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Yaoi Edition #3

>MWIII Season 6 Blogpost

>BO6 Trello Board



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>495384551
A femanon will finger her pussy to this
let that sink in for a moment
The Endless has arrived
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so Bo6 faggots are not only shitskins living in the UK for 10 years but they are violent homosexuals that deserve to be lined up and shot

it all makes sense now.

still not buying bo6
It's 2024 grow up already
I'll see you in Nuketown 24/7, anon.
It's sandtown now, chud.
me on the right
>posting anime lolis
>calling others homosexuals
Sandtown is a gunfight map. half of it is cut. No new Nuke Town on launch
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Can somebody make a new thread? I don't like this one.
everyone not buying bo6 is a pedophile
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MW19 was so gay lol
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Actually based take for once
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check the dates
MW19 sound engine was dogshit there's no way to tell who's above and below you. Another thing MW2 fixed.
Which cod helped you go back to the franchise and even vidya in general? For me it's cold war, once i saw the ad on TV with Reagan I automatically knew I'd buy it one day, 4 years later I did, and now I'm on mw3
mw2, the game was finally fun
then instantly ruined in mw3
bo6 is it's last chance for now
I never stopped playing. I skipped over WW2 but that's about it
Yeah BO6 is definitely next albeit it looks too much like a MW
Got into 2019 late, hated MW2, indifferent to MW3.
Excited for BO6
MW19 after BFV died
i played COD since COD1 all the way up to BO2 then skipped all the jetpack shit, jumped back on during MW19, and now on MW3 and its the perfect MP COD to me going to play it for a long time its got a fuck load of content might until the next SHG game if the next IW game is as dogshit as MWII and BO6 doesnt have a year 2
I can't believe people really subscribe to this mentally challenged faggot
>then skipped all the jetpack shit, jumped back on during MW19
Thats literally 95% of us frfr
It's sad how he quickly destroyed his friendships over this grift. Hutch was one of them and he BT deleted his entire twitter because of that. Dude is entrapped by his grift he can't stop hating on everything related to CoD
Pretty sure most of his viewers don't really care/play the game anyway and just want a good laugh
>play objective
>get killed by enemy team not playing objective
>enemy team gets killstreaks and kicks our shit in
>rinse and repeat
I hate this game. Why can't I get rewarded for playing the objective?
Use the ACS with scorestreaks
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afKINGS ww@?
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decent skin from a pro pack, didnt even know it existed
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Black Ops 6 Year One
cod is actually terrible now. load up into the game and see a bunch of cartoon bullshit. wtf happened
sledgeGODS = GODS
it is LITERALLY the other way around fuckhead
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MW19 got me back into CoD after not playing any of them since BO2. I've stuck around since only skipping Vanguard.
Sledgehammer slopping it up as usual
Too much soul. Cold War set a very high soul bar for BO6.
List of potential crossovers for BO6
>Jason Voorhees
>Patrick Bateman
>Hannibal Lecter
>Nicolas Cage
>Wesley Snipes
>Steven Seagal
>Claude Van Damme
>Kurt Russell
>Takeshi Kitano
>Jay and Silent Bob
>The Big Lebowski
>Men in Black
>Point Break
>Reservoir Dogs
>Leon the Professional
>The Fifth Element
>Fight Club
>The Mask
>Bioboosted Armor Guyver
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Ghost in the Shell
Fucking lame. They should add Bleach, Terminator, and Planet of the Apes.
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Stuck in a shit game
Forest Gump?
>Mercenaries of Fortune
Sledgehammer would have a stroke if they knew what was in the CW inspo material. Too bad they can't read.
and JENNY.........
After OG MW3 I stopped playing CoD multiplayer for years, I'd just occasionally grab the games on sale for their campaigns.
Late into Cold War's year I was finally catching up on the SciFi-Era campaigns & WWII, and got an Infinite Warfare key for like $5 that included MW Remastered, so decided to do a replay of the MW trilogy too. Grabbed MW2 Remastered on Bnet after I finished MWR, and in doing so noticed that MW19 was on sale for $20.
I grabbed that as well intending to only play the campaign, but ended up enjoying it so much that I deep-dove into the multiplayer afterwards (I hit like Level 1200 during just CW Season 6) and have kept regularly playing one WZ-Era CoD or another since.
Cod4-Blops2 were my golden years of Cod
Bought Ghosts with my gen 8 console. never touched it again
Skipped AW
Tried a little Blops 3. Dropped it.
Bought MW Remastered ignored IW
Played WW2
Skipped Blops 4 & Blackout
Played a bit of MW19 dropped it before S1
Played CW
Dropped Vanguard
Pre-ordered Blops6
What's the best way to afk in this game?
>Played a bit of MW19 dropped it before S1
so did 89% of the playerbase lmfao
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>want to have a laugh
>watch some retard screaming and throwing tantrums like a retard
just watch american dad bro
>Leon the Professional
we already got this one in BOCW
Why no Resident Evil crossover? Makes more sense than Tomb Raider.
>wants /codg/ to be /horg/ lite
get fucked f@gg0t
booooooooooo faggot mods
/hg/ - Homo General
Seriously, why the file got deleted? Not NSFW or off topic just a bunch of milsim bros hugging it out
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The mod is chudjak.png
I got "warned" for a ukraine joke last thread but the random schizo assfight was allowed to continue unimpeded, which shows what their priorities really are.
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What are some fun COD campaign loadouts I can port into MP? So far I really like the M4A1 SOPMOD with an EBR, and I'm also trying to build the AUG + Crossbow hudson uses in BO1
/codg/ are a bunch of report sissies
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/v/ autists are really something else. Must be from the constant STOP LIEKING THINGS I DUN LIEK!!!! screeching this community regularly engages in. Granted they're better than /fa/, but that's not a very high bar.
>mods will ban for this while some retard low effort spams the same two words to every post longer than a sentence.
Very reddit boards. /v/ nowadays is just twitter 2.0
Wait until you criticize the flyover shithole father figure substitute. I've already seen mass b& for that and jokes that weren't even that critical of it. I'm fairly certain they gave mod powers to some ebin gaymurrg8tor magapede stuck in 2016 since his pattern of b&ing is just too consistent.
The shotty one with Gaz in mwiii
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Mods are insecure faggots. I bet the mod who deleted the OP webm could slurp down my fat veiny cock with ease down his faggot throat.
What was the OP?
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I wish the Wes Craven estate weren't such faggots because Freddy would be pretty ballin'
gay porn
>aim down sight on my SMG
>it's wobbling like a sniper when you dont hold breath
what the fuck
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I assume the Cod league bundles will go away when BO6 is out, right?
Reply to this post in a serious way or your parents will die in their sleep tonight, no immunities.
they'll go away when the BO6 cdl season starts
Thanks, anon.
Why doesn't Activision just rip off Tom Clancy to revive COD?
BO6 will have Park in a dress!
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I bet Park gives succubus tier footjobs. I want her to sit on my face and jerk me with her feet while she insults everything about me and my life.
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This except it's Portnova on my face and Park giving me the footjob.
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This except I'm sandwiched between Ghost and Soap.
No you didn't. You are a tourist who thinks cod4 has 0 sprint to fire and aim down sight speeds. You outed yourself here >>494508314
You are also a shameless shg shit eater.
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>cropped out fake DMs
Is that the best proof you got? Lmfao
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>power bottoming for soap while ghost power bottoms for me
>amerifat hours
cod4 has 0 ads time because the guns are accurate as soon as you ADS, you dont have to wait for the game to zoom in completely like the new cods, you fucking tourist
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Kek keep outing yourself tourist
what is this supposed to show? some random graph with wrong info? you've obviously never played cod4
This poster is an unironic avatarfaggot tranny with a small dick btw https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/image/rnbz6wY2BylaWC_CTiVXdA/
keep seething tourist
you fucked up big time with that post
the only fuck up is you pretending to have played cod4 and posting some random fucking graph thats blatantly wrong to anyone that's played cod4
you can legitimately just type cod 4 old in youtube and see that you're wrong
>I play CoD 4 because MW2 is a piece of shit
A real origin story
he's right though, MW2 is a broken piece of shit that IW never got the chance to fix cause they quit. it was only fun before everyone figured out the noobtube cheese
>replying to me with some random, unrelated, gameplay from blamecuck
>"some random fucking graph thats blatantly wrong"
Quit replying to me, tourist. I grow tired of reading your subhuman-tier broken English.
>exclusive cuck the shill who always posts wrong info
why dont you just go to a random point in the video and see for yourself? how is it unrelated gameplay? its literally cod4 gameplay.
here i'll do it for you you stupid fuck. 2:50
>faggot tourist that's never played cod4 gets all his info from youtubers
can't make this shit up. 5:10
>the shill who always posts wrong info
Delusional cope.
Listen here, fag, no matter how hard you try and spin this you will always have that one post outing you as a filthy tourist.
Now go cry in a corner and quit replying to me with your subhuman grammar.
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>mfw mwiii is going out with a whimper
you've been exposed as a retarded faggot tourist that never played cod4 and i'm just going to leave you sitting there looking like the dumb retarded larping faggot you are.
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Why are the Warzone devs/Raven so afraid of trees and grass?
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can't wait for blops 6 to be released, my busy is ready
But enough about you already, subhuman.
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Based. Mw3 sucks so bad
>warzone tourist so assblasted he begins to falseflag but can't help himself from avatarfagging some more
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Didn't read, take your meds, sledge schizo, we treygods just love blops. Deal with it.
being stuck on last gen consoles probably
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Correct, I the treygod am always samefagging, you're welcome.
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They know we’re rich that’s why we have 6+ bunny skins and they’re still adding more

