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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Previous: >>495687202
*mounts my clefthoof and stands on it*
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Whitemane status?
post vulperas
discuss vulperas
play vulperas
__?__ vulperas
repost from other thread

ok but gotta be catbox because last time I showed even a pixel of areolae I was banned
Disregard vulperas
If you wanna play something small and cute then play goblin girls
liquidchads on top again
I am surprised how much less woke TWW is than DF
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i'm missing her a lot right now
The anniversary patch is going to be bad, right?
>Xal'atath but as a femboy
>Whitemane but as a femboy
>Alexstrasza but as a femboy
this needs to happen
It's all the same you just don't care because people haven't bothered to post about it ritually.
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There are actual people who are upset that a majority of people are playing Delves rather than M+ and Raiding. Like I know some of these upset people are here right now reading this.

Seethe harder, chuds. Delve-chads stay winning.
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Why isn't battle of Dazar'alor talked more about? that shit was ludokino
I hope you get banned again I'm tired of this shit
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Stupid raid for a stupid faction conflict
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Does this guy only have avoidable moves or is there some bullshit that will tick for 2m a second?
'slong and grinded to hell and back
incredible based
There are more parsefags on classic than anywhere else. WB meta is such a dogshit system and I'm glad I don't need to deal with that in retail.
Unironically like poster mentioned before, it's been farmed too much so ppl just meh at it but true, at least it was kino as alliance.
then just filter my post image dimensions, I always use the same ones
I'd be much happier if you filtered yourself, permanently.
just do it pussy
yeah classic is literally the mode for speedrunners and parseniggas
I beat queen spider, what did I think of it?
it would be nice if the pubes were black and we could see some feet. but ty it looks great
bfa never actually happened
everything between legion and the beginning of tww is just a fever dream you had
>pubes were black
bro jaina is/was blonde that would be retarded
if anything they should have the same touch of blonde that her regular hair does but i'm sure the AI can't handle that
it can, I just didn't specify a color
i like black pubes though
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then i have just the girl for you
people are still making these...wow
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you are arguing with the wrong people
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I really hope midnight will introduce the first canonical orc x belf romance
The Chungus Amongus expansion has way too many
>objective: talk to steve
>click steve
>talk (quest objective)
>complete quest
>objective: talk to peter who's a foot away from steve
>go to crumbling azure peninsulatorium
>take paul's portal (optional)
>talk to sneed in crumbling azure peninsulatorium
>go back through the portal
>listen to chuck stonebeard's story
Is there a good resource to learn to get good? Trying to learn frost mage
What should I do that's helpful or fun after having done my weekly reset things already this week? I'm bored and wanna do something on wow but idk what after having done the weekly shit.
Timewalking botanica took me from 64 to 67, goddamn.
anyone else have the classic issue of making a character on the opposite faction and it feels terrible? I made a human pally because I do like the whole crusader aesthetic, but damn whenever I'm in stormwind I just think "this isn't org, i miss goblins"
I dunno mane I skipped through all of it in record time. Legion and BfA were way worse offenders imo.
warcraftlogs is all you need
but if you really need help, join the mage discord
Think bolder: the first orc x helf romance
help me pick between survival and marksmanship, i'm stuck between these two
Survival. It's at least in a serviceable spot unlike MM which has to wait til Nov
join the 'cord and post your 'ick
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Died to fat fingering spell reflect at the worst time but second try was ezpz
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I'm not falling for that again.
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Conceptually sort of funny but they could not commit to the actual "different raid for alliance and horde thing" making it objectively a failure for ludo anything. First three bosses are literal who nobodies with one being a very nonsensical "mind controlled vs undead monkey" and they then lost all inspiration and just make you go through the alliance and horde side which is weird for either faction. Rastakhan is clearly paced as a penultimate encounter but that's all fucked with the system so instead you get a pretty okay fight with a pretty stupid death only to then have to do more nonsense culminating in one of the stupidest second to last boss encounters they have ever done. Then you fight Jaina and while she's a decent fight it ends with her just sort of leaving making the entire end of the raid a completely pointless encounter for everyone involved.
i have heard not great things about dark ranger in general to be honest, and something about being really mobile with surv is a lot of fun
play a rogue or warrior
literal humiliation ritual in an expansion that was already 90% humiliation rituals by volume
now do it deathless for the title
rogue i've heard has way too many bugs and has weird interactions with solo content that turned me off, and i fucking hated fury warrior rotation
what's the title?
play monk or DH
consentual sex with xal'atath in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

with eye contact
and hand-holding
WoW now
>rescue 10 wholesome Chunguses
>kill 15 poachers
>kiss the Wholesome Chunguses on the mouth (optional)
WoW then
>kill 10 baby chunguses
>kill 10 adolescent chunguses
>kill 5 mommy chunguses
>kill 5 daddy chunguses
>kill the Ancient Chungus
They do. Just try out survival. DR and MM are gonna be updated, supposedly, to something good but we're like 2 months out until we get it.
Players don't like raids where they're the bad guy
Immortal spelunker or something. It's not really worth it
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>get to boss
>I'm the lust in the party
>20s til cooldowns are up
sorry chuds we bl at 80% this pull
Another M+, another key bricked because the key holder is somehow the worst player alive of their particular spec.
>Wipe on the duo boss in stonevault because they didn't dps them down evenly
>immediately 2 dps players leave
as if it wasn't their fault we wiped.
that duo boss is such cancer when the mechanics overlap
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Allilance doesn't like the truth rubbed in their face
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>alliance raid of killing rastakhan
>horde raid of killing jainas mom in revenge
what could have been
>key holder
who wants to be my key holder
its also a lot worse if you dont have a ranged interrupt for when the dwarf jumps away to push the box - he'll cast immediately afterwards and puts a dot on the whole party
he will also do it when the golem is pushing the box and you're trying to move to a safe vent
How easy is it to route the current M+ dungeons as a tank? I'm going to try tanking but concerned about pull sizes and percentage
Hm at least the music was ludokino but the rest idk
Raid unironically falls apart after Rastakhan dies, aka the section everyone's forced to deal with Alliance bosses.
>Gelbin survives his boss battle.
>Jaina is first raid end boss in the games history to basically cockblock you from getting a satisfying kill.
>Stormwall is just a dull fight.
you can download the MDT addon and use its interface to preplan your route

I think it comes with a bunch of preset routes you can already use to get 100% efficiently
Frost dk status?
I kinda wanna double flail
In pretty much all S1 dungeons you just hold W and pull whatever lol, there's little to no variety
>Horde character dies
>humiliated and killed off forever
>Alliance character "dies"
>was actually just pretending and gets even more powerful
hella fr*ckin epic
they're the best melee dps in the game
So whats going to be the confict that turns the next expansion into an alliance vs horde showdown again?
>nobody actually sees the alliance version because the faction was dead at the time
would've been hilarious
they could've baited the world first guys into paying for a mass faction change just to get both raids cleared for "true" world first
wait can I get aggro of the adds of the last boss in Tirna Scithe as a tank?
guides say its a fixate
yes they are fixated into a random player
dont think you can
you just kite them through the melee so they die to cleave/aoe stun
Rastakhan is, in the grand scheme of things, a literal who since he's only properly introduced during the content drop prior so it's "safe" for him to eat shit and die. Mekkatorque was never going to die nor was Jaina nor was Thrall or ANYONE of real importance. It's why the conflict never works in the first place.

On the other hand BfA did have the absolutely batshit thing of them spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on lavish cinematics for the general promotion of like "the concept of Saurfang" only for that to culminate in him dying rather pathetically to Sylvanas. BfA was just a really weird and bad expansion where nothing mattered.
so sentinel MM is aoe and dark ranger is focus target dps?
Its not against any kind of rule to kill off important characters. they just do it really dumb times. Varian and Vol'jin come to mind.
yeah but we got to see Sylvanas being edgy and cool
pretty sick of this zoomshit method of storytelling that kills no one but generic foot soldiers and temporary bosses, boring as fuck
>Rastakhan is, in the grand scheme of things, a literal who since he's only properly introduced during the content drop prior
and he's still a more interesting and better character than any Allianceoid still active as of BFA
Google threechest and make a couple maps. Some are more intuitive than others, you must also understand that killing adds before and after the last boss doesn't make much difference depending on the instance. Tirna and Ara Kara, for example, have mobs right there that you can clear for completion, whereas grim batol completely fucks you.

Then again grim batol is easy to 100%
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I'll call out the ONE bad thing about TWW:
Nerub'ar palace music.
There's one singular good track there and that's it.
anyone know the name of the green one handed sword that kinda "glows"
avaiable in different colors
Cool shaman tier list:

Lei Shen
nice ass
what are you anons going to do during the extended down time tomorrow?
I am going to goon to ebony she males
in theory but i think sentinel is basically always better right now
completely passive and bigger numbers
do drugs and watch TV with wife
It is a bad idea if you have a hard time getting people to care about your characters.

