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/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
しょうがないにゃ Edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3


>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

Previous >>495402895
myRO lost.
MyRO has extended zoom. So fucking nice and something that pretty much every pserver has these days. Fagnadev won't add it for some reason. I guess I have to be a bully and ask for it.
Oh and it also has a navi system that isn't bugged to death and works no matter what map you're on when starting it.
Oh and gear also drops identified. Fuck magnifiers.
Oh and it has the good BG script.
Oh and it has dungeon warpers once you unlock it for the first time.
Oh and you don't have to do dungeon access quests on every fucking character on your account.
Oh and the episode it's on is before the satan morroc trash so old morroc is there and has all the old sograt desert maps+spawns. Very very soulful.
Oh and it doesn't have assassins doing 10-20k autos with 30 minute EDPs for no reason at all.
Oh and it doesn't have wizards doing max matk attacks at all times so they kill stuff like necromancers and salamanders with 1 SG.
Oh and it has a daily mob kill quest system where you can party up with people and it counts the kills for everyone in the party.
Oh and it has regular events to participate in not ran manually by a retarded GM.
Oh and the GM chats with and takes feedback and suggestions from anyone, not just those in his faggot clique guild.
Oh and every player has oc/dc 10 instead of taking it away completely.
Oh and it has costumes dropping for every mob and you have to actually earn your appearance.
Do I keep going?
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post screenshots
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I was going to make the thread with an Asanagi priestess but this works too. Thank god schizo is aslee-
is this the myro thread?
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This post is Poring council certified (with Santa Poring card)
yea bro post screenshots
This is what female priests would look like if you were playing in MyRO.
>schizos need a thread on vg and v
>myroshills exposing themselves in global
It's the same ones raging that dev didn't implement their changes kek
>myRO chads
>well-adjusted, chad, play the (korean) game in their free time inbetween fucking their three mistresses and earning trillions with their job at JPMorgan Chase

>weeb, coomer, porn-addicted weebcumbrains, actually think the game is japanese because of a doujin they read once, W E E B, NEETs who desperately want people to believe they have jobs, watch the latest seasonal aneemay in discord together while AHKing their loki's precast
my priest has a flat chest and a big ass thank God I'm not playing on myRO
>earning trillions with their job at JPMorgan Chase
myROshills confirmed as kikes
this is true. I've seen it with my own eyes
>ragna retard purposely removed all other servers from OP
Can't this actually be reported as intentional trolling?
How come MyRO players aren't posting screenshots?
do you sleep? every plant event has your name at least 1 time what the fuck?
These are your myRO shills
>myro is a bullies psyop
this actually makes sense
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Checks out
did you just look at the list of players and choose randomly?
Pretty much in line for the me me me circlejerk the server is
anon this post doesn't even make sense
His post makes complete sense, you're just illiterate.
how, pray tell, does the playerbase of a server even express such a thing as being a "me me me circlejerk"
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Oh, I don't know.
It's not like they're been purposely shitting up a thread because they don't like one brown.
Oh oh, wait, it's also not like we're currently in a thread where they FUCKING REMOVED ALL SERVERS FROM THE OP AND LEFT ONLY THEIR OWN.
nigga nobody plays on those servers
get some new bait
wait, so you're mad a 4chan-only server has members that act like they own the 4chan thread? Are you perhaps new here?
>uaro: 1K online
>ccro: 60 online
>myro: 20 online

also kys
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>uhhh just list every server in existence because they have more than 1 player online
kill yourself
Wasn't there a linkin park song that went something like this?
haha, pathetic loser get a fucking life
imagine spending this much time trying to kill a 4chan server on 4chan, you're the one who needs to kill yourself right now
>list every server in existence**
**In all of the previous OP
Again, kys.
4chan thread for 4chan server. Go to your myRO Reddit thread if that upsets you. Which it clearly does.
>list those random servers because uhhhh just because!
The 4chan server thread is on /v/ you spastic monkey
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this is what the thread looked like before /vm/niggers started copy pasting their shitty thread here
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done with my dailies, time to farm gloves like your average ChadRO gamer
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Hello frens, I'm working on an animation of my priest Rururu groovin. Still WIP so it's rough, but it's cute so far so I want to share.
Every time I see your char I feel like it’s heavily inspired by some magical girl anime I’ve never seen but feel like I know
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Too much recursive boob bounce for the movement. Since it's one huge hip sway you should go for one huge boob bounce with 1 or 2 recoils max.

>t. boob expert
Looks like Sakura Cardcaptor to me
Spent way too much time with RO in the last month, I should probably just quit.
What a throwback to the old times.
> one can type nigger
> this is peak comedy
wew lads
Good morning, my/rog/ods!
I'm taking my cute homunculus for a trip in payon cave any anons want to join us?
whats that? never heard of it
I wish that was me sitting on her futa cock
shartna/v/ sisters...
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We should all aspire to be magical girls.
Thanks, boob expert. I'll see about making it more modest.
>can't check who's online in myRO to see who are the traitors
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First time doing ET :D
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Frozen Gamers
i got one for you slut
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>you"ll never be married
Have fun gooning alone on a trad server you v-card cupcakes
only thing ill be stroking is the barrel of a stolen gunslingers gun before pulling on its trigger
Nigga, suicide is not to be joke about. Just have fun o-okay anon?
What an hero. So brave.
I know it takes a real non emasculated man to hold a marriage. Don't reply to me and my soul's wife ever again mylibidoro bro

