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Previous: >>495487324

TFD Tools and Pattern Suggestor


Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)


Module Combination Percentages


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/tfdg/ Thread Template

breasts too big
Jesus Christ can you faggots stop making threads 4 hours early?
Dick too big
Why the fuck is the OP spaced so poorly? Are you retarded?
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Is this what everyone's always complaining about? Just got it today
Sar I am 70 iq Indian which is very high in my country sir
Nobody has done the math on this mod I'm 100% sure of it.
Breasts just right
That doesn't even seem like a good mod
Sorry guys I was trying to rape some meds on Reddit
It is if youre trying to min/max a gun platform
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Hailey saved TFD
Imagine cornering her in a dark alley with three of your /tfdg/ bros...
Hailey is the reason I started playing TFD, I bought her my first day
Imagine cornering her in a dark alley and impregnating her
There's a critical shortage of TFD Rule 34 that's why I'm voting for Trump.
Imagine Bunny catching up to her in a dark alley and impregnating her with electrically charged semen
There's a critical shortage of niggers and trannies that's why I'm voting for Kamala.
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Me on the right
More blacked porn
Less trannies
No blacks
No trannies
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uhhhy ackshally
Don’t you have a pride emblem to redeem?
>there is a hailey lora
>its not for autismmix
Ill try the bunny and valby one timirrow i guess
You do realize that player count is actually down since Hailey released, right?
You do realize that I’m gay, right?
You do realize you are the dumbest nigger alive, right?
I'd prefer having a romantic dinner with her and seeing what that leads to
She's jewish so it'll lead to anal
What if she tells you to convert to Judaism and to spit on Arabs during that dinner?
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I have seen a lot of comments saying they tried the game just for her
Is it wrong that I really REALLY hate autistic people?
You WILL be seeing these images posted by me in the future
Self hating isn’t cool bro
Fuck Marry Kill, I'll start.
FUCK Bunny
Yeah that seems right
Bunny looks so much like Dva
Fuck bunny
Rape Valby
Kill Yujin
Shut up fag.
They're both Korean
They both eat dogs
They both like rabbits.
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>You DO support the IDF don't you anon?
Down with the dirty Arab bastards i love my IDF girlfriend
i wish large natural breasts were real...
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NEED my jewfu Hailey in a tank top
I will destroy Palestine for her
Sharen comes across as such a try hard
15k good players vs 30k idiots
>“Vulgus slayer” Freyna
>“Vampire” Gley
>“The Last Bastion” Ajax
>“Incineration expert” Blair
>“White Hawk” Enzo
>“Black Thorn” Hailey

Reposting the alleged upcoming skin list
Yes, that is indeed her characterisation.
She is a perfectionist.
Never played this, are those tits real?
Well the jacket looks mighty stretched so they're probably edited, but I want to believe
>“Pregnant” Freyna
>“Whore” Gley
>“The Last Pedo” Ajax
>“gay expert” Blair
>“White Cock” Enzo
>”Arab Killer” Hailey
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>tank top
Yes, something kinda like this. A crop top would work too
>Paying homage to a character that uses guns
lol oh I am lol'ing
bondage suit plus armbinder costume for bunny when?
God I want Hailey to have my late term abortion
Back in my day people were really disfunctional and sadistic, they actually did the things they typed. Nowadays everyone wants to be a main character shockposter like Lepic.
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My wife.
she's having mine only and it will not be aborted (it'll grow up to kill every arab it sees}
Why is the OP for this general always some cumbrain shit??
frfr it should be half naked men for us trans women fuck the straightoids
I laugh everytime knowing Hailey of all characters sent the coomers overboard. I sleep tight at night knowing Gley is protected.
protected? i knocked her up as soon as i saw her.
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She's the main character now
No need to pretend, our general autismos are latched on to Hailey and bunny and you're clearly not one of them.
There is a few lewds of Gley floating around, but not nearly as much as the other girls.
Drats foiled again but i am autistic about valby at least

Ultimate Freyna will be added soon.
They need to fix her so I can stare at her with one hand
They need to make it so all the girls can be played one handed
Current coom ranking:

1) Hailey
2) Bunny
3) Valby
4) Viessa
5) Gley
6) Freyna
7) Luna
I guess you can't coom to what you can't see
>starts imagining the coom material in my mind.
What now?

These threads genuinely make me uncomfortable sometimes. I just wanna discuss character builds and gameplay mechanics. not engage in a group goon session. Do these dudes even actually play the game?
It’s just light hearted shit man you can still post your builds and whatever you want
>6) Freyna
good i dont like sharing my wife
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I cant think of anything wrong with Gley
She snatches up little boys and rapes them
how much does it cost to max out a Trans mod?
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She's great.
Anais is above the power gap, don't forget her.
haha... oh no...
>verification not required
more like
>1) all of the female ascendants

I would fuck literally any of them and be very happy.
5m so almost as much as transitioning irl
Warframe turned me trans and made me rape a minor
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I fucking wish. She hardly gets any good rule 34
That’s a good thing that means shes just for (You)
Same desu, Gley is hot as fuck.
nah TKD but I'll spare her
You can only give rankings like this with games like Concord since everyone in that game is ugly.
kikesses look like that?
5 million gold and about 500,000 kuiper
Lay off her, shes mine only, we’re about to genocide all the blacks and Arabs and then get away with it since we are the chosen people
Hailey is half Jamaican like your future president.
You wish, she’d be some ugly abomination, if she was half subhuman.
She'd be ugly as fuck then
Do you know what year TFD takes places? Whites don't exist everyone in this game is at least 40% black as you can tell from the thickness. Including the men.
Your cuck fantasy isn’t real. I hope the IDF bombs you.
Oh hush Jose Akhilesh and accept the future of Albino Albion.
I'm not hispanic (i'd fuck a hispanic woman unlike a negress)
there's probably a few black people and that's all we need or they start to be an issue prove me wrong.
You're forgetting a lot of the npcs. Reina is top tier. Nell,Anais and Nell are all nice too
i'll settle for no blacks and a genocide of them instead
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My NPC harem
A cabal of gooners (me) will run this place when clans drop
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I bet money they wanted Sharen to be black but didn't want Namco to sue.
>that side-eye Nell gives Lepic in Bunny's birthday scene

gosh I've never been more in love with an NPC
if they wanted a black descendant they would've made one, they'll probably add some black bitch when the game is stable so they don't completely flop.
so this the fabled khazar milkers
nicel i'll take her as my concubine once TKD is achieved
you wish ahmed
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This game already has plenty of blacks, it's diverse
show me another one
I guess you could say they would add Frost Prime and Volt Prime if, wait a minute
an esiemo from public queue just killed gluttony in 3 seconds, way faster than hailey or gley and he was the only one to do any real damage. what the fuck?
Must've made gluttony floss his teeth with his g string
>These threads genuinely make me uncomfortable sometimes.
This reads as a reddit post
>genuinely uncomfortable
>guys on 4chan being horny m-makes me u-uncomfortable LMAOOOOOOOOOO
My wife Dr. Kat
I'm actually going to build him right now and see if I can figure out what they did. I'd assume it's a bunny/kyle tier exploit
I saw someone talking about an esiemo build earlier, probably should've looked but I'll build him for meme shit if it is bunny tier exploit.
You guys told me yesterday that thunder cage isn't much of a good weapon, there's lots of people I saw today still grinding for the blueprints though.
Hey cut xim/xer some slack, they started playing TFD for reasons not including the girls, so they're clearly living with some sort of brain tumor that gave them ED.
Because its easy through boring as fuck since the quests are time gated.

fake as fuck, we all know 90% of the guns are shit. With character variety just marginally better.
I'd bet money he was actually hacking. There has been a MASSIVE uptick in hacking this week, I can only assume some new hack got released for free over on some cheat forum.
Yesterday had a hailey 1 tap molten fortress. Hailey is strong, but she can't do 100m damage in a single bullet without cheating.
I've had that Hailey player in my lobby before, was her gamertag Alotta Fagina?
Don't remember the exact name, but I don't think it was that one
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Sharen used to have a different voice in the beta that sounded like a black woman. Wonder why they changed it.

