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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1336
Draph Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2, and Illgames' Summer Vacation Scramble (SVS, which is basically AA3).

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>SVS installation:
SVS BetterRepack R1: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4173250

>SVS mods:
Tekito Mod: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/113524273
PoV Mod: https://github.com/Junh2x/SVS-3rdPOV-Plugin
Slider Unlock: https://files.catbox.moe/ng95st.7z
HF Patch (up-to-date mods and translation): https://github.com/ManlyMarco/SVS-HF_Patch/releases
CheatTools: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionCheatTools/releases

>SVS Cards:

Previous Thread:
>Artificial Academy 2 General
>SvS OP pic
of Pure.
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Patreon only
I miss aa2...
It's ok it will just get ported into SVS.
That's not what I want.
You misunderstand, that wasn't something you can choose.
I still don't want that. AA2 can't be replaced.
I'm afraid it might be too late to stop it.
But on the bright side, AA2 will be fondly remembered and possibly still enjoyed by retro enthusiasts. All the personalities/assets will eventually made their way into SVS or its sequel(s?), while KK is going down as the biggest villain among the Illusion/Ill Games community.
Confront 0%
Oooh, better luck next time little shitposter.
Hardly an assumption, voicefiles related to bath were already datamined and are in the game, they just cut the feature to sell it in DLC
It certainly won't be Ill Games doing it mind you, I mean mods of course.
If you mean the second part, eh maybe that only applies to SVS anons
>retro enthusiasts
what the fuck
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female nigger
It's ten years old, and ILLUSION design has always been 10 years too late (in the very least).
From a gameplay perspective, AA2 is 20 years old, and SVS is 10.
There's a reason why we had to mod in a whole lot of stuff into it until we felt like it was a good game.
okay, fine. Fuck.

>SVS is 10
holy shit SVS is underaged...
It can't be replaced, but it can be superseded. Despite that, it's not like there won't be people who'll end up preferring AA2 for some personal sake. Jury-rigging a good card together, appreciation for its longevity in eroge board culture (remember when people used to scare people on /v/ with the "dolphin trojan" repo rumor), or some other important metric that keeps them tied to it.

Old games aren't just jossed to the wayside. AA2's a better showcase than one would imagine in appreciation keeping something alive for longer than its era of release. And yeah, it'll suck seeing thread focus drift away from it, but the love for AA2 is a part of SvS too. Resentment for that fact is easy since it feels like it takes away "love" from AA2, but progress within SvS only got this far as quickly as we did from that love to begin with.

It always be there for us, is all I can say. Which is a nice thing to remember in case SvS somehow shits the bed on DLC release.
I really do hope someone appears who can crack open IL2CPP completely. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and astounded by how much has been done in just under a month, but stuff can only really go so far with it and I don’t think it’s very well understood at all
That's not exactly how il2cpp works but you could keep modding the game regardless, given enough autism.
Yeah, sorry, I don’t understand any of that stuff. I really wish I could help and I want to do something but I know absolutely nothing ;__;
they took it out to do less work. what makes you think they are going to put it back in
They wouldn't record or keep voicelines if they weren't ready
Also, it's not taking any effort at all, they had bathhouses in every other game(KKS and HC at very least both had them, i doubt they will add any depth beyond voicelines, one animation and one interaction)
When are the Studio and new personalities coming out?
Studio is coming out on the 25th I assume JST and more personalities date might be announced Friday, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t.
>they are already trying to spin the whole il2cpp thing back up
post girls!!!
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I'd like to light her fire and sizzle some meat inside of her
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I see no problem with this.
don't bother, he's trying to stir shit
One must feel the warmth from within to feel it without
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I got the captcha wrong five times
You need to praise it first to raise your chances, then talk to it a little, start slow and you will dick down the captcha in no time.
choco 16
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Captcha changes, you-know-what needs to be updated.
See pic.

stop posting this shit

keep posting this shit
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>no I am not trying to start a franchise war. Take your meds.
Are female clothes slots 123 and 124 for AA2 public? I've seen a few cards using those slots and they were not listed in the reference doc.
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Those cards were probably made before CCC. You can check its mega to find the slot restoration cards

nobody cares about aa2 anymore. we're all here for SVS
Ah, didn't think to check down there. Thanks.
this is aa2g chucklefuck. go to the svs thread
exactly. oldfags need to get over it. your general was barely alive before svs.
it's barely alive now
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here is your obligatory "why are you talking to yourself very obviously, you stupid fucking ape?" post.
You're welcome.
Hey i work hard for these (You)'s
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Good night

yah uh
my cards are undoubtedly the best most cutest cards ever made

no you can't see them

you'll just have to trust me
I made this post
Are we being raided?
no I did liar
If I can't see them, they don't exist.
damn bro that's deep....
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How do I go about making a slut that will fuck anyone but never fall in love?
Ask your mom
Trying SVS for the first time, is it normal for it to take ages to load after having all the 24 characters in place? I am still waiting...
Modules; bully, ambusher, brute, semen demon, nympho etc etc
Tekitomod 1.0 had the issue that you couldn't mix unmodded and modded cards
no nigga what are you doing, that shit is almost as bad as vanilla KK when all slots are on.
But why?
Update Tekito to 1.0.2, see if that helps.
update your Taquito mod
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Natural combination of a super serious character in a goofy costume, or alternatively some weird meme considering the existence of other character variations.
There's actually been a more recent update that fixed a few more things while adding some other parts:
We are talking about the same update number, I'm just retarded.
>1.0.2 -> 1.02
Creepy yandere sniffing you when starting forced H is hot
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very cute
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holy based

he did what we're all thinking
The post that saved /svsg/
nvm im killing myself goodbye
Nice. Just like what SVS did to AA2 thread
What they didn't realize was that the blood was not Chibiko's.
>kkfags think they are keeping the thread alive
my dick is already down
another female nigger
it is your greatest achievement today that you found them!
Tomorrow we will get raided.
Although personally I'm still happy about the studio release.
Once again, discord has killed this general even with the release of SVS.
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What does that mod even do?
It's a timezone thing, the discord goes silent at around the same times.
dead general
Silent not really, but also that's the kkcord not the svs one. Get a load of the map planning.
>KK and KKS maps
Fucking rip. SVS is just going to kill it without mercy
>AA and AA2 maps
But not without a sacrifice... oh well, difference is that people will still play this for unique interactions not present in SVS, or very different artstyle. KK doesn't get this privilege.
The highest pitched Minna you ever did hear.
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Have you considered
The thought was about to pass my mind, but Pure interrupted.
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Devilish is just much more powerful as a maid, I'm afraid of her.
>KKS map pack
Holy my dick once it happens
Also how hard is it to make own maps? It might become next level roleplaying for one theme classes
Doesn't seem to be too harsh if you are familiar with Unity
I moved PCs and now my mod cards don't work. Neither my old folder I copied over nor a fresh install.
have you tried: an actual skin colour
Port in the entire map of skyrim.
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Okay. Most appearance mods are working. One of my cards seems to be busted - it and the backup copy are missing all but one override.

