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Protea edition

Previous thread >>495584905

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CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
So content fucking when
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
>jump off of wyrm
>veers into me and instantly downs me because of collision damage
>I have to wait sixteen years to recover because you can't do that in the middle of the air
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what is this even
That’s the shitty machete that Kahl uses, and yes it’s shit even with a "passive" that sucks
>5 hydroid chassis
>7 hydroid neueroptics
>0 hydroid systems
fuck you de
Ugh another '80 finishers' riven, what a waste of time
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*laughs in Ash*
based abandonware enjoyer
I'm a simple man
I see eximus, i press 3 (shares a bind with my screenshot key)

I see anything else, I press 2 and let the pubbies handle it
i just slam everything
a tenno of refined taste, why handle anything but what they can't?
loki + desiccation
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is there a convenient way to farm plastids? It really seems you need to go out of your way to get them
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this easily kills SP
I replaced Qorvex's 3 with condemn.
does that even count for rivens?

wasting helminth+even slower
It does with Fatal Teleport aug, yes
Literally by the thousands in the Cambion Drift?
>play duveri experience in steel path
> select pyrana prime
>get 400% more ammo decree
>get 30% reload chance on kill on kill
>75% efficiency on roll
>more crit damage on roll
>status spread
>all the different elemental buffs to guns
>firerate increases the longer you hold the trigger

The orowyrm in steel path didn't stand a fucking chance.
>go into Duviri Experience
>play it like Lone Story
Boring faggot.
reminder that nova is fat
Love me Wokeframe. Simple as.
I assume all that shit is just posts he copypasted from previous threads.
>play it like lone story
how so?
Do the goddamn side objectives, Kullervo, puzzles, and gather resources. Play some damn Komi for fuck's sake. If you want to rush from main objective to main objective, you go do the Lone Story.
New player getting back

What's the best element for my Kuva Nukor?
I have a toxin one
>was gonna farm quellor
>just bought it for 20p instead
should I buy or farm pennant?
Magnetic or Impact, any of these 2
where in this reply >>495741035 did he said he did only main objective
>>get 400% more ammo decree
>>get 30% reload chance on kill on kill
>>75% efficiency on roll
>>more crit damage on roll
>>status spread
>>all the different elemental buffs to guns
>>firerate increases the longer you hold the trigger
this is more than the 6 main objectives
fucking shitter with the reading comprehension of a 8yo
the fuck is this seethe
Try pubbing Duviri and farming materials you can't easily get, like Tasoma Extract and Ueymag.
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kek, I should have known
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>As Acrithis was exploring the Galleria with a squad of escorting Dax, they witnessed a large, worm-like form erupt from the grassy field, blindly probing and examining the area around it. Acrithis believed it to be a giant worm or slug, however one of the nearby Dax pointed out that it had a large fingernail, and was instead a giant finger. Upon realization, Acithis immediately turned around and drove her carriage straight towards the King's Palace.
By the Seven, how horrifying.
who jammed the reliquary drive into duviri?
B. Nothing you need to worry your head over
B. Where are my fingerbones, kiddo?
Are you guys serious or are you just shitposting?
Not either of those anons but there is a hemmorhage build with impact nukor.
impact is only used in meme build
>All effect intensities share a single slider
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea, BRUH!
>Turn off effect intensity since I can't see shit from all the neon warframes and their abilities and weapons blasting the screen
>Vitoplast and other glowy missions giblets gets dimmed together and now nothing is visible along with the neon goblins

What the actual fuck did they mean by this.
You can’t add Impact using mods so you have to use the Progenitor. And why those 2? Because to have Rad + Impact/Mag and the modded Viral or Corrosive plus heat, and Nukor got a special passive "Microwave" that counts as ANOTHER status and thats more into the blender.
Impact also lets you use Hemorrage to add Slash but that already starts falling off hard
Why would you ever not do that solo
pubbing has always been for sanic mode, everyone from the freshest mrlet to the saggiest hag knows that
Literally why the fuck does Lone Story even exist, then, you fucking retard?

Now shut up and help me with this goddamn puzzle.
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>What the actual fuck did they mean by this.
It's by design, to filter visionlets like (You) and me.
it sure as hell doesn't exist to accommodate slowpokes
you're getting pulled into the orowyrm arena whether you like it or not, gramps
I'll stand on the button, that is all
Is there anything more emasculating than having another Wisp join your squad and watch her drop her higher stat motes on top of yours?
oh I don't mind, I'll just put mine down later to keep refreshing or spreading hers and gratefully accept the boost since I know she'll be slower than me with or without any speed buffs
Is her fashion better than yours? I don't think "emasculating" applies here. You need the female version. You are the inferior woman.
newfag here. playing the duviri quest since i was told it gives you access to the circuit for new frames. this is the least enjoyable content ive played so far. everything is fuck-ugly and the gameplay feels like "10 minutes of jank shitty garbage elden ring ripoff" followed by "here you can play a warframe again please dont uninstall"
it's minmax-y but yes. assuming you have viral+heat on your primary, as you should, impact+magnetic nukor gives 2 extra elements to your gunco
>magnetic prog
>mag+electric, viral (redundant), heat, rad, microwave
>impact prog
>mag+electric, impact, slash, heat/toxin, rad, microwave
if your primary has no status chance then getting viral and mag is more important, but that's why I got both
I hate duviri
did they make kuva lich killing less guessing yet?
Try not using shitty status guns.
>Is her fashion better than yours?
nta but, no
there's like 3 guns in the game where hm has a use case now grandpa
Then you can console yourself that at least you look better than that HARLOT. Look at her STR. So muscular, just like Rhino. Bet she doesn't even take survivability mods or skills to reach that, the slut.
I click enemy, and the enemy disappears. It's called having a good crit build on a good gun. Try it some time.

>duh doi, muh Ignis Wraith
It's trash.
I woke
you asked, I'm just letting you know how it is. pure crit builds are still fine for DEAC or if you rely on an armor strip ability
try that shit on high lvl sp or lvl cap
Content when?
have you heard of pvp? stick around long enough and you'll find plenty of retarded russians and chinese to laugh at as they spout nonsense in chat.
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I bring my Riven'd Buzlok to EDA, and watch the red on my screen, and the enemies die.

To its credit, it's decent at making shitty non-crit guns not shitty. Like Hema. It just takes a few seconds of it looking like it's not doing anything, before suddenly melting.
SP wyrm was much easier than i thought it'd be, but that's probably because i picked Wukong
>floor is on fire
>cloud into the air infinitely
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Content? Post 100% completion account
SP orowyrm is easy, as long as you get +elec damage decree and target vulnerability decree.
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>steam achievements
Post your max levels with Vent Kids and Conclave, faggot. And an empty Incomplete Mods section. All the cosmetics. All the maxed arcanes.
i hate how unrewarding Narmer bounties are
>no Aya
>can't use them to farm Garuda, Gara or Rev, because they only give Caliban
>no Isoplasts = wasted your time
SP wyrm is easy as long as the fight doesn't bug and becomes unplayable.
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I said content not torture.
>you grind Solaris/Ostrons and Duck/Onkko at the same time
It's... fiiiine. *cringe*

I really need to bring Volt to Cetus Narmer, though. I just mine when pubbies are defending an area/objective, and then hand in gems to Old Man Suumbat.
The grind IS the content, and the content IS the grind. Get it through your head.

Now go tranq some animals, and get some floofs. You might even catch yourself enjoying how relaxing it is with Ivara.
delete alchemy
>delete alchemy
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Running out of things to grind in TFD and the oct 10 Invasion II update looks like I'll be done with that reall quick.

When's the next warframe update, and is there anything good lined up? It'd be very convenient if there was one late october.