Milsims hate to see it
Thanks you, treygod.
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Shout out to my main bun Mr.Peeks for ensuring MW3 rabbits still continue to eat all while he’s busy saving BO6 from being a flop

We WILL be buying his gobblegums
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Forgot my pic
You're welcome
Who asked? Kill yourself
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I love Mr.peeks he’s always smiling it makes me smile too

Thank you Mr.peeks
But Verdansk had loads of grass and trees on the PS4
verdansk got downgraded after like season 2
Thanks newfriend but we don't sign our posts here
>slophammer schizo is still mad that I owned him 4 threads ago
>the very obvious samefagging in /codg/ was one absolutely worthless treyfag all this time
Based. FUCK MW3
Yes I'm making these threads unreadable because of my schizo babble.
Common Treyarch L
Kek what a sad faggot. He must be seething over B06 having the most antihype ever
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>Homo pics deleted again
Based [FILE DELETED] jannies
>he's still pretending to be me
Your welcome for me keeping this sludge Hammer general alive, sledge schizo
>put on tac mask
>still get stunned, still cant see shit if a gas grenade explodes, still slow down
Great game guys really great stuff
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What happened to the Treyarch that made Black Ops 3. Where did they go?
I did and ngl he cooked you blud
The black ops call of duty games are objective best than the other cods game, doesn't you agree with i?
Saars, do the needful, fucking bitch
bo1 and 2 are good, 3 is only good for zombies, 4 was dogshit, cold war was good and 6 is looking to be good
Holy cow dung sirs mwiii is so much fun
No, sars, we only love blops games, saar
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Bunngy Girl pls show bob and vagene.
Bunny girl no ran away no
>seething blops fags are all esl turd worlders
lmao, can't make this shit up
No, sars, we only love shg games, saar
So bad at the game.
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bnuuy gang is IN
So good at the game.
I know, right? He should stop posting.
our people are being raped, do something@ARabbit
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>my last post was 3 days ago
>treyfag schizo pretended to be me since then, arguing with himself over and over again
lmao, sorry for just repeating what you admitted yourself, that you samefag all the time in this general.
Holy cow dung sirs can't wait for blops 6, beta was so much fun
>he can't stop talking like a streetshitting poojeet even when he tries to make fun of mwiii
Sorry for saving your dead general. Can't (and won't) save your dead game though.
>people talking shit about the title is now being called "engagement"
>being disgusted is now "percentage"
>on twitter
I hope these cunts would learn these terms and what they actually mean.
you could put a black bag over my head, put me in a black site, torture me and I still wouldn't say this. why are you admitting this out of nowhere? pathetic.
yeeze :3
Stop replying. You are arguing with discord shills.
It's not a coincidence this general went to shit one month before the next title release.
Sledgetrannies incapable of original thought as always
Didn't read
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>this general went to shit one month before the next title release
It went to shit around season 4 actually
Who asked? Kill yourself.
You should've seen the treyfag schizo in the last thread. Just copy pasting random posts and posting them again. This guy >>495643342
was the first one to post like an Indian and then another trannyarc faggot posted this >>495643552
by the way.
So it's the other way around, retard
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>1:hey man, what do you like the most about blops 6?
>run of the mill treyfag:the only thing that matters
>1:what's that?
>run of the mill treyfag:the codg general threads hitting bump limit
everyone buying bo6 is a pedophile
>blacked creampie compilation on my second monitor
yep, it's gaming time
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>>1:hey man, what do you like the most about blops 6?
Compared to other new shooters(Xdefiant) it feels very polished, premium. Compared to MW, it's different, fresh, exciting. Not a reskin, actually new
Didn't read sledgetranny
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Mwiii offers you 1400 CP for free just to return to this dogshit game
Slophammer and Failarch both cater to troons and pedophiles (same demographic really), so nothing new here.
>>:hey man, what do you like the most about blops 6?
That threads on 4chan hit the bump limit. Nothing else
>what do you like the most about blops 6
The smooth movement. A fresh start with no attachment bloat. No separate body multipliers resulting in a consistent tittykay. The custom HUD allowing me to place the minimap at the bottom of my screen the way God intended it to be.
>what do you like the most about blops 6?
You see this general right here? Every thread will hit the bump limit. Super fast, because we treyschizos will not play the game and just spam this thread instead. Can't wait to not play blops 6.
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>caring what 2019 tourists & battlefield refugees have to say
any askers
Hey now, wishingskeleton is way more pathetic than that.
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Sit down, iwtroon.
Release the entity bundle
>thought it would be cool to get Myers for warzoom next year
>have to suffer through mwiii
Didn't ask
>t. seething troon pedos
The only reason I didn't bring up IW, is because the discussion was about Black Slops 6 and MW 2.5 DLC.

