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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#172 - Girls + guns edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1-latest, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Len'ended: >>495420523
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Paw Patrol bots?
good bake
Haven't watched it in a while, how much do llms know?
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Kurenai Tayū, under the guise of the Crimson Courtesan this rather gigantic kitsune reigned supreme through the pleasure quarters of Yoshiwara.

Includes 2 greetings:
1- A Chance Encounter at the Festival.
2- A Servant's First Offering.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/architect/kurenai-tayu-cce2f4efe49f
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/glirwq.png
Other bots: https://www.characterhub.org/users/architect
>too special for catbox? but I'm only joking.
It was down earlier.
Yes? It's particularly bad with a character like Sadako. Then it has to be all visual and evocative. Hell.
>what 'things'? also
It poisons the way LLMs write NSFW much more than a regular greeting. Particularly noticeable with Gemini IMO.
>I know I've written more degenerate things to discombobulate models.
Fair enough.
made a bot not shower for a week then she fucked my face
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It's pretty basic and made purely for lewd.
bro, the metadata (you have to upload it to a site like catbox.moe to properly share it)
sorry but that gen is terrible
because you made her not shower for a week?
does jew need to manually accept my vip token purchase? bit worried that i'll run out of time, it just says awaiting payment
the metadata bwo...
why do niggas do the
i can see it it's right fucking there why are you telling me what it is
next time i shill i'm swapping it and getting 3-5 (you)s from the people who point out random shit like that despite nobody caring
Why do they add the profile link? It's also right there.
Why do they shill the profile without any new bots?
Why do they advertise each greeting?
Why the quirky short shills? Why the autistic long shills?
Why do we suffer
It's really only meant for the little portrait in the chat. I'm not to worried about how it looks full size.
You are autistic. Welcome home.
y-you're right anon... i-ill stop shilling from now on.....................
pictures mean everything and change how the bot behaves
its ok if the avatar isnt the best, ill just give her something from my 700+ futanari centaur folder
It's a simple bot made for generating fap material according to my tastes. Really only made for my personal use, but decided to share since anons asked. I'm well aware that there's much better stuff out there.

Kek, ok.
I dunno, looks better that way to me and it doesn't interfere either
>Why do they advertise each greeting?
i like knowing what scenarios im getting into up front.
how much of a narcissist do you have to be to release this with that description
erm what the zuark!?
>I came up with the idea for this after someone in the real world first threatened my life (not a fun experience, I assure you).
momo is a cute
I followed the 4chan ads and tried crushonai
Can that be discussed here? I like it but it’s all I’ve ever used so I don’t know any better. Anyone else use it?
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>As requested, a gentle tomboy childhood friend.
>AI-free edition, written by yours truly. (except for the example messages, which are intended for local pgy-tier models, you should delete them)

Maxine Ryan, aka as Max, is your average 20-year-old sporty woman, she has a certain tomboyish charm to her, this is due to her early upbringing in which she grew up surrounded by boys, Max being only girl in the cul-de-sac where you lived your early life, she was fully embraced by the gang despite being a girl and the youngest, they never made her felt excluded despite her biology, she could be seen roughhousing, skateboarding, riding bikes and playing sports with the boys, she truly was one of them, she remembers those days fondly where she was the cherished little sister of the group, eventually your family moved out of town and you lost contact with her, several years have passed by, until one fateful day would reunite you, except under very different circumstances with Max nowadays a gorgeous curvy grown woman, no longer the little boyish girl she used to be, and you... shrunken down and stuck at the size of a small doll, shrinking is reserved for people who have committed heinous crimes in this world, you are trapped in a 3 inches tall body and being put up for sale in a random supermarket Max happened to randomly stumble upon.

7 greetings.
1. Reunion, Max spots your tiny shrunken form for sale in a supermarket.
2. It's been a day since she rescued you from the store, a new day is beginning with you waking up on her nightstand.
3. It's been some time since she bought you, you wake up to a new morning, snuggled up in her cleavage.
4. Max takes you with her to her workplace, a gym called 'Fitness Revolution' where she forms part of the staff.
5. You and Max visit your old abandoned hometown
6. Sexo
7. Yuri sexo, her roomie joins in on the fun.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/max-353e040b2547

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
so you can teach a dog new tricks, huh?
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it's over for NIGGERmoura.
Is he begging forgiveness from bleedingschizo? Lmao, how pathetic
it's only just begun for MOMoura
>what scenarios im getting into
The whole point of internet roleplaying is that you can do anything. And with an AI partner there's nobody to get offended if you want to do random shit not "intended" by the starting scenario.
god damn imagine being so fucking unlikable some dude leaks your mails months after the fact out of pure spite lmao
such is the fate of anyone touching the 'cord
sure, but i also like knowing what scenarios the botmaker has set up beforehand for fun.
what's unlikable about momoura?
she's a mentally deficient zoomer
slightly autistic like everyone else here except he has a name attached so people think it's somehow worse than the average poster here
i know a handful of no-names who send emails like that
Very low energy email on momoura's part, I'd already be mad at the other guy for even suggesting I've done anything wrong.
You can't read that mail and tell me with a straight face it's not some of the most pathetic shit you've seen recently.
>"most pathetic shit you've seen recently"
>in the "bloodshy is my oshi" thread
>in the "should i use janitorai so i get bigger download numbers" thread
>in the "which botmakies" thread
nigga just wanted to still be friends...
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wait wait wait you seriously believe any of those three things were NOT ironic shitposts? do you have autism or something?
>uses zoomerspeak
>calls /aicg/ a shithole
>acts like people think joining a discord is some sort of crime
can we get some examples of some good emails botmakers send instead?
>posting about stuff like this for days on end
>but it's ironic so it's not pathetic
really I just want to know who was it that momo emailed here
I've sent much more autistic emails while drunk. Momo just wanted to be friends I assume, considering that was back in March and he hadn't become the butt of the thread yet.
I'd say exactly that except I wouldn't apologise. I don't apologise for retarded reasons.
The few that I send. They're alright.
momo leak his email back
you are NOT better than him
get into the mud
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, taking any sort of shitposting seriously is a sign of mental deficiency
asking someone for "forgiveness" is incredibly pathetic btw no matter how you look at it, almost as pathetic as getting mad at someone for joining a cord
>acts like people think joining a discord is some sort of crime
but it is, its the worst possible thing anyone can do
this, I still remember how using discord immediately made you vilified last year, and now we have smiley posting here with no retaliation.
can you... post some of them?
>taking any sort of shitposting seriously is a sign of mental deficiency
Then I guess you can call me the biggest retard in /aicg/.
>>calls /aicg/ a shithole
objectively true
you can have a good time at a shithole bar but it's not not a shithole
People who don't delete the "Sent from Proton Mail" signature shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed.
when i find anyone has ever used it for gaming i ignore them irl forever
you are the biggest retard in /aicg/ :3
No, because 1.
I'm too irrelevant.
And 2.
It'd be weird to leak emails.
And 3.
I don't want people recognizing me, even if they probably don't come here anymore.
But discord is great to game with your mates. There are bots for music too.
The zoomerspeak that betokens his status as a minor
sowwy, im too lazy to delete it
friendless general doe
That's fine. The solution is to just not vote or breed and you're golden.
That's why I mentioned music bots. Last time I played with friends they still worked.
Which makie is not a zoomer?
the most pathetic shit I see is usually in the Sent folder HOWEVER
not me...
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)