But a big thing is that the additional personalities aren't working. This turns half my class into the vanilla "Sweet" personality.
Who are the meme girls?
registry fix? new version of windows?
Registry fix? I'm running the win10fix script like the guide says but if there's something else I'm missing...
who gets to decide who is a meme girl?
The Council.
fuck off
who are the council?
the only meme girl there is kasetsu.
New game, new meme girls.
ok but why are they meme girls?
I got most of the personalities working by installing the C4 ppx from the mediafire folder. Doesn't fix all of them but it's enough I can put together a class that doesn't used the bugged cards
Ok. Justify all of these being meme girls except Kasetsu
The middle Devilish sure i can see being a meme girl, but why the others?
Anon decided they are.
I just assembled girls often posted in thread
>often posted in thread
That's only the middle one.
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Remember what they took from you
What did he do to deserve this?
Are you from /kkg/?
They’re all made by people who are/were regularly in the thread but only one of them is really posted often. Others maybe once every other thread at best
Real question is why one of the meme girls is MALE.
And looks like a mascot character.
Define meme girl
Kill all the meme girls
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Meanwhile all I want to know is how they're porting new accessory items into the game so I can help with the porting process. I've tried bros, I've really tried. I'm already working my actual job and making my own game, so I don't have time to navigate around and try to find out more since both discord communities are saying modding is impossible while madlads are literally posting progress on their mods daily on here, i've failed

Anyway, my game will be fully moddable and I've asked my co-dev if we can squeeze on a moddable waifu maker toward the end of development, so I won't disappoint on that front at least
Ask the mod makers directly.
Is your game gonna be only for 64 bits computers yes or no
Jesus, anon, what prehistoric box you have?
just some 32 bits junk
I'm trying to earn money to buy a new one
Haha I made it as a joke...I hope to see more cute girl posters
Sorry for my mistake. I should add another girl instead of chiikawa
thank you, I appreciate it
>both discord communities are saying modding is impossible while madlads are literally posting progress
That's not the discord saying it, that's a bunch of rabid KKnigs, probably one or two at best. One of them is a legit failed modder either way.
All the mods posted so far were from the kkcord or chinesecord.
Who is they?
>implying those weren't alts of said modders
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>there is a sex dungeon ending
I mean there would be no point in developing the mods after pulling that shit.
Only thing that stinks is how the global-metadata crack came from a literal who while the big names were barely trying before it happened.
will there ever be harderlinker updates that aren't copy pasted textures in different folders?
It's the killing ending, the dialogue is now worded differently and it sounds like you are getting abducted.
which to be fair makes more sense given their intention is to keep you with them, although they should still kill the other girl
>barely trying before it happened
Exactly, that's why. They'd rather put effort into tactically delaying it hence they use supposed unrelated accounts to not sully their "big names"
But the moment some chinese/korean modders displayed results, the patreoncorders went scrambling to show minimal effort with some token of display: we're doing something too don't forget about us!
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>rape bad!!!!!!
>murder is fine though
she can abduct us both, it would be a start of something beautiful and hot
Rape is bad because it can involve forced hand holding, while murder prevents people from holding hands without being in a relationship in the future
God I love moral double standards. How did we survive so long by unironically believing this shit? I have yet to figure out this part.
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Slider unlocker is one hell of a drug.
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Yes the patreoncord
The main pet peeve is kkcord, they'll tell you they're different from svscord but truth is they created the new one for damage control and to control both sides.
did you just
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You are completely schizophrenic
Sorry Anon, we’ve got no idea either because the people who have been porting have kept it a pretty big secret, and people can’t really just do stuff the same as KK since it’s a different engine which nobody knows how to use
But I have hope we’ll be able to eventually! Nobody thought we’d get this far, so I’m sure it can happen!
I’m talking as if I know anything about the programming or modding, which I don’t. AA2’s more of my thing. But still, I want to believe!
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wtf kojimbo works as Ill Games now?
if he was the game would've be better and fixed
and proper aa3
And have 10 hours of cutscenes and a completely incomprehensible story and all the celebrities he’s friends with
Yes but we get Pure the Ripper.
SVS is like Bannerlord is to Warband
And vagina bombs.
Talewords actually took fuck ton of modded content and incorporated into the successor game not like illgames didn't do that like the primitive pushup and primitive version of abmx
Studio was a ruse
The only real meme girl isn't even in this picture

>b-but anon default girls can't be m-mem
Hush. No one cares about your slut compared to Pure.
I guess illgames forgot
>non-oc as a meme girl
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More likely than you think!
hello newfag
Somebody post the meme girl chart
To be fair it's 2am in Japan
it was stupid then and it's still stupid now
how so
no excuses
what's stupid is you being so serious about something as silly as "meme girls"
3am now
um, hello?

