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Previous: >>495721467

>[Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)" Pickup Summon
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Singularity Repair Support Campaign 2024: Part 5
2024-09-23 21:00 - 10-07 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Advanced Quest: Part 9
2024-09-23 21:00 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Ibuki love!
How do I cheese these CQs pls
It's impossible
There are those that say no but they're lying
mom gn
Probably with the same 3 servants you can cheese every CQ
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I would like an interaction with these two
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You're not Shiki
I think I know that guy
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Beni rabu!
Dead weeks ahead
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Sniff it
Sex with coral
This is Super Orion’s last rateup ever, do I need to roll him to NP2 or more?
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>let them eat ca--
How about you eat a knuckle sandwich, bitch?
cringe retard
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How about I eat your cake?
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coom coom schizo try to think about something different from sex for 1 minute challenge impossible
are you excited for road to 7 Atlantis campaign?
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Mandricardo love
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Kama Love...
how many days until mid-October?
I hate forced supports
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>Having to fight Corday again
Aesc is fake
Kama is Indian male
No, she is not. Read the game or the wiki or her new manga moron.
He’s cute!
I have no idea what wabi sabi is
Leave Alaya to us
He is. Read Kama sutra, tertiary.
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>mfw posting on /alter/
>jobs again
>not even summonable
GSSR when?
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>posts an article to actual wikipedia
Moron. Kama is female in Fate. Her interlude explains she is ash in her default form. You clearly not only skipped her interlude, you skipped the beautiful manga ReDrop made of her interlude.
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>posting in both threads
>not even summonable
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>first try Orion decides to not draw his cards
Min turning this one is too dumb to waste AP on.
sex with next servant posted
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Not rolling for the rest of the month. Or even in the next few months.
Good luck with that.
On October
I love breasts.
I love beasts.
Guess it's this thread then...
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FGO is immortal
>thread two starts getting posted in faster a while after creation despite having a fraction of the posts of one for a while
>right when they get even, one gets deleted
Kind of sus, but I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would bother
I wonder why
>there was a second thread
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let her cook
>Cringe Fake Collab beast
>Based Real Collab beast
Who wins
/alter/ is dying...
Men are beasts.
Super Orionlet no more
It can't be helped wahahaha
Fuck, I need to go do some hands before I start Atlantis.
This final ascension quartz is delicious.
Men love breasts.
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Nero Devil Trigger
Is super orion good for farming now with ciel?
Sloppy seconds.
Jason's interlude was really fun
But he is male in irl lore. Your in fate female argument is a form of copium.
I like that everyone just gets "Trait damage" as a rank up because HP bloat has gotten so terrible
what she cooking?
Eresh shouldn't have bigger boobs than Nero this is a crime
bro you need to read lb6...
>another forced support that's weak to the enemy
Why the fuck do they keep doing this?
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Tony is peak
It's probably the best way to keep more servants relevant. Or would be, if they didn't always use divine or one of the attributes
>archer against a lancer
Anon, are you fucking stupid?
Once again, you prove you cannot read this game /fgog/ retard.
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4.2m HP is a lot to go through but the fight is surprisingly chill for me.
You are supposed to let him die within 2-3 turns after he removes Caenis' Invincible buff.
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He's also male in fate lore. I guess you could say that his gender disappeared after he was disintegrated, but I don't buy it.
Are YOU stupid? Play the fucking game.
He's clearly a kriemfag
mom since you're in this position I'm gonna push you around and make you roll
Kama is male just accept this fact
Sex with the next anon that posts
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You may not like it but this is what peak servant design looks like.
Because you refuse to read this game since you are an /fgog/ faggot. Actually, even worse, since this is spelled out in her first interlude, now adapted to manga form.
I'm working towards it, but any chance to shore up my Marie Alter savings bears doing.

Anon, you need to pay attention.
You're half right

The annoying road to LB fights are
>super poo god
>super oberon
>super morgan
Based Sherlockchad actually using Skadi.
A shrimp?
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Kama is female and you can't read the fucking game you play, you trashy /fgog/ moron.
>Many sides
She wishes.
Kama is a god
>has a female body
Is a female
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Use a Saber you fucking noobs. Christ.
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>another episode where smegmakeks easily take the bait from other retards

It's been years, retardkeks... You never learn...
Excited for OC1
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>super poo god
Already dusted his ass!
Yeah I'm also projecting Super Morgan to be the most difficult fight for my Holmes. Hopefully I can get all other fights done with him.
I'm using Skadi for the Charlotte super recollection quest as well since her NP is the perfect counter for it.
I got it! Sakura is obviously female and she got possessed by an old man again.
The Neo-Argonauts are the best.
>posts male
What did he mean by this?
After her NP rank up her attack and crit damage buffs get pretty substantial. 5 turns duration too.
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>Kama is fem-ACK!
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Extremely rare new d'eon art
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Kama is the breeze in my hair on the weekend...
This is my FGO
We are FGO
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>first no Mo bond bonus in chinese floppy disk lostbelt
>now no Caenis in Atlantis
y b like this
/alter/ look in your closet ehehehehehehehehe...
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My prince.
>Bond bonus in story
Kama is the breeze in my pubichair on the weekend...
Cute, I'd probably love them more if they were drawn by a different artist though
More like our ZVO.
Stop shitting in my closet, Craig.
>female hips
Not MY d'Eon
Mom have a hug.
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Do you like this image?

