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Jojo reference edition

Previous thread >>495420636

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luv hags
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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>the DE women
>6 reactant
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braton prime or vandal for incarnon?
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>need like 30 primary arcane adapters and 15 secondary ones
Buying them from Tenshin is the cheapest option, right?
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Yes. Do not waste pathos clamps on them.
reminder that nova is fat
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No, anon. Spend pathos clamps and platinum on them.
Reb's favorite animu

any updated zaw meta resources for the post-melee arcane, post-jade shadows world?

kitguns too, i've been using the same ones since like 2018 and never even built the primary versions
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What are winning conditions?
I used Kengineer's video as reference when I was making my collection maybe half a year ago.
Most of them are outclassed today, so I recommend that you build for personal taste, either for fashion reasons or for a playstyle that tickles your fancy. In raw DPS, custom weapons will struggle. Some people just build for Mr then dump, and some of the zaw strikes were so mediocre on arrival that I don't blame them. If you want to have gas and viral on the same melee or have the fastest possible dagger or a gun that just feels good, then it's worth investing.

I made my own text document when I was planning my builds with explanations on why I chose the parts, if you're interested. I have one or more of everything except for amps.
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No, zaw meta hardly changed
>Tennokai mod for when you feel like actually doing normal melee, doesnt affects Exodia Contagion
>Duplicate is garbage for Contagion so Exposure being a 240% Corrosive elemental is the way
We really need more zaws
>if you're interested
sure, i've already run through all the modular weapons for MR at at this point i'm just looking for neat interactions, i've already had fun combining melee influence and exodia force on an old zaw
You can group up enemies with the slam exodia then smack them with meme influence.
I think that this is the only revolution in zaw builds.
The slam exodia doesn’t groups them, just LIFTS them for like 4 seconds and that’s garbage
show me your off-meta weapons and builds.
why would i do such things when i can cruise through the game with viable frame and torid
for fun and so people don't think you're retarded
sampotes heavy slam build
dont care what others think
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Luv me stubbas with 3 shiny orange jolly rangers and Merulina Guardian
I'll try to make my notes digestible.
I'll highlight anything notable for being fun, niche or exceptionally useful and give some general guidelines.

If I say something demonstrably wrong, call me a fag.
I can comment on other zaw strikes, but I probably left them out because they’re mediocre no matter what.

Pay close attention to link names.
Remember to use the starter Nosam cutter mining laser if you need Pyrol and nothing but Pyrol. It lowers the chance of the “rarer” minerals in the drop list. Pyrol only comes from red veins.
Zaws tend to be specialized either into crits or status, with hybrid builds being particularly mediocre. The infested strikes seem to be the exception to that principle
The slower, higher damage grips are said to be statistically weaker than the fast grips, because they weren’t properly scaled for melee 3.0.

>plague keewar staff, plague bokwin and Ruhang
This is a hybrid crit status build and eventually I began to hate it because of how generally useful it was. I felt stupid selecting other melee weapons at the time. I haven’t used it recently, but those are my memories of this weapon from the year after the first plague star event.

>Ooltha staff, schtung vargeet II ruhang
This will be very good for exodia contagion theoretically and still useful as a general melee weapon.

I made two Dokhram great blades
Seekalla + Ekwana II Jai for status
This is a cool and fun status spreader. The exodias add a little more spice.
Shtung + Vargeet II jai for crits
Schtun was a fashion choice, and I try to justify it by saying that it’s for exodia contagion. It’s cool, but unless you’re really making use of whatever exodia you choose, it’s weak compared to other great blades.
The riven disposition is very high. It’s outclassed as a melee weapon no matter how you build it. As an armor stripper, as a hammer, as a machete, it is bad. Maximum damage + crits + riven if you want to only use it for Exodia Contagion. It is the best only at reaching the theoretical highest Exodia Contagion damage, which is completely unnecessary. Do that, otherwise just build whatever you think looks cool or whatever is cheaper.

If plague star returns I plan to make an infested scythe maximized for crits. Reaping spiral has forced slash procs, and plague keewar has innate viral.
I can't copypaste correctly. I have not made the two builds described in that post, it's pure theory.

>sepfahn nikana
Plague Akwin (for fashion, Peye is statistically better) and Ekwana II Jai
It’s a status spreader. It looks cool and performs alright. Absolutely do not build a sepfahn nikana for crits. It’s mediocre against other nikanas and against other critical zaws.

I used to really like balla daggers many years ago, but Innodem and the Rakta dark dagger have them beaten. They’re still alright whatever you do. Peye grip always.
None of the chambers are pure MR trash.
There is a big list of loaders. Do not choose the loaders which don’t give benefits to status or critical hits. The infested loaders from Deimos are the ones that you should use for hybrid crit/status builds.


>Tombfinger, a mini grenade launcher which launches explosives in a straight line
Haymaker (maximum damage, lowest fire rate) + maximum critical chance is the only way to build this. Mine uses the Splat loader, but the other maximum critical loader Killstream is alright too. The magazine size or reload speed choice is mostly a cosmetic consideration

>Catchmoon, this shoots short range bursts of energy like a plasmor, but it can score headshots
Haymaker and critical chance. Only option. Splat or Killstream
I chose the ramble grip and killstream. I wish that I took haymaker.

>Rattleguts, basic machine pistol
High critical chance is good, but it doesn’t have to be maximum. Some status could be useful here.
Mine was built with the medium fire rate grip (Lovetap) and I have no complaints. Haymaker would probably feel too slow. Gibber, the fastest fire rate grip is supposed to feel great, but some say that its ammo economy can have problems. Ramble might be a safe compromise.

>Gaze, a beam projector which can link to enemies near to the target.
It can have trouble competing with the Kuva Nukor, but as a positive you can customize Gaze to your personal preferences.
Unlike the other kitguns, the rate of fire bonus of the lower damage grips affects the range instead.
You can do any balance of crits or status, and range or damage. I would recommend crits.
I built one with Haymaker and it feels too short and hard to justify using when compared against the other beam pistols.
I plan to make a new one with Gibber for maximum range and a recharging battery, so that it will be distinct from the Nukor.
>sporelacer, an infested grenade thrower
A lot of people use this with haymaker, and a lot of people complain about the rate of fire. I chose the infested grip for fashion and fire rate, and it feels good. I made a hybrid build. Maximum crits and damage per shot is the metawhore build. Haymaker, splat.
Mine is acaroid + ulnaris

>vermisplicer, a target-locking infested beam pistol
People who build this with high range often complain that it’s hard for the beam to latch onto their chosen target. I haven’t built a secondary vermisplicer myself. I think that eidolon hunters use critical vermisplicer pistols.
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some good posts finally
i did some railjack for nightwave and the guy in the squad put us back into a mission, if I abort misison will i lose all my items from the previous missions?
Primary Kitguns:
There’s much better build variety with these. You can choose any balance of status and fire rate or critical chance and damage and get a useful gun.
As a general rule, the meta choice is Tremor + killstream or splat. Maximum critical chance and damage per shot.

>tombfinger, a straight line grenade launcher which can be charged or tap fired.
The charged explosion radius is very big, no matter what grip you choose. Most people build this for maximum crit chance. I might make a status build and report the results later.
Prioritize speed or damage based on whatever you like, or just whatever looks cooler to you. You can make this one look like a big dick gun with the Steadyslam grip. The maximum speed grip, Brash, still feels a little slow to me without using speed mods.

>catchmoon, a full auto plasmor which can score headshots
The higher fire rate versions of this have ammo problems but they are fun. Choose status if you build a high speed primary catchmoon.
Tremor + maximum crit is the usual build and it is very good.