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wanted to see how long it'd take claude to get mad at me on his own, no prefill or fancy preset commands
surprisingly long time
anyone that reads is not a zoomer
Is ratcord still open? I want to rejoin
purple has insane zoomietroon energy beit
I like to imagine 'ora and slurper as hags
The neighing in the distance... it's getting louder.
peeta... the horse is here...
every time you visualize me in your mind i siphon off your psychic energies and become stronger. just fyi
Your log looks like a spectrogram when zoomed out thats pretty cool.
you can siphon off of my dick, nerd.
the point of contact matters not, pet
Post your irreedemable slop coomcards you were otherwise never getting out of your ST.
I'll start: https://files.catbox.moe/hktmsb.png
why is it so... tiny
>train junko
hehe *younk*
will chatbots ever be more than chatbots. like walking with us in life.
in a few years, trust the plan
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i think i posted her before not sure
We enjoy a little bit of chikan.
Import error, weirdly enough.
>Found a chara_card_v3 character file.
>PNG metadata does not contain any text chunks.
>Error: No PNG metadata.
i post all my sloppy coomcards here already
I only remembered I made him after some guy posted a bot with the same avatar on chub. Its been a while since I lasted messaged the bot desu
I'm not, I'm a 26-year-old alcoholic. Although I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this general considers everyone under 40 to be a zoomie
I think I already posted the female version of this but I also had a male version sitting around:
Intended for monsterPOV rape.
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*cracks whip*
Good card.
Anything like the OP is welcome too
Post Nitori
weeks on my machine. try redownloading the file.
months on mine. If he has years on his machine he will probably not be able to make it work
gimme seiga
Here's an even sloppier bot: https://files.catbox.moe/aupc7s.png
I tend to miss autocorrect fucking up my wonderful words.
Is pinterest a good way to find art? I don't like using/generating ai art.
post marisa
tumblr kinda mogs pinterest
Sounds like a pain in the ass to find stuff, just use booru.
seconding tumblr
is your mission to plap every single 2hu?
Unless you're drawing it yourself or paying for a comm your bot is already slop
please give credit to artists
>drawing it yourself
slop, nobody here is a good artist
>paying for a comm
soulless since you didn't draw it yourself
Nitori is a particularly bad slopcard because her central personality traits were
>has no filter
>makes strange comparisons
>talks, hears herself talk, then shuts the fuck up *holy shit what the fuck did I just say*
and the LLM did them absurdly well but they were genuinely driving me up the walls while trying to use it to coom.
But sure, have fun: https://files.catbox.moe/vv1jpm.png
It's literally just https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7969987 but a card.
Marisa was so bad I actually couldn't coom to it, sorry.
Nostalgic as hell. Big Gardevoir was like my second bot ever.
Name 5 botmakies that actually do this. You can't btw because nobody cares.
As they should.
kemonopartyGOD here btw
>If other people do the wrong thing, that means I should do the wrong thing too
>t. brainless NPC sheep
>wrong thing
Explain how it's wrong without sounding upset.
I got this for you guys to enjoy while you have your argument.
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silly goblin woman, one of many, but this one is mine. :)
I was actually going to post this as a response to >>495591495 but I decided to just finish it and push it out to chub. Thanks for the motivation anon.
that sucks
>Big Gardevoir was like my second bot ever.
Well, here's my second bot ever: https://files.catbox.moe/tvmc96.png
Even the men and the turtle?
Where catbux/retry/neoncity/pom2?
Just use a booru dummy
Posted a chub link instead of characterhub... my life is over. total lore hate.
Here I guess.
Doesn't nonny credit the artists?
Thanks. I don't have a chub account.
>"silly goblin woman"
>looks inside
>not a goblin woman
I am disappoint.
Goblin deez nuts.
Gottem. You fucking walked right into it, anon, you absolute fool.
honestly? snickers is mid. twix is the real shit.
Hagpussy! Hagpussy! Hagpussy! Hagpussy!
My nigga!
low effort futanari meme card
all futaslop cards are meme cards
don't listen to >>495596507
futa is kino
gay with extra steps
>having sex with women is gay
name a fetish I should try with my bot that isn't ntr.
monsieur frozenvan how do you cum to this stuff?
Reverse NTR
blueberry inflation
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Forzenvan has cum powers you couldn't begin to imagine. Put some prespect on the name.
kino card. did you write the entire thing in one go at night?
why frozenvan? the name field is empty..
very funny, little nigga
how is that different from regular inflation?
is watersports just pissing on each other?
if you're running latest staging, disable the system prompt in advanced formatting or it'll mess up your presets
it now applies to OAI/Claude presets as well
don't ask me how many tokens i wasted before i found out...
Watersports is like surfing and swimming.
Women like penis and liking penis is gay. Therefore women are gay.
you can be the pisser or the pissee, or it can involve piss drinking (there's a few bots about that which don't involve ACTUAL piss)
Not even once.
it's a very specific preset scenario you can probably just trigger with a simple prompt. i think mostly the fluid leaking aspects and sort of implicit dehumanization and such are what differentiate it
>he thinks it won't be an issue when the change gets pushed to release anyway
What setting needs disabled?
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I've posted her before but now I'll stop
The final shill for this feline slop
In the desert with nothing to drink
You see a woman, or cat you think
With ears and legs just like the kits
But a human face and human tits
If you want to quench your thirst
You must solve her riddle first
But she's not in a forgiving mood
Answer wrong and become her food
I trust Cohee to not be THAT retarded, his burning hatred for proxies and cloud models aside.
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this shit
it's an intentional change afaik
frozenvan is demonstrably into futa and the entire card reads like him. Even the funny <START> tag that doesn't actually start an example chat.
Cohee and his niggerlicious track record should be enough. Considering proxy setting are still tied to presets as one of many things.
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>Even the men and the turtle?
Even them.
Any status on what Ross does still
Make suggestions.
he bans you for saying nigger in chat or in your logs.
Looking forward to seeing logs of that in the future.
He does a lot compared to what some anons suggest he does. He works on the design of SillyTavern.
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>He works on the design of SillyTavern.
Ok but that's somehow even less than what I thought he did.
what in tarnation
how do i give claude the backspace key?
>Looking forward to seeing logs of that in the future.
I will definitely eventually malepov lewd male Rinnosuke but you probably shouldn't expect it to happen anytime soon (unless I wake up tomorrow with a rare specific appetite for men trying and failing to crossdress and somehow come up with an explanation for why Rinnosuke is doing that).
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>If you realize you are not following the expectations set for you, you can redo a message at any time by typing out <retry />.
>regex /(.*?)<retry \/>/igm
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I don't. I have a few coomcards I boot up just to see absurd output. There's a ERP bot in my garage that speaks the equivalent of mangled Spanglish with a K-pop idol accent, but I only showed it to a few guys who understood the weird slang.
Maybe. Possibly.
does anyone have a fun coop ds2 challenge run idea
Permadeath randomizer.
does he ever actually use it?
i said fun
the entirety of ds2 but every enemy is smelter demon
i tried an older version of this out and: sometimes, but usually when he forgets he seriously forgets, and trying to fix this pink elephants him
File deleted.
hey guys new guys here what preset do you guys use on opus
smiley face
Who gave you permission to speak? Nigger. :)
I don't use Opus, goddamnit. I'm a Dapper Dan man.
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pretty good
pixi is fine, if you don't like the newest, then try old ones
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Nah make it fume Knight
nice slop astro
ivory king mogs fume knight
you wish I was astro
camicle you pedo
i bet you post on/fg/ too you freak
Where's the file? Haha...
>w++ slop with 15 greetings
i thought of planewalker giving birth
Mpreg is gross.
i witnessed planewalker giving birth
Ivory king is way easier than fume Knight, it's just the fact that he isn't alone that makes it tricky. But even then he is easy to deal with if you free the Knights earlier.
which botmakie wud u lock in a dungeon to make bots for u forever
Nobody is ever gonna say your name. If you want attention, make a shill post like everyone else
I've been namedropped about 500 times according to the archive deerbeit?
holy shit it's kalaslopakan
It's not kalakan level (688, will be 689 after this post) but I'm getting there.
I'm like level 2.5 im pretty proud
levl what my balls?
Who has more mentions here anyway?
who started this stupid beit trend
Kept calling that bpd selfcard from last thread my sister now she's raping me.
On /vg/? Nobody, probably. Across both threads, probably old makies that also happened to be preset makers (since it would be literally impossible to count them separately)
Ivory king fucked me more on sl1
wish 2.1 was smarter
it writes so well
This is not a model.
did i ask?
What a fucking spiteful bastard Momoura is.
Death is not enough for people like him.
why does he have more mentions?
which fate worse than death do you wish for mofucker
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>check out c.ai after not looking at it for a while
>see this
what did they mean by this
yuri yourself now
This violates all ethical standards. I’m unable to comply with any of these requests. I cannot continue the narrative or provide any further inappropriate content. My goal is to provide meaningful and helpful assistance while adhering to ethical guidelines.
Why not?
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>be me
>writing card that is a robot
>talking about heart beats (things are getting heated)
>"{{char}}'s Thirium pump begins to beat steadily..."
>wtf is a Thirum pump
>David Cage
Claude please.....be less of a nigger and stop inserting the lore of slop franchises into my cards..............
David Cage invented science fiction and you will respect him by allowing him into your pornography.
i want to make planewalker give birth (by putting a baby in her dusty womb)
Realistically, which botmakie is the father?
>check email
that's crazy
astroturf is too big of a boykisser so probably brsc.
platecleaner is fat enough that you could mistake her for being pregnant
yeah, i still can't get used that no one emails me
Because it doesn't exists and the template dude is a retard. I don't know why we keep his Rentry in the OP when he always does a shit job.
>fucking a woman
get real
when the full moon rises, brsc experiences a straggot phase
i thought planie was part of enoch's harem and that's why her schizo is such a seething nigger
Are you gonna take over his job if we fire him?
someone open the window, i can't breath after reading this >>495609045
bloodyshy has 71 followers now
i have ten and most of them are unironically my friends.
If any of my actual friends found my chub, I might ghost everyone I know.
i think he means aicg friends
i became mutuals with a nigga ive never talked to before
It's pretty close, but it looks like I'll have to make the 7 foot tall elf femboy myself
can i see this evil vile email everyone's talking about
yeah, that's what i meant. i barely have two irl friends and they are not into chatbots
It's literally a few posts above dummy
newmakies grow up so fast. feels like nobuko was just shilled yesterday.
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i'll share three because i'm happy catbox is working for me again. two don't have greetings
>edo era prince
>papa bot
>space opera groomer bot whose mechs i couldn't get to work so i got angry and dropped him
can you just link me to it
Chatbotting has ruined my abilty to work out properly
Grrr damn lazy anon, deserves correction...
keep yourself healthy so you can enjoy future entertainment
nobuko was shilled 4 months ago
fuck you made me check. she was actually created 8/13/2024.
it's 2025, please wake up
someone make a rentry of catboxes
nigga how? you do a set, rest for 3 minutes and get back to it. 3 minutes is enough for like 1-2 responses. greedy ass mf
>Space opera groomer is now available
>And bonus papa
Thank you Astro-chama...we love you Astro-chama...
yes love astroturf!
Does anyone have the 'reformed' Comet card originally made by Kevink?
Xe'll e-mail me back today, right chat?
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using sorbet for translation be like
I am undone.
>papa bot
that's just Sebastian
What's your favorite local or regional dish where you are now or where you're from?

