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Previous thread: >>495609848

Sojourn, my wife
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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Love D.Va
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niggress deserves more love
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the kiriko dance
art stolen from reddit
Support queue times still bad? I was gonna wait till S13 because of map reworks but juno looks fun
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Yeah that one fat girl with the dyed bangs who burps all the time just sits there playing Roblox between matches
She's top 500, their queue times have always been shit
sounds like a cute slampig, who are you talking about?
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imagine the smell
i would prefer not to, thank you

i would say to gas all footfags but they'd probably enjoy it
imagine the taste
good morning I love Lena and Lena's feet!
widowmaker futa_on_male taker_pov
mentally ill

mentally ill

mentally ill

i have intercourse with women in missionary only for the sole purpose of procreation
>i have intercourse
stop the cap
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three tickets to the BWC convention please
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what is yuno's face trying to convey
determination to get inside to the convention
her friends dragged her along but she wanted to go to the BBC convention next door
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She's medicated
I really like this meme format
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kys dimitri
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Apologies ladies, just bought the last one. Better luck next time
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I haven’t had Canes in months
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This is my "teammate picks while on Genji" tier-list.
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i actually had fun playing 2 ranked matches before going to work this morning :D
both were very close matches, but in first one it was kinda obvious that enemies 2nd dps started throwing in the last round, ran at us alone and tried to flank from the same position multiple times
the second match was far more enjoyable, it was flashpoint and score was 2 to 2 and at that point the enemy team kinda stopped pushing with orisa and just sat back while she was pushing, otherwise it felt nice :D
>torb at the bottom
what rank? because seeing torb on your team is fucking amazing.
you know they'll at least do the bare minimum
Torb's kit doesn't really compliment Genji's at all
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zased this thread needs more niche esoteric tier lists/lists
How is Sojourn in the current S12 meta?
I remember her being oppressive for a long time, but wasn't she heavily nerfed a while back?
From my experience Ashe seems to do a lot better
Idk it's just the Winston/Ana/Genji trio feels so good.
Whenever I'm playing them I'm having a great time.
i 1 tricked zen when hanoka came out and putting harmony on genji or tracer last second lasts surprisingly long even around walls
Only reason I didn't put him higher is because 90% of the time the discord is gonna be on the tank, and that's a low-priority target for Genji.
yeah it was really lame theyd swap and id get hard dove on cooldown, but i try to move my discord around as much as possible, did they revert its really slow travel time?
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Ashe is like top 2 dps and has been for a while now sojourn is meh nowadays
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Okay NTA but here's my list of how reliable I feel certain characters are when I see them on my team. S means I can be very sure they'll be decent to F for I hate Ball and want him gone from the game.
Yeah I thought so, Ashe is like having a railgun ever .8 seconds.
Dynamite is also far better than disruptor
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Could they not put Soj railgun damage to 120 fully charged?
That would be 180 on headshot, 234 dmg boosted, not enough to one-shot 250's but still a lot more impactful and more than a single shot from Ashe
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dead game
>Lucio that low, Roadhonk that low
Shamefur dispray
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you don't pick DPS for synergy.
you pick DPS to do shit for the team.
like defending backlines, fragging their support, keeping their tank in check.
not supporting a B tier DPS.
Torb is amazing at holding the point and keeping the backline in check while genji plays agro.
the fact you think he's F tier as a combo is insane.
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your odds of winning if they're on your team in solo q (Diamond)
So everyone on Mars is dead right?
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milking lena's penis
i saw this porn
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Im horny pls post brig
>most hated heroes are all from talon
Is this on purpose?
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really wanna que comp but i deleted my bnet account and hate hanoka jtown havana push/flashpoint
kinda seems like you hate the game but want the dopamine hit from watching the number go up
bro they patched out seeing the number go up it doesnt even do that anymore hahahahahha 50% to rank up means nothing to me
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just delete hog and mauga and also nerf orisa shift and ow will suddenly feel better
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wow i sure do have an interesting 5 tank or 6 support strat id like to run in a real ranked game if only there were some kind of group finder to find similar players willing to try such a strat
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what time does the OW2 anniversary start?
>target none of the cancer currently wrong with the game like D.va and Monkey being able to be played by silvers and win games
probably next tuesday when the wow collab ends
a ton of websites say it's today (24th)
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new gens unironically cant fathom winning with these comps lol
comps like these are why i will always love mercy
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>"Mccrees on our right looking for a noon, care"
>"who the fuck is Mccree?"
Wrong general?
Yes, retard.
because I would talk about Mccree high nooning on our flank in any other general than owg
fucking moron.
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broooo i know before role queue if you could get a rez off without dying you were 200iq i didnt even mind flexing mercy a bit back then she was fun.the game is so boring now i cant take it
who's mcree?
>doom goats
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the one thing I do not miss about Overwatch 1 bastion is how braindead Reintards would follow you around trying to shield you the entire game instead of just playing the game.
even after I say "treat me like 76, stop fucking following me" they would still just follow you around like a lost puppy thinking you need to be babysat just because you were playing Bastion.
God I hate Rein players.
i was a menace ahhahah i would 1 shot brigs all day long
i respect it honestly
>uppercutting Bapfags and co. out of immort and killing them
shame it's gone now because god forbid these ebin hecking poggers supports with more damage than DPS and more survivability than them ever possibly die!
Who the fuck is McCree and what is "high nooning"?
you know on release dooms uppercut only activated at his feet and slightly above, it wasnt a fluid hitbox you couldnt hit people with the middle or top of uppercut. so its actually blizzards fault normies were getting so mad because they literally nerfed cc and then silently gave him more cc it makes no sense
i said that backwards. normies were mad about doom/cc so they nerfed his cc
and then silenty gave him more*
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a ton of websites are wrong then
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Are her tits natural or synthetic?
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Hi handsome!
You're late, hope everything is ok
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>spicy latina
2/3 I guess
i want to plap you baby...
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love, my everything, my very best gamer
>You're late, hope everything is ok
sorry, kinda forgot to set my phone alarm...and I took a sleeping pill, not a good combination yea everything else is fine how was your sleep? hope good Today we finish the timed run not going to fail you. Maybe do the other normal Mythic before. Actually overwatch was fun yesterday even against that Mauga stack. I guess it's because you can shoot Mauga vs Dva? He's still mega cancer, but he kinda gets hard shutdown by ana compared to dva/rein.
Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want to play with you now so bad
baby... your diaper is leaking... it stinks so fucking bad...
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>how was your sleep? hope good
It was good!
>Today we finish the timed run not going to fail you.
I was the one that failed though, I died all attempts to that last boss
I still don't understand why, like there's no visual indication to when he wants to slam down that tentacle?
>Actually overwatch was fun yesterday even against that Mauga stack
Yeah, Overwatch went well
Is today recolored dragoon Mercy time?
>He's still mega cancer, but he kinda gets hard shutdown by ana compared to dva/rein.
If your Ana plays close
Nothing dumber than seeing our Zarya ad spam outside of his ultimate while you guys are stuck inside, like walk in, bitch
>Are you gaming already?
I played a bit, no shard but I'm ok knowing they at least drop lol
>I want to play with you now so bad
Me too, we game tonight!
I still can't deal with A-D-A-D crouch spamming moiras man.
How tf do people hit them consistently?
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>It was good!
>I was the one that failed though, I died all attempts to that last boss
No? You didn't do anything wrong. Not that I did see anything, healer not healing, what can you do? I mean, I was even helping him. Though, I'm not flaming healers.
>I still don't understand why, like there's no visual indication to when he wants to slam down that tentacle?
Because it just does aoe dmg? It's a healing fight, you can't do anything wrong besides stacking, and that was on the paladin and I failed more.
>Yeah, Overwatch went well
oh, yea, with you always because you're the best
>Is today recolored dragoon Mercy time?
hmm, you want that one? If you want it, hopefully. I don't really liked it in the trailer, but ingame could look better.
>If your Ana plays close
I hate this counter meta, why are you forced to have ana 90% of your games. You need anti and sleep.
>Nothing dumber than seeing our Zarya ad spam outside of his ultimate while you guys are stuck inside, like walk in, bitch
That was on me, I wasn't sure if I should help them. We could have won that game easy.
>I played a bit, no shard but I'm ok knowing they at least drop lol
We can farm tonight again, though not so late, maybe.
>Me too, we game tonight!
tonight is so long away... I want you now.. my love
moira literally does not need to aim so you can just stand still and take your shots
>Though, I'm not flaming healers.
Lol, I don't understand anything so I can't flame
>Because it just does aoe dmg?
It has to be it, so I should just not stand next to you? The problem is the area is so small there I kinda have to be on you
>oh, yea, with you always because you're the best
I'm just spectating on Mercy :^)
>hmm, you want that one?
Gotta catch them all I guess... I'll get it just because
>I hate this counter meta, why are you forced to have ana 90% of your games. You need anti and sleep.
Yeah, that's what happen when you give a hero so strong abilites, especially supports
>That was on me
No it wasn't, you were stuck inside with Ana, like our tank should just walk in and stand infront of you guys, if I was any other support that couldn't heal from the outside I'd also throw myself into the ring
>We can farm tonight again, though not so late, maybe.
Yeah, sorry, I'll try to end earlier
>tonight is so long away... I want you now.. my love
I have to go... I see you soon!
meh it kinda depends on whats your pick and state of the fight.
If there is a 5v5 neutral fight and no one is dead you will never see a moira in your face at decent ranks because she would insta die.
If you are winning the fight you just need to pressure the moira a bit from distance, she will fade at some point and then she should be the easiest kill in the world, also you should have teammates to assist.
If you are losing the fight it's not very relevant if you get killed by moira or someone else.
In some particular fights when both teams are split and the moira is able to isolate a quick 1v1 you should make a judgment call on your realistic chances of either winning or escaping or even trying to play for time for enforcement to arrive.
I'm never too hard on myself if moira is able to win a 1v1 on me, even if I play offensive oriented support like illari and bap, a good moira will see you use some crucial cooldown, fade in with offensive orb and jump you, they just made a good play so they are entitled to get their reward.
It doesn't change much at higher ranks, people still avoid moira duels as the plague and going moira when you know they have a good genji is a legitimate strat that people often use
based "just stand still and shoot her in the face" grandmaster chad
cringe gold essayist
>retard mercy doesn't follow my dive to stagger their supports
>Proceeds to purposefully not heal me for 2 fights
>The faggot then proceeds to cry when I go hammer only torb for the rest of the game
Lmao mercyfags...
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>Lol, I don't understand anything so I can't flame
you can always flame you have the tank on your leash :^)
>It has to be it, so I should just not stand next to you? The problem is the area is so small there I kinda have to be on you
hmm, I need to watch a guide again, but I don't think it was you. Like we wiped the first time because the healer didn't heal like literally. I was spamming heals on him.
>I'm just spectating on Mercy :^)
sure :^)
>Gotta catch them all I guess... I'll get it just because
well collecting reason.
>Yeah, that's what happen when you give a hero so strong abilites, especially supports
You could break ana apart and make two heroes out of her. Honestly, would be better for the game.
>No it wasn't, you were stuck inside with Ana, like our tank should just walk in and stand infront of you guys, if I was any other support that couldn't heal from the outside I'd also throw myself into the ring
Tank played fine for Zar not the best pick against Mauga if he went Sigma or Dva the game would have been won even without ana.
The counter picking in this game is just too stupid. As DPS you can't really counter pick. What do I pick there? Sombra and just hack his Cardiac Overdrive so Zar can kill him? I just hate how there's no counterplay to tanks anymore as DPS because they have been so much power creeped since season 10. Balance is just so bad, it's either unkillable tanks or some dumb interaction like bastion doom where doom can't play because that hero would need armor unlike mauga.
>Yeah, sorry, I'll try to end earlier
not your fault, I love playing with you more than anything
>I have to go... I see you soon!
ok hopefully not a long day I want you now!
based retard, no one decent stops dead in their track to deal with a moira because after plat you are supposed know how to keep accuracy while moving, while also moving closer to cover and teammates, sometimes you just need to turn an angle to find heals waiting for you.
It's also supposed that a non retard non shitrank moira will jump you only when beneficial to her so unless she grossly misjudged it or some support just catches the entire thing you are going to die regardless of how many shots you put in her face
i could post like 20 clips of dafran, lip, ans, sugarfree, seeker, pge, kephri, hydron, etc. letting go of their keyboard to deal with a moira. but i won't. why? because fuck you.
>"I know the pros names so you know I am knowledgeable"
>still comes off like an autist retard

