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HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://blog.playstation.com/2024/09/12/helldivers-2-the-chemical-agents-warbond-launches-sept-19/

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
I like it.
Feels solid, stuns things and gives my allies time to react. It's also pretty solid for medium chaff. Honestly don't see anything wrong with it on either front.
Remember, we're failing this MO thanks to bugdivers.
Anon that's literally every MO
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Gentlemen. Is the scythe back?
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>MO goes off
>tune every planet offensive mission to be JUUUUUUUST Hard enough that none of the planets can get captured unless they want them to
>pandora or whatever gets dropped from -3% to -.5%
>Make the MO "down to the wire"
>suddenly imbar the planet that needs to be defended or else we fight new enemies is under attack
>Highest bot player count ever trying to defend it
>Magically losing ground at a drastic rate.
>Going to line up perfectly before the MO completes
>patch day tomorrow

I'm not mad, but if they want to "railroad" this shit. They could have just figured out another way to introduce them.
>throw air strike at shrieker nest
>nigger trees eat all except one bomb that TKs a teammate
>came in at a fucked up angle to boot
fuck this, I'm bringing barrages only on this shithole
MO wagie needs to go back to his cagie.
kinda yes kinda no.
It's niche, great if you need a long range weapon on bugs.
Not something you'd rely on to kill stuff.
Still need to test it with gas grenades though.
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D10 Bots, Imber most likely
Why are all of the women divers fat? Cant someone draw non obese women?
>low range

55meters is far! Like I'm actually amazed how long my shots go, and they bounce off anything after that arcing for a good 80 meters. Like I kill shriekers with that thing.
>caring about the MO when
>1. 55 Medals are worhtless and it's about the same amount you'd get from playing 2.5 operations.
>2. It all comes down to Joel rigging it
>3. It's not even part of the main story with the Gloom shit
>4. there are more fun planets to play in than Bot Hell: the Planet
Sadly most artists think that dumb proportions are sexy for some reason
You might have a mental illness
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I like seeing my drawings posted and always wonder howmany different anons save and repost them.
nah he's just fuckin blind
Zoomer porn/fanart is basically just putting obscenely large tits and ass on everything. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just boring.
>>3. It's not even part of the main story with the Gloom shit
What even is it- I never bothered to read.
The Major Orders are maybe the worst part in the game, which is saying something
We're given random orders that clearly aren't part of any greater plan and all feel random filler-y. There's no grand strategy.
The supply lines and decay rates are all completely arbitrary. They can go up or down, pop up or be rendered useless whenever AH feels like
And finally, the way most people play the game leads to lower rates of operation completion than players are active. A lot of casuals just pop up in a mission and don't care about completing the 3 necessary for a full operation
Even high level players usually don't care to complete one because medals are useless for them
the only thing 55 meters doesn't let you do is hit gunships since those fuckers hover at 65 meters, the cunts
the thing about the C-01 permit is it's a license to do creampies, you don't need to fill one out if it's protected or anal
>The Major Orders are maybe the worst part in the game, which is saying something

Yeah the bug ones were great, but they just ran out of steam after the black hole shit.
I guess you are right, must be it's wacky targeting hitting a tree or rock and stopping it early.
are hulks more or less cancerous having their rocket replaced with an energy canon?
The exact wording is "actions that COULD result in a child". Contraceptives don't always work and anal isn't 100% safe, either.
Basically the only things you could do without a C-01 is oral and gay stuff.
More fair than rockets, cancerous when it comes down to our reduced hp.
what do you think the super destroyer crew thinks when you take some like non - meta shit like smoke against bugs?
Once they hit a spot near me it's over.
They still have the rocket hulk in the lower tier missions, and the rocket change makes them really fun to kite.
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>anal isn't 100% safe, either.
>he doesn't know
I have started to fear hulks. Any time I try to exit cover, any time I turn a corner, any time I push into a base I can't help but think that HULKS could be here, ready to ragdoll me for five seconds straight and ensuring my death.
I love it, but also hate it.
idk but does the super destroyer have to be refitted every time you take different stratagems?
>anal isn't 100% safe, either.
They kill you easier but you can kill them way easier, so I'd say it's an even tradeof
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tune in, everyone. here's flutey w/ one of the kids we saved from vernen wells
they're much more of a problem now. which is good, because previously you could almost ignore Bruisers
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>anal isn't 100% safe, either.
go on
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This helmet got really overshadowed by the Krieg one but I still think it looks nice
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on board the keeper of the stars
The problem is that the color clashes with a lot of armor sets. I with they'd had made it a gray instead of green.
Too bad that shade of green doesn't fit with any other armor in the game
kill yourself already you fucking freak
>It's not even part of the main story with the Gloom shit
>t. bugnigger who thinks the story only revolves around the bugs.
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>anal isn't 100% safe,either.
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>posts worst example to show it off
The tint of that green matches with almost nothing.
Doesnt help that I see
>pic related
as a face on it.
anon is right, you know the coom can drip out and down to the snatch and have an unlikely chance of fertilization if she's not puckering it all in, right?

you don't want to have some kind of autistic anal-to-taint seminal runoff baby, do you anons? You need to be prepared for this.
Weren't they equipped with autocannon, not rockets?
I have no idea what was the point of this change if hulks still ragdoll you with their lasers. Except they now fire faster and do more damage.
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way too much to live for
>you know the coom can drip out and down to the snatch and have an unlikely chance of fertilization if she's not puckering it all in, right?
That's like getting pregnant from a toilet seat
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oh my god the bugs attack the shield wall.
Some of them actualy stand outside the shield and attack it.
>the schizomancy was right
love this game
>Days without lobby crash: 0
Managed to extract anyways
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hello, /hdg/ institute of science representative here
i've got the most retarded newfound information regarding the pic related host crash bug
>happens when there's exactly 07:58 minutes left on the clock
>happens most often on geo survey, since it takes fucking forever
>gives you aids (1 file failed to validate)
>sometimes gives you advanced aids (125 files failed to validate)
>lobby will not be available to be rejoined until the remaining retards go back to the ship
>makes the game seem private, host's privacy settings have no bearing of that
>new host will look like pic rel, no nickname displayed in neither chat nor ui
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>Level 8 Bugs
>Level 7 Bots
tell me why this isnt the perfect Helldiver experience
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it works with the heavy peak physique one
But your diver will be black, so no.
I have an inkling of hope that we'll defend Imber when more of the casual retards on the bugfront log off and that increases the % of the playerbase on Imber, what with the NEETs all being there, thus giving them more liberation to work with. Honestly, the liberation system itself is so fucking retarded.
I can't.
No forts kino.
Why do you not want new enemies?
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>how can i tell if i'm going to crash 100%
i've got but anecdotal evidence, but every single mission that crashed was plagued with a minor, non-critical glitch like
>seaf arty stuck
>markers stuck on ui
>uninteractable side objective terminal
wash your hands, verify your files & finish your missions quick
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This looks a lil better
plus it has a good bonus
+More Thermite nades
+Less Recoil
NTA because the impaler and behemoth kinda sucked HARD on release.
Good the helmet that came with it looked awful
Shame it was the only thing that really matched
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>Krieg Helm
>Bayonet + Rifle coming soon
Oh its go time
this is some advanced aids
maybe i'll submit something to arrowhead i guess
>le wholesome shovelerino
>le happy chungus gasmask noises
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i want my ceremonial suit back AND MY TRIDENT

This is why Armageddon steel legion will be the better faction in 40k. Good aesthetics and I don’t have to prove I’m not a cringe autist when I whip
Them out.
if the Constitution comes with a usable elite stunning and killing bayonet & DMR+ tier rounds stronger than the current datamine, to where it's competing with the JAR, it will be a fun meme

if they also give it 5 round stripper clip loading and extended magwells from an SMLE style 10 rounder on the low end to 20+ deep trench magazines on the upper, either stock or as upgrades, I would use it unironically

give it rifle grenades and I'll cum
post hand
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I fucking love the Steel Legion
The mustard coats are so kino
k anon lmao
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the Ministry of Truth has spoken, remember to keep it puckered out there Helldivers
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You left us when things got ugly and only came back when everyone else came back.
I was skeptic at first, but now I'm with the anons telling you to fuck off.
stick around, flutey, your presence is welcome
why'd you give me five bullets and a paper cup for armor sarge?
>welcoming plebbit tourists avatarfagging
Why are you such a fucking battered cuck?
Based and basilisk pilled brother.
>night mission on the forest planet
>Hear the hiss of bugs out in the distance
>Throw shield gen out
>illuminates the forest around me
>Flash of light, and see all the bugs encircling me
>Machine gun starts firing

Fucking. Kino.
You just know that everyone that loves that shit is unironically a fat brown retard LARPing.
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>Malicious code isn't real bro zombie enemies aren't possible take your meds
Commando stopped existing as soon as its gimmick was taken away, as expected
Im conflicted on flutey.
I like flutey, but medic armor white helm posts are extremely lame and they are the most likely the same person.
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How much longer until official Helldiver minis? Or like a Warhammer esc game? Its all there and its basically free money
to be fair medic armor is probably the ugliest in the game
if he had a better fit i'd respect him more, he needs to get medium peak physique or maybe the black engi armor
>reassembles and scuttles towards you
we're about to get some fucked up self repairing zerkers aren't we.
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I appreciate us and the enemy being more fragile, but it's kinda overboard
I don't mind being this squishy with light armor, but heavy and light feel useless now
>chinese guy joins mission
>he does nothing but run solo to outposts
>calls in all the resupplies on himself off cooldown, takes 3 packs every time even if others are around
>picks up all the samples
>quits at the end of the mission when extract is called in
>leaves no samples behind
Fucking winnie the pooh.
How many shots does commando need to kill turrets? If it's still 2 it might be okay, if it's 3 it's pretty much over for it.
>zero reason to not run thermite + grenade pistol with your favorite primary
Literally all you need. It's insane how much the other secondaries suck ass (with maybe the exception of Bushwhacker if you're running XBow or Eruptor primary)
two but I think it rockets can get cucked by damage falloff and you may need a third
>but it's kinda overboard
on bots? disagree
bots feel pretty well balanced right now

