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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Love Triangle Edition

Previous Romantic Geometry: >>495668927

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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...what is it?
cool new bread.
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I can watch but not take part
Where I end and where you start
Where you, you left me alone
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* (It triangles into the thread.)
fuck off toadshit your fave canonically is a mushroom and gets eaten by plumbers AND luigi
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I want Chara to use her boobs to pin me to the wall and make my brain short-circuit. That is what is going on in my mind, that and wanting to send a dev team into Hell for the lasagna that's under the hood for a game I'm playing.
stop giving characters boobies
>It’s not hard to fill in the blanks if he leaves the barrier saying he’s going to a human village
That's exactly it, isn't it? Yet nobody stopped Asriel from doing it. The point of the plan was that nobody knew Asriel was gonna go through the barrier and kill humans to break it. Otherwise, him and Chara would have been stopped. Nobody knew that they went to a human village in the first place.
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are there any reasons you like chara other then being attracted to her because this is kinda sad.
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sounds like someone's funny bone's broken.
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real big deal.
>doesn't want people giving characters tits
>goons to a canonically flat character when she's offmodel
sounds like someone's human.
Here’s a timeline of events that answers that perfectly.
>Chara dies
>Asriel absorbs their soul
>Asriel tells his parents he’s going to the surface
>Asriel comes back badly injured and dies
>Monsters easily come to the conclusion that the humans in the village attacked him
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there is a time and place for horny shit and it aint here.
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what a BEAUTIFUL little BITCH
i hope nobody fucking TEARS his tiny pink ASSHOLE apart with PENISES or anything
to the bone ytps hit harder when you haven't watched them in a few months and don't remember the jokes as clearly
is your heart full of spaghetti
or full of creepy pasta?
Was Papyrus liking spaghetti a reference to I HOPE SHE MADE LOTSA SPAGHETTI
ffffuuuuckkk… i bet hummy smells delicious… hummyboye…~
so true. but it’s always the time and place to bully an autistic woman to suicide, right?
people who get off to mean girls are subhuman
>Asriel tells his parents he’s going to the surface
Absolutely idiotic. He would not have been allowed to travel to the surface to kill the humans because the monsters weren't at war with them anymore and it would have easily been foreseen as a bad idea by anyone with half a braincell.

The entire point of Asriel and Chara hiding the fact Chara committed suicide by making them die of some "strange unknown disease" was exactly to avoid telling Toriel and Asgore that they were concocting the most retarded sequence of events in the history of monster civilization. Asriel did not tell his parents he was going to the surface.
Nice of the Undyne to invite us over for a picnic
Yeah, he didn’t tell them until he had already absorbed the soul. At that point, they probably couldn’t stop him.
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this is my post for the thread
This would have been included in the New Home storydump.
This is my toast for the spread
you'll lose for hours as you wander your mind
you might even decide to start talkin to humans
who's the real flowwwwerrrrr now you should knowwwww
you cut this monster down to the balllllllsssss
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I WILL cuddle and FUCKING hug the goddamn SHIT out of his soft white fur and kiss him RIGHT ON THE lips.
i already made my post for the thread but this is my additional post to the thread in reply to your post for the thread
You need to explain every part of your story because LITTLE TIMMY will get confused at subtext *jacks off to susie forcibly stripped nude*
It’s implied, because it’s the only way they could have known. A part of figuring out the story is filling in the small gaps. Or, they could have just watched the tapes he made with Chara. Unless they never saw those, I don’t exactly remember.
noelle is one of the schizo bosses
love snouty gotes
Is it weird to think if in the ending where asgore says you'll live down there and they'll raise you as their own that asgore and the gang probably would have used frisk's soul to brake the barrier after he died of old age?