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>nexon refuses to add niggers
Holy based
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>world record gluttony
>blair and yujin
>no haileys or gleys in sight
nani the fuck
That really sounds awful
>some anon in prev thread thought Enzo wasn't core

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That's not based at all. That's less beautiful women for me to coom to.
shhh, virgins think with their brain and not dick
backdraft is insanely good, but high maintenance
>Nexon has a no niggers policy
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Day 7
The grind for Freyna's poison module eludes me still.
As temporary comrades come and go I'm left to wonder,
"Did they get it? When will it be my turn?"
I've not given up hope yet though. Perhaps tomorrow it will finally drop.
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probably another reason why her kit is atrociously bad.
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>no cute black dark chocolate descendant with all the perfect ingredients
>tits smaller than Valby's
>Ultimate Viessa's thighs
>hips and ass fatter than Hailey's
>curly afro
>thick glossed lips

Damn these gooks.
Mihoyo too, they just tell others to fuck off if they don't like it.
>he doesn't know
I don't know either
backdraft blair makes sense. the yujin has me confused
That's because no one has Yujin HAHAHAHAHAHAHA........fuck
Just fucking spell out what it does holy fuck nobody play this character
nigger just look it up
he's basically a better gun valby, except with more steps to gain power rather than simply "stand on water"
just go to the zoo?
>>>/trash/ there is a containment general for you bestiality gooners who love to wank it to apes and gorillas.
>make one post about nigs
>stops rape post
my plan......was ahhh shall we say....the first descent?
>MP Heal increases
sirs i want to do the rapeful with valby
Enzo is def the most fun male to play I also like the treasure hunt mechanic hes all about.It breaks up the monotony of the game.
This game has amazing graphics desu
saar redeem valby bobs and vagene
lol i guess Minseok Joo isnt fan favorite
The second I get her I swear to god aaaahah
What are you talking about, all his abilities are passive as hell
Just click and forget
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i have 500 hrs in the game and I just discovered Presets
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>autotranslate the page
lol what
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I rike to rape valby, yep.
Two more days until we find out if we getting new coom outfits…
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Hailey saved RE4
Post her ass
post her cock
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Plot: she clogged the whole villages toilets that’s why they are upset at her
Shes pretty notorious for that
A big ass does not mean big shits, Sanjeet
cant save re4 with ada's shit va
Did they ever fix the exploit where strengthen first shot rocket into the horizon --> triple damage general round gun?

Because if they did, it's kind of hilarious how that's turned into reload with general round firing fiesta gun --> unlimited ammo auto shotgun.
Honestly this game is cloggedcore kino
Honestly I shit myself
I picked up this game last Saturday. So far, it's okay enough to kill some time. I have Ajax, Bunny, Freyna and Viessa. I really wish I knew what I was doing.
Yujin has an ability that increases the damage enemy's take and also an ability that increases the damage enemies do.

Backdraft means that instead of Blair getting skill CC and CD and damage when hitting an on-fire enemy after playing his turn-on-turn-off firepit minigame, he gets gun CC and CD and damage.
Play bunny
Use sprint ability
Use her constant aoe ability
Game kinda has the mainstream mmo issue where it really begins at X. In this case hardmode.

If you wanna burn through it asap, just focus on bunny and try finding a reactor that boosts range/duration so you can just run around zapping mobs. Find either a tamer or eternal will to sync levels onto to help clear the colossus battle after each chapter.

Once you hit hardmode you can really begin to target farm whatever ultimate weapon or characters you want.
>he ignores laboratory garekeeper
I do all that with Bunny. She's pretty good at cheesing immortality mechanics. I've gotten up to meeting Valby. Now I'm trying to minmax my characters and trying to figure out how to properly mod Bunny.
Crit dmg/chance
Big range
Skill CD
Bunny threatened to rape me if I didn’t wear a diaper and shit myself and then proceed to empty said diaper onto Enzo
I would rather just get raped
This would never happen with Warframe's horrible models and engine lul
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How the fuck do you do that?
Something called a LoRA, I gathered? I wanna try, point me in a good direction
I think it's just a warp tool in PS
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I'm talking about the removal of her tank top
Get stable diffusion /forge
Get a realistic enough model
Do a crude job at removing the top and drawing the cleavage and or enlarging the breasts
Go to the inpaint tab, mark the boobs, inpaint at full rez, add a few tags of what the ai should do i.e. huge breasts, cleavage, akindentation, bursting breasts, maybe sagging in negative
Go low denoise, hit the generate button until you get a good looking imgage

A lora is a file that teaches the ai a specific thing, a character, a style or simular, not needed for just making booba big
anon look realllllllllll close at the image in the OP.

You might have been lied to your entire life.
I upgraded from a 3800x and gtx1080 to a 5700x3d and rtx4070super
I'm kind of underwhelmed by the difference
I dont understand either, took me 3 tries
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I'm sure just straight attack up is better than colossus or fire atk, but is it worth rerolling?
Depends how much you play the game and get weapon mats. But yes, you should.
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okay maybe the difference is bigger than I thought...
should I lock the bottom 3 and pray for atk? 20 thingamajigs/roll is kind of a lot
the same thing but now she's covered in fucked up artifacts?
everything is applied to base unmodded damage. a stock EL bullet is like 13k attack, 12% of that is 1560 increased atk. colossus is way better because it gives over double that
roll off crit hit rate
fucked up artifacts are the norm with viessa and valby's swimsuits on low settings
Even at maximum settings, the game looks like a PS4 title. After downgrading from a 3090 to a 6800XT, I soon stopped noticing any reduction in visual quality.
Definitely don't do that. Firearm ATK and Crit Damage are the two best rolls for Enduring legacy imo.
firearm atk = 1650 atk
fire atk = 1700 atk
colossus = 3400 atk

all these values never change regardless of what mods you have on because they aren't affected by mods.
so atk is the worst of the three?
What? Shut the fuck up.
He's a retard. Ignore.
that's literally how it works. you can test it yourself
Watch this. That anon is retarded.

>had wrong numbers in his TC video
>had wrong calculations in his sniper hailey video
>had wrong numbers in his revolver hailey video
I wouldn't trust a single thing that retard says. he also constantly shills the python saying it's a better mob clearer than TC.
the duality of man
Test it for yourself instead of posting that moron who gets clowned on every time he posts a video to reddit because of how insanely wrong they are
get a random gun with no relevant lines, shoot with and without rifling reinforcement, then do it again after getting a gold attack line. this has been tested a million times over and there's plenty of other youtubers like vash cowaii that have shown this as well. it gives you 12% of your base unmodded attack no matter what.
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why do male characters exist
who else would build the paradise.
People act like ps4 games looked bad which is weird to me
For the >5% audience that is women/gays.
The problem is that the PS4 is over a decade old, with graphics in games having seen little improvement since then
I remember when the switch 2 leaks first dropped saying it was as strong as a ps4 everyone was upset, complaining about 10 year old graphics and such but I always felt the opposite, ps4 tier means it's almost on par with the latest consoles because graphics have plateaued hard
I mean, there's only so much you can improve upon graphically, once you hit near lifelike realism, that's kind of the end if the road
The problem is how demanding today's games are on hardware at comparable graphics
whats cute girls pussy smells like...
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I don’t smell anything!
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See'r this is problem we will investigation
Waiting for the Knot/Flare hotfix.
WE WUZ DESCENDZENTS, enjoy your vacation
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>enjoy your vacation
>when it's 2024 and half the posts on this site are made from proxies
>when it's 2024 and half the posts on this site are made from bots
those aren't mutually exclusive
Any games except RE4R where I can play as Hailey? Replacing Nina Williams with Hailey would be cool but I can't find such mod on nexus.
MHW has several other TFD mods, I'd expect it to get a hailey one pretty soon
Monster Hunter and fighting games have the biggest coomer modder fanbases (next to normie games with massive playerbase like Cyberpunk). Like they're disproportionate compared to their size.
I guess skyrim / fallout 4 would be next on the list too.
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Fucking kek
Oh that would be based
Mhw also had really good jiggle physics, hope they apply to hailey as well then
jiggle applies to all the other descendants like bunny
Asking again because the previous thread was suddenly filled with retards.

Is Polar Night set worth on Viessa or should I stick with Slayer set?
Slayer is still better on top of being great on just any descendant who relies heavily on skill damage.
I'm gonna make valby squirt and drip like that.
thanks, gonna stick with Slayer then
Yeah it's the most bang for your buck also in terms of efficiency. Having to only farm one set is great especially when it's already hard enough to get good rolls getting that max mp and max hp where you can get it.
Only other set that's widely used is annihilation on weapon platforms like executor Gley / lube Valby / Enzo Stallone
polar is useful if you want a more tanky viessa, just get the 2-piece set bonus and you can have hp in every slot.
Polar night is all about frostbite, yeah? I don't think ice shackle counts as frostbite.

