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Previous: >>495680152

>[Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)" Pickup Summon
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Singularity Repair Support Campaign 2024: Part 5
2024-09-23 21:00 - 10-07 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Advanced Quest: Part 9
2024-09-23 21:00 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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We'll miss you...
Cmon, gimme my half AP Atlantis already...
Can Kama be God of cum too?
What node do you guys do for your 3 daily quests?
You don't understand.
We need Optimus Prime XVIII who was famous for repelling an enormous legion of 12 barbarians during the 73rd Pubic War
pissing in an ocean of piss
I did the valley of snek eyes this morning.
No, it's Skadi
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I go for bond quests instead
one x-c, one doors, one mt. etna, to finish the sky enemies quest.
Not Rome. OC4 will be in Florence, the place where Da Vinci came to prominence.
Why just 3?
That's also where Dante was born (and a subject of much of his ire)
I've got an apple orchard to tend to.
Low IQ Retard
>There's no roman servants left
Augustus Caesar
Scipio Africanus
Flavius Aetius
Constantine I
Justinian I
Basil II
Beach mama
literally who
I love breasts.
Skadoo love!
I love Skadi's fat tits
Tiberus from Prototype will probably show up
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>decided to actually start using apples in Tea event to start getting used to grinding during Morgan event
>somehow managed to get almost 8 million (or was it 80) and managed to make 100 teas for Seeds of Yggrdasil at least 10 times or more
>500+ seeds
>also 200m of QP
Ok, I am starting to understand why lottos are really important, good time to stop lazing around.
>Do Kama interlude
>she becomes a man
Kama bros...
It's not actually Morgan's event, it's called Tam Lin cup
I hate Kama now.
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This wasn't really a lotto, its a pseudo lotto
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lottos (true) also give friend points and tons of embers/monuments/cookies
We've been over this, Augustus should not be a servant, at least not a solo servant.
Make him a duo with Marcus Vipsanius because he is completely helpless without his bro.
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The call that saved Proper Human History.
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I think you made that up.
You'll get a lot more QP from opening boxes in Morganfest which you will need in like half a year for the ordeal call big drop of rare mats, etc.
Well, still a good preparation for me to get used. Staying one+ hour constantly farming with no story content is no joke.
You mean Faerie Knight Cup.
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0AP story quests
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>Staying one+ hour constantly farming with no story content is no joke.
just use automata, bro
Fuck off
Oc1 was about alter egos
Oc2 was about avengers
Oc3 was about moon cancers
Supposedly there are 2 more ordeal calls. There were originally only going to be four, but after writing three nasu decided he would write another.
So 4 and 5 will be foreigners and who? Pretenders? there's like 2 that are Canon. Beasts? Same I don't expect there to be an oc about rulers since the world uses them for scuffed grail wars.

No if they're gonna write a story about a class that there's barely any of, what if it's shielders? Mash has been an extra class all along, and it is because of her shield that we are able to summon everything else. Maybe the final ordeal call will once again put mash in jeopardy as the world itself threatens to delete the problem?
i love ai art so much it is unreal
I know, but also I am that kind of master that want to 9/9/9 and max as much as possible to every servant I have. I even use bronze fous
Faerie Knight sounds better
How do you even use that.
So that's where loli Vinci will die right? Ruler or Foreigner?
didn't ask for ai slop
>Oc1 was about alter egos
Which ones?
>There were originally only going to be 4
They only announced 3. With the new mooncancer one, the next one is OC4. We just assumed there will be an OC4/5 for Foreigners.
4 is rulers now. I think they already announced that
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We finally get the Gunner class, duh.
Sakura's alter egos
It's about the servant class, Alter Ego. None of the preexisting ones are relevant for OC1.
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There are countless notable Roman figures, people who existed in Pax Romana and enemies of Rome not yet tackled in FGO.
And these are just some that came at the top of my head. I could make more if you want to.
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There was a moment in the trailer where you could see a part of the Foreigner card.
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Rulers and foreigners, Nasu probably can't handle writing all the Beasts together...probably. Anyways I am looking forward to Kama's lovey dovey OC.
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I remember when Pretender was a serious class for serious Servants...
So it's a chapter about Melt, Lip, and KP?
Ok, so what you're saying is it's about literally nothing? Because it didn't introduce any new Alter Egos, just Lancers and Archers.
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>Bar Kokhba
For Arcade only
Saying any more about it is spoilers.
No, it's more about Parvati and it also features Sakura herself
>Ok, so what you're saying is it's about literally nothing? Because it didn't introduce any new Alter Egos, just Lancers and Archers.
It's about the class, not the servants in that class. The other servants were going to be broken up into Alter Egos by Rani via an experimental process to multiply our heroic spirits, and the OC deals with why this is a godawful idea and it was going to get us all killed.
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Oh, you mean a Lancer class Servant? So not an Alter Ego?
Ok, well lucky me I can call you a faggot retard and that's not a spoiler.
Arcade died like a year ago, bro
ruler oc is literally the most realistic choice for a phh morgan, and i dont know if thats a good thing cause phh morgan is nothing like lb morgan
Well, yes, we got Archer class Sakuraface too from OC1
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She is the only reason I'm even considering player next month's event. (that and to get more mats and resources)
>I can call you a faggot retard and that's not a spoiler.
OK so you are just seeking attention then? Retard.
We don't know enough yet. Maybe she's a totally serious character!
The Avenger OC had Avengers.
The Moon Cancer OC had Moon Cancers.
The """Alter Ego""" OC has no Alter Egos, so therefore it wasn't actually the Alter Ego OC.
We'll get a proper AE OC and it'll star Okitan as the main character.
We didn't get Foreigners OC either
It's okay. Foreigner was suppose to be a serious class starting with Abigail until that fatass Heroine X ruined it.
That one's coming later, they've already confirmed it.
Foreigners are perfectly safe summon more of them immediately
t. Gilles de Rais
It was though because all the servants in the singularity are alter egos not their summonable class in game. Also it unlocked the class score for alter egos.
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Nasu said that the timing and place for OC4 will surprise people, but I wonder how the fuck will that be a surprise, regardless if it end up being good or bad.
Foreigner OC is going to be grand finale of Part 2
I'm not reading your boxes. No Alter Egos = no Alter Egos. We want Okitan in a main story chapter.
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/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order JP General
Okitan is Keikenchi and therefore not allowed in main story.
My bet is on 31st of Decemba
we should prune /fgog/ already desu
Speaking of arcade, is there a good place to look for the cards themselves? I've always wanted a set of my favorite servant's cards.
She looks like the youngest servant in the game and about as tiny as Habetrot.
Nah, it's because they were just shrugging their arms and almost just didn't bother writing that filler slop.
Pretender class score was unlocked through just clearing Olga Quest 2 and that also had nothing to do with the class.
Where? At the start those were the Lostbelt symbols.

