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Space Station 13 is a round-based roleplaying game, developed using BYOND engine around February, 2003.
Players are given a list of ~40 different jobs aboard a Space Station (#13), each with their own access and responsibilities (for example, Engineers are to set up the station's engine and thus have access to Engineering Bay while Scientists are usually busy researching and developing various items for the crew and thus have access to Scientific Bay). Though some of them could try to hack an airlock to gain illicit access, ask the station's Artificial Intelligence to let them in, blow a hole in the wall or...
More often than not, the In-Character choices you make are often limited only by your imagination.
Your goal is to have fun! (and survive)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHH1vfY6HTA [Embed]

ITT we post memorable stories, beat clowns to death with toolboxes, eat human burgers and get sucked into a Gravitational Singularity.

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers
>Ban Evader Tech Support

>/vg/station website
>/vg/station game server (online 24/7)
>/vg/station wiki
>Alternate 4chan station
>Riviera Station aka FoxDickStation on FoxDick Farms (Joshua Connor Moon the Pedophile's Personal Army & Honeypot) (online 24/7, schedule is: Saturday 6PM EDT)
>Riviera Station wiki
>/tg/station is dead, don't mourn what it became, remember it for what it was
>[Embed] [Embed]
nipples deadmin


If I made an open source /vg/ and /agdg/ contributed ground up SS13-like,

what would you guys want in it?
>If I

you won't, retard
yea, I say 'if' because I'm considering it as a fun side project.
see you again never
why are you being this harsh?
> /agdg/

bunch of failed devs that can't even get a mobile game off the ground are going to develop a game, ok lol

oh look not a single mention of ss13, tons of shitty tranny drawings though, and people posting their food in a "game dev general"
I know that you're just pushing us to be better.
no genuinely that thread is worse than /ss13/ for how many malicious faggots it's has consuming it's corpse, you are the same ideasguy nodev spilling out of your containment thread
which features would you like in an ideal SS13 though?
more tranny flags and quotes that you can't close or remove, every 20 mins you get a hardcore gay porn popup
the lgbtq really has a hold over SS13 and SS14.
Wow, what a well made deadmin request. I'm sure this will be taken seriously.
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>Wow, what a well made deadmin request. I'm sure this will be taken seriously.
Genuinely no. Only interested in ss13, personally.
Appreciate ya putting fstation in the OP, it's real swell of ya unironically. It feels like we're starting to build back better.
Also we had a nice round of fstation yesterday with making a lovely outdoor-indoor picnic area and some tasty snacks and drinks!
is this game deader than ever? when do you plan on going to ss14
trannies are usually terminally online losers so they latch unto niche thing to make their own
Such as fstation.
Today I got permabanned for accidentally pushing someone out the evac ship airlock while the janitor was slipping us both. Without warning another admin came in and made it unappealable because of "harassment."
These retards and the host forgot they attached their real emails and names to their personal git commits before moving them to the GitHub repo. Time for Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.
>mfw all I have to do is look at the patch note history and most of these morons wrote down their real names
I'll unironically consider playing ss14 when it has the basic systems ss13 has such as atmospherics. So at this rate probably 10 years from now
He said isn't dead. That means fstation doesn't apply
I will become guilty of what they lied about. I hope they're all ready to get signed up for endless Indian scam robocalls all day, every day. With the gay pride newsletters in their email in case someone is married.
Also I found out one the admins pretends to be a pokemon is real life. They even made a webpage for their persona. What the fuck. These are the people running SS13 now?
Sorry anon, but the NRP ship has sailed. LRP always devolves into 20 NRP shitters running around anyways. A 4chan server would turn into people speedrunning who can spam nigger a 1,000 times first.
We just need a single server that doesn't have any trannies on staff as a rule. They will always, always fuck things up.
fstation has one freedom loving staff, no discord, and cares about freedom of speech and is a 4chan server.
We usually have pretty nice RP levels too.
please anon post their details into the kiwi thread so i can join you
https://aura.dog/ is one of the main figures there. I always though lewcc was a play on LGTM. Turns out it's the goddamn luciano pokemon.

I hear it's pretty dead but playing with mechanics alone sounds loads better than minding which tranny I wallshove walking by. I'll come try tomorrow.
>Go ahead and put effort in so i can close it instantly and ban you from the forums

yeah nah, cunt
If you want something to take to kiwi I've got the best bit. There's someone who plays a tranny-lizard named Chuga. Imagine my surprise when it is a UoM guy named Peter Jordan. It even looks like he was a minor add-on to a research paper out of there on biology.
I like the way you think.
What do we want?!?!
trannys out
Did both of your players multikey two characters? I hope so because it would be real awkward to pull more than that at once.
Ideal gas simulation on a 2d grid.
post code ideas
give me the current code for it and ill run it through the AI till it shits something useable out, that's all i have been doing recently, and it works, every PR i have ever done has been with AI

