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Earn Legendary Flower Child Mei skin on Twitch until Sep. 28

>Midseason patch notes

>Overwatch x World of Warcraft collab (in shop now)

>Free skins and mythic prisms for Gamepass members

>Season 12 trailer

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>495488556
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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Love D.Va
you cunt nugget i literally had it all made
mmm honeycomb pattern butt
yeah but you would have forgotten a certain link
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Your Fareeha
if overwatch is in the 2070s does ana give onlyfans a try in 10 years or so?
giving Ana grandchildren
Which hero would come out as a MAP
Step right up
Stop reading /pol/ that shit rots your brain
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Juno was born for anal
Juno was born for being bred by Earth men
BWC built
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the kiriko dance
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I'm just gonna post this whenever I see the mindbroken retards post their /pol/ bullshit.
go back
she'll be like one of those israeli e-girls in military garb, yes
>Cooming is culture wars
Very nice
Now let's see your stance on blackedposting
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these socks do things to me
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My opinion is the same, as all racebait bullshit is a planted culture war. Just because you THINK that everyone who calls /pol/ bullshit stupid is on the opposite side from you doesn't mean that they actually carry those opposing beliefs. Most people just think all of you are retarded for allowing this stuff to rot your brain so deeply.
If your response to "racebait culture war bullshit is annoying" is "I BET YOU LOVE BIG BLACK COCKS" then you unironically need to see a psychiatrist.
When is the genji skin coming out
Some time before the end of the season.
Anonymous Ogundimu
Do I get rewarded with comp points when the season finishes ?
Had a bunch of winstons crying in allchat after jumping in 1v1 and being deleted. Some youtuber been telling people winston is op?
Winston is very strong but tankoids are retarded
yes sorry I meant 1v5
do not panic
>A conspiracy- for the future of Martiankind
Praise the Omnissiah!
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Just witnessed a tiktok comment thread where people were arguing whether if the PharMercy ship would imply if Mercy is a groomer or not
grooming children for sexual encounters in the future is le good
keep us updated on the latest from tiktok
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It would, Mercy is supposed to be around the same age as Ana and were in Overwatch together. The only reason Ana's an old bag missing an eye is because she's too "proud" to do whatever shady shit Angela does to keep herself permanently young and sexy.
zoomers are all fucked up on what age diff power dynamics are, they're a lost cause the schools have wrecked them
Shipping in overwatch is lame now
We should go back to 2016/2017 where every crackship had art
It’s not an age difference issue
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Rein is Pharah's biological father.
>using the term shipping ever

i stan this comment
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We know john redcorn is so she can use the native american skins without it being appropriation sorry
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>korean people losing their minds in a crowd.webm
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>tags: yuri size_difference
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Overwatch girls must eat a lot.
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What she mean by this?
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That's not true at all. Mercy is canonically 23 years younger than Ana is.
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all tanks should have 500hp and 0 armor except doomfist and ball who should have 0
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wish i had that skin. also why is she posing like a slut
According to canon, Mercy is 39 and Phara is 34.
If the idea of two adults who met when they were both younger now finding love in each other is so foreign to you, then you're likely just an unsocialized loser with very little experience around other people.
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>Mercy is young in this same image
>modern day
>Mercy is 37, looks the exact fucking same
>Grey haired rein, Jack and Reaper
>Kiriko is 21 (Lmfao)
>yet she grew up with the Shimadas, talking about Genjis bowl cut
>Genji is 37 and Hanzo 40
and people wanted more story from these degenerate hacks that can't even keep something as simple as fucking ages correct.
Mercy looks her age I don't know why people say she doesn't
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if this doesn't look like a 39 year old woman that practices good skin care and clean eating to you then maybe you just need to talk to women more
if it's any consolation, basically all of those writers got fired
Chu couldn't even remember how many body parts the characters have.
those guys are fags but the game literally sucks because dei/blackrock pay blizzard to make it suck, the demographic of this game went from straight white men on release to troons fat women and third world ethnics
reread >>495611148
The post applies to you as well. Please learn to keep your /pol/ slop to /pol/.
I report Mercy's that pocket the tank
imagine being both mentally ill and retarded. tough luck buddy
>were both younger
retarded lorelet.
look at the image in post >>495614367
if that's the age you met someone, watched them grow up, then got into a relationship with them. you're probably a groomer.
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I look like this
Please be in Melbourne
this just looks like shit, have higher standards.
To be fair they likely met at ages 12 and 17 respectively. If they only interacted in a platonic way, then reunited over a decade after Overwatch disbanded as two adults in their 30s, there's really nothing strange about that. I feel like you're just being unreasonable for the sake of it.
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and youll never be 4300 during the most fun meta in overwatch history (ow1 season9) stop playing the game its made for ethnics and low iq just wait for classic you are making me wait longer by continuing to enjoy the slop. also post peak niggalow also argue the philosophy of game design with me, you troons will cry 5v5 better and not even want to talk about orisa crit being removed from headshot fortify and how maybe certain characters shouldnt move up in the meta for the overall health of the game or how sym tp/wall fundamentally break the game or eomm or buying skins giving you bot lobbies talking about it is futile but still more fun and engaging than even playing the modern current slop. 6V6/CLASSIC WAITING ROOM
I report mercies
I'm being 100% genuine. Please just leave us be. I'm so fucking tired of everything being about these stupid culture wars. I just don't fucking care.
do not pwovoke me
I make sure to teabag every single mercy I kill, then on the 3rd teabag I do a little circle while holding crouch to rub it in.
Mercyfags playing an FPS just to play the no talent "please carry me" characters deserve all the shit they get.
this looks amazing. you have great taste.
Whoever made this is retarded.
>because dei/blackrock pay blizzard to make it suck
how many layers of schizophrenia do you have to be on to believe this?
>ermm, make your game bad ON PURPOSE!!!
like, holy shit.
thank god i'm not some terminally online freak like you.
downloaded overwatch again :(
but there is a positive side to this, i now remember how much fun sigma is :D
Galactic Emperor Sigma is actually tempting me to buy mythic prisms.
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Juno: Bush or no bush?
>how much fun sigma is
such a lame as shit pussy character.
imagine playing a role that's nearly unkillable and you pick the faggy poke tank.
I respect Mauga mains more than you freaks.
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i wont rest till aaron uploads the LAN clients and servers exe's for old patches I refuse the eula I ignore live service agreements. ITS MY 40 DOLLARS MY OVERWATCH
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My face would be buried in it either way
personality makes me think bush
You're a retard who doesn't even know how the game works. You're just embarrassing yourself but you're too stupid to realize it.
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She wouldn't even have a concept of people shaving that.
you wont explain because you know your argument is flawed.>>495620680
why is solider only gay in western countries.
RQ mystery heroes is pretty fun
>DEBATE ME *shits diaper* *makes up some schizo nonsense*
nah dud go get some friends
I mean, I'd assume the Martian colony would teach her basic grooming. She's not retarded (as far as we know)
>why is solider only gay in western countries.
because being gay is a crime punishable by death in some countries and it's illegal/very frowned upon to show homosexual characters in media?
why do you ask questions you already know the answer to, retard-kun?
exactly why we can't show skeletons in China or the prophet Muhammad in anything.
different cultures.
I feel bad for the family members of people who have allowed these brainrot conspiracies to completely consume them. These people unironically need professional help. They are completely mindbroken. It's actually sad.
yeyeye it looks so cool
im sorry to inform you but i have played mauga few times now and found him fun as fuck aswell
but if you want to make more fun of me i also play mercy and orisa :D
>limp wristed faggot grip on the hair
lmfao, what garbage is this?
This but Efi
>some retard spews conspiracy theory bullshit but since it's loosely related to overwatch (because they force it to be) it's okay
>someone says it's actually depressing that people have allowed these conspiracies to root themselves to deeply into their consciousness that they need medical treatment
go back to /pol/
>basic grooming
shaving your genitals to be bald is not basic grooming unless you're a pornographer.
Why does she like white men so much?
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literally every major multiplayer game released in the 90s and 2000s came with a LAN client. theres no reason to not release one. the only reason they dont is because they lost the brood war law suit in korea they want you to keep you in a walled garden and youre a good little slave. I reject your notion that games as a service are fair or a good consumer product. theres a middle ground where they can provide all old patches and major lan clients with no skins and emotes or cosmetics for a large fee but they wont do it. the world is not perfect but this is out right abuse of your customer
he thinks it's basic grooming because he's sexist and has porn brain
I doubt a razor has ever come near his groin
True because JQ is actually good nowadays but because because she doesn't have armor like dva/ram it doesn't even matter
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>JQ is actually good
nah, dawg.
she's dogshit.
it's funny how people only get up in arms about being on topic when we start to tell to /pol/tards to fuck off
mad that we aren't mindbroken like you?
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This is the plot of the next PVE DLC. Don't worry about it
My ultimate is charging