It works with clairvoyance which sort of works with viessa I guess. And it works with the Viessa augment that frostbites on crit too. But in general not really.
Wow, invasions are garbage.
Does weapon mods affect Hailey 2 and 4 skills atk power?
2 no, 4 yes
Mag size also affects skill 4s charges
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So i just got back after dropping the game on week 2. Tryna build the dancing hoe and got some questions, did they boost the acquisition rate for those code breaker materials ? and / or did they added a decent way to farm the code breaker ball thing ? I'm not buying / farming the guy to get these materials btw
they upped the drop rate by 2-3 times and made the minigame easier
if youve got enzo its like 4x
Do i still do that mission in the desert with bunny to get the balls or is there a better way ?
Probably still the best way considering almost each spawn wave has an orange tier vulgus
>Sharen comes across as such a try hard
imagine the blowjobs
Which one is that, i alao need one type of the balls real bad
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anticipated ambush point mission.
the nigger in the webm got mogged into oblivion
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new skins soon
Valby pedo skin confirmed
Which guns are considered the best for Gley besides the shotgun? I'll get my U.Gley in 2 days and I wanna know what to farm for. Thanks, friends
Greg and EL for DPS. Vestigal Organ for Molten Fortress.
oh look they want money again
Do all of them need all the copies to work or can I somewhat get away with farming just one?
Greg really needs to be fully built to shine. EL, your losing out on some DPS but I've had mine partially completed and it still handles things fine.
Greg needs all the copies to be usable.
I bought the Luna skin before it gets pulled. That is way better than her trashy default look
When do they do the hot fix announcement usually? Wednesday or day of the update?
I would say its mostly just the default hair thats shit, she definitely looks way better there though.
The hair is great but I’ve never been a fan of jean shorts
>New ultimate bundles
... they aren't... going to rebundle additional alternate ultimate exclusive skins WITH the ultimates, so you'll have to buy the ultimate twice or more to get every skin, right?

Because that would be, actually, the worst monetisation move they'll've ever done.
Wonder if they're going to add a gold sink. I'm sitting on 100 million barely playing just doing daily invasions.
>found a very high end TFD guild/clan
>they're only a couple seconds off of gluttony world record
>they tell me to DM the leader to ask if I can join
>tell him I'm very strong, everything meta maxed, killed glutt in 15s before with weaker teammates than the guys in his guid
>he responds saying he doesn't care about any of that
>next he says I have to do a 2 hour interview where I'm going to have to run every single dungeon and every single boss in the game, while streaming on discord, and if I can't consistently do them at insane paces, then I can't make it in

this shit is so retarded and pretentious it's unreal. a part of me honestly wants to go to the interview just because I want to see how insane and stupid these guys are, maybe I could get some footage. sort of like how youtubers have made videos of joining cults or multi level marketing pyramid schemes, and then they bring hidden mics to meetings and record all kinds of crazy shit. also fuck I really do want a world record, that would surely net me some views. but is putting up with these insufferable midwits worth it? I have no idea. anyways if I do go to the interview I'll post updates here. he said he's busy today so I can't do it today, I have to book a meeting later this week like it's a god damn zoom meeting at a shitty office job. I wish I was joking.
They're called modules.
>this shit is so retarded and pretentious it's unreal.
Indeed, I have a hard time believing this is real. Should have taken screenshots Anon. In the very unlikely event where it's real, you should take the test, ace it, and when they tell you that you're in you should tell them on second thought you guys are fucking fags I'd rather not catch aids or monkeypox or whatever it is that you people from San Francisco spread these days.
trust me, I have a hard time believing this is real too. I almost wonder/hope that when I show up to the test it was actually just some big ruse or troll
are you joking? this is not real right? heres your (you) anyway
Rerolling weapons for that 4 perfect gold rolls
you are being fucked with, anon... they are not letting you in
with every bundle so far you get a discount if you already own the character so these will probably be the same.
Oh, right, yeah, that discount's a thing.
Whew, I was actually worried for a minute then.

Like having to paint the skins was a bit naff already, but having to buy an entire second ultimate character to have a not shit hat to paint would have been heinous.
Yeah, glad that is almost certainly and probably definitely not a thing they'd be stupid enough to do.
just woke up
took a shit
eating a BIG king from burger king for breakfast
I smell like shit but I've never felt more ready to grind
I was just randomly hit with a "ban evasion" ban for this image when I was never banned or warned and I never broke any rules. I guess mods just assume everyone posting Hailey is the same guy?
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I'm probably going to go to the test, just for you anons
probably, theres some bot fag on /v/ that shills games and spams gay/cuckold porn, he's definitely been spamming hailey on there.
I just can't ever imagine taking playing a fucking video game this seriously. Obsessing over meta builds and min/maxing to this extreme just sounds like a miserable way to play instead of just having fun. I really hope they are just bullshitting you
see the pic right above you
Wrong country, it's french.
I killed glut in 14 secs in a pug.
Don't forget the San Francisco part Anon, godspeed.
how much damage did you do and was it before or after exec buff? my 15s run was like 68m damage, meaning all of my teammates were horribly underperforming. world record damage should be 45m max
>mfw just did a 98mil glut run
At least the Valby fondled the ballz properly I guess
55m team was pretty okish for a pug
I interviewed for WOW raid guilds back in the day and it wasn’t this cringe
time? jayber can get 100m if you give him enough time. I've obviously had 110m damage runs where my team mates did fucking nothing in pub queue, but that obviously has nothing to do with a world record. the only thing that matters for speedrunning is that you can do 45m damage in under 10 seconds
yeah that's decent. want to get interviewed?
>want to get interviewed?
fuck no
2 minutes, a lot of time being spent dealing with the mechanic. I'm tired of this bullshit I don't even need to get a 5/5 peacemaker but I have nothing else to max out in the game so I guess I'll keep at it.
the only other online interaction I've had that comes even close to this cringe was interviewing for some small shitty private tracker. they honestly didn't even have that many good torrents and I ended up leaving a couple weeks later
Fucking 2 hours interview aside, that was kinda reasonable actually. Not that it matters, since that is by itself already way too absurd kek
I probably could have done a better job on the screenshot but I didn't want to give myself away. he tells me I need to do magister lab sub 2:30, so I send him a 2:19. that's when he responds saying "I don't care about that" even though he literally just asked me for my magi lab clear time. he actually came off as extremely dickish for half the conversation. after that last message he said
>not trying to be rude, just dont care about things i dont need to talk about
even though he was the one who brought up the magi lab clear time in the first place
also randomly he said
>it looks like you didnt catch the first message i sent you.
referring to the first message in that pic
Thats like 3 red flags already man, why are you even entertaining him?
I want my world record clear :(
also if he's actually this retarded I want to farm him for content. I am a small (you)tuber
I was a guild leader for 4 years in dark age of camelot, 2 years on warhammer online and 3 years on black desert.
Never spent more than 30 minutes on a person.
Check their gear, explain the rules 3 times to make sure they understand them and that they know they will get kicked if they don't respect them, a few duels to see how they handle themselves.
If they don't fit the bill you will know down the road and kicking them is free, they also can't say you didn't warn them in advance. 2 hours for a turbo casual looter shooter with no pvp sounds like tranny narcissist shit.
He's clearly a mongoloid powertripping with a lot of mental issues. Don't forget about San Francisco.
If this is real then uncensor his name you baiting faggot.
>icon is neither steam, xbox or ps
wtf is that a tv?
I specifically censored his name because anons like you might DM him and tell him I'm giving out all the details. I will record the interview, don't worry
sure you will, dumb faggot.
Oh, okay, so he's a total ass. Honestly, I wouldn't ever bother to play a game with people I don't like, no matter what, but if you're willing to put up with THAT, then there's nothing else I can say. Good luck, I suppose.
playing on my goon tablet, you guys go ahead I'll catch up in a few minutes.
don't get me wrong there's a huge part of me that doesn't want to do it, but this feels like such a bizarre opportunity to pass up. imagine you had the opportunity to do a stream with kingcobraJFS or chris chan.
even if we don't get the world record, surely something funny or interesting will come out of this. I hope. or maybe I'm just retarded and it's going to be pure insufferable misery for every second, with nothing worth editing into a short video
Dumb question I know but I just started playing yesterday. Is there a way to disable the third party data collection? I had to accept everything before I could play but I don't see anywhere in the options for a way to opt out of that. Am I missing something or am I stuck giving my info away now?
I really hate those stupid squid looking robot and their beam.
nope. this game has 2 (two) seperate kernel level anti-cheats, and their ToS straight up says they're allowed to use it to track every website you visit, even when the game isn't even open. I hope you're good with VMs.
Keep in mind, he didn't say 2, he said longer than 2. What even is there to test for that long
Shitter Bunny detected. Not even hating on her, we all know how to circumvent their hitscan beams with our Bunnys.
I play on PS5 though. Is there really no way to turn that off? I thought you could opt out?
this game is as dead as this general
aw yeah; fuck that noise. being interviewed for paying work is less stressful.
eos soon
What are the three main mods I should focus on for Freyna?
Unless Hailey's voice has replaced Ada's dialogue with ai, RE4 is unfortunately beyond saving
>RE Hailey has the jiggle physics TFD Hailey doesn't
Can someone post the so called leaked frog costume of Valby? Or we don't have any images?
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Im trying to finish the quest where they send me to stop a invasion or smt. Im getting neck hard by the boss, does anybody got some build for bunny that can get me through this ? i only have the thundercage and idk what stats should i run on those side slots as well
pretty sure it was posted last thread, I've seen it multiple times.
>don't you wanna clear gluttony anon?