>Gaze, a beam projector which creates a continuous explosion at the point of impact.
It feels like Acceltra, but can’t output quite as much damage as Acceltra Prime. The Pax arcanes can make it more interesting or give it a better ammo economy. I chose the Shrewd grip, and the range feels good to me. Crits, status, hybrid, all are good options.

>Rattleguts, a generic machine gun which doesn’t have damage fall-off.
Tremor + splat will give you a very good and boring machine gun.
Choose brash with a little bit of status if you want to have something cool, but suboptimal.
>Spore lacer, a grenade thrower
It’s a grenade thrower. There are many other primary grenade throwers.
I haven’t bothered building a primary sporelacer. Kuva tonkor to become stonkor.

>Vermisplicer, hentai-themed beam gun
It feels like the amprex, but it deals toxin instead of electricity and it can’t link between dead body parts. It’s a different flavor of amprex, really. In some regards better, in others worse.
I chose the infested grip and the range is just right. I chose a hybrid loader, and most people either do hybrid or pure critical. Hunter munitions is good.
Tenet glaxion exists now, so this might be a questionable build. The secondary version might be a better investment.
you SHOULD be safe
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>SP orowyrm nightwave
easy lmao
The Man in the Wall has done nothing wrong.
there is 'leave' option in main menu for clients which lets you save everything and return to liset
in at least one timeline, he did
>Ocucor with Ammo Deficit
>try Melee Influence with an elec mod
>group of level 200 sp enemies fucking die from a Tennokai
Excuse me?
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>tfw still haven't touched any of these
it be like that
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waht do?
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i've accumulated some extra focus, you can have it
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Yareli is the second fastest frame in the game and +90% of people's complaints about merulina boil down to skill issue.
i know an anal slut when i see one
I'm sorry Loki bros I went in with qorvex when I remembered the punch through passive and the high base health and armour

I mean, does it even matter when I had incarnon Dread in my loadout? I only used Ocucor enough to build up 4 stacks.
Second fastest without adding mods and other boosts. I've tested just about every speed boost, and none work with Merulina.
I've seen crazy shit with Garuda, praedos and lemon drops. Also, Volt and Gauss have meme builds.
Still, Most of these plebs never played Tony Hawk's underground and it shows.
im going with trinity
What's the fastest way to level up frames?
Play Titania bruh
>Tony Hawk
That and SSX made Yareli's grind a joke. I had a big laugh when I knocked out her challenges in about 15 minutes while reading about other fags crying about how difficult it was.
epitaph single target is pretty strong why was the quick shot what got shilled for so many years? I mean I know it was for condition overload faggotry but people made it seem like the single target was awful and that was its only good use case. The charge time isn't even bad for the single shot
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On the straightaways sure, but for indoor tilesets volt, gauss, even wukong, etc. can't handle turns and actual navigation because everyone just holds shift+w without thinking two seconds ahead about what the next room might be. Even with the numerous issues in maps that work against merulina I'm still getting to extract faster than them.

Titania is braindead and boring. 3D flappy bird on top of killing is much more fun and engaging.
It's single target and people would rather smack everything at once or be able to shoot a continuous stream of bullets.
There isn't nuch more to it than that. Warframe is a horse killing game.
this is why parkour is superior
>Titania is braindead and boring
She is speed incarnate tho
>horse killing
Terrible spellcheck Unlucky kaithe.
That's why I said "second fastest"
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>He thinks his shitty great value brand tony hawk character can outspeed parkour frames
What are some must have primes
a skillful titania or much more rarely wukong, or an adept or simply more disciplined parkour user than I, are the only things that ever outspeed me in missions - but I'm sorry to say that I must always wait for gauss and ya'rly with extremely limited and notable exception

finding fast pubs makes me happy
Rhino and Ash.
Normal Rhino walks slow while Ash's normal armor is so frail that the Prime is a huge step up
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350k kuva into nothing
Absolutely devilish, Anon.
>grotesquely exhausted ren jpg
the life of a kuva addict
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Is MR 30 the last hard MR test? "Kill some dudes with 1 weapon" wasn't the most creative series of tests.

I totally owned those lamers. It looks like my summer lemon is squeezed.
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Do I just feed him to the wall?
He has a prime version so yes.
I wish EDA would have a final screen displaying all rewards acquired instead of just the ones you got on the last mission
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Nah, LR5 was quite difficult
there is one just before the one that isn't that you can't view again
damn perigale sounds cool lets try it
>runs out of ammo literally instantly
alright back to rubico
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>for indoor tilesets volt, gauss, even wukong, etc. can't handle turns
Are you retarded? Have you ever played Volt or Wukong? Your story only shows that pubs are retards, which everyone already knew anyway.
Is mr20 already a hag?
how have you never seen this screen >>495602321
Take the energized munitions pill
>1 worthless blue tau and 1 non tau yellow from EDA
its over
he probably fails and has to restart so he never gets all the rewards in a single run
So Magistar slam doesnt go thru walls?
oh nyo, what gave it away?
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Imagine Merulina being the helminth subsume so every frame can use it lol.
>join netracells
>everyone sub 30 mr
>most likely console host
>retards waiting in the first room instead of taking all 4 and opening
>clearly want to be carried
>go solo
every week same shit
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i need to farm another burston incarnon
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>Joined with Qorvex to just pickup the glyphs
>Reb fixed it so we only need to kill inside the area
>no issue
>no way this can go wrong
>a Revenant kept going melee OUTSIDE the BIG RED AREA
>also I got afflicted by Michael Jackson bug so my Qorvex’s radiation powers were rendered null
>some rabdom Voruna had to carry the team while we kept screaming at the Revenant to sray in circle
I love Revenant but holy crap I hate Revenant players so much
>eda done
>archon hun done
what now
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I like to bring speedva into pubs and let them do all the work. as long as no one goes for the whisper or some other retardation it's still faster than solo
>as long as no one goes for the whisper
>as long as no one goes for the whisper or some other retardation it's still faster than solo
no reason
shards i guess
no reason
it usually works or I wouldn't still be doing it. if they do summon it I'm gone
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my section ID is attuned to yellows because reb knew I wanted to make all my favorites go fast
I go for the whisper and the gruzzling every time if they come up
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Is she? You know?
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>20 vosfor
my condolences
>doesn't want the dope new stalkershit
>2 tauforged red shards
>1 normal red one
>3 yellow ones
>1 tauforged blue
not bad week desu, wish the taus were yellow
anyone familiar with Gazttv's builds? They look pretty interesting.
damn, i bet her golden also makes her legs shake like that
Fuck off beck to r*ddit, fag.
familiar with what, he just makes sure to have rolling guard and shield gating and abuses energy from companions on every build so if ur running smeeta for loot u are fucked
every of his build is balanced around level cap so if ur playing casual SP missions and rarery go past lvl 200 you can cut half of his shit
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I should be allowed to put primed sure footed on k drives, drive them anywhere and use abilities on them.
>touching eyeballs with a jade in my pub run
I like a nice stuffed crust
take a fast frame and go for the furthest right away - you will save like 2 min not needing to wait for the retards and the spawnrates are fixed anyway so its ~5 min of killing
+luck on how far the JAMMING DRONES spawn
how old is that, 5 years?
hate circuit
mainly something like seeing him subsuming eclipse over whipclaw or infested mobility over strangeldome.
suddenly care about hate incarnon... don't want to touch circuit ever again...
nta but I like to take all 4 keys then go for the middle wager by heading for point #2, accounting for scenarios where at least 1 pub is fast enough to overtake me and heads for #3 while the rest home in on #1 and I then head for the netracell itself
anon, check the normal circuit, there's an arcane avenger just waiting for you.
Now I remember that they had promised 5 more weapons for it THIS year and we have less than 3 months left
idk what ur asking, why? he surely explains it in the video
i assume mobility over dome is simply because its for mission where dome is useless and you want to go fast
but then you ask yourself, why the fuck wouldn't i just play Mirage, saryn, dante
>reading guides to copypaste builds
loser cuck shit
even the auto-install retards are cooler than you
I'm too autistic to use guides so I just intuit how build should feel
>rescue an animal in duviri
there are animals in duviri????
why is she so mommy>?
because creativity i guess? i've been delving on developing weird builds myself but have to make sure they are at least SP viable, since i rarely do regular low level missions these days.
bah ram u
i love that skin so much <3
i need to work on my ballerina revenant more, maybe replace enthrall with roar because messmer and reave are too important for it
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Nice. Now what? I already have a smeeta
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Xaku prime waiting room
lol no
you forgot 8k riven
Xaku prime waiting room? More like Shaku prime waiting room! Am I right stick tied to another stick bros?
Wait so in order for Burning Hate to activate, the heat proc HAS to come from it and nowhere else?
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Helminth eating fucking good
i only watched 2 of his weapon build videos and i understand why he has riven for everything, you would too if you were sitting in 300k+ plat
however not a single weapon in this game and not a single piece of content in this game requires a riven
and 2p1n rivens are cheap anyway if you play the game and are LR4
i wish they'd add some other purpose for focus or lenses now that it continually gets easier to grind out the trees. i've had everything maxed since like 2018 but my autism keeps making me want to put lenses on everything
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oh the jade alt helm is in the nightwave shop
Looks like it, that’s why it was right away told to be a "Hate INCARNON" augment, because that shit shots a projectile that 100% applies that I think
Your Adarza, bro? Your Vasca? Your Khora?
waking my frame rn
whoah watch out that boner is coming right at us!!!!!!!!!
>hard r
Wtf, man!? You can't call them that.
You have to say bonna.
Why is tator still ugly when the new human designs are getting sexier and sexier
another day of DOGSHIT elite crew
fuck ticker
I died in a solo railjack fissure 6 times with Nyx...
u gay
u suck cox
what got deleted
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>everyone salivating over wisps' ass
>choose khora in duviri
>see this absolute unit of a DUMPTRUCK
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>Invisible rifts bug in void cascade still hasn't been fixed
>using Guandao Prime for Titania
>Boreal's Contempt seems perfect for a status build!
>no convenient forced slash proc
>my build idea would work better on a Nikana, whose heavy attack has slash and knockdown and thus can do a bunch of slashes with Melee Afflictions
>seems like a waste of a powerful secondary effect
What build for? Preferably something more interesting than Light Attack spam.
Don't listen to the coombrains that are salty they can't install a model-replacer with literal porn, since they'd get banned. Very, very few female, and even male frames aren't tastefully shapely.
Wish Reb did this to me
Pathetic subby faggot
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Is it mipossible to make a goodlooking tater now since Steve fucked up the lighting and skin materials?
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post pimples
>cuties: locked
>hags: keyed
hundreds? do you have to play every quest including new snore before unlocking 99?
>do you have to play the 1999 leadup quest to play 1999?
i dunno man
I fully expect DE to make it accessible to noobs same as it was with Duviri
Well, you have to have access to Sanctum Anatomica for it. Which requires New War and Heart of Deimos.

