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Trapped in the drive thru Edition

previous thread: >>495444994

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
The Powerpuff Girls released 9/17
Nubia revealed 9/12

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression

>Powerpuff Girls moveset and complete guide

>Multiversus comic issue #1 (don't click if you don't have an adblock)

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! Tony's reindog porn stash only grows stronger with each patch (:
last season i got matched with a morty that literally just sat on the side and spammed grenades and did not help me at all when the ttv stack we were up against just ganged up on me and he got 0 kills across both games
he was master v
>Down air iron giant over 130% 3 times in a row on the bottom of bat cave
>He still manages to crawl his way back up
Actually delete this fucking abomination from the game. Please.
You're supposed to blow him up in the atmosphere, like in the movie
What's your order /mvsg/?
>What? Morty's head on a pike with extra sauce? in a second sir!
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KOUSOKU NO SHIHAISHA, BIND DOMINATOR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kGDC73Qvh0
Double reinburger with large fries, a medium pepsi and a platinum toast but without the strawberries. Oh, and a Pickle Rick too please
You used to be able to change which server you wanted to play on in the beta. Only person I've seen from here that I know of is Luna once.
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>Need one kill to win
>BA goes for a sorta greedy attempt at bugs off stage
>Both teams need one
>I'm over 100%
>I back off and run
>BA actually goes forward and plays on the offensive and ends the game while I'm stalling.
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Di he invited you to his throne after?
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>just keep losing with the girls
man, I need some pointers...
They are less than 1 week old give it time
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I'm free and I'm out this bitch.
The only thing I kinda want out of this pass is the BA and PPG skins but I will probably never play the girls in any serious capacity so I'm not logging in until I have to buy Harleen.
What do you mean "give it time"? I'm not asking for a buff or anything, I KNOW they're good, I just need tips on how to do good with them.
It's so demoralizing being stuck with a sharter against discord butt buddies
Weird, when I use him I get sent flying and die easily.
Two double Stripe burgers, a large Wonder fries, a large Beetle Juice, and three Powerpuff pastries.
You are too sane for this thread anon
Someone has to be the anchor.
Ten of everything on the menu, and step on it!
And then Lex Luthor steals them.
>matched against a shaggy and a bugs
>the shaggy does nothing but spam side special
>gets rewarded for it because the game is trash
>after winning first round, he uses the salt emote
>bugs immediately forfeits, forcing a loss on the shaggy

Based Bugs.
>Won 1/2 games
>Next set is loading
>Set cancelled on perk screen
>Load next game
>Banned for game DC
>-10 points
Someone behead these developers
These are the worst hours to play I had another 5 games against duoing grandmasters in a row.
Literally playing against no life niggers just because I live in a different zone.
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They really need to fucking fix the Battle Pass XP. I don't want to play PPG 24/7 or only get 16 XP for a fucking WIN in some cases.
>Check my 5 duos in my oppponent's history
>Literally everyone I played within the past hour
>Check player numbers
>750 players
That explains it this thing is dying and there are no high level solo duo players and only duoing niggers remain.
Thanks for killing the game duo niggers.
I can't really hate the duo players because at least they are playing the game as intended.
The fucking 1v1 players being the loudest are an active detriment to this game though.
it's not even 7am est yet, pacific time it's not even 4am

the states are the main playerbase, what do you expect?
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A healthy playerpool for a WB brand F2P game that just had their S3 released
And not stacks of duoing Grandmaster players against Platinum/Diamonds
>Thought I'd grind out some Ranked progress before bed
>End up going back a tier because apparently only retarded people are allowed to be paired with me at this time of night
You sure showed me Tony.
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>gee why is nobody in america playing this game at 7am on a weekday (4am on the west coast)
this might come as a shock to you but most people in this country have jobs or school during weekdays and therefore don't have time to play video games at the ass-crack of dawn
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How would this guy play differently from Joker and BJ?
He should be like Bugs but with more machine guns and rockets, have him switch playstyles between zoner/bruiser/rushdown
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>teammate kills himself twice
>get him as teammate again next match
>"aw yeah im gonna sit back and watch the enemies beat on him till he kills himself again"
>game crashes in loading
cmon dude let me have one thing
For starters we're going to directly copy Taz' tornado move for him so that everyone hates fighting the guy.
Holy shit prestige missions, neat with this and the bp maybe i can get the batman and supes skins
wish i could play ppg without it being a mirror match
can the posers fuck off already
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there's a new prestige event or something
>requires certain skins
Newcomers really do get fucked.
>enemy move flings me into tom's fishing line while im in hitstun and i instantly die
i swear this move is magnetic this happens so often
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Jesus christ how horrible.
Big reason why I can't reccomend this game to newcomers, 'cuz they're gonna feel cucked at every given turn.
>power pledge only gives 600 fighter currency
How evil...
ded game
It really is hard to recommend to new players, which is a really shitty thing to say about a game that hasn't hit critical mass yet and desperately needs new players. I've seen shitty gacha games that are more new player friendly than this shit for fucks sake.
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I haven't read the comic myself but from what I've heard they're basically a grimdark take on what would happen if someone gets the tex avery kind of cartoon slapstick powers in real life. So he murders people with exaggerated cartoon slapstick shit, especially things like oversized guns.since his city is a crime ridden shithole