sure bud
kill yourself gunface
no u
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>orisa stands out in the open with no cds, discord orb on her and the enemy widow shooting her in the head without missing a shot
>switches to rein and charges alone into the enemy backline
>ends the match with twice as many deaths, half the damage and three times fewer eliminations than the enemy tank
Wins like this hurt the most.
Dva was a mistake
Orisa was a mistake
Wrecking Ball was a mistake
Mei was a mistake
Reaper was a mistake
Ana was a mistake
Moira was a mistake
you were a mistake
nah Reaper is cool and the literal actual healthiest balance point in the game is Reaper/Winston/Lucio
juno wears diapers
But does she like to
I... don't know! I would imagine she at least likes not filling the rest of her space suit with bodily fluids and waste
Is there any way to gift OW coins to a russian friend of mine? It's his bday coming up and I wanted to surprise him with some OW coins.
through steam probably
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vc collaborator
I wish you could endorse kings who leave comp matches when you get stomped to save everyone's time.
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oh man wait till you find out who won that war
Would what?
>plat 4
>get matched against people who were master last season
ah huh
I just would, alright??
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>New voiceline: "Suck.my.dick!"
Maybe I will
are they gonna remove all the ass tier clutter they added to og maps when they do 6v6 play test
Overwatch maps are pretty good Blizzard is good at making maps unlike Valve where you only want to play nuke and mirage because all the other maps are shit tier.
Shambali 6v6 is gonna be aids or the best thing ever.
>6v6 is gonna be aids
The only way 6v6 anything is good is if they remove armor, put tanks to 400hp and then go back to 5v5
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and all of them except a handful are fit to be binned
The only truly bad OW2 maps are the ones who are just copying bad shit from previous maps like CR and Shambali having every issue with old escort maps. But they still haven't made any (non-2CP) map worse than Havana.
Shambali is the best payload map, fight me.
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they hate me because i speak the truth
Did you just put things in completely randomly?
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>old good new bad
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I am back in the losers queue, bros...
i wonder if account swapping and leaving the account afk will reset it after a few days
This is the attitude that is fucking up matchmaking for everyone
Suravasa is a god tier map.
Maybe you're just playing worse than you did before
gotta see it in 6v6 no passives old health first...
i could use a breeder
okay lucio
last week i posted i have yet to star craft rein in game in 8 years. Today, I just saw! Last one left is BlizzCon bastion
I'm a Lenabreeder
Angela Ogundimu
it LITERALLY says it on their site, retardbro.
>inb4 merely pretending
Hope we finally get that Ana mythic weapon today.
>diamond 4
>get matched with a tank who was gold last season
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Hopefully we can normalize human milk today
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>want to play some temple of anubis/hanamura for old times sakes
>36 minute queue
>log off
>get a support player that was gold last season, bronze 5 on DPS
>in comp
support doesn't take skill, you can carry any dead weight
I just want to know, in what universe.
is someone that is bronze 5 on DPS anywhere near diamond, let alone IN diamond games?
OW support genuinely has to be one of the most inflated roles in all of gaming.
different roles have different ranks
I can't believe nobody wants to play shit maps
you aren't listening.
if someone is such a lobotomite to be bronze 5 on DPS, how are they in diamond games on support???
to be bronze 5 on DPS you genuinely have got to have some sort of disability. to be any rank higher than silver 5 as a B5 DPS shows how inflated that role is.
maybe he likes it in bronze
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how are players like this not fucking banned???
For what?
You can't ban people for playing heroes you don't like anon
>top 500
>down to D5
>D fucking 5
how much blatant piss trolling do you have to do and not get banned?
fag can play whatever he wants, get that elo.
but trolling games down to D5 from top 500 should get you the rope.
how stupid are you nigga
Don't forget there was a rank reset and if he started out playing juno the system probably didn't know where to put him. It would have corrected fairly quickly if he is a diamond player.
It's really not that hard to get carried on support since you just need to not die and save your CDs for your other support or tank
if you play a lot of games early on you can get top500 at <m5 at the start of the season, it doesn't mean much
top 500 usually has diamonds when it unlocks, they get pushed out later
he has a 30% winrate on his tiktok moira that he's spamming. he's just fucking trolling, dawg.
kill yourself.
I play overwatch with my irls who are all terrible and only want to play ranked. I play dps with them and end up getting bronze no matter what because theyre, whatd you call it, lobotomites. Im cool with it, they will never learn to play the game.
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I was very confused at first because I read "irls" as "iris".
cum into the iris
>60hz monitor
>usually play on locked 80
>decide to up it to 120
>game looks and feels smoother to play even though I can't see any of those bonus frames
>tracking like a god now
probably placebo, but goddamn does it feel better.
less input lag
i run at 600fps with a 360hz, input lag improves
if someone changed it to 300 fps and 240hz, you wouldn't notice
i am unkillable on juno with the razor snap tap, most deaths is 4 so far. Be in masters by tomorrow. Freelo with this hero
oh fuck, it actually does stuff?
so that's why all those pro players on TF2 used to use those fuck ugly configs...
guess i'll lower all my settings and squeeze out every last FPS I can get next time I play.
the woes of being a hitscan player...
buy an ad
no i run nvida app in background, averages 11ms with it locked to monitor, 6-7ms during game at 600fps, its an enthusiast upgrade, really only notice in 1v1s
Display refresh rate and how many frames the game is rendering aren't the same. The game running at 200fps will still give you more "accurate" frames even if your display is only showing 60 per second. You get really fast diminishing returns though and can't tell past 240 and even then going from 144/160 to 240 is barely noticeable.
do the hitscan classic and set render scale to 75-80% for big fps gains and thicker enemy outlines
i climbed a full rank moving from ultra to low for what its worth

