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Welcome to the Super Mario Bros. General, in this kingdom of ours here we discuss everything MARIO! Let's continue the Paisano journey!

/smbg/ #222 - Go-getter Mona Edition


>Mario News and Releases<
「!」Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has officially released!
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has officially released!

Future Release Dates:
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree releases on October 17th, 2024
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership releases on November 7th, 2024
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD releases on January 16th, 2025
「!」Mario Movie 2 -potentially- releases on April 3rd, 2026

Current News Links:
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree Official Website (JPN) & Pauline trailer
「!」"Zapper & Score SP" is a Mario-centric light-gun game featured in the Nintendo Museum
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree Officially Revealed
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Officially Revealed
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership Officially Revealed


>General Paisano Links

>Netplay Guide

>SMA4 level editor (SMA4 Mods - Smaghetti)

>SM64 Mod ROM hacks [ replace () with a dot ]
https://rentry()co/romhacks (Guide for newer players & for interest)

>Etc. Interest
Post any SMM2 / SMW levels ya' got!
Post gameplay videos!
Share your Strikers club and builds!


Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku3hsTT6nYc

OP Template: https://rentry.org/kh7oy/raw


Previous World: >>495201185

Rushed to make the thread but didnt include the new Jamboree trailer?
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How come nintendo suddenly loves ninji so much
It is looking pretty good. I guess getting two beta tests in this gen paid off.
The HD model exists for ease of reuse and he looks like a Fall Guy, which were popular for a little while, and they probably mistook them for Amogi due to their trademark out-of-touchness.
He didn't have a 3D model until, like, Super Mario Run, so it's like he's a semi-new enemy but with the renown of also being an old favorite.
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Daisy, my beloved.
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So, between Jamboree and Brothership, which Mario game are you guys looking forward to the most?
Nobody's going to suck Jamboreenis harder than Brotherslop. Come on now.
You'd be surprised by how many people aren't fans of the RPGs.
I was never really a fan of M&L specifically. Always thought it was markedly worse than SMRPG and PM64/TTYD.
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Strict Mainlinefags aren't people.
Everythingfags/allfags is how most Mario fans operate.
You'd have to be a real shitter to go out of your way to hate more mario game content, whether it's M&L RPGs, PM, SMRPG, Character subseries, etc.
Waiting for Brothership the most, but Jamboree seems like one of the most content packed Mario party games in years judging by recent news. I'll check it out after finishing m&l bs.
I don't think it's necessarily going out of one's way, it could just be a matter of preference. Some people just don't have the patience for RPGs.
SMPJ comes out first though.
In reality he began to have more appearances since M&L:PJ, I guess it's one of those enemies they randomly like to give attention to like Spike a while back.
No, they honestly don't.
Most will hit the mainline and maybe something like kart or party.
I said strict-mainlinefags, not factors of preference. Most don't actively hate getting more mario content.
>Everythingfags/allfags is how most Mario fans operate.
Nope. You'll find that most people don't care for RPGslop. You can only blame the RPG fanbases as they're pretty bad for screaming over the RPGs.
Subtlest dramafag post
>>Everythingfags/allfags is how most Mario fans operate.
>Nope. You'll find that most people don't care for RPGslop. You can only blame the RPG fanbases as they're pretty bad for screaming over the RPGs.
If you think most people care about fanbase reception towards liking a game, you're very delusional.
>If you think most people care about fanbase reception towards liking a game
They care about how annoying a fanbase is. Hence the vitriolic hate for Geno. Mario and Luigi is probably the least annoying though, there's no purity thing like with Paper Mario, and there's no Geno equivalent character.
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>there's no Geno equivalent character
Fawful says hello and wants you to know that he has chortles.
Fawful had no long lasting impact.
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Reminder he'll be on Mario Kart before any of your literally who RPG characters.
Reminder no one picked literally who nabbit in wonder. he's even worse than rabbids.
Nabbit is the choice of speedrunners.
>Nabbit is the speedtrooner character pick
No one that's an actual person picked him.
>They care about how annoying a fanbase is. Hence the vitriolic hate for Geno
No anon, a single character doesn't hurt sales no matter how much you push this narrative.
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Rare's enemy designs were so fucking good.
Super Mario and the Rainbow Stars gameplay
>here's the central gimmick of this level!
>repeat this several dozen more times!
The first fucking level is just you wall jumping up and down for like ten minutes straight, and that's without the useless padding of "throw the star to hit the switch" that's also done 50 times per level. People calling it better than official Mario games are only saying it because it's a fangame. If Nintendo released it they'd hate it.
>return to a hub world setup, ideally set in New Donk City with a goal of collecting moons to fuel a rocket like that one concept in the artbook
>circular radius on the world map expands as you gain more moons, opening up new kingdoms/areas on the globe
>Mario keeps the hat throws and jumps but no longer captures enemies, explanation is this hat is a new replacement made for him by Cappy at the end of the previous adventure
>region specific powerups replace captures and work more like powerups did in the Galaxy games
>revisit certain kingdoms from Odyssey that didn’t reach their full potential (namely Ruined Kingdom)
>costumes return with more from the concept artbook
>at least one kingdom based on an existing area from a previous game, like Sarasaland or Dinosaur Island or DK Island
>playable Luigi
Don't be so fragile. People hate annoying fanbases which makes them dislike the games they associate with.
>DK Island
You sly dog, you almost made me want that before I remembered it'd just be the sanitized soulless Returns version with Tikis and bespectacled hogs.
It's not being fragile, projector, the only people that let "le annoying fanbases" control their wallet are terminally online and weak willed in the first place, a minority. The majority let the game speak for itself.
Also fun fact, every fandom is annoying.
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>It's not being fragile
Yes, it is. Every fandom has their annoying elements but some are way more annoying than others. Such as how Paper Mario fans are the most annoying fanbase. You stop people from wanting to get into your series. Sonic is a good example of this, it sells but the awful fanbase for Sonic really stops a lot of people from getting into it if they weren't introduced to it before they encountered the fanbase.
>Yes, it is. Every fandom has their annoying elements but some are way more annoying than others. Such as how Paper Mario fans are the most annoying fanbase
There are fanbases ten times more annoying than Paper Mario, you need to get out more.
I meant within Mario. Which is true. One of the worst Nintendo fanbases.
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It is autumn.
only redditors say this
Redditors are the ones who hate being called fragile because it leans into the whole snowflake thing.
So you, a person who is presumably not a redditor, would like to be called fragile?
I don't really care if you call me it. Unlike how you care so much if someone calls you fragile.
are koopas birds or snapping turtles
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I love Luigi
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I saw him a fair bit in Wonder though.
Maybe when I do my replay I'll keep track of how many times I see each character.
how fucking tall is waluigi
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>>here's the central gimmick of this level!
>>repeat this several dozen more times!
>The first fucking level is just you wall jumping up and down for like ten minutes straight, and that's without the useless padding of "throw the star to hit the switch" that's also done 50 times per level. People calling it better than official Mario games are only saying it because it's a fangame. If Nintendo released it they'd hate it.
You honestly hit the nail on the head, I was very impressed with the graphical style and the look of it but the level design simply was not up to par with official Mario games. Nintendo does the "central gimmick of the level now repeat until you've mastered it" to but it never drags itself out. I think the underwater level with the chase sequence was the worst with it. I'm surprised more people aren't critical of it.
Eng Jamboree trailer
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Fuck, I've actually gotten a bit hyped now.
gimme Captain Toad 2.
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wah zone
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Is Mario into blondes specifically or would he fall for any tall pretty woman?
Waluigi's Minigame.
he likes blonde ditzy bimbos in pink
he's a simple man
I think he's just into the tall, pretty gals
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>Martinet's Vtuber sessions
I was browsing the archive when I stumbled upon this, and what? I tried looking it up, but I can't find anything. Was this anon talking out of his ass, did I misread, or does his vtuber channel have a specific name?
I'd make an exception and he'd be the only vtuber I watch regularly if this is real.
I was making a joke about the MIRT tech making Martinet the first Vtuber.


