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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• September 24, 1800 BST / 1400 ADT (Saturday) | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | RP meetup - Introduction & Character Creation
• September 25 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445
• September 27, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>495691210
my fiera is on day 182 of forgettign her squad
im thinking we like this
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Please add this to the OP

1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 28/09/24 1800 BST / 1400 ADT (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra
Hello /xivg/! It's time for us to do something else other than AFKslop meetups.

Presenting, /xivg/'s first Roleplaying meetup. You asked, so we shall deliver!

Few of you expressed that you'd like to get into Roleplaying, but don't know where to start. So we're going to fix that with this meetup.

The goal of this meetup will be to introduce players to Roleplaying starting from metrhods, through conventions, terminology and then give some character creation pointers.
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Crystal queue CC @ 7:30 ET
Are there any malelalas left?
my femlala is still pretty cold... might make some tea or something
I spent a little too much time on this, but it's been updated to reflect the tastes of more modern gamers.
>wrong date
stop making the threads early
Also making a mental note to have someone else or myself add


To RP meetup, dunno how I managed to miss that, maybe deleted it by accident and didn't notice
>Monday for the the 3 people that play malelala
I just posted at thread cap....it isn't fair...
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My male middie (otl) acts like this with his EB
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Post the femra ass
use after
I hope savage goes well for my femra wife
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Pic related, what the game could have been.
What the game is now
Why did the femlalas all leave?
pathetically begging a hrothgal to ride my face
There's nothing to post about
gotta run for a bit but NICE BLANK
my femra will make sure your middies mcds order will be correct
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this is fake news, she never said this
that whm with the gloves is so cute.
Good thread, we shall reuse, I believe you had the same idea in making sure the thread hater wukspammer did not get their way
I NEVER get attention or /pet from other malelalas. Fuck you all I hate you all

t. bpd lalaboy
If I ERP'd as a dog for her, maybe she would have stayed with me ..
I love me some Macchi kino
They fantad off because virtually every other female race gets more and better quality attention
Bros got a muffin top
>September 24, 1800 BST / 1400 ADT (Saturday) | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | RP meetup - Introduction & Character Creation

Wrong date nor does it have an OP attached to it. See >>495703089
I said this
Didn't stop all the other races from posting non-stop... I just miss them bros
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I am 400/500 salt nodes in to todays gathering. I'm so close to rank 9, I can taste it.
Male Roe or Hroth
doesn't sound worth it
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femlala feet
Why did you schizo them into leaving?
i am
a moonie
wishing you a happy moonie monday
wish we had the varsity jacket top without the jacket itself
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I like this
this one is good
fire kate for destroying the msq. demote hiroi for being awful and ignoring previous lore and characterizations.
She was worth it...
She didn't? I thought she did in an interview somewhere. I remember that was the same interview she said about British voice actors being too many in this game or something for the English dubbing?
my femroe is logging in soon
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I think the next thread we shall use has it done properly >>495703274
i am
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Good clarification. I think OP confused the "24" with "28". Not sure why OP didn't update the Meetup with the link-back to the post.
the other races are all posting porn and completely off topic stuff and I would rather not join in, sorry
is flamethrower good
LB14 isn't the same without the carnival
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>healer in CC
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shut the fuck up sei
he’s bulking do not bully him
Every single FFXIV player likes this image
Bitch needs to be fired.
I don't like sex
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Sleepy again
may i sleeve
I don't, it doesn't include a single one of my fetishes
same sis, my femra is on a high protein diet too
Do you at least like hugs?
Just fire Hiroi. Every story he works on is forgettable.
Depends and what you are looking for, are you planning on changing to one, do you have any designs for them already?
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It's femezen posting time again, my dudes.
The Kate hate is so forced here
How do I remove the "Congratulations! If you're seeing this, Gposingway is installed!" overlay
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Middie and malelala mondays
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Reposting to the Official ff14 twitter account and linking this thread.
It doesn't. Still says 24. It's on the 28th as per creation post.
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I am
a male midlander
on primal
no eb, no frens, and no house
and I'm finally catching up on the msq. I think I have begun to approach cyberpunk midgar.
I'm not a male middie, but if I was I'd look and act exactly like this
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I'm not interested in hugs or sex with you
I just play the game
switch to a different preset?
it's just too much sexualization that makes me uncomfortable
i am
getting a restraining order
It really isn't
day 1,372 of realizing I'm stupid
>chocobo breeding the sport of sultans
If not sex with me, how about sex with my bvll?
she should get comfortable and relax, my femroe is coming for her
I miss when Ishikawa had full rein...
god damn how the fuck did yoshi not see this
Just because she replaced your unfunny balding loser doesnt mean she ruined the game
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Crystal queue CC @ 10:30 ET
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localization is writing
I think Wuk spammer got themselves a 3 day vacation so there probably isn't any urgency to create a new thread on the next one and whoever creates next thread should be safe to take time to correct any mistakes, although do keep reminding the thread
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hey wyd
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If it isn't grorioius Nippon, he doesn't care
kek this ones good
Flamethrower ticks every second, instead of the typical once every three seconds.
It's better than Scattergun, but worse than your other AoE options.
Flamethrower is also your "I need to get up and check the door, here's 10 seconds of DPS where you also can't move" button.
It's actually pretty good, but you'll never use Reassemble on it.
everyone in this pic is black
My malelala is slippy toad coded
q up for cc NIGGA
Thank you anon. I posted in the thread that was already made as a reminder...
troon brigade is here. wew.
>”fucking fujo inserting G’raha into everything”
>”fucking fujo wouldn’t kill Thancred in ShB”
>”fucking fujo showing favoritism for characters”
as always, thank you for the moonie monday well wishes
The EN is better.
>this nigga doesn't know how localizing games works
ty sir
Can we have the incredibly gay EU hours of today back?
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My fiddie acts like this
dan's cat is so hot
It's been here for a lot longer >>495703135
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>I guess it can't be helped
seriously though the EN one is much better
iirc the last sentence in JP is a very common one or something?
We lurk and remain hidden in plain sight..
Why didn't you just take the pickles off, or eat the burger and get him a new one...
This explains why your so salty.... Wanna hear a salt joke? "Na"
how is this shitter in charge of the EN localization
>scene with g'raha that barely mattered
>the only scene wuk lamat didn't interrupt
i have to kneel, finally some good content
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Ignore that other faggot, there seems to be a lot of contrarians in these threads who hate FFXIV or people who want to talk about the game that is interrupting the GoonSesh.
In Westwolves they will fire all the english voice actors and replace them with trans women
weebs fetishizing a language they can’t speak fluently or read is forever funny
Stop being a sexpest
i'm not going to queue cc until i get forcibly married to whoever beats me in a duel
The localization for something like Fire Emblem Fates rewrote probably 80% of the game, so xhe isn't wrong.
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Don't laugh!!!!
it's basically saying "it is what it is"
May I hug?
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Wouldn’t it be funny if we all ironically played content? Because you know how this is a cummer’s game and all that, and cummers don’t play the game? So it would be kind of a funny thing to do, you know? Haha, not being serious or anything, just a little silly haha.
Hroth and do you like moonies (female)
Exactly, and I'm tired of having to pretend that Wuk isn't a good character.
Remember when Forspoken was trademarked and people thought that was the next XIV expansion? I 'member
you are the best poster atm
just learn japanese if you care so much lil bro
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"the Scions are painfully british" - kate cynward