The unifying Child prodigy won, I suggest you clic away now xdddd
I hate Peachy so much bros.
literally nobody is married in this server dont kid yourself
uh, Prince Rance and Princess Shion?
I remember someone mentioning having a husband in global chat like weeks ago
We literally had 3 weddings back to back with half the server 2 days ago. It was also the peak community moment of this server. Also im pretty sure someone was selling his engraved wedding ring on #trade yesterday (dont tell her)
i meant irl, fatso, go outside and touch grass
lol retard
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Don't listen to them honey lets go back to our 3 stars Hotel
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Crocs a shit, lions should destroy them
kek'd. I prefer to get good meme replies than farming ez (you) from seething bait eaters. have s-...funwith me/us bros
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>I shitpost for attention
>implying I didn't know
i hate erp trannies so much why did that ffxiv tranny had to post here now they just keep coming
not white but i would rather have trannies than myro posters
>t. bulliekek
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MyRO can't stop growing!
I'm OP of this thread and I dab on myROdents
Shitting up generals on a mongolian basket weaving forum isn't exactly the win you think it is, but you do you, champ
This. When is he going to stop spamming his reddit server?
You were peacefully farming on a map alone?
It would be a shame if someone came along and genocided the mobs you were after.
>makes bullicucks SEETHE with resentment
That's the best part
Just block hanyeo, their alchemist and priest
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ragnabros.... we're done for
for me it's myro
renne and call me goodgirl too
someone should make a list on who to avoid
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I shitpost for the lols, always will, not my fault im side fishing YOUR attention each times with it

>myro cuck calling me an attention whore
Assblasted mirrorless goon

Leave me another (you) while im out touching grass to make a pay for my next e-nuptial affair.

I like this gif btw, couldnt find the one where the husky flip a bowl on that asian lady to counter meme post
ur so mad its hilarious
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>implying I'm not having fun
>implying I play myRO
>assblasted mirrorless goon
>the irony
myro wins by doing nothing again!
Should I kill the myRO dev
yes or no
Stop it bro im having fun and I need to work for real. We'll meme later I promise. Peace
That daily run was fun. Let's do it again tomorrow MyRO bros!
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when myRO hits 100 players I'm switching servers
im joining myro today after this
not clicking your virus link
It's ok pinoy maybe next time
Crocs mogg both on the river wtf are you talking about
Thank god there's something to do with the random useless cards in myro
17 is too much
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Filtering ->Untick "Stubs"
under comment filters
please stop bullying us myro gods..
no its not, i have like 40 useless little shits in ragnav, i wish i had this there
Why did Male marry the server's bicycle?
Should I kill the pinoy
yes or no
my ragnarok online my beloved..
To cover up the woe drama
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Joker preg
i wish rAthena would die so lazy devs couldn't make trash servers.
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don't click if you don't play myro
Dev can you please remove the water requirement for waterball? It's my favorite skill but I'm a solo player and I never get to use it unless I'm in a few places.
This is the only thing I want really bad.
>Stalker doesn't need any buffs.
just get a sage fren
that would be cool
bro your professor wife?
How many places in the game even are there that there is not only water you can stand it, but also has enemies that are weak or at least neutral to water? I can't imagine its more than a handful of places, what a strange restriction.
I still have no idea why that happened. It was goon's self made event because he wanted to make a meme baby. He was shitposting global about it way before WoE and had trouble to find potential parents then the dev just came over after WoE and jacked his event with this shit
where's the usual "hate ragnadev" pasta?
so the schizo switched to shilling his shitty server because he can no longer post images?
nah people started to join myro and I guess that was enough
what pasta you schizo
shit, wish I didn't had a headache and a conference in 1 hour or I would log in and do some emporium farm, thinking of making a new guild there focused on the early game
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thank you anonee
You're a jobless schizo pinoy neet, let's not kid ourselves.
>they need to filter the other server to not accidentally get tempted to try it and find out its better
its only a matter of time
I fucking wish anon, I fucking wish
>focused on early game
unironically a great idea
Plenty of choices !
what pasta and what schizo?
bringing attention to this yet again

for those in myro server
how hard would it be to implement an event ranking/leadeboard that would net you points each season depending on the tasks you do related to the current events?
for example, each plant you kill nets you 1 point
each time you give the correct disguise answer you get 2 points
and at the end of the season you have a winner
why not just ask admin directly
I don't use any other messaging means except this and the game and I don't want to bother the admin if I'm the only one interested in such a ranking implementation
And the winner would get ... ?
the winner would get 1 costume box and some potions/herbs
nothing gamebreaking
and specifically only 1 costume box so it doesn't break the market, a season could last one week
that winner could chose to horde the items to exchange for the costume trader npc right next to the Warper npc in Prontera after 3 weeks (3 seasons) for a new costume box
or sell the costumes
so the same way we can see the blacksmith rankings one could just type /event and see who have X amount of points
said event would focus on costumes basically and nothing that would impact the game in a broken way + giving another motivation for players to do the events besides already getting Gift Boxes
this would suck for people who don't know the monster lore BUT can compensate the point loss with the killing plants event as that one appears more often than the npc disguise one

seeing 14 plants dying in less than 2 minutes in Prontera as soon as they spawned would be funny
This would actually be a very based change.
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>he isn't married
It's against church doctrine for priests to get married. I'm saving myself for God.
Thank god, I hate women so much its unreal
he keeps promising to marry me but hasn't yet :(((
sumika-chads...what happened?...
he should remove the water puddles in bio3
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Here is an updated ad for our based sponsor
I like it
very good
I keep reading guides talking about getting shit like elmental weapons and stuff. Is the only way to get one of those finding a blacksmith or something? Are they expsensive?
Warp to Einbroch, buy elemental daggers (cost 10k/ea) at the weapon store (it's the dagger on your minimap)
I was having issues with Whisper but this was a godsend after I was told about the weapon store in that city
with Discount implemented they cost like 9.2k or something btw might be less
oh hell yeah thanks dude
looks good
Why would I want to marry a tranny? I'm mentally ill enough on my own.
Just buy elemental converters. They cost 10~15k and last for 30 minutes.
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you will NEVER get my money
I've already made millions I don't need your money
looks like garbage
myro is reddit and you should kys
Bro I'm new 10k is a lot for me...

