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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Playful Land rerun: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
Ace Birthday Campaign (1 Normal 10-key): 09/23
Ace Birthday Missions (2 Bday 10-keys): 09/20 16:00 JST - 09/26 14:59 JST

>Current Gacha
[Event] SSR Fellow Honest & Gidel: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
[Event] Playful Land SSR Ace, Ortho, Kalim & SR Leona, Cater, Vil: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
Kalim & Vil Rate-up: 09/24 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
[Campaign] SSR Loungewear & Platinum Jacket Ace feat. Past Bdays banner: 09/20 16:00 JST - 09/26 14:59 JST
>Upcoming Gacha
>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>494647826
Maybe Riddle will get a new SSR for New Year.....
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Shit I missed the new thread
The SSR distribution is fucked.
There's character getting their third one and others are still in one.
I swear either the devs are picking favorites or they have some weird rule where they're saving other characters for some unknown emergency.
Posting the results of the /twst/ poll:
>24 participants
>From these, 15 were women, 9 were men
>From these, 12 of the women mostly lurk the thread, with 3 being more of posters than lurkers
>On the other side, 7 of the men were mostly lurkers, while only 2 were mostly posters
>So on the whole lurk vs post, only 5 of the participants were posters, while 19 were lurkers
So final results: 62.5% women (50% lurkers and 12.5% posters) and 37.5% men (29.17% lurkers and 8.33% posters)
Disclaimer: This is taking into consideration that everyone was honest in the voting and also that not everyone in this general voted, so take it with a grain of salt, but the results are fun if true either way
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I hear your voice
It's like an angel sighing
I have no choice
I hear your voice
Feels like flying
I don't want Riddle to get the fucking New Years SSR. I want him to get the spotlight in a brand new event. It's been years.
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a hometown event is probably your only hope at this point unless he gets something after Halloween
That shota sack is very cute
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He'll get hometown rerun SSR
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I really hope none of the twst staff were retarded enough to believe the Japanese "Jack is 172cm" urban legend and turn him into a manlet
Even if they did that kind of thing is 100% being approved by disney proper. Disney proper night not actually give shit, though. "What's a cm? Nevermind, whatever you say I'm sure it's fine. I see the snake guy is in this one, there's not gonna be a ton of, uh, 'voluntary employment' talk that we're gonna have to take out, right?"
a cute bunny SSR!
GloriMas's "2nd part" was Playful Land, I wonder what the "2nd part" will be next year for this one, or will it be more like the first 2 Halloween events were they kept the same themetic?
Just came back to the game after playing it very, very little before. Trying to fully get into it this time and I have some problems with the game, are any of these actual problems or me being picky?
>Game kinda runs sluggish even on my iPhone that came out 2 years ago
>No speedup for lessons
>Events seem few and far between
>Content feels like it just takes forever to come out in general including banners etc etc
>Feels like it’s hard to get materials/takes a long time to upgrade cards unless I make absolutely sure to do lessons every single day
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there's been some QoL changes, you can skip 10 lessons daily, schedule is back to having a story update, an event or both per month (though if it's a rerun you might not be interested), room battles can be 5x like tests, room battles got a resource drop rate boost regarding gems, and the teacher gachas give you more resources (Crewel's gives you textbooks and grimoires), also main story now comes with new banners

you still can't speed up lessons though, and I'm not sure you'll like another one of their solutions for more banners (giving a SSR to another boy during an event rerun but they don't appear in the event)
I don’t play other gacha, are they super fast paced or something?
There are over 300 cards and a constant flow of new events, main story content and stuff to do. If things were any heavier I’d get burnt out.
Thank you for the info, I did notice the skipping 10 lessons and I saw that JP has a lot of QoL that hopefully global will get soon.
>I'm not sure you'll like another one of their solutions for more banners (giving a SSR to another boy during an event rerun but they don't appear in the event)
That’s a little weird but not entirely different from the other gachas I play.
How often do events (new or reruns included) occur? Other gachas I play usually have an event every week for a week then a couple days break (PRSK/Bandori) or a couple per month that last for a couple weeks-ish and will have reruns at the same time sometimes (Arknights)
Oh and how far is global behind JP for content?
yeah twst is slower than those, funnily enough I tried Bandori for a while and found it too overwhelming, also some events are longer than others and that broadens/shortens the gap

