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Previous: >>495581808

>[Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)" Pickup Summon
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Singularity Repair Support Campaign 2024: Part 5
2024-09-23 21:00 - 10-07 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Advanced Quest: Part 9
2024-09-23 21:00 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Men are beasts
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Yuyu love!
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Yuyu's thick thighs
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Fat titty akiha...... my beloved...
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You mean MY Nero Bride, MY Tamamo, MY Altera, and MY Liz?
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This is the scene, there's a few more lines after pic related but I couldn't find a screenshot.
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There's a reason the fate work he initially turned up in is called "Apocrypha". He is not acknowledged by the official big name Christian/ Catholic etc institutions. Even after Christianity became formally accepted in Japan, Amakusa was never really considered part of their team. His role in Japanese history is more about being the figurehead/scapegoat for the failed rebellion.
Fate/Grand Order?
Alright, the jig is up
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Found a screenshot, in any case, Demons are very powerful, Chaldea could at most deal with Demonic possession but not with an actual Demon
Why can't FGO use fully 3D models for servants already? Some servants have fully 3D objects as part of their sprites, so why not just go all the way already. Modern phones from even 5 years ago can handle it.
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because it would look like shit
Because 3D sucks, don't ask for shit you don't really want
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My fellow VNchads... This thread will be good.
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too much effort and money needs for 3D models
Enjoy your shitty 2D jpegs on unity for another 10 years
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The 3D models from Arcade look great though
Ah, yeah, I'm definitely a retard then. I remember the scene but I wasn't paying attention as closely as I should have
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2D art looks nicer.
This, but unironically
*SLAP* /alter/ you stupid tart! A slut like you should know it's place! Ehehehe I know a night in the shed will teach you a lesson! *Shoves you into the dark and cold shed* I'll come get you when you learn your place whore! *LOCKS* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
No, they look like shit.
It looks so bad, I don't want that in my game
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I like what they did with Kama's arcade NP at least.
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Yuyu babyplay...
I don’t see any jiggie
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Hehehe, that was precisely the image I was baiting.
I played Extella Link and I liked it.
Some of the NPs in FGO are better.
FGO Vasavi Shakti mogs the everything shit out of Extella Link Vasavi Shakti.
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The remake was truly kino, it single handedly made me forgive Nasu for being a retard so many times (like the mecha Greek pantheon) and Takeuchi for being a trace-on ribbon obsessed autistic hack.
Thanks for posting the full scene I'll save it VNbro
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>she took over almost 1/3 of Rome
And? How many others have managed to capture large chunks of Roman territory? How many hordes of barbarian retards? How often have the Romans conquered themselves? A whole bunch, but they didn't last. As impressive as it is to march across the Alps and win a couple battles, it all means nothing if you don't have the obstinance to beat the Romans a second, third, or fourth time when they come to take back their shit.
How many battles did Zenobia win against a Roman army under equal terms? You could say that a great general avoids fighting pitched battles, but the fact is that the Romans were the best at them, it wasn't even close.
The Palmyrene Empire isn't an interesting historical what-if, they'd have just been a pseudo-Greek empire like the Macedonians or Byzantines.
>that threatened the very existence of the Roman Empire.
By occupying Egypt? Yeah maybe, but again, simply conquering land doesn't mean much strategically if you aren't capable of holding it.
>one of the best generals of all time
How so?
Do you really think beating an Asian army in a pitched battle was difficult for the Romans? The primary reason the Parthians were able to continue existing was the distance and climate separating them from the ROMAchads.
Kama Mistake in Mobile never ever...
Is every Fate MC now in FGO?
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
The only thing we need from Arcade is Bond 10 lines
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Musashi's NP looks great as well
I think we're missing
>Redline's MC
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Hmm, you're not wrong. It works both ways and in the end everyone is happy in a big orgy.
I changed my mind. I hate Arcade models.
>prototype servants has been in fgo since the start
>still no prototype event
>Redline's MC
That guy is even more bland and one dimensional than Guda. They'd have to mix him some of other figures to make him interesting.
Da Vinci Lily in mobile never ever...
Beast Nero in mobile never ever...
Tiamat Larva in mobile never ever...
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My lord wait!... A fine sentiment if I do say so.
Good, fuck mobile
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Need this but with Hakunon and Tamamo instead
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Christ, you weren't joking
Also, I wish he'd put the damn spear away sometime. He looks like a big idiot lugging that shit around
Prototype feels more like a vague collection of implications rather than an actual story. Does anyone even want to make it into something? As far as I know there's only shit like that disjointed sakurai prequel, the fake trailer, and maybe some drama CDs or something?
>[The creature stares at you]
2D is soulful
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Good morning, bros!
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Kuro is sex.
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I'm legit upset that we never got Santa Suzuka
She has one of the sluttiest designs, wearing a g-string and mini skirt

Very nice Boho
Good morning.
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Tomorrow I shall be a Super Orionlet no more.
Her thighs are almost as thick as her waist.
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Emo gogh... Emogh...
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It seems more like he's having a Melty about others having a Melty in his comments section
*blocks your path*
He's obviously talking about the actual Redline MC Lanfang
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Oh wow. So cool.
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So why did he and his event flop?
I made this a bajillion years ago. you're welcome to grab the original manga panel and edit it yourself. Night Tales From A Chinese Studio: Wang Erxi
That retard constantly seething because Dark Vitch didn't get a buff, even though she's one of the two strongest Foreigners in the game, really shows how seriously one should take him.
>violating of guidelines
They should all follow it and let the game die.
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>empties your fridge
*mating presses you until you love being cummed inside*
Who cares
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Can someone explain?
Does the FGO TOS forbids people from making videos about certain bosses/chapters due to spoilers?
You got it backwards. The Church did want to recognise the Japanese Christians when the ban on Christianity ended but the japanese refused. Their beliefs had gotten mixed with buddhism and japanese folklore during the two centuries of isolation that followed the revolt of Shimabara and they felt they wouldn't mix with traditional Christians.
I don't even have her unfortunately, but I'm picking this anni CE next year.

