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Previous: >>495118635
>Game News
Current Rate Up: Cesario (3*), Durandal (3*), Espoir City (SSR), Select SSR Rate Up: pick two from a pool of ten
3.5 campaigns (1/2 TP, 2x drop etc.) lasts until 10/1
3.5 Anni Missions Part 3 underway:
Get an SSR exchange ticket by training a character to Rank UG5
Main Story 2: Middle Half has been released
>Great Food Festival Guide
LoH Mile will be held in 9/23, Kyoto, 1600m, turf, right, fall, afternoon
CM Classic will be held in October, Tokyo, 2000m, left, autumn
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby English release TBA: https://umamusume.com/

>IP News
Twinkle Circle in Aichi:
>9/28 - 929
Uma Musume Cinderella Grey anime by Cygames Pictures will air in 2025
'Umamusume Party Dash' is available on Switch, PS4, and Steam
Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher
>DLC 1: Team Iris
>DLC 2: Team Geranium
>DLC 3: Team Primrose

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Find networks if your region is blocked from the game or client:
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257 (Dead)
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
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>realistic ear crevasse
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Ushi Musume
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Everybody would commit warrimes for tiny Mirako.
Clingy hors love
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King of SEX
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i am not ready for LoH
I wish there was more Uma Musume gender bender porn.
Today's 愛馬の日, post your 愛馬.
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Look at my horse; my horse is amazing.
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Is the strat for LoH to not use all your tickets on the first day?
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beloved wife
i want sex with mares
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I have a feeling they won't actually make a proper global version but just add an option to switch languages on the JP version. I saw this in a dream a few days ago.
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this retard is so sex

someone call the yakuza
That would be best case scenario and very unlikely to happen.
>putting the filthy gaijins in the pure JP server
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I can see it
how do i play this, is it even worth it if i cant read the cute story, is it extremely easy?
I feel like sandbagging is retarded because you're missing out on 3 mood ups
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there's a surprising amount of non-niges in the top 100
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how the fuck am i suppose to know whats good or not
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oh were we supposed to train nigers only for this? it's over
The point is to make it more likely to get easy 1000 point matches so that your point buffer is bigger for when your average score drops in plat matches regardless of mood boosting.
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I stole this 愛馬 format so people can fill in top 2 愛馬 per stadium section.
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Dirty horses…
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i dont know what im doing but i like her a lot and shes getting podiums
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Helios love
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Reading the guide.
oh trust me brother im reading all of em and im still lost
You can probably do decent with a well built senkou. North Flight has been great for me so far.
>700 points per run in bronze
It's already over
whats the best INT card for sashi/mid right now?
If you’re new, dont expect it to make sense all at once. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but once you’re comfortable with doing runs you can try to figure out how to optimize where you can.
My entire team is senkou. Granted I didn't train for this LoH at all. I nearly had Vivlos on my team before I accidentally trained a UC krafto.
It kinda sucks how they made int Dia sensibly inferior to McQueen for absolutely no reason.
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Is Int Dia a good card? I lucked out and MLB’d her during the free draws, and I swear every time I use her I come up short on Wis.
>for absolutely no reason.
she was on the same banner as dura
It's good but much like literally every other card it's not even in McQueen's stratosphere
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Inu Musume
I want to lick her armpits.
Cesario and Kraft are hilarious together. Half the video was just them yelling
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Oguri is too smart and quiet to be a husky.
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holy sexxxoooo
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i wish i could read the story :(
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Major schedule changes for 2025, Arima Kinen will be held on the same weekend as Hopeful Stakes, Takarazuka Kinen moved 2 weeks earlier, also several G2/G3 adjustment
They already said it was pain in the ass with grub, doubt they'll do it for an app game
night races when
Too busy with me every night
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My horse wife
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retard search in youtube.
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Aoba Sho got moved up a week, the curse can finally be broken
nayutard new acc
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Sex with anon's daughter
Some menhera uma fanartist that keeps nuking & makes new acc
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thats both crazy and cool
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again? Man how many of this retard nips do this anyway?
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luv ur bro
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>does want to let mares win in the game where fucking trainer is involved
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Gangrape beasts Part 3
Uma abs delicioso
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Main wife Kingu is too strong!!
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If you look closely you will see my wife is a real gamer
>the team with Sweepy always loses
I wanna see them do some generic fighting game, or smash bros if they can get nintendo to agree.
They'll play grub versus next.
Imagine them playing guilty gear or blazblue.
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They're gonna play dragonball
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i want sex.....
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holy sexo
please refrain from posting mares while im at work
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ok i'll post fatsos instead
My wife
i think i will never train fukukitaru and mirako
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KFC code sent. Enjoy seeing Colonel Golshi randomly pop up in your run.
I take no responsibility for any possible retribution from Cygay.
Gonna need you to accept my Friend Request.
Sorry about this Creek Anon, but your code's going to be a little late. It should be here by next week, but I can't be sure.
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man getting this two artist to draw Buena and Tact was worth it.
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so fucking sex
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I'd imagine she'd use a chokutou
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Code received and activated.
Thank you anon, I appreciate it.
Bad part on the artist. Or heck even a rapier for pure thrusting
>no bra
typical team victory slut
imagine if the 2019 mares got revealed...
I just found out that this show exist today. Uma VAs are just getting more and more keiba related work.
thanks anon, really appreciate it
actually haven't drawn in months desu
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Are we back?
me inside
upgrade stayers stakes already
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Retarded jannies
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4chan broke due to prereg
pls understand
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I'm going to HUG the chairman
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Well I'm going to FUG the chairman
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I thought Uma shat in the street?
Only Indians do that
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buena makes me so horny
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i may be rarted where do i enter the code
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cafe is so fucking sex
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uh oh burgerbois
I want to fuck Still.
I want a Palmer golf alt
Thank you both for participating. It's nice to see some OCs in the thread.
メニュー > コード入り
fug, i'm on an ipad, am i gonna need to login on a different version just to enter the code?
nyoooo...tbdesu with smarr indie dev coding i'm a bit paranoid about whether the game can even cope with me switching back and forth between apple and android/dmm without fucking something up
Don't worry, as long as you:
>log in using your link pass on DMM or android
>input the code on that account
>then log the DMM/Android devices' account back in (so that the account you play on doesn't get logged out on your main device, in this case the ipad)
You should be fine if you follow these steps, I had to do the same thing when I got the code for Party Dash.
I did that pretty regularly back before DMM blocked my IP because it was more convenient to buy DMM points directly instead of buying JP AppStore gift cards from Amazon.jp.
>log in to DMM/android and input code
>log in to DMM/android again
did you mean log out of DMM/android after inputting?
No, I'm not sure how to log out of DMM without inputting that accounts login pass back in. I remember I couldn't use my phones' account on that device because I was "logged in somewhere else."