>how far is global behind JP for content?
uhh this is a complicated answer, regarding main story they're 5 updates behind, but regarding events they're pretty close behind, the only new ones left is the Tapis Rouge event and 2 Master Chef mini-events, after that there's only the Portfest rerun and the Playful Land Rerun (which they can't have for obvious reasons)
>>495726812 (Me)
oh and Tsum 3 is also missing from EN
I don't think Riddle wants to show us his mom
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please tell me at least one of them is in this event
Was Ace a good boy on his birthday for those who rolled? He was kinda cheeky and came twice at the end. At least the portrait will help with his guest room though.
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Got him in the first 10, had to do another 10 to get his room items.
He always comes in the first 20 pulls and never made me go to pity unlike someone else (fucking juice) so yeah a very good boy
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I think he's getting more art than Rollo and Ferro
>ace still doesn't have his um
hopefully he's in this event
Jade with his shit ass UM is in the event so he has no reason to be ashamed.
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Another birthday drawn to a close. It's fortunate that Ace is one of the first we get to see. If it's good we don't have to wait long, if it's bad well at least it's out of the way.
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Every time this account posts they get 30 people asking if they have heard of twisted wonderland because there are these twins and
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EOP here, started the newest book 7 story drop
>It's depressed Silver sobbing, sobbing, and sobbing some more
When does it stop, sisters... I don't even mind these slog cluster maps and the way too many goop trash fights, I just don't want him to suffer anymore ;_;
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It's okay sis, it will get better. Silver needed to let out all his hidden insecurities to heal from them and move forward.
Really want to see what Shimazaki's script looked like. Just the instruction "sobbing" and then an essay of hand-written notes from Yana in the margins about his mental collapse.
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are you the anon that keeps blessing us with boys singing using ai? man i understand the outrage about the usage of ai in art, but i just love this shit for pure fan service-y purposes. hearing your boy speak in a language you understand while maintaining their original voice just hits different. and we've only just begun with ai. i can't imagine how advanced and more accessible it will become in the near future. imagine the lewd possiblities. did you ever try something along those lines, if you're the ai anon?

>Jade with his shit ass UM
kek i remember there being some discussion on here and JP twitter back in book 4, that jade was being intentionally deceitful in saying it only works once on a person, since he was kinda cornered into spilling the info and he really hates revealing details about himself. in that way, he could still catch everyone unprepared and defenseless if he wanted to use it again because they wouldn't see it coming. in the end, it was just everyone coping. what an absolute shit tier UM.
thanks for the poll, anon. interesting. i'm curious to know which gender finds which boys attractive. there's usually a discrepancy between what fags and yumes/fujos consider attractive for an animu guy.
>can't go to Riddle's house or we get mogged by his mom
>hometown event for Riddle and Trey won't happen unless his mom is out of town or some shit
I'm losing hope now....
Fuck that. I wanna meet his mom. I wanna be able to fight her after some misunderstanding or other. And I wanna end the event feeling unsettled and sad for Riddle.
This is something I'm so curious about, I've seen fudans and yumedans around and male jp vtubers, it can go from geikomi artists who are super into Jack and Sebek, the yumedan explosion with Rollo, there's also that really popular cosplayer who is insane about Riddle, some Epel fans, two off the top of my head who like Kalim and once in a stream from one of the vtubers he asked his male audience who they like and a lot said Idia and Malleus. Boys like Azul and Leona seem to have overwhelming amount of female fans
>Riddle's hometown event would be Yuu throwing hands with Riddle's mom in honorable melee combat
Sounds too based for Yana to write.
Depends on whether or not you believe the prefect is psychically having visions of the post-overblot backstories. No reason to throw hands when you don’t know what went down.
Riddle's mom will probably a cunt regardless consider she cut off both Trey and Chenya from Riddle just because of what happened. She probably won't think highly of a magicless nobody hanging around her son.
>are you the anon that keeps blessing us with boys singing using ai?
No I just found it and thought it was creepy
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Damn he even got drawn by witch atelier mangaka
He's the boyfriend now.
AI Anon here. Struggling to get Shoyo Hinata to sound decent or close to the character. Not sure if it's the voice model itself or the choice of audio to cover over. And yeah, I just like the AI voices only for fun. Mostly for silly song covers. I would love to have my fave doing lewd stuff or audio dramas too. Had thought about it as I went through my Yandere no Onna ko and Yandere Heaven drama CDs. I could probably use AI over it.