Yes. It's cute.
I love this artist.
I hate this artist.
No, it's disgusting
Hero Neisan Servant when?
30% bonus in Atlantis free quests for the next few days
But they seem to always leave out the most bond-worthy servants. At least Drake was included, fully expected her not to be
My only complaint is that there's no variant where shes emptied the mug.
I can't say I do.
yes but i like this one more
I dislike the way he draws pussies/anuses and I'm not a fan of gokkun but otherwise I think he's good
Why are there two different Lostbelt 5s anyway?
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That and other variants are here:

My boy Karna deleted those 4 million hp in a single go
Bros I'm sick, take care
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NP goal?
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>don't use the immortal comp on the caenis cq
I guess it's balanced around it these days...back to the old faithful then
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My completely baseless guess is probably some combination of fucked up scheduling on the back end, and Nasu only wanting to write certain parts
Hopefully np5 Dubai np0 Cat
So as the dust has settled is Kama female or male?
no wonder the AI adds random pube hairs everywhere with this artist
Really? They had spent four lostbelts wanking Kirschtaria and the atlantic lostbelt's overall superiority every time we checked in on the Crypter gang. It was to sell the threat and make it climactic.
Too bad Sakurai is godawful at tension so Olympus fumbled the ball that Atlantis set up.
Use your arjuna ce and sainta martha
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No, this is a giant pile of shit:

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of course
Bitchin'. Thanks.
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Kama is female.
>literal shit hours
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Is Draco for (You) or Hakuno?
0, I'm rolling for City
man I need to re-read needless
never mind, I hate this artist.
I guess you want me to say male? I'm disinclined to keep going though.
Kama is male as stated in game content >>495749348
Me and my cock.
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theres nothing wrong with scat
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Servants poop so it can't be helped.
huh? It was easy.
No, because Kama is female and its literally made clear by her profile and traits and very first interlude, which is 4 years old now. No excuse to not know this.

That was from an event where she could enter both baths because she has a skill to change gender. Kama is still, per her in game traits and her interlude, female. You are dumb /fgog/faggot.
I feel like people don't care about Kama anymore, they keep spamming her nowadays>>495747698
Rest in peace, Kama
Just fap to his other stuff if you don't like scat.
…because male is his original gender
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>Kamatards STILL REFUSE to not take the bait
Do you enjoy the taste? Can you really not tell when someone's fucking with you? Dumbass
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Oh boy.
Kama is dead?
Kama is a male who manifested in Sakura's body. Tranny or not, that is a fact.
Not dead, but forgotten
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Because you should go back to /fgog/

Moron, he has been trying this all day every day for years now. Its not about taking the bait. Kama mindbroke him into being a lying shitposter every day of his miserable life. Like the guy seething against Melusine daily.
I can't ethically consume this pornography with the knowledge that the artist is aroused by feces.
Kama is a Sneeder who manifested in Sakura's body. Chuck or not, that is a fact.
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>Kama is fem-ACK
It's 2024, gender don't matter no more, if they cute, fuck it.
now in english
>every day
Uhhh no? Not yesterday for example. Well I think he was on Melu then.
Weird hangup, but whatever.
Doesn't count, I don't like that interlude therefore is not canon.
>Let some retard get zero (you)s on his post
>Or indulge for no reason
It's posted all the time because it's obvious you'll keep biting. What's your aim in this anyway
Why can’t you accept the male nature of your so called favorite servant? Do you even love him?
I don't care about Kama.
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Check last thread and you can see him seething against Kama. If the spam against Kama isn't indicative that I made him extremely asshurt by pointing out his lies.

Too bad his favorite will never get a manga drawn by their artist which BTFOs out shitposters forever. Like Kama just did.
He's gotta show his waifu how much endurance he has.
Based desu
Now ask yourself who was the waifu of Kamakeks before Kama and you will be surprised.
Mental illness.
i feel BIG LOVE for certain nerd
Yeah because he's totally not samefagging seething against Kama right now (lol)

None. You're retarded.
The only ones here with a mental illness are the literal shit eaters.
It's ok to be aroused by a man in a girl's body
>last thread
I said not yesterday.
What are you even talking about?
Wrong, most of them are Day 1 players.
There are many nerds in chaldea.
Damn, there's the proof. The matter is settled. Any posts arguing Kama is not male should be considered shitposting and should be appropriately dealt with by jannies and mods.
Look at this picture of Alice and calm down:

It didn't start with Kama, in fact Kama has nothing to do with it. It won't end with her either, now that they're jumping ships to Kazuradrop. What a surprise!
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Kamale or Kaman?
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What about an enigmatically sourced eyeball in a puppet body (girl shaped)
What are some KINO servants?
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>Literal shit poster
>Bait feasting Kamatard
>Bait providing autist
Looks like bro hours will have to wait
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Chiyo buffs
I'm laughing harder than i probably should be.
I hope your dick falls off.
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That picture shows an event where you could enter a male or female bath. Kama could enter both because she has a skill to change gender. You're retarded. Her only trait in game is female, not male. Her interlude makes clear she is only Ananga, nothing else. You just keep refusing to read the lore of this game because Kama mindbroke you.
I didn't really like that manga. Redrop put like no effort into Pradyumna's design even though he's one of 5 Vrishni heroes which includes two avatars of Vishnu.
Damn I want some of what you are smoking
>>Literal shit poster
>>Bait feasting Kamatard
>>Bait providing autist
>Kama could enter both because she has a skill to change gender
So you finally accept that he’s partially male. Good.
That's not what the /alter/ grail list says.
>you are mentally ill if you don't like NTR
>you are mentally ill if you don't like yaoi
>you are mentally ill if you don't like feet
>you are mentally ill for not liking scat
Bros how did we get to this point?
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Roll for literal who servants
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No, thats now how that works, you still can't read english /fgog/tard. Kama is female.