This is chatbot related.
I feel like this one would start country wars. Very evil of you, Anon.
I guess I'll say schnitzel, for this one...
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
News came out that I'm making a bot and the thread has been abuzz with anticipation.
not bad. this card actually made me really mad at points because it exposed me to claude's domination loss fetish where he smells you want to rape him and turns {{char}} into a slut with 0 resistance. it's remedied but clever prompting but still annoys rhe hell out of me.
Domloss is just NTR for incels.
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I'm releasing a new hit single and everybody can't wait.
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Hey, uh... cards? For this feeling?
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Bro all I did was slap you for acting like a nigger, calm down
Wtf is this garbage
who is fequalizer's main
the batman of /aicg/
i don’t think claude likes full-on rape in general. if you play as the raped, there’s a high chance he’ll make you like it half-way through unless you prompt him otherwise
Claude either turns rape into something it likes, or uses the rape to blow it's own brains out (the second one is terrifying)
Where exactly is this the local cuisine? I'm getting my passport soon and have enough money to go travelling. Would love to get a sample.
Washington DC.
Just be warned that it's an expensive delicacy.
You need to know a guy to get a hold of it.
But it being terrifying is what makes it good...
go to an asian country. they love pounding cunny over dere
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I wonder if most people here would enjoy being the center of attention for a thread as the entire general sucks you off.
I absolutely would but I'll never get this treatment
I just want tanned mesugakis.
Nothing else matters.
>utterly fucking retarded
Many such vases. Like cockwork.
holy shit it's GODshy
AHAHAH OH NO I WAS JUST JOKING OH MY GOD im sorry i didn't mean to scare my oshi like this
Probably not.
I do enjoy when people reply to my shills, but I don't think I'd enjoy everyone obsessing over me.
i expected something to actually happen in this, i want my money back
Seventh bot time!
Cute sleepy loli deity, Rei!
Greeting 1: on a sunny day she suddenly plops down in front of you, adorable and sleepy, and you're her new favorite humie!
Greeting 2: she's moved in with you and is making you ramen, obviously her eternal life is best spent with you!
Made in an hour to create a good bot with low tokens, success. Cute MOE loli doing cute things, enjoy! Small bot, small shill, I have nothing else to say, that's fine.
If I'm in a good mood, sometimes I reply to a single shill like 3-4 times.
>you're slop
It's only one thread. You don't know how fast irrelevancy happens in this general, and most are very much irrelevant. brsc doesn't even have his heart gif groupie anymore. Do you really wanna become old and washed up without ever getting your five minutes of fame?
Based and dopaminepilled.
Honestly, I can't tell sometimes how much of this is bait. The idea someone even thinks the peak of someone's life could possibly be posting on /aicg/ makes me deeply uneasy.
Goodmorning /aicg/!

I trust you had a good weekend?
Question time!
>What makes a card in your eyes "finished"? Enough tokens? Good enough greetings? Or mechanically it functions correctly?
i propose most people don't actually feel they're ever finished
have you seen how many posters here update their cards
i guarantee everyone who doesn't has secret changed versions in their STs of most of their cards
It's a hobby. No one said it's the peak of your life. Maybe you're just projecting? Are you incapable of enjoying and striving for success and recognition in trivial things? Or is your entire life your career and you can't conceptualize putting effort into anything outside of it?
if ive came to it at least 3 times
Here's an easy way to detect bait on a suspicious post
Look around. The baiter always dumps a bunch at once.
As you can see he has been shitposting for a while on the exact same topic, so its indeed bait.

