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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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keep it civil today please lads
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Base Vegeta
I don't like Tien in this team, who is synergetic with the first two and works as an anchor?

Builf for me
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Ono will save fighting games
That goes double for you, Ellie
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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds of fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments
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why did she forget her bloomers?
Your Ellie is in another platform. I'm talking about the Genshin Hu Tao Necro who familiarizes themselves with lavender slang to stir more trouble, still baiting y'all todate .
Made for the Cheezcock.
So wait. Ellie is a tranny because she's an obnoxious Bridgetfag with leftist talking points out of her axe wound. But being a leftist Bridgetfag somehow doesn't make Reichan one?
Please explain this to me
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So who won the Sajam Slam thing
>Your Ellie is in another platform.
Why is she still here incorrectly labelling women pickmes and getting mad that you, a real woman, corrected her about it?
idk i only watched for the fat asian chicks
I forgot how soulless Korean coom games were. Of course, Korean coom games are very forgettable
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Ono will win. FGO fg wiil win. FGO fg when? Finna sniffmain Shuten Douji
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Simple: Ellie hasn't been baiting you, but a necrophile.
Reichan just wants tech not in her local or discord.
Hu Tao fag has no moral or politics, just a true flamer.
Ellie is in Blusky. Reichan doesn't care what platform is tech hidden at.
Ask the necrophile that¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lavender language is something everyone can learn at any spectra of perspectives.
That reminds me, I joined a sew queer group fighting against Xi JiPing's hypercapitalism. Let's see how nhey are doing.
>I joined a sew queer group fighting against Xi JiPing's hypercapitalism
Reichan, no one can tell if you're joking or not
I thought Reichan was being sarcastic about Ellie, but the tranny leaf really went and got a Bluesky account as if we wouldn't notice
Not joking rn.
I wouldn't call it “running away,” more so: “getting tired of dealing with idiots, might as well try the _thing_”
>“getting tired of dealing with idiots, might as well try the _thing_”
Ellie and her easy to track username brought it on herself
SS4 Gogeta
Do you forget /fgg/ doxes retards?
Not just that, but her distinctly bad way of drawing
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I'm aware of the ouroboros, yes. Are you aware you could also stop your obsession?
Ellie has stalked the likes of nubi and Baron for well over 20 years
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projecting your antisocial behaviour unto others is not good nubi, esp. when you're also repeating you're repeating your idiocy for everyone to reply in kind.
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when are ellie and cheez gonna get married
Why are you defending a schizo tranny this hard? She's tried to antagonize you, too
This thread is just nigga moments nonstop
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You clown ass niggas can make up all these fake ass niggas but can’t character design yo own fighting game tho??? LUHHONK
i'm making a VN instead
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we created Julia the Wraith and Winifred the Spellsword, DOE?!?!
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Fucking burger niggas so afraid of Ronaldo McDonaldo LOL
concord should have hired Chadton to fix their game
they couldn't afford him
Hoping Palnigga devs win so we can get Palfighter with grimeless gameplay
we ain't creating no furslop, nigga
finna patent party mechanics like slimer meters and parries to FORCE devs to make good games again
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palworld was literally dead before nintendo made people talk about it again, it wasn't happening whether they win or lose luhmow
i'm going to patent sajamback code
Watched Tifa at a Rave

NEED this bitch in Tekken 8 so much
chatgpt create a patent claim for the fighting game act of rapid forward movement known as "dashing"
Finna patent [forward space stealing mechanic] to stop these ESG Jewish niggas from ruining fgs.
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Blades and Beasts development stream starting soon.
Tonight, I am working on Gretel's special moves.
chatgpt create a patent claim for the fighting game concept of "armored moves"
Why don’t you guys just play the older games that are actually fun
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playing vsav for long periods of time hurts my hands
The choice always comes down to
>arthritis or fun game
I know which one I pick everytime
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We could have a cool feestyle taekwondo game, but we only get faggot gay DEI shit in modern games.
just crB crA qcbP~ufK~dK lil bro
What assists and order should I run on Cell/Kid Buu/Frieza?
I drew characters which seemed like a good idea myself a decade ago. Just got filtered with the actual "game" parts like programming and animation and gave up.
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this author actually prevented the entire millennial generation from becoming good at art its crazy
they chose to buy the book, thoughbeit
those "how to draw manga" books really had me dreaming until i'd toss them away and go back to playing games
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I been fantasizing about drawing for like 10 years
We'll never make it
just...do it
That explains Ellie's slop. But why would you expect millennials to be good at art?
Made for rape
you're gonna die anyway.

so better start tomorrow to draw.
why is he still so bad if he grinds every day?
grind without understanding how to grind doesnt produce results.
>Posts AI garbage
you never were meant to make it anyway
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I just spent an hour labbing vegito left-right shit but I cant lab drawing
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Let's say I get decent, so what? Still sticking to my day job, gooning, and playing video games. Never gonna actually achieve my dreams anywya.
Then quit your day job.
Are you retarded
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Don't just stare, lil Timothy.
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rumbleverse really thought this lil nigga was gonna make lil timtim swipe his mom's credit card
you dont need to turn hobbies into your job, retarded npc.
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do you really want to look back at your life when you're on your deathbed and realize you wasted your youth jacking off to fat dogs on 4chan and flipping burgers?
is baron learning disabled?
I'm in finance
Just get dementia before you get on your deathbed so you don't remember shit.
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In 10 years knowing how to prompt will be more valuable than knowing how to actually draw. Just give it time.
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That will be a reality for many of us anon. Alzheimer is no joke and it sucks no matter which side of it you're on.
>The Asian woman with purple hair streak meme
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Reina and Kuni II are goddesses
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Kuni II is one of my Asian goddesses, vappa
COTW bringing back this feeling, oh yeah.
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Thoughts on Reina? I didn't think they could top Kuni II until I saw Reina.
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mihoyo just traceappa'd k'... his skill description even mentions the sunglass throw...
tatsumaki senpuukyak- shoryuken
didn't he get art lessons?
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why would wazzler say this
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I really like Reina too. One of the reasons that initially drew me to Kuni II and also Lidia was that I really did not like most of the female Kekken cast's fighting animations, they just dont feel all that impactful. Lily's are especially bad

But Reina looks like she hits like a truck and it's great.
Kuni II is great
Reina is really generic
he's blacker than most people in this thread
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Based. I know. I love when it looks like a chick hits hard. One of the reasons I like tsunade.
>chest scars
>small breast sliders
Never get into fighting games. They have canon trannies
they turned him into a corny timtim
do weebs complain about this or is the dialogue jappa accurate
heihachi has chest scars and you all love him
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COTW waiting room.
Built for me
Heihachi a canon tranny?
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Then you're not pursuing your dream, so what's the point
You can be really good but still just becomes a commission artist drawing people's fetishes