One day I will have those thick thighs in my Chaldea...
>violating of guidelines
On second thought, it's a serious crime, ban their accounts, and also ban their IP, permanently.
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>empties your Magic balls
Jokes on you bitch. The only stuff I hae in my fridge is a half eaten bag of cheese and some non-homogenized milk
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I don't know what's going on but I hope both sides get fucked.
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Please do not misunderstand. She’s only wearing that out of obligation, because you are her very good platonic friend
Only because everything 3D that TM shits out looks like absolute garbage. Shit hair physics. Shit cloth physics. Fuckers can't seem to hire any 3D riggers/model creators that can make an appealing character model. Fuckass indie company.
>Everyone saying F/SR was like this
>Play it (for a bit)
>Nothing like this
Where the fuck did that come from? Is it that bad later? F/SR felt like DMC in terms of enemy count
I think I will just rape her in her sleep, I hope it won't cause any misunderstandings.
Good luck getting her when she comes back.
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I change my mind. Have Suzuka be Master of Chaldea's sex friend like Xu Fu.
Why does High Queen dress like that?
>pseudo-Greek empire
Oh hell, no. The "Byzantines" were ROMAN. The "Byzantines" were the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. Moreover, the capital of Rome was Constantinople, NOT Rome, after Constantine I moved it. Just because the Western half fell, doesn't mean the entire Empire fell.
The news wasn't that clear and nobody knows how strongly they're gonna enforce. The general speculation is more on those that monetize that stuff e.g. vtubers not being allowed to stream beyond certain parts and what not. They probably don't give a fuck if some randos decide to upload/stream their LB7 fights.
Extella was a Musou done by company who thought they understood musous.
Remnant is a Musou done by the company that actually makes musous and it really shows with the gameplay differences.
Hey thanks for taking care of my wives Nero and Tamamo haha. I'll be taking them back into my care now if you don't mind haha.
Yikes, that's like totes cringe.
>Earth is getting a 2nd moon
>while mooncancer event is happening
How the fuck did Nasu predict this?
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PHH Aesc when?
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Technically you're not supposed to stream/upload anything past LB4 but the rules have never really been enforced until very recently with OC3 over in JP
Please. Take Liz with you while you're at it. They're taking up space in my second archive.
>The primary reason the Parthians were able to continue existing was the distance and climate separating them from the ROMAchads
Delusional. Parthian cataphract consistently BTFO Romans for literal centuries
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+1 year 11 months
Retard. They spoke Latin too. Just because Greek eventually became the dominant language doesn't mean they weren't Roman. You are literally following for german lies spread by the holy roman empire (which wasn't roman btw)
Do you think English FGO streamers and YouTubers don't monetize their streams lol
Yeah, then how come they couldn't get close to the Mediterranean coast without getting utterly BTFO?
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That's odd, when they implemented it?
I have seen tons of videos from JP and NA featuring the boss fight of OC3
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Extella 1 was extremely rough. Look at the rest of Marvelous' games, it was clearly not in their wheelhouse.
Link was significantly better, but the problems with it are enough that I still would prefer Omega Force to take over.
Part of me believes Samurai Remnant exists because they didn't want Extra and Extella to release anywhere near each other.
The other part of me thinks that the deal went sour and Marvelous has some kind of hostage hold of Extella and we're never going to see it again
>Technically you're not supposed to stream/upload anything past LB4
Why does she have a big fucking ahoge?
I see the sakurai musou defense force is here.
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Tsk they just had to make her look like a female bancho now I have to marry her...
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Those people aren't working for a company like the vtubers.
No, Suzuka belongs to the Chaldea prostitute group along with Caren, Mata Hari, Bob, Merlina and Ishtar. She should be out keeping male Servants and Chaldea staff sexually satisfied.
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I don't even know what's going on.
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At least I’ll have your milk mom.
>Greek's influence gradually grew in the government, beginning when Arcadius in 397 AD allowed judges to issue decisions in Greek, Theodosius II in 439 expanded its use in legal procedures, the first law in Greek was issued in 448, and when Leo I legislated in the language in the 460s.
They were literally Greek.
Okay, time to fap.
> verification not required
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What class?
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I think it's over for real bros
Bloody axe wielder
Get fucked, you autistic farmer
Her Summer design feels like Summer Santa Suzuka to me. It has the wing motif at least.
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Still a little mad they didn't do the sukeban thing with a younger Martha
The Byzantine empire was primarily ethnically Greek but politically it was still the Roman empire. Greeks still called themselves Romans, due to being/having been Roman citizens, until the 19th century.
So he himself didn't receive any strikes? Fucking pussy.
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Japanese streaming rules are so fucking retarded
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Alright, finally off work and ready to finish up that event!
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Post how many gallons of tea you have brewed over these 3 weeks.
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>until the 19th century.
LMAO, don't you see how this just proves my point? You can call yourself a Roman all you want, but when you're living under Ottoman occupation that's a bit of a fucking stretch.
I thought the greeks went extinct before the romans even existed?
What do OC1, OC2 and OC3 mean?
>Yeah, then how come they couldn't get close to the Mediterranean coast without getting utterly BTFO?
Because Roman and Parthian were roughly equal; Romans held the advantage if they could fight in Roman controlled territory, and Parthians held the advantage if the Romans pushed into their territory. Neither could push far into the other's territory. That's why they were in a stalemate for literal centuries. But it's a fact that Parthian cavalry trumped Roman heavy infantry (which was the bulk of the Roman Empire).
No breast physics kills it.
Stopped once I completed the shop. The blue apples have more value than the mats this event dropped.
Future planning is always nice.
>in Roman controlled territory
Yeah, and the reason it was Roman-controlled was because they Romans BTFO'd the Parthian pussies.
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Greeks aren't real. They're just a marketing term companies made up to sell yogurt.
The Ottomans separated its inhabitants by religion and they called the Orthodox Christians Romans.