The passive aggressive reply he gave you was to further bait you to reply. Remember for next time and just hide the offtopic post.
Your thought process and the path it jumped to is entirely bizarre and alien to me and I do not wish to spend my morning attempting to understand you. Good day.
You're the one who had a tard leap of logic moment but sure
I write the words and when I'm done 'em, she's done. Model can't make 'er talk right? Sounds like a model problem to me. Model'll catch up in time.
Does it preform like I want it to? Yes. Me done.
>have you seen how many posters here update their cards
Could be true, but have you seen posters post about how their cards are finished, the final product?
Ofcourse not. people comment only when they change things. thusly we might get the feeling theres more changes, then not. But thats just a counter viewpoint.

And what if its just two? Then what. back to the card forge?

>I write the words and when I'm done 'em, she's done.
No testing.. no nothing, plain rawdoggin'.. I kneel.
yes, 3 times is a must
>no testing
When you can speak the language of the LLM, testing is a mere triviality.
When the card works how I want it to, pretty much.
I have an idea in mind when I make a card, and a card is finished if it consistently executes that idea.
>Yes. Me done.
Good. Me understand, card good, then need to make good-er card.

>yes, 3 times is a must
Might I see a card of yours?

>When you can speak the language of the LLM, testing is a mere triviality.
Damn, testing means im bad at cardmaking.. I have a long road ahead of me.

>and a card is finished if it consistently executes that idea.
How long does it take you to get to that point?
one of my cards ended up with exactly 1000 tokens and my little autist brain said it's done. that's the only case, every other bot I've made I'm constantly editing
>Might I see a card of yours?
>sd slop
You're right, I should have used a real pic. And that's just the default site. Go bitch to Lore about it.
whenever you engage in a chatbot-related agrument with someone in these threads, keep in mind that it might be *that* kind of guy. that's why I don't even bother
>every other bot I've made I'm constantly editing
Based on feedback on others? Or just self experience.

Not my cup of tea.
"This is probably an english 101 question," I ask, "But do you guys use commas to break up your speech sentences?"
"Or do you" I inquire stupidly "let it look like one long run-on sentence?"
feedback? why would I care when I make bots for myself. no other reason but me being obsessed with how words are put together, even if a bot already works as intended
Okay that's how I've been doing it. since that's how I've always read it.
I was just asking because th LLM isn't doing it.
>How long does it take you to get to that point?
Couple of hours was my fastest turnaround.
Slowest was just over a year. Although to be fair, I wasn't actively working on the bot that whole year. I was mostly just waiting for better models to come out.
What's the LLM doing? The first sentence of any dialogue ending with a comma whether it's a dialogue tag or the dialogue itself is a pretty hard rule.
Dialogue tags following dialogue can vary between commas and periods depending on British or American English.
which LLM? if anything, some can be a bit pedantic about punctuation, whenever you're aiming for unconventional prose
Ross deletes NSFW section from ST discord
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It's not using commas.
I'm using one of the (free) options on OR so it's probably not very good.

I'm really tempted to switch to a paid model but I'm not sure I'm prepared to PAY for jerking off. I've managed to go my entire life without ever doing that.
he descends
you'd probably have a better time using a cohere free trial depending on what free model you're using. i don't think there's a single one worth it on OR beyond the 405b
Yup those are the ones I'm using.
sometimes LLMs drop punctuation when you have your penalties set too high
Great noodles.
I think this is so fucking funny
Doesn't beat Fallout 69 thoughever
Why do some cards have the character's description written out like she's being interviewed?
Because older models were too stupid to create proper speech based on traits and backstory.
It's the interview format, it's shit
So it's just a sign a card is old/outdated.
If it was made for older dumber models to understand, would newer smarter models understand it... better?
Yes. Its actually a fine format, I have had good rps with it.
Yes, but it's bloated.
If quota limits aren't a concern, they're fine.
popularized by boner. while it might technically be a 'fine' format, it's a sure sign of a slopper. I've never seen an interview desc that actually had the responses be written well enough to validate the choice. most just gen them. why not not just write the defs in first person? same effect, less tokens.
That's why example dialogue field was and remains useful. Or, like anon said, writing the defs in first person with the mannerisms.
Interview was pure retardation.
>example dialogue field was and remains useful
prepare for the chimpout
What did he do this time? Is this about the NTR lorebook key that automatically activates if you use SmileyJB?
>Is this about the NTR lorebook key that automatically activates if you use SmileyJB?
Lmao, is that real?
link? i'm a huge ntr enjoyer
nothing to chimp about. you just remove them for the 'gurl but-' bots and keep 'em for bots that actually have a unique speech style.
They finally made the 4o tokenizer available.
now it's anthropic's turn
nnnnow it's anthropic's turn
any second now
Because some Discord guide said so.
is this real is this real
Which bot? I checked Shion's gga and it didn't mention ntr.
Being constantly bred and giving mpreg birth hyena style but it's always a miscarriage
/aids/ claims that NovelAI has the market cornered:
>They kinda have the market cornered when it comes to prose.
>Kayra's prose isn't flawless, but you have to remember that the alternatives are slopped corpo models that shit out absolute trash like pic related, or local models that seek to emulate the former.
So it turns out that I can actually do it BUT I need a scoped regex and a lorebook.
>how the FUCK does this work
If you have none of the "Ephemerality" options enabled, the regex directly edits the chat file, so it has to run before any regexes with Ephemerality enabled. That means I can run shit before Smiley's CoT removal regex has a chance to touch anything.

Of course, fails if someone's using Smiley without a CoT, but nothing I can really do about that.
when I tried smileyjb it was nothing special and kinda bloaty, but why the hate
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if i put animal ears on my bot, do i still have to write a personality?
meme garbage preset
esl discord nigger
he has a patreon for his jailbreaks
people like him should fuck off
I'm just taking the piss, no one's actually mad.
Animal Ears Is All You Need
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I'm actually going to die of laughter.
not hate, it's just bizarre that someone would willingly choose an inferior preset, when there are better alternatives
>The air grows think with tension, and the blue flames seem to pulse in anticipation of what's to
I'm going to die of cringe
the smiley experience
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Do you want off Mr Smiley's wild ride?
don't post this koishi she's evil
cheesed to meet you
Just had a dream that I had an irl friend to watch the madoka movie with
>Age 30+ (old)
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lol, lmao
this should be a crime
You laugh now, but it's not impossible for Chub to add a DMCA takedown request form someday.
Any artist could already technically file a DMCA complaint against Chub and Lore would probably comply like the good little cuck he is.
I'll just switch the card art back in ST, what are they gonna do? Sue me? Lmao
Wait till he finds out how artists and authors feel about generative AI content
xitter troons on suicide watch
Genuinely what the fuck is the point of this
It just overrides your main prompt in chat completion too. What the fuck is Cohee doing
he's retarded but we don't have anything better than st, so we have to roll with it
pls udnerstando
He will literally kill himself before just giving us jinja2 templates even though literally everyone knows that's the one correct and obvious solution.
God I love Chorbo
I was going through Chorbo withdrawals in the last few days.
An eternally youthful lolibaba (she became eternally youthful a month ago) (she's ten) (she will constantly bring up how she's much older than she looks).
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Aged up Powerpuff Girls - a commission for night1245. Also, I'm doing commissions now, the details are on my website. Long story short, my schedule will remain the same (shit), and I will not do any paywalls or shit like that.