"we dont want an apu moment" - kate squidward

"youre wrong." - kate cynwar amateur localizer
he thinks
>im the last one left... i guess it can't be helped...
is better than the rain has ceased kino
actual retard
That's a funny one, thank you for sharing. Cute shot and great top, very nice.
>Why didn't you just take the pickles off,
the dill brine ruins the hamburger
t. middie
What sort of content would you like to play, gamer?
Westwolves as well
What content?
i remember westwolves
it would have been a more kino expansion
Looking pretty cool glasses-chan
Glub glub plaplaplaplaplaplaplap GET GLUBNANT GET GLUBNANT GET GLUBNANT
Rampant fulala shitposting. Already bad enough with all the femlala only femlalas, but now every other one is some fulala because they can't relate to what slamming clams is like.
i wanna have sex with and impregnate a grown ass woman i met on this board
I am a clamslamming yuri femlala
No futas allowed
All tank older EX/Savage
blasting to my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
strokin my shit
>met on this board
anon... you know better...
lmao Tycho Belle wants to get plapped by Kong
I only let midlanders and catboys slam my clam
I cleared all raids, all ults, all deep dungeons, and the pvp battle pass. What do you want me to do exactly.
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god i love asexual femlalas
/pet /pet
Not wrong. Thank you middie friend, as a non pickle enjoyer, I guess I just get lucky when I peel them off..
Thanks, its my DT tank glam
What the fuck, that's fucking disgusting playing with your shit? Are you German or something?
Dawntrail could've been good if they really gave a shit about South American or Aztec lore and made primals/antagonists based off of that, the potential was there and utterly wasted
same with the pajeet area
I'm not though, I want attention but don't give any. so either lalaboys don't like me or I'm uninteresting in general......
we're still here anon
JP reads like Midgar is overexplaining everything
genuinely yellow paint
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nta but I do
Gpose for attention
If you actually gave a shit about the original Japanese text you would learn Japanese and play in the “original” language instead of using JP voices with ENG subs
Getting onto Proximity Voice Chat
the only femlalas I see that still post here are the awful ones like sei or joy
A scene so confusing that people on the English side of things were cross-referencing other scripts to figure out what happened and why.
even me...?
I'm clamjamming this yuri femlala, stealing all the yuri lewd fuel for my moonie-
It's a good choice, can I see the full thing?
even more late cross thread reply cause I'm working but please link me the source unless it's the same as last time because honestly same...
will we see shit writer hiroi at the TGS live letter?
Are you a male hroth
Like femhroth?
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Ahh nothing like being by myself, without anyone to bother me, alone with a good book
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anyone on primal wanna do expert rolo

I will beat you in a clamslamoff... this is the yuri femlala way
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Anon, I think the Roe on the right has autism or something...
I am a "hon" femlala.
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Good night /xivg/
I hate french femlalas
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foole, you will be picked up and put in air jail
your tiny stature is your downfall
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They'll probably wheel out Ishikawa to be Hiroi's meat shield.
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should I go back to highlander?
You'll never pry this clam open then...
Say funny words for me...
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It'd be really funny if he does go, the Japanese have been shitting on him since Dawntrail's release almost non-stop.

>Change the Main writer
>Bring back Ishikawa
>and let Yoshida focus on PR only
i'm pretty sure you know them already but here
it's a really old pic though, really far down their page
Most likely SBI interference that was already years in the making, before they became notorious and widely known, I mean Forspoken happened and that would've taken years so god knows how long the seed of rot was planted
is this tozer again
i thoroughly enjoy thighlanders, so yes
i see that a few of the fan translations are just superfluous.
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Cool, I'd be down for some of that.
None of that is happening, the main crew is already moving to their new project. The ones working on DT will be working on it throughout the 7.x series and there's nothing you can do about it, chuddy boy.
CI is locked the FUCK in
That's something that the JP version does a lot. Fashion contest in JP is a lot more direct on the items you have to use while the EN one gives you a vague reference.
this is what he was fucking saying?
i thought it was just Le Elder Dragon Cryptic Schizobabble shit
what the fuck is kate's problem?
/tucks you in
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Crystal queue CC @ 3:300 ET
last call for me gotta make dinner
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I can bring her back as a golem for some fun :3
I think OP meant it unironcially. The EN completely BTFOs the JP on every line there.
Ok, it was the same artist just wasn't sure.
Thanks bro- I mean...

