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Previous Thread: >>>>494784360

Yata: Yuuka, listen to yourself. You're indoctrinated.

>Download Links:
(Available on Android, iOS, and PC)

>Current Events & Banners:
Event: Cradle Parade [08/21 - 09/27]
Limited 100% Rate-up Omniframe Banner: S Lamia (Lost Lullaby) [08/21 - 09/19]
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT-Vvo5ACeA

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This person isn't a raven nor one of the punished
>He doesn't know
I want to slam deep into Lithos' boipussy
Not gonna pass the filtering, hermano.
Liv, kill the poster above me
Liv doesn't kill for fun!
Do some ultimate pain cage bosses have drastically different amounts of hp or am I insane?
Ult pain cage bosses are tanky as fuck the newer they are to account for how strong modern player characters are getting. Take a look at the outlier bosses and some of them shred like paper in comparison
Newer bosses have more hp to compensate for the powercreep yes
Bosses also have some kind of "generation". So some of them, like Machiavelli, for example, are very squishy by today's standards, while others like Trailblazer and Lilith are very tanky.
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say something about this doggy that i just got
What if I insert PV into my veins in minimal dosage
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The cutest construct of all time, its No.21!
awful start of the bread
nobody lovs liv anymore
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don't cry, liv... i will always lov you...
It's over, livbros...
nice headcanon
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What would Cervantes and Empress' arguments even be like?
Empress: The last business at Constellia didn't bring us enough money.
Cervantes: You don't care about arts, you just want to make money!
Empress: I'm a businesswoman, Cervantes. Your art doesn't mean anything if it can't profit. The Sage said it herself, she needs money to build our spaceship and for her collection. We need money to run this Church, you need to contribute more money, Cervantes.
Cervantes: Would your Kowloong job with Schultz even bring us any money?
Empress: What's with all these doubts? Schultz has some business there, Hanying and I will make sure we get those Kowloong money.
Cervantes: With an army of machines?
Empress: I have a plan! Just one last score, and we will be out in space mining minerals! Have some sagedamn faith, Cervantes.
liv lost
liv loathe
her name is liv lov
not liv haet
not liv loathe
not liv lost
not liv lewd
not liv lic
only liv lov
what about liv left, liv lol and liv lift?
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For me is Liv buff
anyone who is not 'Liv Lov' is considered a separate member of the Lov family.
liv loaf!
loliv lust
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is there a lov family tree
Liv left
No. 21 left
Vanessa stayed
1. Cradle Parade
2. Survival Lucem
3. Cinder Burns
4. The Last Spark
5. Kowloon Metropolis
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tfw still stuck on floating reverie
The best chapter in the game is Last Spark
The worst chapter in the game is Survival Lucem followed by Cinder Burns
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Why is she so evil?
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when did Cradle Noan lose his eye and why was he surprised we don't know about it? I don't even remember it as the reader
Cradle Parade was amazing. They were pretty graphic with what was happening to the Commandant and his fear. Makes him feel more human and likeable compared to the previous chapters.
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1. Livpain
2. Noanpain
3. Garypain, but didn't finish it yet
4. Fistbump
5. Fishbully
Haven't read Cradle Parade yet but Surviving Lucem is the best for me
21 is a dumb dog.
(You) are a dumb dog! 21 is the smartest being!
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this is my current stash. I guess I should be able to get enough BC for Watanabe and Qu easily enoug, shouldn't I?
Gestalt, loop Out of My hands for the next 17 hours
BRS CHADS - Looks like she's got a few options for builds. What are you guys picking?
>70% banner
Why bro why? We will get a free S rank selector in Luna patch that goes up to Ayla if you want Karenina.
If you spend those BC for the last 30 pulls on that banner you won't be able to get both Watanabe and Qu. Unless you buy monthly pass A.
I think he just wanted to show those BC anon...
yep. I did got some gacha fever and I ended up ""building pity"" (read gambling uncontrollabily).
>Unless you buy monthly pass A.
I do buy the monthly pass.

by the way, is the sick Watanabe's new coating on CN for the frame that comes out next month? that coating is cool as fuck.
the cowboy coating is for epitaph indeed
It's 12.5k per character so you have almost enough for Uncle already, and with BRS + what you're going to get on Uncle's patch you should be able to get the rest for Qu. Even if it's not enough for day1 you will get enough before her banner ends. Just don't waste any BC on anything, including sig weapon and CUB
>I did got some gacha fever and I ended up ""building pity"
Wouldn't be so bad if you rolled on the right banner, but that pity is going to carry over the 70% banners so that's 30 pulls down the drain.
>is the sick Watanabe's new coating on CN for the frame that comes out next month?
Correct, it's for Epitaph
That they didn't make a BRS team was kind of a miss but better to focus on making OC I guess.
Yeah, the S rank Teddy that they will add in 2 years will be fire.
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am I the only that doesn't mind how oververbose Surviving Lucem and Cinder Burns are? they do drag out and they usually have suffering for the sake of it tacked on like that kid who jumped off a building (granted that they had death flags all around him) but I don't really mind it so long as the finale has some payoff, which they do in both cases. Gary and Lucia saving Liv, Noan saving Gary, the part where he finds out the fate of his friend etc. all ultimately hit so hard because of what we knew of them. or maybe I've gotten too used to Chink gachas like Arknights having an entire paragraph that could be dumbed down to one sentence. curious as to what other anons have to say though doko
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Livlov remains eternal and it continues to be this way until Vera's new chapter, assuming that Nanacutie's new chapter is a stinker I just don't like the new boss to be honest, could've been something else but maybe I could be proven wrong
>but that pity is going to carry over the 70% banners so that's 30 pulls down the drain.
what the fuck? I thuoght... it would carry on every banner...
>no BRS
it's like you HATE this game!
Can't wait for everyone to read the maintenance machine scene in Qu's chapter.
We're one week away from BRS. A great BRS bread is also prepared, we're going to milk BRS for breads. Just you wait.
Even Nanami will have to get in line behind BRS. I wanted to bake a Cthylla bread because she deserves one, noooo.
pretty sure over half of the playerbase has either surviving lucem or cinder burns as their favorite chapter
It's 15k though.
>b-but l-lucklet s-skill issue
No, it's normal to get a character early. Only weapons and cubs.
Bold of you to assume that anyone in this general actually reads the story.
We're going to fucking die on BRS patch. We barely survived Lamia, and that was a patch almost as hyped as CW.
I thought everyone here read Cradle Parade already?
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yeah but I don't really often see the criticism for those chapters. could just be me or how small the community is but whilst I see the praise, I haven't encountered that many people that think Stanley's death felt retarded as it was just there for the sake of it.
My favorite chapter is Echo Aria because I liek Hans.
Everyone will be busy jacking off to BRS because holy fuck that battle intro animation
>I haven't encountered that many people that think Stanley's death felt retarded as it was just there for the sake of it.
I've seen a couple anons criticizing just that
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i didn't know this was a shiptranny game, not giving it a chance.
>one week
oh. I am ready
Did anyone else have trouble with the babel von fights?
Haven't read Surviving Luciem yet, but Cinder Burns is one of the best fleshed out chapters for me. It's quite long so I can understand people's disdain for it if you don't get into it, but I think it was a necessary evil to showcase the escalation Akdilek went through
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we're FGO now, I guess?
As much as I love Nanami, Cradle Parade was just the best chapter so far imo.
Last Bow > kowloong metropolis + fake ascension > spiral of chronos > New Divide (Karenkino). Survival Lucem is technically kino as well but the suffering porn was drawn out way too much to the point I was happy to be done with the chapter by the end of it
Those are parallel stories, like if you having dancer entertaining you in a corner at Hanying's establishment (story nodes line 1), while I'm having premium sex with another dancer in another corner (story nodes line 2), while Uncle and Chaos watching another dancer in another corner when he's supposed to bring Chaos to the park and babysit her while she's playing (story nodes line 3).
Or you could read them by numbers.
I was mainly talking about the sheer number of nodes with words only that has started appearing since last chapter. FGO trained me to read a lot, so it's not an issue for me. I'm curious to know what other anons thought about the change back then.
Please post Alisa webm. I want more Alisa. I need more Alisa.
But that clearly says we're gbf?
I've definitely felt overwhlemed by how long the chapters could get sometimes. When I was new to the game I had to take a couple long breaks from reading just because it was too much but eventually got around to catching up cause the new chapters would just keep piling up the longer I held off on it.