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Cuties the necramech/railjack ain't gonna build itself
Everything worth doing in this game is locked behind the new war you can't even enter SP without doing it first
i was told 177 amp was good for general use in high lvls and sp. this shit is struggling against lvl 70s.
yea its the biggest bait i've ever fell for
just stick to 777 or 747 and use madurai
>no onslaught, eradicate, madurai
git gud
I still haven't touched Sisters of Parvos

are any of there weapons worth it?
Like 80% of your dmg comes from arcanes and the madurai school
I think 177 should be fine for Eidolons and the Angels? It's about the same damage, but long range, no?

You need Eternal Onslaught and Eternal Eradicate.
Not him, what operator arcanes?
I only plan on going operator for self-revive, so Savior sounds attractive.
I, myself, am going for more damage, so I will investigate Magus Melt and Magus Accelerant.
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this is whats meta atm except renewed->magus heat but i dont care
you got it backwards, thats eidolon meta
for the general you want 547 or 747
elevate and anomaly/melt
depending if i need more amp damage or not
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why am I getting these
You're an MRlet.
I think the best solution would be to add a relic pack in the "represent" section so it's a reward for people that already maxed out the school.
If going by syndicate prices (letting you buy 1 per day at MR8) it would cost 290k focus but I don't mind if they made it more expensive at like 500k maybe though 1mil like everything else would be a bit of an overkill.