They may have changed it though.
>4chan died as i was typing a reply earlier
code received, thanks again kfc anon

you can never show how good this is in VR compared to 2D... I literally came buckets...
Woah the facemods are still no luck?
facemods are possible for a long while now
I haven't touched my quest in months...
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hmmm well anyway i ended up doing
>install uma on android phone
>it found my previous google play link from when i was on a different tablet
>proceed to wait a gorillion years for files/update download
>enter code which took me 3 tries for some reason rumao
>go back to ipad
>just needed to restart game to get back in there as well
anyway >>495647695 thanks for the code!!
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I just want the kfc dia card cause i like having exclusive shit and her outfit is sex
If anon managed to buy one you probably can too.
After KFC Dia sex, extra greasy
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How did your first day go, dacchis?
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Oh apparently my reply didn't go

Just Creek anon saying I'm happy enough to be included and feel bad you had to go out of your way to buy one off mecari, which I really hope wasn't too much.

Thank you so very much, would have done it myself if I was still living in Japan.
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Decent considering I didn't train anyone for this
>multiple rounds went below 700 during the dead hours where i was supposed to be able to avoid whales
it's so fucking nyover for me
Did they change anything? I have to go through the animations in GFF now even though I didn't touch any of my settings
Maybe you unclicked animation skip on accident
Do I have to make an actual Yahoo auctions account or can I use Buyee?
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I don't think so? Unless I'm missing something
It's in the menu where you're asked to cook the dish
Thanks, you saved me
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Do any of you guys follow parent making schizos on twitter?
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so happy they've done another set of these, gangbeasts is the most fun of the pakatube gameplay videos
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I don't know why Kraft turned into Bruce Lee the entire time but she was adorable. Is she like that in her story too?
No. Kraft seiyuu is trying her darn-hardest but it's hard when your opponent is a gaming beast like Kingu who aims at her all the time.