I think if we ever get a modern remake of The Mask it should be done by Sam Raimi with the same style of humor as Evil dead 2
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alive game
grinding xp from rifts, screw ever doing this event legit.
>only players left are furries and troons
KEK the absolute state of mvs
Im just doing the tom and jerry cyberpunk rift with all my harley variants to get the prestige and im almost done with page 1, when im done im going to the computer mission as usual
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I’m not a furry or troon
Couldn't ask for a better fanbase if you want to make a lot of money. Seems mvs is here to stay
theres a difference between being rich and spending all the money you have in furryshit
lool there's a new prestige event and you need paid skins to complete the missions
it's just free bonus prestige for everyone who's bought anything i don't see the issue
>introduce bug where you don't get any prestige from the BP rewards
>"fix" bug by having an event where you need paid skins to get prestige you should have gotten from the BP
Thank you Tony, very cool!
multiversus should do amibos
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I still can’t get over the taunt changes. Like it’s already bullshit that the end match graphics are so large that they cover up your emotes but then they shutoff taunts at the end? PFG, as much as it’s a bad idea, some people did pay for those taunts good lord
Why does everyone run off at the end of a match
Afaik the game reads your last input so everyone just runs off because their last input was left or right. Same reaso why some just stay in place or crouching.
It's really disgusting
Maybe if you want a less toxic community you shouldn't have added a bunch of toxic taunts in the first place, but now we just lie to the players and pretend they're not getting bm'd. Just add it as a pussy mode option in the settings I want to see what people are actually doing wtf
furries are nerds and autists, nerds and autists gets job in IT and accounting, IT and accounting makes a lot of money
Despite our differences im glad we can all agree blossom is the best powerpuff girl
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Bro, this prestiege event is nothing. It's a pittance compared to what you get from the battlepass. Yeah it's neat and might help someone afford some shit they didn't before, but any newbie coming into this game most likely don't give a shit about prestige points yet when there's so much else they can get.
you already got that prestige when you logged in one day. it was a few days ago. you're just unobservant and didn't notice the popup.
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This game is never gonna get more players i think the only thing keeping me here is love or autism for crossovers most normal people already got tired of waiting to unlock characters
Remember to cum in your reinjar before playing ranked for better stage luck and less retarded teammates
Eh, I think you're wrong. I think it won't have as huge numbers as it did at the first launch in beta sure, but I think with continued support and improvements it will amass a loyal fanbase that might increase at times.
the thing I hate most about FFA is how it's always some random retard getting the KOs because the game reads your spike as his for some reason
something something last hit landed counts as the kill?
>Power pledge event
>XP is dogshit
>Free week characters are my highest levels
>PPG gives small amount of character XP in rifts

This is gonna be rough to grind
not to mention the computer thing doesn't work anymore (not listed in patch notes, MVPs!)
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im doing the bettlejuice rift on easy onn the fight against jake with the doors, mostly afk
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I think I'm finally ready to quit the game. I got M1/M1 last season, and am honestly not having fun anymore. Anyone on the same boat?
im just tired of the matchmaking
i want to do lobbies at this point but the lobby system is basically nonfunctional
there's not really anything for furries to buy though
Reindog is an OC and as much as he gets memed for horniness he isn't that popular and Bugs, while he is popular, doesn't have much coomer stuff to buy + no furry girls
the other three fleabags aren't exactly furry magnets nor will Scooby be
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From the sonic central that just aired
Sonic x DC collab that will go on for 2025 and 2026

Knuckles is a superman enjoyer
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Amy is wondy
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Sonic is flash obviously
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Blaze’s body was found inside a fridge

Also silver is Ryan Reynolds
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And tails is cyborg
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where is it, tony?
If Sonic ends up in multiversus before Scorpion or Maxwell I'm going to flip.
I don't like sonic at all but if it means more normies will play the game then so be it
I for once welcome our new furry overlords
Wait....tails is a....
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Will be be OP?
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Sonichu is black adam
Diamond III currently, I'm going to get Master V and then I'm going to stop playing ranked, probably for good. I doubt this game is going to have the player counts to sustain climbing in solo queue without constantly facing Discord parties by the time this season ends anyway. You can tell a lot of people are losing interest in ranked already - getting top 100 with a character usually just requires Platinum or even Gold depending on their pick rates.
Rosechu is Nubia
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got bored and compiled ranked 2v2 winrates and pickrates
steven has by far the highest winrate of any character and is considered in his own tier on tracker.gg, at 58%
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>play PPG
>refrain from using side-b too much
>do MORE damage
ohhhhh so that's how it works.
has anyone mentioned the new ffa glitch where one of the opponents will be team colored
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A small player base wouldn't be such a problem if this game wasn't balanced around 2v2. I'm getting paired with more and more discord tranny parties and if PFG doesn't fix their game soon these discorders won't have anyone to play against and it's game over
Meanwhile your team is cock smoking retard who barely shits out any damage. It's infuriating.
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It's not even my teammate, the discord comms are just too strong
Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Reindog and Taz.
And you underestimate how many furries are gay or bisexual.

