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Previous Thread: >>495537851

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.



Sept 5: Update progress https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4613462911400573371
Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch Notes https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/eventcomments/6655846466490872829?snr=2_9_100003_
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Was wondering where the general went
Dead general
>Thermite Nades
>Resupply Pack
>Gatling Barage
>Gas Strike
>Nade Launcher
Yep, it's comfy bots time
doesn't orbital gattling suck against bots?
More like deadgameandthreaddivers
Not really, its decent at killing chaff, devs and walkers but more importantly it staggers them so you can pick them off or run away. It also has a low cooldown so you're almost never stuck in a situation where you don't have it.
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uppity, uppity AMRjeet
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first for chudmaxxing
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Why is this the only thread on the catalog?
>/hg/tranny is back
Oh joy. Suppose it's gonna take another eight weeks of this for you to understand not to condone xer threads.
>AMR now mogs the AC extra hard after the patch
It's only gonna get better from here on out too, bros. The AC is dead. Deader than it already was outside of shitter pubs.
>AMR now mogs the A-
*a single shield devastator appears*
i wish i lived in this land of delusion you call home
he's from Delhi
ACringers bend the knee to RRGODS
how sir to knwing that ARM user is from India?
*shoots it in the face because i have a scope*
yawn, onto the next devastator while the ACuck spams his mag trying to down three devastators, killing one in the process
his extremely poorly thought out opinions as well as obvious manlet rage
sir he/she can be also from SEAmonkey places or china
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I've seen a great deal of AC users that can use AMR just as well but never the reverse.
>Bought the Salamander armor since Freedom's Flame doesn't have heavy fire-proof armor
>Bought the chud helmet
I just lost four tenths of a warbond but I have absolutely no regrets.
uh oh ACuck melty
AC has a scope too, it just doesn't have magnification which is less of a big deal than you think
but enough about /coopg/
>LC penetrates hulk armor
>cant tell if you're hitting the eye or not because the x is always red and the scope is useless
pls fix
>he's not red dot pilled
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>people arguing about AMR vs. AC
>when Crossbow mogs both
>hasn't seen the uptick on furries purposely posing for the "furry genocide" pics at conventions
they're intermingling now, its the logical end point. I still remember what I saw on /mlpol/
>tranny faggot is now spamming fag capes all over the nexus
i am consolefag
but i think it's interesting that the AC and LC scopes seem to be made with the idea that they would not be precision weapons, when the entire botfront makes precision meta by design
i think it would be cool if weapon customization was introduced as super earth reacting to the different tactics required on different fronts and they made it an MO where we have to kill a gorillion of each enemy type for "research"
truth, even stuff that's not a little red eye of a hulk is still oddly precise enough to go into scope
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The players of this game are all complete mongoloid retards. It kills me how this many months in, somehow, the remaining player base has NO FUCKING IDEA how to properly play the galactic war.

Imber will fall because of severe mental bugdiver retardation. That, coupled with botdivers who think MUH GAMBIT is somehow the play because they can't do math.
Are we actually gonna lose Imber? Didn't the bot attack just start this morning?
It's a 24 hour defense on the bot front. No way in hell we hold.
asking coop shooter players to understand war strategy games is not a great idea. i wouldn't take some fortnite sweat to go play risk
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>bugdivers about to liberate pandion
>botdivers losing imber
>"reeeeeeee bugdivers are retarded"
At what point do we accept botdivers are the shitters?
The clans groups could lead to way more efficient galactic war management, now that I think about it.
hey you are 100% right actually, good point

I just wish I had people to play with. So mostly I watch videos and say I wish that was me
If 13k players isnt enough to defend a planet then it isnt the playerbase fault, just unrealistic expectations from Joel
>bad RoF
grenade pistol got me covered sissy
host lobby and post in here. people will give you shit for posting below a d10 but people will still join you
the liberation rate is tied to % not total number.
>Bad ROF
It's barely different once you account for the recoil on the other weapons. The only usual big plus for AMR and AC is being able to handle heavies, but that pales compared to Heavy AT which the crossbow frees you up to take.

So the only true advantage is carrying a primary that can fight things up close (but your secondary can handle that) and the only TRUE advantage is handling gunships better.

But it's not much. I've stopped running AC where before I was running it constantly.
I'm on playstation
I know and its retarded. Bots will always be less popular. Now imagine if there were also the squids to divide the pie even further

Player count doesn't matter. Its joel who decides when a planet is allowed to fall or be liberated. Imber has the titanium so arrowhead *needs* it to fall so they can add in bot enemy variants with attached lore.
Fuckin this a thousand times. Current liberation system sucks so much ass.
It kills me how this many months in, somehow, the remaining player base still gives a shit about the fake and gay war

People like story participation.
it's a bad story, we're already in the naruto filler arc
we haven't done anything since meridia of note
I'd hate missing out on DCS. RR's massive power leaves it with a limited range of decent targets. While spamming a big wall of devs and chaff on team reload is great fun, it's also a bit overkill and I would only use RR on turrets and tanks otherwise. I'd rather have something that is versatile and can autonomously spam the shit out of surprise patrols. RR+xbow is a decent specialist loadout though. I'd hate to get caught running it without a good squad though.
>RR+xbow is a decent specialist loadout though
Huh? Xbow is a kill everything that is not right in my face weapon. There is nothing specialist about it. This is a pure rape loadout, it only struggles with bugs up close, but against bots, this has zero downsides.
For Bugs I've taken to run EATS and Laser dog with the xbow to cover the admitted weakness that does really matter vs. bugs.
Xbow is s faggot weapons thoughbeit tho. It doesn't feel good to use
They should add an enemy that fires shit that intercepts AT missiles. This way AT weapons can still be one shot beasts but the player has to take out the anti-anti-tank enemy to do it.
>multiple stacks of skulls appear, devestators scream and piss and fry in agony
U r faggot

Pleasant to use, good clean scope, just some light falloff that adds some fun spice when using at range.
oh so worse than GL+Resupply pack and a primary that can deal with stuff up close?
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>light medic armor
>diaper shield
>two open slots to bring whatever I feel like
This is my go to bug load out now. I’m sure there are way better ones out there, but for pure survivability and being able to deal with anything in my way this load out hits the spot.

Also art anon I got a request for you. Can you please make picrel but helldivers themed please.
honestly, both are about even. i know you want to win an argument, but i gotta give it to both on this one
>worse than two support weapons and a primary working together to compensate

Xbow so mighty that anon brings two fucking stratagems to the table to try and counter it.
No thanks. I will kill everything less than a heavy with the xbox, kill everything else in one shot from the RR, and still have 3 other stratagems to play with.

Look I have nothing against other weapons and I don't want to be running one primary for the rest of my playtime, grenade launcher is very fun to use and nice, but there is no denying the xbox is god gun vs. bots and good vs. bugs.
you are a bloody madharchod
>bugs fear me
>citizens fear me
>fellow helldivers turn their eyes away from me
>no bot dares make a sound in my presence
>i am alone in this dead game
This nigga thinks wasting 2 stratagem slots to rival 1 primary weapon is a gotcha moment. This nigga can join your D10 lobby at any moment.
Bugs fear me
Bots fear me
Traitors turn their eyes
Away from me
As I walk
No bug dare
Make a sound
In my presence
I am alone on
This barren super earth
The siege upon managed democracy continues.
Your fellow Helldivers rage against the enemy's Tyranny. Join them.
Well because it's all a numbers game and it doesn't matter at all how you actually perform on missions, then your entire shitters vs gud argument is a moot point. Bugdivers outnumber botdivers. Therefore, bug shit will always get done, and bot shit will always struggle.
Do you think they need to buff scorcher? It was meta for a couple of month in the beginning but I feel like it falls short now compared to Jar, DCS, Crossbow.
I'm betting crossbow gets toned back desu. It's incendiary breaker tier. I still see people using scrocher and I prefer it over the JAR, but I was running plasma punisher before.
Scorcher was good before they buffed the chickens. It used to take them out in couple of hits
Nah, scorcher is still good. Maybe a mag size buff if anything to make it feel different from the changes they're going to make to the purifier.
Plasma punisher needs a damage falloff buff, honestly it's not nearly as good anymore. Feels like it takes over half a mag to kill a devastator now. If it did more damage up close I think it'd fit more into a shotgun role like it was supposed to be. I'd also love to see a chargeup mechanic, or even a "double barrel" mechanic where it eats twice the ammo but has a larger explosion.
With how they reworked Gas/Acid, there's not chance of my beloved Paragon coming back is there? OWARI DA

I loved that gun in HD.
>Feels like it takes over half a mag to kill a devastator now
Always did. But it staggers them and does AOE so you can kill multiple devs with that half mag. It was never a fast killer.
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>it's been a couple months since the gloom storyline started
>it's still gone fucking nowhere
Just send us in already holy shit no one cares about muh liberation/defend tug of war
Time to dive on Imber again. Is HMG viable with so many goddamn devastators? I feel like I'm gimped and should just be running AC, RR, AMR, or Railgun.
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nothing exciting will come of it

the whole spore aspect of the bugs makes them really not enjoyable, it was a neat novelty early on but their biomes all feel the same because of how out of control it is now
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>thinking it had a story reason
>not just that they fucked their map up so badly that if the Gloom hadn't come in, the bug front would be like 11 planets to dive on
Joel has no idea how to run this war and it shows more and more each day.
It should have been in the new warbond. I'm sure they'll add it in at some point.
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2 weeks or...?
It would be OP because you can stunlock enemies very easily. In the first game, it only slowed enemies down. In HD2, it makes them like fish in a barrel
What will they do to limit the amount of bot planets? Giant carbon monoxide cloud?
It doesn't have to have the exact same mechanics as gas does,
just move their vangard forward so we can't breech the line
that's how they kept us away from cyberstan
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A dud?
Looks like you were under the hitbox
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Feels like this is a big issue much of the time. idk if it actually works like this but the swedes should just make it a sphere. If it's any other shape, including half of a sphere then that is just weird dood.
Yeah they don't do proper explosions spheres for some reason on a bunch of stuff.
I am having to reverify every fucking time I start the game what gives.
DCS is the better chaff clearer and you don't really need an explosive primary if you run a support weapon that goes boom.
Why yes I do enjoy taking the stalwart and eruptor to bots. Efficiency? No I just think its fun.
You can do that but then you don't have the joy of deleting all heavies in your line of sight in one shot. Xbox handles bot chaff just fine/easy peasy and you have your secondary.
Menkent line
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We need to save the buildings guys
We're still on pandion? What the fuck is going on over there? I bet the super light bubble shield and railgun divers are responsible for this.
the mountain dew treatment facility
Sounds more like boredom than joy if I'm honest. I like to face off against bots, use the terrain, snipe em and feel my dopamine glands get coated in happy juice when a perfect shot lands. Or alternatively when I hit a thermite from max distance. Won't ever get that feeling with the oneshot launcher.
Well I'm not gonna tell you how to enjoy the game, just saying how the guns work.
Me, I smile whenever I delete bots from my sight.
>it's still gone fucking nowhere
Yeah, its so the hordes of bugdivers don't push the bugs off of the map, like how we (somehow) did with bots.
They do NOT want to sacrifice their precious dollarstore storyline for our enjoyment.
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my life for super earth
Silence you treasonous coward
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Yeah no. Bots are dramatically easier than bugs.

The ONE thing that is actually threatening is the strider because it breaks the hard counter to bots. Contemplating just bringing shield pack to soak the explosion hit.

I'm kinda shocked though how anyone can say this is harder than bugs when bots are countered by pressing c or z.

Gas grenades feel like they're gonna get nerfed.