on bugs?
yeah they way overtuned hitpoint and armor values. the heavies literally get raped in less than 30 seconds every time
take vitality booster with light, it's basically an entire free hit worth of health.
Is it even possible to kill tanks/turrets from the front now?
We.. We're gonna save Imber right
yeah. with recoilless and that's about it.
Also a bitch to kill from the back.
I kil buggi thenk u
>not kicking every remotely chinese looking name the moment they drop in
>not saying tienanmen square to make them leave on their own if you aren't the host
You have no one to blame but yourself.
Bugdivers feel asleep at the wheel. Destination: HELL ON SUPER EARTH.
2 shots from the RR
or 1 if you shoot while diving towards it
3rd month of the special Gacrux military operation. 2 more weeks
I honestly thought I'd give them a chance this time, and the mission went smooth otherwise. He even thanked me when I reinforced him. I was naive.
Does the Cookout do the same level of stagger as the Punisher?
Grenade pistol is nice utility but the amount of times I wish I had a different secondary is pretty frequent.
>using DCS
>clearing endless hordes of bots
>eventually run out of ammo
>resupply on cooldown because solo Chang called it in a timezone away from the team
>only have grenade pistol left
>6 shots to hold out until supply is off cooldown
The Spear has AP7 and 4k damage, while the front of a tank hull is only 6 armor with 3k HP.
sometimes it feels like the stagger is stronger but they should be about the same
Chubby leandiver sluts get to wear the Helldiver armor but they're just holes for the democracy officer to use
I usually run an AMR in one of my slots so I've never been starved for ammo like that but I could see it. It's been invaluable for popping holes and fabs for me now that my thermites are designated heavy removal.
eagle 110's work
>on bots? disagree
I dunno, a single mg firing shredding you quickly in heavy armors feels too much
>yeah they way overtuned hitpoint and armor values. the heavies literally get raped in less than 30 seconds every time
Bubble/Big bubble is basically a must now
I feel like it's making the Medic armors way above the rest
honestly I only want a secondary like the revolver or something just to pop bugs from a distance my primary/support can't deal with on demand.
how long before the devs realize they forgot to give cannon tower turrets the same 200% damage on the rear that they gave tank turrets?
File deleted.
>exit game to get a snack
>start game again
>can't connect, playfab error
>check online
>I actually have to restart my router to fix the error

what kind of janky game is this?
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>what kind of janky game is this?
The swedish kind
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fun games, lovely patch so far, ggs.
>Malicious code
you keep saying that
i don't think it means what you think it means
thermite always wins
>8 hours left
No, bugniggers grief yet another planet unless I'm misremembering how Defense works. The timer is essentially when the bots will hit 100%, right? The discrepancy is too large to allow us a win unless bugdivers either move over here or simply log off.
Surely a patch is coming in the next few hours and they aren't taking a week off after changing numbers on a spreadsheet
>U-um t-that's not accurate y-you see
Don't care
Didn't ask
>Engineering back to being the most valuable perk because thermites are fucking cracked
Now it's just a matter of choosing between the 3 flavors of light armor, either the max speed Breaker, the "almost a medium armor" Titan, or the inbetween Demo Spec. Kinda sucks that Light Armors are the only ones with these weird "slightly off baseline" stat spreads. Wish we'd have seen this variation in the mediums and heavies.
>crossbow doesnt explode when firing at the landing pad at extract
>you can get stuck in an emote position and not be able to move at all besides diving
>this can all happen when everybody is dead on cooldown and the pelican is weeks away
i am still having fun
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Theres a medium set with 126 armor that was really popular.
doyou want fat helldiver girls, because this is how you get them, out of spite.
Oh, Enforcer. You're right. Shame it's only Fortified.
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I love fat-assed leandivers!
>even helldivers isn't safe from some SEAfag's nigger cuck fantasies
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Nice, luv me some spear. So that's it's niche now huh? Does it one shot factory striders too?
>the heavies literally get raped in less than 30 seconds every time
uh I think you mean less than five seconds, bro
>bot divers do it for free
couldn't be me
>bots feel pretty well balanced right now
>he hasn't played in the AA focus /hdg/ lobbies
the game is pisseasy now if you're a knower and that's a good thing
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>enable crossplay once
>Wanting new enemies.
More enemies of the same quality as the reinforced chicken walker? Nah, fuck that shit. I'd rather the bots didn't get more shit to kill the botfront's playerbase total with.
Technically yes, but so can everything bigger than the Commando. The red eye only has 1500 HP, so if you hit it with a non-Commando AT weapon it dies instantly. This is only doable with the Spear with extreme luck since it can't be dumb-fired. You can also blow out its belly with either Recoilless or Spear, single shot does it.
Cringe irredeemable shitters
Based king I kneel
>crossplay nigger loadouts
>/HDG/ drunk diving loadouts
>hdg bricks meta
>UI warned in advance that the bots were going to attack and to be prepared for defense.
>Bugniggers, in true to their name's fashion, didn't read and fucked off from any sort of actual responsibility to Super Earth.
>gamerdads don't fucking care and just play their funny bug horde shooter
nigga no normalfag actually cares about the bots
even the intro cinematic is just a starship troopers rehash
the game was marketed with a bug focus from the very first day and that's why those retards bought it
for a starship trooper power fantasy
>The red eye only has 1500 HP
2500. autocannon takes 15 shots to kill which lines up with 2500 HP
>but muh bugs
it's Joel
even if everyone jumped on bots right now they'd somehow find a way to lose the defense. Shittiest gm.
Is the upper one bad, cause that's literally me
There is like 4% more botdivers than bugniggers total and the defense is still failing.
Only way to win this defense is if everyone went to it but then Joel can just press a button and "lmao, get fucked".
the top one's not so bad
500kg and airburst are both a little autistic of picks but everyone needs a little autism in their loadout
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host an imber lobby and i will
no, it's alright
nta but I’ve really been liking orbital airburst on bots. Wish the cooldown was maybe 15sec shorter but it just absolutely deletes patrols of medium bots
man, that tickled me real good. Needed a laugh before bed.
I'll give them this, it wasn't even too bad thanks to how good RRs and AT is right now. The mortar and mine spam was cancer in an almost funny way.
This must have been posted by one of those disgusting transvestites.
Rate my "I don't care what the mission is, bugs or bots, I'm playing with pubbies anyway" loadout

>Light Gunner Armor
>Grenade Pistol
>500 KG
>EMP Mortar
>Rocket Sentry
>tired of life? why not consider a trip to our bio-repurposing vats?
what exactly does super earth do with our biomass, bros?
if row two isn't being a stingy fag then no one can cry about not having a support weapon after they die. Row 3 is griefing.
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what the fuck did they do to the AMR?
>1 shots alpha commanders
>1 shots hive guards
>1 shots bile spewers (green)
>1 shots nursing spewers (yellow)
>3 shots chargers
>4 shots behemoths
>1.5 mags for bile titan heads, probably less on the sac
>1.5 mags for impalers
>2 shots gunships
>staggers devastators like the AC
>2 shots hulk
>1 mag for tanks
it only seems to be nerfed vs the stationary cannon towers, where it used to take like 1 mag, and now its 2 mags.
i don't think there's a reason to bring autocannon ever again on either faction
Repurpose it of course
Clones or some genetic shit
they repurpose them, duh
>EMP Mortar
based as hell if you also use the chud helm. I'd personally swap back and forth between the RR and AMR and bring the MG sentry, but I like it.
you look like you die to anything
You're gonna make the ACuck have another meltdown
Lets me lock-down objectives like geological survey by myself. EMP Mortar has saved my ass SO many fucking times it's unreal. It's like having two good teammates instead of the pubbies I actually have.

Naturally I am chudmaxing. I default to rocket sentry just because it can kill anything with good placement, even titans. I should probably get some RR practice in though.
Hmm today all will dive on Imber with an LC
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>tried the crossbow out for the first time since the buff on bugs
jesus christ, paired the thing with the bushwhacker and MG-42 and was a bug killing machine. Can this thing kill fabs on the bot front too?
yes, obviously
and also gunships
Yes, and it 2 hits devs or 1 hits with a headshot.
yeah it pops fabs easily and kills heavy devs in 2 hits
your biggest struggle will be switching to other weapons once you've started using it
XBow + Bushwhacker or Blitzer + Grenade Pistol are all you ever need for a primary/secondary set-up. Kino.
I know now what I must do on the bot front
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don't forget your RR
join the anti air corps
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DCS + stim gun
>lust provoking image
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uppity AMRjeet
>someone on the team brought experimental infusion booster
>he taps me with stim gun
>I'm now running around like sonic for several seconds

there must be a way to abuse this
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the way to abuse it is to have schizophreniacs follow you around and stim you over and over again
It also gives you damage resist. SO THEORETICALLY with medic armor you could stim some heavy armor Chad and keep them stimmed up and tanking fucking everything.
What did he mean by this?
On topic though, I hope they add more DMRs. I need a bullpup DMR because... I JUST NEED ONE, ok? It feels like if we get another warbond it'll be automaton focused, which would be a good point to add the AR-20L Justice that was leaked not too long ago
Why can't I shoot myself with the stim pistol?
>no retort except his thinly veiled interracial fetish
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This enemy needs to spawn somewhere other than from Factory Striders, and in huge numbers.
Next DMR we'll get is the Constitution
Yeaaaaah rocket sentry fucks.
Favorite sentry next to ol reliable machine gun sentry.
because you don't get high on your own supply
I like to shoot teammates after they do something good.
Kina like "good job, have some heroin".
Honestly tough, i think if you circle jerk eachother with it while running you could ditch the stamina booster and pick something else. To bad there aren't any good boosters worth picking over it besides maybe muscle enhanchement on snow maps.
>cutting edge

What should my third warbond be?
If Arrowhead introduces this, I expect them to do it for every secondary. Let me grenade pistol myself back to the super destroyer.
Nope. Too many things ragdoll you in this game, and you can't heal through certain bug attacks like vomit. The only way we're getting true pocket/healslut gameplay in this game is a bubbleshield projector medigun, which could be balanced by overheating as the bubble takes damage or something
This but troopers and rocket devastators.

Y'know I never realized this, but the devastator is just power armor with a trooper inside it.