Tch... you've proven useful this time... Allow me to extend my gratitude but don't get any funny ideas... *walks away coldly*
very possible
this was all koji im afraid
feeling pretty proud of myself for stopping that DRK LB
When do the crafted versions of EX weapons typically come out?
I'm reposting comments from Jap forums, it's not my comment but I share the sentiment with my Japanese brothers. You on the other hand will never be a woman.
I want to slam femra clam
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sleep well domanra!
she's cute, thank you for posting, even as a golem
>13 updoots
Oh yeah, the whole JP playerbase is up in arms!
p-please...take it to aco...I beg you...n-nnigg...nigger...
how do I make my meena look less gay

I have a perception problem
Tell me what is this art from I adore it
The main crew is managing. Their apprentices are doing the new project, and the glorified interns are making 7.X through end of service(2027).
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bro wtf
Ok this is a shit one, I genuinely couldn't fucking tell what was Middie talking about back in that scene, and I didn't realize at all that he tagged along for HW because he was considering joining Nidhogg instead of just testing us.
Why does stuff reset on a Tuesday instead of some other day like Sunday instead
we know jean
>want to hold hands with femra
>femra only want to plap
kill me
show meena so we can accurately assess the problem
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Yeah it's pretty upset with the state of the game
it goes by Japanese timezones and scheduling
>Their apprentices are doing the new project
Literally not even true. Baldo himself talked about how much of the team was being moved over to it during a XVI interview last month.
my femlala
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back off bud. that's my gimmick.
that same pirate fiera is still there from last night
yeah man they're really upset
Oh no, all of the JP players.
What's your favorite gameplay shader?
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is there a hrothgar that ISNT a sexpest
I want to hold femra's hands and plap them
Player engagement. People probably already voluntarily play the game on the weekend. So you force them back on in the middle of the week to keep the game fresh in their mind.
*trades platinum promise ring*
I dont use one the game doesnt need it
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how the fuck did you know that was me
major patches
we should have gotten one at 6.4 but for some reason it was skipped over
ruby was 6.3, emerald was 6.5
we should have gotten WoL weapons between ruby and emerald if we're going chronologically, so probably at 7.1
Chi is a sexpest
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Are the meat sweat chuds in the room with us now?
choose your sexpest
mommy issues
is there a lalaboy that ISNT a sexpest
while plapping?
im afraid it's terminal
i wish chi would sexpest me
Off the top of my head only the herohroth
your moonie isn't the problem, be a little less desperate
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He's cute you should take some poses with a catgirl instead of a catBOY if you want to look less gay
extremely good pick........
if so you're already on the list for later
You know if
Will this meet be wheelchair accessible?
malding at carnivale
Goldor is a piece of faggotry
ty for listening
i wanted to post a song but i can't remember the name does anyone remember
is there anything worth doing rn besides making sure I water my plants?
his fight is easy though
I'm glad we still have Dollar Store Uchi while Uchi is banned. Thank you for your service.
Because I have often wondered how to make my miera less gay. It's impossible.
t. fellow blonde miera
Jawline and eyeshadow seems to be the problem here. However, I would approve of this mierda for my moonie.
soft squishy belly
how is it that everyone who has made BLU their personality, so far has been completely dogshit at BLU?
he already poses with afk female modbeasts to overcompensate, kind of like mtf trannies wearing lots of makeup and glam clothing
ok I was thinking of doing so. I have a golem maybe I can use. I’m creatively bankrupt but I’ll think of something
Alright sounds good. Im available whenever
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my meena just got clocked as a fag because of the way i wear my hoodie sleeves in private. it’s actually so over
his fight is really easy once you get used to the patterns
outside of going for the challenge for umbrella and specifically the outer ring -> inner ring + bad rng on lightning puddle spawns
While plapping
She can leglock me too
that sounds nice
Please either use this thread >>495680884 or have the jannie delete them. There is no need to be petty assholes over the generals, because someone deleted your precious meet ups.
if you don't wanna use a golem i can SELFLESSLY volunteer my own moonie
spreading them for my maliddiester's BWC
Sorry, but if you wanted to be less of a faggy little bunbun, you should've worn your sleeves properly instead of palming the ends.
>vandalized OP
still not using it
your male moonie scares me meidis
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Report in.
Just having a deep relaxing nap, sis.
Why are femlalas gone?
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>>>Movie and Watch Parties are not in-game meet-ups.
fuck off wow tranny
phase 1? easy peasy
but it takes so long to get to phase 2 and then wait for everything to reset
and phase 2 has some moments that feel retarded
No no my friend, i am dogshit at the game, thought this shit gonna be easier
Yeah phase 2 right after the crystal is really getting to me, i think there are safe spots behind the doll? checking it on next runs

also i might be just missing some essential spells but what I got, im running, I can skip the second thingies/adds in phase 1 with my setup
If it makes you feel any better i was hanging out at a friends house and one of them commented on the way i was laying down, that it was "sassy".
Malezen btw
My male middie.....
>please use my hecking op guys!!!
I'll scare you worse.
She's not a MALE moonie.
And she won't really give you an option.
>4 hours
>2 replies
Is this the most hated character in JRPG history?
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>Voice actor for Runar got fired
>No reason now for Yshtola to go to the first
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i'm logging in
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>be femlala
>get shitposed
A tale as old as time, I'm afraid. It was only a matter of time before they left.
We should swap sometime I have something flared and able to double as a battering ram
that’s how you end up with halfbreeds..
she's literally scrappy
Requesting an mcdf for a femdom pose
the moonies and sunnies should breed so we can have duskies...
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You should make your character because you like them and not to try and appeal to the sensibilities of others.
i’m trying to think of an argument i’ll get back to you
good fuwamoco morning chat
so moonies and meenas started here, right?
good take my favorite ( read: the only good ) miera
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That questline certainly helped.
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This but unironically.
>WoW tranny doesnt understand why people dont like social in-game meetups are deleted
Like fucking pottery
I’m way better looking than him though
what does that even mean. . .
Ok true and I like my femra so I'm going to fanta.
i hate gay men so much
what does that do
the only correct take
thanks king
Rob Chidori wishes he was Remus Anima so bad it's pathetic.
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Got turned onto these guys from a past garuda post actually.
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Why are none of the posts in these threads about the game, but all about what looks like some Discord Clique shit? I thought this was a general for FFXIV, I look in on Warhammer40k and they're talking about the game and the factions here I have no idea what you people are talking about, it's clearly not about the game.
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My femra is like this
I like how the dogs are huge degens that conceal their power level to a ridiculous degree.
Your meena is great, you have good taste
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its what i did and people still find my character handsome i dont get it
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Just reset my rank back to novice again... it hurts.
It certainly made me realize that meenas are made for my moonie specifically.
Your character is genuinely hideous

You somehow made an ugly meena which is genuinely impressive
>alliance roulette dps in need
get fucked
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>nobody took up the calls
You cowards.