Meme girls are serious business??
I like this one
>big boobs or small boobs
what about medium boobs...?
I like medium boobs
>tfw i coined the term "meme girls" years ago and it's still a thing now
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add this one :^)

they all look like shit
all those faces of the dead

how many of them are even still around?
none of them
thats kind of sad
yeah, i know
how come the list is incomplete?
There no medium. It's either small, not too small or cow udders.
I like average boobs
Pure won't accept that.
She will be a huge tits super model in a few years and you will regret your words and deeds. of course she will act exactly the same
maybe like 2 or 3 of them
Kitty, Ririchiko and Harsh are still around.
Pure isn't my waifu anyway so I don't care
Kitty is dead as hell as she should be. And who even is the harsh girl?
Ah well now we need the slightly older pure card who looks hyper fuckable.
Damn, Lesbianon got lighter over the years.
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Harshfu pre AAU and her maker giving her a redesign. Granted, he does not post that often but still.
more like darker.
Ah, I see. She looks much better with AAU.
except the fucking eyes.
Really? I could have swore her earlier iterations had a darker complexion than shown.
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because not every personality was popular enough to meme
from what I've seen
it's actually the opposite
lesbiananon's self insert slowly got darker and darker

now this is pure beauty.
I like the carefree girl that doesn't look carefree at all.
can't wait for freckleanon to appear and whine about her
t.moviegame watcher
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Not dead merely sleeping. Just not much time to play AA2 (and less time to spend making cards to play SVS) so I'm less vocal. Widdle babby anon cries whenever I mention upcoming totfits, too, so nothing to show on that side.
go back to sleep
Fuck off.
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>white women twerk
Why is she such a slut
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How do you guys decide which eyes to give to your girls?
This is NOT EMIDlia btw
I follow my cock while initially making them, then I follow my heart later after coming back and looking at my creations.
I suggest you do the same.
Good to see a swimsuit day post, very nice.
The same way I decide on every other aspect: follow the initial idea and try to make it look good. I don't understand the question
>Just follow your cock/heart
is what people at the middle of the curve bell say.
Have a few pictures to base the character around.
>but mah OC must be eunuch
Your OC is just a mishmash of stuff you've seen in the past. Just open danbooru and copy the parts you like and are possible to get on the creator, which is usually eyes.
what a heartless and company shark CEO way to think.
I look for eyes I like and copy them because I like them
this man speaks the truth
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this man speaks lies, like the Jizo statue!
In AA2 I made my own eye textures. Does SVS allow for this?
Technically no, but theoretically yes.
They give you preset eye textures but alot of customization when it comes to which part of the eye you can color. The eye highlights are the same way.
There is a foreseeable future where one can mod additional iris texture presets or eye highlight presets to use since they can be found in the games asset libraries
It has an "eye builder" where you have the base iris, the pupil and 3 highlights that all combine into a single texture. You can't use a random .bmp for it though so you'd have to mod any additional options in.
Anybody have the card of "Evil Pure" from a few threads ago?
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I want to play with the "good" version of the studio when it comes out soon. What's the difference between HC and HC dolce? Which one should I get if I mostly want to stick to SVS but use the non-gimped studio?
whats that anon?
Is Kyoshima Rina not liked around here?
Whenever i try to play aa2 i always go back to her
Shut up stupid slut whore
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it means lurk more newfag
dolce is just the name for the dlc that includes studio on the steam version of honeycome.
just get the honeycome better repack instead
People around here only use their own cards. This is an absolute truth, evident by the fact that nobody ever posts screenshots of other people's cards. You can try and prove me wrong but you literally can't.
Ok so it's been what, like a week? Week and a bit?

Show me your best girl so far
you first nigger
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Where is it!?
I don't like RE:Z Is it Emilia Maji Tenshi?
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kek that reminds me
Those both suck, though. The eyes are way too high in the "fix."
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Tot outfits are out with the bunny suits!
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I love the costume on the right.
fucking kek
Those Highlander brats are in for it now.
Digital Craft update is here, apparently
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>need HC dolce even if just wanting to play with SVS
Just wait for the betterrepack. You still need all the modded shit to get updated for the new version anyway.
You spent more time making that retarded, shitty meme edit more than fixing the card itself, good work.
t. wasans
Predictable response from a low effort retard. Just move over to SVS like the rest of the plebs.
Confront 0%
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It has a tendency to not work very badly. Refuses to load any characters and apparently crashes trying to load a scene. This seems to happen on both modded and unmodded versions of the games. I'm not sure why.
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It works fine. Stop complaining.
I thought there wouldn't be anymore repacks after the DMCA?
you are misinformed, they DMCA'd the patreon post linking to the repack, teh repack is fine.
I was under the impression it was all about the patreon. As far as I understand, he just won't upload them to the patreon but the repacks would still be made.
The real issue is that whenever they update the game all the tools and most mods need an update to follow. If BetterRepacks are done then you'd need a HF patch or just update everything yourself.
those uniforms look.. familiar...
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Everyone must post bnuuy now, it's the law
(card: https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/64706)
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the head is too big
That's actually on purpose, funnily enough.
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I'm a believer of "make whatever you like" but yours are consistently, undoubtedly, the worst fucking cards I've ever seen and it's not even close. People meme about shit cardmakers but at worst their designs are just boring, while yours is downright puke-inducing. Do you genuinely look at your cards and go "wow that's cool" or is your shit style an inside joke you're too stupid or inept to grow out of?
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bnuuy but something feels off
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Now this is the good stuff right here. Thanks for the share!
>Everyone must post bnuuy now, it's the law
Say no more, sir.
i am giving her my wallet.
Where SVS standalone studio?
Isn't this the honeycome one
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Huh? Getting mixed signals here.
You need both HC and SVS so it's not very "standalone"?
I hope it won't be mechanically gimped when they release it, so modders can port all the HC stuff to it and everyone can uninstall that game.
It's "coming soon", the link and image have nothing to do with it.
Ah so it's not out yet. I was wondering why I only see the HC one
I honestly do not know
I just copy pasted the link from this dude >>495875962
Unironically I was about to post
>inb4 only HC update releases today
But not even I could believe it. Holy shit I underestimated Ill Games
In all fairness that's exactly what they said was going to happen, they haven't released any specific information about the standalone studio other than "it will exist at some point"
It can't be too late, right? Friday at worst surely
Yeaaah, I really doubt that. If they actually had the product ready I think they would've announced a release date by now.
Considering it's technically the same product but without the HC exclusive content... oh man, nevermind. I can still do stuff with the default girls and ones that don't use mods I suppose.
more like something feels rough
it's the jaggies
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Have more !!
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repack where!?
not yet!!
how to edit characters and their personalities
SVS or AA2?
AA2 for now
Well, you edit them directly in aa2edit, along with their personalities
but if you want to edit them while they're on a save, you use aa2qtedit
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Thanks man, I never really did make everyone evil and whenever anyone shilled this game they said to do that
No problem, dude
For what. SVS studio isn't out yet
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gay ass cube
Does illgames devs called us 'Talentless Freaks'?
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the koikeks are coming........
hosting the hs2 repack is what got hongfire nuked I swear it
Need an AG3 repack working with performance patches on modern OS/machines and most mods included. DoA volleybeach specifically, insane how modders back then ported dead or alive content.
Cards too, where are them?
I need that Megane-chan
How do you get the new Digital Craft update to work with samabake scramble?
Thanks! <3
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Why do you keep calling waitresses maids?
Because it's a meido cafe pretending to be a normal one.
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I am confucius. Help.
>First DC scene posted
>has Pure
aa2g making me proud
No I won't help
But probably this will if run inside both Samabake and Honey folders

