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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
Femra wants to take you to Heaven (Her bedroom)
Post catgirls only cute ones please.
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you will never be this cool
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Is Hermès a dumbass?
Like I said, I'm pulling the ribbon. Hard.
>Future Meetups
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• September 27, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393
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>smn let tank pull
crystal middie..
Sorry mine is ugly
no thanks, take me to catgirl purgatory instead
Previous Thread:
>no cc meetups
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femra, I need pictures of femra!
yea he was a retard
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My fulala is like this...
Incredibly so
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stay gone weirdo
>no clique faggotry or people just showing up to "socialize"
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An awakened femra.
stay here qt
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Will this do?
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Who wants to kiss?
i don’t care about that gamemode
*cooks this femra breakfast*
CC is kinda shit.
nobody likes you
This I don't get why people show up to a cc meet up to socialize instead of actually playing cc
I'll beat the shit out of you is what I'll do
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>being 40+ and still posting here
eb status???
Who cares if they do? If you're such a fucking autist then you don't need a cc meetup to queue without talking to anyone.
Previous: >>495630193
Well that's unambiguous.
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I like Kong
I wouldn't say "nobody" but he has given plenty of people cause to not like him
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Middie Monday
>Future Meetups
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• September 27, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393
I like Kong. He gave me the paid shaders
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my femra looks and acts exactly like this
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TB I like you but I can't let you rape my GPU
All pinoys sound off and line up for summary execution. We are taking back this thread.
I can respect Emet's decisions, I can respect Venat's decisions, but Hermes is an absolute fucking retard that doomed the world.
me let's kiss kongu smoooch!!!
>look for cute clothing mods
>its all whore clothes
it hurts just a little bit
What's in the menu?
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thank you femras
Effy melty!
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Hashbrowns, fried mushrooms,baked beans, fried cherry tomatos, some fried tofu and hot chocolate on the side, made with oat milk.
Log onto your throwaway discord I have sent you a question about xiv
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How we feeling bros?
>static is a pretty tight friend group
>sometimes they ask me to do content outside of raid, or play other games
>its very comfy and fun
>a big part of why I stay with this static is because they feel like friends and I like doing stuff outside of raids
>if I wanted to "just raid" I'd probably find a new group that more aligns with my XIV interests
>in a way I've become accustomed to more than just raiding
>midway through this tier the stuff outside of raid hours just stopped
>I can extrapolate from the signs and cues that there is a 95% chance they are still doing stuff together outside of raid just without me
>its just giving me feelings of exclusion and making me want to find a new group for ultimate or next tier
Wat do? It feels so petty to 'abandon' them over something like this. But it'd also feel weird to 'demand' they keep including me in shit, since I was glad to be included at all the first place. Its an awkward situation. But if all I'm getting from this group is XIV raiding I don't feel like its fulfilling to me. Is that wrong or selfish?
The ones I love the most
The ones that hurt me the most
My catgirl is too cute for you anon
Post femras
sorry I forgot the password
um, uh... femroes?
Can I have the paid shaders?
damn.. guess i can't post her this thread
is this the depressed middie
The pettiness is you being excluded, just leave if you don't feel like raiding with them and find a new group.
that is a pretty cool pic
Femra parabellum
What the fuck does pink mage mean
We like this.
Americans why are you still awake? Go to bed
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It's Moonday again! You know what time it is! Time to post your moonies! Menphina compels you!
Effy forgot to take his meds
My moonie has woken up and is debating going back to sleep knowing full well she shouldn't
What I hate with Hermes is that he comes off as spoiled.
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I guess you gotta give it points for at least trying to be an excuse?
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Queue up cc in light c:
neeeed more pretty dresses for my lala... why is there any glam that isn't a pretty dress..
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could i ask for a crumb of queue on crystal please?
make a PF
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You're not allowed to goon, fap, or wank in our beloved Final Fantasy XIV anymore! That's right! They're cracking down on our degenerate behavior and sending us back to the dark ages. No longer will we be able to send fat asses of our ladies or massive dongs of our men. Players need to start doing content in this game, such as Eureka, Bozja, Savage, Ultimates, Palace of the Dead, Roulettes, and even Maps! It's not that hard to put effort in, is it?
Musky moonies
Search archive for knjjs3.zip
is that falke?
My catboy isn't musky but he totally could be, if you want.
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I'm 22 now
>sending us back to the dark ages
Oh shit, Vikings raids again?
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Ok i made one, password is 1776
Happy birthday lil zoomzoom. Your malera is hot too.
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Morning and welcome to the gang! My femra is 22 too.
I had a situation kind of similar and left because it felt like I was being manipulated
why password it
>YPYT faggot
Kill yourself
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underage smoking in my final fantasy
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LT. Let's fuck?
why not a password?
you did the malera dirty with that mouth posing sis
vampire fiddies, reveal yourself
Do you like male characters?
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Materia collection
femra... pretty...
Is there a materia transmutation plugin?
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leopards are cats right
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rero rero rero rero rero rero rero rero
Probably, but I am not brown enough to use plugins
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I remember finishing endwalker and then immediately becoming homeless.
Maybe i value the story more with that mindset but goddamn does Dawntrail really disappoint. It kinda spits in the face of what endwalker teaches. Positivity is in overcoming the worst of us, not in shoving happiness down our throats. Wuks character felt like i was being told to cheer up without making any effort to understand why someone would be sad or pissed in the first place.
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How does a nigga end up so porn-fried, seriously?
wew, I want to take bikini poses of my WoL and her
Cummimg inside this femra
How did you plot got auto-demo'd?
What mod is the outfit?
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my femra will look and act like this later today
Bros I think something is wrong with my new roomba
Give it a kick, that should solve the problem.
Is this the final stage evolution of the im fox phenotype
My mother was a bipolar depressive who blamed the worlds problems on my father. And I, who looked akin to my father, was the sole target of her hatred. Despite my best efforts to not resemble a father at all, which only made her even more infuriated. Eventually, after suffering a sexual assault, I made my own decision to scorn her and her hellhole forever.
Look no further than this thread. Many anons are on the path towards this same fate.
Very cute
Oh it was a real life thing
Who are you erping with in this one Elsee?
Lumy and Oka?
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Confess your deepest secrets
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I see pwussy
I'm glad you made it out.
Sorry for leaving so fast. I long for sleep.
Blud got raped
no biggie, thank you for the help, i'm watching the cutscene anyway!
Is there no materia vendor in solution 9 or am I blind?
One of my friends is a sexpest ITT and it's greatly upsetting.
I convince people to start progging TOP because I consider it a right of passage to experience the despair
I tell them all to my wife already.
you have to go up a pad that puts you on the second floor
Theyre hidden behind an elevator in the only spot where anything in solution 9 happens
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i havent done my reclears
It's upstairs in the nexus area. There should be a silvery wall with a platform in front of it that ports you to the 2nd floor.
Every time in my life for the past near decade my playtime in ffxiv has correlated to how depressed I am, and I have played many more hours than I should have recently.
CC doko?
I've complained about having to level crafters for years and yet every time I shut the fuck up and do it I only do it for an hour before getting sidetracked on literally anything else
Need big gil numbers though like my main save in No Man's Sky, have like ~800 million units
I am madly inlove with my own character and regret making her
There is a plugin called SND in the Punished discord. (Same place you get Splatoon and Auto-Retainer.) You'll need to do a bit of searching around in the discord for the macro / commands, but this actually helped me crush down like a thousand of materia.
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Confession time is over.
Better luck next time!
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Theres a friend im playing with who i wish would leave me to do some things on my own but they always claim that things are better with friends
They make me acutely aware of how antisocial ive become
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umm men?
I desperately wish life was like an rpg, living a great adventure with close companions where we see incredible wonders and fight great evils.