Uhh... Do not panic
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is there any better feeling than shitting on some tiktok DPS moira that tries to kill your backline then teabagging her every time you kill her?
I don't think so.
not being in silver
Juno Penisballs
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>t. gold5
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its crazy you guys will just screech and say schitzo but i bring actual valid points and you guys are radio silent. Say they cant do a lan client because too many people would pirate etc etc theres no reason to not release a bundle for 100 dollars with the like the 10 most distinct metas/patches for overwatch 1 like how they used to have ptr.
>silenced on both accounts
Even if they did release overwatch classic you'd still be here screeching the game sucks because you don't have a 100% and your main has counters (also you get cc'd a fuckton)
they do have a valid reason
>release offline binary version of game
>within a few weeks l33t h4x0rs decompile it and find a way to mod every skin into the client including new skins
>within a month people can just download OVERWATCH_2_ALL_SKINS.exe off Pirate Bay and get every piece of paid content in the game without spending a dime
the people who'd download OVERWATCH_2_ALL_SKINS.exe (majority of them would probably be russian and brazilian) wouldn't have spent money on the game anyway
no i wouldnt i literally enjoyed ow1 the entire time and dont enjoy ow2 at all>>495623726
i literally just said lets say its not possible because of this. you can have last patch overwatch1 with all the security issues fixed and just have people in workshop tweak the game to whatever patch they want. theres no reason you cant play overwatch season 7, on the season 39 they could have official rulesets and damage values perfected by the community they wouldnt even have to do the work. notoriously team4 hasnt made a in house death match map since black forest, theyve had the community do all their heavy lifting for like 7 years
>main has counters
and??? are you implying they don't in 2? are you stupid?
>get CC'd a fuckton
you didn't play OW1 if you genuinely think you got "CC'd a fuckton"
I swear to god you get CC'd MORE in OW2 than you do in one because there was another tank to eat CD's.
in overwatch1 you were never forced to swap idk why the masochists in here enjoy it i swear they dont even play the game and just like talking about jacking off to r34
i am indeed currently jacking off to r34
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Yeah, I would play Bastion into Echo/Hanzo all the time and still be able to perform. I just had to change playstyles.
in OW2, you have 0 sustain, a hitbox larger than some fucking tanks and a nerfed to shit turret form (which is nearly the size of Mauga, impossible to miss)
at least in OW1 I could deal more damage and actually kill tanks in an off angle and self repair+run away when caught out.
now when you get caught out in OW2 you just fucking implode because how easy you are to hit.
God, I fucking hate OW2.
I want a revert for bastion so fucking bad, it's crazy.
that or Overwatch classic just so I can play my beloved boy again.
I fucking HATEEEEE how fucking homogenized all the DPS are because of the dogshit 5v5 format.
>torb turret nerfed to shit
>sym turrets nearly useless and by extension, sym is shit
>bastions entire flank playstyle deleted due to how ridiculously easy he is to dive because of recon form nerfs and no self repair
just so they could all fall in line and be similar to other DPS because unique kits inherently DO NOT FUNCTION in 5v5.
behold, the killer of Overwatch.
THIS stupid fucking bitch is the reason we are in 5v5 right now.
i wish brigitte was real so she could peg me :(
I too use the ryuko from kill la kill skin
girls as hot as brigitte don't like femdom; they're turned off by sub men
i feel for you my first edit i made in ow1 season 5 was a bastion tank mode montage in windows movie maker. My hero pool was fairly small and bastion was for sure on my list. (even though i really preferred him in pre role queue era) i still was gonna learn him or make a bastion only account and never got the chance :(
girls are not a monolith and different ones like different things
>closes 13 tabs
that's enough overwatch for today
yeah and the really hot ones like brigitte don't like femdom
That would be because no-one liked playing tank, nice try though.
>no one likes tank what do we do
>get rid of one so if you have a shit tank the games basically over because there isn’t a 2nd tank to rely on
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>i still was gonna learn him or make a bastion only account
I did that, even had a name for it. I had to repurpose for other uses because Bastion in OW2 simply isn't bastion anymore.
he's binding vow Soldier 76. spend 80% of the game as a useless easily killable shittier soldier to spend the other 20% of the game as a bap windowed soldier.
fucking awful design.
this shit right here? fucking PEAK overwatch.
OW2 Bastion will NEVER come a mile within being as fun as this.
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they half-assed the job
tankless overwatch 3 soon tm
some do
name a single porn actress who looks like brigitte who does pegging or something similar
id say its more role queue fault than bridgette, it took a while but people learned to play around goats after like 3 or 4 months even in high elo especially east coast never played goats. almost every match i had in pre rolequeue had at least 1 tank player which wasn't that hard to play into 2 or 3 coordinated tanks on the other team.>>495626748
i knowwww broooo i miss old bastion fuckkkkk i do have some flame/horrors about him though because there was a orisa sym bastion stack that would play till gm and then account swap(you could only duo in gm) in 2021 it was nightmare shit man, tp on abilitie is so broken
Mei should be 275hp
she should lose some weight first
real life isn't porn
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>That would be because no-one liked playing tank
then why was every open queue games GOATS after one team lost one team fight?
nobody wants to play tank yet everybody played tank...
maybe you didn't play the game...? no that couldn't be...
anyways, you can easily solve queue times by making tank fun.
like how DPS queue times are quick in OW2 and support queue times are high.
Beetle Bailey collab next season
oh no you misunderstand me, i didnt mean pegging with femdom in mind
i meant pegging with love and emotion
after which i will scramble her eggs in ways she didnt know were possible
I blame the devs refusal to not nerf dva back then
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>no arguments
if tank is not fun how come open queue is 3 tanks 2 supp? check mate atheists
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Don’t nerf my wife
*runs away really fast*
just make tanks fun bro
Every tank should have their own deployable bot controlled support
they did it with supports, they fixed DPS queue times.
what makes you think they couldn't do it with more freedom in the 6v6 format?
>oh but the queues were long in Overwatch 1!!!
because they didn't update the game in like 3 years.
you can easily solve queue times by making tank fun why are the devs not doing it
because 5v5 is simply impossible to make tank fun since they eat every CD and all the dmg, how many times do you need to be told this to get it through your thick fucking skull?
BIGGEST TRVKE OUT OF ALL POSTS EVER IN HERE they were rather release ss+ tier brig than nerf dva back then i member they even nerfed zarya beam scaling with charge >>495627393 i know owl played goats but ladder didnt even play goats that much after a few months unless you were in a korean 4400 lobby with pro stacks
the game is pure nightmare passives fucked up health pools and break point sloppa. current open is not even close to 2016/17/18/19 open queue >>495627908
another trvke but open is better
doomfist and ball is fun
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>Picks Sombra/Cree/Ana
nice "Fun" bro
tiktok is like another dimension at this point
lil bro claimed GOATS was proof that people wanted to play tank because it was fun
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it's not a matter of making it fun, it's a matter of getting people to play tank, you stupid retard. stop trying to move the goalposts because you lost the argument.
Tank will always be a shit role to play as long as characters like Bastion/Zen exist.
>queue open queue
>play Zarya
>have actual fun since you get tank synergies
it turns out, tank is quite fun when you have a co tank.
>can play off angle/flank mauga since you have another tank soaking agro
>more fun than role queue
who woulda thought just adding another tank makes the game more fun
truly a mystery
make tanks "fun" and half of the dps playerbase quiats
Bastion loses to most tanks, ironically enough.
Mauga with JUST cardiac overdrive BEATS Bastion with window and a damage boost.
Bastion can't do shit against a blocking Ram.
Dva makes him unviable with DM
Rein just holds shield for half of his turret form duration or just walks behind cover
Doom power blocks, gets a free punch out or doesn't take damage.
there is a reason he isn't very good even in this tank centered meta. he's simply too easy to counter without even factoring in supports/dps counter picking him.
im REALLY curious what would happen if you removed discord and mercy dmg boost (you know in the good version of the game who gaf about doing it ow2)>>495629073
tanks were fun in all of ow1 and dps only quit because of 10 minute ques you will never have more people playing tank/support than dps its natural and you shouldn't force 2-2-2. at most if they wanted to do some jank shit you should be guaranteed 1-4-1 with the dps allowed to play sup or tank
Brainrot of the highest degree
remove tanks and the game gets better
reminder that open queue is better for game health and gameplay.
you can have characters that blur the line between support/tank/DPS and slot them into a team.
you could pick roadhog to slot out a support/dps
you could pick scrap torb to slot out a support
you could pick old Sym with shield gen to slot out a support
you could pick old Mei to slot out a tank
now in role queue you just CANNOT have that identity anymore.
open queue is the future of the game.
there is a reason all overwatch like games are open queue because it allows more freedom in design.
this i can agree with. 2-2-2 would effectively klll the game. open queue is the only solution but it can also work in a 5v5 format if open was the main mode the game was balanced around, which would allow for "le tank synergies" to exist but they would also have to make tanks very weak because of the potential of there being 2+ tanks on the team. 5v5 is not a problem, role queue is.
this i also agree with
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TRVKE TRVKE TRVKE. i played doom as offtank often during dive. the entire gameplay loop was dive with monkey run away or body guard my supports/peel for them.>>495629681
yeah i guess... your hearts in the right place but 6v6 is just more fun brotha. also we need old bastion back to make sure tank stacking isnt as effective and has some sort of answer without just making tanks weak as heck
reminder that 6v6 open queue even with shit like double shield/goats is unironically a better game than 5v5 role lock.
5v5 is double shield with no shield.
all that shield HP has been forced into the tank.
so instead of shooting at a shield, you're shooting at the fortified orisa, the D.va holding DM, the hog hitting right click for free damage negation.
it's the same premise, just not shooting at a colored box.
but instead of double shield being some games, it's EVERY game in 5v5.
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>bastion meta
no thanks
>>bastion meta
Storm arrow, dragon strike, reverted scatter arrow, sombra hack, pulse bomb, junkrat in general, etc etc.
all options that existed.
Orisa also isn't even a shield tank anymore, retard.
it wouldn't come back.
also, a bastion meta would be more enjoyable to play against than any meta in OW2.
5v5tards be like be like "oh but bastion was OP!"
when Bastionmain (maybe Kolorblind too?? I didn't pay attention to the cringe loser) was the only bastion main in top 500.
if the character was OP why wasn't he dominating the ladder like Tracer is?
i didnt say bastion meta, bastion wasnt meta for 90% of overwatch1 life and should never be meta im just saying his old kit existed specifically to deter tank stacking >>495631156
yeah literally idk if this guys baiting or what. like yes bastion sym bap double shield was cancer, but thats an orisa bap sym problem not a bastion problem
no one wants to play with the most boring character in the game with a non-existent skill floor and ceiling
>with a non-existent skill floor and ceiling
you have no clue what you're talking about.
if he's so piss easy why again, were there only 2 bastion mains in top 500? shouldn't all bastion mains be GM if his skill floor and ceiling is so low?
you are obviously a gold player seething to all those games you lost to bastion.
but enough about Mercy
you have to be the blandest person imaginable to main bastion. top dps players aren't coming to this game to play bastion so they play heroes who actually take skill and have some semblance of fun in their kits. most bastioncucks are usually just tankoids or mercy mains off-roling.
Angela Ogundimu
>actually take skill
you genuinely, have 0 clue about how bastion is played in high elo. go watch any stream of Bastionmain or Kolorblind in OW1 and see how they played it vs how your shitlow gold brain thinks bastion is played.