Either way I'm mostly meming, but I think this game has a lot of whale buyers because I constantly see people with expensive skins or the yellow nametags or premium battlepass items (and saying everyone who buy a battlepass is just a beta player using their 1k gleam they got from the relaunch is massive cope, pretty damn sure most people used that gleam)
I fought against a Tom and Jerry last night and it was a truly miserable experience.
>not to mention the computer thing doesn't work anymore
It still works, you just now need to kill at least one of the Shaggies that spawn in when you hit the computer a few times so you can get the fighter XP when you finish the stage.
Plus two of the missions require the skins most people didn’t even get.
that shit swings wildly from week to week because the collection period for their "tiering" is retarded and arbitrary and the actual match data collection is extremely sparse
in beta people would point out how any character that went on free rotation would like instantly drop 10% wr
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Anytime I see a Superman player with this skin I just know they’re taking it up the ass.
He wears a yellow suit.
No way, girls play MVS?!
make him about oversized guns instead
also his ground neutral should be a charge attack of his eyes and tongue popping out
I imagine it'd be some sort of mix of Bugs Bunny and Beetlegeuse that we have right now. Bug eyes like the aerial attack BG has, some sort of cartoon rocket like BB up special, side special would be some sort of finger guns move
But then he would just feel like a blend of already existing characters
>get same shitty teammate two matches in a row
>he's somehow master v
>he kills himself at least once on accident both games
>lose 19 RP per match
If they want furbucks they better start adding furbait characters like lola, alternatively they could make tf skins for the human characters
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there's also hyena harley from that movie where batman meets the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Would be one hell of a halloween costume
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I’ve been getting noticibly worse and it feels bad. What do I do
Stop playing the game, take a break, Get yourself together, man. Move to Philly. Buy a loft. Start a noise band. Get six to seven roommates. Eat hummus with them. Book some gigs. Paint. Smoke cloves. Listen to Animal Collective. Start some type of salsa company.
I wish I could tell the game never to pair me with a fucking Batman ever again all of them are so shit at the game
what if i never press side b and have a confirm that kills at 40
I don't know what you people are on about. I lost a 1v1 to Batkek today and he taunted me just fine. This seems like schizo delusion.
sometimes people hit their taunt button preemptively when they know they're going to win so the other guy sees it
there's about half a second before it cuts input, you can pretty much always taunt on reaction
go into a rift match with a friend and have them run back and forth after the match finishes
try not to immediately get offline after a shitty teammate ruins your first ranked game of the day challenge (impossible)
immediately after typing this my first match of the day was a 42 damage reindog. see you guys next time
isn't projectile damage glitched? he's pretty reliant on those
try not to immediately get offline after you get paired against a grandmaster duo your first ranked game of the day challenge (impossible)
literally got matched against 2 grandmaster parties in a row after making this post. if the next one is another grandmaster i'm quitting the game for the day
and right after this i got a shitty teammate against a side b spamming jack and bugs spamming pies. see you tomorrow
See ya in 10 minutes
>get into match
>constantly beating on both opponents and no time for them to even touch your partner
>die once
every fucking time my teammate finds some way to mysteriously erode our stocks with no possible way of doing so
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>still can't read my book properly if down special is on cooldown
I should not be losing the maximum amount of RP for taking someone to Game 3. Fuck Tony and fuck the retards that somehow made this ranked system the worst of any game I've played
They should give Marvin's up special more knock back. Right now he has no good kill moves.
To whoever made the OP image I just want to say it is funnier then it can get credit for.
3 seasons in and still the biggest thing this game needs is a big flashing screen before every match that says STOP HOLDING IN because that's all every retard ever fucking does and wonders how they die three times in under a minute
Imagine the golden cock
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When will Warner Bros get desperate enough to force PFG to do more coom skins as well?
>fridge Mileena
Poor girl got massacred.
Bro is that's what's causing it? That's so dumb
The only MK characters with a moveset that would fit multiversus are Scorpion Johnny and Sonya
Pretty much. Probably won't even know to fix it since 12 people use Velma.
maybe one day they'll finally turn her into a character again so people use her
a skin of Batman and Superman oiled up and on underwears would save this game unironically
I've been spamming the bug section about her book taunt being broken and sharkhat shaggy missing from the shop so hopefully they'll notice eventually
I wonder if they ever gave her a maskless skin or did they just settle for shooting themselves in the foot
>lose against diamond and gold player with a platinum partner
>-17 RP
>win against a diamond and gold player with a gold partner
>+9 RP
>people say ppg are difficult/not braindead and hard to carry with
>got them to masters quickly with zero trouble while struggling with other character
all I had to do was spam dash attack for free kills while everyone else I have to fight for my fucking life to somehow clutch out a match before my braindead partner goes and gets themselves killed 3 times every game
i dunno man..
And now I just got +9 RP for winning against two Diamond players. What the fuck is with the RP calculation in this retarded game?
who's the sexiest animal character?
Gizmo and its not even close
This input delays are horrendous
Humans are animals you're going to have to deal with it.
that bugs been in the game since launch and i still have no idea what causes it
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>Appeared in OK KO
>Appeared in Ready Player One
>Collabs with DC
Wakey wakey Warnerfags... the blue streak is coming...
spent a whole 30 seconds trying to cover that loophole in under 2 words. i failed
Anyone's queue times been longer lately?
Yeah. Used to get matches instantly and now it takes half a minute.
if you didn't climb day 1-2 you're fucked
everyone competent already got straight to masters and the only people left at the lower ranks are smurfing masters duos (your enemy) or the scum of the planet (your teammate)
I haven't had a single decent teammate since switching to somebody else a few days in
It's out.
>everyone competent already got straight to masters
anon, there's under 400 people in the entire game that are in master rank right now. at least in 2v2, the only mode that matters
>smurfing masters duos
They seriously need to fucking do something about this because I'm losing 19 RP to these fuckers. Why can't they implement placement matches?
The real problem is ranked being character-specific. For what fucking reason? A fighting game should encourage being able to have counterpick characters and pockets, the ability to improve and adapt, not try to lock you into the one character over and over. I don't want to have to grind all over again if I want to use my secondary.
And yeah, there's the argument that you might not want to be facing the same people with your non-mains as you do your main but that's what Unranked is for. It'd be healthier for people who are great with multiple characters to be able to freely switch in Ranked and it'd be healthier for Unranked as it'd encourage a greater pool of players since right now it's an utter shitshow where one team is clearly way better than the other every time.
It's not a big issue. Most fighting games are like that, but they also have placement matches, so people that are already good get higher ranks instantly and don't bother newbies.
I can't be arsed sitting through another one of these rants
Turns out all Multiversus needs to be saved is to double the reach of Black Adam's clap and triple its damage
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"Guys, not everything needs to be a reference!"
The irony on this dude.
Man ik challenges shouldnt just be like gained for free or whatever but looking thru weeklies and prestige missions now its like man I do not want to be bothered to mash only one specific attack or wear a specific skin for sht like this, Im just doing it for the fomo
I agree partly, because all the examples he showed are ones I disagree strongly with and "a simple punch or a kick" would be too lame and neutered. it's stupid shit like samurai jack slicing a beetle in half for his neutral ground or stripe shooting a boombox where the references are reaching, all those examples he showed are in character and feel like something the character would do, Velma isnt a fighter nor is Lebron, Jack and stripe are fighters so them doing all this extra shit is unwarranted.
People are too harsh to their teammates. End game damage numbers aren't everything. You're not even paying attention to them while you're mashing at the enemy.
>t. taz player
you misunderstand
the teammates are the ones mashing at the enemy, running into their co-ordinated double punish attack and blowing them up before repeating the exact same behaviour that just got them killed
I try to save them and they just run straight back in to get hit again, when I'm in danger they're too busy mashing jab at cold air to acknowledge me - what's a guy to do
It's a fanservice fighting game who cares. It's just extra fun details for a single move or two.
NTA but I don't mind a Taz teammate on a lot of comps, he's great at walling people out so you can, for example, go super saiyan as Shaggy
I've had a 1-4 game and my team mate did 60 damage. That shit is extremely demoralizing.
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>shaggy teammate with 100 or less damage
>3 deaths
no his shit is bugged and doesnt count to total damage so he always ends up with like 30
I agree,but I also get why anosn get mad at their teammates. Some people are really bad at the game despite having high rankings, and the system for selecting your teammates/enemies is quite dumb.
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Daily Deals
I haven't played this game in over a year. Do people acutally still play it?
I am the great bingus man, I put the spingus on the dingus
Ye It's super fun in 2v2 on gold rank and below, platinum and above is pure pain
One of the only good Marvin skins is on sale
other way around for me, I had a great time in Plat and above but switching to another character and being stuck in Gold with the most infuriatingly terrible people was a nightmare both seasons
Iron Giant is so fun to play.
Yeah nights are best hours to play
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Why didn't Craig give the Professor twelve daughters instead of three
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>keep getting pitted against grandmasters
>as a platinum
>playing FFA
>three PPGs
>I'm Black Adam