cope, PC gaming is pay too play, better get a 54g mouse too
yeah, you need a software to see that because you couldn't tell the difference in a blind trial yourself
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Amelie Lacroix
Lena NO

I can't believe how many mens cocks she's sucking
but no matter how many she has sucked, she can't keep coming back to widow's cock
Girls don't have penises
Giving the old minge a stroke infront of Hana? What a shameless tart.
she's still gay
She's a bi lesbian
lmfao turn all your graphics to lowest possible turn render scale to 75% and uncap your framerate youre about to have your mind blown
BBCeize the BBCol as they BBCay
Which of the girls are canonically blacked?
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all of them
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Stay away from BBCole BBCassidy.
Prolly widow, she aint in talon for free plus she’s french
you can feel the difference in the exact same ram timings from cas latency 15->14 and could tell you with 90% accuracy, i can feel the difference in teh spawn room with ping counter turned off between 20ms difference youre bad
>avatarfagger is a BBC lover
what are the odds...
none goldstein
>mercy main gets carried to t500 then starts to one trick juno and hard drops down to almost plat.
you love to see it.
you are delusional
wrong. better than you
I bet you are an audiophile too
>implying blizz isn’t ran by jews
also the writer is literally asian
no but there is an audio bug thats been around since 2019 during lots of shit going on in game and on screen there will be static and it goes away almost as soon as the teamfight ends
come on, don't be shy, show us your gold-plated cables
What can I expect in the anniversary event?
t. newfag
read the news, retard, they spell it out for you
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Hi again!
>you can always flame you have the tank on your leash :^)
I can't shit talk in a game I don't understand... lol
>Like we wiped the first time because the healer didn't heal like literally. I was spamming heals on him.
Hm, okay... is our item level ok for those +2's? I am 588
I still have a few 550 items I can easily replace
>sure :^)
Spectator character, dummy :^)
>You could break ana apart and make two heroes out of her. Honestly, would be better for the game.
You could do that with like half of the supports lol
When are they removing immortality from Bap and Kiriko? But I guess these don't really matter until they nerf the tanks considering they are the worst part of the game right now
>The counter picking in this game is just too stupid. As DPS you can't really counter pick. What do I pick there?
Hey, don't look at me, these games I would be picking Tracer and messing with their backline, or Widow and clicking Mauga's head
Tanks are just so overtuned that you need your entire team to take them down, or you can pick something that ignores the tank entirely lol
>not your fault, I love playing with you more than anything
Today I am making sure we end on time, I mean it, and I love gaming with you too
your breath smells so fucking bad
you’re not cute, ugly fuck
What if I can't read? Ever thought of that? Fucking retard.
Nico Goldstein
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Welcome back love, everything
>Hi again!
>I can't shit talk in a game I don't understand... lol
You're good already but no need to flame in a social game, really.
>Hm, okay... is our item level ok for those +2's? I am 588
Yea should be, but maybe we can get something before we do them today. I just want vault upgrades.
>I still have a few 550 items I can easily replace
Yea, I know going to get that done today.
>Spectator character, dummy :^)
a spectator character who kills widows and tracers better than me never dies, is unkillable for the enemy dps, and pulls off the best rezzes? hmm.. very spectator character there.
>You could do that with like half of the supports lol
You think? The traditional supports like Mercy, Moria and Lucio are very balanced, don't you think?
>When are they removing immortality from Bap and Kiriko? But I guess these don't really matter until they nerf the tanks considering they are the worst part of the game right now
Sadly yes Kiriko seems fine now for the most part I would say. Bap is still my god that one game yesterday against bap his healing is just stupid, stupid strong. aoe healing needs to get nerfed.
>Hey, don't look at me, these games I would be picking Tracer and messing with their backline, or Widow and clicking Mauga's head
Yea you would probably solo win them, lol.
>Tanks are just so overtuned that you need your entire team to take them down, or you can pick something that ignores the tank entirely lol
That's my problem, either you need to focus them or ignore them. I mean, half of the time I'm trying to ignore the enemy tank and shoot past him.
>Today I am making sure we end on time, I mean it, and I love gaming with you too
this isn't on you, and I love you more Are you gaming already? If so have fun.
Is today that Overwatch anniversary event? Maybe we need to play. Did you buy that widow skin?
>thread now devolved into a jew, tranny, and minority circle jew
i leave for one fucking week and the thread devolves into this...?
no one knows who you are lil bro
fr on skibidi no cap nobody knows this what is bro yappin about fr :skull::skull::skull:
Clearly he's the main character of /owg/ and what he says goes
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you're goddamn right
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Not that I'm a fan of either but why does tracerschizo get banned for avatarfagging but this mercyschizo doesn't despite looking like chatgpt spam
baby... you have diarrhea...
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And now, notice how the schizoposting about jews and gay nigger shit has come to an immediate ceasefire as I, your savior of /owg/, have posted. Post a Keller, and do this in remembrance of me.
you need a colostomy bag
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Control, we have a nooticer here.
Sex with Soe
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>You're good already but no need to flame in a social game, really.
Sure, haven't seen anyone say anything dumb yet, also probably because I never look at the general chat lol
>Yea should be, but maybe we can get something before we do them today. I just want vault upgrades.
Is vault reset today? Like tonight at 3am?
>a spectator character who kills widows and tracers better than me never dies, is unkillable for the enemy dps, and pulls off the best rezzes? hmm.. very spectator character there.
Wow, what a good Mercy, can't be me :^)
>You think? The traditional supports like Mercy, Moria and Lucio are very balanced, don't you think?
Yeah they are, Moira can be meta if they bump her stats like they sometimes do, she's fine right now
>Bap is still my god that one game yesterday against bap his healing is just stupid
Yeah, he's still too strong, aoe healing in general should just nerfed by 30%, well not Lucios, Zen ult etc
>I mean, half of the time I'm trying to ignore the enemy tank and shoot past him.
Sounds like you would enjoy Ashe or something, maybe try her? :^)
>Are you gaming already? If so have fun.
Yeah, killing mobs, woo
>Is today that Overwatch anniversary event? Maybe we need to play. Did you buy that widow skin?
We can try it and yeah I did, she looks nice
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I miss when we had 3 days of Soe hosting Overwatch League every week.
trashy whore
post peak niggalow owclassic waiting room aaron frens smite this guy down
Beautiful goddess
that is so foul it should be illegal for women to get tattoos or smoke weed or take birth control or take ssris #feminist they hurt me when they hurt themselves
this image reminds me of some old music disc cover, does anyone know what am I talking about?
I forgot what it may be based on.
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>post peak niggalow owclassic waiting room aaron frens smite this guy down
death grips - no love deep web
She needs that helmet for all the dicks she sucks
lena is a lesbian
You think lesbians can't suck cock?
A few drinks always reset them back to factory settings
>death grips - no love deep web
nope, it was some aerosmith, probably
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kirikofag, I need your best kiriko picture ASAP!!!!
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>Sure, haven't seen anyone say anything dumb yet, also probably because I never look at the general chat lol
didn't read anything, if anybody gets flamed, it's the tank or healer.
>Is vault reset today? Like tonight at 3am?
Yep, so we should get some higher mythics if we can.
>Wow, what a good Mercy, can't be me :^)
Pretty sure you're the best Mercy. my best
>Yeah they are, Moira can be meta if they bump her stats like they sometimes do, she's fine right now
sure, she can be meta, but she still very balanced imo.
>Yeah, he's still too strong, aoe healing in general should just nerfed by 30%, well not Lucios, Zen ult etc
Lamp and his AOE healing are so stupid. He made 2 heroes unkillable the entire game with that.
>Sounds like you would enjoy Ashe or something, maybe try her? :^)
I would need to get used to her aiming, and my aim is already bad. I just love big dmg and brbrbrbr.
>Yeah, killing mobs, woo
Oh, my grinder? Have fun. Did some profession stuff for my bis gear. Need to look if I can craft something for you today.
>We can try it and yeah I did, she looks nice
The skins won't be gone today, right? The collab should be longer? Thinking about buying these.
Don't know what they do today, QP hacked stuff I would guess? Going soonish. Should I be online sooner? I love you and want you now!
I'm not sure how much of Sojourns body is real and how much is robotic but I want to find out
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>leave and requeue
>arriving at numbani
>leave and requeue
>leave and requeue
>prepare to defend
>leave and requeue
>leave and requeue
>leave and requeue
In the book it says it's just her torso and head but even then half of her internal organs have been replaced.
She had some kind of immune disorder as a kid and was already a cyborg in high school.
Cybernetic vagina, imagine
>Yep, so we should get some higher mythics if we can.
Hm, yeah when you're on your break tomorrow you can check, you're not sitting up for that...
>Pretty sure you're the best Mercy. my best
Only yours
>sure, she can be meta, but she still very balanced imo.
I meant like the only times she is meta is when her stats are too high lol
Still her utility is the selfish kind which often means she's not good
>Lamp and his AOE healing are so stupid. He made 2 heroes unkillable the entire game with that.
Yeah, he could lose 1 ability and still be crazy strong, it's stupid
But hey, let's rework hog and remove his 1 shot kill ability? Oh wait, no we're bringing that back, sorry :^)
>I would need to get used to her aiming, and my aim is already bad.
You would do fine, Ashe is strong without Mercy too, 1 headshot+ a body shot is enough to kill a lot of heroes
>Oh, my grinder?
Yeah, going slow alone, with you it was so fast omg
>The skins won't be gone today, right? The collab should be longer?
They usually last 2 weeks?
>Don't know what they do today, QP hacked stuff I would guess?
Pfft, there has to be at least 3 months since the last one...
>Going soonish. Should I be online sooner? I love you and want you now!
If you want, I'll be here! See you soon!!
that's part of the torso anon
It’s an internal organ
Captain Sojourn, is your vagina real or robotic?
Can any of the Wow skins be bought with Credits or is it all Premium currency?
How does a cybernetic vagina benefit her though?
Quality of life
Ah so this Is why this place was somewhat serviceable for the last couple of days
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your dick is an internal organ
Maybe yours is
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Yeah it's inside Lena rn
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Can I get a creamy blueperry pie?
Why would she hold a service job? She owns a fucking mansion.
She has the finest silicon engineered pussy in Canada
It's public service, as penance for her crimes.
Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
Did you know in France homeowners pay two types of council tax? It's not cheap.
if no mythic ana wep today we riot

