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>Previously on /xivg/

>Adult Content

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
>He's back and still ban evading
How do I stop being retarded
Stop coming here and stop playing this slop
catboy supremacy
stop being a coomer and your iq will go up by 30 points
I stopped playing this faggot game 2 months ago and my life has dramatically improved since. The best thing that could happen for FFXIV is if the entire dev team dies in a fire. If you're still playing this game you really need to take a look in the mirror and shoot yourself in the head. And because I know that certain ebins are jannies and will ban me and delete this post for some bullshit reason, I'll give you one: you should all kill yourselves. You will never be real women. You are faggot ass nigger loving pedophile dogs who should not be around children.
He does know that /aco/ is for adult cartoons, not adult content. Right? Ff14 is a video game not a cartoon
>don't drink coffee
Wow I'm so tired all day I need to lay down.
>drink coffee
Wow I'm super jittery I need to lay down so I can calm down.
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Zir Waddington melty
>Future Meetups
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• September 27, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Looks like you missed these. You're welcome.
you sound like you get barbed by hrothgars
zb wife
why you hafta be mad sis
I am
A gay maleroe
really think he has anything else to do in his life?
Simple,lil nigga when you take estrogen, your dick starts to atrophy and gets smaller and smaller.
>stopped playing the game you can easily play in bursts every 3 months for 2 months
Today is a nice day for my catboy

Hope everyone else is well :)
No. Ebin meetings aren't real meetings.
What do you guys think?
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Cant belive I just went 15 minutes without this thread
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>I stopped playing this faggot game 2 months ago
then why are you back, go do something else bitchass nigga
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Sorry, but another question.
At https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OUzkb67Nz4 around 2:27, which one is that? I thought it was Noscea too, but it sounds way too different.
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cute adorable face 4 femra EB like this that I can smooch daily...
this person needs to be brutally beaten to death irl
You already posted this last thread.
estrogen atrophy
hmm can you post some examples so i know what you’re talking about haha
>talking about erp is le bad…because it is!
>talking about gposing is le bad..because it is!
>socializing in an MMO is le bad…because it is
>melting about pf reclears is le good!
>melting about casual PvP is le good!
We like this
it was an awful day for my catboy
>Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding
it's been two expansions. if you haven't finished this content you shouldn't be allowed to post here.
>Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6
david lynch would be mad at you for watching his show on a shitty grainy stream on your computer monitor while you jerk off in a video game
>EU meetup
>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII
finally something worth attending
>Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009)
movie meetups need to be expunged in general. nothing interesting happens at these. the conversation is shit. you would have a better experience watching it on your own in your home theater (you're not a poorfag, right?)
>Mahjong Open Tournament
>Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party
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Please add this to the OP

1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 28/09/24 1800 BST / 1400 ADT (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra
Hello /xivg/! It's time for us to do something else other than AFKslop meetups.

Presenting, /xivg/'s first Roleplaying meetup. You asked, so we shall deliver!

Few of you expressed that you'd like to get into Roleplaying, but don't know where to start. So we're going to fix that with this meetup.

The goal of this meetup will be to introduce players to Roleplaying starting from metrhods, through conventions, terminology and then give some character creation pointers.
Fuck sake, I was thinking it was Noscea or the Shroud.
My FFXIV music game is shite. Thank you, I do like the soft drum.
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You called?
I really miss how more chill zone themes were in ARR and they paused for a while more often too for ambiance, new themes are just nonstop
>talking about erp is le bad…because it is!
yes, all coomers need to kill themselves
>talking about gposing is le bad..because it is!
depends on the content. coomer shit is cringe but it's still a feature of the game
>socializing in an MMO is le bad…because it is
complaining about this is retarded unless, again, it's cringe erp shit
>melting about pf reclears is le good!
yes it's talking about the game
>melting about casual PvP is le good!
yes it's talking about the game
I intend to attend the Shared FATE meetup so that I may be allowed to post here.
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
What the niggering faggot ass bitch is that?
>partner agrees to play
>tfw I'm excited to be going home and prepping for it
>craft all their leveling gear (which will probably be grown out of faster than the crafting takes)
>made an fc just for us
>been bidding on houses, so hopefully we get a house to share
Am I retarded? Is this a bad idea? Anything else I should be doing to prep a sprout besides groom-protection?
wishful thinking
>EU meetup
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Here xivg, have some brainrotted zoomer humor
good morning wife
>movie meetups are bad but a youtube watch party is good
I will add the Mahjong and Live Letter back to the OP next thread. Movie and watch parties can fuck off.
don't post again until after the meetup or I will send my goons after you.
It really speaks volume that I recognize them just enough to know it's FFXIV despite being music illiterate, really.
Fucking jannies get fucked fuck off
>during my raid hours
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Reminder that discussing “coomers” in FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL does NOT pertain to video games. Just because something is “in” a video game doesn’t mean it actually pertains to video games such that it belongs on /vg/. The material of your post MUST pertain to a gameplay or story element. If it is a user-created, third-party element, or activity which does not require FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL, then it is not video games. Happy gaming!
I don't mean the shrinkage i mean like how troons have the weird dark line on the underside and between their balls
can you fuck me instead...
Decisions, decisions!
yes. youtube "content" doesn't demand your attention so you can chat shit over it. it is better material for a meetup than a movie.
>there can
Reading comprehension, anon-kun?
tl;dr estrogen COULD make your wiener smaller
Also helps that before flying you used to spend more times in zones if you played xiv when ARR was current so its probably ingrained in your brain
video gooning
I need a lalabull who can cum in my mouth so much I'll be shitting cum
nobody is demanding you pay attention to a movie either. you can treat it the same way and have the exact same experience
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this is a cursed psychopath thread
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The silence is an excellent way to punctuate the zone themes and I wish they'd do it with the expac zones. I also like how certain spots have their own special music, like ruins playing Slither.
Then don't allegedly say it's false, you stupid faggot. Read the shit you take before crowning yourself the biggest faggot.
t. Transgirl
I think Soken got on his head that people dislike the silence bits going from an interview he gave about how he was about to remove the silent pause on Beneath Dark Waters but Ishikawa insisted to keep it
*beats you up*
and yet everybody is paying attention to the movie. the conversation is different. if you don't understand this you are helpless.
added it
If I had to assume, people probably reported it silent areas as a "bug" because they're retarded.
And this
Can someone please help? There’s so much non-video game discussion going on here and the OP is a ban evader. Should we go to the IRC? Because I thought they took this stuff very seriously.
I need yuri.... and i don't mean futa x female.
The only rp experience I have is getting banned from DarkRP servers for rdm and abusing my powers as an officer of the law.
Leveling paladin specifically to play it in pvp as my next job because of this
I’m a grown ass man who bench presses 250
How is Ishikawa so much more competent than everyone else there despite being so incompetent herself?
Oh yeah, I remember that being a thing
fuck me yourself, you coward
hehehe made the troon mad my day is better now >:3
and you're just showing your bias. either all non-game related watch parties are bad or none of them are bad.
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>open video
>close video
That just helps push the video in the algorithm because it's getting engagement
>xivg/'s first Roleplaying meetup
No. /xivg/ role-playing is ERPing and that's it. I'm not promoting a groomer event.
Sers, kindly queue up for Novice Ranked Mahjong Quick Match
on the crystal data center!!
• September 25 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445
Well looks like the xivg jannies shoah'd me. I guess I'll just have to dox them. :)
>"Erm, don't post pictures of your in-game character in the thread about said game"
>"Also don't ask any questions about the game or else I'll throw a tranny fit and tell you to just google it"
>"ONLY talk about the niche game mode Crystaline Conflict because that's the only thing I'm interested in and the threads revolve around me"
No :^)
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ty anon
this game is pretty childlish wtf. dawntrail is disneyland lmao. who wrote this shit?
NB&W(Nice Boobs And Weapon)
added it, thank you for formatting
She's a good emotion centered storyteller
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Please, I need to rank...
>"Erm, don't post pictures of your in-game character in the thread about said game"
yes if it's coomer shit because it's cringe and there's /aco/ threads for cooming and talking about cooming
>"Also don't ask any questions about the game or else I'll throw a tranny fit and tell you to just google it"
never said that
>"ONLY talk about the niche game mode Crystaline Conflict because that's the only thing I'm interested in and the threads revolve around me"
never said that either
kindly kill yourself, coomer
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>using le bad
major pyrocinical watcher
kys furry
go back to your obesity fetish youtuber
*pulls the blue ribbon*
Can't tell if this is zir melting or someone acting like zir
zir hasn't been gone for two months so probably the latter
are you retarded?
if i'm biased against anything it's meetups that are not conducive to social activity. movies as a social activity work better in person and if you have time to discuss afterwards.
how could you tell
First of all, gooner*, second off all, eat shit you gatekeeping cretin. Which part of the event rules suggest ERP will be tolerated there? Is it the don't be rude or lewd part? Find a parking garage a few stories too short so you can't reach terminal velocity after jumping and instead die bleeding out in agony on the pavement. Faggot.
>And because I know that certain ebins are jannies and will ban me
God I wish. I would rule over this place with an insufferable iron fist and I'd do it for free just to watch the porn-rotted goontards and the high school drama fags melt like bitches because they were forced to be on topic for once in their miserable lives.
There were tons of people talking during the last movie in say chat where anyone can jump in and talk.
qrd on zir? did xer dick split?
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>are you retarded?
chat are you seeing this?
le furry got le angry
Ultima Weapon may be the fastest of the MSQ roulettes, but God damn does the dialogue make me want to kill myself.
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Sorry bud, but referencing “coomers” in FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL is not video games. Coomers can exist outside of FFXIV, hence their existence isn’t dependent on video games, hence they are not video games. We’re gonna have to take this discussion back to gameplay. Have you played Crystalline Conflict?