Convert the game to support pixel movement then implement chunks of the station breaking off and drifting away.
>no code posted
Oh suddenly you need code to have ideas coded? Damn I guess you can't just be retarded and use AI after all.
are you fucking retarded?
Just like you are!
i meant go find the existing atmos code and post it here so i can feed it into the AI, because otherwise it will make it's own shit up that conflicts with the existing codebase code, if it was a new feature you don't need existing code, you drooling french retard
I don't care about the existing codebase, I just want to see some code. You don't need to make it work with a GUI, just do as requested.
>just do as requested.

nigger what did you request you didn't post anything
It's wrong lol. You need to set
world/movement_mode to PIXEL_MOVEMENT_MODE
Thing is anon chan, ChatGPT doesn't really know how to do much coding aside from small easily digestible functional blocks. If you try to do anything large it makes a huge mess and lots of mistakes. Especially for BYOND it knows a lot less than the more common languages.
For example it just flat out invented the variables there.
yes probably the code won't compile in the first run, and probably won't get it right in the first run, but all you need to do is put the code into the right place, compile, and if you get errors you feed the errors back into the AI and eventually it compiles, then you test if it works or not ingame and then tell the AI what the failures were, then it corrects
using the method above i have made alot of features for different servers, but it's managed to do some pretty cool never before done shit in this game, you just need to coach it right and try again and again and again till it compiles and or works as intended

i'm not going to post any because then i will out myself as using AI and not knowing how to code
I use it a lot myself too, and I'm glad you're finding it useful. A lot of times for more complicated things I often notice I'm actually getting bogged down trying to coach the AI rather than just doing it myself which might be faster for more complex tasks. It's useful in a lot of ways though I'll give you that. For someting like the pixel movement mode I think it wouldn't be able to "grok" the scope of everything that needs to change at once. Like porting the projectile system over from tile to pixel would be a huge amount of changes that require a healthy understanding of how the current projectile system works and what each step of the projectile pathing does. Somehow I think ChatGPT would fail to be able to keep it all straight enough to provide a workable solution.
yes but if you were deadset on doing it just break it down into smaller parts that can compile and work on their own, but yes it does fail sometimes even if i switch it between claude and back, things like making player controlled shuttles like on 14, it failed because it cannot grasp how to move tiles around and replace turfs with space or move anything other than objects like computers, lights

maybe a human would be able to do it, maybe not, maybe it's an engine limitation
How is your experience with Claude? I was going to try but it seems like they wanted a phone number which I found annoying lol.
well, chatgpt runs out of the "good" model and puts you on an endless "bad" model that does not run out of tokens, because otherwise it would be fucking useless because most of the time if i want to do anything complicated i need to spend hours going back and forth with the ai for it to get it right, another solution is to give the current code to claude and have it come up with an outside the ai box solution, and that most of the time kickstarts chatgpt into getting it's shit together until the next looping problem or it works

so claude limits you to 10 messages a day or some stupid shit like that, also i heard the paid model limits you to like 20, so LOL
Interesting nice lol. I like that idea of giving it between them.
yes it fixes alot of problems because claude is alot better but very few tokens, also chatgpt tends to have the same issue again and again and this is what happens

you get about 30-40 messages into the exchange, of you posting the code back into the AI and saying here is the compile error, it will start to not attempt to fix it and starts printing out code that has either not been changed at all or minorly, and it will refuse to do what you say, if you say "why are you doing X or Y, stop doing that, focus on fixing the error" it will continue to fuck around and do retarded shit, at this point you either take it to claude to course correct and repaste the claude back into chatgpt, and it should fix the issue

also you can take output from claude, paste into chatgpt and say fix tab spaces and indentation and you can copy paste directly from chatgpt output and it has the correct indentation and you can copy paste
Hop in!
I'm on Linux and TGUI brazenly disregards Linux players.
i think someone said lutris works well.
I have it running through wine by reading the provided Lutris script and making a wine prefix according to the Lutris script.

I can log into servers now, but most servers use TGUI so I can't see things such as vending machine menus.

It makes the game unplayable. But yes the script provided by Lutris, I just read it over and gauged what SS13 needs in its wine prefix, and manually made a wine prefix. IT works but even in the Lutris entry it mentions TGUI is still a problem.

Wine just doesn't support Internet Explorer 11.

The only options from here are pure VM ( I don't want to do that ), or coding a non Internet Explorer 11 version of TGUI and presenting it to the TGUI team as a switchable option.

Or ofc, I can make Internet Explorer 11 work with Wine.
TGUI literally is the difference between Linux players having to spin up a VM / Dual boot to play SS13.

