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>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
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/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

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So AAA uses graphic as a crutch
played space marines 1
why did the AAA all collectively think QTEs were good during gen 7?
qtes are based
>so water is wet
yeah no shit nigger this has been obvious for over 10 years
Been the case for ages. Ever play Horizon Zero Yawn? Nobody has, because it's a fucking movie.
That camera work is incredibly good
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'ost 'ogress
Retard lol
Isn't this an RE4 scene
why are there no games with real good vs evil conflict?
most games are just "run around and kill stuff", which almost feels like you are invading the habitat of those creatures and kill them, which actually feels evil.
i think that's why i like rimworld, because it makes you defend your close ones against invaders. although invaders aren't really evil, it's more like a natural fight for territory.
what i'd want to see is fighting real evil. like a numb villain who just slaughters and conquers out of sheer hunger for power and blood.
monsters should be nothing but kill machines without any emotions. and they shouldn't "live" where you kill them, they should be killing machines in places where your allies lived and they kill all of them or made them flee.
i've never felt like truly fighting evil in video games. yes you fight criminals, but i want true evil. i want a 5 meter tall devil with grim eyes and a massive overpowered weapon and evil powers leading hordes of brainless mind-controlled spawns of hell. i dont want a pussyfied version of evil.
did you notice how the devil is always portrayed as some gay handsome supermodel in entertainment? wtf man. make the devil badass again.
video games just suck at creating conflict.
looks great
QTEs are fine if you don't abuse them. An acceptable QTE is when you get grabbed and have to break out. Another is when you have to dodge something and it signals you.
>i want a 5 meter tall devil with grim eyes and a massive overpowered weapon and evil powers leading hordes of brainless mind-controlled spawns of hell
have you heard of this funny game series called Doom?
keep slurping that slop zoomer
Can someone explain to me the point of autoload (singleton) in Godot? It's literally no different than creating a top level node and putting everything else as its child. If all you care about is global functions, you can achieve the same result by creating a public class. What is it for?
It was implemented for Unity refugees. You can completely make a game without it if you want.
I’d love to see your game lmao dumb talentless faggot
that looks really, really good. Damn.
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> what i'd want to see is fighting real evil
how about satan?
There's nothing wrong with borrowing from the best game of all time.
you aren't defending anything in doom though, it's not a conflict, it's survival
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what's wrong with being gay?
Wrong moron, that's a disguised loading screen.
Sorry I'm not taking requests right now. Maybe you should make this game yourself.
by playing doom, you are defending good and by not playing doom, you are advocating for evil
>eat at restaurant
>one day later my breath smells like shit
how are those people so incompetent? i dont even care about cooking yet i make better food.
on top of that that shit was HEAVILY overpriced and tasted like convenience products.
Where is that video from? Is it from a youtube channel?
You aren't going to believe me but I tried a new strat last night and it worked pretty well. I set an alarm 15 minutes before I really wanted to be asleep and just closed my phone and shut my eyes when it went off. Yup, I stopped watching youtube and just closed my eyes and did nothing. For the first five minutes I was super not sleepy and anxious as you'd expect but after five minutes I finally got somewhat relaxed and was able to at least keep my eyes closed and think about what to add to my game without feeling like I'm going to go insane. Eventually I feel asleep apparently. I might even combine this strat with delayed release melatonin to see if I can really finally get my asshole brain to just fucking sleep at the right time and not be sleepy at all other times besides I want to be sleepy.
Change the main scene and see what happens to your precious top level nodes.
you're one to speak you troonish AAA cock gobbler
post game then
it's fine as long as you like girls
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left or right?
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>Honey, what's wrong? You've barely touched your devslop.
>shiny pink titflesh
left never had a chance
one decade too late to cash in on the zombie trend bud
just kidding looks good
im as horny as they come but theis shit just looks fucking retarded, i can't believe people play this slop unironically
you want a samus aran type -> left with bigger boobas
you want Moe~~ :3 -> right
Left looks way better for game dev. Right is some boring marketing shot.
>indieslop vs japslop
I love fat fucking tits so much jesus christ
i will never understand why anyone watches/plays softcore
my friend would call this gororoba, she's hilarious. I'd eat that twice though.
did you eat her yet?
It only looks bad because they make them too big. Still 8/10.
they are created for people who are afraid they will somehow mess up and create more than 1 instance of an object that should only exist once
there is no reason to ever use them other than "muh industry standards"
I love coomerslop (don't play it, just jerk off to it) but all of the Nikke characters look like shit. What's stopping them from having a BB or an Asuna character who's actually hot and spawns tons of porn?
bags of sand, always
stop with the female protagonists.
As soon as I see female protagonist, I'm not playing game.
looks great
you don't play my game even with a male protag albeit
post your kuruminha friend
why did you make me watch this my entire week is ruined
Changing the main scene is glitchy and overall a very bad idea. You should set it to your global node and handle everything yourself.
you're supposed to appreciate your life more and never give up at game dev
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She cute
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I've eaten fried cabbage four times this week.
Both the poses and proportions are completely different. What are we supposed to be judging here?
If you've got large animations, 16 directions and 16-24 frames per, and then six or animations per character, what's the most efficient way to store these?
>By direction (sixteen sheets each with 24 walk frames of a different direction)
>By animation (one sheet with all 324 walk frames)
>By character (all of the possible frames for one unit in a massive sheet)
I'm tired nigguh
I have to decide on a sorting algorithm.
Whichever one makes a square or is as close to a square. This is always the answer to textures.
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wait, I'm supposed to multithread?
I feel this. I haven't even touched mutli-thread yet.
By the animation would be most square I think. A rectangle, but closer to square.
>his projectiles actually change direction
I couldn't figure out how to do this myself. Also isnt that boss guy oke of the regular enemies from the kirby games?
it's directly opposed to humanity's goals
>humanity's goals
Man was meant for more.

You dishonor your son, your father, and your brother when you dishonor another man.
these just make me not want to waste my life on gamedev and live life to the fullest instead of this anti social hobby
I don't see game dev as wasted time at all.
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I WILL make a video game
I WILL become a multi millionaire
I WILL move to Japan
I WILL find a hot young Japanese wife
I WILL have half a dozen children with her

Manifest your dreams into reality. Believe in yourself.
already had my vasectomy, fuck off
Game dev is a part of life ergo you wouldn’t be living to the fullest if you took it out of your life.
it's sunk cost fallacy because i wasted my whole youth playing vidya and im coping by pretending it's worth it because of all the knowledge i'll use to make a successful game
I thought this was a little girl from the thumbnail, don't tease me like that
do you know what having more than 1 kid does to a womans body?
oh, I never reasoned videogame playing like that.
Go do what you really want to do then. Sunk cost fallacy is called a fallacy for a reason.
A you can make a game is worth more than a you that can't make a game. If you engage earnestly, you will gain skill that will be useful to you elsewhere, and maybe then you will be able to find something better, if you decide game dev was not for you.
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Money this,money that. Money money money!
makes her ass and tits bigger
human civilization was built on women having more than one kid
Look up postpartum stretch marks and loose skin.
Im tired of saying that im making a game without actually working on it every day.

Gonna force myself to dev before work. Lets do it bros.

Basic layout and movement. Tomorrow Gonna try to add a touchscreen button for a dashlike movement.
Fuck yeah let’s do it!
anon, he's most likely just being flippant and is aware of the ugly reality of pregnancy on a female body
my future wife is an elf
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Haha! Good Morning! Your game is going to go GANGBUSTERS!

Remember to build an audience!
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women are like fine vinegar
Why do I keep going back to trying to make an FPS? Is it because it's easy?
life didn't gave me lemons
didnt ask
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Daily reminder for you disgusting creeps that you are not welcome in this world, the world that which is to come, nor on the internet.
Alice is the worst forced meme you guys have ever come up with
It's literally one guy.
she cute
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we've lost gamedev
we were beaten by a girl
it's over
if you're not making something dripping with appeal that gets thousands of likes on twitter, you may as well give up and make something else. not that thousands of likes on twitter guarantee anything, they're just the bare minimum for a game to have a chance of making it.
>schizos awake
alright see you guys tomorrow
>we've lost gamedev
>we were beaten by a girl
>it's over
>if you're not making something dripping with appeal that gets thousands of likes on twitter, you may as well give up and make something else. not that thousands of likes on twitter guarantee anything, they're just the bare minimum for a game to have a chance of making it.
>Leave 1 star on an itch io page
>You have now dealt a major blow to this one guy
It's not that hard
I hate doom posting faggots so much, kill yourself
>There are no wrong answers or failure states. You can change your mind at any time, and whatever you make will look cozy out of the box.
Perhaps this is the key since life is so hard now people dont seek challenge in singeplayer vidya anymore because they realize how meaningless it is
and I hate faithhavers and hopecopers. you have very limited time on this earth and you're going to waste 10% of it on the next marmoreal and that's if you can even finish a game
>and I hate faithhavers and hopecopers. you have very limited time on this earth and you're going to waste 10% of it on the next marmoreal and that's if you can even finish a game
stop coping
it's not because the west has fallen but that it's a cool concept that looks visually appealing and technically impressive
Sweat in PVP games
Relax in cozy single player games
What would you have me do? Play cs 1.6 for 5000 hours?
woot done my model good enough for prototyping some stuff have her with some expressions for blinking and different faces
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soon you will all perish
No one is worthy of the world to come except Christ.
no, just face the facts.
is your game getting so many likes on twitter that you have to turn off notifications? no? junk it and make something else.
Post game.
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I junked it because it was shit. if you haven't figured it out, my posts are directed primarily to me
omg thank you for the cute art!!
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Made another new weapon: The Ceremonial Trident
A melee physical weapon which scales well with critical damage.
Some people spend decades on models trains in their garage, do you tell them to scrap the tracks because they are not getting likes?
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games are entertainment products
My problem is I don't want to run through 60 hours of your shitty game again just to see 15 different lines of text. Game devs have created meaningless in their own game. Instead of rewarding the player with wonderful choices, they're just salad dressing.
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what girl?
this is made by a guy
he wrote his own custom renderer and stuff like that

bevy chads our first game is selling gangbusters we are so bevack btw
she looks like she fucks high poly men
troony loony getting toasty
Nice work uidev, what's her name
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Ok, it's a fun game but people are blowing their reviews way out of proportion based on just their first couple hours, which are the most exciting of the play through.