But seriously I'd rather the bosses be more braindead pubshit than have to prove to other schizo's how much I've grinded out my gear and my clear times.
2 piece annihilation (sensor, memory), rest (aux, processor) with hp double rolls, or def.
Also run with high voltage mod or gtfo, also the reactor shouild be singular with correct mounting
Nobody plays her, even though she's the prettiest descendant.
I actually don't mind the bosses current challenge. gluttony is easy enough to kill in public queue and getting <25s public is totally possible if there's actually a competent sharen or enzo. it's only 3 hour interview schizo autism if you want to attempt a 7s world record run
Will I regret not buying Viessa's and Valby's swimsuit skins? I don't really play them but those skins do give an incentive to play.
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>high voltage mod
i cant even kill the bride bitch how the fuck am i gonna get that mod ? do i really need that much autism to beat this quest ?
Do you like the game enough to want to stick around for a while? if so then you prob won't regret. I bought a ton of shit and I don't regret it.
doesnt it drop from pyro? not sure anymore but just join pugs and hope some niggas rape the boss while you try to just stay alive
I tried the public thing but after multiple days it seems pointless so i end up just doing something else. Actually ive never seen the boss drop bellow 70% hp before we get necked
Farm out Gregs or Enduring Legacy for bossing, it'll become a lot easier, Gregs is dogshit easy to max and build.
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It took me over a month to acquire the final U.Viessa part. More than 100 amps. Insane.
Yes the Invasions are ultra high end solo content. The expectation is grinding out the 10 ironheart particle missions on each map to get Inversion buffs which helps with survival, during this process you reset Thundercage's level several times, reset Bunny several times, and get level up modules.

The season pass expects you to do Invasions for 25 days, and there are 71 days remaining. A player starting fresh has enough time, but have to grind it out
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So basically go farm and play a male character or uninstall ? surely this bitch gets good enough or am i coping ?
this reads like bait, nowhere did i mention swapping characters.
>play a male character
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oooooooh right in this game the guns have ppl name sometimes yeah. i have one of those but it doesn't have the 15 euro upgrade tho so no mod capacity
>i cant even kill the bride bitch
Got it from mod combine
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the power of the bunny is in your hands....
why not electric specialist?
why no hp collector if you die?
why maximise range when that scales your power down?
where multitalented for free 30% singular dmg?
Do I want to farm for Valby or Mid Air Maneuvers?
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>When your gf is a Descendant
I think i copied that from kektube way back on release i haven't look at that tab ever since. i play this game like 3-4 hours on weekends pretty much not much time to grind and stuff
The fucks a support drone?
You mean the story mission where you do your first invasion, the one you have to sit still in the correct plataform to destroy the boss shield? Assuming you're new to the game like me, I managed to beat that one using a thunder cage with two catalysts used (which I regret doing so, but other anons already told you which weapons to use) and a normal bunny. It really is just a matter of having enough DPS and be mindful of the mobs, hp collector might help keeping you alive as you chip away the boss hp bar.
multitalented is like a 15s mission in kingston - The destruction - field comm center
electric specialist is the blue version that gives more power% but no cooldown
same with the blue range mod, it gives 2% less range at max but doesnt have the -20% power, not sure why you run 2 main range mods either, if you have swap maximise range for frugal mindset
you can also swap spear and shield for a regular blue def, gives loads more and if you dont have a lot of def in the first place the dminishing return isnt as bad
probably a future content companion.
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you mean this guy?
he also chills in every base and heals you to full there
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Why aren't we talking about this?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh, okay. That's one of my Inversion objectives
???. Ajax, Bunny, Luna?
"black thorn" in >>495715935 maybe
Have they made any costumes with unique animations yet besides the ult grind amount for tiers yet?they probably start selling animation with jiggle costumes
From left to right
Gley updated Halloween Custom
Ajax shit,
Bunny "Leaked already"
Valby Frog "Leaked already"
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what bunny leak? what is it suppose to be

i kind lean towards gley too with those syrenge look likes too but the helm is so different
1. either viessa or gley vampire outfit
2. ajax
3. bunny
4. frog balby
do you have a screenshot of a good build that i should be grinding ? (it takes me a long time to get grind related stuff done)
It was posted a few threads back with the frog to lazy to go back, but you can clearly tell who it is... more leaked shit was posted on some Chinese website...
I mean it's obviously fucking Bunny but i meant if it also talked about what theme/skin its suppose to be
I just finished the story with Ajax, which of the yellow weapons should I be trying to upgrade?
honestly the hair on this looks like shit, the rest is good though
just looks like default gley hair but red
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this is what i was using with 3hp aux with a double def memory that was in the rotation last week
gave me 8k hp and 20k def or something, im no expert tho so take this with a bucket of salt
yeah its the color that makes it look weird
Sorry lads but I have to vent.
I'm so fucking tired of Lepics who queue up for Gluttony, they are even fucking worse than Bunnies. There I said it. Thanks for reading my blog.
Honestly I'd take either of those over an Ajax atleast
cuz her rework is gonna be absolute ass
I have some successful gluttony kills with ajaxes. 1 with a bunny, 0 with a lepic.
Haven't gotten to Gluttony yet, which descendant should I use?
Top 3 picks imho are executor Gley, Valby for the balls and Sharen for the def shred.
You can skip one Valby if you think you have enough damage, my best clear was a 20 sec one with pugs, 3x Exe Gleys + 1 Sharen
valby, gley, enzo, yujin
tits too big
tits not big enough
>my best clear was a 20 sec one with pugs
what if I'm okay with a normal length clear and not participating in speedrunner autism?
Tits just right
Hailey's tits are like natural EE's
a gun hailey, gley with executor, enzo, valby, sharen, are good for gluttony. you use enduring legacy on all. yujin is good too, but shines if theres an enzo present, otherwise he is less dps than say a hailey. you also wont be able to heal people that have sub 10k hp. and when people have proper setups, and are used to the fight, they tend to not die anyway even without yujin. i recommend going for a high dps character, even in pugs you can kill glutt in 1 frenzy, and cooling him is sometimes not even needed. it is common others will play valby, but with 1 dps character less, it will take you 2 frenzies most commonly and you will have to do cooling, and wipes are common the longer the fight is, even with valbies. my success is like half the time there was no valby, half the time there was. Shes not as neccessary as people make it out, and if theres no valby present, people are all aware they will have to contribute to cooling eventually if the fight last long, if theres a valby they wont cool at all and delegate all to her.
Still the same, what will make you fail will 90% of the times is the mechanic and not Gluttony itself. The longer the fight the more chances you have to end up with Glutt's wipe mechanic, like if the Valby goes down and no one else takes care of the orbs or if people let too many purple orbs get to Glutt.
The problem is you can't control who your pubs are going to pick so if you're going to use matchmaking you honestly should pick a big damage dealer.
Thunder cage first, work towards enduring legacy
If you like Gley maybe go for executor
I've changed my mind
luna's ass is much nicer to stare at on max settings.
Post evidence
Nexon should just accept some Blackrock money and include some diversity to attract more players globally so the game stays alive . instead they of release $300 coomer skins one after another while playerbase drops
weird you can talk with a fat black dick in your mouth
Hailey is too thicc. Back to UBunny
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just add black mommies and it will skyrocket to 100k
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She's fine
it'd go down even more if they did that.
I want to impregnate maid Gley
I don't inherently find niggers ugly, there are some hot nigresses. but holy shit that's fucking repulsive.
have a feeling that guild is a front for RMT and you'll just get used to run carries, he filters slow people so his carries are competitive

if not then he's fucking with you, maybe the guild is very close-knit and they arent that interested in recruits
Anal sex with Anais
So is this game fun? How's the gunplay?
My personal take is that the FUNDAMENTALS are....adequate