NOTE: this post pertains to video games because it discusses the Crystalline Conflict gameplay mode in FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL, which is a video game. Any allegations to the contrary are false and unsubstantiated.
we will speak later ascian
I'd do that if they didn't want your ID to be a janny.
lahabread lol xdd
I am
a bun
who has very little work today
so I can play
all day
no matter what any of you say
and don't call me bae
because I'm not an easy lay
besides, I'm not gay
it also gives you dogshit exp compared to both other options, unfortunately
sex and cum

final fantasy fourteen
No way
I laughed at it, liked it, subscribed and then shared it with a few friends :)
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>t-talk about the game!
>ok what do you wanna talk about
>radio silence
Gooning. Plapping. Cooming. Horsing.
I love this. You love this. We all love this.
Every time or it’s like just rehashing old tired topics like job balance and raid mechanics that have been debated millions of times already
I wanted to make doman tea today but didnt want to drive out to chinatown to get persimmons because I'm violently racist so I bought dried apricots instead and I gotta say, this turned out pretty good

what recipe should I use for dinner today? I'll post pics too
100% certain there is a ebin janny, because they just deleted the OP's image and probably banned him.
and what were they talking about?
>character says something funny
>"LOL [character] said [funny thing]"
fuck off
nobody is having any actual discussions when paying attention to a movie.
if it's stupid youtube shit then people are more likely to not care so much about what they're watching and actually talk in /say.
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it's insane how cute they are
wish my eb would horse me i love that
No we don't, you stupid nigger.
yeah bro let's get back to the real topics like
*scrolls up*
dick atrophy from taking estrogen
talking about the game just makes me sad, it's not getting any better (unless you play for modding).
ngl, I gigglesqueal whenever I see my femlala...
fell in love with one at lb14, gonna look for someone like her in my home world
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I want to play one so bad but all my friends are disgusted by them and would unfriend me if I fanta'd to lala
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i'm not your friend, but i'd unfriend you for that too
Ok what do you wanna talk about
Okay, I don’t get it. Discussing third-party tools in FFXIV isn’t video games, I get that. But talking about transgender penises (>>495656264) IS considered video games?
They were talking about each other mostly
yeah my eb would totally ditch me if i fanta'd to one.. i wish my old friends still played cause they wouldn't care
Good. You're a child diddler and don't deserve any friends for lewding children.
very cute!
The exp is just a bonus compared to the 450-500 poetics.
does this fiddie have a cock?
>taking cross-sex hormones is completely safe if you keep jerking off, that’s what my discord groomers told me at least
>brb, boiling plastic bags on the stovetop for my medicine!

You people need to get kicked off the internet for your own safety
Futas are essential to the XIV experience.
And the OP image was off topic according to the jannies. Jannies are porn sick.
final fantasy fourteen
idk why yall faggots are so obsessed about transgenderists
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Do you have a moment to talk about Halone?
I shan't be visiting the /aco/ thread.
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The image wasn't porn althoughbeit
all impresively ugly
They tried to have the thread on /trash/, but the futranny shitposters constantly shitting up the threads made it impossible and whenever they got segregated their threads would die. /trash/ was too fast. So they would then hijack the op so they could post their shit again. Then everyone moved to /aco/ where mods could bop them. Been working fine. The shitposters even had to settle for an "anything goes" thread thats dead most of the week.
are you a woman? who does that?
why did all of these other than the one with the hat pick such badly fitting hairstyles
Are you ok dude?
why did they all turn invisible??
>dreamed about holding hands with my femlala crush
it's so over
seriously tho what should I make from this dumb cookbook I've only made like four recipes
why not just love that one from lb14..
Die in a fire, pedo.
Hey are you single and also do you like catboys??
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yeah ok bro call the police on square enix for making lalafells available to play as
The actual reason porn is posted here is because they get more attention in the vg thread than any other off shoot thread on the other boards.
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why are Europeans so obsessed with cocks and trannies
I feel this. Everyone would assume I sexualize them but they've always been fully dressed/in armor and I don't erp. I just like the emotes and want to go in too-small-for-tall places
second one is genuinely the cutest femra I have ever seen
I only made the breakfast thing with eggs potatoes and stuff. and also the 'za. what else should I make
Aren't you uchis boyfriend?
its na hours bro
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tranny colors
You Amerifats post the same shit. Stfu nigger.
>normalfags get into anime
>shocked about loli
>they try to get the FBI to arrest people for it
>FBI tells them to fuck off and stop wasting their time on 2D shit
Here's a discussion topic: Dragoon
>Why does DRG have so many buttons?
>Why doesn't it get its AOE until level 40?
>What did they actually rework for the job?
>Why wouldn't you just play as RPR?
Can I see your MNK glams, please?
trash threads died because 0 moderation and gore/scat spammer killed it. aco threads are pretty strict and you can't post much that isn't just the pictures (or at least that's how it was when they first made that move)
my sunnie- is teenager coded
Then they're not good friends, simple as that.
I’m a grown ass man, sorry.
They look fat and dirty
need to get back into this game so I can find a cute soft femra trans gf irl eb, for real ...
I'd EB either of the tanks, they are very cute and I'd let them protect me
>Why does DRG have so many buttons?
piano is fun
>Why doesn't it get its AOE until level 40?
yoship is a complete fucking idiot, all jobs should have an aoe skill by 15.
>What did they actually rework for the job?
which time?
>Why wouldn't you just play as RPR?
i don't like reaper.
I'm mad about how incongruent these outfits are with the identity of their jobs.
>so I can find a cute soft femra trans gf irl eb
Lol.... get in line, bub
Those are some lame ass glams. DRG? WAR? DRK? Really?
>Why doesn't it get its AOE until level 40?
dont really care about the rest but this one is seriously fucked up
I'll be EBing the BRD, thank you.
>femra trans gf
Give me a cute biofemra instead
My monk glamour uses glamours that aren't job restricted, so I will not be posting it.
Weird question; can you view the EB ceremony cutscenes in the inn rooms? Or will I have to record it?
tfw no tank main trans gf eb to healslut for.... I just want to heal someone bros.....
I killed him
All NA bulls including me are at work
euroid, Americans foster freedom and liberty and we love talking about the game. The thread is in shambles without us.
Rarely do I see a glam that's superior to just using the artifact armor. Looking good > individuality.
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I will still like to see!
My femlala tank waits at the end of every dungeon, but doesn’t even get a /pet…
this puritanical arc where we long for the days of everyone getting 3-dayed for mentioning their EB is one of the worst in recent memory, and yes i was here for the entire dream's bass saga
the fuck do you think people are going to discuss for 10 threads per day? strategies in the latest savage tier? pentamelding stats?
Do you think Dawntrail will go on sale soon?
is that hoodie the DRK is wearing actually in the game? it looks comfy
t. Firelands Andy
>Why does DRG have so many buttons?
Why not?
>Why doesn't it get its AOE until level 40?
Developer incompetency.
>What did they actually rework for the job?
They removed the Eye system and just made Geirskogul a 60s button. Also they removed back-to-back positionals from Wheeling Thrust/Fang and Claw.
>Why wouldn't you just play as RPR?
Maybe people like pressing more buttons and spears?
i think if you look at this picture and the first thing that pops into your mind is a tranny you might need to take a break from here
the problem with biofems tho is that they are women (annoying) and cant get hard if I'm sending her lewd dms
me as SCH/SAGE
fat cat mogstation jacket dyed black
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Have you noticed there's two types of video game players?

