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No game edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

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New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
nigga i am about to
I am sad and bad at making game. But at least I have one.
That's the spirit.
What's the point of downloading books to learn game development when the publishers don't even upload the example code?
It is better to have no game than to have a bad game.
Cris do your part as mi parce and bump my thread.
better to have no game than twitter screenshot.
It's easier to have a good game once you have a bad game.
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Compile times in Unity can vary widely depending on various factors like the project size, complexity, and the specific code used. However, generally speaking:

Unity 2017 is often cited as having faster compile times compared to later versions due to fewer features and optimizations that were introduced in subsequent releases.
Unity 2018 and 2019 introduced more features and improvements, which sometimes led to longer compile times.

That said, newer versions (like Unity 2020 and beyond) have made significant efforts to optimize compile times through improvements in the scripting backend and other enhancements. If you're concerned about compile times, it’s best to test with your specific project, as performance can vary widely based on your setup.

For the fastest experience, consider keeping your Unity version updated, as optimizations are continuously made.
Shit, you got me there.

I suppose once you have made a bad game you become obligated to make a good one.
making a bad game could be a step in the road to someday make a good game. No game means you're nowhere closer to eventually having a good game.
Other than derek lieu, what are good trailer making resources?
Some people will actually play a bad game over no game.
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Do not use other people's assets if you want to make good games
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max cheese
max gore
My game is only bad relative to other games. it's quite good compared to getting beaten with a stick.
Lolidevs are not devs until they release something. How long has Kannadev been tinkering with the exact same model?
This whole game is an asset
pulling a cosmic call I see
I said if you want to make *good* games dumbass
>p-polish is bad because it just is okay?! you have to constantly be adding new systems like me a coder! no I-I don't care that they're not finished! it doesn't matter!
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DD59 trust the plan.
This date with the Bocchi's is going well but one is stuck in the sliding tube at the McDonald's play place. Me in the front left btw.
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>AI will soon be advanced enough to allow hordes of Indians and Nigerians to start flooding the market with their prompted games, irreversibly damaging the indie scene
Yes, you must atone your sins
We've been saying this since gpt3...
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More riveting trash collection gameplay for those so inclined. I know this may be retarded and small to those of you who know what you're doing but going from nothing to this is very satisfying to me. I managed to figure how to set it up so that you could, if you WANT to carry the full garbage bag mid screen like all other physics objects but if you want it out of the way you can carry it "equipped" in the other hand. Still keeps the function of the other carrying method too, can't run while hefting it and it won't let you pick up other stuff.
Finally the garbage game I've always wanted.
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House Party Clean Up Simulator 2024
The germans will love it.
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Is having too many hobbies considered Multitasking (writting, drawing, game deving, etc)?

Or multitasking is doing two or more things At the same time?
where is that aggie cutie that likes milkers ?
bocchi general
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When making your game, remember to follow your passion. This is what pic related did (filled his work with every single passion and deranged fetish he had) and people love him for it.
Isn't he super slow on updating the manga though?
this anime good ? started watching it but got kinda bored
It's good if you like to sexualized children.
Dark Souls and Getting Over It are not hostile to the player the same way F&H is. In Dark Souls, if you know what you're doing you will win every single time. Same thing with GOI. In F&H, even if you know the game like the back of your hand, you can still get fucked over with literally no fault of your own because you got unlucky.
Won't they dislike the idea of having to clean up the mess of others who had a party while they didn't get to enjoy it? Wait a sec, do Germans even "party?"

I think various anons here like big milkers. As for which ones are cute.....
>inb4 anons referring to the femanon that's not homo but thinks big tits are great
Ye, it's the same as with books. Publishing platforms are forced to adapt to the flood of slop and filter out the trash. My bet is that Steam Direct will see some changes in the coming years.
That's because he's dying of hypertension. Considering how detailed his art is, the slowness makes sense.
I think I might have sleep apnea. I've never experienced fatigue like this before in my life and it's been getting worse day after day. I've been trying to increase my sleep to counter it, but now I'm sleeping 10 hours a night and I'm still exhausted during the day. Anyone here had to deal with this? What can I even do?
Buy a CPAP machine, and lose weight.
the latter
Get more fresh air. Also see a doctor.
1. No it won't. AI fags think everything will improve at the same pace forever and that's stupid.
2. Thirdies have been doing this for like a decade because asset stores exist and they just flood steam with asset flips.
Filtering out the flood of slop is already what steam does, no matter how many tens of thousands of games get submitted to steam, steam only ever promotes or recommends 600 of those games.
sleep on your side
>and lose weight
That's why I think it's sleep apnea. I'm in perfectly fine health and exercise regularly. I've never been overweight before in my life.
Jesus Christ I thought I posted this on /fit/, not here. The brainfog is insane, every waking hour feels like running in a dream.
You're stressed. Stop making a game.
Steam just burying unpopular games is not enough.
It literally is tho.
Yes, it is. If you think otherwise you're showing your lack of confidence in your own game. Make something of high enough quality to get past the filter.
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It's not over yet Marmo, even if you worked for 10+ years just to have the government and steam take most of your money, you can still goon like you always do, but playing a mentally ill bitch won't cut it, just like make game man.
How do I into No Man's Sky world gen?
>uhh vector graphics can't be fast because uhh security
why post anything if you don't know?
why not hire people to do it?
explain better then retard
If you're afraid of losing to Poojeet proompt slop then your game isn't very good to begin with.
proof anon was wrong?
i made it up
Post game then
Creating a 2D vector-based graphics renderer would actually be a justification a custom engine. Engine devs, where are you?
Feeling called out?
the premise that vector graphics is too slow to be used is bullshit
the premise that flash was fast because it had vulnerabilities is also bullshit
what is there to discuss?
>uhhh he is wrong mkay?!
retarded monkey explain how he is wrong or shut the fuck up
You refuted nothing.
Feeling gameless?
Nope. Not only do I have a game, but my game > your game because it's not losing to literal slop.
Then post it you coward.
I don't say this out of fear of certain people lurking this general but I have unironically considered buying multiple steam app ids incase they revert back to the steam greenlight process but with a stricter set of requirements
>eliminating how many indie games can be approved by the process eg 10 a month max
>so many indie devs now that the only one's getting approved show signs of generating at least $1m worth of profit for steam otherwise rejected

$5000 worth of app ids is nothing once the deluge of gamedevs is suddenly filtered by a move like this.
what do you want?
that style looks a lot like UI-dev's style.
>what do you want?
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I have decided that Pacifica combat style is taekwondo, which fits her personality perfectly.

Gotta look up Rosa, but pretty sure she would have to have a dancing style instead.
I tried to do this like 10 years ago. It was a "line art engine" following illustration techniques. It doesn't really make sense to do anymore, now that I know much more about VFX and shader programming, since you can get roughly the same visual results with traditional textures and polygon models.
a list of games that have vector graphics? is that what you want?
i don't like girls, what's the best engine for people like me?
Unreal Engine.
just use sdfs
>steam spends years developing automated process for filtering and recommending games, based on tags, wishlists, external traffic etc...
>yeh let's just scrap that whole algorithm thing and go back to a manual process for no reason at all
I don't like game development (But I love talking about it and making endless devlogs), what's the best engine for me?
what exactly do you mean by a game being hostile to the player? idk if simple rng counts as being hostile since i was imagining something more like design purposefully made to simply annoy the player and screw them over. not something where it's rng that makes gameplay more random while also padding it, provided it's well done.

>That's because he's dying of hypertension.

get checked with a doc before going the cpap route. i checked and sleeping on your side can help with sleep apnea but your back and belly are not as good. i guess sleeping on the belly gets in the way of the chest/diaphragm having an easier time moving? i've suspected sleep apnea for myself considering the times i've woken up gasping for air but i have a ton of anxiety that literally affects the manner in how i wake up. so i have to calm myself before falling asleep lest i wake up in a worst state. almost as if my anxiety has a festering effect on my physical wellbeing just because i fell asleep in an anxious state.
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Im learning game maker, what should i expect ? also im cloning a bullet hell that was in the last post.
dissociating so hard today
making games makes me realize how pathetic I am
I can write I can make music I can make 3d models and animate them I can put it all into a game but it all ends up taking forever, uninspired and worthless
I hate being this way; I just want to be good at one thing I just want people to know me as the guy who does that thing
but instead i'm the loser who has accomplished nothing
Bump my thread, you pilantra.
>>>/int/202568202 #
>want people to know me as the guy who does that thing
why are you so pathetic? you fixate on nothing. move on. be better.
lmao, anon.