If you want the examples I was talking about, here are a couple:

The Magikoopa with the trumpet is the best.
Would he like Bayonetta?
That's why he stayed with Peach instead of moving onto Daisy. Just wasn't hot enough for him.
Bayonetta is already coupled.
Because it's insufferable reddit speak
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Reddit hates being called fragile.
Samus then?
I'm into tall, pretty girls but Bayonetta never did much for me for whatever reason. She looks a little better with her short hair.
RIP Banzai Bill, say hello to “Bomber” Bill
Censorship is bad.
Its name is Magnum Killer.
Because it's their own insult. The first result of searching reddit fragile on the internet comes up with an anti white subreddit dedicated to attacking white people so that's what you are associating yourself with.
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I can speak from experience that a rotten fanbase absolutely can negatively impact the way you feel or associate with a product. I used to be way into the Kirby series, but me and pretty much every single friend of mine has run into drama with the fanbase in one form or another. We're also all into the games a lot less as we used to be, but we still like the characters. Nowadays, we prefer to just sit around the fringes of it, not really interacting with the fanbase proper.
I don't use Reddit, so I wouldn't know. You did just self report yourself there.
What's the reason for this change?
Banzai was what Japanese soldiers yelled in WWII before suicide bombings. Touchy subject probably.
Mario Movie.
Yes of course, but it's also something they say in celebration without military connotations. surely carpet bombing has killed many more people than suicide attacks? So why is one associated related name bad but the other not?
Because one is only associated with the military.
It's a colossal bullet with a Flying Tiger face on it. The connotation is inescapable. It's a cowardly retread that probably only happened because Illumination westoids felt awkward about it during Mario movie talks with Japanese suits but I get it.
me when see mario
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Royal Flush is such a cool design for a glider, I hope we continue to get such creative designs in future games (assuming the gliding gimmick stays, but why wouldn’t it?)
How does bomber not have political connotations?
I can't believe Jack Black is in Smash Bros. twice.
Probably because bomber is a very generic term.
What else can it refer to
A bomber, but it isn't very specific.
They aren't called Suicide Bills.
Because bombs are pretty common in video games, the word "banzai" is not.

Care to explain, Mariobabs?
they made sonic good
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Sonicbabs can't escape Mario's reign.
sonic adventure would legitimately be less painful if it had marios movement
sad but true
That's literally what that mod is doing though.
nice water
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Holy shit, talk about force of habit. You guys talking about Rainbow Stars and Im like "I kind of want to try it, but with my trashy connection I dont feel like downloading it", unbeknownst to myself that we got a new ISP and I can actually download shit.

Im going to give Rainbow Stars a try and let you guys know how that went.
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>post cooldown hasnt even finished
>it already downloaded
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, this thing flies!!
how would you have sex with cappy
I'd throw him on Pauline and start masturbating.
multiplayer mario kart tour is such a shitshow
An improvement, although it might not be enough for that janky-ass game.
mario fart sewer is such a shitshow
How's Nabbit doing, anyways? He got to be playable in Wonders, anything else recently?
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mario kart tour is a kinoshow
Nabbit's now spending time back in the garbage can where he belongs.
Tour is garbage and so are all tour city tracks
You have never been able to give a reason for why we should think this
Anon, why are you responding to an obvious shitpost?
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NTA but you've never given a reason of why mkt is garbage either. It seems like harmless fun.
well that sony state of play was sure something, friends
now all nintendo needs to do is announce the direct soonish and it's literally over
Unfortunately, Nintendo is gleefully doing nothing now and for the foreseeable future.
It's all pointing to october. If they don't do anything in october they may genuinely be stupid.
There's still a little under a week left in the month. I wouldn't rule anything out.
It's a gacha so it cannot be good. The tracks it has produced are unplayable and ruin the eight deluxe online. It is not harmless not is it fun, it is dangerous and makes the real games less fun.
but we've got a zelda game and a tokyo game show this week
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Lammy is still hot at least.
Will we ever get a game starring Daisy as the main character?
We've got Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, DK, Yoshi, kind of-Bowser but not her... I feel so bad, bros.
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Im going to take notes as I go
>Opening is aesthetically well design, storytelling not so, feels weird it's inconsistent with BiS story considering it's going for the Dark Star thingie for the sake of OC shenanigans.
>Controls are PAINFULLY SLOW and lowkey heavy. It solves Flashbacks's issue of being slippery, but it trades off speed which is a HUGE minus.
>Moves are responsive and neat for keeping speed, saving jumps and give some room to speedrunning. Huge Plus.
>Dialogues and character portrayals are okay. Having to manually press UP for mere flavor text, however, is not. Galaxy solved this issue and many indies did too with proximity dialogue.
>Sprites are a hit or miss, mostly hits. Graphics are very well put for the most part except for some minor amateurish-looking spriteworks
>Not a fan of the sound direction having multiple sound sources put together with varying quality differences and constant mismatches. Minus.
>Not a fan of telling song names on the spot either, but that may be just me.
>Peach is cute so that's a plus
>Tutorial level (not the tutorial itself) is a massive drag. Anons werent exaggerating when they said this game abuses the wall jump and switches for level design, that's a huge minus.
>Chapter splash screens are a nice touch. Plus.
>Exploration is rewarding with neat secrets, which is a huge plus.
>Ground Pound does the same damage for bosses which is a minus on game design.
>Crash on the first rainbow star, but checkpoints remain active, so that's a plus.
>Often times the game neglects to mention things that are important for the player such as what blocks can Starry destroy and what enemies can/cant be jumped on. Minus.
>Starry being a gimmick that requires multiple button inputs is not good at all. It could have been better if it used the same Egg-throwing controls as Yoshi's Island. Huge Minus.
>Starry hitting one target at a time is also a bit of a minus.
There's always hope.
At most, she'll be playable in another mainline game again. Personally, I think she'd work better as the secondary protagonist rather than the main one.
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I don't see it happening
Don't shitpost here, /v/tard.
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That it? I don't understand why even make another state of play so soon if you don't have much show.
>The tracks it has produced are unplayable and ruin the eight deluxe online.
I smell skill issue.
a link to the past kind of sucks man
wasn't really expecting to immediately get thrown into a multi-floor, tile-based dungeon with this terrible 8-directional combat
Can you post about Mario games? The only Mario approved Zelda is Link's Awakening.
I think you meant to post this in /lozg/, this is /smbg/
Why is that
Has a lot of Mario in it.
But it's not the only Zelda with Mario in it.
how long are they gonna survive this time
Yeah, but it has a lot of Mario in it, unlike other Zeldas having blink and you miss it cameos.
Not really. Ocarina of Time with it's Bowser amulet, sure, but most other Zelda games with Mario cameos aren't like that.
Well Majora's Mask has the mario mask on it and the Happy Mask Salesman from both OoT and MM is based on Miyamoto supposedly. There's the Hammer Bro Suit in Triforce Heroes.
Those are the blink and you miss it cameos.
Other games have things like Lakitus or Podoboos as enemies. Not quite so blink and you miss it at all.
If Luigi can be a main protag, anyone can.
Goomba game, when?
Pretty much all Mario cameos in Zelda are incredibly minor outside of LA.
The hammer suit gets closer but isn't enough to tip the scales in the favor of the game.
Not at all. Link's Awakening may have the most Mario cameos, but the cameos in Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, and Minish Cap aren't minor.
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, those have minor Mario cameos.
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>Not being able to abuse pound jump, pound slide and wall jumps for infinite wall jumping is a plus for all I know about game deving but a minus for all I know about game breaking. Plus?
>Game relying too much on switches is also a minus.
>World map is really well done and really fun to traverse. Huge plus.
>Not real incentive to collect coins... yet? Kind of minus?
>Thwomp Cove. Huge plus.
>Object-based blocks taken straight from SMW Romhacks is a nice plus.
>That one white Yoshi flavor text. Plus.
>That one Starman-Spike-Blocks maze in the cat level. Massive minus, who thought that was a good idea?!
>That one dolphin ride was rough around the edges, minus.
>That one rainbow rift level. Great idea in theory, executed extremely badly, but somewhat fun nonetheless?
>Why are levels so fucking long?!
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>a link to the past kind of sucks man
Seething boomer
Link's Awakening has cameos from other series not just Mario.
And that has no bearing on this conversation. We are talking about Mario cameos.
/smbg/ as an olive branch showing to snoybros what did you think of today's state of play?
There's the Chain Chomp weapon in Hyrule Warriors. Fun fact, the same year Hyrule Warriors came out the Chain Chomp was also available as a weapon in Bayonetta 2.
Olives are gross.
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The only thing I cared about is the Lunar collection. Let's see how those homosexuals of GungHo fuck it up.
Didn't watch, don't care, I don't have a PS5
They announced a couple of PS4 releases though like the Lunar remastered collection is coming on all systems.
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I dont know what compelled me to do notes like this, but screw it. As for my final input... Rainbow Stars is promising, but cant say anything other than that to it.
The graphics are mostly amazing, the map overworld is really great too, and the story and character portrayals are on point with your usual Mario canon. The presentation is spot-on all around and it makes me see the game going somewhere.
...but as far as the actual gameplay is concerned, it's rough around the edges, to put it nicely. Level design is extremely subpar and poorly thought out in many ways, rhythm, communication, grasping.... I've played better designed SMW Romhacks that had given me a much better sense of the gimmicks and level layout than Rainbow Stars. And the levels being 10min long on average is a massive deal breaker. You think this fangame it's hefty and has a lot of content, when in reality it's just that the levels are extremely bloated they make the illusion of content and that is terrible game design by principle.
The game overall also features a lot of great ideas that really dont go too well in execution or overstay their welcome. There's a lot to this game that could work with some mayor tweaks. Starry being a poor gimmick also makes things a bit of a pain, it's not nearly as fun as the inspirations it probably draws itself from (Shake it and Yoshi's Island, I suppose?). It can work, but not as it stands right now.
Sound design is something I personally dont find appealing either, you have sounds mixed from all sources it's kind of annoying, specially when they all have varying levels of quality. Can excuse music being grabbed from other sources as well, but to be completely honest, even that SMW romhacks managed to do better too, since they usually went for variety in their picks (both original pieces and SPC covers). Sound and music doesnt feel cohesive and that's a minus for me personally.