why do you need to run a bat file? What is the intended method for getting this to work?
Intended way would be using the official installers. What the .bat does is adding registry keys that DC needs to read.
Why couldn't Illcompetent just make it work for people who have both HC dolce and SVS without batch file shenanigans?
That .bat is broken since it doesn't fix the SVS registry
Use https://files.catbox.moe/vj7cfk.bat instead
This is only for people who downloaded the repack, if you use the official installers the registry is setup correctly and this isn't needed.
It should work if you actually bought the games. Repack doesn't automatically edit your registry, while the official installers do that.
As incompetent as they might be, this is supposed to be accidental antipiracy.

It isn't? You have to run it in SVS folder however.
Read the code anon
instead of just honeycome working in digitalcraft now neither work. Nice thats what I get I suppose
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It saves the SVS info to the HC registry key instead of its own, so you just end up breaking
Anyways that one's broken too, https://files.catbox.moe/0oix0g.bat should work for real. it's 4am and i'm sick cut me some slack

Ah lol, the first just targets the HC folder for both.
Absolute state.
so the studio is out?
Only for HoneyCome currently, you need that.
Don't ask. Just don't.
This doesnt work for me either but this entire cryptic process could have been sidestepped if you just told me hey, you need to regedit the product name in the registry to a specific name and itll work.

the bat didnt write the japanese correctly so I just manually copied it. Its working now thanks
It's a very bad idea to just drop "edit the registry bro" if you ask me. 99% will have no fucking idea what you are saying especially in 2024.
Yeah I forgot the registry is UTF-16 and .bat files don't support that (thanks microsoft)
I don't feel like rewriting it for Powershell so here's a plain old .reg file to run after you've done the registry fix for both SVS and HC.
Did you just write ag3...?
I love you.

anyway, there's one on anime-sharing
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A girl made on aa2g got a scene in the official uploader.
Congrats Minoru
I misread it as a HF patch. Forget it.
dumb sexy bitch
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Very 1st meme girl in SVS, gotta give it to her.
lmao even
Alright alright but you are supposed to be making Pure scenes.
I will. But if a 3rd twintails girl cap gets posted before another pure I will consider it violating the NAP and they will have to fight to death for the meme girl status.
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Ok desu
Good good.
I already have it tho, it just lags like complete shit on w10 and playing with the same default girls and some included meme girls gets boring.
Anybody know where I can get a completely vanilla copy of AA2 (i.e. not AA2Mini)?
there are meme girls for ag3?
Check inside your anus
If I have to read the words “meme girl” one more time in this thread I’m going to go ballistic
Yes and I already used the HF patch to no avail.
who are the AG3 meme girls? first time I hear about them so I got curious
The AA2 torrent on here should be exactly that.
SVS has only one meme girl.
and it's default pure.
Minoru is really up there, but she should come after we are done with the Pure posting.
This is taking an unexpected twist. Maybe it will be Pure the one who violates the NAP.
Minoru is an industry plant, you all need to open your eyes...
Peak ESL
Well DC works, but I still have no option for SVS characters.
So all it takes to make a meme girl is just to spam one character?
That's what a meme is yes.
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Well I didn't vote for her
No one did
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Anon, don't contest it, sadly we don't have any girls to get the meme status anyway.
what thing(s) does Honeycome and KoiKatsu have that SVS doesn't?
Honeycome: nothing
KoiKatsu: different models
A studio. The pics are still from HC technically.
Well how'd she become a meme girl then?
Different maps, which we will cut from their carcasses and mount said maps into SVS' body until they all meld together like some sort of freak of nature.
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A drink just for you.

omg anon hi hi!!!

thank you for the girl, i'll make sure to love her
Hi Toaster anon! Thanks for always replying!

No problem!
>not mini
>wanting that uncompressed pos
Jesus christ why?
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Never thought I'd miss the sliders from AAU poser...
usually based on what fit the character, sometime I have rough idea of eyes early on, sometime I figure it out though trial and error
cute hair
Because I want to rip assets from it and the lack of compression is desirable
is that why his cards are shit?
here you can pick and choose what you want
So wait, the studio is for HC only???
For now, anyway
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>all illusion and illgames maps into a single cluster fuck of a game
This is beautiful
I will cherish it with my soul.
of course you would
Is there no FK in the new studio? Or is it lacking translation/scale controls?
FK and IK like koi
Thanks for tot and commissioner Clay
Would you mind share your cute scene?
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I prefer rat
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>it just lags like complete shit on w10
Illusion made a fix for their older games and Win10 which likely includes AG3. Otherwise dgVoodoo helps (according to RuTracker, which has a couple of AG3(-related) torrents with cards and mods).
Here's the official fix renamed from original d3d9.exe to .7z (it's a SFX 7-Zip archive anyway) because catbox is retarded, put the DLL next to the game's executable:
Or rather Pornolab because the torrents were made before the split of torrents.ru into these two and all the porn went to the latter.
>your roster is just multiverse versions of Pure who took the roles of other personalities
>including Agreeable and Bold
Making alternate Pures does sound kind of fun.
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Feels weird.
I mean, it should. That's the very essence of it.
Man, detailed fusion creation makes it so easy.
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Something feels... off about this Pure, bros...
Ooops, forgot the pic.
I like the IK constraints alot since it's not in the AA2 pose and makes it easy to move limbs, but I do miss the sliders...
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pure pill me
yes now that u have gave me a headpat!
svs poser when?
Technically here already if you have HC.
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angry bunn
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My two Noctua a12x25 just arrived today and I just tried them out and the vroom noises are no long presence. But there is a noise that I can’t explain in words and it’s mild like I can just ignore it. It sounded like the hub was grinding against to something. I think the grinding sound is due to playing SVS at high Fps because when I use Rivatuner to lower to 30Fps the sound basically vanished. I expect this game to have a better frame rate when it’s completed in development.
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>Reposting awesome AA2 Screenshots from AA2D here to give a little life for AA2
Why is he wearing twintails? Does he like being bullied?
the character is like that
I think it's because of some trauma with his mom or some bullshit
idk I don't wanna watch the anime
He is... that kind of boy.
Am I just retarded or is there really no way to change male character height in SVS?
Nope. In that town, if by 18 years old you never grow up to be 165cm tall or grow above that, they come to your house and forcefully transition you. It's tough out there.
It's just lazy illusion programming. In Koikatsu if you change the male height, it breaks the sex positions and ponos does not enter vagooo
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So apparently a koreanfag figured out what has been causing the memory leaks and, I shit you not when I say this,
It's the fucking fishnet stockings.
Illusion, what the fuck.
a faggot?
Cute girl protag would have made the show so much better.
knew it
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Of course it is. what the fuck
KK: actual dates/mini events, safe/risky days, more fleshed out personalities, peeping...
>more fleshed out personalities
do the use bajilion polygon or what
Craziest fucking lie, and I'd take it that safe/risky days still exist in SVS, AA gameplay considered. Now, I would like to see them take inspiration from KK for future SVS DLC and if not SVS DLC, then the SVS successor/follow-up, so to speak on it.
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it'll take a while to get used to the studio stuff
>more fleshed out personalities
Who are you trying to convince with this lie, yourself?
didn't you know that more lines = more flesh?
truly peak japanese software engineering
To be fair, the good dates were dlc. I recall og koikatsu had it so all dates were in a cafe; all first dates are still at the cafe and then you can pick locations like the amusement park.
Best thing koikatsu had over aa2 though, was characters staying the night and waking you up in the morning.
>characters staying the night and waking you up in the morning
which successfully made it into SVS
i still wish I knew how to fucking trigger this
I want the sloppiest blowjob in the fucking morning, goddamn game
have you all noticed the threads have gotten better without Cuck?
>inb4 who
Yeah, it's wonderful!
Hope it stays that way and he expires already.
>koikatsu personalities
>more fleshed out