please stop talking, you are making an ass of yourself.
and you have 0 skill
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old bastion ult was literally 1 of if the not the most complex ult in the game i will not be responding to anymore bait.
reaper is only so high because he was so predictable and ult button was almost a instantly die button.
here, just because i'm nice and I think it'd be nice to spoonfeed a retard like you. i'll give you an example of how high elo bastion was played
notice how there is almost 0 bunkering, all team coordination, positioning and flank timings.
everything beyond your shitlow gold brain.
now quit while you're ahead, you're exposing yourself as a hard stuck gold soldier 1 trick.
don't really care what some low skill tard is doing desu
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>unironically too ignorant to even entertain the fact that he's wrong
exactly why you're hardstuck. refusal to admit you're the problem and expand your horizons
soldier takes infinitely more skill than bastion because he has to ACTUALLY aim (maybe less so post season 9 but still infinitely more than b*stion) and think about his positioning as a squishie compared to the complex kit of "press button for awesome."
>spend all game chasing down mercies and kirikos as reinhardt
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hey, illiterate-kun.
we're talking about OW1
holy shit hes retarded LMFAO
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you'd think people in this general would read the post they're replying to or read the reply chain before replying like a bot, but I guess that's far too much to expect nowadays.
also, just to say about OW2 bastion.
Bastion has to worry about positioning more than Soldier because he's easier to dive since he has 0 self peel and a giant hitbox.
Soldier can sprint away or healing pad to fight back.
a dived bastion dies more often than a dived soldier. ESPECIALLY if he doesn't have turret form available.
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Overwatch has gone 3,044 days without a barefoot Lena skin.
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good argument, man. really showing off your knowledge of the game.
I really am expecting far too much from this place nowadays.
>soldier lives getting dived because....he can press E
>bastion dies if he gets dived because....he probably can't press E
g8 argument m8
>purposefully ignoring the fact that soldier can run away at a 40% movespeed bonus and zig zag while doing so (or random zig zag strafe motions guided with the mouse on healing pad making him harder to hit)
>while bastion has uhh...
>he has some armor!!!
>and one of the worst primaries in recon mode on the roster
>and a right click that damages himself
ugh. you disgengenious losers have no intention to actually try and explain your point. just trying to be annoying.
final (You), you are genuinely not worth speaking to.
Anon Ogundimu
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reminder for all the Zarya bros here.
with Zen being played more you can run into a tranced grav, bubble yourself and break trance LOS since bubbles block LOS and maybe pick up a kill you couldn't have.
>purposely ignoring the fact that turret bastion deals the highest dps in the game, has 350hp, armor, damage mitigation, no recoil and an etremely friendly spread and all of it on a 12s cooldown which deals with literally anyone easily while soldier has a staple gun he actually has to aim and and some shit healing on an 18s cooldown
but i guess he can run slightly faster so it evens out
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plus the bullshit headshot critbox on his ass which you never really see while fighting him
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Good morning, /owg/
I love Lena
wew need a spicy latina wife guys
You can’t say this without a hot pic of Lena lenalover
sexy bitch
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I too am a Lenalover!
Annyeong o-double-u-gee!!!
who the fuck is ouugee
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What the fuck is a "trvke" and is there a reason to not ignore every post that uses that word?
No everyone that uses that shit is a legitimate retard
Dummywife Lena
please don't use the d-word
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you were quiet when the spammers were posting minor-coded images of the asian heroes, curious
Tracer is 28 tough???
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jose clocked out, t-minus 15 minutes until mercytrannies clock in
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The Hana larvae..
I miss the reaper stepping on her...
and when do you clock out mr schizo
say this to my face and I'll clock YOU out
Tracer isn't gay, just a little confused
Tracer can't count to 10
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She takes too dick much to be gay
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you are here to meet with a child
this is an adult website, retard
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waifu and everything
Hi sweetie!
Hope you had some good sleep!
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this is the most revolting thing that ever been posted in this general
the twitterposter posts much worse things daily
links don't count, only complete degenerates open them
nta but thats kinda hot, like imagine being a mercymain and you are getting pounded by some bigot mercyhater calling you a faggot or a mercytroon while he is slightly bruising your body
twitterposter is the guy who cherry picks cringe shit from his twitter timeline, not just the lewd linkposter
it's the same guy btw
cmon you can do better than that anon :D
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>Hi sweetie!
Hey love and everything
>Hope you had some good sleep!
hmm will be enough I hope thanks for asking how was your sleep?
Yesterday was fun. I kinda need to get used to mythic tanking again, lol. That dungeon yesterday could have played that so much better, lol. monk has no good movement options, reee Probably just need to get around and watch some guides, watched dafran clear that +10, but they don't really time it. Seems like we didn't really fail, it was the healer.
I guess overwatch was alright? Besides, playing against the same heroes mostly and tank literally playing their own game while being unkillable, very fun.
Are you gaming already? If so, have fun.
Did they fix 5v5 yet?
I'm afraid tanks still exist.
I want Blizzard to bring back 2cp or rework the 2cp maps into different game modes. Horizon was such a cool map and it sucks it's only available to play in custom games
what do you think hanaoka and temple of anubis are
Oh yeah. Hopefully they keep it up.
>what do you think hanaoka and temple of anubis are
maps for a shit gamemode
>how was your sleep?
I slept ok, woke up thinking I overslept for some reason
>That dungeon yesterday could have played that so much better, lol.
I died every single attempt to the boss... just bad
>Seems like we didn't really fail, it was the healer.
You sure? I kept getting 1 shot by that suck in thing... I just have to game more to understand the mechanics
>I guess overwatch was alright?
Yeah, Overwatch was fun too except for that one game when the other dps gave up, went Mei and stopped trying lol
Totally winnable game too because you were hard carrying that noob
>Are you gaming already? If so, have fun.
Killing trash mobs in hopes for a shard... played for over an hour now and still not a single one
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Juno probably gets really stinky and sweaty being in her suit all day long and I think that's pretty cool
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It's a super sciency spacesuit that keeps her clean.
what did the pajeeta mean by this
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>I slept ok, woke up thinking I overslept for some reason
good to hear, overslept? give me some sleep... I want to game with you now!
>I died every single attempt to the boss... just bad
I mean, need to get used to the mechanics. No master has yet fallen from heaven.
>You sure? I kept getting 1 shot by that suck in thing... I just have to game more to understand the mechanics
Yea, my question is does that shit always do aoe dmg? Because if that's the case, our healer was healing me too much, I think.
Honestly, on the last pull, I kinda understood the fight. I guess we need to get used to all the mythics, there's like another dungeon that is super annoying.
>Yeah, Overwatch was fun too except for that one game when the other dps gave up, went Mei and stopped trying lol
Yea, felt like he got mad in the first round and stop trying?
>Totally winnable game too because you were hard carrying that noob
Yea, could have won that if you were allowed to kill a tank as dps. Actually, rein is so stupid. Like that's what I said, you nerf dva, and you just notice how stupid all the other tanks are. If rein has brain, he just plays shield armor and never dies. You need to focus fire him and meanwhile he can one shot you.
>Killing trash mobs in hopes for a shard... played for over an hour now and still not a single one
lol I think there was a mount like that in pandaland I think you can share the shards? Well have fun, maybe we do some +keys, but I don't want to fail these. though I can't imagine how cancer that boss would be on higher key because you need to play the mechanic
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She had better turn that shit off. I will not be denied my smell
>give me some sleep...
I'm trying, dummy... but you won't let me
>I want to game with you now!
Come kill trash mobs with me :^)
>Yea, my question is does that shit always do aoe dmg?
Probably? I don't why it would not? It's not like you can cancel it
>I kinda understood the fight
I understand it, I think, just can't execute properly
As soon as you find a blob to hold you down you need to start attacking it to get it low, once her aoe finished you kill it and go back to her, it's pretty simple
It also seems so much easier for ranged dps, unfair
>Yea, felt like he got mad in the first round and stop trying?
Upset he didn't get any heals would be my guess? But it wasn't like he was playing poorly the first round even though you had double his kills
>Actually, rein is so stupid.
To be fair, you were the only dps that game
If Mei tried she could just wall behind him
>Like that's what I said, you nerf dva, and you just notice how stupid all the other tanks are.
6v6 will save us :^)
>Well have fun
It's not... Like I don't have a single one, it's only supposd to be an 6-8 hour grind?
>maybe we do some +keys, but I don't want to fail these
The mythic keys you can add to the dungeon?
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I run, see you tonight!
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>I'm trying, dummy... but you won't let me
try harder, :^) maybe you need to be in my bed for that
>Come kill trash mobs with me :^)
uhm sure later xd
>Probably? I don't why it would not? It's not like you can cancel it
I need to read that boss fight again, like the question is more if you get pulled in by him do you trigger an aoe explosion or does he always do aoe on his cast and the healer just needs to heal more.
>I understand it, I think, just can't execute properly
Yea, druid only has sprint right for movement options? It's like monk kinda hard to get away from the boss.
>As soon as you find a blob to hold you down you need to start attacking it to get it low, once her aoe finished you kill it and go back to her, it's pretty simple
no, the blops spawn if you get stuck on these purple pools if that's correct, but you can stun them to free yourself? At least what I did.
>It also seems so much easier for ranged dps, unfair
Not sure, range also has to play mechanics.
>Upset he didn't get any heals would be my guess? But it wasn't like he was playing poorly the first round even though you had double his kills
Nah, he was playing fine. Dunno, he just got mad.
>To be fair, you were the only dps that game
and the other games?
b-bbut I'm just shooting..
>If Mei tried she could just wall behind him
sure but still annoying to kill rein if our tank went ram we would have won.
>6v6 will save us :^)
unironically I gave up on 5vs5, the only way to fix 5vs5 is by making tank deal more dmg against other tanks and less dmg against dps and supports.
>It's not... Like I don't have a single one, it's only supposd to be an 6-8 hour grind?
8 hours grinding mobs is kinda rough xd
>The mythic keys you can add to the dungeon?
You place them in the dungeon, and you need to time them, no boss drops.
ok have fun and not a long day, see you later, love
are these two edating through /owg/ or what i dont get it
just some mental illness, filter and ignore
>2 week ban
>only thing I can remember doingnin chat was
>Get the fuck off of Ball and quit blaming your team when you can’t perform with us.
>You will die sad (Random other game)
I thought ball players had thicker skin than this?
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bean there all along
I'm a Lenalover
>this cutie unlocked your phone
Genuinely how are you supposed to hit Juno when she's zipping side to side faster than a speed-boosted lucio?
why are q times so bad in metal rn
juno wears diapers
She doesn't really die in korean pro matches either so I don't know.
No uncut white dick?
Isn't it weird they nerfed the tank knockback passive but are holding firm on ones that actually make the game worse like crit damage reduction?

