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>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves launches April 24, 2025
>FF:CotW - Mai

>SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom rereleased

>KOFXV - Mature & Vice

>Terry in Street Fighter 6

>Recent event footage:

>DandyJ's beginner guide to KOF

>Community resources
>KOFXV beginner guides

>/neog/ Discord
>Official SNK Discord

>SNK Media Gallery
>Assorted Translations
>NEO-GEO FREAK Magazine Archive
>RedGGPO and romset
>KOF Official Site backup

Previous Thread: >>494804071
Why do they even need that?
You can bring black feathers girl and just change the deal with her brother, or have her being a random fighter.
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To maybe avoid any problem in the future >>495614158
Of course I would bet that the EX-blood company won't do anything even if the character returns fully original, but it's still better to be cautious.
what the fuck have i just found
Someone copy/pasting parts of Terry's info from SNK wiki, maybe as a trolling attempt? There's a whole bunch of names on the list of articles that most definitely have nothing to do with Winnie the pooh.
it’s the greatest collection of autism ever
So what do you think, how many different colors and loosely worn jackets will next KOF protagonist have?
I've read a fic where due to circumstances, Iori ends up training Shingo a bit, and later when he fights Kyo in a training session he mixes both of their styles together, I thought it would be interesting idea for Shingo to mix the style of 3 sacred treasures families into something new after he trains on them, but that is just an idea
It would be weird for Shingo to go even near Iori after nearly being killed, I would sooner imagine the Yasakani clan leader whose wife was murdered 600 years ago to be among the revived fighters and he asks Shingo to help him in exchange for training.
In the fic it was because they became friend-ish during the tournament they teamed-up, so after a year or so he was able to forgive him due to that friend-ish-ship and understanding that it was due to the riot of blood which was outside his control (he was also mad with Kyo because he tried to stop Shingo from entering the next tournament so Iori also helped him to fuck with Kyo)
Andy is gay
Although of course this is a fic scenario, I doubt even Shingo would've been able to befriend Iori in canon seeing how anti-social he is
The kanji in Iori's name means hermit, so they kind of always meant for him to be on the edge of society. He is closest to Kyo and Chizuru, and yet even they can't be counted as his friends.
I am still coming to terms with this universe
Is this the first fighting game to feature a person with rape allegations?
Mai probably raped Andy.
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Will COTW have CPU vs CPU?
Street Fighter can say hello to Mega Man for me.
Upcoming events to look forward to more info about cotw/kof/ss/aof/AAA
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Iori is going to die young and alone.
He first has to make an heir to the third treasure, or the seal on Orochi is history. Since he already had a girlfriend, it proves there are women out there thinking they can fix him, he just has to stay sane long enough... and maybe put a Kyo mask on her face.
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Jesus christ
Wait a minute, I remember digital stickers previously being mentioned together with wallpapers.
Terry slapped that.
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>calling CR7 to promote COTW (fighting game)
Next year we will see John Cena doing marketing to Super Sidekicks 4
Kyo and Shingo on a team for the next KoF, although I don't know who the 3rd member could be, can always go for one of the Sacred Treasures or Team Japan, but I wouldn't mind a curve ball of a pick like Athena or something
They could also go for Kyo's dad as 3rd.
There's many options for a third. Chizuru, Benimaru, Daimon, Saisyu, and even Hinako work. I'm not sure if SNK would put Athena in any team outside of Pyscho Soldiers or all girls team.
Saisyu yeah, although might be too many "Kusanagi style" fighters in one team (although that never stopped Team AoF so...)
This reminded me of Shingo's Neowave team that had Kula on it for some reason so that could work as a fun reference
>Shingo's Neowave team that had Kula
a.k.a. Team "Kula doesn't have teammates anymore because fuck Eolith so we'll just put her with Shingo and his idol's dad"
Jenet is right there.
It kind of works since a lot of manga and other stuff tend to have Athena be part of Kyo's circle of friends. Including being friends with Yuki.
>one of the most liked and viewed video game announcements of all time that isn't GTA or COD shit

Does M. Bison (boxer) count
Terry wasn’t like that with Lily McGuuire and Sulia however.
MBS fucking won
Imagine if the game had an actual story to justify this team, although when it comes to Kula it isn't hard to get her to join you, it probably would have gone like
>Shingo goes out to eat ice cream, runs into Kula also eating ice cream, they end up friends, Shingo knows she is a super cool fighter and invites her to join him and she agrees because ice cream, Saisyu just comes along for the ride
I've love to hear the story behind the Asian Triple Alliance Team in 2002 UM.
He needs to be part of the Hero Team with Terry and Ryo.
If at least even 1% of people decide to buy COTW because of this, it will be successful.
kek this
Coping that the open beta announcement has Butt
I was destroyed in my first games of kof xv but it is much better than sf6
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A+B, A+B, A+B, A+B, A+B..... START
>she is a super cool fighter
I see what you did there.
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I hope he's on the next demo
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I would also like to have Kinnikuman as a guest character.
How much of that is bots though
It's still a lot despite that
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ehehehehehe ready for round 2
I'm keeping my mouth shut until I know for certain Ronaldo is a legit playable character.
If I'm honest with you I only think he'll be promoting it
If anything since the game lets you customize colors and textures it might get the textures for his shirt. At the very most I think we'd get either a mini-game or his shirt as an item.
Either way the entire thing has been hilarious and has shown which people are the ones that like to go "SNK is supposed to pander to me".
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Only in Saigado universe, yes.
Max has immediately jumped on the "Ronaldo is a playable guest character" angle.
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Awesome! A lot of people are going to try COTW after this, right? .... Right?.... Wait... Snk already had a demo available for download before this tweet, right? righ-Oh... there's no demo available... I see...
More money, same shit incompetent marketing team. Nice! Here we go again...
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Harou mina-san, Oda here.
I'd like to introduce you to the next DLC character after Ronaldo.
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Part 10 is Raygun DLC or worse....