And I'm with you on Jade's UM. It only works once. Once a truth is revealed and wasted, anything he wanted to know more is locked out unless he manipulates the person the old fashion way.
Am I looking in the wrong places but does it feel like there's less Yuu OCs then before? Because I remember when in the first year I think every artist was making a Yuu OC
I'm thankful of that's the case
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So Jack yumes would be necrophiles?
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>jack jack jack jack and it's not even the good jack
this is hell
Hang in there, Jackbro.
He will get an official different name soon
>inb4 is still Jack
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Kidnap that red FAT fuck
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it took me 150 pulls to get playful kalim and get him to limit break 3, which I guess isn't bad, also along the way managed to grab cater and leona, the former will be pretty good for farming
sorry I mean 300, I don't want people mistakenly believing I'm jesus
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Do we have enough dorm members in Ramshackle to form a Magishift team?
Can these losers even survive playing magishift?
he's not a real skeleton...just a pretender...
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>Pretender with an edgy crown
Where have I heard of that one before. But seriously yumes have already been trained into bugfucking, skellyfucking is small time next to that
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God please don't let Jacques Squelette be voiced by Jun Fukuyama
Praying Jack is like really old/undead or is at LEAST an adult
So the EN fandom be upset they can't fuck him? Come on. If they had lusted for Sans, TWST Jack ain't different.
No I want to fuck him and I don’t want him to be a teenager
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The event should be named to A nightmare before Twistmas. They'd be fools not to go for such a great title
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Can he reach 7k
Damn. You're really going all in on him, Kalimsis. Good luck!
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Will he be taller than Sebek/Eel?
Not if the moronic tweets that that say he's 5'5" reached Yana
thank you but I'm not a kalimsis, this was entirely a numbers-based decision, next priority is getting kalim's band friends
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our time last time was so shit
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Vil alt palettes for when player 1 is also Vil
Who is the better Jack here?
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The one that is not a slut.
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Is the update supposed to happen immediately after the stream on the 29th or later
man...I'd really like it if viru would change highlight colors depending on the outfit...
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my idea
beans/camp vargas: no highlights
halloween: black roots kind of like tiffany from chucky
tamashina: brown/auburn highlights
broomquet: pink or burgundy to match the broomquet
tapis: his usual highlights but darker shade to match the outfit
platinum: bleached white ends
I don't think Yana would turn the twst version of that gangly skelly into a manlet because of some misinformation...I mean, at the very least he should be Malleus' height hopefully.
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more sexy eels
When Playful Land ends i think
So is there a chance we'll get a Jack SSR for the first run of the event? Seems strange to just have two.
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Jamil wasn't in the leaks and his va is showing up on the abema stream so he's in the event too if we go by the pattern. We can probably assume there are more boys that weren't accidentally left in the files to be datamined and likely another ssr from them.
Give up we only have 1 jack now
My boyfriends
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will we gets character drama
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I see
>Jack will break into the RSA christmas festival at their school and harass them into making him santa
Would be kino.
It's so funny that Fairy Gala is the only remake we've ever gotten. Yana just really wanted to draw Ortho as a fairy ballerina.
Vargus Camp IF... forgotten. But yeah, I agree that it was basically meant for Fairy Ortho. At least it's out there if she ever gets inspired again.
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Vargas camp was a sequel, not an if. Let's face it, they just couldn't be fucked to rewrite events to justify cards they wanted to make and instead just decided to tack them on the event reruns instead
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I think portfest was the only event left where they coul've done an IF
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i want to brutally sodomize him.
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>every single bookshelf glitches into the SSR couch
To be fair there's a difference between a whole cast of new cards and one (1) new card, making an IF where it's just the same event & Knuckles doesn't seem very viable
Well yeah, they didn't want to make 3 other cards and a rewritten story to justify the SSR
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Why doesn't april arrive sooner...pien...
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Why is he so powerful?
But isn't Starsending the Twst version of Christmas? Does that make this "The Nightmare before the Starsending"? Will Jack dress as a Stargazer or whatever?
Starsending is Tanabata, which takes place in summer. Though TWST doesn't have Paganism, Halloween is still a thing. Which makes us curious if Christmas will stay or renamed to something else.
Oh right, I forgot nips have their own specific holidays, hard to keep track since the setting is mostly European. If so then we will see if it's Christmas or Not!Christmas this event, probably.
How did you forget that the game based in Japan, would have Japan's holidays? Even if all their names and locations are based on other countries, they still even use Japanese language itself too. Not just honorifics. Based on the naming of Tsum Tsums and Floyd mistaking 'Ohana" for flower when Stitch says it.
Because the game is also based on places that are not Japan about non-Japanese properties that are based on non-Japanese stories, and when you are constantly seeing non-Japanese architecture with non-Japanese designs with non-Japanese names, it's not difficult to see the wish-granting fictional holiday and think it's based off the non-Japanese wish-granting holiday and not the Japanese one
But I will admit I was wrong and got confused on which holiday it was based on
Uh oh, I see where this is going, let's diverge this. Any cultural reference you saw in twst that you didn't know about when you first saw it? Doesn't need to be necessarily japanese.
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You have to remember that twst is far, far from an authentic representation of the cultures it pilfers it's aesthetics from. It's a bunch of things taken from pop culture like harry potter that's appealing to Japanese women because it's exotic to them, and they certainly haven't exactly been wandering around British boarding schools to do research. That's why all the holidays are Japanese, because it's what Japanese women know and celebrate (though to their credit, they did at least try and make Setsuban fit in). With the exception of Halloween which is incredibly secularised to the point I'd hazard a guess most Japanese women don't even know where it comes from. Is this a problem, do I care? No, I like the idea that my country's culture interests them, even if it's misinformed at best. Hell, I'm let down we're not what they think we are at times.