The game follows a simple loop.
Purchase stock > sell stock > level up > new stock available to sell > repeat

At first things move fast, buy a couple shelves, fill em with cards and sleeves or whatever. But eventually you hit a very long, very slow grind a few more hours in. In 4 hours I still had no reason at all to have more than 5 shelves in my store, I could fit everything available at my level in those. I have zero reason to expand the store, everything fits in my tiny ass 180 square foot store. I hired someone to run the cash register and he literally takes 5 seconds for each penny he pulls out of the drawer to give change, immediately regretted my decision.

There are no notable events that occur, no dialogue, nothing ever goes wrong except for smelly customers come in sometimes that you can spray with disinfectant so they don't offend your other clientele.

As of right now the game is a manually operated cookie clicker where the only thing thats changing are numbers which grow exponentially and the look of items on your shelves changes every few hours I guess.

What I'm trying to say is as of right now in the games development, the mechanics of the game by your 2nd or 3rd hour are all that therenis, it's the entire scope of the game.
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i just noticed that working with triangles is so much better for low poly models than quads.
>Aggy got undone by a gay girl
You guys fucking suck holy shit
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oh yeah
it's a two people team, the guy did the programming and she's the art gf
(hashtag goals, btw)
Damn, never saw his wife until now, but she's a cute looking nerd. I thought she was the artist and not the programmer though.
that artist p*** must be so good
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imagine pulling on her braids hnng oomph
alright focusing on the dev now
multithreading is pretty simple
just make a bool that indicates whether or not the thing is done in the struct for whatever uses the thread and use that to determine when you need to run the thing again or process the results
Godot can look like that?!
sounds like she's more than an artist and she's been into procgen for a long time
Yes but not like anybody here is skilled enough to do it
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biological woman who can kode?!
left but with the booba of right
or at least some booba
does she say thougheverbeit
going good
>need to replace a part of ui in godot
>now need to set everything back because it resets everything
holy shit
fuck this engine
i know all the rest but who is the skelly
That's Goblin Resort. He doesn't post here anymore.
how do you make an "end" or a final goal to a sandbox game
Why not?
big ass fukin final boss
Has anyone taken Thomas Brush's course?
retarded ngmi
>Paying for a game design course
>Rim World
Final boss.
>Star Sector
Special bounty.
>Caves of Qud
Destroy the multiverse.
You say that because you haven't seen mine. mines not entertaining at all.
terraria is a big ass boss
minecraft is a big ass boss
Depending on the game, make something that fits that requires lots of resources to get to
Thinking about taking it now that agdg posts it so much. Brush's game isn't even bad and he does make a living, so it could work.
Idea guys, what’s a multiplayer game idea you’ve always wanted to see?
sexo with anthro women
2d minecraft.
That's just Terraria and it came out 13 years ago
>Thomas Brush's
why do people keep mentioning this guy and what does he do
You and you buddies go on space adventures, doing jobs that pay just enough, sometimes you run into cool shit.
Some gamedev grifter that e-celeb obsessed anons won't shut up about like with Marnix
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setting up some parallax scenes for the early access trailer

working on music for it too

i don't have much practice with trailer production and i find it really difficult to get into the swing of making these. making a trailer for /v/3 was similarly tough and I wasn't terribly happy with the result

this time around i am trying to take lessons from the latest trailer for Mina the Hollower, because it was an effective advertisement that made me excited for the game
Very cool. What game is this though?
Loli Magical Girl Deathmatch
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this is for Amazoom
Kirby Air Ride with more players online with a bit of a social hub element to it for free ride
Are you really an idea guy if you don't have a game design document for each idea?
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Finished learning punches.

So far there are.

Jab, hook, high jab, mid jab, cross block, long block, uppercut, back punch, mountain punch, kung fu jab, slip, cross, parry, low parry, slip hook, monk punch, hammer punch, knife punch, palm punch, shining shoes.

I know have a complete vocabulary of punches and kicks for my games.

Gotta now learn throws and submissions.
colors look very nice. how did you choose them? did you use a preset palette?
i just took a yellow shade and a blue shade and told gimp to make an hsv clockwise gradient then posterized it

i don't actually like how the gradient looks right now. i'll fix it later when i add stars to the scene
Why do you copy my workflows so well?
because I like to make experiments and grind a lot.
What happened to stormgate?
toxic positivity from bootlickers telling them everything was fine then the game immediately died on release because it was shit
i was excited for a new starcraft 2 but they made it a gay warcraft 3 with dota mechanics
I hate chatgpt... I should have bought a claude subscription instead. I don't know how OpenAI managed to fuck up chatgpt so badly
not everyone can do that for their first game, you'll have to gain the skills somehow.
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Somebody should make a game like Darkwood except doesn't play like shit.
Target audience is the faggots who genuinely enjoy gookclick. But gookclick already exists. So the gookclick faggots simply continued playing actual gookclick, and everyone who liked RTS games ignored it.
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How do you solve this in game dev terms?
What plays like shit to you?
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Today I thought out my game's story in my head as well as key moments in the sequel and the prequel and several spin-offs set in the same universe
Yes. For the majority of the people here, playing CS 1.6 would do more good for the world than if they wasted their time making a game.

People spending decades on model trains in their garage does more good to the world than people wasting time making games no one will play.
The game. It has excellent atmosphere and great ideas for mechanics, but actually playing feels like a chore.
You can only count this as progress if you write it down
>The game.
I just lost the game.
It’s written down in my internal notepad.
(in his anus)
says who?
>triple a RTS game
why even bother? isn't RTS a dead genre?
It wasn't an RTS, it was a gookclick clone.
not at all, they managed to grift millions of dollars out of people who wanted a new rts
nodev just cause you write hundreds of post every day doesn't mean you made progress
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One day kids will be throwing birthday parties with my game as the theme
i don't even know how to make something multithreaded in the first place
It's actually pretty easy, the issue is knowing when to do it and what to use it on.
Use Rust
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Tomodev... your game needs a theme first
so you dont want food on your table and a roof over your head and a wife and 5 kids?
I have a job system for my pathfinding. Realistically there should be no hiccups but let's say that there are delays between jobs. What should the AI do while waiting for their request to complete?
same that'd be great

..........i said "how" the importance of when to do it is pointless when i don't even know how to in the first place lel
Smoke a ciggie
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Being an Indie Game Dev is a cringe old fad now, being a Doujin Game Dev is where it's at
>Having a wife let alone FIVE kids
>Relying on a HOBBY to sustain them
what is a job system
Your "hobby" wouldn't even exist without Thomas Brush.
What if there are 10000 jobs?
>Your "hobby" wouldn't even exist without Thomas Brush.
one day i'll get a wife with a body like this, all i have to do is get rich off gamedev and await her arrival in a cosplay outfit of one of my characters ;_; how many games do i have to make until this happens thoughbeit?
Why can't I just perform multiple checks to avoid tunneling? If the reason it goes through is because it's too fast to collide, then can't I just add trailing raycasts that check for collision if the first check fails?
sadly for you i wanted to be a gamedev before 2010 even began. now if only i actually began back then when i was still a kid, the golden age could very well have resulted in me getting rich
An open-world game where the most successful players can make kingdoms or change the world. The game should also be open source and free of all pay to win horseshit. I could never achieve such a gargantuan task, at least not on my own. But maybe somebody will someday. I'd like to see it before I die.
Same thing as in any other engine, it should pause and wait until it has more data on where to go.
minecraft isn't open source but it's all of those
Can anyone suggest a gamedev tutorialist that actually has good code structure and habits?
All you need is Clean Code.
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I like all of the autistic lore surrounding the 2bt2 server.

And all you need is a good ole fashioned lashing with a tree branch,
I just discovered that winning your first run of Vampire Survivors (without previous knowledge of hidden map items) is impossible. I feed betrayed. This is not how games should be designed.
* 2b2t oops
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brute force
Should I make it go toward it's current velocity instead of just stopping? It would look jarring to just stop them out of nowhere.
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Who cares about your dumb ass game design beliefs? Vampire Survivors works from a game design point of view and yours doesn't. That means winning on the first run doesn't matter.
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welcome to arcade games, retard.

go and play metal slug.
I just tried it. I maxed out 6 weapons and all available accessories, but it just isn't enough damage to get past 20 minutes. You need additional unlocks or the hidden pickups. What you normally have available isn't enough.
Your god Frosch will make an attempt starting after he uses the restroom.
Just work on your game
What's your political ideology?
Not another indie FPS!
Sex with Fiona desu
I-I'm keeping my mind sharp. Now I'm going to go piss and then solve anon's problem.