>ai slop
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Angela at her most conservative
meal served
It's clearly not, you blind retard
i love betty-draper-core angela
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I've been going pussy eating crazy these past few months I don't know what's happening
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que onda
brain worms or something like that
you're turning gay
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Another hot topic Sombra week in 20 mins.
I can see it
stop simping for ugly women
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start simping for hot men
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I did 8 hours of overwatch yesterday and I didn't get a single potg wtf
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Bronzed latina goddess
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They're giving out free skins with the challenges this anniversary.
Week 1: Biohazard Ramattra
Week 2: Bounty Hunter Baptiste
Week 3: Infinite Guard 76
Ashe is ten times more oppressive than Widow. There, I said it.
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>Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
no, I mean, it was even the same pose with extended arms and only showing from the waist up and hands out of the portrait.
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Ana's mythic gun is a nice fit for several skins unlike the Rein one
Damn the Ana skin is pretty clean
SEX with Pharah
might reinstall in a few weeks to grab the 76 skin
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This but Illari
how about sex with a hot girl for a change
Ana mythic fr fr?
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ok the sleep dart revolver ocelot shit alone makes the ana mythic S tier
fucking money printer, eh?
I hate Ana so much I never buy any cosmetics for her and try to avoid playing her.
>season highlights
aren't these previous BP skins?
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Which Sombra nerfs is xhe talking about? Almost sounds like they had exclusive interviews with the devs
It would make more sense instead of a kill effect to give it a unique nano effect or something else involving healing. Idk I might still get it since i have the spare prisms.
>ana gets a new skin
>it's a $20 recolor of a skin that costs credits
yeah, but one is better because it costs $20
This is all overpriced shit and
>character skins in an fps
under midseason balance
even the mercy main buys skins and he's fucking unemployed
Can someone explain something to me?
One of the original overatch characters was Genji (by original I meant playable at launch and not in lore)
His entire backstory was that after the fight with his big bro he was left a burned, scarred torso in need of implants, and after he was rebuilt he struggled with being a cyborg.
We know that with the help of Zenyatta he eventually achieved peace with himself, but still having identity crisis from being half machine was his entire schtick. It was essential to his charcter.
With that in mind how do you explain Soujurn also being a cyborg (robotic limbs (at the very least)) but experiencing no psychological damage associated with it? And I don't mean irl reason (we know they switched writing team for a buch of retards), but an in-universe explanation.
The only possibilities I see so far are either
A) soujurn did have some breakdown, but it was far in the past (which is highly unlikely since it would create an excellent excuse for some interactions between them which we don't see)
B) Genji was just a little bitch

I don't like any of those
make a male hero that isn't some over-30 geriatric then
>ow l*re
They have an interaction. And Genji is a little bitch.
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Some of them, some are shop.
Disco Lucio is one of my favorites
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>some changes to her Stealth duration, among other things.
Even journos can fail basic reading comprehension
You know there's a canon Sojourn book right?
In it her process of going full cyborg is gradual as she's growing up because of disease, which is why she's not mentally damaged about it.
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need hana gf
here's the actual explanation
>genji doesn't have a penis
>copes by becoming monk
>mercy gives him new penis
>and it's bigger because it's not his original asian variant
>he's now happy
>sojourn is female nigger and completely invincible and impervious to any physical/emotional trauma
Cute white woman!
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>still no sombra nerf
>still no actual dva nerf
>bunch of old recolor skins for anniversary
>still no legendary skins for mauga, venture or juno
>still server and frame rate issues
>still skin/shop bugs

they've actually completely given up now haven't they
Imagine the smell
I mean IRL too some people struggle more with the loss of limbs than others, it's just different from person to person
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Not falling for the FOMO is actually starting to pay out. I’ve always wanted that Ramm
Hana Ogundimu
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Another cute white woman.
No ow2 skins for credits is lame. This is the meekest anniversary they've done
I didn't even know the anniversary was happening. There's no announcement or marketing for this at all. This game really is losing whatever relevance it has left.
Blizzard is open for business in China again
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Mercy Ogundimu
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She loved this plant, always happy, no questions. "It's like me, no roots"
Angela Ogundimu*
nah, this game doesn't make money anymore.
wow, so desperate for views they had to pay timthefatcan to play this dogshit again. instead of actually paying devs to fix the game they just hire eceleb whores
literally every big dev do this, why are you surprised
He’s baiting and you bit. Now your response gives him validation to go on a anti-Overwatch “Blizzshill” tirade.
last time it was summit, wonder who's next.
When devs sponsor a streamer to play their game, they are legally obligated to put #ad in the title. He's streaming it because he wants to.
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this game is shilled to hell and back though. whether it's the gaslighting from content creators and the 5v5fags clearly having to suck blizz cock for their blizz deals, the intentional gaslighting of the entire community wanting 6v6 back from the actual dev teams themselves, the "oh d.va/kiriko aren't actually good in comp because muh winrates" and the "tank synergy was le evil" and all the other bullshit. the intentional exclusion of active b.net player count while boasting "100 million players". the PVE mode people never got. "the game has always been about swapping so counterswapping is fine" while at the same time "we want more player agency and want less counterswapping. "we want a quicker ttk" while actively making the game have a tripled ttk. this game is the pinnacle of bullshit shilling
The roots are in the pot
Bought the Ana mythic
*puts blanket over you*
*hands you hot cocoa*