IW also obviously caters to your faggot demographic, but their main focus is on ghetto dwellers and trailer trash, which is probably a category in which you also belong, kek.
Stfu sledgetranny, we treygods are the best, our games are the best two.
Seethe and cope, 3fail tranny.
You sound like you're going to live to your 40s with that hairtrigger temper over shit that doesn't relatively matter in the end.
fucking kek
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>still seething about gay and brown people in cod
lmao get some pussy fag
Any Bangla-bros here my lebara 4g stopped working are you still getting it
Not racist I just don't like 'em is all
t. faggot nigger

Make sure to report my reply for racism just like your boyfriend did last thread, kek.
>he announced report/sage.
Where did the homo posters come from? Halo general? I've never seen homo pictures on /codg/, until the Halo thread got mentioned
>So low IQ he can't comprehend the rules
Thanks for proving how much of a retarded nigger you are.
bo6 posters unironically
t. falseflagging tranny
Hello sir good morning, thanks for do the needful today
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>Make sure to report my reply for racism blah blah blah
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>.t Roze
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>"I wasnae in that urn, Cap'n."
What the fuck is this lmao
It's probably a discord. Same d-cord shits up /v/ as well with their gay shit etc.
Usually /codg/ isn't even that active or if it is, it's just some normies and youtube shills posting their channels.
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What happens when hopping bunnies come across prone camping milvirgins
slayyy qween
>*cums cutely on your butthole*
Teehee whoopsie!!~~ And I only finished in FOUR MINUTES!!
What are the main differences between Escharum and Old Man and the Sea?
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Two more years until IW saves this franchise again
I need source on the deleted OP. Gear shit makes my cock hard as fuck and I need something to goon between lobbies.
by the way I forgot to add that I love MWII and MWIII
They'll probably reintroduce DMZ again which is great.
I think DMZ made some correct choices but it was 1/5th of what it should've been.
Escape from Tarkov is a bad game (,and a bad example to copy from) with unfair mechanics and if you play it for about 50+ hours you will see it. It's only popular because of some people enjoy playing like rats and being as passive aggressive as possible plus some faggot streamers.
Who asked? No one but I'm going to serve you anyway.
MW19 in a nutshell
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This guy was fun to play as in the beta
Now that's the milsim and identity that I wanted in bo6
Better than MW2&3 tranny operators
Get back in your cell, prisoner.
>seething this hard
I want weapon tuning back but with advanced stats this time
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The only one capable of saving this franchise is Mr.Peeks which he already has done before and is actively doing with BO6
Rabbitfag why are you back in this general? Last time you were here you mentioned something about a girl. I take it things are over now?
I'm back because as the treygod, I felt like samefagging some more. I'm a rabbit and the rabbitschizo obsessed with him
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MW19 is worse than I remember. The entire game is designed to be played with as little movement as possible where the only winning move is to wait for the enemy to push you. Slide canceling is a meme, the only reason why it took off is that it feels good and it'll confuse camping Warzone players but in Multiplayer, it's irrelevant.
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idk sounds like you were lied to by slimy deceitful milsim fags. they’re frequently obsessed with trans penis it’s all they think about, don’t worry though you’re safe now the bunny rabbit is back the poorfags will cower back to their dark camping corners. i could never leave mr.peeks when he never left me
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To be fair, Azhir is the worst map in terms of visibility but it's still in the game and you can't skip vote dogshit maps in this game.
>Slide canceling is a meme, the only reason why it took off is that it feels good and it'll confuse camping Warzone players
It's good because it refreshes tac sprint. The thing is tac sprint is useless in MP
Wishingskeleton doesn’t play MW19 he made an alt to play MW3. He was the HRM-9 Tavor-9 green dragon camo shipment tryhard
Credit where it is due, MW19 movement is still the best in terms of feel and response but ultimately, it's useless with how punishing everything is. High footstep sound, low TTK, and mounting giving you super low recoil.
Drive Thru is what Babylon should’ve been
It's just a way to initiate peeker's advantage and break the already lousy hit detection.
MW19 didn't suffer that much because ttk is consistently low.
Instead of concentrating on some new gameplay mechanics Activision has decided to embrace this buggy movement instead.
>The thing is tac sprint is useless in MP
kek imagine being this obvious a shtiter and bragging about it to everyone
post stats
It's pretty good. Would have liked to see a non-halloween themed version of it using skidrow assets but we'll probably never get that.
>doesn't deny they're shit
>tries to shift focus to someone else when called out
shitter confirmed
>Instead of concentrating on some new gameplay mechanics Activision has decided to embrace this buggy movement instead.
It's baffling how much nu-CoD is suffering from fucked up pace simply because they are trying to make it faster with each new game instead of making a coherent and readable pace like all CoD games prior to MW19.
You forgot to attach a screenshot of your stats to that post
They made it slower with MWII and streamers cried all year long
you forgot to kill yourself.
Why are you so mad? It's just a picture of your stats. They can't be that bad, right?
It wasn't even slower. It was the same speed as the older MW trilogy but JGOD is a disingenuous bitch who spread misinfo because IW told him to fuck off.
MWII did other retarded things like timed perks and shitty spawns. Besides the bad launch maps we got
>timed perks
I somehow forgot. I actually am mad now that you reminded me.
wheres the downvote button on this site
Just call him cringe
Holy cringe
Holy filtered
yes i filtered the game via uninstall
Kek so much this
Im proud to have added to the horrible player retention metrics forcing Slophammer to attempt (poorly) to fix the game for MWII.5
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what did he mean by this
>...has invited you to play Deadlock
>Decline immediately
only based if she only fucks niggers and locks her hubby in a cage during breeding sessions albeit
he is calling you a incel
>watch some goyplay
>never seen anything as bland or boring
I understand it's work in progress but it just doesn't look fun at all.
Yep. Has zero appeal to me.
Even as as stream-slop its incomprehensible color-spam with effects exploding across the stream. Obviously if I played it I'm sure it would make more sense, but there's something to be said about a game if I can't even watch it and parse what is happening
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average cod lobby thanks to mr.peeks
Yeah it must be nice playing in the lower skill bracket lobbies
sounds like poorfag cope to me
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Nope. Most of my lobbies have some variation of the ranked skin or the closest thing to picrel you can find
So when BO6 flops, you think Activision will go back and actually fucking fix their old games that are still full price?
Two more weeks
yep youre poor
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MWIII is best cod in modern setting
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You tell 'em, xhister!
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>some monkey is loudly talking shit in the lobby
>can hear his smoke alarm beeping in the background because of course it is
>tell him to stop being a poor nog and buy new batteries
Literally met a walking stereotype today.
I'll ask my colleagues if I can present a formation about how to play a FPS using COD in the library
American Dad is kino tho
at least up until season 9
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Infinite Warfare is literally the only CoD I've skipped since CoD4 (the original, NOT the remaster)
I had something like that happen except the guy yelled God damnit when it started beeping
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>haven't played cod in ages
>really enjoyed the BO6 beta
>reinstall MW19
>play a couple games
>uninstall in under 4 hours
now i remember why i quit this garbage before season 1 even ended
Oh fuck off that game was not slow, that's where that hyper speed bullshit got bad and mw3 is where it got worse.
tranime faggot with shit taste missed out on genuine cod kino