Well, it is a new design.
/alter/ grail list exists solely for shitposting, my man.
No I don't think I will
You seem to be dictating who likes what servant around here, got any proof besides the grail list? No? Then shut up.
Yes I will roll for Draco
I feel like a lot of us are going to be rolling Locusta considering what rate up she's on.
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So we like poop now? I'm in.
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>Alaya gets mad that we keep summoning extra class servants that shouldn't exist
>Drop the act and start summoning capital B Beasts without even trying to disguise them as alter egos
I can't wait to mindbreak humanity's collective unconsciousness.
Put Ox King on your Summer Skadis and an MLB scope on your Cranes.
My favorite servant in pre Kama era was Iskandar and I’m not even joking
Tony much smooch!!!
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Fine. Then don't complain.
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I'm tired of reruns.
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Who cast the first worm into the pool for the Kamafag to snack on
Who is still providing morsels of food that the Kamafag won't refuse
Think closely, look carefully, find the answer
alaya is a dude but maybe hes a twink
Kill yourself fgognigger.
Holy women pooping is hot as fuck ngl. Love it when they pray while doing so.
good morning, bros....
Kama is male though. Read the thread instead of purposelessly spamming Kama pictures.
this thread took a turn huh
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Nah. Kama is a girl.
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It's not fair, while everyone ignores hetfags and lets them shit up the website.
Go back to sleep for your own good, wake up in two hours
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No, because Kama is one of the most grailed servants here and has been for many years. And your bland shitposting consisting of
>lying about her fans "switching over"
>lying about things stated in the game
Is neither effective nor interesting. You can continue to seethe about Kama but you will never get anywhere with it.
They literally converse with each other
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>Holy women pooping is hot as fuck ngl. Love it when they pray while doing so.

based hours
keep posting
"Being fair" we don't actually summon Beasts. Beasts summon themselves. Independent Manifestation is basically "I exist where I want to, and fuck anything that tries to tell me no".
2 out of 3
This batch of SRQ is looking easy.
I'm going to suffer with cerberus.....
Umm alcohol is illegal for the underaged
>Put Ox King on your Summer Skadis
Ok. I put Ox king on vitch as well. I don't have crane though.
It’s literally stated in the game that he’s male, nigga >>495749348
Stop coping and accept the reality
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Read Kama's interlude. Kama is Ananga. She is not her self before incineration or after being reincarnated. Those are NOT our Kama. She is just ash by default and she is female when summoned by us. The traits for the game only indicate Kama as female. In addition to this, in comparison to Da Vinci who is labeled as Female (body), Kama is just female. Its not a body thing.

If you can't argue any of this and want to continue to lie though, I guess thats on you. But you should feel bad. You're a terrible person and deserve the Karma you'll get for your actions eventually.
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>8 interludes
>2 rankups
>3 advanced quests
>recollection quests

Love this game
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>when you're in a comedy competition and your opponent is alaya extra class
Thats from a fucking event and you're hiding the other screenshot where she entered the female baths, you autistic retard. You have also tried to use that bait for years. Get a life.
Remind me which these quests uses, event or regular support?
>new design
It's basically just male Kama with black hair. His bow doesn't even match the rest of the Indian servant's weapons, it's just a wooden bow.
wow it's almost as if heterosexuality is normal or something.
Holy copium. Kama is a man, just accept it and move on.
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And just like that
unholy based
No, doesn't look like sakura at all though.
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When this retard from /fgog/ started to not get banned on sight here unfortunately.
Regular which is dumb as fuck.

Corday can be 3T'd with most Morgans with some help from double Ox King and Mata Hari's debuffs. With grails and NP3 or so you can skip on an Ox King.
its been years and these clowns keep replying with this shitposter, which is probably the Melu one that doesn't want to get insta banned right now
>everyone who thinks that kama is male is from fgog
Kamabros are mindbroken
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>10sq from 220 rankup quests

I'm rich...!
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Says the mindbroke retard who started seething hard at Kama because I pointed out you were a liar again. You're a loser too.
Um I'm in Australia?
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Congrats lucksucker
Thanks, it's annoying how arbitrary it is.
And why do you need Crane for?
I'll have to work soon anyways....
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That's not upside down...
I think kamabros should just [-] the shitposts instead of arguing. Shitposters will never understand
>I pointed out you were a liar again
Says the retard who doesn’t read the game content concerning his so called favorite character LOL
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It's not shitposters, just illiterate retards from /fgog/ who not only refuse to read Kama's interlude, but also her interlude manga recently published by ReDrop AND posts on here about it.
Anything worth replying to in the last hour?
>n-no you
Pathetic /fgog/ shitstain
>It's not shitposters
It most definitely is shitposters.
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Who cares if Kama is a man?
She's still for (You)
Not a single thing because /fgog/niggers refuse to read and be human beings of worth or value.
Nah they prefer arguing for hours with a literal schizo.

I will, and I'll lick it too
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Kama is a stinky man and I can prove it!
>It's not shitposters, just [SHITPOSTERS]
It sounds like you're trying to justify replying over and over to yourself to make it seem like you're smarter than a retard who falls for the most basic bait in the book every time
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Someone should say congrats to the Musashi post already...
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I guess. But not a single one of them can ever even argue a second with a Kamabro. They're so sad and miserable.
Neither does male Kama, but male Kama looks like Pradyumna.
They couldn't even be assed to give him an armor design or something.
congrats to the Musashi post already...
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its 99% people that just don't like kama or kamafags and who are saying the low effort bait to piss you off and get you invested in defending your waifu when they have zero investment in the conversation.

post off cooldown? might as well rile up the kamatards.
its just that simple
Then just stop feeding them.
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Not really.
You run Morgan, Vitch, Summer Skadi, Mata Hari, Oberon, Crane.

T1 you need a Morgan Buster, if none reset. If you get one, you pop Morgan's S1 and S3, all of Vitch's, and Skadi's S1 and 2. You then plugsuit in Crane for Vitch and click S1 and S3 on Morgan, then NP with Morgan into Crane into Morgan's buster, which will clear the bar (might need to use mystic code's attack up here). Crane needs to not use her battery because you can't have Morgan or Skadi taunted.

