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Previous: >>495521308


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!
Fuck off T5DRschizo
Leotards get the rope
it's a different leoposter retard
don't try to amigo your way out of this one, amigo
bro i love qcf4
opponent is down
opponent is backdashing
opponent is sidestepping
waow riveting
>kazuyatard OP
>blames the game
kek maybe hit the lab kazuya bros
You could probably hit Dragunov with a blanket 20% damage nerf and he's still be the best character in the game. Completely baffling that people who work in fighting games can release a character that is so obviously and blatantly better than the rest of the cast and AFTER EIGHT PATCHES still not have managed to nerf him to a reasonable spot.
fix your game you oatmeal face having mf
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>reina cosplayer wears 100 denier tights when they're supposed to be 20-30 denier
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
Why isn't forsen playing tekken 8?
remember when this game came out people were screeching that you can't play it anything like tekken 7, and now ulsan and arslan found a way to play it just like 7 anyway. Instead of mashing back dash they just do side step set ups after df1, it's fucking aids. These fuckers look impossible to hit in tourney. Also drag ss4 looks like one of the best moves in tekken history.
>heat engager
>hits grounded
>tracks in one direction
>chip damage
fucking lol
did every temu8 player moved to quick play
theres a tranny among us
Redpill me on women's tights?
Heihachi presentation better announce that the Drag fine-tune patch got turned into a Drag rape patch
keeps them warm
can't wait for the nov mirror in twt grands gonna be so hype!!!!
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Leo can make anyone blow ropes.
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I mean let's be honest TWT finals will just be a EWC runback
He realized he can't even maintain his blue rank after the Jun nerfs.
Ulsan macros?
Draganov heatsmash on block having so much push back that it brought jeondding to the corner every fucking time. Cut this fucking characters legs off already
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Another weekend of tekkino8 in the books. Bravo, Michael. Bravo, Harada. The boys at bamco really knocked it out of the park.
Are you the same tekkino from the movie watch along?
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Why use the move that will result in you dying if I guess right then get mad and plug when I guess right?
also the only heat smash in the game you should not punish after a successful sidestep
>Joka is playing T7
>and having a lot more fun
it's so over...
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so fucking tired seeing retarded reina slut
this mongoloid even used macros
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the sheerer the better but the ultra sheer ones tear very easily so the only women who wear them are well off or care about their appearance. There is a major misconception that when Nylon was invented, Dupont purposefully weakened the material for the purpose of planned obsolescence. When half a century later, Sheertex started making tights with bulletproof fabric and their ultra sheer variant snagged and ripped about as much as the usual nylon/spandex hose, they stopped selling that variant altogether. Most of the United States is basically North Africa in terms of geography and temperature so women here are very anti hosiery. Not to mention most of them are struggling with a weight problem so something cinching at their waists all day isn't going to sit well with them. The best tights are going to be from European brands, like Wolford and Fogal. The top end tights will give a silky caressing feel vs your something you can pick up at a drug store. White hosiery theoretically will be the strongest because they come off the loom in that color don't need to be dyed in super heated water. Also FUCK Harada and co for not allowing sheer tights in customization.
its always morally right to plug byron
Nah JoKa says it was kusoge and just misses backdash
its crazy how many baffling things drag has
snk obvious one, +7 hits everything tracks heat engages insane reach
heatsmash as >>495568368 says
12f shoulders for some ungodly reason
entire b4,2,1 and b4,3 string
wr2 15f +4 chip button with tracking
let's not even get into his lows

what the fuck where they thinking with this piece of shit
we got a tights tutor here
You can punish it but you have to do it while he has hitboxes active because it has no recovery at the end. Sometimes it just bugs out and hits you from behind
His ff3 on block does more damage and gets higher + frames than most characters get from hitting their safe lows
bruh why is it impossible to post fuck off I was going to comment on the nina cosplayer but I already lost my horny
another W for dragunov
'nov? Yeah, he's got em malding again
johny ate a lot of throw tackles btw
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Why does this dude look like a younger AO
The biggest issue with kekken 8 is that all the top tiers are way too solid. They took characters with flaws and gave them new moves that cover everything, draganov and jin are the biggest culprit.
for me it was her clapping at the trophy ceremony
>Giving him the chance to plug with RA when you could just finish him off like a normal person
You failed to win against the better Tekken player.
I make 300k/month (trust fund baby)

I bought 800 copies of Tekken to leave bad reviews
>You failed to win against the better Tekken player.
Many such cases in tekgen.
thank you harada
thank you murray
thank you nakatsu
and many more
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give me a job please
Not lewd enough.
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>me on the right when the next tekkino tourney is 6 days away
At least we get to hang with the lads on tekken talk tuesday
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It was an incredible weekend for Cape Town Tekken and one I hope will bring more international competition in 2025 and beyond! Congrats
for another CTS W and thanks to




for flying the flags in Top 8!
Name Kunimitsu, Zafina, Marduk, Leroy, Fahk, Lidia, Akuma, Geese and Noctis weaknesses please
f3,1+2. safe heat engager string that's +3 on block lmao
Tekken 8 delivering smiles all over the globe. We truly are lucky to have it.
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I produced a coffee and red wine to motivate me to study by creating a "comfy vibe" but I drank them before studying
Wait.. what if they bring back Eliza and make her even sluttier in Tekken 8? Back to the roots with her breasts growing from throws..
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put julia in the game now!!!!!!!!!!!
if dragunov was as weak as he was in tekken 7 we would not have sold 2 million in the first month
be thankful for nakatsu's balancing decisions
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>name vagina t7 weaknesses
Bros wtf???
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*enters thread*
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someone tell blud that's not how you cross board quote
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Lil greenie still hates on kino6? Yikes.
Huh that was autocorrected
t6 characters are all garbage
It's so funny seeing the bitches who treated Tekken as a maths exam failing to play when it actually requires mindgames and player interaction.
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Put him in Mike
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I'm completely mindbroken and i give up, i will mash my buttons tekken 7
when are they going to port tekken 5DR to steam with rollback?
player interactions such as holding back during the opponent's mandatory 30 second offense
mindgames such as guessing during the opponent's mandatory 30 second offense
besides the vita game when has bamco brought back a game for a remaster/re-release?
probably never since it's not very good
small lows are bad, no magic 4
low damage, can't open you up, df1 is -5, no magic 4
small pokes are weak, lows very unsafe, forced into playing his meme game
just backdash bro
bad jab and df1, puts himself at -9 a lot, emoman has no range, other lows are unrewarding
were nerfed into the ground in less time than d8 has been out
Jannies, confirmed homos
thank you janitors for keeping tekgen free of the l*dia spammer for the next 3 days
>using RA when normal wall ender would've killed
Justified plug, kys
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Well, it happened again, 'novgods. Not surprising we won another tournament considering our character is literally the distilled essence of fundamental tekken. Here's to many more.
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Take the T5DR pill