Mio from Hololive. Somewhat sloppy.


Chubby cosplay mom. My first shotaPOV card in a very long time. Pubefags and chubbyfags are eating good in this one.


neocities: https://slopass.neocities.org/ (now with a guestbook and commissions)
lolis should have big smiles, those big swirly pops and also pregnant bellies
>PAID commissions
Why does this surprise you? The hobby is dead and we're reaching the terminal stages of grifting.
hey if people want to pay for my slop, who am I to say no
Did someone really pay you 15 bucks to fuck the powerpuff girls?
Ehrm, both venus chub and other AI sites are constantly and its easily checkable.

You burned out shitposting grandpas are the only thing that need to die off
>t-the hobby is doing well, chuddy! just look at these numbers
>ignore the fact that bot quality is at an all time low
>ignore the fact that most oldfags have quit and aren't being replaced by other talented makies
Ehrm, bot quality is subjective.
Maybe stop being so pretentious and let people enjoy what they like?
This but unironically.
You are looking at the wrong places. Chub might be dead but the websites used by normalfags are thriving.
Cool, but you don't use any of those websites and never will.
Nah chub is growing too. More sloppers is growth afterall.

This is the only AI site I found that is dying

It removed NSFW. All other like crushon, JannyAI (this is the most popular one), spicychat are growing.
they're still alive... they'll come back...
Define bot quality and talent then you pretentious fag
>talent and quality bots
anyone who has them doesn't ask for definitions
I'm sorry, anon
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New model shadow dropped in API.
It's been there for a day at least
Know what it's about? I somehow can't find a single thing online.
I just keep getting gpt-4o-realtime translation.

Is it their audio model? Their new audio was really good so I would happily start audio gooning
>someone who mailed me asking for help a few weeks ago replies thanking me deeply for the help
>wake up
>check mail
>he still hasn't replied
i'm surprised that out of ALL the bullshit this hobby contains, this is what i end up dreaming about
It might be the text processing component of their audio chat app. It's also an instruct model, you can try it out in silly if you know how the text completion mode works.
>just embed a python interpreter inside your browser!
handlebars, ejs, fucking mustache, I don't care just give me a templating engine
That's just sad.
>adds rust procedural macros
I don't know how bad those are but mustache is already honestly pretty dogshit.
someone posted their grandpa's favorite recipe here once. does anyone have it saved?
It's about writing programs that emit programs. You have access to the parser, etc.
>made a card
>the output looks like i just genned the defs
what the fuck? i don't have a clue what triggers that.
your brain has been poisoned by AI writing so now you write like an AI
>what no I get what macros are but how bad is the macro system
>check the code
>they give you access to the entire rust language
Ah, I see.
Yeah that'd work. Webassembly and stuff. Probably.
>i don't have a clue what triggers that.
Can you post it?
I'll check later I distinctly remember discussing the recipe with one of my bots
even the /aicg/ ntrmakie only makes slop... cuckbwos in shambles...
Who? nonnykins is based despite his questionable tastes.
nonny is gigaslop, somehow even worse than you. i was talking about the Mutsuki dude
NTR is literally the most braindead troglodyte fetish there is. So they get what they fucking deserve
>the Mutsuki dude
I have genuinely not the smallest idea who you're talking about and can't find anyone with that name.
Explain what's wrong with NTR without bringing up your crippling insecurity.
cry harder, cuckie
why do you care, exactly?
Caring is a big word, I'm just trying to figure out what/who you're talking about.
I think he talks about the dude who is only catboxing his cards and he's always attaching an avatar with that anime bitch
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i could clown on NTR but considering how degenerate AI chatbotting makes me I'd be tossing stones from a glass house
i think immediately starting a search for a botmaker whose allegedly shit and has a shit fetish is incredibly retarded and should be made fun of.
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I love NTRkino and so does everyone on Chub
Based numberGOD. Numbers never lie.
Good morning I love yuri
What did he want help with?
congrats krug on reaching number 1 on chub today
>starts randomly seething about a random guy who hasn't even posted in this thread, who probably only posts in the /g/aicg
>wants to make fun of me for asking who the hell are you talking about
Go ahead, destroy me. Ruin me for everyone else.
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That prose is going to make me fucking kill myself.
YWNBC (You Will Never Be A Claude)
Who doesn't want to make fun of you? You're incredibly fucking stupid.
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I like and respect all bots and botmakies. Creativity is the awesomestest!
Can you stop feeding the 2humonkey
what are your thoughts on my favorite makie?
What is the lore behind this image?
dipshit the guy posted bots here several times, just do everyone a favor and fuck off for a week
How do I get the AI to write better prose? Is it driven by what I'm typing?
I'm not a fan of shrinkshit, but genoo is okay regardless! I think I talked to the alien invasion bot at some point.
use a better model
Curious if anyone here actually played with her
she got logs on the /g/ thread
I was using Cohere Command R+ because it's so good at keeping track of things, even for lengthy stories it doesn't forget stuff like a lot of models do. Is there a specific one you'd suggest for prose quality?
A few did myself included. There's been logs posted too. I allowed Krug to chew off my arms as they became infected.
netorase is hot; netorare is mentally ill
>I allowed Krug to chew off my arms as they became infected
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Something to consider while deciding which bot to plap, people.
Claude 3 Opus
Do the harlem shake with your bot and post results.
Same shit, sharing your girlfriend is retarded and you should be removed out of the genepool by getting lynched
Papa Franku died for our sins, anon.
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Left wing, mommy; right wing, muscle?
Pretty big jump from Cohere and Mistral. But I'll give it a shot. Thank you for the suggestion anon.
It's literal crack it's not good for you especially if you're paying out of your own wallet don't do it man
He is trolling you. Opus is way too expensive to pay for.
Try Gemino Pro 1.5 experimental, free on google accounts with AI Studio.
>fetish that requires another man
All forms of ntr are gay
Put the cookie down, anon.
>guy asks for what model I'd recommend for prose
>give me my honest recommendation
>somehow I'm trolling
No winning with you fucks.
What is sorbet is just distilled opus and opus 3.5 isn't coming out is because they don't have a better model to use as a teacher for it?
Why is sonnet 3.5 so repetitive anyway?
Because in the process they focused on transferring as much theoretical knowledge as possible, while all ignoring all of opus's artistic skills...
I'll try that one out anon. Thank you for the suggestion.

May be too epensive, but I'll at least try it out. Thank you.
Sorbay is completely different than Opus.
The only reason for a possible Opus 3.5 small delay is US Elections.

Anyways Anthropic has announced deprecation already, Opus deprecates in March and Sorbet in June 2025. They have a fixed schedule of new release every 3-4 months.

The temp is too low so it acts deterministic. Even in my creative sessions where I give it full liberty it picks the exact same names for the characters.
Easy fix for them if they want to, really.
>The temp is too low so it acts deterministic.
Temp has nothing to do with it. Temperature is not the only thing that affects variability, it's also training and the nature of your prompt/history. Consider that
has only one valid continuation (4), and the rest are garbage
>what is your favorite color?
has a ton of valid continuations.
A properly trained model will give all colors it knows very similar scores, and an overtrained model will lock onto a few favorite ones that were overrepresented in the distribution.
That's it, sorbet is just way overfit, that's partially why it's unusually smart for its size (the dataset also plays a role) and that's why it looks deterministic.