Also, Pablo still around? I'd really like it if he wasn't.
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Grinding for the sake of grinding isn't productive lmao. I'm 1 grandma token away from rank 5 Entrati but fucking waiting for next cycle.
he's still around ruining my boy frost
No further ruination since he took away Frost's ice wave and snow globe slows, I hope?
You would let a spic tell you how to play?
how come all of the warframe art gives the warframes obese thicc bodies but none of them even remotely look like that in-game?
its weird seeing the art all over the place but you login and every warframe looks like a skeleton in comparison
to be fair frost has nothing but 4 and his 4 is only good because of 2 augments, its so incredibly retarded because hes one of stronger frames despite only having 1 fucking ability and 6 mods instead of other frames with 4 abilities and 8 mods
>watch one single warframe related video on youtube
>suddenly im flooded with warframe videos and shorts
>2 fucking million views
algorithm got me, im nothing but a mindless pawn in google's road to world domination
>frostist doesn't even play the game
I just tried Steel Path for the first time, holy crap status works way better than crit., my scindo prime does like 15k damage with 108% crit chance and I couldn't kill anything.
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>has female pelvic anatomic proportions
it's a man
Skill issue. Status damage scales with crit so all the best builds in the game are either crit or hybrid crit-status.
uh excuse you, chuddie. but xer is non-binary.
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See, I actually did use ice wave for it's slow on non-eximus hard targets. I used Avalanche too of course, because why the fuck wouldn't you, but for stuff immune to freeze like necramechs and acolytes and demolysts, the slow let me use shitty non-meta classy weapons like the Rauta and the Tigris and such and still see success.

But then, you know, Pablo took Ice Wave and killed it, and he even grabbed snow globe and killed that slow too, and in it's place was all "and avalanche now gives you 100k EHP and also makes enemies take red crits and also also crits do triple damage and also also also it removes their armour and also also also also it stuns them and also also also also also does your taxes for you while curing your wife's headache and doing the laundry for her. Oh, but only against enemies that are already susceptible to all kinds of crowd control and therefore actually not a threat, so you still need to bring a fucking torid or cedo or something if anything worth shooting appears lol."

Fuck, I'm getting mad again, I'm remembering the big reason I went over to TFD in the first place.
For all thematic purposes, Xaku is a male.
perkele saatana
except it actually slows and lets you strip everything except bosses, the only thing which wont be applied is crit because you cant freeze eximus, acolytes or bosses
>for stuff immune to freeze like necramechs and acolytes and demolysts, the slow let me
You know that all of Frost's abilities slow via cold procs now, right?
>This 65% slow via cold procs is as good as the 97% slow you used to be able to stack via cold procs and ice wave impedance and snow globe

It's the equivalent of Pablo taking away Dagath's Doom's damage repeat and swapping it for more viral, which all her other abilities already do as well as probably her sentinel and possibly her gun too.
Yeah, technically it's still more damage, but it's so much better when it's a unique modifier that stacks and without that it's practically useless. Except atleast that still has some forced synergy with her ult, Pablo just fucking murdered Ice Wave Impedance.
>killed corrupted vor 5 times
>still no malignant force drop
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Using an all infested weapons loadout lately. They're kinda wacky and fun to deal with, zymos being the most interesting of the bunch so far
I would ague that 65% is good enough, but that's fair. I'm still in the mindset of thinking Frost mains are retards from the last time he came up.
>zymos being the most interesting of the bunch so far
Really? I have it, but I never gave it too much attention. What's some funny stuff you can do with it?
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nick gurr
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What? My brother in Pazuul, do you even KNOW how to crit? Your Blood Rush + Drifting Contact? Your Dreamer's Wrath + Melee Animosity? You DO know that combo multiplier number is applied to your Heavy Attack, right? And Tennokai does not consume the combo?

Do you even multiply? Please do not tell me you actually use Sacrificial Mods outside Melee Exalted weapons or roll Rivens for Crit chance, instead of Damage to replace Spoiled Strike. (crit damage is a bonus)
i am long awaiting the moment i no longer have to grind most of the factions. Maybe i should still do Necraloid, just so i can sell his mods to lazy people for plat
>do sp incursion
>no steel essence
>have to do it again
>Torid, Furis, Nekros in EDA
ez mode
well, its got a guaranteed impact proc after the homing barbs explode out of an enemies head, so I'm wondering if it's good for that one impact to slash mod on secondaries. Other than that if you can hit headshots it devours rooms. Not at the rate of a juiced up tonkor/plasmor, but it does offer a bit of challenge in order to do it
Only if you still need to max the Arcanes, and to sell Sporotrix parts (always in demand, trust me). Otherwise, move on to the next. I am using vosfor to finish those arcanes up, and skip the Mirror Defense grind, since Otak's shop arcanes are included in that pack.
Fass is a cuck
Shut the fuck up, Vome.
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>need to sell some crap for plat for weapon slots
>6x user not online
>finally manage to message someone
>Meanwhile, in an alternate universe where volt is unpopular and speed is not meta for some reason:

Pablo: I have now buffed electricity in general and Volt in particular to bring him more in line with gameplay in warframe:
Electric procs now increase the speed of those nearby, 50% for the first proc, and 5% per subsequent proc, up to 90% at 9 procs. At 10 procs, it goes up to 100%!
Volt’s speed boost no longer multiplies his speed directly, it instead simply applies 6 electric procs to nearby enemies. Also, the augment applies one electric proc per second to nearby enemies! Wowzers!
Also, we’re taking the crit damage boost from his shield, it now just has a 30% chance to give an electric proc every second to enemies you deal damage to.
Also, his 4’s augment now gives you guaranteed red crits, a hundred thousand overguard, a fat multiplier on crit damage, and 10 guaranteed electric procs!

Volt main: Why are you nerfing my speed, I used to be able to stack it way higher than 100%? Plus I used to press a bunch of buttons, but now I just press 4?? And what about my shield/operator interaction??? WTF, Pablo?!?!

Some fucking Revenant main probably: I don’t know why you are complaining when your frame is finally good, bro. Also, didn’t you see the build Brozime made where instead of his Breach Surge Incarnon Torid instantly killing every enemy ever with red crits, it can instantly kill every enemy ever with red crits that have exclamation marks? Heh, what an idiot.

Gyre main: yeah bro, don’t know what you’re talking about, definitely sounds like we both got buffed. Also, didn’t you see the build where Tactical Potato stacked electric on his sentinel’s tazicor while using an amprex on volt and was able to get to 10 electric procs faster maybe? Just do that lol.
wanna sell me all your requiem relics?
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don't have enough to feel comfortable selling them
Are there any good warframes with “replace with something else” tier skills? I was gonna replace rhino’s charge with Eclipse because i use rhino a lot, and never use charge, but then i found out you can’t do that
Replace it with Nourish. It's a damage buff, but it's not restricted on Mirage, Rhino and Mesa.
i don’t have grendel, so i can’t. Was wondering if there was anyone i could put Eclipse on until then
i keep running out of them, just bought 22 for 44plat
Most frames have 1 or 2 trash or mediocre abilities that can be replaced. You just ran into a specific scenario where Vex Armor, Eclipse, Roar, Amp, and Xata's Whisper are all mutually exclusive abilities.
as a nova enjoyer used to 75% slow cap, you had it too good for too long. 65% plus finally being useful to your team is more than enough
Literally any squishy frame with a shitty nuke, or single target crap, or just something you do not use. Equinox's 2, Banshee's 4, Excal's 1, Nova's 1, Titania's 3, Wisp's 4(?)

I guess you can put it on someone like... Zephyr (max Dur, max Str, who cares about Eff or Ran), that's already has protection, but Eclipse damage boost doesn't offer the utility of Nourish.
Based and factual.
Being useful to the team is good and all, but I don't want to be useful to the team; I want to put enemies into super slo mo and laugh at them.