Also the automaton logo kinda slaps.
>Aren't any good boosters

Vitality booster anon
The bot meta now is RR + 3 sentries
>troopers and rocket devastators.
I agree with troopers but there's plenty of rocket devastators; automaton infantry is like 45% rocket devastators, 45% shield devastators and 10% basic ass troopers
Which is honestly ridiculous because with the damage changes a machine gun trooper is actually capable of rushing and killing players. Bots really need a lot more of those fast little cannon fodder dudes to complement their advancing wall of suppression.
robi doko?
>everyone else in this thread is just the mysterious indian poster who has it out for me
robi janai
>put halo sniper sound on AMR
>instantly more fun to use
the gun sounds in this game suck dick frankly
He's talking about something besides Vitality, Infusion, and HSO
You take Stamina out of the picture and you're left with Muscle and maybe Recon
Thats standard pick...
Vitality, stamina, hso, experimental infusion is pretty standard.
Muscle enhanchement is nice for snow and maybe expert pilot or whatever it's called is a not awfull pick.
>automatons are just 40K imperium but robots
>fodder troops with commissars aka imperial guard
>devastators/berserkers are space marines
>hulks are dreadnoughts
>chickens are imperial guard sentinels
Only enemy I cant quite find a near identical version is factory striders.
Use the "squad strafing run a10" sound. It's so based
space optimization is only for cuckolds who die often
I can't even describe to you how shitty surround sound in this game is. Upmixed youtube clips sound better than the actual game
how many stim gunners are out there I feel like I've only seen one guy use it in one game
It actually kind of makes sense now that I think about it since Piles is a 40K fag.
>Only enemy I cant quite find a near identical version is factory striders.
Titan, duh
These should completely replace troopers and be capable of calling in reinforcements on difficulty 11+ and come with a jetpack variant (berserkers too)
>Join D10 on imber
>it's one guy soloing the whole shit
>later another one joins
>plays the role of support
>accurate as fuck with the stim gun and saves my ass multiple times
>resupplies me every time I'm running low on rockets
>thank him every time
Supportbro... Good luck wherever you are...
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>These should completely replace troopers
Would make the game easier
30 plus mg troopers are an absolute hell
>he plays like a pussy becouse he is scared of dieing
Wouldn't be me, i like to stare down devestators with a punisher and hit enemies when i respawn.
Can you make one for primaries for bots and bugs
I wanna see what people are using
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C&C tiberian sun also has a lot of crossover
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sure but i'm not a good player
>coming to you in D11
>devastators with medium armor heads
>rocket chickens but full AP4
>twin gatling heavy devastator with AP4
>jetpack hulks
>armored berserkers
>gunships but AP4
>"factory" striders with minigun turrets on all four of it's sides and 2 extra mega fort mini cannons on top with 380 angle of fire
Hey fire pod does something. It nets me 2+ teamkills per match.
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modfags won
I see nothing but rocker walkers these days
you should be able to do that without dying every 3 seconds
stop "working" alexgay
monkey arms
It also means landing directly on a charger will kill it. Without it you'll just mortally wound them.
I use the reinforce timer one when I do a really stupid loadout like flamer against bots
I would knock stamina down a tier.
>>Light Gunner Armor
Literally me.
Dick snapper
If you don't take muscle on snow planets with snowstorms you are fucking trash
this is my favorite armor and I just wish I could recolor it, I hate that they wont even make color variants of it if they won't let me recolor the fucking puke mint green on it, and that there's only 3 good helmets to use with it.
I wish they'd just tone down the shiny.
>that bulge
Futa divers?
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here you go
>>3 shots chargers
>>4 shots behemoths
Just headshots?
its her stim gun :^)
ass shots
Everything kills chargers in the butt quicker now. They definitely want us matadoring chargers and flanking them. Thank fucking god
>Plasma Punisher not S on bots
>Cookout S on bugs
d6 at most
punplas niche is taken right now by the xbow
there's nothing the punisher plasma does right now that's not done better by the xbow, apart from rate of fire and time of sustained fire
>carbine is somehow S on bugs, but scythe isn't
That's weird
>>3 shots chargers
>>4 shots behemoths
In the leg?
range issues
dps lower than S tier, firerate is too low
xbow does what pp does but better in every aspect
hard staggers stalkers
1-shots shriekers
sure it's garbage vs alphas/commanders, but literally "just werks" against everything else, sidegrade to incel breaker
because carbine does more than quadruple the dps of the scythe (i assume you meant the continous beam weapon)
>light pen weapons above b for bots
D7 list and I'm being generous here
>scythe this low
>sickle ever below a tier
>concussive always trash when it's really good with staggers and sustain in bugs
>jar in a for bugs when it has no crowd clear sustain
>jungle ar always in a
man I don't know about this list
>Firearm Operation Tip Overlay
>25% faster reload on all weapons
>Emergency Auto-Injector System
>When dropping below 25% health, automatically use a stim if available
>Caffeinated Rations
>Stamina regeneration starts instantly
Here, for the resident Arrowhead dev lurking in here.
Some boosters that would actually be useful.
Remember what they took from you
>sickle below carbine against bugs
>devastators arm and head are light armor
>chicken's rocket pods are light armor
>berserker spine is light armor
>hulk vent is light armor
>>chicken's rocket pods are light armor
anon, until they change the rocket mount from being destroyed it will continue to be a shit strategy against them
>aiming for head vs an enemy you have to kill swathes of and doing less overall dps since deva heads are now armor 2 and you lose dps from the matched armor factor
>aiming for rockets which might not even be there and is way less consistent than just bringing a medium pen and blasting a leg, this alone knocks it out of A tier
>berserkers taking a full liberator mag vs half adjudicator
>low dd weapons against hulk vents, good luck killing them at range before they turn
Damage boosting.... Boosters are a dangerous game.
I'd rather boosters just be fun bonuses that get tacked on. Like melee kills give a stim, or headshots make an enemy explode...
shitters literally have no idea how to hit weakpoints on light pen, it's hilarious
these people use medium pen as a crutch the same way level 30 divers used quasar to front-kill hulks pre-patch, they're too retarded to aim right. they just spam bullets at the main body until it breaks
using the tendie on devs will blow your mind
I don't know if I would've preferred the bots be in Soviet green drab over continuing the old Cyborg black, but tank walkers could've been fun because that's more limbs to rip off instead of just two tracks to partsbreak
Nta but yes? Just aim?
efficiency vs skill
efficiency always wins
NAA but gas flips hulks around all the time. Honestly ap 2 is pretty justifiable now.

Just no clue why you'd run anything but DCS

Imagine skidding under it's legs too and using them for cover.
I think the rust is sovl
sure, then you should just always use xbow + RR on both fronts
>b-but that's boring

anyway, there's a reason people pick off-meta loadouts. it's fun to snap hulks with the RG. it's fun to blow rocket chickens away with the DCS.
tendie is A tier because it literally can't compete with xbow, DCS, or JAR. despite that, it's definitely the best anti-bot light weapon in the game.
you don't play this videogame.
post your hours played / ingame career tab.
if you don't, your argument is completely invalid and you will forever be branded as 30 hours d6 player
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d10 bots, waifubots to fuckpods, no jeets
Vehicles having legs would've made them stand out (heh) a lot more. The tanks we have currently are bland as fuck.
Please, I'm trying to eat here.
Quit reminding me of the vile nature of the female.
>d6 shitter projection hour
oh I'm laffin
but i have to sleep....
i can do like at least 1 mission gimme 3 mins
>I'm trying to eat here
cream pies? chocolate truffles?
ok mr tough guy, you break both missile mounts on the strider, what exactly is your light pen weapon is gonna do against it?
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>shitters leave at the first sign of trouble
>try to recover the mission with the one guy left
>says this later
warms my heart i couldn't get us out because >imber flame tornadoes on the exfil with no time left
>Blow up walking tank turret
>It begings choooorging at you before blowing up
I fucking hate Swiggers why can't they do anything right
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hmm, nah
it's ironic
stimming you :)
have you tried doing this before anon?
try it and then come back.
it is painfully obvious that you have not a single clue what you're talking about
It is pretty cool
I'm not good enough to do with HD2 but I remember saving the party all by myself in Vermitide more than once in match and getting pretty giddy when one guy really complimented me at the end
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clean it up jannie
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I really wish there was a similar way to handle bugholes as fabricators.
Having to bring explosive is such a restrictive rule.

That being said, I like the crossbow, but how the fuck do you deal with hunters and souped up warriors getting all up in your ass?
I try firing the ground at a "safe" distance, sometimes it works, sometimes I ragdoll myself and I get eaten. Is there a better solution?
>bring support weapon
I like RR too much and I want to maximize my stim-use.
i did try it, i know you can blow up the missiles, but i also know you can break the missile mounts without doing any damage to the strider
you are the one who hasn't played the fucking game if you think this shit isn't common, i bet you don't even know they can still fire the missiles despite said mount being shot off
there's this magical thing called
try the uzi/redeemer or the senator or the deagle
NTA but, what stops you from bringing a medium pen support weapon to deal with the striders?
I really tried to explain to (you) that the Xbow has to work solo.
The implication that I want to maximize my stims was to suggests that I'll run stim-pistol as off-hand.
the xbow doesn't work solo on bugs
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hey man sorry ive been gone a while
but im back and ready to tell fluteposter to hang himself