We are supposed to care about thaurissan, for example. And I just want him dead instead.
>Backstab backstab backstab NEI!
yeah sentinel is great
not sure about non epic bgs
seems it does crazy damage in big packs of players
So I did a tier 8 on my Blood DK, was easy because blood dk but im wondering how badly im going to get my shit pushed in on my arms warrior

He's only 568 and my dk was 580. Is there an easy tier 8 I can do?
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>be tank
>don't need to worry about being behind at 1500 io because role is in demand so i can actually afford to take days off
actually feels good
>queue up BG blitz ready for some pvp
>match starts
>it's AB
day ruined
i didn't know it was possible to fuck up the best bg map in the game, but blizz designers somehow managed
is syan layn blood dk good now?
BFA was a butchered South Seas expansion that we should have got instead of TBC. Zandalar was retcon because it was supposed to be sinking into the sea. That's the whole reason the Zandalari were trying so hard since Vanilla to branch out to the mainland
>be healer
>only 1000 io
>can't get invite for groups for literally anything above a +2
ran my own +2 key and +3'd it, so I guess its time to downrank it to a +4 and run that.
They have a giant aversion to it when it comes down to a conflict between Horde and Alliance. They really cooled the breaks on shit like that as far back as the Theramore nuke sacrifice. Anduin lives the bell, Garrosh lives the siege only to die in a neutral horde on horde duel, etc etc etc. The Varian and Vol'jin thing was a pretty prominent example of the weird parity they had between Horde and Alliance where Varian had a pretty clearly telegraphed death that, while maybe arbitrary, sort of fit to set the stakes and then Vol'jin dies to a random mob at the same time which pacingwiseis really weird and dumb.
In the entire BfA conflict, where the Horde and Alliance are supposed to be at their absolute most bloodthirsty with the inciting incident being the genocide of the nelves, I cannot think of a single named character who dies as a result of the Horde and Alliance fighting.
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>T10 delve
>Zekvir empowers big pack of mobs on top of Restoration Stone
>Die trying to handle them
>Res Stone activates
>Releasing spirit causes me to instantly reaggro the pack
>Can't leave Delve while in combat or dead
Beat it to horde porn
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well? what's the answer
I don't know what race to make a warrior. Dwarves are too short.
I get invited for everything but I kinda feel bad for being bad and bricking keys
great taste
what horde women?
Worgen, either Orc, either troll, or undead
im sad the meadery isnt in this season
the BEE E Os voice is sex
though the dwarfs voice is soi incarnate
>great animations
>dog shit model
what race am I
Liadrin dommin Alleria and Vereesa. I imagine it'll take mea while to find something
You lost and got raped, Francis
what you hoping you get in your vault tomorrow?
I want a 616 dps trinket
can't relate at all. maybe stop playing priest lilbro
the nocontent within lmao
pants or head (tier preferably) otherwise using the catalyst
myth track:
gb on use mastery trinket
tier slot
in that order
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Really need to get more tier pieces for set bonus. A trinket would be nice too though. What's this about BG blitz awarding a hero piece at 1600?
yeah you it's 90% luck based if you get 2k or stuck in 1400 forever
>got ksm
>got nzoths mount
Yeah I'm based
where are all the evokers
The Saurfang stuff was all about giving Allen Brack a sendoff since he was retiring at the time, hence the lavish cinematics.
Is it worth trying if I'm not a PvP tryhard or do I have no hope? My guild is dead so raiding is not on the table for me right now.
I need a fucking neck, or failing that, boots. Those are the two slots stopping me from being able to upgrade normal crests into heroic
A tier piece would be nice. Or a 616 weapon
Brack stepped down in 2021 because of sexual harassment allegations. What would Brack even have to do with Saurfang?
who cares
2/3 specs are banned from my runs
ill take a dev if i need a lust otherwise they can off themselves
worgen are a great choice. So furry.
shattered halls m+ when
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That's because you're a newfag.
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did hordekeks really think blizzard were going to let them kill fucking jaina in BfD?
hmm do I boost or level my next char by hand
server shutdown in 5 minutes but once again we're a whole day reset behind NA. remind me again why americans always need a boost here and tard wrangle there to help them?
>my class, spec and race are CHAD
>your class, spec and race are sissycuck
>the way I get gear is BASED
>the way you get gear is cringe
A summation of this general.
First week on 4chan?
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what did he see to make this face
I want a 616 wep or shield
Coming up on my 20th year, actually.
i always apply to the keys of non-meta classes and intentionally brick them
play a real spec
no, we thought we were gonna be able to gangbang her in a hot coffee style minigame
hihglord turalyonn here, elite paladin of the holy light of the order of the of silver hand
you mere warriors better be on notice, you will never be elite like us
why the fuck is abomination limb on gcd???
I expected Gelbin to die and maybe Jaina to be taken prisoner before escaping in a post-raid quest. I didn't expect her to reveal she mains pally for pvp
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shutup brownie
What is going through the head of a man, sitting at the character select screen and not choosing paladin? It just doesn't make sense.
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>No servers are currently available
What the fuck is this?
>he doesn't know about reset
anon we are one whole day behind NA when it comes to resets. keep up.
it usually takes 1 hour
>those veins
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There is no fucking reset until tomorrow.
holy shit I remember code monkey
this is the typical 30 minute reset that we get on monday night that NA gets on sunday night
What's the point of a weekly maintenance then if they're gonna fuck with my gaming randomly like this?
the elite paladin of the light.. the power..

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you know the gnomes hold a presidential election every 5 years but we haven't heard anything about gelbin's opponents really ever
is this nigga just rigging the elections and disposing of his political opponents or what?
>One-trick-pony vs Jack-of-all-trades
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here's the real one
my brain is objectively shutting down
>expecting blizzard to give a shit about a joke race
Mechagon was the first time they cared in YEARS
Why can't I queue for timewalking dungeons? My character is level 80 at 556 ilevel
do you have someone from another faction in your group
Why do all the pots and consumable have all this

>increase secondary stat

What happened to increasing primary stat too?
I'm not in a group, I thought you could queue for it with the LFG tool
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>go from ilvl 541 neck to 603
Lock is really coming online.
in that case
i have no idea
why not scroll over the grey text and see what it says?
arthass bros.. i kneel..
idk but (correct) secondary stats are more valuable now than primary stat, at least this patch. but yeah these will not be as valuable in later patches
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There's no grey text or anything
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click on the dropdown menu bro
Are you a real person? LOL
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click where it says specific dungeons, go from there to timewalking dungeons
reminder: its a dps warriors world and they have allowed you to exist in it
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>TWENTY minutes to find an arena shuffle
>Lose because of dogshit teammates doing 30mil less damage than me every time
Literally what the fuck else do they want me to do to get rating?
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do i do it for the guild bros
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Remember kids; this is the healer you're getting in your PUG. Never forget.
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what does that red text you cropped out say? also your accounts just bricked, might as well quit while you're behind
enhance actually pvmps once it gets its 4pc
unlike ret which stays firmly mid
what does the red text say sister?
>prot pally
/gkick xxlightchadxx
I'm back at this kusogame after leaving it in pandaria, what the fuck have they done to fury warriors? This class plays like ass right now and now survival hunter is melee? I'm uttertly confused, at least frostmage is almost the same.
he needs a higher ilvl
do you guys not play the game?
nerub gm status?
It's unironically a fun tank spec and a great way to earn gear. If your guild needs you to step up - be the ELITE WARRIOR they deserve.
>do i.. do i be a cumrag for my heckin guild? f-for the holy light i g-guess..
many such cases
he asked for timewalking not normal tww dungeons