It is a solvable problem. Just make TGUI not reliant on Internet Explorer 11.
I'm going to have to do this aren't I?
I'm going to have to code a version of TGUI that is toggleable which does not rely on IE11, so that Linux players can play this beautiful game on most servers.
Do it ill port it to fstation.
Lets, get, slooooooooooooopie!
lmao @ VG pretending to be a real server with standards
Look at how bomber harris is using his discord bussy status to push his weight around. Look at how these weasels swarm to the forums and do a little song and dance pretending like they just aren't going to unban their own guys who can break all rules
>wooow, 2 weeks is too long! how could I be persecuted so for abusing bugs and respawning and self-antagging! get me the manager right now and get this newbie fired immediatly!
Is 2 weeks really that much? People have been banned for far less with far longer bans and then told to fuck off and their threads locked and told to just wait out their short ban length (2-6 months) but bomber harris can't go 2 weeks without shitting up the server? This is a server where people get permabanned for no reason unless they're discord buttbuddies like flarg, and now we will all pretend like it's unreasonable to get 2 weeks off the game for bug abuse self antagging
Meanwhile /ourgirland'ficionadoatheart/ gets a 3 month ban for toolboxing someone.
big day for F today
This is absolutely awful, anon. There's not nearly enough DM code out there to make an LLM off it. If you need atmos go rip v6 off Yog and fast threading from Para.
Today I woke up to my SS13 throwaway e-mail being disabled. Doxxed para players are so scared they reported my e-mail a few hundred times for abuse.

Next month I will call the server host at his work desk. I figure Halloween deserves a good spook.
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fstation saved the ss13 imageboard community
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post bars
this one's hot off the presses
I've got super bad news for you, anon. TGUI is /forced/ to use IE framework. It's from BYOND's end, not TGUI. Good luck getting the BYOND Discord to listen either, they've lost all touch with what is keeping interest in BYOND afloat.
true kino
it was fun spitroasting stuff
wanted to see if people were talking about the funny slimes schenanigans but it's just slop. sad!
I got back into playing ss13 and oh boy it's been fun

since it's the only decently populated server I've been playing on colonial marines a lot
learned surgery
seems hard at first but as long as you get some help starting and keep the surgery wiki page open you'll do fine
did my first hugger surgery a day or two ago
felt great to pull the bastard out
admins are a little tense in the arse though
I found a megaphone and used it to shout "MANDATORY PENIS/VAG INSPECTION IS IN AFFECT" and an admin booked me
should've seen it coming really
say hi to me if you see a doctor Wallace birsay running about medbay
welcome back! i'm a little less combat oriented so i started playing paradise. apparently it's a furry server but people seem to be pretty nice. i never really got into CM, the first and only time i played it i was field executed by my CO for asking a game mechanics based question in looc and warned by an admin that i will be banned for trolling if i continue (i was asking how to reload)
Have you considered learning to code, rather than being completely dependent on AI for everything?
you know em
you love em
it's the thundercunt admin!
genuinely though what the fuck
admins in this game are kinda just arseholes
I was told by a guy he apparently got banned from goon for saying he wasn't gay
Oh well
By the way to reload hold your gun in one hand and the mag in the other
Switch to the hand the mag is in and click the gun.
Click more than one time and press space to pump it for shotguns and drop empty speed loaders.
I would recommend coming back and trying medical, lots of helpful people willing to help.
nice aesthetic sensibilities
its byond://ss13.fun:10001
theres a link on the homepage too at https://ss13.fun !
>pretty nice
Better look up in this thread, anon. If you accidentally push the wrong furry out of an evac door because the janitor is accidently slipping you you'll get permabanned. Afterwards another admin will rush over and "super unappealable" permaban you because of... harassment?
The moment you cross one of the trannys you'll have to watch how you breathe to not get bwoinked.

Do yourself a favor, find a vox named Chuga and tell them Katchi says hello.
The Goon ban wasn't for saying he's not gay. It was for saying gay. Goon admins kick out anyone bringing gay/tranny/dumb political shit/TND memes into the server. It's how Goon has stayed Goon all these years. Their policy is pretty open and if morons get bwoinked that's on them.
Your buddy didn't get banned for saying he's not gay. He got banned for breaking the most obvious rule of Goon; it's a game, shut the fuck up about anything that's not Gooning.
what's wrong with space station 14?"
not my friend
just a rando
so if someone say "hey I'm gay" it's not allowed?
What's right with it?
It's a strict downgrade in every sense as far as I know.
You should definitely seethe and whine all day every day about an online community doing the right thing by getting rid of you.
Is that a bar... out in the hallway? O_o
Okay, this is pretty awesomesauce...
okay, tranny. That's not going to stop Arc from getting called at his work desk. Harassing people deserves harassment back. Maybe you trannies will learn something finally.
In fact why don't you go ask Peter Jordan, Mikhail Dzianischhyts, Zack, Charlie Nolan, or Joseph Case? You retards are lucky I have a bone to pick with only one of you. About half the regular players there could be doxxed.
i don't understand. why is everyone mad at eachother?
> harass people in real life because you're mad about a video game
Banning you was a wise decision, wasn't it? I'm glad you're stuck here now.
Stuck here? I'm already back in, dope. You trannies never, ever learn. It's just a pain in the ass to act bald for a couple weeks.
I'm just giving Arc until Halloween to unfuck his tranny buddy who tries to harass people in game and out of game. If you don't like it then don't do it in the first place. It's that sample.
>walk around, clean up trash and wash tiles
>random guy asks if i want to take a break and hang out
>we have a fun time and enjoy some food from the cafeteria
>singularity gets loosed, shuttle is called
>in the panic we lose each other
>singulo eats almost all of the path to escape
>use my spare lights to fling myself in the general direction of escape
>actually manage to make it to the shuttle with less than 5 seconds left
>mid-transport someone sets off a bomb
>my friend drags me to the shuttle medbay
>there is no way for him to save me, there is too much shrapnel in me
>slip into death while he carries me into central command
have you considered that you have wasted years of your life, you retarded faggot? maybe i should takeup lamplighting
the admin who banned bomber deserves to be headmin, throw placating discord social vampire nipples the fuck out please
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>Bomber Harris Headmin Ban Appeal
>Long story short is that the admin who banned me is a trialmin
remove cult
lmao seething tranny faggot
Cult is fun (if you're a cultist)
Alright lads, before the thread goes down lets plan for FSTATION FRIDAY. Maybe we can top 4 players.
I'm sure being a huge bitch strategy will work out and they'll accept you back with open arms. It hurts me just as much as any retard to be forced behaving in almost any online environment these days, but what the fuck are you gonna do. Grow up.
seeth tranny
>weh weh weh you MUST do as we trannies say!!! you must submit!!! DO NOT RESIST CRINGE!!!!