It has online play now
>>>>>>>bad df1
Lidia is very linear, just sidestep nigga
anyone can make a decision, nothing sick about it
this is what nostalgiafags having been crying about for weeks on tekgen kek
Where are the combos? Combos are fun.
If I wanted to play kusoge i already have tekken7 installed
not watching
Where's the anime cutscene attacks? Where's the sluggish movement? And where's Dragonite?!
tekken 8 has had 3 balance patches since release and the only notable change to the game so far has been devil jin getting his legs broken
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snk4s you
HNM have it out for honest movement based characters in their modern masher games
i would but the netcode is shit
devil jin isn’t even bottom 5
Where are the DLC pay to win casino characters and cramped UE5 stock assets stages?
The increased skill requirements of tekken 8 has frustrated a lot of lil tims but it's for the best in the long run.
Honestly the good thing about Tekken 8 is that most of the problems come from the same mechanic, it's less of a gordian than SF6 where you have 3 shitty mechanics interacting and you need to rework the game significantly at its core to fix it.
You kill Dragunov, you make Heat Engagers give you a reasonable mixup where sidestepping is a choice (+3-5 after the animation), you make most heat smashes neutral on block, you tone damage and chip down a bit and the game improves significantly. Like, 2/3rds of the problem with this game is that damage is extremely high and you have 2 guaranteed true 50/50s due to Heat mechanics. You remove those two guaranteed 50/50s and it should be a lot less explosive.
that's just plain wrong
most characters have had notable changes
if we were on release zafina she would have 0 players
1,4 wr1+2 and TRT df1 are some of her strongest tools and those were all underwhelming moves on release
The game is still a shitty masher if you nerf drag and heat
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>Honestly the good thing about Tekken 8 is that most of the problems
>Tekken 8
Wrong, game is still shit but it was astronomically worse before.
True, its not hard to fix this game. They are just choosing not too. SF6 is a frakenstein of game mechanics that all affect eachother.
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timmymasher5? Lol we all upgraded to tekkino8 lil bro but I get it $70 can be a lot for some people
My one bloomer take among all the doomposting: the throw system right now is the best one they have done. There's a use case for both generic and command throws. CH throw break window is in a good spot where you can still break it if you're sharp.
I want them to make the game worse. I want them to make it more kusoge and impossible to play. I want bamcoto sue fightcade and all these emulators to the ground. I want them to kill this franchise because I hate you faggots here and in twitter and in twitch. I want all Tekken players to suffer.
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Damn we're hitting critical meltdown levels. Timmy is mad
Who the fuck would use a generic outside of side change or wall setup
>it's less of a gordian than SF6 where you have 3 shitty mechanics
You just named three separate T8 mechanics that would need drastic changes that will never happen.
BASED Murray and Harada
yeah thanks for the valuable input buddy
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you will look at this shit and drag mirrors until january or february
then they might fuck everything up even more
then next time you see any balance changes after 5 or 6 months
all this while playerbase wither away
then bruv will sacrifice himself and kill himself at evo triggering eos announcement
it's homing
unbreakable when punishing armored moves anyway
some generics have great oki
if the s2 patch is a meaningful overhaul I'll be happy to give T8 a second chance
You dont get it, SF6 doesnt get changed because they cant. One little change to slime rush affects the balance of 50 other mechanics. They already nerfed heat burst, stage transition damage, and tracking on heat smashes. They just need to keep doing it, they only stopped because muh esports
If your character only has a 1+2 command grab they might not be looking at the hands and you can catch them out, and the tracking means it covers the SS option.

>learn to break throws gree-
Arslan has done in repeatedly in grand finals of majors and they go unbroken so don't even go there.
every time i search for a lobby the game freezes on the loading screen.
SF is all but dead for this entire generation. Japs love sf6 so they won't change it significantly
Virtua Fighter unironically needs to come back, it's not around for Bamco to copy it's homework from anymore so they look to Street Fighter for inspiration now and that's how we ended up with Tekken 8's new mechanics
drag mirrors are the purest tekken there's ever been. Sorry you got filtered but you can always play one of those roms with the emulatorfags
Bro I'm sorry to tell you...but if they ever make VF6 they'll likely copy Tekken..
they track and CH grabs are much harder to break on reaction.
Heihachi might save the game you know
A Mishima should be top tier in a Tekken game
You could literally just remove side step 4 from drags kit and staying grounded against him wouldn’t be such a bad option
If they removed all of Dragunovs new moves he'd still be a solid top 5 character. If they amputated Drag he'd still be able to fuck up most of the cast.
Its gonna take awhile, if they kill drag and nina then its gonna open the floodgates for Shaheen, Jin and Law to rape tournements. The heat mechanics in general need to be toned the fuck down and back dashing needs to be slightly buffed
Nah d8 is the same type of garbage as slime fighter. Grey health, chip damage, heat, exploding walls, heat smashes, armored heat engagers. - it's all just shit. A tekken game doesn't need any of these additions. But the biggest issue is that the core "tekken" works like shit - shit movement, worst hitboxes, buggy walls, buggy slowmo interactions, everyone recieved new unnecessary braindead buttons like bryan's qcb1 or drags qcf4.
They need to make backdashing better than 7 cause half of the ff2s have retarded hitboxes that let you hit niggas from across the stage
yeah but you forgot alisa and feng and reina and king
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Oh no not even close, you can nerf heat engagers and it won't affect how strong heat smashes are, you can nerf heat smashes and engagers would still be strong.
SF6 exists in a somewhat balance circle of kusoge mechanics. If you make throw loops weaker parry becomes exponentially stronger as a wakeup. If you nerf DI then burnout doesn't matter as much and people can drive rush for plus frames all day. If you nerf parry then people can autopilot buttons for infinite pressure without ever losing their turn. You can't touch anything without breaking something else. Tekken's 8s problems are neutered backdashes and a system choking out the game (heat), all you have to do is nerf that system even if it requires a few different nerfs. But since there aren't 5 extraneous systems interacting with each other you can do so without much problem.
Yeah my bad, those too. Id argue after feng and alisa the characters stop being so blatantly overpowered though. Reina lost alot of high crush properties and king lost his tracking on many throws
Re-downloading tekkino 8 now, about to have a blast playing jin with my hori fighting commander octa!!!
SF6 can just remove those mechanics. We're stuck with heat
They won't have the balls to remove heat because it was their big key concept for 8, but honestly how they're sticking unique install mechanics on everyone makes me think that even folks on the dev team don't really like the heat mechanic much
No they cant, SF6 is likely not going to change much for its entire lifespan for the reasons >>495575745 listed here.
you launch framedataonsale7 and your biggest problem is rage drive
>weekend afternoon
>it takes 20 minutes to find a match in qp
are you niggas at church or something
get on
give me a minute i'm adjusting my spring tension in my lever by stretching the spring out
>full heat at the start of every round
What were they thinking? Samsho figured this shit out 30 years ago
im gonna do some practice sketches, who should i draw
I sink the prolems with the game are specific moves:
>Jin D2, Jin powercrush after f4, Jin giant yolo launcher with weird to punish recovery
>Drag Queen qcf4, Hatchet kick
>Devil Jin Chain shit
>King Charge up shit, King Heat Smash, King powercrush
>Hwoarang plus frame homing mid, probably a bunch of other unrecognizable moves Im not aware of their existence even though I've lost multiple time to them
>Feng B3
>Asuka high powercrush heat engager

These are some problams~
I can't say much right now but VF6 is literally right around the corner don't lose hope just a little while longer
street fighter 6 has full meter at round start and people love it
tekken 8 has full heat at round start and people hate it
why is this the case?
why does paul have better evasion than zafina?
everyone finds both systems mentally exhausting. Only /vg/ shills pretend that checking drive rush is fun
Bamco has never understood how to make meter mechanics work and they should just drop it already, they've tried several times across Tekken and Soulcalibur and it's always been rubbish
The grey health heal/chip idea needs tweaking but is a much more intuitive idea for Tekken than these weirdly designed meters are
Heat should be once a match. We already have rage for our once a round bullshit get out of jail free mechanic
Toughest in the universe!
paul never win anything so who cares
It's true that a lot of the players from previous installments lack the intelligence to understand the heat mechanic but that is not my problem.
Installs= Nakatsu idea
Wall bounds=the DoA guy
Grey health= Haradas idea
Heat/nerfed backdash= Murray
oh my days bruv
Sergei Dragunov, the essence of fundamental Tekken.
arslan and knee mindbroke bamco executives so hard by backdashing they had to create ape mechanics that you have to interact with or lose the game
Idk about once a match, having to build a meter mechanic to actually use it would be better than just instantly having access to it at the start of every round
it's over bruvs
okay it's end of the round and you still need to deal with heat smash and rage art
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>Tekken 8 bankrupted king jae
It's over for bruvposting
im cool with rage art being once a round atleast.
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fuck you
Will sparking zero surpass t8 for best bamco fighting game released in the last year
Nothing will surpass tekkino8. It's the first and last true tekken.
is it true that if I get in a fight IRL I can spam left jab and unless my opponent figures it out and ducks there's nothing he can do about it?
sf6 already surpassed t8 by quite a bit and ronaldo will likely kill t8
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~1.5 heat meter per set is alright
Instead of wearing a baseball cap 24/7 he could just wear a hair system, especially since it obviously bothers him...
>complains about lack of air conditioning in his unit
>gets kicked out
amazing how horrible Europe is
why is bruv lying that he started his career with gaming? he owns a rap youtube channel

is it true that if I get in a fight IRL I can spam left jab and unless my opponent figures it out and ducks there's nothing he can do about it?
>upgrade PC
>put settings on High
>DLSS quality
>use in game counter
>gameplay capped at 49-50fps
>feels fine and smooth though
>audio sync goes bad in the intro/outro cutscenes though
What's going on here? Is this normal?
Any tips for the graphics settings?
post it one more time maybe you'll get a (You)
>>gameplay capped at 49-50fps
>>feels fine and smooth though
retards like (you) should stick to consoles
>>gameplay capped at 49-50fps
>>feels fine and smooth though
you should be boiled alive in oil
I love Sagat so much.
i'm gay btw
It looks fine, not sure what to tell you. No matter what settings I tried it would not go over 50 during gameplay.
>Strive is gay anime cringelord
>SF6 is ugly manwomen
>Everything else = dead

What do we play Klekklen Blud? Do I Rearry have to play Aneurysm 8?
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Human eye can't see more than 24 frames anyway althoughbeit, that's why movies are capped at 24 frames
I’m having a blast playing tekkino 8 with my jin, just made it back into ELIMINATOR rank. But boy has the difficulty kicked in, I need to practice now before going back into ranked.
is vanquisher a good rank?