it doesn't even appear
It's in a dogshit state but the spec is fun and feels good. (GONG!)
not in the least, but trying to help this poor soul figure out why he can't suffer through timewalking
Neither does Coren Direbrew, so something fucked up on his end.
im importing him to America so he can serve as my boiwife
i can't imagine raid tanking would EVER be fun
Imagine playing anything but DPS
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He's probably in some bullshit Chromie-time or something. Typical newbie stuff.
chromie time isnt in the dropdown either
>imagine playing anything but *warrior DPS
ftfy famalam
do black people play this game?
Obviously not. Check Chromie regardless. Assuming you used meme-time to level and reached the end bracket of a time period, then you can't sign for that bracket anymore.
Just talk to the tiny dragon-gnome cunt and get it sorted.
you are automatically pulled out of chromie time once you hit 70 fren
if you are not a shaman I wont invite you. if you are a druid i will definitely not invite you
mirror mirror on the wall, whats the worst dungeon to pug of them all
That's not always the case. I have 36 chars and every now and then you get pinned down and rammed up the ass by Blizz spaghetti-code.
Yes and I play bdk
what are some funny ways I could intentionally throw keys
I in fact only play classes that don't have tank or healer offroles
Grim batol
Sometime it does bug out and you need to go to her so it sorts itself out.
>tank tries to do epic skip paths through a mythic+
>end up needing 20% after the last boss
Grim batol last boss makes we wanna die
subpar, but i'll allow it
What is the sexiest model left in wow? Alexstrasza old model is wiped off the planet unfortunately.
how much leveling experience do the first craft bonuses of TWW professions give?
Toss up between Stonevault and Grim Batol.
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tie between alexstrasza and xal'atath
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If anyone ever wondered what Xal'atath's full body tattoo looks like, it's like this:
xal'atath, alexstrasza, alleria's old model (she is still using it on argus and in stormwind keep)
you have to be exceptionally bad to get shat on over and over by multiple people. do you expect someone to hold you fucking hand and show you the ropes on league or csgo? sick of entitled fucking boomers desu. go play any other mmo, if you suck ass you will not have a good time there either. it's just how multiplayer games are. this old faggot pretending he doesn't remember what xbox live lobbies wrere like.
Bearded female earthen
>aura of tank dps
>increases damage done by x%
>effect lost if there are X tank specs in your group
this would save tanking.
That picture, I fucking called it. Back in 2008 when Activision bought Vivendi Universal Games. I fucking KNEW IT. They couldn't help themselves now that they answer to shareholders. Always chasing maximum profit over delivered a quality product. Blizzard Polish (tm) was to be a thing of the past.

Fuck, now I'm both sad AND frustrated.
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This one.
grim batol
Are there any other lore characters you’d like to see as Delve companions? Would you like to be able to use your warband characters in delves? The only lore character that comes top of mind for me would be someone like Rexxar
Azshara, both of them.
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paladins are just the biggest retards I have ever played with in any game holy fucking shit

someone IS ABOUT TO DIE, you are a HEALER, you have a button that can make them INVULNERABLE and you... press it on yourself. so there you are, full health, while your teammate dies (not full health). but you still... press it on yourself. its unbelievable really. I should be able to just leave the lobby if I'm saddled with a subhuman healer (aka holy paladin)
metzen was right
gnomes should never have been playable
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This is from D4's crossover with wow btw. If you get the character naked the tattoo looks like that
they dont realize what the common denominator is
Yshera easy
>happening in PvP too
why is he entering 2v2s or 3v3s on a class he barely knows how to play? i've been playing this game 10 years and i wouldn't enter a 2/3 even now.
To be fair any criticism that isn't constructive is by definition useless or worthless, and therefore a waste of everybody's time.
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alex (dragon form)
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brb guys doing a big pull
i had it macrod to self cast sorry
You're just describing vengeance
Why do these niggers need to turn the servers off for boss hotfixes? They used to do them live during RWF pulls
It's time to wake-up Anons. Look up. You're in a maze. BREAK THE FORMULA.
to be fair
boomer tanking was fine in wotlk heroics
but is impossible on retail because of m+ gogogo mentality
i wrote that post operating under the guise that he is talking about higher levels of play. pvp is KNOWN for toxicity, so why is he entering m/m+ if he barely knows how to play his class? if he barely knows what he's doing in a normal lfg dungeon, people will just leave and not say anything and that's the worst that can happen. otherwise nobody gives a shit in there to be toxic.
Siege 100%
Most of these people's problems can be solved by doing some research about how to play their class or about the content they are running.
I've seen Blood dk's that barely use deathstrike and other tanks not using their mitigation not nearly as much as they should be, if at all. They are the type of player that are not worth your time telling them what's wrong and you're better off telling them to go look up how to play, that will only result in them getting more pissy.
matter of fact is delves showed us how shit m+ would be if they removed the timer. the gogogo is what makes it fun, obviously people with adhd will have more fun than others but it is what it is. the days of slow pulling are over, frankly i find it fucking boring myself to be in one dungeon for over an hour.
since warrior is in the dumpster
what's a good melee class for PVP?
part of this randomly popped into my head a couple months ago and it took me ages to find because i couldnt remember the name + the original doesnt seem to be around anymore but fortunately some random account reuploaded it
>tfw doing garbage damage in M+ with fotm classes
maybe i should just start tanking. i can actually use my defensives and cc
>makes it fun
Makes it tolerable
i forgot about vengeance
why did they remove it?
DK is busted atm in pvp
>tanks not using their mitigation not nearly as much as they should be, if at all
today i will remind them
Why does no one make content like this anymore
well they are nerfing riders of the apocalypse soon
so rip
>Druid healing
Yeah not something you can hard carry a braindead tank on. It's always funny when you call them out for not doing the basics of their class.
Glad my druid's an alt and not my main.
you know what? im not going to push for a 10 this week or farming 9s
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Still stuck in the M+ ratrace, huh? Pathetic. I'll be in my Delve if you need me.
Don't make me rape you.
Because it encouraged degenerate play
bro i would rather leave a group and brick the key than attempt to carry a braindead tank. even if i was to play idk hpal or hpriest there is no fucking way i'd attempt it because there's still 4 other people you need to focus on.
Enjoy that 603 sis
Hope you have a decent guild because you aint pugging anything above a +5 and timing it
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I went to talk to Chromie and she has no options for me
sister you need to go start tww campaign and then it will let you timewalk
>smartest tauren druid player be like
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Because blizz forces you into end-game content with no time to make friendships during questing or immerse your self in the world.
You just log in, do Diablo style event WQs, do M+ , do delves do raids. What else is there to do? It's a lobby now.
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How many cloaks you guys getting tomorrow?
i pugged a +6 in time on dawnbreaker as a retarded ret pally
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I'm midway through the campaign and it still won't let me
Blizzard shut the servers down to load my vault with additional cloaks just for me
I just hope they finally introduce certain defeat mechanics
your ilvl is too low
if its low enough it doesnt even show up
go delve retard
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You make friends during your afk, talking with people on /2, /1 and /s
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What does that mean
I should make a character and name it Brockturner
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Found a bit o' gold!
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NA Horde/Alliance /wowg/ guild. Look for us in the guild finder or community list!
>no weird shit
>chill anons
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>*hoots at u*
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>Gate opens
>Druid tries to rake cyclone my priest
>My IQ is above "retard" so I see this coming and kick it
>Rip his fucking head off within first 10 seconds of the match
Armsbros. We are back.
I don't understand what's so weird about this picture. Is it because it's pink? Like you're 6 and you laugh because a boy wears or has something pink?
I fucking love this new io system
Got my mount today
Looking for advice on Discipline Priest in PVP, specifically Solo Shuffle: What’re you supposed to do when the enemy team all collapses on you, you use your defensives and now they’re on cooldown, and the enemy team is /still/ on you?
I always found wheelchairs to be a really weird invention. There's no dignity in it. Obese, bed-bound people don't wheel themselves around on a mattress with wheels, do they?
Conjuring a magic wheelchair to roll around in makes about as much sense to me as a blind person skateboarding to get around. I feel like there's a more dignified way to navigate being a retarded cripple in a setting where apparently anyone can do anything
Same tbf but depends on how braindead they are.
>no weird shit
You son of a bitch, I'm in.
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Bismuth is the new gold
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Do you like M+
*rapes you*
having fun with boomkin minus how fucking squishy i am, shit feels squishier than cloth classes
>no weird shit
Yeah, sorry, channers can't even pretend to not be autistic. There's no way an entire guild full of unsocialized virgins on a hair-trigger to get mad at something they imagined won't implode like they always do
What do you do after you clear your 4 weekly delves in 30 minutes
>these are the tanks shitting up your keys
tanks have been real low quality this season
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Why is the game so laggy?
>join our guild of 4 peple and 138 alts of the GM
bruh nah what nah bruh nah what
Nerubian silkweaving forum was the best name, it's fucking over
>>no weird shit
Lmfao i can't wait for in a month or so they guild turns into discord faggot drama or disbands like all the other NEETranny guilds on /vg/s
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I got my ilevel high enough and it's still not showing
>turns into discord faggot drama
>neettranny guild
>Boosted characters cannot enter dungeons and raids from previous expansions for the first 24 hours.
did you boost your toon anon? be honest
It means I want to choose whether my nelf whimpers and bears it or cries out like a dying banshee while certain horde players take turns earning a certain achievement for the first time
fuck i should have been leveling characters in timewalking dungeons this week
too many ppl playing unironically
we don't have a 'cord and we don't plan to do so. any type of faggotry gets the boot.
Why is this game so stingy with giving gear? I just a 1h / shield to switch to ele...
no you really shoudnt have
theyre a shitshow this time around
I-I wanted to make it in time for the timewalking dungeons..
they still give BUSSIN xp doe, 100k a dungeon
idk i just got 2 levels in like an hour
well you have your answer now...
>no discord
ah yes i see
one of those famous Normal Raid Farm guilds
any tank with a brain is doing 8 t8 delves and then logging off for the week, no reason to be mazed when Brann literally prints free gear
they take way longer than normal leveling dungeons and the mobs give 0 exp.
The fuck are you talking about? I lvled 3 characters
Something is broken with the tuning. I'm getting shredded by trash seemingly at random.
>we don't have a 'cord
That's pretty based, but also a roundabout way of saying you have no plans on clearing any relevant group content
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Look, if I'm not supposed to grip the suicide elementals, maybe don't make them grippable. All I'm saying.
why you lying
it worked on that other guys 3 alts machines bro
we will clear heroic doe. we just had a couple of tanks have a melty so i'm (gm) personally gearing up a tank for next raid days.