I don't care about your skin color.
do you have a job or a perspective in life other than this ?
Prove it then
spalding is the best game maker tutorial youtuber
godon't, it's gmi repellent just like you are to girls
Just comment anything, parce.
a lot of my inspiration is african culture like rap and breakdance.

yea i have a job
i've had jobs all my life but they're not jobs i want they're just jobs that are convenient and make lots of money
do you have a gf ?
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what are they?
I must have really done something wrong in my life to have ended up here with you people.
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>want to make low poly model
>i am already at 1k tris without counting the hair
i fucking hate 3d modeling
>Go-dough? What is that some kind of clay?
>Yeah, I make pots with Go-dough.
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name them
1. making a bad game
2. i dont care
Or you did something very right?
>just found the most autism project on github that has me impressed no one has found it or even discusses it
lack of vision
not having fun with the process and enjoying the hobby
>make a low-poly model
>it crumples into a mess when animated
That's part of the soul.
Not buying his course x4
after i finish drawing all the touhou little girls I'll draw the hags... especially yukari
>4 huge mistakes
there's none if you knows what is right and not what sells

>6 slop title avoid
stop listening to random people online trying to monetize your dream
not bad
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>i was imagining something more like design purposefully made to simply annoy the player and screw them over
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making something but not releasing it
spending more than 2 years on one project
making a game in a dead genre (that isnt a folded 1000 times masterwork which you are not capable of for your first game)
making a game in hopes that it will one day get you pussy
How did you manage to write 4 wrong things stupid frog
Should I be concerned about trafficking victims criticizing my soapland simulator
What's the best community for getting help with unreal?
At least you understand that it is your fault

Something something don't be Marnix
>having the safest opnion is good
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how do i rip out some passion-fruit out of this lemon life ?
Supposedly the forum.
Their Discord
No deving, not starting very small. The othe two are probably dumb fillers.
1. Didn't get feedback sooner
2. Didn't plan out levels
3. Assumed players were as smart as we are
4. Not hooking the player
1. Show the problem before the solution
2. Your level design if 5x more complex than you think
3. Giving player mechanical choices is a bigger bang for your buck
4. If a player doesn't learn something that can be used to their advantage in the future they will get bored
5. Don't be afraid to tell the player what is going on
6. When in doubt, surprise the player

That was a long thirty minutes.
>want to make low poly model
You can ape the aesthetic without imposing those ridiculous hard limits on yourself
3D modelers in the old days wanted to model individual fingers, lips, deliciously round asses etc. They weren't leaving them off just to strike a certain vibe.
Didn't get to working in blenduh but I started working on a test reference sheet for my JRPG classes. Should be less busy this week so hopefully I'll be able to chuck some of them into Blender and do some basic prototype modeling/texturing.
I hate descriptions like that because realistically the smell of shit would overpower everything else. But you know the dev had to throw in semen for the edginess.
sometimes, omitting details makes something more interesting
Nigga wtf are you doing? Post model?
Anyways low-poly is more of an aesthetic nowadays than an actual hardware constraint so it doesn't really matter if your polycount gets a bit high.
all of these are fucking wrong
t. never came after pooping in the bathroom
Just say you're trying to raise awareness and start a conversation and claim you donated to a dirty tainted sluts charity or somthing
someone post the tomb raider and nintendo comparison
Yeah I guess getting mad while you're trying to finish a model is "interesting" but I'd rather have the deliciously round asses
Damn forgot to take my lactose pills and now my farts are so foul its hard to focus on my game, goddamit.
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the most important mistake
no appeal
>you now realize no one has ever ripped out marmoreal's models to see how round the asses are
Well the whole idea with lowpoly is you use the texture work to create or imply the details you didn't have the polygon budget to actually model.
Post your model I actually want to see where all those tris are coming from. I mean I imagine its the face.
You sound like an expert on the smell of shit mixed with semen

I'm lactose intolerant and I'm gleefully slurping down a Sonic's Cheesecake Shake (Large)
It's gonna be a wild night
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the 5th hidden mistake is : Don't buy his course and dive head on starting your own indie studio by mortgaging your house and quitting your dayjob, drag your wife along and try to make a living out of your youtube channel because not only your games are crap, but you can't even finish them or even consistently hit your own self imposed deadlines.
What is the dev's thought process?
Sometimes you gotta sink your ships
just cause you failed doesn't mean everyone else will
Edginess. Same reason why half the enemies have their giant dicks out and anally rape the player.
I'm not Sasquatch B. I'm too much of a coward, don't have a wife or even a house to mortgage. I also think I'm better at making video games than him but he's doing it, while I can't conciliate my dev dayjob and hobby gamedev. So in the end, who's the loser here, huh?
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Saw this and thought of you guys.
How do I tie one actor instance to another actor instance in unreal?

I want to make a simple puzzle game and I need switches and doors. I created both a switch asset and a door asset, but the switch opens all doors instead of a specific door. Is there a built in way to do this?
Should I keep a hair dryer at my desk to dry up my goon session paper tissue costs a lot nowadays
unrealbros dis guy is makin us look bad
what say we toss him in da river
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>interesting shading on the tree, is that getting darker with depth ?
It's using a sphere's normal for the shading, here's a video if you want to replicate it....


I'm going to use another technique to make trees in the future though because despite looking good this approach is not well optimized since there's a LOT of overdraw, I already found a better alternative that fits the style I'm going for anyways.
Parent the switch to the door, alternatively you could cast to a specific instance but I've been told that's processor heavy and I'm too new to know the difference. Either way though, parenting might be the way to go. Worked for a similar problem for me.
I'll look into this, thanks.
who broski? tell me and ill handle him
No, it'll blow the smell all over the house and your parents will get mad when it overpowers the smell of their shit
Rather, make a reusable improvized onnahole using plastic wrap, packing foam and a coconut
I have an empty pringles can a plastic bag and some sponges will that work?
"Geez, how can I make this more GRIM and DARKER? Oh I know, I'll just write a bunch of disgusting shit because I don't know how body horror works". And that's how you end up with >>495600650
imagine being this mad
that guy has a game and you don't
where is your game?
bing "the witness"
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ya'll need to get off your high horses you aint done shieeeeeet
If any /agdg/ anon made Fear and Hunger it would most likely be shit
My game and writing being shit only makes me better at recognizing shit writing.
"The smell is unimaginable" or "You struggle to breathe" is all you need.
>generic message is good and all you need
>that'll get it screenshotted and posted to an amateur game dev general
This is who loliposters think they are
can't wait for concord reborn to come out and all you chuds to eat your words
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Actually a game where you mix fighting game mechanics with rhtythm mechanics and use shit like angel chain system would make a great breakdance game.
God I wish I was as unremarkable and boring as Anon...
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my progress:
i made a face, deleted it, remade it, deleted it, then remade it before taking a break and now I'm ready to make the rest of the head (7 hours)
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God I wish.
"The sword does damage" or "The potion heals you" is all you need.
prove it by posting your game
>prove it by posting your game
Not even that. Just get rid of the shit and cum, "The stench of death makes it hard to breathe." is enough. Or if you want reinforce that it smells foul: "The stench of decay fills the air.". In fact, for more soul you can do multiple texts for repeat interactions, only in the end talking about the shit, blood and cum.
I think the implication is that someone was raped to death and dumped into the toilet but there's probably a much better way to word it
ha gamelet
Bros, I have to take a break from gamedev or else i might fail calculus.
>still talking about how to alternatively write a single line
yall ngmi if you do this in your own game
You guys seem abnormally bothered by this
Now I understand how the collab failed in record time
Gamedev is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
You pour your heart and passion into growing something purely for the purpose so that other people may enjoy it in your stead.
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>/agdg/ anons trying to give writing advice
>he didn't just drop calculus to learn gamedev
Who created the universe and why then?
Come to think of it, has there ever been an agdg game with good writing
You didn't play Project Wingman?
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Absolute script brainlet here, if I were to make a VN with collectables and multiple endings/paths what would be the better program to figure out, AGS or Renpy?
my (never to be released) game.
I did. I wanted suffering to be real.
VA-11 Hall-A.
Many devs here seem to be temporarily embarrassed millionaire writers since if they wrote for a book, no one would care.
just don't make it
More surprising than the people trying to "correct" writing are the people getting weirdly defensive over someone else's work. Don't you have a game to develop?
Is there any reason to NOT make everything in the game respect physics other than it being unnecessary?
Where's your game? Why don't you little faggots ever present your own game first huh? We all know why.
Realism != fun
Nope, integrating fiction into realism is the highest form of fiction. Not EVERYTHING needs to be realistic but watching characters pull power out of their ass with the power of friendship and flimsy writing gets tiring fast.
It's Sunday, it's a day of rest.
>use a json to make a text game
Why does everything I read keep saying this and then glossing over how to do it? How the fuck do I make a json and what's the correct format to write it in?
Tutorials mention the json like it's the easiest part and it's the only bit I don't understand
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my idea with low poly is I am too stupid to be able to do art well and want everything to be consistently shitty.
It would increase your dev time by 10x minimum.
It's the weekend, I earned my rest.
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So today I continued with my item system refactor and got most systems for staves working correctly
Still a bit more I need to do but this area of the codebase is become less of a spaghetti monster each day.
You just make up your own format. It doesn't really matter. A JSON is essentially variables and a value all in a list.
I should have screenshot how autistic max stern is he wouldn't shut up about rune factory 4 it was just like cris and king of fighters I swear they're the same person
Too late, I already made a bunch of art assets and wrote half the script.
You'll reap what you sow when Maximum autist makes his Rune Factory clone that wins the lottery.
>he isn't grooming his game from the beginning so he can enjoy it for himself
>tutorial mentions x like it's the easiest part without ever explaining it
This is why I feel like making tutorials to cleanse this world. I will include all the parts you need and you will learn to become a game dev.
it's more like pimping though
Uh oh melty.
Correct mindset.
Yes, mine. If you played it you know.
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pic related, it's me playing my copy of StS
Renpy is the best for traditional VNs. If you want real gameplay Godot is best.
cucks don't exist they're just gay guys that figured out their fetish was bulls they have 0 chance of scoring a bull for themself so jump through about 100 loopholes to get one in the same room as them
Uh oh, the godot cultists are even grooming VN devs now...how desperate...
yes it's very good and no not because of anything sexual
Found out that a company called "Tempest Software" already existed and published 2 shitty games for the psx before dying. Never really liked the name anyway though, so I'm going to change it. Not sure what to.
Nigga you need to be using balls and cylinders for organic meshes. Subdivide a mesh cube once to make a decent mesh sphere for your head and use low vertex count cylinders (6-8 is usually the minimum that will work well) for your torso and limbs.
I still can't tell why your tri count should be so high for that simple of a model but good topology and workflow practices will make your organic/deforming models work a lot better.
Just steal it, not like they can sue.
Deadass Software fr fr
>Now I've even gone as far as buying a toothbrush (for it)
it's amazing he can say that
Godot is the only engine besides Gamemaker to have native 2D support. Between the two of those, Godot is the no-brainer choice.
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dear fags, is it still worth posting on TIGSource?
No. Everything dev internet related is dead as everyone slowly figures out youtube devlogs is the most successful way to make money and market your game and everything else is a waste of time.
Gamedev is actually not rewarding at all
It is thougheverbeit.
Shut up Bokudev
Pretty good video
>free longform video content is the best way to gather an audience for your niche autistic hobby or trade
Are people still figuring this out just now?
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yes, waste 30 minutes watching someone monitezing your dream retarded
I'd prefer if you sent me a monthly magazine.
everyone and their granny is a gamedev now
>anon can't even make a better game than random grandma #8390
It's a sense of accomplishment.
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except for me of course
I enjoy him talking to other devs. But I wouldn't take him too seriously. He focuses more on selling courses and youtube to fuel sales of said courses, than gaming. His games aren't good. BUT he did publish so it's not totally offensive like some youtubers who completely fucking fail and offer advice.
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does this nigga even make good games?
Isn’t it weird how none of the boomer devs passed on their game dev abilities to their children?
I mean, he's a Youtube devlogger so talking out their ass while having almost nothing to show is par for the course.
I was actually just asking about giving enemies and bullets physics instead of like a bullet hits them and they get "knocked back" via code. The game would behave the same
Had anyone ever told you that you are bad at asking questions?
Incompetent whodevs giving off advice isn't just a Youtube thing. I decided to look at some Xitter gamedevs and was pretty apalled.
>Dude talking smack about sloppers, apparently he's a CG professional
>Game is generic pastel mobile city builder
>Other game is described as """cozy""", can't tell what you do with it even looking at a trailer
These are the people with thousands of followers telling others what to do. They're also your competition, so take comfort in that.
the frustrating thing about sharing game dev things on youtube is that 99% of people are retarded noobs who know nothing and just talk shit. they're useful for marketing gauges, but if you need dev feedback, it's not great. this is also true for 99% of game dev communities everywhere. basically, game dev is the subject with the highest potential to attract retarded noob types, which makes every place pure trash. anyone know decent enough places outside 4chan where one can find people who actually develop games and have at least some success with it?
===>What about creating a discord that only allows people who publish at least one game on steam or something similar? then we could have a score system of some sort that filters people out of groups based on each one's game popularity (sure, there are problems with that approach, but maybe it's better than staying in communities full of useless opinions...). what we think about that?
>like some youtubers who completely fucking fail and offer advice.
I know that's you Thomas. It's time to let Marnix go.
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I will now play your game.
I'm with the other anon, you could've just asked a direct question instead of making a super vague non question that sort of relates to the topic. Anyway, physics based knockback can work well for ragdolls. Outside of that, you'd need to work with procedural animation in which animating things by hand might be easier.
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Don't give Youmu an axe she's tarded.
remember, a bad game can succeed or fail based on factors you're likely too dumb to comprehend
but a good game won't fail.
Brush's videos attract the worst type of people. They all revolve around:
>Making millions of your first game without any experience
>How to make games that will make millions
>Quitting your 9-5 and making millions
It motivates me. He's got some bozo on now who made some idiotic 2d side scroller and the guy made like 500k. His channel has me convinced becoming a millionaire is easy.
There were games that I thought were DOA but ended up doing pretty well like Children of the Sun.
This guy gets it.
To me that's looking through meh games on Steam and plugging them into the revenue calculator.
>See basic ass game
>Plug numbers
>"Wow these fuckers made 200K after deductions with THIS?!"
>Motivated again
Now I just need to replicate a fraction of that success...
Serious question, who actually buys games that virtually have 0 exposure or reviews? There are tons of games with 5-20 reviews on Steam. You'd be better off spending that money on a well known game off the occasional deep discount.
Before I would nobody, but youtubers do it now. Usually to make fun of the games.
When you start thinking about money alot of your le quirky ideas are no longer worth the risk.
that’s why you don’t think about money
Thinking about money first and foremost is how you end up neutering your own game
shhhhhh grifters never learn
And they deserve it
I just try and hold myself to the standard of games that sold like 150 million, like Stardew or Hades. I figure if I try my best to make a game of that quality, that I can at least make a couple million. I can't match the combat of Hades, but I just mean, overall look, lots of content, stand out in the genre I'm in.
To me it isn't a question of money vs sovl, I know my game will sell regardless.
Make 2 Million from your game (Eastshade) but be troondev wife?
It will sell at least 1 copy because I'll support you
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* opinions from people who know what they're talking about aren't buried by other useless messages.
* a good place to give and get useful feedback.
* built-in retarded filter
* people in the group are probably more serious about game development and don't have questions about how to rotate a cube etc...
will this work? any objection?
/agdg/ stands together.
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Finished an hour documentary for kids about ballet dancing fundamentals.