>Dudes who play games for the games sake and just enjoy video games
>"Gamers" who play games because it's an excuse to be social and make tweets and drape it over themselves like it's a personality and they're obsessed with e-celebs and voice actors and activism and "muh community" bullshit
it's over..
>it doesn’t
>no clue
>made getting into LoTD better
>got rid of eye and spineshatter (good changes)
>burst is notably less button mash than EW
>Reaper isn’t as fun to play and hit buttons on
It's a nice change from the constant clique drama though.
Shut up retard
the diadochos casting and healing chest look similar
>and spears?
I fucking love spears and polearms, they're so cool looking. I wish Monster Hunter had one that wasn't tied to a bug and those gimmicks.
literally transgenderist flag colors
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Oh, you've already seen it! Hope you have a nice Monday!
It's just one lame shitter shouting at the wall. Lil clown is as effective as a mosquito.
Lol, tranny chaser cope
Na hours starts in 3 hours
not cope I just hate cis women
There's a biofemra and a tranny femra in my FC and they're best friends.
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First off
>using Asmongold terminology
Second off
>try making a GNB glam that looks cooler than this
>>Why does DRG have so many buttons?
Part of the job identity
>>Why doesn't it get its AOE until level 40?
Relic of ARR design philosophy, where aoe is de-emphasized in favor of single target skills. Should be changed.
>>What did they actually rework for the job?
Not much. Made Gier a 60s damage steroid and replaced removed the back to back positional requirements. They were probably going to delete lifesurge and change how the GCD loop worked, but the justified backlash to the ill-advised removal of kaiten scared them so they just removed Spineshatter dive and called it a day.
>>Why wouldn't you just play as RPR?
Reaper has a bad aesthetic.

So fucking based.
why is EU so gay
>no creativity andy
Dumb nigger detected.
[12:00]You obtain 3,375,000 gil.
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Just something I'm thinking about doing after I collect more experiences, please weigh in.
>autismgold fan calling other people dumb
Kill yourself child molester
all me, sorry
she wasn't alone....
Should i post my femlala so the schizophrenics target me instead of everyone else this morning
>3,375,000 gil
You're one high-end hooker, goddamn...
Definite, rotund yes
What tags would you use to describe these logs?
Shut the fuck up before I molest YOUR children.
if you have any logs of your femlala handling and slobbering all over a dick I'd love to read them
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>inn in French is called "the Missing Limb"
>check out local banter in English
Starting to wonder if it's not meant to be called "The Missing Member" instead.
>wants the worst version of women
Uh huh
>>burst is notably less button mash than EW
no it's fucking not
they introduced as much oGCDslop as they removed, it's still gay as fuck to play

why does lance charge and geirskogul do the same thing now? what's the point of both existing at once?
like already taken or just hanging out with a friend..
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only if it was funny
who knows
You're being #2 right now
trans women are men
cis women are women
are you seriously going to sit there and tell me you'd rather put up with dumb cunts
>make new friend
>they tell me they have ADD and anxiety
>and they smoke weed daily
Have you ever considered not smoking weed?
Will try to make it when I can reach there from the MSQ.
If you're stupid enough to go after clowns pretending to be women and say women are worse thats on you.
I don't know...
It's an American thing, they take fifteen kind of "meds" for every little thing because the farma jews convinced them that it's good.
>make new friend
>already talking shit behind his back
you should have tried talking to her bro
aye NICE blank have a great monday
>women are better than men
women are barely even human bro what are you talking about
Are mornings always like this on here?
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I'm not well versed in tag-speak but I'm into fairly vanilla things like femdom, lezdom, size difference... I'm sure there's a tag name for when the dominant one gets surprise overpowered... those kind of things. I'm interested in experiencing new fetishes though so I will inevitably be convinced to write outside my comfort zone when I meet someone persuasive enough.

Not yet.
jesus christ this thread is aids
i'll just come back when NA hours start
the fifteen kinds of meds are to counteract the toxic food we eat and vaccines we take
I mean, it’s not just us. The volunteers, also known as the Rotund Ones, also known as the Zero-Dollar Warriors, started it. It looks like they’re finally on the clock again, so we gotta adjust our preferences accordingly. Otherwise we’re all in for a bad time. The days of easy skanking are over.
race and dc?
I'm laughing at you is talking about
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Yes. Lets chat.
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me as the catboy
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Mounts in gw2 are pure kino. Best in all MMOs. Wow is better in terms of dungeons and general tab targeting gameplay. FFXIV is a single player erp simulator, worst gameplay of the 3. GW2 also has way fewer skills per class barring some of the piano-playing caster classes but it doesn’t matter because easier classes do the same dps. The horizontal progression in that game is cool though, although suuuuuper grindy. It’s the RuneScape of wow clone, worth a play though, it has an unreal amount of content between all of expacs. Heart of Thorns is the best area I’ve ever played/seen in an MMO. Wow is much more streamlined/less difficult in terms of its main questline/story content. GW2 is essentially WoW for poor people, solid game once you get over the lack of dps/tank/healer roles, everything is kind of a hybrid but some of them are better at healing/dpsing than others which is kinda gay and makes class choice/balance changes a pain. FFXIV sucks complete ass.
PC on PLD was a miserable experience last night. I hate how this coomer is so good at CC...
>lost housing lottery dream plot by one
I hate this
>4chan andy
male middie, chaos
I salute you, degenerate
Looking forward to these logs
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I think Lalafell are insanely cute and have some of the best emotes. Thankfully my friend wouldn't care about it if I ever swapped to one. No way he'd ever do lewds until I swapped off again and that's fine. If your friend are like that just use glamourer or make an alt at that point, no? I'd say they're not very good friends if race matters so much they'd unfriend someone.
Lol. Sure
The tag you're looking for is domination loss and/or role reversal
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I love these Elezens.
Oh yippee... another fucking transbian fulala...
You ok lil bro?
>Not yet.
would you like to rectify that with my male roe?
so true dood
>another “boohoo this mmo isn’t like the other mmoslop i like” post
Then why aren’t you playing GW2 and posting in the GW2 general?
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Sometimes they're more schizo and less gay, it depends a bit on who happens to be online.
They already did dummy
GW2 has a bit more action in the combat
WoW's combat is the floatiest, shittiest combat I've experienced in ANY mmo
XIV has it's issues, mainly about how unresponsive it feels at times and the shit netcode, but it's nowhere near close to WoW
Fucking RO and Helbreath feel more impactful than WoW's cartoonish shit tier physics
Get better bait
Domination loss is what you’re talking about and it’s kino
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nah she was way too cute not to be taken already
I saw two or maybe three different games in this word salad and I'm not reading it, if you wanna talk about them go to their generals, if you wanted to play them you wouldn't be posting here.
See ya.
i like the standing pose where they do the hop and put their hands on their sides
If someone were to unfriend me just for swapping to the meme race they weren't my friend to begin with
may i plap that catboy
its joever, sorry anon
detox from twitter, anon
I may post one tomorrow. Right now I'm tired and don't trust myself to do a thorough job scrubbing the names from it. It also ended kind of abruptly so it's a scuffed session.