i have to laugh
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>the absolute state of this general
Too busy turning all the default girls into rats to post complaints about getting interrupted by 9 girls in a row right now.
we dead
Hope studio hasn't slowed down plugin development, there is still a lot to do here
What even is there to talk about?
The game is as shallow as a puddle. I'm already bored of it.
illgame bros...
Never forget
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Pure be damned, I love Yankee, best default
>Pure be damned
You can't just say that here.
tag yourself, I'm Fucking fucking wall
Me? I'm licking a desk.
That sounds like a cpu problem. The fans are trying their best to cool down your cpu. Or it could be the game has memory leak.
It does have a memory leak, caused by fishnet socks of all things, at least according to the Koreabros
Absolute nation of ILLGAMES.
Hmmm...what traits make a character want to rape someone else? Scheemer? Wild? Perverted?
It's Schemer, as otherwise NPCs very rarely take blackmail-related actions. I don't know if the others do anything related to forced H.
Although mind you it can absolutely happen without the trait.
Is it the same for AA2?
I am not sure in AA2 it ever happened to me without the trait.
If it works as something
I've seen that you can use force actions with your lover even if they don't have the exploitable trait
But only if you're lovers
suki nina re~
moe moe kyun!
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4867180?q=suzuka_utako_%2811th_costume%29 man I just remembered. Illusion sure are original.
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now make her farting
You gotta make her fart
Cute ninja, I want to huff her farts.
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What do they do?
nothing as far as I know, but the characters trade these items to strengthen their relationships.
what the fuck.
>CHADqulin5000 already back in aa2
svs really was just a mid fad huh? i guess KKChads were too strong

tfw when you can't make your waifu gift you her pubes
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My waifu fucking cheated on me! How do I get her to dump the dumb bitch she got with? How do I get them both to have a threesome with me?
delete this
this studio really is fucking garbage
rape both of them instead
your waifu for cheating and the other for being homo
Rape is worse than murder.
Can I get some real answers pl0x
You already did, though

get out
? its the exact same studio we've had for years
SVS killed the thread
Confront 0%
Oooh, better luck next time
bro is a broken disc
You just cheat on your waifu with the girl she cheated on you with. The cock will make it work
That's why it's garbage.
The enemy waifu is high virtue so I can't get her to bang me even though every other option is lit up. I don't know how to get her to fuck me

I can't believe I'm actually having fun with this game
doesn't help that the new studio sucks ass since we will get the same one
she might be refusing when there's other people watching
Another option is to get her madly in love with you and then fuck a class bicycle in front of you you make her jealous and competitive.
rape her
>in front of you you
*in front of her to
I've been banging the waifu in front of her to assert dominance but that doesn't seem to help the situation unfortunately
Get her to follow you then take her to the love hotel.
News tomorrow? I need to know what the new personalities will be like
It better fucking be the SVS studio announcement. I don't want to keep HC only for the very few times I will even bother with the studio.
Or yeah that, the personalities.
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It's swimsuit day.
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wrong game
>shit card
>off topic shit
She feels conflicted because she wants to bang both you and your waifu. You need her to be more determined if you wanna break her in. You need her to go "Hell naw! I ain't losing to THAT skank!"
The names are already announced so you can have an idea from that. I think it might be SVS studio.
But it's already Friday in nipland.
just wait
My Neechang...
well then go to the illgames office and do a kyoto animation
It's not even 6am in Nipland right now, calm your tits.
brb flying to ILLGAMES
godspeed to you
burn 'em down
brb flying INTO ILLGAMES.
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Swimsuit Day !!
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>off topic shit
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>still no pregnancy mods so I can knock up my blackmail victims
A discordfag has figured out how to add voices to male characters.
Currently it’s only a test with a female line, but it works and so does the lip sync
So which two of you fags can speak Japanese and are going to take one for the team?
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I do abhor violating a person, but murder.
sorry bro no one cares about svs anymore
Can you fuck off with off topic stuff already?
People had their fun with SVS, now is just the AA2 tryhards in the thread.
How many lines are there again. I'm not fucking moaning
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New update, don't install it until the metadata is cracked.
>Town (saved data) uploader" is added.
>Fixed minor bugs.
Next week we'll be getting a free mummy set and info on the expansion pack.
wow, a rare cute illusion card
How do I check relationships in aa2 again?
No idea. I don’t think moaning is a necessity, since Vanilla AA2 didn’t have it
I like this character, she looks very delicious, would fill her womb 24/7
hey, so in aa2 my pc (male) gets vertex explosions when he fucks a girl. what do?
pics or it never happened.
Try doing the kegels
Why are you fucking girls?
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wrong game
OHMYGAHD. That is more cursed
Yeah the global metadata thing had to happen eventually. But watch it getting cracked in a single day.
this is some next level copy paste. aren't japan usually anal about plagiarism
>wolf mummy
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How do I go about importing aa2 cards into svs?
you can't.
play aa2 instead
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You want conventionally attractive cards?
Too fucking bad.
go back to discord, aussie
It's an oddly specific combination for sure.
how are nijisanji about copyright?
maybe something like the uma musume thing can happen again
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>still no ahegao and inflation mods
at this point, just make them yourself.
I was free I guess
nin nin
Anon. Do you have any low-lowest virtue (slut) chara card?
In which game?
AA2, yes.
SVS, no, I default to high.
AA2 anon. I don't care that new game
I had some indeed, don't think there was a single lowest however. Usually don't care about them but they make for bloody shenanigans if there are evil characters around.
Link please?
Not uploaded anywhere, and I seriously doubt you are looking for 10 years old cards.
>10 years old slut card
Oh well. you din't make slut card anymore
Shame on you for not wanting any of your cards to get experienced by other people.
AA2 yes SVS no
Is there really any point in using low virtue in SVS?
Probably? I think they masturbate more, so they’re easier to blackmail
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Whoever made this character, thank you,
I love plapping her.
as you should
TwintailAnon makes some GOOD cards