Now i'm left contemplating if I should try reading transcripts or summaries of the CN chapters now that i've caught up with the Global side.
Bwo, your spoilers... No... You should have read Noan's chapter after Liv's...
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Would you let the real Selena capture you?
>Cerberus Selena
How would she handle them if she joined Cerberus?
I hope Vera would give her the Tifa treatment before she can do that. And then make her into a Memory set for her new frame. I disliek Sleener.
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Vera lost to Selena fair and square in Edenfest. I would have said the sooner you accept that, the better, but it's been a year already. Let it go. Selena won.
How much weaker is BRS compared to Lee?
Sleener tricked every Gary there is by being the childhood friend! It doesn't count!
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The stuff with Noan and his clones happened in his Anima storyline. Clone Gary doesn't have a recollection of what happened because that was a memory the real one got after already escaping Lithos' lab.
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No reason to use her if you have hyperreal built unless you like her.
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Dead game
EoS soon
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>Cinder Burns
I read that shit on youtube because I don't like the official translation
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>After months of drought I got not one, but two students graduate this week
>The third one was someone at 30ish level who sent me an invite and was the only time I accepted it in time before someone else sniped him
>He's been clearing all 6 weeklies by Tuesday the entire month and on his way to graduate soon if he keeps at it a bit more
I can feel it, the EoS is upon us.
i like longer chapters, they let you get immersed in the story properly
>dick moves
>dick don't move
Reason enough
Hes going to stop right before graduation
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evens SSS+ BRS
odds save to SSS lucia pyroath
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This is the end for you ningens. I activated my crimson insight and uncovered the mark of lust.
Now I shall become one with the tides and drown humanity in my semen.
I now HATE 21 because her pic is attached to this post
I actually got a student at the start of that patch, he was super active, one of the few ones who actually talked in mentor chat, was asking a bunch of questions, talking about how he liked the game. Came from ww to check out pgr apparently. Almost bricked himself on arrival banner, but I managed to stop him in time. Graduated recently, so some of them do survive the filtering somehow. Still about 20% chance of students surviving past ~lvl60.
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Haven't caught up to Cradle Parade yet. The Last Spark is clearly the best out of the remaining 4, very nice relatively self-contained story featuring the most developed character in PGR (and Lamia). Then goes Surviving Lucem, as much as I hate the first two-thirds of it, it gets to be alright around the time you're fighting in a church. Kowloon was fucking awful and the only reason it's not last in my mind is because Cinder Burns is like the most hated parts of SL only focusing on a nigga I can't be fucked to care about.
I've written so many posts detailing how shitty survival lucem is, why it's shitty and how to fix it but tl;dr 90% of the first part is pointless filler that exhausts you from remotely giving a fuck and for whatever reason the final stand in the church isn't designed as an infinite scaling horde mode where you're *supposed* to lose so even the game part was a missed opportunity
so i skipped lamia to save for
>17.5k bianca skin
>future 10k vera skin
>qu + weapon 22.5k
>watanabe 15k

total 65k bc ... i currently have 15k bc is it doable? or do I need to swipe at some point? I get monthly A and 3rd line bp
Man thats cute, Nanami lov
you should be able to get the latter two, not sure about the skins because i dont know when theyre coming
Too high
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I wonder if Nanami's next chapter is going to introduce any more Church members. We still don't have a portrait for Typhoon Dicer/Hierophant
>Currently 15k
No. To give you a rough number idea, every patch we get about 8k cards from weeklies/dailies/events and stuff. It's a bit more, but let's be conservative. Then it's a little more than three months worth of monthly A, round it up to 10k. Finally, bottom BP is 2500 each
>about 58k, and the you'll be completely dry
Ditch Bianca's skin and you should be fine, but Qu's patch will leave you dry for the coming patches.
Replace Zero with a music player. She was reduced to a literal music player.
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>maybe I've gotten too used to Chink gachas like Arknights having an entire paragraph that could be dumbed down to one sentence.
The thing is, verbosity needs to have a point. AK uses that many words because it needs to carry across several themes, support its plot threads and develop its characters (some of which have a manner of speech bloats up the wordcount even more). The problem with Surviving Lucem and most of the PGR in general is that it's plagued by empty text, when the writers don't give us any new information at all, choosing to restate the same thing over and over again. The first part of SL is plagued by mountains of words that can be chalked up to "survivors have it bad mmkay", which has been the status quo for the overwhelming majority of the game up to that point, excluding one small spot in Chrome's chapter. There's no necessary contrast for this to go on as long as it did and achieve any kind of emotional response. Then there's the second part that talks a shitload about movement between the cities, except PGR's setting is not grounded in our geographical reality, so words like "City 033 is west of City 059" and descriptions of the twins' movements are just white noise. The most damning thing about it is that SL did not develop Liv's character even a little, all this text was utterly unnecessary when she just did what she would have done, going by the evidence in her previous appearances.
lol when the heck did that happen?
I didn't say they'll graduate, a lot also quit at 70 or even 80 just before graduating.
the amount of hateboners toward Surviving Lucem is concerning
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i have a lovboner for livlov!
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Because it was really really bad when it could have been absurdly kino with even minor editing
not at all, it's like 1000 people compared to a few millions, some of them just happen to use 4chan
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Who wouldn't want to be arrested by the cop Alisa?
>a few millions
I have my doubts that many people read through Surviving Lucem even in CN
Yeah, I gotta agree with the locations thing. Having setpieces like "city 045" or "conservation area 32" just sound meaningless because there's nothing that makes those locations stand apart from eachother. We don't even really know where half the named locations in this world actually are. Like, there are some obvious ones like Kowloong is pretty clearly meant to be in China, and the Arctic Route Union is... the Arctic region. But then there's important locations like the Hetero Tower, Constellia, wherever the hell the Forsaken are holed up, etc. What's the distance of all these places? Are they all in the same country? Would the tracks on Akidelik's train have to cross through the ocean to get to these places? PGR's setting spans the entirety of planet Earth and even a little bit of space yet it ends up feeling kinda small.
I'm thinking 4 Hannah 2 Elizabeth(I don't know any other builds)
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>no discounted memory
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sakura livlov!
Isn't it too soon for Bianca's coating to rerun?
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Solon's wife, please understand.
When are we getting next selector and 100% rate up bros?
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I hate Clash Reflection
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>Interludes scrapped
>There haven't been any new Arcade Anima modes
at least throw Verafags a bone and give her something, or have constructs from other squads be involved in a chapter from another Babylonia squad or faction altogether. it doesn't even have to be anything big but something like our hermano alongside during Karen made it pretty entertaining speaking of, what happened to storylines being split and eventually converging? did they do away with that method of storytelling entirely?
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when is the next Alpha banner
she's in the 70% banner rn bro
I'm talking about the second Alpha suit
I know
I'm downloading the game RIGHT NOW
Bricked before log in, incredible
>Crimson Weave isn't in
Why would you lie to me like this
>next selector
Up to Ayla in Luna's patch.
>100% rate up
On Wanshi patch probably.
I lov gaze of wind (acoustic)
i lov liv (any)
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Some new files in the preload (incomplete until maintenance download)
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except livhaet right
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love livhaet, made for correction
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Last interesting one
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Wait a minute, updated NPC (new file)
waow based
Changloli is real?!?
This is Rosa forma adulta right?
The cracked skin on the side of her face is interesting
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Oh shit Hag Rebecca?
>different colour eyes and no mole
Nevermind I got her + Nightblaze, it's game time
I wish Kuro would remove time stop and buff character kits to make up for it.
Yeah I noticed as I was hitting post. Wouldn't make much sense that she would be stranded on Earth either way. Maybe someone from Norman? Or just an entirely new character I guess
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Everybody stay put. This Changloli girl has face sprites!
Awakened Machine?
New Nanami has a lot of faces:
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It's funny whenever they make a new variant of the generic construct soldier because they always mog the OG grunt design with his limp noodle arms.
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>small pec window that all those HSR males have for some reason
Kuro is gay now??
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wow that is pretty close, I'll swipe a bit more these coming months. Thanks anon
This BITCH killed her own uncle!
Shut the fuck up Lithos
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That's the future Nanami that became a space ship
Foursome with mechananmi, the new nanami and hag nanami!
Fivesome with Livs... Soon...
You're thinking so small, all the Nanami frames we have, not to mention all the extra bodies she got while "growing" up with her family. You could probably have a 10some
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Maybe these two are related to Tatyana
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I think I saw dicks and scrolled up lmao
What a bunch of porche monkeys.
Could she be that one idol loli android that Trailblazer was traveling with in his gamemode before he joined the church? The one that he accidentally chopped her head off but she was fine after.
My greeting construct is always the last placed construct (not chief assistant) and they always say the same greeting even though they have multiple lines that greet the commandant. Is there a fix for this? PC client if that matters and the bond levels are 8, 5, 7.
Theres no e in porch, unless its the plural porches.
My greeting construct is 90% of the time Rosetta (not chief assistant), I added the fish at the beginning of her patch and she greeted me a whopping 1 time so far. I don't remember if the other greetings have animations, I know the other interactions that has multiple lines only play the one with an animation 21 won't let me touch her ears ;_; so it may be a similar case.
Maybe he meant like the car.
>Solitary dream rerun
It's so fucking over, I had no idea. They aren't going to rerun it are they? Damn.
>Cucking Wuwa already.
Nice, praise Solon.
It's getting rerun in the new CN patch alongside Nanami and Watanabe's coatings.
Sorry to ask a stupid question but I was looking here: https://grayravens.com/wiki/Bridget:_Ardeo and it says She is free, as a new player what resource do I have to save to get Her?
Maybe, but that's spelled Porsche and porch monkey is common slang for niggers.
She'll be free by "shards" purchasable from the event shop, all you'll need to do to get those is spend your stamina on the event farming stage. Its extremely easy and not costly at all since thats what you'll be doing with your stamina when you aren't doing story anyway.
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Blue tickets, which you will get tons of as a new player. Also extra ones every now and then from login bonus, guild fortune telling daily, weekly Operation Guardians from the missions tab. Bridget being an A-rank means you only need to do a 10-pull to get her. Each additional copy will give you 18 shards, with 30 you can bring her to S, then 60 to SS and so on. If/when you run out of blue tickets she will have a dedicated stage you can farm 2 shards each day so you can eventually bring her up to SSS+ for free.
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Haicma without the Bloodborne Doll hat (what that type of hat is called?)
Why are the Doll still alive if you killed the Moon Presence? I thought the Moon Presence brought the Doll to life in the Hunter's Dream? Is she the Moon Presence or not?
Cute grown up Rosa. Get in the nursing home, Asimov, the future is now. Rosa should replace Asimov from now on.
This Nanami looks too different.
Let me get this straight. There are 2 Nanamis? Wait, what if the Power boss is this Nanami's Power and both Nanamis are fighting each other? What if they have different ideals? What if this Nanami kidnapped Gary for her own ends and Nanami want to get him back?
I hope this Machine Changli is a member of the Church.
Those are either updated NPCs or genetic constructs 30 years later, with upgrades. Since they are new files and didn't replace anything.
What's with the fancy clothes and emblem on those two? They are either Daddy Copperfield & Mommy Copperfield, or Tatiana's parents like >>495950968 said.
I will get the CGs when maintenance start and we can download the complete update. No new CGs in the predownload. Music is incomplete.
Then I will remake Nanami's video model with new voice lines added.
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>generic constructs
>What's with the fancy clothes and emblem on those two?
I don't know but I hope they're from a flashback because having humanity on the brink of extinction and barely surviving in the fucking Arctic would clash with their design way too much
should I buy Sophia's cloathing?
she's cute. she's funny. I can use her for a little while
cons. it costs a bit
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Which one? I prefer the Horizon one to the uniform.
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this one.
If you really like it, why not? I picked the Horizon because it has cooler colors, stockings, a thigh tattoo and cool mechanical arms. The best one is still the dancer one, but I missed it, like the festival coatings for Kamui and Bianca and the swimsuit for 21. I'm sorry, Aurora...
I really like that one. it's simple but shorts and a t-shirt look cute on Sophia.
Buy it anon, (you) are the only chance for more Sophia content.
Kuro should give us more content for our cunny constuct
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>more content for our cunny construct
For every single one, we should have a story chapter where its just Gary (Literally me) and all the cunny constructs.
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Sup bros, some faggot in /wuwa/ said you guys hate /wuwa/ and you hate the sister game being mentioned here. Any opinion? Also Lucia best girl.
grrr i am now unfathomably angry grrrrrrrr
we talk about WW every now and then, why would we hate our imouto?
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I just explained it there if you are curious, some anons were indeed being very defensive but it was just everyone being nervous because we didn't know how Kuro would handle wuwa.
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Thanks bros, I don't usually check other generals outside wuwa, but this one is comfy slow, so might jump in again later when I start getting through PGR story. Love ya~
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Day 1 PGR player here, I was skeptical before release because same as the anon above, I didn't know wtf Kuro was going to do with WW. But now I lov Jianxin, lov Camellya, lov Shorekeeper. Changli is best girl and canon wife.
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Keep it up bwo. Remember to lick No.21.
Monkwife enjoyers can't be bad people.
Personally, I want an Ayla expy. No, Taoqi isn't one, I want one with even bigger breasts.
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yep it's pgr time
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Your No.21? Bwo?
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>posts white hair girl
>no white hair girls on the list
Lay down for a bit, we're recalibrating your M.I.N.D.
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why did they give nanami boobs...
Theyre nice at least, shapely, not too big. Bet theyre very perky too.
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wow she sucks
yeah, my cock
Apparently one i posted is also a part of the full ost
I'm sorry brother, the anon I replied to only said Alpha and didn't specify so I was joking about how Crimson Abyss is in the 70% banner right now even though I know he was asking about Crimson Weave
What do I buy
I already have Diesel 1-4 and Cottie 5-6
Punishing: Dark Aries when
I want playable Palma
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AHEM Newfag speaking. Everyone suggests pulling Crimson Weave for the S rank selector
>try her out in Celica's class ... nah that ain't it
>try Hyperreal ... oh I like this
>try Stigmata ... oh this isn't too bad either
I guess I'll go Stigmata because Hyperreal is going to get replaced?
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Stigmata will be given for free in the new fire Lucia patch that replaces Lee if you are willing to wait.
>>try her out in Celica's class ... nah that ain't it
what didn't you like about her gameplay though
and yes, Stigmata's meta relevancy will be longer than Hyperreal
>AHEM Newfag speaking!
we know bwo
Try liblob bwo
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I should also mention that she will get a leap, and even if you roll for her you should be able to get SS3 for free, however Crimson Weave will also get a leap, so if you don't get her your lightning will suffer, if you really don't like Crimson Weave though try out S rank 21, she will need weapon with deadline timing due to her orb hunger and she will still be way weaker than Alpha but at least she is a good cope option, if you don't have either of those 2 your lightning team will be seriously bricked.
liv will never be blob
Dangerously baser pgrbro. I'm more of a Jinhsifag myself, but Changli is a great character. Now if only I could get Jianxin finally...
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I really like that image
what the fuck
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We LOVE WW and HATE Nami /here/
That's not a livblob, that's livbread.
liv dango actually
I dont know how to explain it other than it didn't feel "right". However, when she sheaths her odachi the second time the audio for it is orgasmic. The other shitty explanation is that Hyperreal and Stigmata felt "right". I suppose they felt more comfortable even though Crimson Weave has better sound effects.