Now if I want to be better at slowing enemies than literally anyone with a sentinel, I have to subsume on fucking gloom. On the ice guy, the status attribute what's supposed to be good at slowing, I have to use my subsume slot on probably the most generic slow in the entire game instead of cool shit like vial rush to thematically go fast or dispensary so I can stock my igloo with snacks.
I was already subsuming gloom on frost to boost my magistar's follow through so I am feeling pretty good personally
This comparison is retarded at the face of it and is mainly you telling on yourself not understanding game balance. If speed were unpopular for whatever reason, trading an unpopular stat for millions of damage is unambiguously a buff even if it's a questionable shift in power. Your hypothetical electric buff isn't equivalent to the buff that cold status got. Going from 95% slow to a full stun is literally infinitely stronger and CC would be massively popular if DE wasn't constantly target nerfing most forms of CC. Debuffing enemies isn't comparable to buffing allies. Why the fuck are you complaining about the shield crit when that was an accidental part of Pablo's rework in the first place?
>Ember uses a fire buff turning my electricity procs into radiation procs
This is probably the worst thing about all of those augments holy shit.
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>Equinox's 2, Banshee's 4, Excal's 1, Nova's 1, Titania's 3, Wisp's 4
wish lycath hunt's sfx is just more than black noodly ribbons....
/wfg/ is my favorite general and I consider you all to be my friends
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anyone has idea what it is?
it's marked on map but have no idea if I can get inside
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Hows this for a plague zaw? I just use it for the arcane
there are 3 statues on the island you can rotate. make them face the middle.
>people to this day still cant figure out bleak falls barrow door puzzle
Now see, imagine basically what you said, but it's everyone telling me I'm an idiot because my favourite frame now generally pressing one button instead of three makes him better. And while everyone is technically correct, it feels like people not understanding that my guy going to a one button gaming loop could be boring or why someone might subjectively like slows more than being more effective.

Like, meta aside, having your guy go fast is just kind of fun, yeah? Obviously it is good meta because faster missions means more rewards, but on it's own seeing you guy go faster is just kind of interesting.
Well, slowing enemies down, meta aside, is a similar kind of fun just from the other direction. Now this is more bad meta because slower enemies means slower missions, but it's still funny.
Now imagine that instead of a speed boost, Volt just pushed a button and teleported to his destination, or to do infinite attack speed so fast you can't see the animations anymore. It's obviously better, but not quite as satisfying, is it? That how I feel about cold doing the freeze. How's that for an analogy?

Also, side note, the freeze animations got worse in the transition, because now instead of freezing enemies solid and properly shattering them it just holds them in place and puts ice crystals on them, it's lame and bad and glitches a lot where the ice crystals staying on screen and the only reason I don't bitch about it more is because I do in fact appreciate that it lets Frost play with Atlas without griefing his rubble and Atlas bros are cool but I do want to mention how it tangibly made my guy feel worse.
Also everyone is getting sidetracked by my complaining about whether pablo nerfed frost or not instead of answering my original question.

Are we getting any cool content next month or not?
Like, anything besides / instead of Narberus?
lmao even
you get another mission like ascension/mirror defense to grind a frame + 2 weapons and some most likely worthless arcanes
spiderframe, exalted arcanes, new incarnons
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I am NOT entertaining your lunacy
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How am I supposed to unlock EDA? Just go in with whatever I have and hope I get carried eventually? My rotation this week at best has a good warframe, but shit weapons
Sounds about right

Alright, this is more what I wanted to hear

That sounds cool, hopefully she's more than just another boring damage-debuff spreader like every other frame Pablo touches.
Next update is gonna be a something about different fates, yeah? If we get some string pulling atlach-nacha frame that would be very based.

>Exalted Melee Arcanes
Like, melee weapons using melee arcanes? Neat. Are Acolyte mods still gonna be no-go though?

>New Incarnons
Not terribly interested in anything that needs me doing duviri content.
Any classy guns in there? I remember hearing Sybaris might be getting one.
lol cute shitter lmao
You are not getting any of that anytime soon, do you understand that?
I love Brozime.
I'm getting a smooch from Excalibur
>Six Protoframes, humans who have been fused with Warframe suits, make up a syndicate called the Hex. The player will be able to use an AIM-style chat client to learn more about each Protoframe, and even romance them for a New Year’s kiss.
... no?
I don't know what we're getting next month, that's why I'm asking?
Bharat stands with proto volt
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>getting next month
proto xaku ?
>How's that for an analogy?
It's still shows that you don't understand game balance, because you still haven't identified what the root of the problem is. Frost's play style isn't being shifted because Pablo wanted to buff him the wrong way, it shifted because what you like about Frost is something that DE hates about every single frame. They're constantly target and blanket nerfing CC. They did it to Limbo, they did it to every frame and weapon on this list at the end of 2023, they did it to whoever the fuck else I've forgotten and they'll continue doing it to even more frames because for some reason they just hate CC.

spiderframe is wild speculation and I doubt it's coming soon, although they have said they'll start brainstorming.

>exalted melee arcanes
I haven't heard about this specifically, but DE is aware that most exalted weapons have fallen behind regular weapons and arcanes are one of the reasons for it. I've missed a bunch of recent dev shorts so maybe they said something in the past month.

>new incarnons
The alleged leak is Cestra, Dera, Okina, Sicarus, Sybaris
Cestra, Dera, Okina, Sicarus, Sybaris
So spider is confirmed now? I remember seeing that animated model but I heard it's from malaya?
Naming your kid Sirius is seriously insane
I thought ember was shit or is her overuse just do to her new skin?
>mfw getting cinta
Alright, I'm getting mixed responses, let me phrase the question a different way:

TFD is getting a new prime descendant, a new boss fight that does party wipes if someone doesn't know the mechanics, and timed cooperative puzzle modes where if one tard pushes the wrong button everyone dies and it is almost certainly going to be ass cancer of the highest order.

Is Warframe getting anything better next month that I should play instead?
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Orion Chads approved this message
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nigga shut up if you dont want to play a game you dont have to stop being a fucking zoomer adhd shithead controlled my your FOMO
>>Is Warframe getting anything better next month that I should play instead?
No. Come back in december if you want, for the new content island and that's about it.
>Is Warframe getting anything better next month that I should play instead?
They're gonna announce something on Friday, idk how big that'll be, and then there's supposed to be a major update near the end of the year.
I posted this last thread but I have 1.6M and never actively farmed for them. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU USE THEM ON
>and to sell Sporotrix parts (always in demand, trust me)
>have full set, so check what people are buying it for
>120p for a lot of them
huh, didn't think it'd go that high.
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Anyone gota good bramma build? I can't with this gun, I hate using viral/hm but that works best here.
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more back in time before it got its ammo nerfed
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brama is ded fren
>avoided the bramma for years because I refused to metaslave
>finally get to using it
>it's useless
Spiderframe is literally local meme for gullible retards, khora is already spiderframe and valkyr is "spider man".
and now you are avoiding Torid
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Reb please... The rifts on void cascade are still bugged...
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Nah I gave up on trying to be different.
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I hate the valkyrschizo.
I hate the novaschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate the TFDschizo.
I love warbros.
Warbros #1
God Stahlta would be the best weapon in the game if it got a fire rate buff.
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tf did u just post
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Zephyr told me to post this
damn is this the perfect torid build or? Why firestorm though?
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so true my redditsister!
>duo this week's EDA with a mag
>am a kullervo with shitty melee and pisstol
>torid it
had panic attacks ngl
>for some reason DE just hates CC

See, I’ve got a theory about why that is.

It’s 2021. The New War is late, and we’ve been on the Natah cliffhanger getting orders from hologram lotus for years now.