Somewhere between 10 and 16 million. I was dry on seeds forever.
Is it because you don't need the mats or is it because you thought the event was bad AP efficiency?
And yet the Romans FAILED to push into Parthian territory, even when they were in their prime under Trajan
1) it was very far away
2) the Romans don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
3) sometimes they did push into Parthian territory and btfo'd them, but since it was far away and sandy, they eventually left
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This node is awesome since I don't have to use meta supports.
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Post supports!
Make friends!
Correction: They got BTFO because they couldn't hold territory or even consistently beat the Parthians.
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When is Shiki Ryougi (Monster)?
Because it was sandy and very far away.
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So uh
What am I supposed to do this week?
Uhh, she's 11?
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Wait, is there seriously another day until the Atlantis stuff starts?
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i dont answer to those requests anymore
>don't you see how this just proves my point?
Not that, anon, but you don't have a point. Rome fell in 1453 AD, not 476 AD. Just because the Eastern half of Rome evolved after the Western half fell doesn't mean they ceased to be Romans.
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I'll post my supports but I have no intention of making any friends.
Road to LB5 tomorrow. And there should be advanced quest somewhere over the week as well. It comes with that annoying wolf game quest that forces people to read and pay attention to the gimmick.
Thank you.
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out of 10
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No, that's really my support list.
>Because it was sandy and very far away.
Literal cope. They didn't take over Parthia because they were incapable of doing so.
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welcome to the deadest day of the year
Okay my bad then...
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let her cook
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1 opening, just tell me your all slot.
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>we call ourselves romans therefore we are romans
Reminder that the only true Romans were the descendants of the original three Romulean tribes.
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On the 7th singularity, I've skipped a bit since the story for this one hasn't gripped me as well as camelot did, hope it gets more interesting soon
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>Astolfo in the background
Everyone is ROMA!
>Skipping Babylonia
Bro what the fuck are you doing
I am a true Roman (Anglo Canadian), everyone else in /alter/ is, at best, a provincial tax slave.
And then another week until Olympus...
I asked Romulus and he said ROMA is a state of mind, so yes, as long as you embrace Rome, you too are Roman.
Retard. Only the Western half fell in 476 AD
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Why are there so many Byzantium defenders ITT? I would at least expect a 50-50 split between HRE bros and Byzantine bros.
Where are you at in the chapter? I'll agree it starts a little slow (even LB6 has the same issue) but it's regarded as one of the best chapters for a reason.
Anal Sex with Liz
Everyone with Roman citizenship was a Roman.
Says who?
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Liz does value her virginity, but not like that.
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*Tenderly kisses /alter/* Goodnight my lovely /alter/.
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Not Roman. If the Holy Roman Empire was Roman, then Rey from Disney's Star Wars is a Skywalker. The HRE was a larp. They could not be Roman because the Western half had fallen centuries ago. And they could not claim to be the inheritors of Rome, because the Eastern Half still existed
Voltaire was a dumb queer. Did you read what he said about Egypt?
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So I went and read the shitstorm that's happening regarding FGO spoilers and copyright

What happened
>several channels (JP and EN) uploaded content on Youtube regarding Ordeal Call 3
>this content included boss fights, cutscenes, animations, banner pulls, etc
>several JP players complained in social media (youtube, 2ch, twitter) about spoilers
>also they sent complaints directly to Lasengle via support
>Lasengle updated their Content Guidelines and ToS regarding sharing content in social media
As result
>today some FGO JP and EN youtube channels were hit with copyright strikes and were forced to delete their videos
>this scared tons of other FGO channels that were sharing videos of their pulls, servant animations, story, boss fights, etc
>the TOS update is very vague
>it could potentially cover ANY kind of content in ANY website and platform
>since it's so vague Lasengle could actually sent copyright strikes to close down websites like FGO wikia, Atlas or kill the translation project for good
They don't know if the copyright strikes are fake and sent by trolls to scare people, or if Lasengle/Aniplex is enforcing their ToS changes after they got updated
I hope Nobbu is in Extella
Pro-tip: neither the Byzantines nor Holy Roamins were actually Romans.
You can come up with these arbitrary justifications for why Byzantium counts as Rome, but if you looked at a map you'd notice that Rome ain't part of it.
>Says who?
The Edict of Caracalla
I love breasts.
I love my adorable wife Jalter, and I think /alter/ should post cute pics of her
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Great, about 126 days!
So while the British occupied Washington DC in 1812 the Americans were not really American?
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Finally a good post
I do not acknowledge this "edict" as legitimate. My Will DENIES Caracalla's legitimacy.
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She's perfect!
Should I spend my last 90 quartz trying for another copy of BB or save them for the future?
Based. Burn it all down. If lasengle wants to be retarded, let them.
How did they get away with this?
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What they were was a bunch of chumps, lol.
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That doesn't make the >H>R>E any more Roman, holy or imperial.
Reminder that Charlemagne was crowned as Roman emperor because Byzantium had an empress at the time and the pope went "lmao, women can't be rulers therefore the position of Roman emperor is vacant!"
>People stop posting FGO stuff out of fear of getting taken down
>FGO slowly dies as it loses relevance as a result
I can only see this as a good thing in the long run. Maybe Nasu can start working on actual games/VNs.
Probably less with teapots and depending on how much you intend to farm and use or backline that servant at Tam Lin cup. Well farmed lotteries tend to take anywhere from one to two thirds of whole 10+ bond bars for me.
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Big red only
It's the player's name
Oh no, anyway.
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Imagine if all the fgo wiki sites go down and we have no way of knowing how much buster up that skill provides since those sites are the only places with actual numbers
Doesn't make Voltaire any less of a retard and also my point was that just calling yourself Roman doesn't make you a Roman which applies to the Byzantines just as much as it does the Holy Roamins.
>burn down the interests of the game
Also lmao nips being scared of spoilers
How about not using youtube to specifically search for the latest FGO content?
That fucking stinks
Well at least I'll have that to look forward to.
No, you're wrong. BB actually said paizuri.
Who are you working on bro?
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What if /alter/ is hit by a FGO copyright strike and forced to close down?
Maxing out Castoria
>Byzantium had an empress at the time and the pope went "lmao, women can't be rulers therefore the position of Roman emperor is vacant!"
Is she in FGO?
Nothing of value would be lost.
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Eastern Roman Empire
>Per the The Edict of Caracalla, everyone in the Eastern half of Rome was a Roman citizen
>Per Constantine I, the capital of Rome was moved to the Eastern half of Rome
>For centuries, the Eastern Roman Empire spoke Latin
>The Western half was once part of the Eastern Half, but even after they split because Rome was too big to be managed by one person, the Western Half still considered the East Roman
>The Eastern Roman half practiced the same customs, beliefs, and political structures
>The Eastern Romans worshipped the same God as Rome
>They called themselves and their Empire Rome
>They used the same military tactics, legions, and formations
>They shared the same animosity with Parthia (and it's successor states) that the Empire had held onto for centuries
>Literally everyone called them Rome, until the years leading up to the Holy Roman Empire / Caroligian Empire where Germans started to call them the "Empire of the Greeks" so that they could discredit the East's Roman heritage and identity
>But they're not Roman because a low iq anon who fell for german propoganda on a Japanese website said so
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Only if it's a tea nobbu.
The sweet release of death
Then I will start sending my /alter/posts to Albert in the mail.
>People stop posting FGO stuff out of fear of getting taken down
>FGO slowly dies as it loses relevance as a result
Yeah that's what a lot of these companies don't understand.
Those kinds of uploads only help overall popularity. Anyone just stumbling into them who isn't already a player isn't going to avoid the game due to them, no one's going to quit due to them.
Nonplayers aren't going to play because those videos stop existing.
Players aren't going to quit.
You MIGHT get a few new players because of said videos though.