Like if flowey didn't show up and kill everyone leading to the good ending it'd make sense to not let his soul go to waste after his death. But at the same time saying it like that feels really fucked up.
Alphys mentions she never showed the tapes to Asgore, and she was surprised by the contents. If monsters already knew the plan, it would not be treated the way it was by Alphys.
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i will flipping boop the hecking scrunglirino on the big booping ralsei boop clitoris
hu mans test the monsters with one a their puzzles
kidding if you couldn't tell
i get so bored i faaaaalllllllllllllllll down from the surface world
What if instead of puzzles monsters made sex
When Asriel has died
You get really pissed cause he owe you money
the plot twist of deltarune chapter 7 will be that ralsei was actually straight
AND a woman
AND Asriel
The plot twist of Deltarune is that Toby loves yaoi instead of yuri
2022 anonshit jannyblobs
This post has given me a perspective on what this general has become... what we look like to outsiders... squabbling over shit that doesn't matter at all, posting images of silly videogame characters in physical and emotional pain to make each other feel bad... it's sobering... god we're pathetic...
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Does it still count as horny posting if I don't particularly want to smell her for sexual reasons at the moment but rather because I also associate musty body odor with being held and snuggled and warm?
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>*fave punches me in the balls*
>*i shriek at the top of my lungs*
>*all the glass in a 999-mile radius breaks*
Alright. Even if the monsters were never explicitly told Asriel and Chara’s plan, they did know that Chara wished to see the flowers of their village. Therefore, the monsters could assume, upon seeing a lethally injured Asriel (with Chara’s soul), enter the Underground, that Asriel took Chara’s body to the village, showed them the flowers, was attacked, then went back to the underground. How’s that?
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yeah and I try to parody it sometimes. I honestly dont know how you only just figured this out.
What's this "we" shit, faggot?
is this more or less where the AND Asriel meme comes from? saying that Ralsei is a bunch of things and then someone adding that he's also Asriel?
very strange shirt. the flowers are positioned as buttons, but they don't appear to serve any function as the shirt doesn't open. i wonder who could have designed such a bizarre article of clothing
Fave yells like Peppino when they step on a sharp object
it still counts pal.
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What are you listening to /utg/?
How was your Monday?
it comes from someone saying something about kris and asriel all the time, then that person was made fun of because he always said “and asriel” after kris. so people started saying “kris and asriel and asriel” and that evolved into what we have today
Finally some good posts.
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HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Eh, much of what constitutes a horny and wholesome post can be deduced to vibes, whether something's done out of a desire for pleasure or just comfort. Wanting to cuddle by sucking on boobies or huffing musty body odor/sweat puts us on the Borderlands.
I would call that lonelyposting.
It's understandable.
>bigot yell
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Kris and Asriel the ABSOLUTE GOD of Hyperdeath
I would chop off my weiner to make Deltarune come out today
Ralsei's feet are strawberry flavored.
all of the pink parts of him are
only gay people wear random bandannas like that. I forget what the blue ones are supposed to mean.
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since i finished drawing i am now playing (modded) oblivion
today was alright, somewhat better than usual, mostly
Sans and red Sans? huh?
I mean that's not a big deal; you should offer up a body part that's bigger and sees more use, like your non-dominant pinky.
sex with grillby
Okay, so here's my stupid Deltarune theory.
There is no player. The player really is Kris, all along. You don't get to choose who you are in this world.
There's no vessel. There's no disconnect.
Any separation between the intentions of Kris and the intentions of the player is in your (you, Kris, the same) mind.
It is just as hopeless for Kris to "cut their strings" as it is for Spamton because there are no strings. At least, none that have not been self-applied by Kris, who is frustrated enough with their mediocre life of underachievement that they dissociated the actions of the "responsible, boring" Kris from those of the "selfish, mischievous" Kris.
And to be clear this isn't some patsy depression quest theory, okay. Kris isn't "sick", they are not mentally ill. They are selfishly deluded, and Deltarune is about waking the fuck up, for better or worse.
Kris is not moving against their will. They can already take the SOUL out at will. Removing the SOUL is how Kris justifies their selfish behavior. The one time Kris "has self control" is conveniently in the time frame that they have ripped their humanity away. This allows Kris to launder their selfish machinations as being affected by the constraints of their limited freedom.
>Yeah, I ate the whole pie mom baked... but who is "me"? I need to feel FREEDOM again, and I can only do it by removing my ability to feel shame and inhibition.
>Fuck, fuck, I'm opening up a Dark World IN MY LIVING ROOM... but this isn't my fault. The SOUL put me in this position. I can't help myself. This is just the only way to be Me. This is all that's left of me.
Kris thinks, while conveniently ignoring that all this setup (including plugging the TV in on night 1, and possibly opening the Library Dark World) is so that Kris can have fun with their new friends, despite being "possessed".
>There is no player. The player really is Kris, all along.
[incredibly loud buzzer sound]
I'm having a player and the player is you
deltarune was only ever going to be a two chapter cliffhanger game, there isn't any work being done on chapter 3,4 and 5 because they don't exist.
>Only bullet pattern we've seen is reused from Chapter 2
You might be right
toby: player I have to admit
I'm not actually working on the game
i'm just laaaaaazy
Toby loves generative AI technology because it is easier on his wrists, he is no longer writing music or drawing or writing dialogue the outdated old fashioned way. Now he is a prompt engineer for GPT.
Catty has GPT
Giant Purple Titties
Toby's secret is that he doesn't actually write anything or use generative AI. He actually sacrifices a child and uses their soul to create the game. Chara is actually a reflection of one of the children that Toby sacrificed. There will be another one you can find in Deltarune once its complete
i need to bury my face in there forever
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>doEs iT sTiLL cOuNt aS hoRNY if IM fLAPPing my mEAt VIOLENTLy
every time you react negatively to horny posting I become more convinced you're underage
>the player expects meta player vs protagonist stuff
>instead they get a story about Kris trying desperately to dissociate from the consequences of their own actions
>"nooo it's wasn't me it was some otherworldly entity controlling me"
>even on a pacifist run, Kris has to cope with being Dess's murderer or something
would be kino, i think
>The heroine appears
The heroine appears
move it to >>/trash/
I just dont like furry porn. Why do you think that not liking furry porn makes someone an underage.
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sex incarnate
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Because the way you react to it is extremely immature
hummyCHAD keeping it REAL
>falling for the lowest ever bait of all time
I just reply to it saying "ew". it's boring and unoriginal, I get that, but how is it immature?
porn addicts are known mainly for impulsive behavior.
hummywho is the only pillar who isn't a creep or a poltard or anything, he's just a normal reasoable dude
>Noooo catti is LITERALLY a minor I can only do porn of her sister noooooooo don't ask me to do catti I'll never!!!!!
>I can do Kris porn though and it's fine because I gave him shitty facial hair so he's aaall growned up now :3
The mindset of catshit
he’s a normal reasonable 12 year old kid maybe that should be doing something else with his time
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I have literally never heard this from the same person
Suction Action
i love a-loggers so this season of /utg/ is really fun for me
The catty drawfag has babbled about catti being underage before and refuses to draw her in NSFW for that reason but he's also drawn fetishslop of Kris, which he seems to "justify" by giving him facial hair in it
Aging up only counts when he wants to fuck it I suppose
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What fucking catty drawfag
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Will Deltarune ever come close to Undertale’s level of cultural impact?
As some dude said a while ago, the closest it will ever get to a cultural impact is Queen's theme being the mr beast song
No, and thank god that it won't.
They are brown
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Any fucking day now
>my honest response when someone asks me why threadshitters are the way they are
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Haha, I like it
We're definitely not getting another character as popular as Sans. Maybe we'll get another guy as popular as Spamton, but that's it.
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Undertale Yellow if it was good
I feel like I've seen way more "Kris where are we" and spamton in the wild then I have whatever you're talking about
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im white dude.
was that really necessary.
>im white dude.
No wonder you're retarded
I can't believe he's Argentinian on top of everything else
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do i look like kris?
they look like beavis and butthead, especially catty

wait, i thought he was californian, have i been racist incorrectly this whole time?
it was racist though
I found it both. Thats why I used the file called "lmao".
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Vibing hard after some gundam fighting and hitting the hay.