Was a fun match, but nine hyperactive girls flying all over the screen was murder to keep track of.
PPG has won the award for the most visually cancerous model in a fighting game
>Literally remember like 10 minutes too late about the latest Twitch free item meme
Goddammit I missed my free gleam
Yeah. It's pretty bad. You get used to it but I had to turn back on outlines so I wouldn't lose sight of myself
They really need to put a shadow on the non active girls
Just spam nair lmao
He's very feast or famine but when things go right he's highly enjoyable.
I've had matches where I'm just a punching bag, and I've had matches where I just roflstomp everyone. Yeah, very all-or-nothing, but when it rolls all it's sooooo satisfying.
I just aim for he middle of the group and it works for me.
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I've always played with outlines on and even with them on, the girls are super hard to keep track of. Especially since you're controlling the lead and they all have no distinction in them for shading, a quick, heat-of-the-battle glance at your model doesn't give you substantial enough information to find exactly where your hitbox is flying around without probably eating the attack(s) anyway.
the damage jacks release did to this game cannot be understated
literally like 70% of the games community now thinks every character has only two buttons
the finns dont even fish for the tod theyve never hit in their fucking life anymore, its all just jabby mcside b all the way fucking down
>Didn't get the 20xxl skins
Guess that's no points for me
I've only bought 2 things from the prestige store, Garnet's taunt and the Rowdyruff Boys announcer pack.
If they want to put a skin that isn't DC shit there, maybe I'll consider it.
Rick and Morty's Transformers skins are on there
reindog main so i was contractually obligated to get the trolldog emote, that's the only thing i've bought from it

i have gorillions of prestige from being in beta so i can just get anything i fucking want if it ever shows up
>plat 5
>went 10-12 today
>gained 31 rp

Is this sustainable to masters?
I got the batman who laughs skin and announcer pack since I thought they were gonna leave soon, boy was that dumb.