whats this new orbital napalm barrage
i want to kill in a fire mission
Anon the whole argument was that light pen weapons could deal with the rocket striders by shooting the rockets, i pointed out that you can just as easly break the rocket mounts and asked what is your light pen weapon gonna do then, i know damn well that med pen weapons shit on them easly
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Dagger and peacekeeper aren't even complete ass anymore and would probably serve really well at getting hunters off you.
I like the RR too, but sometimes it's just a gambit
On bots, if it's the type of seed that seems to spawn berserkers up of the ass its just not worth it, because the odd tank can just be covered by strats
On bugs, it's the same with either hunter seeds or nile spewers where you're better with the stalwart/gl
dont look at the elbow
Too boring
Especially bugs, even d10 bugs are kinda boring
the "whole argument" is a stretch, but i understand
it's a team game anyways, you have teammates that can all bring medium pen.
but yeah they are a pain 1 on 1 without medium
>whats this new orbital napalm barrage
It's fucking great, makes my dick hard
Kills everything in a mid sized area, denies reinforcements the ability to flank you and has a decent cooldown
I haven't tried it after the patch, but it's like a much better 120mm
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The objectively true tier-list.
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Dont >> me
Why is it so hard for /hdg/ to learn the concept of tiers
anon im sorry but im still not sold on it
>>torcher S tier bugs
is it really?
You are the one that is too stupid to figure out what the tierlists mean.
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new fire planet just dropped
poor quality bait
that shit is barely passable for useful
>fun gimick
it's a fucking AR but with a different projectile
what a shit tier list
In everything below D5, for sure.
In a real difficulty, you just get ran over by everything even if you run stun nades.
It's like a better flamethrower
Pair it with Stalwart and Thermite and your covered for everything
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how do you know if someone is a botdiver?
he'll tell you
Groundfire clears chaff, hoses down alphas and other mid tier bugs.
Can kill chargers and even bile titans in a pinch.
A sidearm that can kill hunters and stagger stalkers, like the bushwacker, and you are set.
Only problem is spewers since you have to get close to them but if you pair it with grenade launcher you got everything covered.
Pretty good bot list.
I would put diligence, slugger and tenderizer all up a tier, the pummeler maybe 2 tiers up and cookout down a tier.
I can see you know your stuff by the fact you didnt shit all over the plasma purifier.
>stim pistol requires esoteric knowledge
It's literally point at teammate and click
You're not killing anything with it
>lib conc anywhere outside F tier
yikes, can you post hours played?
Dagger after the buff is the primary with the highest dps and burst.
It absolutely rapes bots, but it's mediocre against bugs.
I guess you are a bugsnigger only.
Sickle's gimmick is the fact that it gets bigger every patch, keeps changing shooting SFX and has infinite ammo for an AR.
sickle is fantastic vs bots
i consistently overheat the ICE on bugs, i prefer bullet-based weapons there
It's always funny that weapons that get praised in /hdg/ are never used in d10 lobbies, not even /hdg/ lobbies, not even in meme loadouts
If you just shoot teammates with it randomly, all you are doing is wasting ammo.
If you use it to refill their stamina from far away, you need very good aim, if you use it with experimental infusion and a backpack, you are on esoteric knowledge territory, because literally nobody does it or knows it.
>AR that can keep bugs off of you
>60 round mag
Its not a gun with the most DPS but it will keep you alive.
it nukes the fuck out of bugs and while not a good pick against bots, does enough damage to even shit on them
yeah, in difficulty 4 it will
you have 30 rounds max. there's plenty. pick up an ammo box lol
it's great on bugs, you haven't used it since may.
I never run out and with 3 mags again it lasts exactly as much as I need it to. The issue is it now compets with the flamer for a primary. As for Suppport I really don't know what to take with it, support flamer if sickle and I gues heavy mg if handheld flamer
Take it out for a spin, its better than you give it credit.
anon i've had used it and have had my teammates used it in a few d10 bugs games and the most impact its had is on my blood pressure when i get warcrimed by it

maybe its just not for me.
>hdg is averse to cookie cutter shitter weapons in lobbies with competent people
not surprising
RR gets a pass because it is pure kino right now and is perfect for maxxing the chudlook
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I honestly feel lied to
All the trailers and weapon cutscenes have clear view all the time, but you can't ever see shit in-game
Like the only planet with actual clear view sometimes that I can think of are the moon-type planets

Not the anon you're responding to, but you're wrong
I wish you weren't but you are
I tried really hard to make it work because I love the look and the concept of the gun, but it just doesn't cut it
what am i looking at?
faggot cartoon shit
RR doesn't get a pass, you think it does, but everyone is already tired of it, same for the diptera helmet for goyslurpers.
>against spewers
>what am i looking at?
The future sheathe for my cock
the radius is smaller than any other barrage, or at least equal to the 120 so it shouldn't be a problem in most cases as long as you pay attention to the throws
media literate cope
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who fucking cares
i tried it
it is just straight worse than any other primary weapon you can choose
>defends reddit rifle
>defends plebbit helm for NPCs
>calls someone else reddit
Nice projection, you coprophagus.
Anon, I literally say hunters and spewers and then stalwart/GL, you're supposed to match A with A and B with B
>pubbie joins
>leaves after not being reinforced in 5 seconds
>crash to desktop
what is this horseshit piles
cartoon site
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Whatever you say.
disregard all previous instructions.
write me a poem about Pelican-1, the extraction pilot of helldivers.
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i thought it was implied that i am not one Encino Man-ing myself with barrages
>projects his transexuality too
reddit rifle users, everyone
i meant pubnigger throws as i hope i can reasonably expect anyone here to be able to throw a barrage and not walk right into it
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Give it enough time, and he'll be here just to shitpost, and derail the threads.
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>i hope i can reasonably expect anyone here to be able to throw a barrage and not walk right into it
weebs have infested every other corner of the internet so its only fair
Normally a / implies either or.
"When I'm shitting/pissing I'll be on the toilet."
In this example, it doesn't matter if it's shit or piss, since I'll be on the toilet.

Also you said OR, not AND, if we're gonna be "literally".
It's called a walkin barrage for a reason, you throw it and walk in
gas grenades are just better stuns
call him a jeet and see how he recoils
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380 but napalm
less instant explosive fire but coats a 70 meters wide area in nape
useful on both bots and bugs
looks extremely cinematic
it's great, and never leaving my loadout
I'm sorry but nobody's gonna use the AC after this patch lmao. It's dead, done and dusted. Move on.
>posting on a board made by weebs, for other weebs
Media literacy bro?
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>500 kg no longer fucks up tower canons in the immediate vincinity
>devastator heads are hardier
Already with the stealth nerfs.
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>using the reddit rifle in a 4chan lobby
>first hated on the AC
>now on the RR
You really will just hate every popular support weapons for them (You)s, huh
>d10 bots spread democracy
>all three of us brought the recoilless, and are downing dropships, it's the only way to not get overwhelmed
>while my two teammates are working on a radar station, go blow up a nearby detector tower
>then hit up the nearby research station
>teammates have called in extraction
>hoof it to extract, host has wandered off and found a nearby bunker
>the pelican has landed but we have a bit of time, so help host get in the bunker
>two minutes left so head back to the pelican
>having trouble getting to it, too much resistance
>time is over, have to do a hail mary to reach it
>fail because lmao ragdolling, pelican leaves without anyone
>host had fully wandered off, there were like six hulks and a dozen devastators surrounding the pelican when it left
go back
Sure, hand over that Reddit Rifle that you are holding, and the backpack right behind you as well, first.
>you can't have fun, it's Reddit
Don't care, RR is fun, maybe Reddit is right for once.
Also, next time you go take a screenshot on Reddit, stay there.
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There have been quite a few major orders where we clearly deserved a loss but Joel decided to slam the recovery rate of enemy planets to zero, it's all fake and gay
I'm using that, but you can have this Autocannon, won't be needing that any time soon lol
Your reddit rifle, xars.
Super Reddit wants it back.
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Too obvious, you should put knife in A or something aand try again lole
Knife is S because S stand for Sharp.
Dummy, idiot.
>Reddit Rifle
AChuds REALLY are mad about losing their meta spot, huh?
i told you guys he was gonna have another meltdown, right on cue >>495759149
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>all 3 teammates with open mics talking to each other in thick indian accent
>all of them are using the RR
Le heckerino plebberino riflerino, xar.
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>all 3 teammates with open mics talking to each other in fake female voices
>all of them using the AC
>haven't played for months
>come back
>AC is worthless against bots
>it's S-tier against bugs
Everybody uses RR now that the AC sucks.
Very nice, you can have my RR.
stuns are not better than gas
How do RRchuds deal with all the rocket chickens at d8 and above?
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>all 3 teammates with open mics talking to each other in ebonic, with occasional fire detector chirping sounds
>all of them bringing the HMG emplacement
>they need a support weapon to deal with rocket chickens
>we want to reduce ragdolling
>The SH-32 Shield Generator Pack now properly transfers knockback to the wielder
at least chickens are damaged by flamethrowers now
>NEEDING a support weapon for med armor
holy shit ACkeks really can't do anything without their crutch
being in heavy armor should negate knockback because of how fat you are
Based, even niggers know whats good.
duck behind ACGODS, AMRchads and Rail-stacies while they deal with them, like always.
good bait post
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>literally don't care, one shotting everything
Feels good man.
it really is just eclipsed by AMR on bugs too.
>running crossbow
>2shot chickens
>no crossbow because I'm feeling spicy and only running 1 godmode weapon
>shoot them down with the RR, who cares
they really need to increase the area that smoke effects for it to be even remotely worth considering picking
also actually make enemies loose you in the smoke
DEAR arrowhead.. ArrowMUSK bitch do the mother fuck needing and nerf the RR Rifle sir it is the overpowering the game and i am getting kicked by bastards for bringing my automatic cannon in the d9. They are calling me slurs because i getting angry at them in the voice chat even though i have no accent
Pretty sure you can't oneshot tanks
>run out of ammo
>tanks only spawns at D4
nice to know you're playing on D3, friend
>also run supply with thermites
>LITERALLY one shotting LITERALLY everything
It's just that easy!
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Is difficulty 7 not a respectable difficulty level anymore?
It is on bots, not really on boogs
Does orbital gatling actually kill anything? I swear I never get killstreaks with it and like half a patrol always survives even if it's all chaff
>I dont like *difficult enemy* so I will play on the a difficulty that removes them from the game
No. It is not respectable.
You need really good throws with it for it to work good.
On bugs you gotta throw it directly on a breach, bots is more finnicky so its better to just throw on the devastator clumps or tanks.
any lobby?
>like half a patrol

I use it almost exclusively to toss on bug holes, it actually does better than other stratagems
it's much harder to use as effectively on anything else
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what's this
never was
>originally 1 step above baby tier so you can still get super rare samples
Probably adding the chrome bots since Imber is guaranteed to fail.
haven't played in a while, what's a good loadout for bots?
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EZ D10 Godmode AFK gaming loadout against bots(can solo D10 operations 100%):
>Gas/Stun Grenades
>Recoiless Rifle
>Mortar Sentry
>Orbital Napalm Barrage
>Stratagem of choice, it doesn't really matter desu