The boys can be put to good use too, anon. And don't call me a filthy fucking fulala either, my femlala wears a strap-on like a civilized domme.

Oh! That's what I just got done doing then, I didn't expect it and it was fun.
>op pic deleted
lol lmao even
>another narcissist not taking their friends feelings into account
Many such cases
Eu hours it's always like this
I agree with you. Lalafells are cute, but I'd probably die of horny before I ERP with one.
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Any mirrors of that primals set that was like 2 days ago?
There goes anonymous friends reputation…
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Sorry, he's a pure and wholesome creature.
The council will now decide your fate

Kiss a femra
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>at times
maybe I'm autistic but I don't get why people talk shit about each other so readily. every time I meet someone I hear all this shit about their other friends and it's off putting. makes me wonder what they're saying about me behind my back. I might just be soft or something and this is a normal part of socializing.
You would make new friends (me) who would appreciate you no matter your height.
i am a transgirl femra about to go to sleep and its 11:15am just about

good night
I havent had a twitter in like 5 years but this is silly considering xiv is totally infested with jewish transgenderists too
holy moly
lol even wow is better for casuals now. XIV is falling behind because they refuse to change rigid systems they implemented 10 years ago
Roes x femlala just doesn’t work… I want to put it in
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holy gluboly
why did you say femra twice
kissing you goodnight
are you wearing panties
I quite literally don’t think about trans people at all while playing this game how some of you get so worked up over them is beyond me
hello my wife
any other trans-coded m*id femra?
Smooch Femra Weekend continues to monday
post catboy
would it be a good idea to play FFXIV in other languages to learn them?
not the entire story, just so I can get used to menus and stuff. I would switch it back to English when there's a new patch.
>bro play this MMO instead
Bitch I barely want to play MMOs period. I'm only here because it's Final Fantasy.
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Who's that Elezen? Looks like Ireine, mah waifu.
I sure hope you're using the word wow simply to talk about how you just taught me that you can negatively care about that, that's a really wow worthy lesson.
Read my post again.
I appreciate the offer but I don't think I'll be intentionally doing it with anyone from here, unless I just don't realize that they're a /xivg/ person when they approach me.
I'm fine with just licking but suit yourself!
hello punjabi
Brain dead retard faggot.
It's just my femra race-swapped to Elezen
my moonie unironically
It's not normal, don't worry. You have to remember that XIV players and xivg are generally socially very maladjusted
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Talking anonymously about an anonymous friend is not”talking shit about them” it’s giving an illustrative example of a larger trend, which is people giving themselves the mental problems they struggle with through substance abuse (weed in particular). I thought it wasn’t addictive, right?
nowe we both know that's a lie
yeah black silky smooth ones
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Am I the only person who doesn't give a fuck that xiv "feels unresponsive"?
xiv's cut and dry
>dont stand in the hitbox when it snapshots
feels a lot better to me than other games where getting hit or not depends on if the game is actually syncing the hitbox with the animation
Someone post that gif of the darksouls guy rolling then getting pulled into the sword that he didn't get hit by at all
And I've happily seen it again, casual modern glam works well for a street fighting look!
it's me
hey that's a pretty nice refund, don't spend that all in one place ;)
fuck you
No, thats like reading Moby Dick in German. Look at children's media. They generally keep shit simple enough
is your moonie brown perchance?
what's the address of this plot? i wanna take some pics here
what else do you have on
Are you in-game?
fuck me yourself, idiot
I am not talking about that anon posting anonymously I'm talking about my personal experiences
You had to get 25 to win the house. Apply yourself next time.
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WOW is the best and most popular MMO right now. Even the most hardcore FFXIV players agree...a prominent XIV user has even sad:

"WOW's worst day is still better than FFXIV's best day."

Unironically, FFXIV brings nothing to the table and literally everything it does, WOW does better twofold. In fact, I would even say Shadowlands was far better than anything XIV has ever put out.

I wouldn't be so passionate about this if XIV cultists didn't actively make my WOW experience less enjoyable. I WANT TO SAY THIS AGAIN: FFXIV "fans" have flamed me and others and made my gaming experiences worse. I'm sick of the "wow bad xiv good" meme.

I go on to YouTube, they're trolling WOW content creators. I go on to twitter, they're sending death threats to people that don't follow their shitty opinions. I go on reddit, and guess what: they're spamming shitty threads about how their visual novel is better than one of the titans of all video games.


FFXIV is dead. It never topped WOW: we have hard numbers that the only "peak" FFXIV ever reached was maybe a million players. If you think WOW ever went below 3 million: you're delusional. FFXIV players were only good at being loud and convincing the ill-informed that WOW "was dead" and their shit was better. But the numbers don't lie. No one watched FFXIV on twitch; meanwhile WOW is still one of the most popular games. And guess what? Every single influencer that went to FFXIV...is back to WOW and they're not looking back! Asmongold, Bellular, Preach, Nobbel etc etc...FFXIV is shit compared to WOW. The content speaks for itself.

FFXIV is fine on its own, but in a world where WOW and FFXIV exist there is 0 reason to play FFXIV.

Play WOW.
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>dont stand in the hitbox when it snapshots
I've watched dolls run literally straight through me while I'm standing still for over 5 seconds and dolls grabbing me so far away from them their animation doesn't even physically connect.
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Playing on my alt on Balmung and watching sprouts run around is pretty nice :3
When I travel to other worlds in my DC do the Needs of the roulette change? Making it easier to find the category of class I'm trying to level?
>reddit spacing
>likes WoW
It checks out.
*unsheathes my lalabvll cock and has it slam on the floor with enough weight to shake the room*