Still waiting for some artist to draw Cesario punching Kingu lol

Is that all? I expected something a lot better from that artist. I almost thought it was a copycat at first.
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If only someone did save his lewds.

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His new chibi lewds are other game and old lewds are girls frontline
I wish he breaks the mold and finally draws horse porn
Peak humor
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Yeah, much wish if he draw non-chibi umas as other artist had more balls to draw them in.
why's ramonu there, she's not in cingray
Wasn't Ramonu from same gen as Rudolf?
Nah she's a couple years younger. But these are all boomer horses anyway
no, she's from two gens after
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Cute Chiyono and City just staring.
Weird dog
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Fat ass American slut
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My cute Japanese wife
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Who’s the doggier weird dog, Chiyo or Durandal?
>It's official
I'm looking forward to Oguri's Kasamatsu Ondo.
Hors racing?
chiyo and taiki are still the prime dog-uma lifeforms, durandal's still got a long way to go
Anyone got that pic of corgi NTR looking outside to see shiba Chiyono running in the rain?
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Oh nyooooo
Can we skip Halloween alts? They always end up pretty fucking boring.
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Too bad Chevy's best kid flopped on Kobe Shimbun Hai
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Ojisans assemble!
Sex is cancelled.
based /sfg/
Guys halp, I bought a code off yahoo through buyee and I'm afraid of getting scammed
for reproduction
I don't get it. Why are they referencing this?
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buh why?
probably popular song during oguri's era or something
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Did Mirako pop up in any of those banners with a bunch of assorted umas? I wanna get her someday.
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Yeah I forget the exact one but it was some time ago.
You missed her a couple months ago. She'll probably pop up when Long becomes relevant again.
They better not release her right after this. I've burnt all my jims on Donna, Cesario, and Dograndal.
While I agree, they give me some time to save, so no.
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Halloween Doto was really good, though. It gave us more tanuki and the goat army.
s e x
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That's the only good one
I wish they'd bring back the fantasy umalator alts, I want to see the rest of the Golden Gen party.
Just came back after 3 years and a half, should I roll now?
Depends on what you want to roll for and how much you're willing to.
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>psd in paywall
man I wonder if anyone follow this guy
Does anyone here have Team Iris yet?
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We love Satono here.
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Ojooooou :D
I still believe in Meliorem, it was just too short for him
I regret not going for this alt, one of the rare nice looking ones.
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That's one puffy vulva
Just perfect to slam against Ojou's clit
Take ready to win Arc
I hope Ojisan win the the Arc, I really do, but he hasn't been doing too well this past year.
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Take a ride in the bromobile?
Is Shin the only nips horse going?
What other nip horse could possibly compete in the Arc right now? There's not a lot of strong contender left.
Yeah only Shin