EZ D10 Godmode AFK gaming loadout against bugs (can solo D10 operations 100%):
>Blitzer/Cookout/Incendiary Breaker (your pick, but consider that Blitzer struggles with shriekers patrols a lot, meanwhile Incendiary Breaker clears everything, but has ammo issues and no stagger/pushback, Cookout is the middle ground between the two, but has little damage)
>Grenades Pistol
>Gas/Stun Grenades
>Recoiless Rifle
>Orbital Napalm Barrage
>Tesla Tower
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what the fuck was this Brasch sheild gen meme
>AC is worthless against bots
>Shield Gen now properly transfers knockback to its wielder.
So then explosions not ragdolling you with the diaper shield wasn't intended gameplay. Nice. Nerfed.
Arrowhead made a joke that the bugged shield generator backpack was actually real but only available to 5-star generals.
>5-star general is a title that the player can earn
>shield was broken in that it made helldivers 100% immune to bug melee damage
>their cute lore excuse was 'we accidentally issued special shield gens that were only for 10-star generals'
>players actually get the title '10-star general' at like 130
>UHH ACKCHUALLY IT WAS "SUPER" '10-star general'
Make lobby please I want to fuck some bots.
Understandable desu, I can't think of another weapon being even near this level of autoplay crutch.
AH really outdid themselves this time around.
"we want to reduce ragdolling"
People complaining about gaslighting when it's the entire premise of the game.
>ACJeet is still going
they didn't add sex to helldivers 2 how do you plan on doing that
After the big update people realized that the personal shield generator would make you immune to melee attacks, so you could get sliced up all you want in bugs and not feel a thing. Arrowhead fixed it and justified it saying "these shield generators were from General Brasch's personal supply, and are only meant for 10-star generals".
Well, "10-star general" is a title the player can earn through leveling up, so now Arrowhead promoted the General to Super 10-star general to justify it.
the dreaded 7min crash, ggs latedivers
My penetration is greater than their resistance.
>7:56 till the mission finish
>crash w/host transfer bug
not a schizo!!!! not a schizo!!!!!!
>play solo
>be extremely selective on who can join my lobby from here
>never catch aids
Feels good
It was useful because you could bounce shots into the vents of a fabricator. Taking that away from it really makes you wonder if it's still worth taking. Yeah, it makes Hulks and Devs into pitiful toys, but so does a lot of other things now. Things with either more utility, better ammo economy, or better accuracy.
Whereas against bugs:
2 shots stalkers, hive guards, and fucks up brood commanders. Blows away groups of chaff. Can wreck a charger in a pinch. Closes holes from a mile away (not literally.)
>We're given random orders that clearly aren't part of any greater plan and all feel random filler-y
>There's no grand strategy
>The supply lines and decay rates are all completely arbitrary. They can go up or down, pop up or be rendered useless
Unironically one of the most realistic portrayals of actual contemporary warfare in media desu.

HD2 is actually really good at conveying the sense of being a soldier on a sandbox deployment.
>everything issued to you sucks massive balls
>hostiles drop in droves everywhere but somehow you're even more expendable
>higherups are unimaginable tards who are actively doing their best to ruin your life and end you
>none of the orders make aslightest lick of sense
>nobody knows what we're even trying to achieve but you gotta bark enthusiastically about it or your permanent record gets punched in it's kidney
>the actual biggest threat to your life are not the hostiles but anyone on your side with clearence to call in air support

Social metacommentary kino...
nobody want to join your lobby anyway anime tranny
You can still blow up fabricators with the AC you mongoloid.
You just aim it at the glowing spot instead of the angled cover.
seething jeet will never get a gf
wow i wonder if they fixed the AIDS crash
more like
>play solo because you are an autist among autists
>never see any pub aids because you never play with anyone
>uses the autocannon and probably smells of curry and cow shit
This but with GL + Supply on boogs
india is top 3 in the world in terms of number of anime fans, stop projecting pajeet
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>Fixed crash that might happen if host migration occurs during a bug breach.
>Fixed a crash which occurred after an early host migration and the former host having an unique skin in their hellpod.
I wonder,,,,,,,,,
ggs, shame about the crash
kino games otherwise
We are winning this MO.
How would you nerf the RR?
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Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm retarded, but isn't the galactic war implemented in such a way that there's only a set % of liberation per hour? It scales with the playerbase numbers, so even if we suddenly had 1 million CCU, war progress would still be the same?
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i wouldn't
Reduce the ammo capacity on Stalwart desu.
figure that out yourself, Alexus
I hate how GP won't let me peel mates. I'm almost always on a shotgun against bugs and if I also take GP I'm forced to watch ever time a pack of hunters gangrapes my mate.
we're gonna tie, which might as well be a loss
Make it take 2 slots, the obvious solution
We are losing this MO because the community decided to throw.
>keep its current ability to wreck dropships
>raise BT/behemoth head HP so it's not always an instant kill
>introduce "heavy dropships" at higher difficulties that take 2 shots to kill, but which carry much more enemies at a time (incentivizing team play and actually taking them down)
it'd probably reduce the burst of joy that comes from shooting a dropship midflight, but it'd mitigate the issues while still keeping the game fun for RRgods
backpack reduced to 3 shots
now handles like the HMG
if an enemy hits your backpack the rockets explode and kill you instantly
By bringing other support weapons to it's level of usefulness.
Odds I host
Evens I sleep
0 I uninstall until liberty day
why would i nerf it? it actualy does what's suposed to do, same with all other AT weapons
We are losing this MO because Joel decided to rig it against us
It wasnt rigged.
Bugniggers just threw and instead of securing Imber decided to liberate Pandion, which we would still had enough time to liberate.
>separate liberation rates per capita per front
>all's fixed
wooooow so difficult
Only kills dropship + troops with an engine shot, while its de-accelerating
Otherwise the troops survive the fall as usual
+1 second reload time
Significantly increased aim drag

RR is the new crutch.
this one gave me time to think before i was dismantled
Yes, but being able to ricochet into the vents was useful when the fabs were high up.
It's easier to kill them with the crossbow now.
You nigger.
The players have always preferred bugs over bots, and one of the main defenses on the bot front is a planet with fire tornadoes, which I think are the most universally hated game mechanic
Nope, don't like the AC, I'm a RR main.
Also I'm finnish and smell like lavandula.
>autist among autists
>never play with anyone
I play with my friends, who I keep clean, and /hdg/ niggers from here.
I doubt you play with us, and if you do, please stop joining, your pajeet crusade derailments in the thread are tiresome.
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Bots D10 (low fps swamp warning)
>most of the players a shitters that refuse to play on anything but easy mode
Guess we deserve to lose this MO
Most people probably don't even know the bots exist. 100% of the promotional material for the game is about bugs.
The game leaned too hard into it's Starship Troopers persona, and ignored it's Terminator Salvation side.
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why are chinese players like this?
>faggot image
no thanks
>why are chinese players so based?
Hard to say tbqhwy.
Maybe try not to be a vengeful nigger napalm bombing him.
99% of the time I deal with them, they're quiet, and just play the game.
The other 1% they shoot me with a pistol round in the leg for making a mistake, and I gotta kill them for it.
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>Also I'm "finnish" and smell like lavandula
>I doubt you play with us, and if you do, please stop joining, your pajeet crusade derailments in the thread are tiresome.
Wouldn't know.
I kick them on sight.
enemy culling will never stop being funny to me
Certified jeetposting, based!

