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The Evil Ball Eater
Couldn't keep her balls down:>>495015114

>8/1 Stream
>Senran Kagura Runner app announced: Senran KaguRUN!
>6th Anniversary Stream

>Complete Character Listing
>NewWave card wiki
>New Link doc
>Newest Fanart

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura Site
>Official series' Twitter
>Official Shinomas Twitter
>Creator's Twitter
>Official Artist's Twitter
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kokoro is just black hair snek
the distant shared relative is actually parallel universe kokoro and they're gonna use the power of friendship to use the snek aggro spell to get kokoro to chill out
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is she going nopan
Wait, is that Shin? That's the source of the stupid self destructive shinobi code of pointlessness? She's just a cutie.
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Sort of, she's called Kokoro, Kagura's best friend who happened to witness the slaughter of her village by a giant dragon monster summoned by Kagura's dad, awakened some freaky powers, killed some posessed soldiers, then got absorbed by said dragon, and that's how the current Shin was born.
Okay, but what will be born if I fuck Kokoro?
>it was dragons all along
I didn't know this series was actually Fire Emblem.
A normal child. Yes, her power is too vast to enter their body, so they'll be sub-zako levels of ability.
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The ultimate battle between good an evil:
On one side, a loli.
On the other, an oppai loli.
on one side, ui
on the other, hagoromo
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When does oppai loli transforms into shortstack
Yaomai... the Kokoro and Tamazuri porn...
hagoromo verde
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Just started Burst Re:Newal; hope you don't mind me asking a few questions. Barring a few stat differences here and there, are all characters made equal or is there any one that stands out among them?
So far, I have only tried out the five good shinobi friends but I find myself struggling to control Hibari while Asuka is the easiest.
**Text you want to hide**
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Mirai is the best
Yeah, can I get a large pepperoni and mushroom, a side of wings and a large soda?
The best flat artist are those who primarily draw big breasts.
Some characters are just better than others, specially the fast ones.
Aren't Yagyuu and Mirai the worst ones to play?
Also anal cat
So Asuka and Homura are pretty much the cream-of-the-crop? I read some tl;dr FAQ a few days back and I they said something about how Asuka is good but not top-tier because her DPS ceiling isn't that high?
Haven't tried Mirai yet because I'm still on the good shinobi's side but Yagyuu does feel slow to use. Her projectiles need some elbow grease to reliably deal damage and she's pretty slow. I really don't get her. There are times when I feel like my controller's dropping inputs on her because she just refuses to move after attacking. Guess her recovery frames are longer than usual?
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Murasaki best girl because cute shy big tiddy NEET who loves pizza.
That is true.
the feminine senrans
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Fun fact, if you cheat on Mirai with Homura, that means you fed the latter several kilograms of meat for a month.
But if you cheat on Mirai with Yomi, then how could you.
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Senran ntr.
I love my Mistress!
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Shortstack is just the western cope name.
It depends on where you sit on the "loli is a body type" vs. "loli is a personality" spectrum
Wrong, and don't let fat women tell you otherwise shortstack means short woman with giant tits, fat ugly women want to claim it so badly but we tell em fuck off here, you should too and mirai would technically be a flapjack meaning tiny and flat chested
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What compels people to do this?
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She likes them big
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Thought on the brown dust 2 collab? Anyone else going to play/pull?
no cheese
no buy
no saki
no buy
The worst Mad Max movie.
yes hikage
no buy
I don't even play our gacha game.
What on earth were they thinking when they named it Brown Dust? You might as well name your game Skid Mark.
Miscegenating with brownrans.
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We should have a Danganronpa collab.
I want a kissxsis collab.
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China(forma negra)
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Fresh apple
>ywn show the apple your "knife"
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We love Yumi
Thread ruined
Thread saved
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Yumi would have you on your hands and knees BEGGING to fuck her and you know it
Noooo! I don't want to have sex with a super hot woman like Yumi! Anything but that!!!
Wish we had more Senrans in this style.
Why isn't she called Ringo?
I fucking hate Yumi.
could she possibly show even more skin while still wearing a kimono?