I know the comparison has been made before but drawing is seriously just like fighting games. A lot of effort, minimal reward and chance of making it your career is basically 0
wait, y'all wanted to make comics... for a living
drawing is a hobby first and foremost, if you're not drawing for yourself then why bother?
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Spy X Oyukadon hngnhhhhhh
Remember when an anon leaked Ellie's doujinshi?
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Strange glitch at the end there. For some reason, sometimes running MPC-HC and 2DFM at the same time causes a crash. But not the entire system getting a hang like that. Had to restart my PC. I'll finish up specials tomorrow.
nobody. Fucking. CARES!
you can't code
you can't draw
you can't write
you don't know anything about game design
can't you take a hint? literally nobody here is interested in your dogshit ideas
you're a 30 year old loser that lives in his mommy's basement and is basically a retard if your "progress" is anything to go by
why do you think literally no one watches your streams?
fuck off
>you're a 30 year old loser that lives in his mommy's basement and is basically a retard if your "progress" is anything to go by
He's literally me
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>nobody. Fucking. CARES!
>you can't code
>you can't draw
>you can't write
>you don't know anything about game design
>can't you take a hint? literally nobody here is interested in your dogshit ideas
>you're a 30 year old loser that lives in his mommy's basement and is basically a retard if your "progress" is anything to go by
>why do you think literally no one watches your streams?
>fuck off
why are you always putting successful young black men like sonicsol and baron down?
bumron is actually more delusional than psychojosh when you think about it
pj at least knows he's making fetish party slop, but this retard thinks he's making a serious esport with a deep and compelling plotline and frame data and shit
my brother in Christ, you're Idea Guying about a morbidly obese squirrel and an anorexic fox mashing abc special on each other
adjust your ego accordingly, kthx!
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Nigga, what success does he have?
Every Mishima is trans
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what are we going nuts about today?
but does smash count? if so, why
>"why can't you make a game?"
>makes a game

why are you people like this

Soulless post
>fgg is one person
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what's the lore on the nightly 0 viewer humiliation ritual streamer here?
which one
Is that hotashi?
fighting game characters for this feel
>assuming youre the only one who does this
...meds? i dont know i dont speak your retarded ass language
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>Baron Derangement Syndrome troon with gay Soive and Overwatch bottom healer pics at 2 AM Eastern time on /fgg/
Luhwoof. He's making OC what's the problem?
But can he make something.... good?
can you?
there's more than one?
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Anon those dont even belong in the SAME Sentence...
well I don't flood the thread with garbage no one wants to see, so...
Just... make a better concept? Not going to reward you for bad behavior. I asked for a steak and you put a shoe on a plate. Nice try, kid.
Fighting game sniffs for this feel?
and what would be a better concept in your head, "kid"?
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Either people that don't even watch him or defending him or he's anonymous defending himself.

I'm honestly not sure which one is sadder lmao

I'm just saying the quiet part out loud. We were all thinking it.
issa the algorithm
lolis in micro bikinis getting impregnated
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NTA but
something that will actually have an audience, perhaps?
most furries are gay, so he should have gone for a bara theme if he really wanted to draw animal people. Think Talbain from vsav.

most straight people aren't attracted to hairy monster women, so he should have just gone with a kemonomimi theme if he really wanted to draw girls with animal parts. think You'll from Granblue.

it's like he doesn't know his own audience and managed to dissatisfy everyone
... I thought y'all said fetish games were le bad?!?!?
whoopsies, that was for
Fetish? That's fun for the whole family!
Whatever this is >>495628156
can y'all stop jacking off to children?
I don't think Ellie's femboy fighter would have enough appeal to make a profit unless she made it super cheaply....
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baron's detractors get more engagement than baron himself at this point...
I can't really blame them now since their behavior is obviously encouraged
thats a perfectly normal preference for a healthy male
see the chart
lawbreakers had the troon friendly gender neutral toilets in it
even cheez has disowned baron at this point
B-but I was told her femboyshit was more unique than Baron's furshit!
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It is, but that doesn't make it good, either. Both are about as worthless and we'd be a lot better off with either.
at least ellie drew fighting game characters for us
baron only cares about his OCs
Ellie drew beloved characters like Akira and Jin
Bumron didn't even draw someone from his discord games with 4 players worldwide for us...
Lines on a piece of paper arent children.
Sure, buddy
>samefagging this hard
pedo detected
even though he's just producing soft porn slop, there's this since of childlike innocence and sincerity to baron's work
but I cannot exactly put my finger on what I'd call it.
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based shotacon enjoyer* you mean
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why can't you guys just be normal?
You're actually the crazy one and I'm normal.
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the nightly streams have made it very obvious that he's just given up on ever being a good artist

all he does is just talk to himself for hours about his safe furry slop and the imaginary mechanics in his head. he doesn't even post pictures on his Twitter anymore, just random squiggles he dumps on here.
"I'm never going to be good, so why put in any more effort? I'll hire someone for that..."

but it makes me wonder why he continues to do art lessons

saddest part is that he's probably still banking on cheez saving him, which is funny because both of these clowns are broke lmao
was an image of bridget's ass really necessary to get your point across?
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I'll SMASH that ass cleavage
are fighting games really so shit now that baron would rather scribble like a retard with no significant progress for several years in a row instead of playing sf6?
She draws them as sissies. I would much rather original characters than off-model versions of established characters
She drew Akira and Jin maybe twice
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....but I thought everyone loved Mercy
remember when we used to say mandem
Built for the cheezcock
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Take the throw Sf-6 style
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its okay when poop strike does it
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COTW waiting room.
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It's not but 3s has six frames of can't-be-thrown when rising from a knockdown
throw loop RPS against ken is the exact same in both 3s and dix s2
Of all the current "popular" fighting games, is Undernight the last original IP or am I missing some other game? Can't think of anything else that isn't either an old established franchise or simply a spin-off from some other title.
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>"And then, just by walking forward, In a sudden flash of blue light, he stopped the assailants attack..."
>"It was as if just for a moment, time had stopped... the impact of the blow was nullified and in its place, only a breeze was felt instead..."
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Every single fighting game is gay shit that doesn't come close to the autismo of IRL martial arts.

It's like a low IQ genre for weebs.
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i cant believe nubi is still in this general lol. he also got that guy to remove his bloody roar tier list interview lmaooo
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Why did Justin indirectly kill a tranny like that?
Technically speaking, yeah.
Though I guess Skullgirls came out the same year as it.
gigamaidens will change that
korone in dix confirmed
I’d prefer Gura for the mods
More than 10 years ago, yikes.
well I guess if you wish to be technical TFH was "big" in the sense that it got into Evo (before Mr Wizard got it cancelled)
But that's based off MLP
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Why doesn't someone just make a new fighting game IP?
we're just puting v-tubers, negan and soccer players in our fighting games now? the fuck is wrong with us
Originality is not reward, so we're just repeating the same points forever now.
Why do you think they still use Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone as major movie stars?
another gay ass nigga watching his intro
With all the vtubers they keep hiring i wonder if they made any money off sf6 at all
Remember this, next time when a Kekken fan calls SNK a Mexican game.
We have been making fun of tekpakis for a while now
tekkenchads are based???
cheez is brazilian?!
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>Street fighter only has a single jump type
>kof only has hops

Not a single fighting game has the entire jump autismo I need now.
why did they choose a DeviantArt name like Ragna the Bloodedge?
kof has 4 jump types including sf jump
what more did you want?
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kof only has hops.