What element do you need
Yeah I was gonna use these for now thanks

I got reccomended the orc dungeon and it said fire was good for there
byalan with wind you do 175% damage on mobs whereas with fire you only do 125% in orc dungeon. They're mostly vuln to holy
zamn yeah that's a big difference, arlight I'll head there and try it.
Meet me in the Larry zone. My name is Netalee Hershlag and I'll give you some endow scrolls for free.
what the fuck is a larry?
go to the payon kafra, he's the friar tuck looking npc to the top left
it's an npc if you're playing in ragna/v
if you're in myro then there's no such thing
if he's myro then he's trolling
what's myro??
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This guy, in most cities near a kafra and will warp you to the starting area where you can buy cosmetics, change sprites, reset skills/stats, and more.
Very useful way to meet other players quickly for trades, crafting, or gathering a party that will move out as one with a Priest's warp portal.
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thanks for the endows bro, I'll never forget you
Np, give a good smack to some mobs for me
>"i don't need your money lmao"
>"then lower the price"
>no reply
thought so
That never happened.

who are you in game? waterball is my favorite skill too so i always grind in maps where it can be used
>I don't need your money
>3 matches
any tips for twink leveling im making a whitesmith
make big axe
hit thing good
deranged. it looks like shit because it's just generic female character trash meant to attract the most subhuman "people" possible and has nothing to do with ragnarok online.

let's make a waterball appreciation guild bros
Water Is Stored In The Balls
sounds nice ngl
hope dev makes the change
I have 5mil in the bank I'm rich
>then lower the price
Never happened.
>doesn't actually link back to the post where that supposedly happened because he knows it never did
Fucking coward retard.
if dev makes waterball free he needs to make demonstration and marine sphere free for alchemist too, it's not fair
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I can't believe I was baited in to playing a 4chan server.
cuckchemists need to stay in their lane
You can make your gay homunculus on myRO. Don't really see the point in it though. Just get a carded orcish axe and mammo / cart revo shit or if on ragna cart cannon. Alchemist is pretty easy.
you already have acid terror free
you even have a plant sex slave as well

fuck off
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Goodgirl will you be back? I already miss you...
>game lags when you kill a mob
>not a ting
Niggerdev robbed me
the lag was niggerdev manually changing your rng to remove your ting
Why did my IP got banned? I was having so much fun seeing all the beautiful ways taht you guys made your chars.
what server? I was having issues when I was creating an account on myro but I think it was because I kept trying to connect while using a wrong password, as soon as I asked here I was unbanned and everything works perfectly now and it's been a few weeks
there's only one server
Ragna/v/, I was just playing, had a break to bathe my kid and when i came back, I was banned.
Holy insecurity batman
No one is threatened, we're just all playing ragna/v/
ragnadev, how do you address the allegations?
>not using flatmap
extreme noobs
Why does Niggerdev collude with Bullies through Discord?
Party grinding is actually really fucking boring my god I'm ngmi
get to 84 and start joining dodo parties
>just be a useless leech in a higher level party
what level are you bro?
Thanks guys, it's working now.
that's literally half the party every time, you're among friends
Ahhhhh got my drinks ready to go for another fun night of MyRO grind. Feel free to ask if you need any help!
kek I wonder why you and me got banned in the first place
Wait I'm a MyRO chad. What can we do with extra cards here?
I can only think of CT basement, abyss lake, sunken ship (penos and drake until he swaps element), 1 west of midgard camp, odin's temple. There are definitely others, but it's overall shit. It's so strong, but it's not practical without a deluge slave, and even then you would just 1 shot everything with SG instead.
you can exchange them for an Old Album Card, normal cards give you 1 point, MVP cards give you 5 points
you can ALSO swap costumes for a Costume Gift Box 3 Costumes = 1 costume gift box
The much better server without a corrupt niggerdev who only favors his cliquefag guild friends.
schizo thread
wow what a good idea, i asked niggerdev for this he said it wasn't possible
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well that sucks, sadly I can't help with that
If you have around 1m zeny, you can get to job 50 merchant in a few hours mammo spamming. Less if you want to be a pussy and only j40, but you're going to be spending the same zeny either way so it doesn't matter much. The route is something like:
Set mammo at the lowest level to 1 shot these to save zeny. Get enough dex to hit 100%. Put the rest into strength. Don't move on to the next mob until you can 1 shot it.
Later you can 1 shot hill winds easily with nothing but an earth endowed two handed axe (forge one to save zeny), mammonite, and around 110 str. This is zeny positive. There are many combinations of atk/str cards you can use to hit the 1 hit min damage amount. Porcellio, tarou, mantis, vanberks, ring[0]s, etc. A lot of ways to get the str/atk needed for this. Just calc it on rocalc.com.
This can take you to 99 really fast if you want to.
Awesome I'm doing this tonight.
It is. The game is more fun just hunting stuff while listening to music or watching a video.
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this would be a buff to stalker, so it is not possible. something something (((hard coded)))
you WILL play sinx
you WILL farm for karva
you WILL live and die by the EDP
nah I'll just migrate
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myro bros...
that's one of the founders of a self proclaimed endgame content focused guild
also the rumored "Bullies" alts that jumped to MyRo
both Midnightz and Akagami
t. chronicler
>myro got a retard schizo
we made it bros
tell me, what do I need to smoke to post stuff like this?
They actually did yeah. He was spamming global for only 'veteran' players. Actually worse than bulliekeks.
kek imagine if those retards are actually playing in two servers
what the fuck
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I hate RNG on quests
I never considered that lol
me too
what were they thinking
loners please talk to somebody, i love you