also yeah, we don't and we won't have a cord and for that i'll probably boot serious underperformers.
They are grippable because you're suppose to pull them away from your party nword
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Khadgars girlfriend makes him a chair and you all laugh? Where is your girlfriend? What has she ever done for you?
smartest druid player
I don't believe you. They're suicidal and need hugs.
Please help. I keep getting raped by rogues.
>away from the partys nword
but how can he deathgrip them away from himself
The stereotype of them doing it from behind has existed since the games inception. They'd be bad if you weren't.
it's an arcane wooden wheelchair
should i install classic and make a hardcore character to play in my downtime
i reckon i could play classic on my phone it's so fucking dumb and simple
I tanked a shitload on my main and was going to level two healing alts but no way in hell I'm doing that. Tanks are dying in a global.
yeah shits fucked no joke
its random as hell too
100% a bug of some kind
two diff mobs of the same type
one does normal damage one fuckin -70%'s the same tank?
nah shits fucked.
Cats are too OP. They need to be nerfed
>You'll never do this again to PVP raids because of phasing and flying mounts.
i was about to call you/your groups retarded as hell but i remembered its tbc timewalking and tbc dungeons are actually bugged and have been since the start of tww
i was dungeon leveling a toon 2 weeks ago and everyone in party was getting one shot by any kind of wolf/dog in the tbc dungeons
they're literally bugged to be one shot, you can't block the damage and you instantly die
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I stopped in SL during Nathria progression, if I wanted to play TWW would I have to go though Fagonland?
Is WoW any better than it was?
Delves are literally the only major difference. Rest of the game is the same as DL basically.
You can chromie time level 60-70 in earlier expansions, and one of the first quests of the TWW campaign gives you maxxed out dragon flying.
We are we from Dragonflight forever.
i stopped during nathria progression too and came back during s3 of dragonflight
honestly its way better than what it was 4 years ago, although it isn't close to how good legion was i think there's potential for them to get there. people have been really liking delves but there's needs to be some greater gimmick like class halls, artifacts etc again to make you bond with your character.
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there's always next time
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posting it
There is a quest where you inspect migrant workers papers and if they don’t check out you bomb them
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is the new expansion good? is the mg guild active?
you better get your ass to raid on friday at 7 server
VERY good tbdesu
i'm EU so idk about na mg guild
theres another one next week dont worry...
log in and press your buttons, raid starts at 7
Too many zones to pick
Where should i go to level?
All that i know for certain is where the cosmetics are
maze+ nerfs when
idk why the first boss in wake one shots you with heave or w/e
was never like that before even on a shadowlands 20
what a load of shit
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Is this any good?
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i miss illidan so much sisters... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1XmubgIyq4
can they not make midnight a faggy elf expansion and just do more illidan/burning crusade content instead? sargaras is still alive
Expansion is fine. I'd give it a 6/10. Nothing really new but delves are nice. They have a fair bit of balancing to do IMO.
>Delves shouldnt give good gear you should progress
lazy mazies
Hes 100% coming back, I just don't think they know what the fuck to do with him.
>do +9 boralus
>envoker doesnt understand to make boss go into bombs when he's chasing you
>wipes group and destroys it
holy fuck how do these people function
for real
HPal mains, do you guys cast light of dawn much at all? I feel like there's not a lot of reason to push the button unless there's very light raid/group wide damage.
I've got it on what I'd call a priority keybind but i feel like it's a waste.
Bots crash the fucking market already REEEEEE
fuck i hope he actually is for real. my tinfoil is he's going to be the new leader of the legion but this time he's gonna lead them against the void. kinda like a lich king of the burning legion, taking over sargaras' place.
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Is it safe to play shadow priest this season or is it still melee only, no fun allowed?
the procs on the BT timewalking stuff is either broken or useless
>he takes over the legion and runs them into the void
Blizzard hire this man
do my coffer keys dissapear on reset or do they stay and i can just run the delves after reset?
Priest sucks
Fire Life Knight
they stay. i went into the first bountiful week with 13 keys
>see him fuck it up in real time
>instead of taking 5 seconds to type "lead him into the bombs evoker" you decide to continue smashing your face into your keyboard doing what you call "dps"
its entirely your fault, how do YOU function? you could've saved it if you weren't a lazy dps cunt
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Max bros we're winning hard.
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Not even close baybeeeee
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when do I get to play as a Vrykul
holy orcbait
Too lazy to check. What's happening tomorrow?
I looked through all those mods in that discord and I didn't see any I wanted. They're all hyper shit it seems.
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i will take anything at this point its been 6 years since legion ended i NEED illidan to save this game
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priest is ASS right now
Vrykul are too big. What we need is more goblin content
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I miss her so much it's unreal
Khadgar has a gf and she made him a chair? That's sweet if true
i concede rofl thats funny as fuck
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one of the best girls. i still bust for her
a fellow enjoyer
I hit 1400 in arena shuffle :D
groups are really REALLY bad tonight
i got shamans refusing to drop link, vdh tanks(LOL) that cant get aggro on single targ so i eat the fucking tank mechanic
its been a really shit one
How much should I tip for crafting commissions?
you do realize she got orced in the lore
did you like dragonflight? i've heard it's better so you'll probably like it if that's the case
i haven't played retail since legion and i can say without a doubt that tww isn't for me. like, at all. i don't like anything about it aside from some aspects of the combat and class design, with the caveat that there's button bloat out the ass on my favorite specs
you should try reading day of the dragon instead of daydreaming about your cuck fantasies
no its worthless unless you're in a melee stack
t. ret that spent a few seasons maining holy and offspeccing here and there
in shadowlands it was fucking huge but its literally garb now
Like the actual work orders? only ever see enchanted crests or w/e they are. usually 200-500. one time 5k. a few times I saw 50g and I let it sit there. I hope everyone else did too.
at least you didn't spend 5 hours today wiping on heroic silken court and never got it down. big frustrating day for me.
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Even on my worst day I couldn't imagine raiding again. I'm sorry for your loss.
this never happened
So should I be doing delves as Fury instead of arms? Im 573 ilvl doing the tier 8s and sometimes the damage feels random

Some pulls of the boss they spike damage me and other times they either barely tickle me or they beeline at Brann for some reason
10000 gold
I've concluded I cannot play lock until tanks start taking their meds
So, DK or DH?
>I've concluded I cannot play lock until tanks start taking their meds
stop trying to play destro in keys dumbass
demo is perfectly playable with retarded tanks
yeah, i hadn't played hpal since sneedolands where set pieces and legendries mad it a fuck-huge heal.
Now i feel like i press it and almost nothing happens despite hitting everyone.
I don't know shit about your class except I saw 2 fury warriors today and I will be demanding fury wariors in all my groups. Which is special cause they have fuck all utility.
ig, ya i actually killed court in less than 20 pulls and i got at least one ten option on my vault but jesus dude i dont understand why blizzard cant be asked to tune this shit properly
its just a joke
i dont think the raid is fucked or anything its actually fine but the dungeons leave ALOT to be desired
what was the point of the beta?
>stop playing the only fun spec
Perish in flame's embrace.
what's going on here?
It's terminal
>havent seen a single shadow priest in any dungeon
>haven't even seen any standing around in city
>none in this thread posting
Are they THAT bad?
I play Fury, and sometimes damage feels random too. Sudden spikes that, despite the self heals, I have to scramble and find Brann's potions. Every now and then I explode and die, and am not sure why.