But that's just not how shit works.
I think that line is different in French. Are you in Idyllshire?
Too late.
Fat Cat Fact #297

Fat Cats are monogamous and extremely loyal. They are also loyal to their frens
Where did you get this picture of some random girl describing me?
Too fucking real bro
how do you know how much you're offloading onto everyone anyway? is it the "total size (actual)", or the "total size (compressed for up/download)"?
calm down there sister
They don't deserve abuse and bullying.
It's a Jap image so probably from the game
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I mean, I see it happen but I just don't understand it. I've been whackin it to weird porn for decades and I still can't fathom half the shit these gooners get off to.
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type /mare and go to Your User Menu, after that click on Chara Data Analysis
thats the scholar level 100 skill it transforms you
No one deserves abuse and bullying, fren . Don’t let people treat you badly
>trying to reach a new plane of existence
damn, i'm slacking on my goon game.
I dunno, some people do deserve it. Like Amon, or Ilberd, or Hermes.
Sexo with femras
out of the two sizes, which size is the one that the other person is receiving? the actual, or compressed? would it be the 104mib or the 50mib that others are loading from you?
Wait what?
Sexo with haglalas
compressed is just the download, while actual is roughly how much vram you're taking up
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Interjecting in this convo. I dont even get this whole personality of gooning either. I originally thought it was some club of Dragoons at first, but nope. I'm into weird ass kinks myself and I'm on the same boat.
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You called?
yea its called seraphism it puts you in the robe and wings like reapers enshroud
>I originally thought it was some club of Dragoons at first
I wish someone on the writing team talked about their process of naming locations and monsters (especially since using Google for research is fucking awful nowadays)
I think you could say punishment is different to abuse but thems just Fat Cat thoughts
umm, thats a child...
Hey. It would be a really cool term for them.
I thought you were trolling until I Googled it WTF
whats up gayboy
Wow that's an awesome pose!
kong is my favorite moonie
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I saw too many pics of a sad fat cat, it always stays in my mind longer than it has any right to.
Even when it's meant to be funny. I'm just completely autistic about it, I don't like seeing it cry, even when in other drawings, it's meant to be sweat.
My favourite moonie is my own :3c
I do not think he was kind to women bro, he tail vored one.
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My moonie is air frying horse nuggets.
>not battle axe
Sorry moonie but I cannot lie about it
My femra is now awake
Is the 30 main stat on a hq crafted armor piece without crit dh worth more than the aesth tome gear that has crit dh?
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destroy all NA catgirls or all EU femras
Why not both?
My dick is going to make this bitch fall from grace
Final Fantasy xiv?
Final Fantasy XIV lets you play other games. We Like This.
my femra just pked a tome of fire and a dcbow
Uhhhh lalaboys?
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what about them?
I'm very insecure despite appearing having a very confident and self-assured mask
I said cute ones
Do you like male middies?
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Waddya want?
He gets the big hugs after
my femra just frew up
Yeah. They only like one fiddie, though. I'm happy for her, she's nice and deserves their adoration and affection.
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I wish making gil was as simple as it was in No Man's Sky, just sell some high-quality crafted goods, some valuable materials, bring economically demanded goods to another system, salvaging ships... vs "lol just craft"
nobody is having sex with my catboy
fix that
job mentor is wedge after finally snapping
i'm sure you could find a top for him in the quicksands
make me fix that
My moonie could, but why should she
My Maleroe is on his way
I don't think I will
is her tummy okay...
You're not cute
male middie
Spooky Club back again!

This week we will continue our viewing of Haruhi, due to an odd amount of episodes and to not make next week unbearably longer than usual we'll also be watching the OVAs for Strawberry Marshmallow as requested! Next week we'll be playing a different requested thing for similar reasons!

We'll once again be meeting on Marlith to try and avoid congestion issues.

Just a reminder everyone's welcome to attend Spooky Club please don't berate people in the thread for not attending or use your attendance as some sort of status symbol, I saw a little of that last week.

>What is Spooky Club?
Spooky Club is a weekly light RP meet up dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of Eorzea and beyond. Any aliens, time-travelers, or espers better watch out!

If it's your first time attending you'll be provided with a set of starter robes so you don't feel out of place.