Sol definitely should run in Arc, he won Satsuki and finished 2nd in Zuka on yielding ground
>draw a cow
>call it a hors
Or in the real horse's case, >see a hors >call it a cow
I meant more in term of pure racing ability, I don't think Sol is good enough to win against the like of Sosie and Troy. He's a good hors, but he's not even strong enough to beat older hors in Japan.
Japan's ground doesn't suit him well, he like it wet. Doubt Sosie or Troy could handle Japan's ground well either
>I meant more in term of pure racing ability
That's exactly why JP never wins, they send their best horses all the time and flopped. What they need is a good horse that's compatible with wet ground.
who else besides El's owner committed to months of frog track training in advance to make sure there was compatibility?
Do Deuce
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I want to poke at her chubs
Fujita right now in his throwing money phase to let his trainers purchase & cook whatever horses they want to. Hope Yahagi got some good haul
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I do agree that having compatibility with wetter/softer European turf is important, but I'm just saying that ability is still very important, you have someone like Clincher who's good with bad/wet ground but still finished dead last on his Arc attempt because he just couldn't keep up.
You need someone like Orfe, a hors with both wet ground compatibility and amazing racing strength - it was just a shame that he didn't have IKZE with him.
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The king of SEX
Why are there suddenly so many cow Dantsu fanarts?
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>You need someone like Orfe
You're just asking for a miracle for a monster horse to appears. What they need to do is filter out horses with wet ground compatibility and honed & train them for Arc, not wasting them on jp ground and say they're sucks because they perform badly on a ground that doesn't suit them the best. Also with Clincher at the time you can see he's actually a stayer without any finishing kick
sex digitan...
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>cygays wants (you) to imagine her in a minotaur outfit
>She's so plump, it's difficult to imagine her in anything other than a cow bikini
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The SEX family
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reminds me of all the new year 2021 year of the ox art that was just cowprint+boobs
Which support card is that?
No card, it’s part of Durandork’s campaign.
Need strong Dantsu in a cowprint bikini for max sexo
IKZE don't know how to ride in EU, Soumillon were better choice.
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Dasca is good and plump and sex and I am going to make her a mom
It's during Durandal's ファン感謝祭 event.
Women with muscles are not sexo
i think silence suzuka is the best uma
as a boyfag enjoyer even i think this take is way too gay
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sexo, but stop spamming
The perfect girlfriend to marry
...is silence suzuka
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Any other umas with smug as fuck eating animations?
kaibutsu sex
how tall tho
mirako ecchi
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Yeah it's over.
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>Wanted the canon wife Kingu fan book on DLSite
>Couldn't buy purchase points because of shithead b*nks
>Had to go through a third-party site, make an account and purchase points from there
What the fuck is their problem?
blame visa and mastercard
Can't you use Paypal? I had no problems buying poitns through that.
Coomers aren't known for originality or extra effort.
Sweepy makes girlbossing look easy!
Pain, I guess I was lucky to buy the points 3 weeks ago.
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Uma with giant fat saggers.
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Gayest post in the thread so far.
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>draw hors as cute girls
>fan of cute girls now draw them as hors
We're going full circle.
hors is girl is hors
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Cute cow pig.
Summer Maruzen yay or nay for LoH?
Decent, my daily pvp sammaru always finished top 3 in LoH
I need sauce for this
Just trained a UC one I'll see how she does later
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Buena! Please give me 3 thousand yen!
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It's truly over.
bakushin nige or senkou?
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DLC get.

It's annoying as it had nothing aside from voice lines and stuff. No new team story either.

It's basically a scam, unless you want Chev or someone.
>No new story
What's even the point?
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Dr Tachyon, I'm CIA
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Ushba vs Derma tonight
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anons do I get more speed or get a bit of power
still is mlb, cunny flower is 0lb
During URA trainings I usually just go with whatever gives the most skill points
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That's quite the lineup, a lot of strong contenders. Watch as Giga King take this.
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how ya'll faring in loh today, anons?
Still sandbagging.
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GET IN, Sotogake's first time running in JP since 2022
please rumao push him
sakai so good on dirt
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Kawada fucking sleeps all the way, good ride from Sakai
>that final spurt
Horses too used to jobbing overseas that being behind another horse is natural to them.
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Congrats to William. Nice job leading from start to finish.
I'm really happy that a Meisho placed in the top three.
Him and Shin are going to do well in dirt races overseas.
Isn't that an actual thing? Losing so much that they develop a habit of following other horses instead of leading.
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William should go to saudi and dubai. Nigers run great there
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Tell me where is Willi- Wait.. you're not fooling me to elope with you in Dubai, family.
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Best recent song.
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What kind of umas are girls into?
Ones like Sirius
Ones like Tachyon
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Tachyon, Sirius, Festa, Ace etc.
In short, stellar taste.
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are the races the only time there's a fully modeled 3d environment? in all the other animations for stories and training it looks like the models are animated in front of static 2d backgrounds, other than i guess the homescreen
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The Symbolis, Ace, Tachyon, Gimlet, Festa, Journey, C.B, Oguri, etc, just think of all the cool umas. But I have also seen a few of them liking Vivlos, Calstone and Durandal.
Personally, I like SoE.
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weird dog
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Uma GPS voice chart
>resident homoshills won't even mention shakur
what a flop lmao
Nobody cares about shakur.
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how are you holding up?
Imagine a long car ride with Turbo...
ist over fur mich
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Love Hag Umas!
>yurinigger artist
the art is sex, who gives a fuck
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Doing solid. North Flight is my mvp this time through.
Why would Clown be there though? She'd likely plan things well imo
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It's over.
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>He doesn't know that she's an absolute ditz
The big one I've seen are Tachyon, Curren, Mayano, Sirius, Rudolf, Festa, Air Groove, and Journey. Brian is also very popular with female artists, but only for shipping with Mayano, I barely see any Brian x FemT.
>Leading you correctly
She'll just use her weird fengshui compass.
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how come the only horss that manage to make the dirt-to-turf jump successfully nowadays are all short-distance horss?
Excellent, Doto!
Age hasn't slowed you down one bit!
stacked doggies
Less apparent in stamina requirement
Regarding umas girls don't seem to like, you have umas like Suzuka or Ayabe. In those two's case I think it's because they're often wifed by men and the idea of being juxtaposed internally triggers them.
Likewise you won't see them say anything good about a girl like Machitan because they'd see her as the archetypal "cute airhead girl who does not embody any empowering trait".