Crystal queue CC @ 8:00 ET
theyre just like me for real
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it's all positivity until the drum stick thighs 12 foot tall with scent clouds goonbeast shows up
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>and appeal to the sensibilities of others.
Hey bro that's great and all but please consider showering man, you gas out every party you join
Eh, I won't fault him for that image. Prae's lighting got FUCKED in 7.0
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>doesn't install mare
Heh, out fuckin skilled.
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needs a middie sidepiece.
Thanks bro, that's very kind of you to say.
i have to run in like a minute so i can't check, but yeah that add clusterfuck is 100% consistent once you get used to it
i don't remember if you bait a line or the gaze, but you do that, then just walk in to the safe spot behind one of them, and it's completely free every time
gl with your next attempts
I got my fill of cockwork, it's queue down time
thanks for calls
You're one horny gal
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Spoken like a true redditor who says things like “lol who cares if I wear anime graphic tees in public I don’t care what others think of me xDDD!”
some guy who /leans on the lb14 lamp post trying to look mysterious but he's so weird looking he looks cringey
im playign league
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You're right. I like looking like a lavalamp.
Is he wrong? I don't give a shit what you think of me or my character Mr. Skinwalker.
Water me with your hose
uh oh tranchelle melty
vik won btw
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>meenas are gunning for moonies now
femras can you take them back?
because people like you invariably start saying you're women without acting any different at all (i.e. like men)
making this fat femlala support my AD thresh
Are the character motivations in Dawntrails supposed to make no sense...
Update, you don't even get any new crafting recipes or building upgrades at rank 9. I am annoyed. >:(
your twitter posts are always give me a chuckle, if you are who I think you are.
No, his character is just ugly as fuck. He did nothing to mitigate the nig lips on face 4 and has a unibrow

This is what happens when you “appeal to yourself not others” you end up with a homunculus
Akemi post
Why League instead of Dota?
Come do BLU nigga i need Tsukuyomi spells for my DOTmaxxxing build
It seems to be extremely consistent, intresting, clearing in the next hour SURELY
Sex with this fiera
Can I get a QRD on who they are and what they did to tranchell?
no, you can have them
i bet ken is a virgin but has a massive pp
i should not water weeds or else they will spread throughout my garden
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Sorry sis but I want the meenas
He hasn't been around in days, I think he just lives rent free in your mind
I'll say it
for some reason you give me dollar store Vash vibes
I think it's the glasses
He just like me fr fr
hoooooooonk mimimimimi
hooooooooooooooooooooonk mimimimimimimi
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This could be us...
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The only ones left are the fat ones.
Sex with Galele
with my plummet to 25% winrate over two days i'll take anything i dont care anymore
i dont like dota's art style at all, nor any characters i find cute
Otis... I don't know about this one chief.
sounds like a femra psyop
I just don't post her anymore.
Good because my moonie is gunning down meenas
We're gonna end up with a lot of them and we're gonna enjoy it..
Think Mare but used exclusively by pedophiles
you look like an ftm
not a compliment
It's been a 3 year long feud ever since kanchal got banned from aetherfrens for being a poltard outside of the containment
My moonie is thinking about chugging a fanta into a feena
She's not sure if she's ready for such a commitment, though...
i want middies to gun for my femra though but i have a skin color debuff
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so mare for lalas or what?
>Think Mare but used exclusively by pedophiles
That's Mare.
aaaaaaaaaaa i want a husbun so baaaaaaaaaaad
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yeah become a freak just like me
Oh so you don't play for the gameplay, not surprising
This reasoning is why we don't get buff superheroes and babes in chainmail bikinis anymore.
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I'll visit your grave every day...
Maybe start not dressing like a lesbian and follow up not posing with oiled up men you closeted freak
Holy shit he actually is just a closet tranny I would stay far away from this freak
no, it's mare for ZT
also ZT, gimme the notes on how to set up Lop, I want in
>being a poltard
You mean being a normal sensible human being that doesn’t think a man putting on a dress makes him a woman?
I think I joined a polycule by accident
>less femlalas post
>less camaraderie to post mine
hell no
moonies are doing the world a service
This as well. I want to plap lolis
i will hurry through the aetherial sea to be born again and revisit your side....
I don't think viera should've had their lore living up to 500 years old or whatever. it seems like such a massive gap in comparison to other races that you wonder why they aren't more numerous or have a stronger standing nation in comparison to others by wisdom of living longer by quadruple the amount of other races.
Genuinely asking, why does that guy gets so much hate here? Who did he piss off or what did he do wrong?
good taste but… i… i.. i didnt really like their newest album…. but i must remind myself they made tyranny
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What fueled this man?
i like her because her hair is like a giant blue cabbage. Head empty still.
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nothing beats the little spark of adrenaline and endorphin from hitting Meteodrive baby
Be more specific
why would you want to give up your grand company issued husbun
are you stupid or something
maybe but I meant those miqitten or child model mods that pedos like zt use
please no
piss off, i'll take literally any male race before mierdas
with an actual gun i hope
its them chasing us, i guess because femra dont want them anymore
probably actual autism
I killed both their wives actually (I'm a femqote serial killer)
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Ok now that I've farmed my (You)s for the day, does anyone wanna come do the 8-man roulettes? We'll do Trial ->Normal -> Alliance.

PW is 7243

If you read this you have to either join or reply with a condescending image and something like ">password"
Poor 3rd worlder who can’t stand being fomo’d
Sounds like a fun time. Do some breaking and entering followed by some entering and breaking...
ty bro
I am currently editing up a new sequence right this moment too
Take me next
he's based as fuck
how long lived are the races?
I know miqo are lucky to get to 50, hyurs are just humans, and Viera live to several hundred years but what do lalas roe hroths elves and aura live to?
not that kind, it was him being edgy about a mass shooting iirc
and again, it wasn't a problem if he posted it where it belonged. he just couldn't help it (common theme)
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nothing is allowed in his domain.
Would plap your cat
Do you ever meet someone from the thread who's posts you like and then realise they're a total cocksucking faggot who is also your schizo
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a slampig goonbeast not fit to be a lala you are more body fat than sense.
zamn that was a good one
Which one?
Mean spirited anonymous schizoposting and narcissistic samefagging
Thirst posting femras like a desperate virgin
I should've known that Meteodrivers were Makoto players. Though, you could've easily been a Bullet.
I prefer my Drill -> Marksman's Spite for a burst of unstoppable happiness release
Jean begged to eat my fiddie out after she got creampied
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I am a femlala who wears the names and initials of all my thread crushes
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Fuck, I got MAGWest this weekend.
this lala
turn her into a femezen
she would look cute
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Crystal queue CC @ 12:30 ET
i wouldn't be playing this game for like the past ten years if it wasnt addicting as hell to play
Im playing the game
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That's oddly romantic... I like it!
It certainly brings up some question, perhaps they just mate less or die young because they protect the woods. Though now that they are out in the open...
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Both descriptions can be used for everyone in this threads. Some are even both at once.
Shant be queuing for clowntown
I can work with anything. But I would prefer heels or barefoot, lingerie, futa for size comparison (no hyper)
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You look one of those deformed shitpulls I see posted on /an/
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you're not really missing out
My femlala loves femlalas!
Everyone being a shitty person doesn't absolve them of guilt for being shitty.
Never seen rob thirstposting femras with a picture attached, sounds like a falseflag
Yo, is that FSL?!
I have to like my character since nobody unironically likes middies.