hell yes
loners stay lonely, don't let socialites break your stride
bro no don't commit a crime go smoke weed instead talk to your tulpae
I try to but I haven't made any friends yet
>got a good card
i heckin love myro now!
grats yavi
myro bros is the leader of avalon in /here/
Just whisp Pekola ingame
yeah, he's posted a couple times
3 minutes have passed, it's time for the cringe chant again
there's more artificial engagement here across both server than twitter
I don't like drawing attention to myself
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top tier cringe
top tier kino
i'll never not making fun of this dumbass retard
Reminder Relic is an egomaniac
what did he mean by this
that's his dad idk what else to explain that's it
top tier cringekino
this is what gbf does to a white american
that's the fucking point you retard KEK
>joke's on them, i was only pretending to be retarded!
as a MyRo player I think this is healthy and should be encouraged more on ragna/v/ btw
some faggot begging to be adopted by the resident clique should burn in hell and so should you
How is that not funny ? There's nothing serious in that picture. I'm literally pretending to be retarded, I know it's hard for an actual retarded guy to understand, just laugh and carry on. I'm laughing for all care.
laugh at the anons seething
laugh at the things
laugh bro laugh
we have enough doom shit irl
So when I'm merching stuff do I just have to leave my game open in the backround or can I log off?
you can type in @autotrade to log out but keep your shop open
Thanks bro, now please buy my Hydra card
>rebirthed and now back to healbombing for 50 levels
I miss fucking dogs
everytime i see a female professor i cum
I collect it
Is that job in the game? I thought we only got 2nd job (Sage etc.)? I haven't played before so some of the terminology goes over my head.
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Poring council approved.
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The custom script mass turn in option for new world npcs ragnadev added will eat all of your items because they don't weight check before exchanging.
yea it's the rebirth job for sage
>Become paladin
>Specc into shield
>Go stings
Melee leveling is so ass
can you maybe fuck off? literally nobody cares about your shill attempts
Is there a guide anywhere that details how rebirth works?
this is my favorite dumb autism, legit cannot believe bullies is involved in something fun
shut up retard
All they had to do was play & interact with people outside their guild. Yeah, there's a few who do, but 90% of them don't. All the complaining in the threads would be gone.
What do you mean? He's not capable to copy a piece of code from one of the 15+ years old NPCs and change it to work for his custom script? WTF!!1!
nice poring, anon
>be alchemist
>want to be useful in a party
>need to spend 500k on cannonballs
what a meme job
>played and interacted with me a bunch when i was guildless
>invited me to guild
>now i cant argue
i mean i guess
i started myro. where do i buy cannon balls?
you don't
fuck off
>i started myro
i remember when shitposts were believable
wait how does alch level then without cart cannon? i just noticed its not in the tree. why did they nerf alch by removing cart cannon?
myro is a dogshit custom server. they deleted cart cannon and added some garbage pet system where you have to craft a gacha box called a homunculus and make the soijak face to get your desired pet from it.
Thank you, anon.
No problem.
This is Yi Sang and I'm having a blast in myRO!
This is Yi Sang and I'm having a blast in Ragna/v3/!
Which bully would you fuck
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Actually, most of us are playing Arcadia.
reverse orcish is funny
dev can you give me reverse orcish as a skill on my character
Ahhhhh got my drinks ready to go for another fun night of ArcadiaRO grind. Feel free to ask if you need any help!
only if it's a buff that i can cast on players afk in town
shion's wife (male)
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Which randomchad would you fuck
Is Hanyeo married already?
Yeah to me
idk ask him
Yeah to me
Yeah to me
damn lord knights look like that???
my brain is full of fuck
You can't marry multiple people
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I'm not Hanyeo, but if you meet me at Prontera Church right now maybe we could get married.
do you look like that?
Do you look like that?
Do you look like that?
Do you look like that? Please answer.
no im a grown ass man lol
I do.
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hey i'm in that pic
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I always log my priest out at the church
my own character
Thats hella gay.
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Come say hi, it's pretty chill here.
>another bulliekekRO player leaving the rigged shithole for myUtopia
guess i'm just gonna fuck off to one of the other servers listed in the other threads, figures some attention whore would do his best to split the playerbase after everybody was already on a server
You can blame bullies for doing that. They pushed all the more casual players off. The dev didn't exactly help.
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>giving up because of a singular schizo
why are /v/tards so weak willed
nigga at least 1/3 switched already, use your fucking eyes maybe
She's a girl and I'm a man, it's hella straight
haven't seen anyone leave yet but im on the winning side so
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>swordman #1 afking in cities
>swordman #2 afking in cities
>not a single other screenshot from literally anyone else
i'm not hopping shit until i see pictures of parties of people from here
aka never
24 people, 8 vendors
more accurate to say 16 people and 8 vendors i guess, 24 "characters"
6 vendors. 3 selling 3 buying. Minor difference, but no need to lie anon.
But...I'm Kusoge. How schizo are you?
Alright, I'll bite. I wanted to try making a Rogue anyway.
MyRO ahoy!
link was posted right there anon
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Ragnav is sooo much better
11 non-vendors in your screen alone, i dont think this is working out like you wanted it to
MyRO has this weird thing the dev created called homunculus.
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where did all these Mavka farmers come from? Literally none of them were there last week
yeah idk why myro dev added custom content. cart cannon is fine idk why he'd remove it and add these weird homunculus things
Unironically this.
The hypocrisy is also off the charts. Niggerdev LITERALLY bought a 4chan add to chill his server on 4 different boards, but one brown does it and the whole ragnafags lose their collective shit and remove everything from the OP >>495636712
This is absolute cancer behavior. But I'm glad they've shown their true nature to everyone.
Cardo didn't drop until the most recent Nyd kill. He's been holding out on us.
i just slept for a little chill <3

i can stay all night~ and then a little longer if you want me to daddy
All afk except 1 , i don't think your point stands.
my ragnarok online
Retard i said bulliekekRO player, not bulliekek
low test behavior
I got nothing else farm, dev better add guild dungeons before the server dies
Show your ifrit rings
/vm/niggers seething they can't copy paste their dead shit from /vm/ over to /vg/
you can go back there to post about cardcaptorRO or whatever the fuck with one reply per year
totally not having a melty btw
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what the fuck am i meant to use as a weapon as a magic stalker
4x Centipede Larva dagger? Bazerald? Grind BG for Glorious Rapier?
>magic stalker
why tho
>4% 60min MVP drop
extremely funny
quadruple hill wind bow