.... USA team DLC
1 million copies sold
0.991 million copies returned within a week
That's before or after the masses find out the game features a shota hunter?
I can’t believe anons here are getting pissy over a Ronaldo dlc. Nobody’s obligated to download him.
or buy cotw
which is a situation that is not farfetched for today's audience kek
I misread that as Rayman.
Raidou from Dead or Alive was a rapist.
your reply number has one extra number on it
>indie horror showcase
appropriate place for povert indie company snk
They really remixed duck king's ff1 theme.
-- At least SNK is making a proper MotW sequel.
Drawn by Shinkiro. You think Mai will fight Chun-Li in her story?
Don't see why not. They're both leading ladies of their franchise and are practically besties.
>still wearing his classic costume
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rugal if he real
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Some things never change
Are they seriously implying that CVS2 is canon somehow
I don't know why it can't be. Even in the MVC games have an Earth-Number designation in marvel.
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>Terry literally calls your character a monkey
Supposedly, John Streets can learn Joe's Hurricane Upper and Mary's Vertical Arrow.
I'm used to seeing /SNK girls doing sexy stuff like /ss/ing, but the thought of Chun-Li wearing Mai's outfit or /ss/ing is pretty hot.
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The Fatal Fury cosplayers in the Pao Pao Cafe are named
>George Azuma
Who's the person/celeb being used for this?
Shinkiro's art doesn't seem to look as good in digital, at least he's not Bengus.
I don't know what you mean, it's still great
>at least he's not Bengus.
He was either sick or he got rushed to work on SFV because that's probably his lowest point
Just keep him away from Bob Wilson
I think its his faces, they stick out even more like a sore thumb in digital than they did in his older art.
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Left: Terry
Right: Jenet
That is just how white woman age
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KOF AI movie made by anon in 5 years, i believe.
They will reveal Beast Buster Dark Arms 3D remake to kill Resident Evil and Neymar will be in the game. Screencap this.
>niggas shit on kofxv female models for being too doll like
>now shit on cotw for making their faces look “too butch”
what gives
Kof14 - plastic
Kof15 - clay
Cotw - manly
>>niggas shit on kofxv female models for being too doll like
It's the hair, XV's play-doh's hair screws over the female characters the hardest since most of them already have long hair or have specific styles that don't work as well looking like clay.
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Oda here. Kof16 will use face models (laughs)
Is this the Dead or Alive movie?
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Look how they massacred /ourgirl/...
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why would capcom do this
fluoride stare
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It won't take much for CotW Blue Mary to look better than that.
Too much dog sex
Yeah. Just like Ryu. Your point?
Well, we can say Kof15 won one.
And people complained about KOFXIV graphics...
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What's the surprise at this point, honestly?
>Just like Ryu
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Yes. I'm ready.
Just in case you guys haven't noticed, there's a chance that ~1K people ended up here on neog after googling cotw/snk after Ronaldo's tweet. They're lurking here trying to figure out what the hell this place is, these posts, and why Ronaldo tweeted that. So let's try to keep the conversation as normal as possible, okay. This is to help Snk too. Thanks.
Ok mr. leader of 4chan
eat shit
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Why is he fighting Clone Zero?
Can she time travel now?
It's Jeff Bogard, who is sometimes long lost twin brother of Ling, the guy Clone Zero replaced.
Besides Terry, Andy, and Rock have we ever seen any of the SNK protags when they're young?
If CvS2 is canon does that make SvC canon too? Becuz I want Mai being raped by Balrog and giving birth to his black rape baby that she would later abandon because Andy wouldn't accept it to be canon.
Do you mean in game or anywhere?
There was one picture of K' and Seirah in a war zone somewhere, that was said to be the only memory he had of his actual sister.
And I recall seeing little Kyo in a scan of a light novel.
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I think one of the manhua showed a flashback of young Kyo too.
Saigado come back....
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Yes in Super Jenet Adventure (AAA game)
So, the plot is B. Jenet uses a time machine to go back in time and fuck Terry when he's a kid?
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we also got young nako in that one VN and kaede in that one bonus illustration. other than that I think maybe one old comic about ryo and yuri.
Ukee uma delisiaaaa
Why does Andy keep getting that shitty haircut that makes him look like he's balding?
What's with your obsession over Jennet not looking like a anime girl anymore?
Why is NRS terrible at face modeling? Their faces don't even look similar.
Seek help.
Ryo and Kyo in KOF98.
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She kinda looks like XIV Mary but a bit worse
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Cute tomboy
Ummm Terry bros????
Imagine how Mai will look.
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Not only him, Japanese fans also don't like B Jenet's macho face.
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Good thing it's only with Jenet
Nowhere there says it's because she looks like a man.
Ganryubros... Our response?
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Sure anon. Here's a cute Alice pic for them.
Terry is gay
Ling and Zero are the same person.
Japs have never seen a nordic woman in their life. Keep that kpop doll shit in gachas
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Ha ha me too, brother! Me too.

Ha ha
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Wait are we talking about spineless cuck ass "I refuse to touch pussy" Andy? Are you kidding me. If and I mean IF Andy where to settle down with Mai he would be more than happy to raise any black child she had, if anything, Andy would encourage her to sleep with more black men just so he wouldn't have to have sex with her. He is that much of a cuck.
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>an adult man saying "veggies"
>"Oh my... Poison will love to hear this."
Why did they cast the flattest girls to play them in the movies?
what happened to her face?
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No... This is not my hero anymore...
Glad to see my favorite girl is still cute as fuck.
Thanks, anon!
that's it, I'm going to post the punch
Tifa's punch
What's wrong with liking sandwiches?
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oh nonononono it's over terrybros...
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It doesn't look as macho in the official render, it nails the beautiful look they were going for.
I hope they fix her face to look more like this, it's safe to assume they didn't intend for her in-game look to be so ugly.
I still don't get it. How does she look so good in the render but so bad in game?
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What's ugly about this face exactly?
the month and chin are too wide, just look at the render, she looks completely different
No idea, maybe the trailer was using an older model.
Too wide, eyes are too far apart and too high up, and the jaw is too manly.
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They nailed the British slampig look honestly, face and all
I keep forgetting she's British. I don't think she even has an accent in the English dub unlike Billy. Then again, she didn't have one in Maximum Impact 2's dub either.
He also thinks Geese will be a playable boss character as """zombie geese""". who gives a shit what he thinks?
As >>495815693 she's supposed to be Bri'ish.
I mean, that doesn't seem too farfetched.
why do you guys care so much what Max thinks anyway
none of the other fighting game generals I frequent talk about Max as much as this one seems to
Would you rather have we talk about John Sex or Smug then?
Okay Max just go be a family man.
Anon, SNK already did it with Nightmare Geese, you really think they wouldn't "re-use" Geese's model in KoF XV?
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Too faggy
Wouldn't mind seeing "Psycho Soldiers" Athena's look come back, I think people had a bad impression about it because of the battle sprites and key art but she looks fine in the cutscenes and portrait sprite.
I mean, Grant is like, 100% gone. Vox's kit is almost identical just with a smaller guy. I really wouldn't be surprised if they have Marie replacing Geese in the same way.
Anon, "Nightmare Geese" does not exist canonically in Fatal Fury. Or KOF for that matter, anon.
They aren't reusing stuff from XV so why would they?
A bunch of retards here thinks the games having the same characters mean that they're porting them over despite the clear model and animation style differences. For some reason that only applies to SNK and not Capcom.
Said it on quotes for a reason.
Who said anything about canon?
But that's quite obvious if you ever touched XIV or XV, even the idle stance for the characters is new.
I wonder how Gaidel will interact with Heidern if he does end up being ressuracted, will they be friendly? Or have some animosity but keep it civil in a "you raised/is the bio dad of my daughter so I won't make a fuss but I'm not a fan of you" way? End up together somehow so Leona has 2 dads officially? Kill of Heidern since nobody died in this saga yet?
I can see why, though I still enjoy the thighs.
>But that's quite obvious if you ever touched XIV or XV

Yeah well, this is /neog/.