Now this hasn’t been confirmed, but since the more senior members of the staff were more concerned with getting New War out the door and “working on the Duviri Paradox” (actually prototyping souldframe), it was probably a less senior designer working on the new frame coming out that year. That less senior designer probably being Pablo, and that new frame being Sevagoth. And that also came with figuring out which ability was the best for helminth.

So, what ability was picked to give to everyone in the game? Gloom. And the guy who decided that giving everyone a 95% slow aura was a fine idea? Yeah, probably Pablo. Breaking the game wide open.

Pablo also designed Yareli pretty soon after or at the same time. Definitely him this time, he appeared on devstream a couple of times to talk about how proud he was of his design. And what was Yareli’s kit? Mostly crowd control, between sea snares and rip tide. Only, notice how subdued these were this time? Sea snares only stunned 3 targets with no way to increase that, riptide only held enemies for 2 seconds with no way to increase it, even aquablades was gimped cc because you couldn’t expand it’s range with mods. I’m thinking, after absolutely breaking the game balance with gloom, now he’s going restrained on the CC in any of his designs.

And you know what the result of Pablo’s care was? The most underwhelming warframe release in the entire history of the game. Yeah, her being the k-drive frame and the warframe community largely being no-skill casuals probably contributed too, but k-drive ability was her best ability compared to everything else she had, because everything else she did sucked.
So now, 2022, Steve and Scott fucking off to do soulframe and Pablo now in charge of fixing CC – especially the rampant gloom spam that he himself probably unleashed – is he going to try to go through the care of balancing things, like he tried to do with Yareli only to get the most embarrassing black mark of his design career? Of course not, he just puts in overguard during the first update he officially heads and fucks over half the kits of a bunch of warframes. And when something can bypass that overguard? Fuck it, it’s gotta go. Doesn’t matter what, Wisp’s surge blind that already an op ability, Frost’s niche augment that’s not good for much else, or the fucking Halikar that only kicks their weapon out of their hand only some of the time without having any effect on their abilities. Status effects get a pass for some reason, but even then cold in particular gets nerfed.

And that’s why DE hates CC. Also Limbo making a joke out of Scarlet Spear might have had something to do with it, but that one was probably more Scott’s fault than Pablo’s so I’m not going to dwell on it.
Don't you have plat?
Lol, I was banned for racism for posting this image in last thread
Good. There's no place for racism here.
nick gurr
Hello I am Nate Isaac Higgers
>You still haven't identified what the root of the problem is
I don't know how much clearer I can make it.

65% is a smaller number than 95%, having a 100% stop on mooks for my sentinel doesn't make me happy I lost my 95% slow on elites, and interacting with the speed of actions is more interesting than a button that just kills them dead.

How about that? Have I got across why I don't like the slow nerfs yet? Can you maybe comprehend that I have more than one complaint for this? Are you even human or just some AI parody of one that is only pretending to understand speech?
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>Cestra Incarnon
Holy fucking kino I used to use these (Cestra and Dual Cestra) back when I was a noob in the early game. Would be really cool if it was Dual Cestra Incarnon.
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Ivara player ZAMM
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Spiderframe isn't a meme because it overlaps with existing frames in some way, it's a total fucking meme because DE is too fucking incompetent to ever animate it
spiderframe is launching with coomei
spiderframe in 2 more weeks
trust the plan
I dont mind doing sorties every day but holy shit i'm not touching this ambulas shit
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No spiderframe with 8 animated moving legs it's joever.
What's wrong with chillbulas?
cutie has no damage
>kill it, hack
>pop kahl/on call-crew
>alt-tab for a minute
>repeat 2 more times
>go to extraction, alt-tab for another 2 minutes before you can actually extract
you can also play shawzin instead of alt-tabbing I guess
This talk about ambulas reminded me that I should farm Trinity.
Where's the best place to get animo beacons?
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ok but dont sage please
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Favorite enemy in warframe?
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Kuva Jesters
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the grineer chicks defending void key on void sabotage missions
Why can't we capture and rape female grineer soldiers?
>4 more days for possible spider frame
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ayy, 3 at a time
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how much forma is enough?
get the fuck away with this trash
out of all frames to main he chose this turd
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shut your mother mouth benchod
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its gonna be kino
>in a tranny infested game who will cry about arachnophobia
>"Koumei ruined warframe for me, i have to abort mission whenever she in the game"
>not even out
>already created imaginary problems
Not just problems, its "MUH TROONS".
because of troons if wont even be out
Americans are trannies, they will complain.
That one zoomer game had to remove the spider enemy and put a giant red Spider text box to replace it because people were having panic attacks about a fucking virtual monster.
dont know which game you mean but i remember that one game about being shrinked and living in the grass with accessibility options which turn spiders into brown blob
do biowomen actually play warframe i find this hard to believe
Only Hags
post tits
not again...
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nah just all dudes and trannies
Nobody plays warframe anymore.
I just downloaded warframe!
I just uninstalled warframe
what would be the next frame i can unlock after rhino? I beat the jackal but i dont even have materials to build him out yet
gigacute mrlet
Join a clan and get zephyr, best frame in the game
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>No spider frame
>No eight leg movement anim (EX: Voruna)
Oh well no point in worrying about it. We'll just wait and see.
>You will never experience warframe for the first time ever again
if theres no spiderframe in the next update we riot
MRlet here, I need to get started on forma farming and I'm wondering if there's any advice on which relics that contain forma should I open and which I shouldn't. Any prime parts that are almost worthless or should I just fuck off and check every item on wfmarket?
farm prime parts
get the forma if nothing good drops
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It's Not Personal It's Strictly Business
my genuine advice would be just farming IO Helene as mrlet for meso relics + orokin cells and then opening them with pubs during extermination/capture and take forma whenever there is no good uncommon reward
shit like shade, braton, lex, orthos and many more which are in every relic can be skipped
idk how big of an mrlet are you but you can just farm requiem relics while farming liches/sisters then pop them and sell words for 14-15plat and buy the forma bundle
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Usually the best relics are the newest ones or the ones that haven't been unvaulted in a while. You could farm for Aya to buy unvalted relics and hoard them until the price for the relic/parts gets inflated, or just buy relic packs/farm for the newest set of relics.
My personal opinion is that when you're farming for anything in relics, you should never have a goal, just farm relics and open relics

Much more enjoyable when you do have a goal that you'll fail to meet most of the time anyway.
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on way to buy spiderframe
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very cute kot anon
grind random shit, stock up on traces, radshare for shit you want
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Iron wake gave me this can I get a decent amount for a 1 dispo or should I just endo it
>endo it
did this fucking subreddit of a general mindbreak you that easily? not a single riven is worth endoing
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I fucking love Hildryn bros
Finally got enough endo to complete the mods on it to get her balefire to 200k+ damage on a full charge.
>not hating thematicschizo
i know what you are
your throat must hurt
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he is fast...
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japan shorts

post build
and We know what you are
Isnt acceltra a popular weapon? You should be able to sell it
rebb said she woke up early and pablo leaned over and told her to go back to sleep
Whats the point of dev shorts? They never say anything besides what we already know and saving the big stuff for devstreams/conventions
yum Rebb in shorts
sometimes there news on upcoming fixes/changes/etc in smaller updates or progress reports on bugs. thats why its short.
If I'm doing endless missions solo, I should have endless amount of time to choose the next relic, this is bullshit, bruh
>console moment
>why do we have white shield theres no dante
>doing regular circuit
>dude in party losing his fucking mind that I chose a frame that im leveling and ruining his run
>"the one time I get a perfect roll in circuit someone has to ruin it by being a deadweight leech"
I dont really understand affinity, is this a resource that resets every mission meaning I can revive myself as needed or is this something that carries over and shouldn't be wasted as much?
as a riven trader and acceltra fanatic.