Now I realize that videogame movements should follow the same rules of dancing.

And the attacks of a videogame character should follow the same rules as martials arts.

Both martial arts and dancing should govern the language of motion in a videogame.
you don't make magic with ice anymore cirs?
Yes Cris, I'm sure watching an hour of little girls dancing is all you needed to make good animations.
>Removed 30 minutes of gaming time to make assets
>ended up making everything I need for tomorrow
already got what I wanted doing that.

I already proved to me that magic is real.

Dacing is a language that is nothing more than memorizing the movements, which make the vocabulary of each dialect of it.

Same shit with martials arts.
It's about memorizing the vocabulary of each dialect.
I stopped making assets completely for the last couple of years. I used to make assets first and do half and half until I realized it's not worth doing unless you have a fun prototype.
also, animating is easy when you have reference.
Any aibros?
>Dacing is a language that is nothing more than memorizing the movements, which make the vocabulary of each dialect of it.
Congratulations, you discovered keyframes and tried to overcomplicate it.
dancing is more than keyframes, is about expresing the vocabulary of the language in a similar way to poetrhy and music.
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I just tested out a theory I've had, which I'm sure has been discussed before but it seems to work. If I convert all the png files in my game to pixel data, I can write the images as a buffer into the canvas pixel data, and instead of drawing a large number of small images, I can batch them into a single large draw call and save quite a bit of processing on drawing. It seems to save somewhere between 40% to 50% of the processing time when stress tested, but theoretically it would be even better because I can use a quad tree to strategically re-write only the parts of the buffer that need it.
>captcha YPNGMY
Some AGDG'er randomly responded saying something like "That's cool, but have you listened to Falling In Reverse - Prequel


I've never heard of this band. It's now my favorite band. And this is my new favorite song. I'm thinking to base one my games races in my game on the people's fashion in this video.


So ya, thanks to whoever that was and whatever prompted them to randomly recommend this band. I've been listening non stop for 2 days.
Giant lolis are what I like you know 5+ foot tall maybe older than 20 yep giant lolis are what I'm into
kek this gif makes me laugh. it's like it's trying to be erotic but it's just absolutely nasty
End your fucking life, cris, you worthless waste of brown third world sperm
I'm dealing with that problem right now. How do I make my prototype fun? I feel like I'll never get to assets. Can a prototype be fun without assets?
I don't give a shit about 4chan typos, lmao.
the reward comes when its done and sells well or at least the sense that it simply is done and you can move on at least for me
Thats what placeholders are for but this is one of the reasons why the 2 man artist + programmer combo is so good vs solo
do you at least take into account the year it was released? a 1990s tier 2D platformer in early 2010s not only made a lot of money but even got Timmy to offer him being featured in the free games to download daily or weekly can't recall which.
VVVVV (yes thats the name)
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I just realized that movement in videogames is less related to dancing and martial arts, but is closer to parkour.
How much does it bloat up your game size though?
why would it make a difference?
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I need to get a job and be a wagecuck again. Ever since going NEET I switch projects so quickly and have have high expectations for everything.
I think being a wagecuck again will help me understand what people want to play after they come home from their jobs. I'm too comfy right now or maybe I'm just getting older.
just relax what the fuck is your problem
I mostly look at games made 5 or so years ago, and usually not at the ultra basic games you could get away with 15 years ago. Something like Braid was successful in 2008 because the indie dev scene was practically nonexistent (Not counting the first gamedevs who practially worked from their garage like the Doom devs or japanese doujin devs) and making a platformer was the epitome of coding, same with Shovel Knight. Not that they're not good platformers but they would sink if released today. What I'm talking about is basic simulation or building games in the $15-20 and 250-750 review range.
If I store the pixel data as jsons, which would be easy for access and modification, then it would probably add 50-100MB. But I could maybe get rid of the image files, and that would put it more or less neutral, maybe 20MB up.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think the number of GPU calls with a bunch of small drawings is somehow more expensive than one call to the GPU if I composite on the CPU in advance.
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How do I give the punch more "oomph"?
wind lines
bouncing into a direction more
slower interpolation when returning to normal state
Windup and follow through
Hitstop and white flash the target on impact frame
I don't get it. Animation fundamentals are based off of reality, but are also just made up? Who is to say they aren't wrong?
What are you making? Looks cozy
Feels not reals. Did it feel right? Then it is.
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you need to add hitstun.
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punch should be instant
>white flash
who started this meme
they're idealizations of nature.

Just like drawing in a sense was derived from artists looking at nature to understand how to draw.

Animation fundamentals evolved from 1930 disney old nine guys recording video footage and study it frame by frame to understand it.

So, just like a waifu follows the female concepts of her IRL, anime waifus is an idealization of real life girls anatomy.
You've never hit your head?
Copy a sf3 punch frame by frame
Hitstop. If you don't add histop, no matter how well animated it is, it will always seem like it's missing.
It's not hitstun. That's a different thing. It's hitstop, retarded spic. You don't know shit about fighting games.
I mean the thing that the enemy freezes for a few frames.

don't care about the name.

One is the thing that makes the enemy freezes for a few frames.
The other thing is the shake of the enemy.
The other is the hurt animation.