Do think it's funny that it only goes one way, though. if you were to have a Japanese inspired setting with all the Japanese trappings and suddenly have the characters celebrate a fictionalised Bonfire night, you'd have people look at you funny. Then again, that's probably because Bonfire night's kind of a fucked up thing to celebrate to begin with.
I think it's exactly because I know Twst isn't an authentic representation that made me think Starsending was based on Christmas, "This world is based on a bunch of fictional movies based on fictional stories with worlds based on real countries, all through a nip's lenses, that is like 5 layers of separation of course Christmas in this world would look like this" I wasn't surprised because many other gacha games have Christmas based events, but of course now I know and yeah it makes way more sense that it's based on a Japanese holiday (and one I sorta knew about little bit through secondary sources, I just couldn't put 2 on 2 together because of the aesthetics of the game)
Though their interpretation isn't much so like how we Westerners view certain holidays. Like they see Christmas as more for couples and love compared to Jesus. Same for Halloween is just dressing up as spooky shit and not Paganism. It's funny to imagine though if they do kept Christmas in the name for said fantasy world, that means Jesus did exist there.
To be fair I also don't see Christmas as something about Jesus, for me it's about giving and receiving (not necessarily gifts) and about family, friends, and other loved ones, but that is probably because I'm not religious
It's a hard concept for most westerners to grasp. Japan has Halloween not because of paganism but because of america. No one knows the origins and no one cares.
Sam with christmas. It was imported sure but given a local twist. There is a 1.5% christian population in the whole country. Christmas isn't a jesus thing in Japan and if it does show up in twst it won't be a jesus thing there, either.
It's not THAT hard to understand. Even the US has like, Jewish people who set up Xmas trees and go to the parties and whatnot just for the fun of it. It's the same thing.
So why can't Westerners understand stuff like ACAB or other similar politics aren't as a big deal in Japan? EN shouldn't have to remove Jamil's slavery background because it's not accurate or offensive.
Prolly cause you're thinking about Americans. Americans can have a hard time understanding that other countries exist, where different things are or are not offensive and society is somehow not identical to America's.
It's like the meme of the white girl asking a muslim girl "If you know you're wrong why don't you just change?"
Other people thinking/living different ways is incomprehensible to a lot of people. They're not malicious or anything, but growing up in a bubble like that messes with your head.
I do hate to sound like a polfag, but it's because of their obsession with being brown. They cry about genshin having some fictional land that doesn't accurately portray whatever brown culture it's inspired by, but twst does the same thing for whites and not a fuckin peep. Why does EN remove Sam's tattoos and Jamil's references to slavery? Because they don't want to run the risk of offending brown people.
I legit wonder if EN is making some of its changes based on fan response to JP content.
They outright removed pictures of Rollo from his own damn banner. They're terrified of making waves with their own anime boy game and will bend over backwards to change the characters themselves to avoid it.
If it did, why didn't they do the changes like making the skin darker for Kalim or Leona in some of the SSR cards for the Tsum and Tamashina?
There is a "wholesome" bonfire celebration in my country that is done at night, but it's Brazilian so the chances of twst of all things making an event about it is laughably low, maybe as a Three Caballeros based event with also Mexican stuff
I wonder if they can't edit those. The sprites are a simple change, but editing Yana's actual illustrations?
They're probably just receiving the same card art that we're getting in-game, not the original files that the colorist was working with or anything. Even a data miner could probably mess with Sam's sprite.
And there might be something in the licensing that forbids it. We're gonna find out when Crowley's card hits EN, cause Sam's got his marks on there. If they managed to erase them somehow then not "fixing" the skin shading isn't an IP issue, it's either a skill issue or they just didn't think Tsum and Tamashna were that big a deal. Or maybe they're afraid that greater backlash would come from making them darker than the backlash of not.
They didn't, after all, and nothing happened cause of course it didn't.
I don't imagine they have many people working on the EN server, considering it probably makes about a tenth of what JP earns at most. There's likely no-one enforcing consistency or quality control over there- Shilver's birthday bash having a new Vil SSR comes to mind.
have you DIY'd merch anons?
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like this
Never gotten someone else's design screen-printed onto something, nah
I want to see these boys in fundoshi:
That's it