ok... bend over.... BITCH !!!
>alt on my server
fuck outta here we're already full
i feel like it would be difficult to invest in something I don't care about though
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Nah I’m gonna play OSRS instead, you know an actual good MMO where gear and skill actually matter
Housing in Balmung is completely fucked now that you can make characters and transfer there.
thats it...
she’s grey but she used be brown and may be brown again in the future
[11:04]You obtain 3,750,000 gil.
no I'm here to plap :3
I've seen these niggas run past me then warp strafe back at me, pivoting on the spot and grabbing onto me. Shit netcode.
i dont know but the in need bonus isnt that much xp really i dont think its worth traveling for if it did change like that
>realized I'm the only one that initiates convo with "friends"
>realized my "friends" all do stuff together and don't ever think to invite me
>realized these people never were my "friends" they were just being friendly
next time for sure king
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>94 entries for a small
they do, but the adventurer in need bonus isn't worth travelling for
>wrong answer
big sad
get some rest
this reads like it was AI-assisted or some shit
also I hope all these grifters stay gone
>anon never brought up these problems to his “friends” and let the resentment build inside him slowly
>thinks his friends are the problem
>they’re probably wondering where he’s been
hahaha mooncoon!!!!! lol
My moonie bitch got her bis for top, she is ready
>The boys can be put to good use too
Okay, you now have my full attention. Do you like catboys...?
They are thinking beans anon, they are each given an AI. Dodge harder.
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What's the difference between a sunnie and a moonie?
Wrong answers only.
no thanks
I made this realization a while ago
they're probably shit people, just move on
smells like fish
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FFXIV is shit. By installing it, know that you are confirming to your subconscious that you are a lesser being. You begin the process of becoming food for the end times. You are willingly placing yourself into a skinnerbox, designed to keep its users in the maze by putting you through a 500 hour SOLO story with zero challenge, this makes you weak. Secondly, the game is designed for lesser men who seek the comfort and love of women but are too infantile to obtain it in reality. The game's community is a hedonistic and degenerate hell-nest that attracts the most desperate and sick individuals. Grown men will bleat about wanting to have sex with child like creatures or pretend to be women and spend their lives writing smut to each other for coin. Why one would willingly be involved in such an abyss is beyond me. In fact, there is no degree of separation between someone who plays FFXIV and that of a sub-human meat battery. To willingly plug yourself into the prototype of the machine that weakens man is the first step you will take toward becoming a shambling, sexless, skilless, art murdering drone.
weed is most certainly addictive, it's just that it's not physically addictive in the same way that a lot of other drugs are and the withdrawal symptoms after extended use are not severe at all. compare quitting weed cold turkey after a year of daily use versus, well, anything else really. my step father recently had to be put into detox before going to rehab because if he had quit drinking cold turkey, he likely would have died. if he had been using weed all these years instead of booze, he'd be kinda irritable and annoying and frustrated for like a week max.
anyone who says weed isnt addictive is coping. they're the kinds of people who say "i can quit any time," and they theoretically could, but they realistically they won't
??? what did i do to you…
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EB isn't responding to Discord messages again...
no, you're not
i don't use any plogon slop to help with ping and i find the game to be 100% predictable and reliable
you stay out of the snapshots
you expect a small positional delay
presto, game is consistent
I don't read posts written by chatgpt
i dont remember, but it's an apartment
maybe somewhere in lb14
hello punjabi
nothing i just like moonie slurs sorry
Kill yourself nigger
Nice gaslight, bwo
Nah they're too busy having fun they don't care. Besides I'd look like a faggot if I brought it up to them
t. got banned from his FC because was too cringe and retarded
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It's going to be fine. Your EB will respond soon and it's going to be great, I'm sure!
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Not yet.
Sunnies are sluts and moonies are unhinged
jokes on you, I write that smut for free
>I’d look like a faggot if I brought it up
No you wouldn’t any reasonable person would sit and listen to your concerns and try to reach an amicable solution but you threw that out the window and just let resentment build. It’s a (You) self sabotaging problem and you’ll fix it sooner or later
Stfu about your EB nigger
all sunnies are +
Reply to this if you are and I will come stare blankly at you
You are a lalafell now. Check your pants.
i would respond to your discord messages immediately
wtf im a hung lalabvll now..
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>My femlala walks up to you
"Hey did you dress up in wrestling outfit for the savage tier?"
>Vrtra card is a 4-star
>Wuk Lamat card is a 5-star
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I miss my bottom heavy anal wife, Analstasiya Medvedeva
My EB would never leave me on Read.
Sorry, sis... I'll give him back to you in about 30 minutes hehehe...
I'm going to respond to my future-EB immediately... always...
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keep talking about your EB nigger, we love you
What the fuck is that manga
Okay respond to me right now!
You aren't on your way to impregnate a moonie with your futa cock!
I hope you suffocate on his smothering love, cutie.
sunnies are all + and are mega whores
moonies are retarded, but generally loyal and about 50/50 + or -
wait until you find out enemies use his balls for shonen transformations
they have different eyes and fangs
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Under a minute, that is acceptable. Good! /pet
lying furry degenerate
I hate this retard's dumbass proportions. HM too.
it was quicker.. i had to wait for the post cd..
I feel like "xivgs first" and "1st xivg X meet" have very different connotations, where this implies that its the first along this line
frotting with a cute futa middie with her foreskin intact....
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I want my neet gf to play femlala but I don't want her to get invested and get permanently banned on day one.
She gets banned enough times saying gamer words in other games.
Lmao that's golden
No good wrestling outfits for male healers
All NTR posters are moonies or femra anon.
no it doesn't
Oooh yeah, Brute Bomber, I remember way back when when the mega powers were bonded! Yeah! You made a lot of promises to the macho man, didn't ya. Promises that you didn't keep!
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FFXIV is trash. The only good thing about it the Ultimates.
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can someone tell me if I won my house
wanna know how I know you dont play xiv?
buy a pass to reply faster nonny
Okay Pablo, keep me posted
no they're unironically just european sunnies and the occasional falseflag NA lalafell schizo
I'm gonna be honest, /xivg/.
Your hat? It looks dumb. You should stop wearing it.
My femlala behaves like her
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The Japanese GPosers continue to shit on anything NA GPosers produce it blows my mind
...what the fuck
not true i like getting bred by my eb as well
savage is pretty fun too
You didn't
FFXIV is trash, but it has hot characters so I forgive it
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>can't get ven a small on Halicarnassus years after the lottery system drops
>these fags do this shit to haoard a whole ward and farm gil to RMT
I hate housing players so fucking much
there's so many houses, enough for basically everyone, but retards treat it like monopoly

exspecially you, Seraph Altima @ Mateus, you've owned Goblet 12 for 7+ years, fucking give it up, let other people try out housing instead of sitting your fat fujo ass on the ward forever
I know a sunnie who's really into ntr
pic not related i guess
femezen butts on my face
>Iphone user with shit taste
jp gposers will type /gpose and click the face camera button and call it a wrap, you like safeslop and your opinion doesn't matter
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>reddit/r/ffxiv is trash
>xivg is trash (worse than reddit)
I'm starting to believe the problem is the game. Funny how on wowg and wowcg people talk about the game, and when they aren't talking about the game they are acting like actual men and not some limpwristed tranny. Fucked up. I'm going back to WoW.
voring catgirl, femra, and fiera +'s
I wish I knew what Photoshop tech they use.
yea it's mindblowing how japanese gposers can make any race look like a child
at least the pedos in japan arent also trans
A lot of my friends are just shy and don’t want to impose on me, or don’t want the embarrassment of me telling them I’m dealing with more important matters than them, and to go away. Imo you should try to think the best of your friends….
What are you talking about? There's so many unbid smalls on Hali. There was just 3 in my ward and much more in other wards/housing districts.
>namedropping in a housing post
uh oh huge melty
>AI editing
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it's some of the best manga i've ever read
anime comes out in october too
something happened here
wow is absolutely infested with troons what are you talking about bro
That fiddie's tits aren't that big normally
easily the most transparent false flag ever
Glad you felt the need to share your feelings online when no one asked. Very masculine.
>wow is absolutely infested with troons
Worse than ffxiv?
They need to lock this fucking world permanently
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posting my viera because i can
those boos are too big
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My favourites would be Monster and Psyren.
get AB-slootely shit on, houselet.
Wow quite literally has trans developers working on the game alongside canonical trans characters, like Pelagos
That makeup looks like shit.
seraph Altima is well known, they're the one fag hag who talks to kotaku about once an expansion because she and her wife own the entirety of Mateus 12 Goblet and made it a private no visitors RP village for themselves and their friends
They are the pinnacle of the issue of grandfathered plots and get inteviewed and consulted every time there's a housing change

If you want a fun time read their tumblr post having a melty about people telling them they shouldn't be so greedy, they think they legit own the entire Mateus server lol
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*hits u with a steel chair*
they're roughly the same in terms of volume but the difference boils down to whether you prefer your troons to be racists (wow) or to be lefists (xiv)
I'm actually kind of impressed Seraph still plays, does that other guy who co-owns half the ward still play too?