Yeah who said anything about canon...in a new canonical Fatal Fury game...
RB2 is canon and has non canon content as well.
Nothing stops Nightmare Geese to be dlc.
>RB2 is canon
We're not doing this again. It's mainline, not "canonical".
Splitting hair.
I guess 98 and 2002 are canon. I sure loved when the orochi team popped up there right after their death.
Except RB2 is canon as it introduces Rick, Alfred, Lao and Xiangfei.
Not really. Ling we see is Clone Zero, but there was once Ling who was not Clone Zero. He was killed and replaced cause NESTS needed an agent in enemy camp to manipulate events.
Kyo and Iori also appear in Hokutomaru's stage in Garou.
where do you find fics with premises as good as this? the only ones i found are either gay sex or have really weird premises like Joe and Billy fighting at taco bell or Lucky Glauber being a direct descendant of Orochi
how smart is Terry outside of fighting? he seems to be unable to cook as Rock does that for him but it might just be because he’s better at it than Terry, and i doubt he had time to go to school with his busy home life that consisted entirely of him beating up his brother and his master.
It's just a coincidence there was a guy called zero they could replace with a guy called zero?
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The two that I've posted weren't really based on anyone specific I don't think. It was just something the AI came up with. I did put in Dolph Lundgren but it doesn't really look like him. After doing it like 15 times just to see the difference and that's what made the 2 I've posted. The exact same prompt gave me this hilarious Venture Bros looking motherfucker too.
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also I found this in another thread and it killed me
This saga has made it clear they're not doing that to anyone other than one off final bosses
Gato's dad is Christiano Ronaldo.
Oh anon, I have some bad news for you...
How is anyone upset about this, it's the same old anime face in every japanese game, what's the problem
I remember years ago I read a fanfic about how Kyo and Yuki got together. It was pretty good. Too bad it's gone now.
Something about the lines look worse and the color seems more gray and less interesting, and whatever air brush he uses seems off too. He's been working in digital for years and years now though, so that's not the reason but it is worse. It's like he's using the same techniques with much shittier brushes and tools.
It lacks the cute cat face homogeneity that they expect from an anime adjacent art style.
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imagine Saigado porn with this AI
Weebs get immense butthurt when artists want to emphasize race differences instead of the moe formula
Nothing, it's just a retarded schizo complaining for the sake of it.
B. Jenet's face looks more mature now. It comes down to preference. I can see the west preferring that look more because of that. While in Japan they prefer her younger softer looking face, at least from what I've read in JP comments.
I think he was seen in Temjin's ending in AoF2 iirc, so he has some degree of schooling. Although that ending should probably not be taken too seriously. Tung may have taught him a thing or two, but who really knows. He's probably about as smart as the typical chill bum, so more street smarts than book smarts.
She looks fine but could be a bit better. I can see them giving her a more V face shape rather than being round shape. Small adjustments can be done.
AI truly is something.
Resident Evil Engine was a mistake.
Who knows? The only chicken who could possibly play Mai, body wise, would be Ava Devine due to her monster tits.
>So let's try to keep the conversation as normal as possible
no, dad
eddie murphy once tried to pick this up
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This. Most anime fans in modern day are losers virgins that can't take any female character with any actual definition/detail in their face(nor body). They all have to look in the same moe-blob, feature-less, alien-looking way.
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thay iz no waa een baw seng say
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I normally would agree but Jenet just looks weird
None of those characters but Alfred are of any worth. The latter got canonized in his own game.
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No, I will still keep saying that SNK needs to learn from Bamco and include more cunny in their games.
Looks like Gerard Depardieu
CoTW Mary will wipe the floor with SF6 Mary
Damn, this looks like ass
fucking kek
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So, Kensou has sex and then flies away like Iori in that one manhua?
That outfit might be too cozy for her to bring to COTW but I'd love for her to wear something like it, it's super cute.
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COTW is looking sick
>Even Ripper and Hopper have cosplayers
That's something that Kensou will definitely do if he fucked Athena.
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Please tell me the black guy in the yellow tank top is suppose to be Michael Max? I desperately need some hope.
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The Michael Max cosplayer's hair looks so pixelated. Also, why is the Franco Bash one cross-eyed?
Apart from Lao, all those characters are cosplayers. They're meant to look a little off compared to the genuine article.
Why did they gave the Andy cosplayer some fancy faggotry moves?
Do they know about the memes?
>Too pig
What does that even mean!?
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too pig -> 2 pig -> ni buta -> ni buta ni -> shinka nibutani
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she's cute but im not a big fan of her hair. it doesn't have the 80s frayed bangs that she has in the original
it's like the forgot how to do 80s hairstyles
how can they be that dumb
they need that one 80s anime fanartist's help
They did Andy so dirty in this shit.
When Mai releases, John Streets will be able to meet the real Andy, who will even teach him an exclusive new move, just like how Joe teaches the Hurricane Upper and Mary teaches the Vertical Arrow (and the M. Snatcher follow-up).
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I spent like the last 4-5 days non stop watching videos of martial arts, from boxing to krav maga to TKD to lucha.

And now I wonder, how it was possible that SNK and Capcom were aware of all those motions from so many martial arts.

Was the director of kof or SF a major fan of all those styles of fight?
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>Sokaku's cosplayer has some of the fattest tits in the entire World Tour
>snk's best current product isn't made by snk
sad innit
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Movelists has been updated with Mai, her anti air alongside her old DP is back.
>hidden gear
>not so hidden
lol secret agents team
>Brake symbol next to supers
SNK uploaded the CR7 teaser to their channel
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I recently got KoF XIII on my 64bit win 10 but it crashes when i try to run it. does anyone knows of the solution?

alt, does anyone has link to a steamless version of kof xiii? it should work on my 32 bit xp computer as long as steam isn't part of the equation.
I think the CR7 stuff will be just promotion or a mini game at most.
“Joins” in fighting game marketing means joins the rosters. Cope
Would he voice himself or would they get someone else to voice him like Lebron in Multiversus?
I forgot the only alt costume in this game is a pre-order bonus kek
w-who needs alt costumes, w-we can j-just mod them i-in, p-power to t-the people........
You mean Kaed(a)
Also cute. Make sure to keep him away from blond pirate women.
Shun'ei on his XV ending
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i want to play kof xiii