I'm not talking about Japanese women here btw, only Westerners I've interacted with.
girls love suzuka and ayabe though
mostly to ship them with whoever, but still
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Not in my experience.
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Chiyono... Sexo.
21080 points. The Plat 4 dream is over umadacchis...
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Post grayhaired umas
The plat barrier is really painful this time around. Plat 4 dreams are gone once again...
Well it's my fault really. I'm running mile Umas from when the new scenario was first launched. They don't even have S mile. I do hear that it's a bit harder this time.
Yeah everyone has access to OP cards now and everyone is running the same skills. I'm getting fucked over because I chose to run an oikomi here though.
I desire horse buruma.
>missed the 5 ticket restart over my 10 turns
>Now I have 5 less turns
I wasn't getting Plat 4 anyway, I couldn't even fully train a team in time for the event. I've grown so tired of having to use cards that give me dogshit results in GFF despite playing it "correctly" and even then, my stats are never how I'd like them to be, my fucking support chains never finish and the skills I need never proc during inheritance. This game's meta has just really tested my patience as of late.
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Plat3 isn't that bad, hahaha...
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>in GFF despite playing it "correctly"
I highly doubt that
El has a real hawk too, huh?
If you're /sandbagging/ when do you use your extra turns
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Yea Mambo

There are almost as many illegal pets in the dorm as there are illegal weapons
I usually use an extra ticket each day. That way you won't have to do 10 rounds with only 3 item uses at the final day.
If I still have parfait uses remaining and I luck into a lineup of scrubs I do more just to use up the parfaits.
Cool I'm on pace then I think
Getting to plat 1 is like hitting a brick wall. Everything is all smooth sailing and then suddenly its high quality umas enmasse.
>Doto's tanuki and Meto-san
>El's Mambo
>Tachyon's sentient radish
What else?
If you truly loved your aiba you'd do MANT to win her all the trophies.
I do multiple CM wins with her instead.
Final day. I just spend enough tickets to have space for another 5 after daily reset.
So not both. Pathetic.
I did, but then they added even more dirt races. I'm not going back to the MANT mines again umadachi... I just cant...
I was considering it, but is there an easy way to track this?
>excuse excuse excuse
Don't come crying once she finds a better trainer.

In the Trophy Room, at the bottom you can select your uma, and then see all the trophies she's missing.
Other than that, when choosing a race during training, if you long press on a trophy you can see on which umas you got it or not.