I want hops, wall jumps, wall flips, swing jumps, flips, butterfly wheels, landing rolls, handrail crosses, normal jumps, long jumps, swing grabs, long jump rolls, rolls, vaults, precision jumps, balance cat jumps.
Senran Kagura has at least half of that
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Time to start playing Tekken
Fucking based
Fuck ArcSoy
I remember he didn't care for Rage of the Dragons either.
Wait so Double Dragons Revive is having its KOFXIV moment where its jump to 3D is ugly as shit, but what makes this case special to which the original artists don't care for the reboot? It couldn't just be the graphics right?
Is it just cause they're the ones that aren't working on the game?
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Double Dragon has been 3d for a while...
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New SF figure of Chun-Li
Thats the spinoff though is it not? Revive looks like its a mainline entry.
Didn't they just put out another game that was helped by some Sonic porn artist?
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Juri got one, too.
This has one of the most ugly animations ever
why weren't these Manon and Marisa
Juri is mandatory.
Should have been Kimberly and Lily figures
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always find it funny when I get a random warning from a post here. either we got some fat lazy janny tranny freak that cant do its job or theres enough trannies here reporting posts.
Now that the dust has settled, did justin do anything wrong?
Kimberly and Lily figures don't sell
we have a janny they just barely do anything
Why didn't they just call it Bestiality?
Justin Wong has already caused irreparable damage to MVC2 on the Marvel vs Capcom collection
Sorry no sales
What exactly makes a good beginner character?
Ease of execution? Complete toolset? Fundamentals-heavy gameplan?
how do we know this for a fact if they barely have any merchandise to begin with?

what's the point of all these newcomers if they just keep relying on decades old characters anyway?
matz said luke, jamie, and kimberly were supposed to be the new ryu, ken, and chun but they all just shill the same characters anyway
All of those, but I think the biggest one is easy of use. Even a gimmicky character may be okay if they are easy to figure out and reach the skill ceiling with (but could cause bad habits). But if a simple rushdown character is too hard (A 1f link just to do abc special) then that is not good for a new player.
remember when sakura was part of the big three? how did juri take her spot so easily?
remember that nigga sean?
There was some image of Juri plushies being outsold while the Lily plushies bin was full in Japan.
Plus if you're talking about the world of figurines the competition there is fierce as shit, and SF6's newcomers are gonna look like monsters compared to literally anything else offered in say Kotobukiya for instance. Look at the picture here, the Angel figurine was in the top seller for a while and even it got its spot overtaken by some other anime in the long run.
TL;DR Marisa, Manon, Lily, and Kimberly are ugly females trying to compete with literally every other female with a figurine that's attractive which is 99% of them, good luck mofo.
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Actually I just checked AmiAmi and the point is still fucking right, Juri is sitting there in the top 4, but look at her competition. Do you HONEST TO GOD THINK Manon, Marisa, Kimberly, and Lily would be in the top 8 let alone especially next to all this?
Go ahead I'll wait.
>"Just give the 'x' IP to ASW, they will make pog!!!" - GG / Anime fans with no originality
>ASW makes game with said IP
>"This is a mockery of our work. A slap in the face of our beloved series. Never cook with our IP ever again" - OG Devs

Fucking serves you fucking anime NPC fans right! I fucking told y'all you have no original ideas and still having to resort to thinking giving it to arcsissy was going to fix anything or make it pog is even more funny.
Go ahead and tell Araki to give the JoJo's IP to ASW to make fighting game so I can laugh at y'all again
Marisa can compete with Majima
At least she has both eyes
alright that gave me a chuckle
>wonder why some asuka figure is at the top
>look it up
>4th eva movie came out in 2021
Anno took almost 15 years to make 4 movies? wtf is wrong with nu gainax?
>calls top scars and vitiligo "fetish shit"
>jerks it to 2D children
Justin has access to the Death Note
hi sakonanta
how can you even milk 4 movies from eva
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Calling the right "female" is being generous when said "female" drew picrel
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>Sony State of Play announced for tomorrow
>Showcases for over 20 games

What we expecting? Surely something for SF6 considering gameplay reveal was done on a SoP
based and true
it's laughable that cucks think that arcsoy could actually make a Darkstalkers game
how can you watch porn all day like this guy and still have anatomy this bad?
watching porn doesn't make you an expert on anatomy...
terry trailer rerun, some in-game limited time slophub collab, nothing else. actually, maybe a mai teaser
Worse yet, how can you call yourself a woman yet dress like a tranny? >>495673013
has Nen Impact been delayed indefinitely? surely they wont just shadow drop it at the end of 2024 like they said? hopefully it gets delayed until the end of 2025
mega man legends legacy collection
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why doesn't he just watch YouTube tutorials if he really cares about drawing? there are a million of them
stubborn or lazy?

that's what I did
Anatomy is a practice that can last a lifetime, lil nigga. Pyw you wont
cant take the baron slander seriously when its mostly coming from insecure art troons
what makes them insecure?
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>how do we know this for a fact if they barely have any merchandise to begin with?
You REALLY think MANrisa and MANon would sell anything rather than guaranteed money from Chun and Juri? LUHROAR. Should have also included Cammy
he's mentioned watching toniko pantoja before
notice you didnt question being a troon
I mean, you people call everything tranny on here, so that's just white noise to me
So is someone drawing their "husbando" in trannycore fashion just a coincidence?
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>advanced animation channel from an industry professional
literally a waste of time for him
nigga needs to spend more time drawing some fucking boxes
gotta walk before you can run
some of y'all are ridiculously impatient, lol
im going to need source on this, for um, educational purposes...
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Ellie still trying to dunk on Baron's art when her shit comes out like this
>but it's unique!
>but she draws beloved fighting game characters like... uh... she drew Akira and Jin once!
The same "artist" drew picrel beeteedubs
Let's not forget "she" also drew Bridget
real nubi hours
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Isekai Coliseum. Designs should be in a fg. Loser gets turned into a girl and the victor becomes a futa to rape them… finna steal this…
Hi, Ellie!
When is your HwoarangxLion doujinshi coming out? Where will you post it?
Its been over a decade since Nubi spammed head stomps on you and made you rage, Its time to let go, move on with your life senpai.
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Why exactly are you still so pressed about getting headstomped, Ellie?
Same with strive, that ain’t guilty gear.
She's been harassing him and Baron for longer. Even going as far as to become a /y/ drawfag just to mock them both
nubi got his interview deleted off youtube lmao
'member granpoo?

'member the fall guys mode?
I can't believe you're still assmad this guy headstomped you
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shine is out here getting vtuber pussy. SS could've had this if he kept his spook ass in check
why did he reply to that image macro 4 times?
'member Virtua Fighter?
why do people still think ellie is a real woman when there's a mountain of evidence showing otherwise?
how many boxes have Ellie and baron draw?
the only vtuber pussy these coons get is vgooner bussy. we all know the fgc blacks are gay like the rappers.
cleveland jr was straight as an arrow
shine's only 30????????
can't believe baron got to plap Reichan but I'm just sitting here jacking off to lolis...
nubi is extremely mentally ill. it would be really interesting to send him to a shrink for a couple of months of intense session and then read the file.
Punk is straight
punk laughed when a nigga said he'd beat his son if he tried transitioning
but then he also said if he woke up to a guy sucking his dick he'd let him finish before beating his ass
Meds, Ellie >>495678150
you need the meds nubi, you have been fighting your thread nemesis that doesnt even post here for over 10 years now
Said the guy seething over his boogeyman for over a decade because he lost a match in some dead online kusoge
>blatant samefagging
just ignore it
that game was fun. a little clunky in the play control department tho
Damn, imine being THIS upset over losing in some dead kusoge.
remember when nubi took a review shitting on his favorite game bloody roar and rewrote it to be about tekken and then spammed it everyday for a year?
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a broken clock is right twice a day
it's very obvious he has some kind of deficiency
if it actually bothered him, he would stop posting stuff publicly, but he won't, so they continue to point out his flaws.

But if he doesn't care, where is the harm? who really cares?
that was golden age nubi, paired with the tekken 7 webm spam it was the backbone of EU hours /fgg/
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Tekken 300 moves autismo would be better if it was a beatem up.