Given she travels around the world as a pirate, I doubt she kept her British accent by MOTW.
COTW visually looks great but face wise KOFXV Jenet and KOFXV Mai wipe the floor easily.
Even Jenet wouldn't try to /ss/ a physical god, r-right?
source of this interview?
So you can cancel a super into a super super, like climax canceling in XV.
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They put an SNK character in their game again and made him low tier LMAO
low tier is just a mental cope for not using a character.
is he really?
No but he seems just alright so far
I only read he is going to break the game, payforwin character and shit
They watched movies and martial arts tournaments as part of their research. It's not like this stuff was some obscure art practiced only by monks deep in the mountains.
They made power charge's input just be a quarter circle?
Try to lower the settings.
Terry is pretty strong from what I'm seeing. Not top tier, but definitely not bottom tier.
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this game already has more in-game outsideofgameplay dialogue than cotw
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First COTW guide?
>Sylvie's personal idol is Athena, and she ended up befriending Shermie somehow
Athena/Sylvie/Shermie could be a fun team in the next game, if CYS didn't start doing Orochi-related shenanigans immediately after getting revived (and also CYS separating temporarily, which between that and the previous thing I don't know which is more unlikely to happen)
Either way, could be "Team Superstars", but due to the circumstances I'm fine with it just being an edit team with a unique ending
>if CYS didn't start doing Orochi-related shenanigans
need an orochi exorcism character
who iori and yamazaki don't want the help of
that's not chizuru who is a sealant who protects grout
Dolores is a shaman, so she could technically do exorcisms. But she seems as useful as Nakoruru.
how do ilower the setting?
when i said the game crash when i run it i mean it- double clicking the exe file does nothing. its just, give the hourglass for quarter of a second and thats it.
is she, because as you said, she's as useful as nakoruru
just pointing at things and telling you what's there, almost like captain obvious
Search it up, you can lower the settings of steam games by messing with the files without having to run the game.
No, it's probably just gonna be like braking for regular moves, cancelling it so you can combo off of it. Will probably be useless for Kevin Rian if that's the case.
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16 hours until Franco Bash reveal
yay the 3 people who'll give a shit are gonna eat good
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We live in the tsuuuuuuuutimeline
Unironically, what would your reaction to Ronaldo being an actual character be? On hand, it's completely ridiculous and also there are a bunch of actual Fatal Fury characters who could be in instead, on the other hand it'd possibly be the most attention an SNK fighting game may ever get from people
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Depending on how things go, I'd think "You murderskullfucked Capcom and the rest, but at what cost?"
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COTW Final Boss
>you complain about coomers too?? we're on the same side, afterall -this final boss
what kinda life do people like this live to end up like this? He(?) clearly isn't mentally normal
Objectively it would be a horrible decision for the game itself, only selling out to boost the game's popularity.

But on the other hand, it IS really funny.
Not a fan.
My (high) expectations of the game won't change anyway.
Thank God that SNK is owned by Saudis.
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yeah thanks to them we're swimming in bikini costume alt-oh wait
we're not swimming in any alt costumes in general lol
huh wat u mean
we totally have..........terry!
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a septum piercing is another mark of "im actually fucking insane"
I have been personally tired of guest characters for over a decade now in almost all franchises and that won't change my negative opinion on it
It's more funny than anything
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Guest characters are fine as long they don't have too many of them. If Ken and Juri or Chun-Li show up in CotW I won't complain. Samurai Shodown 2019 had guest characters, but it didn't negatively affect the game. I don't see Ronaldo being just him in CotW, but rather VA some character.
Out of all the Guilty Gear characters Baiken probably makes the most sense for a guest character in Samurai Shodown.
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It seems to be a Michael Max reference. The character is so obscure that I don't think any noticed though.
Oda with Masami Obari.
The cosplays in the back look clean too.
Hide the kids, NOW
Masami Obari?! The legend himself! His works are a guilty pleasure for me.

Why are they flaunting their armpits?
what her main?
this, there's a man in drag in the monitor, but that's still an unsafe place for kids as that same drag queen will open up xis legs during storytelling time
kain will show up in a new game after 25 years in 4 hours
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Newfag here, which one is her DP ? Its pretty weird, checked all her move on the wiki... none looks like a DP. Sayo Chidori maybe ?
Hana Arashi, it's an old super she used to have.
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Fuckign hell

all star died for this
finally, you sprite fags get a sprite based kof game again lol
thank you brother. Pretty happy with everything she has beside Musasabi which is charge, hate this shit. At least it can be done as a divekick without charge so there is that.
2000 intro recreation with no K' and friends. Also, I see Shun'ei, Isla, Antonov, Malin, and Duck King in the background.
And it's NGPC sprites too.
>Pretty happy with everything she has beside Musasabi which is charge, hate this shit.
It has been charge since the start, you would be asking for the equivalent of Bison's command jump to be made into a motion input.
Also, another gacha that replaces 02 with 02UM
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You know who
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Looks like used the color edit for Mai.
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Will be funny to see the porn. He fucking Mai while Andy is watching, etc...
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Kinda man face
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>They said: beginning of 2025
>end of April
Hah lol
Never charge, Snk.
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My wife is so cute doing cosplay
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Kyo bros....
What function does the trigger buttons serve? They're hardly used for fighting games.
Betty is playing in this?
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looks like the kof95 italy dock
should have shown iori in million arthur and beni in that chink game
You just don't go from Kofas, so spend money and time, for that. I bet they used AI for this game, finished it really fast and now they are just testing waters. Well, we'll see.
This is /neog/ so /ourgirl/ is Harumi.
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I'm still mad they used her monster tits design instead of the classic one.
Same. XX Baiken was peak. Hate the titty monster design for her. I love big titty bitches don't get me wrong but making a character as cool as Baiken cater to coomers just feels so wrong. It's not like she wasn't hot already so I don't get the shift.
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I wouldn't be so mad had they not fucking gutted her movelist
I'd hate it. Make good games, not memes.
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the timeskip wasn't kind to Terry and Andy
SNK TGS Stream in less than 2 hours.

this mai actually looks like a hag
Damn this game looks beautiful
At least the tits are on point.
that and the tummy already makes this one of the best Mai version in decades.
I never wanted to play Andy in all the Kofs, but I would play him in COTW now if he was fat
Bro just play Chang or Cheng
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This. And with the legacy design we would still have tits.
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I mean, tits. Not lethal weapons.
>Kyo on cover
>no Terry
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>open stream
>certain retard is already shitposting in the chat
It's not just about being fat, but a character change. Andy has always been boring to me. Always running away from Mai, etc. What if Mai gave up on him, he got depressed, stopped training and got fat? (and it also affected his moveset). It's funny and sad at the same time. For me that would be interesting to play. Just saying. But NuSnk would never try something like that.
Rooflemongrel is Reddit personified. Worst unfunny poser in the scene
T minus 10 minutes until Ronaldo is revealed to be an actual character in the CoTW roster.
what the fuck is the translator lmao
better than nothing i guess
that's me, I'm Ken-sama
maybe... some of you... don't know much about this........ game.
and he's right
Why didn't they just do a precorded segment instead of having a translator lmao
Simultaneous translation is actually pretty hard.
Ronaldo when!?!
>They whacked the first translator
nigga got caned off the stage
the man needs some WATER
so they are giving [M] to Cotw.
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>Prease understandu
>SNK marketing
>You don't understand translator development
Pick one.