Bots are pretty fun though. Lot more fun than bugs.
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>he cowers in fear at the sight of the hero of the federation
as usual
That's just it. They're being deleted a bit too fast for my liking. I miss the bullet sponges. Robots are the perfect excuse for an enemy that can take some punishment, and they were. But now I barely recognize my boys the berserkers. Tanks are no threat anymore, just dodge em a little until the sparkler grenade goes pew. Factory striders get face melted by HMGs. Nothing makes sense anymore.
I wish they didn't use such a shitty engine, it'd be easier to get more people working for them, and push out more content.

At the same time though, they'd probably lose that spice they put into the game having so many random new hires working for them.
Factory Striders should be tankier. Berserkers are actually able to kill you now instead of giving some light scratches, I prefer that. Tanks should be fucked by heavy AT.
It's just the thread's cuck lashing out again.
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>devs are now aware about the flamethrower damage nerf
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>hero of the federation who ran off and hid until the buffs came
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>Berserkers are actually able to kill you now
I'm not complaining about that, but it only ever happens if they sneak up on you because frontal they die so easily that you feel sorry for them.
He's the only one who didn't complain about nerfs ITT and his weapon got nerfed.
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Don't be such a womanly cuck, bro. Know your place.
tell 'em, boys
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Have you played a bug op with an even remotely intelligent team?

All heavies are melted in <5 seconds by RR. Everything else that comes out of a breach is shredded by orbital napalm, orbital 120, orbital gatling, or orbital gas.
The only difficulty you'll face in a bug op is getting sneak attacked by patrols. Everything else is handled before it can even resemble a threat.

If you're playing with a bad team, I can maybe see bugs being easier. On a good team, bots still hold some amount of difficulty. Bugs are trivialized when even half your team's using napalm orbitals and one person's got an RR.
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remember; they can nerf weapons BUT THEY CAN'T NERF ME
(jump pack buff soon maybe)
>run bugs 9 with friends who are just returning
>they've done plenty of 9s back when that was max diff
>take sickle, senator, thermite, quasar, bullet dog, gas strike, orbital napalm. fortified heavy armour
>never get a chance to use the orbital napalm
>die twice in the three missions
>feels like I'm cruising on diff 7
>each extract only have 5 reinforcements left somehow
Weird as hell considering pubs are always a complete panicked clusterfuck of getting ambushed and having to do everything myself. No idea how they burned through that many reinforcements each time. I guess I'm just getting so quick at instantly calling someone back in that I wasn't noticing how many times I was doing it.
>Have you played a bug op with an even remotely intelligent team?

I play solo.
Honestly the game just turns into strategem spam the more people you get. You don't interact with any of the mechanics of the game, you just focus on killing shit before the other guys do.

I think multiplayer bots though has been a lot harder, (solely because the strategems people throw down TK players more on the bot side.) That and players aggro shit behind the team a lot more often.
Wear something else, you autistic faggot.
Bugs are pretty fun to play with newbies running the support build. Confusing everything, and sterilizing the horde right in front of a player feels great. Had a lvl 3 new friend whip out the liberator and kill 3 stalkers I had locked down in front of him.
>I play solo.

Opinion discarded. Stop being a coward.
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that's me
>I'll never wear anything else
Me but with better looking armour.
el oh el
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I want to hit every one of those rubber suits with some matte varnish, and just dial back the phong levels. A nice drab olive green that doesn't look like a condom would be great.
>play solo 9 and have a good time, find a faction a little to easy though
>no that's wrong, you need to get TKed more chud!!!

>I'll never wear anything else
me but IRL
stinky diver
very nice
So what's a good rule for picking where to fight? Do as you please or pick a front and stick with it?
I go with quite a few different factors. MO if I feel like it, or if I feel a particular enemy, or if a planet's modifiers are too aggravating at the moment, or one is fun, or if all the mission modifiers are cancer.
Honestly just playing MOs gives good variety if you can't make up your mind. There is no correct answer, though focusing on planets other players are actually on so you can make a difference is preferable.
can someone host i always crash when i host
This MO sucks ass and I refuse to care about it.
Bugniggers are so dogshit at the game that they can't even or won't even touch bots one time to know how easily bullied that faction is now by a single guy with a recoilless rifle. Like, we're talking about the retards that dived on Pandion for more than 2 weeks while the dial didn't budge once above 1% that entire time. These people are truly, literally black as coal niggers that cannot read or question why things aren't working.

Do you have anything better to say than it? 4chan may be the place where you can it without social repercussions, but it doesn't make you any more smarter sounding.
People who ritual post and try to be "that poster" on an anonymous image board honestly need to kill themselves
solong diff7s is giving me all I still want out of this game
Trips confirm. Almost every board has seen an uptick in namefags, avatarfags and ritualposters. (You)s were the biggest mistake to be ever implemented on this site.
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>State of Play tomorrow about 20 games
I want to believe we'll get news about Liberty Day
The only ritualposter I respect is the BZZAAPoster
Touched a nerve, chimp?
Anon, you're missing out on the joy that are rocket striders
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believe harder because I'm absolutely certain there will be NOTHING
Nah, I did since you gave me the (you). Thank (you).
I mostly solo bugs, gets the noggins joggin
I got my bug loadout happy

>SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary
>Impact Nade

But what about Bots? I never feel right about what I bring.

Normally it's the slug pump shotty, a auto pistol and a impact nade too but I've been trying something thing different.

>Smoke 'nade

Also at least one smoke item with bots as I feel it's easier to deal with advancing/covering retreats.
Well anon? Did the update actually improve the game or did it just shift the meta from X to Y?
>one smoke item
Do Orbital gas
For primaries: Crossbow, Plasma punisher, scorcher, counter-sniper, slugger, JAR
>Oh look, here comes the far right
meta is pretty much unchanged, it only got added to by weapons being elevated from dogshit to serviceable or even great
Both desu. Some of it is just meta shift, but overall it's more fun right now.
I wish this would happen. I also wish I could modify my sickle to not have that ugly yellow paint job.
>It kills me how this many months in, somehow, the remaining player base has NO FUCKING IDEA how to properly play the galactic war.
I don't care about the war because everything we do doesn't matter. If I wanted to participate in a large movement of something where what I did didn't matter, I'd vote.
>Try the scythe
>It's still really fucking bad
I want more beam weapons...
Sight being better is good
Bloated HP pools are shit
This update shouldn't have taken a month, the next one shouldn't take a month, Swiggers literally do not work at all
I love gas grenades so much. Sealing off every access route during point defense is the comfiest shit. But what I like even more is trapping bugs in barrage/airstrike zones. Lets me make a nice layered killing field. Wish theyd last a bit longer and restock 3 or 4 per big ammo box.
Is it me or is 2+2 complete shit
Staying as 4 feel like being part of a tornado of violence
you still get violence tornadoes when pairing up on bugs
Fire, gas, or steeled for my next warbond?
I think the groundbreaker armor looks the best plus you get 2 extra grenades
>take arc thrower against bots
>gun ships show up
>stay EXACTLY 65 meters out of range
>there is no strategem that actually takes them out, outside of sentries and the HMG emplacement
>Sentries don't target them well, and on the jungle planets their shots get stuck on the trees

HMG it is
Fire if you want a great shotgun for bug stomping. Otherwise steel I guess, you get the cool revolver.
Is it just me or does the sound start to cut off when too much shit is happening at once, especially explosions
Steeled easily
Ummm your DCS?
Does it do enough damage?
I mean yeah of fucking course I take it
Imo, depending on loadout and seed, staying together on diff10 seems like a much better choice. Given the amount of shit thrown your way and stray patrols just 'casually flanking' you while you are trying to do an objective may leave you well out of reds to throw if there are only 2 of you.
It's servicable. As far as stratagems go you could also try EATs or Commando.
Yeah overall if everyone stays together, things go much better. Maybe one dude peels off to finish a close objective while everyone else is fighting the current bug or bot reinforcement wave.
Splitting off is for easier difficulties when you are just clearing the map as fast as possible and hoovering up all the goodies.
4 is honestly how d10 should be played, anything below that is doable as 2+2
Resupply is never a waste. It’s goated as far as packs go.
One of the reasons I think playing with hdg goes so smooth is that everyone runs as 4, pubs get too overconfident and try to solo everything
It's great yeah, but it's still a silly argument.
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>bots D10
bots D10
>bots D10
you can really tell how they needed 8 years to make this
>one guy dies and loses all of his shit
>no one ever assists them getting their shit back
>gets thrown across the fucking map by the random that's by themselves

Even when playing with friends, it feels bad when that one guy gets cucked and can't play the game for like 7 minutes because primaries suck dick.
Scythe and LC are really good against bots now due to the removal of recoil.
>when that one guy gets cucked and can't play the game for like 7 minutes because primaries suck dick
Half of my loadouts the support weapon feels superfluous now. You can easily cover most threats with stock loadouts. If you feel like you're spending 7 minutes with your thumb up your ass each time you die that's your own fault.
They're on every board but attention seekers on /hdg/ feels even more cringe
>everyone talking about the game and playing together
counter strike 1.6 vibes
>You can easily cover most threats with stock loadouts