Besides that I also got Mecha Rick, the joker laughing banner and the rowdyruff boys announcer pack.
Nope you gotta get 60% win rate to diamond and like 80% to masters, but the RP system is currently fucked and you can either get a ton or nothing so who knows
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Reminder Void is a nigger and he keeps downplaying WW TnJ Harley Superman and Jack he agrees Top 3 are beyond broken and Jake is the worst character in the game
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>Garnet in the same tier as all those characters
I counted all my w/l in diamond and I got masters with a like 57% w.r
he's right about top 3 but ww should be with them
After testing many timezones to play I can say that after 0am until shop reset it literally is the worst time to play, you will only get matched with Grandmasters and parties, never play before shop reset or after 0am
It's 4am anon we start at 0 not 12
>no valentine variant
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>He's getting a crossover with the Justice League next year
How will you react when he gets announced before Flash lmao /mvsg/?
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Hard to see anything good happening to MVS in it's current state
>high cosmetic prices
>even when they're giving stuff out they expect you to grind grind GRIND GRIND GRIND for it
>premium-skin specific missions
it's bleak, man...
What's the point of playing this game? We all know it's doomed and dying already
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Same, I was burnt out when they had that event and took a break.
What's the point of being alive? We all know we're going to die anyway.
1. I just want to play as Marceline
2. I want to play as other WB characters I like

Shame this game is fucking greedy and the devs still need to fix server issues.
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Morbid curiosity... Maybe I shouldn't even be doing ranked, it's pretty stressful and not worth it.
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Anyone figure out the best rift to grind Character XP?
Computer Rift is still possible (have to do at least 50 - 100 damage to the shaggies to get XP) but it's way harder to macro now since there's a occasional 'Rift Complete' popup that ruins macro's without using some sort of OCR feature.
AFK 2v1 Rifts with high def gems seem to be the best alternative right now, any thoughts?
that ToD got patched out, the only ToDs he has left require some circumstance and skill.
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>tfw a finn tries to ladder you and you dodge through one of his attacks and ladder him instead
uno reverse, you fucking cockbite
>example of the point that it's a very risky maneuver and being unable to do anything about it is a complete skill issue
thanks i guess?
it wasn't directed specifically at you unless you bite cocks and feel self conscious about it
i'm not self conscious about it.
i have almost 300,000 prestige and i still don't feel compelled to get anything in the prestige shop, its all shit
>rick and morty
>SHUUUUUHZAYUM (more dcshit)
>three little boys voicepack
I have about 150k since I bought Harley season 1, I'm sure the shop will have some cool shit in it again eventually and I'll be ready for it.
take batcave off ranked 2v2
Batcave is fine but the mansion is a bit silly. It's just a race to see who can send you to the top blast zone, which for most character is a non-issue.
no batcave is too small
characters can just mash and one team can't touch the floor
Hell no, I fucking love that level.
Ranked 2v2 needs more levels not less, otherwise I'd say send Water Tower off to an early retirement.
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sick character
I used mine other Harley skins and I don't think I need everything else from there. It's a shame that the doctor harleen skins is gems only.
I just want another legendary skin (and by that I mean a complete character switch with new voicelines) hopefully they'll add at least one next season, i'm so tired of the LEGENDARY VALUE bundles
>that one anon who mentioned the bj rift with jake and the doors
You are a fucking hero, man. Finished the Power Pledge event easily.
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Why is thread more dead than the palworld Thread?
Because PFG thinks two weeks for a new fucking rift is acceptable.
How much time did you afk