but really not worth using or buying.
Americans, lol.
affinity is xp. if youre leveling and dies you can sacrifice affinity to res yourself
>do interception void fissure
>literally not enough enemies to open the relic

My ex gf ended playing the game a shitton
But then again she went from hot as fuck to landwhale within the span of two years
omg okay i'll keep that in mind i've revived myself a few times on these dumb fortuna bounties
Before the whole incarnon shit happened? Sure, you could easily sell even shitty Acceltra rivens. Nowadays? Why would you even bother? It's been one of my favorite weapons since its inception but there's really no reason to use it nowadays. Even though I really fucking love it.
>7.31% drop chance
I don't know If I be farming pennant...
This >>495798247 but it's important to mention that you sacrifice a % of BONUS affinity.
It won't delevel you or anything, essentially when you finish a mission it doubles the affinity you gained and gives it to you as a bonus, if you died the bonus is simply reduces.
So for example let's say you've earned 10xp throughout the mission, if you quit or fail the mission you won't lose those 10xp but if you finish you'll get another 10xp as a bonus for a total of 20xp.
Reviving mid missions simply decreases the bonus value.
>she went from hot as fuck to landwhale within the span of two years
literally every hot woman i knew and also my cousin
dodged a fucking landmine by not asking her if shes pregnant
whatever happened there
Is this real?
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I was there
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Joever Status: It's.
Lizard sisters do we have any hopes left for a good rework in the future?
I promise they do
trannies aren't the ones compiling lists of games to cry about
>calling republicans "weird" didnt work
>over using the world "woke" will definitively elect nottrump harris
we lost
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I find it very entertaining that cuckservatives are so dumb they need a third party to tell them what's woke.
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i am an incel chuddy but i love grinding in warframe
how tight is your bp right now
undisturbed and so it shall remain for the remainder of my life
and yet ember's heirloom ass gives me an instant boner
>safehorny design
>3x 25% brammas
>but 2 of them had ephemera
I don't know if I should be happy or mad
im yet to fucking understand what that /v/s buzzword means
are girls in bikinis also safehorny?
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We are requesting kavot buffs
Is there a mission or quest where the lore shit starts happening? I hear about second dream being
they got him...
you can see the indentations of her vulva
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Hags, more like grannies
>shitters leave circuit when i roll wisp and ocucor
I want to have sex with those grannies
Natah is technically when the lore comes in, but yes Second Dream is when things you care about start happening
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Just woke up did I miss anything interesting from todays stream?
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we are requesting rat companions asap
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rebb showed interest in a warhammer collab and she cringed at a spider frame idea
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Please pablo... a rework...
Troll frame - max range and duration and spam 4
>look at my EDA loadouts
>decide i'm just not gonna do it this week
feels good
>he's bricking his account eternally
just pick a frame that doesn't care and get full rewards anyway (minus some extra vosfor)
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specters + get carried
Ive done it with unpotatoed frames and useless shit weapons
>wokeframe 1999
ywnbaw btw
and you will always be a grineer
I'm with the ostrons tho
Do you think the chicana, 90s gamer Arab or career soldier black guy give a single fuck about woke? All of these groups invented types of racism you haven't even considered.
Why didnt you assholes tell me how much of a waste of time farming sister of parvos weapons is
Early lunch
I'm transing your frame right now
all bumpers are honorary grineers
Skibbidy warframe
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>like duviri decorations
>they all cost several gyrums and enigmas give out shit rewards
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>He uses decorations
You're not a real man.
You're right. Just like everyone here I'm a cute girl, pretending to be a man.
you cannot hide your shame, tenno
whats the best tenet weapon?
Do i get mastery for playing with weapons i don't own in the circuit?
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last minute writing changes for easy virtue signaling points
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I love Wisp, /wfg/
how will they ruin her heirloom skin just like the deluxe that will come next decade or so?
I've been thinking about this a lot and I still don't know what I want from the heirloom but I know I'm not afraid they'll nerf the ass or tits anymore after ember's success
odds of aoandan being more ligger trash?
Ultra nigga aesthetics surpassing anything we have ever seen before
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I'm losing my MIND!
it's because of your weird-ass font, the eldritch serifs are etching into your mind the forbidden waher dialect of voidtongue
Dis nigga using MS DOS
that's clearly npp thoe'er
Once I got drunk and slutted out like that
No you didn't, because you are crusty pozzed faggot
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>POV: You are a mrlet and you enter /wfg/
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whats the best way to powerlevel archwing stuff? can i do it while railjacking?
esl kun why would that stop him
He doesnt look like w wisp, he looks like albrecht after failed void travel experiment.
POV: You are a hag thirsty for mrlets
who said he looked like wisp lol stop crying over fake scenario
Salacia - like 2 runs with affinity booster should be enough to level up to 30
Because he replied to this >>495813948
Im MR20 hag now :(
That's it, taking a break from the grind to jack off to futa porn now.
>I don't know how much clearer I can make it.
What you're saying has been crystal clear from start to finish, the thing is that you're a tunnel-visioned retard. My condolences that DE keeps removing things you like from the game, but this is a problem with the entire state of Warframe and you're just autistically hyperfocused on Frost.

>repeated nerfs against most forms of CC for years
>another pass stomps out 90% of the holdouts of CC that work against elites
>wahh Frost is being persecuted everyone is so mean 2 me
Just stay playing TFD if you're gonna be a whiny bitch about this.
Hes offline you know
>Just stay playing TFD if you're gonna be a whiny bitch about this.