Overall: Pretty mid, wouldnt recommend, desu.
Nice review, desu
Agreed on pretty much all fronts, the last wall jump on rainbow rift was stupidly specific for some reason
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On the subject of Rainbow Rift specifically, I understood what they were going for and I think it was noble, they wanted to pull off a Celeste and make the player do some neat tricks in a light Kaizo setup... but there's something about teaching quick mechanics to a player while submitting them to the pressure of a timer. You can do it, sure, but it's something that you have to think through and develop FLAWLESSLY in order to work because human's learning scope is far more limited while being under pressure. Given the hassles you have to deal with, you might as well teach those gimmicks to the player in a much calmer setup instead.
The game only makes it worse by not communicating the cannon bubbles effectively and make it a trial and error thing (which I assume the devs brushed off because "you probably played Celeste anyway lmao"), which is not only wrong on it's own, its terrible while you're stuck with an active timer ticking down. You're bound to reset a few times just to learn the mechanics and that is bad game design by principle. Also coin indications were all over the place it makes me question if the devs actually played and studied how Light Kaizos work.

But my biggest gripe with Rainbow Rift had to be the pound jump-wall kick-pound cancel combo tutorial in the halfway point. It's the cannon bubble issue multiplied by FOUR since by the halfway point you're most likely not having enough time so pressure it's stupidly high, the mechanic itself is extremely precise you're most likely going to mess up even if you are calm and YOU ARE going to fuck it up because you have NO TIME LEFT and PRESSURE IS STUPID HIGH. And it's even worse if you played Celeste you know damn well the devs were like "let's put a difficult trick in the level like in Summit B-Side, that'll be fun!" because that wall jump is literally the exact same trick than the upwards wall-kick in Celeste. That whole part is downright BULLSHIT.
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How many Mario related ones did you know? The video made me want to replay DKC anyway.
Every single one. Even the non-Marios.
And I'm not sure if I should feel proud or ashamed of it.
Ashamed. Definitely ashamed.
Stand Proud, you are strong.
Luigi's big, juicy wiener...
I also knew about all of these but that's because I have a secret room fetish.
It's a stone, Luigi, you didn't cook it
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Luigi has enough other things going for him that makes it easier for them to give him the protag role though. Daisy doesn't work all that well on her own.