Thanks. I'll look up hitstops/stuns and look at sf3 for animation reference

Just a short and sweet arpg with co-op.
>Just a short and sweet arpg with co-op.
Any inspirations?
Yeah a mix of CatQuest 3, Goemons great adventure for N64, and Darksiders: Genesis
Trying to set projectile damage via get owner but its not workin bro what even

>turret spawns projectile
>turret has float variable ProjDmg
>turret set as owner of spawned projectile

just want to pass the fucking ProjDmg value into the created projectiles so I can vary damage from the turret
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should've used godont.
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>try to move asset into folder

>unreal crashes
the absolute state of unreal devs
I wish I was joking. Try to move a parent blueprint into a folder without putting the child into the folder first and the whole fucking editor crashes
This issue doesn't happen in Godot 4.3 btw
every time I read one of Cris' posts I feel a unique, metaphysical pain as I watch the retard try to bang a nail into a wooden board using his own forehead while talking about his "workflow" of watching youtube videos and gooning

no wonder he's never made an actually finished game
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Are there any devlogs worth watching?
I'm bored and I don't want to work on my game.
This game is fun to see.
>make game easy fun slop or make game fun some other way
The choices are too hard.
It worked. thanks anon sempai
Soapland bros we're feeling outmatched..
Watch comfy historical farming videos to inspire your SDV clone.

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I just spent what feels like a few hours gathering many, many fonts and organizing a not-excel sheet with info on them. I'm not even done. I may have overdone it since how many of these will I use? But then what are the odds they suddenly disappear from the internet? Better to have them saved just in case I do want one that I currently am unaware of being something I'd want.

I need to go work on my game before I break my streak of working on it without a single day off.
>hate platformers
>hate puzzle games
>hate farming sims
>hate cutesy low poly flat shaded pastel artstyles
can I still be an indie developer?
>CatQuest 3
nta but didn't that just come out? you already played it? don't spoil it pls.
Did Thomas ever mentioned why his Tower game is an FPS? It's quite different from his older titles.
kek the fuck? I just did that too.
>can I still be an indie developer?
nope, that's basically all you choose from. sorry nerd.
I was going through a guy's patreon downloading all the free one's. It'd be easier if I wasn't cataloging the details but he's got repeat font's where additions/fixes were made. Found a few that fit other genre's but this is really slow. I had to separate by year to avoid the issue I got the last time I went through his patreon. Partly doing this as I've reached the phase where I should change out the font's to make sure some of my hopefully done for good UI doesn't need to be altered further.

Well gotta go. I need to eat.
Just looked at the files! I spent about 4 hours on this. Sure I got up a bit but I think majority of the time was spent on this! I gotta take a break.
Yeah was looking for one of the very limited good couch co-op game to play with my bro and I found CQ3. It was decent. Dialogue was fun, the little sound effects some NPC's made were cute, combat was pretty basic but still enjoyable and varied. Pretty short though, we 100% it after 8 hours. Solid game for the genre
what is an indie developer? just make game
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Test. Finally finished the inner circle table fanart. litterbox has a png version without the (jank lol) animation https://litter.catbox.moe/htcm01.png
Can you name them all?
Finally names revealed.
Working fine in Unity as well.
You're left with deck builders, Roguelikes, and tactical games.
Do you guys respect MULLET MADJACK and Buckshot Roullete dev?
that's the problem though, I can't come up with any ideas that are feasible for a solodev to complete, especially one of my skill level.
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Ok, so I can get the parent actor just fine and get the key to only open the door it's parented to, but going the other way seems more convoluted? I want to have a generalized "Door" object that checks what kind of children it has and use that to determine what will open it. That way I can set the door as the parent of a key or a switch or whatever else and have it just werk.

I have this setup. the loop prints when it's done, but it doesn't seem to be doing what I actually want it to do, which is check if the child actors are a key or switch etc. I'm not getting any "true" output for the key that is the child of the door. Any ideas where I fucked up?
left to right clockwise: scumbo, damaskus, marmo, blinky, toady, scooby, siphon, skulby, popo, noobus, mothra
Damn, Carmack was productive every day? I need to up my numbers.
damn I don't like any of those either
what are your feelings on kart racing?
That's the hardest of all. Making something you care about but can complete. If you have high standards this is nigh impossible. Make things to learn.
for me what makes a game enjoyable is some combination of the following, ideally all of them
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Make a cabaret club game.
a bunch of gamedevs are invited to an island to build games together. simulate relationships, coders and artists etc forming teams, musicians desperately trying to get teams to use their music, simulate pressure and giving up, ego conflicts etc
this place is just /v/ for people who think they want to make a game
>Marmo who flopped
>Ctesiphon who has gone in circles for the entire project
>(a)woken which is literally baby's first game
The canon doesn't match the image
I'm making a game and I think I want to, but I'm probably wrong about that.
Post your mecha game? That's what I thought.
I haven't seen Goblin Resort progress in like a year.
>he doesn't know marmoreal is a psyop deployed to do exactly as planned
I would date, Mosca, Arcana, Poke, Unnamed Mommy Drawn Girl, Ctesiphon Girl.
For each boss:

Finished Boss Character Model - 160 hours

Modelling, rigging, texturing

Boss Animations, 15 attacks - 180 hours

8-24h per animation depending on complexity

Boss Character AI - 160 hours

Tons of designer iteration time, gameplay testing, "find the fun". Usually requires the time of multiple people.

Audio design and rigging - 40 hours

I'm not as confident on this estimate, but a week seems like the minimum time to do a quality job based on what I've seen

Dark souls had 13 bosses, so you'd be looking at 7500 hours worth of work just to get the bosses up and running - that doesn't even account for the conceptual stage for design and art to come up with the ideas in the first place - it also doesn't get you a player character to run around with, or a level to fight in.
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the only major obstacle between Amazoom Blimp Jockey '69 and Steam Early Access is the creation of an updated trailer

we've got some other misc stuff we're cleaning up and polishing too, but the trailer is the big remaining checkbox before we're ready to push the button

also, music update
I will now not make a soulslike.
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>what's the correct format
>Tutorials mention the json like it's the easiest part
it is

what is confusing you exactly?
kek found the /bant/raeli
i'm down 10k+ ;_;
interesting idea. I think I want to do something where the player can create things, though, not just watch NPCs interact. more along the lines of dwarf fortress, which is really the only game I know that combines strategy, simulation, and creativity in a way I like. Only problem is that due to its 2d nature, its hard to build truly cool looking things that you can actually see the way you can in a 3d "creativity" game such as Minecraft.
I've been stuck on this idea for a while now and I know its well beyond my abilities, but I cant move on from it.
That was the reason why I started in the first place!
>8-24h per animation
do you guys really spend this long on a single animation
though 3 hours was long
guess not
24 hours per animation must be hell of a polish
do you like video games at all?
The game is based around readability and the iframe roll so they have to fine tune it.
Terraria does it. Mario Maker too.
if the engine assigns sfx, particles, etc to animations then yeah the animating process can go a bit longer
>Finished Boss Character Model - 160 hours
lowpoly boss 6 hours
>Boss Animations, 15 attacks - 180 hours
1 attack that kills you instantly is all I need
>Boss Character AI - 160 hours
it just runs at you and attacks when close
>Tons of designer iteration time, gameplay testing, "find the fun". Usually requires the time of multiple people.
this happened in my sleep
>Audio design and rigging - 40 hours
bfxr for everything
btw i put a pixelation filter, crt filter, vignette, noise and chromatic aberration on
we're gonna write programs that write programs and it's gonna be great, folks
For the record there's font manager software (eg FontBase) for that exact purpose
I never liked Terraria precisely because it being 2D limits what you can build and just kinda looks retarded.
so i'm starting from nothing so obligatory faggot post but im using godot and doing that learn gdscript github course and so far i can make a 2d point and click slideshow with buttons for one days work, ultimately though i want to do 3d and i tried to follow the same steps but obviously there is just alot more that needs to go into 3d so should i just dive into 3d or continue to try and learn more about 2d?

also for 3d stuff do i need software other than godot to model objects or can i do that in the editor? using the latest godot from the site, im going to get AI to texture the models but obviously i need to model by hand (lol) so how do i do that? for example i want to model some small huts for a test but i have no idea where to start with that using godot
being able to do walls is cool for a layering effect
no it doesn't and no it doesn't
Hey are you looking for someone to collab with?
Holy shit! Anon just made 100k off his EA game?!?
You can learn 3D in Godot. Learn Blender.
but everything you build is still 2-dimensional.
a flat structure is always going to be less visually impressive and less detailed than one with depth.
is this shit a meme or does it actually release viable
NTA and I dont use godot but why?
Works with any retro game

How is the output models for performance though? can i change the poly values on models in blender or do i do that once loaded into godot?

Why? it's free and open source and so if i do end up selling a game i get 100% of the revenue
200k, I forgot to mention screenshake
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>simplifying game mechanics due to my skill issue so i can get the game done
Good or no?
100% of $0 is still $0
It would be 400k if the art style was cuter
Nodevs hate Godot because it has a low barrier to entry and so they can't use massive download, the account required, or the fee as cope for staying a nodev like they can with UE/Unity. It really pisses them off that they can literally have Godot downloaded and running in less than 60 seconds.
What engine does that?
what is it
her name is claire.
nothing i wanted to make a flat wall model i can export into godot, also i need floors
Is 256x256 the best texture size?
i did this, then a game made by a team of 15 or so came out copying my original gamedesign and scope
If you're a pissant console peasant, sure.
i have 8gb of vram, please utilize it
no that would be 64x64
I don't have the webm to accompany the meme
But anyway you use a 3D modeling software like Blender or Maya or whatever (just use Blender) to make models. You don't really do that in an engine unless it's like a primitive shape
Unless you post your game RIGHT THIS SECOND this never happened and you're a faggot nigger BITCH!!!!!!!!!
Genuinely please help me understand why I dislike 3D action games.
I want to like 3D action combat games but I just cannot. They're really no different from mindless beat 'em ups where you just move around and whack the enemy until they die... Souls-like, Sekiro, Kingdom Hearts, DMC, Genshit Impact, Elden Ring, Ninja Gaiden, God Hand, etc etc.
They may have some additional mechanics or difficulties but effectively if you simplified it, you just press the same attack button until the enemy dies. It's so boring. There's no replay value. I beat the game once or maybe 2-3 times and that's that.
I want to make a game that I myself can replay infinitely. So I'm drawn more towards roguelike like Slay the Spire, or even things like Deep Rock Galactic or Minecraft/Terraria.
However, I look at 3D action combat and they look really, really cool. Like watch a Bayonetta combo video, it's super flashy and cool. It's just they suck ass to actually play.
Why is this? Am I the only one that feels this way?
>You don't really do that in an engine unless it's like a primitive shape