kill yourself retard
This is a great idea!
How does the respawn exploit work?
i miss drawsstuff
now that is an old ass name
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>log in RMC14
>see bunch of furry races in my ayy clicking spess game
>log out
just kill them
How do people feel about cloning?
I've played on a couple of servers without cloning and it's a nice change of pace.
Personally I think cloning should be in, since it's quite annoying to die to some bullshit and not be able to play for another hour plus.
However, I think something like having everyone get a backup in the machine at roundstart and your memory going to last backup is better than current /vg/, where death feels to have very little consequence.
Especially when your name is Bomberguy and you just respawn
Cloning existing is good. Cloning being the easiest objectively best way to get back in the round is retarded. Cloning makes death meaningless and it's laughable that anyone even gets banned for killing someone when you can just clone them.
Cloning kills every other alternative way of getting back in the round. No one wants to get back in the round as a different character because they're used to cloning.
The way the game works now it's impossible for antags to do anything but ruin the round or be a wholesome friendly antag chungus. Something like a vampire can't just suck someone to death. You have to either take them to medbay and act like friends with the victim so he doesn't rat you out or you destroy the brain. As an antag it shouldn't even be on your mind that the victim will get cloned.

Cloning should be a late game thing when the round has gone for long enough for someone to get the tech and materials for a cloning machine, when most players are dead and the ones living are more valuable and better players who now get to extend their round even more while the peasants who died at 15 minutes stay dead.
Death should mean something. You should have fear of getting taken out of the round.
I agree with the sentiment, but think it's okay to have it available at round start, just really shitty.
Like way reduce the speed it occurs at, and require the biomass to consist of at least X% the original person (decreases with upgrades).
Then they still are fucked up when they come out. Perhaps even requiring genetic shit instead of just meds.
That way people won't even go through the effort if some graytide shitter shocked himself to death, and they'll try to actually fix you if you're fucked up instead of just 'lmao clone him it's easier'.
I think it improves play for everyone, since it helps antags a lot (who drive the rounds) and it makes more lesser seen things (like borers) get picked up as people fail to be revived.
I'm thinking of a round earlier today where the HoP got killed and I wasn't even aware of it since he got cloned so fucking fast. Like what's the point of murder if it can literally go unnoticed?
Shall we remove cloning pods from fstation?
Check this out.
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europa lights when
This is kanef "Hey look at this cool unfinished code I found" levels of obvious, hinatrans
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>be VG
>fetish race has over 700+ merged PRs
why isn't fstation on the hub?
one of the most soulless images i've ever seen
Hi secmain
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it is.
make rytalin only mask mutations while being metabolised, and make it metabolise way slower
i think the cloner random disabilities shouldn't be avoidable as trivially as they are
if you want to be permanently cured, go to genetics
>Death should mean something. You should have fear of getting taken out of the round.
Some people just want a causal chill experience though. An attitude towards round removal like that encourages powergaming and validhunting. Yeah cloning is easy, but you can also chose to defib if you want.
also we don't really have the pop to be round removing people when they die
There's the pop in American hours easily. It's 30-40 pop there. The idea that vg is dead is a myth. It comes in waves and we seem to be in a good spot. It's just that euro hours are less populated, which has also been a problem since forever.
shiftytrans back to your trooncord
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>VG staff, illustrated
what was deleted
sovl bar, perfect for the alcoholic captain on the go
first post: ai shit
second post: relevant conversation about ss13 and the state of adminship on most servers
this game is so cooked
File deleted.
rapebait, more like this
Haven't played here since 2016 how bad is it
Totally different and all the same, gotta give it a try I guess.
freedom freshness and fun are truly wonderful things
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play lifeweb
Here, here!
>play my Russian digital gulag simulator
that does sound cool
It's comically bad but I do think you should try it once, to know what it's like.
We love slop.
hey retard she has flat tits again fix your shit fucking faggot tranny hina!!!
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>0 online
lmao @ VG
meanwhile f has 1 player
i would just like to tell you i greatly enjoy the squirming from VG players/fagmins that your posts cause, i tip my fedora at a great angle
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Angling is a art
Someone got so mad at that post he actually logged onto VG so now VG has 1 player online and he can one up F
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>Someone got so mad at that post he actually logged onto VG so now VG has 1 player
hinatrans really slacking off
This is the time to strike and take control of /vg/ and start building the server up. I really don't see him doing anything, just going on /vm/ once in a while whining about bad admins and having arguments. /vm/ doesn't matter. You own the /vg/ server now, get the players on and get the ball rolling.
When you start getting players some of the VG freaks will come here and try to ruin the momentum, but these people have no power and their trolling isn't effective. They're thin skinned and live in their own bubble, they don't know how to push your buttons while they are very easy to trigger and destroy.
Lol, have fun with your server, Hina-chan
Son, it's about time you got a job. COVID was a good excuse to not work, but it ended 4 years ago.
you blow your father with that mouth?
Nipples is a subhuman retard and this is the kind of shit he does every time
>day 1
>lololol unban me boi, fuck you go play on a different server lololol if you can't deal with our double standards fuck you go play TG faggot