Whats up with the AFK and low damage faggots in recent matches, they are apprearing more frequently than before
It's fucking multiversus, come on. What the hell do you expect? Even with the devs you can tell they've got low morale because of the public opinion on the game.
>Especially since you're controlling the lead and they all have no distinction in them for shading
it gets especially annoying with the goggles suits that hide their faces and are all so pale they blend together when not paying attention
can't imagine what it's like for a colourblind player
sick of this mentality of refusing to put things down, just make an actual low tier instead of this pansy ass "well they're not as good as the high tiers but they're still lowkey high tier lol xD :)"
don't reply to baiting AIjeets
This is the worst list I have seen so far.
If they start doing that then PFG will actually have to try and sensibly balance the low tier characters. Like damn imagine Jake getting buffs, and not a slew of nerfs that completely delete the advantage he could have had.
so how are you all grinding power pledge now that computer exploit doesn't work anymore?
the moment you see a power pledge in events you should be setting characters up to be a few games away from levelling
even though it is EXP based now any level up automatically advances you 1 tier in the event
Have there been any new ringouts that are actually cool since the game came out? Like the legendary ones that are animated in their show's artstyle? Ive wanted a cool one for a show I like since the beta like maybe Aku or sumn
king shark
That one's good, thought it was from beta tho. Also theyre crazy charging $18 for stuff like this
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don't you just hate it when you get a shaggy teammate and you can tell he refuses to use the side kick because he doesn't want people to think less of him? you should like get off your like high horse and stuff, man!
Because Palworld topic is fueled by more Nintendo shitposters
I do that with jack but that's because I prefer the move where he spins and his jumping down special.
>The moveset is designed by some disgruntled Smash moveset maker who thinks Sonic should get a projectile, meter, and some autocombos.
It's gonna happen. Watch.
The tier list isn't ordered and it's serviceable. Not completely agreeable but I saw where he was coming from. Superman is absolutely more beatable than fucking Morty or Steven.
Jake is the worst example you can get since everyone cuts all pretenses and says that he's just a dumpster character.
Anon stop being disingenuous. Putting genuinely viable and good characters as low tier would be fucking retarded. MVS' power level as a game is very high.
Sonic would be guaranteed to be better designed in Multiversus than Smash purely because MVS isn't bogged down by archaic design decisions.
The thing people don't consider about third parties is if Warner would be okay with them, because they've always been self-fellating by flaunting their characters around and having them cross over with each other
>still just ends up spindash camping every single game
it's a 2v2 game so it wouldn't even matter if he was ported directly from smash
no timeout is gonna save you from the enemy spitroasting your teammate
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There they are.
Looks like another placeholder's being used here.
playing 12 min ago
gee i wonder why
I hope so because if they reuse a prize from the first season it would be insanely retarded, actually nevermind I just remembered this is PFG and that's exactly what's going to happen
seems like they hotfixed bp xp too
im getting 50 a game again
I think you were just doing pretty good, I just won and got 46
someone wanna explain why i got more RP for beating a team of diamonds than beating the #5 grandmaster in 2v2
Maid costume for LeBron when?
I just uninstalled after a Jake 0-death'd me with one of the flowchart faggot combos that plague this game's combat. I'm simply not having fun, and I think the issues are so ingrained that it's impossible for things to ever get better without years of additional work, which obviously is not going to happen. I hate the people who play Multiversus. I hate the people who make Multiversus. Goodbye.
>filtered by the worst character in the game
Lol. Lmao even
See you next Tuesday.
LeBron's skins are probably limited strictly to Space Jam 2 and recolors/filters.
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Based, but only if I can get an AoSTH skin and a Robotnik ringout. nuSonic is trash.
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Definitely some mixed, bittersweet feelings about this one
Smith's entire body becomes a hitbox during his diving attack.
I rather have discordtrannies talk with the devs about the bug at the end of matches not letting me taunt with my teammate.
did they fixed the discount shit?
what do you mean?
Bug or not I rather have an official statement from the devs about that.
When the pack not longer could have a price less than the skin that includes it. I'm asking becuase I just saw a skin costing 640 gems in the shop
No, I'm actually done. Once I got to plat and started fighting masters every other game, I realized that the optimal way to win is to play passive, bait out an attack, and then do your practiced flowchart combo for a guaranteed massive amount of damage, then repeat. It's garbage design.
I'm also just over fighting Shaggies, Jacks, Lebrons, Black Adams, and every fucking mage. At first I respected Multiversus for having characters that felt unique compared to Smash where everyone is somewhat samey, but since Smash's baseline gameplay is fun, that means every character is at least pretty enjoyable to play against. Multiversus will never have that without extensive reworks to half the roster. Again, that's not happening any time soon, if ever.
Before I started playing competitive, I was still optimistic that the game could gradually improve and build up its playerbase again. I no longer think that's in the cards.
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Oh. Then the answer to that is still no
I wish somebody would tell them about how stupid it is to have the hurtboxes be overly accurate to the character's animations. There's so many stupid fucking interactions where a move will miss because it goes under or above a character's animation, and not in a way that is intentional like a low-profile sliding animation.
Did you know that the little hop at the start of Joker and Beetlejuice's running animation causes them to go above Garnet's Down Ground? How about Bugs' Jab which pops him into the air a bit dodging many low to the ground moves? Maybe the fact that Shaggy and Tom can both ram into each other with Side Special/Dash Attack respectively and they'll get stuck on each other with neither hitting because they're technically both colliding without either hitbox touching the others' hurtbox?
I can deal with the stupidity of every so often a character scrunching up happens to dodge an attack by accident, but when it's such a common and consistent occurrence that you can have it happen several times in a match or can define how certain matchups play out it gets ridiculous.
Any grind level for the Powerpledge event? always try the jake and doors but i feel that jake kills me when i alt-tab

Maybe in easy?