It's alright sister, happens to the best of us
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Not buying the Kiri skin until they give it a voice filter
Even if they did, other people aren't going to hear it. They're so lazy with that.
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They've been putting the voice filters on for everyone for a while now. Since the hanzo mythic at least.
not on the mercy mythic
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She doesn't have a filter, they just didn't rerecord every single voice line as Vengeance.
>no anniversary shop
>extremely mid shop skins
cringe. anniversary skins were usually the highlight of the year in OW1.
Launch era Brigitte is the 2014-2018 era Steph Curry of Overwatch
I think I enjoy watching others playing this game now more than I do playing it myself, especially if they're not "pros".
Why does it look like she’s always scheming?
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the presentation was so good as well, felt really special with that background and all the gold icons
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their whole budget for marketing this month went to an eceleb streamer. they couldn't afford a 2 min video created by an intern.
Which eceleb streamer?
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>this vid
Exactly. Launch Brig was so good that she got generational levels of hate.
Echo needs slutty pink panties.
For Cassidy
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why the fuck did they add mystery heroes to QP modes? literally every game is a stomp, no other mode showcases how hard this game falls apart without counterpicking better than this
Stomping is just the nature of the game, how do people not see this
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Would imply Dr. Liao is a slut.
got the gamer dent going on
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Big fan of pink highlights Mercy
50/50 is real. you cannot convince me otherwise
they need a new cute girl tank

D.va is a hag at this point
it isn't 50/50, it's EOMM
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Easy up there Leo she's 21
might as well be 50/50, since it wants to force no more than a 55% winrate in order to make you grind but have 1 more win by the end of the day
well, on the positive side, that's one of the best looking pharah skins she's ever had in the shop right now.
basically the same thing, EOMM averages out at 50/50 (maybe 52/48 if you're a good well-engaged boy and play 10 hours a day)
Interesting, where have you seen the math?
reddit is going berserk atm for the lackluster anniversary and lack of things to buy with the useless free currency
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I'd banked thousands of those credits for the return of that shop...
I'm disappointed too.
I got the gamer leg veins
>oh yeah anniversary event is today
>log on
>there's only 2 fucking gamemodes for the entire week for some reason
>and 1 is the shitty streamer balance patch for some reason
>play orisa mode
>there's a bug where orisa can randomly go up to full hp out of nowhere
>play community mode
>there a bug where you just instantly get blown up by dva's ult before it even goes off
jesus fucking christ the game is actually dying isn't it
fuck are those
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Sheesh you guys are so impatient
ask aspen
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>have to play 5 games in a mode where both teams are forced to have mauga and each game lasts 30 minutes

I hate this game so much
The Kiriko brought you hogwarts brownies
You don't have to at all.
>uhhhhhhhmmmmmmm ACKSHHHHUALLY you dont HAVE to finish the bp haha :)) I am very smart
im banned from her chat
You do not have to do that challenge to finish anything. This is a fact.
Calling aspen a piggy while accurate is rude anon
called her a piggy
I said she was throwing the game for the rest of the team so her 3stack could farm clips
Streamers don't like it when you lift the veil.
People get banned for asking why there's 3 minute ad rolls every 20 minutes too.
Her and frogger do that shit all the time
>she was throwing the game
support mains usually do
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welcome to the world of OW streamers, all of them are fragile troons
I got banned from a streamer's chat once for saying his "educational bronze to gm" on a bought account was just him smurfing
>educational bronze to gm
>him in bronze matches: "bro these kids are so bad"
This is social trial and error, with time you'll learn which boundaries to overstep and which not.
>with time you'll learn which boundaries to overstep and which not
or I could just stop watching losers who stream OW and put my time to better use, which is what I did after that
absolute dogshit anniversary
it's never been more over
why would the anniversary be now anyway Overwatch came out in May
We're playing Overwatch 2 now anon.
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It was all over when they announced Overwatch 2 was actually just gonna be Overwatch 1.1
Am I looking at these store pages and systems right? If I want any of these Warcraft Anniversary skins I'll have to pay up and there will be basically no way to earn enough gold coins before the even ends?
Yes, welcome to Overwatch 2. You missed out on all the free cosmetics.
the dark-skinned_male content on r34 keeps getting better and better we never been so back

pay up ytboi
>never been more over
anon, it was over back in 2017 when they started listening to supports.
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>Hack Mega Healths
>Hack Rein out of a charge pin
>Freed from a Cage match with EMP
>Easy to coordinate plays with
Were these two made for each other?
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Do these two even have an interaction?
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anons i beg you talk me out of buying the robot kiriko skin i cant resist robopussy
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kiriko would never fuck your beta self no matter how many skins you buy did that help?
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um who called pest control?
I bought it when it first came out and kinda regret it. I don't think it's bad but I almost never use it over any of the other skins
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I think it's mid, but if you really like robots, go for it I guess

She's not real, I can choose to believe she would marry me and give birth to a dozen of my children and there's nothing you can do about it
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Hey it's Kiriko
Mauga's here
heheh, lucky you
role q mystery heroes unironically proves this game would be way less cancerous if you lost all your ult charge on death
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>more snowballing is good
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its okay i'd prefer widow to dom me
i mean it's the only skin i liked on her, the others are just kinda boring for me.. but 20 doler fuuuck but i like that skin but fuuuck.. a very tough choice
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>best Kiriko skin
>not Antifragile Kira-Kira
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Someone put lightning tracer there instead of kpop tracer
how about I kill you instead
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>blizzard refuses to actually adress what people don't like about a character their balance or rework changes
>as a result have to spend more time reworking and balancing the same characters as others just rot in mediocre and outdated states made for OW1
all they had to do was make sombras hack do anything but rob you of you're defenses as a character who can come at you from any angle with retarded burst damage. She isn't even the only one either as mccree gets his grenade changed for the 50th time instead of just lowering his range and shifting importance back to his alt fire that they've forgotten exists. Don't forget hog having his healing tweaked for the umpteenth time because they are convinced that this giant tank who has every form of sustain EXCEPT armor soaks up a lot of damage when his retarded players were taught to hold W. The longer I step away from this game the more I realize everything wrong with it
This is why I play mystery heroes
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kpop skins are pretty boring for me too anon :(
jesus somebody talk me out already
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>OW devs when a non armored tank that stands out in the open takes more damage than an armored
90% are kids still school
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but I love the kpop tummy sexo skins
Reworking hog so that he doesn't instantly explode when anti naded, just to make him unkillable when naded by his own Ana is peak overwatch design
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anon i DO know and i agree with you. they are cool but a bit boring for me personally
im just afraid that the robopussy skin will be gone if i wont get it now. i fucking hate falling for FOMO bullshit but its 2024
No one but sombra players enjoy sombra being in a match. She's pretty much now up there with widow as the only character in the game who has "implied pressure". She could literally never leave her own back line or get a kill but the knowledge of her existence instantly changes how you approach the match more than most characters.
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I play sombra to mirror sombra and I don't really like it I'm just a better sombra than every person who starts on sombra
que onda
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what do i play while banned for 2 weeks?
overwatch but on a fresh account
racemix while holding hands
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I hate having to pretend to care about a clearly lost game for 5+ so nobody on your team has a meltdown and reports you
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this but with kiriko, I don't want my children to be brown
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she's gonna get it
so what am I supposed to do for this aniv do I have to play this stinky new mode or what
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Nice, you will have cuta hapa girls like eskay overwatch
>open game
>play half a round of QP
>realize the game has lost literally all of it's fun and there's nothing but anger and sadness awaiting me because i'm extremely unstable and depressed and am infinitely more crushed by bad play or defeat than I am winning
>close the game
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Post tank nerf update: been having fun on dva, monkey, orisa and even zarya. The dive tanks go hard on high ground maps. Orisa feels good on clash maps with their long sight lines. I've been getting a lot of value from my projected zarya bubbles and just melting everything in my way. Ram is supposed to be good but he hasn't given me too much trouble, either getting kited, melted by zarya or out poked by orisa
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>He pushed?
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behold the least salty Lucio player
He got punk'd
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Look at this team, we're gonna do great! *runs away from team as fast as possible*
how do you win as Doomfist
wan panch is all I need
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Cycle your cooldowns
Control highground
Go for isolated targets
Get charged punch
Punch them
Let me guess: he watched a l'ebin Frogger stream and thought he'd spend the entire match getting 3 whole elims while his team suffered a full match of 4v5 am I correct?
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She needs this hairstyle
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>Kiriko skin in the shop this week while I'm still waiting for the polar skin for Brigitte, my love, who I love
That's so poorly made but gooners really do have no standards.
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I caved for both of them when the kpop stuff came back