>day 3
>actually you bomber harris did something wrong and this so serious, I can't believe you've done this and I can't believe someone like you wouldn't know any better, I am literally shaking right now and blah blah
What a fag. In 24 hours bomber harris will have a reply and nipples will do a 180 on his position and unban him
This guy is an idiot who has no idea what it is doing, only interested in how he looks to other people at the moment so he will say what he thinks impresses whoever is looking at him at that exact moment
all that malding over a two week ban is kind of dumb
yvvel seething
both bomber and harris and subhuman retards, this isn't a jew vs sandnigger arrangement

yvvel is also a huge faggot/retard, most "known" VG players are faggots and retards, attentionwhores tend to be retarded faggots
and the people who shit up the thread have the same intentions of the stasi to silence dissent

it's the attentionwhore commie tranny fags
You realize that nipples is just a proxy for pomf/bathos right? He sits in a private discord with all the former old guard admins and just asks then what he should do and comes back with a decision that some chatgpt prompt spat out, edited with an occasional slur to look genuine.
i can't wait to rule over everyone currently alive in the far future when ancestory sims are cheap and easy to run and explore, they will sell data packets from this era collected from all sources and using AI to generate your mind, i will mindfuck you in 2000+ ways before i get bored and coom for dopamine till heatdeath, i will not give up torturing your mind and existance
making a ban appeal within a day and seething in it more than most people with permanent bans shitters do over the course of months/years is on brand for a former /vg/ headmin
bomber harris was a braindead loser since day 1 and ran the server into the ground
VG is cursed and the curse is pomf, faggot can't run a server. VG has the worst headmin you've ever seen and then when finally that one is removed a new one is put in place who is as bad or worse its they/them own way.
It's so pathetic how this guy can be an overgrown baby on the forums and throw his status as the guy who killed VG so he can get what he wants, while other players like Cashe got treated like shit, got shitload of bans and all the ban appeals treated like a joke and locked.
It's just pure VG. And like always there are a dozen people monitoring the thread and not posting a single post, until someone calls out the shitty VG admins, then you see the thread get flooded with snarky low effort replies defending the dead server.

If bomber harris was never an admin and pomf wasn't so easily impressed by a guy having a black and white guy in a suit avatar, VG would probably not be dead right now. Pomf the drug addicted mutt got swindled by a midwit. These people still to this day don't realize that bomber harris has a double digit IQ.
thought the general died? well:
>other players like Cashe got treated like shit, got shitload of bans and all the ban appeals treated like a joke and locked
i need to check the ban page more, i didn't even know he was banned. explains why i haven't seen him around recently.
take a look at the closed section and pay close attention to bans post 2021 for names you have not heard of
if you are not active on discord your ban appeal gets closed after a headmin makes a single shitpost in the thread not related to the ban appeal
cashe was a mentally ill creep to the core and weird ERPers always defended him, probably cuz he played kidnap RP in DMs with them or something.
It's clear there's a disconnect between Cache's intent and how VG staff and players are interpreting it. The vibe lately feels off; it’s not just about Cache, but the direction of how certain issues are handled across the board. There’s a lack of open communication, and it feels like a "my way or the highway" approach from staff. Whether Cache's decisions are right or wrong, the atmosphere of collaboration is missing. Without it, the server culture can feel stifling.
>download local LLM
>feed it every single ss13 thread you can find
>feed it every discord log you can scrape
VG staff are all discordites. These people genuinely do not know how to communicate with people outside of discord. It's all irony, short zingers, dogging on people and safe horny posting.
They sit on discord all day shitposting but when you interact with them anywhere outside of discord they scurry away like cockroaches. They want to keep it as short as possible, exchange a sentence or two and then run to discord where they'll come up with a consensus through 100 people all spamming short sentences until they'll read a vibe like they're reading tea leaves, and that vibe is what makes a decision.