He won't stop coming into /wfg/ and bitching about Frost, The fact the fat mexican lives so rent free in his head it's hilarious
So was I when he posted his last response. He'll see it and/or I'll call him a hyperfixated autismo the next time he starts bitching.
Lol, you missed the time
based off-topichad
Volt looks like his style, but he's their token Japanese guy so he could be doing both
I'm hoping for a shrine maiden in any case
NA hours? Genuine posts and endless discussions?
Its one hyperactive dude >>495822889
replying to all EU posts he missed.
his unique style of bumping
No fucking way this is real
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Goon to Reb
peak reading comprehension general
>nooo you're not allowed to reply to posts over an hour old
wrong on two counts I'm actually just samefagging
Ok, masterslut
>nooo you're not allowed to reply to posts over an hour old
Can you maybe comprehend that I have more than one complaint for this? Are you even human or just some AI parody of one that is only pretending to understand speech?
list and explain your complaints with whatever "this" is
Bro, i dont care, im just posting pastas. Plus i thought you are doing the same
i have complaints
people with autism tend to throw severe temper tantrums whenever they're directly reminded that not everybody has the exact same interests and values as them
you are witnessing the negative aspects of autism in this thread
the positive aspect of autism is that those with the hyperfocus trait can create some incredible things if given the opportunity, so it's not a completely negative scenario
4chan is the autism daycare of the internet, so this behavior is most common here
>wahh wahh wahh these zoomers are unaware of 3D shading techniques of the late 90s and don't care about them because they think the modern products they consume are good enough
>this is bad and i need to fix their brains by using social techniques that work only on me and nobody else
>i will now ramble about some obscure meaningless bullshit that literally nobody cares about, and then i will insult you and label you as inferior for not being aware of such topics
it's honestly fascinating
I like how Russchizo proves he's always here complaining about posts. Get a fucking life you schizo.
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>join void fissure
>three flying warframes mapwipe everything in sight
>i barely make it to extraction before the timer
what the hell happened
i didnt get a single kill
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>only 1 (one) person can complaing about bumps and he musts be russian
>every poster besides me is the same guy
I'm inside your walls anon
That was sarcasm
No sane person complains about bumps in /vg/. You're the only mentally ill faggot here.
Non binary as in there are three of them glued together, not being one of two sexes
This, sane person just bumps like its his job
thermal titania x3
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Reminder to delet all the fodder so you only get meta weapons in EDA/Circus
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>You're the only mentally ill faggot here.
so I am the boogeyman now? How must I act to uphold this image you created in your sick head?
>he calls every post a bump
You're not sane
not everyone assumes every post is fake or copypasta
Its a skeleton, if i cut your face and wear it as mask, i will be nonbinary too?
Yeah unfortunately
>ESL post samefagging
Not a good day for Grineer
cat: me
bag: goonsesh
>assumes every post is fake or copypasta
Your assumption btw
Thank God the Ostrons will save us from this schizo soon
reported for bumping
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what outfit is this wisp wearing?
a walking onahole lava lamp in stripper heels is not 'safe horny' you abominable black creature
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me diving into megs ass
safehorny means lewd but not a child
>running headfirst into a brick wall
The other warframes still work on the somatics skeleton, it's a frankenstein monster
I cant fucking get forma fast enough let alone level shit fast enough to actually get all my frames/weapons into shape
Did you really believe it would be this easy?
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It's time
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I want to thank the based Janny for freeing us from the russchizo
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Why do you have posts saved to pasta?
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warframe has always been a psyop
warframe creates political extremists with it's intense deception of a tenno "masterrace" killing and pillaging through the solar system and killing every other race/ethnicity.
Remember when the Red Veil tried to kill the Kavor in your own mission and you weren't allowed to delete their entire faction in retaliation
oh, i can see her nips poking through.
just rank them up in eso in 5 min and sell them
they were trying to save you from playing defecation
But they made it take longer if they killed them
helminth gave me options to invigorate two frames i don't even own =(
(protea and gyre)
aww, that's so sad. post your ign and i will gift you those frames immediately
You can always buy them with plat, problem solved
Both of those warframes are dishonest, don't use them
Time to pay the idiot tax
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fucking finally
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I've been doing EDA every week since the beginning and only now I realized that I can just use an archgun of my choice if I'm stuck with shitty weapons, I also often forget I can drop specters to help too.
>"masterrace" killing and pillaging through the solar system and killing every other race/ethnicity
okay this is based
I'm MR28 and don't have EDA unlocked
I just don't like the tileset
oh, wow
I think I did a few with gear embargo and then just forgot it's not like other "endgame" stuff where most of that stuff is disabled or limited
you retard
there was a span of like a month or two where the start of every other thread I had that EDA is easy spiel with a checklist of shit you can use to trivialize it
>on call crew
>x47 amp
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reb the bs away from the thread
None of the Syndicates are characterized very well but Red Veil is particularly inconsistent. Toss up between Veil and Arbiters for best syndicate though, hope we finally get a questline for them soon. I think there's going to be some shenanigans with the 1999 Hex and current timeline Hexis.
>x47 amp
With madurai?
I've just been unga bunga-ing my way through EDA with Revenant or Dante every single week. Why would I ever bother with anything else? For the vosfor? lmao
are the open world areas supposed to be way harder than regular missions? feels like im getting my ass absolutely raped in orb vallis trying to get some rep
orb vallis in particular is extremely overtuned
is there an lfg of some kind where i could get a squad to make it more manageable? or is the content old enough for people to just not run it anymore
yea, usually i can sit around and shoot stuff in sp but in deimos sp i get one slapped by random shit
yeah you're probably limited to other people still on the grind at this point, so don't be afraid to just start your matches in Public mode, but Recruiting chat exists for a reason too
finish TNW, everyone does the narmer bounties
I haven't done a narmer bounty since they were released
narmer making everything ugly and fracturing matchmaking into even more ghost towns was a mistake
The hags are in Japan, superior Nippon engineering is disabling them as we speak.
if you are after standing then grab a tranq rifle and kubrodon lure and catch kubrodon incarnadines for 8k standing a pop
if you are after mods - come back later
I did a handful early on but none since
bro your isoplasts?
those give rep for Solaris United? - sorry if its a dumb question, i dont really give a shit about the story at all. I just want the mineral doodads from valis so i can finish actually building yareli
There's really no reason why you'd want to unless you want Caliban but any newfag should still get access to them simply because he'd get matched into the pool of people who might still give a shit about that rep grind
yes, and you can also trade the isos to little duck to skip the toroid grind
>67 hours since reb's last post in /wfg/
hopefully she comes back from japan soon...
ic. i still have scrubber exa brains, venerdo alloy, and heart noctrul left. spent a few hours yesterday farming tellurium for a few different frames
get resource booster and do exploiter orb
Caliban is my favorite
every day I grind new shit and every day I get closer and closer to having to grind mirror defense
I don't like it one bit
For what exactly?
she'll miss us and post soon
I use 147, and Madurai or Unairu both work. x47 with no abilities will kill everything except necramechs, although culverins will be slow without either Caustic Strike or Void Strike. Unairu/Caustic Strike isn't good for enemy necramechs, but I haven't tried Void Strike and/or 747 against them yet. If you have access to amps you also have access to Arquebex that week, so IMO it's not worth rigorously testing and if you need to kill mechs just go find one of those computers. Your gear restrictions don't even matter unless both Gear Embargo and Transference Distortion are modifiers for the week, but if you somehow don't have a single good piece of equipment then just ignore Gear Embargo and let your on call crew/Kahl/whatever specters win for you.
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>he doesn't do the worst grinds first
Into the wall she goes
I need to attach her screams (megan's?) to everyone else
Even my stubba one?
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how do we fix valkyr
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yes. transmute, don't endo
Tell me why my Vasto has 350% crit chance but I routinely see yellow/orange numbers despite that being fucking impossible to produce
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what was it
what did steve see?
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pls sell you're nova if you are slowing enemies
there is another webm but i dont have it
why does sevagoth's wig... quiver? also I just finally understood in my middle age the meaning behind "big wigs" when looking up the origin of the powdered wig in colonial era naval or court dress and how more prominent figures would literally just have bigger wigs, like a captain on a ship or whatever...
You didn't play the game
lmao, ive started to just jump in the portal and get random shit
The base stubba was my main secondary weapon for like two or three years
I had a 300% damage 200% electric(?) riven mod
Love the reliable old clunker
just how shit are you at this game ?
>mobile d
>mirror d
speedva in all of those
Im winning and you are seething
Show me your solo SP interception with sneedva
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I haven't played in years....but have been kinda wanting to play again
what's the new mememeta frame loadouts
Slamming makes me feel good
slamming makes me feel dirty
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get your wallets ready
ew wukong...I don't like that frame tho
Torid Incarnon
I slammed your mom in my orbiter.
And I'm sending you a repair bill for it.
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My Warframe is very excited now.
I'll donate, when they campaign against genital mutilation.
we can't
it's kullover
Tell me - oh, no no, let me SEE. When I goon open your... tenno fruit, what color juice spills out?
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God I want to fuck that moa
morning reb
one piece suit look banger in your body
reb is like a irl jojo, wau...
>it's bait
Banshee's 4 is useless outside ESO and non-SP. Nova's 1 just keeps disappearing on me, making it bad as actual damage reduction. The rest is just adjusted for gameplay. Wisp's 4 is amazing on paper, but I forget to use it, and I rarely see any other Wisp use it, and I see Wisp everywhere. Excal is garbage, period, and no, ability spamming on him is not viable, never was. Titania's lantern is more annoying to play around than useful. I just keep forgetting to use Equinox's 2.
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nta but this is mandatory on nova. would be nice if she could just recast with any orbs remaining but I guess passive refilling is better anyway
I'll check my build, but I prefer the raw stat bonuses to range and strength. Don't remember if I even put Eclipse on.
>Nova's 1 just keeps disappearing on me
That's because lil orbs refuse to stay with retards who can't read, this is true
I might just be confusing Nova with Nyx. Nyx's 1 is just shit, and she's simply squishy.
>Forever Winter keeps crashing
Back to Whoreframe I guess
Is there any reason for me not to throw my second Qorvex into the helminth
You need to have 1 with 5 tauforged amber shards and one with umbra slots
to build a concrete wall in your frame select page
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No, you're not confusing the two frames.
You're talking about Nova and are bad at using the frame's DR
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>phone poster
>excal's 1
>join circuit.
>saryn teammate.
>he does nothing, gets 3 kills.
>screw him, my rng was shit anyways.
>leave after one round.
>he complains, "why leave after one round"
Go leech somewhere else.
I don't know why they keep doing this with added elemental damage. Forced procs would be far more useful than that garbage
It's frustrating as hell and even turns into less damage if you get actually fucked and your cold crit build gets turned into worthless blast or magnetic
EDA feels easier than trying to unlock it in regular DA because no one queues for DA and you get that freebie for selecting EDA.