- Sent from my hori fighting commander octa using MashATalk
>IZU 4 on counter hit is a launch
>but it's not hit confirmable and you don't get the launch if you finish the string
>finishing the string results in a miserable 30 damage at the cost of 18 self damage
>IZU 2 is launch on hit and high crushes as well
Why? Just why? Might as well remove the CH property from IZU 4...
fuck whoever memed me into playing 5DR. this netcode is unplayable
kekken and unplayable netcode? thats the norm
Playing female characters made me so feminine I joined a friend group of 5 girls and they think of me as one of them
>they thought M would ever allow Tekken 5 DR online
The phone name kek. Any tips for me and my jin??? I got whooped bad by a shinryu, seems like I don’t play safe and he exploited all of it.
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Murray be like: old tekkens are too skewed towards skilled players so we will not be rereleasing sorry, please continue supporting tekken 8 and buy tekken coins!!!
>muh skill ooga booga
I saw your tournaments lil bro. you the noctis?
no idea, i don't play him but i think you're supposed to spam d2 till the opponent adjusts
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you fags better stop pirating bandai namco products
how can you be this unethical, just start up your ps3 and buy the game on the playstation store
I'm glad I got to play 5DR online anyway so I know i'd just be spamming df1,2 with Nina/Anna or orbital with Bryan. The more things change the more they stay the same.
playing from the chomo block of the peni
ps3 store is long gone i think
It's actually legal to emulate games you've purchased.
I've purchased both T5 and T5DR. Bamco should be happy their legacy games are still being enjoyed.
there's no legal way to dump games, in theory no matter what you do, download or dump them yourself, you're going against the law.
emulation itself is legal though. ripping disks is not, personal usage or not, it's against the law (weird)
Explain Nintendo
whats your cpu/gpu?
nice physical copy
would be pretty hard for someone to pirate it from your hands and then use multi billion corporation money to bring justice to your emulation folder.
niggas be like i'm running the game at 50fps on pc but it looks alright
buy a console broke ass nigga
Nintendo was claiming that the emulators use stolen code and scare poorfags with legal fees. They didn’t actually have a solid case
while i think anon has some issue (perhaps monitor is set to 50hz so that's the max he sees) 50fps is not a problem at all in terms of smoothness, of course it is a problem for networking and tekken in general
if i see red bars during my match i'm reporting you for being broke
the problem is when your dogshit PC ruins the game for everyone you play with. that's a free license to plug
they did and they still do, their claim is that any tool use to extract games is pretty much going against the law (and it is) yuzu relied on that heavily, so do other tools and on top of that some of these tools do use stolen keys used to decrypt the games
I cant decide whether heat once a game is a bad or good idea. Its overwhelming every round, but if you make it once a game then tons if moves designed around being a heat engager would have to change. Some are fine without the property others are gimmicks without it.
He really hates the fucking game bros...
I would prefer a meter build mechanic that would make it so you can build a full bar twice if it goes to round 5
this isnt the tranny general
/trannyg/ - Guilty Gear General is down the hall
Sis, keep better track of your tabs next time
Yeah but how do you prevent heat from becoming a snowball mechanic? It would be sad to watch someone winning more rounds because they build more heat than their opponent, that would be bad for the game.
Building meter is gay and it's thankfully never going to happen.
what do you guys think of chad the 3rd?
seems like a pretty based negro to me, not the best at the game, but pretty smart regardless and very good with his words