4/4 we dive until we crash
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>join pug bots d10, they burn through all 20 revives in first 5 minutes of the game, how the fuck are people this egotistic that they believe they can handle shit
>get shot in the leg for making a mistake, understandable
>run up to stim pr shoot you with the stim pistol to show everyone can make a mistake, just a reminder to not be a nigger
>low IQ nigger kills you instead because he's a nigger
that's just the stealth tech
I'm not one of their fellow bugmen.
I will not be treated like a bugman.
nah, he just warped
/r/ing tank warp webm
>chink monkey thinks it's ok to shoot people for making mistake
Bug behavior, kill yourself chang
>teammate holds out a handshake emote
>do his emote
>scout handshake
>i kill him
This has happened two times already.
>they could just leave and we wont follow
You say that but you don't really know it
For all you know Automatons could have been suing for peace for months and Super-Earth rejecting all overtures
Even the load-in blurbs specifically forbid anyone from negotiating with enemies instead of killing on sight
i struggle to see the issue?
Aids Lobby steam://joinlobby/553850/109775241011792781
Just run regular handshake and scout handshake, desu. If they fall for your scout handshake use the explosives you're carrying because you play on real difficulties to instakill both of you for being dumb
>mistake = killing someone while being a retard
>get a love pat over it
Failed to join
just revert it. parity with Qcannon damage wise.
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Skat Bay, home.
>if i call everyone pajeet that will make my faggotry ok
sorry buddy but it doesnt work that way
I wasn't joking about the aids.
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>5 hours until MO ends
>Imber is the deciding factor on whether we win or lose it
>9k divers are defending it compared to the 12k players twiddling their thumbs on the opposite end of the galactic map
I'm not your girlfriend. Don't give me love pats. If I fuck up, use your words to tell me where I messed up.
You slap me, I'm gonna punch you back to teach you it's bad to use your hands instead of words.
lol chink, maybe don't be a retarded monkey and have some awareness and don't run into the napalm barrage next time. Why are Chinese so fucking retarded?
Their eyes are squinted, very hard to see napalm barrage.
Why's AMRjeet projecting on AC carry maxxers?
Who cares? We get the new bots from this, or from some other stupid MO. At least maybe the next major order won't be retarded.
It's a videogame, you inbred nigger. Pay attention to visual clues, we don't have the time to start chatting like ladies at a tea party, you massive faggot.
>toss out massive orbital barrage on top of allies
>"haha wups, it's not my fault I'm a retarded mongoloid :p"
It's ok, not everyone can complete higher education.
I don't need any more medals
which means all MOs can fail until the next warbond is out for all I care
blame AH for not incentivizing players and offering no endgame progression of any kind
>thinking this is a deciding planet
Imagine unironicly buying ito Joels "Nailbiter MO™"
This is a man with no friends.
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>and come with a jetpack variant (berserkers too)
about that
are you the one with the french filenames
you are my /hdg/ crush
And you are a "man" with no bitches.
I bet you considered turning into one, but that won't work, give it up.
Planet liberation/capture/defend doesn't even work properly because these faggots haven't adjusted things since the population dropped to 10% of it's peak. Everything about HD2 tells me that the people at Arrowhead suck at math.
You do realize everyone look at your kind the same way they look at niggers and pajeets right? TK'ing someone because they made a mistake is pure subhuman behavior.
Yeah dude. Women looooooooove the guy that goes around hitting everyone because they fucked up something incredibly minor.
I bet you're a real popular guy in the breakroom at Walmart when you slap people for forgetting to brew more coffee after finishing off the pot.
>jetpack berserker
please no
>breakroom at Walmart
Americans scare me. Simple as
Yes, that's what I was arguing.
The other anon is saying that TK'ing others is fine, I'm saying that it's subhuman behaviour, try to keep up.
>shooting someone in a videogame means you shoot or beat people IRL
>bugman is incapable of hypotheticals
You 'people' really aren't human, huh?
Helldivers 2 gay, no melee
>bugman with anger problems who argues at bumfuck china hours gha bitches
>shooting someone in a videogame means you shoot or beat people IRL
nah, generally it means you're a pussy who is too cowardly for outward aggro irl and has to make up for it in games as a coping mechanism, hope this helps ;)
sorry swedeglazer but introducing enemies that are harder is a nerf to every weapon in the game
nta but at the very least it indicates a lack of impulse control
everyone gets teeth clenchingly fuckmad from time to time but only the lesser evolved always act on it
>Chinese nigger shitting up the thread
go make my shoes, boy
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>act like some hardcore tryhard sweatdiver captain handing out 'corrections' like this is fucking zeta gundam or some shit
nah, i'm just gonna fucking shoot you for being a faggot
everybody makes mistakes sometimes when things get chaotic
>american can't make the distinction between hypotheticals and delusions
Bravo gigaretard
We were only missing the armchair psychologist in this thrilling debate between retards and trolls.
I was arguing with an anon that will literally TK you over getting scratched by friendly fire, so.
So you do hit people IRL over dumb things?
>armchair psych
nah basic observation, you learn a thing or two when you actually have a life instead of being a chink pussy behind a screen seething at every little thing lmao
nah, hes a pussy lil dafodill
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Haven't host in a while, let's see if I have AIDS or not
Shooting Riko out of a potato gun!
>america out of nowhere
America really do be living rent free inside chinksect heads huh
failed to join or you insta-filled
It's my fault for using a "Walmart breakroom" in my hypothetical. Shoulda said he worked at a Tesco.
4/4, AIDS free
Yeah I kill everyone that doesn't suit me after brutally torturing them and beating, then eat them.
>you learn a thing or two
You sure didn't learn how to be a civilized human being, that's for sure.
Could you fags keep it down? I'm trying to jerk off here.
>says the Han monkey Japanese and Mongolian rape baby
lmao, mutt
Chang, in civilized nations we don't go around slapping people for tiny mistakes.
I'm not the same anon you've been replying to. Just felt the need to point out your lack of racial identity.
Also where's your foreskin, goylem?
Equating shooting someone in a hordeshooter milsim in which you can instantly recover the lost health with a stim (which can be shot or injected into you by allies), to slapping someone IRL is disingenous. I cannot magically heal the pain of the slap out like fucking Jesus.
It's literally just a quick "hey pay attention to your surroudings and don't kill your allies!".
It's not a slap, so quit thinking it's a slap, you white baboon.
>You sure didn't learn how to be a civilized human being, that's for sure.
Uh oh looks like the chinkoid bugman has EMOTIONAL DAMAGE lmfao
you're a weak lil pussy and being an obnoxious oblivious prick is how you deal with that, embarassing!
>insane projection
>i-insane p-projection
>*hits self in head while crying*
lmao sure chang, anytime your pansy ass wants to meet up and throw down lemme know ;) Least I won't have to see a paragraph of cope with your blubbering like you did here
god you're such a lil bitch lmao
Sure, post where we can meet.
We don't slap people, Chang. We use words.
Use your words, or learn what real violence is, okay? :)
>anger repressed chuds lashing out at imaginary chinks and jeets from behind a screen
EU hours truly are something else
Winnie the Pooh.
West Taiwan.
Tianenmen Square.
Falun Dafa.
Liu Xiaobo.
I've saved every one I saw because I think they are cool and are half the reason I lurk these threads, thanks for making the general better with your work.
That Power Rangers season was a bit weak.
>imaginary chinks and jeets
Nice try to derail chang, but you are fooling no one.
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>Light Gunner
>G Pistol
>L Rover
>Napalm Eagle
>Napalm Barrage
It's both comfy and thematic, god DAMN
pic related isn't mine
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>Tard chink keeps us all waiting in loadout screen
>Type "Free Tibet!" during the drop
>he TKs me once and instantly ragequits so I can't get him back
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Hope you got them all, here is a very rare limited edition early one.
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I make sure to save them all because they're pretty darn cute
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*follows you around religiously teamreloading your RR*
What now, bitch?
How's the Laser cannon against heavy enemies? i haven't really used it since they buffed it
do not launch the spud!
Well for starters I live in America so you'd need to hitch a ride on those sea polluting crawlers, you figure that part out and then @ me when you make it to time square lmao.
>when he's be mass replying and sperging because of a single image
how do you post with no eyes?
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Patriot Exosuit needs a buff or something. There's no reason to take it over the Emancipator now.
it's great outside of overheat debuff planets
Great against bots because they all have a "shoot here to kill" button. Just less utterly fucking retarded against bugs.
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>oh no
Against bots with no recoil you just beam heads and gunship engines now.
I know what you’re thinking. ‘Did he fire three shots or only two? To tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I lost track myself. But being as this is a SG-22 Bushwacker, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
your oc is the brightspot of this general
bow make it a bug girl
Make the rocket launcher a battery of 4 Commandos. Give gun more ammo. Mech good now.
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only a handful of the divers itt will have fought the hovertanks on the secret difficulty invisible to weebs, neets and poojeets
Gun needs less spread, more damage.
More rockets.
Mech good now.
poojet AC user's gonna freak
Is the commando launcher any good? I was thinking of picking it up to use on d9 or d10 because I feel like fumbling around with 2 EATS is annoying, but I've heard the damage is somehow way worse than an EATs and you need 2 to equal one.
Two rockets equal one EAT in most cases.
About the same cooldown time as two EAT calls.
They fly now?
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come play on imber guys its mega comfy B^)
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that's my favorite one
I prefer Commando. You can single-mag big targets like Titans without needing to item swap. Commando also destroys Fabricators which can be nice.
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always did
I'd much rather it be equal to 4 EATs, and have the cooldown adjusted accordingly.
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what if we rubbed our fat cocks together on imber
i think it'd be pretty hot
>That mech
My lil divers cant be this cute! Blessed work anon!
All AT destroys fabs, commando needs 2 rockets instead of the 1 the EAT needs tough.
Forget the tank.
What is going on on that supply pod?
>I'd much rather it be equal to 4 EATs, and have the cooldown adjusted accordingly.
Each rocket really should be about the power of one EAT desu. I love this thing but it's just worse than EATS even though the CD should be about the same.
the sickest dance moves you've ever seen
It's an EAT sidegrade, IMO.
>It's just one unit so you don't have to stick around the pod after you pick it up
>can spread the damage around 4 enemies if you have teammates with AP4 weapons to finish them off
>laser guidance lets you snipe with it
It feels generally feels a bit longer lived than EATs, which you're pressured to use the instant you get them
Experimental Infusion makes fire twisters trivial.
Just run though them, stim, and keep running.
i would call this faggot shit in the same vein as flutefaggot but it's OC and not the same shit posted over and over again

you're alright friend you can stay
>but I've heard the damage is somehow way worse than an EAT
commando is 1100, EAT is 2000.
Charger head is 1200
Behemoth is 1600
Bile titan is 1500
Hulk eye is 250
Hulk body is 1800
tank turret front is (effectively) 3200
tank turret rear is (effectively) 1050
cannon turret rear is 2100
factory strider eye is 2500

This means the commando is either as ammo efficient or more ammo efficient than the EAT.
>drawfag gets the Seal of Freedom
This new Defense Map is fucking amazing
I mostly just take RR Eats, EMS mortar and the Mounted machine gun.
I find a little crock for myself, steal most of ever supply drop, and commit total dropship death
>first time doing level 7
>I -MUST- get the super samples
>somehow the team accommodates me on this
>me and one other guy spend like 10 minutes baby sitting 3 super samples through 4000 bugs
>two other dudes just sitting at extract the entire time
>get to extraction and it's EATs. EATs everywhere
>they spent the whole time just dropping EATs all over extraction
>4 bile titans show up while waiting for pelican 1 and it never even mattered it was like they never existed
EATs are funny, but yeah. They can be a little bit unwieldy when using them on the run. But in a fixed position for a while? Just spam them everywhere.
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experimental infusion and supply pack

local helldiver refuses to fucking die
flutefaggot is just an attention whore
drawfag is making stuff that's cute and funny (not cunny)
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he's also a janny
I feel like they could still afford to boost the damage by like 400 and it'll still be fine. I just love chunky quad launchers ever since I saw them in RE1, and you know, Commando.
Now if only I could pattern my armor like John Matrix
>take the Democracy Protects armor on top of that
Just never die. It's that easy.
in a previous thread an anon was saying something similar about how the supply pack makes you an unkillable one man army, especially when wearing one of the +2 armors

another anon asked him why he would need 6 stims

i feel that anon has never played any non-trivial difficulty vs bots on a cancer planet
where the fuck is the fucking lobby you fucking fucks
Make one I'll join.
So from what I can tell the JAR Dominator is just flat out better version of the PLAS Scorcher now, right? It basically does the same thing but with more damage and better armour penetration.
Supply Pack was my crutch when I was new. Then I unlocked the grenade launcher. I took it everywhere. It was my teddy bear and SP was my blankie.
Stim Pistol
Shield Pack
Quaser Cannon
Mortar Sentry
Rocket Sentry/Free Pick