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If Ancients can meet again after the sundering, I shan't let something as small as death do us part my love.
That's cool, I like you back but only platonically.
Sex with all fiera
i highly recommend listening to their other albums if you haven't yet!
it won't ever match up to tyranny or virtue for me personally but it's got a few good songs on it
final fantasy xiv
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I miss og sunana..
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Can I post my face 3 femra?
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Twitter trannies still dog piling my single comment I said about FF14 being unplayable because of the DDOS

>You must be new to the game
>Bro shut up you can quit anytime
>Why don't you quit
>Who asked?
>So what, go play something else we don't want you in the community
>Game isn't for you
>Always been DDOS in every mmo what do you want them to do?
>They're busy with making content why does this concern you?
I don't I can't get my freak on with the lalafell
Rob is a sexpest degenerate but at least he keeps it out of the thread. Remus meanwhile samefags posts about himself almost everyday.
his catgirl is top tier
Profoundly based post. If you try to chase what other people like you'll end up with no identity or personality.
You won’t bait me to simp for you again that easily.
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OJ throw this one away, this one looks like ass.
ok Remus
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im so tired of this gamemode bros i just want it to be over...
Addicting ≠ Good
It's objectively worse from a gameplay design perspective
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not today satan
>nobody ever posts what happens right after this image
Gonna be real awkward when the miera tries fucking a toddler because it's his soulmate
Rob did nothing wrong and his dedicated schizo just drove him away from xivg again feels bad for him, he seemed depressed after going through his bad breakup and I guess xivg just made him feel worse
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are these boots worth doing the nier raids for or should i find something easier to get as a replacement
what's she lookin' at?
the person who got removed was trans, so it wasnt anything like that, they were just being retarded which theyve continued to do since
Viper is a job exclusively for men with trouser snakes.
those are p gud
Having the best looking middie comes at a price....
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my femra looks and acts like this
I actually like the Nier Raids, I'd do 'em with (You)
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Literally no straight man sat down at character creation and thought "Yeah I wanna play the femboy bunny race this is my ultimate male power fantasy". You made your character with e-pussy in mind you massive bullshitter.
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I erped someone using this mod and I still feel bad about to this day.
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If she doesn't love me like that, I don't want it! Way to go Perrine
I'm running out of cat/miera pictures.
replace superman in the image with herogar
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The moonies or the meenas? You can keep the cats but I'm getting that carrot.
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We are 6/8
What are you, a male character or something?
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Why doesn't your femra have horns
Is she retarded
Stupid fucking bitch is drooling
I marked him as target to ignore once and he stopped playing and kept trying to mark me as target to ignore.
This rob middie is pretty ugly, the ugliest looking male middie out there. I hope femras ignore him forever
Nuh uh no you wont it’s impossible
>2healer spots
I still need to do the Nier raids
dc and eb status?
>Rob did nothing wrong
he's paying the price for constantly flexxing his biofemra EB around here so much and forcing his name as a meme during Shadowbringers
I should probably do that.
Thanks Macchi I'll work on something tonight
would stay in the duty with this tank after everyone left
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N-no way haha I'm a different moonie from balmung actually it's not me yet again 5 hours later haha.........
We could make some...
Hopefully he doesn't come back as the opposite gender like Mitron(or Azem if you have a female WoL).
Someone swapped to healer so there's a DPS slot open.
I've been kind of learning what I can off them based off your action gposes. Lighting and simulating combat.
So thanks for that.
I never got any replies or attention when I posted, so why bother? Too much effort.
>not listed
Is it over, bros...?
I really did choose it because I liked it, even if you don't believe me, brudda.
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Join Good Night
Well, I guess it's Nier after dinner, I'll put a PF up in the thread when I do it.
Post now so I can compliment
Chaos, single.
>posts this right as i went afk since my pizza was done
And so i took it personally.
>less lalas are posting
/xivg/ is good now?
But I'm working...
too depressed to even log in and refresh the FC buffs
Dog went on a diet...
think i will join bad morning instead
blasting to you
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You certainly do like some pictures, I'm noticing the patterns. Thanks for the shader again.
Who says we didn't already?
fieras with short hair look awful, sorry
Bedtime for EU
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the meenas, please take them sis
>lowers thread quality by posting a maleroe
what's wrong sis
this is the song that plays during our passionate lovemaking montage
He did the complete opposite and disappeared from the threads, never seen him flex, he's actually pretty humble
And if you want to to blame someone for all the namedropping during sb and shb blame theo and most of core or just the fact that his name is funny to repeat and meme
But yeah w/e let him pay the price
I was going to post my femlala, but my crush just posted, and I don't want her to know I'm here. So I shant be posting my femlala. Maybe next thread.
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god i love when eurofags are on eeper status
weird lookin feet but otherwise cool roe
I'm a bullet player, I just have more makoto reaction images on the draw.
even if PVE that animation is just really satisfying
pent up tanks taking it out on desperate healers
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Are you the Femra that likes poetry... I have vague memory of one from Chaos.
are these niggas gonna meetup in game or are they going pull on their weewees like a pack of fucking fruit
Namedrop all of the femlalas you miss
Perrine is a pedophile that likes shotacon btw >>493783970
cant you read i said im depressed
doesnt matter, im not trying to find the 'perfect' game, both of my previous statements combined make league a better experience to me than dota
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4:53 time B))))
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May I sleeve?
>no hes not that bad actually this guy is actually pretty cool and handsome also he has a REAL gf
T. Totally not the guy in question.
Oji's clay body...
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There's no way it's you I haven't seen you log in since July? I think?
>someone gives a legitimate complaint about a VA
>Trans people literally advocate for the murder of non-trans characters in popular media
>"This is representation. Deal with it bigots."
Where are your titties sir
God i would love to see her eat his ass
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wuh oh
Sex with all three of you?
They were nice to me once so I don't care
dota is unfun and clunky and unintuitive to learn and 90% of the playerbase has thousands of hours sunk into it
Wtf yoshit piss
here we fucking go again
it's over
It's over... My friend...
Doesn't exist, not happening I've been told it isn't real.
Join me on Alpha, Light.
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I'm logging in
>$12 a month to get DC'd
>No fixes
>No credits