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>spics asking for Ronaldo
>spics asking for Metal Slug shit
>and then this shit-hand colored retard
So Ken and Chun-Li are the two cross overs. Cool.
Oh shit. So soon with crossovers.
Well that fucking sucks. Sorry Kim bros.
Here is your Season 1 guys
>SHIT Fighter characters wasting valuable slots
What a fucking absolute shit show
it was pretty much figured out by now. I'm just glad we dont have guess which or when.
So not only Kyo but also Ryu is getting erased I see.
Japan HATES jap protags, it's murican characters now.
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Color edit is nice. You know what would be nice too? Color edit in Kof15. You know, the most ambition Kof ever made. Their supreme masterpiece. Fucking fags.
nooo it needed to be Adon and Twelve, the iconic SF chars
Are they base roster or DLC characters?
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wait... are these two related?
Season 1 is 5 characters senpai, so the last one should be Yamazaki so he can be DLC for 3 games in a row now.
DLC, but remember that this game's DLC is "free" meaning that S1 is just shit they didn't finish in time that was supposed to be base game
>Fatal Fury
>>>/sfg/ >>>/fgg/
>Chun-li and Ken
Literally a mirror/rival of Mai/Terry

I'm still hoping they're not retarded and release the base game separately for 40-50.
You're gonna get Lice and Manure and you're gonna like it.
>5 DLC slots
>TWO already wasted on boring as fuck street fighter characters
>ronaldo wasting another slot
pack it up, game is fucking cooked
Remember that Rock is supposed to be the protagonist.
Why couldn’t it just be costumes? Their playstyles are boring as sin.
I wouldn't mind this stuff if the base Garou roster + the Fatal Fury mainstays everyone wants in were all in first
Ken makes more sense because of CVS between Terry and Ken. The only real question who was going to be the 2nd character. It was going to either Chun-li or Juri for a female character.
that's my main issue with this shit, they're boring as fuck
jubeifrauds btfo
why fg fags like this?
Ken and Chun are cringe. This sucks
I wouldn’t mind Balrog or Vega but why bring 2 all-rounders in a game where the protags are all-rounders
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>What you want, Capcom?
>And you, SNK?
Should have been Ichigo and Rukia...
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Guessing Ronaldo will be summer, so that leaves fall 2025 or early 2026 for other fatal fury characters
special snowflakes
20 minutes left
yeah bro, these characters totally won't take dev time that could be used to make other characters instead, retard
as if garou's (and aof) cast wasn't huge enough that some characters will be missing
The season pass is free anyway so it's fine for me.
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Posting Chun-li on /neog/ now

Fuck you lmao
>Red Bull gives you wings
>Spread the wings
Oda-san I kneel...
That game got made before Saudi's bought SNK and it shows like reusing models but making small changes. CotW shows the money really put by them. KOFXVI should have a bigger budget than KOFXV did.
Don't samefag your cringe shit opinions, idiot
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I just want to see Andy and Joe's designs. I'm going to throw myself off a building if they're actually wearing the shit they have on in that teaser image.
nice drone mentality
the season pass is part of the base game due to shit dev, just being slow drip to people to make it seem like they're being generous
everyone but american sports team lol!
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So this is what the oil money is going for?
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>Capcom had special art for Terry and Mai
>SNK just slapped on the SF6 renders
they're DLC and the devs didn't even finished the full base roster
imagine if they actually just copypasted those sf6 hyper realistic models and just stick it to cotw
>Vice and MAture
>"they are extremely popular"
LMAO even
I certainly want them
OOOHHH im understanding the CGI development now
this is not a meme


>shitty shoehorned SF boring ass characters in Garou
>only showing renders because they haven't even finished lice and manure
>not even a beta for garou 2 announced so it'll probably have a shit launch like UNI2
bravo SNK, my low expectations got shattered
Sorry, Chun is only into autists.
>didn't even finished
Shut the FUCK UP, retarded ESL
good thing no one here likes any SEGA or Atlus games
huh, i thought motion capture was outsourced to koreans
you think i could get some chun bbc porn made if i paid this guy?
Almost October and they are showing us models and motion capture. If you don't have a trailer at this point, you simply failed.
KOFXV’s open beta was announced in late october, br
No it was supposed to be Menat and Gill. To show the full roster, beta being available today with full roster on PC and CR7 being there showing us the game
>no playable jenet
why are they hiding her so much
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u want gamepray?
Where's my boy, Alfred?! Answer me, bitch! Oh, I get it! He's hiding here!!
idiot Tekken 8 and SF6 season passes were like 30-40.
how broken are you that you act like a complete faggot over free dlc,
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>share about samurai spirits
>no Kain trailer or any new character trailer
>somehow still no beta
>2 DLC wasted on Street Shitter
>a 3rd one likely also wasted if the Ronaldo thing is what we think it is

It's over.
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I feel like I'd be much happier had I never watched this special.
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>collab with Ronaldo
>Everyone on the streaming waiting for Ronaldo news

Classic SNK. Not even a 10 billion budget would make us not be disappointed.
Oda just wants to work and they dragged him there
shotoGAWDS won
For a moment SamSho was actually relatively popular and SNK couldn't stop gushing about much of a success the game was, they should've struck while the iron is hot and started working on a sequel
I think you are legit retarded, samefag
It was a fucking terrible stream
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Heh work hehe
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only retard here is you nigger
Technically pre-alpha gameplay
The schizo having a meltdown over good news is always funny. Weird that they chose Ken over Ryu but it's probably just because of Terry, still nice to have him and Chun. Also glad it isn't fucking Luke
The action SamSho game might work since the world is fit for it.
Imagine being schizophrenic enough that you can't simply wait 6 months
>Also somehow still no gameplay and not even renders for Vice/Mature even though they're 3 months until release
Jesus Christ. I'd rather they have not done anything at all at/for TGS than this.
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>Koshimizu Ami
>tfw not one Nushi was uttered
Although I could pick up a lot of Elda in her speaking voice.
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>Ken and Chun-li DLC in COTW
you lost the 90's fighting game wars, it's time to move on and accept Capcom and SNK like each other now and those Capcom players that bullied on also moved on too
I'm fine with Ken since he feels more of an actual character with a personality that you can play off with, especially with Terry. Chun-li is there because of her interaction with Mai.
I hope Chun-Li gets more /ss/ fanart, she is ripe for it.
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Not the worst thing ever but damn I wish SNK would learn no one cares about the behind the scenes shit and concept art or incomplete models, they want finished products, gameplay, fucking something to get the that little dose of serotonin and keep coming back for more. Have something worth showing off or don't show anything at all. Doing stuff like this while everyone else is busting out big reveals back to back just kills potential interest.
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Is SF6 Terry similar to CvS Terry? Is it safe to assume that Cotw Ken would be similar to SvC Ken?
it's FF Terry
Who knows, I don't play SF Dix, but as broken as SvC was thr Capcom characters looked super cool in SNK's style, at least to me. I kinda wanna see how Ken and Chun-Li will play
I really thought the Cristiano Ronaldo crossover would have been talked about at TGS.