It's a shame tekken autismo is lost simply because compettiive fags have to min/max the movelist into what works versus another tourneyfaggot.
he litrally has lived with sonicfox, let him use his twitter, and talked about going to furry cons

hes gay AND furry
tekken action rpg where you gotta learn every enemy's 300 moves and how to counter them
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I cannot take this anymore
Mashing headstomps just like before
All these hitboxes, they make no sense
Why can I anti air none of this
All my booms get punished
Try flash kick and it whiffs

Just like before

Everytime you chip me
(One headstomp closer to the edge)
(And I'm about to break)
I need a little room to seethe
('Cause I'm one headstomp closer to the edge)
(I'm about to break)

New MvC game and instead of Frank West, the representative from Dead Rising is this meaty sniff
Built for the cheezcock
why does nu mvc hate ken so much
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crazy how one learning disabled retard here being an idiot with no self reflection has convinced you all that drawing is this mystic skill that only those chosen by the gods can learn
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Also dont forget this absolute top tier sniff from Resident Evil

Definitely need to be in a MVC game over the usual (Jill, etc)
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Why fighting games simply do a point system where you win the round by a clean strike to the head of chest of the oponent like they do in boxing and taekwondo IRL?
is fgg just a bunch of ideas guys now that think they're geniuses like matz and harada?
there was that one game that did that exact thing and it sucked, forget its name, was on the N64 of all things.
mandem really called farmer matz and harada geniuses
Finna slide my BBC jr up in this meaty snow bunny… on her wake-up niggaaaaa
fighter destiny, and the point system is actually superior to just having an HP system
so this is our lives? we just go nuts on fgg all day until we die and enter the void forever? grim
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>steal stuff from IRL martials arts
>wow, you're a genius

This remind me that reading books is something like 1% of americans do, so may as well call harada a genius, I think.
thats what happens when your parents dont love you or if your genetics are just that garbage
I post on /fgg/ because its the only place I can let the dark side of my brain loose. I spend my days as Mr Hyde then transform into Dr Jekyll
/fgg/... home...
baron read books and look how that turned out for him
a successful artist, game dev, and fgg celebrity?
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not since the /sfg/ split
i dont come here daily anymore after the split, but i seriously unironically used to
This isn't me. I dropped my name just to spite that one anon
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niggas bully the timmies that read books in school then later fall for tiktok free money ATM glitches.
Sethanie spotted
When I get a girlfriend at a circle of friends and a social life and a desk job you niggas will never see me posting in this shithole again
what success, NIGGA? it's all astroturfed.
no one gives a fuck about this faggot
show me your award winning game
they were bullying them because they liked them. all the "niggas" turned out to be homosexuals.
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MVC classic, Psylock, has been revealed in that other game and she sports a different look
non-coomer design but she still cute and she'll probably get her coomer design as a cosmetic... when is this game coming back?
Ellie won't fuck you
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why do they just traceappa yoruichi for every ebw design now?
>she'll probably get her coomer design as a cosmetic
You said the same thing about Mai when we both know their coom designs are gone for good
why is everyone allowed to coom except for normal straight men
substantiate your claim
go ahead
I'll wait for your anecdotal evidence
because sick people don't want justice, they want revenge. justice would be their yum coexisting with ours. they get their silly box jaw and chest scar option; we get our stacked waifus. but again. they don't want justice. they want to satisfy their sadistic control fantasies
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>Chink Overwatch ripoff looks better than MvCI
Damn shame.

Yoruichi is a GODLIKE design, lil TimTim
For me it's rukia and adult nel
they had that Asian whore in there for you Timmies to coom to, what's the issue?
Haymar was the most basic, blandest asian sniff. Yes, she was leagues better than everyone else in CONCORD. But that's not saying much because she had literally no competition. ChatGPT could literally whip up a sniff of the same quality in 5 seconds.
are trannies trying to make Timmy their nigga?
just……………..look at…………….porn………..?
nubi told me hes in the furry gooncord where they role play as bloody roar characters
Evens mitsuru
Odds yuffie
cheez is a normal straight man and he cooms all the time DOEVERBEIT!?!?
cheez never does that
he was shamed into dropping his name
Who are the Magneto, Dante, Dr. Doom, Vergil functions of dbfz?
I want to be frozen in a block of ice and stabbed by her rapier. Give me the richussy
I do it all the time

No, I did it out of spite for anon and his filter.
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Sajam is so lucky...
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Why can't y'all just make a game like this?
How the FUCK are hot bitches risky? Gayass TimTim. Don’t understand why attractive women real or fake make them do that.
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>your enjoyment will be based around your "tolerance for the aesthetics"
I notice they always say this about any game where women are attractive, but never in the games where characters are made to look repulsive
Very curious...
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/fgg/, shitpost City
But the city don't know what the city is getting
The creme de la creme of the waifu posters
In a thread with everything but actual players

Time flies, doesn't seem a minute
Since SFV:CE released with Sethanie in it
All changed, don't you know that when you
goon at this level there's no vanilla

It's Feet, or giantess, or squishings
Or, or slavery

One night with Sethanie and the world's your oyster
Her body is a temple but her love's not free
Be a good boy and take her golden shower
If you ain't lucky, then she will put you over her knee
I can feel her footsies stepping all over me

One post's very like another
When all your posting is your waifu, brother

(It's a drag, it's a bore, it's really such a pity
To be looking at this board
and not posting our goddess Sethanie)
Why is she so mean?
You get spanked, pegged, and locked in chastity

(Pee, girls, warm and feet, feet
Some are set up in the Morrigan suite)
Get Seth'd, you're talking to a tourist
Whose silver waifu is among the purest
I get my kisses above the waistline, sunshine

One night with Sethanie makes a hard man cum
Not much between despair and ecstasy
One night with Sethanie and the tough guys cum
Can't be too careful with your anal virginity
I can feel her strap-on inside of me

Sajam's gonna be the witness
To the ultimate test of cerebral fitness
This grips me more than would an old morrigan
Or reclining kolin

Thank God I'm posting Sethanie, cooming to it
My boner is raging
The kind of mating I'm contemplating
I'd let you watch, I would invite you
But but we don't want cucks like you

So, you better go back to reddít

One night with Sethanie and the world's your oyster
Her body is a temple but her love's not free
Be a good boy and take her golden shower
If you ain't lucky, then she will put you over her knee
I can feel her footsies stepping all over me
so do you guys just sit there cooming all day?
Is that.... healthy?
Extremely healthy
Finna sniffmolest mitsuru
Is fgg so dead that everyone just avatarfags and pretends to be artists and game devs instead of actually talking about fighting games?
no one pretends to be those things, take your meds
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This chick made a furry game on a budget of zero dollars, what excuse do you people have for your fighting game not cumming out?

You were saying?
yes it is that dead
and so is society
and so are we
but cvs2 is coming back to consoles
This wouldn't have happened if you people just accepted Kimberly.
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I only come to this general for Sethanie posts.
I like the idea of playing Terry in SF but slimeshit 6 is so bad. I tried SF6 again last month and it wasn't much better than launch.
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I finished learning kick names, lmao.

front kick, side kick, side punch kick, roudkick, hook, spinning hook, sweep, butterfly kick, push kick, tornado kick, back kick, jumping kick, double jumping kick, triple jumping kick, double kick, triple kick, flash kick, axe kick, capoeria hook spin, double leg air kick, split kick, knee, flying knee, scissor kick.