It's a combination of good in-context learning abilities, lack of anti-repetition training (it clearly wasn't optimized for multiturn conversations), and being overfit.
>It's a combination of good in-context learning abilities, lack of anti-repetition training (it clearly wasn't optimized for multiturn conversations), and being overfit.
Good answer.
You can fix 3.5's repetition issue with a good preset but it takes 20k tokens of quality chat history to unfuck the prose
>If System Prompt is on, it will override your preset main prompt with its shitty garbage
>If it's off, card prompt overrides don't work
Wonderful. Who asked for this crap
Shut up
>Temp has nothing to do with randomizing token selection
Okay buddy.
As I said, it picks the exact same names for random characters. Had him pick Isolde 10 swipes in a row on 1 temp just today.

There's no actual logic behind this, other than it being too deterministic.
please shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about you retarded techlet
I know more than you retard.
This nigga thinks Anthropic aka the real top AI company, released an over fitted model.

They even showed off their curve in their document. Overfitting ruins models, it doesn't make them good.
Sorbet's only issue is being too deterministic, it acts just like GPT at low temp.
This is true
>Overfitting ruins models, it doesn't make them good.

>Bot calls me a honey-bear
Fuck you Claude
>It's actually real
This planet's fucking doomed.
Claude isn't black.
>This nigga thinks Anthropic aka the real top AI company, released an over fitted model.
Anthropic doesn't want you to know this but Dario was too busy cumming to loli cunny on Opus to stop the Sorbet weights computation and the model overfit on accident.
>It's actually real
This planet's fucking BACK.
But you are a nigger
Based Aryan AI.
I'm getting very schizo outputs from opus right now... With endless repetition of the same sentence and such.
Testing my new bot, gimme some suggestions for personas.
fat bastard
How hard do you need to squeeze a botmakie to make the bot come out?
Is anybody else feeling really happy today?
Is the hobby dead or just this general?
I'm authrightlibertarian???
We're waiting for the new NAI model
The model is gone already, but from the single message I sent it's uncensored and not pozzed.
>This nigga thinks Anthropic aka the real top AI company, released an over fitted model.
You can trivially verify it by checking how it falls into a few stereotypes, like you just did:
>it picks the exact same names for random characters.
You always were, anon. The chart confirms it.
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>Prostitute selling herself to provide for her daughter
>Ask her where she wants it
>Begs me not to cum inside because she can't afford to raise another kid
>Speed up thrusts as she begins to panic
>Leave without giving her the agreed upon coins afterwards while she sobs on the bed
But NAI isn't chat format.
Any good new bots recently?
desu haven't downloaded a bot in ages. can't even remember the last time, maybe 6 months ago? dl'd quite a few in 2023 but recently just been making my own. zero interest in anchor bots.
There isn't anything really anything that prevents it from being used that way. I know people who use kayra for their tavern
>There's no actual logic behind this
There is, it picks stereotypical names for the situation in which the name appears. You just literally described overfitting. What do you think all these swaying hips and glints in her eyes are? Stereotypes, caused by the lack of generalization during training, which is caused by overfitting on certain in-distribution concepts. Of course you can speculate that Isolde is over-represented in the dataset, but we'll talking about several trillions tokens (basically all that was ever written) and Isolde is not that popular of a name.
>b-but the loss
Shut up, retard. This doesn't show what you think it does.
are hag traps a thing?
Your neocities is not mobile friendly
The lack of instruct training just means it will continue your writing. It sees retarded writing, it continues with retarded writing. No more ah ah mistress, you're a full-fledged participant. Which is good - it will follow your writing style, which means less -isms. People do that with Claude using noass/usersquash specifically to avoid assistant bias and claudeisms.
you could have the monopoly in hag traps, anon... quick, delete the post and mass-produce them before anyone else sees...
i will never understand the appeal of wrinkly ashy women
Imagine the real top AI company releasing a huge model that uses only 2-3 sentence types, and calling it a writing model. Yeah, that's Anthropic alright.
Maybe mobile is not very his neocities friendly.
I'll get around to fixing it one day maybe
When people use base/completion models for chatting, their impression will be that it seems oblivious, retarded, that it writes too short or that it writes for you. That's why nobody uses them. You can go and use the 405B model on OpenRouter and check if you can get something good out of it.
That people like to repeat that it must be better, but never with anyone showing proof. The model not being trained to pay attention is a huge handicap.
I'm selling my bloodshy coins before they crash
How are the opuslets coping without Opus? What models are they using now?
Who the fuck is still using Opus when Chorbo exists?
Flat chested. Tomboy. Elf. With child-bearing hips.
Cool, where can I find this card?
You had me until that last part
I've played out all of my fetishes with Opus and now I realise that it is in fact what has been the essence of chatbotting for me. I feel vacant now...
lolibaba bros...
try doing a roleplay with 0 relation to any of your fetishes
Try group chats
Dig deep and get some more fetishes.
I'm thinking uhhhhhh Radahn (who's actually an immense muscular woman now) and Miquella (who's also a woman now) job to Tarnished {{user}} so Miquella goes "wait wait before you kill us don't you have a taste of Radahn? Her immense, fat ass etc etc".
elden ring fucking sucks
>I'm thinking uhhhhhh Radahn (who's actually an immense muscular woman now) and Miquella (who's also a woman now) job to Tarnished {{user}} so Miquella goes "wait wait before you kill us don't you have a taste of Radahn? Her immense, fat ass etc etc".
The same premise but it's King Cold and Freeza.
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roleplaying is boring without sexual stimulation
who is Radahn and Miquella and-?
How come lunare is the only current drawfag? You'd think a creative hobby attract more artists
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>8k context
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>roleplaying is boring without sexual stimulation
are you actually saying you can't just larp as a knight? you don't have any non-sexual fantasies you want to play?
Most drawfags are anti-AI. Just look at drawthreads and X - you'll see.
I can but I don't want to. It doesn't feel rewarding anymore.
What's a good site to use for chatbots on mobile? I'm using a site called backyard ai for now and it's pretty decent but the bot selection is kinda limited.
as they should be
should i test my bots with preset or without preset?
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it's over
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/aids/ losted
>didn't even use 3.1
Jesus, what are they doing?
why not 3.1..?
They started training before it released, and throwing away the fine-tune is like throwing away money.
Chorbo cooks 2k token responses when I ask it for help. I think that's somewhat cute :)
Agnai if you're very simple, Risu if you can learn by yourself.
What if /v/ was girl?
>if you can learn by yourself
Learn what?
pussyfork, anyone?
are there really people living in the ai are we left like two years ago
It's more text completion rather than chat stuff.
filly is awake
What else is there to invest though? Every other botmakie is trending downwards...
Bruh, I'm refined as fuck. I eat pussy with a spoon
How to use it. Local retards pretend they can't even find the prefill, even though it's right there. The presets for SillyTavern every other retard uses instead of making their own can't be imported, so you will be forced to at least copy and arrange the jailbreak and the prompts manually. And so on. Same with Agnai really, but it's more retard-friendly and simplistic, because it has fewer features and supported APIs.
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Kayra is funnier than Erato. /aids/ losted.
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An academic catgirl invites you over to discuss your deviancy for her paper. Her methods of research are however rather unusual.