Now I'm starting to think it might actually be him in the game, and not some new character that has his likeness.
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>People honestly expected SNK not to pay Capcom back by trading guest characters
Reminder that SNK still hasn't fixed the regional pricing for COTW. Majority of spicland will simply not buy it.
It's funny because you know the majority of people were expecting a character trailer, news on a beta, and something on the Ronaldo thing. And somehow, some way, we got absolutely zero on any of that. The first 2 being the most devastating.
Calm down anon, you will probably have your "hype" content for your favorite streamer to do a react slop video soon. The game is still like 7 months away.
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The wait for S2 of the new show will be painful, I need to hear Holo say Nushi or make her excited dog noises
? Unless you're Chilean or live in a world where the economy isn't fucked for everyone
Well, to be fair, sometimes SNK does crossovers in weird way. Geese was in Tekken 7, yet Tekken characters only got into KOF gacha made by third party, not the main game. Not to mention all the other games that had Terry, Mai, Kula, Iori...
>Vice and Mature show zero cleavage
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>KOFXVI should have a bigger budget than KOFXV did.
Anon... If COTW is successful (like +1.5 million copies sold) then we won't have Kof16
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They should have put Ken, Chun-li and Luke as a team in Kofxv and left the dlc slots for Fatal Fury characters only. Oda is a fucking retard holy shit. I want to punch in the face.
you are retarded
Guest characters aren't always a trade thing, like Baiken in Samsho, or Geese in Tekken like the other anon mentioned.
Regional price bums want the game for half the price like Strive
Downloadable Content Character 1 (summer 2025)
Downloadable Content Character: Ken (summer 2025)
Downloadable Content Character 3 (fall 2025)
Downloadable Content Character: Chun-Li (winter 2025)
Downloadable Content Character 5 (early 2026)
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Yeah. But at least they will adapt everything.
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Why didn't they add it........
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Ha ha imagine companies trading characters for sexo ha ha
How can a company be so vague yet so transparent at the same time? They announce so much shit frustratingly prematurely and then clarify nothing about it for months or even years. It's probably going to be over half a year before we even see anything of these two dipshits, and we don't have any clarification on that ronaldo shit.
what so people can still complain about having to learn 3 characters despite it being 3 characters they should be very familiar with?
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We already know which DLC slots Ken and Chun-Li will be taking. Ken will be part of DLC 1/2 in the summer, while Chun-Li will be DLC4 in the winter. That, by itself, is pretty revealing.
Downloadable Content Character 1 (summer 2025)
Retard ESL
stay mad
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just live your life, it's just 6 months
Stay ESL (Which might as well be retarded)
not butt is safe around that man
I can not wait to Shoryuken, Tatsumaki and Hadouken with Ken in COTW. How thrilling. Thanks, Oda
Darn SNK must be REALLY desperate for a success if they're announcing/having 2 crossovers and potentially a 3rd months out from their new game's release. Before even a beta and before they even revealed the rest of the characters.
These are the sort of things you announce early to pour gas on the fire while people are still getting excited. Just being able to openly confirm that Ken and Chun-Li are happening is pretty big.
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>all I wanted was a Freeman/Kain/Gato reveal
>stream was absolute boring shit that reeked of SNK not having anything ready to show
better to do that early when you still have eyes on the game. like i hope this game does well but like a year from now the only people playing this will be snk fans, thats when you add stuff for them
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They're a company, anon. At the end of the day, they're marketing a product. A product that I, personally, love and want to succeed. Unfortunately, in real life, just being good product doesn't guarantee success as well as it should. You, sadly, gotta give the people what they want, keep them fed, make them feel good and keep them coming back for more. Spin it negatively if you want but hype is good for business. Hype brings in new customers. Hype gets people talking and keeps them talking and those conversations bring in even more customers. A bunch of renders and unfinished models is the stuff you show off in the extras menu that only a handful of autists care about. Now, don't misunderstand, I don't want them to fully appeal to the lowest common denominator. Just look at what happened to guilty gear once they went down that pipeline. But I do feel SNK needs to learn how to play the field a bit better than they do. They don't seem to know how to really market as well as they could, I've noticed this especially when XV was coming out. They're game-makers, good ones too, despite what doomposters try to say here but they desperately need to learn how to learn the crowd and also learn how to sell like their competitors if they really want to become a true AAA company within the next few years. I want them to improve and succeed in all fields and a low-energy stream with nothing to really show compared to the competition who are in the midst of dropping exciting trailers is just not the way to do that. That's all I'm saying.
>they desperately need to learn how to learn the crowd and also learn how to sell like their competitors
Case in point >>496064084
There was no new gameplay from either 15 nor COTW, somehow. Don't even know how with Vice/Mature. Not even their renders, nor still a date.
No beta announcement either
Most of the Garou roster can’t even crack 500k views. The collabs need to be revealed before launch
I'll finally play Ken and Chun without that disgusting slime system
Will they ever fight against each other again bros...?
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>I can not wait to Shoryuken, Tatsumaki and Hadouken with Ken in COTW.
>new console in 2021
Honestly a new console these days is economically unviable, unless it brings a complete and different feature. Maybe it was a retro console. And they just said "new" to get people's attention.
>Goenitz movie in 2022
Sad that it was canceled. The trailer showed that they had already done a lot. Our best chance is that it leaks. Until then, it's a lost media.
>more free chatacters coming in KOF XV
It was really disappointing to only have 2 Boss Challengers. You just don't add that mode to a game and give up at the beginning, unless the director tells you to jump to another game. Right, Oda?
>metal slug 8 SOON
Must have put it on hold after the Saudi prince thing. that purchase really changed all their plans. for better or worse.
Between Marco, Ryo, Ryu, Ken, and Andy who is the most shoto?
Okay. I'm going to fuck you in the ass with my futa cock everyday for 6 months. Don't worry, anon. it's just 6 months.
Never ever they're not blondes
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Are we really going to have to wait all the way until The Game Awards to see a new character trailer?
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>It's Tokyo Game Show 2025
>Oda announces the next season of characters for City of the Wolves
>The guest character is Maxd00d
I'm so tired of crossovers. It's so sad that no franchise is safe from this shit anymore and this soulless practice has only ramped up in recent years.
no, I'll reveal the new character in my pool party this weekend
>Max gets Ken AND Rock in a single game again