For the time being I don't mind suffering. Maybe later when I'm deeper into the game I'll change my mind about it. Well besides 21 and Alpha, let's say percentage wise in some ranking they're 100%. I don't mind if I score maybe 60% as long as I enjoy the character. That being said haven't tried out any other lightning characters as of yet.
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>HATE Nami
we hating on unnanounced games now?
You can also just keep it until you decide, you only get the S rank standard banner pick once after all, so its better to be sure when you decide to not regret it, the new S ranks will also be added to the pick after their banner is over too.
Playable Rohacchi fucking when?
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You are based! Cute nanami!
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>I'll just roll now not like I ever get shit outside 60/60
>another nanami in 20 rolls
I guess this makes up for my dogshit luck in other games... I shouldn't have cheated on pgr bros...
Maintenance is over? I'm busy exporting assets.
Now try the Fate banner! You'll get 10 Nanamis! 100%! The Sage guides you!
About an hour and a half ago yeah, I'm waiting for bilibili to spoonfeed the memory layout for her whilescavenging for rolls in >aether gazer because it also had its update today and I hadn't played in a while
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oh no no no bambibros
His face looks strange maybe its just the perspective though, why no eyepatch Kuro?
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Some of the launch constructs look a bit different now compared to how they started so with Watanabe Epitaph even after removing all the scars and eyepatch, he still won't look quite the same as Nightblade/Astral.
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>Luna's group are all gone in the future too
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New Lucia looks so fucked up.
>Ploom is supposed to be CW's equivalent
Sure is funny.
It seems like Cradle was holding back Red Tide to wait until humanity become advanced enough. Then she will open the dam and flood humanity with Red Tide when they're ripe, and harvest the entire civilization.
However, with Cradle's death, and Chaos having to stay inside the Tower, no one is controlling the Red Tide. The floodgate has unleashed, drowning the majority of Earth in Red Tide.
Gary become depressed like Shinji during the first half of Evangelion 3.0 +1.0.

