase, pvp, raiding, housing, rp, forays, etc
there seems to be a discord clique with required plugins, guides, etc shoved in your face the minute you get in the door and if you dn't play their way it's an immediately and violent backlash.

just seems weird to me given the mmo genre is supposed to be social and encourage explorationa dn dealing with others and everyone just wants to smash coformity into you or make you quit the game
I want to smooch you, cute menhera chan
Everyone is too scared of showing others they're not hyper competent at every instance, so good luck.
Winry is an actual futa and the only f+ player here that matters
Female lalafell here, i'm a left-leaning anarchist
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my art is from skeb as well >>495564339
Same thing as everyone else (or most people, I guess). Adult life is a scam, I'm tired of working, paying shit, having to fix shit, having to do chores, all at once. It's enough to drive anyone insane.
At least I have friends to hang out with in XIV tho, so that makes it a bit more bearable, but it still fucking sucks
i imagine that this cat talks like this
There's not much that accommodates a lot of people. Forays I guess, but Eureka is hard because of level range restrictions and Bozja is already done to death for a lot of people.
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posting my viera, just for you
My fiera does not have a dickerino but I also don't erp so it doesn't matter.
long way of saying tranny
thats surprising because don’t people shit the bed in pvp too? it happens so who cares
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These eyebrows are too shiny at low angles.
My Mrava is a futa (dick and pussy)
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I agree with you there, the relevance isn't there specifically because of what you mentioned
I would like to either host or join weekly map parties but a lot of people dont think its worth their "time to gil value" or whatever. I think its fun, and I'd prolly bring 10 maps each time.

Sorry to break it to you, but she sounds like this guy
kissable lips
May my Meena marry?
Want some company sis?
Cute maloonster, bwo...
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>Erp with futa before mods really took off
>Skipping ahead, she kept referring to her pussy being wet.
>Wanted to keep it simple so decide to stick it in her ass
>Send a few paragraphs regarding my cock grinding against and pushing into her butthole
>”No anon, fuck my pussy, its at the bottom of my balls!”
i drew my friends character but i don’t wanna post it without his permission
this but 5-6 inch long with large balls (not too big though)
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
If you're willing to look for a group willing to accommodoate your play style I'm sure you could find a comfy group for just about anything. But generally the casual/social contents of the game don't have any strict barriers.
High end PVE content is the only one where you are heavily encouraged to play a certain way, and only because the content is designed around it to meet dps checks and do mechanics or you can't clear the fight.
male futa eb like this for my femezen futa
Is 4chan dying
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a FFXIV dating discord wtf?

>find it via google
>check women's profiles
>tranny AND lesbian
>"taken just looking for friends"
>massively obese
>someone in a polycule looking for a 3rd partner
>one hot female that is most likely fake because they look like a 10/10 insta model

this is grim
This bunny really enjoys anal with bunboys
this but 5-6 inch with large balls (but not too large, albiet)
the reason people dont tell you recomendation from artists is because they have a main squeeze, an artist that is unknown to the xivg artwhore community.
when an artwhore finds out that someone does xiv comms they will sweep them up and make them do a long form comm that puts the artist out of business for a long comic project that the artist can semi retire off of for the rest of the quarterly year from the purchace.
then the artist starts charging more for the art so the humble 50-60 full clolors you would pay for in the past from them quickly come up to becoming 220+ USD for the same quality.
nothing shocks these anons more than if their main squeeze ends up posting Saphina, the ebonclaws, sin, kykayo star, EZ, or any of the others.
I'm out of brigadeiros...
4chanx is lagging
>based partner
>squander it for wanting to fuck a man/tranny
Just fuck a man then you sodomite faggot
>writing erp
>have to conform to other's fetishes, schedule scenes, make sure no one's feelings are hurt, wait 5-10 minutes in-between posts, your story will only be as good as those involved
>writing text-based porn game
>can write as much as you want, whenever you want, with whatever content you want, and people will pay you to read it

the choice is easy, why does anyone erp?
Most schizo coded catgirl?
used hair conditioner didnt you
I would if Aether wasn't impossible to get into without camping my character there...
I ran out of brigadeiros...
ok I made my shota alt on balmung
my captcha has been super sluggish, probably just a cloudflare thing
full package futa is based though
imagine wanting to fuck a hole filled with shit and prone to tearing instead of a wet vagina
real fag degenerate shit
no, I don't even do pvp with this general because most of the people here are spergs who talk massive amounts of shit and try to bully random people for not performing at peak