Maybe I should specify, against bugs.
There are few primaries that actually kill enough bugs by themselves.
I go out of my way to squat on a dead guy's gear and wait for him to come back
Little stuff like that with randoms feels so much better than completing objectives somehow
there are three other types of stratagems, how about trying some of them
I think that new enemy, the...spear? The fucking tentacle bug that sucks. I think it was meant to be the giant worm enemy but they couldn't figure out how to make it work so they had to half ass it with a compromise and this is all we could get.
Nmp. And if you keep dying instead of waiting for your shitty stratagems I'll straight up refuse to reinforce you
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nah, they're from the first game
Wrong on all accounts. Shut the fuck up, do you even play the game?
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>Factory Strider never went down to 2 AT shots.
They did if you hit the eye. Webm recorded in June.
They just feel kinda half assed, like the tentacles are huge and threatening and feel like they belonged to the big worm bugs but then it's just that fag.
More than a bit weird there was all this build up and this is the only enemy re get, the slightly bigger med enemies don't really count.
Nah, plus didn't ask cuck.
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standing by
turn your radios on
>muh galactic war
The game makes absolutely no attempt at actually explaining what's going on so I'll make absolutely no attempt at understanding it.
Diving where I want. Eat a dick.
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>on extraction, see bug hole opening
>toss orbital gatling gun stratagem at it
>impaler tentacles move in the way at the time I throw the stratagem
>it bounces off a tentacle, lands behind me on the extraction zone
>team has to run for cover
You can say that without coming off as womanly, you know? lmao
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>see bug hole
>just have to jump
You linked to the wrong thread you massive faggot.
OK the game is just crashing no matter what I do now. I reverify, get in 1-2 games, and then it crashes.
i'm fine with it whatever you're talking about. it ain't the end of the world OR IS IT??
The Galactic War is useless but i will fight to the death for every MO.
Undo your jury rigging silly.
Clear your appdata.
New armor perk: Sturdy
You flinch instead of ragdolling and stratagem balls become undroppable BUT it's only available on heavy armor.
Would you take it?
Steeled is the coolest and best warbond.
based but bluepilled
It is in fact the end of the world, if OP made this thread on Meridia.
you could just add this to servo assisted sets since they kinda suck in general.
inb4 barragemaxxers seething at this post
Can the crossbow defang factory striders now?
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watch my back OK?
Sick. I'd love to test that.
always could
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Is it socially acceptable to send friend requests to lobby anons?
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>24 hours until MO victory
>AH decides to launch attack against bot fire planet
>only ever quickplay
>randomly matched with /hdg/ lobby
what are the odds
Just brown countries.
With the nerfs to berzerkers, fire Dot is actually super valid against bots now. Specially with how much they stand still.
can you run a fire primary in bots now?
RR is so good it feels like cheating
No, but you can bring the secondary (crisper) just fine for up close work when it happens.
Depends if you count the lasers as a fire weapon.
Joel killed this MO the second he started that 24h defence on bots, especially since Pandion was still up
The "galactic war" is such a pathetic clownshow
Why is PS5 full of jeets?
>turn on crossplay
>get paired with a jeet
>get my first kick in months
You could run cookout against bots even before the current patch. It stunlocks every bot unit other than striders, hulks, and tanks.
you see the key is to host, let the jeets join, call them shitskins and kick them instead, it's more satisfying than finding double super credit spawns
bugs are now so easy my shitter friends can do diff 10 without any problems, like they were doing diff 7 before
they can't do diff 7 bots though
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by the way, before leaving, he
>called an airstike on me
>threw a thermite on my mech
>shot my teammate
>blew up his own mech
>Bugfront: "Durrr. Let's go liberate Gacrux now. Even though it'll take longer than 24 hours."
I don't have a mic because I'm on PC and nobody uses in-game voice chat anymore.
Otherwise I would.
They always wanna start barking orders at you, too.
In fact. Some other PS5 player did that to me earlier. I couldn't understand what he was saying.
I meant the mini flamethrower, I like it a lot. Good flamethrowers are rare in games.
All the laser weapons are good against everything, sickle, scythe, dagger, lc, etc.
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based and SURSTROMMINGpilled
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Is there any gameplay reason to take Machine gun over Heavy machine gun nowadays?
I kinda hate how HMG looks but it seems to be mostly just better of the two.
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d10 bots lesath
Looks like you hurt his feeling there real bad.
Oh yeah, the torcher and the sidearm version of it do very well against bots. But only if they're in range of it, which isn't really that often since bots tend to be more about midrange engagements.
You think you hate bugniggers enough. You don't. Just wait until squibs and the fourth faction are added and bugnigs still troll the liberation pie during those MOs.
More ammo per mag.
MG-45 + Viper Commando armor = god tier. Grab the crossbow or Eruptor, and go put in work.
gonna be honest, given how much bugs and bots have moved around their section of the galaxy, I don't think a fourth faction is coming
Bug players are all NPCs who only play bugs because that's what all the advertisements center around. Fucking Arrrowhead being the lazy piece of shit swedish niggers that they are they didn't make a single piece of media hyping the bots. I don't think most of these drooling mouthbreathers on PS5 even know the bot front exists.
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Get your ass to Imber.
What if I can't afford the other packs yet? (I'm not always doing Helldivers 2)
Scorcher, Counster sniper, and slugger are from the starting warbond. So otherwise just pick from what picks you want.
even in death that guy mogs your outfit
major orders aren't real, they cannot hurt you
Orbital Gas doesn't require a warbond. It shuts bots down. Makes them stand around turning in circles derping.
>I kinda hate how HMG looks but it seems to be mostly just better of the two.
but it looks cool
I remember the bases and late game being a clusterfuck but it's been ages since I did bots. I'll have to give it a shot soon, I just love flamethrowing bros.
You got a major order stuck in your nose.
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GGs :)
Who can we blame for this
You gotta strategem onna your hat.
Squids will be too hard. You'll get a minimum of 1k/2k players on that side while 50k will be stuck in an endless tug of war on Gacrux and Pandion
If we keep imber we cuck arrowhead out of their new automaton enemies
So what exactly will these new enemies be?
I run flamethrower.
It has a lotta downsides (shit against fliers), but with good setup it fucking shreds, and HOPEFULLY they fix the the bug with walkers. When they do that it'll be my go too not killer.

When they revert the damage nerf it's going to be the best bot killer if you run gas.

Something akin to bile variants for bugs. A new titanium legion. Gameplay wise I have no idea exactly.
flamethrower raiders, jetpack hulks
So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame bugniggers, we can blame swedes, we can praise Joel's rigging but the truth is it's simply not enough. Tactics, determination you name it, it all stinks.
Don't get me wrong, I still have full faith in the bot front, but MASSIVE reinforcements are desperately needed in Imber. Otherwise I'm not very optimistic about this sector, or our chances at reaching Cyberstan for that matter. Not playing like this. What do you think, /hdg/? #TBD or #ReviewBombUntilTheyNerfHeavyDevs?

Some helpful links to numb the pain:
Hulks with jetpacks, a new bipedal strider larger than hulks that looks like the ED209 from Robocop and has two railguns
>Good flamethrowers are rare in games.
Flamethrower against bots is like.
*Crunch crunch crunch crunch...fizz...BOOM!*

It's really funny on diff 7 against scout striders, but still valid against bots on 9 and 10.
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>Arc Thrower
>guard dog

I'm glad someone here suggested this build bugs be getting squished.
>blitzer AND arc thrower
Why both
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I got Evil-Bosse on speed dial. Pretty much every weapons from the previous game will certainly be back sooner or later.
I've heard that gas + flame is fucking godly.
I thank ArcJumper for never letting go of his Arc Thrower.
stupid botdivers who've been sinking resources into a hopeless defense instead of contributing to useful planets
Control and way easier to swipe into hordes of enemies. It's basically best of both stalwart and HMG, just can't kill heavies. But everyone does that already for you
Did they fix laserdog?
the issue with bots is, they weren't fun, and since you've got all these returning players, the only thing they remember about bots is
>they suck and are hard and shitty to fight
It would help to incentivize players to return there with cosmetics or something.
would fuck big bug women, should be bigger though
>Nooooo you can't just pull the same card on us!!!!!
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forgot the heavy gunships and metal gears.
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I swap to the Blitzer when I need some quicker shots/pushback if they get close. It's consistently saved my ass when jumpers/stalkers/commanders get too close and I can't charge the thrower in time.
Well a shotty would do it better, but I see the reasoning, I respect it.
>didn't complain once during nerfs
>kept using it
>kept using same armor
Legit chad.
It solves EVERYTHING the flamer struggled with.
You need to be able to stun shit to torch the group, and you needed a solid CC for that. EMS only barely works, and it comes with the detriment of slowing you down.

Gas fixes this, and lets you move and reposition while the effect disables enemies. You still take chip damage like a mother fucker, but it makes flamethrower work.

Eventually people will figure this out, and it will be super meta soon
>try to help out on Imber
>5 shitter games in a row
The only issue you might run into is when the terrain or dead bugs fuck you out of being able to land a shot. Otherwise it's very viable. I've run blitzer+arc before.
It's only just now dawning on me I haven't seen jetpack raiders in ages. Do they not spawn on D10?
Your fault
Yeah and it fucking sucks
I've seen some of those new special shiny ones, but really rarely.
That so? I'm still used to back when Gas was useless (I just got back into it) Gas is useful now?
Everyone is crying because gas doesn't do lots of direct damage. However I'm noticing that gas strike is the ultimate get out of jail free card, because sometimes you can't kill everything, but you can shut things down long enough to reload/retreat/reposition.
Also Dog Breath moves -towards- the enemies. That's insane amounts of utility. It just flies around making your enemies temporarily stupider.
Does damage over time (low-mid) and makes everything go crazy. Its basically better EMS strike.
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Dealer's choice, really cause you're definitely right.

I just tend to chew through ammo and PUGs tend to always have the supply on cooldown far away from me so I'd rather opt for unlimited ammo.

I've run into this on Gacrux so I'll either push forward or kite back from bodies and that usually works out.
I was the only one not dying, not my fault
Gas now applies a confusion debuff to enemies. It was already good before actually because really low cooldown and solid damage tick.
But now it's amazing crowd control on low cool down and still kills the light chaff with dot damage while confusing all other enemies and chipping away at them.
Gas was always useful. It had short cooldown and created a huge cloud of tick damage.
Now it works like a damaging smoke strike on bots, and makes the bugs fight each other. Even the charger gets in on it.
Me. I’m playing Lesath since I want more challenging units to make bots harder again. There has been too many nerfs to gunships and devs
>use gas with gas armor
>can gas any nest/strongold and do whatever you want and then fuck off
Its retarded strong, but if you play with randoms they'll ruin it by throwing napalm on you
>the lowest of low of society were tricked into lusting after literal hideous monsters
LMAO not surprising
I have no clue why people are crying about gas getting "nerfed".
Turning it into a CC and making it so the enemies don't just walk out of it is an enormous buff. If anything, it's a bit OP as is. Especially with how short the orbital's CD is.
Yet they pretend like they're above their tricksters.
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come save Imber
The automaton's are revamping parts of thier army with the IRON LEGION/FLEET with a nice titanium chrome.
The crying was that the brapper does fuckall dmg.
THe grenade and Strike were top tier from the get go due to long as duration.
>flamethrower + gas grenades
>Great CC + high DPS, can take out hordes of enemies quickly

>Sterilizer + incendiary grenade
>Can only CC what you're targeting, shit jumps your face if you don't cc it immediately, get overwhelmed pretty fast and the grenade barely covers the ground
>Need a strategem like napalm strike to cover a large enough birf, and you'll just be better off just tossing a gas grenade over that.

I think like doubling the damage, stagger up to 35, and 50% more range is all it needs.
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I just got back into the game after several months and have no idea how I died here
I would guess a napalm barrage shell. That barrage has a huge radius.
2/4 get in here
Those rocks emit a gas and can explode, the Impaler triggered it
Gas dog is great yeah, ai works well too
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>Yeah man D10 is a walk in the park now
>Fail 3 D10 bot operations in a row
Flag missions are fucking brutal once the terrain is leveled
You got
On some of the forest maps there are these plants that put out gas. If you shoot them they start to burn.
Brapper either needs a damage buff, or it needs to lay down clouds that reapply damage tick + CC if they're gonna keep the damage the same.
D10 BUG, not Bots.
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>Die trying to fing my HMG after dropping it to destroy a turret with EATs
>Turns out Faggot 1 stole it while I wasn't looking because he lost his AMR
>Faggot 2 reinforces me in a dogshit spot next to a hulk...
>...and then manages to TK me with incel breaker
Also got TK'd like 3 times with eagle airstrikes
I'd rather lose MOs than have bugnigs on botfront
Even my friends don't get what I'm doing and will cluster the cloud.
The Impaler set off the volcano and it blew you up.
If you got a shit squad with faggots who cannot stand their ground, yeah.
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Did you know there's data for a bile spewer hunter variant?
>wished for a democratic BRAAAAAAAAP warbond for months
>get it
okay now I'm wishing for melee warbond. need or keep?
I assume they will be bots with higher armour ratings, which will mean more obnoxious shit that will cuck your primaries like the rocket striders do right now. Imagine jetpack bots with a higher armour rating. Do you know how fucking annoying that would be? These total niggerbots just jump in your face, you can't do shit to them because your primary deflects off them, and if you manage to actually kill them then they fucking explode in your face and set you on fire anyway.
of course we need melee
>Bayonet, combat knife, longsword, stun prod, laser sword
Skill issue, literally walked straight into a kill zone
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>Did you know there's data for a bile spewer hunter variant?
please god no
I'm not sure if they ever nerfed their spawn rates, but I hate dealing wtih those invisible fuckers. How worse would they be if they could also spew
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only if they redo the ballistic shield to work with melee weapons. It being useless against bugs is bs
Gas dog + flamethrower basically solves their respective issues. Dog slows and confuses, fire damages. I use fire primary+fire support and gasdog with gas orbital and it works great.
Those spires with gas coming out of them can catch on fire and kill you. You got knowledge checked, basically.
Man, I wish they didn't nerf helldiver HP because it makes trying to get my friends to play the bot front a nightmare.
Ballistic shield needs a buff, too. Needs a shield bash + accompanying melee armor or booster.
Or you use the experimental stim booster.
>increased movements speed increases velocity to add to melee damage/shield bash
Yeah melee is definitely the next big thing i need to be able to live my total bug/bot/loom death fantasy. Imagine how brutal it would be to switch on your mace/sword side arm and just wack at whatever horror is trying to bite your ankles.
Does armor impact gas damage? Does light armor reduce it less than medium?
I think half the reason why we are losing the bot defense is because SOS beacons dont work and people keep crashing out.
Would be a big indirect buff to the laser cannon since that detonates bot infantry backpacks instantly
It's like you just go around fucking up everyone's framerate, huh?
Yeah. Never tried light tho. Medium is still very good, you can stay in the brap for a very long time with minimal damage. I think heavy armor makes you take pretty much no damage.
Tell them to wear heavy armour with fortified passive and they'll survive more bullshit. Even just the default armour helps if they really need their movespeed that badly.
What's your support weapon? Heavy AT?
HAHAHA that sounds fun, gonna be countered hard by mandatory cc
Gas chads keep winning.
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I dont want to sound democractic, but youd think that maybe this war would be going better if Super Earth wasnt spending untold millions on stratagems and wasting numerous lives on missions where you raise a few flags
My tinfoil hat theory is the reason is people do bot elimination missions for medals post warbond release. Spamming them and abandoning counts as a loss.
I don't know, but there's currently a bug where if you mixed vitality booster with the heavy gas armor, you were made completely immune to gas damage.
Very likely it was fixed.
There's no way, that's such a waste of time and so boring.
Unironically be better to fight than regular hunters, because they'll take a second to wind up an attack that doesn't just insta kill you