If they're worried about Mauga deleting tanks then just reduce his crit damage individually.
that sounds like a lot of work individually tweaking heroes when we could just make passives that change all of them at the same time
>aiming skill gap in overwatch 2 post season 9
mauga is a really stupid design to begin with, his only utility is that he does a lot of damage up close but he can't really do that because it breaks the game lol
Yeah just like nerfing Dragonblade instead of Nano.
That seems to be how they think but they also constantly "tweak" characters who don't fucking need it like giving orisa her mandatory power creep buff every patch or a random nerf to a DPS instead of the character that enables them.
Mauga should be the worst character in the game. Trying to make him "fair" will never work. He should be basically a throw pick against every comp except ball.
why did they give spamzo his oneshot back
He's the worst character in the game still
read the patch notes
i already know alec is retarded, i'm asking for an actual reason
the retarded reason is the actual reason
Hanzo mains screeched and cried the hero was useless without a one shot. Some youtubers were stirring shit up about it.
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ngl lena seems kinda gay
Because it takes skill (unlike widow), retard
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haha why would you think that?
I've masturbated to her taking dick too much for that to be the case
well for once she has a girlfriend
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DPS going on a flank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5oLQVieB4U
decent bait, might catch a few
What is she laughing at? It better not be my dick!
small dick post
pussy post
average is small in today's economy
Not if you're into asian women
Would my 2.4 inch BWC be enough to please JQ?
it finally makes sense why all the white boys are into them. it's all a cope.
Flicking Sombras bean
Tracer sucks cocks every day
this but mine
Eventually, given enough time since she sucks 3-12 cocks every day.
that's not enough to get through even a fraction of the male population though
given enough time I will make Lena a mother
Nah lol
are you guys talking about Overwatch in this thre---