Also, technically we've kind of had a Goomba game already.
They are compared to Link's Awakening which has a lot like Peach, Goombas, Shy Guys, Thwomps, Bob-ombs, Wart, Yoshi and Chain Chomps. When later games have anything that's more than blink and you miss it, it's typically just something that references Link's Awakening.
It's coming to the Switch, so that's at least something they didn't fuck up (unless you count "being on other consoles than Sony consoles" being a fuckup for snoys which, fair enough).
Hopefully never. I don't think I could stand it.
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Mariobros...not even Luigi thinks we have a chance...
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daisys sweaty tomboy ass right on luigis crotch
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Stop spamming.
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In Luigi's defense, what do you really call someone after doing this in front of them?
who came up with the talking flower idea
A genius.
An idiot.
a mad genius who wants to inflict pain on me
Tour city tracks are garbage
its made 8 quite a chore to play, I hate going on online matches and a tour track is selected
Just quit, losing twenty points is worth not playing such garbage
mk9 can't come soon enough
do you want the racer roster to be larger, more mario oriented or more generally nintendo oriented
>Daisy doesn't work all that well on her own
How would you know? It's never been tried.
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Nintendo Museum mural
No I mean, doing something retarded about the translation(the original was a Victor Ireland thing) fucking up something with the gameplay that kind of thing.
For real? It's very neat.
>Pauline spotted
And don't you think there's a reason for that when even Peach just has two games to her name?
For good reason. Stop trying to force Daisy down people's throats.
>Peach is 50/50 on good games
And to be fair, that's still a better ratio than Luigi.
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NTA, but let me stick my fork here.
>Luigi has enough other things going for him that makes it easier for them to give him the protag role though. Daisy doesn't work all that well on her own.
Substract Luigi's Mansion from the equation and Luigi is in pretty much the same situation as Daisy as far as chances for a protag role are concerned. If I told you Nintendo is going to make a game starring Luigi hunting ghosts using a vacumm cleaner you'd think it's outlandish and that it wouldnt work for a multitude of reasons... and yet we have 3 games of that. My point? With the right idea and the proper execution, Daisy (and I guess pretty much any relevant character) can be put in a starring role.
>How would you know? It's never been tried.
Precisely the point, just because something hasnt been tried before it doesnt mean it's bound to failure.
>And don't you think there's a reason for that when even Peach just has two games to her name?
You pose an interesting idea. Disregarding the obvious "statistics" argument, one reason could be that they cant put either princess in a setup that doesnt end up leading to switching back to the Bros... Unless they deviate from the formula much like SPP and Showtime did... which boils down to the first point I made. The problem is making a princess game that is enjoyable and different from the formula just so Mario and Luigi dont become an obvious pick; it sounds difficult but I think it can be doable when Wario and even Waluigi have perfectly functional platformers with their own spins of the Mario formula. And Peach already did it too, what's stopping Nintendo from perfecting her formula?
>Stop trying to force Daisy down people's throats.
And you are just overreacting, no one's forcing anything.
>Putting Daisy on the same tier as Luigi
Why are Daisyfags like this? They inflate Daisy's importance so much. It's no wonder why they turn people against them.
>Disregarding the arguments at hand for the sake of senseless infighting
Do not fall for the obvious bait. Repeat. DO NOT fall for the obvious bait.
It's not bait to point out that thinking Daisy is on the same tier as Luigi is pure delusion. Come on, get a grip.
Counting Mario is Missing and New Super Luigi U, Luigi's ratio is actually around 4/5 in terms of good games with him as the star.
>Substract Luigi's Mansion from the equation and Luigi is in pretty much the same situation as Daisy as far as chances for a protag role are concerned. If I told you Nintendo is going to make a game starring Luigi hunting ghosts using a vacumm cleaner you'd think it's outlandish and that it wouldnt work for a multitude of reasons... and yet we have 3 games of that.
The audacity of saying Luigi is in the same situation as Daisy aside, New Super Luigi U gives the biggest look at how Luigi could work as a platformer protagonist compared to Mario (i.e. a more hardcore alternative to your standard Mario platformer based around Luigi's characteristics). Even outside of that, Luigi hunting down ghosts with a vacuum cleaner isn't even as outlandish as you claim because Luigi has had portrayals as a scaredy-cat before Luigi's Mansion making him better for the ghost-buster concept of the game since a scaredy-cat facing his fears and exploring a haunted place with minimal help on the "field" so-to-speak is a tried and true formula.
>And Peach already did it too, what's stopping Nintendo from perfecting her formula?
Define which formula you're talking about here because if it's Super Princess Peach then that's basically babby's first platformer tier because that's what the Peach's characteristics point towards.
This. Daisy gets an inch and her fans think she's a ruler.
...well, a ruler of anything besides Sarasaland, but you know what I mean.
I mean, I wouldn't fault them just for wanting to see her more, but saying that she's on the same level as green 'stache is just silly
It's easy to forget after dramafag stirring the pot with Daisyfags so much that there's a reason why they've gotten a bad reputation.
As I said, I'd rather Daisy be a supporting character than the main one. My dream game is for Luigi to go to Sarasaland for a vacation, but Tatanga ends up returning to crash the party, so Luigi has to save not only the princess, but all her people as well by exploring this vast and bizarre land he's unfamiliar with. Not an exact retread of the original SML, but a chance for Nintendo to expand on the world they keep reminding us exists and give us a proper taste of it since the GB was incapable. I know the odds of such a game happening are practically zero, especially with how badly Nintendo handled Year of Luigi, but I like to dream it could someday come true.
>The audacity of saying Luigi is in the same situation as Daisy aside
Im going to put it back in because I feel like I need to correct something:
When I say Luigi and Daisy are on the same lane in the hypothetical of Luigi's Mansion not being a thing, I refer to the fact that both are characters well within Nintendo's grasp to make a game with them on a starring role because at that point neither of them would have anything mayor going on while still having a decent amount of relevancy within the franchise with room for adding extra character flavor. Not saying Luigi is as relevant as Daisy or vice versa, the point was that they are both relevant enough to the IP to humor the idea of a game specifically for them.
And in case it wasnt clear enough, that same statement can be said about the rest of characters that are relevant for the franchise, like Bowser, Peach, Toad, Rosalina... even Pauline all things considered.
>New Super Luigi U gives the biggest look at how Luigi could work as a platformer protagonist compared to Mario
Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt that game just a U Eat Soup reskin with some extra features but the same game at it's core? I take it's not in the sense of U Eat Soup vs U Eat Soup DX, but still doesnt offer a much different experience than U Eat Soup. Im asking because I cant really count it when just a few changes to the level layout (and just the level layout) can put back in the rest of U characters. Meanwhile you cant say the same about games like Wario Land, Psycho Waluigi, Yoshi's Island and Super Princess Peach because those games offer a much different platforming experience than the regular Mario formula a few layout changes wont give you the same experience. Say what you will about SPP, but that game did offer a different platforming experience.