I personally ended up manually making a list of everything, using https://gametora.com/umamusume/races to help me categorize things efficiently as to make as few runs as possible. I just have 2 trophies left atm.
Also MANT has only really been needed for a small % in total. I got most of them in GFF or L'Arc which wasn't unpleasant to do.
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Only the least umane trainers use that scenario.
MANT is the hero we need to eos global
hors are practically royalty to some extent that laws dont apply cause they're too stupid to really do anything
You can keep denying that I'm playing this shit correctly, I'm tempted to make a video to show you exactly what I'm doing and when I decide it's actually just the games fault.
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I must tell you all that Daiwa Scarlet is the best race horse in existence. I know this, my japanese boss says so.
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I kinda wish it wasn't green though. It looks like a newbie badge.
Why is Danon Premium so horny for Almond Eye?
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Oh shit finally.
I didn't need your boss to tell me something I already knew
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Grats on your Neicha
Vodka > Scarlet.
And I'm saying this as someone who loves retarded girls.
Thanks, she's 5 stars now.
quagsire is cuter
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Stream expectations?
Damn already, September went by too fast.
Halloween alts maybe? Next month will be next scenario, so it's kinda now or never.
>No Machico
It's over...
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Newma announcement (that they already showed in game)
When you consider all the other hors in the school, Jordan's not that dumb.
You guys ready for Sakai to win another JPN raceM
She's more lazy than inept
Field is pretty bad, would be embarrassing if Ammothyella lost
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sakai & Taguchi fighting for the lead and flopped badly
It's the opposite. Jordan is a really hard worker, she just gets discouraged by her own limitation and other people looking down on her
Pearl and Fuku alts
Grass and Pearl alts for the US of A track
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Daring Sex
>Error: File too large
>Jordan lazy
>when she takes notes of nearly everything about training
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>/uma/ when reading through character scenarios
I'm tripping, I think I confused it with the fact that she likes to eat junk food like hamburgers
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cafe sexo
>Takes notes during class
>Read up on her materials and try to study
>Can't because Chikezo will cry every time she sees Jordan working hard
She enjoys junk food because her mother wouldn't let her eat them when she was a kid.
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>I'm tempted to make a video
do it
>Objectively the best leader who maintained the lead, which resulted in either a Win or 2nd place, BASICALLY INSURING A QUINELLA BET ALWAYS WINS
>Won Arima Kinen, didn't bother with Tiaras because she was a cut above mares and even destroyed known stallions
>Incredible consistency
>Came from a mare with crooked legs, breeded with a legend, and the uma goddess gave her the best genes imaginable
>Compared to Uokka who is hit or miss in records
Now gentlemen, where would (you) bet your money on?
Best Let's Play on Pakatube?
Gang Beasts 1 = Gang Beats 2 > PICO PARK > Yakiniku Game > SUPER BUNNY MAX > Boomerang > Pacify > Stifled
I wanna see them do a horror game with the current cast, but maybe something simple like FNAF1.
She might not be a good broodmare but 11 kids sounds SEXO on paper. I should try my luck with her the next time I play WP again.
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I have most of the cards that I need besides stamina, so I thought now would be a good time to focus on improving my breeding stock. I need some advice for making good parents. Who out of these has good skills to pass on? I also still have a ticket that I wanted to spend on getting someone for that purpose

This isn't the most optimized run, but you can see several things happening here, such as supports not finishing and inheritance event giving me dogshit pulls among other things.

I will delete the video soon, so watch it now.
NTR and V.Bourbon are good for grandparents. for parents you would normally want accel skills but there is no accel skill that is good on all tracks, like Taiki is a good parent for this loh and next chanmi but on some tracks her unique skill is just completely useless. Legend races have a lot of good characters for breeding.
My top 3 is the Gang Beast followed by Yakiniku
Hope we get to see Kraft and Cesario again. What a rowdy bunch.
don't forget her big brother was a mile GOD
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uma shippo shikoshiko
Thanks. Is there a list that I could easily reference when deciding who to train next or do I have to look into every skill and how it works? I don't really understand what a "favourable position" means when I want to inherit NTR's unique skill and I thought it'd only really be good for long races, so I used her as a parent for long horses only.
I still have 87 days left to finish getting my Maya wife to 5*. After that I'll start farming someone who could be relevant
>Is there a list that I could easily reference when deciding who to train next
Idk, I just use gamewith or watch loh/chanmi guides on youtube
>I don't really understand what a "favourable position" means when I want to inherit NTR's unique skill and I thought it'd only really be good for long races, so I used her as a parent for long horses only.
It's 2~4 for chanmi and 2~5 for loh. the inheritance version of the skill is a bit different https://xn--gck1f423k.xn--1bvt37a.tools/skills/900771
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i know Pearl and Fuku are more likely for alts but dammit let me have a Brian Halloween alt
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we know about irl horses that would've had a better career if they weren't injured
but what irl horses would've had a better career if they didn't have mental issues instead?
pic maybe related
does it really need to be said?
I don't even play this game I just read the threads
What prompted you to stop lurking?
Deep's English daughter
Great, now we know that faggots are in charge of localization.
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is that deepl I see? lmao
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If they're smart, they should just steal the translated script from the fan translation patch.
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fucking kek
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I dunno if global's gonna do well man. It feels like a waste of money that'll invite more trouble than profit.
are there any raw transcripts of the training and other stories that i could open in a web browser to use yomichan on? as it is right now all my other means of vocab lookup are tedious as fuck...
Thanks again. I'll try that
As another anon said before, uma should have the same TL to english mode just like GBF.