Whatever allows me to enact my sadist desires :D
Fuck. My idea got stolen again.
You must hold economically left positions, if you hope for that open-world survival game to be free, and open source. Nothing wrong with that - I do, too.
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You are my friend
>slop 3 upgrades screen
every single time
it's so tiresome
How about a roguelike but....4 upgrades instead?
Oh no no
He's GMI
>Spidershit intro
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>In those days, a casino was considered blessed if its roulette tables bore the icon of the goddess of fertility. Casinos did not carry the social stigma they hold today; instead, they were places of escapism for hunters, who sought distraction and solace before their infernal dives.
WIP progress for the roulette table; still haven't thrown it into substance yet as I'm still trying to get the animation work done.
I am using the european version of roulette, as I want players to have more fun (and slightly better chances at winning).
no more of this slot machine bullshit
i'll take leveling up over cranking the machine
Why mess with a tried and true formula?
But for real, what would be a good alternative?
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okay now what
>Roguelite without randomization
Coyote time and/or not making a pixel platformer
Release on Steam.
Not anon, but levels like DOOM. Things that actually make you utilize tactics and your different weapons/abilities. It's like a puzzle and solving them is rewarding. Real rewarding because it takes real problem solving. Superhot is a very simple game and it excels on level design.
Indies don't have time to make hand-crafted levels. Randomly generated wave survival with choice of 3 upgrades is all you're ever going to get.
Turn the box into a bunny girl, make a hundred stages, proceed to never release your game.
A cozy game with no failstates and 3 choice of randomized upgrades every 10 minutes that serve no purpose.
not a bad idea

Took sleeping medication getting tired. Tomorrow I will finish with actual code. But let me tell you what I'm thinking of, I think I'm on the right track.

1. Find the first index, This where the height either increases or decreases from the leftmost height.
2. Find the second index. This corresponds to a decreasing height if the first index was an increasing height, or vice versa, moving right of the first index.
3. Between the first and second index the height and the water height must add to a constant. That constant must be the smaller of the two heights corresponding to our first and second indices.
4. Iterate over more pairs of indices. Once you run out of pairs you are done.
close to what I had in mind, except it's going to be a cunny vampire girl, a la yupiel-sama
Make it cozyslop like placing plants in a garden or island, and some soft pastel shaders, and you'll get 700+ reviews.
rng for the cosy decorations you have available.
Stardew Valley, but 3 choices of randomized upgrades to your farm every day sounds kino.
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What type of person plays cozy games? Just get a pet turtle.
Whenever I get started on an idea I feel like I am doing it just to do it and it's kind of phoned in. Then it doesn't make sense to continue because I'm not passionate about it, but it's like that for everything. Why isn't there something I want to make?
Make it continue to whatever the last good "next point" it had was and then come to a normal stop. An enemy stopping in place for a moment on very rare occasions isn't a problem. If it's happening regularly and for long durations then you have bigger problems with your performance you stupid motherfucker.
It's almost as if you have the capacity for infinite thoughts and it's a mere roll of the die if you'll get the right thought. You just have to keep rolling.
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Added in a second punch and tried to add some "oomph" to it with a bit of shake and pausing the animation upon hit.
so a subscription service game that's something like Wurm or EVE?
less impact frames, and make it flash quickly when you hit it and it will look infinitely better
sir I own the patent for punching objects in a virtual environment, cease and desist immediately
The newest update already gives you that.
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The people who played the new demo seem to enjoy it but it's disheartening to see other devs with similar followercount post stuff and get 2 to 3 times the reach on Xitter
The camera shake feels really wrong for some reason.
no sound
looks like a game you would see being played on a 2000s sitcom
It's not that. It's like it's too strong on first contact or something like no lerping.
The peak of /agdg/'s creativity is just "What if I made Stardew Valley again"
Nice textures
Every time I've tried playing cozyslop, it's just boring tedium that avoids conflict. And they'll be like "make your own goals!" but there's no challenge in any of the mechanics. At least there are some like Dorfromantik that take a cozy theme and actually make a game.
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Something that heavily affects compile times is code base. Something very few Unity developers use and understand are code assemblies. It took me a while to figure them out. Before I used them, my project would take up to a minute to compile, after setting up the assemblies correctly, I can compile in a few seconds.

The way assemblies work, is they keep code restricted to a domain, which only gets refreshed when code within that domain is changed, so instead of recompiling the whole thing, it only compiles the scripts in the assembly. This can be challenging if your code is highly coupled, but decoupled code is easy to turn into assembly compatible code base.
SDV is literally the peak of cozy-like so why not?
is the ape man here?
var water
var lb #leftbank
var bottom
var rb #rightbank
for i < height.size():
if i=0:
lb = i
if height[i] < height[lb]:
bottom = i
elif height[i] > height [lb]:
if bottom == null:
lb = i
rb= i
var x = lb
for x < rb:
if height[lb] < height[rb]:
water += height[lb] - height[x]
water +=height[rb]- height[x]
bottom= null

Something like that, keep in mind I am doing this in my head on a cellphone, might be missing something.

>if you're not making something dripping with appeal that gets thousands of likes on twitter, you may as well give up and make something else. not that thousands of likes on twitter guarantee anything, they're just the bare minimum for a game to have a chance of making it.

honestly this
You are approaching it with the wrong mindset. You think it's tedium because you have to take care of something, but it's no different from doing quests in an RPG. You do make your own goals, and managing that with your own time is the challenge.
Well it's not like you can force ideas to come
Do i add bazinga achievements for throwing shoes at a Bush lookalike
fuck fuck fucking niggerchan removing leading spaces fuck
It's easy. Try to improve upon Skyrim. Tons of ideas.
if only there a website called paste bin or something like that
Stop saying 'cozy'
criscore cozyslop when
cozywood instead of darkwood
>except it's going to be a cunny vampire girl, a la yupiel-sama
You can, this is what drugs are for.
>Starting with a fundamentally flawed base
Doomed to failure
It's amazing how those work on low IQ savages.
>whoa dude the world is like so deep and complex man
You only just noticed?
she cute
So, a lolivania instead of a panic floor. Very interesting.
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nice that looks way better
brain storm green needle
I feel so out of place here sometimes. I have never played Stardew Valley, have zero interest in ever playing Stardew Valley, and zero interest in making anything like Stardew Valley, but eveybody else on agdg seems to obsess over that game and wants to recreate it. Meanwhile, I have never seen anyone on agdg want to rip off the game I love and want to rip off.
well? tell us what games you like.
you dont necessarily need damage though, you just need to keep them from killing you (e.g. the powered up book thing)
what weapon combos did you use
i bet it is possible
if the combat and movement was better and more involved, leveling didn't come from grinding, crafting was removed or changed significantly, there were much less characters and quests and environments that were instead higher quality, more interesting and unique. a non tolkien-slop inspired world
skyrim but dark messiah combat
kek you faggots are getting ROASTED
that's just another agdger shitting on agdg
No, not enough weapons are unlocked. You can't evolve book.
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if you can't love /agdg/ at it's worst you don't deserve it at its best.
i'm confused is picrel the worst or best? omegalol if it's best
do you think her artist pole is circumcised?
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hate how every anime styled model looks like an ayy lmao until you add hair and texture it
it is the best although outdated
you get used to it
what the fuck is wrong with your blender UI
it's just the top of
review count of agdg games
>open thread
>0 results
>closes thread
see you tomorrow
Yes, you can.

#1 is a literal slideshow text slop game LMFAO
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i'm working into something that will change agdg forever. stay tunned
lender, uindoh, herupu, obujekuto modo, biuu, sentaku, seppuku
just use english at this point...
what's your game faggot?
>Product received for free
>Product received for free
>Product received for free

i hope so
even though I know when I add even some base colours it'll look good, seeing pic related staring back at me for 90% of the modeling process is so demoralizing for some reason
Why are these softwares so gay.
Do you read books? literally just text on a page lmao
here's a small demo
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
wtf it's all dolphin porn
I didn't get any agdg games for free :(
Why did everyone forget that Harvest Moon was a thing before Stardew Valley?
funny as fuck cope

deluded tranny retards, the thread

>durr durr i made a 2d text game with AI pictures off centre in the background i am a game dev

am I gonna get a knock at my door? holy splitting fuckballs on fire that was insane to post that.
this new spaceposter is one annoying fuck
i don't know how this thread manages to attract new terrible people every year
where are all the good game devs?
>where are all the good game devs?

working and not shitposting with a bunch of failures
they don't get as many (You)'s as the bad posters so they leave
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>where are all the good game devs?
>xhe posts, in /agdg/
it was raining yesterday and today so i was too sad to make progress
>some rando made a VN and became a millionaire
>anon with no game gets triggered because games have to be a certain thing in his autistic brain

also AI art in 2016? lol oh... this is bait? I choose to believe you genuinely think this though. you wouldn't pretend to be retarded.
show us your million dollareedoos then
It's weird how despite being a pedo I'm the least unhinged person here
>n-no it wasn't me who made a game and it sold enough to cover my rent but if i keep talking about it it will manifest into reality

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so you don't have a million dollareedoos to post then, just someone elses game
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My AGP is acting up again.
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Been 20 hours non stop trying to learn the entire vocabulary of martial arts so I can properly name every animation in a fighting game like kof or SF.

hops, wall jumps, wall flips, swing jumps, flips, butterfly wheels, landing rolls, handrail crosses, normal jumps, long jumps, swing grabs, long jump rolls, rolls, vaults, precision jumps, balance cat jumps.

So far I learned these types of jumps.