601 doing T8.
the fotm "spriest only" retards all dropped the class, while non-tourist priest players are just playing the other 2 specs which are actually playable unlike shadow
Could be synchronized auto attacks. Lord knows they hit hard, so three at once could be a tank buster.
So how’s black temple timewalking? Faceroll-can-go-blind or do you actually need to know at least some of what the bosses are doing?
Complete faceroll
how do i get keys for delves?
you only do damage when you use void torrent basically, on void weaver at least
The latter. It amounts to a tank 'n' spank but your tanks gotta know how to tank 'em
>while non-tourist priest players are just playing the other 2 specs
now hold on foxfucker, not switching to janny role from dps doesn’t make you a fotmshitter
If you use current xpack food its bugged and still gives you a massive stat boost.
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Yes, miss Morehead? I'm here to claim my order...
So should I just craft a weapon or do a work order for one? How expensive are they?
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bros how over for this key is it? im concerned
>now hold on foxfucker,
I don't fuck foxes, what a fucked up thing to say
>not switching to janny role from dps doesn’t make you a fotmshitter
sure just enjoy not being invited to pugs/being a burden on your friend group then by playing an objetively undertuned spec
So after you've done your 4 delves of the week what do you do
Woman coded post
Bount.Delves change every day, you can do more than 4 for the week.
do all your radiant echos for more coffer shards, do any WQs for coffer shards and then do more delves
why would you run them without keys
Experience, sadly, or building up vault tiers on alts
You didn't say you had no keys.
But if you're filling a vault last minute, you don't have to have them bountiful to count toward bigger vault rewards.
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Fucking this. Why would I sit in M+ with shitters when I can play the game solo and not deal with those cunts lol.
>haven't finished a key since last week
The pugging this season has been the worst it's ever been.
You do realize that the time you think you saved by boosting your character you've now lost due to the lockout? :D This is too good. Next time just level in dungeons or something. It doesn't take long.
give me Moore head...
>only 600 ilvl
>officially behind
>would be 605 ilvl if I could get a ring, pants and boots
Heres to the vault
>he paid 80 dollars to get locked our
gettinb about 150-200 key fragments per level 2 radiant echo. i want to unlock the max difficulty, those are probably where the jackpot is
When does the weekly reset happen again?
I want my vault loot
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Because when you get garbage like this, you'll start craving items that are actually good.
I've requested that since the day after WotLK release. Fucking bait to not let me play a Viking!
the gay faggot dragon thing blizzard is trying to force replaces every magic caster in the game, whoops!
>610 bear cant die but takes forever to clear T8 delves
>575 brewmaster also cant die but just fucking tears through them
>doe doe doe doe
Zoomer faggot stop speaking like a nigger holy fuck how do we raid without voice comms
i'm worried they're going to force us back into the maze in season 2
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>remove insanity
>return to shadow orbs

And glyph of shadow ravens.
tuesday for na, wednesday for eu
Guess ill delve a bit more to make sure i got options
>he mean kick
Amazed at the brain dead retards that play this game
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Just get better loot, mate. This is just the shit I put in my bank because I have better crap now, but at one point I was happy about these two.
The finger of the monkeys paw curls
Shadow priest is now a melee spec where you claw at shit with void hands
It screams more than warrior does
>didn't spark craft his wep
Your character is bricked. Enjoy your lack of set bonus
>8 minute queue leveling as dps
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Just chillin' with this one instead. I use my sparks for non-set pieces that I'll rarely replace.
You wanna play baby mode, you get baby queues. Wait in line, dpsissy.
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Jaina Proudworgen will save the WSS
>Stoneskin Gargoyle
>gargoyle rune
Holy shit dude.
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Tank life, my guy. Refer to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FJlB1T8ijaQLjY_cihyoyhLoi6lYRnT-N-ipVFCLidE if you're confused. Pic rel is what I used my sparks on and in a day I'll get the belt.
maybe i should have made the human arms a DH or an orc or something
>just click on this virus link and you'll see why I'm not using the bis rune
They're not sending their best.
i play an orc so that orc was me
>Tank Life
All the more reason to not use it.
Fallen Crusader for every spec of DK.
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I liked shadow orbs as well
shame it got shitcanned for insanity
still incredible to me that they removed devouring plague for two entire expansions before realising how retarded that was
You use Fallen Crusader as tank you fucking retard. No one uses Stoneskin Gargoyle ever.
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People like you should always have to wear a helmet and a PT-belt.
These retards are the "tank chads" in the thread telling you about their que times
Literal dribbling retards
I don't hate that group delves are easy, but the difficulty range between 8s solo and in a party is so drastic it doesn't make a lot of sense. That said, I love the hell out of delves and have yet to fill a vault with m+ slots.
turned out better than expected
>prioritising EHP
Enjoy your paid boost lmao
Literally written by _the_ Blood DK theorycrafter and goto guy for anything tanking.
so the tank with the most fluctuating hp in the game uses an embellishment that requires you to be above 80% hp?
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The only time to ever use any other rune is if you're dual-wielding with Frost. Even then, Crusaders on one of the weapons.
Gargoyle is minimal gain that amounts to fuck all in higher content. Same logic as to why most 'tank' trinkets with health/absorb/armour are usually the worst trinkets.
You have a few seconds grace period between the Versatility buff being enabled/disabled.
>b-b-but my (((content creator))) made a guide telling me what to do!!!
Point and laugh at this pathetic retard.
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Nobody pushing content ever uses stoneskin. You can go look at every single DK pushing keys right now and see they're all using crusader just like every blood dk uses crusader. Even when you swap to a fully defensive tree to avoid one shots with tap you don't used gargoyle. Use crusader chud.


Wow dude the Kyrasis of blood dk tanking fame? Well I guess we're all just stupid. Let me just check his character real quick OH HEY LOOK AT THAT.
Link your profile and parses.
>horde paladin
Retarded asshats like you are why warriors in TBC were retarded untill sunwell because they kept listening to the DRUID RETARD in that one guild saying "HP > * let the healers do all the work"
meanwhile they folded like paper while warriors who werent retarded could tank mag with literally just a single ret paladin offhealing
This dude legitimately has no fucking idea what he's doing and has better gear than you, /wowg/
And now he can play better with his better gear. What's your point?
I literally never die, which is most of my job as a tank. Suck on that, Chud.
You mean the guy who's using crusader rune right now?
Cool. Does it get fist weapons?
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No one on this list uses gargoyle
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It's almost as if certain types of gear sim better than others. He doesn't have 4 piece. I do.
reroll VDH
its more fitting
I'm never rerolling. I like never dying and being able to solo shit.
its not for your benefit its for ours
so we can avoid an obvious retard more easily
he doesnt.
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You're most definitely from Burgerland, so that part solves itself. People like you think trinkets like this one are bad because it's less dps, as if dps matter even in the slightest when tanking. Mitigation is life.
>have 5 80s
>4 of them play like dogshit in pvp
kill yourself faggot
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>when the tank and the healer have to solo 50% of the boss.
and before you ask why not just reset, the timer was already up when the attempt started.
>3rd email in 3 days begging me to resubscribe
things are not going well at Blizzard apparently kek
'ven doe i said 'er 'ont be a 'cord 'nd 'ts 'ust a 'ord lil bro skull emoji 'top 'eing 'tarded and 'tistic.

Fine i'll replace it with thoughbeit.
i use rune of sanguination....
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I read this entire thing in this faggot's voice.
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Would a gnoll bang a 611 ilvl belf if she asked?
>holy shit its not a troll joke
>hes actually retarded
there is video evidence of a gnoll impregnating a belf so yes
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Are you having fun?
yes and it is very hot
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I hate insanity so much it's unreal. I hate tentacles. I hate void shit. I hate all the Legion changes, mechanical, aesthetic, and lore. It's all absolutely wretched. I remember being in my garrison just before Legion, checking out the class changes and realizing my main had become a bank alt. I still level and gear her, but there's been precious little done to rehabilitate spriest to me. These days, I mostly alternate between lock and mage.
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Almost some!
Tell me you don't play a DK without saying you don't play a DK.
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KSM was easy to get, but it wasn't fun to get.
Shadow priest is the only class I actually cannot tell if I'm doing anything. It has absolutely no feedback. Everything just makes kindof a sad swooce.
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Imagine not living in Delves
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>Noooo you can't just get loot after clearing a delve stupid. You need a key to open a chest at the end!
>Immersion? Fun and rewarding gameplay thats not just timegated bullshit? WHY I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN LALALALAL I CANNOT HEAR YOU LALALLALA
They got us again.
>It's almost as if certain types of gear sim better than others. He doesn't have 4 piece. I do.
You're so full of shit. You can "sim" any blood dk set at any ilvl with any combination of 0, 2p, or 4p and at no point is gargoyle better than crusader. Kyrasis has crusader on just like every other DK has it on because it's the braindead clear 100% better option. You want to play some padded safety blanket weird supotimal build that nobody else on the planet is playing that's all well and good because frankly yeah if you're doing some fucking +8 or whatever nonsense you're doing maybe you specifically will probably die less to the benefit of your group compared to the actual throughput you might provide but do not start trying to bring up "well the top players" or "well the sims" when both of those things are in the complete opposite direction of you. I think the weirdest part is doing this on a dk. You wasted an embellishment slot on a reusable healing pot.
she fucks lvl 1 orc peons
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I'm working on it. Trying out warrior and got to smash things as arms and prot in dungeons, so that was nice. No one is in a guild though in GS so I can't find anyone to start to be social with and maybe befriend.
You don't know shit, those are engineering bracers and do not affect the embellishment slots at all. Next reset (as in tomorrow) I am getting the second piece (belt) with embellishment on.