auto shadow cast the aoe

and then call me goodgirl
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no way fag
Its called myRO because its for ME and not for you delusional seething chudkeks.
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I think you should find better hobbies and good friends. Seeking the attention of other men on the internet is very weird, you don't have to be like this. Take a break, not just from RO but your computer in general, and spend some time outdoors.
He can't. He's a tranny and everyone hates him.
no they fucking havent lmfao
rance says covered in cheeto dust
xd ironic and projecting ppl are fun
The bullies seething around this is the funniest part. Imagine getting ego bullied by a baby acolyte so hard that your start playing on another server. Absolutely mogged by the meme department guy fucking lol
The bullies seething around this is the funniest part. Imagine getting ego bullied by a baby acolyte so hard that they started playing on another server. Absolutely mogged by the meme department guy holy fucking lol
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thank you for your service
>and then call me goodgirl
only if you're cute irl
Then stop shilling it and leave?
ok goonie you've had enough to drink. go to bed.
if you kill a merchant, can you still access their ware and buy/sell? I'm thinking not but asking because I want to know.
Im sorry guys im still laughing this morning. I'm in top shape at work and I don't drink alcohol sorry. See you on the next meme my goonies. and have fun
how do you have all those costumes when you literally just started wtf?
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Another night, another bap
why dont the myRO players all meet up and take a picture?
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sure here we are in geffen
I personally DO NOT like partying or anything having to do with multiple members, it is highly unlikely I would ever take a group picture.
why tf are you playing an mmo then, genuinely curious
Dopamine from when rare shit drops, dopamine when I level up after 8 hours of grinding, dopamine of doing +1 or +3 more damage, small things. Plus collecting costumes , partying takes the fun away from it because it becomes fast paced
I guess thats fair enough but wouldnt something like diablo also scratch the same itch?
Some games are fun even if they're MMOs. Ragnarok is just a fun ARPG
I tried Diablo 4, eve pre-ordered it, it didn't click. I quit after reaching level 100 with a Druid and killing Lillith Incarnation, that game is bad.
This whole take a picture uwu is pure circlejerk I'm glad myRO don't do this garbage.

>why mmo if solo!!!
Garbage argument but I expected nothing less from a retarded derailing ragnafag. MMOs always have both solo and party content.
sucks that it didnt work out for you anon. I honestly dont know many people who still play 4 anymore.
NTA and I party a lot, but soloing in MMOs sometimes is also very nice. MMOs are not only about partying with other people but also about being in a living world where other people are also doing their own thing like you. Just being there, even while soloing, is a unique experience that singleplayer games can't recreate.
I was part of the initial hype wave when /vg/ had Diablo 4 generals, suddenly all of us quit lol
It’s quite literally official Ragnarok promotional art from the early 00s you blind retarded fuckface
To be fair the crop doesn't really show anything RO related, its just the face of some random girls, there has to be something better.
myRO dev/players should make daily threads in /v/ to get more players.
Haha dumbass
I should let the dev know a bunch of racist 4channers have decided to go to his server.
To be fair you should kys but yet here you are making pointless low quality posts informed by your own low IQ
reddit and /v/ don't seem like a good match
You should learn to take criticism, friend.
>say something stupid and completely wrong that lacks any and all insight
>think others should seriously consider it
Fuck off retard
What did I say that was wrong?
>thinks it’s necessary or realistic for the image to somehow pander to his feeble mind’s cope now that he’s proven wrong and retarded without any room for doubt
Use a rope
Proven wrong about what
>partying takes the fun away from it because it becomes fast paced
You were right until this point
Both have it's upsides, but it's mostly about what you're feeling like in the moment. Partying with anons is really fun but solo is also very nice.
>you were right until this point
get the fuck out with that hurdur i'm 100 right attitude and kiss your sister
Yeah this is 100% Narue. I knew you were behind the myro shilling. I remember you raging during ragna/v/2 because dev wouldn’t buff solo exp.
you are aware that myro exp rates are worse?
It absolutely becomes fast paced with people rushing around constantly. The HP/SP Regen buff makes it even less comfy because you don't have to slow down
That doesnt make sense because myro has bigger party exp bonus and shared dailies, so soloing is way more punished
>get called out by 5 different people
>i-i-it must be one guy!!!
>soloing is way more punished
>in a server with barely 15 people playing
>suddenly defense force
Rewarding partying is a good thing, doing hunting quests with people is enjoyable. The pop is low but if you ask in global chat people are down to party for them most of the time in my experience.
calm down bro
yes, but being with anons and discussing random shit in party chat is also kino.
It's even better when the party has a suboptimal comp since it makes the dungeon you're currently doing together more enjoyable.
Stop killing me. I only vend when I'm asleep!
Isn't narue still playing on ragna/v/ though?
I saw her on Saturday's WOE last weekend
>4 posts in an hour
damn, dead thread
have a pity bump
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You won't fool me, Harvey Winestein!
May Hamas and Hezbollah rockets find your next Barmitzvah!
they are just woelogging as far as i know
Why would she come back only for the worst aspect of RO
its early on a tuesday
just like myRO
The masculine urge of killing bulliekeks
Is there a better way to farm sage gems than like, drillers in einbroch that drop both at 35%? It's hard finding info on this stuff online.
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Both red and yellow, I mean.
>unironically playing a server made for one guild where assassins can auto for 10-20k and wizards do 100% of matk every cast
>unironically playing RO
>unironically playing on a 'cord server
Name a better game... You can't. But a niggerdev clique server ain't it.
>unironically having fun
Mistress card
*triple loki's + 4x FBH wizard portal-precasts you*
sorry, it was le miscommunication xD
They seethe at this?
It's just goon being the usual power tard that he is
play diablo 2 or path of exile
I dont think they are honestly nor they should, it was just a quality funny shitpost. It sure is more entertaining than the server drama that's for sure.
Neither compare to RO.
that was a fun daily party
I'm still waiting on you.
I miss the knight I used to play around with in Payon, bros
I wonder if she'll ever come back
Dev should let me use two bazeralds
Ninjas can use TWO matk daggers, why can't stalker? Rogues can wear two daggers!
>0.1% from a MVP
I don't think I am ever going to get this, anon...
Not him, but hose are literally the closest games to ro
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>advertises selling costume +dex
>in a server that costume stats don't apply
I'm a man and an playing in myRO
>female character
>i'm a man
>Verification not required
I once called someone in-game they by reflex and was ashamed. It's the American influence. It's he, just he. If you have a female name I'll still say he.
could someone kill mistress and get me that alchemist bag thanks
you care too much about what some manchildren on 4chan think of you
just say what comes naturally for you and stop forcing yourself
i saw you do it and i laughed
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its sword....MAAM
>he doesn't know about the secret MVP room that spawns them instantly
I still don't know who dropped the Garm card...
I can see...
It was a guildless sniper, shan't namedrop
ok so a megawoofus
I'll be a girl for you, if that makes you happy
ok ESL
I'd rather die by lead poisoning slowly
>23 users on a tuesday morning
what happened, why the sudden growth?
and you will
I'll keep you alive and barely healthy until you Stockholm syndrome into an obedient pet...
here is a little something for you guys.
Are you a cute female alchemist, if not then go burn in hell fire.
FUCK, forgot the link:
I want to sexually bully Cenia
no previews? im not downloading all of these
I don't know what to do with that but I saw zone of the enders in a folder there
those are skins for the UI, you pop those bad boys inside the "skin" folder and have fun choosing one to use.
>with the added bonus of many trojan horses inside to fuck your pc up and get all your information