Character limit is a bitch.
>Even outside of that, Luigi hunting down ghosts with a vacuum cleaner isn't even as outlandish as you claim because Luigi has had portrayals as a scaredy-cat before Luigi's Mansion making him better for the ghost-buster concept of the game
It's less about Luigi not being fit to the role and more about the concept itself being too divorced from what Nintendo at the time was back when it released. There's no denying LM is WAY too different than anything seen in the franchise even to this day, so in the hypothetical of the game not releasing, if you've heard rumors about it today, you probably wouldnt even believe them because "it wouldnt work." I reiterate this jus to say ideas can come out in the franchise and they wouldnt be bound to failure as long as they work in theory and execution, be a cooking game with Peach, a flight game with Bowser's or a rhythm game with Pauline. It can happen, much like Luigi's Mansion happen... Hell, Captain Toad happened, somehow!
>Define which formula you're talking about here because if it's Super Princess Peach then that's basically babby's first platformer tier because that's what the Peach's characteristics point towards.
Havent played the game in ages, but I can confidently say even the basic controls and gimmicks are more than enough to say it offers a much different platforming formula than Mario. Again, say what you will about SPP being mediocre, but it had a core gameplay of it's own.
apparently massive wii remote pillows are in the museum giftshop
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I'm never going to understand why it's only a bad thing to want more for one character over any other.
It's a bad thing to overinflate the importance of spin off fodder to the level of one of the main characters in Mario. Especially since when you do that, you try and bring other characters like Luigi down to Daisy's level.
Why is that a bad thing? It's wrong, but what's so offensive about it?
You're being annoying, you're insulting the fans of other characters and you're just plain wrong.
>I refer to the fact that both are characters well within Nintendo's grasp to make a game with them on a starring role because at that point neither of them would have anything mayor going on while still having a decent amount of relevancy within the franchise with room for adding extra character flavor.
Luigi's original role was to allow for players to control a second Mario at the time, and most of his early appearances was to fill this specific role. Daisy was moreso created as a throwaway damsel for her first debut and likely would have been a one-off had Nintendo not hit upon the idea to make her Luigi's potential love interest after her introduction. As such, the two were never created as equals, nor does Daisy even carry the same level of importance as Luigi in the Mario franchise. Also, despite this, they distinguished Luigi in both Japan and America through Super Mario Bros. 2 (both of them) by making him a better jumper and with slippery physics meaning a more hardcore gamer can pull off moves with Luigi that someone playing as Mario cannot hope to match.
>Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt that game just a U Eat Soup reskin with some extra features but the same game at it's core?
Technically yes since Luigi's platformer capabilities in terms of moves are the same as Mario's. In practice, building the levels around clearing them quick using Luigi's characteristics as outlined above made New Super Luigi U into the most hardcore platformer in the Mario series because Luigi's mechanics are designed with a hardcore player in mind. Aspects of the more hardcore focus when it comes to Luigi has been around since Super Mario Bros. 2 and even in Super Mario Galaxy since certain Stars during Luigi's version of it are made with an experienced player in mind.
Continuing from >>495972463
>It's less about Luigi not being fit to the role and more about the concept itself being too divorced from what Nintendo at the time was back when it released.
Super Mario Kart, Mario Party, the Golf and Tennis series, Mario's Picross, Super Mario RPG, Dr. Mario, etc., and even the other character subfranchises back then has always pointed to Nintendo not being afraid to take the Mario franchise or it's characters and use them to experiment with other genres beyond their bread-and-butter. If Nintendo thinks a Mario character could explore a mansion to hunt down ghosts is a viable concept, then I wouldn't put that past them. And I'm gonna be honest, a cooking game with Peach as the star would be one of the tamer things they could do with her.
>Havent played the game in ages, but I can confidently say even the basic controls and gimmicks are more than enough to say it offers a much different platforming formula than Mario. Again, say what you will about SPP being mediocre, but it had a core gameplay of it's own.
Much like New Super Luigi U's core gameplay relying on Luigi's physics creating a harder time for the player with high rewards for mastering them.
That's a different poster. You;re being annoying by being so oversensitive. At least he's actually putting effort into his posts here.
>you're insulting the fans of other characters
This is 4chan, get over it.
Daisyfags, everyone
Dramafag won.
Daisyfags and Dramafag can both be annoying faggots at the same time. One doesn't cancel the other out.
Who's to say Dramafag hasn't been posing as Daisyfags to make them look worse the entire time?
daisy does not have the peak bimbo energy you wouldn't get it
Luigi doesn't like pickles?
A lot of Dr. Mario love.
I seriously doubt it.
>Luigi's original role was to allow for players to control a second Mario at the time
>Daisy was moreso created as a throwaway damsel for her first debut and likely would have been a one-off had Nintendo not hit upon the idea to make her Luigi's potential love interest after her introduction
Funny you mention both points back to back, because the same was said about Daisy being the Ssecond Peach for the early spinoff games. I dont know if that was merely a rumor, but it wouldnt be crazy to assume Daisy was initially recycled not for the sake of giving Luigi a love interest but as a second Peach for (female??) players.
>As such, the two were never created as equals, nor does Daisy even carry the same level of importance as Luigi in the Mario franchise.
I didnt allude to either points, anon.
>"Not saying Luigi is as relevant as Daisy or vice versa, the point was that they are both relevant enough to the IP to humor the idea of a game specifically for them."
Maybe I did gloss over a lot of things by saying the were on a "similar lane" and pointed it out with a lot of specific leniencies in mind, but I stand by the fact both are relevant to the franchise regardless and giving Daisy her own game wouldnt be out of question much like it wasnt for Luigi or Peach back during their game releases.
>Luigi's mechanics are designed with a hardcore player in mind.
I mean that's cool and all and Im not here to discredit New Weegie Soup, but for the purpose of "giving the player a different experience" it doesnt sound like much other than a harder U Eat Soup when moves are marginally the same as Mario's.
>If Nintendo thinks a Mario character could explore a mansion to hunt down ghosts is a viable concept, then I wouldn't put that past them.
More to my favor saying any relevant character can make a starring role with their own unique gameplay in mind. Daisy does have a lot to offer already just with the flower theme and the energic/preppy personality alone.
You're causing as much drama as whoever you're attacking. Your posting is ridiculous and why this general is so bad.
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which one you gonna get
>Daisy does have a lot to offer already just with the flower theme and the energic/preppy personality alone.
In your opinion
What else do you expect from Sportsfag? He's a histrionic faggot with delusions of grandeur for owning a crummy general full of zoombas.
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Daisy isn't a Miyamoto character, she wasn't made to be important or get any focus, that's why she disappeared for years until they needed more characters for the sports spinoffs