At a certain point the individual on discord disappears and it's this weird hive where not a single poster posts an interdependent coherent thought but it's more like a hive of bugs. You see this when they back up their decisions on the forums. They'll share ''an investigation'' showing 2 lines of text being exchanged in PMs over 30 minutes. They'll show a discord screenshot of 5 people saying things and not a single one of those posts says anything but the collection of 5 posters spitting out some words gives a vibe that supports the decision.
You are no longer dealing with people, you're dealing with an organism that is discord.
This sounds like a lot of projection from someone who probably can’t hold a conversation outside of a 4chan thread. Maybe if you spent less time obsessing over what trannies are doing on Discord and more time doing something worth a damn, you wouldn’t feel so butthurt. But sure, blame the "hive mind" when the real problem seems to be that you're allergic to any social media where people don’t just shitpost alongside whatever deranged stupidity you’re serving up.
>ok what you said was correct ....but....ummm.........uhh..................ummm...... butthurt no o.....ummmm stupid
I accept your concession.
discordites make me sick
its cringe to not use discord at this point
Enjoy minding your Ps and Qs around trannies just to ensure access to a space you enjoy. Surely others are the bitch.
I do mean it. I've never played fstation but if we can agree on a time Friday I'll come play. Even if it's just 2 of us losers messing with a mechanic. I'm PST and open at like 4pm on Fridays
Its so comical how the people who all hate the tranny SJW retards become chud SJW retards as a reaction to the oppression. Have you ever considered the possibility that you are being manipulated into wasting your time on dumb internet bullshit so that you are rendered powerless to actually do something meaningful about the circumstances you dislike? So long as you are trapped into wasting all of your time standing up for yourself on the internet, you are ultimately a harmless, toothless person regardless of what you may believe.
I read about ten words of that before realizing you're a Discord tranny. Just fuck off and trying to invade every single space with your SJW shit. Normal people who didn't care about your type before start to loathe your kind the longer we're exposed to you. Do you know why? Because all trannies are ultimately expert narcissists. It is the one thing they all share in common.
You're such a good little slave. Perfectly conditioned, just like a stupid tranny.
Nice this sounds fun to have a synced up time. That time could possibly work for me.
pedo concern trolling only directed to only one side
using word salad to push the idea that if you don't want to play a video game with trannies you're somehow wrong and can be shamed into changing your mind about it

This is the best they can come up with and it's not effective. Meanwhile /ourguys/ post one AI generated image and these freaks run for the hills and go hide in their discord bunkers.
letting yvvel put his gay faggot friends in positions of power was a dumb move on nipples' part. I already knew the faggot was going to handle the request poorly since blonichu is yvvel's gay fuckbuddy IRL
Appreciate it 'ficionado.
Now in terms of getting more players, what do you suggest. Hopping in around a scheduled time and promoting that time as the other anon suggested?
Ah yes, he is trolling because hes actually...LE PEDO
Stay obedient you dumb goy.
oh hey they freed our nibba bomber. 2 weeks was way too much for his shenanigans, should have been a day ban at most from the start.
Neato. I'll come back to this thread Friday morning and confirm. Maybe we can pull a few more in.
Not even 24 hours, he literally got unbanned like an hour before you made this post.
dramachads are feasting, but it's all just empty carbs - there's a lot of forumspam but nothing GOOD
reban bomber what the fuck
excessive ban lengths should be discouraged
He should have been permed
So minor so as to be completely unnoticeable by literally anyone but the c*der who wrote it
i'm your little vox come and play with me
Sure, let me put the tarp down in my dorm room and you can come on over
Why do I keep getting This site can’t be reached for anything ss13.moe related?
readd poo
>bug explot and respawn 5 times while also breaking metagaming rules
>2 week jobban

VG lol, anyone else would have been perma banned
On fstation we could amp it up.
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sticking out ur tongue for the picture :P
am i supposed to hate yvvel for him ban requesting bomber or like him for it. bomber was an awful headmin and is the reason why the server is how it is now so i'm confused
Yvvel is a massive faggot, one of the worst. Him doing one good thing or one bad thing doesn't matter because this fag should just die.
VG is so far gone it doesn't really matter. Yeah, bomber ran the server in the ground, bomber is an idiot, bomber uses his ex-headmin status to break the rules and throws his status around. Ideally he should have been permanently banned, but this is VG, who cares. Let the server die already. Anything that improves the state of VG is objectively bad because it prolongs the life of VG, so in a roundabout way yvvel did a bad thing.
Just let bomber do whatever he wants. Make the last 10 players the server has leave the server dealing with this faggot.
i dont even understand why this general hates him so much. he seems to be one of the only admins who still cares about chan culture and isnt woke.
Why are you guys still going on about this? It's their server, they can do what they want. You are allowed to play on other servers, there's no reason to put this much thought into something that at the end of the day doesn't affect you.
>we hate him because...YOU SHOULD JUST KNOW!
you fucking faggots are giant contrarians and dont even have a reason. im making my own informed opinion
Because he doesn't have one, he just wants to loudly bitch
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>Why are you guys still going on about this? It's their server, they can do what they want. You are allowed to play on other servers, there's no reason to put this much thought into something that at the end of the day doesn't affect you.