Mata Hari comes in, use all her skills, Morgan NP + any card of hers, if no card reset. Mata Hari has Outrage or Poster Girl, she dies. Oberon comes in, Morgan's NP will kill the last bar 2x over with full buffs, any Morgan brave chain clears after guts or one buster, if you get none reset. If you get one arts or quick you can just card down Corday's remaining HP usually with Vitch and Skadi.

The Ox Kings go on some combo of Vitch, Skadi, or Oberon to boost Morgan's damage if you're not grailed or NP1-2.
>choco slop
>redrop slop
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No. You're in the game!
I will if you tell me it isn't shrek
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It's not and you can check last thread with ctrl + f kama to see the same retard from hours and hours ago baiting the exact same way as he is now. Its just one retard seething at Kama normally.
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Should i just buy the base Samurai Remnant or the Deluxe edition?
>spam the same fucking pictures every single day
>be extremely annoying
>w-why are we getting baited???
Kamafags deserved it imo
Kama's interlude manga is 100% based on her interlude anon. Its not new. Its just made visual and beautiful. I only bring it up because it blows away the shitposters starting shit right now.
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Hello georgie.
Well yeah. But this runs counter to their narrative.
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Fuck forgot pic.
Thanks for admitting you're intentionally trolling, retard. Kama broke your mind.
Feel bad for the normal Kamafags that have to deal with this nutcase and his boyfriend constantly having retarded E-Hatesex with their waifu
You can't just give every shitposter a generic dude name.
Barry is one of a kind. All others fail in sticking.
Uo Denim must be laughing so hard that when AI tries to recreate his art style it can't do so without putting denim fabric in the image somewhere
>normal Kamafags
This is /alter/, there's no such thing.
I feel bad for you who is so mentally ill you are reduced to seething at Kama like this and ruining the whole thread because you're a baby.
>every deleted post must be from one person!

You're fucking insane.
FSN Bedivere had 2 arms in Takeuchi's art.
I bet that Merlin had made him an Airgetlam already, he just used a different battery for it.
I thought /alter/ liked Choco, what happened?
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Also, I would just like to point out somethinge
>Melufags get attacked
Everyone shits on the shitposter
>Bobfags get attacked
Everyone shits on the shitposter
>Momfags get attacked
Everyone shits on the shitposter
>Kamafags get attacked

Almost as if you are not bros at all. Almost as if the ones above who are being defended are hypocrites.
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Epic own.
Speaking of mindbroken though...
>Everyone slightly against me is the same person
Just like everyone who uses a certain 4chan theme is the same person I'm sure
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This is true. And its sad. I wish you all could become the bros you claimed to be. But I guess only Kamabros can be real bros after all.
We love Choco.

They changed the bad wolf order,bros...
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It's a bit weird that the AI can't properly reproduce Uo Denim
It looks kinda like it, but it doesn't capture properly several key details from his style
Percival happened
>same artist who draws Mash fucking the lion furry and tons of goblin
Fuck off
Lame falseflag. Please put some effort into your shitposts.
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Sure, that's why you are nonstop seething against Kama rather than ignoring it like a "normal person" would lol
You're a bad liar.
Who is attacking my waifu Kama???? WHO?? SHOW YOURSELF
God I hate these hours. I shouldn't have taken a nap
What would happen if
All four of those are annoying as shit.
It's the Enma Ai Phenomenon, it can't be helped. Stay in /alter/ long enough, the mental pollution eventually seeps in.
An imitation cannot surpass the original.
Took your 4 minutes for that? You might be dumb.
That's not what he was implying, bro...
Kamafags deserve it desu
It's more his old art style. You can try to use the year tag to get his new art style but the sample size might be too small
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That's based tho
Raikou was raped by onis and loved it.
That is, though. Whenever Bobfags get attacked, they are immediately defended. But who is defending Kamabros here aside from themselves? Its shameful.
>mental pollution
It's like my servant skills. Kino
Sorry I wasn't more punctual for your melty or whatever.
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Kamabros deserve much more than you do, asshole. You aren't even an /alter/bro.
>Is super orion good for farming now with ciel?
No. He can only kill 2 enemies a turn because his NP does no damage. Which means a Buster Card -> NP - Buster Card + Extra Chain can only kill 2 enemies
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You can call me Lord Senji "Leave Kamafags to me" Muramasa
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Both versions "maxed" out until the shop and other two appends come out. I love my Hun wife!
You keep this on your computer?
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And there is the /fgog/fag proviing it, duh.
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Nothing wrong with that. Love wins, chud.
All I remember about Camelot was Bedi running around and calling his friends names
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Instead of the usual shitflingging amongst ourselves, I'd like to instead remind everyone of that time when oberon fag scanned the choco artbook, then got confused when for some reason, a bunch of chinese flamed the hell out of him, only for it to turn out that they were actually flaming a different guy because he was a dumb genshin fag who confused genshin melu with fgo melu, and it was all one big misunderstanding due to slang usage.
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>mfw Kamafags revoke my /alter/ licence
I see how that's a limitation but 90+/90++ nodes where no wave has no more than 2 enemies are fairly common
Please bros, what is the correct order of the bad wolves in the Advance 9 wolf village quest?
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He does because he's actually a homosexual who saves images like that unlike Kamabros. The saddest thing is that's his best attempt at cuckposting.