fking cygames are too dumb to replicate this
gpt 4o has better translation yan deepl now...
It’s probably just easier on them to keep both separate. That way the jp version can keep chugging along as is without having to worry about any possible hold ups with global.
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This is why all their global shit will die
Why is it called global when the earth isn't a globe? I hate globetards pushing their ideology everywhere.
>This is why all their global shit will die
If the world is flat then hors will fall off the earth once they run to the edge of the world.
But has hors ever reached the edge of the world? I don't remember any of them living to tell the story
Of course none has lived to tell the tale because hors dumb, so all hors just fall off the edge.
You won't live to tell the story when I get my hands around your scrawny neck, nerd
A translator using a tool for translation? Say it ain't so. What's next, a writer using a thesaurus?
how much is cygames paying you to edit MTL garbage?
No. All localizations must comply with the rules set forth by the High Council of Weebs in 2016:

1. Translate the word, not the idea. If 60s Japanese hippies use some phrase that is incomprehensible when translated literally, you must still translate it literally. Translating it as "Far out!" even if it gets the same exact same idea across, is sacrilege. Put a long translation note in tiny font somewhere instead.
2. Real men don't use tools. All translation must come from memorization.
3. No Japanese characters are trans. Ever. You must refer to all trans women as newhalfs, otokonoko, traps, crossdressers, gender-bent, etc.
4. Don't you dare make your own jokes. You will translate that Japanese pun literally, and assure the audience that it's actually really funny in the original language via a tiny footnote.
5. Don't be woke. If the original text is woke, you must make it unwoke.
This but unironically
Uhhh... Based alert!!!
At least they're translating the thing and not just writing their own shit like localizers usually do.
>and not just writing their own shit like localizers usually do.
And how do you know that? People give localizers a lot of shit for their fanfiction but I see none mention the amount of mistakes they make
still relying on MTL means they probably aren't that proficient in Japanese
I love my horse wife
And how do you know they're relying on MTL instead of using it as just another tool?
I can feel it in my heart.
Understandable. I'm assuming the worst too since that's just usually how it goes.
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>anon wanted to know how I wasn't playing correctly
>posted a video as proof
Are you actually going to tell me how I'm playing wrong or are you just going to let me be right?
I'm at work right now, wait patiently
if you actually think you played ""correctly"" then I got some bad news for you
Oh don't worry, it'll be good news for me to understand this chaos any better than I do
stop crossposting
Oh give me a break. I work for a japanese company for nearly 5 years and even our best interpreters HAVE to use DeepL.
Use a better translator.
As someone who's never spoken a second language, let alone translated anything—but *has* watched a lot of anime—I can confirm you're wrong.
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Boss of umalets.
best post on /vg/
Is Fuji Kiseki, Janpoke's parent? I checked jbis, doesn't seem like it. Or is there another Jungle Pocket hors?
>japanese company
Found the issue
He's not, they just had the same owner, trainer and jockey. Pokke is one of Tony Bin's kids. I'm surprised they haven't really done more with that.
As a straight man, but a boyfag enjoyer, I have to say, Shakur's design is a bit too much for me. Although, I've seen some bikini fan arts of her that I like, still, overall her design is too edgy to enjoy. Old Orfervre would probably fall into that category too. Nakayama Festa too got memory holed pretty hard. Don't think I've seen any fan art of her.
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5 literally contradicts 1 you donut.
He'd probably suck Dasca's toes if she asked him nicely.
anon... i...
Stop making /v/ threads
DiaGOD... keep making /v/ threads
Death to America
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it's a bit long but here

you had some terrible luck but your plays are also just as terrible. like what the fuck is pic related?
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As someone working in a Japanese company now, you just have shit translator/interpreter, i.e. people who got no other skill except being native English speakers.
I enjoy Shakur's design but fucking hell her personality and story are so blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand. The most interesting in her story is the super computer but that just go away after Kikkasho.
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what the fuck, you're definitely supposed to get as many 5s as possible asap right?

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