So far the main kicks seem to be front kick, side kick, back kick, roundkick, crescent kick, round hook, hook, push kick, knee, leg kick, swipe, jump kick, flash kicks, butterfly kicks, tornado kicks, split kicks, double and triple kicks.

Finished learning punches.

So far there are.

Jab, hook, high jab, mid jab, cross block, long block, uppercut, back punch, mountain punch, kung fu jab, slip, cross, parry, low parry, slip hook, monk punch, hammer punch, knife punch, palm punch, shining shoes.

flips are:

roll, flip, cartwheel, springs, butterfly kicks, 360 flip, 720 flip, side roll, back roll, kipup, bronto, armadas, 180 grab, 360 grab, suicide drop, side flip.

Throws are leg throw, back throw, roll throw, knee throw, head choke throw.

Chokes are arm lock, leg lock, triangle choke, back choke.
There were a bunch of good progress posts a few days ago, you probably missed it.
>$22,091,857.27 in gross revenue since its release. Out of this, the developer had an estimated net revenue of $6,517,097.89.
I.. I uh don't think the /agdg/ dev spent 16 million developing this game.
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step 1: install tampermonkey, violentmoney, or other such browser extension that runs custom userscripts
step 2: acquire 4chanX, or an equivalent script, or write your own, that can hide a post and all of its replies automatically if the text inside matches a regex
step 3: use this regex: /\s{3,}/
(also while you're at it might as well add some other... mainstays... that i won't name in case they change their posting habits...)

you're welcome, helpfulanon out
Taxes and Steam cut
I've been working on cutscenes for my game and on the one hand, this is the chance to add more characters to flesh out the world, but on the other, I don't want to end up with a huge cast that does nothing and feels like a DEI checklist. Any advice on achieving a good balance?

Shame how the sequel has been mismanaged to the point of being vaporware.
I get fans spinning on a fixed camera scene that has the same postprocess of regular levels, any pointers to where I could look at to improve performance? Game's in UE4
Well you see there is some validity behind my theory that a bunch of the hobby posters are really just closeted jobby devs that don't believe in their skill and know they will flop so they cope. Thus "hehe it's just a hobby" or "REEEEE stop calling it a jobby, it's a hobby, leave this hobby now!" threatened by someone who actually has faith in his abilities and isn't afraid if he fails or the ridicule that may come. I'm not saying they're all hobby devs or people who screech those things, but it really makes me think when they lash out like this but then you see 12 or 13 anons suddenly making Stardew clones even though the jobby devs feel small in number.
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this is kinda true for me
i don't have any confidence that my FirstGameEver.exe will sustain me, so why would i quit my job for it? I've seen one too many failure stories that result from overconfidence
maybe in the future when i have hobbed enough experience and feel that i have a prototype that might make bank... but not now
now we just have fun
tell me how i know you're that one guy that gets butthurt every time he posts

ewwww that's not even the same as having a female version of yourself ie not you.
I accept your concession lol
>isn't afraid if he fails or the ridicule that may come.
Not "not afraid" but rather won't give up from the humiliation failure may bring. Still scary, but doesn't mean I'll give up.
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bravery is not "not being afraid"
bravery is being afraid but still doing it.
(quote from somewhere i forgot idk)
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>I accept your concession lol
Are they thirdies at least?
>I accept your concession lol
>didn't post his milly

what concession, broke failure faggot
steam takes 5%
tax rate is country and band dependant so that site is worthless shit, just like everyone's (((game))) in this thread
Just remember that the guy who made Neon White had a hit before called Donut County.
nigga quit his job at GOOGLE
my hsts is acting up
can't tell if this is a doom post or a hope post
Google is shit nowadays so I don't blame him
>steam takes 5%
As some tax thing on top of the 30% they usually take?
>on top of the 30% they usually take?

kek maybe if you are a solo whocares dev, which you are
It means he had the juice from the start
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lol retard, make your own site and sell through that if you can't take the hit, what are you losing in profit anyway, $20 bucks a year? dipshit
Steam cut is regressive and goes down the more you sell. It’s a concession Valve made in order to keep doing business with big publishers as well as incentivize any big blow up indies to stay on the platform.
>when a game makes over $10 million on Steam, the revenue share for that application will adjust to 75%/25% on earnings beyond $10M. At $50 million, the revenue share will adjust to 80%/20% on earnings beyond $50M.
This entire channel is a joke. Every video is trying to be the next hit youtube trend. Also his game? Roguelike deckbuilder slop. I spit on this fool.
>when a game makes over $10 million on Steam

So when did you achieve this?
I don't think it's unreasonable, I was just wondering if that anon really thought Steam only takes 5% kek
it's another voxel episode
How much do mobile games lose in cuts?
>what if minecrat but with guns?!
Both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store take a 15% cut if you're game has under 1 million revenue. That's in America though so I don't know about other countries.
30%. It was the reason why Timmy had a lawsuit against the Apple Store (which he lost). iirc it was because he was trying to get a separate appstore up on Apple's appstore to circumvent the 30% cut.
what a retarded faggot
Gamedevs get robbed holy shit
>I accept your concession lol
>didn't post his milly

what concession, broke failure faggot
I bet gamedev is more fun if you're good at creating assets. Like you just spend all day adding shit and it immediately looks ok, looks like a game
wanna make a.... VIDEO GAME
Distribution is expensive. Back in the days of physical distribution the cut would often be 50-70%. You should be grateful to live in an era where it’s gone down to 30% with a good chance of it going down further to 12% if Epic finally gets its way.
You're an idiot. Why do you mention he lost when so much more happened?
Sure but games were more expensive back then vs now where you can get games at 60 percent off a year after release
What else happened?
>are these worst or best?
>lol it's slop a-and y-you didn't make a m-m-million it tho
i don't get these people who are quitting 100k take home pay jobs. like just wagecuck for 10 years and you're literally free. if i had that kinda job it's what i'd do. except my best odds are 30k take home pay a year so it'd take me ~34 years before breach 1m. the situation is completely different. one will have to go from 22 -> 56 before even taking the risk except at 56 he most likely moved out of his parent's house by mid 30s at most thus not saving as much money. whereas the 100k take home pay guy goes 22 -> 32 while living at home so is reasonably at 1m if he never spent a dime
retard that's not what was posted, dumb plebbitor faggot
>10 years at 100k
how the fuck is that enough to be "free"
yep. if i ever get enough success i may just fully pack up and exit online store fronts and simply host on my own website.
>retard that's not what was posted, dumb plebbitor faggot
Time to spend the rest of the year grinding.

Gamedev, leetcode, school, gym. Foregoing all social interactions with friends (except for my gamedev friend I work with).

I feel like roping but I feel like roping more when I get distracted. Wish me luck anons.
What about us
How many of the people here that shit on unreal have actually used it to try and make a game?
I used it, got filtered by BP and shit on it.
it worked well for palworld
I had a cozy $150k base salary with quarterly bonuses software engineering role, for almost 10 years. But I left with nothing
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>Tiny Glade is out
>lens flair
why are devs so stupid? why put things in the game as if to acknowledge that you're just looking through a camera? same thing with the trend of making rain drops accumulate on the camera. such a fucking stupid trend. never do this unless your game lore is that you're actually being followed by a drone or something.
I just laugh at blueprints. I only toyed with the engine.
I like both of these.
I have lens flare irl(glasses wearer). irl screens are dull enough I don't get flare from them. so putting some flare on lights makes it more immersive.
>makes it more immersive by pulling you out of the world and reminding you you're sitting in front of a screen
from now on I'll call people like you who implement ideas thoughtlessly simply because they have been done elsewhere zombie dev
>it was real in my head
>not even 1000 reviews on day 1
>iirc it was in top 30 most wishlisted upcoming games prior to release
this is utterly grim
>not even 1000 reviews on day 1
but it does?
but it's the opposite. if a light doesn't have a flare in a game, it's more like I'm looking at a screen, the light feels less bright.
from now on I'll call people like you who reply thoughtlessly retards
zombie dev
Killed himself
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ace of spades sisters...
how long is that fascist gaben going to review my game build?
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my start of the tongue is on the end of my tongue and the end of my tongue is on the start of my tongue
they realized your game is going to be extremely successful, so their holding on to it until they have the necessary infrastructure to support hundreds of millions of sales per day