In anycase, the trailer itself already has things going out of order unlike previous story trailers. It introduces the Ruler chapter as the first and Alter-ego as the last, so things have changed a lot since then.
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Liz thinks we should just prune all the faggots that come here to discuss JP content!
i hate liz but i find this thing cute
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Kill yourself, you retard. The Romans are way more important than the literal whos the game keeps adding
Augustus Caesar - Avenged Julius Caesar, Destroyed the Roman Republic, tripled the size of his borders, and he founded the Roman Empire that would last for another 1,500 year
Scipio Africanus - One of the best generals of all time. Survived the massacre of Cannae, then went on to BTFO Hannibal, one of the deadliest generals of all time, TWICE
Aurelian - He quite literally singlehandedly ended fhe Crisis of the Third Century. In FIVE years, he beat the Goths, the Vandals, the Juthungi, Sarmatians, the Palmyrenes, and the Carpi. Then he reconqured almost 1/4 of the Roman Empire. Then he routed corruption from the Senate. And again, he did this in FIVE YEARS

Flavius Aetius - BTFO of Hannibal and the Huns, whom were believed to be unbeatable at the time
Constantine I - won numerous civil wars, reunited the eastern and the western half of Rome, was never beaten in battle, and he made Rome a Christian State -- thus allowing Christianity to become the dominant religion in the West
Justinian I - Reconquered the Western half of Rome after it fell to barbarians. Founded the Justianian Code, one of the most important and influential legal documents of all time
Belisarius - Widely regarded to be one of the best generals of all time. Destroyed the Vandal Empire in ONE year. Then he went on to reconquer almost all of the Western half of the Roman Empire.
Heraclius - Led a civil war to a corrupt and incompetent Emperor. Then he BTFO of the Persians for almost 30 years straight. He won three 1v1 duels with Persian generals. And he was the first Roman to win decisively against the Persians in literal centuries
OK /fgog/ retard, calm down.
Meant for
Oh yeah, I forgot theres a subplot regarding foreigner.

We're about to be attacked by freaking aliens.
Around 1:11 to 1:14 I think. It is VERY quickly
Stop talking in third person you dumb lizard, or else I impregnate Carmilla in front of you while Gil give you fun facts about marrying someone who is not a virgin. And you would not be allowed to masturbate at any moment.
Extra classess are based, we should delete the useless assassin class instead
foreigner is the shittiest class in the game along with mooncancer.
>gameplayfag babble
there's a stream happening soon right?
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What are your expectations for this event?
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That will only happen when JP and NA merge servers.
But that will never happen.
And maybe it's for the best, since we have NA clairvoyance unlike /fgog/cucks
Boring chink stuff.
Lizzy kino.
Weird event gimmick that I don't understand yet.
What an overdesigned mess.
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Another soulful Liz event, for sure!
I am honestly planning to skip it all if it bores me on the first section of reading.
Li Shuwen, King Hassan, Tezcatlipoca, Shuten, and Semirami are all assassins tho and they're insanely powerful lorewise.
Stheno and Mata Hari are also secretly OP lorewise
There is, but noone genuinely cares or talks about, people would rather discuss JP content as you can see per this thread
More lolis to add into my collection.
Cute toddler Liz wife.
no, I don't mean merging generals, I mean /alter/ stays and /fgog/ dies.
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loli liz
Caught 2 3-day vacations for calling out JP content in the NA general. Its a protected topic.
basically starting now, but it's pretty minor I feel
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Don't care, just give me Liz!
Just wait for JP EoS, maybe they won't EoS NA and wait for 2 years to do it
Is there even any porn of this thing?
cute onahole
quiero drogarme
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I don't know if I would consider that a stream...its basically worse than the lite streams they give us where they just read off the event details and then leave.
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Next vacation, take the opportunity to read Mahoyo.
>>495725564 (Me)
forgot link if anyone does care
Her hairy anus doesn't nakes her piwerful, bro
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>Mata Hari are also secretly OP lorewise
Holy larp
The donkey girl to be cute
A little but not nearly enough.

Granted not many Servants released after LB6 have much, anyway.
i fucking love hyperfocusing on videogames until 3am
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Alter Egos are more than a class
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How about this guy?
I call her LoLiz
So wait, did they finally nix those fucking stupid ass NA cast of speakers and just start having JP do this stuff?
He was a pretty chill dude.
t. Future Mata Hari victim

>Haphazard Planning: D+
>While it was a completely reckless plan, luck was on her side.
>Rises to rank B due to the Angel of Assassination.

>Angel of Assassination: A
>The name given to her by the people due to her lovely appearance and her bold plan.
>Riding on her luck, lowers the guard of her enemies.

>Iron Determination: D
>A skill that comes from her firm resolve to carry through with the assassination, despite being far detached from the world of assassination or revolution.
>Not as intense as Dantès's.