It's gonna be such aids tho when they 1 shot you when exploding, but they'd kill eachother fast.
RR + HMG emplacement (remember to stim whenever your HP gets less than 90% full), maybe Shield Relay/AC Sentry/MG Sentry if you have retard faggot teammates that run away, Walking Barrage/120mm when shit gets dodgy
I cannot get these guys to even wear fortifed light armor.
I think that's been fixed. Used to be your contribution to the war effort only mattered after you completely an entire mission chain. Now it gets added to the percentage even if you just complete one mission.
Hey im on ps5 so if anyone gets fucked its me (but yes).

Flamethrower. Primary weapon flamethrower and support weapon flamethrower, on the basis that with gas dog I dont have my usual ammo pack and typically run out if I just take one or the other on D10s.
>bugshitters literally fucked off to Gacrux, dragging down the entire MO
Why am I not surprised.
It would be going better if they straight up forced the helldivers to go where they were actually needed instead of letting them fuck off to some backwater planet where they accomplished diddly squat.
Bot post
>Gas strike a cluster of bile spewers
>What normally would've taken you years to kill with standard ammo now kills itself
>Flamethrower. Primary weapon flamethrower and support weapon flamethrower, on
Oh right durr. Just read your post wrong is all.
If that's true then armor must reduce it enough that it's under 1 damage and it rounds down
Regular Hunters also have wind-up attacks, their hitboxes are just fuckhuge and they stand 1m away from you so even if you try to melee you'll miss
He says, in a setting where believing hard enough in Democracy literally protects you from lethal damage.
If only we had more gas options like eagle gas strikes or gas artillery like napalm has, it might even justify heavy gas armor vs bugs just because you spend your whole time in the cloud.
How are they gonna buff EMS.
They gonna just make it so it doesn't slow down players? Maybe heal them too?

Cursed thing is that gas orbital needs a buff. The grenades are just better.
What is that going to do when youre off planet and the bugs/bots just immediately tear down the flag anyways
Imagine playing with light scout shitters, you don't have friends, you have fucking baggage
fucking helldivers going waaagh! and shit.
>Plasma punisher

Did it get buffed? Last time I used it, it was terrible
What I fear more is these stupid bugnigs will start seeing the blue bar rising on Gacrux and think they can actually liberate that planet in the next 14 hours when that isn't happening.
Stun, and effective vs all all enemies (including biles and walkers). Downside is it still slows players.
The videos of you raising the flag are broadcasted to SEAF forces on the planet and inspire them to do better. That's how the mission increases liberation rate.
Is it worth getting the chemical warbond for the brap grenades?
True but it'll be a longer windup, and it won't be an instant KO like the swing + tongue combo.

Like I'd love for bile spewers with low HP and huge telegraphing.
Also y'know what's fucking understated. Those bile scavangers. Those things enmasse are actually pretty scary.

Like 10 of them going BLECH BLECH BLECH- is really bad. Kinda funny tho. Love those lil tards.
Gas mortar would be pretty good.
I think eagle has enough going for it. I mean, sure, dropping gas canisters is totally within the realm of reason, though.
What big eyes you have...
It's always been great so maybe you were just using it wrong. It was THE S tier for bots before this big rebalnce. The trick being it staggers devs into perma stunlock, ignores the heavy devs shield, and the splash can hit multiple devs at a time. It one taps most basic bots and also stunlocks berzerkers while hitting multiple.
It makes a great weapon for runnin and gunning once you get the arc down since you can stun lock bully everyone to death instead of needing to duck for cover.
Thats still not enough, granted that's how it used to work.
Maybe a bigger area and a faster stun so chargers get locked to it immediately.

But I think no slow down would be massive. Would give a great place to hide in and asses shit when you're getting swarmed. It also would do wonders with the flamethrower.
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Any good Helldiver images to put in the folder?
Every planet bar always has a residual amount of liberation when you look at it in-game. Any amount of liberation 1% or lower is indistinguishable from the bar not moving to the naked eye.
>Helldiver gets under Bile Titan and throws a 500kg at his feet
>Bomb vaporizes his body
>Injects enough cocaine to rip a Hulk in half and keeps raising fucking flags to post on his Super TikTok
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If you have the SC yes.
You can ask for a refund when they inevitably nerf it.
Sadly because HD2's weapons/equipment layout is so slapdash, this was bound to happen.
They're flying by the seat of their pants and it shows. We're going to have to endure another retarded rebalancing because of this. Fire, gas, and EMP need to be figured out.
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Alright I'm going back to democracy protects. need big guns and big explosions.
>They're flying by the seat of their pants and it shows. We're going to have to endure another retarded rebalancing because of this. Fire, gas, and EMP need to be figured out.
seems pretty simple to me
>fire is dot damage
>emp is stun locks
>gas is both but weaker
>wish for more brap
>get a dedicated brapbond
>they rework gas and make it do no dmg
monkey paw’d bros
I don't know. I think what they did with gas is a great direction. This game needed reliable CC badly and this gives it to us.

EMS being the ultimate CC with no downsides should be the answer.
But it's better. And now it synergizes with fire even better.
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I just wanted the chemical thrower to be a better flamethrower like it was in hd1.
Right now? Probably not unless you intend to pick them every mission and throw them at every opportunity. If you have no other warbonds to buy with the SC, may as well get it because they're almost certainly going to buff it. Even Polar Patriots, often tied for worst warbond, has decent stuff and has seen a couple buffs, with the worst weapon in the warbond (the Purifier) basically being the only thing they need to buff and fix for it to shoot up in ranking.
Honestly better than just green flamethrower. .

Once they give sterilizer something stupid like armor stripping, and they fix flames (soon) everything will be perfect.
what's even worthwhile in that shitty warbond now.
Nah you're retarded. It became even better.
Only the brap sprayer suffered from the rework. Everything else works wonders when you need some shit off your back, while still doing some dmg and randomness.
Why are these blue fags completely incapable of fighting bots/bugs on their own?
I honestly can't see the argument to take anything besides gas grenades.
>Once they give sterilizer something stupid like armor stripping, and they fix flames (soon) everything will be perfect.
yes.....give me a chem thrower primary with a similar effect too.
the colours are nice...
use it against bots
it's still one of the top tier bot primaries
>all power,
>short tick,
>big danger
>causes enemies to panic and scatter,
>can bypass some armor

>half power
>long tick
>moderage danger
>causes enemies to act unpredictably such as fighting each other, becoming confused, or just standing there in a stupor
>may weaken some armors

>no power
>no tick,
>low danger, causes enemies to simply stand in place, dumbfounded and unable to fight back
>doesn't do dick to armor, but enemies are defenseless, so that's a plus
They are. Helldivers are just special ops that do key missions that greatly swing the war.
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>the fuck is a Bio Processo-
Tenderizer has seen at least two major buffs, even before the increase to mag size it was decently usable. Pummeler has its proponents since you can permastun Stalkers, Bile Spewers, etc., as long as the penetration at least matches whatever you're shooting at. Verdict has always been good, I would personally rate it as at least equal to the Senator but I'm biased.

And again, everyone at AH knows how dogshit the Purifier is, it's literally an incomplete weapon because it was supposed to have more than one charge mode. When that's fixed (not if) it might stop being the worst warbond in the game (or at the very least, not miles behind everything else).
Well that one in particular is a high priority civilian that caught bomb shrapnel during an extract.
Although now that I think about it, it is kinda weird. I thought everyone on Super Earth was part of the total war effort against the bots and bug, and that including basic training with weapons. Super Earth isn't short-staffed, but I'd have a hard time believing they're underequipped to the point where certain frontier civilians are denied weapons, especially with all the bunkers and other caches with stalwarts, arc throwers, and AMRs lying about in missions.
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>shit inside it
>bots are fueled by your shit now
>end up autistic
I legit saw that and was like, "oh so Helldivers are actually the good guys"
Actually the irony dawn's on me that humans use bugs for fuel, and bots use humans for fuel.

However that point is lost when you realize vegetarians are retarded and cows aren't humans.
Playing level 4.
Give me a primary that fucks bugs as efficiently as the DCS fucks Bots.
Bots use human brains and organs as well. The bots are not entirely machine. They're a man-machine hybrid. They're cyborgs.
enemy hp remains unchanged between difficulties
Perfection, maybe have the acid strip armor.
I want to like the verdict, but it needs med pen, and even then it's competing against the utility pistols for a slot.
The Tenderizer still seems pretty shitty to me, the magazine just feels too restrictive.
Helldivers has a thriving rule 34 community
So the next step in this triangle is to come up with a reason for the bugs to use bots as fuel.
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>"don't worry we have media literacy"
>no media literacy whatsoever
Wow, I can't believe anons were lying on the internet again!
>People actually thinking bugnigs would read the giant "DEFEND" icon over Imber to go there.
Oh, you sweet summer child, they're called bugniggers for a reason - they literally cannot read.
paging drawfag
this but
>reply of the hdg divers to the serb beast
I don't know about that.
We haven't seen any confirmation of cyborgs, they used to be in the original game.
But it wouldn't surprise me if they went full ai and mental upload shit
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>Diff 9/10
>Democracy protects queso/shield diver
I heard the breaking clatter in my mind's eye
Why not?
Purifier is overhated. Biggest issue is probably the sight being next to useless with the charge visual blocking it. It’s great for locking down bot mediums and clears groups of their regular infantry easily. If it got a 30% charge time reduction or 100 more damage it would be S tier, and I’m worried variable charge could end up making it worse.
Nah, the Bio-Ps pale in comparison to everything Super earth has done to the Cyborgs
>But it wouldn't surprise me if they went full ai and mental upload shit
>Perfection, maybe have the acid strip armor