on second thought, there's no .rar there but still, not touching it specially with how vile this thread gets .but good luck
Said someone playing from a .exe that came from 4chan, but suit yourself.
I just set my 5 vendors in prontera, its normal don't worry
I get your point but still
I'm going to rape all the swordies!
there arent any left
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Dodo coded
sorry bro, only scribbling kid chads here
There one right here in the screenshot >>495778734
why are you faggots killing the merchants not in payon
kill yourself
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nigga dev fix you are goddamn game
i got fuck ton of crashes
did you try running the patcher
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i runned. What now? o wait my game was unpatched for weeks. How is this possible? Unpatched playing with patched?
bullies can't play myro now
it's over
bullybros how can we ever recover.....
how is myro treating u, traitor?
Fairly well, it's cozy here!
not the first time bullies has had its name stolen
>playing with reddit instead of anons
as the prophecy foretold...
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Its just a joke, plz miss understand
patcher downloads textures and stuff, game can probably run without them but crash
But bulliekeks are always screeching about how they "hecking aren't 4chan"
but they're on a 4chan server?
They're immune to noticing both irony and hypocrisy
day 3 of farming matyrs
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Galactic Commander looks so happy!
brother your shill attempts are fucking sad and boring
Show some respect for the galactic commander you lowlife filth.
he's a hue don't bother
just ignore his posts
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>spent nearly the entire day in trying to make a webm comparison of how shit the ragna/v/ movement is to a fresh server
>exactly the same interaction on rathena
>"okay yeah this rathena blows"
>tried it on herc
>exact same outcome
i know exactly why it happens but i'm shocked none of the emulators have fixed it
This is why everyone says to not make an auto attack build
its janky and laggy af
it feels like some turn based game at time
Yo man what's with this? Hit job 50 and get some gear already. You're always on but always around the same level. What are you even doing?
level 96 as melee.......
I'm grinding everyday, I just play solo and farm. Once I reach job level 50 I will become a
You're mad. It's a night and day difference on ragnav and MyRO and they both use rAthena. MyRO is even way higher ping for me. Niggerdev is just fucking retarded and has no idea what he's doing.
what happened to the uaRO shilling?
>implying he actually plays instead of just shill out of spite, while he still mainly either plays on ragna/v/ or not at all
yeah my character is, i'll even buy it from you
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Such a good day today
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meanwhile on official servers
Imagine the noise
Can't wait to get on tonight and play with my fellow MyRO chads. My character is on the brink of dumping on everything.
damn must be nice
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it's sad how impossible it is to discuss anything here without 3 different groups chimping out on each other
someone make a /v/ thread already please
>Complain about schizos in thread in game
>When some of you are feeding into it by posting screenshots of you playing on other server you're complaining about
I see you, faggots
>my poor eyes get hurt from anonymous shitposts
>taskete T_T