I love her too so it's good to know someone else loves her! with the difference that you love her in SVS.
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the heck is the difference between Full set and update data?
Update data is a difference update, you only get files that were added/changed from 1.0.2->1.0.3
Fullset is 1.0.0->1.0.3, every single update included and it can be applied on any version of the game.

Mind you, this one doesn't have a cracked global metadata yet, if you want to apply mods you will have to use the method on /h/.
Damn already back to unalive
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>game's only existed for a month
>there's already 700+ custom characters
more if you count the illusion uploader
The maker is pretty intuitive, and it’s not a tech demo like HC
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I'm just kind of burned out of SVS, having played it for a month straight. But I'm definitely going back to it soon, didn't play with the maker enough since most of my cast is defaults.
I'm hoping the popularity keeps up so that increasing interest keeps the modding going strong
you wouldn't last an hour
I don't know if I should take it as a doompost, but Marco basically confirmed he won't be making sideloader. While not a strict requirement, it's going to discourage some people instead.
wonderful news
oh no no no svs sisters, we got too cocky
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Uhhh... She seems familiar?


Thank you all for using my cards and specially liking them! It's good to know that some of you like my "work", both AA2 and SVS.

He should kill himself
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>Reposting awesome AA2 Screenshots from AA2D here to give a little life for AA2
I just got into AA2 with customizing cards and it really is a gem. I hope SVS gets those crazy scenarios in it too. Especially since it has like NTR mechanics from what I heard.
Another masterpiece from u, as expected!

I'll make sure that despite her mysterious aura, she feels loved no matter what!
and thank you for the smooch
Huh NTR mechanic in svs? Are you kidding me?
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I think SVS ruined me.
Every time I see a AA2 screenshot or card, it
just doesn't hit the same. It just looks...old.
What have I done? What have I become?
A horrible being. You're not even a human anymore.
Is this /aa2g/ or /svs/ thread? I'm so confusedq right now anon
Both. Both is good.
aa2g but because some idiot said "svs is also welcome", we got some fuckers posting svs here instead of doing it on their own thread at /h/.
There isin't? I saw people before release saying it had those.
Nigga, we all know that's not the appeal of AA
She greets me at the station every morning. Her smile and walk to class, my morning coffee. I've slaughtered hundreds in her name.
Will she still love me, even if I'm a monster?
No. Because you have betrayed her.
I'm the opposite. SVS made me appreciate AA2's looks more. SVS feels surprisingly less expressive and way more stiff and the textures are mostly just flat. AA2 looks crisp and detailed while still looking clearly anime.
The graphics are objectively better in SVS(mostly because AA2's shadows are dogshit, though SVS' aren't good either) but the artstyle is very mediocre.
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mods don't show up in digital craft so can't pose other girls orz, but it comes with some nice preset poses
I found the poses quite lacking myself. Though to be fair it's on par with vanilla KK at least.
it wouldn't be a problem if we can make new poses based those so no need to figure out how shoulder should look right everytime
For me it's the opposite, being old is good, AA2 has this late 2000s anime look that i like, and also not being flat is a big thing for me.
What does that mean in layman’s terms?
No softmodding for u.
Hardmodding is always possible of course, but a lot worse by comparison as you have to be really careful with replacing actual game files and possible conflicts between mods that could have been avoided.
That is not layman’s terms.
Can't be more simple than that.
why not?
Who knows.
NTA but as I understand it, "sideloader" is what enables the softmodding, which is a way to mod the game where you don't overwrite the game's resources directly. Like, if you wanna make a hairpack, instead of finding a way the game looks up hairpieces and tricking it into using your models, you instead prepare a package for the softloader and it does it all for you. There's no counterpart in AAU because both overrides and sets require you to direct the game to the specific resources it's supposed to modify.
Someone else will figure it out, the less KK patreon grifters the community has the better.
That's possible indeed. I mean, we did start with some people thinking it wasn't getting modded at all.
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So I don't know if this is still the right place for a tricky tech support issue, but I figure I'll try here before signing up for Discord.

I'm trying to run AA2 under Linux. It works, but not great: framerates during H are low-ish (usually in the 20s). I don't have this problem in Windows: everything's nice and smooth there.

I'm running Linux Mint 22 and WineHQ's latest staging build. I have a Wine prefix set up specifically for AA2, and I've installed Winetricks' dotnetcoredesktop3, vcrun2015, and dxvk modules there. My GPU is an AMD RX 6600XT, and I'm using Mint's built-in drivers for it--not AMD's proprietary drivers.

With DXVK installed on the wine prefix, I find I don't need to have the win10fix script active, so I've had it disabled. Enabling it and setting it to DXVK makes no difference either way.