If I don't want to be around Judas and his clique of peple who scream nigger an kys at anyone who isn't a pro pvper why would I want to be around the raiders who are goign to do the same but with logs and parses to pass around like they did to macchi?
This is true. The only reason to be there is for the funny profiles
I'd enjoy map shenanigans
I'd say it comes with older hentai(or maybe current i don't watch it anymore) where the female protag or whoever gets cursed or has a growing dickclit or magic dick but still has a pussy and is a woman but most of it is just cope because as others have said the focus is always entirely on the dick and never the pussy.
Appreciate it, but screaming into the void under a featureless visage is way more comforting than showing up in-game and giving myself out...
Maybe under happier circumstances, when I'm not crying about some BS, then we can meet
You all say that...
I only care about lala artists, and even that pool is small for the ones that can do close to lala proportions and not skinny short elezens with round faces
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Good morning
take off your clothes
Clitdick futa is the only way my yurizen will touch a futa
typical moonie
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Why is Cactuar full WTF
so futa enjoyers really are just bisexual men with a male preference
Because we are jacking off

If you just like to write, then go do that, I'm not making a game or buying a game or paying some AI to jack off when the whole point is I'm a guy jacking my cock off with another guy jacking his cock off and were being misogynistic and making our slutty whore toons fuck each other and say things like "I'm such a dumb whore who loves huge dick" and other things women would never say
That's cool, but can I lick your abs?
you guys laugh and cringe but in my Anabaseios/TOP static our leader said he posted his profile in a discord like that, maybe not the same one, and got a DM from a cute asian girl and now they live together and play FFXIV together
>>”No anon, fuck my pussy, its at the bottom of my balls!”
i know exactly who you’re talking about
crazy how everyone here chats with others so much. I've never done that a single time. having autism and being socially retarded sucks.
Aren't you faceless and just an avatar ingame too? Not trying to convince you but if you want someone to chat, I'm always up for that.
>be futa back in the day
>ERPing some guy
>goes straight for the ass
>doesnt even bother with the breasts
>talks about the asscheeks and the butthole, doesnt even pull the hair