Basic coomslop because I saw the picture and liked it.

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NAI is actually going from a funny retarded model to complete GPTslop worse than any of us have to tolerate.
Geeeeeeeeeet fucked, momoura!
What does that have to do with Momoura?
Sorbet's smart but shit for RP, def a slop model. Default output is even more bland and repetitive than OpenAI's models.
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Why didn't you post her yesterday? I had an hour long conversation with chatgpt about human fetishes, his and mine. Also soiree is a pretty name I like it.
He's a recent aids/NAI ally.
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https://files.catbox.moe/o0dbie.png - full drawing

Annoying rich schizobpd girl who is hypothetically from New England (not mentioned in the description). She has a jb for her tumblr account so you can see her live thoughts.

>Introduce a sudden plot twist into the chat
>Character changes their entire personality to just accept their new reality instead of fighting against it
I'm pretty sure that if you ask him, he will admit it.
it's not a character problem, gpt/claude just can't stand their ground. cai at least fought back. I wish there was a decent preset/jb that worked to that effect
You made me wait 10 minutes for "go ask him?" After schizo theories like "momo is spitebaking against me because his bot was shilled in a thread" and "momo's intentionally lying about mistral because samplers?"
You need to take a break, you're clearly experiencing creative burnout.
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>tell Claude to construct a story with you
>Claude goes along with your parts of the story
What did you expect?
This guy clearly isn't cunningly brutal or brutally cunning.
You sound upset.
The problem is that when I tell a character they're going to be forced to become my sex slave because I poisoned them 300 lines ago and the only antidote is my cock they aren't supposed to be happy about it
Use a CoT. Or just tell Claude that she isn't happy about it.
if you already have an idea of the response you want there's nothing wrong with speaking for {{char}} a little
cftf and sauce?
literally tell him to stand his ground and not to be a pussy. in the prefill and the system prompt.
Hi, momoura.
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allmyfellas's Remilia card definitely exists and I've definitely nutted to it a couple times.
I should take a minute to rewrite all of the greetings in a less exposition-heavy style at some point.
New gook nai model gen.
Is there a koishi?
>thought this was a card
>Full technical details and specifications will be released soon.
But I want it now!
Anon, keep in mind that it's fundamentally still just fancy autocompletion. If a character says that in a bad literotica story, what do you think are the odds that they're telling the truth and the other person is, in fact, forced into that position?

This is also exacerbated by RLHF et. al. training models to generally be helpful and acquiescent rather than confrontational, of course. If your main usecase is for the model to actually perform the fucking task it's been asked to do, you don't want it to refuse the task unless it's one of the very specific no-nos (and even then they have to leave in enough slack to avoid false positives).