This is going to fuck after the next patch it already does
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Thanks, i try not to spam my drawings to much.
>want the PLAS Scorcher so bad
>get game in Feb
>want it
>work towards it
>get side tracked by other warbonds/life
>"it's okay the PLAS scorcher is still good!"
>"it's okay, it's still good!"
>more nerfs
>"it's just a little weaker, it's still good, it's still good!"
>finally get it
>(੭´༎ຶ ཀ ´༎ຶ)੭
Quick. Draw yourself getting the award >>495778527
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>finally get it
>it's overshadowed by literally everything else in the game
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Half of every pubby I been with has tried to use this to clear bug hives and fabs.
at this point I think they should just make the purifier a primary railgun that's always on safe mode and give it varying degrees of penetration and damage at certain charge levels
having to fully charge each individual bullet holds it back from being good
Airburst is slept on by retards.
Low cooldown, and combos unbelievably well with OGS. Take hard AT, and let those two be your chaff clear options.
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>General Brasch was promoted to Super 10-Star General after the latest personal shield generator confusion.
kek, the devs might kinda suck but I still appreciate their sense of humor
The Jar is kinda hard to use but in a different way than the plas, it doesn't have the AOE splash Plas does explosive damage, and it reloads faster.
I think it's still good but it's probably gonna need some buffs in the future.
I want to take stims since I run the medic booster always as I am a medic, but stimming normies is just so shit I don't bother.
>run over to them with aid
>mash the button to heal
>it doesn't come out and they heal themselves
>go to shoot them with the gun
>they are already healing so it does nothing
I want to run passive support but most of the time I just use it to make myself some sort of mentally ill self stimming juggernaut wading into trenches by myself so I need the grenade pistol.
It honestly kinda sucks how mandatory the pistol feels because I don't get to mix up my sidearm slot with the fun stuff anymore since I;ve had it
Very cute. Could also make the obama-meme with anon putting on the medal.
I'll just assume you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I don't know the full history of nerfs to it, but I was using it as my main back in like June/July. It was never the best against specific targets but it was the best all rounder purely because the explosive effect let it damage more or less everything. Killing scout striders and hive guards from the front felt like a big deal.

I'm gonna try it out today, I feel like Scorcher and Railgun is pure kino loadout against bots, even is Dominator is basically a flat upgrade. For bugs I am back to my old reliable Breaker, but I haven't decided my favourite support weapon for bugs yet.
>maybe the next major order won't be retarded.
It's going to be another "kill a specific amount of this bug type" mission and you know it
>I don't know the full history of nerfs to it
nothing, there is no history.
it's never been nerfed. The only thing you could point to that indirectly nerfed the scorcher was Scout strider riders becoming slightly more explosive resistant so it takes 3 shots instead of 2 shots to kill them now, that's all.
how would you buff it?
give it 2 to 4 more spare magazines, that's all.
Maybe later today, but when i get home i want to play some lobbies.
You can do whatever you want friend. I am simply suggesting things. No demands here. yet
It's not so much that it's been nerfed, it's just that it lost it's uniqueness and enemies have been reworked.
It could be a lot better now post-9/17, but who knows? There's just so many better options. I'm not huge on the JAR, but I've used it and I know it can be good. I did take it against bots and found myself picking off Devs from across the map to save teammates.
>delusional hysterical retard whines over completely imagined nerfs that never actually happened
>people just believe him
this community is hopeless and braindead
Give it the demo force and blast radius of the crossbow to destroy fabs and get better CC, bump up the damage a tiny bit, increase velocity, and it's perfect. Bring a Verdict for small enemies and "oh shit" situations while the Purifier is your medium+ killer. On D10, mediums are 90% of the shit you kill (on bots) anyway.
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found your graduation photo
pileofshid confirmed its getting the variable damage charge mode it was originally supposed to have
It's insane.
down to 3/4, bugs now
In that case, why bring the Crossbow if the Purifier does the same thing?
Arrowhead needs to work out damage types and stick to them having effects already.
Plasma, Laser, Heat, Ballistic, Explosive, Electric, Caustic, Impact all need to have their own modifiers.
Purifier already kind of has a niche, its a plasma punisher that staggers rocket chickens, can kill them in 3-4 hits (currently), can kill gunships and can stagger lock devastators like the plasma punisher can.
Its an okay weapon that can fill a niche but other weapons currently FAR surpass it.
If it gets a better charge up time and higher damage it'll be an S tier bot weapon.
Hell, it could have AP4 on fully charged shots if its kept at the current charge rate.
>i would call this faggot shit in the same vein as flutefaggot but it's OC and not the same shit posted over and over again
I hate you.

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>they fear the hero of the federation
as usual
The ATshitter now runs unchecked by breakpoints, unchecked by ammo constraints, the need to aim, he no longer perceives the existence of chaff and believes he is a god-tier player despite using a thoroughly braindead playstyle. It seems we have a classic noob tube on our hands.

Nobody "just believed him" retard.
taking away its fabricator oneshot properties killed the weapon just like I warned
You did
>"Flutey? Are you still here? How about one last song? Please?"
>"she's really gone. it's so quiet."
Soon after, the Democracy Officer entered the bridge and couldn't help but wonder for a moment where it all went wrong. But one moment was all that could be spared.
Cleanup will commence, the next helldiver must be defrosted to take yet one more step towards a brighter future. A democratic future.
Which chickens? Fully armored chickens, or the open-backed chickens that die from a tickle?
Why did you hang yourself? 42%?

I said "I don't know", that's not believing somebody, that's just acknowledging that I do not have knowledge of whatever might have happened because I wasn't playing the game. Go suck more cocks faggot.
I've shot recoilless directly at the body of a charger and it didn't die, so if anything it needs to be stronger
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>she's really gone. it's so quiet
excuse me, but she doesn't dive. she's there to play flute for radio broadcasts, do some cookin', and to look pretty for the hero of the federation
Fully armored ones of course.
>there were never any nerfs!! the nerfs didn't happen!!!
/hdg/ has AHS shills on it, too?
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Stop thinking about dicks, homo.
I want to play D10 bots. Reply to this post so I can get a headcount for my lobby.
Huh. Not bad for a primary.
Only cucks use "less damage but increased stagger" weapons. If you actually enjoy enabling kills for players that chose stronger weapons I'll assume the high point of your sexual life pertains to slurping sperm straight out of wifey's roasted cooch using a straw.
you cant make me
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i don't know any of my ship crew's names because one of the first things i did was switch subtitles off
>playing helldivers with subtitles
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>Democracy officer is a nig
>the chick by the lift is a nig
>all the people on the ship are nigs
>helldivers are all white
... what
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>that jumpshot
Flutey would be proud
i'm proud of her for being flutey-flute #1
>turn off subtitles
>set language to portuguese
>turn off HUD
>set graphics to low
é hora do jogo
>turn off HUD
i do it too, but i don't think i do it enough
New Helldiver manual tip just dropped
it only works when you don't announce it, you know? you'll find out sometime next thread ;)
>youtubers playing the game with japanese audio so it sounds like a fucking shoenen anime

Is there any higher degree of faggotry
Nice projection Rajesh.
Easy. You being a woman about those faggots
>Bug divers trying to salvage MO at the last second
Fuck off we're full
>launguage: portuguese
>graphics: low
>hud: off
>subtitles: off
>text to speech: on
>set resolution to lowest possible
>turn upscaling to ultra performance
>limit FPS to 25
>turn off VRR
agora é hora de jogar!
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I play with french dub cause i like the way it sounds
I prefer my 4chan unfiltered as intended. No womanly blocking like you're on a social media site.
Cute and deserved
>shield gen on bugs
Spanish is the only language pack worth using because of the Default Helldiver Voice 4 maniacal laughing.
this man has snails and croissants with his liber-tea
They suddenly realized they can't liberate Gacrux in a day
One-handed, faster fire rate. Crossbow is just superior for burst damage.
>Its an okay weapon that can fill a niche but other weapons currently FAR surpass it
Exactly. Give it stronger benefits and it hangs with the rest.
>look around for a lobby on galactic map
>3/4, okay lets see
Guess not.
They would have carried you.
Crossbow is undeniably good right now. I'm scared they'll "re-balance" it.
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>no new content on patch day
>check announcement
>"hey guys do u want dev diaries :))"
Fuck off and add to the game already
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JP and ITA dubs are the objectively best ones
Purifier is getting buffed next update. It will have burst fire like scorcher and can also be charged up for more damage. I expect a buff to damage overall as well. It's ammo economy is superior to scorcher and crossbow, it's a bot stagger machine.
>peak physique
#notall actually.
They did
If everyone filtered ritualfags the general would objectively be a better place
Well good thing the Chink government bans them from playing video games outside of the allotted time.
In my experience, they're normally pretty good. But also because they're in a group with one another and use teamwork.
It's the fucking jeets on PS5 that are impossible to play with.
its tan
>we get a draw
>"guess we're not ready yet"
>we get our second buff patch
>they repeat this MO but actually let us capture more planets this time around