Don't be rude or lewd

• September 25 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs
do you call gunbreaker cumtaker
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don't open it
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a grown man typed this
my femlala stayed awake until the sun came up again... i might have issues sisters n boys
Good night male middie
i'm not but i think my character is
I've had a crush on the same character for 2 and a half years. Even after I told them and they let me down gently, I still can't shake the belief that our characters are a wonderful match (we're great friends too) and it sucks that they'll never share that vision and instead mess around with people who genuinely hurt them, hurting me more in the process when I see it
You just know an overweight brownoid typed this.
I have agents working against K.M. its a long con. mwahahaha!
I'm gonna come with the special blue and white robe as leader of the friend group.
I am
a femezen
watching the simpsons clips on youtube at work
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this lalas a slut isn't she
Look at this grown ass man
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Sorry I missed the tummy AND swimsuit anchors
Nations sorted but I won't tell you what it means
>La Noscea
>Azim Steppe
>anywhere in Norvrandt
>Gyr Abania
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>Mind destruction
>"I'm a little cock sucking slave. lolol."
Can you guys actually be creative with this shit?
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brown bastard femlala
I'm so horny bros post some hot naked catgirls
hawk tuah rez on that thang <se.3>
You can go to >>>/aco/ for that
I'm truly ashamed at the depths of grown ass mannery I've fallen into
go to aco
>gives geographical locations
aco is just korbos shitty sex pest poses
I forgive you just because you have a pretty tummy
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do i use this on a party member to increase their incoming heals from me or do i use it on myself to increase my outgoing heals?
Womp womp
target aka just perma put it on tank
yeah that was in idyllshire, idk what they say in french
It's actually so funny you just look at whoever he annoys in lb14 then the same day you get some shitty half assed pose in aco
It increases healing the person would get from healing actions so give it to a party member that will need extra healing
and? if you want to wank that badly, go to the right boards for it, you lazy faggot.
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Lmao look who got inspired by the armlocks in the Boyka movies
You guys know porn exists right? You don’t have to look at shitty gposes from people here to nut
And that's where you belong
GAM porn is better than porn
It’s really not FFXIV porn is absolutely garbage quality stuff
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its like jerking off to pictures of your high school crush
If it's the little smoking lala and his friend, in French, they say
>nothing like a pipe after work
>said like this, it's a bit...
(The word pipe in French is both for a smoking pipe, and a blowjob)
Going to /aco/ and finding out a friend of yours did coomer poses is really disappointing as hell.
a lot of the shit posted here is trash and i dont see the appeal
Are these old AST spells?
Going to /aco/ and finding out Korbo sex pested your friend in to doing really shitty low quality poses is disappointing as hell.
Did you expect them to be “pure” on 4chan of all places? Lol
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Yeah. They had a lot of time mage stuff that got axed in favor of more niche healing tools.
It's not about being pure, I jerk off to stuff too. It's just disappointing.
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Why is it disappointing
faggy meenas with big fat asses?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
need a sunnie eb no face 1s please
I find the porn on Twitter more appealing.
Died from Monkeypox just like you will
Thancred had... a hard life.
Nobody posted mine while I was asleep, it's over
Should've died in the first.
Post her now then
He looks like an elezen
Fuck off. Let him enjoy retirement.
The porn I find in xiv discord servers shits on anything posted here. It’s insane how good actual GPosers are and not whatever the fuck xivg does
Last one should be Urianger, and then an extra of one of him trying to get away from Wuk Lamat and Koana, and shoving them both with the entire expansion onto the WoL and peacing the fuck out
Even r/FFXIVNSFW shits on this place.
I'm not out of bed yet
Thancred dying in the fight against Ranjit but taking him down with him would've unironically been the best send-off for him
a lot of that shit in discords is also posted to their twitter
while xivg just wants quick cooms or to fuck around for the funny
I can't say why. To each their own, but it's like. Hm. I think it's the idea that I don't want to know what you, for example, would jerk off to? Of course, I'd have never gone to that place of it wasn't linked in one thread, but still...
It's just a bit awkward. I may be the odd one out here, but that's my thoughts on the matter.
where are your legs
xivg has like 3 good posers and they don't post their actual poses here
Well get up and then post her! if you do maube ill post mine
brainlet takes
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The real question is where Vieras come from. We know Venat loves cute things, like loporrits, loporrits, and also loporrits.
yeah they should just change it back to the Zeta like it is in japanese
I found a decent gposer who has 2k followers and they're under my thumb because they love my smut
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Behind the rock on which Feo Ul is beating the shit out of the beaver
>allowing the R*ssians to cuck you
Go live in fear if you want, but I'll keep using Z.
Who asked
My favourite person who sends me poses doesn't have twitter or anything its like i have my personal smut collection
He spends so much time with me but I worry I am a bother
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>mfw they're failed loporrit prototypes
Oh my god you people are the most insufferable beings ever. If someone is spending time with you they more than likely think you aren’t a bother and like having you, stop self sabotaging yourself
Confession time is over you dumb fuck
>ERROR : loporrit too big and too sadistic, enjoys spanking midlander
>SUGGESTION : make them smaller, and replace lust with a need to be hugged
damn completely different huh
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Haha. Porn game. Am I right????
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Educate me, /xivg/!
Untrue. I spend time with people I think are annoying or bothersome because I'm to retarded to tell them no
what is the couch is supposed to mean
Fuck you I'm doing it anyway
I have an unironic crush on someone from here and I'm 90% sure they know, but because I haven't brought it up to them directly we just carry on like nothing happens and we're just normal friends
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crazy to think it has only been a few weeks but also how we've consistently gotten drama from raiders with each recent tier/ultimate
A few days ago on xivtwt someone posted a screenshot of 3 hrothgar and a male midlander erping on the couch where you can buy materia in solution 9. Since many people on xivtwt have made silly images referencing the couch. Just a stupid meme
That shit is usually photoshopped to hell and back, in addition to being grotesque modbeasts 99% of the time. Somehow they all use the same shader too.
I guess that's a thing then
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Yeah. But apparently the French translation is based on the Japanese script, while the English one... isn't.
That is why Nybeth Obdilord's monologue is a lot different in both versions.
scorpions actually give live birth they don't lay eggs.
That static disbanded too per what Sindalf said on twitter
Noooooooo you can't edit your images to make them look better it doesn't count
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head empty moonie Guess I better follow through with what I said
That just seems like old drama getting aired out
Didnt we know Sfia had some kind of yellow fever
Just tell Kong you love him
Oh, you absolutely can. I just think that there is a point where the combination of heavy editing and tons of mods just make it look silly.
Comically un-arousing fetish, please refrain from interjecting on unrelated conversations
to be fair, every "joke" in this general also has the punchline of "sex"
>13 minute AR wait
>on fucking BALMUNG
>while Healer is in need and I'm on Healer
It's a different moonie
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Maize isn't meant to be eaten raw, you're mean to dip it in a basic solution (involving potash, I think) that will break its outer shell. The process is called nixtamalisation, and is supposed to have been invented by the Aztecs.
But given their history of fighting these around them, it might have been discovered by the local mayan population, or other chichimèques tribes.
Sure it is
its 7 am on a monday neetlord
It’s fucking 7:20am EST you retard what did you expect
>That shit is usually photoshopped to hell and back
Yeah and it looks good most of the time. Wish more people here would actually do some editing to their pictures. They don't have to full on redraw parts like some twitterfags do but a little touching up on hair or skin or faces would go a long way
It's Miau Miau
not surprising, there's probably some in that static that knew and did similar things
bit of an open secret, the main thing I'm talking about is how it blew up and was talked about in the whole community even the jp one, like how the top cheated clear took over the community, both instances of hc raider drama
you retarded bitch its 7:21 am
>Estonian neet
many such cases
I’m not downloading photoshop to edit pictures for fucking 4chans vg board
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No? It's 2 PM.
Learn to read a clock, you retarded mouthbreathing amerifat.
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If any of (You) recognize what I used for inspiration for this gpose, I will give you 1m gil
how hard is dragoon
I refuse to believe someone is that retarded.
>this dude is in my timezone
if you hate Americans why play on an NA server. Go play with people in your timezone if you want queues at regular times. Fucking euros I swear.
all the mobs in the first segment of sastasha are blind to sight aggro and use audio aggro instead, so you can RP walk up to the door puzzle that spawns the first boss without the need to kill a single mob
>his own picture has 1:20pm
that's not 2pm u fucking retard
BALMUNG you third world troglodyte
Nadeshots picture in the bathroom with a pistol to his head smiling
It’s the second easiest melee job in the game
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That anon said 7.20 am EST... which is correct, you imbecile
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Stop being productive members of society and queue up so I can get my worthless virtual numbers to go up
Depends on how much you want to fuck dragons
what's the first? viper?
but good to know, I'm a brainlet and dragoon looks cool
>didn't we know Sfia had yellow fever
NTA. Yeah, but the extent and damage was unknown. There isn't anything wrong with having yellow fever, but being a womanizer and actively cheating on your partners is a scummy thing to do. The dude literally was trying to get into numerous girls' pants in his static. If you really wanted to score pussy that bad, then cut down a few hours on the static.