Nah she's notorious
r u gonna fanta to a moonie
>no text emotes
skinwalker alert
Stop skinwalking the nice sprout healslut from WoW, val .
Another wave of retards will dick ride this into oblivion
show before and after first please. we can save you another 10 dollars
Posting my midlander failing her commercial negotiatons with a Sharlayan buyer.
birth of a throatpie lala!!!
>”youre gonna enjoy the thing i like in the wrong way nooooooooo”
Why are all weebs like this every single one of you
the korbo foot picture is better
They both "play" in the sense they log in to sit in their ward, keep their houses, and then talk in game, I don't think they've done MSQ in a while

I think they showed up on the officials once when people werre talking about how grandfathered plots need to be released since it's been 6-7+ years and that's long enough to own a massive chunk of an MMO's real esatte.
They had their usual melty about "how dare you I made this what it is today, none of you were playing when I did and none of you were crafting to make the gil to buy these houses I deserve them forever"
poor skinwalking attempt
what're you gonna fanta to and from bro
Kek looks like you really struck a nerve. Yjk all the people getting mad over this are modbeast abominations
I love you regardless Anon...
Racist troons are an interesting crossover...
Not sure which of the two are more receptive to chasers...
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>my enjoyment of media is affected by other people's opinions on it
can i see the new you
>legacy money hwhites when the coloreds start asking for reparations
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I'm sorry but ff14 is trash right now. I literally cannot stand another second of this game. It's just a chore to play. The devs need to go back to the drawing board and figure out what made the game great in the first place. Right now it's just an empty cash grab. I'm done with this game until it gets fixed. Goodbye.
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*parrys and ripostes with a smooch*
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3 weeks and I'm done with M'Naago forever. I'm probably never going to wear the title but I'm too deep in the sunk cost fallacy to stop.
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No, don't look sad. /pet /pet /pet
my catboy is a big fan of the tawk tuah podcast
What I find funny about posts like this is whether it's on 4chan, reddit, twitter, or officials
the minute you make a post mad about hoarders or multi-owners or talk about how shit the system is because housing is scarce, you get flooded with people telling you actually you just need to pay 20 dolalrs to change server to this dead server and then wait 2 weeks before you can buy real estate and then hope no one else bids on this small in the goblet and then you can have A house.

it's just cope because they know, and we all know, what they do is basically RMT, they RMT gil to pay their subs, every big housing influencer in ffxiv RMTs and multiboxes to do this shit, we all know
but it pisses them off to have any amount of pushback and they will swarm a post if you say anything negative about this.
i’ve been saying we really need a talk tuah meetup
I haven't watched anime in years. JJK and chainsawman niggers are fucking annoying though.
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Daydreaming about male characters today… Sigh

When will it be my turn for a Husbun?
>leon lailoken sneaks off with proxy noir for a secluded island fuck
Never nigger
You just don't like her because she doesn't put out after two honeyed words.unlike yourself
I want val to turn his schizo attention to me and grow to despise me then hatefuck me then fall in love with me and we get married and move in together irl and have two cats
>boyfriend asks which server I'm on
you can ignore these people and pretend they don’t exist it’s very easy, even (You) can do it
don't make this a race thing
unironically this is what started killing ultima online is their real estate system was
1 - limited
2 - favored those who bought in early
3 - gave insane benefits in gold making to those with vs without (same with gardens, onions, subs, airships, etc here)
to the point where once you reached a certain point in the world, new players would not play anymore because joining late was ipossible to even compete with anyone else, you were effectively roleplaying an NPC and that's no fun
proof with pose pics PLEASE
>got mad about a big FC sharting all over her small every day
>hogged an entire ward as retaliation
>types like she's part of the SE staff
>legacy tattoo dick waving
this is gold KEK
>daydreaming about male characters
>daydreams about the most effeminate of them all
Retarded fujo, miera see more cocks than a gas station urinal
I'm here.
i'm at LB14.
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>Prices outside the restricted servers are all shit
>Gonna have to spend an extra 25 million gil just because I can't travel there, the original purchase would only amount to 15 million total if I could.
Someone please defend this artificially implemented limitation on a game I pay a monthly subscription for.
post new
you'll take your lalaboy and like him
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>your hat
Bet you think you're REAL funny. Racist...
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But M'naago's cute.
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Reject coomer XIV, embrace tradition XI
holy shit just wait and keep trying
this is legit how every single legacy player I've met has talked
they talk like they're god themselves because they played "when the game was bad"
like? okay? congrats I guess for spending your life playing a shit game before they fixed it?
>implying I would bother sneaking
>t. seething Maliddie
what are you even trying to buy
M'niggo is gross.
Sorry bro all the ones here are gay, I hear two of them are EBing each other actually as soon as one is unbanned
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its too late... its over...
Not really, the “politically extreme” (many are also “tankies”) tranny has been a tiresome stock character since 2016.
Outdoors and indoors furniture in bulk
I'm glad you haven't forgotten me yet, schizo-kun!

I quite like the character, but I don't really have anything to gain from grinding her this long. All my crafters are over lvl 70 and I'd rather wear my other titles over Naago's Partner.
We haven't even done anything yet, it's been like 2 minutes
cokey cola...
>tfw a courtesan at a venue
>about to be eb'd soon
do i quit my job sisters?
why don't you just make it yourself
cocky cola
We're so back.
Yeah, it's over.
Yes sis, it's time to retire. Be loyal to your partner and love them dearly.
>rent free
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The Gil economy in this game is ass too but that's another conversation
Ideally the only way to control inflation and shit like hoarding wealth by early players is to implement some type of redistribution system
in the real world this is taxes + public services
where you take money from those with huge amassed wealth and redistribute it down

otherwise you end up with the current situation where the wealthy say "money doesn't matter" and prices inflate
while people with little struuggle to make any money and struggle to aford the inflated goods prices.

obviously SE doesn't give a fuck about it here but it's interesting to see in action what happens with unchecked capitalism without taxes or tarrifs, where people just make all the money in the world and start giving it away out of boredom or for sexual favors like this general does
Oh, crafting stuff.
I never did that so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Because that will take anywhere from 15 to 30 hours of gathering and crafting not to mention gardening.
so cute...
Lol, the fact that you even had to ask this means your relationship is doomed to fail
Have the venue hire your eb to work alongside you
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She is indeed!
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Now I can stop playing, right?
Why is your hair the colour of diarrhea?
What a sprout you are...
Now you get to be even more of an annoying tranny
Do Miqo'te purr? This is a very important question.
i think you need to see a doctor anon
If you're having charcoal black diarrhea you need to go to the ER brother
Do you play a cute female character?
proxy is insatiable
Is it true what schizokun says? I always admired your Gridania character.
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
Why are face 4 femra so fucking hideous lmao...
how come when i try to fondle your chest it feels like im pantomiming
You're not supposed to chug Pepto for fun hermano
They do!
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I think in Stormblood and Shadowbringers off the heat they got from owning that ward, they got kicked a lot from groups and seethed about it
I imagine if they do content it's on other alts or something because people would recognize seraph altima @ mateus and kick from parties out of spite back when housing was super seuper ass and was impossible to get for most people

still is ass but that's another conversation, and it's about to get a lot worse when they change houses to allow large interiors in smalls and so on, people will rush to snap up as many as possible because of that
Ah, understandable. M'Naago has her own Custom Deliveries where you can help the Ala Mhigan restoration, it's a nice questline. Actually all the Custom Delivery quests are pretty cool, I wish you could do them more than once a week though. At least the older ones could be sped up a little.
no now you can EB me and we can have many strange dragon bunny children
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Nah ff14 is boring. I think you have to be retarded to uniornically play this shit for more then a few hours
Today i learned the great filter is just shit gameplay weebs and trannies put up with to roleplay as generic anime girls that aren’t even hot.
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Not anymore, I've lost my sprout privileges. I get to be held accountable now.
But the game is over...
Just AGP, I guess.
Did Proxy fanta off lala? I thought she was that blonde fulala
Do the raids, goofy!!
>inb4 vile rumors spread by my enemies
She's now a tall and tanned sunnie+