>no Jack
How can we implement Hadaka Matsuri in TWST?
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Anon I don't care about the skeleton
If you're talking about Jack (wolf) then he's not my oshi, but he can come in the fundoshi event as well along Trey and Silver.
God... One can dream
We need to have something like a matsuri for TWST. If they can squeeze Tanabata with Starsending and Setsubun via Beanfest, then we can have a good ol' Japanese festival!
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We need him...
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yeah I think they only have limited access in regards to dev power
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Wagie life is not for everyone
If gojo doesn't revive at least gojosis can be happy he's thriving in disney
we miss you so much Linden...
>currently have 6 whole carrousels
ferro hire me as park designer I have great ideas
How does your boy react to headpats?
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Loves them but prefers chin scratches
i want to sniff Ferro's fluffy tail....
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What will his card effect be
Dunno but I'm holding out for a magicless Sam reveal. I want him to summon shadow creatures like it's final fantasy or something.
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What will be his style preferences
The high quality version has been on the official twitter since 2019. Don't need blurry photos of the game guide for that, anon.
Yeah but what if twitter gets purged...
the possibility of losing high quality versions of art is why I love keeping artbooks of my favorite series
>Yeah but what if twitter gets purged...
You can right click and save the image. I've been doing that for years
I never use folders so it always ends up buried, granted I understand that's a personal problem
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>gojo stays dead
a skeleton in both worlds
But will be a fraud in TWST?
Jack is not even a villain so yes
I mean he is a villain, the fucker was handing out severed heads to children, he's just the protagonist so nobody notices
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Look at these 3
You see, it's obvious that Ferro is the cutest, but there is a very specific appeal in Roro's design that is UNIQUE, it's not cute, it's not pretty, it's unique.
However if you look at that thing up there, yeah, that one, you'll see how he doesn't fit in with the special boys.
He's not cute and he's not unique, one might say he is pretty, and yes, it's correct, he is pretty, but is he pretty enough to fill the gap that is the pretty role? No, he's not that pretty. Maybe for games like Enstars or whatever shitty otomes people are playing these days, but not Twisted Wonderland.
>Why do you care?
Because artists will make new Ferro art and it will include him, I don't want Ferro to be paired up with someone that looks like this. Roro has a unique design and personality, so he's more than acceptable!
The last hopes for Jacques Squelette are either Mamo as his seiyuu (Tokiya was my second favorite utapri character, who can blame me?) or him being taller than Malleus, one of these might save this poor guy.
Stop being autistic. Jack absolutely MOGS the previous two and I'm glad nips have realized immediately.
Jack just looks so out of place. Like he shouldn't even be in TWST
Sorry anon if you want to take down gojo you have to agenda post
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>Jack absolutely MOGS the previous two.
I feel so bad for you, "not in the haha i'm better than you" way but omg... Your taste sucks buddy.
Game has so much personality when it comes to designs and the first thing you do is give up for the first "pretty boy" that appears? Come on now.
>nips have realized immediately.
You mean the same nips that still do fanart of mastechef cards for 4 years straight?
Ferro and Roro got the same treatment, and I can only imagine that his downfall will be uglier than the last two since his design is so bland that they'll immediately get bored.
I can't think of a character that looks like Ferro, I can only think of one character that looks like Roro. But when it comes to the skeleton, I can think of at least 15 characters that look like him.
He's just in the heat of the moment, enjoy.
>Your taste sucks buddy.
Glass houses, Ernestosis. Your boy can't even read.
i feel weird that i kinda had a crush on frollo and i read tons of fresme fanfic as a teenager but roro does nothing for me. lacks old man appeal
What about Kifaji/Neji from Tamashina? He good for old man?
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He can, actually.
Even if he didn't know how to read, that would only make him cuter. You're gonna have to put more effort in trying to offend him.
>Even if he didn't know how to read, that would only make him cuter.
As I said, glass houses.
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And as I said, that's not a defect. It's something unique to his character (that's not even canon even though I wish it was), it's not his fault that your tastes are more... bland.
hell nahhhhhh
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You know what? Let's add some stuff for the bingo.