>Vonnegut: I told you, anons. Merging with Chaos and stabilize her immature consciousness was the best plan. Did anyone listened? No.
Lmao Vanessa pulled an Asuka
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how the hell do you people see new chapter translations so early? twitter?
t. brazilian
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Gary Raven
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Is that Spooner vs Trailblazer?
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Oh yeah this patch is gonna be kino again, I can tell just from the cgs.
cloaked protag kino
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Oh shit, my wife on the left
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My Sage... When does this shit happen, exactly? They look WORSE. Ayla and Nanami are the only ones who look kind of better.
What the hell is wrong with Lotus's head? Why does Alpha have sparkly eyes and human skin tone? When did Wata get half his face and barcode fucked up? What's wrong with Livlov and Karen?! Why would they give Blast Scire's wrong looking face? The old face on the picture also doesn't do justice to the in-game model, she looks far better there. Why, Kuro? Whyyyyy?
>everything will be fixed via Ishmael asspull
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It's just an edit bwo
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Our timeline janny gf, she does it for free.
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Nanami emotes
ever just unintentionally sss someone?
like you randomly get lucky and get a third dupe on a random ten roll and now you're on track for the 4th to finish it off
Thank goodness...
New Gray Raven squad
Commander: Chief
Captain: Vanessa
Captain: Emma Copperfield
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I can't take it anymore
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I got Plume on the standard banner 3 times in a row. So I got her SSS for free. Truly the best girl and the true canon wife.
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Aiiiiiiiiiiiie I'm sorry Lamia I won't leave you alone again please forgive me...
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No bully fish
One source says this is a Nanami from another timeline. Where she gave up being a commander (coexistence with humanity) and became the leader of the machines.
One source says this is Gestalt humanoid form
What the fuck is going on?
>Gestalt looks like Nanami but glowing blue instead of yellow
I don't believe it.
It's nanami
Now what? Everyone is dead.
luna animation from jp server
Nanami brought Gary through multiple timelines.
And that Nanami is indeed from another timeline who sent Gary the key. Cervantes stayed and gave the key to Gary on Earth.
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Vanessa, my love.......
Any civilization marked by the Watchers cannot escape the contamination. They will be pursued relentlessly until Agent 0 brings the civilization back to the "Gate."
Goddamn there is no escape the harvest once your civilization is targeted.
is it timelines like parallel worlds or is the nanami who had the key a nanami from one of the timelines that got changed by Dominik's time travel shenanigans?
That Nanami is from the future a timeline where Agent 0 is still Cradle (Cradle won?)
Future Nanami: "I'll help you, but there's a test. If you pass the test, I'll help you. If you fail, you'll both have to stay in the Delorean. Oh, and humans can't stay here, so of course you'll have to become a structure."
Future Nanami is scary, and this test will be the boss battle.
wtf is Delorean?
so its a case of the past being changed permanently, but the future having multiple possibilites that can exist independently? as giving the key might cause that future not to happen, so unless Gary fails (he might not get the best ending, but i doubt he'd straight up fail) that future should stop existing
t. my brain reduces its size exponentially upon observing stories with time travel
delorean is the car from back to the future
My brain is also turning into mush, anon.
So this "space" is the space behind the "Gate" from the tower that Von once mentioned.
And (alternative universe) Nanami is now become someone who's guarding the "Gate"

What the fuck Gatekeeper
WTF I want to fuck Vanesa now?
so nanami FROM a possibility in the future started to work as a gatekeeper for observers, and to what it seems like test anyone who comes into the game, even though you can count on one hand how many people could actually get there on the first place.
Nanami, gatekeeper and aliens in general, what the absolute fuck man?
remember what she had done to your livlov...
>wtf is Delorean?
I understand that it is a reference to an 80s movie but I thought it would still be a recognizable pop culture reference
It's been years since I watched the Back to the Future trilogy
Attempt to comprehend the order of events by this guy:
Met up with Qu and Huaxu on the Northern Sea Route

Use Huaxu to activate the simulator device left behind by Nanami

Use the device to link to Nanami

With the help of Nanami, who was in space, things go awry.

Enlist the cooperation of Nanami from the future

Send us information that will help you destroy the tower

Analyzing the information you sent

In fact, he has only met Nanami in space in a simulation. If Nanami were to return to Earth now, she would be unable to do so because there would be a resource war between the machines and humans.

I thought Nanami would sort it out with her magical powers, but there was zero sense of going back to the past, so I'm a bit surprised.

Chief: "Let's analyze the tower's core and somehow destroy it. I'll leave the rest to the people of the future. This is the end of my story."

This is how it feels right now. Are you trying to end the story of this timeline? Is challenging the higher beings a story of another timeline?
holy shit, chief is gonna murder the aliens then leave the rest to whoever survives
also the whole "future nanami (from a possible future timeline, from the future that was nuked due to time traveling, or whatever else) having JUST the right thing to destroy the tower" kinda feels lame to me, i know sending info into the past is a theme, but this is a bit too much for me, feels far too convenient
The boss is a test from Future Nanami, the "price" they have to pay for the humanity and construct can live together on earth.
Again, the real "price" might be where Nanami can't back to earth yet. Even Nanami herself doesn't know what's the real "price"
Future Nanami living alone behind the "Gate" after the "test". Even if she's "living" with Haicma there. The "Haicma" is just an AI projection, not the real Haicma.
And all the Church of Machina also gone.
But on earth, finally the human can continue its civilization.

Solon what the fuck
>get back for brs
>they're all guilt tripping me
Like others already said it's a back to the future reference but it's also the name of Nanami's spaceship
>t. brazilian
I thought I heard Elon bitched out already and Brazil twitter was back
Yeah it mostly comes from twitter with people sharing as they read.
nta but its not back yet, they will make a decision about it next week.
>Oh forgot to add. At the end, Nanami found wormhole that could connects earth to another earth (another earth bc different timeline).
>Also some ppl asking if Lee and Liv is dead, they're not. We don't know their whereabout for now. The memorial stone, skk just carve on it, Lucia/GR logo (it's an option we can choose), just to symbolizes that "There's no more Gray Raven".
>"There's no more Gray Raven"
It's over... we eos now.
Gray Raven status: PUNISHED
Some gacha games do that.
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What about our daughterwife, is she still in the tower waiting?
>20 to get nanami
>another 20 to get her weapon
it's just that easy
>twitter randomly decides to show some post featuring this CG
>it mentions how it is breaking the fourth wall
>decide to come to pgrg to laugh about it
>read some of the spoilers

>If you fail, you'll both have to stay in the Delorean. Oh, and humans can't stay here, so of course you'll have to become a structure
Structure means Construct right? Oh Gary's fucked then.
We have no idea. Nanami didn't solve all problems in one chapter, she paid the price. There are things that needs more chapters.
Nanami's chapter is up on the Bilibili wiki:
Agent 0 Chaos left the Tower to tell Nanami that Gary will escape the Tower someday. She doesn't know when the exact date. Our daughter is just too good.
Next patch I think would be A rank Emma, for fucking Vanessa if Solon feel like trolling. Because Lilith as an Ascendant can't be an A rank, S rank would fuck everyone like Uncle & Qu and that was with Noctis & Alisa, Uniframe are long death, too soon for another free S rank.
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>was clearing out old images and videos from the gallery
>found my old pain cage run

If you're curious how hard the first gen pain cage was, imagine this:
The first meta team back then:
>Nanami Storm
>Kamui Bastion