Give that to gas/acid, and EMS could make enemies attack eachother.
>mixed bot patrol
>devs and conscripts
>throw gas grenade
>immediately started killing each other
Gonna be real, I love new gas. I haven't changed grenades since I unlocked them. Coincidentally, my aim lead on chargers and BTs has improved now that I'm not using stuns to make them stand still
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Why would you use that shit and not JAR, PP, Eruptor or CB?
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Does it?
That's like saying nigger cannibals arent as bad as america/china.
Not good at surviving and poor suppressing capabilities
I have crashed or had to quit do to some crazy bug (on a HMG turret, suddenly couldn't fire or get off) like three times in the last two hours
I wonder if this is affecting the MO, must be all kinds of errors and quits
Automatons aren't human so it doesn't count.
Works on my machine, repair your game
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It’s basically a PP with better reserves, less frequent reloads, and slightly higher damage. Biggest downside is probably that the smaller projectile likes to very slightly miss shots the PP would hit. It has the same aoe and stagger, while consistently four shotting heavy devs and killing berserkers in I believe three shots but sometimes less due to added the weakspot and seemingly easier to hit head. It can one shot regular striders and only really struggles against rocket chickens, but it at least locks them down completely and I believe is a five shot to the waist, while I think it should be a 3-4 to be great.
The Cyborgs were just regular people super earth turned into horrible half metal slaves to serve as auto voters and coal miners
all of the current issues SE faces have been created by SE

they fucked with the terminids, they made the cyborgs, and they backstabbed the squids

they're only the "good guys" because they're the least horrible of the issues they've created
Failing to see the issue
The bugs from HD1 were a lot more like the Arcanids and were just evil bugs on random planets
unlike the Cyborgs, SE had good reason to fight them
in HD2 the Bugs were 100% just an Oil war for SE
alright, that got me good
there's always one retard that points out the difficulty as if that has any fucking bearing or influence on what is being demonstrated
super earth killed most of the bugs in 1 then turned them into bio feul corn stock, which went horribly wrong.
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>replace all the bodies in the bio ps with liquid diarrhea
>brown bots in Cyberstan
>ebonics binary, they can't understand half of the new transmissions
>viruses everywhere
>automaton social collapse the next day
Stop hating yourself
So you're average work force, but the cyborgs don't get tired or hate their work.
Unironically probably better off than most nowadays.
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Yeah Id like to see you try and set up another Jammer after this one you stupid bot bastards
I do not believe in the 90% D10 bot clear rate.
Me too.
But unironically.
Might take sterilizer to a flame mado planet.
Just had a mission where we double nuked a detector beacon
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the cyborgs hated their work so much they have launched two massive galactic conflicts over it
they built an endless self sustaining army WHILE working, because of how much they hate their work that much
randoms are fucking retarded, but they can just smash their heads against the wall for 40 minutes and clear the main objective pretty easily
not from my experience
There needs to be a setting to specifically disable the HUD lights on bots. That shit tanks my fps the moment they all spot me.
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The Sickle should unironically be medium armor piercing this shit is so annoying
make it one mag if you have to
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Forever Winter drops in 18 hours.
Any expectations, thoughts, predictions?
like lamps? shoot them, you dummy
>another fotm that'll be forgotten within a fortnight
who cares, genuinely
Click on there heads.
Honestly wish sickle had more niche with bugs. I still don't think the ignite speed is fast enough, and it doesn't exactly "slice off limbs"
>It was FOTM
>Its been FOTM since February
what, forever winter? nobody knew that it existed in february
It's gonna be more early access slop. All this crap about it being an "anti-shooter" unless they're trying to be splinter cell what's the point of not shooting.
No when a bot patrol sees you, they have this dynamic light on them.

That shit just fries my frames, rest of the game is pretty steady
Hey, i remember this post
Broken as fuck
Probably good in a year or so
Heavily depends on optimisation. I really wish there was background combat happening in HD2 and not just background bombardments or simple shots fired.

IIrc it's a game that "media literates" said HD2 was. You are completely unequipped to fight most of the shit the other factions have to offer. And the enemy interaction between each other is the primary highlight (which will make or break the game imo).
Are they golden sob facing about the tiny cyborgs?
>You are completely unequipped to fight most of the shit the other factions have to offer.
>the enemy interaction between each other is the primary highlight
Sounds fucking boring. Make it a movie instead. I want to PLAY a game, not watch it get played for me by whoever programmed the AI.
either total slop shit from being made by Black Owned art team rebels or actually good but extremely niche from doing the GTFO thing, I'm gonna wait and see & wish them luck but not more than that
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jetpack/assault versions of devastators, bersekers, and hulks
a raider with the fucking bunker turret cannon
some kind of devastator and raider that appear to be using some kind of fuck-you-get-ragdolled shotgun blaster
a flamethrower raider
Solo diving made me appreciate the games design a lot more.

You miss a lot of the enemy variety when you just blow everything the fuck up. Only reason I know about biletitans/hulks/chargers cause there used to be nothing that one shot them instantly outside of reds.

Everything else just fell over and died
You'd jizz your super pants if they included bot vs bug planets though.
The gameplay is making the factions fight, while you take out the stragglers and do "chores" (find x, collect y, etc). Entirely reliant on the presentation of the events around you.
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Reminder RR bros
How the fuck can a raider carry a turret canon?
Also, no flying heavy gunships/low orbit corvets/frigades :(
furries are not the same group as the libtard sjw wokecucks who are too retarded to understand this game.

Furries are all faggots and trannies, but they are also nerds first and foremost, they like videogames.

4chan's attitude to furries can be best described as tsundere. I think there are many more furries here than would admit it.
Huge update tomorrow.
We got a whole slew of bots getting added.
these are only the ones with datamined stats already in the game files, so keep hoping
I fucking beg you AH, please just fucking make the Stalwart a primary and remove the retardedly long reload time on the regular MG.
It's all i ask for.
Lean diver with the Viper Commando armours makes me feel funny. Wanna lick those sweaty soldier girl pits if you know what I mean fellas
make pre-buff railgun a primary though
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Unlikely. Even so, the difference being in that case I could still drop a 380 on them both.
>quasar does eat damage

What the fuck is their problem with the quasar.
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Can you shoot at any time or do you have to time is, say so that it blows up just after they start to drop?
Just give us 100 round AR mags
No backpack. Too good.
if you hit it while they're attached two things may happen
>the bots bug out, freeze and you won't get the kills but vid rel happens
>the explosion force transfers onto hooked cargo and wipes it, resulting in a neato x11
if you hit it after they started falling, you'll usually only get a few that were caught in the splash
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literally only 1 (no commentary) youtuber played it right, but that sold it to me
gonna buy and see if you can stockpile 50cal, rocket, explosives, whatever, before devs eventually nerf rates 'cause players can actually fight back
I was fully expecting one of those berserkers to stand up next to you.
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/hdg/ lobbies are
>almost trustworthy
Join a /hdg/ lobby TODAY

It will be a solid game with solid mechanics that would be great fun if they actually let it be a functional game, but instead they will sell it out from under you with F2P gacha mechanic bullshit. Exactly like they did with Hawken, one of the team's old projects.

They are blowing smoke up the ass of artfag journalists to give it a fart sniffer veneer of pretentious authenticity, but mark my words it's just a money grabbing bait and switch.
>>almost trustworthy
not in the slightest
never relax in hdg lobbies
Passive reload and infinite ammo. If they don’t give it glaring drawbacks it quickly obsoletes every other AT support
These are old. Wait, did they remove them from the game?
They're like normal hunters but apply slow for 2 seconds in melee range. Used to be common at 7+ difficulties
>still enough damage to oneshot everything short of a factory strider
if 2000 damage isn't enough for you you might be a shitter
Yeah but one less slot for a backpack balances back packs out a bunch. In fact I'd say that's what makes AC so strong is that it has such a huge ammo pool on your back.
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PSA when trying to stim pistol someone you should actually use the stim pistol
>Passive reload

Yeah, so many games that have weapons with cooldown mechanics seem to overlook this massive advantage. It goes much further than just damage-per-second.
Like the RR has a long and stationary reload, and it takes a backpack slot, it has to absolutely stomp the quasar in performance or else there's no point to ever using it.
Doesn't 1 shot drop ships or cannon turrets.

The windup is huge, without stuns you can get fucked by chargers and anything shooting at you.
>They're like normal hunters but apply slow for 2 seconds in melee range.
...normal hunters apply slow with their tongue attacks. this is a projectile attack, not a melee attack
That was stim buckshot, he overdosed.
Where the lobby at tho?
It's the thought that counts
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>shooting the hull of a tank will generally freeze it mid air
>essentialyl softlocks the shredder and the annihilator
>turns the buratino into a destroyer of the worlds
>Doesn't 1 shot drop ships
...aim for their engines

>or cannon turrets.
only legitimate complain but this is because of an oversight where they forgot to copy the double damage modifier from the tank turret over to the cannon tower turret
for a couple hours.... minimum.
Idk, but with it doing 2k dmg, the windup and reload seem way too big.
I guess it's to balance it out relative to EAT and Commando.
>3 seconds stationary to fire, with a 20 second cool down
>5 second stationary to reload, no cool down just need ammo
You can walk into combat with it reloaded, insta swap to it, or just have an ally support you/press crouch against bots.

It's easily better in practice. Infinite ammo is negligible when I can just take eats, kill 3 targets in like 2 seconds, and then do it again in 70 seconds.
>almost trustworthy
I point blanked a teammate with my crossbow earlier today thinking it was my stim pistol
-2 reinforcements
>try to solo D10
>every single fucking attempt stopped by scout striders
>even if they miss you ragdoll into an instant death or danger

just fucking remove them already
>Aim for the engine

Except that doesn't kill the passengers on board ...
>...aim for their engines
if you can't break it in half, don't bother
still a one shot kill
D10 bots
Yes, it needs glaring drawbacks. That one is probably meant to mirror the long stationary reload of spear and RR, but you can also cancel the charge with no consequence, dodge, and reposition if you’re about to get hit, then charge and fire from a better position. You also have to consider ammo efficiency in shots/min, and shots/resupply period, where the quasar comes out well ahead of any other option in fours.
If it had its launch cooldown time it would be so far above every other option it would be unreal. Even now I’d say it’s probably better than anything bar the best in spot RR just off the back of its soft factors like you said.
failed to join game lobby
>recoilless can pop 5 fabricators in the time it takes the quasar to destroy 2
>No it-its balanced because the quasar can destroy another one in 21 seconds... It'd be too op if it did more damage ...
just walk through?
t. Draconaut
No backpack, no need to reload, and Extreme Heat is less common now while Extreme Cold can happen in more cases. Its damage is still enough to one-shot any big Terminid with a well-aimed headshot, one-shot Hulks, and grievously damage any form of tank with a non-frontal shot (as in 100 damage away from death). It can even down Gunships with a body shot now, which was not possible before the patch.
>Helps the enemy and fucks over your team
>Well it inflates my kill count :3

You can dive while reloading the recoilless
It's dead jim.
Didn't they remove the heat interaction?

>It can almost kill stuff
I'd take the commando for that honestly.
your shit's broken
go verify
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>and grievously damage any form of tank
it will kill annhilators and shredders with 1 shot to the rear since the rear turrets have a 200% damage modifier, and it will one shot a barrage anywhere on the turret since it only has 900 HP.
Should I wait to buy the reload ship upgrade (increase upgrade of all supports) or the cooldown upgrade?
Lets see if this works. Bots D10 sorry I loaded the game up almost 40 minutes ago and then youtube shorts started melting my brain

This is fair and true but the long charge time to fire just feels awful, and the cooldown just feels too long in most situations. The way they buffed so many other weapons up, they should revert the quasar's nerfs and put it back how it was when it was introduced.
Still can't joint.
It's set to private.
Just remove the charge up
>quasar can't one-shot kill dropships
>yes it can if you shoot the engines
>th-that doesn't count because.. because it just doesn't okay?!
has anyone seen the goalposts? I swore I left them right here.
Oh fuck it is my bad
3/4 now
From my understanding, you have to shoot it before it starts to hover in preparation for dropping off its passengers. Before the patch this was only possible with SEAF SAM since no AT could blow up a Dropship with a single shot outside of engine hits, and it was near-impossible to get an engine hit before the hover phase without a lucky shot.