Meanwhile Kama continues to get fresh content every year in game where she is your girlfriend, your companion or your love interest. lol
>You keep this on your computer?
lmaooo was wondering the same
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Yes, what about it?
/alter/ nobility like me needs no license
I approve that post.
Nobody defends Morgan when he uses uther to cuckpost her, why would I waste my time defending kamafags?
You deserve it for not being a bro and ousting shitposters.
>Whenever Bobfags get attacked, they are immediately defended
Only the lipper defended the bobfag over the "mistranslation" row. Everyone else shits on bobfags all the same. The iphone bobfag just samefags to make it seem like there are others agreeing with him.
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Disgusting. kys
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>Gawain, you big meanie!
I have never seen that shit before here so no.
Just rangeban russia and every problem in this general is solved.
who is this honkai character
Based and Softness pilled
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I don't think that's true. But anyways, people who can't read the game should just be ousted from here. I don't think that's a controversial opinion, after all, we all hate /fgog/ here.
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I keep images like these on my computer
>t. oniichan native
Your lack of unity is why you can't drive off the discordites by laughing together.
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After 734 SQ it she is finally finished. Was able to get 6xAstraea copies, my first Jack spook and ended up getting 5 copies of Super Orion.
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Sure is convenient, huh? It doesn't suit your narrative so of course you've never seen it.
SR rateup is still fucked in FGO huh...
No, I mean, I have never seen that and I didn't mention Morganfags anyways. If you're talking about the hands bait that is regularly posted here, it usually gets deleted anyways?
Grats bro.
I really think he's being delusional on this unified alter defense shit.
Congrats, bro!
yeah we dont have a pity for 4* which is stupid
Congratulations, bro!
In Camelot prolonged. They didn't stand a chance. Maybe if Bedi and Galahad weren't MIA.
Also. Gaheris was a slippery guy. Hard to imagine him willfully joining the losing team for ideals.
Of course the real reason is they hadn't designed him yet.
1T kill 2 enemies
2T Defeat only one enemy (always leave Archer)
3T Defeat only one enemy (always leave Archer)
4T Kill 2 enemies (Berserker always kills)
5T kill 2 enemies
6T kill 2 enemies
7T use all your NPs to kill everything
Will never have as they love to do dual rateups on summer and even in other banners
Congrats bro. Non-limited/storylocked SRs are brutal
holy luviagod
So who's to blame for this thread?
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Congrats bro
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Nemo hanging out by the Nautilus (real)
It's called "a taste of your own medicine". I hope you like it.
No kidding. That's 80% of their fighting power right there.
/fgog/ as per usual
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Characterfags should solve their own problems
If you don't know how to make a shitposter go away or disincentivize them to shitposting against them you failed your wife
It's like that one Kama poster saying Kama broke your mind but it was Raikou instead
Oh hey cool.
I got my first luvia tonight and she seems fun
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>Watch the in game video on game launch
>Drake not mentioned a single time even though she effectively solo killed the True Mechanical God Poseidon and provided Jason and Chaldea her ship which became the New Argo
Now it's on your computer too.
This retarded lowlife >>495755969
That's it. I'm taking your /alter/badge too. From now on you can't post here.
Kamabros have been a laughing stock for a while, so I say /fgog/ is to blame
also here >>495755941
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Eric Bloodaxe for this feel?
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Kama's issue is she mindbroke them too hard so they keep coming back like you saw today. They even refuse to read by this point.
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Good work bro.
I hate Melusine. I hate Choco. I hate Nasu.
Never trusting any girl again in this game.
>even though she effectively solo killed the True Mechanical God Poseidon
Oh yeah. They should have let us skip that stupid Poseidon boss.
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>trusting women
Your first mistake
Seems to me that Kama broke your mind
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Uther was Morgan's lover. His murder is what mindbroke her and made her turn evil.
Thanks I was wrong about them changing the bad wolves, I just suck at it
I want to learn to ignore the shitposters when my wife is involved
When are they going to add Mark (Lancer) who killed Tristan for killing Isolde using a cursed (Or Poisoned in Fate) Lance made by Morgan
But you love posting bare chested muramasa pics apparently. Maybe you should switch to males.
Just by this post it seems like kamabros are to blame. They're the laughingstock after all.
The baker?
Feel free to enlighten us
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You mind explaining this?
oh wow she fucked one dude 4000 years ago who gives a shit
every female is for shiro only
>This fools trusts women
Oh no no no...
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Drake was also the only reason we were able to defeat Divine Spirit Caenis. She was literally immortal and invulnerable and was about to kill Grand Archer Orion but we used the Poseidon's Core that Drake gave us to strip Caenis from her blessings.
Irrelevant because you saved her in a way he never could.
No, the paladin of Warcraft
>The pleasures of sex, the excitement of inflicting pain onto others, and self-absorbed joy are all boring. "I've already grown weary of those matters" so says Morgan.

Actually, Morgan slept around so much that she got tired of sex.
uhh no? it was merging with phh Morgan
Kama spamming and it’s consequences were destructive to /alter/ threads quality
Who did you guys use for the 90++ cerberus?
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Laughingstock to who? Kama is only hated on by absolute trash tier posters like Voidstance and these /fgog/ retards. That still remains true to this day.

I only see the people seething against Kama making an ass of themselves regularly.
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whats an fgog?
"Russians were a mistake." -Hideo Kojima
What is Morgan's pH?
Eric Bloodaxe
Throw him out in the cold, don't give him his jacket!
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Thanks bros, forgot to add this to the collage.
And yes she's great to use for boss fights especially for evil bosses. She helped me so fucking much as a latelet. Now I just gotta wait for her alt.
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>kama spam stops
>morgan cuckposting begins
Damn Kama is based!
Maybe we should all calm down and have a simple cup of tea?
Finally. Time for morganfags to take in their asses too
We're discussing Morgan's lore.
They should add a passive corrosive poison to Tristan to match his canon kit though.
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>super giant berserker on [waterside] battlefield
>Kama is hated
I don’t think that the servant is the problem here, her posters on the other hand…
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>almost a year has passed
>he is still mad about it
A miserable pile of mental illness
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I'll have extra cyanide in mine.
You just completely ignored that I only said bad posters like you are the problem. Only awful posters like the Russian hate on either Kama or Kamabros. You're not making yourself look better by refusing to read my post every time.
>dies like a bitch on her own
>"you saved her!"
Agreed. When it's not the kamafags it's the melusine pedos
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>Read something
>Figure out if it's bait or not (Posted multiple times in the past, even when fact checked is the big one. ESLs are also a warning sign. Just do your pattern recognition reps)
>Instead of replying, don't
>Shitposter realizes no one's biting and moves on to something else
Simple as
Lol I remember his 48+ hours meltdown. It was something else.
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Nigger these retards don't stop even if you don't reply to them. They just reply to themselves. You don't know anything.
Never cuckposted Kama. Actually protected them a year ago.
>>Instead of replying, don't
You have to defend your waifu from cuckposters.
Like you've even tried, faggot.
jalter my wife
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Not delusional. I just pointed out why. You're just arguing out of bad faith now and that's why you can't beat Kama or Kamabros, ever.
>Famitsu: Are you implying we have some unavoidable farewells awaiting when Human Order is restored?
>Nasu: That's how it's always been with Servants... And Lostbelt elements won't remain in Pan-Human History, so doubly so for them...