I've tried using the VC++ and .NET installers from the AA2MiniPPX "Extras" folder (makes the game crash at startup, whereas Winetricks' versions work), running the game through Lutris (game crashes at start), enabling software vertex processing (no change), and setting a lower window resolution (no change).

So far, I haven't tried running a custom kernel like Xanmod, installing and enabling GameMode (except through Lutris, which couldn't run the game), using Proton instead of Wine, or installing AMD's proprietary drivers.

Strangely, if I hit Esc during H to bring up the "End Game? (Y/N)" screen, the framerate speeds up to ~60 fps as long as the "End Game" screen is up.

Does anyone with more Linux gaming experience have any suggestions? This is the last thing I need to fix to fully make Linux my home. (After all, can a place really be your home if your waifu can't live there?)
Graphicall SVS completely mogs both AA2 and Koi
What are the graphical improvements of SVS compared to KK?
True, I keep seeing people claim modded kokatsu looks good but I never managed to make that game not look like dogshit, it has a lot of post processing effects but they only work well in static studio shots
A good AA2 card is rare
Not a gachatard but recent gacha girls for some reason are the only ones to receive quality cards in recent time. It's as if they're part of the gacha marketing team or were paid to create good representation of their girls. Most gacha are guilty of stealth marketing.
Granted i find that Koi is better at making Non OC's whereas SVS is the opposite

That might change with time(mods) though
I feel like they should've put Spats under Bottoms or Socks, instead of Leggings. Spats being under Leggings means that they're treated as their lower body being exposed all the time (if you don't have a Bottoms part on top of it), while not being in the Socks category means you can't have Biting slider on Spats.

The real question here though is if wearing Spats, underwear or no?
>softmodding, which is a way to mod the game where you don't overwrite the game's resources directly.
Now THIS is layman’s terms. Thank you.
It's the exact same thing the other post said you idiot
The same exact thing is written right fucking there you...
you double KKnigger
Keep in mind that I don't know what sideloader does and the softmodding/hardmodding distinction is basically my guess rather than a proper definition.
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I don't quite understand why some people choose to use Linux over Windows, but new bloods are always welcome
I can't fucking wait for Win 10 to hit EOS.
It just forced a massive update on me that drained my network for an hour then broke all my sound drivers and seemingly did fuck all else.
you understand that if win10 hits EOS you'll be forced to upgrade to win11 instead of win7?
No I won't. I'll use it until Steam drops support and then move to Linux.
then why are you waiting for win10 EOS?
Because it's what I have installed.
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it's too early for that!
Carrot that size is going to hurt her.
We'll see you in a few days space cowboy.
this is a blue board...
I'm reminded of that story about the woman who died in real life from doing this
VR support when?
It got announced, but no one knows when it will be released
can you change your dick color in svs
Fuck /h/ I’m not opening /h/ ever. Besides if this was AA2 only, thread would be dead and gone.
It's what you fuckers deserve for killing /hgg/!
Wtf based
You should kill yourself then.
Why would any self-respecting /aa2g/ regular shun an AA3 game?
The people who are bitching about svs being here are most likely the same retards that pretend that it's now a /svsg/ and aa2 doesn't belong here. Don't trust an opinion of anyone that doesn't post a game screenshot because they most likely don't play either game.
SVS is literally off topic trash. Well whatever, /vg/ is the trash can on 4chan that allows anything including low IQ retards like the people above
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Bless ya
And two. I paid my taxes.
AA2 gud, SVS hopefully gud.
am i crazy or all svs cards have this dead look on them? like the eyes barely move
cute prostitute!
The eye tracking is pretty bad, yeah. My other complaint would be that they always have this vapid :D expression the whole time during H.
Happi seggs :D :D :D
>if you use the mouth sliders for a :( default expression, your character is incapable of smiling properly
>if you do the reverse :) your character can't make a single angry epxression to save their life
shit like this is why automation is bad
It might be a better idea to go for the most neutral or very slight smile for everyone.
>if it was aa2 only we would be dead
saying this when the retards tried doing a svs only thread here on /vg/ and died on the first general and is barely alive in /h/ of all places, svs is the one dying not aa2
I leave the :) :( sliders alone most of the time. Their only useful if you're actually making either a smug mesugaki or a perma-pissed bitch.
But I didn't post there despite playing svs. Because fuck splitting.
NTA but wow she's really pretty, was this made unmodded, or do you have the Tekito mod?
That's a troll raiding the thread from discord, just ignore him
im not against svs posting but faggots thinking svs is keeping this place alive is plain wrong, its backwards they need us instead of us then, yeah svs on launch got this place huge traffic but now that normalfaggots and casuals moved on or returned to discord is back to the usual aa2 business with some sprinkles of svs here and there
got her here https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122596099
you'll need to go to the KK discord to get her mod. It includes the hair accessories for the rest of the shinym@s idols.
Getting mixed signals about who is in that discord.
Probably the guy who was been shitting up the thread with reptitive bait the whole afternoon
Nobody thinks that. You just got baited
>Confront 0% Oo better luck next time
Seems like I chose a good time to check on this place after so long...
Does the new game have male personalities?
It has two
That's more than Koikatsu. I'll take it.
Yes, unvoiced
It's ok 2 more were instantly confirmed as DLC
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Finally done with stupid weekly routines and all that bullshit. I can focus on my hobbies this weekend, and maybe take a few poses from--
>ILLGAMES decided I should be forced to download HC Dolce in order to pose characters
>jumping through hoops would be necessary to get it early anyway
>fuck modders amirite?
>fine, just check site to see if they have updated info on the "Plain" version of DC
>week away from revealing the personality pack
>mentions of 予約開始
That's the kanji for "start accepting pre-orders", implying it's paid DLC, further implying no work on the SVS version of DC is being made.
Miiinaaa! Please, please listen to my story of woe!

For the longest time, I have always been with my Aani-chan, who is like the childhood sweetheart that I've grown up with. For all this time, I've been the only one protecting my beloved Aani-chan, even during that time when some naive-looking guy named K-Kun showed up out of nowhere and tried groping her a bunch of times.It later turned out that K-Kun was actually some transfer student, and it all settled down when K-Kun went back to their sex school.

Then after a period of idle peace, we were suddenly told that Irugakko would be closing down, and all remaining students would be transferred to Irigakko. I thought it was fine since Aani-chan was coming with me, so I wouldn't be alone.