And two of the biggest draws for me are that it's a new game with traditional boss fights and the movement is not focused on parkour, which is a nice breath of fresh air from Warframe for me
it's warframe with destiny gunplay and a bunch of tits and ass.
whos our chudcore character? Enzo?
maybe try using real words next time
Esiemos backstory is that he smelled like shit and got made fun of for it
do you like magic homing bullets and hitscan enemies?
Blair, that fucking level 1 Blair who was in my gluttony right now, that's chudcore.
homing projectiles are so fun!!!
what else for Exec Gley?
Bride is all shields. Once you hit her hp bar she is nearly dead. This fight is mainly a dps check for your weapon. It's honestly probably easier to do this one solo
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That's what I run
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A maxed contrast correction mod
who is the essex of tfd?
id say valby
Yo i actually had most of those mods and they did change this quite a bit now i can kill these bosses and i was also able to clear that invasion thing. Should be chilling now
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You guys really like your METAS don't you.
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Forgot the pic. Now i farm that bunny mod from the pyro guy should be fine
I love Haileys METAS if you catch my drift.
I like strong builds and characters who feel "right" to me, so usually they do coincide with what is meta. I don't like to purposely play weak characters or weapons unless I really like the play style, and even then I will try to minmax the weak character/weapon to get the most out of it.
Why wouldn't I want to play the best version of the character I like?
No I don't, please elaborate and provide a visual example for best clarification.
Refer to the OP image for the METAS I speak of
When is the swimsuit collection coming out for the rest of the characters? I need micro bikini Hailey and banana hammock Yujin outfits ASAP.
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Funny, whenever i see a lot of people gravitating towards a certain character (Bunny/Gley) or using a certain weapon (Tamer/EW/EL/TC) something tells me to go the opposite direction.
That's because you are a hipster/contrarian.
Summers over tacky anon. It's time for Fall fashion to shine.
esiemo seems kind of retarded
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Moments before disaster
Hotdogging Haileys fat ASSETS
the price of not having iframes...
Fromsloppers on suicide watch
>burnt out on the game
>got handed a free u-gley with lucky rng
>gun builds are absolutely the most boring shit in this game so i'm not enjoying her
>other builds i wanna try are locked behind farming a weapon 5 times in a row again
not sure what to do next bros, i could finish farming ulepic but maybe its time for a break until october
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>steller blade nier Collab
yoko taro please lend your hand to this game people will fuck drop money
honestly just wait for Oct 10 there really is no rush for stuff to be honest.
Nier is the cheap whore of collabs, I wouldn't be surprised if they did collab with tfd
youcan play her aoe build too
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2B skin for Sharen,9S for Enzo, I could see it
im honestly so confused why a single player needs skin collabs
feels weird
dotyhey have some post-game endless mode?
i am aware but it doesnt appeal that much to me when i have a ubunny, her massacre build sounds somewhat fun but i havent farmed a python
Stellar blade was made by the NIKKE devs and NIKKE already collabed with Nier so I guess it just made sense to them.
How do people do so much damaged with their Ultimate Bunnies? Does a good reactor and slayer set really make that big of a difference? Help a newbie out
Nah. Sharen is as dark as Koreans go. Especially with Nexon holding the leash. They prob think that Sharen is too dark already.
if you plan to use exec, and not go into massacre, then mass sanguification is pointless, you'd squeeze abit more dps with the shotgun with predator instinct
it's a Collab plus dlc so I am guessing they are doing something with the story for the single player part
I bought all the swimsuits and like 3 of the ultimate skins
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>predator instinct
oh and also two of the slut nun skins >>495860475
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Am I missing anything else? Is dangerous ambush really that helpful?
I'm going to build her next and I noticed none of you used any crit mods like others do for bunny, does she deals massive damage either way?
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Based cooomsumer
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>Autistic cow guy youtuber does a vid on Esiemo
>Arche Explosion adds a slayer’s set worth of unlisted skill damage to him in addition to gun damage but it’s not listed anywhere
>Creative Explosion is supposedly 40% not the listed 20%
>Test both of these and they are both actually true

Jeez. Makes you wonder how many other bottom tier characters have unlisted / incorrect bonuses in their kits.
Based based. I also just bought the swimsuits since there's 1 day left.
>and also two of the slut nun skins
For whom? Personally I think Gley rocks it best but I'm undecided so I haven't bought it yet. Pill me anon. I also don't have Gley so I would also probably buy her.
I bought one for Hailey and one for Bunny since I like both, It definitely looks good on Gley though.
i want maid and school back, i regret so much only buying viessa school
That's fair. Hailey's ass pushing the fabric out by like 20% more than the others almost sold me, but Gley has the perfect face and eyes+dignity hair combo that just works perfectly with the outfit. I just wish that by buying the outfit once you can then give it to anyone, but I understand you can't have everything.

I wasn't even around when that one dropped, I regret missing out on the maid outfits.
>Autistic cow guy youtuber
genuinely the only good one. it's insane how like 99% of other youtubers just have completely false numbers and info in their videos, but then you'll see anons and plebbitors post them like they're gospel
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Gley has this little mons and belly bulge and it's so cute
jesus CHRIST
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Game is fucking garbage at explaining shit in general.

>When an enemy inflicted with Room 0 Trauma is killed, There is a contagion of Poison surrounding it.

My understanding is that adds a secondary aoe explosion effect. But fucking christ just say it bluntly in english.
They will surely bring it back, by that time we will have other female descendents too I imagine.

... I think I'm sold
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>everyone waiting for jiggles
Are invasions not multiplayer yet? I wanted to run my friend through them.
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come home, white man
>have enduring legacy that's been upgraded 4 times and catalyzed like 5 times
>have Hailey that's been kitted out as well
>still have yet to finish Gluttony once

Here's how my runs usually go
>there's no valby
>we get him to first invulnerable phase
>no one focuses orbs
>there's no valby
>get him to first invulnerable phase
>we try focusing orbs
>eventually instawipe anyway because no one can get orbs into him for shit and his health bar isn't moving
>we have a valby
>get to first invuln phase
>someone dies
>fight becomes a clusterfuck of people resurrecting others and then dying, his health bar stops moving and we eventually instawipe
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When I see Hailey in it I just think "fuck her hips are so wide I want her to smother my face" and imagine her bellybutton at the star.
Need her in a sling bikini
the mod texts are the worst offenders of poor translation, its fucking atrocious.
>Vindictus 2
They said that it's coming out soon but 1 month has passed since. Curious how they will handle monetization there. Didn't bother with the first game
Multitalented does more damage than Ambush and basically works continuously with the Lightning Emission skill. Try that one out and check your damage numbers
I'll probably drop even more on this game
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I'm so lost atm...
got max greg's = it's dogshit because of frenzy buildup
got maxed tc = only good for mobbing (lol)
got maxed python for gley = no one uses it anymore just exec face spam
if you dont use hailey for bosses = its technically griefing

i feel like i wasted so much shit for nothing
>Curious how they will handle monetization there.
we are going to get raped in the ass with lootboxes. some vindictus 1 lootboxes with skimpy outfits required an average of over 300 dollars to get the skin. and because of that, the skins were actually good, way skimpier, an insane amount of jiggle that could please even the most dopamine fried of anons. you guys want jiggle in TFD, but you have no idea what it would cost you.
>RNG dogshit
If it's like this I won't even play it
Take a break and relax anon. There's a decent game in TFD but they gotta balance shit out so you can have a good time if you're not playing the meta.

I just do my dailies, craft a cata/act if I got the mats then fuck off to another coop game or rimworld.
no no no, you don't understand. you could pity at like 300 bucks. it's a very fair deal if you think about it.
god I came so many times to vindictus when I was younger
>70 days left on battle pass
I'm going to take a break and not do my two intercepts today
that would imply we're getting a content drought from oct 11th to december 3rd. fuck.
I'm willing to pay the equivalent of 2 Ultimate bundles in TFD at that point wtf. For the little I saw I already know that gameplay wise I'm gonna prefer it because if it wasn't for the great "content" I wouldn't have touched a hero-shooter. I suck at shooters.


Christmas themed skins... my mind is going wild already.
get it full cats, its not that hard nowdays. just run infiltration. dont be burden, be the carry
some tips for glut if you see him targetting you stop shooting just run away or hide behind something. i see alot of ppl doing glut still getting 1 shot from his shotgun because they are too greedy with damage.
>Game is fucking garbage at explaining shit in general.
it actually did a very good job at explaining how everything worked in the early game.
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What are these?
I'm so pissed I missed the maid outfits because I started too late
they tell you there's a cache nearby
These were suppose to hint to you that a Vault is somewhere nearby
But after they reworked the system and added that little radar and message system, theyre pretty pointless now
>devourer is ez!
>do devourer with Hailey
>first thing he does is shit green spikes all over my FOV and can't see him
>not staggering him before he can get off his first attack
anon your 10 cata weapon??
People said the only thing that matters is the weapon atk and magazine
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God I fuck hate bosses/enemies that regenerate shields and health.
Hailey really needs a micro bikini skin
Where is the micro supposed to go? It will slip right off. She's gonna get a one-piece 100%
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I fucking hate when im in an Infiltration shooting enemies and then they start disappearing becuz we're supposed to move to the next area. one of the most annoying things in this game
>It will slip off
That's the point
Hailey really needs a buck nekkid skin
I would buy a hailey sex doll
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do Valby, infinite ammo Gley or gun Hailey even need a weapon specific reactor? thought you just needed one that had Skill CD/Skill Cost/etc...
you are completely correct. applies to others like blair as well.
Is Gley a comfy boss killer, someone sell me on a build for her.
Valby is so smoochable oh my fucking god
Good morning sirs, please rape the valby.
executor gley is the single most comfy way to fight gluttony, however I personally find hailey sniping much more comfy for all the soloable bosses, even though you can shotgun them with gley
>comfy boss killer
For me she is the most stressful
Goon Valby on the other hand is the most comfy for me
>Qol only one weapon needs to match the mounted for all weapons to get the effect in load out
would help with reactor rolls because fuck finding the perfect match shit is hell for how it is now.
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The Albion Cavalry Gun is one of the strongest guns in the game, and its going to get even stronger with the next Patch. Farm the pieces and use your Energy Activators as soon as you can. Enduring Legacy and Gregs Reversed Fate are absolutely overrated, and you are missing out.
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>this bullshit again
meui already tested it and proved last dagger was better. stop trolling the newfags, you probably don't get how the atk buff works on this weapon.