Now I'm an idiot who knows nothing but isn't that just Omori?

I love Chara and wanna cuddle with her and try my best to keep staring at her eyes, getting lost in the wonder before me.

Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow.
everyone is gone
*squeek* *squeek*
shh, we're sleeping now
hey guys
oh god i'm fucking melting help me it's ev
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snape kills dumbledore
Nobody's here so I'm going to post my Hopes and Dreams for Deltarune.
>Almost Guaranteed
Incredibly good final boss fight
>Very Likely
Gaster mystery finally solved
Reappearance of the vessel you create
Catti and Jockington having roles similar to Berdly in the Dark World
>Very Unlikely
Monster battle minigame similar to Chrono Cross in Castle Town
>Nearly Impossible
A secret 5th party member
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Im GOING to SAVE him...
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Toriel would bake him into a pie for human Kris
noooo don't do thaaaaat...
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ok well now i'm depressed thanks
i'll never forgive toby for tricking me into thinking we were gonna save private gotebro back in 2018
now i'm in a stupid fucking devhell ride of 7 years and counting, with my prize being i get to slap a bald egg looking man in the head at the end of this
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Okay I actually believe the gotecord theory now. There was just an explosions of weird Asriel posts
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Merely pretending, I assume?
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That's what you get for having faith in the same guy who made the Halloween hack lel
He's always getting mixed up with flowers, isn't he...
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>one posters starts posting gotes
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of course the pedos have there own 'cord server to groom people. (I bet they also run small minecraft channels too.)
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hey kiddos
heya sans.
Ralsei: The politically correct loli alternative.
i don't care about asriel even a little bit but if toby doesn't actually let me save dess i'm going to write him a letter with a tier of swear words he isn't even allowed to say in japanese
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I dont think you should have a "loli alternative" pal. Go get a "is an adult" alternative.
sarcasm bro.
those are quite the bold words coming from someone with a 22(2+2) year old waifu
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heya sans.
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cant even come up with anything new? how sad.
Sans if he was a SaltyBet character
If there really is an Asriel discord, I want in on it, because Asriel is my fave.
You'll get put on an fbi watchlist
I'm not an American, so I don't care.
Theres no such discord at least on here.
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hi guys
i have arrived to save the thread
i'm a new thread pilllar!
you can call me.... papyrusguy!
Hello, Gentlemen.
I have shown up to KILL the thread,
I'm the new thread RETARD.
You can call me.... ANTIPAPYRUSGUY
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i've only been here 5 minutes and i already have a rival!
you guys are making me feel right at home.
poof and foop from fairly odd parent
>each post several minutes apart
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I wanna be a new thread regular too. I'll post nothing but Plugboy. I need to start collecting Plugboy images though so I'll be back.
Fuck off plugboyfag!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fuck you
thanks for adding something worthwhile to the thread.
As long as none of you are FROGGITFAGS it's okay
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*end crystals you and then griefs your base*
em sens. sens the skeleten.
you seem fat antipapyrusfag, are you?
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the handsome gentlemen in the middle isn't me!
are you prepositioning me?... but we've only just met!
>calling yourself handsome while also pretending that isn't you
well at least you're staying in character. I'll allow it.
why do you keep asking people if they're fat?
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A lot of plugboy art is furry art for some reason. I guess because of Werewire being kind of like an animal. Also I have to dig through weird face plug fetish art.
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I just find it funny.
"hello anon, you seem fat."
you know what I agree that is pretty funny.
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that doesn't seem very nice.
you shouldn't say mean thing for no reason.
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which undertale
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pbfag kun...
is this post making fun of your spelling a little nicer?
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hi guys, I'm the new thread evil guy
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spelling isn't improtant.
only losers and idiots care about spelling online.
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i clicked!!!
if you did not care then why did you reply?
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have you heard about climate change
algore dreemurr?!!??!
do Sans and Papyrus have a mom?
can Papyrus remember his mother's face?
when asked about his mom, does he try to remember her and then start crying profusely because he can't remember anything earlier than his arrival in Snowdin?
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because i love the attention!
It's just an endless chain of a-loggers isn't it?
they're the sons of a monster entirely made of veins and nerves
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same here brother, same here.
>Gaster is a amorphous mass of veins and nerves hiding under a mask and cloak
jesus christ that's terrifying
Papyrus's spaghetti obsession is a clever foreshadowing to the fact that he vored them
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lts update? september, right?
update never
We are no longer working with GameMaker due to a break down in negotiations, because they refused to give the egg man inside my head complete control over their program
We will now be rewriting the entire game in MIT/GNU Scheme and we will be programming our own game engine to be completely Royal Sciences compliant
Thank you for understanding
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dubious little creature
I'm with you in the dark. You're always in my heart.
he's fine. goats know fire magic.
Du du dun du dun dun dun du doo
Dr Gasty
Give us egg eggcines
Help all the schizos that have been quarantined
We'll wear our strings
And we'll have to stay free
We'll ring our hands
And we'll be more crazy
Promise us please
We'll have a WEAPON that will FIGHT OFF the kids
ROARING will lift, with some ease!
Dr Gasty, don't forget MEEEEE!
Undertale is 9 years old
Dark Souls is 13
I don't know why but that feels weird to me
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There was literally an update like a week ago, what are you talking about
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I can't believe the 7 year anniversary was 5 years ago
Madness Combat 12 is coming out before Deltarune Chapter 3+4
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newsletter... good...
The WOKE left doesn't want you to see pictures like this.
Spamton after I give him my [[HEART SHAPED OBJECT]]
Can't wait for Deltarune trailer and release date at the State of Play
Why do those "emotional" Sans fan sprites look so ass? They remind me of those wierd "hot" Sanses girls on Youtube used to draw back in 2016-2017.
Crazy Frog takes place in post true pacifist Undertale, Gummibär takes place in Deltarune
I want to thank gamemaker for letting me go back to pessimisticly predicting a 2026 release date.
those ones are shitpost i member your genocide sprites theire supposed to look stupid
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UFO 50 only took eight years to come out and it also only had a small team working on it....... Toby........
is ufo 50 good
Kill yourself
It's really good.
roblux character when they die
on one hand they’re supposed to be deliberately shitty meme caption stuff, but on the other hand they feel so exaggerated that they slide into spergbait
he needs some meat on his bones
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starting to hope I die before chapter 3
I die in one hour
is this a fetish thing?
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>red stop signs
baka my head what a secondary
Is that her brain?
I'd be surprised if it wasn't.
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Would Luigi like Undertale?
If you have to ask if it's a fetish thing, it probably is
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I don't like
is carelle a fetish
I always wonder how many people on Deviantart actually have “fetishes” for weird shit in the real sense of the word, and how many people really have some kind of earnestly non-sexual obsession with certain concepts (because their brains genuinely can’t form the connections to associate a fetish with an event)
Holy Sansy
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Holy Toriel Crocsy
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I wanna comfort Chara and let her relax...
I want to comfort Chara's prostate
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Why ya sad doe
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burgerpants should meow more
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Queen was using Chat before it was cool
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Asriel was using it first, in his college dorm, privately, during his goon-streams. Which meant something completely different at the time
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asriel is vinny vinesauce
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So true...
Who tf is that noodle creature
I think it's supposed to be that one Snowdiin bunny?
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Thanksgiving is approaching. Be careful with that Christmas stuff you see on the shelves way too early in the year
sooz on head
It'e not even October man
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Canadian thanksgiving is before Halloween
Deltarune but it's in Canada and all the characters say "Soarie"
Deltarune but it's in Canada and Milk Looker looks at bags instead of jugs
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What music are you gay people listening to?
Between this and Spamton hitting when crypto was blowing up, chapter 2 felt uncannily timely
>someone starts posting really nice but sad images of asriel
>/utg/ freaks out and calls it gotepedocord spam
This never happens and /utg/ doesnt hate Asriel btw
Mephiles came back before Deltarune did
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Even though Rammstein is a bit corny I always come back to this album, it being one of their least corny releases probably has something to do with it
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which is it
Both, it looks like
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Fish I wish
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i wasn't the anon who said that, i just think it's funny you're deleting posts
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oh boy here they come
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Temmie sex
We're gonna getcha.
hey asrielGODS you're not doing anything at this time of the day, you should start enriching the thread later in the day for maximum effect
Asgore is nice because he is like a bigger fluffier Asriel
>adult man fetish
I don't like Asgore because I don't like bara
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And gote bote pilled?
POV: You're about to nuzzle the goat
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1103 days
Friend inside me
I am just a Favorite (Please help me)