No, the heat interaction should still be 2.5 second shift depending on heat or cold. 12.5 seconds cooldown in cold environment is pretty nice, since it's almost back where it was when it was meta, only now your ability to actually kill Chargers and Hulks in one shot means you don't have to fire two shots in quick succession nearly as often.
Quasar is an optimal 3 shots/min, with extreme cold improving that somewhat. RR is 5+1 total, with a resupply never giving more than 5 shots per box. Quasar never has to worry about ammo and is wholly self sufficient. RR needs to scavenge and gets fewer shots on longer cooldown ops. Quasar is the economy option, if it competes with the burst damage and heavy hitter options it just invalidates every other AT option.
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Hey, /hdg/. What's yer thing?
Okay you stupid lil green goblin nigger, y'know what you're doing. You know exactly what you're doing. You would get that dumb fucking nose of yours yanked and your dumpy ass spanked you slutty little whore. Don't think anything about what you said was okay, you deserve to be raped by a 6 foot tall white male. That's the best thing your hands could be doing right now!
>6 shots with quasar
>Takes 2 fucking minutes
>Right when resupply gets called anyways

Meanwhile eats gets 5 shots in half that time.
My thing is digging trenches with the autocannon (only on the evacuate missions doe), if i feel bored I run all emps on bots with the flamethrower and just dive like crazy. surprisingly not complete dogshit.
my dopamine levels go up 100x when i kill a dropship while it's doing the super fast flight
i'm relearning my war thunder autism when it comes to leading and raising shots even though it's definitely more efficient just to shoot at the drop zone
shooting flying stuff
if i can't fly, no one will
When no one is looking I steal an extra resupply box even when I really don't need it
>defense campaign is going this piss poor
we aint finishing that major order are we doc
Resupply is 3min base, closer to 2.5 fully fully upgraded. Quasar is 3/min optimal, slightly under 4 on cold planets. That’s ~9/11 shots per base resupply, ~7.5/10 or so upgraded. The selling point is efficiency, uptime, and ease of use, which it delivers on.
you're never going to convince those hysterical delusional retards the quasar cannon is sitting in a good spot. they unironically think the +5 seconds obliterated the thing and made it absolute dogshit trash tier. hell, half of them probably think the quasar was always shit even with the original 10 second cooldown
i think the quasar should have RR's damage and a 10 second cd and even then it wouldn't compete with RR because RR's most important quality is its ability to shoot down dropships in bursts
>youtube shorts
i took a dive down there once and it was the only time where i saw people who owned a PS5. it's almost a certain type of person
I place sentries behind teammates so it "accidentally" shoots them in the middle of fights
Host just crashed, verifying then trying to reconnect
Wish the Verdict were medium pen, it's basically the Deagle
host transfer didn't fail, you should be able to rejoin
I probably won’t, but I’m mostly throwing numbers out for the benefit of the lurker anyway
Helldivers 2 clips specifically? Mine is mostly cat videos and now there's political stuff because of the upcoming election and video game streamer stuff.
then the senator would be irrelevant
Hug emote on the Officer while the /hdg/ lobby fills
any lobbies?
We probably need about 5 to 10 thousand more players to either log off the game or move from Gacrux to Imber to really made the difference. So yes, it's cooked. Amazing MO to highlight how retarded the playerbase is, really.
yapping in the hdg lobbies
I never shut up
zero helldivers clips or even video games. it started with baseball clips and then it just started giving me other stuff with people in their rooms or living rooms
Need a new standard issue style AR
Imber is gonna be a frustratingly close loss
making sick ass 200m shots with the revolver
>Amazing MO to highlight how retarded the playerbase is, really.
Above all it once again amazingly highlighted how bad the design, implementation and management of MOs and the galactic war in general is
Saying I'm going to piss or get something to drink and wait for 5 minutes even though I already did the thing I said I was going to do between the long ass extraction and end screens just so everyone does the same and plays better next mission

15 second cooldown is perfectly fine, it's the CHARGE UP time before it shoots that makes it suck. If they reduced the charge up but added the same amount of time onto the cooldown so it's still the same situation of shots per minute, I'd be happy.

Problem is it's punishing if you miss your shot, but you are a lot more likely to miss your shot because enemies don't stay still while your queso is taking its slow ass time to charge. It already pays for the fact it's unlimited by taking the longest between shots; it doesn't have to pay twice by having a retarded anti-fun charge up mechanic that makes your shots harder to make.
>balance tranny
Sad to see you're so buck broken by the Swede, you look at a gun and the first thing comes to mind is whenever or not it would break the balance instead of wondering if it's fun to use.
>Gave players the freedom to go where they want.
>They choose to be retarded instead of intelligent.
How is that the devs' fault?
You can't spam RR without a teammate or resupply nearby, you can just Queso shit up whenever you want, they're fairly balanced even though I'd trade a 1 second charge-up for even more cooldown
true, but ((they)) got you thinking of trannies 24/7

These are the same fags who didn't want shit buffed like this patch, even though relenting and buffing shit pretty much saved the game overnight lmao, no use even trying to argue with them.
Oh whoops you somehow left out the bit where devs hide all the mechanics players would need to understand in order to make informed decisions
>hear new patch buffed stuff
>redownload game
>get a shitload of credits but I'm already at cap so they all get burnt :^)
>find random lobby, crash in loading screen
>uninstall game

Is it worth coming back?
That info isn't going to make these illiterate niggers not be retarded and you know that.
If you give that faggot a single (You) I'm going to shit beneath your bed
Now add in a planetary voting board and the devs will have created the most true to life managed democracy simulator.
any way to make the arrows from the SC mod a bit smaller?
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I was going to (you) but i like my bed unshit
Not all of them obviously but it's a 100% sure thing that a sizable amount of the people swarming Pandion when it still had a 3% decay rate would have gone somewhere else if they'd understood what was going on

No idea what you mean, but you and I both know you don't do shit other than sit on your ass kek
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should be expected, devs gave another choose your own adventure MO without the giant flashing "you are a retarded nigger." sign on bug planets.
Yeah just install the mod tool for Blender, load the main file, load the mod, modify all of the models then save the patch
I dropped the game probably forever because the new battlepass has strategems in it. fuckin f2p monetization in a paid game.
How much of a liability will I be if I go full brap hog loadout
Make sure the immediate area around you is clear before firing.
Pre-charge the shot so that it's closer to max by the time you're ready to put the crosshair over the target.
Sweden is trying to foil our immaculate teamwork again lads...
A lot, expect a kick from me, don't want a useless retard burning up all the reinforcements
what's the point honestly. Why do these gay little events if one isn't going to work and the other would work if you told people to do it but you don't so it fails. I don't feel like I do anything at all in this story.
>basically the entire playerbase has to be on the same planet if we want to keep it
Why do you fags blame players for this when it's just a dumb design choice.
Sars, I am to be adding new item to kick list. If you are to be using the crossbow or eruptor you are to be kick. Bloody bastards tk too much. It is the needful common sense to not shoot explode near teammate but they do not do the needful.
>to win Imber's defense we would need at this point quite literally all the playerbase to play on it
>42% bugsnaxdivers
Time to get witnessed by the Chrome boys.
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>"but the cyborgs don't get tired or hate their work"
>entire reason cyborgs revolted and started a series of wars was because they were tired and hated their work
That's what it feels like sometimes. I have nothing to prove this, but the ramblings of the inner monologue assure me this is the case.
It's demotivating, at any rate. I kinda just wanna turn in early because at this point starting a whole op and finally getting to finish it is going to go way to late for me to get enough rest for work.
I stopped giving a shit about any of the MOs when they revealed they just have some swedish faggot fucking around with numbers who has more influence over the outcome than literally anyone or anything else
Sounds like that's their problem desu

It was kneejerk response to the massive playerbase at the start of the game. They had to scale it that way as planets were getting liberated way too quickly.
Yea, it's ass.
Sorry bros but imma have to call it quits too.
It's like 3:30AM here and i'm already 2 packs of beer down.
Don't forget that a bunch of eradicate missions will fail on Imber because not enough enemies are spawning.
>all this worrying about the MO
It's literally a filler with no plot stakes. The only reason anyone has their panties in a wad is because they just blew all their medals on the warbond.
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>Join anon's lobby
>die 11 times
>what's the point honestly.
There isn't one really. It could be cool if they did it better but it's currently dogshit and not really worth engaging with.
>Why do these gay little events if one isn't going to work and the other would work if you told people to do it but you don't so it fails.
I have to say I really have no idea what the fuck they think they're doing
It's been the same exact dumb shit for half a year now with no real improvements to speak of. Do they actually think they're doing a good job with it or are they just too fucking stupid to work out a better approach? I really have no idea. They kind of responded to the feedback that the visuals are uninformative and worthless but their rework was so half-assed that it did next to nothing to improve things.
>I don't feel like I do anything at all in this story.
You don't. Nobody does really. It's basically a coin flip where some weeks we get some free medals and other times not. Depends entirely on whether the goals devs give us are sensible or retarded, and which way they rig the result when the MO is running.
I have a hypothesis on that as well. I don't think enemies killed when a dropship is shot down are counting towards the killcount. I've noticed the percentage will not increase much when all dropships are shot down on approach.
The only way to make people play MOs optimally is to have a big pop-up or beacon on the map indicating which planet(s) are priority. Most people don't care enough to look themselves, they just pick which enemy they want to face, and then check which available biome they'd prefer to fight on.
What do you guys take for "no support weapon" builds?
I might play around a bit but don't want to gimp my team too much
They’re taking the titanium planet after shiny bots got found in the files. Losing Imber means new enemies, probably, eventually
Lib concussive + MG on bugs kinda slap ngl.
You get so much free realestate to just reload whenever you want
>I don't feel like I do anything at all in this story
I'll never forget them introducing new shit and ramping up decay rates when we smoked an MO in like 2 days and they didn't want that. I just do whatever until an MO comes out that wagers something cool, like the childrens hospital.
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The last planet to defend is one with actual stakes.
If the bots get the planet and it's titanium then the chromed out death squads are released.
basically they just rig MOs to do what they want and then blame the playerbase for the result, like when they wanted to give us those shitty mines and nobody wanted them so we bitterly fought everywhere but the mine planets.
They got so mad they made us get them, and lo and behold, they sucked cock.

Might as well ditch the whole campaign if you're not gonna allow us to affect outcomes where it matters.
>Most people don't care enough to look themselves
I mean even without marking out specific planets they might look if even the most basic info was given in the game's own planet/map view
I hope the Iron Fleet are kinda like the Captain Winters of HD2.
>ship master yells that dey hea
>iron fleet spawns in nearby and an endless bot drop happens until you wipe them out

And this is why the defense doesn't matter. Joel has set it to be impossible to win so they get the titanium lore shit.
Based as fuck. No need to stick around.
kek I remember when the "mines or kids" MO was up and some faggot autists were crying bitter tears over being denied the shitty sperg toy they desperately wanted despite it being manifestly useless
Only time I really enjoyed an MO
AC mech is awesome now
>the information they need in order to make informed decisions

Nigger you know full well that still wouldn't solve the problem and it doesn't even matter anyway. This galactic war shit was never meant to be taken seriously as something you can actually influence, it's just an overarching storyline, and that's it.

You autistic fuckwits literally just can't into the idea that it's just a big larp, not something you are meant to be trying to "win" and getting buttblasted about
>trying to complete a 9 to unlock 10
>if I host everyone crashes and leaves on the 2nd or 3rd mission and I can't do it solo
>if I try to join an operation in progress the host ALWAYS leaves after the second mission without fail
we're always happy to help :)
it's too late for me to start an operation right now, I'll have to try again tomorrow
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that's what I get for never shutting the fuck up
>Nigger you know full well that still wouldn't solve the problem
Eliminate no, alleviate yes
As for the rest no, that's bullshit
It's true that in reality the impact of what we do is minimal relative to the devs' various asspulls, but "nothing you do matters" is 100% NOT how they're selling it to the playerbase
They're absolutely inviting people to get invested in it, this retarded headcanon of yours runs completely contrary to all their messaging
Devs gaslighting us isn't the same as "you were never meant to think you had agency"

That's the point nigger. You can't argue the weapon is balanced based purely in terms of ammo efficiency, and not take any of that into account. Those are all downsides that give the weapon a higher skill ceiling to use, when you could just point and click with an EAT or RR.