some anons just really like dicks
some anons just really like Lena
i like both
That's me! I'm a Lenalover!
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>another episode of Orisa playing like a hitscan dpsissy far away instead of tanking on the fucking objective
Blame the devs for deciding she didn't need falloff damage anymore
alright that's it we just nerfed McCree's falloff range another 6 meters
does anyone have those screenshots of zencel typing nigger in match chat
Junos succulent saigonese butt
well now what?
*sniff* *sniff*
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juno's butt on my face
that's how you get pinkeye
Give me your Lenas, give me your Kirikos, give me your Olivias and especially give me your Hanas.
i do not care
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Lena's a fag
>uhm sure later xd
I know you don't like that, I'd never force you to grind something so braindead
>Yea, druid only has sprint right for movement options
I can jump to an enemy target, probably the best to save that for getting away from the boss
>no, the blops spawn if you get stuck on these purple pools if that's correct, but you can stun them to free yourself? At least what I did.
Yeah, that is right, you run into a pool and then they spawn
Are they channeling? If not then I have nothing to stun them with
The only stun I have is when I go invisible and use rake but you can't do that while in combat
>Not sure, range also has to play mechanics.
Well, they don't have to run back and forth across the arena, at least it feels easier in my head if I think about it
>and the other games? b-bbut I'm just shooting..
You pwned in those too and you're doing what you do best, shooting :)
>sure but still annoying to kill rein if our tank went ram we would have won.
Yeah, Mei really isn't good against him, she has the wall and that's it, her damage output might aswell be zero against his shield
>the only way to fix 5vs5 is by making tank deal more dmg against other tanks and less dmg against dps and supports.
I wonder what would happen if you made this change? Would the tanks just focus each other? I mean you probably wouldn't even have to nerf their damage against dps and supports
>8 hours grinding mobs is kinda rough xd
You get a super cool blue bird, I want this one more than the dragon honestly but with the dragon I can see my points increase with every quests and whatever... here I just feel nothing, I've farmed them for over 2 hours and still have 0 help...
ai slop
Idea : Overwatch characters in a game that isn't Overwatch.
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remember that time someone ported dva or tracer to fortnite and within minutes they got hit with a DCMA
just saying, it could happen
one day
Idea: Overwatch waifus in a game that lets you marry and impregnate them
Microsoft will probably absorb Epic games one day like with everything else, so then it will.
Tim Sweeney has giga-ultra-autism and is too proud to ever do that
he would sooner personally wipe every hard drive in epic games HQ and burn their datacenters down
you have no taste whatsoever
which overwives do you consider tasteful then anon
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racemix with Hana
Reminder that no tank needs armor or over 500hp
after marriage
My metal rank players do.
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Hey love, welcome back, my everything
>I know you don't like that, I'd never force you to grind something so braindead
if you want that mount, we can grind it
>I can jump to an enemy target, probably the best to save that for getting away from the boss
oh, was thinking druid had more movement stuff.
>Yeah, that is right, you run into a pool and then they spawn
Yea I didn't know that lol. I was like WTF where did the blops spawn from and do I need to tank them.
>Are they channeling? If not then I have nothing to stun them with
nope, but you can stun them and free yourself, doesn't druid have a stun on combo points?
>The only stun I have is when I go invisible and use rake but you can't do that while in combat
Yea, I'm a complete newb on druid, you don't asked me anything.
>Well, they don't have to run back and forth across the arena, at least it feels easier in my head if I think about it
but you always have range mechanics on bosses.
>You pwned in those too and you're doing what you do best, shooting :)
and trying to win games for you
>Yeah, Mei really isn't good against him, she has the wall and that's it, her damage output might aswell be zero against his shield
but she is kinda meta right now? Like we see her a lot now.
>I wonder what would happen if you made this change? Would the tanks just focus each other? I mean you probably wouldn't even have to nerf their damage against dps and supports
I was thinking you had two tanks who play against each other and have fun while everyone else can enjoy a game of Overwatch without tanks.
>You get a super cool blue bird, I want this one more than the dragon honestly but with the dragon I can see my points increase with every quests and whatever... here I just feel nothing, I've farmed them for over 2 hours and still have 0 help...
yea this will take sometime I will help no worries, seems like you're gaming already have fun.
No it's bad for low rank too because it's the same problem as high rank where "is the tank alive" is the only thing that matters in every game while also being able to shit out 20x the damage and utility as any other character.
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racemix with Mercy
post cock
Is echo worth one tricking or should I play tracer or someone else?
I want someone strong.
And? Just don't leave.
fuck off you stupid nigger faggot, there never were any retarded leaver penalties in the arcade, they specifically said they are only for unranked and competitive (aka no fun crap for walking human garbage)
Tracer is the only DPS you can actually 1 trick and get value out of it. But even then you'll just lose any game where you have a tank diff or some shitter tank who just sits in choke and never takes space because no mater how good you are you can't do more damage than 2 supports can heal.
You're a pathetic pussy who leaves games at the first sign of an imbalance, in fucking arcade lmao
I'll also add, you could theoretically 1trick Widow but you just turbodie to any competent tank when you're not on a widow map since you only have advantage over other non-tanks even if you have 100% accuracy
they're both really good
echo is S tier and tracer is S+ tier
echo is a little better at handling certain tanks and flyers
Echo has more counterplay though. Part of why Tracer is so good is she’s a “perfect” character and can play into anything while Echo you can bunker against or just harass so she can’t get close. You’re also going to be eating Juno orbs every 6 seconds
you are a shit eating moron who stays in the game despite not having fun because of some stupid reason
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Hi again!
>if you want that mount, we can grind it
We don't have much time... I mean if you really want to you can help me but I don't think you want
>oh, was thinking druid had more movement stuff.
Uh... I don't think so? Unless I'm missing something?
>Yea I didn't know that lol. I was like WTF where did the blops spawn from and do I need to tank them.
Took me like 2-3 deaths to realize that too lol, sadly I can't execute still
>nope, but you can stun them and free yourself, doesn't druid have a stun on combo points?
No? Just the stun out of stealth, I mean I could be missing stuff, I'm a noob still
>Yea, I'm a complete newb on druid, you don't asked me anything.
But I'm the noob, you're supposed to teach me...
>but you always have range mechanics on bosses.
Yeah, and I have to deal with those aoe AND move across the arena, ranged seems easier
>but she is kinda meta right now? Like we see her a lot now.
I mean Mei does like zero damage against Rein's shield, ice wall is her only tool against him and when your Mei is trolling on top of that she's practically useless
>seems like you're gaming already have fun.
Killing mobs :) Very fun
will tracer ever be nerfed?
aviator pharah sex
I've just played a game where enemy tracer had some stupid sound playing every time she used melee, what was that? So fucking distracting.
was it the comic book skin? check in replay
They already nerfed her plenty with the armor changes. There's no way to meaningfully nerf her without making her flat out bad.
Yeah, that was it. Stupid thing.
it's her game
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>Hi again!
>We don't have much time... I mean if you really want to you can help me but I don't think you want
sure I want to help you, lol we can grind like an hour before we go to bed? We have time.
>Uh... I don't think so? Unless I'm missing something?
don't ask me, I've never played druid
>Took me like 2-3 deaths to realize that too lol, sadly I can't execute still
Well, we can try him again today, I kinda want to. The fight is fun, better get used to these before we do m+.
>No? Just the stun out of stealth, I mean I could be missing stuff, I'm a noob still
You're already playing pretty good for a newb.
>But I'm the noob, you're supposed to teach me...
I know, but I never played druid and classes are really very different here. I only ever played mage/shaman/warrior and now monk.
>Yeah, and I have to deal with those aoe AND move across the arena, ranged seems easier
I remember when I played range dps in 2008.
I was always crying that melee is easier, LOL the grass is always greener on the other side
>I mean Mei does like zero damage against Rein's shield, ice wall is her only tool against him and when your Mei is trolling on top of that she's practically useless
I mean, sure you can say the Mei is trolling when her hero does little to nothing against the enemy tank and our tank sits on queen. When she does absolute nothing because she can't win the match up. If your tank hero can't kill the other tank hero, you need to switch. That's the meta, otherwise the game is unplayable for dps.
>Killing mobs :) Very fun
leaving soonish, uhm probably not working out so long today so we can game more if you want I want you now...
I was thinking about widow but I’m not a Korean on adderall so I will not be able to headshot sombra or tracer
no, if tracer isn't good the game isn't good
just play widow hs eight hours a day
Tankoids are so sensitive and thin skinned it's unreal
I love Hana so much it's unreal
zero self awareness from the dpsfaggot
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>kill tank 1 time as a DPS
>they swap to dva and hunt you for the rest of the game
they really do get personally offended when they get reminded that they're boosted and not playing a pve game
in literally every game with tanks, tank players imply their role takes skill, while in reality it's the easiest and the biggest crutch.
I thought it was support that was easiest and the biggest crutch
Support is OP but doesn't have the same babying as tank does. Except for Baptiste he has longer falloff than DPS hitscans and 3 healthbars and infinite mobility for some reason.
I can't believe DPS are so oppressed and persecuted like this.
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Got a chat ban for saying "L rizz"
DPS is pretty well balanced. They just need to get support and tank in line with the base of the game.
almost best girl's birthday
one week until retirement
>sure I want to help you, lol we can grind like an hour before we go to bed? We have time.
I want it so much but I haven't gotten a single shard?? It's been over 3 hours now of constant killing
>don't ask me, I've never played druid
So much for being a wow gamer... :^)
>Well, we can try him again today, I kinda want to. The fight is fun, better get used to these before we do m+.
Yeah we can try again, I mean I still need items, I still have a few 550's lol
>You're already playing pretty good for a newb.
I'm trying to learn as fast as I can, it's hard
>I know, but I never played druid and classes are really very different here.
Are we trying classic sometime too?
>I was always crying that melee is easier, LOL the grass is always greener on the other side
Hm, yeah I guess I'll see when I level my rouge up
>I mean, sure you can say the Mei is trolling when her hero does little to nothing against the enemy tank and our tank sits on queen.
That Mei was trolling though
And she's pretty useless against shields
>If your tank hero can't kill the other tank hero, you need to switch. That's the meta, otherwise the game is unplayable for dps.
I agree with you, tanks just have too much agency over the games now
Sad part about it is that the developers don't see it? Like if you play the game for one evening you'll notice it
They just need to stop balancing the game around their stupid spreadsheets, just play the game, pleaseeee
>I want you now...
Alright! I see you very soon! I'm waiting...
bull fucking shit
Ashe is young and beautiful
>will turn 42 next week
>still no children or husband
the clock is ticking, you know what to do
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You know if you didn't see women as breeding maids you might not be an angry virgin.
She just hasn't met me yet
she's met Akande plenty of times thoughbeit
So what are you supposed to do when your tank just ignores the enemy tank and lets them W into your team?
She'll have kids. When she is good and ready.
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>>will turn 42 next week
that's not how it works
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>See a string of female character butts
>dick acts out
>Say Nut in chat
>In accordance with our policies we have suspended your account. :)
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Why are they like this
this desu ne, if the characters were actually getting older D.Va would be almost 30 by now
quiet quit and go next