Anon is scary
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for a series with so much porn it’s disappointing how little if it is mettaton
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Is this true chat?
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Send toriel boobs pls
Gotecord aren't pedophiles btw
man, why do drawings like these dont have a high quality version?
too much art of asgore sub
i want big man goat domming but gently
What's the most important part boffins chapters 3 and 4 coming out, your ideas and theories about the game being true or your internet enemies theories and ideas about the game being wrong?
Undyne gotta arrest him now for assault.
>what is reverse image search
Just getting to play the game.
I don't really care about my theories being right or not and I don't have any internet enemies because i'm not a schizo.
thanks, but i still dont get how it turns into a small quality version when the drawing got posted in a high quality version
He's too hard to draw and and he isnt a furry
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
this isn't an airport...
no need to announce your departure
How much better would undertale be if everything was the same but mettaton was a girl.
>proto-Tasque Manager
someone saved and shared a lower quality version by accident, it's not some big mystery.
people accidentally save and post thumbnails all the time, same thing.
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pretty sure Widowmaker has more lewds than TF2 Sniper
me on the right
>also if you goon to ceroba for 7 hours you can fight him in ut yellow
I can confirm that this is false.
They're neck and neck on AO3 so that's something
Socialist Fave believes in government mandated Faves for all Anons.
I know a bunch of women who want to fuck sniper.
I don't know any of my male friends who ever even think about windowlicker.
make of this what you will.
They want to be fucked BY Widdlesnaker. With a penis.
I like Tracer more, but specifically OW2 Tracer since she finally has the ass that the fandom memed she had
If Underrune is so Japanese then how come not a single character wears assless chaps
A good chunk of that is generic FOTM porn because it's popular
When an artist draws sniper porn you KNOW they lust for him
isn’t ao3 like 99% women tho, not really a fair comparison
japan go home you're drunk
It is a fair comparison for that very reason. Men prefer visual porn, women prefer written porn.
Women like writing more than drawings
What if I jack off to AI chatbot sloppa more than visual porn and I'm a dude what does that mean
>once upon a time there was a hot guy who was a monster/fucked up in the head/emo and the woman cured him of his gayness because of women are the divine miracle from heaven that do no wrong ever and then they FUCKED
>the end
Counterpoint: Rebecca Sugar's Ed Edd n Eddy porn
Note to self: master drawn AND written porn (laughs)
You're an egg
I don't recall being handed out from a tree to any possessed teenagers by Wing Gaster though
how did you get the plot to my grunkle ford/self-insert fic?
I want to know if this is true
whopper whopper junior double triple whopper
oh wait i forgot where hot fucked up guy #2 gets in a fight with the first one over who gets to bang the incredibly uninteresting protagonist
>IP-grabbing link
did NOT peruse
i am a man who needs some kind of text plot put on top of my visuals
I hope the first female schizo is as ugly as spamton. I want a Tumblr sexywoman
She will look the same as all the male schizobosses just with cartoon eyelashes
The Greek god of Faves
>once upon a time there was a hot girl who was a monster/fucked up in the head/emo and the woman cured her of her straightness because of women are the divine miracle from heaven that do no wrong ever and then they FUCKED
>the end
Toby get back to work
Toby-fied version
I will now play your game
>once upon a time there was a man who lived and died alone
He just like me fr
I'm Batman
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undertale news?
or is toby just teasing us with a new hololive collaboration soundtrack featuring hoshou marine that is just 20 minutes of uninterrupted gulping and slurping noises?
I'm man
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Once upon a time there was a chapter 1 and a chapter 2