Shame Kpoprat didn't come back too
>A highly trained fighter and born leader,[1] Doomfist is determined to plunge the world into a new conflict that he believes will make humanity stronger.[2] In Doomfist's (at least stated) view, the global order is unjust, created "to protect criminals from the division they create." In his mind, the solution is to tear it down.[3] He is aware that his actions have cost countless lives, but by his calculus, he has saved many more.[4]

So Doomfist is basically just a Nazi? Tear down the system that the (((global order))) controls? Fight so that "the strong" (me and my people) take over the world?
he went 4-5 so yeah
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he's just Evil Black Panther don't read too much into it
No he's just an african warlord. It's like a tech billionaire telling people to drop out of college and start their own business with a small loan of $5 million dollars from their parents.
In the end it's all just excuses for a man who really just wants to live in a world where sociopaths like him can just take what they want from whoever they want.
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Kiriko Ogundimu
I get that but it's still kind of fucked up that he's just a trial by combat eugenicist. It's like the worst possible political ideology but I guess it's fine for a cartoon villain

He is a tech billionaire. He's basically Osama bin Laden

that's this world silly.
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nowadays, whats the best timing to spam voicelines?
and dey say
and dey say
and dey say
That's not this world at all, we have rights and institutions. Though you're right that it could easily be worse if more people like Tr*mp get into power.
What do you mean the best timing? Like when during the match? only before the match starts can you spam with no cool down.
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Doomfist is a rich spoiled brat that turned to evil after he lost his right arm during the omnic war, got a prostethic from his family company then got banned from competitive artial marts tournaments because of his augmentations. He lost his former meaning to life and took it personally. In contrast, Mauga is just a terrorist for fun.
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martial arts*

ebin typo fail
depends on the character
when playing rein i always spam ARE YOU AFRAID TO FIGHT ME while attacking
playing jq i use LET'S GO LET'S GO when moving running to point with my team, or BOW DOWN when killing an enemy
playing venture i'll spam ABRAN CANCHA while digging around enemies and THIS STINKS when the situation looks dire
with soldier i only use STAY FROSTY cause it fits almost any situation, including mocking enemies
playing lw i love to use THE AUDACITY when an enemy tries to kill me and fails, pairs really well with tbag
a combo i like but is kinda hard to pull on the move is tracer's EAT MY- BOO
but my favorite is definitely LIKE TAKING CANDY FROM A BABY when killing enemies with hog
sadly they put a cooldown on reaper's BLACKS line so it can't be spammed or used in combos anymore
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Lighten up
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i can't take doomfist seriously because he's supposed to be this evil mastermind, but all talon characters see through his bs and only joined cause it helps their goals.
Talon is a joke anyway, their leader is some fancy omnic named Maximillian Dood who has done literally nothing and pretty much everyone else is just with Talon out of convenience
"Good Kitty" after sleeping someone as Ana or when getting res'd by a Mercy.
dont play this character or you are a fat gay retard lol
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I wish I had a Mercy kitten (actual female)
Trying to find a good nylon thighjob video to go to bed to but no such luck

Zarya main btw
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>Hehe You should try my meat-
>Made to order
>Hear me baby-
>Too HOT for you?!
>(actual female)
wrong coomer general buddy
Wrong general coomer
Why can't we have huge tits like this in OW...
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ugh fine i'll jerk off to tifa tonight instead of mercy
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Like to wear for McCassidy, or to force him to put on while she pegs him?
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What hero should I pick as support to stop a Sombra killing me constantly while damage do nothing about her? Just had a match where this happened at it was unironically the least fun I think i've ever had. Legit wasn't allowed to play.
For 0 effort go Sombra and just hold right click behind your supports and hack her and kill her every time she shows up. If you want to play normally just go Tracer or Reaper.
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others play games with friends while others play them with a higher level of understanding
1. pick ana
2. walk towards her
3. grenade your feet
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Moira can auto-aim to cancel hack, fade cleanses virus, orb can pressure her away or heal her damage

Brig can shield to interrupt her hack, self heal and damage sombra all at once

Bap and Ana can diff her if you’re good mechanically

But none of this changes the fact that sombra is aids to play against and whoever designed her rework should be banned from game design for 20 years. Just because she has counterplay doesn’t mean she’s not cancer and horribly unfun to play against, not to mention the effort the average player needs to put in to survive (much less kill) sombra is an order of magnitude higher than a sombra player of equal skill level, just because sombra gets
>a perma invisible stealth mode completely undetectable by 99% of the cast
>can backstab you for half your health bar
>a teleport and cleanse back over your head
I think sombra’s redesign is just concrete proof blizzard’s new devs have no idea what they’re doing
90% of the playerbase falls under
>f2p spics who cant afford a mic or are embarrassed by their accent
>mentally ill smol bean uwu women/lgbt who are one mean comment on a video game away from typing a whole essay on twitter and cutting themselves i fucking hate skiesti so much it's unreal
>broccoli haircut kids who used to talk a lot of shit but have been beaten into submission by the report system and have finally learned to just never say a single thing
most reading comprehensive /owg/ poster
Echo obviously puts McCassidy in pink panties and chastity cage then fucks him as a copied futa Ashe
Based, do u wanna make some burner accts on twitter and cyberbully her with me? Would be fun
75% of the internet is esl jeets and spics who understand less than half of what you say then get angry and belligerent when you confront them about their misunderstanding
I can’t wait to get high and play genji and echo tomorrow
i can't be assed to bother but i just hate that personality type she has. i met a lot of girls like that in uni. everything is an attack, everything is out to get them, woe is me, words hurt more than bullets, there is nothing worse on this earth than someone slightly raising their voice at you, etc.
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i feel like there isnt an ana on earth that would be able to do anything before i end her life if i get the hack off and that retarded dot thing that makes me only have to land like 1/4th of my mag
Based silver 5 player
There’s like 1-2 smug support players who are the top 0.0001% of mechanically gifted GMs that say “HAH SOMBRA IS EASY ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ____” blah blah blah
For the rest of the playerbase, yeah fighting sombra fairly is borderline impossible (I play on console though so I realize that colors my perception, but this is a pretty common complaint on PC too)
>egyptian dinner party
>sushi chef genji
what did blizz mean by this?
Japanese and Korean people are cool and attractive and better than you and should be invited to all your events despite you not being invited to theirs.
good morning sex with Lena
“We ran out of budget again; here’s a backlogged Z-tier epic we found sitting on a hard drive next to the Zarya battle pass skin and the Polar set”
I am actually hard stuck plat thank you very much
hope that the enemy doesnt swap to an entire comp thats dedicated to making sure you as a tank cant play the game because the game threw what little competitive integrity out of the window to appeal to shitters with hard counters. then you go play an actual fun game. that or find a 5 stack who can capitalize on the entire enemy team blowing their cooldowns on you
It’s 12:30 AM in the only time zone that matters
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kek what a goldmine, i had no idea she was this much of a lolcow on twitter, i've only seen clips of her complaining on her stream about her one-tricking being called out
Even more based, may you have many fun games and keep your supports and tanks lodged in plat due to dps diff
anyone who still solo queues as a doomfist main is fucked in the head.