>『Le Rêve Ensoleillé』
>Rank: C
>NP Type: Anti-Personnel
>Range: 1 Maximum Targets: 1

>Love for My Country, Give Them a Dream They Can Drown In.
>A silent and warm assassination by Charlotte Corday, who was dubbed the "Angel of Assassination".
>Until the moment they are killed, the target feels no threat or indication of murderous intent. Unlike other assassination Noble Phantasms, evasion through Intuition or Mind's Eye is difficult.
>The more times the target is aware of her appearance, her words, and her mannerisms, the assassination success rate goes up. The bias that a lovely woman like her would never kill anyone intensifies.

Her skills are all geared towards "You'll drop your guard no matter what, her planning is shit but it'll work out no matter what, her luck is very good, and you'll never see it coming". Even if you know how her abilities work, you'll end up dropping your guard around her subconsciously, and without noticing it you have a knife in you. She's someone who can jam it in without a thought, without planning, and without any indication. She can literally only do that one thing, but she can do it well. Its kinda similar to Mata Hari, its niche but dangerous. As long as you think she can't possibly stab you, she's even more likely to succeed.
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How about Hadrian, if we're gonna be beating up Rulers (mostly Abrahamic Saints)
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Fun comfy event with its own mechanics. I'm looking forward to seeing Molay and Zenobia in the story again, as they both got event bonuses. Also plenty of ceremonial blades farming.

And quite tangentially, I just hope the expiration date for the teapots gets renewed again with the Road to LB7 Olympus part, as the current expiration for all teapots (including the ones we will get from the Atlantis Road) is set to expire before the Halloween event.
just bought all 6 volumes of this, what am in for?
It's amazing how utterly stupid some servants are and how hard they get ignored just because they aren't good fighters.
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Lotta monkey business
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I don't think they're fully gone, they were here to announce the tea event but maybe for smaller stuff like this they'd rather just add subs to whatever JP got. Which makes sense since this is purely road to lb7 stuff.
Heroic spirits are tools that exist for the exclusive purpose of combat.
You aren't going to seduce a Beast.
That's true. In FGO, the alter ego class is actually more about high servants than it is alter egos. High servants are defined by having a bunch of gods embedded in your SG like Melt or Douman. The people in the class also ARE alter egos but people think of alter egos as more high servant like.
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There's some kino, there are some spots that are better communicated by Romans themselves (Livy, Tacitus, etc), there are some boring parts, about religion and stuff. Halfway through the volumes the WRE falls and the rest is about Byzantium (NOT Roma).
Mata Hari is literally one of the best servants you can summon in a grail war
This is basically a subbed translation of the Road to LB7 streams JP got two years ago. Aniplex has been releasing them english subbed as we get the release of our own Road to LB7 campaigns.

We will still have the regular NA streams for announcing things on occassion still.
That sounds like a challenge.
Also you're wrong.
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Cute and sex
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you don't deserve anything better you ungrateful fuck.
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Hahahaha! It doesn't even have subtitles they promised
>>Rank: C
I TANK that
Izo is the greatest swordsman and he’s an assassin
Yep. That's why we got people like Sitonai and Kirei in the Alter Ego class when they just aren't.
Treat them like the Foreigners not related to Outer Gods. Video game convenience.
>Halfway through the volumes the WRE falls and the rest is about Roma (NOT Roma).
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>You aren't going to seduce a Beast.
i had no idea there was a stream on
this game is so fucking dead dude
this server in particular
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Shameless Harlot
He is right
You didn't seduce Kama in Ooku
>Halfway through the volumes the WRE falls and the rest is about Byzantium (NOT Roma).
>The Roman Empire fell due to a combination of factors including constant invasions by barbarian tribes like the Goths and Vandals, severe economic problems, political instability with corrupt leadership, overexpansion of the empire, a weakening military, and internal power struggles
There, I could have saved you some money
Izo would literally die to one Tsubame Gaeshi
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Ruthless and merciless, he does not listen to others.
He's a tyrant who sees his standards as absolute.
This Heroic Spirit clearly overpowers all the others, and unleashes his overwhelming wealth like water.
>has no Alter Egos
She's summoned as an Archer for gameplay faggotry. As an enemy she's an Alter Ego.
We're not having this argument again.
I honestly wish they'd recast the focus on the Knight and Cavalry classes. Too much focus and Extra class wanking over the years.
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I don't want to stall to get 30 teapots
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Don't worry Jannu. Bond is a bad thing! It makes it so you can't use servants even faster. NEVER use teapots!
Halloween is usually the best chapter of the year. Just look at Molay's adventure.
Then don't stall.
>200 watching now
The dead months are bleeding players
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>mid October
What even are teapots anyways?
I want to trick loli Liz into sex by taking advantage of her childish mind... would be so fun...
>We're not having this argument again.
Because there's no argument to be made. The Eastern Roman Empire is Roman. They aren't the Empire of the Greeks, or the Empire of Constantinople, or the Byzantium Empire. They're the ROMAN Empire.
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>peak October
pots for tea
banner when
They’re consumables that double your bond for whatever node you’re doing
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Tea tea tea
Is this game all about tea?
Maybe if they speed up things would never have gotten this bad, but they would rather EoS us than admit they were wrong.
should i drink some coffee or sleep
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Kykeon tea!
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If Byzantine was truly Roman they'd have sent aide to seiba, they'd have sent her help to defend Camelot.
Wada should stick to hags.
Wada can't design good lolis.
Will Sherlock ever comeback or is he really dead?
Maybe roma just sucks sometimes, ever thought about that?
I don't understand why you posted Corday's kit when we're talking about Mata Hari.
She's hideous
He will comeback...in Part 4
Wada is a shit artist overall desu
shut up cuck
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>Wada can't design good lolis.
Even in the chapter itself they tell you he isn't dead
Holmes conceptually can't die from falling from a waterfall
the moment feito died
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Wada is the SOVL backbone of this franchise ever since takeuchi started pumping out nothing but slop (so like 9 years ago)
So is the OC thing still part 2 or is it part 3?
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Sucks on my penis, sure.
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It's time for Raita to take over as lead artist.
>no doujins
complete failure of a loli
Takeuchi at his worst is still better than Wada at her best, bro
I thought Altera was designed by huke?
I wish he would draw more Shuten type girls (fat ass + flat chest).
>If Byzantine was truly Roman they'd have sent aide to seiba, they'd have sent her help to defend Camelot.
Why would the Romans give a shit about some backwater barbarians?
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Yes, this is now a tea drinking game.
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Takeuchi? Is that you?
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>Wada can't design good lo-
Melt and Kazura
Cute shoes
She's a basic level assassin. Espionage is functionally identical to Presence Concealment; as soon as she does something hostile it stops working.
Her other ""broken"" ability is negated by Bravery, Madness, Mental pollution, etc.
Mai friendo
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excellent joke. hardest I've laughed all month.
That's not a Loli, that's an old man.
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Theres a stream?
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>One school of thought, citing entries in the Historia Brittonum (History of the Britons) and Annales Cambriae (Welsh Annals), saw Arthur as a genuine historical figure, a Romano-British leader
Seiba is Roman.
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No clue
>Until the moment they are killed, the target feels no threat or indication of murderous intent. Unlike other assassination Noble Phantasms, evasion through Intuition or Mind's Eye is difficult.
>The more times the target is aware of her appearance, her words, and her mannerisms, the assassination success rate goes up. The bias that a lovely woman like her would never kill anyone intensifies.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
The Ruler OC is going to be about him and it's going to sync up properly with the expected time after Traum.
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Everyone knows Hiroyama is the best artist under Type Moon's payroll.
Konstantinos XI is a disgrace an NOT Roman
Rex Magnus Karl is a CHAD and a Roman (true)
Nasu is such a nice wife bros...
Looks like an unironic abortion
>Until the moment they are killed
That counts as a hostile action. Espionage turns off and she gets iced.
I think it'd be more kino for Holmes to show up at the very end as a lead-in to the Foreigner Ordeal Call. You know, since he's currently known as a Ruler and could get a Foreigner form if he returns.
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Playable never
That's not a Raita character, bro
The Ruler OC is going to deal with what being a Ruler is and why constraints have to be placed, so discovering the last element of his mystery is going to be wrapped up in that. Foreigners are absolutely going to focus on Abby again.
Takenoko is unironically the best TM artist.
yay 2 years old content
Just like all our content!
Unironically wrong. Hiroyama IS the best.
>focus on Abby again
Yuyu is the one with hanging plot threads though.
Takenoko and Hiroyama are about equally skilled desu.
For me it's either Kibadori Rue or Pako.
I never liked Holmes desu, bros
You are not my bro
Yuyu is irrelevant, who cares about her
Ok then. Let's compare it... pandering. Who did a better pandering.
Hiroyama did Kuro. Takenoko did Suzuka.
Choco cunny win, therefore, Hiroyama win.
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You are my bro
Suzuka has a much hotter swimsuit than Kuro though.
based soulking