My Engrish not very good. Rebecca-chan told me post on double you eff gee. We are in love hotel. Very sexy times
hi hiro
Don't do it she's going to drain you off and leave the husk flee while you still can nipponbro
I wish I were a bird.
Birds are not that important.
kojima-san make sure to hydrate!
Is Vauban good
I always consider Vauban to be a little frail, you find a spot and never move away from it
>Yes even with the 1k armor buff/steal
What if I put condemn on him
That’s the chains of harrow right? That’s trash and messes with the ragdoll interactions of his vortex and bastille. Same deal as Khora and her cage dome, really dont mix them.
At defense, yes.
Pillage might be better
I do not like pillage because it does not work on infested.
I do not even fight infested.
It works on the only infested that you'd need it to work on, deimos, and it works on the corrupted in the only missions that you'd be fighting infested in, fissures
Besides maybe arbitrations which you shouldn't generally be doing with a shield frame because of the poison clouds
and even in a toxin context it has a cleanse
What are my best options for vasto arcanes? Is it still deadhead?
I tried taking deadhead off and I hated it. Recoil is bothersome.
With an exilus adapter and a forma, I could change arcanes. It seems unnecessary because the bodyshot damage is good enough for mobs and the bonus headshot damage is good for eximus units.
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Do it Kojima-sama I know you can!
(1) month away. its locked in.
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good morning sir
I hate duviri, I hate the circuit, I hate deep archimedia.
helen stop, you didn't roll the window down all the way! you're going to break it with your fat ass!
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i got my second burston adapter. yay.
Is the nami solo and whatever that other melee is worth suffering through duviri for
Do status effects scale with enemy level
Heat or Electricity for a Tenet Livia?
"kind of"
When in doubt about progenitor element: go heat or toxin.
nah, fuck YOU
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Too young
gee I wonder
Elec for memelee influence?
fed to helminth
What does Qorvex's 1 do
I kinda want to try the game anons. What's the loop of the game?
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Level stuff to explore places to grind for stuff to level.
Repeat until you reach the cap of MR. It does get a little repetitive until endgame
>hate everyone else you meet in game
>play solo
>get bored and quit for 5 years
Unironically does not feel like you beat the game until you are MR20 and have a thousand hours.
I would sex every DE girl except penny
pretty, I kind of hate how garuda looks and the ugly carrion bird aesthetic but I like the pallid or kind of decayed/void-touched humanoid f*ceframe
I would sex everyone at DE
same except zach has to shave that ridiculous mustache first
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Imagine those feet stroking your shaft
I am...
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I don't understand being into feet, like I'm not actually judging and I've known more than one girl way into them too I just don't get it
Reminder that Dev Stream the 27 and 28-29 the Tokyo show
Also Iridos Collection and other skins returning the 26 at Varzia like the Verv skins
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awful thread, content when
who cares, you'll be done with it in a week
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I didn't stutter. Stop pretending to be an Excal main.
>do call of temperstarii
>shit i don't care about
questing fucking sucks

Checks yourself for COVID, side-effects include loss of taste.
sick burn
They tried to do we lift together but it's lame and gay
Sevagoth is also still lame and gay
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Thanks. Primary reason I come to these threads is to shit on people absolutely dogshit trash opinions.
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We could've had a real frame get a prime
tastes like broken and unfinished
Yareli will NEVER get a prime
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That decision is just confusing, to be honest. Maybe DE is gearing up to release three primes at once? Or just Xaku, and then returning to the pattern?
Sex with captain Xeto
as far as i know its Lavos next then Yareli but not sure whats after
>male male female female (repeat)
>male male female male (skipping two frames completely)
No way the next is Lavos.
holy shit you destroyed him
They should give Lavos an augment that changes all his abilties from using cooldowns to using energy like a normal frame.
The grind is unbearable...
but the worst part is knowing that the hours of suffering you're enduring costs less than 30P on the market.
he's gonna need to spend plat to revive
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Rebecca has asked (you) to finalize the design for the Warframe that will soon be released to complete the alphabet of frame names. Your design document must include the following:
>Frame name (MUST start with the letter "U")
>Frame theme and inspirations (mythology, etc)
>Powers and passive
>At least one signature weapon, must be approved by Pablo first
What is your choice?
Really hope Soulframe prevents this kind of self-inflicted hell.

If you're grinding for ONE, SPECIFIC THING, and RNGesus is not cooperating, stop immediately.
Is soulframe warframe 2 or is it a paid game
Its actually just Yareli but without Merulina and bigger tits.

Delete Yareli and free up that slot for another Y
Duviri 2 actually
That is the worse thing it could be.
I wrote an in-depth post with most of the joke being multiple variations of "ur mom", but then I thought "let's not ruin an actually interesting post"
but we have baro already
sometimes I grind instead buying just for that shot of dopamine when I finally get the drop.
how do i built ma- i mean take vidjas?
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>Frame name
>Frame theme and inspirations (mythology, etc)
Thermal and gravitational quantum vacuum effects, maybe like an old school space suit or diving suit aesthetic idk
>Powers and passive
Passive: Inertial Lens creates a decaying trail behind Unruh that deal cold damage as well as sucking in loot and forwarding it along the path as well as increasing allied movement and parkour speed
Liquid Spear: Projects a Destination area that leaves a path ahead of Unruh based on current movement vector that increases movement speed and deals heat damage to enemies and objects
Deja Vu: Unruh teleports to the current tail end of the Inertial Lens trail (can push and hold to instead teleport to Liquid Spear Destination)
Beam Shaper: Creates a portal space that briefly absorbs bullets and projectiles from all angles before accelerating them forward in an aimable direction and multiplying or converting their damage into a sustained beam (can target Liquid Spear Destination or Inertial Lens for output to traverse and follow final trajectory)
Waltz: Creates afterimages/clones in Inertial Lens and Liquid Spear paths that snapshot and echo all attacks and ability casts along the Inertial Lens trail while it is active, including repeated outputs from Beam Shaper
>At least one signature weapon, must be approved by Pablo first
Target Painter, calls in a mini Jade Eximus satellite drone that charges its lazor before firing that you can then guide and move for a while as it fires, doubles total firing output duration when targeting a Beam Shaper

pic not rel yet because I'm lazy and less than half committed to this idea, I find it kind of funny and I find it kind of sad
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Remember the fallen
Should I go triple umbra on nezha? I can't get his halo to last long on level 70s let alone steel path.
I'm right here tho...
its literally the easiest way to cheese them for completion if nobody else queues?
you infuse silence with average nova, maybe use some cast shards and energy refills but shuldnt be necessary
>can't get it to last long.
Just cast it again then.
It scales with enemy damage.
A list of turbo shitters

1. Recast it you retard
2. Kill the fucking enemies
Rest in peace
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This sound cool... and finicky to play
>She can distract enemies, give buffs and has fun movement tech
>I'll think about this more tomorrow
>I guess we can add another set of warfans with a cool gimmick.
>Get 6x combo, perform a heavy attack that shoots fire, and for ten seconds the fans' swing arc has a long trail of fire with very good range
should I bother with the health conversion mod?
i don't want to keep recasting it I want it to last, put some cream on that seething asshole please. And get some reading comprehension; I've been recasting it.
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hold me homos, im starting to like harrow but i dont want to cheat my waifu 'ruda
based choices
Regarding unvaulted void relic cracking and prioritization, does it go:
>crack relics until you have one of each of all or most of the prime parts for your collection/mastery rank/meta build
>then crack relics until you have enough ducats for all the primed mods from baro kiteer
>then crack relics to sell for plat
What's the general consensus on when to keep/sell/trade prime parts from void relic missions?