the campaign alone easily is on par with cod4 if not better. zombies in spaceland mogs bo3 zombies
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>shit that never happened
I played the campaign a few years later after getting the game for $5 from gamestop, I admit it was kino but nobody plays CoD just for the campaigns, and the mp is dogshit
lol change your batteries broke bitch
this fucking purgatory mode is an actual brain rot mode. what the fuck is this?
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hordepoint is fun, question does this ammo type work on the AK platform?
Go and look at the ammo names instead of shilling your bundles here retard
>shill has to play the game in 360p render resolution
Best they can give him in this layoffs economy is a crappy work laptop. Please understand
i dont know what the issue is i got everything on high and my menu graphics are fucked including the operator
>shill can't even figure out the settings menu
>Indian doesnt understand how to use a computer
no madarchod
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rich paygod here. yes they do i used to use them to remind others they’re poor. highly efficient in neutralizing milsims
nothing new
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OK its not just best cod but also the best modern military shooter of this decade
Kek are you blind?
>noobtube cheese
I sleep.
>launching Javelins and RPG-7 rockets in enclosed hallways with Danger Close
>half the optics still have misaligned reticles
this game is a such a fucking joke. do the bullets go to the center of the screen or where the bugged reticle center is? cant even test it cause the bullets holes dont exist past 20 m
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i might get 1 or 2 of these with the entity bundle (excluding the pro pack) im still using the vault edition tracers for the AK 762 and 9mm which is why im looking at the fish and lilith but at the same time i like the look of the nvg fish and izanami
it's always where the reticle is
>paki aka indian shill living in bongland
cant make this shit up
at least i was born here instead of moving 10 years ago
Worst of all his grammar is a disaster
>he doesn't deny being a paki
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Call of Duty got Daryl Dixon!
>you said you moved here 10 years ago
>i say i was born here
>that somehow makes me a paki and you not
it sounds like projection on your part shitskin
>he thinks I live in bongistan
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See what? normalfag customization? It doesnt actually make the game worse in anyway unless you still want to pretend that cod isnt normalfag franchise
>everyone I know was still playing cod in early 2022
>not a single person plays cod now in 2024
total franchise death
Vanguard was that bad huh
10 years lmao
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Negan should've been in CoD too, with cool voice lines
Even the normies are tired of fortnite slop. Just look at these replies
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>Just look at these replies
Thanks bro
Why are you so useless?
Replace x.com with xcancel.com
>linkposter btfo
screencap chads stay winning
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>Entity boss from MWZ as operator skin
>mastercraft portal's design is from MWZ even down to the runes
>bring out a deadshot daiquiri perk can as anything else wouldnt make sense in multiplayer
>TAQ Evo has the same galactic camo as the free to earn tracer STG from the uber easter egg Entity boss fight in MWZ
>same named tracers as the STG from easter egg boss fight but are completely different and has a death effect
>charm is the blonde chick child of ravenov and maxis
>Large decal is Entity alongside loading screen with big jugs with Entity milk

Whoever you are nigger, the one who made this bundle you are based for the attention to detail
Didn't read
Oh well if content creators HAVE to 2box then definitely there is a problem!
Actually SBMM does wonders for player retention. Read the blog
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>Use new effects
>Make people rage
Imagine checking profiles in 2024
He cooked you bro
Blud was definitely cooked, ngl
Klem is based
Based on what?
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Play the objective. But be smart about it.
Felt second hand embarrassment, he clowned you
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XP bros, status?
what is this packet burst shit and how do i fix it??? I just got the game and its borderline unplayable because of it
>what is this packet burst shit and how do i fix it??? I just got the game and its borderline unplayable because of it
What platform? If PC, you're fucked, PC's have too many different problems. Get a console
pc, fuck. there's seriously nothing that can be done for it?? that blows
>Where did the homo posters come from?
It's probably just one guy, the one who keeps talking about "sissies and meat on their face"
It's ok lil bro i won't bully u no moe
is it too late for me to get into Warzone now?
>le blog
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no way dude
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i bought izanami
Yep, it's over. Better uninstall now.
I just checked a few MW3 guns on sym.gg and it turns out Xclusive Ace' gun guides are really off sometimes lol
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you mean all the time
yeah, I'm actually surprised by how different the stats on that website are. The Superi 46 has a 316ms TTK now. Ace said it's like 270ms.
>*lays big starlight meat on the izzysissy's face*
u made the wrong choice....
oh alright I was just thinking about playing because Mike Myers is in it
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this was the choice i had and i made the right one, ill probably pick up the fish mastercraft and lilith at some point for the tracers after i get the entity for specgru >>495689418

yeah i never look at his guides they are all wrong especially for mp he said at the start of mw3 that all the mw2 guns had a similar ttk to the mw3 guns at that point i knew he was full of shit especially whilst im doing this 4xp grind on every gun prior to the shg buffs in season 6 to them
Warzone will be better next year. For now it's not worth it
Xlusive cuck posts wrong information to trick retards thats his gimmick
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stopped reading
Newsflash, guns get patched. And he covers all of the patches too, retard.
>she's been mewing
holy BASED....starlightGODS...we won.........
>at the start of mw3 that all the mw2 guns had a similar ttk to the mw3 guns
they do idiot
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>they do idiot
nigger just no

yup i made the right choice
That's his most recent video about the Superi 46. His TTK value is 270ms like I said moron

can you delete this?
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And guess what it actually is 270 ms you fucking retard
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this is cod? looks like a valerant/ow character. how embarrassing
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Eat shit, dumbass faggot. You don't even know how to use symgg properly
can you delete this??
>how embarrassing
it must be embarrassing being gay you faggot
ok paki
Yes they do. Go back and finish math class tranny faggot
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She answered the call?
The only problem with xace is his gun builds work mostly for copetroller. But if you think he is screwing up on stats you are a fucking retard
dumb fuck listen to me when i tell you this, the mw2 guns ttk is slower than the mw3 guns its why they got buffed they are still shit compared to the mw3 guns why do you think everyone uses the mw3 guns instead?
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Why did they rape the ump like that
What does UMP even stand for?
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>The only problem with xace
He said the Bal is bad, because he's a run&gun retard. The Bal is great for intelligent players.
>it's worse in every single way than any other gun
>there are literally 0 benefits to using it
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>put into yet another match where we're losing more than 50 points in domination
Should I just instantly leave these?
Unilateral MachinenPistolen

I think it's Dutch or something
Nope. Go on symgg and compare the two. But you won't because you're a dumb tranime poster. The actual problems with mw22 guns are the crazy recoil and useless attachments which slophammer didn't address.
German you mong
the Dutch language is just non-Germans making fun of how German sounds anyway
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>Go on symgg and compare the two.
lol fuck that tranny site
>crazy recoil
pic related use that if you suck at recoil control
Warzone is really stupid. You have to raise you FOV to play it cause the buildings are so fucking far apart for some reason. It's not normal like the MP maps, everything is just so far apart like they built a map and then just scaled it by 1.5x for no fucking reason.
ram-9 chads we can't stop winning
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she's the one who made the call
Kill yourself already stupid faggot
No. These are prime opportunities to grief your retarded ass team and screw with the sbmm algorithm.
My heyday was black ops 3 and it was a decline afterwards with only playing one weekend of WW2 and BO4. Haven’t bought a cod since but I have preordered black ops 6 as I enjoyed the beta just enough and I’m obligated to push my 7800x3D on something other than league of legends and btd6.
Will Cold War die after BO6?
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What are they discussing?
>kill a bunch of people
>theres literally shit piled all over the fucking floor in a giant mess
Who's fucking bright idea was it to get rid of fucking automatic pick up clean floating loot for this messy shit.
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>playing warzone and warzone adjacent modes
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just catching up with old friends, anon. nothing more
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Remember that time we were in Al-Gazrah?
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no honestly tell me why the entire playerbase uses mw3 guns over mw2 guns if they are already balanced in damage dumb fuck go on
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Anyone have the release dates? What's in store, after Deryl?
>he entire playerbase uses mw3 guns over mw2 guns if they are already balanced in damage
Because the majority is always retarded? Ftac Recon is the most powerful Full-Auto gun in the game. Second place is Cronen Squall, third is DTIR
BO6 will make MW3 look like a child's game
Treyarch's symbol is the Trinity. God is with Treyarch. You think it's stupid but God speaks to us through symbols. The orange color has deep mystical meaning as well.
fuck off faggot
here's that your attention you're dying to get
Thank you
Chill bro
Because of the extreme visual recoil and the useless mw22 attachments which slophammer never fixed. Neck yourself dumb tranime poster
Real talk. Any source on that OP webm from earlier?
Yep, everyone knows how handy consoles are for changing network and other hardware related settings compared to a PC. There is definitely 100% a way to fix it on consoles. Surely.
We just needed cold war remastered maybe minus the participation streaks that's all why did Trinity copy MW's slop
/codg/... I have sinned.
I bought the battlepass bundle for graves only
Please forgive me for my sins
That ammo should work with the Kastov 762, RPK, and Longbow.
It won't work with the 545, 74U, SVA, or the new LMG as those are the other AK caliber (5.45).
Thats what i thought black ops 6 was gonna be but it turns out it’s mwii.7
Meta slaves? And you guys don't abuse the fastest killing MW2 gun?
Are you testing with the Patriot? Because that gun's sight alignment is fucked up no matter what optic you use.
If you think a sight is misaligned on something else, put a visible-in-ADS Laser on the gun. AFAIK the laser will always be properly aligned with the true point-of-aim.
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nah i grind camos mastery and xp camos on every weapon and use everything the game has. I would get really bored if i used the same 2-3 guns like everyone else every game currently on the RPK for one trick on every gun then obsidian etc.
Anyone else and I would have called you a paypiggie Anon.
But... yep yep
>use the dtir on rust
>get hate mail from a brit and a slav
kekking all the way
What makes marksman rifles so good for beginners
1-burst kill
Basically babby's first hardscope for shitters who cant actually use a sniper and quickscope
So what are the plans for warzone when BO6 releases? Are they going to reveal more of what's changing closer to release?
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Use the Ftac Recon, fast TTK is good for you!
Nothing. Because Raven is incompetent
you're good for me
No homo right? Haha
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Been tweaking the new table-based guide entry format a bit. It's still WIP while I work on gathering Recoil data but lemme know what you all think.