Companies are getting back into the spirit of cooperation again after the pandemic. A rising tide lifts all boats, and all that.
Game Awards trailer announces the Terry Bogard Funko Pop and Oda comes on stage to say they're planning a new Last Blade (to be expected in 2044)
Week afterwards they randomly drop a trailer for Kain and Gato.
The character I want the most is Alfred and I doubt he will make it to the first season but I can't be mad a this. Should be fun to try SF characters with FF gameplay just like it was fun to try Terry on SF6
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You know, a pool party for 30th anniversary, with cosplayers recreating pic related wouldn't be such a bad thing for SNK to do.
I miss companies being confident in their own characters. Just make appealing redesigns for your back catalogue instead of baiting Brazilian Kens
Think of it as paying respect to your colleagues in other companies.
Couldn't be me, I fucking hated everybody after I quit
I know they’re are fans of each other’s works unlike soulless cross media Tekken collabs but it still feels like desperation to get their foot in the door. Keep that shit in CvS3 and respect the canon a bit
Just a little inside heads-up:
The rest of season 1 are guest characters as well.
In case anyone missed it, they also announced a balance patch for KOFXV
la isla not so bonita
Looks like a character from that short lived show the PJs.
I don’t know who will make the next CvS game, but I do know one thing, it will look like ass.
Did SNK had motion capture before? Nice to see they are redoing Vice and Mature's animations
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>DLC wasted on Street Faggot characters that are pointless because Capcultists won't play anything without a Capcom logo nor Street Fighter in the title
>tfw you see something that’s not Fatal Fury
If Vice doesn’t have a crazy idle stance, is there really a point?
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Not true I'll play the game in 2025 once Chun comes out
>Buff Isla even more
>Nerf Darli and Billy
Jokes aside I really want them to give some big buffs to the Samsho characters and some small ones to the other characters that are pretty bad
BillyGODS... Our time is now.
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>SNK half assedly showing that Vice and Mature aren't even complete
LMAO, this is like me back in the day showing incomplete homework and expecting a passing grade
where ronaldo?
Behind you.
>Another game where i will have to deal with Chun-Li's throw loops.
So that's it for TGS?
Did you rike it?
Is COTW going to die within a year after it's release?
Depends on what you consider "dead"
a few hundreds of players playing the game
I feel like around 500 seems like a good bet unless the online is shit or the game simply happens to be THAT good.
Not even KOF XV reached that low yet.
Americas: kinda
Asia: no
EMEA: yeah
Ken's not seriously gonna be using that dogshit SF6 design in COTW, right?
Ofcourse it would be Capcom that still remembers/gives SNK Black American chars some love while SNK goes out their way to bury them & replace them with corny third worlders like Marco. Like it still boggles the mind that a game set in south town has no playable Black American chars. Like imagine the next gta that is set in vice city simply had no black peds. But ofcourse we got to make room for Brazilians like Marco and most likely some capoeira dork. Lame.
And you get to play it as much as you played the previous sprite based KOFs!
>Ken and Chun-li in COTW because of Maxshillian
Fgc is dead
>2 players
Must be Oda and some anon here
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I think games should at least get their core rosters into the game before getting to guest characters, not surprised at CotW having SF characters but wasn't expecting them this early on and seemingly before characters most people expected to be there from the start
Kim bros are probably out, I'm wondering if Gato's dad will even be in the base roster at this point
It's DLC, so if KOFXV is anything to go by it'll probably come with a legacy outfit for free.
>Mai has a new stance
Interesting. I dunno if I prefer it.
>with a legacy outfit for free.
Mai’s legacy outfit, however, is not selectable besides a three second super.
SNK buckles under pressure easily, if people are already asking for it they'll probably add it eventually
Maybe for a price though lol
In hindsight, I suppose any character trailers would have been overshadowed by the announcement of the SF characters.
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>u want gamepray?
LOL at the reused asset flip argument.
>tease something Ronaldo-related right before this
>don't show or even talk about Ronaldo, talk about SF guest characters but also don't show anything about them either
They might as well have not been at TGS honestly
>Darn SNK must be REALLY desperate
Bitch, SNK has infinite Saudi money for the next decade. How many times do I need to keep telling you. God it's so fucking hilarious seeing your panic that you can no longer doompost about SNK anymore.
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Behind the scenes teasers are amazing though as they get people excited and serve as archived character development. Sucks to be you anon.
I wonder if that Ronaldo trailer was supposed to be shown at TGS originally, but it was released early for some reason.
I like her new hair and I'm happy Mature doesn't look like she didn't sleep for two days like in XIV.
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I'm not so keen on how slim Vice's face is, but it's still alpha development so we shall see what the final result looks like when the time comes.
Looking closely, I can also see Dolores, Raiden, Tizoc, Hwa Jai and Tung on the background
I don't get why this game looks so much better on these offscreen photos compared to trailers. Maybe it's youtube fucking with the bitrate?
How would you guys feel about an actual story mode for KoF? Like instead of picking one team and fighting beginning to end with them until you get their ending, the team you fight with is chosen by the story and changes each fight (mostly) to complement the story itself, like other fighting games' story modes do. Of course the classic mode would still exist it just would be separate from the main story mode
I personally think having cutscenes and story-based dialogues would help in the storytelling, also allows for all the teams to have a spotlight in the story instead of being more or less filler (very important and iconic filler, but filler nonetheless)
On the other hand it heavily relies on the storytelling being... good, which is pretty up in the air even for someone who enjoys the story a bit
Multiple people have outright said the game looked significantly better in person and in pictures than it did with video.
It is kinda weird that Terry has more stuff in sf6 compared to this
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I'd give a fuck about guests in Fatal Fury if they weren't focusing so much on FF and focusing more on KOF, their fucking flagship. Is it gonna get Ryu? Akuma? Anything?
After Marvel Future Revolution I'm not giving those chucklefucks another chance.
You were supposed to go to Cygames or Bandai, even gumi would have been better.
>shut down kofas
>make more mobile kof slop
so much for being better than snk
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I mean...
SF uses 6 buttons so everyone is going to have more moves by default.
>im ukranian please give us weapon
SNK probably wants Fatal Fury to be their flagship again. Hence why they're giving Terry and Mai so much attention.
Little late for that. Especially when it's only popular in america.
Watching the tgs thing Oda said the SNK staff wanted Rolento and Sodom but they now more people would be happy with characters like Ryu, Ken, Chun-li and Guile.
Sodom is one of the characters I want the most to come back in a SF game so it's nice to see that they have good taste.
Art of Fighting bros... when will it be our time...
"Hey, Ken. It's me, Terry. It's been 20 years."
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I should say by that I meant, KOF is massive in Latin America and basically ALL of Asia, and just doesn't have any hold in the US, where as FF does. FF is popular in Japan, but so is KOF. I would always bet on the series with a larger following if I were SNK. Like shit even the saudis love KOF don't they?
But yeah, that one KOF97 tournament from the late 2000's has never been beaten in terms of viewership, it had like 500,000 people watch it cause the chinese went apeshit for that.
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"Hey, Mai. It's me, Chun-li. It's been 20 years."
I bet the SF6 guys tried to get Luke and Kimberly in initially
Which KoF characters are recommend for someone coming from Tekken?
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Rugal because I am biased.
Maybe they will do a timeskip and merge it back into Fatal Fury since it was a prequel, seeing older versions of the characters could be fun too
Which characters do you like to play in Tekken anon?
I mostly play Armor King, Shaheen and Paul
For City of the Wolves at least, give Kevin Rian a look
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So, this hag is SNK related now?
Clark might be a good choice for you
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Never, nu-Capcom hates Ryu as much as nu-SNK hates Kyo.
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Thank you anons
>Rolento and Sodom
I hate how shoto normalfags have collabs in a stranglehold. This would have been sick
>king flirting with fucking yashiro
SNK would love Kyo as much as they did back then if Kyo's latest game didn't only sell 9k.
They're just not recognisable enough. Harada wanted Big Bear for Tekken 7 but others had to persuade him to go for Geeze instead too.
Clark, Ralf, Hinako
Even if SNK does not love Kyo I will always love him
>Big Bear
People actually like this character?
Wasn't it Yamazaki?
But good taste means nothing if you end up choosing a shoto.
He was Fatal Fury's trademark grappler
Also to my understanding pro-wrestling culture was huge in Japan at the time, he likely appeals to that generation of people as well
We know, Iori.
Chizuru's tits are fatter than Mai's?
The fact that Ken is a guest in Fatal Fury is surprising since usually it's Ryu or Akuma who get all the guest appearances.
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*Guitar melody*
What's so funny?
He's laughing at how Capcom and SNK are pandering to him.
This is the third time in relatively short succession that Max has screamed like a bitch at the sight of an announcement that personally caters to him. First time was the Marvel collection, second was the Capcom Fighting Collection 2 with CvS 1 and 2, and now he's cumming at the thought of Ken, Terry, and Rock in a single game again.
Why would subhuman zoomies watch this talentless soulless husk of a man? Everything he does and says is 100% fake. He is not good at any videogames. His only purpose is not even to have fun playing vidya and make money at the same time, it's just marketing marketing and more marketing. Everything that comes out of his mouth is to sell something. Jesus Christ
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Hopium or copium?