It's sadly a lot of the same piracy dilemma. The people who pirate on a large scale aren't going to become buyers if you're super hard to pirate, they'll just pirate a different thing.
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welp time to go to sleep with my lovely Wife Kiyohime
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Does this mean Type-Moon will be forced to work on other games
I can't imagine Typemoon will ever have to make an honest living with all this FGO money, but maybe I'm underestimating their costs idk
I've probably picked up a few games because I just happened to see a piece of gameplay with no context and the game looked cool enough for me to want to try it.

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servant for this feels
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>what is SR and Extra remake
Except the East WAS Roman, you retard. If tommorow, the western half of the U.S. was taken over by invaders, that wouldn't suddenly make the Eastern half of the U.S. not American, even if centuries later, the the Eastern half started to speak a different language and practice new customs and traditions.
Pic related is the Roman Empire under Constantine. See how the Eastern half is considered part of Rome? On top of this, the capital of Rome was in the EAST AT THIS POINT
Yes but they'll lay off half their staff since their revenue will be cut in half so they'd make about as many other games as they did before
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Titania and Oberon ported to 3D in arcade.
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I'm goghing... to sleep ehe...
Asanagi cups all day for the rest of time
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Is anyone actually rolling for horsegirl?
>Albert checks his email
>Servant for this feel?
>Re: Eric Bloodaxe
>Tr: Tr: Tr: Tr: Tr: Tr: Kama...
>I love feet!
>empty mail with dozens of pics of cropped porn and armpits
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I wonder if /alter/ likes Kama or Melt more... both are popular, often among the same posters.
She's a donkeygirl and no.
people that like riza
Gogh Night!
Literally Hu?
I've been here too fucking long.
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You know what this thread needs?
Sleep tight, brogh!
Is she for (You)?
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Good choice.
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I might, gonna try to lucksacc her initially. Some more Assassins would help me.
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>I'm a cute horsegirl please praise me uwu
>>Per the [piece of paper],
I DENY this edict, I tear it up and stomp on it.
If your argument depends on a mere law, then it cannot withstand my contempt.

Byzantium was the capital of the Roman Empire up until the West and East split, after which point the "Eastern Roman Empire" became its own thing, derivative of Roman practices but not truly Roman.
It's short for Ordeal Call.
s-shut up, it's almost 159
Some pretty amazing Blancas.
Too close to City
She's not really Huyan she is a Greek monster with his memories shoved up her butt by Moriarty
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Time to Clap those Cheeks!
I don't think
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By "Other games" I don't mean fate stuff, I mean Tsukihime and mahoyo, one of which only has one half of a remake out and the other has two sequels that they haven't even started making yet.
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Too much girl, not enough horse.
>halo at the end
ba really took over the cunny market
Doujin and lewd art is the main driving advertisement of the game not game play vids in YouTube. As long as that's safe FGO is good.
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>understands the hearts of boys
>understands the hearts of MEN
You're moron. You don't get to ignore legal documents, history, and laws because they don't fit your moronic narrative
>Byzantium was the capital of the Roman Empire up until the West and East split
Constantine literally reunited the Roman Empire into one entity THEN he moved the capital to Rome.
Why would it mean that
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>Has all her toes
This is not Castoria...
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i think
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But men like girls with huge tits and fat asses
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No thoughts. Just Scathach love.
Real men enjoy both.
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Never pretend to be gay to sneak into the girls slumber party
Worst mistake of my life
>THEN he moved the capital to Rome.
And then it split again, retard.
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Auntie love
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>As long as doujin and lewd art is safe FGO is good.
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I love Kama...
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Also, correct me if I'm wrong, the Franks at the time were descended from the Romans because Rome was everywhere. Plus, there was no single familial dynasty that remained throughout the duration of the Roman Empire's glory centuries.
The southern Germans (i.e. Austrians) were descended from Romans. The northern ones who were descended from the Germanic peoples are Prussians and the like.
I think they will just hit straight up spoilers so people posting a video or image spoiler 5 minutes after the chapter drops.
Honestly not a bad thing, imagine waking up and getting spoiled
>but the fanart
I doubt anyone would complain about fanart but if they do and take it down then yeah FGO is dead
It doesn't matter if the HRE's citizens descended from the Romans. The Western half had been gone for centuries. And the Eastern half still existed so the germans could NOT claim to be the inheritors of a nation that STILL EXISTED
What's the plan with your jokah valk
Show me your colors, /alter/
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I'll remove her when I'll get my next SSR
>all toes are exactly the same size
Has Takeuchi ever saw a foot?
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I like mono blue
Fae =/= primate
Built like a chicken nugget
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How do you imagine the Hakunos' valentines scenes will play out?
Oh my are you posting FGO related pictures in this thread? Lasengle will NOT like this one bit!
say gex
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My theory is that there won't be Valentines event
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Saraba, Shin Yamataikoku!
It was fun,it was comfy and it was absurd while it lasted.
I have no idea how Cags, Marie Alter, or Super Edmond will go
It was a secret lotto. I loved it.
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Red, white and blue.
>multiple page supports
>single page supports that show off obvious flexes and meta supports
I'm not sure which disgusts me more.
The former at least seems to devote one page to favorites.
This was the start screen the moment the event ends and looking forward to the next Road to 7 campaign.
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Noticing a distinct lack of bangers this thread
Weak. Take this instead.