Post your char and logs or we're done here as you are in no position to dictate how I play.
reminder that Legion was great for goldmaking
>mission table was 5x better than WoD's
>frequent bacon world quests to sell
>blood of sargeras cucked crafting-only players who sit and make professions into a factory, you had to gather, made gathering very profitable when paired with crafting
>frequent felwort/felhide world quests
>150g per world quest with a follower out
>chaos crystals from world quest gear, they sold at high prices still
we never had it so good as we did back then
everything about this race makes me think that Blizzard absolutely ignored everything Nascent's GM said about Mythic and that Blizzard said they supposedly heard/agreed/understood/would consider. Also seems they have abandoned their "we learned our lesson" about the arms race with Race guilds from Sepulcher.

This is the most egregious class stacking and class swapping between bosses that we've seen in a very long time, the pull counts are astronomical (400 pulls before the penultimate boss), and the mechanics bloat is crazy. Seems they're doubling down on highly-impactful very rare loot with the ring from last boss (which was hated among Mythic raiders in DF), and class tuning seems awful.

Idk, I know that tightly tuned bosses like this makes for a well-watched race and gets people hype, but it doesn't seem to translate to people actually logging in to play the game (the most difficult races often have lots of guild deaths and lower participation). Sure, they could nerf these bosses to hell, but is that really fun, either? Everyone I know that raids in the WR 30-500 range is watching this race and just depressed. And the number of guilds doing splits to gear up a bunch of DKs, mages, and evokers is truly degenerate at a range where this never really occurs. Guilds are doing *mythic splits* instead of going into broodtwister.
Not my problem
Finished heroic this week
She does not
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>Starting the PVP ladder
>Reach 1000
>Guild goes crazy "GRATS!" "Nice" "woah :O"
Cute PVErs....
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its play better now, with archon halo spam reminiscent of mop/wod shadow where halo actually did good damage alsongside mindflay insanity doing big damage
shadowlands onwards insanity is basically shadow orbs as well, though it is essentialy just only 3 orb devouring plagues and no option for a lesser one
They gave up on the Dragonflight 'we're listening to your feedback' thing so fast. Now it's back to old Blizzard attitude of 'you will get slop and you will like it'. They only managed to pretend to care about player feedback for a single expansion
post feet
>heroic requires higher ilvl than normal dungeons drop
do i HAVE to do delves?
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Umm I'm 6'2" irl but my character is 5'10"
>what are world quests
>what is timewalking free raid
>what is weeekly quests
>what is timewalking weekly with a welfare HEROIC item
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>as if dps matter even in the slightest when tanking.
I think I felt a bubble in my brain after reading that...
Yes, they deliberately broke gear progression from normal to heroic dungeons to funnel you into delves
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What does it say, pleb?
>I'm using this bad enchant because it simmed better for me
>Why would you care about damage when tanking is clearly about as much defensive power as possible
You're not even consistent
QRD on sorrowdark's feet?
no tokens on the ah
token is on the rise
people are quitting
no one is resubbing
nah, just upgrade some pieces with valorstones
the issue is the tuning is abysmal, there is no difficulty 'curve', it's a full fucking reinforced brick 90 degree wall with barbed wire on top and guard towers to shoot you if you're almost about to climb over
I think rare loot is cool, I like the flavour they add to the game and I don't give a shit if it makes rwf players upset, fuck them, it makes the game better as far as I'm concerned, having powerful items from the last boss is cool and is a staple of WoW and RPGs
Also a big reason why more people are going to do splits is because alt-gearing is a complete joke now, because it has been demanded to be by players.
You might think this is unrelated, but it's comparable in a way, on RP realms, players used to be more attached to their in-character persona, the character they actually played. As levelling became easier, and more of a joke, RP realms have changed. You rarely see the same IC-characters RPing, you see the same people logging into 30 different OCs they conjure up and rotate between because it's so easy to level. In a way, this is happening now with raiding/m+. It's so easy to gear that people can swap classes with zero barrier. It has diminished a part of the game in the name of convenience and alt accessibility, but has resulted in degenerate splits and the like. Encouraged by game systems such as 'WuE' gear.
world quest gear can be upgraded to 580, and you get 2x veteran gear from your first two weekly boxes (think the weekly quest in the city, theatre troupe, or awakening the machine, or special assignment), then buy the two 577 darkmoon trinkets on AH for like 300 gold each.
You're the kind of person to dps and not throw any helpful abilities to anyone else when they need them just because you're not set to healer, aren't you.
They just nerfed a bunch of professions over the weekend to drive more token sales. They can see it and are compensating

No such thing, you're either red green or blue dps.
Same chest wrap too lol
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Shut up and buy another cash shop item
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I don't dps, but I combat ress retards that die with Raise Ally. Does that count? If you're lucky you can get Anti-Magic Zone if you've fucked up so much that the healers are stressing to keep you alive with raid damage going on.
I'm a good boy.
>Conveniently cropping the important parts, you disingenuous cunt
See pic rel.
wait for sunders noob
not my problem
*specs 37 fury because some retard with a TF said its best spec*
>zekvir tether goes through the floor so I cant clear that pack
Very cool blizz
I love delves and hope they get mythic tracking gear
>The shitter dumb enough to dole out for T3 is defending his repugnant gear choices.
Can't make this stuff up.
Why is frost mage shit for mythic+ till it's 4 piece tier set?
Nobody should ever care what effects pre major nerf mythic raiding. Everything that happens during the RWF should be of zero consequence to anyone. They play like freaks of nature because they have the support to do so. You should not care it took any of them 300 or 400 or 500 pulls to down some random dumb fuck boss in the raid or that a boss was effectively unbeatable to five guilds who managed to get to it (I mean that lack of balance sets a bad tone but again irrelevant if it gets fixed). The only thing that should ever matter is how it's tuned on heroic and down. If we're feeling generous how it effects mythic guilds later down the road but even then I say the entire mythic environment should be burnt and redone from the top down. 99% of issues within the RWF or extreme cutting edge scene are issues of bashing your head against something no sane person should bother to do.
I miss Spectral Guise, I wish shadow priest had a stealth gimmick.
>Be Anon
>Be so poor that he can't afford to get anything he wants in the game
>Cry on a Tibetan basket weaving forum looking for validation
It's alright. You're in a safe space.
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>Enemy team captures flag
>Game is over
>Team deludes themselves into thinking "we can win"
Fuck off and lose faster so I can queue again retards
You're playing on server "Aman'thul" which I have never heard of, be silent
><its PREMIUM grade shit in a bag comic here>
yeah ok retard
nice pixels
Bring back broken aggro-dropping Fade, DO EET COWARDS.
They only nerfed dust, that's it.
Anything you collect in the game is pixels, kiddo. That's the idea. Otherwise you'd be out there in the rat race working for Mr. Shekelbergstein.
>all i did was charge and ONE bloodthirst
nerub gm status? is xhe still a cumdumpster?
they ruined m+ gearing
sub has expired
Herbalism is also nerfed now too
>be pvp
>unload on a druid
>he just becomes invulnerable and channels tranquility
>now has full hp again and I'm out of cooldowns
>priest hovers a couple of feet in the air, becomes invulnerable and spams heals
I see the homogenization goes faster than every with every healer now basically having a paladin bubble.
>everything you collect is pixels
this nigga aint got the voxel hat
point and laugh at this dumb nigga
>dumb nigga paid 3mil+ to look like a gormless retard with his mouth hanging open from 2006
>mutilating characters with their blind fetish