t. 500 hours doomfist
Link to clips?
Her dumbass tweets are the only exposure I have to her, it’s insane how every post by her reeks of this miasma of entitlement. Like everything is persecuting her, the whole world is oppressing her, and she’s helplessly drifting waiting for her savior to pick her up. Obvious parallels to mercy gameplay, maybe it rubs off after that long and changes your brain chemistry.
I play genji because he’s badass and cool and I play echo because she’s cute and adorable but also has a hot and slutty side
Well bros
I finally did it
I sold my account
It was fun while it lasted but not everything is forever, I started playing on October 4, 2022 and bought every battlepass, had all mei skins, Christmas and world cup bundles, rose/pink mercy, lots of shop skins, story super pack, lots of owl skins including goat brig and royal knight mercy, OPM, Porsche, le sserafim, cowboy bebop, etc.
I sold everything but an old laptop because gaming became an addition and especially overwatch which I used to play at all times I wasn't at work
It pissed me off to the point I got mad at family, friends, ex-gf (we're working things out again) which is why I knew I had to stop, I lived in constant toxicity by myself.
It's been fun even though I never played with you
GG's you fucking niggers, mentally ill the kiriko poster, mercy sissies, porn posters, lenaposters, mei enthusiasts, Juno lovers and junk chads.
>Cool story fucko
Whatever bitches, might as well go out big since I ain't coming back here again
I MAAAAAAY play again in the future but only occasionally, especially when they release mei mythic
But for now, goodbye /owg/ don't let this shit consume you, I was a literal basement dweller, hermit the last 2 years because of this shit
Go to therapy, hit the gym, date a girl
>But muh tinder is shit!
Facebook dating, even losers get dates
Goodbye you fucking niggers, good luck
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Good luck
Not reading all that
who is that guy?
These posts are making me want to snap her neck
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Voice chat is bugged for me sometimes for my first game of the day. It'll show that only 1 player is in vc, but when I leave vc and come back, everyone else has already been there.
And then sometimes it'll show only 1 person in vc, but then when I talk, other hear me and I can hear them. However, there is no visual indicator to show who is talking. Leaving and rejoining vc doesn't help with this one, but at least you can converse
Skiesti Ogundimu
Having them charge your block and punching someone into a wall feels good
I listened to her voice for two minutes and can safely say even doomfist would not want this one
Should I be considering forcing enemy movement cooldowns to run away a win even if I didn't get the kill?
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>enemy playing full dive
>enemy dva and tracer with 16, 12 kills
>skiesti team trying to play brawl/deathball with ram mei
>mei, slightly annoyed over voice chat: “…mercy… do you play brig?”
>not overly rude, just trying to gently guide her into realizing mercy fucking sucks here and she needs to swap
>skiesti: “haha omg ur so valid for that”
I wish serial killers were real
>mercy main tries to play the other cutesy uwu character that unfortunately requires even the slightest bit of aim
above average tankoid aim
are you the same guy that keeps trying to make the term niggalow a thing?
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i look like this
Me too, what are the odds?
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And I know you do too