run patcher as an admin, i was having the same issue and that's how i fixed it
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post more screenshots doesn't matter what server
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Do third worlders really think spamming with active hostility toward everyone in a thread and with a greater purpose than "for the lulz" is shitposting? You're just a screeching little monkey.
4 sloots kneel before me(my ball is behind them)
they call me 007
0 Matyr Cards
0 Zerom Cards
7 Days of farming
Actual skill issue.
They call him boss....
>*post smug picture tears in his eyes*
i love myro now!
your priest for hire? How did u get your hand on a priest? The prontera church has been keeping a tight grip on the priest market.
Goddamn this server, couldnt find a goddamn priest for levelling party anymore.
i hate those myroshill trolls
i need a priest for leveling party in a bedroom at the church
I'd play priest but I know I'd just get eternally locked into it and not allowed to have any fun since nobody else will do it
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The fact that MyRO stops before the awful satan morroc shit is so awesome.
priest is precious treasure. Priest is luxury goods.
If you are an 4channeller who craves attention and affection, you play priest, simple as.
you can ask me anytime and I'd be glad to help, anon
he's black...
he's brutal...
post kill counts, took me 3800 tharafrogs to get the card
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I played priest originally as my main class in the early days of RO so I know how it is, just not sure I want to do that again
>capcha: RPM24
I'm not tracking, it's better off if I don't know
I need a healslut priest to suck cock and obediently buff and heal me
I can do the last two but not the first one
I raw dogged the last 20 levels solo. Now Iam burnt out and you could not lure me in the game no more. Its over.
I can do all three of those.
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I'm using this skin with a few modifications to make it compatible with the ragna/v/ client. Some of the buttons are in Portuguese, but that's just a minor thing.
I'll play male priest specifically to spite people
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fun times
any bio female priests wanna lvl
yeah I'm a bio __male priest let's level bro
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Have an ancient one.
what happens when you open the party window you won't be able to see shit
Good, stay there you retarded tranny nigger faggot. You were useless anyway.
all high level priests are hoarded by the big guilds and closed circles. Good luck mate. You simply cant give them what they want. The big shot can shower them in gifts, equips, cards. Its owari da
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I didn't know about using the party list to buff and heal when I played back then.
how old are some you guys?
most people that I talked to while playing this were still in their 20s thank god
34 male
young peoples simply dont play this game, naiev boy. Dont get cat fished.
I'm 27, never played RO before this server
wow just like real women
nah its still engrained into pinoy culture so young pinoys play it
but on EU/Americas everyone who even knows such a game exists is 30+
28, I played a ton in 2012 but never got really into the game.
Pushing 40.
I've been on 4chan for much longer than I've been in Bullies.
Scary to think that the retards making those kind of posts >>495833837 are all 28+
>Found some old ass screenshots, including some on the original version of RO2 on a private server
We know you can hanyeo.
It would have been 200-400 on MyRO. It's a much better experience. Here you actually have cards and gear to make grinding levels and gear farm fun instead of getting to 99 in a few days naked, get bored, quit.
I can do the first and the last one (with my vitata clip)
Then how come I'm not someone's healslut yet?
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the oldest one I have, these screens are on some fucking ancient old crusty laptop resolution
Some people just never grow up and think it's normal to talk like that here.
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>RO2 was gonna look like this
So mad, why not relax and play the game on whatever server you enjoy?
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peak soulless
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models were beyond soulless
What's the sluttiest way to play a stalker? Asking for a friend.
Turn undead dog fucking ofc
I know I told some dude yesterday about @autotrade but I can't tell if he thought he had to type it as the shop name or if it's a joke
Full Divestment + Divest Weapon
gate of the world was PEAK SOVL you heathens, you were too young to live it
also the best soundtrack ever made
i fucking hated the battle music bro
the theme is good, but the concept of battle music is flawed and only makes you hate the song
Where do I find soulless map?
because ninja can't use a bow and can't copy the best magic skill in the game
classes are different, deal with it
>that red/pink priest
wish we had those color palettes instead of the ones that just apply a gradient all over you
>everyone is pre-trans except the one single nolifer dual sword wielding sinX
That's how it should always be. This is why x1 exp rate is king.
early color pallets worked on official limitations and were based
the modern 500 compressed neon furry extract palettes fucking blow
why not have both
LLRO was 5x but existed during episode 8, before lighthalzen and all hadn't been added yet so it was actually challenging to level
only if you shove all that shit to the back of the bus instead of it being mishmashed together
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yeah, seals was packed at all times
I actually had to use ME to level priest in Niflheim cause nobody thought about dogfucking
God I want an episode 7 pre-trans
1/1/10 with 0.25% cards
Someone do it before I kill myself
Yup, another day of lonely grinding while wishing I could talk with people
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having fun with friendo :)
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Yup, another day of peaceful grinding without having to talk to people
there's no "skin" folder in my installation so does that means I can't install those skins?
you can talk to me anon
No, you can just make one.
where? sorry for the newbie questions....
I want RO3
That's TOS
they had two attempts at RO2 and neither worked, and now you want a 3?
That's RO 0.5
inside Ragnav3>Ragarok, with the other files
It will surely work this time!
does this work if I'm playing on another server?
yep, it's the same folder for every server.
Magibow is a shit fucking meme and you know it, having a skill based on chance as the bread and butter is beyond retarded, just sitting there hoping it procs while tinkling them
orchidtranny was a bullie all along...
what the fuck am i looking at?
why do female profs have such big hips?
For any lonelyfags out there, it's the perfect time to leave the server since new cliques have been formed and the ones that exist aren't ever going to let you in, it's funny to even think about since often it's just groups of people playing amongst themselves. You should just find a new server, maybe even myRO at this point.
i'm 58 years old
RO2 before the current iteration of RO2
The screenshot is Gate of the World, it was cancelled before official release
come the fuck on now shill, begone
i'll my on myRO if you suck my cock how about that
I started a few days ago and I've been invited to plenty of parties
I highly recommend MyRO. I'll help anyone get started if you need.
post storage/inventory as proof
shill or not, he isn't wrong, being in parties is far different than becoming friends, to the point of even sharing discord afterwards
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>wanting to share any contact information with a /vg/ thread
I'd recommend being more cautious about that kind of thing
There's public parties everyday
90% of the guilds are comprised of randoms that met each other in game
why? a few people after most parties i'm in will add me to friends and exchange discord info
i refuse to play on a server that has the dreaded rAthena logo on screenshots
it is that simple, if ragna/v/ died today i'd play slopgirins or some jimbabble shit instead
>ice dungeon party all day yesterday for 70-80 players
>two 84+ odin and thana parties yesterday for late game players
are you guys just blind or ignoring the groups? if you're too shy to join parties and instead cry about it anonymously please stop complaining and make a solo character
joining parties is way different than becoming friends
so make the effort to make friends yourself
t. newfag
Give me a logo and I'll change it.
When I join a party everyone in it is instantly my friend
thats coping
lies, kuso is always ready for more
you're my friend now too
>get multiple copies of a rarer item on the drop table before I get what I'm farming for
thats right youre my friend now
based friend simulator thread
put your money where your mouth is and add me to your friends list if we really are friends
Which two skills should I copy as a stalker?
Drake's water ball
bro I have no int
An anon pat my priest's head once. We haven't spoken but I consider him my friend just because of that.
triple attack and bowling bash
I can post storage when home. Here's my day 4 status update. Day 5 starts in a few hours. I'm an old man wage slave so go easy on me. I'm going to try to get an ice claymore forged tonight and I should start going really fast with some BB mobbing fun. I have a cranial guard as well. I'm going to farm boots and garment cards next. I'll slot my hydra cards in a Saber[3] when I get one and work on a few quad pikes.
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dug up something else of a random GM wedding in amatsu
That actually wasn't me.
Next even should be 'Guess the Fetish'
uh based
fucking dogs
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>now until the end of the game
sad isn't it, all your private server memories, gone like the wind
I think the same about every game I've made a character in ever and they're all gone now. What's the point?
who cares, when you die 1 quadrillion years will pass in the blink of an eye and you wont even notice because you're dead and everyone else will be too
You don't know that.
dumbest thing i've ever heard, i'm alive now, i want to remember the good times
why are priests so easy?
im going to live forever
There's no issue with it on myRO or ccRO. Some jank, yes, but on ragna it's outright broken.
why make it 1 quadrillion when i can make it less than 4
when I die I'll be with my loved ones in heaven