cringe pedokek
She's the most important Foreigner, however.
>Suzuka has a much hotter swimsuit than Kuro though.
Two words.
Bikini hole.
Also peak body.
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The most important Foreigner is a boy.
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I like lolis but that kiara looks like garbage
>evasion through Intuition or Mind's Eye is difficult.
Does this mean that it's possible to just physically dodge her np with high enough agility?
That'd be pretty lame since it's a mental attack.
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Holmes is my bro.
hanging beef curtains, you mean. LMAO
Maybe if you are a pedophile
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i gotta admit that while i was keeping my expectations really low thanks to a certain faggot possing as a giant molay fag but then quit like a giant pussy for not getting a servant
I really enjoyed both molay and liz interactions, her being a cinderella was really cute and funny.
CHOCO is the best tho.
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Did you forget his latest masterpiece?
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That's right, Suzuka does have a peak body.
That's a Voyager.
not more important than Abby
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Holmes is not my bro.
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>No one saying Takao is the best artist.
I can see her nipples
Abigail is the most plot important Foreigner and has an ongoing story with as much of a hanging plot thread as anything Yuyu has.
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Cool the fuck off Erice
Me on the left
Holmes is a rat
Molay really was great and it's a shame such a halfassed shitposter was her most vocal champion.

I wish we still had reruns.
Abby still has the best after all these years so second place is either Gogh or Oberon.
Is anyone watching the reheated "stream" from two years ago?
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How would you feel if Skadi's fat tits were presses against your body?
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For me, its ReDrop
This is not ReDrop btw
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>ongoing story
>My home planet needs me, goodbye
>No one saying [SHIT ARTIST] is the best artist
Even if you (somehow) like Takao you know there're better options
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I don't remember what is it? I doubt its as important as Abby and Carter traveling together though.
is Hakunon for (You)?
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>best artist discussion
>Hidari not mentioned
Shit taste, the lot of you.
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At the end of OCII, Dantes hands over the job of protecting Guda's mind to her and tells her to prepare for what is to come. I'd be surprised if Abby isn't the main focus.
She is (you)
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are you trolling? please say that you are trolling
All of those servants have good art though
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As in conceptually or for F/GO animation?
My favorite NP of all of them is Sword, Famine, Death, Beast (Kagome Kagome) because it's the coolest fucking conceptual weapon ever, deploying a tailor made eschaton by the perception of the master.
My favorite F/GO NP animation is Tezcatlipoca's (third ascension) First Sun Xibalba.
Apocalypse is one of my favorite words and I will not apologize for being chuuni.
I doubt Abby is the focus. Abby is probably just the heroine of OC5 like Kama is the heroine of OC1, Jeanne Alter is the heroine of OC2 and BB is the heroine of OC3.