>start with Kamui using the Christmas tree weapon
>pray he has any 3 blue or yellow orbs
>use the 3 orbs
>immediately switch to Nanami
>pray she has 3 + 2 blue orbs
>spam all of those blue orbs
>immediately switch to Alpha
>pray she has 3 blue and 3 red orbs
>enter sword wave mode
>pray CritGOD blessed your run
If you messed up even one step or any of the orbs or crit RNG didn't go as well, restart your run lmao
Can you comprehend just how hard and painful the old pain cage was? You newfags are fucking spoiled with all of these latest characters and features. Pain cage is barely even a challenge anymore pathetic
I'm still traumatized by fucking PPC Riot at launch
Structures is the CN/JP to EN literal translation for constructs.
I'll forever be grateful they took Musashi off the Ult paincage roster, fuck that teleporting bastard.
I have absolutely no faith in the future of wuwa's story.
>Bridget and the Support Force were able to rescue Forsaken refugees but Watanabe got eaten by the red tide in the process
Does the punishing give people cowboy hats now?
>pray he has any 3 blue or yellow orbs
Thrilling gameplay of the 1st gen
Some coating series are different timelines for example, Hunter Lee, a hunter must hunt (Beast 21 boss fight in that timeline?). Or Cop Alisa from the Opening Zero series, the characters on her wanted list are all from Operation Zero, like Agent Lov, or Cat Maid Karen, they're spies. Cop Alisa is looking for them.
Time travel was a mistake
The joys of living in the timeline where MCU got as big as it is. Funnily enough even the newest MK addon suffers the same problems.
Timetravel slop has been (ab)used way long before Mahvel. And it just feel shit as ever to me, but there's definitely an audience out there enjoying it if they keep pushing for it.
I have a feeling everyone who were mentioned to be missing or never return has been harvested. Cradle wanted to harvest Vonnegut.
Yet you still get lower scores than those "newfags" and stuck in 10%. Sad, isn't it?
I don't think the guy really cares about a dead feature in a zombie game but you do you, broskie.
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Time travel is retardkino
Firstly, don't talk about yourself in third person. Secondly, if you didn't care you wouldn't post
>haha newshitters don't know how hard it was for us SKILLED OLDFAGS
Not even the same guy because I came back around the time Yostar shat the bed with Aether Gazer. So I can't possibly have screenshots of something I've never experienced.
Sure, samefag bwo. Why are you in a thread of that "zombie game" though? Why not play an alive game like genshin instead? Surely there's a use for your sick gaming skills there.
Because I wanted to play an action game and not whatever Genshin is? But I will waste a little bit of time with BRS because she and Alisa were the main reason why I decided to come back and then will delete the game again.
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>fuck it's reset time
>waste all cash rerolling fish resos
>forgot that I could harmonize boobanca and crimson edge
>it's already up
What the fuck, are they mining it now?
No it's just the first node at the moment.
How did the guys at Huaxu updated global stories so fast compared to Bilibili?
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This is my favourite Vera model because she looks perflat
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The Huaxu site connects directly to the global servers I think. That's why it can also look up player data and other stuff like that.
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>get flashbang liv
>start saving up for double p2w banner after BRS
>get the urge to roll for liv's sig
>reach pity
>get luna's shitty weapon
fuck that sucks
>get an urge to do more pulls
>not a single 6* weap
see you in /wuwa/ bwos
I was willing to play while behind everyone else but not getting 1 of 2 extremely meta units is just too much for me
fuck you solon for not giving us a breather between those 2
>know the fist fuck is coming
>willingly waste your pulls
You retard
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This is why you don't act impulse anons
You had 2 (two, zwei) free patches to save before fish. You only have yourself to blame. This game is not for retarded genshin gamblers like you.
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Just got back after 3 months away
looks like I missed mermaid sad face
what should I save for need to not impulse roll and brick myself more
save for watanabe and qu
BRS soon, shes not meta but shes cool and cute if you're into that. If you don't care save for Fire Watanabe who is followed by Ice Qu both very meta, both strong.
My fire and ice teams are shit so that’s good
If you're been away 3 months then you probably didn't use your standard banner targeted S-rank, so if you want fish wife you can probably pick her from there in a couple of patches. Should be added either in Uncle or Qu patch.
does 21's 21s still have a slot? I still want that rugged difficulty Lamia sticker(how the fuck do I check out other guilds while still in a guild)
Good to know, I haven’t rolled
I didn't know Liv was canon wife, I thought it'd be Lucia
I think pgrtwit is a loss cause at this point, as they can't read shit and every new chapter they call it garbage when they don't even know the full context.
Haven't looked at the CN spoilers yet. did Nanami fix the timeline?
No, not everything
So some things?
Yea, also the mysterious nigga might be us unironically
Oh shit
Yeah we're ~76/80 with tons of quitters we can still kick, you should leave your guild before maintenance cos there's a cooldown
Bros, who is your assistant? Mine is best Lucia.
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Babylonia's smartest construct of course!
oh no
What a cute drawing of Liv!
Bro...is there something wrong with your Liv? Did she get bitten by a rabid yet sexy dog?
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No.21 overpowered the seggs virus, her power has grown.
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Those three look like they're about to start some shit.
Liv and Lee doko
>They call her Liv Lov
>Yet in the future she Liv Leaves (You) and earth
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That's why Vanessa is the true canon wife. All this time has passed and she's still there for (you).
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Liv will save us again...
I thought she's missing
Liv leav
What are the best places to find PGR fan art? Please don't say twitter.
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If you have a chinese phone number or the means to get one then the answer is Lofter. I've seen pixiv and danbooru recommended but they have so little in comparison to whats really out there. Unfortunately anon, Twitter is the most likely option, just try to stay on top of things since that site is so volatile.
Dead game. Can't even log in.
Well there's this one site called X that has a lot of fanart. ;)
Aside from that there's the Kuro forum page, https://www.kurobbs.com/pns/home/ you can find fanart in the doujin/fanfiction tab. Kinda slow to browse though.
Lofter is also an option but you either have to sell your soul to the chinks or find a workaround to access the site.
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mistook 02:00 UTC as 2 AM ... Now my serum is 160/160 surely ... it's rover for me pgrbros... go .. on... without .. me ...
Brother, I cap my serum constantly, who cares
>Well there's this one site called X
There's that weird bug on that website that causes white characters' skin on arts turn brown or outright black. Not sure what causes that, guess some bugged color scheme.
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I fucked up the Kuro url, just put a 2 at the end and it'll work
Damn, that guy that turns people black and Chinese strikes again! The characters are already Chinese so he's just doubling down on the black!
but fr there's still good artists on there there's a decent amount of crossposting between the art sites so even a few CN artists you'd find on Lofter or whatever are there. The real problem with getting into that site is you end up coming across nonsense twitter drama against your will.
Wait we're having maintenance?
No, we just eosd. Nanami couldn't save us.
I blame nanami and lucia
>eos happened on Selena's birthday
Coincidence!? I think not.
I'm really proud of Kuro for not instantly returning to status quo with Nanami. I never expected them too, I'm still in the camp that Mystery Nigga patch will do that, but the fear was there.
>be luna
>depressed and stuck on this waste zone
>punishing powers to control the tide doesn't even work anymore
>contemplating on what to do next after her gang perished
imagine her face if she saw her gang in heaven (or hell) pull this shit
Poor girl has been defending the last of humanity for 30 years all alone, the Ascension Network cannot predict Nanami nor Gary Ravens existence so she never had anyway of knowing if her work would pay off.
She can't control Red Tide, she is not Agent 0
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waddle waddle waddle~
Booty Rock Shooter
me when I lie
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that's depressing.. I wonder when this arc would be resolve... Even then what will be of the new GR? Liv, Lee and Emma?
>new GR
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I burned out on PGR and wuwa and now I'm updating both again, how much longer do I have to pull for fishe before she's gone?
Anon, I...................
>how much longer do I have to pull for fishe
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I literally scrolled up right after posting and noticed. Maybe I should read the current thread before I say something stupid
Maybe, but PGR players aren't known for reading comprehension
most gacha players are
i'm not even playing for the story, i'm playing because both Alpha frames are awesomesauce
Another 30 minutes bwo
I am DEAD in 30 minutes
RIP in peace, I'll get a copy of BRS in your place
Don't worry for fish anon: if you skipped her patch that means you still have the selector on the blue card banner. Just wait to trigger pity on that and from Watanabe's patch you can pick her there
>8k BC
>wants to SS3 + sig
how's my plan bros
It's up
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His ass wasn't lyin
>10 million cogs have been deposited to your account
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>Didn't post the usual warning on the last day
The coggening...
The status of each faction as of Chapter 32
※ The world about 30 years after the appearance of the Tower of Heterogenous
◆ Grey Raven - Chief survivor.
Lucia dies.
Lee and Leaf are unknown. They probably left Earth with the Sky Gardens.

◆ Strike Hawk Chrome and Bunji survive and escape Earth.
・Kam and Kamui are missing on the ground.

◆ Cerberus Marley dies.
・The other three survive and leave Earth.

◆ Only White Swan Vanessa survives and becomes a construct and is assigned to Scarab.
Bambi dies.

◆ Scarab Commander Valeria dies.
- The status of Yata, Shiva and the other team members is unknown.

◆ Barometz Nohan dies.
The other members' whereabouts are unknown.

◆ Swallow Silka dies.
The status of the other team members is unknown.

◆ No information on engineering units or purge units.

◆ Support unit Brigitte survives.

◆ The Hanging Gardens - Hasen and Nicola are alive. Hasen is in poor health and is recuperating.
Celica survives and takes over as chairman in Hasen's place.
Asimov is probably alive, but is seriously ill.
Rosa survives and remains on the ground as a structure.

◆ Arts Association: No information available.

◆ Only Kowloon and Qu survived.
・The other structures were forcibly uploaded to Manseimei at the discretion of the song.

◆ Leaves with Adire Sky Garden.
- There is no specific depiction of Tokoba or Sophia being alive.

◆ Leaves with Oblivion and the Hanging Gardens.
- Watanabe went missing during the withdrawal operation.

◆ Chance Church - everyone survives.
Nanami decides to travel into space with the robots (to avoid war with the remaining humans on Earth)

◆ Promoted (Team Luna)
Luna is alive and fighting alone on the Arctic Ocean route.
-Roran and Lamia die.
・Alpha is missing.
Heads up the shop packs are character specific, so you can't use them to roll for BRS weapons, if you're going to buy the packs buy them first instead of eating through your BC and then buying.
dud my heart aaaaaaaaaaaaaah :cry_emoji: :cry_emoji: :cry_emoji:
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Choose, I'm not going to use any of them beyond guild challenges.
>mouse cursor moves while moving your character with a controller
what the FUCK
Dont worry NanamiGOD will fix the timeline, Gary will reunite with hia daughter and wives ( liv not included)
nvm it's fixed after restarting
she didn't fix shit and literally just left
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idc about really using her since she's only semi-free, I just want that sexy flatty and I'm glad I can get her for that. Holy fuck ENHANCE
so.. is it better to pull her first or claim brs from shards?
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why are you pretending to be .. oh wait you actually are

otl nanami decided to turn herself into a ship and fucked off to space
atl nanami (the one that people will pull for) is the one fixing shit up