On top of that, the sheer hypocrisy of Sfia whining about women not applying into harder content static. No women wants to apply to his static where they'll be a giant magnet for active sexpesting and unwarranted behavior. Women join statics to do content--not to have sex.
Yeah viper is hands down the easiest melee job and it’s pretty fun imo
No fuck you I’m not getting out of bed to do Crystal tower
There's a good reason for that - These threads are somewhat ephemeral, whereas a thread or discord post stays until it's irrelevant or pushed out by other posts.

This gives people more time and incentive to work (or learn to work) on their g-poses. 4chan is more like a quick junkie fix rather than having to invest time into producing said content.
just tell them you coward
When ferrets are happy they make a kind of squeaking noise called "dooking". They also don't smell nearly as bad as most people think, that smell usually comes from over-bathing them which causes the production of oils in their fur to go haywire.
The first time europeans (after rome) witnessed an active volcano was during the conquest of south america
One dude found it so interesting he added it to his family's coat of arms
No way fag I dont even play on your servers
I asked, "me".
between the gun to the head and the random ass card, someone from persona 3? probably one of the villains
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>No fuck you I’m not getting out of bed to do Crystal tower
but it's so easy you could do it from your beeeeeed
>no stakes
>everyone always lives
>never in fear of a character dying despite 3+ death fake outs
oh yeah, the opposite is so much better
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Honestly, I can't even knock it. Dating on apps is trash and finding girls irl is fun (for me due to work and friends keeping me social) but I assume it's less common to court irl now. So men will latch on to anything they find, even in videogames.
I don't want to ruin our daily interactions with the tension afterwards. Worse yet I don't know if they'll take me seriously
>literally alien time
>meaning people who live there aren't human
>meaning murdering them is not a crime
Make the world a better place, kill an American!
I don't know
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it is time for my femlala to look like a whore for 5 levels..
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Actually a good guess, but it's not from there either.
I'll give you a hint:
It's not from vidya or IRL
I can almost yomeru (`・ω・´)
What the fuck is this? Am I meant to know who these "people" are?
post your slutty sunnies
Sure am glad this isn't about me. You should know you're probably an awesome friend and not worry about being a bother to him, it is considerate to worry about being a bother but not to the point of weighing on your mind like this. He will say if he doesn't feel up for it most likely, sometimes people just need a break but know that's not a bad thing and he will surely appreciate your company even more after that!
If Sfia wasn't a sex pest women still wouldn't be in top statics cause they're fucking retarded
marilyn manson?
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Calm down Sfia.
Do images keep breaking for anyone else?
Femrasisters, it's genuinely over.
>runar's jp va got gutted due to breaching contracts
y'shtola will never ever see her brother again
Good job, anon! Keep it up!
The grind gets easier over time, I promise
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I would be in the same boat, if I haven't heard stories of couple drama or cheating scandals while I was raid leading. This kind of drama always leads of statics imploding or splitting apart, because you'll be lucky if 1 or 2 people leaves over the affair. (Exactly what happened to Sfia's static over the drama.) It's why I had a rule refraining from couples joining my static, unless I knew you personally enough.

This game is rough enough to recruit mentally stable players before the tier starts. It's much harder during the tier.
not sure if that's good or bad
yes ive been noticing it happen quite a bit recently more than a few days at least but then they fix themselves a short time later usually
yes also taking 100 years to load/refresh
Oh good it's not just me
>FINALLY GET INTO AR (Crystal Tower)
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Yes. I keep having to F5.