Oooh, that's the Ala Mhigo thing.
I skipped over so much, bloody hell. Haven't touched Eureka, haven't touched Bjorva...
He never said that
Proxy is a now a black futa cat and has already blacked jaden mode several times, wookie feet several times, and is rumored to be working on fucking Mira Nicotera
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>launch game
>zoom to look at my character while i do other things
>move ff to the other screen
>look from time to time to make mood better
It's the little things
I haven't finished Bozja or Eureka either, and I haven't completed any of the deep dungeons... there's so much side content left. I'm kind of glad I didn't start the game back in 2.0 because I rarely run out of stuff to do.
>new alt or new fanta with new gimmick
>pests all the regular gooner ebins into a plap or pose
>novelty wears off and almost none of them have any repeat performances because they just wanted a sample and aren't actually good at anything sustained
>eventually flame out and create a new gimmick and start over
anon this has happened with like 5 different thread gooners in the last month
did you not see what happened to jaden mode and a bunch of others
they played 1 game of frontlines with 0 lewdness, get your cockwatching lore straight
going to get plapped before the eb one last time then
they dont know i work at one
Whose alt is this?
Someone else post the archives this time.
>one game of frontlines with no lewdness
>he is unaware
that or you’re coping… Wookie Feet is a blacked pawg that belongs to Proxy now
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>*Youtuber has the same opinion*
>proxy in camera mode
it's ogre
make sure you take a benign cuddling pic afterward so you can pretend it wasn't lewd
>I'm starting to believe
>I think
Using racist/transphobic imagery doesn't help you look less like a little bitch, write a blog nigger.
even mine...? makes a pleading face at u
Anon, i...
i'm all for stirring drama but it has to at least start with truth
you also know nothing about wookie if you would actually believe that
I'm crying right now...
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I'm very annoyed that I speedrunned through the MSQ because I got sucked in the story hard, and now that I'm burned out and it's a good time to do side content, I realize there's just SO MUCH to do.
The raids, the trials extreme and sadist, Eureka, Boswana or whatever, all the crafting and harvesting.

And all I wanna do is get spanked and practice my english by trying to tell more by writing less.
>xivg is just a bunch of brown and black people pretending to be white online
they are like bugs and by the Fury, i love bugs
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Me but unironically.
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>had a nice dream about snuggling with my crush while he pet my hair
>woke up to a massive drool puddle under my face on my body pillow I had in a death grip
Give it a couple minutes and we'll both be in gpose, I needed to get a coffee.
>m-my wife would never be BLACKED by a futa bull
Coping it is then
>racist accusation
>uses nigger
Lol. Lmao.
where has that guy been anyway?
i have so much fun playing the game its unreal. i look forward to logging in everyday to hang out with my fc and do content and maps and whatever else. i love this game bro
Get a trip.
I like the game I just want content that doesn't suck ass anddoesn't require you to be a NEET to prog and play it
right now we got fuck all
>/xivg/ is just a bunch of transwomen and women pretending to be straight cis men online
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imagine not being the superior Slav
Would you EB a racist moonie? she is very cute and loving otherwise
I'm not accusing him of being racist, I'm accusing him of being a woman dressing up like a man.
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>X plapped Y!
>W has been in the same private estate as Z for the last hour and a half!
>I heard Y and Z just ERPed earlier, too!

man. i don’t plap, i don’t erp, and i’m a literal who

but i don’t understand why ANY of you care who is masturbating with why, let alone to the point that you’re “cockwatching”

why the FUCK do any of you care?
Where's LT's evidence?
While doing the MSQ (I started in ShB but began to frequently play only in EW) I always took a pause after finishing one expansion and did most of the side content for it. Of course, don't do anything that you don't want to just because it's there.
it's 50% fujos
Yes but I'm not a moonie nor a cat. Being racist only makes it better btw.
>/xivg/ is just a bunch of women pretending to be transwomen pretending to be men pretending to be women online
Fanta to face 2 and maybe I'll look your way...
I unironically enjoy logging into the game every day I’ve got plenty to do still as well like
>DT hunt achievements
>tank achievements
><Ultimate Thrillseeker>
>savage/EX mounts
>pvp mounts and glam
I think a lot of you guys stopped liking the game half a decade ago and can’t stop playing due to sunk cost and feel trapped
No content in fino fanta save for new ultimates on release require you to be a neet althougheverbeit
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I think the main issue is the story and writing has gotten really bad. When sitting through a bad story people tend to start nitpicking and seeking out flaws to focus on instead of the story.

So we're basically in a situation where everyone's discovering grievances that they never really realized they had.
Just two grown men, jorkin the meat, posing their dress-up dolls
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I usually feel burnt out after an expansion, but usually, I just take a break and play something else. Like Mordhau, or Underspace, or Elden Ring, or Man O War.
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>/xivg/ is just me on 146 different computers
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>"it's some of the best manga i've ever read"
>look inside
>it's another shounen manga
People just like to stir up drama. 4chan has a ton of people who will do whatever in order to annoy someone.
They have literally nothing better to do
Forays, Savage, Ultiamtes, and Extremes really do require you to be a NEET unless you want some retard screaming in your ear to watch a guide first and do it HIS way.

You get like 5 hours max for blind prog in most content that's not MSQ and past that people immediately start shoving guides down your throat because they want their clear now so they can stop playing.
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Remember that this game is the sole reason SE is afloat and they don't give a fuck about you.
I don't care for the MSQ at all
They could remove it entirely and I'd still play
youtubers are always wrong, if you agree with them you're wrong
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Read something good then. Monster, Oyasumi PunPun or Homunculus.
I kind of wish people would get more creative and find new and interesting ways to annoy someone. It's boring when it's just the same old relationshit drama rather than a well thought-out trolling.
>leaning into it instead of denying it
god yes please fuck in front of the thread
This thread is basically a high school. Everyone's here to gossip, shit talk, and farm cred.
this general is full of shounenspics for some reason
in the end it turned out to be himself because he couldnt keep up with all that samefagging he does. brought down by his own schizoing
Why would I ever pretend to be white?
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My moonie is unsure about EBing anything other than another moonie
nothin better than that
I respect that.
>tfw I look at my cute femlala
>day improved
Ever heard of being patient?
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Oyasumi PunPun isn't actually that good, it's just trauma and misery porn that keeps assaulting you over and over again for the hell of it.
genuinely same sis
I like this viera
My favorite part of playing ff14 is knowing that none of the money it makes ever really goes back into it and instead they'll pump out slop no one really cares about.

It's like they have a golden goose, but instead of profiting off the eggs, they instead want to use them to juggle and make money that way.
>This thread is basically a high school
I mean the real redpill is that life in general is high school. Families, work places, hobbyist groups, etc. They all operate more or less on high school social dynamics.
>superior Slav
blacklist it
then act surprised when you find out later by process of elimination you've blacklisted the alt of someone who's been here for years
>tfw I look at my cute lalaboy
>day ruined
it's been like 5 days which is forever in thread time
post her so our day can also be improved..
She is racist afterall, she only likes other moonies
do you like my femra anon..?
i would pet a moonie
are you actually insane? how new are you?
a clearly boosted blonde fiddie "found our location" by accident
it is absolutely magness or lorilee trying to catfish the other
It looks like a random one, extremely curious.
Oh no a sprout found the location we've posted about on this public image board!
I've never found trolling entertaining to do or follow myself, but yeah the same old "omg gooner 1 erp'd with gooner!" is incredibly boring and lame. I suppose it works because erp is still kind of personal and it's annoying when people talk about your erp in front of the whole thread.
I'm sure it is not that small
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>Kek looks like you really struck a nerve. Yjk all the people getting mad over this are modbeast abominations
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>Makes WoW
>Huge success
>Invests in WoW
>Game becomes better
>Blizzard gets moolah