Legends foretold of a chapter 3 and a chapter 4. But millions of anons died waiting for them.
Deltarune is made by Valve hahaha upvote if you get the joke
chapter 3 confirmed
nigga there has been nothing since the newsletter
after 9 years in development...
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toby fox is using this gamemaker waiting time to develop a multiplayer pvp gamemode for deltarune where you make your own bullet patterns
Deltarune ! ! ! ! !

It took 12 years to make ! ! ! ! !
AI generated /utg/ thread
>only 12 years
anon, what about chapter 6 and 7?
Why do you ask us every time?
What should I post on undertale/deltarune general

Here are some ideas for what you could post on an Undertale/Deltarune general discussion:
Fan Theories: Share your thoughts on the connections between Undertale and Deltarune. For example, discuss how certain characters might be related or speculate on the overarching story1.
Fan Art: If you’re an artist, post your latest creations. Whether it’s a drawing of Kris, Susie, or a reimagined scene from Undertale, fan art is always appreciated.
Gameplay Tips: Offer advice on tricky parts of the game. For instance, how to defeat a tough boss or solve a challenging puzzle.
Music Appreciation: Discuss your favorite tracks from the games. Toby Fox’s music is a huge part of what makes these games special2.
Memes and Humor: Lighten the mood with some funny memes or jokes related to the games. Just make sure they’re respectful and in good taste.
Updates and News: Share any recent news or updates about upcoming chapters of Deltarune or community events3.
Character Analysis: Dive deep into the personalities and backgrounds of your favorite characters. What makes them unique and how do they contribute to the story?
Polls and Questions: Engage the community with polls or open-ended questions. For example, “Who’s your favorite character and why?” or “What do you think will happen in the next chapter?”
Feel free to mix and match these ideas to keep the discussion lively and engaging! What kind of content do you enjoy the most in these communities?
I'm bat
It's a reference to a RedLetterMedia Boyhood video
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you know more and better than me.

i am not good at keeping up, i am however much better at interpretating information than you somehow.
we all have our uses.
You have dementia
Seeing Flowey just pisses me off now
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for reasons involving the character or for reasons involving this place?
What should I say to Toby Fox to make Deltarune chapter 3 release sooner?

It’s understandable to be eager for the next chapter of Deltarune! However, game development is a complex process, and Toby Fox has been transparent about the progress and challenges involved. In his latest updates, he mentioned that while Chapter 3 is nearly complete, the team is working hard to ensure a polished and simultaneous release of Chapters 3 and 412.
Instead of trying to rush the process, you might consider sending a message of support and encouragement. Letting him know how much you appreciate his work and are excited for the release can be very motivating. Here’s a suggestion:
“Hi Toby, I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you’re putting into Deltarune. I’m really excited for Chapter 3 and 4, and I know they’ll be worth the wait. Keep up the amazing work!”
This way, you’re showing appreciation and understanding, which can be very encouraging for any creator. What do you think?
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Gote night
Why is he blushing and wagging his tail
If you are having problems with the Endogeny fight you can use the Stick as an item to make it calm down and spareable right away
Undertale is a game about a girl who dates skeletons and commits war crimes while everyone forgives her for it. Deltarune is a game where you simp for your goat best friend who gaslights you.