plus it has the highest movespeed in the game
WTS Groll albion cav gun rivens...8k caliber
Anyone have T3 void keys? I need to farm some viessa prime parts.

wrong, I downed Devourer in 24 secs with the Alb Cav Gun. I can show you proof if you want
meui had a 23s clear. it's not on his youtube but he posted it to reddit this morning. enjoy your slow movespeed too
just getting back in and tried the invasion in hagios and cant touch the boss. he activates the shield mechanic before ive even depleted his shield. im missing yhe dps check right or is there some mechanic?
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I have 2.3KK gold. Is that enough to max out a purple mod?
>2.3m gold

use Sharen, her 3 and the Albion Cavalry Gun

I'm tempted to try a build with that gun using Kyle's shoulder tackle skill paired the red mod that stuns on hit. Who else has reliable sources on stun that can proc that guns ability?

here's a vid

Nevermind, reddit was a hundred times more helpful. You embarassing losers can go back to talking about rape and shit
Will do
Let us know if you need any info on which girls clog the shitter the best

nta but i have to know asking for myself ofc
Shitposting aside, I do wonder if they'll just eventually buff all the guns slowly, which acts as its own form of drip content feed
Hailey and Valby are definitely in SSS tier
Ive only paid for the bikinis so they better give Hailey a bikini or make the skins just as lewd as a bikini
Not the nun outfit? That's a good one aswell
fuck luna is so goddamn cute
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They revealed the swimsuit rotation on the Wednesday before the Thursday patch, so I'm, hoping we'll find out just what the new skins are offficially tomorrow morning
I'd trade High Voltage for a mod that lets Bunny run though enemies/allies.
I think the nun outfit is boring because everyone can wear it. I like unique outfits
Gonna drink valby water straight from the source...
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good night TFD
So far it is the ONLY mod that can increase Base Gun damage that can be applied to a descendant. IE gun based characters like Gley/Hailey/Enzo that don't need to rely on skills to do damage can get a significant boost to damage that stacks on top of the mods you apply to a gun, so effectively you have 11 mods per gun over the usual 10.
They're gonna release a super sexo Hailey skin to fuck over everyone who bought the Hailey nun.
the westkek are sleeping now its our time indianbros
post valby!
It is an inherent thing that happens when any game has Customizable stats in games, especially in PVP or grinding games. People, like all animals, are lazy, they do not want to spend more energy on something than they have to, so people will spend a lot of time to "Solve" the game, in the case of TFD, best weapons for each character, best Mods/reactors/and equipment to make the grind difficult in the beginning, but easier in the end where you can just turn off your brain and run around as a High Voltage Bunny. The only thing that has any requirement of skill in the game is colossus that are designed to be annoying, but that isn't always required to farm the things you want, just more mindless farming at a worse rate.
>buying anything that every character can wear
you don't respect your wives
>Not using both
You can see how many resources are required to max a mod when attempting to do so. Purples are around 1.5 mil iirc, if you need to get it to max level. Not all purple mods can be leveled to the max level.
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That's gotta be toilet water
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>Maxing out my ult bunny
>speed running infiltrations for material and levels
>2-3 min clears
>Always a full group, usually 1 or 3 other bunnys in the party
>Decide to invest in Enzo because I enjoy him
>Suddenly parties are 1 or 2 other people on average
>Get a bunny maybe 1 in 3 runs, and they always suck
>Infiltrations take 7-10 mins on average and its usually me leading the pack

I fucking hate this
is the GOSEI SENTAI DAIRANGER outfit only for Lepic or for all the males?
I also noticed this and it makes me wonder why people even complain about bunny when that is the norm.
When a Bunny is good, the game is Trivial, when a Bunny is bad, the game is awful to deal with, like a Lepic that thinks it can carry, but Lepic's don't get very far away before dying. Both can have negative connotations to the game. And that is from someone who doesn't like bunny, but it's PVE, gimme my shit and I don't care how it's accomplished.
they complain because it SHOULDN'T be the norm. the norm should be everyone can do the infils with decent time/reward, but no they don't because fuckers like you keep saying "just use bunny lel".
I want to use valbys helmet as a bidet
Seconding sar
>8 characters ahead of Hailey to get an Ultimate
The Male slog of ultimates is gonna suck especially if they're gonna take several months between descendant releases.
>he thinks they're gonna go in order
Will you guys use Ultimate Eseimo if he turns out to be really good? Personally I will
You didnt see Haileys leaked ult design?
She got an ass enhancement
Pasties and cellulite
>Turn on speed of light
>Keep it on for the entire infiltration
>Watch other bunnies turn on speed of light and run out of mana before the first room is clear
>Turn on lightning emission
>Range is almost 30m
>Watch other bunnies turn on lightning emission
>Default range

Its embarrassing
why is it that sometimes i get 2 amophorous rolls from the ball reward after killing colossus (normal), and sometimes 0 roll?
Don't forget Bunnies using Tamer or Greg's and doing nothing but standing still shooting their gun.
I just play one handed while I goon to the hot skins I bought
You're the bunny that does no damage to the boss at the end of inifiltrations huh? lmao
Not coomer enough for me, I specifically need to see tummy, a crop top + low rise pants would be coomer enough for me
Are there mods yet? I need titty slider.
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My FUCKING heroes
I don't understand Korean name structure. Why are there so many Kims.
Bang ding ow
Around 45% of the South Korean population has the surname Kim, Lee or Park (ordered by popularity)
like seaniggers with their nguyens
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I started using her just to farm outposts, but then I really liked her design. The only issue is that now I need a Fusion legendary reactor that uses Thunder Cage for mobbing, I already have one with Nazeistra as the main weapon to use against bosses + that ult mod that decreases enemy electric resistance
Today I will bring her to Gluttony.
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Good enough I guess, better than this would be fusion+electric in substats
Wrong thread, nigga.
The rapefags are literally from FF general I fuckigng knew it.
man, a dead 30 year old PS3 game with no content has better jiggle than we do...
kinda jelly I wish I had a final reactor for any character
Are you being unluck or you aren't using the map locations to farm specific reactors? Worst character that I spent time (a few days ) farming was Luna, one for AoE build and one for single shot tech build
>Supply Firearm Enhancer

Is this the single worst module to grind for?
Is the store updated yet? How many hours?
Seriously fuck that guy. That boss at the end of the Hagios Invasion is just bullshit to fight with his regen and barriers. It took me 5 cycles to finally deplete his health bar.
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What are your thoughts about this character?
Its a shitty DPS check, I run a 500k dps EL with with mental focus and down'em in a clip.

The invasions with the fetch 20 gimmick is always bullshit since the bosses always have shields. And adds barely spawn quick enough so you can do the gimmick before the boss regens their shield again.
Ult viessa's ass is underrated tbqh
It will probably be 24 hours from now which is when they usually do their weekly updates
Got this on my first roll but I already have ult bunny, ult gley, ult valby and ult lepic. Don't know if I should go for her.
Do you guys think they'll add more red mods to change how characters play?
Like something that changes luna so her gun is her main source of damage, or something that makes sharen primarily melee?
Is it necessary to max out enduring legacy since it doesn't change your dps or your fire rate? It's just tiresome to craft the same weapon five times.
Don't we already have those? Noise Surge for Luna and Void Domination for Sharen already basically do what you're wanting
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>Almost everyone in this game is too much of a brainlet to beat frost walker
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Another Ez Invasion with my Wife
Viessa is one of the more fun characters to play even if she's not particularly the best at anything.