she's relevant NOW because Peach having a palette swap like Mario has Luigi is easy for the consumer to understand

but maybe 20 years from now Daisy will have enough clout to actually have a game
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> You;re being annoying by being so oversensitive
Pushing a character so much is annoying. It's like if we had a Waluigifag in here it'd be the same thing.
>At least he's actually putting effort into his posts here.
After he exposed his true colors, it's going to waste honestly. I don't want to engage with his paragraphs because he's on a completely incompatible wavelength to mine.
>get over it.
Don't be annoying.
>if we had a Waluigifag in here it'd be the same thing
I'm keeping my mouth shut and waiting for him to have his day in the sun without shoving him down people's throats, thank you.
It's the best thing to do after that debacle over Ultimate. Not that you shouldn't post about him at all of course.
I get the feeling that certain types are always going to associate him with underage reddit activism, unfortunately, but I'll always be crossing my fingers every Direct all the same.
I think there's something lovable about Waluigi as the eternal underdog. But I don't know, I wasn't really exposed to the worst of Waluigi's fanbase, so I don't have any hard feelings towards him.
They were nothing more than a vocal minority, pretty much, but the operative word here is "vocal", so they managed to sour a lot of people in a miraculously short time. Like all things, though, they stopped when Smash stopped.
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I'm really not looking forward to Smash starting up again. It's easy for me to say because I got what I wanted in Ultimate, and Ultimate wound up sucking ass anyway, but the lingering stench of DLC will really keep the fucking thing alive for the majority of the Switch 2's lifespan this time, because they'll definitely want to drag it out even longer, even if Sakurai clearly won't want to.
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Ah, this guy is back then.
The arguing stopped, stop trying to start it up again.
I got most of what I wanted witih Ultimate, too, to the point that Waluigi was one of only two items on that list that weren't fulfilled, so maybe I shouldn't be greedy. I still hope that the outcry, annoying as it was, was enough to let Nintendo know for next time, though.
Some Daisyfags have a pretty big chip on their shoulder. To an extent I get that they're being punished for the behavior of a select few but sure make it hard for themselves to shake that image.
True, true
You're more than allowed to be greedy. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a faggot.
I think their hands will be forced in some respects by the fact that they have rapidly run out of long-term request fanservice reveals.
I guess you're right. Thanks, man.
I hope so, anyway. It isn't out of the question after characters like Ridley and K. Rool (who were incidentally also on my most-wanted list).
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ngl I'd like to see more Waluigi being posted in the general.
Also why do we have anti-characterfags being at one's throat for discussing about characters? It's not like actual characterfags have caused problems in the last couple of threads. If anything, it's the anti-characterfags in their hissy fits the ones causing actual problems. It's stupid to think we are not allowed to talk about specific characters for some dumb dramafags/vendettafags
All the new crop of fans seem to want are a bunch of outrageous, gun-toting, sex-having Playstation or Microsoft characters. It's really weird when taken in tandem with the Nintendo fan superiority complex and general bubble effect. They only want third parties. I guess there was no other way for it to go when Nintendo's empire is built on an IP burial ground and they're very rarely able to drum up interest in new ones.
This one.
I can't think of many IPs nintendo tried to do that actually flop.
Arms is the only recent one that come to mind.
Shut the fuck up retard.
Splatoon is their only big success.
I take it you want one of the third party characters in question.
Oh, it's those hours again. That explains the stench.
kinda fucked up that in order to be qualified as a success you have to do mario and zelda numbers, no?
If it wasn't a flop, we'd have seen more from it besides the noodle girl getting into Ultimate
Then your mom should be in smash
You're a fucking moron and should stop posting in thread period.
>k.rool is there
>banjo was spotted in the n64 exhibit
>fucking mario & luigi alongside starlow is there
I'm not even that anon.
Reminder for smashfags to direct their "conversation" to >>495806937 I'd also reccomend a shower
it sold more than what botw had to sell in order to break even (their biggest game in budget)
That's actually less bad than retards pretending to care about irrelevant snes games and requesting characters from those
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>SMRPG Mario's on it
>no Geno
>I dont know if that was merely a rumor, but it wouldnt be crazy to assume Daisy was initially recycled not for the sake of giving Luigi a love interest but as a second Peach for (female??) players.
Oh, they probably thought having a second Peach for the spinoffs would be a good idea, but there's a reason the third Mario Party favors Luigi as the overall winner of that iteration of Mario Party (and, coincidentally, Mario Party 3 is the one that solidified Daisy and Waluigi, being two characters associated with Luigi as a love interest and a Wario-type rival, as spinoff staples after Mario Tennis).
>Maybe I did gloss over a lot of things by saying the were on a "similar lane" and pointed it out with a lot of specific leniencies in mind, but I stand by the fact both are relevant to the franchise regardless and giving Daisy her own game wouldnt be out of question much like it wasnt for Luigi or Peach back during their game releases.
Luigi is more relevant to the main roster than Daisy is. Daisy's relevancy hinges entirely upon whether the playable roster needs a playable female that isn't Peach or Toadette.
>I mean that's cool and all and Im not here to discredit New Weegie Soup, but for the purpose of "giving the player a different experience" it doesnt sound like much other than a harder U Eat Soup when moves are marginally the same as Mario's.
Considering Yoshi is "Mario but explorer" and Wario is "Mario but parody", Luigi's thing being "Mario but challenging" isn't unbelievable.
>Daisy does have a lot to offer already just with the flower theme and the energic/preppy personality alone.
Mario is already has the energetic/peppy part down. (You did mean peppy, right? Because I don't think preppy describes Daisy at all.)
Spitting facts
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>he doesn't want Hakkun from Sutte Hakkun
Now convince Ashleyfags and Genofags.
>Projecting Zoombafag schizo post.
It is, but they killed Arms because it didn't.
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Reminder Jakamar is based on Waluigi.
go back zoomer
Cry about it
>Daisy's relevancy hinges entirely upon whether the playable roster needs a playable female that isn't Peach or Toadette.
These days that argument doesnt hold quite well when Daisy has been consistent in most spinoff rosters (with the exception of Battle League which I strongly believe it's because she wasnt even finished by the time the game released lmao) while other female alternatives have been slightly less consistent. At this point I really think you're being too strict on what's considered "relevant" for the franchise, so Im going to take the disagreement there.
>Considering Yoshi is "Mario but explorer" and Wario is "Mario but parody", Luigi's thing being "Mario but challenging" isn't unbelievable.
Anon, they dont play the same as Mario for you to oversimplifying it that way. Come on.
>these days
Even in spin offs she's only been missing from a very small handful since she reappeared in Tennis.
The anon going on about "relevance" is a long known shitposter who does nothing but throw a fit over anything positive towards the character.
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>The anon going on about "relevance" is a long known shitposter who does nothing but throw a fit over anything positive towards the character.
I mean, sure, there's a guy like that, but I think this anon Im replying to is genuine in his argument, so I wouldnt call him specifically a shitposter.
Maybe Im also too lenient on what I believe is "character relevancy", as I dont really mind that much the differences between games, mainlines and spinoffs (save for the mayor game series like the RPGs). If Daisy is being active in games, that means she is indeed relevant for the IP as a whole, at least to me. With that in mind, I really dont see why she wouldnt be able to have her own game, even if she doesnt get it the possibility is still there.
>These days that argument doesnt hold quite well when Daisy has been consistent in most spinoff rosters (with the exception of Battle League which I strongly believe it's because she wasnt even finished by the time the game released lmao) while other female alternatives have been slightly less consistent. At this point I really think you're being too strict on what's considered "relevant" for the franchise, so Im going to take the disagreement there.
That the developers prioritized releasing Daisy later as DLC than shipping the game with her from the beginning just points towards her not being as relevant as other Mario characters anon.
>Anon, they dont play the same as Mario for you to oversimplifying it that way. Come on.
Indeed. They don't. But them not playing the same doesn't change the fact that the mechanics for their platformers are meant to give a new spin on the standard Mario platformer formula, much like New Super Luigi U does with the attribute change to Luigi.
Nah, that's how normal people think of it.
This spin off and mainline split is stupid when spin offs outnumber mainline by a factor of like 4:1 anyways.
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Nintendo Museum as seen from the sky
can someone explain why nintendo decided to not label their exhibits in the museum?
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I don't know about you, but I see labels.
Yes, in that one window. Look at the others.
There are exhibits where they have dumped stuff from a specific era without there being any labels as to what each is.
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Shhh, I hadn't gotten that far yet. It really is dumb.
Anyway I'm not gonna post the whole thing, here's a link for anyone else who wants to see.
I want F.L.U.D.D give me my water squirting wife back.
where did nintendo get all the shit required for a museum anyway
did they ask fans to send them rare shit or do they just have these in warehouses.
It's only natural for companies to have unsold stock, and Nintendo likes to hold on to every fucking thing, like the corporate form of a packrat.
Guess the suits decided to set something up to try and make money with all that old shit.
The 4chan spoiler image makes this feel weird.
Why is the 2023 ? Block so fucking soulless?
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Why does Pokemon get a whole ass fucking manhole cover? It's kind of insulting that they get to selectively be considered "Nintendo" when it's convenient for them but any other time when it's not convenient you have to have a dozen pokefags tell you about how ackshually Pokemon is not really Nintendo because it's like three different companies, etc.

BASICALLY what I'm saying is make your own fucking museum, as if they don't have enough shit of their own to fill it up a building with.
The soulless design is from NSMB.
Pokemon is a god. Everyone who can possibly scramble to claim any aspect of it is going to do so with frantic desperation.
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Pokemon is a large part of Nintendo's history, even if it's not wholly owned. That's also why Kirby is there, and even Banjo-Kazooie and other Rare titles over in the N64 section.
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take home a pipe! or maybe a cookie wrapped up in your favorite mario box art!
what does new super mario bros taste like
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there's even NES merch available for the gaijin
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Wii U shirt stays on during sex.
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i don't know about you, but I want a virtual boy controller keychain
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they are really leaning on the whole "hey this used to be a warehouse" vibe for the restaurant.
hey, free wifi!
It's gone stale already, just like how SMS is soggy and SML is half-baked.
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enjoy a burger while relaxing on old repurposed pallets.
I can't help but see the chainlink fencing as a super mario world reference, but that's probably not it.
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meanwhile, zeldafags get this fancy room
Mario Maker 2 is Super Mario but not Mario Maker 1?