I saw you.
Every fucking day with no end in sight. I really like how they won't even bother responding to the twice daily DDoS attacks and downtime.
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Just google loporrit github
Server died so hard it can't even see characters anymore
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I've been very busy and had some RL trouble but I'm trying to get back to FFXIV.
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for me it's landing the hyosho or assassinate and instantly buffering the seiton afterwards for zero counterplay
Alternatively, the seiton snapshots before the hyosho lands and I want to commit suicide
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That's a new one.
Holy fuck youre right.
Qrd on remus?
Fuck this, logging into the /xivg/ minecraft realm.
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i dont think ive ever seen this before
I just wanted to do roulettes maaaaaaaaaan
I used the new game ultimate, I don't like any glowshit weapon and the ultimates are huge eyesores that everyone uses. I see them as no different than someone using the sit /bstance macro for other weapons every single time they zone somewhere, annoying.
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love that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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but i thought it was over.....
*meanwhile at square*
i know too many people that act like that
itt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RcVzevWX4U
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Why do they keep doing it?
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>character gone
>yoshi tells you to start over
are you doing it
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That's just part of the entire set....
By body is fine and so are my tiddies
finally, we got sundered.
it's over
we can stop now, we can unsub
Most of the thread probably does.
It's about sending a message
What have you fucking faggots got to say now? DDOS isn't real though, you're making it up.
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>Spend 15$ a month to play a game
>Can't play the game i spend 15$ a month for because of shitty Japanese servers
i am going to play TFT now
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i did it!
pretty late but i did it!
took it just before getting DC'd its far from perfect, the bottoms are the Warrior relic ones from EW
I was posing hypnoslop...
I love making more plain jane looking characters
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*covers you*
sniff mk.2
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shut the fuck up already nobody here was denying it you retard it's even posted on the official updates from square
Didn't say any of that, you did and you're clearly seething enough to think anyone defending him is just himself
Take your meds
How am I supposed to do that when ion even like myself
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>are you doing it
Ive done it 3 times now, so yeah whats one more.
may I p
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Unpopular opinion but dynamis hasn't had any connection issues run your CC queues there.
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I've kept checking.
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Love Pippa, shrimple as
Yes they were, check previous thread I'm so glad it happened to you fags in your gay parade.
perrine is a faggot who jumps from cock to cock can't wait for them to start schizoing their new manwhore
I did something similar to your character last night
that's why my character is ugly elezen but I still like him
I do like poetry, but I don't remember discussing it on the thread... unless you play mahjong on Chaos, I doubt it's me.
need me a pamped up troon to ruin my life asap
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Glubbing this glub till she wahoo
Qrd on rob?
need a fucking annoying bitch rn
Cool I like Perrine even more now
who is Perrines new manwhore i need to know so i can start schitzoing them premptively
its clearly a miera
one day i'll lose the homophobic eyes
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*runs out of combat and elixirs*
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I could not do ARR again
I just can't
qrd on (you)?
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the sequel to GunZ
>$15 a month
>shitty story
>cant even play the game cause of "DDOS" aka "Downsizing on servers"
>No solutions
>Constantly Kicked out or Rubberbanding in DD's or PvP like its a early 00's game


Whoever it is that keeps doing these DDOS's please dont stop.
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get better bait.

a viera, but big
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FFXIV FUCKING SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. DAWNTRAIL FUCKING SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I unsubbed for the first time in 5 years. Not because of "lack of content" or "job design", but because of the story being utterly shit. Take my medium house on aether, gridania, layout 17. bye mother fucker.
bro join us on the /xivg/ project zanaris runescape server
some white hair faggot
Pippa is shallow polbait groomed by a 35 year old. The true best of PC is the lemon stealing whore.
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I wonder if I am who you think I am. But If you want, I'll send you a tell when I'm back online.
it’s monday and you know what that means
yep time for murrican midlanders featuring big fat homegrown murrican tiddies courtesy of Bayer-Monsanto and The Dow Chemical Company
>world data could not be obtained
>all it took to get chuddies to listen to a retarded roastie was an anime avatar
women always win bros, they always find a way
>plain jane
regards futard
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time to play a real mmo since the servers are shitting themselves
Server machine broke
unless there is a mass exodus of xiv players yoshipiss will never address the issues that plague this game
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Is this CF?
You even have that one eh leon?
>layout 15
QRD on Seishun Complex?
Based. Ffhiv is FINITO. DEAD. MUERTE.
"Glub!" She says as she forces you against the wall. Her weighty frame keeps you pinned as she unfastens your pants. "Gimme... cokey cola." She whispers in your ear, holding the soda can under your leaking cock. The cold aluminum brushes against your tip, collecting your leaking precum.
If the servers aren't up fully within 5 minute I'm going to play armored core 6 pvp
aether reporting in.