I fucking love Yumi
I love fucking Yumi
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haruka and yasha
Senran’s that would have sex with dogs?
they're asian not white
nta but asian women are just as bad as white women with that kind of stuff
This is porn, right?
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Senrans that are dogs that will fuck you.
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Senran Kagura, but they are DC characters
no is senrans
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My favorite Shikiman villain, Babu Doll
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haruka's cake areolas
Yomi eating thirty-nine and a half cakes
Alright I've found a Senran I just don't like even after the end of their school's story.
can someone post the yumi kiss
which other senrans have large areolas?
murasaki's five-inchers
I hope you mean radius not diameter
It's okay, Imu is one of the least popular girls for a good reason.
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It's okay, Imu, you will always be my Senran.
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imu is better in other games
Imu is better under the covers.
Milking Mistress Haruka
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you can do better than that
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Back off, she's mine.
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My fox.
You will join the other in hell.
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Murasaki is mine.
Is there anything sadder than 2 men chasing after a Lesbian?
Being a lesbian-chasing pill popper?
Miyabi's eggs...
Female presenting nipples
yeah 3 men chasing after a Lesbian
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still gacha card images
I swear people here just download the card image archives and spam those
I like Minori.
why aren't there any hamster pokemon
Minori is a trainer (kindergartener)
That's because it's official art and most fan art looks like shit.
We need a duck Senran.
I feel like im having a stroke trying to make sense of this pic.
It's a shame animals and pokemon can't coexist together because we'll never get the three-way senran/animal/pokemon crossover we deserve
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Kagari has some meaty legs.
Similar vibe
still a chance at something new rather than something that's already just in an archive.
Would cum inside inside her left vagina, but not the right one. That's just gross.
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nooo you cant post cards post my shitty DA drawings
Enough with the whos
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In with the whores
I thought about it briefly because Yozakura is in it, but I know I'd end up not continuing playing after the collab so it's pointless.
plus I don't even know how much longer I want to play new link. getting bored of them catering to anni units every event that's just stupid.
That's literally everyone in this franchise for the right price.
For Homura it's a burger. I'm now single dad.
How much for cuffle?
>but I know I'd end up not continuing playing after the collab so it's pointless.
How do you know this when you haven't played it?
I'm not in the mood to pick up another gacha and actually play it long term and learn its characters etc, so the only reason I'd play it is because of Senran Collab characters in it
I see nothing wrong with not playing something long-term, I've hopped onto gachas for collabs that I liked, had a good time, and then quit when I didn't feel like it anymore.
balles nippels
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weird bush but okay
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one of the worst jet girls teams desu.
gyarus and weebs were best
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wait a moment, this is not senran kagura
this is mirai sex
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Plapping Yozakura on my Mirai bedsheets while playing as Murasaki in PBS.
Her standards are this low.
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I love my wife Souji!
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oh no i have gotten cum all over my SHINOMAS - SENRAN KAGURA SHINOBI MASTERS - YUMI XL - FITTED bedsheets
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Insert coin to continue
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then have her present her coin slot
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Senran Kagura needs 60% more Neps.
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Neps are the only way to get Senran on consoles
I wouldn't mind Senrans with geahs
but Symphogear doesn't even have a single game besides an EOS'ed gacha.
Aoi Yuuki in a Senran game would be a fun time.
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Bring her back!
what does she know
Cute Hiyui and twintail cheerleader Ronk.
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hagoromo (hagoromo verde)
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Anyone have an exploitable version of the image of Hikage imagining things while leaning against a tree in that is used in Shinovi Versus.
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this one? I can try and find a full size version and just crop it
Yeah that, I'd like a good quality version, just screenshoting it from SV with the snipping tool may not be the best of quality.
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this is from the digital artbook which is a higher quality than the in-game screenshots
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>foot bow
And here I thought the weaponized gamer chair was silly.
Appreciated, I promise I will not abuse this.
That hairline though.
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What's Tamaki's (Milky Pop) deal anyway?
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no idea, the better Tamaki's deal is being a sex goddess
Like most of the NW girls, her story is limited to a paragraph or two on her bio. She likes making people happy as a side job and likes to eat asparagus. Imagine the smell and move on.