>Lost my NA account
>Bought an account on JP and started playing there
I miss clairvoyance, alterbros...
What arbitrary bullshit are you using to decide that multi page supports are le bad
Post your code, I need JP friends
I'm not listening to it, it's JP content
You may have lost Clairvoyance EX, but you've gained the excitement of new discovery.
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*Blocks your path*
I took a glimpse of My Room to see it going back to normal and realized I'm still in Traum.
Gudako bending over like second nature...
you and i are no longer bros
leave this place at once
Which Servant would you like to watch get bukkaked?
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Why latex bodysuit though?
I banish you from thee general, begone!
People just tend to flex all their SSRs when all most care about is seeing their taste.
First page is all that matters and I want to see your favorites above all else.
I want to RAPE Hakunon until she's pregnant with triplets and barefoot
Byzantium? Not Rome.
Yamataikoku? Rome.
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That is so.
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Nasu loved this scene in the DEEN FSN anime.
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What did Nasu mean by this?
It's hot.
I might have even enjoyed it more than the first Yamataikoku, shame it never gets a rerun. I hope Mitsunari becomes playable and Chacha gets a 5 star alt someday.
With how many grails they give out you can easily have pages of level 100s
Disgusting whore.
>Mitsunari becomes playable
His NP?
>enjoyed it more than the first Yamataikoku
The middle part with all the twists was annoying and didn't get paid off properly. Also, I thought it was lame that Himiko got sidelined so much.
>/fgog/ still has to use MTL
Same. I imagine LB7 will light a fire under my lazy ass.
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I love fucking evil women
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Can't be a ROMAN BVLL and a Gr*ekoid. Not even Caesar acknowledges them. I'm sure that if Karl shows up he'd call him a pretender Ga*lshit too.
Do you really trust the word of the same man who claimed that his mom was Venus and his wife was Morgan?
Clearly Percival
I don't know what it is. It's logged onto my emulator and I'm shitposting in bed.

It's true. It's kinda fun to just roll on whatever I'm interested in at the time rather than trying to hoard for the next meta support.