Yes i just want to add a long rectangle for placeholder walls and also i want flat rectangles for floors, how do i do that in godot
I don't get it. DRG, Minecraft and Terraria are all keep firing games.
Ok but as a 1 man indie you're not doing that anyway so what you say is irrelevant. What you should be aiming for as an indie is:

For each boss:

Finished Boss Character Model - 24 hours

Modelling, rigging, texturing

Boss Animations, 4/5 attacks - 24 hours

1-2hr per animation depending on complexity

Boss Character AI - 24 hours

Audio design and rigging - 8 hours
>Boss Character AI - 160 hours

lol no
Godot has CSGs for greybox prototyping.
Unity has killed an entire generation of indie games by making them switch to godot...
I guess DRG is a very bad example since it has co-op. Co-op games are always fun.
Minecraft/Terraria are definitely different because you build with your imagination. So way more creative. Although their combat is pretty bad.
oh wow much easier than blender, thanks guy
You didn't have it in your either way. Leave already.
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go DO
making a game is too much effort, i think i'll just graduate to a nodev shitposter instead
many such cases
>using the latest technologies from the next-generation Unreal Engine 5
>designed to push the boundaries of realism and photorealism
>a next-generation gaming experience that showcases the future of realistic video games - stunning graphics, immersive sound effects, as well as a revolutionary shooting and movement experience
So what's it about?
godon't will build by trial of fire the next generation of gamedevs.
instead of having ready made plugins and asset stores people will be forced to make everything themselves. most will fail, but the ones who will learn will become better devs in the process
Don't worry, the AI is also going to replace the Indian and Nigerian proompters. They've been collecting prompt data since the beginning. You'll be leeching welfare out of your first-world government, with its AI driven economy, and the shitholes will finally starve.
how do I into ui?
I got an idea for a fun little game that's just based UI based but setting things up in Godot is fucking arcane, I have no idea what half the options do and changing something makes the whole root menu offset out of the screen size bounds so I need to go and manually reset it. Making a 3d game is way easier than this
we're really down here in the trenches with an editor that isn't good for anything, and a bunch of features that suck fetid balls and are due for their third rewrite
There is a game sitting at #11 on Steam top wishlists called Unrecorded with no release date. Instead, 2 kids cloned it in a few months entirely with UE store assets and advertised it as if it was the same game. Braindamaged realistic shooter cumsumers bought that shit up.
Just make your UI using 3D meshes.
Huh. Well, I gotta say I respect the hustle.
how does networking work with godot? any godot multiplayer games i can look at and copy their netcode? what node even handles netcode
engine devs are around the corner sir
>okay google
it happened. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1582650/Caravan_SandWitch/
They didn't actually copy, it's just a coincidence. My innovations like teleporting to your van instead of having to trek back to it are in this.
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Don't use them, they're shit. They give unpredictable physics results.
One day someone will leak japanese action game AI. I'm convinced they all use the same framework to produce the perfect kungfu circle.
ask bing AI
I feel that way about hack and slash spectacle fighters because the enemies are just a moving Smash sandbag. Not with souls games though.
But most video games are boiled down to just hit it until it dies
Their game looks like soulless shit doe.
What I'm trying to do in my game has already been done and done better in 1998. I have no hope. But somehow I find that freeing. There's no point in fearing failure when you've already failed.
What are you making, pong?
Wolfenstein 3D
Above average artists in gamedev are like hot girls on tinder
not true, I have an artist but I have no gf
Oh, you're the Mahou Industrial Complex dev? Might want to brush up on your video game history: Wolfenstein 3D clones were perfected and obsoleted in 1993, not 1998.
>Oh, you're the Mahou Industrial Complex dev?
I found it funny anon.
Do what you think you must.
Being a wageslave made me want to make roguelites with easy drop-in drop-out gameplay without a lot of story or exposition.
You know physics is calculated on the collision meshes and not the renderer right
Modeling is pretty fun and easy if it's simple shapes.
Mahou Industrial Complex is the agdg Wolfenstein 3D clone.
could he pick a less weeb name
I know that you don't know what Constructive Solid Geometry means.
TBF, It's Godot fault for having a such a pervasive noobie gotcha in not being able to handle transform scaling for physics objects. They warn you for certain things, but I don't think the warning is there for CSGs.
We are so back after taking a break for a day, we got a dope ass game idea.
Open an issue
>check in /agdg/ after not visiting for a few years
>the chibi lolidev still hasn't finished his game, whatever it is
>looks almost identical to when I last saw it

lolitroons won't like this
I just want to work in AAA studio just to see how they implement their AI
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I have this bullet trajectory line visualizer attached to an airplane and it works well, except that it doesn't take into account the angular movement of the firing platform. How would I go about adding that?
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Very nice. Let's see her game and how her advice worked out for her?
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but doom's code is source available
>chibi lolidev
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>Can't level design
>Can't animate combat
>Can't program decent AI
Boys we are making a turn based roguelite BUT not a deckbuilder!
I need Doom 2016 or Eternal bruh. I watched it before but would this work with 3D models
Exactly how I feel.
Even Sekiro combat eventually becomes this when you get good enough and memorize all the boss patterns. Souls-like as well.
Their first playthrough might be fun, maybe the second. But after that it becomes boring.
As someone that wants to create a dream game where you can replay infinitely yourself, this is not a good thing. Especially if you created all the animations and know exactly how the behavior of enemies will be.
Don't get me wrong.. watching Sekiro and Souls-like combat is incredible. But playing it is too boring (especially after NG+).
Even a game like Shadow Warrior that found its humor directed at Asians had names Zilla Enterprises.
It just sounds like you want to roll dice
I don't know.
I WANT to like 3D action combat games like DMC and Sekiro, because they just look SO, SO cool. But they just play SO boring.
I was just wanting to know if anyone else shares the same feeling.
Just look at Quake. It's all you need. They're extremely well done.
No, I don't feel the same way at all. You must lack a soul.
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I like the brainwash that was done to make people believe practice doesn't work.
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i don't think i've seen a lot of people say thing on the left. must be a strawman
i agree with the message though. keep working!
Some things are beyond fixing, even with practice.
You’ve seen the 2 guys with 3D models
The comic would more closely represent agdg if the guy was randomly bashing his head into the piano from various angles while shitting his pants
public GameObject targetGo;
private NavMeshAgent navMeshAgent;

void Start() {
navMeshAgent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

private void HeadForDestintation () {
Vector3 destination = targetGo.transform.position;
navMeshAgent.SetDestination (destination);
What do you mean? Why are you only integrating the y component? You should be working with the full vector3 and integrating all velocity components plus gravity.
why do we hate godot?
why does godot make you get the default setting and have you input the number anyways
it's not unity, and unity users suffer from stockholm syndrom and sunk cost fallacy
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I had to use copius amounts of real life whiskey as reference to get the empty bottle correct. Legally distinct of course.
Place your bets. Solodev (i think) under Asmongolds publishing company.
It's not even that. Most Unity users don't hate Godot. It's mostly nodevs.
>bunny girl
Insta-buy, 1k reviews first day.
I tried it out myself yesterday and the interface is so ass in comparison to older versions of Unity.
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Taking notes
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>solodev (i think)
first day here?
Extremely toxic community that spends more time sucking each other off than using the engine and prevents progress by refusing to acknowledge the engines problems. Their usual response to pointing out a serious flaw in the engine is either 1. make it yourself or 2. you're doing it wrong, without ever stating what the correct way is, because there isn't one and they just want to deflect criticism. They will straight up lie about the engines capabilities.
yeah iktf for the most part. not being rich is getting in the way of my life. the amount the wage cage weights me down is tremendous
The real life is already happening now, bro. Do today what you can, there is no tomorrow.
Yes. I've done this. If anyone rips my game apart seeking social clout they'll realize you don't need to be some expert math guy or coder. The deluge of new devs swarming the field will grow evermore as the barrier to entry, in their minds, begins to collapse on a worldwide scale.

Doesn't surprise me. More devs = more chances for an idea to come out the same.
>why won't you handhold me
>why won't you spoonfeed me
>you're so toxic waaaaa
I've had nothing but good experiences asking for help with Godot. Maybe, you're the one that's being toxic?
I see. I guess it makes sense.
"People" without souls (you) like soulless games (mindless 3D action combat).
Not him but it depends where you ask. I've had both extremely negative and excessively positive interactions, little in between.
classic passive aggressive godot tranny
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>godot tranny