every single time
m+ is shit and should be taken out of the game
what makes the 4set so good?
or rather what makes it unplayable beforehand?
>Americans like flawed characters
>EU players have psychotic meltdowns and furious explosive tantrums if a person isn't 100% flawlessly perfect mary sue
No it isn't, retardditor just made that up out of thin air.
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When servers were merged, Khaz'goroth and Darth'remar were the normal Oceanic ones lopped togehter, Aman'Thul eventually joined them much later... Server quality immediately went down, Aman'Thul's are the oceanic version of Ragnaros.
I didn't pay that much. I got a total of 4 pieces. Two of them I had from years ago, bracers I got from doing the quest with old Naxxramas. The boots I made yesterday for about 200k in total.
who's the real /thequeen/ of wowg? nerub gm or maye?
how do i gear a fresh 80? first character so no funneling from alt
That explains why he was so goddamn retarded and played like shit too
>brag about money
>a-actually i d-d-dumpster d-d-dived for it
nigga you sad stop yappin to me
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can you deathgrip a priest who is doing that floaty shooty move?
Grim Batol is so fucking overtuned it's actually hilarious
You're the one crying about literal pixels thinking you know anything.
>B-bbut you got T3 and I don't..
Nigger here's a life lesson for you; comparison is the thief of joy.
Stop comparing yourself to others and mind your own fucking business. Cunt.
No, he's untouchable.
she needs rape correction ASAP
aight maybe i wasnt clear lemme speak your language
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Stop thinking about faggots you dirty chaser.
Here, think about Xal'atath instead.
buy cheap boes of ah, do timewalking raid, do 4 pinnicale caches, do lfr, use all bountiful delve keys in t8, win 1 bg to get the 9 glad heraldry quest, buy conquest/bloody token gear+craft glad heraldry pieces in the slots youre still missing
You're not the boss of me.
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So.... this guy just made it up and people believed him why?
Xal'atath doesn't act like an old god. She acts like a bitchy lvl 40 belf npc
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The undermines are gonna be so based
Goblins are so based
Finna get me some goblin transmogs mhm that's right
Lol, I'm 5'8" irl and my character female blood elf fury warrior is also 5'8"
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How would Xal'atath react to getting raped?
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I haven't paid THAT much attention, but have dust prices even changed?
initially or after several sessions?
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And then the tentacles will come out because its her turn.
I'm also as tall as my character

Goblin chad btw
Initially, she is supposed to be some void squid possessing the body of a dead elf so I wonder if she is a virgin as well
Dust prices are literally exactly the same as they were before.
/r/woweconomy is a shithole and if you actually believe anything posted there you're retarded.
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>queue for timewalking dungeon
>7 minutes estimate
>go piss
>come back
>You were removed from the queue
Seems like a legit nerf to disenchanting, just because it hasn't been reflected in the prices yet doesn't mean it isn't true. They even produced an autistic spreadsheet to demonstrate it's roughly 15%

>Warsong Gulch
>Enemy team has 3 monks (2 mistweavers), 2 evokers, priest, warlock
>Enemy flag carrier practically fucking teleports across the map with all the movement
rofl!! so fun lol yessss keep me stuck in this shitlow elo blizzard! let's make sure to NEVER EVER nerf mistweaver in pvp btw, that might piss off the WORLD'S FATTEST MAN
Get a prostate exam, old man.
bro let mw have this one thing, they are dogwater in literally every game mode but bg blitz
hey kid
help retard
how get baby pvp gear as fresh 80
warmode + WQs?
It is fucking outrageously absurd how unfair and overpowered mistweaver is in pvp
Fucking insane
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>it's another "no weapons from any dungeon or delve and the raid weps go to the complete nigger shitters in the guild" episode
just fuckin craft one i guess
That feeling after a four hour long ERP session. What a blessed expansion this has been.
What was it like
You homos really are something else entirely.
You can also buy crafted greens. Idk if it's expensive or not. WM chests and WQs is a good way to start too.
am i supposed to schedule my life around this dumb fucking theater event?
Technically challenging. I used to hate multi para play but now it's about the only thing I enjoy. It's not even a sexual thing, it's like a sense of creative satisfaction.
>he posted LE SPREADSHEET that means it's REAL
The price changes when they made actual changes, like when they nerfed wax boxes (which was a stealth nerf btw) and when they added shattering, were near instant and had a noticeable effect on the price instantly. 15% is a BIG nerf, happened nearly 2 days ago, and has had 0 impact on the prices AT ALL. Dust is extremely high sales volume, changes in availability would be reflected in the price almost immediately.
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That's exactly how I feel too, except when it's really good I'll get off to it as well. It feels really good to find someone you can really indulge with and sink your teeth into some deep, creative writing and smut. It's fun. I like to be descriptive and deep, but that's just me.
What was your ERP sesh about? Gimme some small deets.
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I think I ran past you on my warrior. If you were banging another NE (male) in SW.
one of my fondest memories of wow was being a kid and some strange wizard looking mofo asking me if I wanted to be part of a summoning ritual. Little did I know it was a ritual of doom. It felt amazing, add more occultism to wow please.
do not reply to this post he is gooning
You have no evidence at all for this assertion other than 'it would immediately be reflected in the market price' when its just as likely the price may take a few days to adjust. At least these guys tried to quantify it. Why are you so dedicated to be an argumentative faggot?
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>It's not even a sexual thing
There's a lie if I ever saw one. You deviants do this because you're mentally twisted and need to pretend to be fucking some furry in a video game, fully knowing that there's a fat guy on the other side of the screen jerking his 2" cock while you're doing it.
You're not well. Your family have long suspected there's something wrong with you, and let's be honest - there is.
If they ever saw you doing this shit would you even feel any shame or are you too deprived?
hey man you should become a preacher as well you would do great
I don't want to get too graphic, but was a filth worship/breaking in sort of thing. And that's not a kink I'm into. So I didn't get off to it, but I enjoyed writing it out.

Not a male one, sorry.

Oh I do this shit to get off all the time. Just not tonight.
the self righteousness is palpable
I accept that.
Keep it to yourself, sexpest
The very fact these guilds could get away with 1 tanking to begin with is proof that there isn't nearly mechanics to keep the second tank busy after a taunt swap. Nobody enjoys being stuck as subpar dps for half the fight while they wait for a single +1000% damage taken debuff to fall off.
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>Artifact weapons
>Class order halls
>Demon Hunters
>Honor system revamp
>then BFA happened

What the fuck happened bros
Is there a way to guarantee 619 craft using my welfare crest? Or am i at the mercy of rng if i use crafting orders?
>so triggered he had to reply twice
Kill yourself, you insufferable coomer shitskin
>fully knowing that there's a fat guy on the other side of the screen jerking his 2" cock while you're doing it.
I like men, that's exactly why I do it. It also makes me laugh to think of how a lot of them try not to think that another dude can get them off so easily.
and yet you still come here attention seeking like a lonely child because you know deep down you will never be happy you worthless freak
Putting the Bea in Bear eh?

Who hurt you?

More like plapable
>no veins
no u
not just that, but fun small things to work for like hidden artifact appearances
the re-released kharazan with the bonus boss/mount. I remember selling runs for that really early and at low ilvl the fight was actually hard.
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>What.... you write smut online...
Calm down nu-puritan zoomer faggot
Your whole generation is a fucking disease and you will be culled
Was it Rangito?
Not into extreme filth either. I too have done lots of writing that I wasn't into, but made the other person happy and was willing to stretch my creative writing skills, so.
Bea on a bear, or I use the bee mount :3
It's best not to be too moral, you teach yourself out of too much fun.
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>Your whole generation is a fucking disease and you will be culled
There's a time and place for everything. Writing smut in a god damn PEGI 12 rated video game is nothing short of insanity. You being a homo is not the issue. You being degenerate in a place where children might be exposed to it is fucking depraved.
If that's a name, no. The person is a filthy fucking trial account who should log on more often since it's the most writing I've done in months, if not years.

This is my first time, actually, doing this stuff *and* playing the game. It's pretty fun.
my response was the best to the puritan
What happened to Profession world quests?
WQs had more variety and were more enjoyable with the emissaries, Special Assignments cannot compete and they dont even show up on my map properly because it's broken. What was wrong with Emissaries?
I laid out evidence for you. Wax boxes were a stealth nerf, it had an instant and significant impact. This suppsoed stealth nerf "proven" by some random spreadsheet one guy posted has had 0 impact at all. It's not going to take days for prices to change on a consumable material that sells 3x it's average auction house stock per day. A decrease in supply would be reflected in the price within an afternoon.
>loot wax puddle on ground
>kill fishlizard thing
>2 profane tinderboxes
with enchanting a spreadsheet means way more than the market. dust basically has people sitting on every possible craft and the ah constantly looking for any fucking crumb and it's a month in now. maybe it bumps because of someone resetting for weapon crafts this week or there's some sink quest someone pumps when its active but otherwise dust really only goes one way very very hard at this point. it's not like gathering as a single point choke item it's is a garbage collector that attacks the lowest points in the whole economy.
>I'm going to go into a thread where people talk about sexy elves/space goats and get mad about it!
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ERP mongoloids should have their own general and keep their insufferable attention whoring and cumbrained posting out of this general
>im gonna post an anime reaction image then do bathtub horsepiss HRT
It's a thread about a video game. You fucking dimwits are the one who sexualize the characters. Mind you some of the artwork is skillfully done, but have some fucking dignity and respect for yourself.
Hey, it's pay piggies like me who keep this dead game afloat.
anime website tourist
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>clearly female toon
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Not reading another word of your drivel, sincerely hang yourself you concern-baiting rancid, putrid piglet
Oink for me

Also god I hate Mugambala
I like pegging...
I paypig and i'm a perv too but i'm not an attention whoring fag like you people
I went an entire week without getting any tinderboxes while farming over 500 wax per day then in 1 day I got 13 of the fuckers. Rng is a bitch.
>that one dude from MMO-Champion who somehow found his way onto /wowg/ and just cannot comprehend the degeneracy

fav poster here tbdesu
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>Writing smut in a god damn PEGI 12 rated video game
Rated M in my country, for mature audiences, get fucked.
Don't you have a SIG thread to be larping in right now you fucking MGTOW genetic throwback.
I'm losing my mind with pugging Queen Ansurek.
This your first ever mmo?
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Ye, it was a NE female model but I think they had 'male' in their profile idk, didn't pay that much attention.