Bros, please... I'll be good.
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I don't give a shit what Nasu or Sakurai says, when they're retards who think that Aurelian and Constantine I are literal whos.
You're a fucking clown for thinking that some uneducated Jap is a source for whether or not the Eastern Romans were actual Romans
Not that guy but are you actually taking Fate seriously when talking about irl history.
ok but Karl>caesar
Oberon is Caesar's and Morgan's son. Pretty funny that Oberon is Morganfags' wife's son.
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Is there anything /alter/ gets more autistic over than this Roman business
Of course Byzantium changed over the course of a millennium, that doesn't mean it stopped being the Roman empire. The state of modern England is vastly different from what it was 1000 years ago but there's still continuity and can be considered the same state.
Are you actually taking Greekeks seriously when they claim to be Italians?
Most men are like this
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BB Dubai looks really hot here:
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these were fun to make
Bro you're literally staring at the dicks not BB
Girls are hottest when surrounded by cocks.
Pretending that they're the true Roman successors is important to various groups, despite it seeming like a joke. It's like the reaction you get when insulting an Indian guy's English
Except the Eastern Romans weren't "pretending" they WERE Roman. The people PRETENDING to be Romans were the Holy "Roman" Emperor and the Ottoman "Romans"
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>no rate up
peace, at last.
>hfw I hit the womb
dicks > w*men
It's a shame the art style is so good, he draws the girls really soft and sexy, but he's obsessed with huge ugly dicks
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That's just your fantasy Darius.
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cheap slut
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Yeah, and the poos erecting monkey demon statues in Texas ARE American.
Nah, the Gayreeks might have had the mantel of civilization forced upon them by the blessed ROMAns but they weren't descendents of Aenas or even inheritors of Romulus. They were conquered peoples given a membership card so that they knew who to charge taxes from.
Just because nero is shit doesn't mean women are bad
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Excited for this
>The state of modern England is vastly different from what it was 1000 years ago
Sure, and please note, modern England (as a dominion of the British Crown) is still inhabited (to an extent, lol) by the ethnic Anglo-Saxons, and it geographically encompasses the territory associated with England.
The Byzantine Empire did NOT encompass the territory associated with the Roman people (Central Italy) and it was not inhabited by Latins.
>can be considered the same state.
What? Who in his right mind considers Great Britain, the modern post-Imperial Parliamentary nanny-state, in any way equivalent to the pre-Norman Kingdom of England?
You don't need to insist on identifying things that are clearly distinct from each other just because there's a vague continuity involved, there's nothing wrong with nuance..
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what does that image have to do with the topic at hand?
I'm gonna miss this guy.
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female teacher Scathach (my aunt)
Wow when you put it that way you're right!
You are being disingenuous. Roman was used in the empire as a mark of citizenship, not ethnicity.
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See you space nobbu
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Son this is gay as hell.
She can't be a teacher, she's too lewd.
female aunt Scathach (my teacher)
>we never got Bedivere yelling Excalibur in Camelot 2
Kinda lame.
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Why would Scathach do this...
Is it really worth saving babbles until Morganfest? I can't help but feel like I need all the QP I can get
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Good morning, bros. And good bye, Yamataikoku.
It's an example of the fact that just because a region or people is under control by a "nation" be it Rome or America, doesn't mean those people be they Greeks or Ppos magically become roman.
The Italians did NOT consired Greeks Roman despite greece being a part of the Roman empire. Hence, Byzantium may have been part of Rome by law, but they weren't Romans. And installing greek emperors like constantine or Marcus Aurelius doesn't change that. They aren't romans. Thus Caesar in FGO is right to call Konstan a pretender to the throne of rome.
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Morning lippa
>It's an example of the fact that just because a region or people is under control by a "nation" be it Rome or America, doesn't mean those people be they Greeks or Ppos magically become roman.
Ok then in your example. Who is american?
Hey this guy is on to something...
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>Men are honestly cuter and more appealing than women.
>no beam clash with Excalibur and Rhongo
Missed opportunity
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Just farm doors, a +7 drops run of Illyafest gives 1.2m qp and a +12 drops run gives 1.8m qp, while a doors run gives like 2m qp -before- accounting for qp CEs.
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>brown legs
Who even is that supposed to be?
It’s pantyhose
She wears tights...
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Rome is a city, formed by the fusion of various Latin tribes. As Rome expanded, its political power and cultural identity remained centered on the city's traditional system of government, the Roman Senate, which was composed almost entirely of high-class ethnic Italians. The city of Rome subjected provinces and cities by sword and by treaty, and controlled those subjected peoples as "others".
This describes the greatness of Rome, this describes Roman culture, the means by which Rome came to dominate Western civilization.
After the West had been subjugated by the city of Rome, the overabundance of success began the process of dissolving the Roman identity, undermining it by politics, economics, time, etc. The process by which the Roman identity was slowly corroded and dissolved into a more abstract empire was symbolically completed when Constantine stripped the city of Rome of its status as the empire's Capital.
The Roman Empire is called the Roman Empire because it was the empire won by the city of Rome. When the empire became abstracted from the city of Rome, it was no longer the empire of the city of Rome, but it kept the name because the continuity was self-evident. But, when you take the city of Rome out of the nominal "Roman Empire", how can there be any more pretence? It has become the empire of the city of Byzantium, the Byzantine Empire.
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Cities are honestly cuter and more appealing than both men and women.
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>No animation update
>No skill updates
I'm sad.
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Noted thanks, that's basically what I'm doing instead of babbles
Bro he got a rankup like a month ago, he's got 210%(!!!) innate crit up now from s1 + s3 + append 4 + passive. He also disproportionately benefited from the mighty chain update, he's now capable of actually making enough stars on his own to reliably take advantage of his crit buffs.
The cat probably has some cameo in Jason's interlude tomorrow.
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I can't lose here! Gandr! *STUNS YOU*
what's up eresh
*Morganfest, lol
That does me no good right now.
>210% crit up
I wonder if he has any use with cielplugging now
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By this logic, the Roman empire ceased to exist in the 4th century. Also by your logic the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century should be called the Ravennan Empire since the capital had been moved to Ravenna.
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Night bros
Me when I see an /alter/ bro
it's 8:15
good morning
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Do you ever have impure thoughts about dogs?
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now THAT would be some good content.
>rolls dice
Sorry, your debuff rate hasn't been upgraded and the opponent's magic resistance is too high
What the fuck...
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One last thing.
Don’t forget to see Koma off in the shop at the tea making panel, might have to try tapping for a while since this was supposed to be an Easter egg.
good morning, bros.... hopefully this week will be better...
Don't be greedy.
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Nemo sex
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bros...couldn't they have reduced the cooldown by a turn along with this? or maybe buffed the buster and quick damage? this feels weak
The 4th Century AD? Sure, I wouldn't disagree with that. There are different ways of looking at it, ultimately some subjectivity is involved, but I don't think it's unreasonable to acknowledge the shift that Roman society underwent over the centuries following the subversion of the Roman Republic, it's absolutely a "ship of Theseus" type of situation.
>the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century should be called the Ravennan Empire since the capital had been moved to Ravenna.
Like I suggested before, continuity is a factor, while moving the Capital to Ravenna does reflect the subversion of the "Roman" character of the Roman Empire, at the same time nothing is black and white. Just as you could assign individual cities in Italy as being slight shades of more or less identifiable with "Rome", Ravenna was still a city in Italy, there's no reason, in most practical cases, not to refer to the Western Roman Empire as "Roman."
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Halloween is next right?
After the Road to 7 stuff, yeah
Is there a half ap rank ups any time soon?
I wanna work on rank ups now but if there's an opportunity within like, idk, 2 months? then I'll hold off.
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/alter/ so which one is the /alter/ approved choice?
iirc in november
And then you compare it to vanilla Okita's buff and laugh.
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Yeah, there's a half AP interlude and rank up at the pre-campaign of the lottery event at November's roadmap.
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Or any of the other Alter Egos.
It's monday
Hakuno wears spat right?
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Evil is stored in the breasts
I shouldn't have grailed and NP5'd Melusine.
She's been nopan since CCC
Imagine the smell
aight guess i'll hold off till then
Maybe i'll do some advanced quests tonight
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Fate is alive and well. We won.
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Yeah you chose the wrong dragon
I don't remember what I was farming before the event
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You were right to grail and NP5 your Melusine.
What you did wrong was be a weak minded cuck faggot whose faith is so easily shaken.
Will they ever answer the Camelot mystery?
It's been like 6 or 7 years
>it's that time again
I'd rather people go back arguing about what it is a roman (a miserable pile of homos) than m**u melty again
What mystery?
Vritra! :D
Is Vritra a tranny? He's supposed to be a male.
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Who the actual Singularity king was.
It was a spirit calling himself "Richard the first" and was more than a match for the entire round table.
And he specifically wasn't actually Richard.
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Wasn't that was just Molay (saber)?
by your logic mom is tranny too
What the fuck is a Singularity King? The singularities each just had a servant with a Solomon grail. Goddess Rhongo had that one.
Bro, read Camelot Zero.
The actual cause of the Singularity was killed before we ever arrived by the Round Table. But the cure was worse than the disease and we had to go deal with the lion king
Bob you're late for the Council daily meeting
Ancient Dragons don't actually have a concept of gender. They were called male mecause most neutral is referenced masculine. Quetz is a sky dragon (alien) and has inhabited men and women. Albion is refrenced Male but Melusine is a girl. Vritra is referenced Male but is a girl.

How many Servantized dragons in Fate actually appear as male? none. Oberon, Arthur, Siegfried, Sigurd, Sieg, and ?Kotomine? all only have dragon powers or acquire dragon traits. Every actually summonable dragon is a woman.
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I need oni pussy
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In fate he was a giant serpent. She's only humanoid as a servant and she chose a female form.
The Jerusalem Singularity is specifically NOT the Camelot one.
I think Ozymandias even retained the plot of Camelot when he was summoned to Jerusalem and went full notto dis shitto again
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No, arcade kinda does its own version of camelot as well.