don't worry about it
you're going to make it
nice jpg
>make ui
>have animated sprite so need to instantiate a gameobject
>do it
>have to delete said object once different selection is made
>gets properly deleted in typical cases
>refuses proper deletion when you click the same button twice
i don't get it. the code is neatly set up to delete the first version and to later instantiate a new one but it seems to be treating it as if the code refuses to delete the gameobject first and then go instantiate the new one. almost like it deletes the first version, instanties the new, and then deletes the second one like the delete function was constantly active the whole time! there's no freaking code out of order either! how am i supposed to fix something where the order of operations is correctly set! i've combed through it a bunch too!
If it works, it works.
we heff powk all toadz at home:
nigga how
2016 was a different time
You mean...namespaces?
zoomer detected
2016 was literally yesterday
and yes, I mean literally literally as in today is January 1st 2017
Post the code, here anon. Post the function where you create it, and then the one where you delete it.
>The far off past of 2016
maybe don't delete, have all sprites ready to go at start and turn them on and off as needed.
Oh neat, I am about to start making a rolling cube game, hope to release it soon.
if you don't yet understand how much easier it was back then, are you new??
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Perfect plugin for my fellow godot bros and or weebs
definitely 'and'
it doesn't run while idle, right?
Plug an AI in with this plugin and you'll never not be productive again.
>Boochi in the bottom right
Can't ever escape that pink haired bitch
Is using ChatGPT for translation a good idea?
I tried it with my native language and it's good enough but can make some dumb errors sometimes. Should I use it for languages I don't know?
llm's don't know shit about gdscript
trannoid freakazoid type shii
>Mean girls to insult you
What is the use for this function?
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does it have my wife nene
i made a mobile rpg with an old version of shartgpt (1k downloads)
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>mean girls to insult you
I want a techjob. Do i need to keep doing leetcode?
they tried that for Strangers Wrath and it ruined the ending because "free" meaning not confined was translated as "free" meaning not costing money
no, I was doing gamedev back then too. when you look at gamedev at any time in the past, you're looking at it with the benefit of hindsight. you wouldn't have been making the same games you're trying to make today. and even if you'd somehow made say Vampire Survivors back then, it would have flopped because its time hadn't come yet.
>i want a techjob
Aaand that's how you get filtered lmao
filtered how and by what?
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Got this for free from the Unreal Engine store a few months ago.
Is it a YesDev move to use it as a starting point for an RPG? It basically does so many basic parts for you out of the box, and that means I can focus on other things, like how to get Mount and Blade/Chivalry type combat in there.
And no, I won't make my own engine.
fixed it! garbage Unity. i was suspicious that the deletion wasn't running as desired. was probably subconsciously sus about it since i remember something about deletion code not activating immediately until the end of the frame. if i'm understanding it right, the gameobject was removed from the array, breaking the link, gameobject is readded to the array, and now the delete phase fails to delete it because it is treating it as a completely different object from the one it was linked to

idk if that was clear or even makes any sense considering the confusing mess. but unparenting it and then calling destroy would fix the issue but man what a frustrating experience.
Yesdevs just start and do, so get started or we're kicking you out of agdg.
>integration with the build tools so she laughs at you and calls you retarded when you get errors
Do what you must. I find using other frameworks/code assets leads to techdebt down the road, wanting to add things but having to wrangle someone else's code that is a complete mess.
yes, straight up deleting things that are in arrays is a big no-no
is there one for unity? any big boobie anime girls? is that bocchi in the list?
I've never watched bocchi so I would just think it's marmo giving me encouragement. which is... nice.
it is a lot of code which i condensed further into two functions in case it was some nonsensical delay. though it seems i fixed it by simply unparenting the gameobject set for deletion and then deleting it. even with delay that deleting apparently has, this somehow makes it work right. still not sure why that works. i can now spam click the button and it won't end up with duplicates. before that each click would just cause duplicates with no deletions being done in the expected manner.

thatd require a lot of code. most of the ui there just grabs a sprite directly but this part needs animated stuff so i used a gameobject holding an animation. simplier than flipping through sprites on a timer.

it unironically works fine as long as i dont add something new to the array immediately after. the deletion delay seems to be the culprit for the problem because i literally null the arrays value after to avoid having it say "missing"
an idle Vtuber Simulator where you extract as much money as possible from simps
this except game dev simulator and it's from your fanboys
doesn't this already exist?
>thanks for the donation nizzlebleacher
>gets up and does 10 squats via rhythm minigame
Seems like the premise with coding and gamedev is the same. Do it because you enjoy it and don't expect to get paid.
no, result it always horrible due to lack of context
Someone should make a game dev leetcode site. Million dollar idea. So many people want to become game devs, why not charge them for it and teach them the essentials?
Good 2D is so timeless
why did you pick unity over ue? just for c#?
i've been out of the loop for a while, are microsoft still gouging successful devs
So how do you guys manage the steam tax cut, your country tax cut, your gf giving you a handy during dev cut?
Gamedev is fun. Leetcode isnt fun.
i never release my game
the cuts are priced in.
I'm afraid blueprints would make me do terrible things.
>Tried both
>Unreal took forever to compile
>Chose Unity
>Stuck with it because I learned how to code using Unity C#
i release my amazing game for free which will blow people's minds and then plug my patreon at the end of the credits and subsequently at the bottom of the main menu screen (you can hide it still).
that way I'll encourage people to fund my next game. they just got an amazing experience for free and now they can help me realize my dream geemu

ok real talk tho this is probably against steam tos isn't it
unreal is for smug minority people.
like vegans, cyclists and linux users.
>devs with zero games spend thousands on lawyers and LLCs
>Americans have an irrational fear of being sued
This thread is hilarious
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No, namespaces are used to organise C# code into groups of classes. Namespaces can be used to access classes through the 'using' keyword.

An assembly is a compiled output of your code, typically a DLL, but an .exe is also an assembly. In small unity projects, your entire script library is one assembly, but you can break up your project with multiple assemblies to ensure that your whole project doesn't recompile when making changes.

When building your project, all assemblies will be compiled into DLLs. Namespaces will be inside assemblies, but namespaces from other assemblies can only be accessed if the assembly is referenced.

Pro tip: Do not put editor files or anything Unity related in your assemblies. I made this mistake and it took a little figuring out as to why my build wouldn't compile.

Assemblies is a whole thing which any commercial game will require, but if you project is small enough, it isn't something to worry about. If your compile times are over a minute, that's when you start thinking about them.
Unreal is literally the second most used engine behind Unity
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Palword is Japanese
I think GameFreak also has American patents too.
>t. Nintendo hoping to sue you for your personal networth
>make LLC
>pay more than you make
Do americans really?
what if i make pixel art on twitter and write novels instead of gamedev
Why the bootleg Iron Man design?
I will become a shader wizard and I will show the world maths is useful.
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Nice Cruelty Squad like.
Only breaking when hit with a certain force? Is the required force randomized or have you set it to a certain number?
Looks like Ultrakill.
artists trace when they're starting out and steal and copy
but it's part of the learning process before they can make their own thing
I'm gonna get an LLC because otherwise I'm gonna have to pay extra on income tax for bullshit reasons
Congrats, now you have an extra social security tax for being self employed.
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not for long
It feels good knowing I live in a third world shithole where westoid lawyers can't get me. I can do literally whatever I want short of blatant copyright infringement and get away with it.
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Move over, cowboy...
They can sue Steam to take your game off the platform.
I ran an LLC for a profitable online consulting/services business - taxes weren't difficult. Just withdrew money via owner draws and hired a CPA
5 bevybux have been deposited into your account
Did you make the zombie attack animation? This actually looks clean
you wouldn't get it...
By that point I will have enough of an audience to sell it elsewhere. Besides I doubt people would care that much about my game anyway.
>randomly (and organically) get a youtube short about Cosmic Call
wtf was that?
have you heard about bevy? i see it as the cool engine doing his own thing while not giving a fuck
Is that really true?
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no i never noticed all the other times you tried to shill it
game deving at the gym
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>Mean girls to insult you
Having tranny thoughts again?
We have well over a hundred Godot users in this thread, but idk of a single confirmed Bevy user, and yet there's still so much Bevyposting. And y'all say Godot is a cult...
idk, her hat and hoodie makes me think she does give a fuck
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>so much Bevyposting
it's not really posting, just memeing
>idk of a single confirmed Bevy user
Terrarialike is confirmed Bevy

but don't worry, we will rise, we will amass numbers, great things take time, the engine's young and not on anyone's radar
is she handing those fucks out? cos...
You got any more pixels?
2d shart: godon't
3d: UE
poonity is the worst of both worlds
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Not here to stir shit up, but after years of procrastination, I've gotten a sudden burst of motivation to make vidya. Now, the toughest choice: should I go Godot or Unity? Programming language doesn't matter and I want to do both 2d and 3d games.

Unreal is off the list for a beginner
motivation is a meme
I am literally fueled by self hatred and narcissism
what if you are a c# fan?
Please tell past me to go all in on Chainlink and to sell at $40
uh oh stinky
Retarded Unity babies who only know C# gaslight themselves into thinking C# is good because it's the only thing they know. Anyone that knows multiple languages wouldn't choose it.
I'm telling myself to keep my 2 million dogecoin. (I sold it for $1000)
I'm an artist, I don't think it's good, it just works.
>nah bro don't bother doing anything you're actually interested it in just shit out low-effort shovelware because you get "experience" and at least you released something
Why this tranny keep thinking that poonity invented C#? Pipe down, trannoid.
Some of us want to make things that other people will enjoy. If you just want to fuck around, maybe go back to >>>/vg/hgdg.
if you are a communist/bolshevik please just fucking kill yourself
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Is there no more quintessential nodev question than 'what engine should I use?'

Nothing could possibly declare in a clearer voice that you have no game, that you have never even tried to make a game, or even followed a single tutorial in an attempt to learn what you'd need to know to make a game. Not a single step has been taken on a gamedev journey. It's doubtful you can even code or draw or model. But here he is outsourcing his opinion on something as fundamental as game engines to the hivemind.