>Bat-tokerns grind
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At this point I can give them the benefit of the doubt for THIS specific thing, because they've fixed this before.
there's also another type of currency for the event. Two total...
there's 6 in total, 2 of them appear to be badges
Shit, not badges. Medals is what I meant, like those medals you could use to buy a skin with just one
the hitboxes are rigged to the models, that shit just happens, everythings animation-dependent in plat fighters
its the "put hitbox on an obvious windup frame of the animation so move hits behind character and is thus unpunishable" shit thats really fucking awful, because thats something they have to do deliberately
>Dia de Los Muertos
All of the skins were leaked already so it makes sense.
See you next Tuesday.
I'm aware that's how it works, but nothing is nearly as egregiously bad as what happens in MVS (well, except Pikachu pancaking), I've seen two bloody dash attacks go through each other with neither party getting hit.
One of the contributing factors is that just about every single hitbox is a perfect unmoving circle, there's almost zero if any pill or rectangle hitboxes to properly represent the space a character takes up and zero exaggeration or gameplay liberties taken to account. It's how we got stuff like
>disjointed hurtboxes
because of the use of exaggerated animation principles to make a visually satisfying action while not accommodating the gameplay functions supporting them.
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Power Pledges are getting more annoying as time goes on.
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Because the retard devs think it’s a good idea to make a batman even 9 days after the fucking anniversary and that means season 3 started with fucking nothing to do for 2 weeks
Why are they giving away so many prestige?
It's bait, the second you redeem all of it the items in the prestige store will be replaced with Reindog skins
>wait over a minute to get paired against a discord stack two ranks above me that just spams and gets away with it because of their character picks
not having fun
brb finishing all my prestige missions now
>be diamond
>take master and diamond stack to game 3 but lose
>-19 RP
fuck this retarded ass ranked system
i wish there were reindog skins for me to yoink
is there a rift node that lets you play with a circuit drone skin? otherwise known as tron skins
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Maybe they realize they should have made more legendary items, i got kekman, summer harley and armored wondy, im getting anyi-life supes soon, but even if i finish my bp, and then buy the harleen, bruce and clark skins i am probably not gonna have enough to get the prestige batman skin this season

Epic skins don’t give enough prestige and no one is going out of their way to buy legendary ring outs because it’s money that you could use for skins later
>75s+ queues in ranked
yeah i'm thinking ranked is a wash. PFG is retarded for not separating solo queue and duo queue. now their game will die
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I am addicted to this shitty game, the problem is that I already started my classes so I will need to uninstall the game to stop playing it. But I don’t want to miss out the events. Wonder if I can grind them in weekends. Also, I want to beat the BP. I’m level 20. I hope i can complete it with just the weeklies
I don’t have enough for the batman prestige skin but i will after i avance a little in the BP. I won’t be able to get the superman one but that one looks kinda lame so, wathever
Yesterday i did everything in 5 hours all the weeklies, dailies, the prestige and the power pledge