My autismo is now much much bigger
how exactly do you play against gief in ST
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>Terry comes out tomorrow
>no hype. zip. nada
Luhmeow. What happened?
Where's bicycle kick, step kick and drop kick?
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I thought you guys said GM is woke hyperfeminist troon delusion because my girls can bench press their own bodyweight
I haven't learned all, lol.
dont start posting like the moetroon bots PJ
Sucks that PJ is most likely going to develop the most pimp fighting game ever and it's still gonna have to live in the shadow of absolute garbage like Street Fighter 6
boycotting GM until you add a tranny
i will concede for futa and consider that social progress
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Don't hold your breath faggot.
GM is finished
Trannies do not exist
i'm going to make a bad decision and play a fighting game today
what's gonna come out first?

gigamaidens or blades and beasts?
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new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
spitting on that thang
SF6 is like the indian pale ale of fighting games
Everyone pretends to like it even though it tastes fucking awful and just sucks complete ass
>The new Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li are Luke, Jamie, and Kimberly
>They aren't pushing Leifen as the new Sakura after we learned she gets pregnant in SF5 with her Arcade Job Manager.
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The people of /fgg/ lived very simple lives
They had wonderful natures were never impolite
Up until the day the Sethposter came to town
Check it out as I break it down
Cheez was busy losing 20-2 in tekken with his reputation on the line
So what happened next was definitely like the last thing on his mind
An unfamiliar voice behind him said how do you do
It wasn't me he replied but now who are you
The strange character in the top hat and a long black coat
Introduced himself politely and then said on that note
I'd like to show you another something that I doubt you've ever seen
Here, take a look at this beautiful machine
The silver robot mommy was a certified domme
And gracefully made her way up to the thread
In a blink of an eye removed all her clothes
And spun her tanden engine with a laugh and a cry
And had everyone posting Sethanies in no time
Oh my said LuvCheez who was quite taken back
Very curious about this mysterious character in black
And very soon the whole town was making a scene
About the Sethposter and his amazing machine (wife)
Anyone know what time the terry dlc will come out?
Somebody help me I can't stop thinking about giant, smug, evil skullgirls
>the new faces of street fighter are luke and two character swaps of nearly identical 30 year old functions
cheez probably thought he was going to get free fappable art from baron by now
sakura doesn't get pregnant lil pedonigga she's here to stay and Li Fen is disappearing into the void when sf7 reboots the series
bring ono back for SF7 before matz turns it into even more of a party game
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Clayton won.
kys clayton
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I think I understood kicks

Taekwondo kicks seem to be clean and fast and usually aim for the head.
Karate kicks seem to aim to the core and are more about flexing your knee then doing a whip strike.
Shaolin kicks seems to use their arm as support, similar to a roundkick with the arm in tekwondo.
Muay tai kicks seems more like roundkicks all around and seems to be more about raw strenght.
Sambo and Jujitsu seems to be more about using your arm as grabbing pivot to cause more damage to the oponent.
Krav maga seems to be more about kicking the balls, lol.

So far the main kicks seem to be front kick, side kick, back kick, roundkick, crescent kick, round hook, hook, push kick, knee, leg kick, swipe, jump kick, flash kicks, butterfly kicks, tornado kicks, split kicks, double and triple kicks.

But it seems the core kicks are front kick, leg kick, roundkick, back kick, round hook, push kick, knee, meanwhile the others are exibhition kicks.
you forgot tanaka thai kick
that's just a hook kick.

Clayton won? How could you possibly say that Clayton won? The man's been battling illness since before these '24ers were born and he's stuck playing with a broken controller since his youtube channel makes no money after the entire FGC content creator community like buttmonger and ninjer dagger collectively blackballed him. It's a shock he's even willing to contribute to fighting games after everything he's been put through. Clayton has gone to war with the radical LGTBQP+, the FGC, cancer, discord gooners.... all for other people to steal his thunder or pretend he doesn't exist or just outright lie about him in order to ruin his life. nobody has the tenacity that he does though. nobody.
My cute robot wife Sethanie kicking me in the balls and calling me useless
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I mean I single handedly put CvS2 back on the map and made Capcom Fighting Collection 2 happen. Maybe do shit instead of posting on a thread for losers if you want people talking about fighting games.
And who the fuck are you, lil bro?
merk https://youtu.be/mWQtclVqnts?si=u9DoQ74NMNs69Ga2
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hes Anonynous. don't you see his username? baka dayo!
I still dont know what an ironic weeb is
what games would you play and even possibly main if they were more active
USF4, best game of all time.
kof 2002 um, but snk slop always is dead as shit. this is why the fake snk shilling is so annoying to me lately
You mean because a lot of these people probably aren't going to play or stick with the game?
Honestly even more than playing other people I'm excited to crack open training mode and start finding combos, blockstring pressure etc. Even better if there's something clip-worthy.
>Gundam Battle Assault
>X-Men Mutant Academy
what was with these licensed fighting games from this era by some nobodies being fuckin lit
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post sniffs everyone forgot about
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Remember Spectre? From DNF Duel?
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can someone explain to a retard how to make a custom art template for an 8bitdo? I cant find it anywhere online and the only reddit mention of it is wondering why theres no template for the 8bitdo stick
Chadton JUST dropped a tod without double black hayato and yall niggas talmbout Kazuya with SHADES!?
its like 90% grey plastic where exactly do you want to put the art?
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the green rectangle for sure, maybe the outer blue area
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I am 90% considering just joining the army at this point
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so is terry actually good or no?
every character that can fireball drive rush and 2mk drive rush and throw loop is worth playing tier
you're not playing terry lil nigga
you're playing crouching medium into slime rush
slime slime burn knuckle throw loop
a simple no would have sufficed
Have you tried playing her in DFO? She has cool moves.
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Is there any game where you do the kung fu parries which are parries where you grab the oponent to make him lose balance so you can do the counter attack using sambo kicks?
DOA has parries that turn into grabs if your opponent doesn't press anything if that's what you mean
In a high fantasy world, you draw the line at vitiligo, top scars, queerness and pronouns? I'm surprised you play fighting games. They're littered with that shit
I never forgot about rukia
I've seen that recently but where?
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Talent wins.
finally picking up marvel 3 in 2024. who are some good characters for a Dante and Vergil team? I know Doom and Zero are up there but who else?
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No I did muhahah
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based Shuckle
you already have dante and vergil nigga just pick whatever
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Anyone with a beam or projectile assist. Magneto, iron man, dr strange, akuma tatsu assist. Frank with shopping cart assist. Deadpool quick work assist.
Virtua Fighter (Aoi)
MK1 is dropping a full story expansion tomorrow with three fan favorites coming back and people are talking about a guest character from a series that hasn't had a game in 25 years showing up in Dix instead.
only 1 million?
Who are the Magneto, Dante, Vergil, Doom functions of Tatsunoko vs Capcom?
gold lightan or no balls
FGC niggas still complaining about Wi-Fi like they're living in the PS3/360 days where every Japanese developer was too stubborn to switch to Rollback
if youre on wifi youre either poor or live with your parents (are underage)
i dont make the rules
wi-fi players are the niggers of the fgc
no youre not one of the "good ones" you dumbfuck because there arent any good ones, your connection will never be consistent, just fucking plug
Anyone wanna play something?
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Smash MFs play on wifi and you don't here them complaining
You're not entitled to a stable match, incel.
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the sport spinoff niggas cooked when they decided to make daisy a tomboy. bitch got me bricked tf up everytime I see her
Um.... bro, I can see her big juicy nipple....
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>m*le only MC
Blud out here talking about people being cringe while salivating over gock.
Make it make sense chief.
>you enjoy my stuff? Well I take donations. Don't feel obligated to give, but any bit helps! Bro, don't take this the wrong way. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest. So please, do not sperg out like a retard and hold an autistic grudge over me speaking the truth:
This shit looks awful. No one is going to donate anything to you like this. Art and game development aren't for you. If this is the best you can do after years of "practice," then I promise you that no one wants to see this. Just stop, this is getting more pathetic and sad with every zero viewer stream.
Here, let me help you out.
Now, before you go insane, I am NOT telling you to quit. I'm suggesting you take a break, make some money, then use that to hire a team that knows more about games than you. You clearly don't know how to draw, so this would help you hire an artist, a consultant, etc and make something actually worthwhile. Yeah, you're welcome. Don't spend it all in one place.
You will be ashamed of your words and deeds when michiyoshi, Lauren Faust, and vanillaware start working on blades and beasts
nobody tell this guy what placeholder graphics are
what's a gock?
The game was made cheaply compared to AAA games. Not every game needs to sell a billion copies
This desu. I'll never understand the hate about Clayton. It always boils down to jealous that he's not a incel and good looking. And did you see that TAMANTHA holy shit. No wonder the LGBTQ hates him, he only fucks the top tier tier ones. Does anyone know who that is? He said she was famous around the time people were stealing his pictures and that's how they both met, but that's not much to go on.
you gossip like hoes
Yuffie's so fun in her game bros
And what do you think he's gonna replace them with, retard?
Art he cannot afford? LMFAO
um guys i played sf6 some months ago and put in some mods and didnt take them out when i uninstalled the game now i am playing again and they are still on the characters
I could honestly see him convincing a furry porn artist to work on contact, but Lauren would not associate herself with such filth
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Shitposting aside, I'm surprised Vanillaware never did a fighting game. Imagine how much people would eat up the bouncy titty disney sprites.
Whats wrong with wifi guys
he's going to draw the art
Have you not seen his completed works? He is not very good. >>495633762
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...why do people do placeholder graphics instead of just drawing the good version at the start ?
he should hire ellie as his consultant
on a scale of 1 to 10 how trans are all of you
if he draws a thousand sprites, he will be forced to improve if he wants to keep them consistent
solid six right now
light 4 bc i'm listening to eurobeat rn
he should pay shuckle to do his sprites
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Finished learning punches.