I thought he wanted to be her lover, not her brother?
Atleast posting is going through fine compared to yesterday
The scene you're referring to sounds similar to an iconic moment from the anime Death Note. In this scene, the character Light Yagami points a gun to his head while holding a piece of paper (from the Death Note) or a pen, rather than a card. He does this during a psychological showdown, often associated with the mental games he plays.
Yeah me too, on 200mbps
It's not over, anon!
is it kill
What's wrong with his nose?
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I hope it's finally over
If I could see it I'd tell you
>people not reading announcements
Site has been funky lately and at times takes forever to load anything. I believe it has been happening around this hour yesterday too, before I head to bed.
Stop posting images I'm not looking
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What's wrong with his nose?
is it really an announcement if it was in the smallest size font and only visible if you were at the top of the page (literally never)
but how else will i get (You)s
What happened?
Get a personality Effy
Why do bad things (this website experiencing issues)
happen to good people? (me)
Reading is for sissies.
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my femlala looks like this and she is always very smug and laughs at biggers like you
Rent fucking free
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dont worry about it
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were back
Going back to femra soon bros
Pedo nigger.
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Love is the little things...such as running roulettes with your friend even though you already did them earlier.
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What is the coolest WAR axe, I don't really like tank, but that's the only one I can stand playing, I also just like using one weapon skin forever, so maybe if I can use a cool axe I'll enjoy WAR
hiromoot is shutting down this place for good
your femlala will look like this once i'm done with her
reminder that macchi asked to be plapped in public at lb14 and people decided to look at his gposes instead
Good morning /xivg/
That’s not love that’s just playing with your friend bro
>raw meat
my bigger wants to pet your lala into submission
ARR and HW relics are both really nice imo
Asphodelos Hammer or Abyssos Axe
You don't love your friends?
Law's Order
... because she'll get turned insideout on my dick?
I do but not in the way this place uses it. I don’t want to fuck my friends, I just like hanging out and vibing
It would've been easier to understand if he posted an overglazed donut
Same sis, same.
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Get raped by a black femroe, nigger.
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Too bad, you get a nerd instead. Hand over your Pokemon cards or there will be consequences
I submitted a post with my WoL naked while images were broken, but it got lost in the void as everything recovered... wew
I'm not a cockwatcher, but...I'd love to see that if only for the shitposting it would generate
there can be stakes without killing people and killing Thancred at the fight of Ranjit robs both him and Ryne of their later scenes and developments, again brainlet
fucking dweeb *breaks your glasses* *puts gum on your hair* *shoves you into the locker* *kisses you* *rapes you* *impregnates you*
W-what do you want them for...
Not that. I mean in the sandwich. Except for carpaccio and maybe the tartar steak, why would you ever eat raw meat?

At least it wouldn't have annoyed me.
You belong on >>>/trash/
Not into gore
You smell like farts, get away from me.
I have your post. You will have to pay ransom to get it back.
You mean her lover. Runarr ran through that kitty of hers and she was so enthralled by him that her vision was restored for a few moments due to his girthy cock smooching her walls.
This is why she desperately wants to go back to the First, btw.
My blackfemroe is going to rape you btw
Lmao based
why is this shit still up?
Love this catgirl
>*shoves you into the locker* *kisses you* *rapes you* *impregnates you*
is this you entering the locker with them or what?
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Bravura, Bravura Atma, Minos, Minos Lux.
Ravel Keeper or it's asset reusal reskin in DT.
>JP VA turns out to be a sexpest
Many such cases
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>wake up
>realize my eb is gone
>heart sinks even further
nothing good about this morning lol
yeah you should kill yourself
Were you close to your eb?
How bad is it to level 1-50 nowadays? The ARR dungeons have been gutted, so I assume the exp through the msq has been similarly adjusted? Going to try and get my partner to 50 for no reason at all...
Bro fumbled his EB that’s crazy work
How many fakeouts is acceptable for you, just as long as possible if it leads to meaningful denial of conversations?
How hard is the first savage fight? I'm scared and I suck at the game.
It's a grown man
You are prison gay due to being terminally online. Touch grass.
>How bad is it to level 1-50 nowadays
Piss easy.
Kill yourself
logging in on my very fuckable femlala rn
To feel them
Finally... I missed her
Its a small memory game
Changed my mind, going to midlander male.
what outfit?
Literally simon says man, there is nothing difficult in this game, it just requires rote memorization
:3 /pet
MSQ alone, skipping cutscenes if you feel like it, will zoom you pretty much all the way through ARR levels. There might still be that gap before Operation Archon, but if you have the preorder EXP earrings and/or run one extra leveling dungeon, it should cover any gap.
Plapping at LB14 is fun
Headcanon. Yshtola belongs to her sister
w-what do you want...?
Based king
Ummm, actually I going plainsfolk femlala
Let me plap your femlala
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welp there goes this reunion
No im actually a legitimately gay dude. I like grownmen. I always have. I don't just find hookups due to many gays being whores worse than women and many just pump and dumping you I want an emotional connection first while knowing we're both physically into eachother.
I messed things up badly with him and now I hate myself.
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lmao I was actually thinking of going to my male midlander too since a friend likes him a lot
i hate the word plap
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I hate c00mers.
yeah thinking on it
you wouldnt understand nigga, GAM to GAM love is the purest form of love in this planet and now i lost it
nta but i think it is Orthodoxy by cultist
I hate nigger moonies
You say that, but then the fight throws a variation at players that they weren't expecting and having to recalculate on the fly freezes them up. It happens a lot.
How did you lose it?
I don't care if a character dies or not, what's important is their impact on the story and how they're used in it, death is the least interesting thing that can happen to one and killing the scions is not interesting
I hate corn addicts and g00n3rs as well!!!
like public animation plap? that would be hot
he should let xivg take turns with his middie's ass
Is it even possible to find an actual XIV bf that cares about romance and genuine love instead of cooming and taking lewd gposes?
We need to go back to pump, the good old days
Most definitely, but probably not from here
>leveling roulette
I should be allowed to quit with no consequence
I really don't want to know.
I love this moonie
I specifically asked about fakeouts. Death can be interesting, and it's been done in this game ages ago and never really since, but if a game cannot commit to killing a character off and all they can do is tease a potential death, then there's no weight to really anything that goes on. Even the end of Endwalker 6.0 is silly for this since you know nothing is going to happen with any of them.
They're all taken LOL
they need to UNALIVE themselves on god
How can someone be such a fucking incel and gay? HOW
I'm not gonna type out that filthy word
Also why are you talking to me, pedo??? Hello???
we got zoomerspeak on 4chan before gta 6
Yeah it’s possible. Start hitting on lonely men here.
They're not taken. The ones that aren't are mentally ill or two seconds away from being troonified or dating one. Or they're ugly
Go find GT. Lmao.
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I know I should have SOME red for being a RDM, but this just feels right. Debating on having a hat or not.
there's not been many and they're not issues
>Even the end of Endwalker 6.0 is silly for this since you know nothing is going to happen with any of them.
if you think that was the point of their sacrifice you completely missed the point and got hung up on an obsession that characters have to die.
We're out there
yeah, me.
I ain’t a pedo
Ha, that other word.