I agree, but why not just remember the good times?
I dont get it
>You should just find a new server
I'll wait for a 4chan server with 15x rates at least, playing solo in a slow rate is just completely stupid and a huge waste of time.
I have no idea why you've all trying that hard to push parties in a place where we're all anonymous and solo by definition.
I'm thinking on quitting altogether, fuck any servers. It's not the same anymore.
lying isn't good for you
Low rates are the problem. It's completely retarded when the population required for it is not there.
You're delusional. Either this is your first server or you're the one being dishonest. Melee has never been this bad, and I'm sure it can be fixed, but the dev won't try anything. Could be as simple as trying a different client.
It’s fucking 7x rates with everything buffed to hell and you can walk around spamming skills to mob nonstop and the best gear drops from easy MVPs it’s fake low rate
How much was the pop of past ragna/v/s?
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Me, the GOD OF ULTRAVIOLENCE at the bottom right.
based ragnvaldr
cute dancer goddess
Even if you gave them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they get 100 on average, and i'm being generous not counting merchants, that's not anywhere close of what you need to have a low rate working. An average good number would be around ~350, merchants excluded.
The game wasn't designed for one group of 20 people, or even worse just (one) guy, to drop everything. The loot tables do not favor that. You're supposed to have a huge amount of players running around, and a good economy. When you have 1000 players running around killing monsters all day, everyday, then the low rates work.
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delusional niggas
>dude go ride the airship for the 500th time
the novelty of this shit wears off quick, just enable teleportation to these fucking places
are abyss/thanatos/ice caves good areas to have my memos set at?
sure, but abyss and thana are pretty close. might be worth just having one or the other and using the other slot elsewhere, just depends on what content you like doing
I'm exceedingly new to ro so I'm not really sure what content needs ports the most, what would you suggest as a 3rd?
These are all male
new world, GH, nameless, thors, outside lhz are other options for relatively inaccessible common content. this is the sort of thing you'll likely change fairly often as the type content you're doing changes depending on your level, gear, the groups you're running with, etc. don't stress too much
>shota getting all the whores
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Currently experimenting with the possibility of giving Ninjas actual shadow clones. I'm still not satisfied with how they turned out. Just trying dumb shit while preparing next maintenance.
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How were you meant to figure this out when it came out?
I would've been too dumb
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>now until the end of the game
it's really only the first few steps that take some figuring out, the rest is straightforward
retard. just shut this shit down already. let someone else who knows shit do ragna/v/ 4.
Maybe you should try working on stuff people actually ask for.
how much dex do i realistically need for farm in biolabs 2
184 hit is enough for everything except the eremes spawn
goddamn i'm way off then
how about you fix mvps the are impossible to do due to skill spamming
This is my point, there's tons of things he could fixing / investigating, but he's doing stupid shit like that when 2 people play that class.
>fixing / investigating
no need to fix anything when you make """custom changes""" so the clique can spam a broken modified skill to kill everything
I've posted about the monster skill frequency already. I've done a code review and found nothing that could be causing monster to use skill more often than they should. I also found no topics or requests from other developers mentioning the issue.
In short, I have no idea what even needs to be fixed. Might have to get creative to fix this.
Don't worry, anon. He'll ignore them just like he ignored your post. Classic Niggerdev.
Honestly, most mvps are still doable despite the skill spam. They're just a bit harder. Only the mvps with teleport and exile have become complete bullshit.
put on ahura mazda and fight thanatos or beelz for 10 seconds
where should i level as a 75 hunter?
Hunter can level literally anywhere.
At that point you should probably go farm gear you will want so stings for gloves are a good option if you want a specific answer.
Some of you will never be happy
the gargoyles were fucking me over there

i'll try those.
I know Anon, I know.
i'm sucking it up and making a bard
I might do that too
i'm doubling it down on being retarded and providing no utility
do we even need bards still
based knight player
Someone was asking for one the other day for awhile
this but a priest
I'll make a priest and suck everything up!
I've been playing priest and nobody has tried erping with me ONCE, what gives???
You dont act hot/cute enough
No point in erping with someone who talks like a dude
imagine being unable to make friends lol
I didn't want it to seem too obvious....
>kiel is alive
dead game
>in bullies
Yeah, fucking drop. What a waste of time.
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wouldnt this allow ninja to do like 60k dps in strings?
For now it's still a test, I'm trying to make it work with different skills. The way 4th jobs do this is by making the clones only do 1/3 damage, so even if you hit with every single one at once, it's only 2x DPS.
go fight orc lord and see for yourself how many times he spam EQ
what's the hotkey or command to toggle party members health bars?

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