Here's the answer to your stupid nodev nogame question: It doesn't matter, try them both out and form your own opinion. While you're here have another piece of beginner advice that you're going to hear when you ask your next retarded question of "what's a good beginner project?" - start with pong or a platformer.
Making a quick game to get experience and making something you're interested in are not mutually exclusive
What do you think about Bevy so far?
I like it because it lets me see myself as the cool guy who does his own thing and doesn't give a fuck
Okay but actually though... tell me about it... your experience...
I was expecting over 5000, maybe my expectations are high but it was hyped to shit and is on the TOP OF THE FRONT PAGE
Never be afraid.
I don't know I don't use bevy, I'm not the anon you asked
people don't really tend to review games immediately after playing 30 minutes, no?
..?! fucking, don't answer then?
It literally is, I have no idea why anyone here develops a game for years on end without getting any organic interest. (You)s are not a viable indicator of market sentiment
no one uses it, hes a paid shill
Maybe you'd be more comfortable back on Reddit or Twitter where people have names?
xitter is for bigots. we are on bluesky now, sweatie.
No, maybe YOU would be, because I was clearly addressing anon who is making Terraria with Bevy, yet for some reason you decided in your head "oh goodness, he's replied to my post, I must correct this error posthaste and tell him my identity"
Instead of just ... not saying anything and just waiting for terrariaanon to eventually arrive or not and reply
What is with you? Do you understand how this website works?
I'm a webdev, not gamedev. And yes, I know what to start with, just wanted an opinion from you miserable fucks
my opinion is that everyone should die, your welcome
so you dont even know what engine is good for a newbie? and you call yourself a gamedev? lmao
>I'm a webdev
NGMI already.
Godot. Struggle, cry, gain enlightenment, thrive.
I think it's pretty good overall. Rust is a bonus, nice language to work with if you have experience using it. I don't use any of the Bevy ecosystem crates, besides Rapier for physics and Quinnet for networking.

Long build times and large binary sizes are annoying though. Bevy is really more like a framework. You're also able to hook into WGPU easily for more specialized graphical stuff besides just drawing sprites, if you need to.

It's really fast at drawing textured quads on the screen
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>I'm a webdev
>long build times
are you using all of the methods to speed it up that their website recommends?
my new workflow lowkey crazy doe
I gamedev because:
I hate myself and want to kms.
I want a job.
I want to prove to myself that I can actually do something difficult and stick with it.
Did I mention I HATE myself?
I am - tbf it could be worse. Incremental build just now took 20 seconds. It has been way worse in the past.
AGP status?
I love p1 and they have changed my life. They're full of amazing and like-minded volunteers that are helping me realize my potential. I respectfully completely disagree that they are in any way sketchy. It's literally a volunteer organization that requires no money to join. I've been there since July!
I also don't use Bevy, so I can't tell you anything about the user experience... sorry :\
>the amount of crabs attacking cutscenedev because it looks too good
>using AAA as a slur
based thanks i will meet you in beaven soon brother
I'm a man.
I go to the gym everyday.
If you aren't suffering and striving for a goal in life, you are wasting your life.
post game then
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i cant I'm at the gym and i dont keep random webms of my game saved on my phone.

its a 3d platformer thougheverbeit
>i dont keep random webms of my game saved on my phone
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Found this site, lots of free models for prototyping. all CC0
ai slop
They're not AI as far as I'm aware
>They're not AI as far as I'm aware
a real workflowCHAD can take so called "ai slop" and make it sovlfvl transbeit
Your simple jest has made me unfathomably angry
Can Zachtronics games help you learn programming? Or make you more respective to the principles of it?
Maybe something like TIS-100? Or maybe that's actually harder than coding since it's machine code or something.
melty hours
You need to become more aware about how your actions impact other people.
You cant be saying that kind of stuff.
my prompting levels are becoming legendary
same reason they thought FMV was good during 5G
>Beautiful chubby 18 year old ginger girl with freckles and glasses, ((((huge boobs, wide hips, thick thighs, huge ass, small waist))))
Kill yourself
cant believe that this new workflow is gonna make me a millionaire bros
goodbye poverty
stop procrastinating you fucking idiot and go back to making your game
I made the mistake of pricing my game too cheap. If I raise the price 2-3x am I going to get a whole bunch of angry customers?
I'm not sure if people would remember what the game used to cost.
Is RTS really a dead genre? Does anyone have the link to that Steam research graph on which games sell well on average? I can feel the crab within pinching me
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get ready to buy a new display
certain number
Well, asset protection is just one benefit of an LLC. If you start making more than 40k it might be wise to consider switching to an S-Corp which allows you to pay yourself in such a way that you can save a lot of money on taxes. So you set up an LLC, you get a viral post on your game, wishlists go up, you're now predicting like 100k sales, you might want seriously want to review your options.
competitive rts is dead yea.
but pikmin is essentially rts and that sold 8 mil or so.
do you guys ever listen to the soundtrack of your game?
the competitive scene of RTS is just AoE 2 autismo.
Unlike other genres, there is BARELY any RTS even released. I would know, I’ve gone through the steam category multiple times over the years. So looking at numbers is imho kinda pointless due to low sample size. You can look at the 1-2 notable releases per year and judge individually.
Exactly. There's just no need for pvp really. It had its time, now the e sport scene is super diverse and rts games are too much work and honestly annoying. Nobody likes playing against Protoss. You could argue that Protoss alone pretty much killed RTS pvp. Nobody wants to deal with cannon rushes. It's fucking gay and even when you win it's like so fucking what. "Wow I micro'ed for 15 minutes really hard and now I won! Did I have fun? NO."

PVE RtS is where the present and future will be.
no one has made anything as good as StarCraft or Warcraft 3 or Age of Empires II in decades so it's not possible to say
yea while working on it. i made the soundtrack (parts of it) before I even started making the game, and the music is integral to the atmosphere, so I use it in order to not lose sight of the tone I want.
PvE RTS are just tower defenses, lmao.
I only play RTS games for the campaigns, dumb zoomer tranny
>PVE RtS is where the present and future will be.
PvE rts is a hugely untapped market with insane potential. Imagine making an action game that basically uses RTS unit commands, some mix of pikmin and wonderful 101. the combat was honestly one of the most inspiring parts of Pikmin 4. it was simple of course, but at every corner I saw potential for something greater that could be made out of it.
I'm working on an RPG, after that I'll make a JRPG, after that I might make a market sim game, and after that if I've had any success, I will put together a team to make the greatest RTS to ever be made. And it'll likely not have PVP. MAYBE co-op.
small brain comment.
just because pve rts have traditionally been tower defense doesn't mean that's all they can be. but you're probably the kind of person whose games are literally just a kitchen sink of "that other game did this so I'm putting it in mine"
the closer i get to release the more antisemitic i get, what could this mean?
That you are a commie who will not make it.
in denial about wanting to see large profits
Now that I think about it RTS games really are the strategy equivalent of fighting games
>overreliance on PvP
>difficult to understand mechanics
>difficult skill execution (combos/APM and gookclick)
>lack of focus on singleplayer content
>big emphasis on esports
gookclick killed the genre imo.
what you really need is some kind of limitations, and in exchange more strategical depth. not being able to be everywhere all at once to issue commands has its own game design merits. and pikmin games are a great example of that.
e-sport PvP shit is dead outside fornite and LOL.
>PvE RTS is a hugely untapped market with insane potential
Most RTS players never even touch the multiplayer so it's insane that every strategy game caters to the humongous faggots who want to pretend they're Korean Broodwar pros in the 90s while playing bulky cartoon 3d graphics blob pathfinding cuckold wars 2024.
The reason new "competitive" RTS games never land is because they are made with zero mechanical difficulty. The skill ceiling in Broodwar or AoE2 isn't from making supreme intellectual decisions it's from running your piano fingers on the keyboard and mouse at mach speed for thirty minutes. So now they keep spitting out confused products, it's a highly competitive esports but you only need 100apm and the meta changes every month with patches? Retarded.
good for you, anon
hol up, bevy is for rustrannies?
this guy gets it
ah yes, back to the old "rts for people who dont like rts"
surely this will be a great success
Same issue with fighting games.

There's literally an untapped market of making fighting games with PvE.

And no, beatem ups don't have the autismo of fighters.
post game
problem with bevy/rust is that it's hard to mod and indie games rely on modding communities to thrive
I think differently.
I think MOBAs killed the RTS genre.
i also enjoy listening to this one
I agree overall. RTS should be a war simulator. Not necessarily a real life war sim, because that could be boring. BUT the game imo should allow you to use tactics, and strategy, found in books like the Art of War. And as RTS games are now, they are so focused on PVP, that things like logistics, diplomacy are totally missing. Grand campaigns aren't even a thing in RTS games. It's a war game, and yet, no conquering occurs. The genre is wide open for innovation.
add some mid range counter point for the melody and you're in baller territory
Unironically true, Bing "Hellish Quart".
It has multiplayer, but there is no ultra competitive marketing present. Instead you only see content relating to its survival and a loose story mode where you eventually fight a guy with armor.
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I play RTS to slowly mow through impossible maps like a combine harvester, not to lose braincells from malding during matches with basement-dwelling chodes who have trained for 10 years to autistically master a single computer game to the point where playing against them incomprehensible torture instead of competitive fun
Moba's would theoretically only take a part of the rts crowd. The ones who actually like those stupid missions where you control the hero and move him across the map without dying. Awful levels. RTS games should still attract history and war nerds. People who read history for fun, or study the conquers for fun. But RTS has forgotten what it is.
you dont play RTS at all
stop lying to yourself
>There's literally an untapped market of making fighting games with PvE.
Slave Zero X maybe
congrats on having a screenshot of an RTS
PvE in RTS games is boring, the AI is never good.
There's so much cope about le gooclickers le compshitters le esport fags or whatever but if you actually try and understand an RTS then there's only so many times you can compstomp the AI.
Ok then you just go ahead and make a fighting game bot that's as good if not better than players can be, but not in a way that feels unfair or frustrating to play against where the game just reads your inputs and perfectly counters every move you do and punishes every light attack you do with a super.
Alright is this an RTS?
>Control armies with typical RTS controls (click, box, control groups)
>Each unit is an army made up of several men who can attack and die independently
>Resources and building units is done in an overworld map screen (menu gameplay), battle take place in an isometric perspective
>So it's building and grand planning in the overworld and then maneuvering your limited armies against the enemies in battle
I have a feeling people would call this a "real time tactical" game since you do not build buildings or collect resources in the instanced map of the battles.
I haven't idea guy'd too hard on the overworld yet because I'm working on the battle portion which is where the fun should be
pretty good anon, i can tell you're prob a musician too.
It's boring if the computer follows the same ruleset as the player, which it shouldn't in a PvE game.
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the first thing to think is if you're gonna catter to the PvE or PvP aspect.