he said that he got angry watching TMM because of his attitude of calling opponents scrubby when they beat him by guessing right instead of respecting frames which is also based
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nigga who?????????
Just make heat not fucking aids and overpowered, rehauling it can be saved for a different season in the future. Ulsan won so many matches by heatsmashing, on block it pushes opponents into the corner perfectly.
tekken god ling streamer that sometimes makes hour long presentations about how to improve at the game
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calm down knee you had a good run but it's time for some new blood
Heat smash should be like rage drive it that it's a super launcher that's punishable on block
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is the overpowered heat smash in the room with us right now
They are comparable, i dont know what the fuck murray was thinking. Law’s 10 frame heat engager is so fucking retarded, you can really lose to a fucking 10 frame move out of nowhere
You lost to the better tekken player.
Imagine if season 2 came along and the new balance patch literally changes nothing
we call it s2 but it'll literally just be DLC 5 which comes with a "small patch" as usual
There is no balance patch needed. Only transfolx and their obsession with changing stuff constantly to fill their empty void think otherwise.
Then the game will die. Tekken 7 revamped itself nonstop with new seasons so im confident shit will change bad or good
Anyone want to meet in lounge, I need help!!!
clearancebin7? Yeah I remember that one but we all upgraded to tekken8
>fooled me once
my ass still hurts from last time, miss me
What the hell was mak's problem?
>These are the people telling us 7 was better than 8
Not a good look desu
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Season 2 you say? Make the call Michael. We need the Gabagool.
it's time Harada... DLC 4... KAGURABACHI
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they could even port some of the movelist from PS2 game
meter build on hit/taking damage is the only way to save tekken thoughever
It order to activate heat you need to spend 10 Tekken coins
holy kino
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it's here
I can't take it anymore, I want to have sex with Leo
can't take it anymore, I want to have sex
i can't take it anymore, i try to practice and 70% of the available matches are fucking wifi. whats going on?
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I don't understand people that play on Wifi, like can't you just hook up an ethernet cable, like wtf
I’m hard stuck in destroyer/eliminator with my jin, can anyone help me in battle lounge!!
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1.5k videos and your best upload has 18k views
what I don't understand is don't wifi niggers get frame drops, stutters, freezing, and noticeable packet drops that make you drop your combo on their end as well? are they just used to it?
I never played on wifi so have no idea somebody enlighten me
Higher views than king jae at least
clients are mostly synced, they're just used to it
some characters are also easier to execute under those conditions
My solution to tekken 7's passivity (not that much of an issue desu but adhd niggas like speedkicks mald about it) is to have a meter that builds when your moves are blocked. When you get your opponent to block half a healthbar worth of damage you unlock heat burst, after a full healthbar you unlock a heat dash, or something similar. This creates a tangible reward for pressing buttons without chip damage, without turning the game into a monkey masher or rewarding the player who's already winning.
scares me to think there are people in this thread that are on wifi...
thats not true
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reina get slurpee
>like can't you just hook up an ethernet cable
No I cannot drill through my apartment compound to wherever the router is.
Next question?
mom won't let me
if you're physically larger than her you can impose your will without much effort
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made me go check my own videos, I think in total I had like 40, obv not tekken related at the time
The issue with playing a character in Tekken and dropping it after:
>Play character
>As you play the character due to the dishonest nature of Tekken characters you come to detest every other character
>Drop character
>Now the pool of characters you don't hate is significantly smaller
>It's way harder to find a new main now
I don't understand why you're dropping characters in the first place.
AT&T don't offer cable in my area. I'm going to ruin every online match I'm in through AT&T Air. My pain is greater than yours.
Maybe you start with someone who looks cool but plays in a way you don't like.
are you a Utoobar?
fuck you
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>win 4 matches in a row
>win 400 points from each
>lose once against a guy
>lose 1500 points
lol what the hell dude
You won against a nigga two+ ranks away from yours. You lost against niggas 0-1 ranks away from you, 3 times straight which causes the 1000(bonus deduction for losing 3 times)+500 loss of points. I find it completely random but it's better than T7 ranks by a fucking mile.
set matchmaking to ~2 ranks difference only
losing to higher ranks means you lose a ton of points
yes it makes no fucking sense but that's how it is
set ranks to no restrictions cowards
So here's how it works if you win or lose against a nigga -1/+1 rank of you the streak activates.
For you're a fujin you beat another fujin and a battle ruler. If you beat a fujin/battle ruler/Raijin you get the streak. The next four matches you fight a bushin, bushin and a flame ruler but don't activate the streak.
Same thing if you lose. You lost against two raijins, then win against a battle ruler and then a bushin, however you lose the match after who was a fujin, them you suffer a big drop cause that fujin lost completed the streak with your previous two Raijin matches
I enjoy this Reina cosplay posting
thanks bro
i just fought a strategist devil jin who went into special style and was mashing low attacks and power crush like his life depended on it
what the fuck did you just say
why did they make asukas punch sabaki throw enemy off axis so the combo drops 75% of the time
If it's anything like Jun you're just supposed to SSR at the start of the combo.
It's a pretty broken move and the combo can be made consistent, get your drills going and stop complaining.
Was trying out a new persona
Azucena sisters...we were supposed to be the cosplay bait...
Brand new mechanics introduced in TEKKEN 9:
Heat Drive
Rage Burst
Rage Smash
Bound your opponent in the air once per combo with WHIRLWIND moves!
I can’t find in game help for over 2 weeks now on tekken 8, in sf6 I found in game help day 2.
heat burst slowmo and zoom in fucking with frame data is so lame. why is it instant and not just a regular armor move
Purple hoodie from the trash can is easier to do I guess
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something about the whole hip latin yoga instructor look just not hitting it off with the cosplay community. Need to hit just the right balance of provocative but not too slutty. Not sure if there are any brown/hispanic characters that get a lot of traction with the dress up thot crowd.
I'm waiting on Tag 3 to intrudce Heat Tags where you can swap tag in the middle of a combo and send your partner out with a heat dash or heat smash
>Why is it instant
It's not.
Why as a newb jin 98,000 prowess in early ELIMINATOR rank do I have to be demoted rank by a 230,000 prowess SHINRYU rank yoshimitsu??? I’m trying to have fun, but this feels like shit.
my tekken power keeps going up even though i'm constantly losing. is this my consolation prize for getting matched up against mostly smurfs?
play in the lounge, player match, or quick match if you don't want your points to be on the line
Did Marduk really carry Joey Fury into relevancy
come get iqschizo
Man fuck you, I'll see you at work
lil bro just be glad somebody is posting in your gen
I could play t7 for hours at a time
T8 I can get 20-30 minutes out of
This game is mentally exhausting.
aint nobody want stank ass tekgen niggas in they thread
s m h
In the lounge I stand 0% chance, no noobs like me to fight. Is it over for me, tekken possibly dead for beginners???
no cute girls in my tekgen fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am forming my identity off off Tekgen.
good guy tekken 8, saves you from spending all of your spare time on gaming
please keep him
he has been posting mutilated penises and I'm tired of his nonsense rambling about empathy and IQ
i have a feeling lowtiergod mental is slowly deteriorating. that dude is gonna fucking fallapart eventually
LTG is living the gimmick
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Yeah the increased skill requirements of T8 are really taxing if you're coming from games like timeout7
that's not what POV means
we took modernnigger, you can at least deal with that anon for a few days
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>that's not what POV means
I tried to press buttons against a dragonuv and died for it
Murray forgive me for my sins and stupidity
Do I even need to say it
>demoted into tekken king again
>finally start beating people
>they all quit after the first match
why the fuck do i need good sportsmen ship if other people don't? i'm so fucking mentally drained, all ranked does is make you feel retarded for not perfecting counterplay against a bunch of characters
try building a different boat
Im already bored of Heihachi. When's the winter character releasing
the biggest monster is death
Help my newb jin, I’m losing a lot now. Stuck in destroyer/eliminator rank. Will you help, so I can have a blast again???
first step to improving is celibacy. You are celibate, right horioctajinblasthaver?
from the fujin jins i've faced they usually do the punch punch kick string then the punch, low kick string, the higher the rank the less likely they'll go for both lows. then of course if the opponent has blocked the bread and butter punch strings go for down 2 afterwards, sprinkle in a parry and electrics here and there
Learn your block punishes. You could probably make it to red or purple just hitting people with 10/12f punishes
Yes, will you help.
I don’t know what any of that means and I can’t do electrics.
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it's minus on block lil bro she needs buffs
no one plays the game is good. no whiners, no bitching, no melties.
when in doubt do the 2 grab and then mix it up with the 1+2 grab and then even go for the 1 grab to really mix things up
you're just giving him flowcharts to mash lmao
I’m gonna play some more, later I guess I’ll return with an update.
Of course she has a 10f jab. It's fucking -2 though so you better have a good reason to throw it out
123 d2 can get you to tekken king in a week so I don’t see the problem
its what the fujin jins use. fuJin's as i like to call em. The few Jin's that...
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I like ling but I do not care for alisa
Almost none of the women shoes look good. The heels look too fucking slutty and the boots are less but still look slutty.
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what is it about tekken that attracts psychos?
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how do I get 60 bucks in two weeks? I have nothing worth value and getting a job isn't an option
youre gonna have to steal it anon
his boyfriend is black so he can say it
/tekgen/sisters did you ever fight against LTG online?
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notice how theres maybe 1/100 Reina cosplayers that go for the samurai look. Outfit gotta get n's oggling or it ain't taking off
jinfags, how the fuck do i deal with 2,1,3? I actually just lost to a faggot spamming this nonstop. I'm in training mode and there's nothing i can do, can't powercrush it, side step it or whatever. Genuinely what the fuck am i missing? This is insane, you're telling me jin can just slap your ass up close with this safe string all day? It's minus 9 but who gives a shit.
It's 214 lil bro
for 2,1,4, you can sidestep right if he delays the final kick, otherwise you just have to hold it, do make sure to make best of the fact that he's -9 after on block so you can pressure
it's a really dumb string
you can ssl the 4
i meant 2,1,4, this string is making me fucking screech in anger.
thanks, i'm still seething and can't remember
ok, it's -9. That makes shit slightly less worse but wow, that's so fucking fucking fustrating. I can't believe you just have to hold it
I don't think you can, but regardless i feel humilated. The jin player i lose too literally just did 2,1,4 then d2 over and fucking over. I reacted to the low only half the time, and when i tried to move around it would track me or i'd get locked down by the safe string.
can't you duck the initial high then dick jab to stop the mid and kick?
you can't duck a 10f high,mid string in time to interrupt before the mid will connect, let alone react to just a 2 jab alone and immediately down jab
The most infuriating Jin strat is whiffed F4 into high powercrush heat engager

I always fall for it
wtf i'm a Jin main now
that faggot has cancans too, going for a low against him is suicide if they use it.
It's a high mid mid, you can't do shit. The worst part is that there's a gap between the last 2 hits that leaves room for getting counter hit. It's like a slap in the face, it's just there as a reminder that Jin is a top tier. It's gap that's perfect for a counter hit and doesn't leave room for any button you press to do shit.
'in makin' 'em 'eethe
i'm new to tekken, what made Jin so insanely hard to play in older versions and brain dead easy in this one? I only played the games casually as shit until now.
>that faggot has cancans too, going for a low against him is suicide if they use it.
jin doesn't really use his cancans for that purpose since it's launch punishable, he can just do a regular hopkick
nothing. Older games are timmymashers
Oh well fuck me, i thought his cancans was like Asuka and Jun. Thanks for letting me know, i guess i need to lab more.
>bad reach on arms
>bad moves to hit grounded (oki in general)
>his parry had more depth/harder to master
>he needed to do an electric hook fist in order to get a launch, and before that it only launched on counter-hit
>bad high crushing options
all of these are addressed in one way or another in tekken 8
but he was never "insanely hard"
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i meant as in ducking before the high, able to interrupt him just fine after the initial 2
and I'm saying it's unrealistic to react to a 10f 2 jab every single time with a downjab of your own, it's not like he has to commit to 2,1 after so it's not the best counter-play
it's an option though, I guess
anyone up for a t5dr NA lobby? i can't find any lobbies
Nigga west coast and east coast has a connection just as bad as a connection with Europe
Zen pressure with that plus flying high or flying mid
Good followups to F4 (used to be easier to check and a lost turn for them every time)
Zen snake edge low gimmick
That launch punishable high crushing launcher with awkward recovery
hard to deal with df2 (df1 check trades with electric on block)
Heat gives him like 2 mixups on block