this ain't it dog, not a good look
you will not see the pearly gates
>obsession that characters have to die.
God damn, your brain is malfunctioning. It's not about the need for death, it's about the gravity of the situation characters find themselves in. If there's no stakes in a character getting hurt/killed/etc, what the fuck is even the point to try and tease them having those things happen then? How did the character's remaining play off those sacrifices again during the UT? Care to remind me?
This isn't it, either
Once this thread reaches 700 posts, I will post where I got it from
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i love you too
What the song at 01:00? Is that Limsa?
Can't check ingame right now.
I'll always remember when Adder-ra got jannied. I missed the post that got her shitcanned and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
probably, but you won't find one here and dating through a MMO isn't great for finding partners
>wait 30 minutes for alliance roulette to pop
>have to pee
>finally pops so I accept and go pee
zoomerspeak like button ——->
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my femra
femezen players are all mentally ill and agp
Hella true tho
I'm going schizo
slow thread today
yeah we're all busy playing the game and absolutely POUNDING fat femra pussy
You know. Just clownin around.
I hope to rise up to be a respectable ebin in this thread
I like Katy Perry's songs
I dont know if this guy in my fc just says good morning at every point of the day or if hes just saying it to me (it actually is morning for me and night for him)
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>LB14 crying they can't score threadcred during maintenance
Lol. Lmao.
What's your opinion of non-edgy DRKs?
I want female characters to molest my miera
>le funny trans meme image
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1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 28/09/24 1800 BST / 1400 ADT (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra
Hello /xivg/! It's time for us to do something else other than AFKslop meetups.

Presenting, /xivg/'s first Roleplaying meetup. You asked, so we shall deliver!

Few of you expressed that you'd like to get into Roleplaying, but don't know where to start. So we're going to fix that with this meetup.

The goal of this meetup will be to introduce players to Roleplaying starting from metrhods, through conventions, terminology and then give some character creation pointers.
My moonie hates site maintenance
mfw no fat femra pussy to pound
always time for femwaas
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my black mage looks like this
I post good morning even when it's not morning
>roleplaying with xivg
Yikes so a bunch of self insert god moders jacking themselves off
We back?
everyone just says it at any point of the day
gm anon
album I can goon to?
No. Almost.

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I think I will go glubraen
Please continue enjoying your AFKslop, Sir.
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>mfw I don't have a mentally ill femezen gf
this femraen would murder you if you looked at another woman
It actually isn't the first..
No one cares about your nigger lizard
>Don't be lewd
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happy middie monday
france i kneel. i wish we had a translation and not a localization
Now that 4chan isn't borked anymore, it's time to settle this ones and for all.

Have you tried flashing your tits out? I think that might work
pls stop posting this
it's not scary season yet
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Female characters when the (You)s start to dry up
Cutting out soda is a painful endeavour
This is also correct
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Can be done right. I don't really rp as a DRK though, I just have a big sword.
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feels really good actually
just another reason why lala are superior
It is, but it will be worth it in the long term.
uhhhh good morning bro
>rolls off the bed and hits the floor, pukes, then passes out again
Just don't drink sugary ones.
uh oh korbo is back to sex pest again
I've consistently kept mine small ish
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>you only like them because they look like children. If Lalafell looked like adults you wouldn't like them.
I just like them because I play one and I don't like racemixed couples. I think of them together like a chibi-fied, cute little cartoon version of a normal couple.
it really isnt
just drink carbonated water
Eventually perhaps
Would you like a mentally ill lalafell bf?
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Yes, you are all wrong.
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro in the back
Swys you need to show them your neck, elezen courting rituals involve how elegant and well taken their necks are so wearing a turtle neck covering it makes them not notice you
become one with da water
i drink zero sugar soda like its water
It’s actually the easiest thing ever and after awhile pop just tastes like shit, even diet/zero sugar ones
woah happy middie monday
erm... good morning?
>watches you be face down in your own puke, steps over you, and goes to start my day
awko taco...
First the game gets Ddos'ed for days
now the thread gets taken down on malera monday
That's it I'm drinking the fanta.
good morning sers
post gock please my queen
That's the entire appeal. They look like children, but can offer informed consent.
Kill yourself nigger
What are you fantaing to?
Happy middie Monday you dumb ass tranny.
If you change your goal to "getting enough water," which is about 4 liters a day for an average man, then you'll find you crave the sodas less because you're thirsty less. Unless you're really desperate to cut every calorie you can out of your diet, you can have a soda here and there as a treat from that point on.
Khagan, no!
at the start yes, but it feels great once you get past that hurdle, I did it a few years ago and never looked back so you can do it
It's annoying at first but eventually you don't even notice.
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What did Tanaka mean by this?
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>made an alt in Dynamis for reasons
>met nice people but havent really found a friend to hangout a lot with so I feel less compelled to progress/stay subbed
Playing this game alone really does suck bros...
nigga just start doing cardio or going for walks. you'll want nothing but cold water every time.
why is every fiddie here futa?
I think it’s moreso the lack of caffeine from a nice sugary coke that is hurting my head but I need to endure
Just uninstall nigger. You won't find friends here.
what's with all the DDoS attacks? it was never this bad in ShB/EW.
>Playing this game alone really does suck bros...
that's why I stopped playing
idk but i live fiddie futa gock
Male midlander.
Just drink sugar free energy drinks to get your caffeine fix or black coffee
Mine isn't, but she's also trapped in the shadow realm, only able to leave once every seasonal event before she is cast back into the void.
same for most races honestly
coomers who want cute characters but can't fathom having a vagina so they bolt on a dick
fiddie fans in general tend to be a degenerate bunch since most of the stalkers and creeps here are really into fiddies, probably because my cute human daughteru or something
Well what about caffine from one of those zero calorie celsius things?
Should I play tank or dps
and why