I think dude was lowkey gay to this day
its the only good kind desu
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No self-respecting woman thats even 6/10 will be in a FFXIV dating discord. Its all people that are mentally ill or at their wits end on how to find a partner.
What's blud talking about?
Also you think people cared at all about Macchi being shit? Macchi had been a weird schizo for like a year and a fucking half on this general 24/7 before that happened brother. he wasn't exactly in good graces.
if you were a bisexual man with a male preference you'd like men, cuntboys, or male futa not regular futa
Because I like making my partner happy.
false you are SEX
My wife
most wife coded catgirl in this general
why does every male except highlander look so fucking gay in this game
In a way, yes, but in game that faceless avatar is tied to a name that's more easily trackeable
I thought you were quitting
because it is a writing exercise to expand your lewd lexicon with experience with other writers. writing your own stories locks you within your own echo chamber.
if someone hasn’t messaged you in over a year, it’s probably safe to assume i can remove them since they likely removed me right?
I can't get off to my own writing. erp ensures I get someone else writing specific fetish porn of my character
they should just remove salvaged accessories and let them keep everything else that would kill like 90% of solo fc's
you can be both
and in this game there's a strong correlation between the two
Women should be soft
They shouldn't have muscles
Men should wear clothes meant for men
Women should wear clothes meant for women and men
Women shouldn't be fat either
Women should strive to look cute and look presentable, we don't like fat women, we don't like muscley women
We love soft women, actual feminine women
tranny cope
you will never be a futa
>doesnt even pull the hair
Weirdly specific detail
may I p
I wish I knew... I want to transfer gil from my alts to my main on cactus but it's always congested, even at 2 AM
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i'll finish this eventually...
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have you messaged them in the past year?
I don't mind solo FCs, it's the RMT empires that should die a slow painful death
My moonie can fix you
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Fair enough. If you ever need someone to give you a pet and talk to, just scream into the void here. There are often people who enjoy these one on ones.
tranny hands wrote this
can I get her mcdf please
I liked her, she seemed nice!
>Men should wear clothes meant for men
>Women should wear clothes meant for women and men
How come women are allowed to wear both but men aren't allowed to wear feminine clothing?
because it is a writing exercise to expand your lewd lexicon with experience with other writers. writing your own stories locks you within your own echo chamber.
the longer you wait the more flaws youll see and keep on trying to perfect it.
no i stopped reaching out when i noticed i was the only one doing it
You can always remove people for whatever reason you want.
I typically don't remove people just because we haven't talked to each other in a long time.
Mostly I remove people who I only ever talked to/hung out with once or twice then never heard from again.
Gay lalaboys
Because I hate faggots
Because I hate faggots.
Because I have a grown ass woman cumming over my writing.
elk posts
Oh my good, look up at the sky!!!
It's a bird!!!
male clothing looks good on females
female clothing doesn't look good on males (don't reply if you're gay)
therefore moid clothing is higher tiered
most phallic weapons in the game?
I'm having issues posting
why is 4chan breaking
I don't erp but I can imagine that the occasional clitdick/suddenly magic dick is just a fetishized strap on for yuri type erping.
women can afford wearing means clothing but men cant because men cant be soft and weak, a weak man is a burden on society and tells the neighboring enemy nations that your men are soft and you are ripe for invasion.
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reminder that Ryun Gaido was plapping another sexpest with the name of Yuno Scatternut a week ago in LB14 after he was done with Euro Cat (N.C's alt on Light btw)
this nigga has no loyalty or shame
do not trust american refugees
he doesn't only fuck furries and horses, he fucks sexpests at will.
what do you play as..
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drawn by a very nice anon here :D
pat my moonie.
>Men battling for their dreams with their blood, sweat and tears. A distillation of the Faustian spirit.
Crystalline Clownflict
>A pretext for a clique of gooners and transbians to have pretend sex with each other after matches.
any femlalas for my maliddielander o' male to machinegun rapeplap into dust?
No you don't
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Best race to make a hebe-coded character?
Good bitch.
Because I enjoy interacting with other people! I've heard similar arguments being made about AI chatbots, but I don't like those either, it removes the most important part of the experience for me.
Anyone know what is the highest/final remaining content in the game that still uses crit autos? Is it ucob or uwu or did stuff after that use it?
Gay lalaboys who chase talls…
Only if you pet mine first
post her
this is why my femlala stopped ardbert posting
I wish Euro Cat would sexpest and rape me but we're both bottoms...
Chat, is this real?
femra are already like that in vanilla
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Can we play the game later on
don't you stand to gain more by interacting with people irl? It's not like you're forming any meaningful relationships doing this lmao
I believe heaven on high still has crit autos (see mimics on higher floors) so very likely the level 70 utlimates have it. I dont think anything past that has it
Bro I don't care if someone is bad at PVP, I just want them to have Recuperate and Guard bound. The jerks who seethe and mald in the thread do not represent the vast majority of regular thread queue people and likely don't even PVP, they're just trying to stir shit up to set someone off for entertainment.
>XIV ddos
>4chan ddos
we really have nowhere to go
oh hey i made this pic like 10 years ago i never expected to see it again
piece of shit website
Three M4S clears in fourteen hours of PF. Time to nap.
I lvoe how this makes all the coping retards come out to justify why actually owning a bunch of permanent property in an online game with limited resources is good.
shutting players out from a significant portion of the game is good actually if you think about it lol
your femlala is a coward
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Pelu Pelu?
Yeah, and X (formerly known as Twitter) is still banned in my country....................
my moonie? currently rewiring the cables on the 4chan backbone
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female midlander of course. All the hot hebe-coded characters like Sphene and Ryne use fem middie models
>Ryun Gaido
>Yuno Scatternut
I refuse to believe any of these people are real. I have never seen these people, never seen them post, never seen these names.
yuno seems nice
ryun is a cc'er though so this was expected
Anyone know what is the highest/final remaining content in the game that still uses crit autos? Is it ucob or uwu or did stuff after that use it?
what body is that?
I want into the lowlander sync so bad…
Bunny boy to put in cute feminine clothes while calling him a faggot and sucking his cock ;3
god that shaaloani night theme hits
Never a single drama in Chaos, we trully are the most normal server
Fucking let ME POST
I don't like the pvp spergs who freak out if you don't play perfect (cough judas, cough)
why would I like doing that but with pve where they can forever hold up my parse like they did with macchi the one time he did p1s with them?