Just more gorilla, gimmicky and oppressive now. Before he was mostly reliant on honest poking and hellsweep.
>War Criminal: Started WWIII in Tekken 6 and still hasn't gone to the Hague for it.
Oh get over it
that particular reina cosplayer has an OF
Am i a scrub for blocking every eddy i run into? Why the fuck should i honor a set against a paywalled character. I cant fucking lab against it unless i spend more money, its unfair. SF6 is even worse because they charge 12 bucks
I have eddy and have played tekken for 10 years+ and I barely know what he's doing
maybe but dance fighting is gay so don't worry about it
Its visual vomit, even fighting zafina makes more sense to me. Fighting that retard is actually incomprehensible
I’ve returned from ranked with my jin, I’m still eliminator, I’m surly hardstuck in dominator/eliminator. Tomorrow late afternoon I have to learn how to launch in ranked so I can do my little launcher combo, I also have to learn how to punish properly. All in all…I’m having a blast learning tekkino 8 with jin on my hori fighting commander!!!
how much of a dumbfuck do you have to be to start playing tekken in 2024.
who are the visually incomprehensible characters in this game? Either dogshit animations or they move like retards and even after labbing you struggle to tell whats what. For me its nina, eddy, raven kinda, and feng.
hey... where's josie.......
If leaks are anything to go by, it'll be worse
You said that last week and... nothing. They gave us nothing
>PASS: D'oh 8K
We have to wait till November to play heihachi?!
I started with tekken 8. It's a great game, well better than the other fighter I was playing which I won't name. But keep in mind I'm nearly 38 years old and appreciate the finer things in life.
After Thaiger Uppercut
blud thinks kusoge mashers are the finer things in life
Hopefully not, they said the last dlc character for the pass would come out this year as well.
heihachi in the second week of october
VF6 never ever
A Nazi Aryan space float
>Heavens Wrath
>Heaven and Earth
>Heavens Hammer
>Heavens Door
>Heavenly Dragon
Wtf is this?

This is awful, is back 4 for drag one of the best moves in the game? Its literally a mix up, you can duck b4,3 but he has mid follow ups after. Theres so much this string leads too
He was never "insanely hard". He was weak in T5 and T6 because devs overnerfed him after making him hilariously broken in 4. In 5 and 6 he had low damage, poor range, and not many options to open up an offence, but could still do really well in the hands of the right player.

In Tag 2 he was mid tier again because his stance options became a lot more elaborate and his combo damage increased.

In T7 he was quite strong thanks to normal hit launching electric, but the idea that he's weak persisted because retards like mailman continued to spread it. The common justification for him being weak in t7 was literally "he has soooo many tools! It's difficult to keep track of which one to use!" which is a non-issue of course lol

He has never been difficult to play. There was a time where he was just slightly weaker than most other characters. But he has always been viable. His downplayers came from the same school of thought as the retards who claim that Kazuya and Bryan are honest, high execution, difficult characters for masters (hasn't been true for either of them since Tag 1; 1999)

i thought i was a greenie for struggling with that string
Definitely Eddy. They reworked his animations completely in this game and they are all janky and rickety as fuck. He has lost all sense of motion and fluidity to his movements. It makes it very hard to tell what's happening.
>'hachi in 'tober
>winter in January 2025
Please learn to count to 3.
This reminds me of when they had that Azucena mirror and they were spamming ws 3,4 against each other.
There's a disclaimer on the deluxe edition store page that says all Year 1 characters will be out by December 31st.
Tekken is 6th biggest new game in EU this year
>Space Marine 2 beat us
It's so fucking over
No shit, we already knew tekkino8 was a huge hit
why does no one side step that safe mid mid mid string Devil Jim has? Is there something im missing? It can be kinda hard with the timing but the last hit can be stepped but i didnt see JDCR do it at all .
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according to the data it estimates 1.08 should release on October 6, 2024
laser scrapper? he can delay all the hits so it's difficult, but last hit is much easier to step now since you can do it to both sides
Sure thing, sweetie. We've been through this with the After Evo saga. Learn to count to 3.
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Even when the janky hit, hurt and collision boxes work in my favor it still seems so damn retarded. Hope they do a big patch for them all later on.
Thanks anon, did Eddy and Lidia also have similar coincidences like this

After Thaiger Uppercut
that's just a sidewall interaction
Why does Jin say "hawk tuah" so much?
Why does nobody talk about how the hawk tuah girl got famous off of a harlot joke about sucking men's cocks?
this is hottest bitch i seen in vidyagame

she should come tekken
Imagine falling for that anime pedobait when you have Sophitia and Cassandra in the same game. Or even Ivy and Taki.

You would have to be homosexual.
Literally Reina
People who like the anime emo girl aesthetic are autistic to a debilitating degree.
I'm mentally well
was about to say to fuck off to the SC general but then I remembered it's dead
i just checked and he tried stepping the last hit 3 times in just the first game
Bastards call me a fag or low t for wanting to creampie Leo's Muschi and turn her into my ultra feminine German housewife through the power of my dick and then turn around and celebrate dainty little 15 year old anime girls who act like children's cartoons characters. I am honestly so sick of it. It is grotesque. Fuckers weren't bullied enough in school I swear
Omg tira please dominate me omg reina step on me FUCK YOU, YOU ARE GAY
I played about 10 hrs of sc6 solely because of Cassandra's bouncing tits but it was just too mid and I never played it again
>short slutty skirt
>shows midriff with no restraint
>soft waist
Don't let the tranimes get to you lil bro there's plenty of high IQ high T chads like you here who want to creampie Leo's biofemussy
I played about 10 hrs of sc6 because I really enjoyed the game but Sophitia's bouncing tits were so distracting that I wasn't getting any better and had to never play it again
real men go after tgirls
No, Bryanbro, they don't,
I did a revolutionary trial anti aging treatment and was reduced to having the body and instincts of a trashy 17 year old girl (witha penis)
I got a 4 inch penis
jin’s weakness in 7 was a lack of ground hitting moves and jab range (which wasn’t even the worst), 8 neatly patched those up so he has insane oki and good jab range
If Jin was so overpowered why hasn't he won a tournament yet?
cbm just won a tournament
Uhm book lost that tournament is a more appropriate answer
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why do SFcucks put up with this shit? A series needs an identifiable identity, if not, why bother making it a series in the first place?
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"They ain't never had the dedication"
Typical midwit wannabe video essayist low effort youtube streamer fucks trying to inject philosophy (the art and science of midwits) into a fucking video game. So glad we don't have any of these chucklefucks in the Tekken community as long as you ignore PhiDX
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What kind of connections does Bruv have to be able to do stuff like get Knee on his show anyway?
If the electric wind god fist never existed I would have never bought tekken.
maybe a twt even in the UK, props to him if it was a self contained collab
Bruv put up a billboard of himself next to a bin LOL