You're looking at farming one 6% drop and two 10% drops to get the other parts definitely one of the harder grinds in the game
I got the 6% drop on my very first roll, I just wanted to beat frost walker for the first time.
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She can level a gun to 40 for you in around 16 minutes once you mastery the art of void fragment cancels. No other method comes close.
gonna sneak behind her and pull the string to her side tie panties and then lick her bare used goods pussy
Not even close. "Shot focus" and the other mods you have to combine for are the worst. I've gotten SFE 3 times.
It does increase your damage though.
And it improves the damage range. You ever notice how your thunder cage is doing no damage beyond a short range?
>Effective Range (Drop-off start)
>Effective Range (Drop-off end)

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So i booted up the game again after a long break and saw this new character. Is this really a weeks and weeks grind or is there a more realistic way to do it
>do my first collect brains guy invasion after the tutorial
>get killed by the adds constantly
>cant even bring his shield down before the timer runs out
>the shield regens back to full while i try getting another 20 brains
t. 480k eternal willpowerlet

Yeah it's called just buying her. Otherwise you're probably looking at doing 4 daily Invasion missions for about 2 weeks

I do wonder if Ultimate Freyna and other future characters are gonna have similar unlocks
You can get it in less than 2 weeks if you don't make the mistake some others did of starting a research for one of the parts before you've collected all of them.
You can do 4 invasions per day, if you get a gold score in an invasion you get 5 random pieces. If you get silver you get 4, bronze 3.
They nerfed invasions pretty hard so unless you are a complete new player you should be able to always get gold so it's 20 Hailey pieces a day + 4.5 million gold for 20 mns of playtime.
After that if you really want to speed things up you can spam certain dungeons where Hailey pieces have a 50% chance to drop, but only 1 at a time. It took me 10 days to get her without paying and that was before they increased the drop rates (gold used to give only 3 pieces).
EL has been hyped up so much (mostly because of retarded youtubers who need views) that people think just vaguely aiming it at an enemy will delete it. This is not the case, even with a 850/900k+ EL.
He's not using EL
That Hagios Invasion boss is no joke. He's harder to kill than most of the Colossi
I just slapped a HP collector on my usual Thunder Cage build and just held M1. More adds are great because it's free heals and free ammo.

I dunno about optimal, but it's enough to get Gold consistently, so whatever.
Oh so it is another one of those characters we are meant to buy aright
My bad I forgot some people were still using tamer and willpower, once again thanks to retarded youtubers trying to get views.
I don't know how you came to that conclusion. You can either get her in about 2 weeks playing 20 minutes per day, bruteforce farm her which some Anon on this general managed to do in 3 to 4 days, or do a mix of both.
You most likely don't even have a properly built piercing light for her and don't have a reactor either.
>I don't know how you came to that conclusion.
Already did a run on that new game mode and at least on the one i went it took me around 15 mins to finish so it would be at least 40 mins for me to complete those daily there's also RNG factor to it as well. The 1 drop thing that anon mention is not guaranteed so to get one of the pieces done that way it would take multiple days of running those missions I don't wanna be stuck doing one thing for the next 2-3 weeks that's boring OK that's will definitely make me drop the game again maybe you have a shitton of time to sit and play the game 10h+ a day but not everybody have the same luxury

From looking at the price in the shop is 20€ like dude just take the money nobody is grinding that much for one character
If it takes you 15 minutes to finish an invasion you have other things to worry about before Hailey and even if you bought her you wouldn't be able to do anything of note with her.
is a pve game there's no reason to be sweating
tits just left
I'm not telling you to sweat I'm just being honest with you and telling you that it's useless to buy her because you won't be able to use her.
She has two builds, one based around her 4 which requires a well built sniper stat stick and a proper reactor.
The second one is a weapon platform build and as the name implies it requires you to have properly built weapons to make use of it.
If it takes you 15 mns to do a single invasion it's safe to assume you have none of those and if you bought Hailey right now it would still most likely take you two weeks before you could start having fun with her, unless you just want to buy her to coom at your screen or something.
I gotta agree with the other guy. If you're not sweaty, then you've got no rush to get Hailey (unless you really want to coom - then by all means. I do the same in other games).
I'm also just going to add that getting her via Invasions (and not via any additional Intercept runs) took a lot less time than I thought. I kinda "stumbled" into her, and now I've got more than enough parts to build her again. I didn't even do Invasions every day.
>not getting the easy daily 5m by just holding M1

SAR what are you thinking not doing the needful
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It's happening.
esiemo chads rise up
>take a long break
>didn't work on gear
>come back
>"guise why i take 15min?"
it was people like you who got invasions nerfed in the first place and you're still too much of a shitter to complete it lmao
Does this affect the new character farm ?
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lol.Even the devs don't give enough of a shit about Jayber to buff him too
yes, I'll be activating the wrong drone every time ;^)
Why do i have a feeling that there's going to be a glitch/bug where once you complete your 4 invasions for the day, but be able to join a friend who hasn't done theirs and still get the rewards for completing it. I wouldn't be surprised if they let that slip by...
I hate to say it but Kyle's retard tackle gameplay is pretty fun, looking forward to using him more
Any comments filthy shut-in NEET ? >>495919691
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>Invasions are too hard I'll wait for them to add multiplayer
>Drone mission comes up
inb4 they nerf it even further by changing the color of symbols above the drone if you have it opened on a pillar.
huge but where the fuck is my jiggle physics tho nexon?
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Just be the first to grab the gun and miss all six shots and say aaaaah sorry my controller has stick drift!!! while in reality you're on keyboard + mouse
When I have dipshits in intercept battles I like to try and see how many times we can enrage the boss in a row. Especially Molten Fortress, someone's bound to fuck that one up.
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So it's gotten to the point where I'm backtracking to see if there are missions such as void reactors / void fragments I didn't do for the mastery exp completion.
Is there an easy way to tell if I have done it all? Outposts don't have an icon over them so I can't see if it shines or not, don't even know if they give mastery exp.
Void shards and void reactors I have to get close to see if their icon pulsates or not.
Is there an easy way to know that I have somehow missed?
The mouse-over tooltip has a mastery symbol (the hand) and the amount of mastery the mission will reward upon completion.
If you did it already, it won't have the symbol.
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Thanks Anon, is the symbol the one I circled in red in pic related?
Are you a fuckin retard?
Yessir, that's the one.
You also taught me that mission icons pulse if you didn't do them, so thanks for that.
Doesn't look like a hand to me so I was just making sure.
That's the kuiper icon...
Next time you have to go to the toilet post here, I'm sure someone will be willing to wipe your ass for you.
You sound quite upset.
yup it's jeets hours
sarrrr i need freynas smelly butthole
>wake up
>no skin preview

Amigos??? Where are they?? Don’t tell me they wanna FOMO us till the last moment when they previewed the swimsuits before a day ahead??
this is not the rework btw
dont fuck it up nexon, there is new waifu korean simulator in town
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Oh fuck yeah.

Good for kyle too, I've been trying to level him after getting a little bored of esiemo, but trying to make shields work was pain.

Hopefully both their bugs get fixed.

Cinematic replays? nice nice nice.

What's the web event though?
will it be the kind of buffs that let valby blair and freyna "dominate" the battlefield with 25% extra maximum aoe with mods?
>Improving Freyna
>when her ult is coming in two weeks
does this just mean that there will be no rework of her skillset? the main problem with her skills is how disjointed all of them are. perhaps her ult exclusive red mod will fix it but that just leaves the base one at useless level.
stack poison and then detonate it, there i fixed freyna
rework comes 10th this is just numbers change
but why bother changing the numbers if the skills will be different shortly after?
we dont know what the rework will change, director talked about her passive needing alive targets so they might change it so you can maintain buff for 10-20 seconds after killing poisoned enemy or something
hence why I said at first that her skills will remain useless, like how you actually need to take hits or the fact that dots are pretty much useless atm.
Thanks for reminding me of these. I'd actually forgot hard missions give mastery rank too the first time they are completed.
I feel homesick when thinking or looking at Kingston/Vespers maps. They are just the most basic Earth locations yeah but still to me they are memorable.
Also maps are kinda empty and it would be much better if they added some secret dungeons or other hidden stuff to explore...