nigger this is supposed to be the 4chan server, this is 4chan you are using right now
He is a discordite who heavily LARPs as a 4chan user. All his posts in the threads are concern trolling and constantly excusing everything the admins do and shitting on anyone who has any problems with the server.
Then you read what he posts on the forums and every single post he has ever made is the dumbest shit you've ever read. If you didn't know any better you'd think this guy is a massive troll who just says the opposite of the truth. He is easily in the top 3 worst forum posters right after windowserrors.
He is a terrible admin and spergs out and thinks he can get away with anything because he is an admin. This is the guy who attacked a player he doesn't like and then ahelped barking orders at a trialmin to ban the guy he attacked unprompted.

This guy isn't even liked by the discordites. Every time he talks and brings up what happens on 4chan, people just shit on him and shut him down. He is like a discordite gimp not respected by anyone. He doesn't pick a side so neither side likes him
>So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
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Actually it's the ss13 general on the /vg/ board hosted on 4channel.org. do you get pissy when people post about other ss13 servers too?
yeah that's what i thought. i'd take more admins like him fighting for chan culture and telling exstaff to fuck off instead of TG rejects like nervere anyway
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>hosted on 4channel.org
>This is the guy who attacked a player he doesn't like and then ahelped barking orders at a trialmin to ban the guy he attacked unprompted.
It's funny that people still bring this up considering that the trialmin who did it ended up getting outed as a pedophile and pomf did nothing about it. I think ywel is a visionary and he knows more about how to fix the server, you just don't want to give him a proper chance.
yvvel is a TG reject, he is litterally staff on monkestation where they have even more tranny rules for faggots than goon even
>pop into the thread to see how its doing
>someone's accusing me of being staff on a station i've legitimately never heard of
Look I know the people that lurk in this general now isn't the same sea of shitposters I used to chat with ages ago, but if you're going to make shit up can you make it more convincing. I'd really appreciate it.
>>pop into the thread to see how its doing
>>someone's accusing me

lmfao, you've been here the whole time defending yourself you retarded faggot, and now you just outed yourself for doing so
Anon, I can say with 100% certainty that I have not checked this thread since we've regularly started having unmolested, slop free threads on /vm/. I've simply stopped caring about this general. If Hina wants to make this his general and promote fuckstation or whatever his autism project is, by all means he has my blessing. I don't think any of the admins quite literally give a shit about checking /vg/ or /vm/ anymore other than myself.
Good, now post proof it's really you so we can tie this to VG staff
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My signed dilation kit box
If only it were that easy.
>no i won't post proof ill post something vaguely tied to me so you look like a schizo if you make that your source
I don't get it. Are you claiming not to be a schizo?
anon you truly can't believe he'd come into the thread. people just pretend to be him all the time because hes the only admin who's openly admitted to using the thread constantly
>claims vg moved away from the thread
>upset when vg is in fact in the thread
Simply can't win with you, Hina-chan.
VG moved away from 4chan and we don't want you back anymore. What's so hard to understand?
TG was once 4chan. Should we invite TG trash to come here?
I think you should invite anyone interested, not proactively, but at least be more inviting than this.
Report slop, don't stop.
>Report slop, don't stop.

global 7
it's a video game bro
slop was funner when it was depicting vasby, not a milquetoast epileptic green-haired NEET
What makes you think you deserve vasby?
i'd let cashe kidnap rp with me in dms
I gooned for almost 16 hours today
new drama dropped
when they stop lagging
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Time for admins to not do anything and let him off with one of 400 warnings like secmain.
>trans jokes
the cockroach of VG
It's the only joke booper can tell, over and over and over again.
>trans jokes doesn't understand he is the joke
I will not call you 13trans or 41monkeys
>Your character name:Kayihiyachka
*vents your event station vox-ly*
but really he's one of the better players to be around
>13monkeys rejoins the round and names himself after venge
yeah perma that retard for losing the lane and taking all my stacks as pos5
agreed. post yours as well so we can kill two birds with one stone. ASSFAGGOTS is a massive red flag
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inb4 hes russian hence his behavior
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fstation has been given the blessing of VG min. freedom freshness and fun remain on the menu!
honestly... wtf shiftytrans
What a retard
Invent a problem, fix a problem that doesn't exist, ruin the game for everyone. Classic shiftytranny
>doesn't play the game
>shits terrible PRs
>ruins the game for everyone
>spite codes shit when called out
shiftytrans is the model example of a VGtranny
This is a fag who never once has had a good response to getting any pushback. If he is called out on anything he will double down in an attempt to punish you so you no longer question him. He can kill the server for months at any time and he knows it and he isn't afraid to use it and he will suffer no consequences
Call his PR bad, bruise his ego, he will take the server down for another couple months. Call his shitty tips PR bad, he'll put trans shit in your tips.
No one who has power to remove him sees any problem with any of this.
>he'll put trans shit in your tips.