And where's Wonder?

This sucks
do they sell the luigi burger
what's that
>Land 1 when Land 2 is objectively better in every way
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The pictures I saw just show a small assortment of regular shit. Apparently there's a large amount of options available in ordering a burger, however.
What's that stuff to the right of the burger?
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I've been too submitted to a lot of nutritional mumbo-jumbo that I see that burger and cant help but think how unhealthy that looks. I dont even want to know what the moustache is suppose to be made of, edible paint of some sort?? What is that dark green thing supposed to be? Does that even have meat???
Im saving the image for the little engraving on the plate, might as well recreate it on Illustrator for the heck of it.
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But these were noted as special drinks: The Peach & Cheese, and Green Tea Float.
I think they're tater tots. I dunno, they weren't labelled in any pictures.
>I think they're tater tots. I dunno, they weren't labelled in any pictures.
That's sorta what I was thinking. They look like really puffy tater tots, and if that's what they are, I want them badly.
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How about this?
>he lacks the knowledge of the luigi burger
its a chicken burger with green curry sauce and peppers
No fucking way. PURE SOVL
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>Wario Land block
It's probably what they use on sushi rolls.
Missed opportunity not putting a hamburger inside the SMB2/LL wrapper.
That Im willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say it tastes better than it looks, whatever that is.
I see, so that dark green thing must be another pepper or what anon >>495999470 said

>that graphic design work
Okay, Im triggered now, what the fuck.
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>implying it isn't
In the mural there're Fire Emblem characters too.
>Wii U shirt + Virtual Boy controller keychain
An absolute pussy magnet.
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Wonder if those replica carts actually work or if they're just the plastic shells.
considering the prices, probably just shells.
wearing the wii U shirt whilst I reject lego mario by playing with my mariokart k'nex track instead
I want to eat a Luigi burger...
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it's a burger luigi
you didn't make it
There is a suspicious green sauce on it...
Do they serve the drink from the Nintendo World, the one Luigi is holding in the Nintendo Magazine cover?
I don't know, man. They didn't take a picture of the menu.
mmm luigi drink
It's an Egg Scoopa Koopa! I bought it!
Japan loves those black bun burgers.
Fuck off
What's so offensive about his post?
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pop that shit
that guy constantly seethes about luigixdaisy
Nice digits
where is the museums madame broode sit-on-your-face-experience room
Not coming until next year, unfortunately
lot of development time for all that game-accurate softness I see
That's exactly why it's taking so long.
where is the museums elephant peach sit-on-your-face-experience room
Now *that* one isn't coming until '27.
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>I will never have a Luigi burger with a Luigi drink with a side of Luigi fries
It's just not fair...
just save up and go when you're a middle aged man
it's okay, fictional Toad chefs do not judge 40 year olds who still love mayro and loogi
>they have fucking banjo in the exhibit but no trace of geno or mallow
this can only be blamed on square
>they have fucking banjo in the exhibit but no trace of geno or mallow
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Good grief they're naked!
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This is arousing in it's own way
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But I don't want to be a middle aged man...
More like they've had their disemboweled corpses put on display for the world to see.
tokyo game show begins today btw
I think its safe to say there will be no direct this week or on monday, it's just not happening
weird for there not to be a direct this week but hey, the switch is on its last legs and once the zelda game is out (which is also today) that's basically everything.
I am early october gang myself
They've gone rogue and are absolutely feasting on their unwarranted radio silence.
this was Marios masterplan. Sue palworld as soon as sony signed a deal for it. Then release the Nintendie Babbie Console 2 and release Mario Kart Odyssey Galaxy RPG Mansion
Why October? What hints at this?
because I feel like it
I'm surprised the museum mural had SMRPG remake Mario and Bowser
Of course Geno and Mallow aren't there, they're still owned by the jews at Square Enix.
What's odd is that Little Mac isn't there....
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I'm sure you'll be able to go one day, anon! Don't lose hope, it's all about saving up
t-too close!
I want to kiss his nose.
Maybe when they perfect VR.
Bless Square-Enix
what's with this general's sudden hatred of geno and now even mallow
did we get an influx of twitter faggots?
We got Luigi games, we got Peach games, hell we even got Toad and Wario games...
When are we getting Bowser's game?
Replace Mario with Bowser.
The BIS remake was the worst-selling Mario game of all time and Nintendo probably got the wrong message from that entirely. Don't expect one.
He sort of starred his own section in that Skylanders game.
Wasn't there plenty of love for playing as Bowser in Odyssey though?
To be fair the website posted didn't show a SNES/SFC exhibit, just the N64 one. SMRPG must be there.
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That should mean a Bowser game would sell, would it not?
Mario and Bowser in their SMRPGmake designs are on the big wall of characters.
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Maybe, but maybe not.
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I'm not an expert but I don't think Nintendo would need permission to display the games themselves in their original format that they originally published themselves. That's basically the reason why an emulated re-release of something like Sonic 3 can have the original music but a remake like Sonic Origins had to change it.
So Nintendo wouldn't need permission to display SMRPG and it's packaging itself, but they still would in order to use artwork of characters they don't own from it would. Which is why you don't see artwork of James Bond, Banjo, or Geno and Mallow anywhere.
In other words, it's guaranteed to be there.
Why wouldn't it be? They've even got things like the Naruto GBA on display.
The remake versions in fact.
Naruto > Geno
Super Famicom was their best system.
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Mario > Naruto
Reminder Pom Pom does the Naruto run.
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Not JUST the Naruto GBA, but the Tribal GBA too!
That's what "SMRPGmake" means.
Temporal tattoo Mario is canon?
Meant for >>496033075
>They have the weird bootleg looking MvDK GBA SP from Europe
>They don't have the Spongebob one
Where did you get that image from?
Was linked hours ago
Miyamoto talks about the museum and other stuff: http://archive.today/2024.09.25-183700/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/25/arts/design/shigeru-miyamoto-interview-nintendo-museum.html
Also a Famitsu interview: https://www.famitsu.com/article/202409/18892
>“Creating a museum like this is very un-Nintendo-like,” he added. “If Mr. Yamauchi saw this, he would probably say don’t do it.”
Rude of you to disrespect Mr. Yamauchi like that, Miyamoto
>All Blacks GBA SP
I had all but forgotten about that one.
He respects his insight however
>"Mr. Yamauchi back in the day would tell us that we are not good at fighting: 'We are weak — so don't go picking fights with other companies,'" Miyamoto said, explaining the company's longstanding pursuit of originality.
Reminder Yamauchi was right.
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what will they do
It really bothers me that Mario is meant to be his own character, but he's treated like a "blank slate" for the player. Even in the RPG games, he's given practically no dialogue aside from answering basic "yes/no" questions and one liners. There's literally no better time to flesh him out than in games that are meant to be story and dialogue heavy, and yet Nintendo doesn't bother. Luigi gets to express himself through dialogue. Peach gets to express herself through dialogue. Bowser gets to express himself through dialogue. Literally everyone else EXCEPT the main protagonist. Why? He's not Link, where he's meant to act as a self-insert for the person playing the game. He has an established personality, barebones as it is, yet he's rarely given a chance to show it. Is it because Nintendo wants to keep him "pure" for the sake of brand image? Someone help me to understand this shit, /smbg/.
old jap man autism
at least we definitely get to see some of his personality during cutscenes for example
What would you say his personality is?
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>Replace Mario with Bowser.
NTA but request granted.
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Being a heroic mime is at Mario's core. It's in Link's core to a greater extent. That said, both of them aren't self inserts for the player either. Each Link does have their own quirks and traits it you pay attention to their dialogue trees and body language, and whenever Mario does talk you can see why he's beloved but also an easy target for cynicism.