>She likes making people happy as a side job
As in her idol work, or something else?
part time Smiling Friend yes
homura should stop trying to impregnate asuka
never get how people are out there that prefer new wave girls to any of the console girls, like I know multiple that are just absolutely stuck on new waves and only like 1-2 of the console game girls
like are these 1-2 paragraphs just enthralling?
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Many who waves cater to fetishes untapped by the main cast
they have no voice no personality
it's a picture and a paragraph
Ah, Peach Beach Splash is now also on sale.
I haven't even finished one of the games yet.
close though.
Is jet girls on sale? All I'm missing from PBS is the Paradox level of dlc.
>Is jet girls on sale?
Doesn't look like it.
>All I'm missing from PBS is the Paradox level of dlc.
Even discounted 50% it's still 160,85
It's written and pictured in their art/events at least.
There's a literal /k/ gasran in there
I'm sure you've seen the big Motochika images
Dommy mommy Kochou
Before Ui, there was Kasumi
Homura (blanco (clown))
>her story is limited to a paragraph or two on her bio
There's at least some more story in all these events, but I don't think anyone has bothered getting into them.
>Before Ui, there was Kasumi
From the little I've read they aren't really similar, Kasumi's main gimmick is she talks through a text to speech software, and has a smug personality.
>text to speech software
and what does that software include bud
yeah that's what I thought
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Someone please take this Cheeto home.
The worst part is buying the dlc doesn't mean another SK.
New Wave offline! With better photo mode.
Could happen. Won't happen, but it could.
let whos get memoryholed
fuck whos in the mammary hole
Impregnate Yo in the vagina hole.
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>upside down t-pose
I kneel.
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>redownload Peach Beach Splash for the first time in years after feeling the urge to play
>unpack the torrent
>failed to start game
I forgot how much of a pain in the ass this was...
I mean i can get with the new waves that got put in new link, since they got voices and have more interactions in episodes and have the wedding/valentines episodes.
Ushimaru really grew on me and I like Ashiya but the ones that aren't even voiced.. I just don't get it. what's there to really like? a picture?
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Most of the diehard NW fags are just loyal oldfags who played/found out about the game back when "1-2 paragraph bio and a picture" could honestly describe some of the mainline girls as well, and they just happened to fixate on a girl from the mobile game instead. NW also did have story content like NL did so you did get to see some more information and interactions between all but the most forgotten of NW-only characters. It was always light stuff but it was still something.

There's also this "waifu contrarianism" phenomenon where, the more neglected a character is in a game, the more likely someone who may otherwise have a minor interest in them starts to obsess over them out of some form of spite when they see how neglected they are by the game creators or mainstream side of the fanbase, usually hoping to encourage the creation of more content for them.
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I just thought the girls were cute. And I think they're cuter than the new ones they've added to New Link.
Now give me back my rolls.
Aimu's fat rolls....
>tfw I liked a lot of the NW girls way back in the day because of art and they seemed like dorks
>never got fanart with only a small handful surviving the death of the game
It really does hurt. I'll never forgive Takaki for being a hyper autist and pledging loyalty to Sony when SK was at its peak instead of diversifying the options for the franchise.
Let Inti Creates make a Senran game.
After iX 2 and GV3?
Absolutely not. Maybe when Floos is back in the CnC art book.
>holding a rod
>holding a fish
>legs spread
I think the implication is clear.
She's going to unbirth Hanabi?
le fishe au chocolat....
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so like the Meimei whale
Impregnate Yo in the anal hole.
That's a nasty bug bite.
A little I guess, though whales tend to actually generate official content with their money spam. Meimei got a lot of content on NW also.
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All skeeg says is whos, cunk, babu, anal
I just want to stick my dick in crazy, for God's sake.
No chinks no nuts no fats no rolls and absolutely NO trains allowed
Pulling Cheeto's tail.
Speaking of anal and cats, Ui shares her seiyuu with a literal anal cat.
>no fats
What the fuck are we supposed to post then?
Pretty based.
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I lost all shit about the browser only because the translate option from right click was missing
I didn't lose any snek but post sneks anyway
you forgot pho
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>no trains
get 'em boys
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this is the train song I was asking about roughly 4 years ago, thanks
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>I lost all shit about the browser only because the translate option from right click was missing
Watching pajeets getting hit by train compilations with Motochika.