Also, because some of you were arguing about it, I've included the full list of AR TTKs inside their Effective Range. MWII and MWIII averages are basically identical.
This was so even before S6's balance changes, which were mostly just Range buffs. Way back at S1 Reloaded was when they fixed the lower MWII damage values that were causing an actual gap in the TTK averages.
(also as a note, the Backsaw was excluded from the "overall" and "MWIII" averages I listed. I don't count AM Kits for averages if they're the absolute best or worst for a stat)

this is also what i do. The want to eventually max mastery/prestige for every gun is what fuels my stat autism.
>Use the Ftac Recon, fast TTK is good for you!
Is it 2 shot kill?
I think it's 3 bullets, but it kills faster than Every SMG. Even the WSP Swarm
Can warzone even be saved at this point
It's 3 shots (& 2 shot headshots in Semi), 28 RPM faster than the new BR.
Like the other anon said it's one of the fastest TTKs in the game @ 240ms. Swarm & iirc a couple of AM Kits are technically faster, but only out to like 5-10 meters. Recon keeps its 240 out to at least like 35m.
They should drop it
Yeah it feels like it’s more feasible to just drop it than save it at this point. Every single thing about the game sucks. They ‘d have to re make and change everything
but I thought Terrifier and Michael Myers were supposed to save it
The map doesnt even have a night mode this time hahahahaha
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>BO4 has an amazing map selection
We really didn't know what we had. It only needs Standoff, Hijacked, Express, maybe Turbine and it's perfect. The only other game that rivals it is nu-MW3 but I hate post Warzone cod.
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Fun-havers use the Cronen Squall!
The recent buff made it really enjoyable
>Der Shitten
who gives a fuck? the game was gay. good maps stuck in a shit game, who cares
Cold War chads don't buy the next crypto Sludge/Finite Ward COD masquerading as a Black Ops. Let's support XDefiant they have their fair share of hotties, colors and REAL guns
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Small map moshpit
Riot shield
Trophy system
We don't cheat, our KD is legit!
Sorry teammates...Our is KD is more important, than a dub
It's going to be a mess with frankenstein'd weapons etc, just like in the past.
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>the entity's feet........
Should have been heels!
Based tracer enjoyer. Flash flash flash with every bullet!!
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Should I just wait for Black Cops 6? CoD is awfully confusing now, I haven't played since the remaster of 4
It's exponentially better than the shit we're stuck with now. Cod HQ, Tac Sprint, among other bullshit
Yes, MW3 is fucked right now and will not get better. It's not even that good anyway. BO6's beta was actually really good and Treyarch has been doing good again.
why is your game stuttering so badly?
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>>the entity's feet........
Feet so stinky
We want milky!
Gibs cosmic udders NAO
Purple galaxy nipple SUCK SUCK
Then open butthole space FUCK FUCK
And cum cum on feet
are you ok lil bro?
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mein cod cola
Imagine the apothussy...
>I haven't played since the remaster of 4
You sir are a special kind of retard.
>activision sees the 80% player drop from warzone to warzone 2
>does nothing about it this year and sees another 80% drop
>still nothing for next year other than uhh heres verdansk
I miss Warzone 1 so much
Why did warzone 2 fail?
Blackout was the only good battle royale. Beautiful graphics, normal movement, no invisible skins. Funny flashbangs that tunned you and blinded you for 10 minutes :D
You can choose only one between warzone and zombies it can't be both
Just play it for an hour and find out; something the devs never did
Blackout is only good if you like “battle royale”. People dont like battle royale and thats why warzone succeeded cause it had the big scope of battle royale without all the boring parts like looting and running around aimlessly
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Same :(
unironically because the players couldn't adapt
>you should adapt to eating shit because UOU JUST SHOULD OK
...but there was an outlier in 2020 Call of Duty's...https://youtu.be/rFCPkl3aJow?si=N6tkuL-AZXWB7lAo
I knew cod was doomed when my favorite bo4 maps was slums which was a shitter map in bo2, and that was 6 years ago
There is a 95% chance of black ops 6 sucking ass cause every beta they always put their best maps forward.
Shilling your own video aside, I actually agree with a lot of what was said. I actually really enjoyed the kgb headquarters mission in cold war, and I also generally enjoyed cold war's campaign more than most cod campaigns because the puzzles and side missions were fun, the characters were enjoyable, and I felt like there was an actual story to tell. I'm a bit biased because I also just love cold war espionage stories and I've been to the kgb history museum in St petersburg russia, but that aside I think it's still good.