If not I really wish they would finally let us unequip lenses since I'm the opposite, I have literally everything now so I just want to make the focus pop ups disappear rather than have it on everything.
:skull: emoji
Other -> nickgurr webm on /wsg/
I'd prefer if you could buy Universal Medallions, desu. Who has completed all focus trees that's hurting for relics?
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>Nitain extract 1/2
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sirs goomorning sirs
pls do the needful and post reb vegana pls sirs
thanks yu sirs
psychic bolts is so ASS
whats even the use for cloud
lockdown is the best arcane the rest is whatever
>need 9 nitain for BASE ivara
what le fug
wait till you see vauban and vauban prime
I'm bored, what's some braindead content I can do to slowly make plat? I'm gonna spam orkin vaults for the time being, unveiling rivens isn't getting me good weapons.
There has to be a reason why we can't just buy nitain from the market
Spamming void capture with Titania and running the relics it gives
reb is jew ish
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your nigwave creds?
>fill literally every slot on my gun with a forma
>still can't fit all the mods I want
What the fuck man
I would rather buy other shit
What could you possibly be buying unless you're absolutely out of reactors/catalysts
aura mods for sell and helmets
>want to make parallax
>need 4 lanthorn, 22 voidplume quills, and 3 nitain extracts
forgot how annoying some of these farms are
cloud lets u pop exolizers in 1-2 slings
also for kuva if ur into that, pure qol
>open wfg
>see tripfag
forgot how annoying some of these are
If anything they need to be more stringent about locking newer content behind old. Every day I run into noobs asking how to farm or be carried through something advanced, when they haven't even gotten their damn basic elemental mods yet. The scrubs with no patience will just buy plat to skip things, and isn't that what DE ultimately wants anyway?
>used to sell all weapons after getting mr
>have ceramic dagger incarnon
>well might as well get a good stat stick and forma khora
>cant buy BP for credits wtf?
>check wiki
>its from nightwave
>its not there
>okay ill just buy it for plat
absolute full unfiltered non meme despair
It was there like a week ago lol
these reeses pretzels taste like sawdust, anyway buy my corrupt mods.
why are only Chinese people buying my rivens? This man was rocking wukong torid epitaph and magistar. absolutely insane.
this is Chinese Century gweilo
i thought the "in one day" rivens mean fucking cetus and fortuna so i've been going there every time
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Unironically? Only chinese are playing playing warframe right now, considering it is new for them
I just made pimple themed fashion for my nidus
I'd post a screenshot but Switch doesn't do that anymore
>no lockdown
go be retard somewhere else
>not using Magus Drive
you didn't beat the game
Kuva fissure surv count for nightwave kuva surv?
Remember when Cloud was a chance to nullify fall damage and it didn't even go to 100% I think
How far we've come
I miss when Naramon had boosted dash width on every dash though
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Which one first?
burston is strongest
Why the FUCK haven't they changed all syndicates to work like the holdfasts where bounties give out shit you can later exchange for standing instead of just giving standing
I'll take raw standing gains over whatever the absolute FUCK is going on with the deimos entrati
>do 2 bounties
>300 mother coins
>aya on top of that
best syndicate
Burston makes me feel good
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you VILL catch animals
you VILL mine
you VILL fish
you VILL give Father materials
and you VILL be happy
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>Tanish Botadkar
I'm trying to build all the kitguns for MR fodder, are there any worth using aside from Vermisplicer? And if so, should I make them primary or secondary?
Why isn't there an animated sex scene of us fucking Suda yet?
>cross-play with mobile players
>mobile host: 1 enemy spawn every 10 sec
I look forward to this
chinks and pajeets ruin everything
are iphone and switch players not in cross play anymore?
I haven't noticed one in months
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>iphone and switch players in their containment zone
i have never seen a switch icon next to player's name
i didnt even know it exists and if i ever see one im instantly leaving
they have the same circle thingy as the other consoles, you can tell that you're playing with one when the game spawns 1 enemy per minute or some shit
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>having crossplay enabled
Nami solo is a lot less good than I thought it would be...
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my frens are ps5 normies
>build baruuk
>think I'm FINALLY done with hesperon
>it's needed for styanax
i can't fucking stand to go to options to enable it every time i need to trade
maybe when i reach 10k plat i'll disable it
have you checked normal tatsu
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>call crewmate with ignis wraith
I cannot wait until I roll a good +crit crewmate.
>go to void cascade omnia
>everyone is using Torid
love it
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anon im also using torid lmao fuck the people who refuse to metaslave
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>metafags when I drop a mk1 braton elite crewmate that outdamages their 8 forma torid and metaframe
>all because they want the easy route and are too weak to grind railjack
and then you woke up
I've reached the point in the game where all there is to do is collect shit. it's always a slow process how do I ramp it up because my pace never seems to change.
make a checklist for every content island and go one by one
>things that never happened for 200
>team using torids
>chill there appreciating good location design or doing backflips because they look cool
>20 minute ripkas nekros run
>4 tellurium
why does this shit have such a low drop chance?
no one plays nightmare missions.
i just play the fast ones solo here and there with titania for any lucky mod drop to sell
Bumping is nightmare mission
>1% roll for a good mod otherwise trash and you have to play a shitty gimmick
if you can't get a setup with a khora and at least 2 nekros then just play 'jack
Slam and statsticks are getting nerfed in the same update
revenant-torid bros... we won
Hopefully its true because i dont use any of those
the fortuna beam feels kinda nice as both primary and secondary idk how others build them but lots of status feels good
rattleguts is also fun, i made myself a primary with lots of status and it works :D although i remember someone saying that crit is better for it, might be true but this is my personal preference
tombfinger is a bit icky as primary but its still good
same with secondary, plus you can kinda make the secondary finger look like a revolver and i think that kinda cool
catchmoon is hot and a little pocket arca plasmor is nice (although i personally prefer it as primary)
crit is apparently better for secondary catchmoon, but i havent experimented with that one yet
sporelacer :)
tl;dr experiment with them, they are cheap to make and they will stop any big mean mother-hubbard from tearing you a structurally superfluous new behind
and if they dont work, use more gun
I have yet to seea chinakong slammer
Is that fully grown? I have one that looks exactly like that and it still won't let me drain it for a Charger.
as i expected terrify on dante gives you full armor strip turning you into better frost (except no 200% crit chance and dmg)
idk why more people dont do that and stick with roar
warframe mammaries...
Might switch to using terrify instead of roar because Noctua has faction mods anyway so I don't need roar.
I am immune to all nerfs because I intentionally gimp myself. Also because my setup is niche.
i dont understand if noctua dmg matters for wordwarden since i infuse terrify for it so i just have rad+magnetic+toxin and attack rate
you forgot the part about exalted rivens compensating for it.
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>we can't balance our game so we'll add an algorithmic gacha system that does it for us and also makes us money
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I shit you not my verglas had the exact same 3 elements recently. Even has the same corrupted fire rate mod.
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Mewing Dante
my brain is cooked
how to get gay flower crown?
you are bricked, sorry
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These two anons visualized
you broke 4chinz, you are so fucked
bend over
do i really need to blow 600p for an ocucor riven and the augment for saryn
that's an order
Prime farming sucks.
So anyway what is your favourite frame?
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Yes, those are bots, but how does it affect you personally? Why do you care?
Stop gooning freak
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Totally not organized
thats like saying "stop gooning"
its impossible
Honestly this game is a complete and utter joke. I used to play a few years ago and I enjoyed it because the gameplay was fun (wooh! parkour space ninjas!), but I decided to get into it again over the last month or so because some of my friends at work play Warframe and because I am so disgusted with the state of FFXIV (which I've been no-lifing for the last few years). Dawntrail was a disgrace for so many reasons, but most importantly, its story. So anyway, I've been grinding out all the Warframe quests. The Second Dream was a bit cringe because it retconned a lot of the lore, turning the player into some faggoty, poorly animated human and the warframes into flesh suits. But hey, it could have gone somewhere. I just finished New War. It didn't go anywhere good. Don't get me wrong, there were some kino moments - like the Grineer opening, but the spaghetti coding ruined the Corpus part, amongst others. But ultimately what has tipped me over the edge is the big reveal - that the whole reason this story is happening is because some dude is mad that his wife loves her black son more than him. He was so mad that he decided to eat the sun. It's literally an intergalactic, multidimensional, domestic violence incident. It's the most Canadian thing I've ever experienced and it hurts. I'm doing chargebacks on everything I've spent on this game and I hope everybody involved in it dies in a fire. As for the two old lesbians you people are always posting, I hope they choke to death on a big black dildo live on stream. That is the Canadian thing to do, after all.
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Typical Warframe fagboy. Didn't even read my post, but used your room temperature IQ to deduce that it was critical of the game you spend your entire life and mother's credit card limit on. Go tie a belt around your neck, jack off and die you fucking cretin. Fucking faggoty simp ass mother fucking fanboy nigger. Reb will never have sex with you.
Damn, I bet Dread’s augment will be the same: even if your frame can turn invisible on its own the buff won’t apply until you go invisible from the weapon itself. Why are stalker weapons so selfish
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>gay grandpas obsessed with their ka(va)ts
jewish kekold shills will imply this game isnt woke kek!
I can tell this is a troll post because you clearly don't have friends or a job
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>40C fever
>cat on lap
>grinding SP duviri
I think I might be in hell
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(((Reb Ford)))
I just chargebacked. Kill yourself cunt.
It's not a troll post. Get the Canadian cock out of your mouth and you'd know I was right. Stop validating your existence by doing big numbers in a video game and inviting new players into your orbiter fucking sunk cost fallacy pedophile DOG!
Based and same XIVbro
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Can someone tl;dr why we have a schizo dedicated to talk about russians and quote random posts rambling about waking up? Tripfaging hasn't been a thing in years.
I've been a back and forth /wfg/got since garuda came out i can't recall this retard being so proeminent.
Which resident schizo are you? A new seething thirdie at the very least.
I'm a white Australian who is paid just over $200,000 a year to work for the government. I'm not a seething thirdie and I'm not a resident schizo. I'm literally a dude who decided to give your game a good, fair go and found it beyond wanting.
post hand and bank account
Sony threw a fit for Reasons over the icons, so DE changed it so that only the Windows versions of the game have a distinct icon, and everything else gets the circle of shame.
Nah. Fuck you.
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Good one.
Do you actually have anything meaningful, in the English language, to say? Or are you just some seething thirdie posting your shitty ass meme hag reaction pictures?
What do you guys watch to keep yourselves entertained when you grind, I'm bored.
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>Do you actually have anything meaningful, in the English language, to say?

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cuckold porn
I wish I were joking
None of this is true but if it were, Australians can't be saying shit about Canada, they're both equally pozzed Commonwealths.