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Tried to rollback a version
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Would she be a good wife?
You both will become serial rapists but you will be the one in prison
cute distantly related sneks
if you could convince her to be into cock maybe
but they've really leaned in on her being lesbian in New Link
even her wedding and valentines' episodes are about her wanting to be with other girls (like wanting to worship Suiren's tits) or avoiding Ayame
This last wedding episode she turned slightly tsundere to (You) and it's considered progress
when I first read Ifagruga, what stood out to me was IfaGRUGa
so now I'm envisoning a caveman Ikaruga
Reminder Ui shares voices with a cavewoman
best I can do, sorry
Hanzo cavebabes clubbing your on the head and dragging you back to their cave to breed
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What animal is she?
I notice that every time without fail when twitter does that "Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content" thing the reply is always just some guy going
>that's cute this makes me happy :)
I have yet to see this feature, which I don't even want but can't disable, actually hide something offensive.
alaskan bull worm
praya dubia
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So is there ever gonna be a new game or what?
More likely to get full-blown official Senran porn at this point.
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Now I need a Kokoro sex edit
I've seen how Nan draws vaginas, I really hope that doesn't happen.
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There should be more art of pregrans.
>Gessen wet dreams
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There are no pregrans in Ba Sing Se
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El frencho es no speako
Elle a quinze ans, espèce de malade.
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omelette du fromage
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>Hello! I am pretty Japanese Ninja!
Sounds like something someone who's not a ninja would say.
she's Japanese and she's pretty so that's good enough for me
nopan minori..
That's just a prostitute.
senrans are not prostitutes, their missions just happen to have sex involved
Man, I wish I could get a senran paizuri
Man, I wish there's Minori DDLG hentai. Better yet, I wish there's Minori DDLG hentai where you cuck Yozakura and impregnate Minori instead.
Doki Doki Literature Gondola
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>every girl was actually Yozakura in disguise
There's no fleeing from the birther.
Yozakura's butt plug fetish
imagine the smell
Yomi's butt plug
>this is the average minori fan
How do you even know about this? Also, don't look at his profile.
i occasionally search "senran kagura" and click most recent posts sometimes you find gems or horrors like this
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The Haruka model kit is out
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Give me the most cursed official art.
Also, Imu!
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The censored designs from what I think was the Chinese version of New Link are pretty damn cursed.
Probably that one with her being really sweaty
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I kinda like the censored Ikaruga dress.
Ikaruga shouldn't be wearing clothes.
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ikaruga should be in a burka
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Snake milk
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touch the cow
I don't know how...
Saki bush
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Is this a cow?
I can't tell if it's dead or alive.
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Looks alive to me.
that's not even a senran
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What about this one?
neither but I'll turn her into one
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Does Marie Rose still have the power to make people ejaculate uncontrollably or has everyone developed an immunity to it now?
Post THAT picture of your senran
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I already did, but have another.
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Ikaruga is Atlas?
My router from like 2012 finally died and why the fuck are all new routers either white pringles cans or black gamer spiders
>That Saki
Still would.
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Do you prefer the Yagyuu on the right?
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why does it sag SO much
Reki or Miki?
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reminder that she definitely flicks the bean and passes out in her chair
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you're not fooling me,
nobody's Senran is actually Hagoromo
For real. No idea how people could like Hagoromo when Ui is right next door
even worse
I love my Mistress!
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cool artist

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Your boiled squid, sir.
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imagine the smell
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There's a Kat senran, why aren't there any Laben senrans?
why aren't there Labia senrans?
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Yomi as a lamia, but her tail is a big bean sprout.
>Ushimaru looks into her eyes
>Medusa just gets fat
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Labia not Lamia
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Thanks dōc
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Yag can be salvaged by an Ushimaru intervention
Fags can't be salvaged in any way
le crab
I still believe in you anon
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That's it, you are getting anal'd
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Blonde Senrans with huge tits
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Too small, I need a magnum condom for my magnum dong.
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Your dong is weird
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It's a test of strength
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What does Homura smell like?
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sex voice

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