All of that is part of the equation, so giving it a shorter cooldown wouldn't instantly make it overpowerd and definitely wouldn't make it invalidate any other AT weapons.
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flutey likes to keep an eye on vernen wells
>tank turret
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What are some war / action movies to get into the Helldivers mood?
and yes, I have seen Starship Troopers, more then enough time
not my problem
You can be invested in it while still understanding that it's a larp and your actions have little influence. In fact when you put that together with every other aspect of this games tone, that kind of makes the most sense of all, doesn't it?

That's why the term autistic fits in here, normal people with higher brain functions can understand and reconcile that. You can't.
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Pitch Black
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watch generation kill
>pure ammo backpack strat
>press 5 to connect the backpack to the weapon you're holding, you can now shoot it without reloading as long as there's ammo in the backpack
if you're an anime fan, try 86
Just keep sucking that Swede dick you apologist bitch

>if you think about it it's futile and rigged just like the theme whoa so deep
nah man you're retarded and it's bad storytelling. if you're gonna cuck everybody out of a good story don't tell them it's their fault when it's clearly the devs who are at fault and can't write around actual non rigged outcomes.
If I wanted to participate in rigged elections I'd vote irl.
brad pitt in MONEYBALL
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>As the great warrior-poet Ice Cube once said, If the day does not require an AK, it is good
>MO is now down to about an hour behind schedule
Is there a chance that when the bugdivers go to sleep, the MOdivers can pull ahead and save the planet?
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my nigga
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have you seen the Japanese-animated STs?
Why can't you be like them?
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Nice reddit spacing, retard.
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>chink dies
>immediately leave before I could finish punching in the reinforcement combination
why are they like this?
Not fucking likely
Be a man and move on.
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I use the punisher on bugs and pretend I'm doing left 4 dead speed runs
Are servers being fucky right now for anyone else? I've gotten randomly sent back to my ship with no message twice now and my games have so much lag I'm getting stuck on comm tower wheels while trying to align them.
alright, Chang, keep being a pussy bitch and quit every time you gets blown up
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>tfw no hot female Democratic Execution Watch Officer that tells me i did a good job after each successful campaign
didn't think your tism could get any more powerful
Damn I wish we could combine backpacks
Rover + jumpack would be rad
Or shield + jumpack
something something about saving face, chinks and japs would literally kill themselves out of shame if they accidentally stepped on a banana peel and fell on their ass, thus making a fool of themselves. These yellow bastards are weird, man
>I fucking beg you AH, please just fucking make the Stalwart a primary
Straight upgrade to half of the guns in the game
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Why can't I find this general without having to direct connect to the thread via the archive?
>drops into Hellmire
Tropic Thunder is pretty good
Ballistic shield + shield pack
Bring a shield relay and heavy armour with extra padding for full /turtle/ mode
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If only just a few more bugniggers switched to Imber we could actually win this.
Do we get anything for winning?
Idk when we did a clean sweep of all dropshops in eradication, I was shooting engines. I was not credited kills but I don't remember finishing off any survivors, only some prespawned bots at the start
It was diff 10 so plenty of heavies. They don't survive, you just don't get credit for kills.
Where do you get this data?
Ummmm Democracy? Liberty? Faggot?
Medals, which can be used to complete the warbond and/or restock back to max faster.
Not getting raped by *checks notes* troopers with command bunker turret guns
>bot defense
>only fun mission is nuke launch
nah, its bug killin time
55 medals
did cluster bombs get any kind of buff not listed?
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>Hell divers got me into Warhammer (Killteam)
>88 dollars
One day I will Krieg out
This doesn't feel like a fight against the bot onslaught, it feels like a tug of war between Imber botdiver and Garcux bugdiver. With the bugdiver gifting the titanium to the bots on a silver platter.
we actually shouldn't, because the swedes will read that as the patch being "successful", which will just make them insta-complacent again
Be a man and just do your own thing, girl.
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Come back and get me when there's something that makes it worth dealing with shitty planets, modifiers, and a faction I don't feel like playing against right now
Well there isn't a shiny new stratashit to get, botdivers get fucked into a mushy paste.
hope you got friends to play with bruv
i feel like playing, because i haven't all day but PUBG zombie escape mode first
Were there any other undocumented changes last patch?
AT mines got a mega area buff and they're kind of fun now.
I started playing yesterday and am level 8, I haven't bought anything yet. What strategems should I get now/when I get the level? All the info I see if from before the massive patch the other day.
It was documented. They said that any stratagem that had AP5 or higher got their damage buffed to keep up with the new heavy unit HP. They just didn't actually put the numbers in the patch.
>hide /hg/ guy
>hide flute guy
>hide green armor with white helmet guy
oh wait they're all the same guy
focus on weapons and exploding orbitals/eagles
I do not :(
I will try tho
what's wrong with green armor white helmet guy?
Supply backpack, EAT-17, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Precision Strike (already unlocked)

For primary weapons the default Liberator is fine now and the Punisher is in the first page of the free warbond and very lethal.
>basically they just rig MOs to do what they want and then blame the playerbase for the result
This outcome is entirely preventable, but only in the case that bugniggers weren't niggers - which Arrowhead knows they are - so by that factor it *is* rigged.
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really enjoying how stupid these missions are
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>hide green armor with white helmet guy
hey now I use white servo for bots... you're generalizing me
>Where do you get this data?
Read the OP, there's companion apps that show all the information the Swedes refuse to
>tourists come back
>muh shield and muh light armor becomes a thing again
>constantly insisting that this is borderline mandatory
Support weapons to unlock ASAP
>Supply Backpack
>Recoilless Rifle
>Grenade Launcher

Red stratagems to unlock ASAP
>Orbital Gas
>Orbital Gatling
>Eagle Airstrike
>Eagle 500kg

Green stratagems to unlock ASAP
>HMG Emplacement

Ship upgrades to unlock ASAP
>Superior Packing Methodology
>Expanded Weapons Bay
>Nuclear Radar

Warbond items to unlock ASAP
>Hellpod Space Optimization
>Vitality Enhancement
>Diligence Counter Sniper

Warbonds to buy ASAP
>Cutting Edge
>Democratic Detonation
Yes. We get no Steel Legion bois on botfront that will scare away even more cowards on that front with their bullshit.
>Were there any other undocumented changes last patch?

Liberator concussive durable damage increased 23 -> 30
SPEAR angled penetration normalized to 7/7/7/0, from 8/7/6/0
HMG durable damage ratio reduced 50 -> 35
HMG 60 to 80 degree angled penetration reduced 4 -> 3
Railgun variable penetration with charge level removed
frag grenade shrapnel damage increased 80 -> 115
frag grenade shrapnel durable damage increased 8 ->35
frag grenade shrapnel penetration increased 2 -> 3
fire DPS durable damage increased 25 -> 50

All terminid claw attack damage increased by 25%
All automaton light blasters (all raiders, all machineguns,all devastators, annihilator co-axial MG) damage increased 30 -> 40
All automaton heavy blasters (gunship, scout strider, rocket strider, annihilator and barrager hull gun, hulk bruiser, and shredder turret) damage increased 55 -> 65
Devastator heads HP reduced 125 -> 100
Devastator head armour increased 0 -> 2
Rocket devastator rocket damage changed from 75 projectile 60 explosive to 30 projectile 70 explosive
Annihilator and shredder tank turret rear weakspots received 2x damage multipliers
Impaler interior torso received 1.5x damage multiplier
Impaler butt received 1.4x damage multiplier
stalker HP reduced from 1000 to 800
charger and behemoth torso interior durability reduced 50% -> 30%
What is next for helldivers I wonder.
The Revenge of the Serb
>All terminid claw attack damage increased by 25%
That makes a lot of sense actually. I got caught out in a reload and a smoke cloud by a warrior and it just eviscerated me in a single attack.
I used to be able to survive it with a bit of health (maybe 10%).
Resort Worlds with blackjack and hookers, if it falls into enemy hands your waifus are killed.
>upon release Democratic Detonation is really good
>then gets nerfed into the ground so hard by that serb nigger that it becomes basically worthless outside of the grenade pistol
>gets buffed back up to being possibly the most valuable warbond
Watching the DD stonks go up and down has been wild. But literally every weapon in it is absolute gold now.
When you open a pack of gum in class but people hear the scratch
is it wrong to wish the game was a bit more subtle with how utterly fucked the setting is?
i mean sure i can take the terminids being basically harvested for oil and the robots wanting revenge for the cyborgs, but its when turrets are held together with superglue, orbital cannons are muzzle-loaded like fuckin muskets and the helldiver contract or whatever counting standing within 15 feet of it as agreeing to it that i just go "yeah fuck this"
>these schizo HMG changes
still cant believe they did my baby like this
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>pick up groundbreaker armor
>never take it off
>peak drip for literal months
>infinite stonks
Add in the Kodiak helmet from PP and you are maximum cool.
you have to make parodies and satire incredibly obvious these days because people have no media literacy
probably unintended
the HMG originally launched with a 23% durable damage ratio which was then buffed to be 33%. 35 just so happens to be 23% of 150, so it looks like someone forgot it was supposed to be 33%
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stay away if you aren't a massive fucking retard
Primary weapon tierlist?
/hdg/ diver tierlist?
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The "satire" here either isn't satire or it just sucks. What is it even satirizing? For Starship Troopers movie it was mostly US army and culture surrounding it, but this game is just schizo MEDIA LITERACY memes stitched together
Is this some term I'm not familiar with or does it literally just mean that the studio is owned by niggers?
Only Cutting Edge competed with it before, but now thermites are better than stuns, so Democratic Detonation is by far the best warbond.
>or does it literally just mean that the studio is owned by niggers?
indeed. imagine putting this at the forefront as the first information people learn about your studio. like wtf
the former is a thing that seething jungle asian "men" and cuckolds love to spam on this site, but in this case it's the latter
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Took a break from the game pre-patch due to new FF14 expac.

What's good for bots now since everything got changed and we seem way squishier now?