the thread cannot control their spergs and schizos so why even interact with them and risk being made a target of a mentally ill school shooter type?
would let him rob me
femra catgirl fiddie
this is pedo
Lmfao you've been here AN ENTIRE DECADE
That's pathetic
paying femezen to lick their ears
God she really does look like a weird anime moeblob Michael Jackson.
>Never a single drama in Chaos
>who is Connor
There is no greater glory than making another man cum, a weak boy like you could never understand.
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My middie on the left
buildered for big manmode malera cock
Whatever you can pull off successfully. Ultimately just depends what race you like the most!
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Carrot repost before bed
Goodnight laggy /xivg/
literally just download loporrit
MINE old savages/extremes
Femra Nation
Yuno is a faggot gooner that has the worst english you could possibly ever imagine, he makes the most ESL seem highly fluent and literate.
Your moonie should stop messing with the wires, she doesn't know what she's doing
bro doesnt know what goes down after the FL queues die for the night
>Did a bunch of loli ERP in game with a famous ebin
>They screech about "pedos" in the thread constantly
What causes this....
I wish I could do this>>495567318
To you:(
>all the bunboys this thread has to offer are all homos
im starting to thing catboys are less gay
I love my moonie wife so much it's unreal bros
Macchi, you're not slick. Judas and hardly anyone else here cares if you're bad at PVP in casual mode because it's casual. You're the only one who compares yourself to others and puts yourself down for things that happened so long ago but you're still hung up on. Go to therapy or something, self-harm like shitposting yourself isn't healthy.
Why can't you
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come farm fates in LTG homeland
Uh oh game crashed and I can't log back in, 2002 errors again.
the dom ebins will plap lolis on the down low
the sub ebins will get plapped by shotas on the down low
it's just how it works
>LL openly admiting to being a pedo now
Macchi, you're not slick. Judas and hardly anyone else here don't care if you're bad at PVP in casual mode because it's casual. You're the only one who compares yourself to others and puts yourself down for things that happened so long ago but you're still hung up on. Go to therapy or something, self-harm like shitposting yourself isn't healthy.
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my sunnie is hebe coded
futa with balls no vagina is peak though?
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it's always like this, the people screeching the most about it should have their hard drives checked
Love reading these. thank you
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Posting image to an image board
Judas has told me one on one in private that if you perform poorly on his team or not you get your name put on a list on the secret 4th pvp cord.
Looks like shit, as usual.
cc is lame as hell and i only do it for cheevos as soon as the foray drops im abandoning it until the next content drought
as if it wasn't obvious?
Raya is so sexy....
complete your map this instant
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Have no doubts. Catboys are very straight!
spend your gemstones, sis
this is true and (You) are on it.
>everyone is my thread enemy
>PvP players are totally wholesome chungus, ignore the fact judas has literal meltdowns about pvp and screams at people to kill themselves when he gets mad
his poor wife, I feel sorry for her, soeone check her for bruises
Raya should be a Scion.
>and being shit on for the rest of my existence
this is because he couldn't and still can't stop talking about it. constant self flagellation in thread is irritating and for someone that was already being a nuisance it just amplified it
hey wanna bust on my DFC and braces?
i don't think judas even plays anymore i haven't seen him in cc in a while
I love Sunn Dereh!!
The last mahjong meetup was pretty successful. I'd look forward to a meetup on a bi-weekly basis along with CC-like calls for Mahjong in the threads when there's interest
>LL openly admiting to being a pedo now
who is it? please tell me they put out
We're done here.
who is N.C
Post wooberless femroes
anon... they're a free use slut...
Because yesterday you said you don't want to ;(
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My male midlander just woke up
Im trans and I play ffxiv, please give me asspats, attention and affection for existing, thank you
It's a lot of evidence to organize into posts. It surely won't be today.
No-one cares
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i want her to rape me
>talk to the most wonderful and cool looking femra
>get along well and I'm happy
>they ask to share mare
>they transform into a 300cm person with three tails and all scales removed
I'm starting to give up on this game, I can't remember the last time I talked to or befriended someone and they didn't turn out to be a modbeast.
This is not the community of the game I used to play years ago, it's a totally different community playing now.
i wish my eb made posts about me and made me feel cherished
I will pull them into the path of recovery!!
Ni Cao, Bodin
So what about the ebins that plap loli on the up high?
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I don't think I have the gil for that. I would have to greatly reduce the prize payouts.
I hope he's having a good morning : )
Nah they're both as bad as each other, miera just have done more in a lesser time
why da fuq is this website acting like this
i hope you eviscerate him
make me
I am now downloading lopp sync and I will be available for public rape in front of everyone
You don't play CC nor have you ever been to any of the meetups, otherwise you'd know who the real melters are.
Morning sleepyhead. /smooch
my moonie+ is too
Pretty sure I didn't... must've been someone replying to you acting as me?
I'm on Lich, Light!
It's great isn't it? We can actually have diverse characters
If I knew who you were Id give you attention everyday, but I know how it is here…
I have 2 pieces of hard evidence, plus my own personal experiences and testimonial. If you have more, send me it.
I saw Judas in CC sync yesterday, like 14 hours ago.
Doing my best
He is playing, he's just on leave / break from /xivg/ threads and meetups.
Surely Uldahn authorities will have a say on this?
oh its the affection parrying middie
i dont have evidence of him schizoing, just of him being a pedophile
A nigga is about to start calling CC if nobody else does
also rape
He has a ginger male lala named kilmonger or something
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post the screenshot of LL self-reporting their use of lopp sync to SE
he joined a pvp discord and put they/them in his bio. Unironically dead to me.
>you'd know who the real melters are.
name em if you're so knowledgeable then
The same gremlins haunting the FFXIV servers have pooted in this hardware's direction as well.
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>try updating shader
>break every preset
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are you ready for more wuk lamat in 7.1?
catgirls literally dance near naked in the streets. the authorities in Ul'dah are in on it
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my catboy has been known to procrastinate doing his weekly clears for almost 2 weeks now
>the same nigga that posts the danny phantom autism shooter every time he can and pretends to be him
i have a hard time believing its serious...
No, literally nothing could make me ready. I'm actually not resubbing until I hear what 7.1 is about.
who is that retard "glubra" that melts but is actually dogshit at pvp? funny.
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Sure why not.
She's integral to all of the 7.x series, and in 8.0 she'll finally feel that we're ready to leave her and go out on our own adventure away from her.
She will come back in 8.2
My wife on the run