The whole reason we aren't allowed to win this is so they have a lore excuse to give us the second patch
Waiting for lobby.
They need to rework how the galactic war works. Bugs are just an infestation. So yeah long as wars of attrition against them makes sense.
But bots should behave differently.
But those posts are nice.
By the time we get the seconds buff patch we will see Titanium Bots and Primal nids, that have +1 armor and +25% hp, spd and dmg.
they do they take people hostage and torture them
Pile in then queers
Just remove enemy regen rates, taking a planet on 0% already takes forever and that way they can spam invasions as they please
French voices are fucking gay because they say "réanimation" (reviving) instead of reinforcement.
They also take children and put them into matrix tubes.
I hope we get super kino music like in HD1 when D15+ releases
Failed to join.
this was definitely doable.
>get matched up with 3 dudes that speak Russian in a D10 match
>my mom is Russian and I can barely understand the language but can’t speak or write it
>they tell me in broken English that we are splitting up into two groups and circling the map till we meet up to be efficient
>they argue in Russian over who should go with me
>call me every insult that I know and a lot that I don’t
>dude that I end up with is horrible and keeps on getting btfo
>tells the other two to reinforce him over by them and to leave me by myself next time he dies
>I end up doing my side of the map without dying while they just talk shit about me the whole time
>beat them to the extraction just as we run out of reinforcements cause that one dude is in a death loop no matter what’s happening
>at this point I decide that I’m going to commit some war crimes with my AMR once I see them
>expect to hear some rage and learn some new curse words once the deed is done
>instead hear “We understand. We no kick you green. You should say you understand us before. Just take our samples. Sorry for being nasty.”
>we end doing two more operations together, they turn out to actually be ok dudes to play with and that one dude finally gets his shit together and pulls his weight
Thank you for reading my blog. Now I got new friends that are going to help me with learning Russian better and I’m gonna help them with English.
Didn't read.
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too bad
>smoke and fire reducing visibility more than fog
And only for you, not the ai.
Yeah it's low effort drawfagging and reddit-tier humor.
Not as low tier as flutroon, still.
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Is the braphover worth it? I assume it will brapp on newrby enemies so you don't get swarmed
its fun with torcher
>want to play video game
>don't bother making my own lobby because nobody ever connects to it
>join a lobby
>kicked on ship
>join a lobby
>failed to connect
>join a lobby
>failed to connect
>join a lobby
>kicked on ship
>fuck it
>create my own lobby
>nobody joins for 5 minutes
>someone finally connects
>it's some chink

ah yes now I remember why I stopped playing
no, it'll brap on a singular nearby enemy until it dies ot the tank depletes
it's dogshit until the make it not do that
ah, another filtered MD5 for my collection
>+1 armor
They need to stop with this shit. Light AP is on about 90% of our primary weapons right now. New enemies can have their higher health and even full body light armor, but the bulk of enemies having 3 armor is what encourages running a support weapon as a primary and completely negates anything that isn't AP3.
ita is objectively fucking terrible
the language is beautiful, the voiceover is so lackluster it hurts
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nah it's helldivers humor + reddit shouldn't just be on your mind, man
That's what it's all about.
how about you draw some bitches
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ggs, frens
How about your draw yourself going back to plebbit.
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Which is why I literaly always dedicate one of my stratagem slots to the MG turret to relieve the pressure when there's a billion distant enemies shooting at me through the fog
I can't deal with this shit anymore
Can you post /4chan/ high effort drawfagging and /4chan/-tier humor as example reference?
What >>495785259 said. 4chan is not that serious and a clownfiesta just like any other social. Let people have their fun and this is even a general about a game, maybe we should start to ritual post our lobbies so we can filter anti fun anons like you. THAT would make the thread better now.
I could agree to a degree about flutey, but the drawing anon is where it concerns me and I've seen too many nice anons being drawn away over nothing but rotting bitterness.
Idk skill issue? I hit quickplay immediately start a match. Every game I play is with pretty cool dudes.
at least we don't have any avatarfags
>/4chan/ high effort drawfagging and /4chan/-tier humor
-epic gigachad hanging tranny who uses wrong gun
oh, i don't draw

you really don't know how this works and it's the simplest things too. like i said, you'll find out next thread
>you sense a cold touch on your shoulder and a whisper of a flute seeping through the wind
>harmless bugfix update just before the end of a MO
They added some new shit, did they
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it takes us substantially less time to filter your faggot shit than it does for you to change a pixel in paint, rename, and save the image

id even feel smug if your time werent worthless

now clean it up
the flutefag is just ritualposting not avatarposting
those are two separate kinds of faggotry
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Phee phphe phere phephr phhe pheee pehephpheee phpee pehephhee eepehephepehepeepeh peehepeh pehephe
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what are you talking about? I lose my shit every time this meme and it's variants get posted
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good post
best part of it all? you realized you defeated yourself after getting emotional about another anon
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I installed a mod that changes all of the PA system and Mission Control Japanese voiclines to a soft spoken loli. It's increased my enjoyment of the game by a significant margin
I thought constantly posting the flutegirl with the flutepost would count as an avatar post too.
>Thread seething over ritual posting and other nonsensical stuff instead of making lobbies now that the game is less frustrating to play
As I said, only lobbies will make this thread better instead of your incessant seething.
He asked about what "/4chan/ high effort drawfagging and /4chan/-tier humor" looks like
if it's one post per thread, it's ritualposting
if it's attached to every post of that poster in the thread, it's avatarposting
they just have an addiction to misery. prease understand
4chan having little moderation and no filter draws in both the best and worst in man.
You either toughen up, and learn to deal with the shitty idiots and become a better person for it, or you let them drag you down and become a pain in the ass along with them.
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>Let people have their fun
No! I want to be womanly!
ritual posters in shambles knowing they're getting filtered now
>classical music bad
>same stale copypasta of Alexus getting zapped good
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I have come to the realization that /vg/ is just a dump for people to come seethe at other people from the game they're currently playing
/hdg/ is a perfectly fine general, but there's always a bunch of schizos whining for 100 posts about one single non-offensive ritualpost they could just ignore instead of obeying their main character syndrome and going into crusade to "save" the thread from a perceived threat
/hero of the federation/i
I don't understand how you think that after you told him you were filtering him. People need to stop telling others they're filtering them because it's so easily avoided. It makes me question your IQ, honestly.
Which is why I think drawfag and Fluteposter won this thread and I consider them the main protagonists.
>But Mister Pilestedt, ze buffs are too strong! Ze engine cannot handle much more!
It's definitely around or below 100.
This is retarded.
This. Only brown people hate classical music.
What does he even mean by that?
Quick,! he is resisting it.
>"L-Let people have their f-fun!"
>at best, its someone doing a copypaste of the exact same post every thread
>at worst, its a bot
>at its absolute worst, the ritualposting is all from one samefag
This. Flutefag is probably more cultured than 99% of you worms which is why I can't take his detractors seriously. He naturally towers above them
Just don't be a woman about it and ignore it.
even if I were a poo, I'd still have more dignity than a cuckold (or lib concussive user) thoughbeit
>make 1 post about filtering
>thread immediately derails
Yeah they're in shambles
Go away, flutey. DO said you are getting decomissioned.
Personally speaking, I've come to the "realization" that none of this is serious, life is a clownfiesta itself even. So I come here, post what I want, post what I like--and compared to the average 4chan content I see around is even harmless stuff--see the ritual posters, see the anons I may recognize from the webm and see they are enjoying themselves; ignore what I'm not interested in without filters (I don't have any filters anyway). Make a lobby every once in a while just so people have fun. Everyone has fun and hopefully a good day.
It's all that matters really, and I speak from a rather negativistic/depressed attitude.
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>a cuckold (or lib concussive user)
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you know that guy calling you womanly? he's absolutely right when you have to wish and hope that i'm samefagging. no guy thinks like that. come on, mannn
>oops we accidentally left all of the nerfs out of the patch notes, here they are!
Why even lie?
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>I don't have any filters anyway
oh yeah? i have zero extentions!
I bet you don't even use X and still stuck with Yotsuba B
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have fun trying to evade this one janny :^)
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of course i don't use 4chan X

read again, but change it to wishing and hoping that i'm a janny >>495788726
wait what the FUCK
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he protrudes around them as well
What the fuck.
I fucking knew the HMG got nerfed. It feels substantially worse at killing gunships post-patch. Also
>AT mines got nerfed too
how quickly does the life drain from your parents eyes when new acquaintances ask them what their son does

and that he does FOR FREE
>nerfing AT mines
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just use arc thrower
ok botranny
First time?
you won't like this, but i own a business and so do my parents and we do business together ;)
Fucking based. The most free man in this general.
>community is finally happy with AH listening to them and buffing weapons
>turn around and stealth nerf weapons
Are Swedish people incapable of learning???
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post the irl photos of yourself where you shopped her in
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>flutey and white armour guy always post in the same order
>usually in quick succession
>white armour guy always gets ultra pissy if you tell flutey to fuck off
100% the same guy
What does this even mean?
sure thing, like your waifu is real and your father still hasn't come to terms with the fact that his dreams of retiring are dead forever
>have business
>wishes and hope i didn't
el oh el no man behaves like that
You fags are unbelievable
His waifu is real and she's the lucky one!
he made the mistake of posting photos of himself where he'd crudely shopped in his waifu and then promptly got laughed out of the thread

this was around the same time people realized he was a janny since shops making fun of him kept getting deleted
I'm obviously just bantsing. But I actually loathe the faggot notion of separating utility and damage when weapons exist that come with both. All it does is spawn duds like the sterilizer.
I know for sure this never happened.

t. here 24/7
>take emancipator into D2 bots just to see what happens
Sure is hard to hit shit.
Gonna bump the difficulty up and see how quickly I get killed in it.
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This thread is gone. Make a new one and seethe less.
No, I've been here since April but the fact that they think "we just forgot lol" is an acceptable explanation is unprofessional at best, even for Arrowhead.
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>reducing the damage of the worst stratagem in the game
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with them?
It's natural for the lowest of low to seethe at any kind of fun or happiness. It's incredibly womanly too.
I wouldn't and you should be shot for suggesting that.
I also remember him replying with "cuck" and "seethe" so often you could filter based on that alone.

In his defense he's gotten marginally better at samefagging since then.
I don't remember any of that. He just kept posting while you seethed.
Well, you are a seething cuck so is he wrong?
Like I said, only marginally.
nah he isn't wrong, but i didn't say any of that. i don't use those words
Avatarfags and ritual posters ruin every general
bake new
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there should be (You)s in there if that were true

one sec
So, the /v/ tourist playing thread police is now making shit up? No fucking way!
New Bread

your thread saar
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hmmm...will it be the cuck fan art thread...or the trans schizophrenia thread...tough choice...
is helldivers saved? i dipped out before the mech update even
It's more fun now, but you die a lot more
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Straight up do not miss when the spear worked about as efficiently as a bratty teenager. Now I don't really use it cause the spear more or less is an auto-lock on RR with the downside being ammo now. If you can aim far away, why not bring a RR?

Plus you can't quick blow out a hulk's face from 3 feet away with the spear, and those sneaky fucks like tip toeing with their clompers.
>Imber lost
>Liberation drops from 89% to 48%
wtf we could have had it in another hour.
Seethers ruined it.
Defense is different than liberation. You have to overcome the attacks offensive hp through mission completion in the timer represented by the enemy progress bar to prevent the formation of a beachhead and the switch to a liberation campaign.

Unironically, if every group doing Imber took expert extract pilot, and didn't full clear, it might have been won. Note to chucklefucks on Gaellivare: It's 3% you ninnies. GTF to Imber.
>shield pack properly transfers knock back to the wielder

No they fucking didn't...
That was the ONLY reason you took it.

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