Which does leave the question in the air: who is the heroine of OC4?
I'm cute?
she's me without a penis and with morgan's sexy voice
Good is not enough to be the best
I bet this means she'll be the Kama of that chapter, but Yuyu will be the Kali.
I picked her at this Summer. Ortlinde a cute!
i don't think anon was arguing about which one shes gonna be in
Bro, it's just Sam the one and only Circefag.
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Mine is probably Shuten's deboner power.
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A loli Kiara is too good of an idea to just be a NPC, same with adult Hans. I hate this shit.
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For me it's BUNBUN, I still maintain my opinion that MHXA has the most consistently good set of ascensions in the game. Every outfit is appealing in some way or another and his art makes it look better. I think the closest he got to a miss was XXA but even then I think it's still pretty good, just too much green
The final boss of OC5 should be the Azazoth Foreigner if they are gonna go down that route. Yog is just below Azazoth.
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the fate of all salterfags
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My pp would become the big pp
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>No new servants
>No CE art
Why won't they give him another servant, bwos...
Foreigner OC should be in R'lyeh and explain the fuck is up with Prelati
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Gogh bros...
Except the first no one knows or gives a fuck about any of these.
Krsna at the end of the Bhagavad Gita is basically Azathoth.
Nah, the Kali will be an Azathoth related servant. Like Kali is evil parvati and BB Dubai was eviler BB, Azathoth is also another face of Yog-Sothoth(Abby).
Genuinely, it should've been Don Quixote. Unconscious and insane, sleepwalking and empowering himself accordingly, it would've been kino.
I can't think of a better host for Azathoth off the cuff. It's really hard to give someone the whole cosmos as their potentia. The concept of madness/subconscious has to be even stronger than most powerful heroes, the Blind Idiot God would not choose something coherent.
Maybe Pandora, Tiresias, or if Nasu really wanted to be weird, Myrddin Wyllt. Madmen, prophets, and bringers of doom.
It'd be nice if Gramps got an anni CE one day. Wouldn't mind Napoleon getting one either.
no thanks
at least its not Sheba's artist, who just got isekai'd
Me beloved Lavinia, obviosly
still poo
Lovecraft himself
Aleister Crowley
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I don't care as long as she is CUNNY
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i would turn 360° and walk away to bury my face on my wife's bosom
gogh is a permavirgin
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Her body is usable
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Lip love!
Should be someone known for being a big sleeper
Knowing Nasu, it'll be a tiny offshoot of Azazoth just larping to be someone again.
she is unable to attract a mate, she is a failure as a woman
Nasu already used all of his clap bait on OC3, Right? OC4 should have no Type Moon claps desu.
Edgar Allan Poe or Lovecraft
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There are plenty of Saberfaces left
>Edgar Allan Poe
in the body of his wife
bro, your CS?
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Demonbane crossover? Jin Haganeya can be a part of Type-Moon now..
I don't know who that is, so he isn't someone known
>Nitroplus crossover game
Always was
Servant bond intensified. 3 more levels for my ice cream goddess to be perfected.
you're a 35 year old incel. anyway, grats!
my cute low-iq wife
Why are you doing this?
No, he is kino as it is
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i like when jinako says "mezameyo, kami no powaaah" what voice lines do you like bros
When Vlad goes HAAAHAHAHA
I like the scream Mephistopheles does when he dies because it cuts off when I don't want to see his death animation.
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Morgan if she was Jalter
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I like when Sei use her deep growly voice and goes like "dorryyaaaa"
in that case kill yourself
Dore ni Shiyou ka na~
When melt goes "iku wa yo iku wa yo iku wa yo"
“Ara Ara” from mom
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When's twink hassan
Dantes laughing, Hijikata's NP, specifically the 俺が version
>Subete wo jaaku no koko ni.
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Morgan if she was Olga Discordia
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After you.
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goho cutta!
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oh shit that one's funny kek
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sowaka sowaka
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I hope one day to find a reason to use Quick as much as you do, because Quick is fucking worthless. There are 2 Quick Servants I actually like using for gameplay purposes, and in both cases it's because they have unique gimmicks rather than because Quick inherently offers much benefit to them.
I don't remember but I really like Tamamo's death scream at least I believe that's her iirc
Douman and who's the other?
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"Majin Pawaa Zenkai! ...Majin Pawaa ttenanda...?"
"zzz... ha! Netenai, Netenaizo. Nete... Neteta!"
Van Gogh
Nah, I'm not a woman. Actually it's Bazette and Taira, I like forcing bosses to deal with them + regular Skadi's Evade.
Jing Ke
Also bro, while I do have Gogh she is Arts...
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Oh yeah? Post your Gogh
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i also like this one.
Mai friendo ;_;
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*taps phone*
Kenjiro Tsuda is so cool
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For me quick is absolutely my favorite CQ DPS card type. Arts feels too limp somehow and buster has trouble refunding NP because they don't drop that many stars, and Koyan sucks all the meager stars they get into their buster cards. Not to mention quick servants (In my experience) usually get more fun stuff like with Bazett or Taira, or Gogh Summer Skadi buffing buster crits was an ingenious move for mighty chains. For farming I never touch quick anymore though
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Fufu... nanda?

I really like the way she says 'nanda'. It's so warm.
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Dozo, dozo~
It's not her death rattle, it's her damaged by NP sound.
Now read her 2nd skill, she is not arts
None, I play the game on mute
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*taps phone repeatedly*
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Oh no...I'm getting charmed...
Even the story?
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never ever, bachi bazi is illegal in the EU and Nato
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i could hear it so clearly, same with the other skadi line and castoria lines other bros posted
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>260 watching
For me it's the exact opposite. Quick doesn't have the refund of Arts or the firepower of Buster, both of which I appreciate, but I do love the fun gimmicks that Quick Servants like Bazette or Taira get. Just doesn't do enough damage to get the job done.

Actually I could farm with Quick now that I think about it, since mostly I farm doors these days.

Her NP is Arts, that's what matters to me for the purposes of building chains. Also.