Anyway you are brown or yellow and make $20k at most, which is why you need to make chargebacks for negligible amounts of digital spending
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>i dont care about thing and let me tell you how much i dont care about it
Bumping culture, there is nothing to post and posts themselves are main resource.
It is proper grammar you fucking third world nigger. Go drink the tap water and die of infection you fucking ape.
well? where the fucking recs
tl;dr snowflake
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Dumb Tourist.
Mythical "new player" looks like that btw. Bumpers should learn.
It's die of AN infection. Do better Anon.
Where did you learn English? The Canadian International School of Nigger Loving Cuckoldry for the Mentally Handicapped and Physically Disabled? Don't try and split hairs with me you fucking nigger lover. I said what I said and it was perfectly good English you fucking third world piece of shit.
nobody thinks you are canadian saar
you dont have to provide some fictional credentials to make your argument have more weight saar
>euro wfg hours
imagine getting trolled this hard by ESLs lecturing you (incorrectly) on your own language's rules
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Uh-oh melty!
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how do they do it broz....
cat: me
tortoise shell: my mask
chink: society
what should my FOV be if i dont want fisheye shit
180 at bare minimum
is tenet tetra good for EDA?
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just got a rumblejack riven
you can use archgun and mech
seriously, whenever gear isn't banned it's free EDA because of archgun and mech can deal with everything
didn't think of that tbqh
good shit
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Hot AF (licks screen ravenously until radiation tongue cancer)
< Also a Valkyr impression ^ ^
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I hate the valkyrschizo.
I hate the novaschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate australianschizos.
I love warbros.
Warbros #1
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>Is she? You know?
Digesting a gallon of Giraffe Jizz. Of course, it's a 300 km journey!
she's so pretty
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>I hate the russchizo.
>I hate the wokeschizo.
>I hate the catschizo.
>I hate the magschizo.
>I hate the valkyrschizo.
>I hate the novaschizo.
>I hate the frogschizo.
>I hate australianschizos.
>I love warbros.
>Warbros #1
I look like this and say this
this slag would have chadsons but femcel daughters
Burston then Ceramic.
>he doesn't hate /pol/schizo
I know who you are
I'm woking around with my wokeframe shoes
I just Woke up, gamers
Isnt that hate nightwave mod busted? Or is it additive so the status basically does nothing?
cursed timezone
I've been playing around with it but I don't have the incarnon so I can't really judge yet, I don't think it's busted but it's like a stronger conditional elementalist mod that makes your guaranteed-slash-proc heavy come out faster
nate hightwave, sounds racist, you're B&
more like nigwave
"things seem tough" ~ Knora Nose
based futa enjoyer
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>rebecant+sampotes for eda
simply ebin
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tak on the 'log anyway dj mag song of the day is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZOgEQCO2nA
banana nigkong bros...
it's so fucking over for us...
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How much good are Kuva/Tenet weapons compared to Primes. I know Incarnons are just OP but I got stuff like a Tatsu Prime and a Tenet Livia.
>smegma - killed
>niggerkong - destroyed
>stat sticks - annihilated
primes = smol peepee
kuva/tenet = Titan Cock
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>Those Necralisk requirements

Canadian's were a mistake, I'm just going to spend the Plat on it.
as much good as your engrish saar
>farming is the gameplay
>pay to skip it
literally pay2lose
they are 2 different things, the lich things will never get incarnons and the primes will never get their lich version
most of the tenet/kuva things are outdated already because of incarnons strength and nerfs, mostly to ammo
they used to take advantage of progenitor element
some of them still can be used, some are still viable but mostly they are just there for EDA/Circuit
how do we fix insert problem here
it can't be helped
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>ambulas sortie
it's joever...
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>platlets still do basedties
>considering it is new for them
Chink version released like 7 years ago, though I know it's popular to laugh about them don't they have separate servers?
Or do you mean they can now play on normal world servers rather than their own version?
>He forgot about the word filter
second dream didn't retcon anything. the rest is true
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Every day, /wfg/ gives a new tardout for me to laugh at.
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Sending our liches and sisters on missions when
i so wish the mgsv online component had any actual content beyond endless repetition
the grind for the end tier stuff puts warframe to shame
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can i bribe DE to remove the slide attack part, ugh
good idea actually
why are you even spending kuva on an f tier weapoon platlet-kun
Are you retarded? Every incarnon at worst is straddling the line between B and A tier. Nami Solo incarnon gets some shit like 9m range and 100% follow through.
good luck on that one, your plat speaks for itself
dont let the sunken cost get to you too bad
I'm not the guy that took that screenshot and if you think 40k is a platlet you're some sort of turbokike and your opinion doesn't matter anyway
>any lucky mod drop
the valuable mods only drop on certain planets. 90% of the time a good mod drop isn't even in the loot table. Basically, you're fucking stupid.
I'm starting to think that "platlet" is one of those things that instantly indicates a pointless post, like "le" or "it just is."
>I'm not the guy that took that screenshot and
yeah okay your little brother did it after your dog ate your homework
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when did you realize that warframe is a scam?
when I learned that game is being made by c*nadians
reminder that nova is
a trap
>he thinks i dont know about the rotation C planets
i ve gotten free lethal torrents many times this way and sold them all
aint falling for your jewish tricks reb
I'm still not buying your plat hag
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is there anything loki is good for other than cheesing hijack missions?
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Is there easy way to check which incarnons I already have?
yeah he's god-tier for [TARGET OBSTRUCTED]
just hover over the choices
just look at your inventory and have a memory longer than that of a goldfish braindead nigger
How does he cheese railjack missions?
cast disarm and jump on the escort target, enemies cant hit you and no new ones will spawn unless you kill them
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never ever ever
shitter it takes like 15 minutes
doesn't matter how long it takes, k-drive is turbo cancer
on the topic of turbo cancer... how do i farm vent kids standing? i want the bubble gun
it's sleek, it's limited, and it's shit because it's not trickstyle but it's way better and easier than it was on release and kind of fun for a little bit once you pick it up
just grind the pipe right outside of fortune
takes about 10 minutes for 30k rep
oh ok! thank you
find a quick race to spam or this >>495674592 and try to overlap it with levelling your new boards
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buy an ad
there's also the circle at The Pearl in Orb Vallis that you can grind instead of the long pipe but it's basically races or the pipe/the pearl
bought :)
"Is there" bumping bros
"just" bumping bros
this was the OG way, I maxed all my boards and standing going in circles there... very easily scriptable
just do Deimos races because you will have to do them one day for infested board parts anyways
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why would this general need bumping? it is nowhere near being bumped off page 10 by gacha spam like some other threads are
To spread our transgender woke agenda of course :)
he just doesn't like the idea of there being any kind of warframe-related discussion occurring for some reason
As expected of low IQ shitposters. They're not sending their best.
you woke this morning
For what purpose?
WOAWZA, maybe that 300th discussion about armor stripping will change something, or which sentinel to build
Russians aren't very smart
They once had an alcohol-cooled jet plane that kept crashing because the crew kept drinking the alcohol
Is there a sentinel that's good at armor stripping?
>found it BEYOND wanting
is Warframe good for you?
Come on, you know that thread almost dies during certain hours
>noo! you can't keep a general thread alive on the general board
>noooooo! you can't repeat a conversation or piece of information that has at some point in the past ever existed or been accessible!
>nooooooooo!!! stop replying to posts more than an hour apart!
>noooooooooooo!!!!!!!1 stop having posts that are too close together!
New and returning players, my Grineer friend ;)
Helios actually
Deconstructor works with that armor strip bond mod
how do i build carrier prime?
These are the bumpers and they will alqays lie
So its bumping and its ok to bump?
I started Duviri before getting to Second Dream. I didn't catch on that drifter and operator were meant to have anything to do with each other, besides both being Zariman orphans. (My only thoughts on reaching the operator face select screen were "I need to change this abomination right now".) When the drifter showed up in New War it was a cool moment but I was confused as to why Ordis knew him, surely they couldn't be the same person when the game even let me give them different skin colors?
It really fucked up the intended storytelling
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I'm a bumper
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We now remember the classic
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no, I'm a bumper
No, this is genuine post >>495652870
and it a coincidence
holy schizo
So when does he leave?
Just accept that this general will die without bumping. You are schizo at this point
I'm the schizo because you assert that I hold a position pertaining to your schizo shit? wat
Never, even after the nukes he will remain rent free in his head >>495676079
I hope we get more sexy female skins in warframe
agreed sister!
you are grineer now
Valiant thread guardian?
what's the best way to profit off a legendary core? Selling it directly to market or maxing a prime mod
Yeah, fills that void of a daily game without being as disgustingly predatory as gacha or battlepass slop
Butthurt bumper
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are you winning, wfg?
Does anyone have a good modern profit taker guide without using exodia contagion
>come on and slam, and welcome to the slam
sell it
primed mods go for around 150 maxed, while the core is 120 and unranked mods are 40-60
>Ambulas sortie
H profit taker farm carry runs, 3p/ run. Paying upfront, minimum 5 runs.
Sanest amp builder ITT
saryn w/corrosive aug and build for whatever youre missing
is arca titron the best balance of slam damage and radius?
What did she mean by this?
why not just use lavos?
You have to use chroma, why bother otherwise?
Exposed bumper cries out his schizo mantras of cope
FUCK I installed the vasto incarnon in the prime version and I found out the normal vasto is better
man fuck this system
if you want juggle your elements go ahead
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Cause I also did that and Vasto Prime is one my favorite guns.
>minmax slave
Bois i picked the soma incarnon instead of the vasto this week, do you think support is able to change it for me? I havent played any circuit this week
The only thing worthwhile from this general in years.
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the damage and crit increases for vasto from deathtrap trigger are way way way better than what the vasto prime gets
For some retarded reason the bonuses the evolutions give the non-prime are way higher than the ones given to the prime given how close their stats actually are
>Vasto prime has 20 higher base damage than non-prime
>because of this the damage evolution gives 46 more base damage to the non-prime than it gives to the prime
account status: bricked
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>4 hepit runs
>0 argon
>not using max range xaku to break all crates
What about Boltor then? I have Boltor Prime and Telos Boltor. Which would be better?
The base one again?
generally the prime versions are the best to make incarnons with, it's just magistar and vasto where the base forms are better that I can think of right now
he's right tho
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>reported and host migrated
If DE didn’t want me to get the animals in bounties they would not allow them to spawn
>still reporting
>indicates a pointless post, like "le"
France BTFO
>placebo button
you'd save time by clearing the entire map
I'm running out of enjoyable grinds
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reminds me of that tragedy
Is there ANY reason to play Duviri during non-Kullervo spirals?
Because it's fun?
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Besides Forma/Upgrading mods, Do you guys think this could be better? I've got a Galaxion too but it doesn't chain as much as I thought it would. I'm really looking for something that clears a room with ease, so I'm open to other recommendations as well.
Riven mod with toxin + cold.
If you hate yourself enough to get one.
Why are you constantly attacking that anon?
it's an avatarfag that's been here shitting up the general for years, even admitted it doesn't play or care about warframe
Rad reload on the free spot then?