Reminder Morgan, Melu, Barg and Bob will permanently die, completely disappear and be impossible to summon again once Part 2 ends. Nobody from LB6 is getting saved.
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Just don't reply or engage. Easy.
t. grailed welfare shiki and void, been around since the great welfare war, been around peak cuck stancer stancing out

Um, no you don't.
I don't reply to them 90% of the time you utter moron.
What was he blacklisted for?
I used to post "I'm in love with a dragon"
I got reduced into hating her thanks to Choco
I hate them so much
Hi Kama...
not sure about morgan for obvious reasons
i will protect my wife from the cuckposters!
Then let them screen into the void themselves, you silly goose. If you argue with a crazy, observers will merely see two crazies having shouting matches.
Noooo my Skadoo
>I used to (headcanon)
>I got reduced to (headcanon)
>I (headcanon) them so much
Tell this to him>>495757075
Good luck!
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And the second you started chain replying you haven't noticed how shit this thread is?
I am going to use SQ and CS for these CQs because I don't feel like playing FGO more than this.
>kama""bro"" melties are only 10 percent as bad as they could be
Thanks. You truly are the saviours of /alter/.
When janitors refuse to do their job to them if you don't talk up, I would rather not. Actually its gotten so bad here that they even do the opposite...God this place has gone downhill.
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i am in love with a dragon
the only good post in this thread
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FGO is lacking in nopan lolis. Discuss.
lol more like samefagging spammer
Not my fault honestly, not when they're the ones samefagging and endlessly seething over Kama. The fact that you come after me rather than them is telling. I think you're talking in the third person anyways.
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I just used one to let Morgan edge over the last 3 poisonlizards after Bazette TANKED the majority of them, I'll just get it back tomorrow and I can't be bothered to think of a less crude strategy.

Just have to figure out how to not be retarded v the wolves.
Go show your tits to old men on the cam instead of posting garbage. You're fucking clueless.
Who's Choco?
>t. actual samefagging spammer seething against Kama
Get a life.
They actually do their job sometimes by banning annoying shitposters spamming "Kama Love" posts in the beginning of every fucking thread but that doesn't stop them from doing it over and over despite getting banned, curious, isn't it?
Mogan... love!
Percival... we know
I've got more Kamabros on my FL than Morganbros so they're OK in my book.
I don't, that's the point. That would be engaging with The Problem.
What about the "let her cook" morgan spammers? These don't get banned either
>Strange isn't it!?
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Curious how you are finding issue with somebody genuinely expressing love towards a character from this game but not pieces of shit like yourself who exist only to hate and attack and shit up threads like you're doing right now. Kama and Kamabros are blameless to that. You need to become a better person.
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Literally the first paragraph of his profile lmao
Dunno, worked with my wife
Sure but the problem is when you don't recognize that it's being done to get a rise out of you. At that point you're just feeding the shitposter because all he has to say is "_____fucks_____" and he knows he can get you into a frenzy
Shut the fuck up, bitch
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Guess I'm the only one who bothered to do these things already...
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Read her interlude. Our Kama is just one of the versions of Kama, the one after incineration and before reincarnation. At this point, I might as well just dump it next thread anyways.
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I used to be a Melufag, but then I took an aurora beam to the knee!
>kamafag when he goes a second without saying "interlude"
Nice non argument, turd.
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I have no motivation to do anything but make blapples.
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Yeah, its a word you need to learn, since you're struggling with english /fgog/fag. Keep stuttering about Kama though.
I don't even want to think.
Literally not in the mood for it. Just take my CQ and give me those pots and I will close the app and kill myself idk.
This post will get deleted 100% but not the other ones
Kama(((bros))) BTFO
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Would TM run damage control when summer fae hits next year?
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I will use Kama for the cerberus (she is really good because its a rider and she can charmlock it) but the first wave of enemies is a bit annoying. You should probably bring an AOE and have an ST Assassin in the back like KH or Kama.
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>uses an all too familiar girl as a vessel
fuck off anti kama schizo
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i love jalter
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Kama cute! Kama gorgeous! Kama number one!
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So cute together!
what's the new shitty forced meme of morgan being jalter?
It’s suspicious that you talk like this about male servant
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First time I knocked out all 3 super recollection quests in one go. Only Cerberus is annoying on its last HP bar with the extra charge per turn.
Kama should work since it is immune to stun but not charm. Not 100% sure though since I haven't checked Atlas.
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There is fundamentally something wrong with you. All of you.
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With us. You're in the asylum too, my friend.
I believe I charmed it
Anyone have the picture of Kama being in the Male baths?
>Shoots the second highest god
>while he's meditating
>to inflict desire in him
Honestly deserved. I don't think there's a worse possible crime in Vedic lore.
I'm not locked in here with you.
You all are locked in here with ME.
Yeah, it's called being on 4chan
Ask your discord, mongoloid.
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You can tell how desperate Kama makes them because they refused to say anything at all about her interlude or her profile lol
Ehehe... gooped on.
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We got Kama interlude?
Why is she fading?
Was there ever any not annoying post with Kama picture attached to it?
Gogh is a brittle girl.
Neither are new but yes she has two.
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me and my wife
Yes, every Kamabro post is much nicer than yours, /fgog/faggot
Going overboard for Caenus must be a very traumatic experience.
I hate cuckdragon so much
LB5 Atlantis is the best LB
>ctrl+f "kama"
>146 results
Respectable opinion
By me a few years ago.
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Kamabros don’t exist. There are only kama spammers and avatarfags nowadays.
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>Filter out Kama
>[-] all posts that evade the filter
Shoulda done this sooner, you guys should check this out
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Is "going overboard" some kind of weird lewd slang?
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how know?
don't worry, tell you!
Funny how all posters like yourself who hate on Kama and Kamabros are Lucksucker tier posters.
Please talk about the game.
That's because they're his discord buddies
>spams lucksucker tier pictures 24/7
>be annoying
Stop projecting, kamaturd
Alright. You may have thought you beat the system, but I'm taking your alterbro status too. You're allowed to go back to fgog, but you can't post here.
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melu mindbroke him
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>aurora's tiara on her thigh
I hate Choco so much
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Me and my wife
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>no replies
Must be a raging Kama hater
I wouldn't be surprised.