we're fine, get fucked
this moonie is cute
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I dont think its letting me back in sorry about the roulettes
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think its just balmung no one in limsa got the pokeballs on coeurl
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It's so over...
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My static had to push reclears to tonight because people were busy all week but its looking like we wont even get to do them.
Ive had zero connection issues.
Skill issue
Sorry 8 man party Balmung seems to have exploded. Glad I got to do Endsinger with you guys at least.
t. pld
Still livin'
Aether strong
Got another job for you, 621.
Lolifag that plays a lala to be underage.
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oh no
Endsinger really didn't like being beaten
Where's the proof that Remus samefags?
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I caused the Second Final Days
I see, I once talked a bit here with one from chaos that wanted to come to a meetup on Materia. Apparently it didn't pan out.
ayo lemme hit that gurl
>Finish trial
>Hop out instance
>Get error
>Cant log in
Very cool
Need a Fiddie EB like this frfr
people are talking about a ddos but I haven't been disconnected once in the past week on crystal like the champagne
"I only want peace and tacos"
"Would you please make peace"
everyone died see>>495711128
Hottest cunnyfel by far.
time for some monster hunter I guess
how did you get that facemask? is it mod or in-game?
Lol why do you make so many alts?
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>All the gooners and coomers are getting fucked because of Mare and all the mods they're using overloading the servers
QRD deez nuts yoooooooooo
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Balmung, Crystal
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I regret to inform you that I have a LOT of them
remus post
They should remove positionals from melee and add them to phys ranged
alpha, light....
This would be funny if Mare didn't use its own servers
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It's been about a year since your last letter, hasn't it?
>and all the mods they're using overloading the servers
most tech literate xivgger
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rip balmung
Brynhildr is also fine, I'm in a Party Finder with some people from Zalera and they're seemingly unaware of a mass disconnect.
i can't log in?
You even had the sappho cat ones.
>Mare and all the mods they're using overloading the servers
why the fuck would mods use the SE servers for connectivity? fuckin retard
That's not even remotely how that works.
my login queue has been stuck at 29 for like 3 minutes now...
but Sugo is waiting for you.....
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>QRD on Seishun Complex?
Raiding! it actually has payed off since i manage to do my reclears and then in the same week help with other peoples clears! its super good having the flexibility to do so.
Yeah I want to plap you
>you are remus anima
>anons are running up and down the thread calling you a samefag
>"Oh I know this is the perfect time to samefag post about myself!"
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so true
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Logging out.
what does plap mean
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Oooohhhhhh you want to play ragnarok online instead you want to install a ragnarok online private server and roll a priest and give me free buffs
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ESL cum slurping faggot nigger tranny bitch tard fag retard mongoloid
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The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow

For whom weeps the storm,
Her tears on our skin...

The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
Holy shit, can you two just take this to Discord or something?

We don’t need to see two grown men “flirt” in spoiler tags.

QRD me next
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>Balmung is the only server being disconnected
so it's only balmungers getting taken out? lol (laugh out loud)
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Yes. And these.
I need to do some more pictures with you of my own when I get some better ideas, I just did some with Proxy earlier
the sound of balls hitting someone's body during missionary sex
also good taste in asking for play Ragnarok
Where's the proof that Rob thirstposts femra?
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It means they wanna fuck you bro.
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That does it time to play an even worse game
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We don't have each other on Discord and obviously we can't talk in game because some retard just crashed the servers.
If it was me, I humbly apologize. Perhaps I was your wife on another timeline.
you dont get banned from mare if you use loporrit do you?
>even the shuten femra one
Jesus you're another Jilk.
And Proxy?
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yes kek
You will not be getting my male midlander, take a guess and i'll tell you if you're right.
that just means world visit for non-natives isn't available
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Literally Balmung is the only server being hit right now. Explain that
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Which one of you fuckers killed Balmung own up
Déjà vu
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Judgment has come
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That does sound about right. I should really write you another one some time.
No, I'm good here.
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I'm sometimes spitefully individualistic. I spurn the expectation that you're supposed to be certain type of way. I hate clone behavior. Which can be bad thing since it can control your choices from a different way, but I know when I make my characters, I'm appealing that feels right to me.
Perrine is a GAM? I thought it was a troon
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>he thinks the other servers don't use mare or mods
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good raen
Does it bug you that with the introduction of Dynamis that anyone that loses apparently just didn't care enough about winning...
Obviously yoshi p finally got sick of us.
if you ever post a log in the dalamud server to troubleshoot theyll ban your dalamud account when they see it
so ultimates are a joke right? Just saw an unironic discord egirl who is a penta legend (didn't pay for clears, checked logs).
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Yeah, how is this a surprised to you.
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GOBLIN (and other small servers I guess...) SUPREMACY
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Since I cant get on, lets go check JP
I am trying to log back in but my 500 long queue doesn't seem to be moving at all, it might be over
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that means they're going to shoot you with a USP Match
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let me in yoshi i need to get back to afking in lb14. i paid my sub let me in fucker
Yeah I did the same thing yesterday when someone asked a similar question ;D
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>wakes up from a nap
>checks /xivg/
>servers DDoS'd
>ebins farming for attention
>horned up retards
>barely any real discussion