bottom line - it sucks
If it follows the usual A-rank logic, you would get 18 shards per copy so if you use the free shards first to unlock then roll you would lose 12 shards
What the hell are you talking about? Pretending to be what? That emote is made by the emotes artist himself.
OG Nanami is the one trying to fix things.
AU Nanami was the one who turn herself into a ship. Agent 0 in her timeline is still Cradle so she is the alternate timeline one.
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i might have severe brain damage because i can't see where i buy BRS shards
I kneel.... How much did it cost you?
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In the funny chess gamemode
bros, what mems does brs even want? i dont buy this darwin stuff in the shop
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>collab with a forgotten fotm IP
>Still couldn't save this shitty mixed toilet gacha
It's over for pgr
nyoo... i don't wanna play chess...
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I love Teddy so much, what a bitch, get fucked Vanessa.
Ankobwos greatest weakness
Should I read Noan Arcade Anima first or Lamia Story?
>40 rolls for 4 copies
I had ~125k BC once maintenance ended. When I logged in, I bought all 5 of the collab packs and pulled for the rest of her shards. In one of my pulls, I got 3 copies, and I'm sitting at 101k BC right now. Not sure about the exact cost though. I recorded everything, so I'll probably review it later. I'm a massive BRSfag, and I've been waiting forever for this patch. I'm glad she came home
did 10 pulls, not once i got a extra copy
screenie from the video I recorded
Lucky bastard, but you deserve it, my only non-pity A-rank was a Lucia Lotus.
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bread master should have been playable too
It doesn't really follow chess rules, you'll be fine
fucking hell lucky bro, i will barely get her to SSS
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Shes so fucking mad
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never mind it bro, complaining and bitch does work!
bro? at least a guide then? rexlent didn't upload and im a quite the jobber to be honest
>fuck it I'll throw 10 pulls in to collect the base character
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I'm kicking every brainlet that doesn't complete this
Deadmaster is so hot bros...
I'd give her my BONE if you know what I mean
And you're telling me Liv is not evil?
Shes the kinda girl that would cripple you to love you forever and be even closer to you. Is it evil to love too much?
>actually enjoy the chess mode
>complete all stages
>next ones only unlock in a week
kuro gets their name from being niggers
I still got Deadmaster phase 2 theme stuck in my head after playing that mode
liv is lov
Liv leaf
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DEAD MASTER has a nice ass 10/10 model
Someone need to turn her extracted model into a Koikatsu card.
>play chess to get 10% of her
>spend your savings for the rest
nah no thanks, im not a retard so ill get uncle next patch, fuck off with this shit already, learned nothing from Nier patch
Is this going to be like the Pathfinder event in Hanying patch where half anons complains about wanting more while the other half gets filtered for having to fire off a braincell to clear it? Kek
Liv Haet is still there... Waiting for her chance...
Leonie a cutie
Paizuri with Leonie.
Same, I'm just getting her basic rank for collection, lamia drained all my bc dry and I need to recover
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I still use my Nier team cause I liek toobee
I'm gonna use 15k bc to roll SSS brs and skip uncle. I'll keep using nanacutie and get uncle later, but the collab is limited
Even Leonie sounds like she's tired with Ayla's shit with Selena
Huh, they changed the assistant interaction ui a bit. They also changed how the Chinese voice option is called from Potonghua to Mandarin
There's also the nice bit of placing construct's M.I.N.D. number in the profile. Makes it easier to find.
Went to check the patch notes

>1. Added a feature for controlling the cursor with a game controller.
>2. Added a feature to open the chat window and send out messages with the [Enter] key when under keyboard mode.
>3. Added a dedicated in-game cursor. You may adjust the size of the cursor in the settings.
>4. Added keyboard key mapping for partial interaction keys in multiple story stages.
>5. Optimized mapping of mouse buttons. You may swap the left and right buttons of the mouse in settings.

>1. Optimized the UI layout of the [Interact] page of assistant.
>2. Added [Schedule Assistant] feature. You may access the feature on the left of the main lobby. The [Weekly Event] tab of the feature will be opened after 10/9.
>3. Added skill preview feature to the [Combine] page of [CUBs].
>4. Added [Pseudoinverse Zone] to [Clash Reflection] game mode. Moved [Anomaly Zone] to [Spill Point].
>5. Added a feature to allow switching the starter, team leader, and CUBs of the team after starting a session of battle in the [Clash Reflection] game mode.
>6. Added a feature to automatically tally the unfinished battle session upon a session refresh in the [Clash Reflection] game mode. Unclaimed rewards will be calculated and delivered afterward.
>7. Adjusted the time limit of the 14th stages of all Zones in the [Clash Reflection] game mode to 10 minutes. Also added a new stage affix "Berserk" to the 14th stages. (Beserk: All characters gradually lose their Signature Energy after 1m 30s. The character on the field will lose HP every second, and the amount lost per second will increase over time.)

>1. Added new pose animations for Camu: Crocotta, Sophia: Silverfang, and Vera: Rozen in the lobby.

Some optimization/improvements for PC client, small QoLs for clash reflection including preventing bricking if you didn't click the tally button, Sophia mentioned
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Sofa relevent two patches in a row! surely that means she'll get an S-rank next patch right?
For me the problem with the puzzle modes is that they're difficult AND there's a fuck ton of time intensive stages. This time it's really easy BUT there are barely any stages. Drives me insane
It's over, BRS couldn't save the game. Only one dumb whale rolled despite half of the general bragging how they were saving and going for SSS+.
The only way to save the game now is to release a paid S-rank male gen3 amp with overloaded SSS.
maybe it's time to release that new liv frame solon
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Is it 1 per day??
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They gave you the full 30 shards in one go.
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nanami's doing vault of glass??
>Anon complaining puzzle for middle schoolers are too difficult
>Another anon can't even tell what he bought
You lovable retarded puppies, no wonder why 21 is so popular around here
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Uhm, when can I obtain this semen demon
Will they ever stop updating the UI?
>He didn't watch BRS
yikes newfag-kun...
not surprising lol
>Will they ever stop updating the UI?
No. Wz, norman and ppc ui updates soon.
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Is Vanessa commissioning a new weapon for Bambinata
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Could be. Bambi's old concept design had her fight using two flying orbs that she controlled, maybe they're bringing that idea back.
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I want to LICK No.21!
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>when rolling for BRS I rng'd Nanami Pulse and Lee Hyperreal that I skipped because I was planning to get BRS
This game is fucking trolling me.
Isn't it fortunate? You actually got a non-brick fire attacker to use instead of BRS. And even a good tank, now you can skip Uncle because he's bad anyway and get Bianca's gacha coating instead.
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Holy sex...
nan/ami soon?
>get BRS
>hear KanaHana
It is THAT easy.
Reminder: If you didn't go for no revivals on your puzzles, you didn't beat them.
You kinda need to in hardo modo
I got fucking owned in the last stage because I blasted the first row of pawns right of the bat without checking the layout and the rook trap got me kek. Fucking 100 ELO plays
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I want Nanami to reverse mating press my hips to dust
retard here, how do I get the free colab character? I thought the shards where in the event's shop, but I can't find them there.
the shards are in the first shop for the chessboard realms minigame
What memory set does BRS use?
nina, lees kit is slow
>Where is No. 21 dancing gif/webm when I needed one
Nanami JP - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (Hot Remix - Remastered Version)
Nanami JP - What Is Love remake
Karenina JP - Complicated
No. 21 JP - Bad Romance
Camellya version scrapped since she doesn't sounds good enough, her model was trained with like 1 - 2 minutes of story dialogue. Waiting for 1.4 to remake her.
Bianca JP - Going Under
Haicma JP - I am machine
Nanami JP - world.execute(me); version 2
Bianca JP - God-ish version 2
Bianca JP - God-ish version 3
I think v3 mogged v2 (different covers), Bianca doesn't job as much at the high notes parts (her dataset doesn't have voice lines with high note), and sounds Hag-ish, even cute.
>Mega link update
>MMD models
Nanami Star Trail
Gamer Nanami
Racist Bridget
Yuuka (skirt physics working?)
Roland boss
>Koikatsu cards
Shorekeeper (no headmod found, haven't been able to check if it will result in Shorekeeper without clothes when loaded)
Youhu (I can't get the headmod, haven't checked if she won't have hair when loaded)
Extracted Nanami patch music
I've also updated the github repo with new CGs and sprites from Nanami's patch. Just pull if you had clone it.
help ever since the lamia patch my controls have been entirely fucked, start/pause is my goddamn ult button now, it's even worse in menus. why and how do i fix it doesn't let me change anything
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>could have the easiest time in the world making a simple recolor but fans would know about it and like it
>take your time to make an original costume instead
How should i feel?
You tried revert to default settings?
yeah the fucked controls are the default settings
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Now I have to turn this off again everytime I login. It didn't do this during the lamia patch. This patch fucked me again
This fucking new controller setting is killing me
If I navigate any menu by using the controller then the cursor stays on screen during the battles and just using the character will click random shit on screen including the pause screen or a swap to another character
What the FUCK Kuro.
>$100 for omniframe selector
man I want crimson weave but not THAT badly
I know, right? in priconne you can get a new unit twice a year for 30$. 60$ a year. that would have been a reasonable price.
That shouldn't have happened. Was busy updating shits so I couldn't login on PC to see if my Xbox controller is still working.
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Boss Power actually is kinda sick
Still better than the $600 skin, and Scam Citizen's thousands of dollars on a single ship.
>Still better than the $600 skin
what the fuck?
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I've never heard of BRS until two patches after it was released on the CN server. I've never listened to the song. I've never seen the anime. I've never played the PSP gaem. I've never really cared about Miku and probably only listened to less than 10 of her own songs, leaving meme covers aside. I don't like BRS' gameplay in PGR. I don't like how she looks, I don't care for her coating and I don't like Alpha's collab coating either. I don't like the excessively aggressive music playing from every event tab. I didn't like Dead gaem Master's bossfight.