ah yes giving money to unity is really anti tranny, faggot retard
>having to ask
>not just reading the documentation
lol, lmao
>have no plot or story to game so just end up working on random things
I'm a professional software engineer and someone who "knows how to ask questions", so that helps a lot. I used to answer questions in the Godot Discord, but there's too many retarded kids there. Here isn't much better, but at least I can call you a retard if you're being a retard.
it's very nice! thank you anon
>Here isn't much better,
I enjoy being called a retarded faggot if I deserve it. The honesty is refreshing.
The problem with Godot is that because it advertises itself being so approachable (and because of GDScript) retards flock to it who don't know what they're doing in mass.
It's the Unity splash screen problem but on steroids
gameplay loop is more important
It has a very low barrier to entry, but it's honestly not particularly beginner-friendly. One huge problem is that Godot tries to be "very flexible" and doesn't enforce "one way to do things", which is great for experienced coders, but terrible for beginners.
what engine or even programming language does things in one way and only one way
he means the nodes not the code you dumbfuck
no textures = no soul
Unreal is very "do things our way", and "our way" doesn't follow common software engineering standards, and so it takes a lot of headache to glue UE to anything external. Unity is better, but not as flexible as Godot. (i.e. There are set ways to structure scenes and prefabs, whereas Godot tells you to make up your own structure.) I haven't used other engines like GMS2 or RPGM, but I assume those are even more structured.
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These Bazz animations are the best thing to come from Concord holy kek!
RPG Maker is very simple barebones 2D rendering, and then 95% of everything else is just jRPG game logic
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Unity 2017 bros. How do you handle working text and UI so small? I want to use this because of the instantaneous compile times but my eyes hurt.
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Can you spot the author's cleverly disguised fetish?
She looks like she fucks human men.
Courtesy of Asmongold
0 results on e621
we wait...
where's the place to hire cheap code monkeys? i don't want to learn how to code or model or anything i just want to dictate what the game is supposed to be to some third worlder i can underpay to get things moving along, ill include a royalty to them so if the game does get big they wont be in poverty anymore so it's win win
I do truly think I'm slowly going insane
>Bare rabbit foot exposed in both pictures. Awkwardly so in the first one.
ok nigger
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How is a nigga gonna borrow a &str
Nigga, is you gonna give it back?
>want to make a unique fps where aim does not equal cameras center
>basically would be DoA because aiming with the center of the camera and the cross hair never moving from that spot is a convenience that shooter players are so used to that not doing it will actually just mean it's bad
>when my dream is to make a slow fps game where you actually feel like you could fumble your shots as the enemy walks towards you and you can panic and miss like irl

the biggest joke of it all is that there actually is an accepted way of handling inaccuracy when aiming that is just adding random bullet spread unless you hold the aim position for like 2 seconds (like focus aim in re4 remake) but that's a fucking dogshit solution and I can't believe that's the accepted one simply because it doesn't destroy the notion of the cross hair always being the center of the screen
look at original re4 for comparison (I know, not an fps) where Leon's guns are always 100% accurate but instead the aiming reticle is decoupled from center camera position.

anyway just /rant on a game i will never be able to make

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why are BRAPzillian devs like this?
That’s crazy, dude.
i'm with timmy troonbeit
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There are no notable events that occur, no dialogue, nothing ever goes wrong except for smelly customers come in sometimes that you can spray with disinfectant so they don't offend your other clientele.

As of right now the game is a manually operated cookie clicker where the only thing thats changing are numbers which grow exponentially and the look of items on your shelves changes every few hours I guess.

What I'm trying to say is as of right now in the games development, the mechanics of the game by your 2nd or 3rd hour are all that therenis, it's the entire scope of the game.
why does /agdg/ get so mad about generative ai content?
we need a nigger store simulator where you as a white man try to manage a store in a nigger area

crackheads will come in and steal, niggers will come in and steal aggressively, robbers will come and try intimidate the staff to get at the vault
Isn't that literally how CSGO works?
except irl white owners just let a jeet do that instead while he collects the profits
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coding games is just about the hardest programming task. its ui + java enterprise oop (if you use C#) or C + math + shaders (basically no programmer knows fuck all about shaders) + os dev + art.
some buttons on a screen is like 99% of mobile dev / webdev, and that's the segment that employs the vast majority of devs, but when you compare that to gamedev, that's like only 5% the features a game should have.
either you can get a jeet that'll steal some boilerplate and repackage it for you, or you can learn it yourself, or pay 250,000$ to get an actual competent programmer to do it (might not actually be competent)
I know shaders. It's really not that hard once pull out enough hair.
wait a second you are right, why the fuck am i not doing mobile games for money
what? that aiming equals camera center? yes that's how every fps works, that's my point. it has lead to absolutely insane narrow-mindedness. if you're talking about bullet spread, csgo works the other direction where your first shot is accurate but then it increasingly spreads more and more so the ideal hold duration is 0.317 seconds and whatnot
I'm not saying it's hard, i'm just saying only a tiny sliver of programmers know about them
Halo's crosshair was below center.
if you have a good idea for a mobile game you should absolutely do one.
Why would I play your mobile game over one made by a multimillion dollar company
>Asmongolds publishing company
Since when is this a thing? And why haven't I seen it shitposted like Dunkey's?
thanks for sharing this
There's no point in knowing shaders unless you work with them. Do webdevs even work with shaders?
this game is a genius idea desu, too bad someone else had it.
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Stealing this idea
It doesn't matter where to crosshair is or if it even exists at all as long as the game is good and fun. There will be no problem if your game is well-designed.
Or you could just make a VR game.
How would it work? How do you avoid getting shot in the first 30 minutes? Is it hardcore survival?
diplomacy, security staff, fleecing police to patrol near your store more often, a shotgun behind the counter
What are the hardest shaders to make and what are the easiest?
What are the hardest drawings to make and what are the easiest?
Typical godoter interaction:
>Q: why are raycasts killing performance?
>A: why are you using raycasts? games don't need raycasts
>Q: why is the physics broken?
>A: why are you using physics? have you tried not using physics? use a different physics
>Q: why is the animation tree killing performance?
>A: why are you using the animation tree? have you tried not using the animation tree? games don't need animations
>Q: why is the navigation server freezing the game
>A: why are you using the navigation server? have you tried not using the navigation server? what you're trying to do is silly, it won't work in any game engine
Q: why doesn't Godot hav-
A: there's a plugin for that
Q: it hasn't been updated in 3 years
A: make it yourself, games don't need that
Q: I just upgraded to the new version, why did my fps get cut in half?
A: using my forensic analysis tool, the screenshots you provided show that there's extra triangles on the screen in the after picture, and the angle is slightly different which accounts for a 30% loss in performance
Q: why is this new editor setting that cuts my fps in half on by default?

It's just so tiresome.
why on earth would they do it like that
kek, accurate. I'm glad I live rent free in your head.
Feel free to take your skill issues with you to some other engine.
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What's the usecase?
Thanks for telling us it's been you asking all those stupid questions the past week.
I have no idea, I just know it is. Maybe for the views?
just fucking quickly decimate the models a bunch of times and move on, for god's sake
why are modern gamedevs such dumb retarded subhumans?
"disaster" events include

nigger death riots
reparations tax
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Haunted house stuff.
I am an artiste.









Automating tedious tasks is always a win for productivity, but yeah at some point it's just decreasing gains. At the same time, Juan's "games don't need that" is such a lazy cop-out. Just say you don't feel like implementing it, ffs.
>As a game artist it would be amazing to use modern rendering technology
>ummm ackshually as an audio guy for mid 00s Argentinian shovelware I disagree
Juan already implemented automatic "it just works" LODs for you tho
If someone else makes a game for you then its not your game.
You're just an artist for his game.
Browsing TCG card shops IRL is therapeutic for me so I can see why someone had this idea, and I can see why it's so successful, especially since you can open and hoard the packs yourself.
You guys just need to learn to use your own personal life experiences when it comes to coming up with game ideas, instead of just looking at spreadsheet statistics of which game genre made the most money and then trying to find some empty corner in there to set yourself up.
more people for bevy, then :)
lmao, everyone has AI now. Nowhere. There's a sucker born every minute and they're all paying myriad pajeets to "code" using copilot. The age of outsourcing on the cheap is over. Like Colt made all men equal with guns AI has made all loser schmucks equal as munitions grade code monkeys. Sink or swim anon, there's no other way.
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i'm making garbage
Nanite? More like nah-nite.
People say you shouldnt take more than 3 months on your first game but i have been working on my first game for 3 months now and its unplayable.
I still havent figured out how to properly code a game.
Should i just release it as it is even though it doesnt work because the 3 months passed?
>he didn't start with pong
Yeah, you overscoped.
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awkward lipsyncing?
Show it destroyed now
oh wow thanks random zoomer on Youtube who has never made a video game! I frickin hate Unreal Engine now
Im trying to make a 3D action rpg like Dark Souls.
I have an ideas but they're not expansive.
>no events where a socially awkward nerd keeps loudly arguing about politics and sensitive topics while cropdusting other tables playing games they deem "bad" but they spend hundreds at your store, forcing you to decide if you should ban them or keep that sweet income
>no event where you have to call the cops because some nigger convinced a kid with some valuable cards to meet him in the alleyway and then literally beats him to a pulp and takes the cards
>no stink levels where you have to manage regulars who don't shower
>no normies trying to return opened games because adult party games contain adult jokes
I remember my FLGS job fondly but that game is not accurate.
Engine/tool programming is really one of the most enjoyable parts of gamedev
the placeholder gun recoil animation looks funny as fuck, it genuinely looks like a guy shaking it like he's imitating a real AR
What am I seeing here?
You have fully fledged levels?
does AI actually help with coding questions and such?
I have 3D models,animations,sound effects,maps etc. but i do not have actually playable levels because my game doesnt work.
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I'm trying to write dialogue for my game and it's got me wondering if I'm autistic because damn this is hard. I'm actually starting to respect game writers a little bit.
woah... more rollslop in a world oversaturated with rollslop... wishlisted!