Typical Monday.
I don't have any change, gypsy. Fuck off
XIV server infrastructure is held together by duct tape and a prayer, why else would we have daily "DDOS" attacks
You have a pajeet's understanding of basic technology, do you work for Microsoft?
>one of the most popular and populated NA servers
>"duuuhhhhh, why this one only down? must be da mods!!"
thank you
The proxy set is catbox. moe/c/6coxjx
Missiles and missiles with a side of missiles. Also heavy body on light treads for extreme speed but high survivability at the tradeoff of no air time.
>wife on another timeline.
It IS you! I still hope to see you at some meet sometime.
No, they're separate. Don't post crash logs with it on or show it off in the usual discords like Dalamud and you'll be fine.
I've done /ss/ erp using Mare for mods and I was never banned, but it wasn't through a linkshell
Imagine if he really did and finally said "Fuck it, last warning to stop posting your porn or anti-cheat going into the game"
I'd resub in an instant if he did that.
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I cut the server to sneak into your bedchambers and find evidence.
>decide to visit LB14 for once
>Balmung is sundered
>can't even return to my own world now
>queue doesn't move
it's never been this over
love doing it from behind so my balls slap her clit every thrust
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it still hasnt moved sisters i think this might truly be the end of balmeme forever.......
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It's okay, I've given you no reason to even though some small part of me hoped you would despite my long silence.
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>Your time has come
>It always does
My character is
"Young dude eager to learn how to defend himself that turns to grizzled grump who's taken an interest in botany instead but doesn't understand the basics of gardening"
Horned up retard discussion is the only real discussion there is. Everything else is transitory.
my femlala is weak to this
I'm a balmunger visiting a different world and dodged the hellfire and brimstone that hit balmung
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>NAs are dcing again
Serves me right for not going home after a few matches of CC... I could be on Mateus right now (my backup while Balmeme is unavailable)
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If it wasn't lewd I wouldn't have to catbox it
but yes it was fun
oh hey i'm 29 too.
thought you said later though?
proxy gibs me you're mcdf I have a pose in mind
Please return to your containment server, thanks
I asked you to explain how Balmung is the only server being hit with DDOS, when we all know Balmung is with the most mods/ Mare and erp types.
If it's a targetted DDOS it would target the node, not a single World server.
WE'RE 29
>Win a FL match
>Instantly DC
Game is trying to tell me something
Of course
My chambers are immaculate and you'll never find the bodies
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I deeply enjoyed making poses and sending letter, so if you want more, you shall get them!
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BACK OFF chuds?? that's my spot
my favorite pornozen
crikey check the brapper on that one!
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I didn't ask, chud
Wut? I agree with your post.
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should've stayed off my world first
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What the fuck
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if a femlala dared to do this to my meena he would unceremoniously throw them across the room
My not-husband! There are a few cross-DC ones in the near future. Perhaps I get to hear your poetry in one of them.
>even ddossers don't care about eu
Stop samefagging, faggot shitstain
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im scared for my catgirl bros
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Me, Jimmy.
It's a routing issue, it's not a balmung exclusive issue. People need to get in their heads already that it's not XIV servers being ddosed directly.
Yeah might as well
this threat belongs to 29chads now
Inquisitor femezen is just the newest version of mintra. They're the same ebin archetype. I see the code underlying it all.
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I'm afraid this spot belongs to me
pornozen is my new favorite word.
we need more pornozen
Also the mods don't communicate with yoshi p's server whatever the cause is. That would be stupid.
oooohhhhhh I'm installing it now.... oooooohhhhhhh
invite me
Unironically would it kill them to give out like a week of subtime for free? even WoW does that shit
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I'm laughing so fucking hard at how half of you were denying any DDOS was happening in the previous thread and now you're melting down over not being able to goon with your discord clique.
yeah maybe if i could friggin log in
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That would please me, but I'd just be happy to see you and talk again.
Reminder that I pay $14 a month to cum with grown ass men that degrade me like a cumrag for servers that can't stay up longer than an hour
Yoshi is gonna be a cheap ass bitch. Your know it in your heart.
Yeah lemme actually load my game lol
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If it means all the travelers and wanderers died on Balmung too, then it was worth it.
The entire company hinges on XIV's income, so it actually might.
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You an md everyone stuck in this shithole
Reminder that I WISH grown ass men would do that to me.
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Hey you might be my type.
It's not a DDOS, it's square's shitty infrastructure causing it
Would it kill them? No, but you have to understand corporate greed. Even during the covid content droughts they never gave out free subtime.
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not only is Pedinne a man but he’s also a pedophile who likes shotacon
bros... i cant log in... is this really the end of final fantasy 14?....
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i wish they'd just stop travelers and wanderers from entering balmung at all
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I'm really glad to hear that and hope we get to soon. Ingame, so we don't upset Anonymous too much. We did that last time about a year ago as well.
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Using your hair as handle bars while I rail you in the ass
8 of us were actually playing the game
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My femlala is like this.
this is it
my final fantasy
Til next time then, please take care with your RL troubles
>position in queue 29
>leave it and rejoin
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I mean yea but back then it wasn't their own fault game didn't worked
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Using your horns as handle bars while I rail you in the ass
You're by definition squeer's cumrag by paying for this shit so might as well go all in
Playing the game is just ERPing at this point. Everything else is easily automated and SE can't detect it.
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>kicked in the middle of RP
guess what I was doing
bodies.. plural?
Do you like brown catgirls
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I pay for the 180 days so I can get SE to fuck me as well as the GAM i meet.
That is deeply concerning
So why are you here and not playing the superior MMO instead, retard?
Such a good game, is the new update out yet
i am in this photo
and logging into lb14 now
Change stinks
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I regret to inform you it's not the femra you're replying to
He's right though. It's not DDOS attacks, just SE being cheap and incompetent. XIV is the only thing making money for them and instead of using the profits to build infrastructure to support it and foster more profits and stability, they fritter the money away on retarded projects that merely bleed them dry.
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Until then, it's been really great talking with you again.
There is no superior MMO. It's a completely dead genre.
Pitching my idea for fat cat and fat fish washing each other in a shower
I pay $20 a month for that + the companion app...
I found all i needed! I also took off the covers of your bed and balled them all up.
thats not OJ thats spudfarmer
thread is going so fast that no one will see the only reason i haven’t broken my no animation plapping rule for LT is that I’m scared he’s schizo me
>close the game and relaunch
>still 29 in queue
no escape...
this is cruel to tali
Is anyone else having an issue with people’s posts not showing up? All the text is just black rectangles. I want to see what Final Fantasy XIV-related content these posts are sharing.
thread going so fast that no one will realize my femlala bounces on it
My lalaboy is pav coded
I'll be attending then, how do I recognize you again?
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So how did we get here anon? I'm sure theres a loremaster that would be willing to simply talk about this silly beef.
look how cute it is
pure raw sex
she bounces on it with a fervor that brings a new definition to the genre
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29 bros... it's time to migrate...
Bro, take that to aco
Can you translate?
We are a bunch of Japanese toilets that rich rice eaters use at their leisure
They aren't a couple and they both fuck anything that gives them attention.
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A bit.
No, not yet unfortunately. I've already gotten every ending but I suppose I could try beating maso on the characters I haven't yet.
Speedrunning towards you before progressing the time of day so I can have your soul.
Right in the day I was able to get on earlier too....
I'd take any of those over having your insufferable ass around
wish that was me
Hey me too
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Post your /c/ while we wait.
Don't ask or there'll be more
I can HEAR YOU CLAPPING as you run you harlot, there will be no escape from these ears
It sucks, I know.
Twins! :3
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my midster is pav coded
so much so that i have a gpose of him doing the battle pose that i shant be posting
why did you list all your characteristics?
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How high is that body count?
are we in the same static
Probably not. I'm the only person from crystal in my static
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I'm not Irish.
You didn't gatekeep enough.
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Really glad I reserved my spot on B-mung two weeks ago and haven't moved from it since

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