What am I supposed to do in the game this patch? Read all the affection stories? Read Hermano's yesterday in one go and really enjoyed it.
It did this to me during Lamia's patch, but only if I turned on the controller while PGR was already open. If I connected the controller beforehand it worked fine. I don't know what the fuck Kuro is doing, every patch they mess up something with this shit.
Nta, but I know Ahri from League got one for $500 or so
you also get 7.5k bc
I misremembered, it's $500 >>496255068
I feel bad for future Nanami
>stuck as a spaceship all alone for eternity
>say to everyone she is fine but actually is depressed as fuck and hate her situation, keep saying she want to go back to Earth and see SKK
>start to stay asleep more and more so she can cope with the situation
The only way i can see to save her from this situation is merging both Nanami.
Playing Nanami is very fun. Fun gameplay, fun voice lines. Double fun with Yata.
nyo... Can we save her... with the adultcard? Anything for my precious nanami especially hagspaceshipNanami
Hey the other chinese gacha with an autistic kid stuck in a spaceship all alone eventually made her come back after 50000 years
Is that actually Nanami's Power or is it just a robot with a similar name?
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It's Future Nanami's Power, not original Nanami's Power
I don't care. It has jumped the shark a long time ago.
it said 750
does anyone know what story explains why alpha has heterochromia? I just assumed she wasn't being fully controlled by the ascension network so only one of her eyes is red.
I always thought she simply had her eye fucked up when Ravenge decided to suck Lithos's dick and killed the original Gray Ravens.
youre probably right, that is way further back than I remembered.
Is that Accord? Fuck I really need to watch the anime.
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Man, a lot of the shit that happened in this game is just lithos' fault isn't it
No, me
I NEED to bury my face on her thighs
>he didn't abuse the melee buff
750 a day for 10 days
>A rank that can only be ranked up by swiping for shards or using BC
>From a series I've never even seen
This is my first skip bros
She can be my new weekly Warzone sacrifice, Hanying needed a break anyway
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>Liv Lov
>Liv loves logistics
>Liv loves laboring for her friends
>Liv loves labbing out different combat situations
>Liv loves lacing your food
Aside from Lofter there's also Weibo. Just remember to use mobile version, the normal one uses chink anal protection.
liv? more like lov
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Forgot this anime Accord HexCodes link
Hey wait a minute, with what Gary said at the end of Nanami's chapter:
Chief: "Let's analyze the tower's core and somehow destroy it. I'll leave the rest to the people of the future. This is the end of my story."
Is he trying to pull an Ending C A2?
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>PC client cant connect to google play or use my card
>have to update the game on my phone to swipe
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As someone that didn't watch the BRS anime and barely knows anything about it, is the collab story worth reading?
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$250 because I literally could not get more than 1 A rank every 10 pull. I have a ton of pulls stuck in tickets that I couldn't use because the damn collab uses its own tickets
It will be converted to BC after the collab like with NieR
So every 10 rolls I'm guaranteed a BRS? Did I get that right?
It's the same rules as the normal banners. 1 A-rank guaranteed every 10 pulls and an S-rank at 60 but if you're lucky you can get her before 10.
Ah no I mean I have tons of the regular R&D tickets that I wish I could've used. Would've saved me a $100
Yes unless you get an S-rank on the guaranteed BRS roll
>can't ever see main menu assistant intros because of the fucking ads blocking them when logging in
what the FUCK is the point then
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Reminder that Selena likes being touched by (You), her Conductor.
There's something weird about this Liv...
i agree, it's weird that she's wearing only one shoe
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Who approved this translation?
Alpha once again asserting dominance on why she's the best wife
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I wish someday Hanakana would voice any future PGR character. Is Hanakana /pgr/ approved? I like her sweet voice, but as a voice actor, I think she's kinda overrated. Like she can't do other types of voices other than a sweet girl, just like Yui Ishikawa could only voice kuudere robotic girl.
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more co-op stuff when
>take a character from a dead franchise people have forgotten about
>make litterally the best incarnation of the character both storywise and gameplay wise

bros why is kuro games so awesome
the model is pure sex too
yeah, DEAD MASTER is sex incarnate
i was talking about BRS but sure, sex master is up there too
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g-grats bwo
>Got the new MK part recommended on YT
>Watch it out of boredom
Damn you weren't kidding, they even gave Havik poverty infinity stones lmao
1 more copy for SSS. This dude was my pick from the newbie selector back when the game launched.
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Why did I watch that
It feels weird to think that few people here don't know that PGR's aesthetic style was obviously inspired by works like BRS alongside Nier. I feel like an oldfag when BRS was fairly new stuff for me at the time during huke's DeviantArt heyday.
Playable when Kuro?!
This feels like a love letter for being one of PGR's inspirations and I can respect that.
what the fuck is Black Rock Shooter anyway? I tried looking it up on wikipedia but it basically said "some guy drew a black haired twin-tail loli with a glowing eye and everyone found her so cool that people created dozens of media centered around her."
can SSS+ BRS with her sig compete with homogod?
It's literally that. Artist made an OC and multiple designs in the same "world" so people went bonkers over the design and spawned an entire franchise out of it. PGR's aesthetic was very much inspired from it alongside Nier.

Worth noting that the artist (huke) is also the character designer of Steins;Gate
Also designed the character of Altera for Fate/Grand Order.

Which is doubly hilarious to me because Altera's ultimate move is named "Photon Ray" and BRS in both her PSP game and PGR has a couple moves named "Photon (something)" in her arsenal.

Back when I first saw PGR I thought it was basically if BRS had a baby with Nier Automata. Considering how PGR had collabs with both, that's very much intentional and it's honestly endearing on Kuro's part. Crimson Weave Alpha's design along with doubling down on Lucia's twin-tailed look always felt like a neat homage to BRS.
Let's not forget Lucia's Plume frame uses a katana and a thruster that kinda doubles as a cannon...
yeah thought so
my SS balter mogs my SSS nier team too
Nier leap when
Look at this sex goddess
How dare she seduce me with her sinful body
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Yes, yes, eventually..
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Should've posted before the pull to let anons make predictions like we used to
Lamia having a targeted S-rank put a halt to that and I miss it
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Stop lusting after chibis!
>be me
>decide to do a ten roll
>3 oranges holy shit brs has blessed me
>2 nanami storms
that's awesome, you're so lucky
Just pretend she's Chariot
Jetplane Gabriel is such a dogshit boss ffs. I wish they simply took him out of rotation for norman.
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Man I really wish Dead Master was playable too. Seeing her in 3D and doing her grab move is awakening something inside me that I haven't felt in a long time.

My hopes is that an eventual rerun of the event will have her introduced as a playable character. After all, with the love and care they've put into BRS, and the insistance in the story that she's BRS's best friend and enemy, the Joker to her Batman, that their relationship is basically them treating fighting like fucking, it'd be odd if she never gets to be in the same team as BRS.

Or maybe it's because they don't have a third character they could use to make a complete BRS team (maybe Fida, but she's an original character and uses a NPC model, so..)
what would nanami do if I decided to push my index finger up her bumhole
what then huh?
she'd spin around on it and then ask if you want to swap places
so what the fuck can I do with resonated memories? I resonated some memories to the wrong character and now they are just fucking sitting here collecting dust. can I redo them on another character or can I just use them as fodder to resonate something else or are they just fucking useless now?
Pretty much yeah. I mean they already have her model and all, so it's a missed opportunity not to revisit her as a playable character. Realistically for a third character there's also Black Gold Saw and Strength, with the former even shown fighting and stabbing BRS in the OVA's intro. I'd love a playable Black Gold Saw myself, though it would require modeling a new character again.
But then we run into the issue of "who should be the third character between BGS and Strength". BGS is more important to the OVA, but Strength still exists and well.. this isn't a collab with the OVA, but Kuro's own take on the franchise.
Yeah, it is fascinating how even their tryhard fans are sick of the new story. And then you have some random coomers who are in love with Sektor and so on being female.
I got him from the brs banner, i haven't used my standard selector yet
You can keep resonating them on different characters
I don't like BRS, do I REALLY need to do a 10 pull on her banner first? Or even SSS? Or pull for her weapon?
No, she's not meta at all, you only roll for her if you like her.
>I don't like BRS
then don't bother with any of that, she's not meta and you can just use Leap Lee if you don't want to deal with it
You don't have to do anything, shes for SOUL purposes only. Get the free shards from the chessboard gamemode for collections sake I suppose.
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I will lick
has this patch been downloading obnoxiously slow for anyone else or is it just me, being unable to get about 100kbs is not normal and I've been trying to do this for multiple days and then it finished, and I had to repair, so I'm on that now, and then I need to get in and download even MORE LET ME IN
bro? her scar??? the most lickable part?
God just fucking imagine
bwos my friends insist on referring to BRS as "waifu sans undertale" and I just want them to shut the fuck up please help
We already had Alpha before though.
They're doing the same for her
Perhaps stop having zoomer friends then.
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I may have had a tiny lapse in judgement
It's okay, she's secretly better than the new Lucia. Just don't tell kuro or they'll nerf her.
time to get some new friends
oh no bro Kuro's in this thread you better delete that Kuro's RUSHING TO THE COMPUTER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
Eason and possibly the entire team is rushing to Solon about this!
how many cards did you throw at her
around 45k
>actually have fun with a minigame for once
>complete hard mode
>try to enter next mode
>it's time-gated
I blame genshin
time gating shit in phone games was a thing for a long time now yknow
yes, but not events
Yes it fucking was. All of F/GO's events had timegated components before Genshin even was a concept, to cite just one
I didn't have any issues downloading the new update
hmmmm nyo you are wrong and I am right
Timegating is good, or else you greedlords would clear everything day1 then complain you don't have shit to do for the rest of the patch
maybe a retarded take but BRS is probably the most fun character they're released in a while