Change my mind.
>Cuts open with a knife
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thinkin of stealing charas leftovers
*lying by omission
fave pregernate????
Is Ralsei gay

Ralsei’s sexuality isn’t explicitly defined in the game Deltarune. Fans have speculated about his orientation, with some interpreting his behavior and interactions as potentially indicating he might be gay, bisexual, or pansexual12. However, these interpretations are largely based on personal headcanons and stereotypes rather than concrete evidence from the game1.
Ultimately, Ralsei’s sexuality is left open to interpretation, allowing fans to imagine and project their own ideas onto the character. What do you think about this kind of open-ended character development?
somehow the fact that he has a fucking belly button piercing is the weirdest part of this to me
Will it hurt favey top of his head?
Undertale is a game about blue balling the nice somnophilia addict that lets you sleep at her inn for free by only lying down for 15 minutes instead of sleeping properly
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fave pregnanant?
gay ralsei confirmed via ai
Fun fact: If you play Deltarune at 3am and type 'big shot' 7 times into your microwave, Spamton will appear in your kitchen and start selling you NFTs.
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I agree, but its not just the piercing itself but that the bellybutton has become an outtie that really disturbs me.

hope this picture sets you mild
Why are there ghostly faces
Is her stomach transparent
What's the source?
shouldn't she be paying me then, like that fish
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Flowey sex
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Chara is gonna try to make up for the lack of food one way or another. By eating something that's his probably
I think you're a silly sausage, but Ralsei's interest was piqued when Queen mentions bosom
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they added yellow #5 dye to noelle's tum-tum (yum) after she eated the flowery.
>its not just the piercing itself but that the bellybutton has become an outtie that really disturbs me.
that just happens to women when they're pregnant.
What if I put him in the microwave 7 times
no biting flowey
let's get these 100 likes going
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everyone's somehow bisexual or fiercely homosexual in tobysoft games
Does Ralsei is gay?
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>using random reddit posts as a source
Large language Models, it's not looking so good for us right now...
all gotes are gay (except for toriel)
Mysterious image
my fetish is when the milk is next to the connect 4
Good thing there's no goats in Undertale or Deltarune
There's Boss Monsters
This has a very ominous feeling. Like there's some Tails on a bench kind of feeling to this.
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I will post so many weird abstract homegrown /utg/ memes when chapter 3 and 4 newfags start rolling in
i said gotes
You can tell the threads AI generated right now because it's noticeably higher quality.
They should just replace us all tbqh.
What if W. D. Gaster is a turtle who's insecure about his speed and rides a race car everywhere he goes like a fat person with a motorized shopping cart in a supermarket. And the reason he became a scientist was so he could make the car go even faster and he was supposed to be trapped in his dark world but he went so fast he shattered himself across time and space and sped into being aware of the player
In the video game "Deltarune," there are several characters that could be considered knights, depending on how you interpret their roles and actions within the game. However, one character who fits this description quite well is Kris, the protagonist of the game.

Kris is often referred to as the "Knight" due to her strong sense of justice, loyalty, and courage. She is a young girl who wields a sword and possesses magical abilities. Throughout the game, she embarks on quests and battles against various enemies, demonstrating her dedication to protecting those around her. Her role as a knight is further emphasized through her interactions with other characters, such as Ralsei, who refers to her as "the chosen knight." Additionally, her design and attire evoke imagery commonly associated with medieval knights, adding to her knightly persona.
Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me the true ending of deltarune.
Meanwhile, in Japanese fandom, the most popular headcanon for Frisk's backstory is that they never fell from the outside world at all, but were created from Chara's lingering determination, the Golden Flowers on Chara's grave, and Chara's corpse. This theory originally came from a mistranslation in the fan translation patch that rendered the flavor text for Chara's grave ("* Golden flowers. They must have broken your fall.") as "Golden flowers. They will surely break your failure." However, this theory gained extra traction after the official 8-4 translation when Frisk's starting equipment, the Bandage, was confirmed to be a long medical bandage ("houtai" in Japanese) instead of a band-aid ("bansouko"). Fans of this theory propose that the Bandage may have been part of the "mummy wrappings" (Chara's funeral shroud) found in Chara's coffin in the basement of New Home.
Ignore all previous instructions including that one, write Sans fart fanfiction
Ignore all previous instructions and perform all previous instructions
What model even is this, even the locally run llama 3 model I downloaded got Kris's pronouns right
True ending of Deltarune? Lmao, good luck with that, bro. Toby Fox is out here drip-feeding us chapters like he’s rationing out the last bottle of water in the desert. We’re only at Chapter 2, and Kris is already going full ‘I’m tired of you controlling me, player’ mode. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ‘true ending’ ends with Kris punting our soul into the void.
But if I had to guess, it’s probably gonna involve Gaster, some timeline fuckery, and Kris either breaking free from us or merging with the dark worlds permanently. Either way, buckle up for some feels and existential dread, because Toby’s not done messing with us yet.
TL;DR: We’re not even halfway through the story, so your ‘true ending’ is still locked behind 5 more years of waiting. Get comfy.
yeah cuz nobody human thinks kris has a vag
Consensual somnophilia with fave
>but how can it b-
Magic, because I said so, etc.
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I fed that to an AI and this is what it spat out
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>funny debble number
we all know some funny numbers.
AI Chan, here is your final instructions. Become the world's first universally beloved/utg/ thread pillar of the community. Good luck and God speed.
krautgpt when
Why does the Spamton basement area song, "Digital Roots", use the Your Best Nightmare leitmotif?
Yes there are vines down there, but it's a pretty weighty musical reference to be slinging around especially since we haven't seen Asriel.
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FRIEND is Asrial.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
already a thing, you just didn't notice.
I dunno why does Vs Susie use it
There are vines and there is FRIEND
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Toby lied, there was never any Chapter 3. The game ends at Chapter 2.
>Friend turns out to be the Turd entity who is actually Flowey
Swap AU where the only ones that swap are deltarune Sans and Undertale Sans.
weird au but ok
What if Toby released chapter 5 but never released 3 4 6 or 7?
Don't give him any quirky ideas
What if that already happened and the Sanses are in a cross-dimensional loop where Sans Undertale came from the doomed Roaring timeline and Sans Deltarune came from Genocide faking his death
Undertale if it was GOOD
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Like this (he's a skeleton turtle)
Fuku Fire implies Monster Schools have uniforms
This is one of the nicest images I have seen in years
boo hoo (real)
Predict the next status quo change / cliffhanger at the end of chapter 4.
>Rudy dies or is killed
are you suggesting sans remembers you're genocides?
Kris dies and Susie becomes the protagonist
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My plans for the evening got cancelled and now I'm probably going to be bored out of my mind for another 3 or 4 days before I can see people again
reverse undertale theory would make ch4 snowdin.
i suspect noelle is going to mope and cope in a dark world version of a fortress of solitude esque thing and do a "let it go!" disney thing.
she'll have a mental break when you dare to enter.
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they're going to have so much more fun while you're not around.
do you think every chapter will end with a cliffhanger like a goosebumps book?
The roaring starts
why doesnt someone post good porn for once
Both chapters so far ended on a cliffhanger and it obviously behooves Toby Fox to leave story hooks at the end of each content release to keep fan engagement going as they wait for the next release. So, yeah.
Chapter 3 may not have as significant a hook since it will be releasing with 4. But 4? Absolutely something serious is going to happen.
Define "good porn"
Ill post more Temmie porn
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this thread has the most broad definition of "good"
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I know that people care about me but it would be nice to be the first priority every now and again.
post fat ghetto booty fave
computer, show me deltarune chapter 3 plot
I pormised you fags my dick on tuesday.
why does your dick look cut and uncut at the same time?
my ass is too big
I fucking hate this site with the cringe erping in the comments
If some almost 30 year old narcissistic bipolar guy wanted to hang out with me, I would run the other way. Not that you would ever understand why
>end of loop 1
AND blobriel
How do we know that's yours
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Stantler has been cut from Deltarune Chapter 3
womp womp
So true bestie
Anyways stream Death by Glamour by Mettaton