>imagine being this assblasted by other people living their lives with no impact upon yours. Can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be so angry all the time.

Didn't that character say they had a dick? Idk, this general is never serious and no one should really take it too seriously.
Children should not be allowed on online video games or the internet. Please ban them from all parts of adult life.
Holy shit you've got a whole country to yourself? Cool! I take it you're from Australia or some shit?
What the fuck is SIG?
Don't confuse resentment with anger.
That's one solution. Or heavily restrict what they can access without supervision. That's what I do, but then again my oldest is only 10.
Oh yeah then that was me probably.
bro there's no point talking with these people they get off on attention and have all sorts of weird fetishes you can't even image. they enjoy being humiliated offended etc etc. just ignore it / filter it.
i unironically dont know what changes in the heroic version of the fight because no pug ive joined can deal with have 2 jump puddles in part 1. "evens take inner puddle, odds take outer circle" is too complicated for them
Why are so many low IQ cumbrained sexpests from south america?
Nope. I have also had to suffer the boring attention whoring of mentally ill autists who are consumed by their sexual urges for many years but i still don't like it
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oh shit mae is a futa?
Pretty much this, rating system means absolutely fuck all when an online aspect comes into play.
Even something as simple and charming like Animal Crossing whas a very good chance to surprise some parents on whats to be found there if they let their kids play that online.
It's a bit ridiculous. To make matters worse, you have to cycle the poppers too so some people just forget it's their turn.
You're right, of course. I just get tilted when I see this shit, fully knowing that this is what my kids risk meeting online.
>recognizing it
pot calling out kettle never gets old
They let children invade shows for me like deadpool and HH T_T it is terrible. I hate children.
Recognizing what?
Nice cock.
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I'm saying I don't know. Don't get your hopes up. I also thought Maye was the NE and not the human.

I'm just here to be friendly and to try to be more social. That and to fill this never-ending void of despair and loneliness that envelopes me.
masturbation with extra steps
Makes no sense, evokes isn't a DoT class
awakening the machine is way too fucking slow
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Watch my cock while I commune with the machine.
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im here with you bro
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>I also thought Maye was the NE and not the human.
These are my characters.
Human Futa Warrior
NE Futa horseknot hunter
NE Twink boy Mage
Human Futa Warlock
LF Drae Horsecock Pally
NE Male Rogue

>I'm just here to be friendly and to try to be more social. That and to fill this never-ending void of despair and loneliness that envelopes me.
Literally just like me for real. Hello, new friend.
Can someone give me a name idea thats implying that my shaman draenei is a futa?
you ARE at least 610ilvl before reset, right anon?
>NE Futa horseknot hunter
I get tilted too. words can barely express. they are scum and should be put to death.
least gay moonguard player
probably horcecock shape with a knot at the base
I love your warriors transmog
Imagine being this much of a mentally ill coomer retard
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Horseknot. Horsecock with a knot.
I found it recently and it... awakened something in me.
Oh, and the warrior is gonna be a dragon male soon.
Thank you! Warrior has been my main all my life, so it has all my mogs. I really like my mogs too, glad others appreciate them
You don't fit in here.
Wake me up when the avatar faggot is gone, this is getting unbearable.
right this thread is pure trash right now
piece of fucking shit game wont phase me to the world boss
what is their fucking problem
>You don't fit in here
People like you always think you are in the majority. It's why leftards are ones who are the most comfortable with expressing their opinions
But anon, you're going to have to go into cryostasis if you want to wait that long. He lives here.
So if I report one of these characters and send blizzard a snapshot of this warband, what are the chances that you stop posting here?
No he's right.
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>God it's so hard to just not read things or hide posts I don't want to see!
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Sadly zero percent. He's had an in game stalker spam report him and had a guy doxx him before he just doesn't care.
Just got to 610 today by upgrading my rings to 613. For some reason going from 609 to 610 has felt kind of impactful, like a noticeable amount it's weird.
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I fucking WISH. This game would be so much more fun if I had never played it yet. More like SUPER OLD fren. I had a decent job and a relationship and lost it all because of another person and myself and now I'm back here playing this damn game again.

That's why I'm trying some different shit. I kind of just keep circling back to a druid though but still not sure what I want to really try out since I want to possibly do some tanking/healing.
I'm confused why it has weekly gated "infinite" powerups for the mode. I recognize some players are not great but it's on par with like a t2 delve but there's 50 weeks of stat upgrades for the thing.
>sign up for normal palace that needs dps and has none of my class
>get denied
it's not enough
get better filters. I'd never know any of them were posting if you stopped crying about them
wait, what are you talking about, there's ways to make that thing even easier? LMAO?
how do i beat someone who just says "didnt ask" on fucking repeat god damn its infuriating
>leftards infest normal people's spaces
>start shitting up the space together
>start claiming the space isn't meant for the normal people
Happens everywhere
I only ERP on Epsilon private server to avoid shit like this thread. Actual personal phasing, and tons of customization and building options
You think you're the first? Lol. Lurk more.
No, no no. New friend as in you are my new friend.
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I'm letting you know as a public service, nigger.
There. Done.
Adding worgen, vulpera and dracthyr was the starting gun for the most degenerate """people""" to start playing the game (insofar as standing in an inn ERPing can be called playing), it's been over for years now
Didn't ask for your permission, pipsqueak. When your superior speaks, you listen, capiche?

That oughta set him straight
didn't ask
Neo-conservitard puritans clutch at pearls so often I'm surprised they haven't torn open their throats from said clutching. It's quite pathetic
didn't ask
*pisses in your mouth*
Shudda kept it shut, bitch
you don't. there's nothing you can do or say because it'll just be met with the dismissive "didn't ask". saying the same thing back is auto lose too because he was initially the one who said it first. you're just playing into a never ending "gotcha". best thing to do is just walk away and save your sanity
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I love making fun of them it is actually ecstasy for me
>wow people who aren't insufferable mentally ill attention whoring degenerate retards are SO weird!
Clueless mongoloid
didn't ask
N-nooo! w-why don't you think I'm based?! B-but my pol threads......
so whens the bottom surgery date?
Tangentially useless - but may be different based on class.

S3 DF I ran a mist monk with 6/6 Hero Crystal Spire of Karabor
Tossed on a Dreaming Devotion and a Chirping Rune

The breakdown was:

1.86% - 2.91%Crystal Spire of Karabor

For comparison

Chirping Rune healed between 0.89% to 1.5%
Dreaming Devotion healed between 5% and 6.58%

In S4 I just got a Haste/Mastery weapon and the value of Gusts of Mists being increased by mastery was far above the on use effect of that weapon.

Now that said, the on use effect is [8 + Haste] Procs per minute with an internal GCD of 0. Perhaps as a Druid or a Pres Evoker it may be more beneficial. Maybe even an H Priest. But I have never tested it on one.

That said, it will always be 100% worse compared to a Fateweaved Needle/Mallet.
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Why isn't chuck of dazar'asuck fucked more about? That sneed was seed & feed
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Sit, faggot fucking mage
*pisses in your mouth again*
I'm starting to think you like this, boy
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liquit are losing the race right now
max and the analists wasted 80% of todays prog on a garbage strat that multiple raiders literally asked to have optimized hours ago
didn't ask
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now do it on his ass
he is correct, anti-coomers are the outsiders and tourists here. those of us who hornypost here have been doing so for years and years and there are quite literally dozens of us, of various flavors and inclinations.

If you think its out of the norm or some kind of new thing you must be brand new.
more like sorrowDORK lmao

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