Skip to about 8:45 to skip Mishima main bullshit, but basically Nina's WS4 has more tracking when (you) are P1 meaning online or in tourney as P1 you cannot sidestep her WS4 after her df1,2 string when as P2 it's an easy step
european accent hey guys it's ya boy jargon jargon jargon I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT BECAUSE I THROW JARGON AT YOU CONSTANTLY jargon jargon therefore I am right (cringe video)
and he's got the reddit soi meme in his video too as the cherry on top holy shit somebody book this guy into the lobotomy clinic ASAP lord knows he needs it (cringe video)
I don’t know how to teach myself tekken or my jin, I reached orange ranks with my jin with moves and by feel. I don’t do combos because I can’t launch in ranked, also I don’t know what to punish or what to punish with. I am 100% hard stuck at dominator/eliminator, I don’t know how to proceed. Keep in mind I’m going at this alone, I don’t have any friends that play fighting games.
'ina got em malding
I never bought a Tekken before 6 because of Leo not existing yet.
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it's a crime they took out spinning demon
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T5DR and TTT1 are the only Tekkino games.
steve is op because i can't beat a steve player who only does safe moves and spams PAB2
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Tag 1 is so sick
Knee and Bruv get along really well
How would you guys feele about an era of Kkokkoma domination?
kkokkoma is a fake korean
Define fake Korean.
Not real Korean
Doesn't use proper honorifics when talking to older players
>Zen snake edge low gimmick
Huh? Do you mean Zen 1+2? That's quite literally reactable
Well good for him. South Korea is a weirdo shithole ran by man hating feminist cults.
I'm looking forward to that little sissy slut losing every game including tekken ball at the twt finals
This camera work is sublime.
need to buff reina so he can play and cosplay
He won the 5th one, didn't he?
agree, we really don't need cutaways aside from Lidia's parry, it makes her unique
I'm stuck in Destroyer...
Should I find a new game now that I’ve maxed out my skill and got stuck at dominator/eliminator rank??? What game would y’all recommend that has the tekken vibe, doesn’t have to be a fighting game???
I made it garyu and dropped the game. I feel like it won.
time for another tgirl goon sesh. It's not a phase, it's a lifestyle.
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It's really nice in Tekken 4 where the angle and elevation of the camera adjusts depending on how the characters are elevated (since that game has uneven terrain in its levels). But it's a bit distracting to play with. At least 6, 7, TTT2, and 8's spastic camera angles only really change when you're locked into an animation anyway.
Kkokkoma is like those diaper baby girl clothes protagonist that are feminized for seemingly no reason and everyone just weirdly goes along with it as if it's completely normal
Got any examples of such protagonist?
>lab feng
who the fuck said this character is hard to play because you have to make use of all his kit? this ugly faggot is so strong. He just has a launching frame 18 that's only -7 because fuck you, hope you weren't ducking against his broken lows! LOL!!!
back turn powercrush mids are the gayest shit on fucking planet earth.
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I need information about the leo character, very specific information?
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Dragunov simply playing a better game, tekken 9
take dragunovpill and be happy like prophet ulsahan
This shit ruined a generation of confused teenagers.
Ryzen 5 5600
RX 2060
Works for the Japanese because they look like girls. If a westoid falls in this rabbit hole he’s in deeper shit though.
Want to be frens in the game?
I uninstalled it
Now install it
I have it installed but the game is mid so I don't play it
idk whats worse, NA fags actively telling everyone to stop playing the game or SF6 having ecelebs like sajam telling everyone that retarded mechanics are actually extremely well balanced.
Zased. As in zesty based. As in good job fag.
How can I learn by myself, with a middle aged brain???
just play the game lil bro
I’m hardstuck in orange though, don’t know how to learn more.
hey kpiss quit sticking up for this kusoge. no matter how much ass you kiss you'll still never get rip or steve's spot.
is there anyone here whos actually good at tekken, like high ranks in 7 or god of destruction in 8. How hard was it to get good at the game? Learning every MU's, most of the frame data, lots of the match ups. I like grinding the game but it's been 8 months and i'm only emperor. I'm concerned that getting competent is way harder than I think it is
is sexing a tman gay
An expert runs /tekkgen/, a trans leo player. You should ask them.
I am straight and have sex with women. Thanks.
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but I'm not
Not that I’ve baited you out, tell me…How do I self teach in tekken 8 so I can get out of orange rank???
Trapshit is degenerate safehorny trash. Only trannies seem to like it
Calm down, you are acting like an ape here.
It's not 100 FPS stable, but it looks and plays alright. It can get better, that's why I am researching.
I need to do some tweaks on the settings and .ini files and it will be good.
yes you are
What is it with trapfags and never keeping it in their pants?
broke niggas be like i just have to hack into the mainframe and bypass the matrix and the game will start running at 60fps on my 10 year old hardware
buy a console broke ass nigga
we should have unlocked framerate, measure moves by internal engine tics, kinda like how for honor does it
lil bro tmen are women but they dress up as men, get fake facial hair, etc. What is gay about that?
traps are just tgirls that are less honest about it
>cuddle core dropped the game too
why do the biggest and most dedicated tekken autists keep dropping the game?
I'm trying to detox from porn and tgirls please dont remind me. I know I have an addiction and im trying to get better.
mickey8 is just that exhausting to play. even i play this game in a monthly interval.
I could ask the same about VF shills dropping that game for Tekken. The top VF player moved onto Tekken and "she" is now maining Xiaoyu
are throws from backturn unsee-able? that's so fucking cheap.
got to tekken king and now i'm waiting for season 2 before picking the game up again
not researching because I don’t care, but I’m guessing she either opened another game on stream or made a tweet complaining about the state of the game. unfortunately that means that this poster needs to kill himself
vicky will dropped temu the second vf6 drops
>like high ranks in 7 or god of destruction in 8.
Pic related
>Learning every MU's
It's harder in this game because every set is at most 3 games. In 7 you could rematch indefinitely if both players wanted and that really helped me with trying out different things and getting comfortable against certain characters and situations. In this game, everyone just does their own shit and if you try taking the time to learn a mu as you're playing ranked, you probably already lost 0-2. Indefinite rematches need to come back. Hell I'd even take them limiting it to ft5.
>most of the frame data
There's a general rule of thumb that applies to a lot of moves that if you get used to, helps fill in the gaps when you don't necessarily know the exact frame data.
String ends in a mid? Likely unsafe.
A low that does a small amount of damage on hit or counter hit? Usually somewhere between -11~ -13
A low that knocks down? Probably launch punishable
You blocked something that caused your character to practically stumble backwards? It's likely plus on block

There are exceptions to these rules like Asuka 1,1,3 being a safe high,mid,mid string, but in general these rules work in a lot of cases. It helps to test the waters using these principles so that you can learn what moves are even if you didn't lab them. Jab after a string or move to see if it's unsafe. Try your stronger ws punishes with blocking a low. It's easier to assume a move works under these principles and then remember the exceptions. When those exceptions come along, you should properly lab them.
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It seems... we will need *her* to come back as DLC.
You're not beating ulsan
You're not beating arslan
You're not beating mulgold
There's no point in getting better
>You're not beating ulsan
>You're not beating arslan
>You're not beating mulgold
Maybe not, but I can beat that motherfucker who beat me yesterday. That's reason enough to get better.
Kunimitsu getting gang banged after losing to Tekken Monks...
I want to get stretched by a big girthy tekken monk
Ssd can be written and rewritten 1000 times. Tekken is a1/10th of a 1tb ssd. You can uninstall and reinstall Tekken 500 times without jinxing your ssd.
I won't be reinstalling
I’m at destruction, you can unironically improve a lot by watching other people play the game. Zero pressure, and you have time to analyze how exactly people approach the game on both sides. Also try to learn something every time you play, instead of autopiloting in ranked.
I thought proswag browsing here was just a meme. Please stop raping me every time we meet in ranked.
thank you, this actually helps a lot. I"ll just keep grinding, i did only get to play a few months of t7 before 8 came out but yeah ranked isn't very helpful for learning a MU. Ft3 isn't enough, i need more games to get a feel for shit.
tekken 8 isn't fun to watch but i'm surprised that with all the horseshit mechanics results at tourneys are still consistent. Ulsan is probably an auto top 3 at tourneys until faganov gets nerfed
niggas thought it was doomsday when tekken master hit an evo top 8
>I thought proswag browsing here was just a meme.
I don't browse here as much as I used to but I'll still check out threads now n then.
>Please stop raping me every time we meet in ranked.
Nah I need those points.
Do you reccomend reviewing replays of matches I lose? It's weird, sometimes it feels helpful and other times it doesn't. I'm not sure if tekken has a resouce that lists key moves for all the characters so I atleast have something to check quickly.
we need a guy in tekken tourney called "tekken masher"
Literal tranny made word used to discredit the few sexualized designs that get past the ((black rock)) filter in the current year. Kill yourself.
tekken isn't fun to watch and not fun to play
the esports is just kept alive by grifters and wannabe pro gaymers