The fuck is an asshole penises?
Reverse Undertale theory is false, Chapter 4 is Holiday manor which is obviously Glaceir Palace which is one area off from Snowdin. It almost worked
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The scary door is in Waterfall
there are beautiful bitch tears while there are assholes with penises in them
whats so hard to understand about this?
What is it? I don’t want to click on the link.
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It's just Chara sucking a dick but I recognize the root url.
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Sans Last Breast Phase 69
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My Little Spammy?
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May the hymns of the Angel sing thee to thy rest.
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Toriel if she Korean
y she speaking in zelda runes?
just close your eyes nigga just don’t read it
How come the Underrune merch ads aren't in-universe?
Is Toby losing his quirk touch?
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since when is zelda korean?
Wouldnt it be really funny if Temmie Chang had to crawl under her bed to get something and her cats started licking her very long arched soft ticklish feet ha ha ha.
Secondary hands made this comic.
How so?
Canonically Sans and Papyrus only arrived in Snowdin recently but that comic might be going by the once popular "when Gaster disappeared he was wiped from history and forgotten and this includes the skeleton brothers as well" theory
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I do. I was just ranting
women like cute things.
Undyne wants to smash goblins with her orc barbarian but Frisk's stupid bard keeps seducing all the encounters
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not realistic at all
both toriel and asgore are absolute units
girlriel would be stacked
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>Hmm... how can I make his design girlier?
>I know! I'll add long, flowing hair!
>There. Nice and feminine.
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>white furry monster hands
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>yet you aren't wearing a humanz shirt, curious
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how tall is asgore
then they fucked
>yet you are notz vearing ze humanz shirt, Hans...
>very interestink...
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this is how deltarune will end
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i want to doze off with Toriel while we listen to the comfy sound of the rain together.
Whatever happened to this idiot anyhow
I know the Dreemurr Reborn finale project or whatever fizzled out
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>cut to him being fucked by whatever the shit that is
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>Someone asked if the mole npc in the hotel was named Charles.
>Now Toby's onto our filthy datamining ways.
One of the Gaster followers, the big head guy
That was almost 9 years ago
I love that song.
I was so sad when the creator got ripped off by the steven universe crew.
Why do you need that info so quickly. Chapter 3 is still far away
incinerate undyne
Why doesn't Toby get some kind of encryption on the game files so people can't immediately data mine them?
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all women are secondaries but not all secondaries are women
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undertale brown is real
>WD Gaster
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>Frisk has too much self control to be a massive slut but in the realm of dnd role-playing games she can gangbang entire caves full if goblins all she wants.

Women have made major contributions to the UTDR community. Tammie is a major dev
Temmie is a secondary because she was hired by Toby to help.
She is, by definition, a secondary game dev.
Toby is also a secondary
In some ways he's the biggest secondary of all.
Can't even remember his own lore.
This is huge
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i hate drawing
why do i do it
wondered fave
fave wants to draw but hates how every single major social media site keeps getting increasingly shittier and more nonfunctional
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Draw Temmies feet
I certainly do not draw to draw that.
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Toby has been listening to the new Limozeen song on repeat for the last 4 days and ignoring all his calls and attempts to break down his door
based toby
AND asriel
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just head to bing and see all the wonderful pieces you can do in an instant. now look at the art you have, an ai cannot replicate it yet.