So far there are.

Jab, hook, high jab, mid jab, cross block, long block, uppercut, back punch, mountain punch, kung fu jab, slip, cross, parry, low parry, slip hook, monk punch, hammer punch, knife punch, palm punch, shining shoes.

I know have a complete vocabulary of punches and kicks for my games.

Gotta now learn throws and submissions.
Rope all mentally ill men in dresses.
>persona fan
even grosser
Persona fan are FAR more tolerable than trannies.
At least my cooch is REAL.
>a girl who likes persona
guaranteed BPD minimum
you said trans instead of the many /fgg/ alternatives, so you're probably a mantha freak
bluntness is funnier sometimes lil timiqua
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Taking my time on this one...
years hrt
did you grow boobs
brasilian jujitsu is the most gay shit ever made.

a triangle choke literally puts the other guy to suck your dick and he can't do shit.

Get your mind out of the gutter
that's just a regular hold
you have gay sex on the brain, so you told on yourself
just a shota lover + fellow woman enjoyer. no BPD.
Easier to clean up placeholders and then final product has less time needed to be drawn since you have the general idea of how to draw each frame.
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are you into masculine or just fullblown predator mode
axe wounds don't count as vagina dude....
why is he larping as a shotacon pedonigga chick? is this what /fgg/ does to the mind?
Why are you projecting? Dont cry to me about getting your shit split.
-_- if Ken Amada was real...
Reads like ESL, please rephrase.
>abridging English reads like ESL
that's a sign of fluency you dumbass, anyway you answered my question in replying to another post. gross
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Continuing work on Gretel tonight. Have to rewrite her command list after last night's crash.
Same twitch as before.
But also YouTube, of course.
>Dont cry to me about getting you-ACK!
That was abdridging? "Are you into masculine" reads like a pendejos 1st sad attempt at english. Pay attention in escula and less skipping achool to play KOF Magic on the arcade cabs Paco
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if we really had a paag here they'd post their tits, pussy, an oiled up twerking webm and a sultry voice recording but we really dont got that
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
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It's a prototype, lil niggy
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
capcom really lost their biggest eater
his headbutt damage got nerfed and his knee is more negative up close

hes still strong as hell
breasts start at the solar plexus, not the collarbones. you've drawn them way too high. also draw them as balls with crosses so you know where the nipples are
the gap between thighs is too great, especially given this character is fat. there are inner muscles you are missing
draw the base of her witch hat as another line around the head ball, then stretch it out a little. also use this circle as reference to get a proportionate brim
You aren't cute or clever and can haul your fat pedo ass back to /r9k/ you smug cunt
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>mad bc called out for wasting tacito money on laundrymat KOF mugens
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nigga posting fuuka memes
...fighting games???
he's an esper
They are gross. Real niggas play Shin Megoomi Tensay
smt fans lowkey cornier than persona fans
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I just realized is better to have 8 unique strikes like in SF and kof than to have 300 strikes like in tekken.

You only need a jab, a hook, an uppercut, a combo cross, a front kick, a sidekick, an armada, a flip kick, a sweep, a back kick, a back punch, a parry, a choke, a throw, a 4 kick, an aereal kick, a push kick, an axe kick, a cartwheel, a roll, a roundkick, a leg kick, an arm lock, a palm punch, a high punch, a knee, a 2 kick, a 3 kick.

Literally that's pretty much what kof and SF have.

You only need to pick like 6 punches from that list and 6 kicks.
And then pick a variant from one art martial style or another.

That's basically it.

You don't need anime pantsu pantsu loli buttjobs or anime bullshido magical shit.
filtered by bullfighter or bullman.
skill issue
Bruce Lee quote im forgetting but something something fear man who prratice same punch 1000 timeals
nah you niggas are just loud and lame
Iori would've been a million times better.
Was gonna say Iori should get a crossover but he actually did, that animu looking game that also had the chick from Trials of Mana
Million Arthur?
Iori was legit TERRIFYING in that game on release. Taco setups were even more fucked up than in his home series
Better how? Why don't you need anime pantsu pantsu loli buttjobs?
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loli buttjobs?
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loli buttjobs must be the cherry on the top of a realistic base.

Too much loli sauce and just like red hot chili, you can ruin the dish.
this cat tranny seems vaguely familiar
trat canny
thats a fox
ermmm doods why isn't she yellow like in mahvel
Perhaps there's less palette limitations here. I think this is a pretty cool design for her actually, showcasing more ninja-y aspects in her design might better let players know what she can do without her even needing to do anything. Though I don't know much about hero shooter type games so idk if they properly reflected that in her gameplay, I dunno why you'd bother to post it here either.
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Been 20 hours non stop trying to learn the entire vocabulary of martial arts so I can properly name every animation in a fighting game like kof or SF.

hops, wall jumps, wall flips, swing jumps, flips, butterfly wheels, landing rolls, handrail crosses, normal jumps, long jumps, swing grabs, long jump rolls, rolls, vaults, precision jumps, balance cat jumps.

So far I learned these types of jumps.