My EB didn't and now we aren't EB'd
my moonie? is still procrastinating her week 1 m4s clear
Sunny Sunday!
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Reality Era marks don't recognize Attitude Era shitposting.
>the wife beater who makes jokes about killing niggers is trying to fit in with the pronouns crowd
May I plap?
That would be kino, what day of the week and what time would you like this at?
bark for me, dog
built for late night cuddling with other catgirls
May I plap?
>jokes about killing niggers
Anyone else in their 30s
I'm 35
Based, I'll join as long as you host them on EU or Materia
teasing that belly with my tongue
Am I? No sorry
im creeping in that direction slowly
why bother pouring love into someone who wont return it
Hello Mario
Knock yourself out
Woof! :D
Just don't go past my bedtime..
which balmung FC should my shota join
being a lalafell is implicit consent
soft squishy manhandabe body walk right up to momodi or tataru and just push her over and take whats yours
lalafells exist for sex
My male midlander is 32
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We'll be back soon, irmão.
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>mogs all of your ffxiv erp
CoC 1 is better
Never played this, is it good?
Why does this general only talk about sex and porn
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malezen is my first preference and the only one that matters, i am flashing the ring

in another life i could have eb'd a male midlander tho. like honestly, doesn't matter what social space i've been in on xiv the male midlanders have always been nothing but kind and welcoming so??? friend shaped. at the very least.
fridays/weekends are safe bets, most people will have finished reclears for the week by then and be bored enough to do something like it
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CoC2 and TiTS suck, play CoC1 instead since it's the best one like >>495569671 said.
be normal
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I like to talk about thighlanders :)
i love yaoi so much
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I love femra
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Lich, Light
When a trans person forces chemicals into their body generally those chemicals make you mentally unwell
be normal
Because there's nothing to talk about until September 28th and nothing new to do until 7.1
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I keep making people significantly worse far that they cannot recover
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sex with hebe catgirls sex with hebe catgirls
UOOOOOH small breasts and flat tummy erotic
ToT ToT ToT!!!! I love the Quicksands on Balmung!
Nobody wants to plap my femra
I unironically like DoL for the gameplay but is this better than that?
I'll allow it this time..
are for moonies

are for sunnies
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Since posting isn't working you can type some really crazy stuff and hit post, but it won't go through! What a rush!!
I can say "I want to be forcibly made into a big rava's loyal loving wife" and it won't send! Hehehh just kidding~
how does your EB work with you being such a manwhore?
the fuck is a hebe
checkout this cool screencap I took after I died
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Do SAM really...?
t. Moonie
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normal modes feel like savage on crystal, its pretty fun
I'm facking zooted
im 24 years young
femra btw
You didn’t say hi to me in pregame so you’re going to suffer my ugly midlander curse
cheating is part of their thing.
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>Yuno Scatternut
out of everyone?? wasn't that fucking cuck eb'd to a blackedfag and gooned to her as she was being plapped by a rava?
how the hell do you die 16 times in 6 minutes
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
that isn’t me poophead my viddie is truecel
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I got bored and made a face 1 hrothgolem. It's surprising I don't see more of them.
Schizos have been shitposting and making up stories about anyone who posts an avatar which were the only people who talked about the game.
CoC1 is good. CoC2 and TiTS I only ever tried once whereas CoC1 I went back to a ton.
All Malera especially min height ones are nazbol.
6:20 is the length of the last pull