>like dark souls
be honest though, like dark souls, or like elden ring? because based on which game you use as a basis for what "like dark souls" is, it means completely different things.
The problem is that AI will outright lie to you, and if you aren't already smart enough to filter the truths from the lies, then you're gonna get fucked.
when i finish my game, i'm committing seppuku
>godot programming: decent
>3d: beginner
>pixel art: decent
Is there something here I can monetize within 2-3 months?
I can't find a decent job irl.
if AI can't help you you are cooked anyway, go get a job at mcdonalds
my screen is 1440p I don't have an issue with the UI. I guess it's small but no more so than any other program.
sts-like, survivor-like, balatro-like
I doubt he could make any of those to a commercial level of polish in 2-3 months.
I'm glad that I'm such a sucker for fumito ueda games which very intentionally barely have any dialogue. ideally a game should be close to wordless for my personal tastes.
Yeah it's impossible for me to write dialogue without cringing out of my mind. It just feels stifled and unnatural, it feels like I'm having a conversation with myself using sock puppets.
I tried using chatgpt to help, it's terrible, but, seeing what a bad version of my dialog helped me work out some ok stuff on my own
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picture yourself as a movie director, directing a scene
I meant combat wise.
Thematicly it will not be like Dark Souls or Elden Ring.
Cyberpunk 2077 is actually kino, what the fuck? I've been missing out.
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Just failed my coding interview bros. Back to game dev.
yes? and the combat between dark souls and elden ring is completely different. surely you actually know the series well enough to understand that if you're making such a claim.
i failed my first one too because
++i&7 is what they wanted
and what they got was (i++) % 8
it was leetcode topic I never covered. Solved only one of them kinda and missed a buncha test cases
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i want to make a game but i dont want to make a game (i have done it before and it wasnt very fun or fulfilling)
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what were the questions, you forgot the modulo operator exists in fizzbuzz?
some dynmaic programming question about counting frequencies and handling queries
Because most console players look at the floor so the designers plaved the crosshair lower to force them to look up and see stuff that they wouldn't otherwise.
I do not care about the series at all.
I find fromsoft games boring because there just nothing there but combat.
You just go through a corridor clearing enemies and occassionally stronger bigger enemies and... thats it.
I laff at tards getting filtered by simple algo questions
Keep grinding that pointless shit. Once you stop shitting yourself at CS101 questions - I'm gonna start filtering you with database and OS questions every interview
You're never gonna get a coding job as long as I have any say in it.
Post screenshot of map
I haven't touched that beast yet. But luckily I have a friend who is a novelist, she'll lessen the burden I think. Try to find writing buds yourself to help out.
shoot yourself in the head.
cool story but where's your video game?
i don't even use this algo shit in game dev
bing the looker
Souls anon I will make your game work as long as you make the levels
is learning the basics of programming with processing (the programming language) a good idea?
someone once said that it's very good for learning because visual representation makes it feel more like you're actually impacting things.
planning on using this https://youtube.com/watch?v=4JzDttgdILQ course

otherwise I have no idea how to get started
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It ain't easy being the only transwoman in /agdg...
I googled "bing the looker" and it just showed me "connect bing ads to looker studio"
You're not Tomodev!!
Never heard of this before, but it looks kind of like a 2D drawing API, what with drawing a stick figure with code. This isn't my style, I learned by reading a C college book over a week, link below. Though if you prefer Processing, then go for it. All you need is some motivation to learn, doesn't matter the process.
I've hired a F2M and I'm pretty sure one of my artists is M2F but I never asked.
I dont think you can achieve my vision of what i want the game to be.
Nobody besides me at my peak once i learn how to code properly can.
I dont want to just make the next soulslike i want to evolve the genre to a new level and entire gaming as a whole with my game.
My game will be the next step in the evolution of gaming.
I will evolve gaming from Neanderthals to Humans with my game and only i can do that.
better link
>My game will be the next step in the evolution of gaming.
might be if you actually had a game, lmao
We're entering a new Indie renaissance of the likes of the first 'hipster quirky chiptune' age of Indie.

It's going to be massive.
Sure, we've had some hits in the interim age, but I'm talking Minecrafts and Stardews coming out. I'm talking new e-celebs being made.

There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
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Which icon do you think is best for a resource?
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I have 9 years of professional experience in webdev and good on you. Keep the shitters out of my profession. I'm so sick of these "learn to code" retards trying to hop on the gravy train and diluting my wages. Indians are bad enough, now ChatGPT-dependent zoomers want to get in? No, enough, fuck off we're full
kys faggot
[Sunday record #37]
Time: 0h
im still waiting for nervegear before i start devving
I want to actually be a good coder
this and human level AI for my simulation games
Isn't webdev the most bloated of them all because no one knows what they do, how things work or just half ass it?
>more game devs is bad because it just is okay?! no i don't care that there's more good games every year! that has nothing to do with there being more game devs even if more game devs means more good game devs!
Depends, what's the context of the UI?
>be nodev
>have no game
>not sure how to be someone

>"hello guys, I have a unique sexual identity that is only shared with 50% of other gamedevs"
It's a factory/automation/production game in space.
It's hilarious because juan spends most of his time implementing shitty versions of flashy features unreal has so his evangelists can spread the word that godot can 'keep up with the big boys'.

>unreal has automatic LOD
>here's juan LOD, it reduces the polycount a tiny bit while making the object look like shit so it only kicks in when the object is too far away to matter
>so I still need to make regular LODs...

>unreal has global illumination
>here's juan GI, it cuts performance by 200%, introduces all sorts of visual artifacts, makes shaded areas look pitch black and is unstable as hell
>so you can't actually use it in a game...

>unreal has multiplatform support
>here's W4 games, it drains all the funding of godot and gives us something to do since we no longer actually work on the engine, the community does it for free so this is as good as godot is ever going to get

>unreal has nanite virtual geometry
>ACK, DESU you don't need that, godot is better staying in it's current state forever
Godot doesn't try to keep up though? Godot has its own proposals already. They simply get filled over time. Some have been in the making for years.
I played an unreal game yesterday
you could never imagine that a game that's a single fucking room could use so much of the computer's resources
Learning programming with a GUI interface can be useful. You could use unity for it. Unity has textboxes and whatever you can use to test. Or ya, just do this guys video and take it seriously. He covers pretty much everything you need to get started making a game. Maybe after finishing ask chat GPT to clear up the areas you're hazy on.
i'm deeply meditating on my intentions. i try to think of something to do that truly benefits me. i cannot come up with anything other than things that'd actually harm me. basically time wasters, distractions. games that make you worse.
so i tried thinking of something that serves other people. but those think also seem vain. because everything exists already. you aren't really helping people with their needs anymore, because they are all met. you are just helping them with their selfish needs.
it's almost like we life in hell and all there is too do is create harmful things. like we are all just drug dealers forced to make money by ripping people off.
or hell in terms of everything being entertainment now and you have to whore yourself out to meet peoples perverted fantasies.
you could create an ai robot that exceeds human capabilities. and then? what will it be used for? it'll just be used to make us more lazy, to fuck it into its simulated flesh hole and other disgusting things.
maybe i need to realize that humans are filthy pigs and embrace that whatever i make is supposed to meet their selfish desires. there's no "good", we just live in hell and everything needs to be some guilty pleasure or it'll be discarded.
Well yes webdev is a shitshow, mostly because the foundations are so bad that we've spent the last 25 years trying to abstract them away. However for as bad as it is to take a system designed to exchange text documents and turn it into an all-purpose application delivery platform that runs our entire economy, it is now still required to run the economy, so there's a lot more jobs going in webdev than in say gamedev.

Gamedev is also bad for the same reasons you said, nobody knows what they're doing, that's why AAA companies can't release a game that is actually stable or functions, but the customer base are such braindead consoomers they realized they can usually get away with it, but it also pays worse and the working conditions are worse.
just wait for npc AI that is human like and nervegear level tech and then you can play vidya 24/7 while hooked up to a feeding tube and catheter
Juan specifically picks low hanging fruit that will advance advertisement of the engine while ignoring the meat of a modern game engine which is the development tools. Godot is just barely starting to catch up with early versions of unreal 3, still nowhere close to being on par with UDK before it was sunsetted. And a lot of functionality is community made plugins that get abandoned left and right, as soon as the jolt guy stops working on his project or gets hit by a bus we'll be back to juan physics.
Most useful Brush clip
It's been almost 10 years and you still can't delete unity projects, lmao
where's my in editor modelling mode and procedural content generation framework Juan?
It's something people say to themselves to justify quitting.
Are you sure it's not AI?
>in editor modelling mode
Why would you want them to waste time recreating Blender but worse?
>procedural content generation framework
I had to google this, but is this literally just an Unreal node that does RNG asset placement for you? Is there something I'm missing? I guess I can see the point but at the same time you can code something like this pretty easily.
nigga I'm boutta CRASH AND BURN
>I had to google this, but is this literally just an Unreal node that does RNG asset placement for you? Is there something I'm missing? I guess I can see the point but at the same time you can code something like this pretty easily.
There's an addon called scatter that does it
>how to get a swe job
>just network bro
I will end my life.
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Good thing there's so many, huh?
Have you tried having an incredible portfolio?
anybody here experimented with cutting internet usage to 1 hour per day? so you have enough time to download what you want, but then you are back being with yourself again?
i'm starting to realize that internet addiction is the root of all my problems.
I'm working on a game. Would that be a good addition?
Anon their is disease everywhere. Nearly everyone has facial deformities. The majority of women are on psych meds for being whacko's. Majority obese. Needs are not being met. We aren't starving to death, that's about all you hit on. But all conclusions drawn from this, are wrong.
I spend 16 hours a day on the internet and i feel fine.
Maybe its just a skill issue?
Sounds like good advice. I will give it a try but before I go...
Kill yourself dumb nigger.
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A 2d-sexual?
I look like this.
1 looks terrible, it doesnt even fit inside the circle
1+2 both hard to read due to colours
3+4 both ok but 4 is better, maybe it will change depending on how its used in the ui though
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How's your pixel platformer about depression going?
watch your tongue, tranny
Are even pixel art depression platformers a thing? isn't that more of a top down a thing?
kill yourselves
he gonna waste another day isn't he?
You can hire me. What kinda game do you have in mind?
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Tranny website.
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you guys said that making video games was hard
....are we allowed to post again?
post game?
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>when the 4chan IT interns are nodevs
I've made 4 human models and they all look like trash. can't hand draw textures because I don't have 5 years of drawing experience. it's over.
honestly my brain has holes in it so i didnt get much work done during the outage
>I've made 4 human models and they all look like trash.
Easily fixed with some basic best practices. Post model? Don't start off trying to do extremely lifelike high poly stuff you need a whole second sculpting skillset to do that well.
>can't hand draw textures because I don't have 5 years of drawing experience.
Photobashing and just making materials in node editor is far superior to hand-drawing if you don't have that art skill. Let the computer do the hard work for you.
I just kept clicking refresh button for like 2 hours over and over until a post showed up.
Some anon talked about CRPGs for like 5 minutes yesterday and now my brainworms have me writing a design doc for a fucking space fantasy Fallout-style CRPG.
I need to stop this shit or the mental project hopping is going to kill me
4Chan pass users were allowed to post all along.
It wasnt an outage it just didnt let free users post.
If you cant afford like 40 dollars a year for 4chan pass then maybe you shouldnt be allowed to post i agree with Hiroshi
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Added sound based lockpicking, you move the lockpick around and the closer you get to the correct position the higher pitch and louder the sound is. I have it so I can have between 1 and 8 tumblers and the combination is randomised.