Both are totally diferent playerbases.

There's a reason why martial arts evolved into PvP MMA autismo, or PVP point sports, or exibition kata autismo.

They have diferent needs and purposes.

Trying to appeal to all these niches at once will make you something that doesn't appeal to someone.
If you're game is starcraft then yes, otherwise no. I mean all games get boring eventually, but there's no reason a game can't offer 200+ hours of fun as a PVE rts. But if it's designed to copy Starcraft then ya, it'll get boring quick because it's designed to be competitive.
A game is usually considered RTT when its using very small numbers of troops, almost more like an RPG game or something like OG XCOM, Fallout Tactics etc.
Can I be your friend?
>what is unicorn overlord
>rts but pve only
>fighting game but pve only
why are you guys so insistent on building games no one wants
>nobody ever plays beat-em-ups
This is the direction I would go if I were to make an RTS. I haven't fully thought through how to combine overworld map with battle maps, but ya, if it's real time, then it's real time. I might not fully understand your system though.
not a fighting game
making a pvp game in this day and age is a legitimately delusional endeavour unless you're valve or riot or someone else with huge reputation, budget and track record.

even shroud's game has already died. there's too much already.
just like any single player like dark souls, retard?

The appeal of 2D fighters as a single player is that there's always somethinng new to try to master.

Kof 2002 goes from literally begginer simple stuff that I can do, to literally shit so hardcore there's like maybe 20 autists on the planet that can make them.

There's a difference between 'no audience' and 'untapped audience' anon. The market for an established competitive genre is always going to be smaller than the non-comp audience for the same genre.
Ironic, because PvE AoE 2 and PvE fighting games are hugely popular.

Most casuals play RTS and fighters againts the AI.
You're simply wrong, but most of all you are wrong on the count of
>There's only so many times you can compstomp the AI
As if the game should never wear out it's welcome, and also as if playing the same game against humans would mean it stays fresh longer. Humans opponents are less fun than AI in the long run as they play to win and will always choose the ideal meta strategy to do so, whereas the AI can only use air units in one mission or perform any sort of unusual scenario. Campaign AIs are made to lose, you could have an RTS AI that plays perfectly and better than humans but that wouldn't be fun either.
The comp is made to be stomped.
make your game and prove me wrong
i guess it's good music for the game? i’m more focused on art
You’re describing Total War?
If there's no resource gathering element to the 'real time' part then I'd say it's a RTT rather than RTS. World in Conflict or Wargame for example you get points to spend on units because it's meant to be somewhat realistic modern warfare, you're not going out with an excavator to dig up chunks of ore to carry it back to your tank factory in the corner of the map to build a tank, the tank is just delivered to you in exchange for points and you get the points back (eventually) once the tank is destroyed.

I don't think the overworld part is needed for either RTS or RTT
Ok, I'll do it.
one of the advantages of 2d is 8 direction movement with jumps, dashes and everything else. meanwhile 3d games with a midair dash usually just default to moving you a long a set horizontal plane.
i wonder if you could fix this by simply using 8 direction horizontal dashes, then 2 separate modifiers for diagonally up and diagonally down respectively. that way you could look forward while still dashing diagonally up left behind you for example. horizontal 8 direction just doesn't use a modifier in this scenario
the entire market of PvP fighters is like 700-3k players.

that's the average playerbase that don't drop fighters after 2 weeks.

fighters PvP is never fun because there's not middle ground.

You get masher noobs doing retarded shit or you get tourney faggots who literally will ToD your ass from a single hit.

PvP fighting games is the most miserable experience.

bro, I'm a PvE kof autist.
The nice thing is you can just go ahead and do that as a proof of concept for an existing game rather than having to do it for a brand new game that you build from scratch
I don't know, I just like talking to talented people and seeing how they got to where they are.
I remember i tried to play StarCraft 2 and while i was reading what my buildings do so i can decide which one to build first this guy was already in my base killing everything so i ran away with 1 worker guy and hid in a smoke vent on the other side of the map and tabbed out to play something else and the game went on for over 30 minutes of him searching for my last worker guy so he can end the game.
I didnt queue for another match after that and just uninstalled it because it didnt seem like a very fun game.
make a button to switch between 2D movement and 3D movement.

Or make a jump button with special moves for jumps.
Yeah that’s the angle of the "AI War" games and they’re honestly interesting.
Anon no offense but you sound like a fucking idiot.
Yes I suppose it's pretty close. I've never actually played a Total War game but maybe I should try since it sounds like I want to make one.
Never heard of it
Hate pvp. Simple as.
PvP is awful because there's not middle ground between shitters and tourneyfaggots.

play Red alert vs the AI, is really fun.
>first match of dota2
>try to read through every hero deciding which one to pick, time out and get a random one
>game starts
>sit in base 40 minutes reading through every item in the shop
>team calls me retarded
>get killed on fountain before i can buy first item
nice game, gaben
>we need mmr
PvP is fun with friends in locals.

Online PvP is just a bad experience overall.
idk I don't know what kinda game you're making, but if it fits the tone of the music then it's got a p decent outlook

reminder that tobyfox makes like 15k usd monthly from spotify alone
Solo fightan games get tripped up by sticking too closely to the limited vision of arcade fighters. Even MK and Injustice have the good sense to have a campaign and the tower mode or whatever. Smash bros did really well with its singleplayer content back in Melee and Brawl, and sorta still do but its half-assed.
Well are you in the agdg discord?
Online PvP was fine in the time of dedicated server since each server was basically a virtual locals with regulars you end up playing with frequently
Online matchmaking is cancer
>Never heard of it
shame, it's GOTY
Rimworld is a PVE RTS

Nobody has literally taken the mario 1-1 stage from mugen and turn it into a new genre.
Devil May Cry is a PVE fighting game
these new captchas suck fucking cock. it's like sitting through a 10 sec youtube ad before every post
more like an arena fighter similar to power stone, lol.
i honestly thought it'd be a PNG of the 1-1 level. this is so much better.
>searching for my last worker guy so he can end the game
thats not how the game works
>the entire market of PvP fighters is like 700-3k players.
Street Fighter 6 has had a consistent daily peak concurrent player count of around 30,000 for months, so that seems like bullshit.

Though fighting games are a shit project for an indie, as the genre already seems pretty well catered for by established franchises, unless you're doing something particularly novel and different like YOMIH, and does that even count as a fighting game if it's just turn-based Guilty Gear?
I am kekking at all the RTS talk because when Kingmaker comes out and lets you run around inside of an RTS with 100,000 skeletal mesh enemies, all intractable, kill able, etc, it will literally destroy every other game in the genre
Yeah, exactly. It is strange to me that the definition changes from "Strategy" to "Tactics" depending on whether or not you're mining and building. Mining is almost never a strategic decision, you need to mine at all times. The only RTS with mining as a truly strategic element is AoE because of the random resources placement. In StarCraft, for example, taking your natural expansion isn't a choice it's required and every map contains the same "strategic" choke points.
I guess my system is more like Sudden Strike, so despite the large armies it will be considered RTT
Okay who's adding these to their design doc:
Street fighter and Tekken and Mortal Kombat are outliers.

The average playerbase of a fighter that happens to be not the big 3, is less than 3k players.

Most fighters die after 2 weeks, like most anime waifu pantsu fighters.
This is one of the reasons I was talking about RTS not being able to bring in new audiences a few days ago. The 'S' doesn't actually mean strategic decisionmaking, it usually means 'memorize more bullshit and achieve a higher APM'
why is this general even so fast? there's probably like 5 people that are making an actual game rest are just schizos, lolcows and trolls.

There's 700 replies in this 700 fucking hundred and there's only 2 webms that look like an actual game.

IT's insane how useles most of you are.
>Discussing RTS and fighting games (The golden era of videogames)
>Civil discussion, passion and hope
>Discussing AI, ecelebs, steam capsule art, engines, avatar posting
>Hatred, vitriol, screeching, suicide, pain
Even in death RTS and fighting game genres bring people together.
lots of people romaticize gamedev because they like video games
most of those people are retards
you do the math
Don’t put too much weight on the words, the point is simply that there is a difference between games that include eco management / mining / producing units / building bases --- and those which are more trying to give both sides equal armies and letting them battle it out.
I see posts about godot or whatever is called consatntly, for months. And yet no progress what so ever, how can one waste his time like this spamming about game engines that you dont even use.

You must be a massive fucking loser to spend your time on a general you got nothing to do with lol.
tourists, the discord is a meritocracy where people are judged by their games
i use this cool theme to keep me on edge so i dont get too comfortable i find it helps me model longer
Well i'm making a game and have been talking this morning so f off.
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no? what did you get ?
well everybody ignored me or spat at me when I told you a billion times what would happen if you don't reply to progress and now look where we are
Right. That’s why we need to move away from pvp. Bring back the strategy. Move away from ultimate meta builds. Let players plan their own strategies.
I want PVE fighting games
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we godaughters are always self deprecating and shitting on out engine whenever possible
Why should we reply to progress on hopeless games. I’ll just get called a hater.
a way to do that is to use a multiple strategy victory system.