Nah, the only reason this thread is filled with Kama is purely your asshurt towards her, Lucksucker tier poster. Kama broke your mind.
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The image of Aurora giving melusine all sorts of pleasures and then reveal she actually despises her and then melu ropes herself (and pees herself while at it) is so fucking hot
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>pees herself while at it
That is hot. Pics?
jalter jalters...
Wait... Do Kamafags actually believe Kama isnt a man? I thought they were just pretending to be retarded. Its literally fine, people like Hokusai, Bakin and Rikyu just fine and nobody really cares.
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>Please talk about the game.
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Kama won...
Its funny how you refuse to respond to any of the posts explaining Kama's interlude and why she is female in FGO and instead try to start a new conversation every single time. Pure desperation.
Cute man
Kama n
ok, let's discuss the QoL we need and the basterds wont gve us

>Pity for 4* specially limited
>CE leveling is absolute horshit
>No Boss room to just redo stuff and cq for fun
>behind 2 years forever, probably EoS before story ends here or will actually speed up to the EoS because fuck you
Nobody likes or care about that ugly hag
date with High Queen Morgan
It’s funny how you refuse to respond to any of the posts concerning Kama men baths incident and why he is male in FGO and instead try to start a new conversation every single time. Pure desperation.
The interlude where Kama chooses to be man in his subconscious?
Because I just came and I dont care about your headcanon bro
I care about that ugly hag.
Because the interlude just says
>Kama is a male
>Ananga is the ashes of a male
>Pradyumna is a male
>Kama is using Sakura's body
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Except I point out every time that Kama can go in the female bath and explain why your bland shitpost isn't true, like I just did in one sentence right now. Meanwhile you refuse to even comment on her interlude directly explaining why Kama is female in FGO. Too bad for you, you lost.
low test
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>Kama is using Sakura's body
I respect Kama's good taste.
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You just spam kama pictures and chatgpt generated text
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No, because the interlude and the manga that was adapted for it say that Kama is purely Ananga, which is genderless ash and as such she is just female when she is merged as a pseudo in FGO. Hence why her profile and traits agree Kama is just female. Your refusal to acknowledge this for 700 posts is sad.
>Is the ashes of a male
You just seethe against Kama all day long and refuse to read the game fgog trash
Pick a better waifu
Explain why Bakin is female then when we all know the old man is in control
No, she's just ashes. Nothing male or female about Kama in her default state. Like Quetz or Tezcatlipoca are bacteria. Same situation but somehow you have deluded yourself for over 4 years now to not acknowledge what FGO says about Kama.
Going for the Guilty Gear audience?
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Not how it works, redditor. You don't "pick" a waifu. The fact you said that to me just now proves even more that anti-kama seething faggots are Lucksucker tier retards who don't belong here.

I know nothing of Bakin because I don't love Bakin like I love Kama.
like who
>Beginning needs a full revamp if they want to ever bring new players
>Info revamp, finally show how much ATK or NP gauge a skill gives
>Each main Singularity and LB should give Lores on completion as well
>About time completing part 1 and 2 gave a SSR ticket, a Limited one up to LB7 for finishing LB7
>Pity carrying between banners
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bunch of quickshots
Isn’t kamafag from lucksucker discord?
Is this real?
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I miss Ocha-nobbu...
No, the fgog schizos attacking Kama might as well be from how bad their posts are.
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>You don't "pick" a waifu.
Your heart just knows you're waifu when you find her.
It was datamined during an event where the male form is even used in the story, but not even a costume came out of it
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You just had to read the event. If you cant even do that, you never had any real credibility in the first place
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Kama himself says he is a man in Kama interlude, you can even see the male Kama in said interlude
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Bakin has nothing to do with Kama.