You have to be either autistic or a shill to give a shit about esports celebs
Why do you simp for a borderline tranny fetish? Trapshit is a less honest version of trannyshit
Because it's over
It's not a trap if you knew beforehand
too bad the irl versions are ugly abominations
I knew but I didn't care
A hole's a hole.
I like tekken 8, even though I’m stuck in orange rank I’m having a blast!!!
Imaqtpie beat knee with just a couple months of experience so why not?
knee and jdcr aren't even making the twt finals lmao
There's a common platitude about tekken that every move no matter how strong it seems always has counterplay
So what is the counterplay to Drag snk4 and b4 strings besides plugging
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where is the tekken 8 equivalence of this? where are all the next gen zoomermashers?
Hi, how do I get out of orange rank?
play jack to get out of orange
sidestep right?
why does a hard stuck tekken god on secondaries and too scared to play his main in ranked because he knows he'll demote have such a loud voice in the kekken community?
I like and play jin now, but I also think hwoarang and claudio are cool too.
it tracks SSL iirc and the hitbox is so demented it will clip you often
plus he has a ton of tracking shit out of snake anyway so you sidestep at your own risk
is tekken woke?
I’m shart shuffling and doodoo ducking in ranked, I’m wild!!!
>plus he has a ton of tracking shit out of snake
honestly, not that many. slide tracks and i think that's about it. i've launched so many drags just autopiloting SNK4 out of his fc low.
>SNK4 is a high and doesn't hit grounded
>if a heat smash whiffs the first attack then the rest of the string doesn't come out
There, I fixed the entire game.
The animation quality in this game swings pretty wildly. You have things like Reina and then stuff like Hwoarang
dargunov needs like at least 5 different things severely nerfed to become a reasonable character
no he didn’t
Why would you?
5DR is real
heihachi's hellsweep didn't knock down in T7 right?
All the profit made from Tekken 7 was spent on Tekken 8's story mode wasn't it
it did, but only from the second hit
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>boot up game
>first match
>5bar cable
>constantly lagging
>makes me drop combos
>skips animations
>ws electrics
>look profile
>twitch link
this fucking game man
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Heihachi trailer tomorrow!
Tekken 8 hachi will have OTGF off of hellsweep in heat, as a mixup for the low launch. All OTGFs are -9.
EOS tomorrow
I hope they rush Heihachi's release to boost numbers, god damn
i want to play hei but for some reason electrics put a ton of strain on my wrist
don't worry bro, electrics will be one button input in tekken 8
>Tekken 8 underperformed
>that big MMO Bamco dumped tons of money into is being canned
>that Naruto game which I swear looks exactly the same as the ones I remember seeing back in my high school days 15 years ago underperformed
>Dragon Ball will probably sell fine because Mexicans are insane
Where does Bamco go from here?
ez electrics in heat has got to be the dumbest shit they've done in this game and there's a lot of dumb shit
Dragon Ball x Tekken
you forgot the gacha they were banking on tanked as well.
where will bamco go? more monetization lol tekken coins, tekken pass, now we'll get tekken membership as well. pay a monthly subscription for the best tekken™ items. but i think sparking zero will get the brunt of the stupid ass decisions first.
garyu blud thinks easy input on something anyone beyond his rank rarely miss anyways is stupid
so we’re making things up today
i'm higher rank than you.
Tekken Revolution 2
cable doesn't mean anything
takes 20 seconds to make wifi connection display as cable in windows
they have elden ring
bullshit, even keisuke missed a couple electrics yesterday
Tekken x Guilty Gear, Harada was fellating Strive the other day for some reason
but for how long will normies keep playing rollslop?
niggas in purple hit electrics with like 80% accuracy, that shit has to be like the least stupid thing about heat, plus it takes their heat bonus slot when they could get something retarded like infinite snake eyes
After playing Pachinko 8 for 400 hours i think i'm done with fgs
>niggas in purple
tell me more about purple ranks
you are here forever, you will be mashing in Tekkino FOREVER
Can't wait for Heihachi bros I'm tired of playing a character with shitty offense, I just wanna mash plus frames on fuckers
blud thinks hei won't be gutted oh my days
He's DLC, he will be busted
why do people dislike midnight siege?
explain Lidia then
Who’s is the better character for a pad player, claudio or hwoarang?
it’s the best stage and music though
>I'm tekken king bro
>free electrics in heat is a problem
pick a lane brother
>it takes their heat bonus slot
they’re not a “problem”. it’s just stupid, like giving lee ez acid rain. what is even the point of doing that?
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Why Heihachi of all people? Are there so few characters they have faith in that they literally had to dig him up?
so what's hei's new stance gonna be? and what's his new install gonna be?
she's busted
>i'm higher rank than you
>but i'm complaining because my opponents can't electric out of heat
you're not making any sense
it does take part of their heat bonuses slots, no mishimas have particularly good heat bonuses compared to the rest of the cast
i legit dont get what the fuck are you complaining about
so bad players can feel good watching the electric go
/tekgen/ would be a better place if posts showed player rank
Heihachi was the only bad guy they could shoe-horn in other character's backstory because he's been doing some nifarious shit before even jin was born and while kazuya was a kid and or dead (tekken 3). Harada realized he wrote himself into a corner when he realized kazuya couldn't traumatize most of the cast because, like i said, he was practically dead/comatose during the time skip from 2 to 3. He also realized he wanted to make Jin a good guy now and didn't want him to be antagonized (pretty sure he knows about Miguel lol) in the story now. So who else beside heihachi since he's well known unapologetic bad guy.
I’m going back to jack-8!!!
if heat gave bryan ez tju you wouldn’t be laughing
I masturbate to JAV milf videos before hitting ranked to power up, guess what character I play
According to Harada he wanted to keep Jin as a a bad guy, it's the rest of the higher ups at tekken project that don't.
lilianon shizo is spamming naked lili in /v/ now
Of all the dumb shit in the game, of all the dumb shit involving heat alone that's the thing you single out?
I wasn’t the one complaining, nigger, but you actually have to be trolling or a legitimate greenie.
>press sidestep
>beat Lidia
>it's the rest of the higher ups at tekken project that don't.
Yeah because his replacement was supposed to be Lars and that didn't work out they way they hoped.>>495642252
>i'm not the guy i just jumped extremely angry at your post and still haven't made a single point other than generic insults or implying my rank is very high
>also i am complaining about free electrics in heat
you're extremely stupid, please stop posting and embarrassing yourself. it's an anonymous site, just stop posting and nobody will remember it
Didn't mean to quote the other guy.
i’m not that guy. ez electrics is still fucking retarded
he's the guy you buy the SEASON PASS™ for
you can't make people buy Eddy and Lidia kek
well what else is there?
yes because what the fuck is the point of doing that? everything else at least i get, they want you to have op moves in heat.
>plus it takes their heat bonus slot when they could get something retarded like infinite snake eyes
>plus it takes their heat bonus slot when they could get something retarded like infinite snake eyes
>plus it takes their heat bonus slot when they could get something retarded like infinite snake eyes
convince me that kazuya doesn’t have the best heat in the game. convince me that reina 3+4,4,4 and 3,4,4 aren’t insanely good low risk high reward options. consider blowing it out your ass
I’m putting my newb jin on hold, he is at 52% win rate and eliminator rank. Going back to my jack-8 that I originally started tekken 8 with a couple weeks back, my jack-8 hasn’t been to ranked and I’ll need a few days of practice before doing ranked. I have 52hrs on the clock in tekken 8 now coming from complete newb, having trouble hitting electrics and wavedashing with jin on pad plus I’ve been missing my jack 8 this whole time. I’m going to have a blast in training with my jack-8 this afternoon!!!
King is far and away the most popular Tekken character and one of the only ones casual fans recognise, so moving forwards he should just be the posterboy and protagonist of the series, gameplay should be catered towards his style of play too
>convince me that kazuya doesn’t have the best heat in the game
Lidia having the best heat in the game should be obvious, the entire character is designed around it, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.