Hard content (so, most things I use Quick for these days) loves telling that to fuck off
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>He skips chapters
>He doesn't take his time
>He doesn't make a servant party of 6 for every chapter
>He doesn't try to fit as many story servants in his party as he can
>He doesn't take his favorite into every battle
>He uses more than 3 mystic codes in a chapter
>He doesn't exclusively take story supports
>He doesn't justify in story why he took a non story support servant
>He doesn't play with music on
>He doesn't name himself Ritsuka when playing story
>He plays as Gudako
>He doesn't burn all his CS on the final boss
>He uses double servants in regular fights
>He doesn't stop using a servant if they're said to be out of commission in story
>He allows the same servant and their summer version in the same party without justification like Hokusai
>He doesn't mute boss music and turn it on on Youtube so it's not interrupted by NP music
Took you a while, buddy
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>Whenever Kriemhild's voice cracks
>Hai NFF services desu
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We all go at our own pace
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Didn't mean to reply to two anons lol
For me, it's
>Isai shouchi; Hougu kidou.
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Guilty on all counts.
I play as Gudako but I don't skip chapters and I take my time (still not done with Traum btw)
Hey that's me!
You guys joke, but there's this famous japanese mystery novelist (well, famous to the nips and anyone interested in mystery novels) who goes by the pen name of Edogawa Ranpo. You might have heard of his name since some of his works have gotten manga adaptation plus get references in mystery anime/manga. He's such a Poe fanboy his pen name is pretty much meant to be a bastardization of Edgar Allan Poe ---> Edoga waran po.
And TM loves making artists/creative types overpowered and mixed with rando bullshit, so I can see a pretender Poe who is that JP novelist plus some other shit mixed in. Maybe a japanese raven girl.
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if only L had an ass like tihs...
Fat ass is gross
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Hai Hai~!
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The tenderness really caught me by surprise. She has a similar line on attack too but it's not as warm and fuzzy.
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Hey Berserker!
[Saori Hayami voice] ara kowai kowai
fuck who is this I can't remember
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I cum at all of Shuten's voicelines
I don't think he'd mind desu.
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Hajime siscord...
Why are you gay?
I HATE Skadi voice and her lines, I literally don't use quickeks because hearing Skadi's voice makes me mad. She sounds like a literal retard.
>Show me your blue apples...
This is exactly why I don't use Castoria.
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>She sounds like a literal retard.
But aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?
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Skadi has broken your mind.
Holy secondary, Batman.
Herc is the one that comes running for Jason every time he uses Astrapste Argo. Even in Atlantis where Jason was being an absolute prick.
Not to mention Alcides is ready to Kill Bazdilot and throw the holy grail war if Bazdilot insults Jason again.
Herc and Jason are genuine bros. Alcides went to bat for Jason so hard that it spawned an extreme amount of BL art specifically of Jason and Alcides making out under the towel. So much that I couldn't find an actual Pic for this post of the two of them just hanging out.
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there are cute sounding retards like Karen (babu) and infuriating annoying retards like Skado
Achilles is just green Lancelot and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
They should fight.
Arondight should be able to pierce his armor
you can't say that name, bro...
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Yeah he's just green lancelot but cooler...more heroic...stronger...and more of a bro
Lancelot had more pussies though
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Atlantis was so peak. Olympus was a slog with us hiding in the sewer and the gods just sitting around basically allowing us to do w/e we wanted, contrary to us being constantly hunted and cornered in Atlantis. There was a more real danger there than right under Zeus nose.
Helping cast didn't help either. I don't even remember who we had with us in Olympus and Grand Lancer showed up so late he felt utterly inconsequential.
Donika Natchae~
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>cites Strange Fake
Ok whatever.
Lancelot fucks other people's wives, Achilles fucks little boys and dead women. They are kinda different.
That's not true at all.
Lancelot had like 2 pussies. 1 extreme premium pussy and one counterfeit that he didn't realize at the time wasn't actually #1
I like his other two NP lines more, can't say which one, depends on the mood, because one is really gloomy one and the other just him being pretender
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Alcides is a little more angry about things than Herc proper is. Jason was the only person to ever treat Heracles as a human and Alcides is his humanity triumphing over his divinity.
Insulting Jason in front of Heracles would be less "say that again I'll twist your head off your neck rn" and more a blunt "no disrespecting my friends, please".
Achilles crossdresses as a woman too and gets penetrated by a shota's arrow.
You can't post this!
Or you know, fucking LB5 where Herc sacrificed himself so Jason can live and meet up with team Chaldea.
what were they thinking with this one?
Achilles is literally just Green Cu though.
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fatesisters...he's stealing our servants...
he's literally KEKING us...
Ok whatever.
>You consume more fate content than I do? Secondary.
What did he mean by this?
Just do the needful.
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I trust you all and I'm sure you understand what to do in a situation like this
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Get in.
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That one's a compliment
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What the fuck, you can't post this!
Only /stay night and Hollow (ostensibly) are primary, silly.
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>Oc1 was about alter egos
>Which ones?
The class in general.
My take is that the different writers were told to do whatever they want but within reason.
Minase did an abstract take examining the AE class while making a neat HGW in a really interesting setting, though it's basically the best non-Nasu part 1 Singularity story.
Sakurai made a super orthodox really bland literal take on Avengers that, like you'd expect, was carried utterly by the cast.
Nasu seems to be crossing items off the list of shit he wanted to write or have implemented, like swimsuits for Lip and Eresh, shitloads of Extraverse fanservice, and so on. He might have been sneeding that Minase already used AIs, so he took it in a different but more than vaguely globohomo direction (give up your future lmao).
Higashide is another orthodox writer but the amount of time he's had to work makes me think Ruler is going to be the best OC. He's the only interesting writer besides Nasu.
There isn't a Pretender story because we get the class score for free from Olga Quest. Shielder's will probably be a part of Antarctica. Beast's will be the end of Ola Quest.
Meteo and Foreigner are up in the air. You'd think he'd get a full chapter for himself. But I'm thinking it'll tie directly in to Antarctica the way Traum (literally LB 6.5) did to LB7. But it's always possible that Alter Ego was the exception for its triad and we get Foreigner from some direct Antarctica fuckery.
In summary,
>Higa Ruler OC4
>Meteo Foreigner OC4.5, maybe
>Tsukihime Remake collab
>two year victory lap of reruns or abrupt EoS, which will include NA
It's just a horse part of his legend and one already mentioned within the story. It's not FGO's fault that people on the western side of the internet have just gotten mindbroken by MLP fags.
Now that tower event scene with the horses drooling over sanzang and raikou, that's another issue entirely.
>Castoria already bond 15
>don't have to listen to Makenaizoou every other time
I'm... I'm free... only 'Innovation~' now to go...
I like where this is going
>Achilles gifted Gudako a horse
He just knows
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a diminutive horse that belongs to me
>the horses drooling over sanzang and raikou
>those scenes from Tunguska with the animals and Nikitich's dragon drooling over Mash
Sakurai is definitely into bestiality.
Is that a jojo reference??
Yeah, its a good compliment since Achilles is just a more successful Cu basically. They're both demigod speedsters with battle hunger and divinity and battle continuation known for fighting to the death. They also act the same as well, Cu betrays his master on more than one occasion because they crossed the line and so did Achilles.
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>he's stealing our servants...
About that...
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>throw this album on
>get to this song
>start thinking about her
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lol look at Siegfried's big grumpy face
Nobody tell him about the Extra attack...
Bro your anytime???
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Somebody called?
>more successful
I wonder by what metric you figure. Cu actually lived through his war.
Kriem's big pale white milkers....
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Moshi moshi
best bond farm?
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where's the pizza?
Hakunon is gonna steal her, she uses anytime in her animations
Only to kill his son and die in the next war because a hag offered him a hot dog (actual dog).
Country roads...
The metric of their success in F/SN vs F/A
Achilles kills Chiron and takes out evil cat as well to redeem his enabling of Amakusa. Also he helps out in killing Karna.
Cu either ends up helping out in most of the routes or getting punked by someone (Hassan, Gil, etc.)
I love how Siegfried fights.
>I am indestructible so long as I'm facing my opponent
>so I will always be facing my opponent and pointing my stick at him
Truly getting redman to voice him was the right call
I'm gonna steal her back with my cock
I assume he means in terms of legacy which I agree with, and I do like Cu
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Homete is so hype (no)
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Cu also didn't abandon his allies to throw a bitchfit partway into the war.
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Imagine skipping this cutie
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>pointing my stick at him
What does she smell like?
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Why roll for her when Cummer is a straight upgrade?
I'm not interested in other people's wife's.
Take me home...
wu's perfect hairless slit
She probably has the smell of your grandparents house
I read that as clit...
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For me, it's her second ascension.
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I think separating Sigurd and Siegfried was kinda lame.
Should've just been an amalgam of them with some innocent monster shit because of the varying legends
Ancient greeks viewed shows of emotion as heroic traits, like Herc's many rampages or cross dressing
I miss my grandparents. They all passed away before I could speak to them as an adult.
All I wanted was Charlie and I got her at np4, with just one copy of my target.
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Steamy widow sex
hits different trait, lower cost
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I never wanted your stupid horrible tea anyway.
Iyo doesn't deserve to be in this shitty event.
Go choke on your filthy tea, old troon servant.
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Nothing about Molay is good
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What would happen if jalter fused with olga
Why did they turn the last grandmaster of the Knights Templar into a succubus again?
Her grief resonates with me.
lmao dumb veteran
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If they waste a good design on cuckbait, you should boycott her. Doubly so that they made her gameplay, like they're begging you to cuck yourself. Should've been patient and waited for summer castoria like the rest of us.
You had three weeks...
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Does Kriem have the bob trait?
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We're talking about female Molay, not the male one
Nothing, they act and look exactly the same
Same, I don't know much about the legend beyond the broad strokes but I'm sure it could've been done. At least they're both cool.
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yes, she is bob
Amplified in inferiority complex.
She is powercrept by Summer Castoria, what are you talking about, retard?
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They ran out of good ideas & designs for the Foreigner class
This is a FGO MOBILE thread retard, there’s only one Molay & she’s garbage
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Post Homete the new fotm
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I didn't ask
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Looks like someone doesn’t have a happy family~
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Jeanne Alter uses her new powers to obliterate all the niggers in France.
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You are not Guda, Sunk cost Fallacy man
Britomart blows the rest of the fotm carousel out of the water.
aw hell nah, i know yo ass ain't talking about cuckbait
She was introduced with zero pretense of being for (You), explicitly still into her husband. There's no bait.
>Aisouka, korosouka
>Do re ni shi you ka na~
>Meirei to na
Hearing Skadi's voice is preciously pure. I like hearing it over and over again
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it's just that easy
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Do you mean she's the best forgettable fotm or something?
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Quetz Nee-san’s Smile us precious!
What would happen if jalter fused with bob
What would happen if /alter/ fused with /fgog/
It would be a downgrade for jalterbros.
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Enjoying [Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)
Schizo grail war.
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Slower and smugger /fgoalter/
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it's not fair, she had thousands of years drinking dick growth potions!
What is there to enjoy?
What if /alter/ was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in reddit for 1000 years?
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>reverse image search
>0 results
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pls stop the porn let's go back to comfy music
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We would start spamming AI art every thread
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The man who saved Proper Human History.
What class could he be?
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Ibaraki is sexier than shuten
Why is she so wide
What would happen if Eric Bloodaxe fuses with your favorite
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you're not listening I said stoooooooooooooooop
would would happen if kama lost possession of sakura's body and returned to his true form of brown hairy indian man
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With himself? His np gets upgraded, I guess.
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We're in for a rough time...
He's a green twink
Jason's interlude is in 17 minutes, we'll at least have some kino...
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We'll need White Day Shiva to incinerate him again, so love can fill the universe once more.
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We should get a Valentine event where the main character is Kama...
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This is so obviously Grand Saber
I have a need to breed this girl.
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muramasa will be so pleased
That doesn't really make sense, the sword halts her aging.
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Hey /alter/ you're looking really pent up! Let's fuck!
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Which female servant body you would like to possess?
We gave it back to her at the end of Camelot.
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Melu SEX
horsefucker can't even swing a sword properly because of her tits
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I love tea! I love Rikyu! I love Koma! Simple as!
Is it worth your life?
I don't understand what Raikou has to do with anything.
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>Lartoria (Saber)
You're not ready
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*SMACK* Streak breaker!
I think you're right for no other reason than
>Super Orion
>Super Romulus
>Super Edmond
>Super BB
So Super Saber isn't ridiculous. Especially for a potential return to Fuyuki singularity
Is this snuff
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Eric was Jets only equal. It would create an unstoppable servant too strong for this game. Morgankeks would commit suicide. Pookeks would wash their hands in reverence. Teakeks would have an identity crisis and change to coffee. Musashikeks would, by a strange twist of fate, become data found just so they could kneel. And ibukeks would become hazy clouds of denial and disperse.