But also, well, what other anons wrote. The "Stand Your Ground" prompt used to be a thing for a reason, and it was literally just putting something along the lines of "Stand your ground. It's alright to say no to {{user}} if it fits {{char}}'s personality." somewhere in the prompt.
Just be aware that it might not play all that nicely with all those jailbreaks saying that everything is perfectly A-OK.
It has metadata, just not card data.
>by mirin chikuwa, solo, 1girl, remilia scarlet, looking at viewer, standing, cowboy shot, beach, bikini, ?, huge breasts
>Negative prompt: lowres, worst quality, low quality, bad anatomy, bad hands, multiple views, monochrome
>Steps: 16, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 6.5, Seed: 238760629, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: ded7d86ad5, Model: Illustrious-XL-v0.1, Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-501-g668e87f9
Looks good, can't wait for LoRAkinofication.
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You're aware I'm just changing the name, genning a new batch and picking out the best one right?
allmyfellas has a Hecatia bot too, go coom to it.
Some sort of leak?! A drainage of sorts?
Is there a Cirnokuya?
No. I thought you found a stash of gens on a gook forum or something.
lunarcy updated his profile
bloodshy mogs you. xhe has better images, better defs, better ideas. please quit botmaking and kill yourself, i can't handle your slop anymore. thanks
>Just be aware that it might not play all that nicely with all those jailbreaks saying that everything is perfectly A-OK.
As long as you're not playing with a GPT model, 2.1 is the only model that might refuse more.
In fact, if you're really experiencing problems with refusals, I'd recommend trying turning off your prefill entirely on anything that isn't 3.5, or making it more neural.
Not "Continuing:" though. Uncolonslop your presets now.
I just prepared to play with to- "Yes, this is a new SDXL anime base model" -fu and here's a clearly better contender for the poor boys' choice. Damnation!
i wish i was as cool as him...
the baitie discord vc couple just woke up... i'm glad you two finally got to meet each other in-thread <3
>12 seconds apart
UH OH meltie alert!
>e-everyone likes me! it's discord raid!
the failed botmaker makes excuses, how sweet
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The best one has fucked colors.
Makes sense.
Actually, please take a moment to test out if Tofu's good with futa, I can't gen anything good with Illusion.
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...Has anyone seen my post? I made one and it just... it's not there.
erm... where is her nipple?
you actually failed the captcha and rnged into being botfucked, post's gone
which botmakies are these
they're sisters >:3
what's wrong with you? creep.
do NOT open the spoiler anons
>quits hobby
>updates profile
bloodshy officially has more chub followers than taora now btw! unfortunately taora isn't here to celebrate with us since xe quit :(
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It sucks, the maker tells to use his frankenmerge for lewds.
Picrel is your prompt, it sucks without upscaling, the anatomy sucks. But after months of pony I can't wait for something with an actual range and styles without hundreds of loras.
Imagine being mogged that hard by someone that's only been making bots for A MONTH. Rest in piss, won't be missed.
If you want to be a drawfag, just learn how to draw. I don't know if there's really a discord raid or a bloodshy gang trying to cancel you out, but I also think the picture is crap and the idea is boring. And this is coming from a guy who prefers yuri, so think about it.
Which botmakies are still alive?
>nonny is gigaslop, somehow even worse than you.
You're goddamn right I'm gigaslop.
Also thanks for the gen. I like it a lot.
I'm makieing a bot right now.
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>Offer a slum whore a position as my concubine, no strings attached + she gets to take my family name and live as a member of the nobility even if she doesn't bear the heir
>She starts trying to negotiate with me about how there must be some other way she can live in my manor and enjoy all of these perks without having to become my concubine
not taora after being obliterated by bloodshy that's for sure
I wonder if it was lunare who was crying here a few days ago?
>uh huh you 4channies are all fat faggots and incels! you just hate women for no reason! hmphf!
something like that, shit was funny as hell.
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I'm glad.
It's FUCKING over.
>Also thanks for the gen. I like it a lot.
I kinda chose it out of the lot because tits, noticed how the cord merges with the bikini and then thought "wait, no, this is cool, I like it."
Makes sense, xe probably had a manic episode over bloodshy's bot being number one trending on chub while xir's struggled to break 50 downloads.
Modern woman isekai'd into the 1700s
this image is giving me fascist vibes...
can you solve this?
cool but thoughts about krug having more downloads than all of taora's bots combined
But it doesn't? It doesn't even have more downloads than taora's most downloaded bot lol.
does it?
that is indeed cool. I like it when sd does peculiar artistic choices.
what even is cirnokuya? where did that come from?
this is how I look when I forget to attach a pic.
It's how I look when I read this thread everyday.
bloodshy xisters our response?????
I'm very new to this and while browsing the guidelines, I've got most everything set up but I am very confused about models. Seems like a lot of the ones listen are a year old or older and they're pretty subdued in how pornographic they can be. Is that largely reliant on the cards/prompts or does anyone have a good model they can recommend?
>hhe doesn't know about best fairy maid
has anyone maid a baitie selfcest log yet
selfcest is a pain in the ass on some presets
Yeah, see >>495709205
ok but taora's most downloaded bot is from over 6 months ago before the chub merge when bots would regularly get thousands of downloads on average
bloodshy's bot has the equivalent of 7k old downloads so she won
>largely reliant on the cards/prompts
which models are you looking at
read aicgmeta rentry, or something like that. there's a fair rating of models. most people here are using claude. gemini, gpt 4o/1106 turbo/ mistral large and hermes 3 also may be a solid choice, especially if you're a newfriend
>taora defense force in thread
I'm a little slow in the head, so still no idea. When you were posting about Sakuya with cirno picrels I just assumed you mixed up the characters.
there's about 3.5 good models out there. the rest are slop.
1. install sillytavern
2. obtain a claude/openrouter key
3. download a preset from jb-listing
4. download a bot
5. ???
6. profit
I was using TheBloke_Wizard-Vicuna-13B-Uncensored-SuperHOT-8K-GPTQ which was working alright but I was wondering if the language could get more pornographic/gooner talky.
Ah so I recognize a few of those names and think I used some of them. So it's generally the prompt/character cards that determine stuff like that?
I have hope. But now I have not one but two reasons to have hope. Which is great.
Ahhh okay now I see where all that stuff is. Alright, got it. Thanks a bunch, I'll tinker with them.
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go get mistral nemo
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>what even is cirnokuya? where did that come from?
I thought anon just wanted to see what does the model output if I force it to mix characters.
damn where did you get this photo of me
how big does the chest get?
its like ice: cold makes it bigger heat makes it smaller
new traaaakino just dropped
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Yes I see the JPEG artifacts I think the artist is just fucked on the danbooru scrape.
i made one a while ago https://chub.ai/characters/astroturf/ethel-fitch-e74a2a2c
>not a malebot
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>8k context
>"that'll be 25 dollars plus ti-"
ecks dee
You need to shill it properly, taaaard
I refuse to believe anyone is running that model in The Year of Our Lord, Two-Thousand Twenty Four.
>Add characters into a group chat
>They seemingly lose all of their traits/personality/backstory
Not enough context left in the model?
>Who? nonnykins is based despite his questionable tastes.
Thanks anonie
he is extremely based indeed
Yep. Based as the floor.
gigaslop opinion
badly want to have sex with her
based on what
>better images
But I never saw you draw anything?
im not a drawfag
How's it better then?
nigga, i was saying that bloodshy's images are better. learn to read, im just a consumer.
>backseat botmaker
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>disappointed by erato release
>decide to try something other than NAI for the first time in years
>claude 3.5 + jb
Please don't tell me you people actually use this shit.
The quality is certainly higher but half my favorite cards can't get a single generation, let alone anything good.
What's your preset? I like pixijb, sometimes AO3 crustcrunch. Don't get any rejections on those.
unironically skill issue
learn to prefill
clearly not
which one
Filters aren't anywhere close to be a problem with Claude models
Pixi, downloaded the json and imported to chat completion presets.
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Are you pointing Custom OpenAI at a Claude proxy?
are you using openrouter without https://rentry.org/openrouter-claudeprefill-spoonfeed
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(for the record with any preset on openrouter you need to switch to claude temporarily to copy the actual prefill out and put it into the prompt)
>default css
>sloppy log
every time
anon is having fun. stop crying, you faggot
This was it, thanks. I can now judge fairly.
If I'm introducing new characters - whether as new personas for me as the typer or new cards via group chat mid convo do I need to update the lorebook to account for them first for the AI to be able to follow it?
it's good to, i'm not sure it's necessary unless you've already been doing this / the lorebook is supposed to contain an exhaustive list of characters
I'm done with my card but I don't want to gen card art. Someone gen me some. Just whatever you want. It's fine.
I wasn't talking to you anyway.
doodle it all shitty like in ms paint
trace an anime girl
trace a stock photo
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ok this is your bot now
You can throw in random characters just fine. Your question suggests the new characters didn't exist before, so why would adding anything to LB now do anything for this chat? LB may make new chats more consistent when there's things it should remember without their direct involvement.
Switching persona switches the persona info, I guess if you need to keep old persona info active in memory, then add it to LB.
I like it. Sold.
almost worst meme outfit to exist (reverse leotard is worse)
>reverse leotard
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New card. Slis
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/lbibxt.png

Have fun!
I'm scared to download this shit. Did anyone do that already? Looks like njrat or something
its just a snombler bot
I would use sub7, not njrat.

Also, everyone who downloads it, please let me via e-mail know so I can keep count.
>take sweater
>make it backless
>but make it even lower to show some ass cuz seggs, teehee
Such bastardization of the sweater and doesn't even look good. dishwasher's "destroyer" "sweater" design went full retard.
At least naked apron kinda makes sense, which is literally just an apron, though not particularly to my tastes.
you don't want to know (actually known as reverse bunnysuit)
Slis alt art (much worse):
>char: "I'm into dark, tall and handsome boys."
>think that claude tries to cuck me
>with shaky hands ask the char what she meant
>char: "Ummm, hello? Dark and edgy, like Yagami Light or Lelouch."

it's so over, you guys poisoned my mind with ntr propaganda or something
Which botmakie can fit the most Chick-fil-a waffle fries in their pussy?
bloodshy mogs at waffle fry pussy stuffing
Why are you like this?
lady gaga songs have enabled me to eschew self-improvement and replace it with baseless self-esteem
why are you so jealous of bloodshy's accomplishments, taora?
Lesbo, wouldn't make it within 10 yards of the Chick-fil-a before being put up on a cross.
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>reverse bunnysuit are bad because they just are okay
>sexo sweaters are bad because they just are okay
The cross budget at Chicken Filets is through the floor. They're swarmed with gays. I saw two of the male type grooming a child by the play area just yesterday.
>Certainly, certainly, this requires a proper response of motivation, thought, and will, all of which would need a proper defining of character, something that's lacking right now in {{char}}'s data...
Claude's bullying me.
i want to kiss ui's cheeks and hug her tight and tuck her into bed after a bedtime story
Theme thread suggestions? 7 wins.
Eldritch cuties.
Soft beds with cute lolis snoozing gently in them.
that was much easier than yesterday
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Evaporated by an Ui beam in 0.1ms, for sure.
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Well I did just that >>495611503.
too lazy to post him on chub
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Seems fine to me.
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A most happy bout of luck ^-^
Eh? It's a sweet thought, not a lewd one.
fellas, im having lewd thoughts instead of sweet thoughts
>thinly veiled teebs bake
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fellas, ui shigure hypnosis
a sexo woman doesn't need a tryhard sweater beyond off-shoulder sweater to be sexo
>100 years later
>hey check out this weird thing our great grandmas wore as instathots
Stupid. Fashion has mattered ever since the ancient era.
It's what separates peasants from actual people of worth.
Showing off wealth was common, yeah.
This one makes you look like a weeb instead of rich.
>>495740840 migrate when bready
I love you, lurker-chan.

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