I'm on the fence about buying blops 6 because I actually haven't really enjoyed the last few cods. I didn't like the campaigns very much, I've been playing multiplayer much less ever since bg3 and space marine came out, and I have been playing warzone less for the same reason. I was leaning towards not buying blops6 because I have cod fatigue after a few medium games, but I think I will go ahead and buy blops6 and take the chance because it looks like one of these cooler missions will be in the campaign.
>Shilling your own video aside
Gee I certainly wish I received a modicum of attention your average youtuber gets
>convince my friends to hop on this warzone
>we all want to stop playing after 2 games
The gameplay is fucking miserable JFC. I actually think being stuck in hell would be less torturous than playing warzone 2 or 3 or whatever you want to call it cause whatever it is it is not fucking Warzone
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imagine cod made by a japanese team
Any help with this? >>>/r/19505703
Probably not a legit finisher. The creator likely took just a small part of the full animation and looped it.
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how come every time i see a takedown webm both players are using an mw/cw operator? did vanguard not have any cool operators?
nier is the only good game on the left though
also chinks can't make FPS
last season of Vanguard had villains from previous CoD games, but other than that and some crossover stuff (namely Terminator), no, Vanguard's operators were all generic as hell
wild they haven't touched this build yet
sledgehammer does not have an actual art department. all there characters are just already existing assets thrown together to make something. its why they all wear masks
IW and 3Arc actually have art departments and fully develop the character models.
because activision are trying to kill this game before black ops 6 releases
we will never get covid numbers again retard
>apex has no problem getting the elusive covid/peak numbers
>fortnite has no problem getting covid/peak numbers
>pubg has no problem getting covid numbers
But call of duty can't do it cause they just cant! It's impossible see. Hang yourself.
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>games with sunk cost (years of skins and battlepass content) are beating out game that literally resets every year
Just play warzone faggot
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I'm not 12 sorry nigger
You are if you cry over skins
I'm not crying over skins though schizo
Okay.. I'm watching you
>turn on wz1 servers again
there I fixed it
yeah usually when something is this objectively broken they nerf it in less than 48 hours, maybe they're figuring "its the last season and the next cod comes out in a month, who cares">>495758457
They're killing the game just like last year with the sab50 buffs and the uav bug
nice cherrypicking
t. seething westoid
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I woke up today and had an epiphany

still not buying bo6

MW3 year 2 incoming
Don't wake up anymore
why does the mikan endo have the juiciest, fattest ass out of all the echo endo's?
Have fun with your 9 shipments
>shoothouse-themed shipment
>shipment but it's sports themed for another soccer collab
>mirror shipment (it's just shipment but flipped)
>western shipment for a cowboy themed event
>summer shipment on a beach
>rats shipment where you're playing in a tiny shipment within shipment
Activision, hire this man.
i will
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Holy shit! Is that the actual shitment count in this gayme? Sloptards got 5 reskins with this season, right? And then there's the MWII shitment, the xmas one and the cel shaded garbage one. I guess troon haus from transguard isn't that much different from shitment either. And that one has a reskin too! The absolute state of CoD in 2024 is grim...
I'm just guessing, I think there are at least 4 already in the game.
Is it still possible to get the Warhammer 40K skins? I wouldn't mind having that in Warzone and wasn't playing when it came out.
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i would answer you but fuck warzone and in turn fuck you because of fuck warzone
>sledgetranny has a meltdown over warzone
What causes this?
I play MP 99% of the time, I haven't really played WZ since WZ1 and want to try this new shit.
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oh fair play then. just checked its not there
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god bless EU lobbies
Glad I had my fun with the grip.
lol thanks. I think I remember there being some weird glitches with buying retired skins through the site back around MW19 or so, just wondering if there was anything like that for this game.
Who actually buys this on Battle.net? Are they just fags that got it for free from Activision?
Most PC players are probably on Battlenet as console-babs who transitioned to PC don't have love for Steam and because for awhile it was the only PC platform.
Only hardcore Steam-weenies buy the game on Steam.
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i dont think so it was through their website for mw19 dont think its up anymore

im on bnet its way better than steam
>nerf the silly tac stance lmg
>only play shipment
>hipfire is fine
>unaffected by this change
The hipfire accuracy is worse and you move slower.
>only play shipment
>2438 players
I'm getting bo6 on bnet. Fuck steam tuesdays. And preloads are a nice feature too
>To reduce Emote spam, players in the Winner’s Circle will now only be able to activate 1 Emote.
>gayarch tranny got one two many emotes in a playtest or in the beta
>we are all banned from having fun
BO6 is confirmed to flop
>has that spades tattoo on her arm
>also hangs thin blue line flags around her house
what poz is she on?
Is that black spade tattoo real? kek
She only takes BTC
>Slide to Prone un-nerfed
>AA nerf untouched
We eating
>No more emote spam in Winner's Circle
It's already over...
>Removed the time added when earning Eliminations while Sleeper Agent is active.
This shit already was fucking useless, now they made it even more useless. Really good idea for a field upgrade but Treyarch continues to be retarded.
>Sand House renamed to Warhead
>confirmed to be Nuketown-styled
>similar layout but different
Huh, I thought we were getting actual Nuketown. Oh well it looks similar but different on the map and releasing Nuketown for the 200th time was a bit lame anyways

Hopefully it has a Nuketown-like flow to it. Also would love a Babylon/Warhead 24/7
They're definitely way too afraid about it.
Even if I'd try to flank most players figured it out very quickly, and the cooldown on it was insane. They really should buff it, it's a cool idea. I want TF2 Spy shit.
It got a lot of pushback as not being "in the spirit of COD" or whatever phrasing you want to give it. I personally didn't use it and think I only saw another player use it once during the beta.
I imagine people got killed by it once and freaked the fuck out.
Definitely seems like the type of thing that WOULD have been balanced if people just got used to it for a few weeks and got over the brand-new feeling of it and learned the counters and what to look for.

It can always be re-buffed later.
Shut the fuck up you stinking indian shill
>Stim Shot has been changed from Inventory Based to Cooldown Based by default.
Does this mean Stim won't be something you refresh from Ammo Box (and stack up to 2x) and will now just be a 1x maximum that refreshes with a cooldown?
>It can always be re-buffed later.
It can but I imagine if one streamer got killed by it, they'll just think it's too OP so it will just stay there as a dead/useless option. It sucks that some of these guys are so stupid, it warns everyone when it gets activated and the whole game is about doing spy shit.
It means it recharges by default even if you don't have quartermaster. They didn't say anything about changing how many you spawn with. And I'm sure the ammo box still refills it even while recharging.
Fair enough. That was just my interpretation. It was slightly ambiguous as I don't know what "Inventory Based" means.
Obviously there was limited choice so I'll have to see what's in the full game but I used Ammo Box for the entire beta.
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post em
You cant make this shit up. Shitarch wants headshots to not affect ttk. Theyre making a game for fucking lobotomized retards with one button movement and no headshot damage. rest in piss
>Shitarch wants headshots to not affect ttk.
so how does snipers work? is it 1 hit anywhere?
You use one of the 8 attachments for your gun to turn on headshots
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kek what is wrong with these faggots
This sounds like an Infinity Ward response to beta feedback what the hell
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holy fuck its real

also you can get this anime emblem in a free gift pack if you want it, its in the emblem tab in the locked section it didnt pop up in the store for me for some reason
>yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
>that said,
NOOOOOOOOOOOO they nerfed the DTIR
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Just updated.

Also the gift pack is in the shop, but no notice on the tab
The nerf is barely noticeable if you talk about mp
>hate camera movement
>disable it
>it's even worse, lost all my 1v1, got outrun by everyone
>put it back, feels more natural to the game, more playable, but still hate it
Which COD introduced that Battlefield shit in the first place. CW is perfect
New BT masterclass just dropped
He makes xdefiant look really good. Is it actually?
fuck no
>Stim Shot has been changed from Inventory Based to Cooldown Based by default.
Didn't watch
>We were blown away by all your Beta gameplay clips and Omnimovement highlights, including the awesome action hero moments you were all able to pull off!
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wasnt this in cold war?
Probably MW19
ok sar thank you for do the needful
Codbros fortnite stole all our players…. Better keep spamming the games with cartoon temu fortnite operators instead of military soldiers cause it’s totally not the reason why everyone jumped ship to fortnite in the first place!
If you go to plebbit /r/XDefiant they all post Blame Truth videos to show that it's better than COD and believe what he says.
Especially the one video where he said that the leak about low player numbers was just a false-flag by Activision.
I can see why. He makes the game look really good
ngl blud he COOKED COD
Good. They are learning from the inconsistent mess that mwiii turned out to be
>headshot multiplier nerf is still there
>Removed the time added when earning Eliminations while Sleeper Agent is active.
Good good good. Treyarch is cooking fr
You'd have to be retarded to not notice a Sleeper Agent
We're lucky they even kept this game breaking equipment in the game to begin with
Personally, I agree. But it's also good that shitters lose their free kills button. And who knows how out of hand this will get when you introduce skins into the equation
Sleeper agent has so many ways to counter it but it's still very stupid to increase the time with each kill.