The moment we got to Irigakku and I started being sweet to my Aani-chan, some brown muscle guy named Samba-kun turned up and interrupted us, saying it's no good to do this stuff in public. I mean, that's fine, Irigakku just don't know about my love for Aani-chan, so they'll learn to just leave us alone.

But then, ever since then, Samba-kun has been chatting up Aani-chan whenever I'm not paying attention. Eventually I walked up to them to put an end to it, but it turned out that Aani-chan already considered Samba-kun a friend and didn't see anything wrong with it. Thinking that I'd need to do against Samba-kun like I did K-Kun, I raised my fists to Fight him, but then suddenly Samba-kun started Shouting at me that in Irigakku, violence is prohibited and I should feel ashamed for turning to violence. And get this, Aani-chan actually agreed with Samba-kun! It was a total defeat.

I've since tried to spread rumours about Samba-kun, but no one believes me. When I finally decided to met with 'those guys', they thought I wanted to bring Samba-kun into my 'sex dungeon'. But, I'm Hetero! I want Samba-kun to disappear, but not like that!

Please help me! I'll lose Aani-chan at this rate! I-I'm sure they're already having sex with their eyes!
Is this a metaphor for how long we've been in this general and how it has smoothed our brains into our current slick ones, so smooth that they are probably somehow aerodynamic despite the shape?
what the fuck is this shit.
Did you fuck her?
If not then that's your step one.
If you did then you just gotta keep fucking her so that she doesn't have time for Samba or K or whoever and let the points decay do its job.
... I hope you already get the stupid joke and I'm just typing this for no reason.
>Aini-chan -> AA2
>K-Kun -> Koikatsu
>Irugakko -> ILLUSION
>Irigakko -> ILLGAMES
>Samba-kun -> SVS
I can't seem to screencap with F11.
Yeah, because you installed the extra poses mod, which outright tells you that you lose some functionalities.
Maybe it was another mod, but still, read the description of the shit you drop in your game.
I did not and I don't think it's as obvious as you think.
Probably would've landed easier if you kept the names intact, with -chan and -kun attached instead.
Not mine thankfully. I don't think it's supposed to land anything, considering it reads like a copypasta.
I appreciate the naming joke though, it's just in that wall of text
The heart and soul of /aa2g/
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fuck off with the gacha shit.
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more on topic than your garbage svs characters
>another fag that never reads the OP thinking he knows what is or isn't on topic
Where do you retards come from?
Where did you come from to ruin the OP arbitrarily?
Retarded tourists like you who enjoy confusion and multiple generals are nothing but human trash
now make her in aa2 with a svs background
Yes off topic. Make this bitch in AA2 or fuck off.
>Where did you come from to ruin the OP arbitrarily?
>doesn't even know when it was changed
Go back to your discord you fucking dumbass.
Why are you telling where you came from? Maybe stop bashing your head on your desk for seething so much and posting off topic shit that you're forcefeeding everyone here. You're ruining your already rock bottom IQ.
I wanna off her top-ic
Needs more moom.
>the "off-topic" autist is back
Remember when he tried to split the general and his thread got 5 replies (all of which he made) before dying?
SVS is AA3 in all but name, it's what people have been asking for for close to 10 years and can easily co-exist with AA2 especially with the launch hype having subsided. AA1 posts, rare as they are, have never been shunned here.
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Hey, this copy of AA2/SVS looks pretty weird...
>bashing your head on your desk for seething
That's your daily routine, ain't ya
This post just made me remember I can use filters, so yeah, fuck this, it's genuinely annoying as fuck.
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Resorting to filters means you lose.
>dialogue translations are completely wrong on some personalities
What the fuck worst repack ever.
Last time for HC they started preorders 1 month before DLC release
High chance they will put more paid DLCs, but they still plan to release new game by next august
It also confirms that these fag devs actually cut content from main game to sell it as DLC 1 month later.
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You are not going to believe this
>have a dream about pic rel
>eventually she goes for a hug
>and sits on my lap
Bros....... I think she is the one after all.
This has never happened with any AA2 OC, let alone a default girl!
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I don't understand. I'm too low IQ for this.
Can anyone help? I DL'd the Summer Vacation Scramble Better Repack but it won't boot. It only boots if I remove the BepinEX folder and I don't know moonspeak nor do I want to play this game vanilla. I think it's something to do with the anticheat but thought that would have been removed already as part of the repack. Do I need to run the HF patch or is there some particular mod I need to install?
>they included a tutorial for how to add people to the class
>but they didn't include one for this
The grippy...
Did you install the new update? If so you'll need to reinstall since BepinEx hasn't been updated to support it yet.
Either way though, run the HF patch since it's more up to date than the repack is at the moment and should give you a working BepinEx install.
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Domey Arianna Grande Go-Zaibatsu Anon-dono
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I can add HC characters to the digital craft but it doesn't work when I try to add any SVS characters why!?
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This is probably one of the sadder things I’ve read on the thread that’s not schizoshit recently. You gotta kill yourself. It’s the only way to be with her.
There’s a registry problem and you need to run a .bat in both HC and SVS root folders. Phoneposting so I can’t get it but maybe some anon can do it for me
I'd eat her out of house and home.
Genki? is just that powerful.
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Do not bulli Pureposters, you wish your waifu appeared to you in a dream.
How's the modding progress going
It's fucking over
What no. Maps are being developed as usual and people are trying to make tekito work on HC studio
Any pics of maps people are working on? I'd love to see what's being worked on and how they're going about doing it.
There was a planning doc posted not too long ago. From what I have heard AA1 maps have priority. idk why AA1
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I don't understand what the hell I'm doing but I think I'm slowly figuring things out somewhat.
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That I saw along with the test map & different functions, it's made me excited to see any progress with the maps.
Do you or anyone else have the link to it? I thought I saved it but of course I actually didn't.
And combing through previous threads some reason isn't getting me anywhere.
Wow, I don't know why my mind just automatically concluded that it wasn't in this thread. I guess it felt that long ago already some reason.
Slow bread is slow.
Well anyway, the guy is having issues related to NPC movements right now and that wasn't happening before it seems. 1.0.3 might have done some stupid shit.
I want to forcibly spread it further...
>asking anons to join the kkcord instead of posting the files here
KKcordian found
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I feel like a kindergartener rediscovering play-doh all over again.
I don't want it anymore. Kill yourself, tourist.
New bread

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