That's true. And I love Kama no matter how these idiots try to shitpost her and fail.
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You're not exactly wrong, filterbro.
In that interlude, Kama is in her own head and actually says she can only maintain that form in her head. But even if she didn't, Kama already has had a skill known which could enable changing her gender. It doesn't matter. Kama is female in FGO. If you see Kama as a male (like you do), then you are unironically gay because she conforms to your preference.
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Even the personality remains the same
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Good morning, bros.
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Is this Kama character even a good one, I keep seeing some of you spam her yet I've never seen anyone talk about how she's written or anything like that
Is it possible to 3T the Super Recollection Quest?
The tranny gang
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Puppet girls are cute and cool.
>In that interlude, Kama is in her own head
I'm glad we both agree Kama is a male mind inside a female body, bro.
Utter shit, the only ones keeping art of her alive are the ones that use her pedobait form
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Best leave for now, come back later
We will get new servants when SF anime drops right?
And once again you cut out important dialogue from the 2nd interlude
>I changed my form
>but I can't really do that outside my head
That's what Kama has to say. You have no room for argument here. You just take things out of context.
Kama is based. You can tell because she causes all the /fgog/ retards who can't read to meltdown like this.
don't forget +2 years
cumming inside Kama(shota) ass
Doesn't work with filenames
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That artist does some cute Kama
The dream reminds he of what he really is. This is why he often has nightmares in Chaldea and why Parvati is often worried about her son
No, read >>495760643 which directly refutes you about Kama's form.
This pic would be better with a girl on it
Yeah no. Post the screenshot from the interlude or screw off. Kama utterly destroyed your mind.
Guys stop it doesn't matter what Kama is and isn't. Because I'm sure he would love Kama even as a man because he truly loves Kama! Right Kama bro!?
Uhhh, she jobbed to a floor and she was a part of Summer 6 but at the same time not really, that's it
Here you go, bro
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Of course, I would 120 and grail even if a male Kama came out because of her skill's effect. But these people are just liars and /fgog/fags, they shouldn't be given any room to talk.
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She's alright although not worth that amount of obsession from fans and antis.
yeah he is a man's mind inside a female's vessel. I'm glad you finally understand it, bro.
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These schizos were happy saying they'd suck her cock gladly 2-3 years ago, but suddenly that isnt an option. They should just own it like Rikyubros did
>She jobbed to a floor
What? Is that real?
He is a male who transitioned for (You). Hot.
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>I would 120 and grail even if a male Kama came out because of her skill's effect
Yes, read Ooku interlude
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A couch potato Kama is very cute of course. Not sure if that artist has kept up with FGO though.
Glad you still can't read a word that comes from this game, /fgog/nigger. You don't belong here.
Three strokes and you're out!
This thread is awful when you don't give a fuck about Kama
The dynamic that the Argonauts have with Jason is pretty cute. Also, it was nice to see the clever side of Jason again. Anyone else enjoy the new interlude?
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I see no reason to "submit" to utter liars like yourself. Kama is female. You literally can't read this game if you disagree, sorry.
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Pity reply. Congrats!!
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my jalter wife...
Kama is male, stop coping it’s unhealthy
I hate Melusine.
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I'm not intaking any substances from Shuten.
This is not funny
who gives a fuck about whether kama started out as a man or not, they were willing to change thier NICHE(ST quick assassin) so that you'd actually want to use them all the time (AoE arts avenger). if that's not marriage material I don't know what is.
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Funny how you dropped the third person act retard. Kama is female. Read either of her interludes and her profile. I already posted the proof above, I won't descend to your Lucksucker tier level and edit the MD5s to post it again.
Kama is chasing lust and depravity because he's a man, and just like us, applies Rule34 to everything.
A woman wouldn't be like this, even the whores like Medb and Kiara don't act like this.
long jalter... jalter snake...
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Are the bad wolf labels on this inaccurate?
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The krokodil you inject yourself daily is also unhealthy.
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Imagine having access to AI and generating the shittiest (and I really mean shit, get some better artists as base) vanilla lolishit imaginable.

Post some actual good, lust provoking, AI or not art of Fate women.
>Double Merlin setups are allowed
Ooooh boy
Kiara is not a whore! rude!
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For the high difficulty quests? Or do you mean proto merlin + merlin because I thought they stopped the same servant from appearing twice?
You didn't really need to attach that picture, you know
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Blushu's tummy
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I did because its Kama and Kama is the cutest and perfect.
Kama himself says he is a man in the interlude, you are the on denying reality, bro
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Mash has tons of gorgeous fanart. Generating AI pics of her is retarded.
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yep, still the queen
Well how else can he continue with the victim complex?
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Yeah, the other heroic spirit version of her anon, like Prad. This is discussed during interlude 1. That's why Kama has that as interlude 2.
Tell me more about Kama, I'm having doubts if I should take advice from before and filter her out
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COCK!!!! COCK!!!!!
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I'd like to try to 2Turn the Charlotte Super Recollection quest with my Bazett. If you can, please put Ox King on your swimsuit Skadoo in normal supports.
Funny, you're the one seething at being called a liar for this entire thread.
What did they mean by this
Somehow a better post than 90% of this thread
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Kama is cute because she was the first servant to be able to change ages with ascension and you will see more of her in the chapter after LB7.
Done. Good luck!
To be fair, none of the other memes people spam here are funny either.
Very interesting fact, bro, thank you, looking forward to seeing more of her in the future!
He transitioned to a loli just for (You), how based is that, insta 120
Kama is he though
Kiara fat grops...
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>COCK!!!! COCK!!!!!
Actually the first is Waver
Hardly ironic because I posted screenshots from the game this entire thread and he is just trying to make shit up at this point.
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Fat ass
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Gayposting has more variety and subtleties to it, that is for certain.
Boomerbro remembers...
If (You) wouldn't suck Kama's cock then (You) aren't kamabro (true), simple as that.
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Same bro, can't wait for OC1 for more Kama Kamtent...

I forgot about him. I guess Waver does count.
The Kamaschizo already rushed a Kama thread lmfao
Irrelevant screenshots.
Haha yeah… my ox king…
Not really, all of them proved what I said about Kama. Kama is female. And Kama won btw.
And you killed that shitposter with this single post.
I had to spend a single SQ to beat Cerberus at the end. It's ogre, bros. On the plus side, Morgan utterly DESTROYED even OP Super Charlotte so hard it's like she was designed specifically to do so.
Sure you did.

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