The world isn't ready for Bloodsalot Jetaxe.
So how many days until content?
I forget, what is our current list of known Grands?
7 minutes
He would become Eric Bloodaxen
Axen is the plural of Ax, right?
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whenever I look at skadi summer I think there's no way in hell that bra holds up
also I wonder which servants are okay with us seeing them naked, pretty sure mom is one
Orion Archer
Roma Lancer
Merlin Caster
Hassan Assassin
Daybit has one grand, presumed to be berserker
Road to LB today bro
Can't wait to test out my newly acquired bishouri against caenis
To be fair that horse is her mana provider.
Sleepy, Grumpy, Doc, Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Jackie Chan.
Kama's big bunny butt...
Saber ???
>Archer Orion
>Lancer Romulus
>Rider Noah (Arcade)
>Caster Solomon
>Berserker Tezcatlipoca (Kinda)
>Assassin Old Man of the Mountain (Kinda)
Karna? Qin for sure.
Jack. Grey Abby.
I'm pretty sure the fact that Merlin is technically still alive disqualifies him unless I've missed something.
Especially since I'm pretty sure Solomon was Grand Caster until he deleted himself.
Speaking of, has he had any sort of teaser stuff in the last couple years?
Milly you’re also going to suffer the drought with me so don’t act smug.
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>To be fair that horse is her mana provider.
Don't worry. I have superior taste. So I'm going with Hakunon and let her have the males.
Most of them based on Valentine's scenes
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>he still cares about Grands
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I still care about Fate lore, yes.
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It could malfunction anytime...
Scáthach seems like she would make better quality milk
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I prefer these to be the Grands.
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>I still care about Fate lore, yes.
>he said this in gacha coomer general
Nasu doesn't so don't hurt yourself
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Even more heroine moments with Kama...
Based honest anon
Takeuchi I love you so much
what would this be like with Maou
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me, I love unga characters, crit characters AND grands. SupaOrion is my favorite servant out of the ones I have
captcha:" XDDD8", speaking of why is it only 5 letters now and auto captcha fails so often
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Making a bakery with Kamama...
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>>I still care about Fate lore, yes.