Did you not find it weird that it's set in Jerusalem and then when it come out, it got changed to Camelot? The lion king basically hijacked whoever was already at that singularity.
When the official artist does shit like that, sorry, can't handle it.
>read Camelot Zero
No thanks.
Did you not find it weird that it's set in Jerusalem and then when it come out, it got changed to Camelot?
Not really. It's also in Egypt and the mid-east.
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Would you, your grailed servants?
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Did someone say Egypt
If wormslut face bad, why give it big boobs and nice ass?
I would.
I have.
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Except Nito canonically has very fat tits
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everyone else can. Sorry you weren't strong enough.
Really you're a joke. You crumble from minor external abuse. Meanwhile Lipfags out here being Gods greatest warriors suffering month after month of canon ingame betrayal after canon ingame betrayal and stay strong. You actually make lipfags look cool by comparison.
>just forget we're Sakura and focus on the awooga
Based Astolfofag.
why you gotta take the bait again?
now's he gonna do another round of melty
to be fair
they are inconsistent as fuck
>Lipfags out here being Gods greatest warriors
God created Lipfags as a joke.
>Gods greatest warriors
Meanwhile Melt...excluded from OC3...
kadoc and batman are so lucky
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There weren't any Cons, so she wouldn't have anything to do anyway.
Nope. Maybe next time
Melt already has a leading role in seraph and semi notable roles in events like summer vegas and monster crisis.
>someone mentioned Camazotz
It's fucking time
>No thanks.
If you don't care at all then don't reply you dumb fuck.
Sorry I don't want to read Nasu's deleted blogposts bro.
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don't troll with morgan pics
That doesn't mean she couldn't have had a minor role
Why is Halloween scheduled for mid-October?
Generally the finale is on Halloween.
Because events go for 3 weeks now
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Astolfo fucks everyone in every franchise. This means he'll probably only ever fuck your waifu once. He's got the entire history of the whole planet to fuck. He can't waste time double dipping. Just take the astolfo tax, wait a month for your girl's pussy to retighten, and resume life as normal.
I actually don't have any astolfo pictures on my pc at all, so take this rare capcha instead.
Halloween season is before and during Halloween. But it's never after Halloween. If the event started on the 31st then nobody would be in the mood for it in November
No idea how others can. I can't. It tear me apart to the point I prefer hating Melusine.
So what, 2 weeks of dead weeks AGAIN?
I don't know what this babbling is about. I only said that because they posted Saber Astolfo.
No, we're getting road to LB5 and imaginary scramble rerun soon
Road to LB plus advanced quest. The real entertainment is watching people get mad because they didn't read the quests' gimmick.
>imaginary scramble
On JP, that happens on like the last week of the halloween event. Would be nice if they swap things around so the weeks won't be as dead, but who knows.
I still haven't done a single advanced quest. Maybe when I can actually mlb the CE's (probably not).
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That's okay. We're all different. You can't understand how people can love melusine in spite of choco, I can't understand why anyone likes baobhan sith, and Nasu doesn't understand why nobody likes Medb.
Being different than everyone and not understanding why everyone else doesn't think like you is part of the human experience.
None of these count as real content bros...
Turning the other cheek doesn't mean bending over with a smile every time something bad happens.
There's a fine definition of resiliency and Lippers are not it. They are delusional.
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>they still biting
/alter/ really deserves all the bad things it get
Yeah, thw difference is it that I loved Melusine entirely and Choco outright not only ruines ir, but went above ans beyond to destroy me.
I can't handle it. I feel sick for almost two months now.
im convinced its just chatgpt bots by now
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man its been like 5 days since I had a bite. I'm jittery. I gotta get my schizo engagement in for the week.
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Ahh. Who even cares?
Do you want a cookie because you don't like a character anymore?
Just get the fuck over it already, you mope.
You are legit just as bad as the melufag, if not worse. I'll even go as far as put you on the same level as cucksucker: that is, you are deliberate in your actions, you know it's bad but you do it anyway.
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No you didnt
What's in the fishie?
s 0 y sauce, because she drinking all that salt from melufag tears
maybe the real content was the bros we made along the way.........
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imaginary scrambled eggs
>hurr it's a bait it's not real
Yeah dude everyone loves when a girl that was sold as for (You) now fucks her ex by official artist, or shipped with her "brother" by official artist
Clearly someone won't take it badly
please i need the sauce
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You are brown
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Kadoc never got to bang because, whenever he gets an erection, Lostbelt Ana's ghost blueballs him by blowing extremely cold air onto his penis, so he can't stay hard and all the girls think he has a teeny weenie.
I'm glad at least one other person here reads Nasu's blog.
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So bros, no content today, what are we farming?
hot period
The artist is credited in the image bro
I feel for you as I did the circekeks when they were done in. But Melusine was never for you.
LB6 was clear on that and the Bond CE confirmed it. Now, if you fell in love on JP that's your own damn fault. It also means you should be moaning in /fgog/.
You like a Sakuraface. You're worse than brown.
[ - ]
>You were right to grail and NP5 your Melusine.
Was he, though? Melu's arc in LB6 was half-baked and she didn't really develop or change in any substantial way. She began the story as an Aurora simp and she ended the story as an Aurora simp.
Post-LB6, her "for (you)" pivot was random and emotionally one-dimensional, clearly just Nasu pandeirng because he didn't know how else to write Melusine in a context where Aurora was dead. Similar to Tlaloc, I suspect, but we'll have to see when LB7 releases.
Overall I think Melu is probably the worst character in LB6, not to say she's irredeemably bad or anything, she just pales in comparison to the other new characters.
Buddy, don't bother. That retard's been screeching for weeks about this.
She's a super cool yugioh 5Ds reference mecha clock dragon. Opinion disregarded.
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>replying to himself again
Is what I say when I hop into the melucord to chat with my fellow melusine appreciators.
5Ds is gay
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Does that faggot ever sleep? It's like he's 24/7 here.
5Ds is the best ygo series
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Today is the Autumnal Equinox Day, the day when the agricultural deity Kukulkan descend from the top of her pyramid Chichen Itza.
Hoy es el equinoccio de otoño. En Chichén Itzá, una serpiente de luz desciende por la pirámide de Kukulcán, marcando el cambio de estación.
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Nobody cares
Post Tlaloc
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Knockoff Kallen is hot, but I don't think she's enough to carry it.
shut up, shes white
China moved capitals and changed dynasties many times over the centuries, but they're all still considered the empire of China.
>halloween is likely about 3 weeks way
At this rate, I'd have farmed enough swords before the 90++ node is even out.
Uhhh, I don't care.