i just got unbanned from a 30 day suspension my teams are so bad but i cant say anything next is perma probably
she should probably just have some utility aside from forcing a 1v1 where she's basically unbeatable but sadly jeff kaplan decided 10 years ago that dps heroes should only do damage and thats it
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why wouldn't they
I don’t want autism kids
Breeding the Lena
She's at her strongest when she's just following up on the tank. Her utility is you can't just kill her and force her off an area like other flankers.
How do you decide who to play, Mei or Junkrat? I always find hard time choosing.
I pick waifus
this, luckily my waifus are also the strongest dps characters in the game
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kill all yuripedos
The only things that matter are what the tanks are doing and what the map is.
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girls can't get pregnant, you silly!
But I don't care what the tanks are doing and what the map is. I only care about walling the enemies off and feeding them icicles, and spamming nades into choke points.
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I see you are a man of quality.
Then it doesn’t matter
sexually active renowned boyfucker hag moira

sexually starved dried up hag ashe
They should stop giving an age for characters
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Mei is more fun I think
seeing that they made kiriko 21 was sort of a relief for me
it was like confirmation that "okay, none of this is canon anymore, i can ignore all of this"
then how do we know who's the youngest and who's a hag?
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simply by referring to the compass of course
(haven't updated in a while)
She's trying her best
good job me-i!
Honestly it's pretty crazy how if your tank is bad you don't even get to play.
honestly it's pretty crazy how if my supportsissies pick mercy lifeweaver (like they always do) i literally cannot play tank
skill issue
Would swap zarya and moira because moira is way more aggressively dominant then zarya imo
sombra is also in an odd place
Sombra should be in my bed
juno is prime breeding meat
She doesn't know what sex is
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>obvious everyone on the team is a retard for the 4th game in a row
>become being of incandescant rage
>pick illari
>kill everyone myself
>drag drooling retards to the win myself
that felt good
none of the overgirls know what sex is
sex doesn't exist in the overwatch universe
i will teach her
nah, she's asian
cool 240p screenshot nintendo switchbro
Then you can't do it or you go to jail forever.
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Dumb cancer reply faggot
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?? what's the matter buddy
Who has the bigger tits, Queen or Mercy?
Who's Me?
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i just woke up
is the guy crying about "culture wars" the unironic homosexual faggot from a few months back? i find it really funny that he gets hot and bothered about pol retards shitting it up when they amount for like a full 5% of posts made in any given thread
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It's queen by a long shot.
Remember when they reworked roadhog so he would have more utility instead of having a 1shot on non-tanks then gave him back his 1shot anyway and then also gave him DR on vape so he can just walk into focus fire to get any clownshoe hook he wants?
Remember when they reworked Roadhog and took away his right click and just put the fart gas on it
yeah it was toxic to have his old right click because it gave him a tiny amount of skill floor
Land his M2's perfectly was sex
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que onda
why does Olivia keep uncloaking next to me while being so sexy and breedable
i hate that they butchered the FUCK out of his gun's VFX for this shitty rework that literally no one liked nor fixed the issues with the fatso. While you had an M1 that was a literal short-ranged explosion of scrap and an M2 that was a ball of scrap that exploded after a bit (and that even had a special effect for it if it hit a wall before it exploded mid air) now it's just 4 shitty balls that appear out of nowhere, don't match the look of the gun's barrel, and just straight up dissapear upon impact with any surface. It sounds autistic but Overwatch has had so many downgrades like that over the years that I can't help but notice any new ones they make.
games are complete dogshit today
like nobody remembers how to play overwatch
Perhaps you shifted timelines
>wake up
>remember im morally and intellectually superior to non tank mains
>feel good
the doomfist mythic is gonna be sick
his punch is gonna have like crazy explosions and stuff
you'll get 3 color swaps only and you'll like it
tank mythics are canceled because they'll just buy any slop in the store and nobody else likes tank
>supportsissy gives me lip
>spend the rest of the match punching railings and observing map edges
not my problem. respect tankchads.
good point why would they make tank cosmetics when clearly nobody plays them
Tank will continue to be bad to play until they get rid of armor and nerf supports. It has nothing to do with tank not being "empowered" and in fact tanks being so strong makes tanks worse because even if you mirror the enemy having ana juno while you have mercy lifeweaver is complete nonsense.
I'm addicted to akimbo peace sign hana
ashe is the most underrated girl
old dried up barren HAG
Won't stop me from trying
Bratty Lena...
yuripedos are mentally ill
kirikospammers, hanaspammers, lenaspammers
the lot of you
i'm not a pedo so i'm attracted to beautiful full-breasted ADULT WOMEN
Young and beautiful WIFE
the best couple
i'm sexually attracted exclusively to orisa
what does that make me?
Somehow a furry, I think
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Juno is OP and I'm tired of pretending he isn't
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>yuripedos are mentally ill
>kirikospammers, hanaspammers, lenaspammers
>the lot of you
>i'm not a pedo so i'm attracted to beautiful full-breasted ADULT WOMEN
yeah they should nerf Ted, i'm tired of him
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Mercy touches little boys inappropriately. Fareeha told me so
yep and whats worse is that these changes arent made for tank players. theyre made for people who dont play tank, in an attempt to make people who dont play tank want to play and failing because because making giga broken tanks does fuck all if nobody has any tank fundamentals. its embarrassing how quick people are to counter you on tank but if you outplay them through skill without switching they suddenly dont know what to do since all theyve learned is "BLANK counters X, so i win"
only if genji counts
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I definitely used to flex way more before s10 so if they were trying to draw non-tank mains into playing tank they totally failed. Now I'll do 0-2 games on tank a week because that's how many games it takes for me to get a retarded game where even though I'm the strongest role I can't do anything because the enemy tank has higher multipliers (supports)