Anyway, to me, TFD has a vibe. And even if maps don't have much content, they have a lot of SOVL.
I have hope for you bro, I appreciate people who use these off meta characters and can give useful info about them. i'm giving Luna another go right now after putting an Activator and a few catalysts on her. She's honestly not a bad substitute for Bunny with Noise Surge.
when will the new boss replace Glutonny? Tomorrow?
Same time as uFreyna's release, October 10th.
Which makes me think Freyna's new red mod will be something to help in that fight just like Valby did for Gluttony.
They will rework Freyna to be the Saryn of this game
Oh I see, I thought the new boss update is tomorrow
which means she only gets one good potentially mod
fucking great
If people keep crying about Bunny killing everything it would be funny to see what happens if they actually turned Freyna into Saryn.
It'd definitely shut people up about bunny for a while
Unless they decide not to follow any pattern but I'm pretty much picturing a red mod to absorb the poison or some other bullshit the new poison boss will pull.
dont play wf, what does saryn do?
with the current content Bunny will still be the one killing everything. in infiltrations enemies don't spawn until you're near and there's only so many of them at once. Bunny will still kill everything with a single zap and through walls.
She throws out a dot and it just keeps jumping to enemies basically popping them instantly, she can basically just afk as it ramps up jumping faster.
The DoT only spreads if they are killed by a different damage source and the spread range is halved if the spores aren't popped. If Enemies are killed by DoT it won't spread so no she won't be anywhere near Bunny.
a big problem with saryn is that she needs at least one enemy for the spore to jump to, so if somehow every single enemy in the vicinity gets wiped out she goes back to zero. so even if freyna gets buffed to saryn level, she'd still be useless because we have bunny who will kill everything, stopping the spores.
well trash already dies to freynas pools you just need to know where to put them
if she could do it while running and it chains to other nearby monsters while ignoring walls, now that would be bunny tier
Hmmm, well I haven't played in many years, I do remember meleeing shit right after applying dot and then just afking basically but that could be me remembering steel path stuff I guess.
see >>495945741
also bunny gets to run way ahead of freyna
just shows how fucked up bunny is in the current state and there are STILL people defending her.
Saryn's Toxic Lash makes her weapons pop the Spores to spread them but you still need to attack enemies. If the teammate kill enemies without popping the spores the spread will be halved.
Although I hope they make Freya a weapon platform that specialized in Toxic damage similar to Saryn's alt build.
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Just some tweaks to the nose and jaw and she's Hailey
Because without Bunny, farming everything that isn't Intercept/Outpost will be a slog and the last thing they want to do is making the grind worse for the diminishing playerbase.
They can nerf Bunny and up the drop rate of EVERYTHING but I doubt they have the balls do so. Also they will need to write a lengthy blogpost explaining the whole situation to the community.
Yeah but Saryns range was still pretty fucking retarded when I built her, I'm just saying if they WERE to turn Freyna into a Saryn esque character that spreads a toxic DoT it would be busted as shit, especially in Defense/Endurance missions whenever the fuck they add those.
None of that pertains to what I just said.
I think what they could do is up the mobs HP by 10 times or more in a new "harder" difficulty level, so a bunny no longer one-hits them. then gradually increase the damage of the other descendants and guns. essentially nerfing bunny without actually doing it.
Luna can kill through walls too and I'm kinda learning to appreciate this character. She'll never be as fast or as efficient as Bunny but she works as a fun alternative
Get out of Bunny's way.
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Invasions will drop to 250k gold as a result
Hello??? Skin previews???
she wouldn't be busted because we already have the bustedest character in game
Shut up fag.
That's what I thought bitch
but I only care about "bust"ed characters, like the one in the OP
The chick from the Mummy movies? Yeah I could see that. Or maybe Neve Campbell from the Scream series
Is breaking weak points the only way to stun colossus?
Deal enough damage will cause them to keel over.
I've literally never finished a single brain invasion. not one.
Looka like skill issue to me, I do them easily with my 4 cata ult Bunny or 7 cata Viessa.
Viessa outright melts bosses with blizzard.
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having better gear that makes something easier is the opposite of skill though
if you wanted to flex and say it was a skill issue you should have said you did it with your 0 cata bunny and 0 cata tamer or something.
>update will have cinematic replay feature

Yooooo can’t wait to watch all the story cutscenes with Bikini Valby
forgot that I'm on 4chan, should've added a /s in my post

I still don't understand why people hate the brain invasions, they're the easiest imho
>hailey when she sees an unclogged toilet
because they're a decently high dps check. they're not possible to pass due to the recharging shield mechanic unless you have enough dps to both punch through the shield, and then do 20%+ of the bosses health before he goes invulnerable again.
Valby is pure liquid, she would not clog
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after 3 cycles of brain shit, this is how far I got
just not gonna bother doing the retarded brain shit until they make it matchmaking.
>stuck on the second hard boss
>therefore can't farm ultimates
do I really have to invest in normal descendants...
just work on 1 gun.
i finally managed to unlock hard mode after 25 hours, so what should i do now? I kinda want to unlock ult Ajax but everything kills me so quickly in hard mode
get gold aux shit with hp and 1 def from the gold map drop locations
it's 100% a dps check, no player skill will ever compensate for missing 4+ maxed out modules on your gun
unless you're getting shit on and can't dps the boss the only solution is stronger guns, thats the truth
you're not even wrong. just look at how plebbit reacts to retarded youtubers posting awful builds. they've crucified meui multiple times, meanwhile anons ITT will suck his dick. it's honestly just sad at this point. I really do hope every single anon posting a retarded video or a retarded take from a youtuber is trolling and doing it for the lols, but regardless of whether it's ironic or not, it's still shitting up the thread worse than the valby rape/hailey toilet posters could ever dream to
enduring legacy, greg's, thundercage
lucklets, when will they learn?
Is there where I can see how and what I must do to earn those supply coins?
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I cant take it anymore, I NEED a preview/leak of the new skins coming tomorrow

Battle pass - > challenges -> Seasonal and Weekly tabs
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yeah she seems way bigger than her default model shows
Hopefully we eventually get a skin like this and they don't downsize her tits.
is this real or just someone's edited 3d model?
Yes i'm sure she will be a great mother for out countless children
Wish we could actually mod this game, or Nexon catered more to hardcore coomer whales. We'd have such great outfits.
God I hope they do, usually if the game is flying low they start doing that.
Well FUCK YOU i finally got one!
Game launched with maid and school girls, with full fledged pantyshots
Then we got swimsuits 20 days after launch
How much more coomer can you realistically expect them
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>freyna buffs tomorrow
>ult freyna rework in 2 weeks
My body is ready.
I even got my Fallen Cope almost complete.
I hope shes good, would love to play her but she feels weird as fuck to me atleast.
I tried to get into Luna. I actually do like her, the problem is the flashing lights make me feel sick and so she's literally unplayable for me.
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She's fine and easy to play but made very redundant by Bunny (who invalidates all other characters when it comes to killing mobs so maybe she should be nerfed). Her issue is she has 2 poison types but for some reason you cannot stack both, if she was able you'd just make puddles everywhere and when enemies die to her skill or Fallen Hope weapon they explode and make more AoE poison puddles so you can keep the damage going and make her a great AoE/DoT character.
I see what they were going for but in its current state it can't work because you can't stack poisons. I'm coping it gets fixed but I'm still going to c̶o̶o̶m̶ play her either way.
Are you sick of outposts yet?
You can farm a few ult descendants that way.
>or Nexon catered more to hardcore coomer whales
so you want it to just be a porn game? we already have fetish outfits and thong bikinis.
We really need some new modes for these other descendants to shine, I'd imagine they're atleast going to fix that poison not stacking shit and damn that's a nice freyna pic
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I am hoping hard that Explosive Propaganda gets fixed tomorrow.
>damn that's a nice freyna pic
it's just ai slop little bro
Blue Beetle's crit chance increase is flat increase or is it % based on descendant's base crit?
I'll buy the Ubunny skin if it has the same skin texture(shinny) and tits as the default Ubunny
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I just wanted to make this piece of shit for the quest, how is it being this big of a bitch
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>see ad for this game where hailey smacks her ass
>see ad like 30+ times
>decide to finally check the game out
>2 1/2 weeks later, still don't have the character I started playing the game for
Wait hold on
That Bunny skin in the silhouette preview is the new Ultimate bundle isn’t it, that shit is gonna cost 1k instead of 750 then
You are still closer to get her than i am.
Only took me 10 days from doing invasion to get her, you’re almost there
Yeah but it it's good AI sloppa, lil nigga.
Give it more time and AI will outshine most modern "artists" sloppa.
take a break and come back when they fix that grind or just buy the character
I already built mine, you can have the parts I don't need.
We'll just need to enter another dimension where player trading is available.
>it's good AI sloppa
no it's not. it's horrible if you look at it for me than .2 seconds while spanking your dick.
>Give it more time
2 more weeks!!!
>hates ai
bet you hate coloreds too
shaking my head i thought we were past this
Nevermind, it's not a flat increase, I went from 46% crit chance to ~50%.
Looks like the gun isn't worth it at all, gonna switch to Clairvoyance for Viessa.
what is a good reactor for luna ?
>wonder why i do zero dps to the dungeon boss
>critical hit damage and weak point damage not applied
oh haha... what a dogshit is...
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idk why I didn't just afk until the boss
dps or support luna?
for dps I use non-attribute + singular with singular power boost ratio and sub attack power
Farming those anode ion particles is awful
>sub attack power
but why?
>join dungeon with bunny
>multiple bunnies
>join dungeon with my new Hailey
>no bunny

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okay I actually did just afk this time
If you are over 150M away from the enemy killed you get no XP for the kills :(
buddy I was never going to be within 150m anyway
I got up to get a glass of water and they were already at the end when I came back
idk it's just what I rolled with gold singular power boost and was sick of farming
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
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DPS. I got these two so far ive been grinding this mission for about 2 hours already
>2 hours
>blue purple stats
>mediocre mounting
>got griefed 3 times in slumber valley already
They have to fix this shit with the out of area mission failing
I bet my left nutthat by the next year we will have traiding.
Just buy her. Playing this game to get your favourite to THEN actually play the game drains your soul. Buying your favourite from the get go and grinding for others is much more comfy and better for your mental health.
This reminds me of a post I read of a parent playing this game with their young daugther and I'm like, how can you even fathom the idea of letting your child play a game CLEARLY targeted to coomers?? I love my coomer games but don't let children near it. I'm still malding because of that shitead of a parent.

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