If you reduce victory to a single cause, you will have autists doing min/maxing it.
>bro, I'm a PvE kof autist.
better chance of discussing game design than on /v/ where everyone is a false flagging pol schizo or outrage baiter
because the current state of the general is what you get otherwise
kof is amazing hispanic brotha.
Imho there is little hope for Strategy in games. As soon as there is a community with far better people than you, those people will have figured out the "meta" and if you’re so inclined you will cry about the "meta" forcing you to play a certain way rather than making your own strategies. Even Go and Chess, which have no mechanical execution component at all, face this issue nowadays: People just crying how Chess is simply about grinding opening theory, etc.
It’s partially a mental issue. For example, back in 2007 it was accepted that you should play the established Korean pro strategies, in Brood War. It was the "meta," even for bad players. As BW lost funding after 2010, and pros couldn’t grind so much anymore, they opted for strategies which were easier to execute, like Battle Cruisers in TvZ. (And these pros were still insanely good.) Now obviously for noobs it would have ALWAYS been the right choice to go BC. But if you lack the mental strength to go find what works for you personally, and just feel pressured by the meta, then you cannot find that angle for yourself.
This is probably where MOBA fare better. It’s accepted that in low ELO different heroes are strong than in high ELO, and as such there will also be generally different item builds, even on the same heroes, etc. So in MOBA you can still follow a pre-made strategy; but you feel more free to just pick up a hero you like and introduce your own ideas and style to it.
you can fix this issue by adding luck mechanics.
Right. Either win conditions or multiple ways to break an enemy. Blitzkrieg or a slow moving invasion. Break their supply chains or focus on battlefield victories. Use diplomacy to isolate, or go Napoleon against the world. There’s so much opportunity it makes me sick. It’s a bit much for me now, but hopefully one day.
Yeah I have those in my RTS actually
You can fix this by removing multiplayer.
People who play "the meta" in a single player offline game are not people, in the sense that they do not possess an 'essence' or 'soul'.
Games were supposed to be fun.
Meta doesn’t matter in PVE. Even in team PVE people commonly just make fun builds that aren’t perfect. Or they play wildly, high risk behavior. It doesn’t matter.
Yeah this is why you just don't make PvP a thing. Stop trying to chase the meta-obsessed minority audience.
this guy gets it
well, having multiple strategies allow for a variety of metas.

In fighting games, there's usually diferent metas based on character archetypes.

Rushdown, Zoner, Grappler, Keepaway, Charge character.

That's a core aspect that makes fighters great.
You can be the most skilled player and still be stomped by a player using a grappler.

The issue with fighters is that they have only a single way to win, which devolves into min/maxing faggotry.

Fighters should have a point system with multiple ways to end the match.
tbf it's one room, godot can't handle more with that quality
min max autismo can be solved by basically making your game into poker.

but autists will hate your game and declare is less based around skill and more about luck.
I personally would not play an rts game based on luck. That sounds like a game that defeats its own purpose. Like, making a mario game that is basic on precise control and physics, but also mario is narcoleptic and randomly falls asleep mid movement. Get ready to jump and mario falls asleep, you die. Wow, fun. If I plan an invasion and then a pop up comes up "Dysentery spreading, troops can't fight, sorry!" I'd just uninstall.
Based on *
min max this min max that, how about you just make a game that's fun to play?
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Any indie seeking to make a PvP game in current year is deluded so this whole conversation is moot. Most games that release from here get a handful of reviews, probably by the dev's relatives, for a multiplayer pvp game to work you need hundreds of concurrent players so that there are populated lobbies.
luck mechanics are more like mario kart power ups or card decks, anon.
What deterministic RTS do you enjoy?
Even Broodwar has a 1/256 miss chance
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>about to start my epic gamedev session
>random power outage

my mood is now GONE!
i will spend the rest of the day mindlessly browsing here
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guess im makin it
Mario Kart is literal trash because of the power ups. It's designed to not be competitive or fair. Making it great for retards basically.
Well if it's applied to everyone all the time, then it's not really luck and just, the world. People miss when they shoot. That's fine.
RTS is a static genre. I think it's too complex to call it a "solved" genre, but it's not far off.
What it needs is a system that can break the current genre meta, something as revolutionary as gunpowder and tanks were to real warfare. Modern RTS gameplay is like WWI, everyone is stuck on the same tiny piece of land in a slugging match with the exact same tools and then you repeat it again and again and again.

I think one thing that could help would be to make the maps bigger, I mean a lot bigger, so that you can't just rush someone because it would take like an hour to get there. I don't know if that would be a fun game (probably not) but at least it would be a different game with a different skillset and we need to try different things because the old things clearly aren't popular. People that want to play Starcraft and AOE2 are just going to play Starcraft and AOE2 and not your super speshul donut version.
your game is still a boomer shooter so hold your horses
mario kart is not competitive, that's why it outsells 99.9% of videogames.
im not expecting more than 50 sales and 7 reviews
This. I told you all crab culture was harmful to JLMG but you didn't listen. Said it was about thickening the devs skins. Now you ain't got no devs to thicken the skin of.
Beat em ups are boring as shit
That's nice, it's still a game for retards and I would never contribute such an abomination to the world. I'm on board with making game non competitive. Especially with an rts you're just playing by yourself. To me it makes no sense to add in random shit. "Oh I'm about to take the capital, but oh, oh no, they got a blue shell, I lose." The only "luck" elements I'd add would be things like, weather. A storm that comes in and slows an attack. This would prevent very fragile tactical plans, or highly reward them when there is no storm. So there can be some luck. In this case it helps make the game dynamic.
how come some jrpgs with static sprites feel so lively while others feel wrong and boring? the first etrian odyssey feels very dynamic to me, but some modern indies feel like a screenshot.
>Order unit to shoot HT dropped in your mineral line
>If he misses it's a game ending storm on your eco
>1/256. Ouch. Bad luck
Isn't this the same as your Mario falling asleep in a critical jump?
there's a diference between competitive as in a party game vs competitive as in a tourneyfaggot sense.
crabbing is still better than ignoring progress
>An unexpected storm muddies the field and tips the balance
This is legitimately as strategic as it gets. Though seething Frenchmen at Agincourt and Waterloo might disagree, weather effecting the outcome of a battle is Based and Godly.
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My own thinking is maps need first and foremost be more different from one another, so each requires its own "solution" that may take a while to figure out for the community. The problem of RTS (and MOBA) is that they try to balance all races (or heroes) against each other. And then there can only be 1 type of map design where that balance really holds. So RTS have multiple maps, but the difference is largely cosmetic, and in MOBA they simply gave up on the idea. In the old days people were playing Dire Straits and it did make for a fresh experience, though it was clear that Zerg was weaker on it and eventually nobody touched the map anymore.
Good morrow to you laddy.

Solved >>>/g/102533172

I got 9
There was an ASL where they put Khadaryn Crystal neutral special buildings over a second geyser on the starting islands so that only zerg could access it (due to pixel size of each races geyser being different). It was balanced by having less gas but it gave them the boost to be competitive.
Anyway it was the complete opposite and zergs dominated. Probably one of the coolest things I've seen them try in Broodwar.
I love you.
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niggas are trying to make a perfect information pvp game and not have it devolve into min/max meta autismo.

I forgot to type out my explanation. Find all the valley peaks. That is, wherever the height decreases after an increase, when going "left to right". Then go through all adjacent peak pairs. For example, if you found the peaks [1, 5, 8] the pairs are (1, 5) and (5, 8). For each pair of peaks the height and water height must add to the smallest height of the two peaks.

np, hope I helped
Right. Now I'm not a big fan of Total War games where like, a storm appears and sinks all your ships, but I do begrudgingly admit that sometimes happens. But I'd be more in favor of what you said. Battle field conditions tipping the favor of certain units. Helping the defenders etc.
i have actually given up on making a game.
Yeah losing all your shit to a random event, though realistic, is retarded. Arriving to the battlefield and having an unexpected change in conditions which effects both parties (oh shit the rain ruins my plan/oh thank God the rain gives us a chance) and then allowing the player to make an informed decision on pressing the attack or trying to withdraw or even simply changing their maneuvers to reflect the new conditions would be KINO.

Look at >>>/g/102533298

I posted a small error in the code. If you try to modify the array to something like [5, 5, 5, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2, 1] you will get a wrong answer because I checked for trend == 1 instead of trend >= 0. I caught it right after posting lol.

This should now work correctly in general.
I've started to hate all the anime posted on the chan because I associate it with the retarded people on this site
People think strategy is all about how simply moving units around and besting another player. Yet at its core, it isn't, its about dealing with uncertainty. Thats why the best strategy games have significant random elements, to create uncertainty... Most of the games people cite as "good strategy games" actually aren't strategy games at all. Chess is not a good "strategy game" neither is X-Com, starcraft or most RTS. They have their own strategy elements, but not games that require good understandings of probabilities and their effects on planning..
ok i will make a roguelike deckbuilder
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cant wait to make my steam page and shitpost with u guys
There is why youtube wanted to remove the dislike button and 4chan the ip counter
a nuanced and clear opinion on gamedev in here, thats a rarity.
Explain to the retards in here how snakes and ladders is not a game, and they flip out with their midwittery.

Ignoring progress is just a form of crabbing.
thats why i work off my laptop
>power goes out
>suddenly have super human concentration because im not distracted by youtube red panda videos

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