That equipment reminds me of how bullshit the specialist abilities where in BO3/4
>it's still very stupid to increase the time with each kill.
Not the greatest fan of this feature but it makes sense
It's already nerfed to death
Heads up:
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wrong image? retard?
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nta but I will
This franchise is so fucking dead
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tranny niqqas...we won
>Also the gift pack is in the shop, but no notice on the tab
oh nice. i noticed people have it but it didnt pop up in my store so i checked my emblems and got it there
Stfu sloptrannies, we treygods love this.
Treyarch scatfags like shit—yeah we know, we know.
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Superi 46 in MWZ is fun
Page 8 bump (wont need to do this after October 25)
oh it will and you know it
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I just tested this a bit and it seems like the patch notes aren't entirely accurate.
You can still move at the crazy-high ADS Move Speed by using the "braced aim" or whatever you wanna call it (especially on the Evolvere where that can be faster than the Sprint Speed), you just can't get near-pinpoint spread alongside it anymore due to Tac Stance being removed.

TLDR the nerf was to spread, not speed. seems like there's still lots of potential for fun using it.
I need to know who is still playing warzone. I need them nuked. Im guessing mexico and south america and all the brown countries in eurasia
>Obsidian for the new Battle Rifle unlocked
im on the raal atm, its weird i can sometimes destroy people with it and other times i get hit markers
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There was a similar pack in CW that pulled off the ferrofluid look much better, yes
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Wonder how many welfare tokens they're gonna give away tomorrow?
These maps are fucking trash
Bo6 is actually done for. What the fuck is this? These are all like season 6 maps they dump on the game cause they didnt make the cut for the real game.
yeah they do look pretty bad the spawns will be fucked too with how small they are
SHG maps are unironically going to save FLOPS 6, Tokyo is a good small map, Drive Thru is great, Yard is decent. These Treyshart maps are garbage for 6v6, they look fine for 2v2 but 4 years of development and this is the best you came up with??
Wow you posted their worst recent maps instead of their bangers like vista, six star, departures, rio, flood the fuck man
How soon will Treyarch just shove Nuketown out of the gate to prevent the fans from burning down their headquarters

They only want small maps for CoD moving forward. That's why Skyline is considered a "Medium" map
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Is the MW2 season 5 and 6 bundle the only returning vault pack of past battle passes so far, or have I missed some?
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i heard that it shows up for people who didnt play during those seasons so i couldnt tell you if its there or not if you missed the seasons it will show up


apparently if its not in the store you can buy it through the operator tab
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>open thread
>anons discussing what ebin skins and tracer packs they're buying
>close thread
Jesus christ
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oh you like jojo well do i have a skin and tracer pack for you

What's the best gun in bo6 to get the "wehrmacht soldier massacring endless hordes of communist scum in Stalingrad" feel
its the 90s grandpa
I know but still
All the guns in bo6 are like roblox minecraft guns so none of them
Since it's a black ops it'll be better for you to larp as a paratrooper with an XMG.
hopefully the ppsh returns
You know this game is finished when they care more about buffing the silly, fucking retarded 3rd person view nobody asked for than making actually good maps and movement.
you retards have been saying cod is dead for nearly 10 years and its never true, just shut the fuck up already
what are you talking about
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does this skin work in plunder?
every skin in the game works in Warzone modes
you're welcome please drink bleach once you're done
bros just got into warzone and I want to buy the Gundam skin.
Is it possible? it seems it was a limited time thing
>Tokyo is a good small map
>Drive Thru is great
lmao even
If they aren't in the shop highlights right now you can still get to the bundles/their buy button from the Operators menu.
"Main character gundam" is a skin for Riptide, Zaku is a skin for Swagger, Aerial is for Doc (tho idk if that one's still available as it's the one I bought)
Just select the operator who has the skin you want and scroll down their skin list, highlighting the locked Gundam skin will show a "View Bundle" prompt that takes you to the buy screen.
Wrong, their maps suck
I got the same opinions as a cdl pro. Sledgegods eating good. 6star, vista, and rio are amazing. Along with departures, paris, and that ctf map. SledgeGODS are the only dev team making good maps since MW19. Berlin, tuscan, eagles nest, bocage goddamn
bro fuck off with that xcancel shit
like actual fuck off you fucking nigger subhumans
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Looks like someone from metal gear rising! Dope dope dope

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Apocalyptic Hobo VS Cyberpunk Hitman!
Battle location: Foggy swamp.
Conditions: the Hobo is starving. The Hitman's night vision goggles are out of battery.

Don't know who wins this, the Hobo may get tired faster, but, being hungry makes him more focused, alert, sensitive to sound... But the Hitman has good armor, and it's difficult to stab him...
thanks, I got it, navigating this UI is surprisingly difficult for a beginner
hobo sets a trap under water, hitman steps on it, hobo rushes him with a big rock and then drowns him
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Practicing for October 25
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nah nigger im not making a twitter account suck my dick
It's X
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That's not what they said at all. Learn to read retard.
>Our goal is that what you see in 1st Person is representative of what others see in 3rd Person in order to maintain immersion and PREDICTABILITY
>shows clip that exposes his shit internet
What will you do when BO6 doesn’t launch with a shield
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>sledgetranny cope
go frame by frame you dumb fuck
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just died on a 21 streak in cold war FFA
>fortnite nerfs aim assist for consoles, makes if so you have to actually move your stick towards enemy, and even then no superhuman reaction times
>every death I've felt ingame since then is purely a result of me getting owned, still got 3 wins tonight
I really hope call of duty adds this, as a mouse and keyboard user warzone is unplayable. I really like call of duty just as much but I can't handle the free aimbot anymore
So how are the people who simply refuse to get shot and die cheating in CODM? I just had a game where I sniped a guy 3 times pretty clearly, but I somehow "missed" each time and got mowed down by his AR. Coincidentally he was the score leader. In the same match one of his teammates runs up on me and I empty a full clip of a Renetti into him and he just slides around and declines to die. I literally give up any hope of possibly killing him and turn around to flee, but he chases me down fearlessly (because he can't die) and kills me from behind. What is the hack here?
I'm Legendary btw not a noob, trust me when I say I'm killing these people, except I'm not. And they always have ridiculous scores like 23/3 so I'm not the only one.
>Slegetrannys cant read simple patch notes
It was quite clear what they said and a needed change. Go figure an IWtroon/Slegetranny is having a sissy-meltdown. Thanks for exposing them
>Play hardcore small map moshpit
>Get 100+ kills easy without even camping
>Faggots mass report me
>Get banned
>Appeal ban
>Ban lifted a week later
>Go on Reddit
>People complaining about SBMM'
>They all say they have 0.7 k/ds and they're happy with that
>So called 'pros' in the comments with 1.2 k/ds
>mfw 1.75