Might add a visual jiggle to the lock but only on easier difficulties.
Still needs some tweaking but I'm hungry and tired so no more deving for a few hours
I wouldn't make a crpg. They just aren't fun at the end of the day. I'm not against rpgs, I think it can be done if you really figure out how to limit scope. I'm not even sure there exists a good crpg.
>Why would you want them to waste time recreating Blender but worse?
So you don't have to set up a pipeline and use an entire external software with all it's bloat and baggage for simple mesh or UV edits?

>I had to google this, but is this literally just an Unreal node that does RNG asset placement for you?
There is an entire Houdini like node based procedural content generation framework built into Unreal

If you can't see the value of "3d software but worse" but a click away in editor and tightly integrated with other engine systems and scriptable during runtime then I don't know what to say
photobashing faces? hair?
faces are copyrighted. 'this person does not exist' seems questionable.
how am i supposed to hear that over my tv show + music + twitch stream?
Its a zoomer filter.
If you have a twitch stream,music and tv show on while playing then you cant beat the game you need to turn those off and focus on one thing the game.
pls don't make me angry
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Nigga what the fuck are you talking about yes you can easily photobash faces. And there are better in-engine methods of doing realistic hair than texturing a complex polygon.

lolitroons won't like this
>t. 80 iq zoomer with adhd
That's a retarded opinion and not even zoomers believe it, BG3 just sold nonsensical amounts for how complex of a system the game is emulating. Not that zoomers bought it for the complex DnD simulation, but you could make something MUCH simpler and still sell it on the aesthetics. That's how Fallout 1 and 2 work, relatively simple system with really strong aesthetics and fun writing.
If I were to make this game it'd essentially be a Star Wars/Dune/Ursula LeGuin CRPG and I think that there's a huge market for that at least aesthetically.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Furniture.
what other card games can be made into deck-building roguelikes
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>computer fans get real loud all of a sudden
>open task manager to see what program is doing what
>fans immediately quiet down
>close task manager
>they get loud again
I know them all except the skelly, who is that supposed to be?
Press TAB to kill all nodevs
are you locked into that view or can you move the camera around?
new workflow unlocked
You can move the camera around but you can't walk around, the idea was that you can still keep an eye out for guards while using your ears to lockpick
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If only it were all so simple! If only there were nodevs somewhere insidiously shitposting, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing yesdevs and nodevs cuts through the heart of every anon, and who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?
tab is the scoreboard button. it doesn't kill.
Every day there are at least 3-4 videos about random youtube dev releasing a flop in my feed, this hobby is utterly grim gamers don't want to buy indie games anymore.
We should all get tripcodes so we can see whos a yesdev and whos a nodev
just go on the discord retard, no one wants your attention seeking ass here
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Can't unsee the fact most platformers are garbage that doesn't have the autismo of breakdance, taekwondo, parkour, gymanitics.

Gaymers and gamedevs literally need to get their inspiration from another shit that isn't anime and games.
Kys nodev
But then I wouldn't be able to shitpost anonymously without it impacting my game!
We don't need names attached to posts, just post IDs to avoid samefagging and mass shitposting.
Let's make the thread on /biz/ from now on. Most people here are obsessed with making money anyway.
I am sorry for what I have done on Discord, I am a dumb nodev because I can't find a good game idea to motivate myself with.
Good news friend! You can have tripcodes on r/gamedev
Learning gamedev, look at youtube:

>Unity tutorial
>5-10 minutes long
>implementation is so easy it just works after following the vide

>godot tutorial
>video is 30+ minutes long
>code doesn't work at all, all the functions have changed since the video was recorded a month ago

I've also noticed Unity just feels like jank. It just works and is way more intuitive than having 500 components attached to every node like Godot wants you to do.
You can easily change your post id by refrsshing your internet and keep samefagging.
Or post from both a phone and a pc at the same time one ocnnected to wifi and the other to the built in phone internet.
>just post IDs to avoid samefagging and mass shitposting.
the most obnoxious posters dont care, they are already clearly identifiable here
>avoid samefagging and mass shitposting.
How about reporting pedos and avatartrannies for a start?
*less jank
Why would i report people for being attracted to women?
Being straight isnt against the rules of 4chan.
rope, now
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Decided to check /biz/ after this post, saw an onlyfans chick make 30 million dollars in 2 years, making money from gamedev seems like a joke by comparison.

how do you juice text turning into other text? any good examples you especially like?
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Honestly, surprised he was even able to get that far in Go*ot. It's just the clearly inferior engine. The entire engine is just freetard cope. Maybe it will be good one day, like Blender or Krita. But right now it's GIMP. I don't think Juan has the vision or direction to achieve that.
Ya but Fallout 1 and 2 are terrible games. That's my point. Go play Arcanum. I'll never hear from you again because you'll blow your brains out.
I don't get it, he remade his godot pixelshit game into an unreal assetflip game?
what about that guy who made billions of dollars on an infiniminer clone
the glass is only half empty if you want to see it that way
>decide to make a true and tried puzzle game
>too stupid to think of puzzles
>what about that guy who made billions of dollars on an infiniminer clone
John Galt?
if I knew his name I'd have used it
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>old thing GOOD
>new thing BAD
>puzzle game
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Anyone know why unreal will only spawn my projectiles at the object origin if I set the speed to very low?
>one more wishlist on my game
Which one of you FUCKERS was it?
Sorry I misclicked
Argaynum lmfao.

I'm sure there's a good game here somewhere. But it's just not worth dealing with the UI or combat.
I mean, Godot is "fine" for just about anything short of like liminal space games that rely on photorealistic rendering.
ill do 15 usd an hour
Post every single game you wishlisted today.
Please someone respond and argue about engines with me, I don't make games this is all I have
Here's a complete list:
Skill issue, works on my machine (its collision)
LOL, look at his 2 games which one do you think will sell the most?
The pixel one
Fake news.
Either you post the list now or I ban you.
>4 person team
>falling for Jewish demoralization propaganda
Truly ngmi. Average OF hoe makes like $20 a month
I'm not clicking that shit. I don't think the engine is going to be the main determining factor in sales anyways.
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Collision with what, anon?
and? millions of women still try their luck
now give us the average gamedev salary
wasn't me, I haven't wishlisted a game in 2 years
Engine war shitters are uppity today
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>Think my art is progressing well
>Go on twitter
>Algorithm shows me some Japanese dude's pixel art that completely mogs mine
>>Think my art is progressing well
>>Go on twitter
>>Algorithm shows me some Japanese dude's pixel art that completely mogs mine
god I hate when I can't do simple things and spend hours trying to debug something that I'll know in the future I'll just look at the code again and figure it out in 1 minute because there is some very silly mistake
take a break for 10 minutes and come back to it, you'll probably magically think of the solution while youre doing something else
Use breakpoints if you don't. Throw code into ChatGPT, take pics and show chat the inspector/heirarchy.

I know this is basic and doesn't solve all. Just saying breakpoints are everything. I avoid code that isn't able to be debugged with breakpoints if I can.
Shartdew Vasectomy has ugly pixel art and that sold 30 million copies
Rubber Duck technique also works. Imagine telling someone what is broken, what you've done to test that it's broken, everything you'd do to figure out what's broken, and why you can't figure out what's broken. Often reframing it like this, you'll think of another test you can run to figure out the issue.

It's shocking how many times I've been stuck for hours, then I finally give up, write a message up to someone asking for help, and before hitting send the answer comes to me.
it seems that rkgk is used to distinguish personal art from something done for financial gain or for someone else, rather than just meaning sketch or similar
Use an arrow component bro.
Should I come back to Discord to excuse myself?
Make a new thread. I want to post something funny
crazy idea here but maybe you could just start by making graphics (and a game) and then worry about making good graphics later (after you have a game)
>Can't unsee the fact most platformers are garbage that doesn't have the autismo of breakdance, taekwondo, parkour, gymanitics.
Maybe some IRL concepts don't always translate well to game design.
>Gaymers and gamedevs literally need to get their inspiration from another shit that isn't anime and games.
Like cartoons, comics, movies and toys?
That's a yes?
hitman style disguise game where you dress as a baby and try and fool women into breastfeeding you
this could sell
Make it yourself
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Let me show you, literal fighting game characters that do that shit.


Kensou is breakdance.
He literally does a powermove windmill in his super and combos.
Kim is taewondo.

Also, mario 64 literally has things from parkour like precisions, wall jumps and flips from gymnastics.

Castlevania 64 has ring hangings, which are from gymnastics and can be used for parkour mecahnics.

Mirrors edges has climbing techniques from parkour, like dinos.

Angel from kof has chain combos, which are perfect for martial arts sequences or dancing autismo.
i'm not your "bro."
then let me call you a faggot or a tranny or chud.
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>check the dude's profile to see how long he's been doing it for
>google translate
>"I'm 16 years old and will be busy with my high-school exams so I won't post as much!"
Why do animeniggers cry so much
Don't envy the bugmen, their gods renounced their subjects' souls in exchange for material gifts.
move lil nigga
I'm not small and I'm not a nigga.
No gf,
and I have no game;
all I know
is pain.

My dear,
my darly,

my Carly.
Why are they so fat. This is not healthy. For their sake please help them lose weight

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