All DLC characters so far should have been part of the base roster.
doesn’t it eat some heat though? if you didn’t electric properly the easy electric takes a small bit of heat
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>do the most nonsensical shit to catch your opponent off guard
>play logically and do everything correctly
yes, although minimal it does. this nigga was nonsensically talking about slots which is why I had to intervene.
it’s close but you’re still a greenie
Jack-8 is cool!!!
King is popular because he's not the protagonist.
Jinbros... He dropped us for jack..
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From this point on all posts must include your rank. All none rank posts will be ignored and possibly even reported. (garyu)
anoooo aggressive game desu
>play random and unpredictable
>play super safe patterns and never take any risks ("""logical""")
by Logically you mean Triple Korean Backdash into block, right?
you could probably get to fujin with drag doing nothing but the b4,2,1 / b4,3 strings
i got to tekken king and dropped ranked. everyone is in quick play anyway i’m not wasting my time on one and done faggots
Ogre looks like a cornball.
uninstalling and playing the better bamco game ace combat 7
the devs are not good at designing new characters
people seem to like Reina at least (I dislike her personally but can see she has a way more positive reception than most of their newcomers from 7&8)
>dragunov lore is real in reality too
Murray, I kneel
Yes, this scrawny Russian transvestite looks like someone who should be the best character in the game.
and people liked victor because he is pretty busted
>hot girl with ewgf wearing shorts and pantyhose
if they managed to fuck up reina then they may as well just give up on making characters
>"n-n-no gaise dont quit the game just git gud u only say u quit cuz u suck just quit your job and memorize 4000 moves and lose all your hair labbing every possible interaction so you can do 100% combos every time. Wow tekken is so fun to play and sooo fun to watch on twitch and the esports is so epic like n subscribe (pls bandai sponsor me!)"
griften 8
bruv was botting the stream anyway and everyone knows that

clip that
Mishimas core gameplan for both offense and defense is built around electrics and you're expected to do them very reliably, in heat you're given a failsafe at the small cost of heat so you aren't forced on the back foot or worse on the ground because you fucked up your input during your powerup mode. It makes a lot more sense than whatever the fuck they were thinking with drag.
It's never been more over
28 hours…
i've never been more into men
>[NEW MOVE] that [50/50 on block]

Thank you, N
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for having me
woah woah woah anon, you're expecting TOO much now
Kami 6
I woke up happy thinking today was the 24th :(
they reused Lei's model
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going to tekken lounge and seeing half the players there spent money on these ugly ass avatars makes me lose all faith in humanity
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look at this shit
even these day 1 players have spent money on tekken lounge avatar
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Why does Reina have so many hot bitches cosplaying her?
because she is a hot bitch
hot bitch + most popular newcomer = twitter clicks
Because it's easy cosplay to do and not too revealing
reina is a basic bitch
yeah that was the point of her design
tekken 8 is a basic bitch
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what were they thinking with this design
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What is the equivalent of getting shimmied in Tekken?
the whole of t8 is about getting shimmied
Nigga Kazuya wavedashing at me 50/50'ing sucking me off but i tech him grabbing my cock and he kneels
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>'ya has bigger ass than Flat'na
Go cry on reddit with the other poorfags we're MTXmaxxers here
Isn't dash block quite literally the same concept just different name?
no we're not. we don't even have jobs.
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Reina is just cursed with flatness in general
How is Lili THIS cute?
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How is Lili THIS cute?
why I'm constantly matched against reina i want to break something
These faggots enabling Murraynomics are the reason Tekken 9 customization will be even more barebones than this game's. Don't forget this.
>Tekken 9
luckily we'll be on VF6 by then
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We didn't know how good he had it
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i was checking some ptj replays and it's so funny how hard jun kills herself now, the opponent hadn't landed a single hit on her
Racism isn’t coo-
Now let’s hear him out for a sec
I miss her.
Girls can’t fight
too sexual for Tekken 8
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Jun hellsweep might just be the most horrible risk reward move in the game.
On hit you do 30 damage at the cost of 18 health.
On block you are -37
You also need to take a risk to get into Izumo stance to begin with
yeah the risk is to end the match too quickly
Not really, dash blocking works in tekken because you can cancel movement, in SF you have to commit to dashes. Plus shimmying is more about how integral the strike/throw mixup is to SF since down back covers 95% of options (and against some characters 100%). Throws are also a lot more punishable on whiff than in Tekken, so getting shimmied is more like whiffing a huge recovery move than getting baited into pressing throw in Tekken.
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imagine tag 3 with 8s system
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It's 36 damage but yes it's a scam. The oki isn't also anything to write home about.
8 system of what?
8 system of non-linear tracking
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>tag your 20% hp partner in
>rage art
8 system of charging 10 dollars for more character interaction when winning/losing, especially the lore related ones
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>down back covers 95% of options (and against some characters 100%)
The more I hear about this game the more I realize it's a kuso party masher.
How can anyone with more than 2 brain cells enjoy this?
8 system of disappointing millions, eliminating its established audience and putting bruv into bankruptcy
only 17ers got disappointed
SF6 is garbage but crouchblock covering almost every neutral option has been part of SFs design forever. You can cover options but savvy players will spam plus frames on you, which will force you to move back and then open you to lows or make you guess strike/throw.
You could make the same that Tekken is a party masher because every interaction is an inherent coinflip between mid or low, and it would also be stupid. They're just different philosophies.
>Knee not even top 30 in TWT leaderboards
I thought he was doing better recently and getting to top 8s
Capcom already won, you're just doing overtime work
imagine if bum ass nigga gets kicked out of top 20 after doing all that traveling
Capcom more than won it straight up took over a genre from the brink of stagnating in it
imagine happiness
>BlockFraud_59 lost mirror match to 250k prowess Jun

TEKKEN Talk Live: Heihachi Mishima SPECIAL. Murray won't talk again after this one
>Game is pachinko slot machine after all, player with more luck won
games random and that's why the same two niggas win everything
the eternal d7 cope
Tourist sisters, our response?
pachinko niggas
at least it's not 1.04 Jun
Odds are rigged in their favour, every game/sports discipline need to have someone at the top so plebs can idolize them
take your meds, Timmy
5DRis so fun bros...
Until you fight a mishima which is accurate to T8 in this regard
can jun kill herself while doing combos?
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No, her self damage can't kill
switch 2 will run t8 better than your pc
i'll only buy it if they make Metroid, Donkey Kong and Zelda costumes
It’s posts like this that you’re supposed to add [sad news] to
I’m actually not going to switch my newb jin to jack-8 this afternoon, I’m switching to law or drag. Leaning towards law but I have to try them both in practice, don’t reply to this post because I can’t respond until late afternoon.
can I fap to this? are they female
i'm not gay
Left is 2d_dey
Right is sharkparty

Happy gooning!
>Devil Jin Chain shit
>Asuka high powercrush heat engager
It's a high.
>Jin powercrush after f4
It's a high that can be option selected if f4 is blocked.
It was kino.
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>JDCR will bomb London next
I wonder what kind of relationship these will have now that Kazuya evilness has been culled by Kazama pussy.
>people fell for the T5DR meme
the only modern meme is entering IT field
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my dad is coming tomorrow to beat you up
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>would've killed their son if he won that final fight
Imagine if Jun still tries to fix him in the bad ending. It would be "Miguel forgives Jin" bad writing.
I really don't know how they are going to handle the Kazuya/Jun situation. They probably don't know themselves.
Downback beating everything makes a game LESS of a party masher. Less effective offensive options means you need to be intentional about how you attack an opponent. The more offensive options that beat the "standard" defense the easier more you're rewarded for party mashing.
That's why the best Tekken games are the ones where KBD gets you out of most things for free.
And why people bitch about SF6 for its throw loops, like in the image you posted, where downback is getting repeatedly beaten you fucking mongoloid shitposter.
>red bull golden letters
kino in the making
You mean with Leroy stripping Jun naked and then using her against Kazuya?
>low homing launcher
why is this allowed
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I like the tiny detail here where it looks like Kazuya hesitates when Jin looks him in the eyes.
>launcher on counterhit*
stop mashing
jun will just come back like "Kazuya-dear!! Jin-honey!! Sorry I've been gone so long, iroiro atta uwu let's be a family again"
then Kazuya will be like "masaka..." and be a mysterious tsundere about it but will still stick around looking from the distance and saying "hmph" to himself every once in a while
Jin will be like "Kaa-san uwaaaaaaah now I can be normal again since my torauma has been healed, let's make babies Xiaoyu!!!"
kek look at those puppy eyes
bryan and zafina have homing snake edges, but again, they're snake edges
stop being a reactionlet or stop panicking with yoshi spin
Do we know how many console players we have compared to PC ones? It feels like everyone i ran into tonight on ranked is playing Playstation
>Do you reccomend reviewing replays of matches I lose?
If you notice you lose to the same thing or same characters than yeah. Keep an eye out for what is specifically giving you trouble. It's always important knowing what you're looking for when watching a replay.
>spent the entire prime time of my dead region in training mode
>patch about to release which will invalidate everything I just learneded
why did I do this...

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