I'm currently interested in farming all the current unvaulted prime warframes, but I don't know if doing that shit is considered insane or not. But considering there is a new frame every 3-4 months, where the oldest is then vaulted, it feels like that should be enough time to farm up a full prime frame.
yeah I kind of envision it as a weird proteagausslokinova hybrid thing that relies a lot on reactive positioning and aiming, might be high effort or highly ineffective in practice lol
I just lost my kubrow
pouring out a kuva
Selling duplicates for platinum then buy older primes with platinum is a better route than farming everything directly.
As long as it's not a glaive prime situation, of course.
Anything that is a slight retard filter eventually turns into retard central.
In the early stages, the tards will get wrangled by good players. Eventually, the good players will decide to go solo or go with a good group. This makes the ratio of tards to competent players weigh more heavily in favor of tards, which further drives away the competent players. It's an exponential process. Eventually, tards are the only ones who play public games.
a psychological condition compels me to jump directly into the lasers and trigger the alarm
spy = solo
Where is he, I want to smash him like a bug.
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Believe it or not, players, on average, have actually improved.

Years ago, Spy or Radiation Hazard were completely unpubbable. I think forcing the grind to go much much longer actively forced player to improve, if only just to bring Ivara with Infiltrate.
if I forget to switch to solo and someone follows me into a vault I WILL trigger the alarm and leave
on the rare occasion a pub is actually just ruining my time I simply host migrate
did it recently but it was SP spy not sortie/archon one
did one myself then 2nd one got ruined by a consoletard
once again despite party being full im the one doing 3rd so i just decided to trigger alarm and leave
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It's not cheating if you're just hangin out with the bros.
She'll be there when you get back.
>check twitch
>lgtbq, anxiety, safespace, chill
i dont think there is another game that attracts so many actual fags
It's one of the only mission types with a meaningful fail state, simple as that
Jade ruined that
Never play Dead By Daylight
Or TF2
Or Splatoon
Or any Japanese fighting game
I remember when I used to try and farm riven slivers from requiems and being so confused on how everyone else had hundreds of them.
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damn, that beaner pablo eats good huh
ff14 would like a word
Love her fupa
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what the fuck
>riven didn't roll a single + attack speed roll in 72 rolls
>riven rolled four - attack speed rolls in those 72 rolls
some of that phalic crushing new player experience. get to work, mrlet.
>be consolefag doing archon showdown
>absolutely outpacing everyone with scythe lunge + nezha's 1
>beat archon twice
>rip out shard
>44% dmg dealt
>3 kills
gg git gud
I once rolled an Ogris riven and didn't get crit damage a once. I had rolled it 109 times. Not that I was looking for crit damage. I just noticed I wasn't getting it and kept track. I'm a big believer in cursed/weighted rivens.
should I keep rivens for fodder weapons incase I come across that one guy with 50% usage on the fucking acrid?
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>get to work, mrlet.
You can use the holdfast rep weapons they all come with incarnons installed
if the Torid situation taught me anything is that i will never get rid of any riven ever
you never fucking know what is gonna be next
all the dogshit like ceramic dagger, magistar, torid, latron etc. suddenly being crazy good is insane
there is anon speculating about Dera and i bet hes right
should I play kahl and get his weapons and mods, finish my railjack/sp nodes, farm vitus essence, do my dailies, or farm mr fodder?
you should have fun
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Pop quiz, which Evolution 4 do I put on a non-status Soma Prime Incarnon? Leaning towards Fresh Havoc because it increases base damage from 22~24 to 34~36, a 1.5x boost for spending a few seconds dumping 2 mags at mission start.

Dailies (include SP incursions), Weeklies (includes Kahl), Railjack, Vitus, MR Fodder, then SP nodes, in that order.
I forgot Kahl existed
well no shit people with 1000+ hrs learn a thing or two, but I can still guarantee you 90% just avoid any content where you need to use your head and learn something so they dont know how to do uranus spy for example
It took me 2400hours to start using loadouts
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gotta love these socially retarded spergs
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>250 days more before I can actually start playing
deserved, slowpoke
in that time you'll learn that you don't need it
just play frames with overguard
if a seller is asking for an invite thats an ignore
if a buyer invites me thats an ignore
be happy its not like PoE yet where people have to trade up to 15people to buy something
here at least people wait even 5minutes for a trade as long as someone msgs them saying they are in a mission
>there is anon speculating about Dera and i bet hes right
A datamine which has so far proven accurate claims we're getting Dera, Cestra, Okina, Sicarus, and Sybaris
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i know about it
what i meant is you never know how strong incarnon change might be so dera for example might be torid 2.0 and you never know
thats why you should never get rid of fodder rivens
Gersemi tail auxillary.
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>it's still going on
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I went for the snipertron vandal bp
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maybe 3 days, maybe 60
I'll take the blueprint just to spite you
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I will haggle your prices
we don't use that word here
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say it then
oh, that makes sense. IDK about the other anon but I'm sitting on a few. I just realized I should have done the Dera Vandal Barrel invasion a few days ago, but I've got 2-3 to sell and one more to craft for myself if the leak turns out to be true. Even if Dera doesn't turn out to be incredible, demand will spike so it should be easy to sell high in trade chat.
hello i haven't played this game in two weeks
am i making a huge mistake not playing or am i finally free
this isn't a gacha
your account is already bricked might as well not play anymore
we don't use the hard R, it is grinna
kek, janny tranny was on that one like a fly on shit
I thought you deleted it because I was just joking
eu general
eu hours best hours imqho
might be russchizo ip hopping and mass reporting again
the fake scenario maestro is awake and WOKE
based russchad
and he instantly replies lol
>2 people
inb4 a fresh fake scenario is baked in his head and presented to us
You know it's possible for people to notice things that aren't about you, right? You know that this general doesn't revolve entirely around your vendetta against russchizo, right? Unless you're admitting that you're the one constantly shitposting about how not liking a thing means you aren't good at that thing.
ok ip hopper
Post Schizo Excalibur comics
>i am sane
here we fuckin go
>The first thing the russian schizo does after waking up is shitposting on /wfg/
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>local schizo constantly delete his own posts
Not even meds can help you anymore.
literally within a minute, notice sperg rushed to ignore before the reply

t.social retard
shit pasta
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mr 4 is considered cute right?
Looks like russchizo is having a melty for breakfast
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Isnt he supposed to be long awake already? You are deeply obsessed
anti-russchad in the pic
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uh oh epic bumper melty
I've been found out
ywnbaw tranny
>russchizo couldn't resist using one of his favorite reaction images
Welp so much for the "take your meds" gaslighting
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get help, because you are insane
What did you guys do this time to set it off?
the copied posts should've given it away
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spontaneous meltdown
anti-schizo thread
I'm happy knowing he has multiple of my posts saved and he reads them every day. KWAB.
>I am happy to be a lolcow
sounds like a thirdie meme
>Russchizo gets called out for being a shitter and immediately makes like a dozen posts pretending he doesn't exist
I'm not here to bump I'm here to annoy you
and here you are taking the bait hook line sinker lmao
>I am russchizo now
thank you saar, I will abuse this power

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