So far the main kicks seem to be front kick, side kick, back kick, roundkick, crescent kick, round hook, hook, push kick, knee, leg kick, swipe, jump kick, flash kicks, butterfly kicks, tornado kicks, split kicks, double and triple kicks.

Finished learning punches.

So far there are.

Jab, hook, high jab, mid jab, cross block, long block, uppercut, back punch, mountain punch, kung fu jab, slip, cross, parry, low parry, slip hook, monk punch, hammer punch, knife punch, palm punch, shining shoes.

flips are:

roll, flip, cartwheel, springs, butterfly kicks, 360 flip, 720 flip, side roll, back roll, kipup, bronto, armadas, 180 grab, 360 grab, suicide drop, side flip.

Throws are leg throw, back throw, roll throw, knee throw, head choke throw.

Chokes are arm lock, leg lock, triangle choke, back choke
this feline avatartroon gassing himself for googling kicks
Is this catfag a bot?
You should spend your time actually learning a martial art. Go become a white belt.
I'm a yellow belt. That's one belt higher than everyone itt
Forgot to mention it's in a bullshido style like TKD
tatsumaki senp-senpka-senpykusebok-
you rack disciprine
just another failed artist spicnigga
oh its chris
>every tkd character is a masher
>tkd in real life looks retarded
For me it's "real [Chinese martial art] sparring video" and it always just looks like regular boxing sparring.
If Orange Man can mash his way to a 9th degree black belt in a useless style like TKD, then you have no excuse to not git gud in your favorite masher
She's a KOF gal now.
Does Shuckle like safe-horny Mai?
mai will look like shang tsung won't she
Thank you.
I drew this one in sort of a rush without any references when I was out earlier today, so I knew something looked very "off" but couldn't put my finger on it with the hat thing until you mentioned it.
I will definitely use that technique in the future to keep things lined up.
Him and Obama were given those as vanity prizes like a knighthood. They don't actually fight.
just found out the jappa devs copypasted nearly every texture in their games from a bunch of CDs called Sozaijiten
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Is that.... bad?
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damn guess SonicSol is corny
timmies hate when devs use unreal store assets but all their favorite gamecube games are 90% asset slop
To be fair, no TKD practitioner does any actual fighting
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>kills SFxT
She can't look as bad as ookerly or manrisa so it won't be so bad.
Baron should link up with robaato.for the art...
Isn't Robaato a schizo now? Like legit nuts?
No, he just hates women, you guys got to stop throwing the word schizo around
be honest, do you really think that an industry professional is going to work on some guy's furry coom poverty game? He'll have to hire some BR spicnigga that works for 5 dollars an hour at best.
Dood on art and shilling
Baron on game design
Clayton on balance and QA
He might convince Clayton to work for free one the project is already 90% done, but there's no way in hell he's getting max to agree to work for free on a game about bbw dogs and roided out cats
Max doesn't need to be paid, he's already rich.
you don't understand, we must trivialize legitimate mental illnesses so we can cop out our enemies on the internet
the point is that max is not going to risk his reputation on some weird 4chan guy's fetish game

Not after the first time he had a furry fighting game incident
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What's up, doods? Today we're talking about this new game. It's called Blades and Beasts. It's got some SICK combos and CRAZY characters. I like this chick named Julia. She's like Bison, but if he was an anorexic fox in a microbikini.
Let's do the combo trials
*hits the black magic corner TOD*
>i used koikatsu to make the models
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Robaato really had the spark
generic white girl, but with painted on abs.... and a snout....
heihachi trailer finna bouta drop and yall niggas talm bout some KOIKATSU SPINOFF
heihachi isn't a buff futa wolf woman, so I'm just not as interested, sorry saar
SNK did that and you all love her
wait, is that why Mina dresses like that? lol, I never made that connection.
Sajam: Yeah, chat, this game is.... something alright. And you know, it's got that rollback netcode, so that's good.

Jiyuna: Alright, what's up guys? This one is kinda like Arcana Heart, but the girls forgot to shave. So if you're into that, check it out.

Clayton:: *snap* You know, I discovered this new technique just now. I don't know if you're supposed to do it, so I'm calling it the forbidden rabbit twerk cancel. yeah, I'm copyrighting that shit, dude.
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Where did [Character Select] from [Continue?] originally come from?

I noticed Soul Calibur 2 (on console) by default has you restart the Arcade Mode match with same character if you want to continue after you've lost; it doesn't take you to the character select screen. And immediately it goes right back into the match without even stopping the music or reloading the level. After going through the game settings, it looks like you can change it to have you go to the character select screen if you want.

But, thinking about it now, it just seems like it makes more sense to stick with the same character anyway even if you're playing in a real Arcade. You picked that character at the beginning, which usually means you'd want to practice and/or beat the game with that character. It also saves time from having to reload the stage or accidentally pick the wrong character/mode when you want to retry. I guess it might make sense if people are waiting in line and you run out of quarters...but then again, if they jump on to take your place before the Continue timer runs out, they're gonna be missing out on the previous stages you already beat so their total playtime is now cut shorter, or they might even be stuck on a boss they can't beat since the difficulty tends to ramp up dramatically as you've progressed during that session. It would make more sense for them to let the timer run out and then pick their character and replay the mode from the beginning.
Why doesn't Clayton claim a bunch of patents like Nintendo does so he can sue those dudes who steal his tech?
I believe SF2 had that even in its early versions. I wasn't aware of some games automatically going back to your previously selected character like SC2 apparently does.
I remember playing KOF and they let you re-select your whole team, I guess if they think you messed up and want to change more than just your position.
Perhaps its done as a contingency against the concept of someone accidentally picking the wrong character to begin with.
What would happen if he got SonicSol, Tenryo, JasonRiot, Lunar, and Tempest to promote the game for him?
it must be night time in nigeria
coder: Mike z
game designer: Yoshinori Ono
Marketing: Infiltration
Composer: BushinStyle
character designer: Robert Porter
sophitia and cassandra had a lil nigga in love
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This but a leotard and big white buttcheeks
Is there a lore reason behind Akuma having low health?
he lacks a soul
still no vf5 or sc2 for steam...
this actually looks good
baron seems to be a good character designer, but is held back by his lack of artistic talent
imagine what would happen if he could afford a real artist
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nigga called 2 melons in a a hammock "good character design"...
there's no plexi there how do you even want to attach it?
it would be a more elaborate mod which explains why nobody made a template.
bro, your sexualized toddler???
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I watched Baron's stream and found new Eurobeat to listen to
Please don't stalk Ellie's very public pixiv, twitter, bluesky and ao3 accts. She would be recognized for her already recognizable style and easy-to-track username and she will hate you forever :(
so she won't be the consultant on baron's game?
why do you want the schizo tranny to sabotage baron's game?
a new soive doc just dropped
how would she sabotage it? she would probably offer a unique perspective and things he had not considered. She may even redesign some of his characters if he wants
if ellie were at the helm she would turn everyone into blobby genderspecial femboys
Is that really any worse than having everyone be an oversexualized z cup titty bear or whatever he currently has?
not a lot of variety there
more variety than drawing a girl calling it a boy then calling it a girl again
nigga said oversexualized
Have you seen the shit he draws?
rabbit with a giant ass
cat in a thong leotard
cow with breasts larger than her head
I would argue that designs like that would alienate a large percentage of people from even giving the game a try
A good consultant could help make his designs more equitable for a larger audience.