If they want to make tanks more playable they need to bring more supports down to mercy and weaver where they have very clear downsides not try to powercreep them up to the level of do everything supports. Also again continue to nerf if not outright remove armor because it's not fun getting 30k damage a game and have it mean nothing because it was just 2 unkillable tanks frotting all game.
stay away from my local preschool
"Little" as in... "young"? Or "little" as in...
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all it would take for me to queue tank again is an "automatically avoid mercy mains" button
I don't think Mercy is even that weak. It's just there's literally no reason to ever pick her over Juno except maybe to cheat a widow duel on Havana or CR.
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I prefer artists that remember Ashe has an arm tattoo
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I love solo ulting people with Reaper.
you are here to meet with a child
look at this team
we're gonna do great
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winky face
It's the future tattoos are easy to remove
>What overwatch does to a mf
How come Symmetra got a Blood Elf skin but not Lifeweaver? He already has one of the male blood elf hair styles
he's a fag
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the reveal is gonna be pretty epic
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bean here
Where's Ashe :(
I’d have to check if people have made any Ashe decals but if there is, I’ll do a car for her.
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I was mainly saying that because the Olivia on the hood is from a picture with Ashe being cute in the back
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Oh yes I get what you mean. I’ll still look to do an Ashe car tho.
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the problem is literally every role and nearly every other type of player **USUALLY** picks based on "what works best"
mercies pick based on what makes them feel like a pretty princess
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The only pussy brig has
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>Back to back wins after a 10 game losing streak that almost put me in Gold
I barely feel the joy of victory
so you belong in plat 5?
this is what happens when you hold your grav
its so obvious that this is the case and that its not making any new tank players while pushing away legacy tank players. characters like hog, mauga, orisa are tailor made for people who dont know how to play tank but that means anyone who does can pick them and shut out the former. then when the person who does know how to tank gets tired of being forced to fight the same characters over and over they stop. i dont know a single person who mains tank in OW2 (let alone has fun), yet knew far more in OW1 despite people claiming tank queue was dead. no one wants to spend time juggling wound uptime just to get instakilled on JQ while hog or some other tank has all the tools to tank with half the effort.
>more metal shitters crying about their rank
What is this mental illness? Just play some quickplay for fun and log off. You are not competing in any tournaments and you clearly have no interest in getting better hence you being in the metal ranks. So why do you freak out about a shitty rank system?
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I was Plat 1, last week, the highest I've ever been thanks to Juno, and I'll never hit those heights again
i'm a quickplay-only chad after 4 years and thousands of hours. i think i played one game of comp open queue in ow1, and our rein charged off the map so i just left.
the only reason i see to play comp is to collect gold guns but they only look good on like 30% of heroes and skins
i havent played in weeks but i still come here
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I'm here for the Juno butts
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if you want to abuse a broken hitscan support why not play baptiste and automatically place in diamond 1
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you sound like a broken record my dude, give it a rest
sexy bitch
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Everyone poops, anon
The universe is a holovid
girls don't
But nobody as much as her
Oh cool I didn't know that
Hey I got some good news for you pal
gravity is a harness
ah, so like a spherical cow
What does that even mean anyway
Jq is unfortunately still trash unless you build a very specific team comp around her and at that point the team comp is better with other tanks anyway
I wish I could play without getting unreasonably tilted when a game is most likely just a one-sided stomp
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another lgbt child molesting pervert outs himself
hopefully like mr eskay he will castrate himself and then kill himself
I wish I could play without immediately needing to jack off when young Ana is on the screen
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This but dps
This but tanks
>t braindead moira nigger that does nothing but dicksuck the healer and int in their backline while the DPS scrounge for kits and wait for regen then wonder "wtf why dps no do dmg???"
Oof, yikes even
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It is the damage players who are the victims
1. why does kiriko have extra damage on her headshots