>Square Enix
>Remakes FF14
>Huge success
>Invests in other, shitty games
>Refuses to invest in FF14
>FF14 continuously falls behind competitors
>The only money SE gets from FF14 now is to recoup losses from failed, shitty games

Whats this business strategy called?
>This thread is basically a high school
You guys that say this do not work actual jobs and it shows. The most gossipy motherfuckers I’ve come across in my life are older white and black dudes those fucks will talk your ear off about shit you don’t care about for hours if you let them. Every single adult you’ve known and will know in your life gossips be it about work, their home life, shittalking others, etc it’s not just the thread it’s life in general
I do.
You would pet my moonie? she will bite unless you are also a moonie
he doesnt have any because hes full of shit
*places my big wet puppydog eyes on ur face* my face 4 is as pretty as any face 2 r u sure...
>Whats this business strategy called?
Japanese Boomer Advanced
oh that's not so ba-
thats a risk i take whenever i encounter moonies, i dont mind being bitten, just as long as they like being pet
I'm socially maladjusted and completely ignore my co-workers babble. So perhaps.
I play other games (tm) too, but I always come back to FFXIV.
need a few biggers to stuff my femlala's holes...
>proxy desperately damage controlling
i am getting pretty eepy myself but i think i am going to try and make it until night time
nyo... I don't post her anymore... sorry...
Kill yourself
>go into the F-list FFXIV channels
>about 50% shota/loli characters
what the fuck happened
Yoshida has let the fanbase's constant worship get to him so he thinks he can get his huge game so all the money goes into stuff like FF16
Well if you were a fellow moonie she would love it, but if you're not you'll make her go feral
my moonie is free use for anyone in lb14
my day is ruined..
ok now what about mine
you could've kept the sprouts out by moving the idle spot to solution 9
This is me
>have to pretend to be a femboy when im actually trans
This sucks so much
Do your coworkers also spend all day showing you porn and talking about pedophilia and girl penises and stalking you after you clock out to try and get you fired
>ohh, let me join your cool club here with my fiddie!
>*waits for tell from magness or lorilee*
are you a male moone?
Same answer, probably will. Unless she is some modbeast, I like most Femra.
Hate having to sift through this garbage while waiting for my crush to post
Hello...? Yeah, hi. Can you stop appropriating our mooniespeak? Thanks
Yoshida is on the board and FFXIV is profitable because he runs the games like a jew
He pushes out the Minimum VIable Product and gets a return back, as opposed to other directors at SE or Sony who make these big grandiose games with no care for cost and then don't make the money back

That's always been how ffxiv is, they actually reduced the quality of models, animations, gear, lighting, etc when making ARR to cut the budget
free use for pets?
CC doko?
the only good part about those creepy fucks attacking each other is they're probably both terrified to approach anyone ever again
as if either of them ever got any action anyway lmao
my moonie is a free lap for any cute lalas in lb14
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Read Monster instead.
no, that would be a moony or a maloonie.
my moonie is female
free use means free use
my moonie friend gave me the pass though... I'll stop I guess...
I miss brown BF so much
you let one pedo thrive in your community you'll soon have a whole community full of pedos
my lala is free use for anyone in lb14
my femlala's f-list is pretty funny i think
is it also cute?
post it
can i see ur moonie
Do you like meena
my femra is mute
I'm gonna be real with you, Monster fans have ruined any chance of me wanting to read Monster.
I have, I feel, a tasteful hair mod, I feel like it wouldn't be too much for you
So how was the approach?
>hey wanna pose our cats for a bit
Or was it degenerate horny talk from the start
Pretty clearly he's the one doing the approaching
Don't show /xivg/ Monster, they'll start drinking fanta to look like Johan and post all day about how cool he is.
I don't post my character in the thread these days either
sorry bro...
you guys should read the bible lol
that must be a grim way to live
do you avoid anything that is good and other people like?
>they actually reduced the quality of models, animations, gear, lighting, etc when making ARR to cut the budget
wasn't that because the game ran like total shit on most devices?
That I don't mind. The only thing that really ruins a Femra are these horrid proportions some Americans tend to use.
It's okay, but I liked the first one better.
does she have big boobs
it's so fucking over
>feel this same way about JJBA and One Piece
>Look at that. All those people just living in the moment. Not an avatar in sight.
Why would I read fairy tales
>as opposed to other directors at SE or Sony who make these big grandiose games with no care for cost and then don't make the money back
but he was the producer for FFXVI?
its boring
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>i'm too SOPHISTICATED for shonen manga
It was degenerate from the start but also not even close to the first time we've done stuff together. I have a few poses from when we were both lalas around somewhere
lol. yeah that was a pretty good one anon
partially but also because they were tryign to make the game profitable and cutting costs is an wasy way to do that
face it, that's why the game is the way it is. Yoshida is good at making just the bare minimum to keep people just happy enough they stay subbed, while making money hand over fist for SE to make other games

and FFXVI made a profit
compared to otehr games like Rebirth with it's massive, massive scale and ballooning budget and ffxv which was in dev hell for years and spent huge amounts on development
You misspelled cute, anon
They'll steal my Magnificent Mr. Steiner cosplay. You're right, I have been reckless.
I mean its a pretty niche community compared to others. Not sure what your experience was with other fans of Urasawa stuff so I'm sorry to hear that.
I prefer the Torah
it was, 1.0 was a peak example over doing things and putting way too much work into things that don't need that much work
>most devices
well it was only on PC but yes, it ran like ass on even the most powerful pc at the time
th-thanks, neither of you would happen to be malezen would you
>he wasn't around for the literal years Kiss spammed the thread with Monster screenshots
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MMOs have always been a cashgrab anon. They never needed subscriptions to keep the servers online. You should have learned this a long time ago.
no, shes a flatra
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>i don’t plap, i don’t erp,
I do not "goon". I do not coom, i do not plap, i do not palmrape, i do not jerk, I do not 'slerk it hambuger style', I PUMP And if i don't love it, I don't cum.
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Sorry, I'm a mierda I'm afraid.
> I just want content that doesn't suck ass anddoesn't require you to be a NEEt
My static progged this tier doing 3 lockouts a week. That’s 4.5 hours.
The key example for why they cut down on model quality is a barrel had more polygons than a player character did. This becomes very hard to run in a game as cluttered as 1.0 especially on computers at the time
Moonie here, but I'm sure you'll find your elf!
My Bunboi saw this Femezen’s massive woober on aco and wants to turn her into my infertile wife
>there were others
New threadsona unlocked.
All the bioholes in my fc are negligent middle aged moms
this can work too

I started playing a couple days ago. Bought MSQ skip because I've already seen streamers go through the story (not the big ones, just my friends). Unlocked potd and went through that as samurai with a friend. Heaven on High as well which was significantly easier. Coming from WoW its a nice change, seems like you can do a lot of things to level up if you want to. There are some issues I have like the awkwardness of running into attack animations as they go off because of how damage windows work in tne game, as well as the lack of customuzation in the interface. Its servicable but basic things like ltr party frames for 4 man content woukd be nice. The UI has that quintessential FF feel from time's past but it is a bit dated. Not a huge deal though. Total lack of control flow in macros kinda sucks, not talking about combat enhancing flow but simple stuff like checking if player health bar is set to x state and then set it to y so a single button can swap between ex. 1 and 3 instead of having to have 1 and 3 on separate keys. I understand keeping it minimal for combat though. Weaving feels nice in comparison to how spammy many WoW rotations are.
Overall good so far, especially the glamour system, kinda wished there were more options for customization without modding though.
being in a static requires parses which reqquires you to NEET grind out fights first
nice try nigger
Good grief
Being in a static just means having friends
>being in a static requires parses which reqquires you to NEET grind out fights first

No, they’re just my fc friends I’ve known for 4 years, and i parse green.
The only person I've ever cockwatched is my EB
>japanese femoids

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