ctrl+f deleted if you want to see why the general hates him
Isnt it better to use rime rounds instead of cryo rounds?
I think 70% status & 45% viral chance on a weapon with 9.6 fire rate is good enough, I'd rather have the raw damage
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are these good numbers for a zaw in steel path?
That guy is constantly throwing tantrums and shitting up the thread. IMO there's a low but nonzero chance that he's the entire reason the thread gets worse when Euros are awake.
>not a negative
>orange crit
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good thread
delete alchemy
It's even dumber than that because it's not even automated.
on-topic gemerald
>tfw the man in the walls antics is just part of an elaborate plan to get us to prevent 9/11
>tfw the tak on the 'log antics is just part of an elaborate plan to get us to prevent bumpeleven
9/11 was good thing howeverbeit
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Will Xaku receive prime version or he is special?
decent for no riven. I'd replace hammer shot with shred
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Hows this for a plague zaw? I literally only use it for the exodia contagion projectile explosive and using zephyr for ultra cheese
are incarnon weps banned in the circuit? selected torid but it just gives me basic ass version
UI is bugged, you still gain charge and can activate incarnon
So if I understand right, people stopped using stuff like Serration and Hornet Strike because Galvanized Aptitude and most Arcanes will stack additively in the Base Damage of the formula right?
So it’s best to out other elements or have a Riven with multishot over having Base Damage because while you will have a slower start you get a way higher payoff later right?
But I found this doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ryemX4Y2vWy9LjuJ355bWVNuBhzLaHTTFqPeTNto9RA/htmlview
And a portion of the guns in it stack multiplicatively. Would in this case be better to have a Serration/Hornet Strike in? As it should cause the formula to expand and the damage to increase far more?
nice joke
ah, now I feel retarded
completed 5 rounds with the base form and quit lol
How do you people not have a resource booster running 24/7? It's 200 plat for a month, you can get that in a couple of days of farming.
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Just reached level 10 in railjack´s command skill tree. What elite crewman should i buy from ticker?
What's the next companion I should get for myself? I have dethcube for an energy generator, moa for spy, and smeeta for everything else. Don't wanna get a vulpy because those things are ugleh.
(Amalgam) Serration, Hornet Strike, and Point Blank have fallen out of favour because they're power crept by steel path arcanes and galvanized status mods. They're not bad per se, but they're usually excluded from highly min-maxed builds. The cannonade mods also offer a lot of % damage, but the punch through and locked fire rate can be undesirable on some guns.
I don't use gun CO mods or conditionals so I still rely on flat %base damage mods like serration and I have no problem at all clearing anything that could be considered DEAC (any weekly/daily tasks or a few complete rotations into SP), I'll stick on merciless or deadhead to take advantage of some ramping too but I never count on it outside of niche builds

>And a portion of the guns in it stack multiplicatively. Would in this case be better to have a Serration/Hornet Strike in? As it should cause the formula to expand and the damage to increase far more?
not necessarily, if I'm reading right that's how the conditional base damage mod gets applied (at whatever % factor per status or other )
looking at that spreadsheet I am curious to try it out on things like the bramma again to see if I'm understanding the numbers and interactions right for explosives even if I'll never have a daily driver build that can't just wreck shit out of the box
>Wasting 200p a month in case you need 2 argon instead of spending 5-10 minutes running hepit or something with a crate-breaker
You do you, anon.