He added ''trans rights are human rights'' to the PR because he was made fun of and this PR was up for like a year without him being able to get it through
This is the same PR that tried to add ''don't lie to the bwoink men''
i find it more natural that being on help intent should be more helpful.
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Is he also the guy who made the MoMMIs? Because that's one of the dullest roles that could only be birthed inside the mind of a tranny on the verge of suicide.
Fuck you, MoMMIs are fun, I loved interacting with them.
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Damn, she got robusted by the ring toss king
so did this compile?
are we allowed to post off topic stuff here very rarely or do i risk a ban doing so?
You can post off-topic stuff because our resident chad slopper is collecting all the bans. Rule of thumb, if you can see AI generated images in the thread and they're not deleted, post away.
how lovely. 'tis the season!
All halloween posts are appreciated. Not a huge fan of the course blankies but I'd love to have a halloween themed blankie
mhm, it's my favorite holiday
i think it's comfy even if a bit less soft than what i normally use on the pattern side, the other side is a lot more soft
>mhm, it's my favorite holiday

why because of the access to children?
just the aesthetics and the weather. the leaves changing color and the weather getting more mild is peak comfy
nice you have refined aesthetic sensibilities
I don't know how anypony can still play on VG. You're playing a game where at any point someone can just start seething and pissing and get you banned, and then who will you have to talk to? Kromkar? Nipples? Yvvel? Salmon is pedo? Theopedarastus? Fucking lmao my ass off
Imagine playing a game where these people decide if you have access to the game. I'd trust Blizzard bluehairs more than these freaks. You can probably reason with some tumblrite HR lady
So who is F'ing it up?
alright what super cool anon will teach me to play this been wanting to play since 2016
What stopped you from trying?
I tried a couple times but couldn't figure out how to do anything and watched a couple videos about it but nothing stocked
You have to play an older version of the game. The core SS13 is very intuitive and things work how you'd expect them to work. Just point and click. Some actions are under right click, some are under clicking and dragging.

The new stuff is made by actual idiots. They are so obsessed with trying to make the game intuitive and user friendly so hard that it's impossible to get in the game without extensive tutorials and getting overwhelmed by dogshit getting smeared in your face.
It's like original WoW versus new retail ''user friendly'' WoW.
>play ss14
>say retarded at an act instead to a person
>get permabanned
mmm okay
>The core SS13 is very intuitive
yeah that's why there's tons of ctrl+click, shift+click and alt+click shortcuts that you have to learn
Passive aggressive trans freak splitting hairs like he splits his dick
None of those shortcuts are necessary to play the game. They're just more convenient once you know what you are doing and trying to play the game better.
You don't need to know shortcuts to drag something. You don't need shortcuts to examine something. You don't need shortcuts for the extremely niche alt click interactions.

This here is a classic VGpedo, the snarky obnoxious attitude of some idiot who thinks he is '''''''''''''''technically''''''''''''''' right due to some insanely niche uses or most likely because the idiot doesn't know you can do this shit without shortcuts because he never even tried it.
>You don't need shortcuts to examine something.
who actually right-click examine when they know how to shift+click
>Makes PR
>Players react negatively and don't want it
>Acquiesces and closes it
Do you guys just like being mad over nothing?
Case in point. The freak is braindead. This is the VG and TG mindset. These people are so autistic it just doesn't get through their braindead cheese brain estrogen skulls that a new player can just figure out how to examine things and it's fine. Just because there is a shortcut that makes examining faster doesn't mean we need to now give up on new players and tell them the game is too complicated and they'll never get it and fuck the game.

There is no reasoning with these ''people.'' While on surface this guy may seem innocent enough, possibly a 60 IQ troglodyte, these people are pure poison to video games.
This is possibly shiftytrans or deitytrans.
big day for F tomorrow
we have one player visiting
hope you have your suits ready
Whitaker Swarner official OST
guys get on the serb... lol get it? its like server but instead its serb XD
Sorry for the misunderstanding it isn't as much of a problem with game functions and how they work more so like jobs and what I should be doing
all good servers are either Russian or Hullrot (weekend chud multistation server)
Don't listen to any of the jaded oldfags that will tell you not to use hotkey mode. Use hotkey mode. It makes learning the game much easier. Especially for people not used to older games
Yeah they do. Though I don't know why he worded his PR in such a strange way. I genuinely had to look at the code to understand what he was changing because I couldn't comprehend his ESL explanation
ss14 has no good servers because ss14 has no content
how do you plan for someone to teach you?
Hop on like team speak or discord or like type to me in game or something
I am an oldfag and I've used hotkey mode ever since it became a thing, I don't know what the fuck that idiot's problem is. It's not even a lot to memorize, and it's so much easier and faster to run with.
lol the /vm/ thread got nuked


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