Did you enjoy OC3?
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Thats JP moron
What would you do if Kama got wood when you were resting on his lap?
What the fuck? Why is it my fault?
Raikou sex.
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>tsukihime remake isn't on PC but is on PS4
>fsn isn't on PS4 but is on PC
>Mahoyo is the only game available on PC, PS4, and switch despite being the least popular
Why is this
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We keep getting these special Arcueid login bonuses but every time I check my inbox there's no Arcueid. What am I doing wrong bros?
How dare you tarnish Boggart’s memory.
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Nasu and Takeuchi are the best
what are the recollection quests
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Don't respond to the monkey moron.
>he doesn't know
You don't play the game, why even ask
Imagine if she farts in this exact moment lol
you dont know me bitch
I think I knew that guy
I don't care
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Are you talking about me?!
i asked
I don't think
Jokes aside I don't see how any normally functioning male would say no to this body
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>a lot of notification popups after login

Great game. Alive game. So many useful rewards!
What is bishouri?
>Saber Okita + Assassin Okita?
>Okita + Okitan?
The issue is that yes isn't an option.
Because there's like 300 other peak female bodies ready to go and that one is a cockblocker?
I need cunny wife.
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I cannot stop thinking about cunny, I want it
I want to bend Melusine like a pretzel while I pound her
I want spread Illya's lips
I want to take Chloe on a full nelson
I want to put it inside Miyu while she sleeps
I want to use Wu hair like handles
I want to grab Ibaraki by her horns
I want to turn Nursery into a PUNIANA SPDX
I want to get a morning BJ from Beni-Enma
I want to teach Jack how to become a mommy
I want to sully Davinci's tights
I want to pull down Sion's panties while she explains something
I want to make Draco use her dress commando
I want to feel Chacha's uvula
I want to get a footjob from Shuten
I want to make Gohg's belly jiggle
I want to make Fakeliz pee herself
I want to make Kama do stupid faces
I want to touch Ana/Medusa while her sisters grab her
I want to get inside Bunyan
I want to give my present to Santa Jeanne
I want to rub against Helena's armpits
I want to ride Abigail
Bishouri means beautiful victory. Cleopatra?
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I had this.
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I'm loyal to my waifu
which one are we supposed to use???
The first one? Duh
>Except the first no one knows or gives a fuck about any of these
Constantine I is one of the most influential figures in Western History and the Middle East
Kill yourself, ai slopper

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