>Taller than Malleus
>Mamoru Miyano part 3
>Loves bugs
>Ugly (but unique) laugh
>Doesn't brush his teeth
>Kalim-esque type of ignorant and gullible "I do what I think it's fun. This will be your problem from now on btw, not mine." but even worse.
>Main ship will be either Jack (Howl) or Sebek since they're tall boys as well.
>Kidnaps Crowley for lore reasons
>Lives in the spectral realm we see in scary monsters 2 bc either his parents died or he was isekai'd to that place

Make your bets!
>You were magnificent, Jaques Skellington, I shall never forget you for as long as I live
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Jack mogs Frollo but I unironically think Ernesto has the best design in the game. Very nice to look at by itself but also does the best job of evoking the original villain. And I'm not even the Ferroposter
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What does Ortho have that Epel doesn't?
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Epel is short and cute, but Ortho is shorter and cuter
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This image made me think matryoshkas would make for really cute merch and yet I rarely if ever see it
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Ignihyde and Scarabia might not work that well since there is only two important people there. Disney had sold pins of Disney Princesses in form of nesting dolls. And the other closest to them selling like it that isn't just a PNG image slapped onto the base is more in plush form than wooden or plastic.
anons do you exercise regularly?
Yes, all weekdays for an hour in a fitness center. Sometimes I like to take extra walks to the library or ShopRite if I need something.
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Realised going through my camera roll that I had forgotten to upload all the pics I saved from late november last year. What folly!
Why does it take so long to rank up I just wanna keep reading, and flight only gives the most at 80 exp fuuuuck
I have a headcanon that Rollo would try to teach Gidel the alphabet through example words like in Hunchback, but it wouldn't work for a long time so people would just think it's odd/useless. Then, one day, Gidel actually says something or starts saying something in response.

Just felt like sharing that.
Guess i just realized that since Fellow's card is about him and Gidel prior to working at Playfulland, that outfit isn't his costume for the theme park.
He just. He was just already dressed like that.
Northeast sis?
Any anon into merch and/or itabags? Show collection/bags
I have some merch but I haven't bought anything recently, everything is either not nice enough or in premium bandai
I jog everyday (except sundays) and I go to the gym frequently. It did wonders to my body ngl.
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no kalim...don't become a brimhat...
I used to but I've been using a leg injury as an excuse lately even though there's exercise I could reasonably do. It seems like I'm slacking compared to other anons so it's time I get off my ass and sweat it out.

Twisted Wonderland gotta get a hot body like Viru
Totally jealous of people who are capable of enjoying physical exercise. I’d rather watch paint dry.
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I wonder if viru ever tried snowboarding, the classes he took with jack were skiing right?
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they're running out of merch ideas
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this is the best fanart ive seen of him so far goddamn
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and this one has 103k likes

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