2. why does zen not
>1. why does kiriko have extra damage on her headshots
she doesn't anymore.
he does with discord.
They both have a 2x headshot multiplier.
>she doesn't anymore.
i stand corrected, but why did she ever
it was unironically better when she did.
she doesn't deserve 60 damage bodyshots with her survivability.
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The game used to reward skill and punish you for doing body shots but they changed their mind
Kiriko is the best duelist in the game btw.
Wasn't it a joke for a while that Kiriko's reveal video made her sound like a blatant self-insert with zero self awareness
oh Faddah chon
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That would be every tank
>they changed their mind
no dpsfaggot cried because they were losing 1v1s to random dinks from skilless support players
There’s clearly larger systemic changes since they also changed armor and gave tanks headshot reduction too but you’re too stupid and autistic to do anything but hyper focus on one thing
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are you retarded?
she literally does the same headshot damage, she just has higher bodyshot damage too.
and yes, kiriko players are skillless shitters.
it takes no skill to flank/off angle with an unpunishable support.
pharmercy is kicking my ass
Reading the rageposts on here helps me understand why so many damage players feed their brains out.
shoot the mercy
tell your retarded 50% scoped accuracy ana to "go to mercy to match their 2v2 or lose"
Just ignore them and murder the other support
This game is too hard.
This game is too soft.
Just noticed I have this. Did they lower the requirement from 8 to 6?
If so I agree the game is too soft
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>Playing on New Junkertown
>Score currently 1 to 1, it's a close game right now
>Enemy tank praises his Mercy on having 0 deaths unlike our Mercy on 3 deaths
>See an opportunity for some TRICKERY
>Tell him that's because his Mercy just moves to escape every time they might lose a teamfight and leaves teammates to die
>One of their DPS actually agrees with me causing their tank and their Mercy to protest
>I pour fuel on the fire by claiming I saw their Mercy quietly slink away from a lost fight twice already
>But the enemy team starts to fight with each other in the chat anyway as the tank and Mercy desperately try to convince the other three players that they aren't throwing
>Win game 3 to 1
This game is just right
i looked up what Jayne looks like now post-transition and it's not pretty
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Well he looked like king henry viii before
I got it a couple of days ago and was surprised because I was sure I only blasted about seven people. Then I saw they did change it.
Good, because hitting 8 out of 9 people was fucking nonsense and if the other team's tank had a barrier or shield you were never ever going to get it.
Yeah, now if only they could do window of opportunity to something more reasonable
Yeah it's strange that Juno's one is made more reasonable within a season but Bap's one is left brutally difficult for years.
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I get unreasonably annoyed when a Wifeleaver says Hello and it plays that one line that sounds like he's sarcastically saying "YeSsUh Hi"
Nothing like getting whipshotted in the face by a Brigitte and then hearing a "Hej hej!" immediately afterward.
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>other language??? GRRRRRRRRRRR
it's ngai sa-haai, retard-kun.
>not having tracers I’m ready for some pudding line bound to the same button as melee
Lifeweaver E is now a 30 second cooldown
instead of instantly pulling the target, you place a 75HP shield on them, if they hit the interact button within 2 seconds they get pulled.
>prevents LW players from trolling
>adds the option to players to decide to get pulled instead of having no say in the matter
>nerfs the uptime of the ability
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I’d rather see it with a 12 second cd but remove the immunity entirely
also a fair compromise.
I would prefer that power being shifted into his M1.
LW DESPERATELY needs more playmaking.
he's far too "reactionary" to carry or impose your skill on the game.
A big part of the problem with grip and similar CDs is there's no reason to ever use them except for when someone is about to die. Lamp is another similar example but you could also include things like rez or a bunch of the tank CDs. You just hold it until it's necessary to use it and there's little you can do to play around it other than just deal with it when it comes out. There's no real way to use it to make a proactive play.

If Weaver could grip more often but was disincentivized from using it on someone who's 5hp you'd have more opportunities to use it to reposition people with low mobility or no vertical mobility which is how I imagine they intended people to use petal instead of being another dumb way to dodge damage mid fight.
The recent changes to petal were handy, now it really can be a service elevator to high ground.
characters with low skill floors like Junkrat or Mercy should not ever be "good" picks.
>low skill floors like Junkrat
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>both DPS have 2x the elims and half the deaths of the tank
>doesn't matter because the tank is bad so you just lose anyway
he's right
uh ohhhh. stinkyyyy
gibralter doesn't get enough hate
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It's a nice place tho, small but cosy and hot
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If you swap Junkrat with Genji then agreed. Genji hate!
Looks like shit
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Never getting it back, Pedro
It has to be the most spawncampable map in the game. I guess all widow maps are like that though and they're all terrible maps and should have been removed along with 2cp.
it's never coming home, Lena
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just gotta wait for them to decolonize britain
Every escort map is bad actually.
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literally looks like she's farting
Nope, can't smell anything.
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A self insert of one of the devs who doesn't work there anymore. There was a copypasta about it that used to be posted here.
please don't compare kiriko to pocs like that
>Genji hate
The devs have already got you covered.
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The path to a new meltdown begins yet again.
Hey it's Kiriko
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maybe the redditor should stop hallucinating /pol/ boogeymen everywhere then
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looking forward to your "posts /owg/ on /int/ and /bant/ and links it here" stage again!
don't post on any of those boards
take your meds no one in /owg/ is out to get you
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Hey! Chill out!
Every mercytranny deserves the rope
Every Mercy deserves ropes shot deep inside of her
t. trana main stuck in silver
this but also kiriko
this but ashe
>tranny replies instantly
Sombra is brown and ugly
just like the people who play her
I volunteer to make Ashe a mother
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>Play Juno
>Use ult
>Teammates kill enemy team easily without it - No value
>Teammates instantly gets buttfucked and die - No value
I've no clue when the hell I'm supposed to use this thing.
Just throw it out preemptively when a fight is gearing up.
Make sure to stand back first and have your pulsars off cooldown so at the very least you hit a boosted volley on everyone.
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Sombra is white
*covered in white baby batter (mine)
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Imagine being Tzilacatzin at the fall of Tenochtitlan. You do so much that the Spaniards focus all their fire at you. Despite drawing the attention of the entire enemy team, your team refuses to push past choke. You scream, "WHAT MORE CAN I DO?!" Your team is quickly dealt with. They cry out "gg" and "tank diff" as the Spaniards execute them one by one.
What does that mean
You have to push past the choke first bro the team isn’t going to walk past you when everyone is looking there
>"Warriors" wearing cotton armour who spend 80% of their military career attacking hopelessly weaker tribes and kidnapping their civilians for temple sacrifices
>Loyal vassals of His Majesty King Charles V wearing steel armour and armed with crossbows, muskets and cannon used by a force including veterans of the Reconquista and the Italian wars

The truth is that it was a team diff and the matchmaker screwed the Aztecs from the beginning, nothing they could do. Tzilacatzin shouldn't have convinced himself the match was winnable.
>invited on first ever mission with captain sojourn
>she smacks my ass and says "heh... you're alright wyte boi"
what does that mean???
it's go time
She likes you
Winston is whiter than Doomshit
it's september 2024, and the only blizzard games on steam are still just D4 and OW2

what the fuck are they doing. why are they so slow
>Hey... you're alright!
It's good for my tan
Asking Captain Vivian "Sojourn" Chase if black girls' nipples really do taste like chocolate

Captain Vivian "Sojourn" Chase letting Cadet Anon test
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would sojourn have sensitive armpits
You're supposed to walk in with your ult and get kills with it. I see most Junos use ult then back up and die. What's the point of ulting if you don't push into their backline? The only time you back up after using Juno ult is it Ana nades you and you can't tank a gorillion damage anymore.
Correct, Juno's ult requires a team with the courage to use it. Of course this can backfire if something like a Hanzo ult is dropped into its path but you know what I mean.
So now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Venture owes /owg/ sex?
Hey, you're all croissant?
gibralter was s tier before role queue
Gibraltar is fine as long as you have mobility, preferably vertical.
Plapping Sojourn deeply and passionately as she leglocks you with those cybernetic tree trunks from behind
You also need your tank to be constantly clearing highground if they have hitscan. Honestly maps where defense gets giga highground like Hollywood, Gibralter, Numbani, Dorado all blow.
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This WoW even should have had a Dungeon Queue mode where the team comps are 1/3/1
Were we supposed to get an Ultrawatch arcade event last season or was I hallucinating in the trailer
I think with the budget cuts and layoffs those events are no more
Venture needs to she me what that ass does
Male, female, nonbinary, i don't care
what matters is that Venture is clearly submissive, and either gets bred or bottomed like a bitch
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she looks like she'd be a nice wife
what on earth gives you that impression
I’d let her throw my games
Titty drop level
I need healing
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Sojourn edition
brown nipples
They change this, and not the bap achievement? Another proof they don't play their game

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