No such thing.
>crystal clips through her tit and pokes back out
If you're selling a game to children, it is.
Do you really think it's right to give agame where the girls run around in slingshot bikinis to 5 year olds?
Most furries are gay, so he would sell more copies with that than his current roster....
Did Baron say Blades & Beasts was for children?
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...who do you think is the primary audience for video games?
All of the money is in targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
Normal people aren't going to be playing a fighting game about furries conflipping each other to death anyway, might as well make the girls look like sluts
Word on the street is that Vicki wants to put Technicals on a "collar" and make him his "submissive black dog". stuff like whipping was mentioned, hopefully its just bdsm related
A medium in and of itself does not have a target audience. Children are a lucrative demographic, but making every single game appeal to just this market runs the obvious risk of oversaturation and not being able to secure a niche.
>fgg - marketing experts
Don't cows have udders bigger than their heads in real life anyway?
>Normal people aren't going to be playing a fighting game about furries conflipping each other to death anyway, might as well make the girls look like sluts
Smash bros does that and they all love it
rabbits are sluts with big asses in real life
Death to furfags
are you financing this game, or is the market too over-saturated?
I don't think normal people are playing Melee in 2024.................
Pretty sure tech chasing is still a thing in Ultimate as well...
I'd probably pitch in some money if he asked me to.
if cheez got invited to a diddy freak off, would he go?
Come on now, we knows that Ultimate players are even weirder than melee players after the brutal rape incident
What percentage would you ask him for of the profits? Or would you just put him in a binding revenue share contract where you get 50% of what he makes forever?
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Hell no. That shit is a trap. They get you there to get dirt on you to blackmail you with for leverage so they can keep you under their thumb.
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A 15 y/o entered EVO 2008 and balrog ROBbed everyone even pros using items that were allowed ON in that same said furry coin flipper series, what's the point your are trying to make? One furry coin flipper is better than the other? It already has pokemon in it so its still a furry coin flipper by default no matter which way you slice it
doing the banshee blast link in tournament but forgetting to shout out clayton midset and getting dragged out by law enforcement
but in this situation, YOU are "they" since he'd be coming to you for help.
The what?
TKD may be bullshido, but is the coolest shit ever.

that would be kino in an autistic sort of way
Please don't go to /neog/ and post random shit. Thanks.
they say sniff on /neog/? you lot dont even use that here anymore. maybe /neog/ is the true neo/fgg/
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Snkbros TERRY IS HELPING THE CAPDEVILS! He was supposed to belong to us! I don’t think cotw will even reach this…
Heihachi trailer just dropped! Yes it real!!!!!!
is tekken 8 theme song done by the metal gear rising people
SNK bros this is beautiful
There you go. https://www.twitch.tv/themainmanswe/clip/AthleticProductiveHabaneroKappaClaus-xbCw0XFJ8u_eC1dk
There is no way Terry Bogard is more popular than Heihachi.
hellacuckman is right this time
Kek hes going full damage control
Mainman just had 15 minute talk why you should buy Tekken and play the definitely free mode.
maindem said tekken
c'mon /fgg/!! Get hyped up!! Kekken 8 will have its biggest patch since launch today!!! Heihachi is so much popular than some random Terry!!! Comon buy the glasses bro!!! Buy the Skateboard Wall Deck!!! Comon hype up!!! Kekken 8 is so epic!!!! Pleaseee!!!!!!1
fucking lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZx9O4gNaFg
damn cuh that heihachi trailer was mid af
sooooooooooo......... heihachi went from footsies character to a stance and mode character? kekken 8 sure is weird game
welcome back electric grandpa
whats yours?
Khaos Reigns on DL
Heihachi our next week
Armored Core 6 just got an update

Things are looking up
This general reek old man
would be destroying this whores pussy with my jr so hard, it would be whistling
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Those are just regular animal people, it lacks the obvious sexual bend to it that you freaks love, so barely counts as furry.
and THAT'S why her kikestarter was a floppa
That means he can get into Smash 6 (talking about Street Fighter VI btw)
Tekken fans actually think Heihachi will sell like triple what SF6 with Terry did.
What happened to Tekken fans or is that the best fans left and only the scraps were left.
>Eddie: someone who should be in the base roster
>Lidya: rehashed T7 dlc
>Heihachi: same as Eddie
What the fuck is bamco doing? Where are the actual surprises?
No one cares about slop fighter 6, senpai
heihachi is dead thobeit?!?
I'd rather there be no actual surprises like fucking adding Rolando into a fighting game
some out of ass random echick got access to heihachi
she doesnt even play tekken
I need to dump a high quality hentai budget on this poopy lolicon nigga.
That one Daisy set he did really rub my vebisi sr in the right places.
this is the audience sajam helped bring in
Anyone playing Bytch Boingers?
why is making games dogshit easy so egirls can make a quick buck off them a good thing again?
It gets their audience to look at it for a week or two and they may buy it to mash in an open lobby with the girl they orbit.
Either way, more sales for Harada and Matz
why does a cute girl playing fightan make /fgg/ so furious?
so what is this bitch's rank then?
Because they nerf the game to get her to play it and makes a wholly worse experience so Tamika the Tanuki can make funny vtuber faces on her stream once, then we're left with slime rusher 6 for 5 years.
how will tekken and street fighter ever recover
Twitch got banned in Korea, now we just need to get it banned in America and we'll be good to go.
shes been a lifelong fan of tekken actually :)
They wont, they will forever be Mortal Kombats bitch.
She leaked the Tekken story lol. Heihachi wants to become DEVIL GENE with Reina. >>495799331
What streamers will we get to promote Gigamaidens? We probably need Amour, right?
ooopsie she leaked a lil bit
...do people really care about the Tekken story?
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you coons would all be jumping for joy if mori said she was going to the sajam suite and mash slime, don't lie
we always loved hololive vappa
mori was built for brutal humiliation pegging
I don't even konw who that is.
still waiting for Korone commentary DLC and Mori Super Street Fighter 6 theme song
What furry vtuber will baron hire to promote blades and beasts?
or will he get some random asian chick?
.... there are furry vtubers?
you got it backwards
you would probably be funding the entire game yourself since likely no one else would be willing to give him funding.
he would basically be your slave and he'd have to fulfill all of your gay requests, lol
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Chris "The Overseer" Arizpe
i know heihachi and terry is getting everyone's attention but please don't forget about the MK1 expansion dropping in a few hours guys
>moron kombat
i'm going to make a terrible decision and play dix today
check out heihachi trailer
he never even died he was was just saved last second by Akuma's son literally. https://youtu.be/QMrl9XHxj9c?si=Vz2XJJEcggZTKhEq&t=188
What will they do to make Conan unique?
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Not sure if white or asian
If she's obese, why does she portray herself as skinny?
Speaking of which, why does every fatass youtube guy draw himself as a muscle bara dude when they pay some spicnigga to draw them? You ain't got muscles, nigga, that's all fat lmao
why does that matter chudcheez?
I can't cum if she's the wrong color...
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worst game ever
mk1 is now actually duking with tekken which one is the shittiest FGC of this generation
my micro jr is actin' up y'all
SF6 wins that by a land slide
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What the fuck? They actually did it.
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not again
just ban all of these niggas wearing they grandma's sunday best to tournaments
War Machine wore his Sunday best and you all love him
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Reminder that this isn't a Strive thing, it's an FGC wide problem.
Just don't question why it's a smaller animekuso 90% of the time and not any of the big three.
...strive is one of the big 3 now, MK is irrelevant in 2024
twix knockout will take that title once it drops
Yeah AI killed my enthusiasm for drawing

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