Are cod players the most mind fucked retards in the world?
Afaik when was playing that game it's just horrible in terms of netcode and combine this with the fact everyone's wireless. You are just playing against some heavily desynced Brazilian guy etc.
If you are playing using an emulator it's even worse.
post funny clips
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Go neck yourself sledgetranny
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Mwiii has rotted their brains with all those small map reskins shg shat out this year.
Their attention span is extremely short nowadays. It is still "long" enough to "enjoy" a 10 second "tiktok movement" clip but not enough to handle reading a basic blog post in its entirety anymore.
This is why, whenever there is a new patch out, many of them will flock to jobless "streamers" who make "meta build" videos complete with flashy color vomit camos in the thumbnail to ensure the viewer's desensitized brain detects the visual stimuli with 100% certainty and doesn't just scroll past.
another muh internet is lagging
Imagine replying to yourself
uh huh
The zombies in BO3 have always had collision boxes that were too large and no amount of you BO3 fags coping shall change that. Most downs in this mode are due to attempting to run through a gap that I should have been able to squeeze through yet get hitched on the zombie die to said poor collision.
> Noooooooo
Yes, cope. I'm glad your meme mode is dead.
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My internet works very well. Thank you for your concern, sledgetranny.
>"... they're still coming out with content. Granted we don't play it."
Scump talking about mwiii
>Granted we don't play it
Very true, cope-trollers don't play the game
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bump to save this dogshit dead thread
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>bump to save this dogshit dead thread
Nobody asked you to do that
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Are flashbangs shit or are tac masks op? Even when I flash enemies that aren't using tac masks it feels like they are absurdly weak and rarely work.
>getting a kill by throwing the spear doesn't count as a melee kill
this sucks
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it turns it into an air gun with three rounds
Based Izanami

be honest retard this shit is going to happen in cold war 1.4
Flashbangs are ridiculously bad in MW3. Concussions are just better in every way
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For some reason 4chan thinks my post is spam.
In short, this amp is another gimmick and outclassed by pre-existing weapons.
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dont know which to get 9mm or 762
I'm honest when I say mwiii is a dogshit game
smart man (page 8 bump for dead game)
reply to yourself
Im actually starting to get concerned. Was joking before about the medication but cmon big dog... get some help
>1 week after the s6 update and the game is already dead
get bo6
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lol fuck no
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>another shotgun to terrorize Shipment with
Don't buy any of this shit, the game is dead in a month.
shut the fuck up with this bullshit you retarded must buy the next game every year faggot people still play fucking vanguard to this day
Nah he wants to become a lolcow like wishingskeleton
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still not buying bo6 lmfao
lol ur an idiot
>retarded must buy the next game every year
Kek. This is ironic since you're doubling down on your butthurt status, from the no carry over announcement, by buying blackcell and pro packs for mwiii when the game is dead in one month.
Prepare to become a lolcow lil bro. Will you last more than Wishing?
is mw19, cold war, vanguard, mw2 dead yes or no? i rest my case

this isnt kiwifarms nigger
Oi bruv cool it with the racism yeah?
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I've never seen a more buggy and broken mode than MWZ. Never let anyone other than Treyarch touch zombies. At least their latest warzone inspired slop is plyable.
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MWZ was more buggy when treyarch had the helm than it is now in other studio hands keep that in mind season 1 was a clusterfuck of issues when they treyarch had it
Yesterday I tried to open the newest rift and after placing all the upgraded items, it didn't appear and now all the items are gone. Others told me it's a bug so I gotta get and upgrade them all over again.
The previous aether rift that required a dog to kill a sergeant wasn't working either. I could get the other 2 items every time I tried but I needed randoms to get it for me.
And don't forget how on rare occasions you get stuck in the MWZ logo loading screen.
If this is better I don't want to know how dogshit the mode was at launch.
the armor plate count has been broken for two seasons despite it working perfectly fine in warzone
>If this is better I don't want to know how dogshit the mode was at launch.
yeah it was worse than that at launch you know the bug where the game crashes and you lose all your shit? well imagine that happening every 2nd game you played, the servers would crash constantly because they didnt optimise shit it was really bad there were bugs all over the place
I don't have to imagine because my region has horrible servers where constant packet bursts are normal. Sometimes you get disconnected and lose all your shit.
damn that sucks, im pretty sure that they done a patch a while back where you keep your stuff if you are disconnected nowadays though right?
Why couldn't sledge make their own third mode?
Survival from the og MW3 was kino
Based take but just to be sure what do you mean by collision
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i unironically liked the aesthetic of ww2 zombies i think it was the best with how gritty it was im sad that treyarch does the whole gay colourful shit or just plain boring shit nowadays
So why didn't sledge make their own 3rd mode for mwiii?
Ww2 nazi zombies is WAW/BO1 Treyarch having a child with Resident Evil frfr
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And the shills are out in full force again
mw3 was made in less than a year and has more content that any previous cod for MP the real question you should be asking is how the fuck is that even possible

So sledge needed saving from treyarch then? Is that what you're saying?
He's right. Copetrolloids get lucky headshots from the recoil. No more fast ttk for them
MWIII was made in 6 months. and in 6 months the sledgegods pumped out the best maps cod has seen in 10 years
I wouldn't consider shipment reskins to be the "best maps"
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i need to remind myself how retarded you are when posting in this general
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MW3 has all the best guns and camos, why would I downgrade to FLOPS 6?
Who are you even talking about? And why do you keep dodging the question?
>Who are you even talking about?
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retard stick to your 24/7 shipment lobbies
So why didn't sledge make their own 3rd mode for this game?
>~5 decent maps in a cesspit of outsourced mw2 remakes, warzone cutouts and small map reskins
still more decent maps than Shitfinity Ward made in the last 15 years
>and in 6 months the sledgegods pumped out the best maps cod has seen in 10 years
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>the best maps cod has seen in 10 years
Do the devs know that they can fix this dogshit map and game by just giving everyone a zipgun like blackout?
Are you talking about Urzikstan? It's a failed experiment. Wrap it up until Verdansk next year.
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mw and cw have lots of bunnies
vangaurd lacked them it’s why the game failed

they swiftly corrected that mistake with mw3 and it’s one of the best cods because of it.
yes but they can just bandaid fix it right now with a zipgun instead of making everyone wait half a year for verdansk
Just use the P.R.D. chud
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>one of the best cods
how is that even comparable ya tard
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needs gold cheetah
Not a fan of the change but this pic is hilarious as its a typical cope-troller mentality
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But that's a COLD WAR screenshot???
the point is that mw paved the way for it, retard
it was treyarch actually
lol you suck at communication and your shit's autistic as fuck.
Kalashnikov Concern is not suing CoD for blatantly copying the AK and its name? Other brands can, they should too.
Nobody gives a fuck about r*ssian fee-fees anymore.
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why the fuck did you not make these anime chicka's into cel shaded operators the art is literally fucking made for them you retards
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Crap ward decided to go with this abomination instead
Just release bo6 now
So this is how they'll kill cod...brilliant
izanami is fine, but they had a great selection to make cel shaded bundles with and done nothing with it
Portnova is my new waifu
Yaoi edition #4
Nuketown for some reason never arrived on launch after BO1
It was always delayed
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Was this part of the plan? Give me a qrd...I-I don't understand?!?!?!
Probably done on purpose to hype up people. Are we getting a new Nuketown or is the fucking sand serving as it's bo6 incarnation?
New Nuketown probably in season 1
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Why can't we have a nuketown that takes place in Iraq? It could be part of saddam's WMD testing range hastily built by Colin Powell to frame him for possession of WMD's.
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new thread bros
fyi, the Corvus PEQ Beam has a better Hipfire Spread bonus than the FTAC Grimline, assuming that's why you put it on there.

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