16 deaths is 2 group wipes
I'm happy that I'm so boring that my schizo moved on to other people
Could be done without any actual prizes, it's not like there's anything to be gained from CC. Just the thread's mahjong enthusiasts meeting up every now and then.
Me too anon me too
he's also married irl with a kid
there's an ok amount of them nowadays, but it's not a mommylike face like the others so it's never gonna be as popular
should i put nipple and navel piercings on my flat suncat
He cheats on his irl wife with people on ffxiv because "ERP is basically the same as watching porn, which every man does"
Mine tries to come back around every now and then but it's pretty much that Jurrassic Park "See, no one cares" clip every time.
LT, where is the evidence drop?
>and nothing new to do until 7.1
But then when 7.1 gets here, some will run the patch MSQ and dungeon once, run the extreme once, run the alliance raid once, and then declare themselves finished with it and again say there's nothing to do.
it probably works better than most considering he has a life outside of ffxiv and is more grounded as a person
Could do a smaller ones. Just some sync'd queues and such.
Wow your character looks so unique
>inspect a cute middie
>he into weird hypnosis mumbo jumbo
literally any content that isnt pvp or rp
no, I'm still unsubbed and will stay unsubbed until they show me content and story that isn't dogshit
I disagree actually
Yeah, I actually like Wuk Lamat, I just hate Sphene. I was promised a beach vacation expac and now that we've killed off the world spanning threat maybe we can get some of that.
Swingers are based.
Leave it to ol'crayonbrows to like the kittycunt
Oh you.
yes and then show the class
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disgraceful but no one here will care
>making up stories
>all the archives that had been posted
ok i guess
you take this game way too seriously
dupe thread still up recycle at bump
unironically me
not sorry...
you're assuming it's consensual. it doesn't sound like it when he's using an excuse of it being akin to porn instead of saying that
very cute
you don't think it's sad to see families being broken apart because of a man's porn addiction?
looks exactly like 7 other cats here
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Check out this cool screencap I took before you died
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No u...
ty ser
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play along with it
I love her lips
I wouldn't be happy if my partner was sexting other people, using "it's just a video game" as an excuse
Sex with Male roe
I saw Judas in CC sync yesterday, like 14 hours ago.
I put some on my flatra, they're nice.
>my partner
90% of the time the archived "proof" is just some guy making something up or misrepresenting the situation to fit the narrative he wants to create, not what actually happened. If you guys were really hell-bent on being entertaining, you'd orchestrate a long con drama bomb and save every speck of evidence to drop as a dopamine rush for everyone once you flipped the switch.
i always like your posts, thanks for making them
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Yes moonies
Either a meena or fiddie post
yes, 100% god yes
less enthusiastic yes
sorry I meant to say the ol ball and chain
well hes really cute
Thanks anon, you too..
The OOC reason is that we're lewd friends and it has nothing to do with e-dating.
The IC reason is that he's bound to her by darker forces than just a simple ring, so their relationship doesn't have a lot of the traditional elements. She also occasionally pimps him out to other dommes for her amusement.
Weird post considering there's nothing going on without anyone's knowledge. She's always been fine with me goofing around online. But as >>495570817 said, it's not for everyone. Just use your head and communicate.
>families being broken apart
Anon, we just spent 4 hours picking apples and pumpkins at an orchard and had a blast doing it. I'm not sure how that fits your idea of a broken family.
i am
a femra
who desires morder, much morder after stressy workday
should i make cc calls? would anyone show?
The most cucked race is lalas
>no one wants malelalas, not even femlalas
>femlalas all want biggers or each other
it's square enixs fault for designing a broken system
need a femlala for my malera
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that depends on if the va replacer mod works
true post
need to tie down a middie for my femlala
Male roe post
my moonie thought there was a Yakuza games general and thinks he's going insane
>no one wants malelalas
No, no one wants /xivg/ Lalaboys.
If only
In other news i'm making progress with a LaD inspired screenshot
eat your cheese that doesn't have pills stashed inside
Yeah, that's me
just let out one of those sighs where you know a portion of your soul just exited your body

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