Tekken peaked at 8K yesterday...
Would on screen Mai SEXO make COTW sell a million copies?
i mean, that looks better than their xiv face by miles, but it's just a solidified no texture display
i think they still need to work on noses but it's not so visibly egregious rn unlike b."could pass for the frontman from dead or alive (the music group)" manny
also need to learn how to not make sharpie eyebrows
the lips don't look like mr. potato's at least and the hair looks like it's actually coming from a source on the head

but lmao all you guys got as a presentation were jpegs and even then the capcom dlc ones weren't even made by snk themselves lmaooooo

also lmao at people butthurt about guest characters, i warned you about getting cocky bro lmaoooooo
I wasn't expecting Ken tho
Ken has tons of chemistry with Terry, same as Chun-Li with Mai. Also, he can provide a variant on the shoto playstyle thanks to his crazy kicks and emphasis on his DP, providing a nice contrast to Marco.
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ken's close enough to my supposing it would most likely be boringryu
and chun
but juri would have gotten a bigger pop
Announcing Juri would've been weird when they've yet to confirm a Kim.
>Ken and Chun-Li will be limited to three supers: two normal supers with two strength variations, and their Hidden Gear
Pick 'em.
maybe they should stop with the drip feed over characters we have already seen in the past two years then and just only release special dedicated trailers for characters who are returning after a long absence from public view or are completely new or are crossover characters
but what about their special moves
certainly you can't let capcom upstage you by giving terry so much of what he's had throughout his entire career
>maybe they should stop with the drip feed over characters we have already seen in the past two years then and just only release special dedicated trailers for characters who are returning after a long absence from public view or are completely new or are crossover characters
My guy, this will be the first Fatal Fury in over 25 years. For a not insignificant chunk of the scene, EVERYONE in CotW will be brand new.
>For a not insignificant chunk of the scene
you have a point that even i would have made, but it's still tacky
I don't expect a new KOF game for at least another 4 to 5 years. SNK will be busy with this game, Samurai Shodown Action game which they are hiring and the new AoF game.
KOFXV is still active, and it's more than clear that SNK is on the road to revitalize their IPs with new games. We won't see a new KOF for a while.
Well, Kinnikuman was also in its heyday like a few years earlier.
I think it's good to give KOF some time. I don't want XVI to be just a way better version of XV
What would you guys prefer for a new AoF game? A regular sequel from where the series left off or maybe a Garou version of AoF featuring a time-skip and all that?
Kind of a reboot like Samsho
There's no point in yet another 2D fg.
Reboot AoF as a 3D fg like Tekken and make it take place at the same time as FF.
I would rather AoF turn into a beatem, having FOUR fighting games to juggle around seems pretty pointless and AoF was the worst of SNK's main fighting games.
I dunno if AoF can compete with Tekken, i'm not even sure if it'd outpace VF.
At that point you might as well just finish the Maximum impact lineage
"behind the scenes" and roundtables are only good when you already properly revealed the thing with a proper trailer and marketing. It's a good way to keep momentum AFTER the fact and during marketing downtime.

This trend of using boring discussions and concept art to FIRST REVEAL something is painfully horrendous for marketing and I don't fully understand why so many companies keep doing this stupid shit. It's just bad. Seriously if you don't have anything to actually show you are better off not showing it. Marketing people and publishers need this shit drilled into their skull, there is no worse way to reveal or tease something. it comes off as "we don't want to show anything yet but the publishers/powers at be are forcing us to come here to show SOMETHING"
Buriki Two, we need more Mr Karate Ryo
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>You can brake Shining Knuckle and other supers for other characters
When did they add this? This actually sound fun.
>beat em up
LMAO, those games are a relic of the past with 0 replayability
I know we have like one single autist that keeps coming up with that retarded idea but still
Hack 'n slash then?
SNK platform fighter.
Then what would you do with Art of Fighting? Because they're making a big mistake if their big brained idea is to bring it back as a fighting game when there was a reason the series bit the dust sooner than even Fatal Fury did.
They survived in the form of Hack'n Slashs and Musous, which now that I'm thinking about it, could make for some fun SNK games, "Fighter Warriors" or whatever
Clearly AOF needs to be an open world game
Merge Art of Fighting into Fatal Fury and you are peachy, it's already a prequel and Garou also has some references to it it would be so easy to add some more AoF characters or new characters related to AoF into a new game
Make a secondary protagonist to Rock that is like, the child of Robert and Yuri or Ryo and King
I would actually be happy with an Athena platform game
SNK mascot horror.
3D or 2D platformer?
I'm all for story modes but I know SNK does not have the budget to do it properly. Also KOF has so many characters that it would be hard to juggle them efficiently.

There's also the issue that the modern audience wants fully animated 3D models for their cutscenes but personally for me I am happy with just Visual Novel portraits and text. But I'm in the minority. Also I think fighting game story modes shouldn't be linear cutscene fests and the occasional battle like Netherrealm, but something more gamey and RPG like, for example a world map and pick places to go to to activate certain events
3D. Maybe something like Alice Madness Returns but better
>but I know SNK does not have the budget to do it properly
just weird to say this in a general where anons have celebrated snk having access to infinite sowdey monies as a safety net
but that's all it is, is a safety net, not a big carte blanche budget
>Ken and Chun Li announced as DLC for COTW
>80% of the people "hype" are SNK fans
>Barely any Capcuck talking about it but Maxishillian DOOD
>Street Fighter reddit didn't even mention it at all.

It's over. DLC wasted on capcultists and zoomers who don't give a shit about any other 2D FG(or any FG in-general) not Street Fighter. And even then it still had to be dumbed down complete with Modern(disabled) controls to attract most of them.
They've briefly mentioned in the evo stream that AoF's "70s glory" will be back which pretty much confirms no Garou-like time jump. It has to be right after AoF2 at the latest (1979).

Also, yeah, I wonder if they'd try to make it a 3d fighting game to differentiate it from the others. There are pretty much no 3d fighting games right now either aside from Tekken.
The 3rd Strike discord talked about it if that makes you feel better.
>70s glory
which nation's 70s are they even meaning here
aof doesn't come off as 70s usa to me so they must mean something else
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>shinkiro isla
that's an old pic
>Barely any Capcuck talking about it but Maxishillian DOOD
They're still on day 2 of Terry in Street Fighter 6 and chewing the cud on that one.
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>chewing the cud
capcom characters getting in other games is just another day for them

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