she lacks the iframes like 80% of new S-ranks have on everything that's not walking or a normal attack, instead being replaced with damage reduction and super armor, and a bunch of her follow-up attacks can be cancelled with a dash if you're not careful, so her gameplay feels a lot less "how do I burst asap" and a lot more about not wasting your resources by being extremely careful about your timings
then something is horribly wrong with my internet, last patch capped at 350 but this one's barely getting anywhere near that and I have no idea how to fix that
Noctis is still more fun to play, although BRS is pretty well-designed, like most new A-ranks, not counting "I'm fucking invincible" Hanying.
Also even the most braindead characters like HyperLee have mixmaxing in form of animation cancelling without losing too much damage. You just never tried doing it because you watch the guide that tells you "press 3 pings press ult", and never try to optimize it. Not that you need it to retain hero and chill in 10% anyways.
I realise that, I'm just gushing because it really does feel like I'm limited by my own knowledge of the bosses and accuracy when it comes to timing assaults than by how fast orbs build up, if that makes sense, and it's not a feeling I got on other recent characters
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ISDN bro...
Gen 2 units really destroyed what this game could've been
I'm a f2pchad who took a 1 year break and I still make it into 5% cagie sometimes (when there is no fire because I have 0 fire units)
I don't think they did. Minmaxing and skill display just changed from praying to rngliv to precise animation cancelling and figuring out exactly how much of your kit you have to use on specific boss difficulty in ppc or mob wave in wz. If you ever tried to do a proper swap run on non-whaled out lightning comp, you'd understand what I mean.
Some comps offer more flexibility, some less. Fire is very limiting unfortunately, but Uncle will make things a bit better. Dark is in a weird place since you don't even want to swap at all without SS3 Karen, but other than that, you have a fair bit of variety in how you can handle wz at least.
Besides, there are only two modes where you are "forced" to use new meta teams, and new A-ranks are still very fun to play.
>Minmaxing and skill display just changed from praying to rngliv to precise animation cancelling and figuring out exactly how much of your kit you have to use on specific boss difficulty in ppc or mob wave in wz
Not me restarting hamlet 30 times because I can't get 2x3 orba on lamia
>If you ever tried to do a proper swap run on non-whaled out lightning comp, you'd understand what I mean.
I don't have 21 but I use SSS brazilian Lucia with A liv and I know every small trick about her (instant slam, energy funneling)
Does that make her hard to play? No, because you are in iframes 95% of the time and if you get hit you are very bad at the game
But I suppose you're half-right
You focus on playing your characters correctly, as opposed to dodging a boss correctly because 90% of the time you dont even have to worry about that
It would be cool if you had to interact with the bosses in some way instead of just saying "lol im in iframe you cant hurt me"
>put good old x360ce into folder
>screws up controls even more
>close it
>controls now work perfectly????
>spend half of my 5000 cards in a 10 roll for BRS weapon
>get it twice stronger
WRS is a bit of a different case compared to Dead Master who is unambiguously her greatest foe/girlfriend across continuities or stories. She wouldn't really fit nicely next to the BRS/DM couple.
kek look at this guy living in 2010
Check your download speed online or try downloading some other file. I've seen a lot of people have trouble with their game clients of other gachas as well, so if your internet connection is fine then you could try a clean reinstall of the game.
I would swipe for a dead master
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21bro it's time to let go...
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I'll let go when I'm dead. Maybe.
What is the verdict?
This skin reminds me of darkstalkers
Liv hate
liv indifference
liv lov
it's over, nobody lovs liv anymore....
loliv lust
The final form of Eclipse's coating is perhaps the worse default coating. I'm not sure what they were thinking with the purple spots.
Liv might be lov
>Still no new Liv frame
Where is the Lov?
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I put it in No.21.. whoops!
>No new 21 frame
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Trust the plan (There is no plan but she keeps getting coatings so I'm happy)
>Image explicitly says do not use
>Image warns of its hazardous properties
>Anon posts it anyways
>I have rabies now
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I'm toxic bwo, what can I say
Ok, this 21 is nice I'll give you that.
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Everyone else may have forgotten, but not me. My watch still continues.
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You're implying other 21s aren't nice, that was an accident, right anon?
rest in peace [*]
I remember
so what happened to him?
Last update was in March, he said the "video" was rendering. Went silent after that and was never seen again.
Arrested for using cracked video editing software. But don't worry, he'll be back in about two years.
so he was too osoi...
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>Dante's VA quit acting
idk if I want a DMC collab anymore....
more like he was saying dumb shit on xitter and companies refused to hire him
>they used Nero's VA for Dante
just fucking why
Punishing Gray Raven
Won't deny him being being a conspircy nutter was likely a big factor in it, but still sad it ended up happening.
Yeah, it's super weird hearing Nero's voice coming out of Dante's mouth. Like, I already had no hope in the show with the Apu guy being at the helm, but this just feels wrong. At least there's seemingly no bad blood between Johnny and Reuben over this.

Liv Lov
is the weapon resonance tier list the same as the signature tierlist? Who should I spend my duped or usb sticks on?
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theres a new dmc in the works?
just a netflix anime
No idea about tierlists but the GR Wiki added a Weapon Harmony guide section recently
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Zamn guys
amps are safe, then some tanks because some attackers benefit more by not being replaced as fast and harmonization
>Is there a resonance tier list
Your wife>No.21(If somehow not your wife)>other constructs.
Hope this helps!
Generally get 1 for each tank and 2 on your best amplifier then take your pick between the rest of the amplifiers and dps.
Keeping in mind which characters get powercrept in the near future
damn thats gay
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This anime has been in the works for a while. But it's most likely dead on arrival, especially with Reuben not voicing Dante. BIG swing and a miss. Wtf is this timeline??
You did pull for livlov from another universe right?
who has the fattest ass in pgr
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Used 40k black cards for SSS+ and 6* wep. Also got crimson weave Lucia and a Vera garnet dupe. :)
Nice one anon
why are the constructs leaving our universe...
>got crimson weave Lucia and a Vera garnet dupe
haha I had the same good luck, I got dark kamui hehe I'm so happy wooow...
Its terminal bwo, all my homies hate the watchers
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bros? any one knows exactly what mems BRS needs? im too stupid too figure it out
But Liv is still here! R-Right..?
WW's universe seems much nicer, I would leave too.
Our universe is too punished.
So is this what solon mean when he said that we still hadn't seen anything yet? Or is there still more to it
I'm starting to think that ww might be a prequel to pgr actually.
I hope not
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What happened to the calendar thingy on the left that showed you the events for the week?
I liked it
Seems to have been replaced with a new agenda on the left side of the homescreen
its all on the wiki brah https://grayravens.com/wiki/BRS#tabber-Main_Build
Oh fuck! I was lost in thought.
The reset is in 4 minutes right?
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Even Alisa left us
Get up anons, we have some rocks to shoot.
That's Lena though.
uh bwos?
>Click on thread
>Go on the catalog
>See the thread
>Click on it
What the FUCK is going on
Was the OP pic too spicy for mods?
so this is it... tell liv I lov her....
Just checked it actually got deleted holy kek
Wtf bros?
Someone more familiar with BRS please bake BRS breads, I can't bake any good good BRS bread. I'm not familiar with it.
No, the thread is also still there it's not deleted and other threads are having the same issue such as
Is it another mod melty shitting up the boards?
why did it get 404d...
What the hell, I thought it was just because blackrock is an advertiser or something but yeah that looks like a melty.
first an now vg, those jeet jannies are ass
I'm remaking it, I'm waiting for the cooldown
Remember Reach

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