yes it's all me
very high quality post
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I wish there was an opposite of an avoid slot
>play rein into sombra bastion
>feed my brains out and die a lot
>blame supports for not swapping off mercy lw
>afk the remaining 4 minutes
there is, it's called add as friend
>porn addict has no concept of the idea of making friends with people to play with them again
it'd be funny, if it weren't so sad...
Like sending a player a friend request or group invite? Damn if only that feature did exist.
Friend requests are too intimate, culling your pool of teammates to be likeable people is easier
genuinely two of the most depressing posts i've seen in a while.
seek help.
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No, I don’t want to make friends with these people. Someone on the enemy team is talking shit after the game, I want to go up against them again and fuck them up. Smooth brained teammate didn’t pull their weight, I want to embarrass them on the opposite team and teach them a lesson for pissing me the fuck off.
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Has ANYONE seen the "Stay as team" Thing work?
I was doing bot games to unlock role queue QP on my main, saw it be used by a mercy player in there, everybody left.
I unironically have only seen 2 people try to use it in the past 5 years of playing.
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This post made me angry yet horny
Handful of times I've seen it actually be used, but it barely sticks around long enough for you to react. I think Blizzard genuinely forgot it exists as a leftover from OW1.
brooooo fuck you man
Doe maar normaal, hé? Dan doe je al gek genoeg.
ik ook
how are support players so consistently the worst players in every lobby?
what is it about this role that attracts the brainlets that know how to do nothing else other than healbot the tank?
you can be literally 3 feet in front of them at their 2oclock and they still won't heal you because they're too busy healbotting the tank.
then those SAME faggots will go "ermm, why pharah no die???" while said Pharah has a dedicated cockslurper mercy.
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Work how? I've stayed together a few times with randos but we never played together after a couple games. The magic that made us want to stick together rarely returned.
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this but tankoids
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I also agree.
stop picking fucking dogshit useless garbage like JQ or Orisa.
pick a real fucking tank so our supports can do ANYTHING that isn't keeping your braindead retarded ass alive so we can have more damage on the field.
Moira. You can either outright kill her or do enough damage to scare her and make her fuck off. It’s rare for me to ever feel threatened by the presence of a Sombra.
literally any character with a self peel or instant heal.
Sombra literally cannot kill Baptiste under ANY circumstances on a flank. even a gold Baptiste will survive a top 500 sombra in a 1v1 due to his overloaded kit.
DPS, Reaper wins the 1v1 if you aren't a shitter.
Tank, if sombra is hacking you and damaging you she's trolling.
Always teabag sombra kills
Consent. Genji never asked to be turned into a cyborg while Soujourn picked an insurance policy that would explicitly pay for her robo legs.
nah, Sombra players are free as fuck.
the real fags you need to teabag every kill are mercyfags.
impotent little fucks.
they need to get rid of wave respawn so I can just spawn camp these little fags again.
Chu confirmed years ago that Genji still has his original penis
brown hands typed this post
keep coping, mercynigger.
you're never leaving spawn until you pick a real hero.
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ironic coming from someone playing a hero made for complete shitters
>says the mercynigger
Looks like we’re back to Sombra derangement hours lol
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Dining on delicious Sombra concha
waking up to warm fresh Sombra concha
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while i consider sombra mains to be the second worst in the game (after mercy mains), i do respect that they never get mad when tbagged.
players have called me out for tbagging at least once with every other hero, but never a sombra player.
because literally everone t-bags subhuman sombroids. they know why they're getting t-bagged.
Yeah, it's always the mercy players that bitch in all chat when I teabag them on reaper. rarely anybody else.
for the "people" playing the roomba character they sure do have egos.
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Because they're boosted. That's literally it. They're higher MMR than they should be.
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Shaved or Bush?
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Bastion skins if Blizzard wasn't a shit company
Hippie Mei stinks like bong water.
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based best of luck bro its not worth it, i almost reinstalled and made a new account the other day. they pay psychologists to keep you in that loop dont falter
call riot support, get the account back and sell it again over and over for free passive revenue.
I have a friend who has a friend that does this with a Pax Sivir/Jax account on league and he makes a couple hundred bucks every now and then from retarded account buyers.
make your money back and then some.
>Facebook dating
Never heard of it. Is it a specific function on the website or just regular groups that have been created for dating?
same thing
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To save curious anons: High volume ear rape noise.
What is the worst Kiriko line and why is it "Oh Pharah-chan"?
It's impossible to choose.
aw i feel a worm inside
Fate reference?
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is that one of those cartoons
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Not even a weeb but literally any where she speaks japanese.
You look like you have a band aid
No she doesnt, no she doesnt!
I unironically got called a "one-trick" because I played Doom in QP and didn't swap.
Do people seriously care about counterswapping in QP?
sexy ass hoes
i feel like qp warriors are somehow even more mentally ill than ranked grinders
you never wondered how the enemy team somehow always end up on sombra, cass, ana, zen when you're chilling on doomfist? yes people always choose the path of least resistance even in QP
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baby... your diaper reeks...
And she doesn't shave ANYTHING!
thats kinda my gripes with buying it, ill never use it but just for completion of owning all the skins of my main but idk if that feeling is worth 20$ lmao
They should add gamemode where your waifus get raped by black men. How many of you would play it?
i'd just spectate
I cum fast so i would get leaver penalty but i would play it.
A cuck class.
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Hi handsome!
Hope you slept well!
I pick Kiri a lot and this is the absolute worst line in the entire game
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love, my everything, my best gamer
>Hope you slept well!
uhm yea better thanks for asking, how was your sleep?
Was yesterday fun? I had fun M+ grind is very fun for me. I want to go higher though still not hard enough as tank well the last dungeon the maze part I had to press rotations. I love the seasonal dungeon I idea because the current season dungeons are probably some of the best.
Need to play some Overwatch today, sorry. I just dread the fucking tanks sooooooooo boring, and I don't think I'm alone when we see people in qp play reaper/mei only. They need to do something about tanks because if there's some all powerful player in a PvP game it's just fucking sucks for all the other players. I mean I get them they need tank players it's the fucking bottleneck the games doesn't work without them. Anyway. Are you gaming already? If so have fun. I want you now!
>uhm yea better thanks for asking, how was your sleep?
Good to hear! I slept fine too
>Was yesterday fun? I had fun M+ grind is very fun for me
Yeah it was, except for maybe the last dungeon, didn't understand anything or do anything but you guys carried it just fine
>Need to play some Overwatch today, sorry.
Do we though, really? :^)
>I just dread the fucking tanks sooooooooo boring
Maybe you should be the tank in Overwatch too? Don't worry, 6v6 will save us in... 2-6 months...
>Are you gaming already?
Grinding some mobs in hopes for a shard
>I want you now!
Soon! Tonight!
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>Good to hear! I slept fine too
good, nice
>Yeah it was, except for maybe the last dungeon, didn't understand anything or do anything but you guys carried it just fine
You did fine though. lmao I got cced twice in that boss fight because I messed up. I was complete clueless in that dungeon.
>Do we though, really? :^)
You probably want to play. I should play otherwise my aim will be complete gone.
>Maybe you should be the tank in Overwatch too? Don't worry, 6v6 will save us in... 2-6 months...
Remove ana and I would tank in Overwatch. I'm not playing tank when that character exists. Well let's hope 6v6 can fix the tank powercreep. Also, they did do absolute nothing for the anniversary event? Not even a QP hacked like Overwatch is such a side game for them lol.
>Grinding some mobs in hopes for a shard
You could level alchemist if you want because pots are mega expensive.
>Soon! Tonight!
now! now! I want you now!
don't yall know their battletags?
one of yall is gonna have to bite the bullet and become a janny to get rid of these avatarfags since apparently the jannies are too fucking lazy to do their (unpaid) job.
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>You did fine though. lmao I got cced twice in that boss fight because I messed up. I was complete clueless in that dungeon.
It didn't seem to hard except for the maze stuff? Probably because I didn't do anything and you carried me lol
>You probably want to play. I should play otherwise my aim will be complete gone.
You're assuming a lot, farming these mobs for shards is more than Overwatch right now, but we game Overwatch tonight, no problem
>Remove ana and I would tank in Overwatch. I'm not playing tank when that character exists
I can play Kiriko you know, I'll play any support you need
>Also, they did do absolute nothing for the anniversary event? Not even a QP hacked like Overwatch is such a side game for them lol.
All 3 people working on Overwatch right now are busy with bringing back 6v6
>You could level alchemist if you want because pots are mega expensive.
Mount first!
>now! now! I want you now!
Tonight, you can wait, can't you? :^)
i know its a sick freak control thing but no one reads this shit. literally everyone sees the image and black bars in the post and scrolls past it whats the point i dont get it
reminder that you'll never kiss each other, hold each other, cuddle each other, lie in bed with each other, start a family.
none of that is going to happen, none if it will ever happen.
your LDR is a joke, the fact that you feel the urge to annoy people despite that fact shows the reason you feel the need to stoop yourself so low to edate.
I would say kill yourselves, but I already know that's not too far off in the future.
it's genuinely one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen in all my years on this site.
it's not even like it's a real, actual couple.
it's two fat lonely losers with 0 friends irl that are so lonely they resorted to edating.
they NEED to validate their fake relationship because they know it's a sham, so they come here and spam to the world that they exist to make it "real".
so they don't feel unseen and alone, they NEED others to know they're "in a relationship guys, see i'm not a failure loser!!!"
not your perrsonal army
also stop samefagging you nigger
dilate, tranny.
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>It didn't seem to hard except for the maze stuff? Probably because I didn't do anything and you carried me lol
Hmm, yea compared to the airship that dungeon is easy lol. I didn't carry anybody there, and you did fine, trust me.
>You're assuming a lot, farming these mobs for shards is more than Overwatch right now, but we game Overwatch tonight, no problem
I was thinking your still addicted to Overwatch
>I can play Kiriko you know, I'll play any support you need
I know, and you would carry the game with your kiri, but the last time I played tank it was like everybody countered me. It's just not fun to play like that.
>All 3 people working on Overwatch right now are busy with bringing back 6v6
Nah they make the next hero, it's obvious. Juno is a hit. Season 14 has the new tank right? Season 13 is map reworks? They are working on that. Sadly nobody maintains this game.
>Mount first!
Did you look at the Frostworms? My favorite mount. Sadly I never got the gladitor mount. I was so close back then. There's a mount tab btw where you can see all mounts
>Tonight, you can wait, can't you? :^)
no I can't wait to game with you nowwww... gimme you
says the retard seething about the same thing posted every day
kill yourself
>Hmm, yea compared to the airship that dungeon is easy lol. I didn't carry anybody there, and you did fine, trust me.
Alright! If you say so
>I was thinking your still addicted to Overwatch
I am but... I feel the awful patch too, not sure it's ever been this bad in all of Overwatch 2
>I know, and you would carry the game with your kiri, but the last time I played tank it was like everybody countered me. It's just not fun to play like that.
Lol, yeah I understand, being the focus of everyone's attention isn't exactly fun in this game, there's just too any no-fun abilites that shut you down
>Juno is a hit. Season 14 has the new tank right? Season 13 is map reworks? They are working on that. Sadly nobody maintains this game.
I don't know what's coming up, all I know is that they're working on 6v6 and that'll be the best thing they can do, screw new maps, screw new heroes, just make the game not what it is now
>Did you look at the Frostworms? My favorite mount
Yeah that looks cool, I'd like this one too, is it a raid drop? If so, no thanks :)
>no I can't wait to game with you nowwww... gimme you
Nuh uh, you wait, I run, see you tonight!
why dont they just duo on overwatch and be disgusting in voice like all the other freaks. why here of all places its just so strange. its not like anyone here has even acknowledged them for a week or so why dont they just dm???
Fun fact, if you hide the first post they make all their replies magically disappear so you don't have to see them and I don't have to see your whining.
so works it not
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>Alright! If you say so
Yes. I do.
>I am but... I feel the awful patch too, not sure it's ever been this bad in all of Overwatch 2
Nope this is by far the worst meta ever at least in Overwatch 2 and the problem it won't change. Since tanks are the bottleneck for queue times.
>Lol, yeah I understand, being the focus of everyone's attention isn't exactly fun in this game, there's just too many no-fun abilites that shut you down
Yep, the no-fun abilities are what makes tanking so unfun. Sleep anti, hack and tank counter swapping.
>I don't know what's coming up, all I know is that they're working on 6v6 and that'll be the best thing they can do, screw new maps, screw new heroes, just make the game not what it is now
Yea let's see how 6v6 turns out. The game just needs so much balance changes for 6v6. I don't think the current Overwatch developer can do that.
>Yeah that looks cool, I'd like this one too, is it a raid drop? If so, no thanks :)
uhm yes but, old raid we can solo these if you want.
>Nuh uh, you wait, I run, see you tonight!
but I hate waiting... have fun and not a long day, see you later love
kill yourself
My current hero pool is
What else shouldi learn to be more well-rounded?
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Not joking.
Considering it, he seems kinda braindead to me.

>duhh it's okay because it's constant!!
dilate tranny.
maybe a shitscan
Heh. Summon the ice leviathan.

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