No, not healer, feeling completely beholden to others turns me the fuck off
Sugarfree ones have caffeine too. I drink a lot of 0-calorie colas. But you can do this anon, I believe in you.
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Male midlanders owe my moonie sex
But then I remain a slave to caffeine
All these buzzwords and nothing intelligent out of your lips. Terminally online zoomer nigger.
my moonies wishes she had a stacked hag lalawife...
My fiddie isn't but she's returned to being an inactive golem in my workshop
>You sell 5 salvaged bracelets for 45,000 gil.
>You sell 15 salvaged earrings for 150,000 gil.
>You sell 10 extravagant salvaged earrings for 300,000 gil.
Good OJ day
Nothing, the servers are junk and SE is siphoning more money from XIV because everything else that isn't gacha flops or is already a low-maitenance AA game that splits even with 1mil sales. It will only get worse from here.
>too poor to afford pure white dye
>use pearl white
>hope it's not noticeable
>it very much is
Happy middie monday my favorite RBR (ribbiter)
cutting caffeine completely will be worth it, you must endure
That's fair, but is it the worst thing you're a slave to in life right now?
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Just learn what and how to do a W2W is
why? what have you ever done for me?
Caffeine is good, actually just gotta consume it in moderation like anything else. You don’t need more than one energy drink or coffee a day
still here having a meltie?
why not kill yourself no one would care
Haaa, that's why I couldn't place it.
Fucking hell, how do you people remember songs so accurately? Whenever I try, I only remember random notes from here and here.
mine isn't
i dont know if youre doing this for weight loss or just general health reasons but you can do it bro. try instant black coffee or get a taste for diet soda since that has caffeine too. remember that you’re allowed to treat yourself every now and then
I went to the male meetup and now I’m mpreg..
>cock is a """buzzword"""
*covers you*
you should always use a condom...
Please post your before and after I will give you genuine advice if you should or shouldn't. I like both races equally but you can't fanta into something you'd hate
Twice today I've had to ask tanks to keep the boss still/stop trying to reposition it even when the bosses move so I can hit my positonials and twice the tank told me that the dps gain is minimal compared to having the boss in the right spot so you know its mechanics
Where the fuck do these people come from
I feel like some of you who “have no friends” are just expecting someone that’s a perfect match for you to just fall into your lap or something.
I can do whatever you want....
>No, not healer, feeling completely beholden to others turns me the fuck off
being submissive to your party is great though?
Femezen have it too good. Im joining team anti-elf out of jealousy.
That's how it works in anime tho. Sometimes literally.
you're lucky, I laid an egg
hey to that one guy who deferred to ktisis lighting over vanilla lighting. How do you get that to work in ktisis? As shown by the dev here: https://x.com/chirpxiv/status/1678792213977858051

This was like a year ago so it has to be implemented right? Anyone know what settings do these fall under?
i just unlocked machinist but now im level 30 and all the quests are too high level for me...
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Anons failed my challenge, the gil pot shall remain unclaimed for the next gpose I make...
1 soda a day is how I got into this mess. It’s time for a course correction. Can’t become a gamerfuel meme
>being a heal slut is great though?
Go back to LB14, you retarded monkey.
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Eh, I dunno. It makes it genuinely fun to compared what's said.
>English Y'shtola: "Keep that up and I'll send you to bed without supper."
>French Y'shtola : "You're so tired that even your jokes suck. Go to bed."