As for why that is, it's brand image as you said. Mario showing any flaws like envy or jealousy have been memed and discussed to death in here and online as a whole. They can't have Mario talk too much in game because anything he says can be misinterpreted, which they can't market him as a squeaky clean mascot.
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Bowser didn't do anything wrong to get slapped.
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Why can't she just do this in the games
>It really bothers me
Sucks for you.
What a detailed response.
Didn't she use a parasol to hit a bunch of Goombas in SM3DL?
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She did.
>Each Link does have their own quirks and traits it you pay attention to their dialogue trees and body language
That doesn't mean that a character isn't a self-insert. Persona protagonists have their quirks and traits, but they're still self inserts. It took until Skyward Sword to even force the player to call Link Link.
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Because no matter what she does, Bowser will eventually overwhelm or outsmart her and the Mario Bros. That's why he's a good villain and not just a dumb brute despite preferring to fight like one.
Looking back, these postcards were the first sign of Nintendo starting to become woke.
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Tanooki Mario or a Tanuki as Mario.
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But the very next postcard had Peach caged up.
Mario Fashion.
Peach butt.
big baddie bitch donk wobbling all over the place
this. I just finished MvDK remake and I want more Mario puzzle-platformers.
weird how nintendo never made a dirt cheap VR headset made of foam and elastic velcro straps like third party chinese companies do for the switch. I like the teeny tiny VR things they put in captain toad and odyssey
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S-switch 2 any day now, r-right bros?
>zelda game is out
>tokyo game show ongoing
>jamboree in like 3 weeks.
I wouldn't hold your breath, but it'll probably be in october.
Waluigi's the kind of guy who gets a goofy-looking dog, names it something rude like "Assbag" and proceeds to be the most adoring dog owner you could imagine.
I approve this message.
big juicy peach lips
>ask for luigi stuff
>it's all sold out
>the employees say a tanned woman bought it all
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What about the SpongeBob GBA?
What is the best game starring a Mario supporting cast member?
Wario anything
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>We've got Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, DK, Yoshi, kind of-Bowser but not her... I feel so bad, bros.
On that subject, I dont know why, but I always thought no one from the main cast could be able to best Bowser with raw strength alone (except for Wario), let alone Peach. I figured any regular punch or kick would be merely marginal damage for Bowser and in order to actually hurt him, you ought to use some force (like stomping?), strong weapons (frozen fish) or magic (fireballs).
I did want to write a fic of Peach fighting Bowser on her own, though
Yeah, but it potrays men (Luigi) as incompetent and Peach as almost escaping.
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Maybe Bowser was toying with her and letting her think she was escaping?
Anon, you don't need to write it when Super Princess Peach exists.
SS, PiT, and BiS all start out with a Bowser fight and Mario beat him every time by stomping on him.
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Fuck, I forgot.
Anon, dont ruin my fun and let me be creative...
No, replay it and let the creative juices flow from there.
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How would an actual date go between the both of them?
Why is toad here!?
He's their pal.
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>Mariobros...not even Luigi thinks we have a chance...
It's because Luigi knows of their princess arrangement.
I mean, I can play it alright (though I do have my gripes with DS emulation), but I dont think I need to get any ideas from it. What I already have in mind for that story is good to work with.
TLDR: The story is about Bowser pulling a desperate attempt to kidnap Peach almost right after failing his last scheme. Without Mario being around to save her and with the kingdom's economy on thin ice due to Bowser's shenanigans, Peach decides to fight him, which quickly turns into a "cat and mouse" situation where Bowser chases Peach around her castle while she hits him with everything she can find, ultimately destroying the castle in the process.
That sounds good, it's like the postcards being posted earlier but successful.
M-Mariobros...how can we go on from this...
Mariobros...we have canon.
Maybe Viacom was a bitch about it.
Tribal GBA my belovedl
But is it cute and canon?
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Today I will remind them.
>Mario still gets back on the ship giving one final hit to Bowser back to the moon
>Postgame Peach still has her and Mario meet up on adventures.
bimbo baddie bitches like her wants both at the same time
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Did they all just sit together in silence on the way home?
Apparently Mario Sunshine can be beaten in under 10 minutes now.
Know what else can be beaten in under ten minutes!? My mom!
is NES Championships fun in the ghost mode? I love NES games and want to know if its worth picking up
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It's sad that Mordecai and Rigby never got a game featuring Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost.
Would you let Luigi forcefully shove a massive Luigi burger down your throat?
only if he drenched it in his green cum first
delicious green curry luigi burger
Wholeheartedly, yes.
getting fat purely through mario bros themed food
That's not ketchup on the Mario burger...
Ninji Enjoyer I once again summon you in the name of shiddy
w-what is it
It's his "secret sauce"
marios secret sauce is red?
Luigi's is green. It's how they work.
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7 years of Bowsette and arguments despite this.
>Miyamoto doesn’t want people dragging Nintendo into console wars
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>tfw no wii dakimakura
>life isnt fair, bros...
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>he doesn't know
can you fuck FLUDD
how would you fuck FLUDD
FLUDD got those DSL's know what I mean, homie?
up her water spout funnel
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>can you fuck FLUDD
No, but you can smoke it.
mf gettin that Refreshing Herb
>FLUDD has high buzzed dialogue for the rest of the game.
Luigi rawdogging Miyamoto for 20 hours straight while Bowser watches...
abhorrent thread
How would Miyamoto even process being railed by a stylized Italian homunculus he created himself?
F.L.U.D.Ds flussy got me acting unwise.
His penis would process it by cumming.
The same way he processed getting railed by Bowser and subsequent pregnancy and birth of his son.
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Luigi should skip Miyamoto and rawdog me instead.
Are we being raided by the discord? Remember to ignore and report shitposters. It should probably be added to the next OP.
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You aren't strong enough yet to bear his seed. Pace yourself or you may never be able to receive his mighty blessing.
That sounds like something someone trying to take Luigi away from him would say
diddy kong deserves the world
echoes of wisdom has no midna, I'll pass.
Current character-focused subfranchises in the Mario franchise
>Yoshi (Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's ____ World)
>Wario (Wario Land, WarioWare)
>Luigi (Luigi's Mansion)
Characters with subfranchise potential
>Toad (Captain Toad)
>Peach (Super Princess Peach, Princess Peach Showtime)

Donkey Kong franchise is a sibling franchise to Mario.
Donkey Kong is the parent franchise to Mario.
>Peach (Super Princess Peach, Princess Peach Showtime)
If Nintendo does another Peach game, it should be more like Super Princess Peach, that game was actually good. Showtime was awful.
I still want a Mario Musou.
Joey said he wanted to do one so it's pretty clear Nintendo doesn't.
Well nintendo needs to get their heads out of their butts and let me autistically grind my favorite character to 200.
And for what reason would you not want that to be a thing?
It's a dumb idea and something the Mario series does not need.
That's not an answer.
It is.
Dumb ideas are exactly the kind of thing the Mario series should do. Mario + Rabbids is a notable example. And it turned out fantastic.
Not this one.
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What Discord?
You can beat Super Mario Sunshine in under 10 minutes.
Schizos be schizin'
I miss when Koki used to make Mairo art. Now he just draws grotesquely lumpy little animal characters.
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