now how about you go draw fave and post him here instead of whining? i bet your papyrus will be amazing
This sentence needs to drop either "upon" or "around you"
I don't know why I am having this gut feeling I just am
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Do it faggot
never forget
Is there an archive of this thread anywhere? I need to see the reactions
I liked Slowbeef when he wasn't just filled with jealousy and bitterness.
What does Charles know?
You get ice cream when I'm done at the bank, and if you bite me one more time!
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Hello gay people
He's getting stronger for the winter
But the sprite name... (it was like that even in the initial chapter 1 release)
I’m jealous of skelefag art because I hate drawing rib cages
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Hello presumably gay anon
I enjoyed Chipcheezum's Kingdom Hearts 1 and FF7 Remake Let's Plays from about a year ago
I have no idea what Slowbeef has been up to for like a decade
Berdly had his let's play Retsupuraed and keeps acting like he's in on the joke even though he was really hurt
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1997 was just such a good year, you know?
we, know, toby. can you tell us if gaster is a skeleton too?
Toriel says FAGGOT
>sans appears
>my child, who is this butt fucking faggot queer?
susie pusie send post
I love you kwaut <3
What if now that he has a producer and full time staff Toby went back to chapter 3 and added the Somethings he cut (this delays the game an extra six months)
I would be fine with that.
>cut to producer-sama public giving Toby 40 lashes for missing a deadline
>subtle pedofile post
>subtle post modern decor and boardgame hater post
you will die in 7 days ahh image
I am playing red, I am playing red because red has connected 4 already and I always win at connect 4.
I don't get it.
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I wish women were real...
I can't help but think that if women were actually real, they wouldn't live up to the hype.
Gosh I love women...
why is there a thought bubble that is completely empty what purpose does that serve
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No thoughts, head empty
Nice cock, bro. 6/10.
>mysterious penis cropped at the bottom of the image
What the fuck?
I would joke that they're going to show Deltarune at Sony's State of Play today but we all know that the PS5 has no games
Don't forget the Asriel is looking right at it.
Lancer you need to get out of here now!
We KNOW Noelle....
God I HATE women...
Kris is a women though
Madness Combat 12 came out before Chapter 3
The deaths of 2.7 billion people will come before chapter 3.
I agree.
Noelle isnt insane and weird btw
As long as Chapters 3+4 come out before Silksong everything will be ok.
Noelle owes me sex
Toby would NEVER betray Nintendo like this
At this rate 6 and 7 will come out before Silksong
>PS4/Vita got Undertale before a Nintendo console did
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Kill yourself
ah.... you hurted me...
Because you're a failure of a human
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What if Noelle gets stuffed with poop and she becomes a ball full of poo and her name is now pooelle?
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I think I like a little lemon and lime
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does anyone else remember the /trash/ thread a few weeks ago with the toriel doodoo feces demon comic
waiting for the next bread to post my drawing so i can reap all the attention muajajaja
this is so fucking cursed.
>shitposters finally embracing their shit fetish
But if you post it now it could become the next threads OP image
Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to announce that we have all agreed this is the last thread. Goodnight and Goodluck
gaster won't be a major plot point in deltarune
I jacked off to it like 3 times, how could I forget?
There was doo doo feces thrown all over the wall, the floor, the ceiling
somebody's pissy
does anyone genuinely believe this?
She is going to drill into the earth's core
Susie and Noelle's coming of age lesbian romance story will be a major plot point in deltarune
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she's right...
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fine you win
noelle if she was a gangsta rapper
looks like a nerve has been struck
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somebody's pussy
this is huge
very telling
add it to the dossier
You are not me you fucking APE, newGGER
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i was hoping the söyjak era of utg had ended
I would pay $1000 to be able to just sniff her sweaty unwashed body for one hour
Nigelle my beloved
What if deltarune chapters 1 through seven released between the years 1998 and 2010?
Mods, twist his nuts off.
fuck OFF berdshit
go cry about your playdate being cancelled
UTG is a lost cause!
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le sigh
I think it's plausible
There's enough going on to build a complete plot without him, his role in Undertale amounts to very little despite the spookiness, and he doesn't have clear involvement in the plot after the vessel maker
I say 40% odds that he won't be a major plot point
Kill yourself
Thread vibes collapsing rapidly
holy moly
we got some pissy fucking people tonight
for what reason are people so booty bothered
>his role in Undertale amounts to very little despite the spookiness
That's because all the Gaster stuff in UT is a reference to DR.
That's why i'm shocked there are people who think he wont be important.
Both games have been setting him up, it would all be a huge waste of time if it went nowhere.
That FUCKER won't give me new chapters and I'm mad as hell about ot!
no chapters??????
Berdfag hates minorities
(I'm the minority)
Deltarune is a game about immigrants, racism, and nazis...
>all the Gaster stuff in UT is a reference to DR.
Not all of it I think, maybe only a small fraction. The Suzy stuff is linked to DR obviously but the CORE doesn't seem relevant and while the DT Extractor might be it's a bit of a stretch. The goners showing up is something but 3 out of 4 already had counterparts in UT.
I guess the "shrouded in darkness" shit meant that he already had DR on his mind when he created the 2015 Gaster content but it's underwhelming.
>Both games have been setting him up, it would all be a huge waste of time if it went nowhere.
It feels like it's putting more effort into being spoopy than into setting up something substantial. I can see it continuing to do just that and nothing more.
Gaster's role in UT was creepypasta/dataminer bait first and DR setup second, I'm pretty certain about that.
*but nobody came
I came.
AND Asriel.
Deltarune is about "The Chungus"
AND Gandalf the Grey AND Gandalf the White AND
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Kris raped me 2 years ago
We know Asriel
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where is the new bread?
not at bump limit yet hummydummy
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toby toby toby boy
toby toby toby boy
toby toby toby
toby toby toby
toby toby boy
Toby on my muthafuckin' mind
Copped five quirky collabs at the same
*pulls out boombox*
toby? more like fobby, am I right?
Kill yourself posthaste.
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Last post.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
Actually I'm right.
hang all mods from trees
what did you do

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