And also, all the island-manufactured items in French suck ass. The description are bland as fuck, whereas I understand that the English descriptions are extremely lemony?
Then again, I do get French memes sometimes, it reminds me Blizzard's game when they were still good.
Bro diet soda will not kill you, sugar free drinks will not kill you. You are allowed to have a little treat
so whats the qrd on this? you have been posting about korbo in every thread even when they dont show up.
is he actually a sexpest or are you just a futatranny mad hes not sexpesting you?
>admits both this and drk starting at 30 was a mistake
>doesn't fix it
pls understand
These posts do not pertain to FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL or video games. If something isn’t an official, core gameplay feature, then it doesn’t belong here.
i dont go there
trans mainstay race and gender combo
tried and true
Why do weebs fetishize a language (Japanese) they can’t even speak or read
>>If something isn’t an official, core gameplay feature, then it doesn’t belong here.
>I can finally report story discussion to make those nerds shut the fuck up
Soda is stereotypical gamer fuel which is game and MMO related
Most people who are called sexpests are just horny people. Some of them are actually insufferable but this general throws out insults like it's nothing.
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i set all my alarms in PM
drink flavored non-soda stuff to cope and then once you've gotten enough time away from soda it'll make you feel icky next time you drink it
i looked up the 1.0 lalafell walking animations and they're nothing like this, they had a much more silly and stiff walk going off of ancient videos
No it's not
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I just realized I can finally use this glam because the 2 dye system actually lets me dye the white shirt of the vampire vest black.
you're a retarded nigger and don't realize what translation and localization mean
0-3 gather 500 items to push a level out on my island sanctuary
4-9 do something actually fun in xiv
Tank is the least hellish in this in most situations
>Healer is DPSing
Not a problem for WAR or PLD
>DPS not AOEing
Once again not a problem for WAR/PLD/GNB
>Healer/DPS dies
Not a problem for the tank in most situations
Keep calm and W2W on
I know what they mean, localization is always better than translation in every single case
don't care I'll still play femlala
do something fun
My malezen is wolf o'donnell-coded (he's endearingly pathetic and an asshole)
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Not as odd as me having two duties in a row end with a femra sending me a friend request.
direct translations of japanese will always look like shit
some level of localization is required, and 1:1 translations are always impossible
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>The toading trap is triggered...
>The Palace of the Dead (Floors 161-170) has ended.
>krauter xs boobs still too big
I guess its fixable with c+ but damn
Downside is just never being challenged. Tank is the most pampered, braindead role.
>i looked up the 1.0 lalafell walking animations and they're nothing like this, they had a much more silly and stiff walk going off of ancient videos
1.X cutscenes were all mocapped, so they got some woman geared up and had her sashay around just to have Momodi shaking her hips like that.
>endearingly pathetic
i rolled bad, i'll do it after i ding my island
it's so over
mine isn't
I like futa but I don't express my fetishes and sexual preferences through my WoL
I bot something in ffxiv
Post moonie
so i should just switch back to warrior?
i would like one (1) trans fiddie eb please
This is my fetish and inevitable for me
if you play healer you can just force W2W regardless
No?? I wanna be the one who falls into someone's lap :3
Lalafell dating anchor. If your a lala post your lala and what you're looking for. If you like lala, post your character and what you're looking for.
Put your hangers in my mouth while you ride me
tank is for sissies
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Given how healers and DPS act it has to be. I feel bad for DRK players outside of EX/raiding/Ultimates because it's no fun allowed if the healer repeatedly eats it.
Pedo meet up. kek
If modding and roleplay in FFXIV are no longer considered FFXIV, then your favorite soft drink is also not FFXIV.
That's how all my friendships after high school have started desu. Maybe not perfect match, but its all coincidence and not me looking for people to hang out with.
That's fair but you have to admit english localizations usually take way too big liberties
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It's why people keep bitching about DRK. They got Excog on one of their cooldowns in DT, but it's on a 2 minute cooldown and is only 300 potency stronger than Heart of Corundum's.
You bet your hairy arse. Better a video game then anywhere else.
very based
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>to go avatarfag
>Error: Token Wallet is Empty!!
>check the archive
>someone posted my tooner while i was asleep and used up all of my Avatar Tokens
caffeine isn't "good" wtf are u on about
in fact it's completely pointless if you're drinking it daily in any amount because your body adjusts to it and then ur only getting the negative effects
caffeine is meant to be used like once a week, when it's extra needed
do what they did, become one yourself
I am a newfren. I wouldn't know!
>”DRK is bad because it can’t self sustain like the other tanks”
>”but also job homogenization is bad!”
You hipped when you should have hopped.
Did LT ever drop the evidence?
True. Same with antidepressents. You should stop taking yours so you die.
I'll throw you in a linkshell if you need at least some help, since I'm just decorating housing at the moment. any city you prefer?
that's true in some cases but 99% of the time it's essentially the same thing but with some other tacked-on joke
It's coming soon, trust the plan.
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I woke up drunk so I do need caffeine
Island Sanctuary did this to me.
But I also play the xiv heardle.
can't do that sorry, my girlfriend would miss me too much
>pretend to go to bed so i can cheat on my EB
>forget to put discord to away
>they see me online all night
i fucking hate discord, sisteres
Friends find you. I met my best friend 4 years ago and I'm 32. We're like brothers and I can't imagine not having him in my life. I never looked for him, he literally bumped into me at the front desk of the office.
It's okay I saw you on dynamis visiting them too.
Alright you win this round pal.
I don't think any tank should have strong self-sustain, actually.
There are some localizations that are almost complete rewrites. In the context of XIV, Haurchefaunt was completely rewritten, and you also have examples of localizers inserting their own plot points like Y'shtola's aether sight reducing her lifespan.
FFXIV? Video games?
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You're pretty good.
no i just dont like talking to people
After graduating from uni, I have literally lost all friends and don't know how one's supposed to get more.
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Just pretend you forgot to turn it off. Discord is weird, mine never applies away status properly. I get blown up overnight sometimes if I forget to close it because people think I'm awake and online.
Tanks only seem good because they're borderline unkillable. Their sustain is automatic, rotation piss-easy and egos massive. They don't have to *do* anything to succeed.
So you wanted super gay Haurchefaunt?
It's funnier when they have all their characters tied to their Mare account so you can see them online, when they aren't. They think they are so smart.
Did LT ever let me plap
she won't be tricked again!
I know you've been an admirer for some time, but it's not meant to be...
really? ever managed to snatch one like that?
The Haurchefant change was warranted and everyone needs to apologize to Crow
>b-but my horny malewife
i will do what must be done
No, but if it's bad, let it be bad.
Why would you want bad writing in the game?
This board is pertaining to video game discussion.
drk is unkillable in dungeon bosses and only really struggles on mob packs if you're both retarded and your healer is quite literally afk
I stopped playing this faggot game 2 months ago and my life has dramatically improved since. The best thing that could happen for FFXIV is if the entire dev team dies in a fire. If you're still playing this game you really need to take a look in the mirror and shoot yourself in the head. And because I know that certain ebins are jannies and will ban me and delete this post for some bullshit reason, I'll give you one: you should all kill yourselves. You will never be real women. You are faggot ass nigger loving homosexuals.
cool story bro
woooow dude look at mr popular over here
Ok Zir Waddington its been 2 weeks not 2 months
and yet you're still here
curious, anon who is totally not gay
cool 500 word essay amigo
Which nigger keeps vandaliIzing the OP?
The issue with DRK is that from level 50 to 70 it's the weakest sustain wise by a mile so a bad DRK will look like he's made of paper. Even when you do get TBN you end up with people not properly spacing it making it look like DRK needs babysitting when really at best they just need you to pat their back cause they hardly get chunked, compared to WAR who's constantly getting chunked and just healing right back up anyway.
t. got banned after saying "faggot" in public chat & is salty AF
Your post is meta discussion and doesn't belong on /vg/.
My lalaboy is slippy toad coded
the retard from v that spams the aco redirect
haha same dude man every time my status goes green it's just ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop, dozens sometimes hundreds of pings, i run like 5 gaming communities and everyone loves me and i erp 10 people at a time
Based and real.
it's the irony of tank mains, they will complain their jobs are the same, then in the same breath complain that DRK can't heal like a WAR or that DRK and GNB party wide mits are pure magical
correct take, tank kits are too absurdly strong and badly designed
Your life was shit because you have no self-control. You're going to backslide and end up addicted to something else. Enjoy the cycle.
You fuck dogs.
Come back in 6 months and let us know what has control over your life.
Your mother's pussy.
Localizations are good when the person doing it is doing it with authentic respect for the source material and not trying to re-write the content.
hmmm I'm not in game atm, mainly handling a project reunion, but I'll be in like 4 hours. will you be around by then?
Me, Macska Aranyos
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It's like two people, they just yap a lot and get worried if they think I'm ignoring them.
There are several videos with Momodi's sassy walk, the one with the current walk is from a private classic server where they took it out for whatever reason.
will try to make it there. had so much fun from yesterday!
i'm trying
Sex with lalafell.

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