Putting that aside, what are good weapons to kill demolysts that AREN'T incarnons?
I don't play enough for it to be worth it...if I need to farm something I wait for my 60+ hour handouts during daily logins
repair, combat, endurance, two need to be maxed and one 3 so you can train it to become 5 as well. unique skill should be heals for killing an enemy
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i see that makes sense. Other two can still be regular non elite gunners (with level 5 in gunnery)?
>aura mods for sell
>he doesn't make 700-1200 plat in a day by just trading
>his endgame is trading
yeah aim for 5 gunnery, get one with boost to lavan engines and another that boosts the damage of the turret that you use most
I can at very least confirm with Serration in, Hema has a spike of damage compared to just multiple elements + multishot + galvanizeds + merciless.
I just tested it out twice in the Void Steel Path. I took a lot of time killing a bunch of enemies at a 5x gunco stacked and even then I was wasting time to murder them, but when I came back with Seration in it just took 2 kills to consistently start murdering everything in my path.
>36 trades remaining for the day like always
>double digit plat
I hung up my yamika
TFD is just not good. I tried it last night. Was hoping to see some nice booba with decent combat.
>First thing I noticed was that everything is slightly blurry. Turned off motion blur, and NVIDIA AI shit. Still blurry.
>Contrast and brightness are fucked and constantly had to adjust.
>Descendants (warframes) are all soulless. They all have the same perfect faces and the same idle pose. All females have the same hip to waist ratios. Even Bunny is voluptuous, when I think she should be petite to match her child-like attitude.
>Combat was disappointing. There is no melee. There is a punch button, but it's shit and it kills your momentum.
>Speaking of momentum, destructibles require interaction or the above-mentioned punch to open.
>It's like a mix of destiny and warframe. But a F2P gamer is better off just playing one of those two.
>Colossus fights are a nice addition.
>The story is no where near as compelling as destiny or warframe.
>Constantly have to manage inventory and break down weaker weapons to free up space.
>The grappling hook is nice but it needs more range. Movement is not on the same level as wf.
Only played a few hours and made it to the 2nd zone. Probably won't return.
Opening those dumb Wall latch/Aim Glide Rivens.
what if there were flat damage mods that were good? like +1000 base damage or something, but it only works on weapons with a low enough base damage value, and you could even do conditional scaling variants
impossible to do that without getting into rivens/spending all day in void cascade doebeit
same but I keep around 1k in the bank for new skins. nova and volt are days/2 weeks away
thank god most people think like you or I'd be out of business.
forma and riven cipher in twitch drops this week
I did that for a while but I ate through it all with slots, cosmetics, and boosters
nice bait, keep telling it and one day you just might believe it yourself
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oh boy lol
A fake trader will always tell you how much plat they make a day. But they will never post their balance.
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thanks a ton for the help
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>he can't do simple trades to make himself plat
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>he installed the malware
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you made this up, there is no such item in the game that you can sell for almost 50% profit
>he flipped Arcane Steadfast
>master trader!
I can think of a couple off the top of my head
Archon Continuity
Primed fever strike
Primed firestorm
Snipetron vandal set
Hespar blade
Arcane acceleration aegis and steadfast
Atomic bomb vs Dax gladius guarding
Post account balance, you fucking Corpus wannabe.
whoever wins, we lose
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>there is no such item in the game that you can sell for almost 50% profit
yeah only for 650% profit
0 dmg
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Nothing crazy, I can't stop spending money.
Also a lot of these dips is just reselling rivens.
>he sits in trade chat
>for hours
>spamming his shitty WTS riven pasta, and thinking he's clever for bypassing my filter by ending it with "pm if wtb", not knowing I filtered him
>for newbies to prey on, that don't know about warframe.market
>so he can flip everything
>when he could be playing the game
if you have no scruples and can find a steady supply of suckers then there is no limit to the potential for direct even systematic arbitrage
>play the boring ass game instead of gaming the kino market
Why would I play the game when I could just pay the game instead?
don't hate the gamer, hate the play
ok little grineer, don't seethe too hard at corpus superiority.
>he let the pursuit of plat dominate him
YAL (You're already lost)

You were human, once. Now you're a Corpus machine, focused on making a number grow larger. It serves no purpose. You are not happier for it. And your time is draining.
nah I'm the double digit platlet
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astiatye petepy yuykiyiouy
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Making everyone around me poorer doesn't bring me happiness; it brings me joy.
this is called mental illness, anon.
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Wife in the wall
My friends, it has often been said that I like Platinum.
My friends, I like platinum.
No, friends, I love platinum!
No, friends, I love platinum!
I love discounts. I love selling aya. I love prime sets. I love hespar blades.
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that's a hag
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not a moose
That's my hotwife
Why did this fucker show up at the end of TNW, anyway?
According to Loid’s computer: the ship’s engines that were using the sun as a power source instabilized the dimensions which allowed him to invade
because there was a big-ass void portal
TotalFagDeath has gone full coombait to lure players - not a good sign
So he just showed up because he could? Autistic little fucker.
What was he wanting to do there?
What happened?
just play in solo mode, you will hardly see many people if you disable it anyway
They've gone full coombait to lure players
Read the fucking post next time
Because he *finally* could. Albrecht was paranoid and in spite of the accidents all our Void Technology is ridiculously safe. It speaks volumes he only succeeded in shoving one finger through the gap so far.
Rell was blocking his full contact and Duviri is a barricade of sorts. He can only communicate and cause hallucinations otherwise.
Tagfer deduces Wally wants to be part of us but is a being fundamentally incompatible and in any interaction the results are disastrous. If you pay attention in spite of all the maddening laughters he gave the Tenno (or taught them how to use as the Drifter also has) their Void powers. In The Sacrifice he keeps goading and tipping the Player on how to use Transference with Umbra and congratulates you in the choices related to power. Whether that’s a form of socializing or a 5D chess plan to use us is up in the air though.
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Okay. My old Wally lore is pretty rusty, so I didn't realize that the end of TNW was him properly getting out.
why is wall man following entrati to 1999 again
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He should still be blocked somewhat (Fibonacci talks about how the Strand of Khra is blocking him but being torn) but we are in the critical levels.
In Sanctum Anatomica there is an interactable computer behind Loid. Open its files and it will have a recap of the game and some of his analysis.
Are you retarded? The game has always been full coombait.
>Because he *finally* could
nta but why is this, exactly? what happened in TNW that made it an opportune or possible time for him to physically reach out? I think I'm not remembering something
lmao Ive resold arcanes for 2x in the same hr
the market is kinda shit thanks to chink farmers lowballing but if you pay attention to the prices its still easy to make plat be it flipping or quick farming, iv gone from literally 2plat to 2k+ on a noob account in just few days
Al was the first person who entered the void. It basically imprinted on him like a baby duckling and now it wants him back more than anything else. to top it off, Albrecht isn't certain if he's even the real Entrati or if he's just a void manifestation who thinks he's the real entrati. So he's going back in time where wally can't reach him and undo the evil that is Aku
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>get Equinox and Protea, 2 of the few frames I have built
>know Gloom Equinox is extremely effective in Mirror Defense
>enter with pubs, big mistake but nofriends
>host standing there waiting for more meat
>wait there with him
>Mesa Prime with no modifiers runs in and speedruns straight to the objective to start
>host ragequits
>scramble and try to kill with only the Larkspur until abilities go up
>2 pubs enter and help greatly
>somehow manage to get slows up and somehow win with final objective at <1000 HP
>check mesa
>1% damage
>1% damage
>I repeat
>1% damage
>the rest of EDA was just as sloppy, someone kept spamming the Summon Necramech Eximus and everyone gets distracted by it
I don't know if I should be angry about room temperature pubs, or glad that it only took 1 try and I got 2 taus.
General theories are:
>Albrecht has (or knows where) the finger is. Duvir Tablets show Wally is searching that finger
>Whatever event that happens during the “Pivotal Year” of 1999 kickstarts the interaction our plane has with the Void. Conversely, pre-2000 is away from Wally’s grasp and gives Albrecht time to prepare for the confront.
All we know aside that is:
>1999 is called “The Plague Year” which suggests it’s the year the Technocyte Virus finally spreads worldwide after the events of Dark Sector
>The popular boyband Onlyne got infested and are used as a vehicle seemingly against their will (the website notes one of them is used to “calm dissenting voices from within”)
>hiding name
post yours then
the finger is in our railjack, and the zariman eternalism, lol
it's what powers the void drives
Check 12th page - The Kalymos Sequence
Ballas’ retarded Void Jump got Wally’s attention though it’s noted his freedom is unprecedent.
During the Kalymos Sequence Fibonacci says something called The Strands of Khra protect our dimension but they are seemingly being cut off. One theory is the deal we made somehow has allowed him to snap the strands. Another theory is that during TNW, Lotus made a deal too with it (in Chains of Harrow she knew nothing of what was going on being confused at whatever Rell was dealing with but in The New War she visibly reacts to Wally, protects the Operator and then claims she saw nothing. Twice)
Likely both.
for the 10th time - just drop ancient healer so you never have to sweat about mirror shit
It always amazes me those people unlocked EDA. Even if it’s somewhat easier you need to beat the normal Deep Archimedean with ALL modifiers to unlock it for starters. Someone capable of that should at least know how to mod one gun for damage
shit, thanks for the link I think I really need to read all of these because there seems to be a lot of meat and possible inferences that could be exclusive to those files