That's exactly the problem. I feel like a brain dead idiot for falling for the pandering.
I wish I could just switch my feelings to another Servant
>I feel like a brain dead idiot
>feel like
lmao you are a brain dead idiot
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post hags
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Your poor acting is not convincing anyone georgiekek. What you actually need is a padded cell.
Funny how Hirunagi only drew Kuku once and then proceeded to draw a ton of Tlaloc comics
>bobfag draws bob
Truly one of the universe's great mysteries.
I proved multiple times. I am real.
No way, not the KKKinniku Buster?!!!
yeah bro...
There are a lot of Bobfags then considering the massive difference of fan content between them
is this, prostitution?
city truly is a bob confirmed.
hirunagi is cuckfag, nothing new
That's not Kukulkan, that's an alien stealing her name
Bob is a fake name.
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I don't know that servant because I haven't seen it on NA. Best I can do is a Quetz.
She's basically Quetz but worse
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Posts like this don't actually bring up thread quality BTW. This same shit happens everytime a new servant with dumbfuck fans is selected to be cuckposted.
In my view, you're about equal.
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come here bitch *pats her lap*
Please don't use profanity when RPing as a servant, it's OOC
I constantly see the same fanarts of her, does she have really so little?
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For me it's Tlazolteotl.
How do you know that if we haven't gotten her yet? Don't tell me you trusted onii-chan's MTL headcanon again...
shut up faggot
I don't know about artworks, but she only has like 1 or 2 fans here.
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>she's literally stuck to a floating toilet bowl
>he doesn't know
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cat (cute)
I wonder if they'll be disappointed after reading the chapter
All the cool kids are fans of the KING OF BRAVES and WWHOOOOOO dude.
She is underutilized in the chapter by a lot but she's mega cute when she tries and when she does freaky alien shit
Cu Alter?
The serial cuckposter who's also part of the russian discord gang targets almost every female character, and calling him out doesn't make me his "equal".
I'm not going to stop so feel free to hide my posts and keep your head buried under the sand.
WHOOOOOO dude and City*
Camazotz and Tez have incredible Charisma
Kuku is mainly disguising her alien nature with cuteness until the end, wherein she is cute and an alien
sexy childs
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Hard for her to stand up with Tez, City and Batman who got all the attention
abby is mid
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And the cups?
This reads just like the Kamafags posts from last year. Calling them out obviously doesn't do anything, and servants without braindead fans (Gogh, Rikyu, etc.) are immune.
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Kukulkan LOVE
Camazotz and Kuku are about the same on pixiv. It's the siblings who are massively ahead.
cups are ok
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Catsmas soon
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I... I don't know what to farm...
Farm for sympathy as is befitting of a lipper
You don't know her
You check your items and farm the lowest one you have
In doubt just farm QP
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I'm farming blue apples
You don't know her
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It would be perfect
I just wish welfares weren't limited to 2 arts.
It's such an outdated thing.
>servants without braindead fans
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I love Oxford and Oxford loves me...
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I don't understand why the City is so popular.
She clearly was meant to be filler and a literally who.

And despite that, she got thousands of fanart, got several CEs, is shilled every Anniversary with alternate costumes and even pushed her way into being a Summer Servant.
You don't know her
Gogh fans are crazy but they're not dumb. When Gogh's identity was revealed, some losers tried to bait by shitposting about Clyte being Helios' bitch and it didn't work.
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Man, artists gave her so many cute outfits but lasagna can't be arsed to turn a single one into a spiritron dress. Sad.
>I don't understand why the servant with an unique concept, fun personality, fun interactions with other popular characters, good character arc and great design is popular
Truly a mystery of all times.
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>fun personality, fun interactions with other popular characters, good character arc

You quite literally do NOT know that since she has not been released in FGO NA.
>fun interactions
Name 3.
>unique concept
All Tlaloc fans ignore her mech form, they are not interested in her as a Servant, just as a waifu.
>he doesn't know
Seashell it is.
i don't like city after oc3
traitorous whore
nta but she a cute and have a casual outfit, and that's enough
Go back to fgog
Honestly? Same.
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To be fair, her mech form is pretty... boring.
Cities sucks
Suburbs are better
>Foraneo detected
Is the Kukufag mad at City?
>not interested in her as a Servant, just as a waifu.
Case in point: >>495641074
FGO sucks at mecha designs even though they can't stop pushing for more mecha stuff.
It's sagas like the "Bob isn't a prostitute or demonic" shitfest that shit drives people to cuckpost. People that actiely deny facts to make someone their girlfriend/waifu/lover etc.
"Your canon lover" is another one.
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No, Kukubros and Citybros have different tastes and priorities, so there's no real competition.
The countryside life is comfy
Bob isn't a prostitute since she does it for free
your canon lover is Mash
>there is an anti Tlaloc schizo
She's not even out of na
Isn't Shamhat a prostitute though? I don't think she was paid.
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Oh noo... *unzip*
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Nasu said he hates her.
It's just Raikouschizo turns to another target
nasu said this one is dead and chaldean cumhat loves muramasa
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Only because she hasn't met the real Shirou yet.
This Guda story just has to end. It's ridiculous we've saved the world twice from armageddon.
muramasa is shiro
nasu said your waifu a shit
Sony's investors asked for 10 more years. Get ready to save the universe.
Oh, the Jewish holiday, mazel tov
Nasu wrote my waifu
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The Gudao I self insert as has the biggest dick of everyone in Chaldea and all the servants I like love having sex with me.
canon gudao is scared of women
delusional, Ivan and Xiang Yu are there, and then there's Fergus
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Nasu's waifu a shit too.
fergus is loser
No Kohaku rules.
That's how shitposters here have always been, whenever anticipated Servants are near to release they start trying out different lies and cuckposts.
They can say what they want, I'll still be grailing Tlaloc to 120 on day one.
A big dicked one tho, enough to satisfy Medb
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I know her.
Who's that pokemon?
I know it takes 5k 5* to 120, but hoarding some beforehand makes the farming shorter
i have 1100 on SA, around 1200-1500 on box and some 100-200 on my common servant inventory
Good luck with her coins Citybro
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Do you know of this saying, /alter/? Rome was not built in a day.
>day one
I bet this is where regrets and defensive behavior come from. Why not just wait a week?
Well, I'm not your mom anyway.
Raikou a best
Lazy lily.
Disgusting faggot
Kill yourself falseflag.

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