Used to almost exclusively use
>Eagle 50k and Airstrike
>Orbital Laser
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>the director of starship troopers said it was satire multiple times
>>the director was fucking wrong

what do you call a planet that calls itself "super earth" invading other planets for resources then covers it up with claims of "spreading freedom" and ultranationalism other than a stark parody of the USA's performance in foreign affairs?
>What's good for bots now since everything got changed and we seem way squishier now?
Literally the same things + the explosive weapons
So AC, PP, Eruptor, Thermite, Crossbow, yet
Apparently the HGM ain't working right and the AMR is or isn't buffed enough to compete with the DCS, something like that
almost all bot armor got reduced and autocannon armor pen got buffed
500k has a fuckhuge radius now
orbital gas is a mini stun with mini poison
recoilless rifle one-shots anything that's not a factory strider (shoot if in the face to one-shot it anyway)
go nuts

>if I agree with the author it's media literacy
>if I don't agree with the author it's death of the author
getting real tired of these jewish tricks
I mean, I think Verhooven did pretty well to show the film as satire
Certainly better than HD2 which all the propaganda and funny bits are amusing but the automatons are clearly an existential threat and worse than Super Earth in every way
Verhoeven is just a salty faggot.
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Post fits with this helmet
bonus points if they have good bonuses
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Everyone get the fuck out of my way.
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not really my point
verhooven could've made the most obvious satire in cinema and you'd still have morons loving it solely because it contains the things it satirizes; at that point why even try to make it obvious
also though i don't play the game so i might be wrong the automatons at least have an arguably decent reason to invade earth, that being freeing the cyborgs from their slavery in the mines

pic related
>i don't play the game
get out
>seething jungle asian "men"
did i miss something? don't tell me the SEA monkeys are turning into koreans. I like the cut of their shitposting.
>I mean, I think Verhooven did pretty well to show the film as satire

Honestly it didn't feel like he did.
we never saw at any point the federation being wrong. If anything people could walk out of that movie and say the federation was in the right, (and totally be right).
It is probably mostly satirizing US but it has a whole bunch of random bullshit that doesn't stick
As were arachnids in ST. There is a commentary by Verhoeven and Neumeier where the former calls the Braing Bug "an evil god" and iirc "something that must be killed". The idea that bugs where le good guys who dindu nothing is insane and movie is less black and white than people think it is.
If it has some kind of message it'd be simply "War is awful and retarded but also sometimes necessary and understandable"
They need to up drop ship HP to 3000 so only spear one shots them.
large hud
i only play single-player games, man

you saying you're having difficulty comprehending it?
this is the point where some fucking retard will bring up B-BUT MUH METEOR IT WAS A FAAAALSE FLAG
Starship Troopers is kino manifest. Veerhoven is a faggot and every "media literacy" retard needs to be burned at the stake.
>If it has some kind of message it'd be simply "War is awful and retarded but also sometimes necessary and understandable"

The funny thing is that's the point of the book.
People in charge should be the people that fight.
Because they know what war was like, and they wouldn't want to throw away the lives of soldiers worthlessly.
>hopes i'm a chink
When will you ever be a man?
I understand what they were trying to do but I think it falls flat.
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Media literacy of the late 90's vs the media literacy of the early 2000's
Yeah, if they at any showed it was a false flag, then they'd have some merit. But people that defend the bugs saying their intelligent then in the same vein tell us that the bugs couldn't be intelligent enough to do that shit.
but understandable
>show a shred of humanity in the bug before killing it
>federation bad

>Show a shred of humanity in a nazi before killing them
>Nazi bad
>muh blue niggers deserve dey planet and shieeeet
Turn them into fuckdolls, deplete their planet of resources and move on.
I never get these kind of movies, why should humanity as a whole care about some backwater ayylmao spear chuckers?
anon i think you should go to the optician
another fine example of humanity doing nothing wrong, i'd post that one greentext if i had it handy
Gen X grew up on star trek and the entire vibe was Humanity/The Federation/Intelligent life have a responsibility to play babysitter and mediator.
just dun like em
I just want the health bar to be as visible as possible. I wish I could only scale that part
>not really my point
It's the point of the image you posted
>though i don't play the game so i might be wrong the automatons at least have an arguably decent reason to invade earth, that being freeing the cyborgs from their slavery in the mines
First, wtf
Second, they already accomplished that a keep attacking. They clearly see Super Earth and an existential threat and it s now a war of extermination
I could be mixing up the adaptions, but they do make a point of saying that the Earth is the one invading that the meteor was a response and the only actual attack the bugs did
That's fair
I guess both HD2 and ST fail to make the antagonists actually sympathetic enough to be the real good guys
It is satire but most people don't realize what it's a satire of desu
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>I guess both HD2 and ST fail to make the antagonists actually sympathetic enough to be the real good guys
>they already accomplished that a keep attacking
they did?
>They clearly see Super Earth and an existential threat
aren't they?
MO Failed text should make the helldivers feel like shit for being fuckups. Same way that losing in TF2 makes you eat crits as the Announcer says YOU FAILED in a pissed off tone.
>I could be mixing up the adaptions, but they do make a point of saying that the Earth is the one invading that the meteor was a response and the only actual attack the bugs did

That's valid (I think the response was to the colonist getting attacked by the bugs). But yeah a point a lot of people make is that the meteor simply didn't happen.
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>the other end of the fucking spectrum
>make your protags so shit and in the wrong the antagonists are completely right in their mission
its just funny, really.
Yeah, that's the best example maybe
Not only does the Helghan came off as sympathetic (barring, it maybe despite, some clearly retarded le evil for evil sake actions) the alleged good guys came off as the most insipid, violent retards ever.
I wasn't even a racist yet and I remember thinking what a fucking nigger rico was
The meteor was totally unnecessary and they could have just killed dissidents and attacked the bugs without damaging the economy by taking out a major city, since they had total media control. But a grand conspiracy to do something dramatic like that makes for a better read.
>make a satire about war
>have to have a villain in the plot
>villain kills people, and people respond with war
>yeah but the-yo-you can't just kill people that kill other people

It's like everytime, no matter what happens you make the eviiiiiil nazis look like good guys if you have an actual antagonist.
>they did?
Yeah, they conquerer Cyberstan
>aren't they?
Well yeah, but it's mutual
yeah that's the funny thing about the meteor. It actually makes less sense when you think about it being faked. It's like if 9/11 never happened, and they just hushed up everyone that was there.
>muh satire
>muh media literacy
If its humans vs nonhumans, humans will always be the "good guys" on the merit that we ourselves, I cant speak for everyone, are humans.
>muh evil oppressive government!
Open your eyes, you live under one.
they could just leave and we wont follow

here's the difference too, in our conquest all we did was enslave our captives, or drive them out of our land
on the other hand they want to commit genocide against us
we are morally more righteous
Patch doko?
i posted that once in awhile in other places for a over a year, then all of a sudden earlier thos year, she got a new song and video with telescopes in it
>100 years of peace because you lost and fucked off
i don't think people believe it was faked, but rather that the federation itself did it and not the bugs
genuine fucking retards
I am not surprised about the army of bugfags refusing to help with the defence but that there is like 7k botfags who sit around random planets annoys me.
Be a lot cooler if 95% of divers weren't wearing this helmet. It's pretty stale and non-unique after only a few days
I guess the dutch perfected media literacy.
>Paul Verhoeven, Dutch
>Guerrilla Games, Dutch
Imber is quite a shithole planet to be honest with you.
>put critical defense on the second most cancerous type of planet
>omg why is nobody helping?!
>fail to make the antagonists actually sympathetic enough to be the real good guys
They never intended to. Or at least Starship Troopers never did, as I said this game is schizo and isn't sure what it wants to say. Both works 'satirize' US, but HD2 doesn't know to what end, that's the difference.
Embrace uniformity.
This is the only good thing that came out of that shit ass game.
there's not enough gear the looks good at this point so people will naturally gravitate towards the few pieces that look good. Personally I'd rather have four chudhelmers than three clowns alongside me
Game was fun and had a sick aesthetic, where problem?
True bug and bot divers stand united in only playing their prefered faction on planets they like.
Meanwhile MO wagies are vermin that gladly lap up Joels slop MOs.
Really having a lot of fun with this bot setup. Anything I can switch in and out to achieve optimal


Strafing run
Air strike
>get surrounded by bugs
>throw like 2 fart grenades at my feet
>casually walk out of there while they attack
I want new bots. For once there is something interesting at stake.
could skip that first part with the punisher you know
>breaker inciendiary
>flamethrower/brap drone
>healing pistol
>brap nades
what else do i need to support larp? how can I be useful in higher difficulties
grenade pistol for walkers, maaaaaaybe impacts or gas grenades.
Sterilizer honest to god gets the support itch moving. I run it with the jump pack, stun a shit ton, throw napalm air strike then move out. Helps keep shit off people a lot too.
Grenade Pistol really isn't any better at killing 'walkers' than DCS is. 4 shots to the joint with DCS kills them.
Good call. I’d say they’re the blind spot for me so far as I’m not thrilled whenever I have to drill their dick with a couple dcs shots.
Well, attacks like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor were real and not inside jobs, and both goaded the USA into making poor strategic decisions, since they can win by doing nothing and can only lose by suffering embarrassing defeats like Vietnam. But it's very difficult to stomach being attacked like that without retaliating.
you gotta shoot the grenades on the ground near its legs and it's 1-shot
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>attacks like 9/11
>were real and not inside jobs
You can do that?
I don't think you understand what surrounded means!
I'm talking like 30 bugs on me, big fat warriors and brood commanders.

I walked out, set torcher to extra crispy, and just nuked them all. Super satisfying.
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>just put pizza in the oven, should be 23 minutes
>too afraid to start up Helldivers 2 lest I have to get up mid-mission
I think DCS is just more reliable/consistent overall. Works at any range, up to 3 kills per mag.
brap dog against bots seems like a meme, but I wonder how good it is at keeping the berserker spam off my asshole
it being yet another entry into the "leftist fellating" genre of video games that have become parodies of themselves
like walking in on that fat bitch fucking a black? And the other scene where a topless pregnant woman is epically owning the retarded and incapable naaahtzees?
complete and utter slop
very. but yeah it's a total meme.
I wanna justify it, but it doesn't have the range and time to deal with enough enemies.

Also reinforced striders are bugged and flames/gas sharticles go right through them.
Hitting the rockets is a 1 hit kill with the DCS and it has some added splash damage to nearby enemies.
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Words cannot express how much more fun the game is now that you can kill shit easier. It never gets old downing a gunship with the recoilless rife and killing everything on board. How long until they nerf this I wonder.
true but grenade pistol just feels great to just shoot into a group of bots and just hear crunchy metallic sounds.

From experience it's been one shot, but looking at the math you need the splash to be near the legs or on torso
I forgot that's an option but it's a total gamble for me. Joint shots are very easy.
>How long until they nerf this I wonder.
In about ten hours, actually.
Do the rockets have health or armor? Or are they similar to mines and blow up on contact? I was curious if you could dagger/scythe them.
Very easy from the side, but from the front you need good aim and nerves of steel for looking straight at a rocket that can send you to super heaven at any moment.
Best part: game is still piss hard sometimes, it’s at a perfect balance
They’ll ruin it anyways
This.- well WE'LL SEE.
Surely they will only buff the HMG durable damage so it's worth using again
new enemies are gonna be fucking aids.
No way they tested them, and it's likely they'll be buggy and bullshit.

but god man. I love seeing rocket devs now. Most fun enemy to fight just dodging those rockets in circles. They got the balance for them down perfectly.

I wish I got them more often honestly,
And that FUCKING reinforced strider less.
You WILL take the railgun. You WILL be on chicken duty.
They got health, DCS and normal dilligence 1 hit, but most ARs need multiple shots.
The rack they are in also has health and i believe level 3 armor, destroying the rack removes the rockets from the side so guns without medium armor pen have a bit easier time spraying the rockets.

I kinda like taking arc thrower for them.
It's like the bot's flamethrower.
I think it isn't easier too
Like, you're ridiculously more fragile
Even in heavy armor a Raider MG can shred you in a few seconds
Arc thrower is garbage, no matter how much they buff it. Even purifier is better.
Rocket chickens spawn way too often for how killy they are with their giga rockets.
Rocket tanks are just pure buggy cancer.
Yknow the worst part, those rockets feel like they'd balance them out and make for super fun enemies.

Imagine shooting one of those rockets and all the devesators around them took like 500 splash damage. I'd be HAPPY to see those fuckers.

It's just they're way too killy right now.
They could keep the rocket mechanic, but they need like a wind up and a loud screech sound or something whenever they're about to shoot.
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>I killed someone again because I didn't have the stim pistol out
Arc thrower is alright, just awkward to use alot of the time.
>low range
>wacky targeting
>annoying charge up
>more likely to accidentally friendly fire
>stuns stuff
>good AP
>infinite ammo
>hit multiple enemies
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Also despite being completely overshadowed, this fit is nice
>I don't want to sound democratic

Your words betray you, bot filth. The Ministry of Truth will root you out shortly.

...I did hear some scuttlebutt in the chow line that it's weird we haven't seen any Liberty class cruisers on the front lines though. Some traitor trying to sell the rest of the crew on SE actually WANTING to give up Imber to see what they're capable of in the innovation and learning department.

Honestly, I almost opened fire right there ain the chow line.
Radar is such a useless perk once you know how the game works. Especially since half the maps don't even let you use radar
There's another thread already retard

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