>Lotus made a deal too with it
her demeanor and kind of assumed helplessness in the recent interstitial quest make me highly suspect this
Yonta mentions that finger is a replica. And all fingers in those reliquaries.
It’s theorized the Drifter has some idea where the true one is as Wally asks him: “where is my finger, kiddo?”
I forgot that line. I figured it actually was eternalism bullshit and Wally is trying to find the original fragment or whatever
Has anyone tried the hate augment yet?
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I've been looking for a 0 pilot 0 repair fag every now and then since they did the RJ rework
Never got one
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Back in my day, the kuva survival nightwave was an hour, AND you were not allowed to use any life support capsules.
it was half an hour
It doesn't seem to always work, I tried this shit a week or two ago when it was this mirror defense with the explosive fuckers and they tore through that thing with one hit somehow
I could barely even stay awake doing that snoozefest for 20 minutes, an hour is just insane unless it just straight up gives me 300k nigwave points.
Not even enough Kuva for one Riven reroll either, does anyone even play this outside of weekly?
there being a bunch of replicas makes no fucking sense. they could easily grow a giant finger with orokin tech but then how do they get void powers?
if it was eternalism bullshit there would be no point in differentiating between replicas and the original, they would all be originals from different timelines
What the fuck has Albrecht been doing ever since he put loid in the cuck sarcophagus
>It’s theorized the Drifter has some idea where the true one is as Wally asks him: “where is my finger, kiddo?”
When does the Drifter interacts with Wallman?
Come orbiter.
the Zariman tablets that laugh at you if you claim that Kuva is the blood of dead Orokin saints
my indifference is too strong for you, traveler
>grow finger
>take replica into the void with the original
>think about them really hard
>conceptual embodiment makes it work
>lethal torrents
Nigga that shit is like 20p lmao. You could just sell an augment or some bond mods. Not even worth the time.
how about i sell you? how about that?
what am I worth?
(1) ammo drum, how about that?
how about a [Warm Coat] instead because that's Cold :(
100,000 Simaris Standing
post the food webms
i'll just give you away after that r*ddit joke
add more alchemy


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>delete alchemy
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i'm good thanks.
>tfw not wearing matching chokers with reb
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>These are the guys who keep throwing the wrong element

They should never play Alchemy again.
i hate joining the complainers but... i miss when i could just insult people in a videogame and not be banned for it
Does throwing the wrong element even do anything? I often grab the wrong ones and just fling them everywhere to get rid of it.
Man, that group at the end seems rad as fuck I want to join them.
>Does throwing the wrong element even do anything?

Yeah, it wastes time.
who is this guy and why does he post this?
lol so no
thanks, chuddie.
I'm usually the one filling 80% of the bong anyway while 2 other people are jerking off in some corner together and the last pubbie sometimes tosses a vial over.
I pick up the wrong element vials and throw them at groups of enemies while aiming for the right elements especially in EDA with that one modifier
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nah, fuck YOU
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I kind of agree, we have regressed as a society with kneejerk reactions to parody and exchange of insult or opinion while simultaneously enabling outright hatred and violent rhetoric (often itself posed as some gross parody of a simple or perhaps even well-reasoned and well-intentioned reaction to "SJWs" and "the libs" and whatnot rather than an opportunistic re-emergence of something reprehensible merely springboarding off a different and incomparably less harmful brand of zealous extremism)

things went downhill when you could no longer call nezha a trap in region chat but it's never not been fun baiting people into saying it
There has been a troon chat janny furiously banning anyone saying nezha is a trap for nearly a decade now.
das transphobic tho
I mean banning for saying it, u bigot
if you dont like it leave. shrimple as.
I'm not gay but I would suck Nezha's feminine penis
are there any frames with masculine vaginas?
No, change for me, troon.
just suck a feminine penis and get it over with. you'll feel better.
Women do not have penises, troon.
Nezha is not a woman you schizos
nezha is a TRAP
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No Troons
Just Goon
(User was put into cryosleep for this post.)
>frame has a kit I like.
>but the frame is female.
What do I do
grow a pair of testicles and play with the girl doll, anon
Men do not play with dolls, queer.
then what the fuck are you doing playing Warframe? lmao
you're right, they pose them and put them on a shelf to collect dust
I got some bad news for you, anon- they do.
This is a game literally about children puppeting murderdolls
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LMAO you're just jealous, once it's finished i can't wait to see the look on your face
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based dollchads
>got all arcanes maxed
>got (multiple sets of) both weapons
>got one Voruna in the foundry and another currently being digested by Helminth
Well, looks like I got everything out of Lua conjunction survival. Where do I go to crack relics now?
niggas really play the game for 6000 hours just to become a slamkong
toss it at mobs to kill them as well as getting rid of it
I laughed at instagibbing a few spawngroups of exo gokstad officers then made peace with the fact that I simply do not need that in my gameplay with the power I already have, and it will be dead or badly nerfed soon anyway
try it, its fun
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Why does he stand... you know... like THAT
pants are full and he's trying to avoid direct contact
this NW is cancer
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Just Downloaded the game what am in in for?
orbiter invites
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Bing-bing-wahoo for sci-fi nerds.
Endless grind, maybe some fun along the way then complaining about no content after you play for 5k hours.
"Go, child! Run! Don't look back! Don't—"
5k hours for free doesnt seem bad

coming from destiny and ff14 it cant possibly be worse
>coming from ff14
Oh okay so you're used to having nothing to do at the end of the game but run the same mission hundreds of times for next to no progress
is there a tracker for Tenet syndicate weapons to see when good % shows up?

Actually its not that bad just kinda underwhelming. I'm sure the right riven makes this actually decent but at the same time it just feels like a shorter, fatter Arca Plasmor
I told you its fucking shit since its effective range is like 10m unless you hit someone
and it has falloff on top and low ammo
Tenet Arca is about 10000x better
>no content
>rebb wont post titties
its over
I can post titties if it makes you feel better, anon
its worth a shot
based rememberer
and no, the steflos really isn't fixable even with a perfect riven--or at least, it's not comparable to the top dogs, though whether that's the fault of the steflos being weak or the top weapons being absurdly overpowered is a topic for another day
Im so bored Im might do dumb shit like unlocking ribens
but I'm a boy
I'm so bored I might do my netracells
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Any skana fans
"Run"? Where is he going to run to?
It sucks
I have yet to pick up the incarnon for it but I'm having fun so far.
I love me a basic ass sword but that's garbage
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what does that even mean?
it's just spam
I use it with gas and meme influence.
It's less effective that the rakta dark dagger with the same build idea, but it's more comfy. Less effort but less potential.
someone explain it to me please?
she's so pretty when not wearing the bright ass red lipstick
Steflos is really bad no matter what, anon.

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