You’ll get the bp if you do your missions every day, i would only worry if something like the circuit credits happen again and they make people grind 17 000 for a skin again
How the fuck am I supposed to climb Diamond when I'm losing 19 RP every fucking match I lose?
Ask your boyfriend to play with you
I was thinking in just logging every day to get the dailies and then complete them in the future but i also REALLY want to reach master with my main (im diamond iv)
Don't lose.
But really, how are you losing 19 every time? That issue went away for me this season.
Jake has no ToDs otherwise he won't be in bottom tier, most likely you did a bad decision or got read
No, but there's a rift that requires them & it's also the most restricted rift so far.
>Retarded dev asking what hitboxes are weird
So it's true they don't play their own game
They're also asking us to do their job after they removed the ability for us to view the hitboxes. Laughable.
That's why they're asking. The hitboxes are invisible to them now. It's all just guess work at this point.
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Just hit Diamond II. I'm so fucking tired bros. I don't want to play ranked anymore. But I'm so close to Master V...
Better yet, the moment you start playing, go for different characters, save some low levels you don't like much for the events & play as a few main ones you like most. Then just juggle between them & make sure you got at least 5 easy levels before the event starts.
It even says "BS" on the batcoins...
Somebody ask this faggot dev to enable the hitbox visualizer
if you've already seen a bunch of videos like this one, you can probably guess what this one says
>gee why is this guy complaining about the overuse of references? his videos are full of references!
>posts video not full of references
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Daily Deals
Just take a break man, the secret to live service sloppa is to not give in to the FOMO. There's plenty of season left to rank up and it'll still be there after you recuperate.
Whose idea it was to make announcers & taunts cost more than variants anyway?
it's amazing how ten dollar taunts are just a thing. and they expect you to pay for it
Why are ringouts so fucking overpriced. The BP is 950 and this epic ringout on a discount is still more than that.
phew i was worried i might be starved of my millions of perk currency this season
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>Only 900 meme coinz instead of 1000 meme coinz for the only Beetlejuice taunt in the game
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>won't say what the hotfix is
When the fuck are we getting an animated BJ skin?
Probably found another easy way to earn experience in rifts.
Considering that we haven't even gotten a Tooniverse Powerpuff Girls skin yet I would say never.
I want one from the musical with the guy that plays him returning to voice him for a legendary skin
Would these changes to Gleam pricing make everyone happier?
>Profile Icons and Backgrounds can only be 100 Gleam at most if Legendary
>Ringouts and Announcer Packs can only be 250 Gleam at most if Legendary
>Filter Skins, like Matrix Morty there, can only be 350 Gleam at most
>Taunts can only be 500 Gleam at most
>Origianl skins that don't change voice lines/animations, like Bloodlines WW, can only be 700-800 Gleam at most
>Skins that change animations, voice lines, or are entirely new characters such as Shagworthy or Fern, can only go up to 1000 Gleam at most
And sales have to go up to 30-50% off.
I want one where he actually looks like keaton. The base one's too skinny and it makes him look like a monkey.
how do I am beetlejuice's beetle up special?
That is better, but it doesn't matter since it's not going to happen anyway. And it's not just the prices, it's the total lack of logic behind the prices. The Marvin announcer went from 300 to 100 for no apparent reason despite always being green.
Hold the direction you're facing to send if flying forwards farther, hold up directional to send it flying with a higher upward arc, hold the direction behind you to kick it over BJs head. I don't think down does anything different.
Likewise, I don't think that The Joker announcer should cost 6 times more than the Batman & Harley Quinn announcers combined.
>+6 RP for beating a diamond 3 and diamond 2 as a diamond 2
Wow, this fucking blows.
Terrorizing unranked and making kiddies quit until ranked stops matching me with perma-goldies against duo master discord niggers.
We need more villains, also where's Stripe?
masters skin jack i spammed the question mark emote at is that you?
all the fagstacks are swarming normals now because queues in ranked take like a minute
also this is literally step-by-step identical to how the beta died, minus (as of yet) them announcing theyre shutting the game down
>ranked released
>faggots party stack to abuse broken matchmaking
>ranked is ruined, impossible to get balanced matches
>fagstacks impotently whine about being matched into each other because they want free wins
>normal people stop playing ranked, move to normals
>fagstackers whine about queue times
>fagstackers move to normals
>normals are ruined (you are here)
>dead game
i will always stand by the idea that ranked modes are unhealthy for games
>BJ emote cost 900 jewmium
what the fuck
>Gizmo skin only 10% off
Yeah, this is why people don't buy shit most of the time, at least make it 20% off like the matrix morty, but that's just a recolor
unfortunately it seems they'll never address this since it would be controversial and they want everything to be fine and dandy in their patch notes
You're delusional then. All the sweats and tryhards will still be there regardless of ranked mode, all it does is turn away BOTH audiences because casuals are now 100% guaranteed to be stuck with the hardest of tryhards at all times while hyper comp players get bored.
i mean the entire "number go up" mmr addict shit is incredibly unhealthy behavior, dont get me wrong, but the root of the issue is matchmaking systems stripping players of agency when it comes to choosing how they want to play the game
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forever one of my favourite images
I used to buy shit, but then they rewarded me by breaking the game, stopping releasing content, shutting down the game for 10 months & raising prices.
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Great frame to get when my internet randomly dies for 10 minutes
Ranked is needed to pair retards with retards
The game has flaws in ranked but that doesn't mean ranked is detrimental specially when Casuals exist
ranked is absolutely detrimental when the RP calculation system makes literally no fucking sense and ends up fucking you over more than it helps you. case in point, three matches i did today as a player in diamond:
>paired up with diamond against master and diamond. we lost. -19 RP
>paired up with master against diamond and diamond. +26 RP
>paired up with master against diamond and diamond. +6 RP
it's literally schizophrenic. what's the justification of losing the max amount of RP against someone in master? what's the justification for giving me a shitload of RP for winning against other diamonds then only giving me 6 for doing it again?
nobody wants to play this fucking garbage mode if they're going to lose 19 RP for losing against people in the same rank as them and only win 6 if they win. it's the same fucking problem as last season. they didn't fix shit. and that's why i keep running into the same people after getting minutes long queues
>pair retards with retards
more like pair retards with any poor saps who isn't playing in a stack
It objectively isn't. Not when ranked mode was far too requested regardless of any flaws it may have. The game is broken as is, at least the ranked mode lets the tryhards tryhard in their own space than shitting on people who aren't trying to climb ladders then getting tired of that.
I know the RP gains are retarded currently but that doesn't mean Ranked as a concept is not needed.
The problem comes when it's the only mode to play like when Fortnite forced SBMM in the only mode it had.
Not having ranked at all is far more detrimental than a flawed ranked mode. Arguing otherwise is pure retardation when players got real pissy over not having the OPTION at least.
Genuine question
Did the addition of Ranked improve or sour the game for you and post your main
Both since I can try a lot of new characters without being paired against gold names/duos/etc
But sour since ranked is garbage in solo 2v2 high ranks
I don't have a main but I use low tiers
>Play against a Discord buttbuddy Shaggy/Bugs duo with an Agent Smith
>Find a new match
>The same buttbuddies
>I'm with a TTV Black Adam
>He takes 2 deaths before I die
>Match point for both teams
>We pull through and win
>He toasts me
>I toast him
Sometimes you TTV niggas ain't so bad
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Soured, Reindog. I don't mind sweating the hell out of a match for the win, but I like doing so in moderation then fucking about in other less serious matches for funsies. It's enjoyable for me to end up against a variety of opponents, both good and bad, getting completely different experiences and learning from them each one. Season 1 gave me that little bit of everything. Ever since Ranked dropped though it's either been a permanent CBT grind of fighting two heavy sweats in a discord call while having to wrangle your 10 year old Shaggy partner or going into Unranked and being bored to death with everybody being far below your level. There's no real variety, no real excitement, no enjoyable middle ground - and it's only going to get worse over time as the poor handling of Ranked will push players away and make that extreme more evident. I've never really been a fan of skill based matchmaking and this game is certainly no different.
>3 Reindog mains
/mvs/ is Reindog's domain
>Page 10
>Only Reingods remain
Ironic isn't WB?
>matched vs another reindog
>spam reindog sticker emotes at him
>he spams back
>always toast other reindogs after match
there is an unspoken bond
take the reinpill anon
>as of now, regular Harley variants are both Heroic and Villainous
>only Harley Classic is unambiguously Villainous

C'mon, PFG. Get it together.

I see more toxic/sweaty players in Ranked than in Normal play. I guess I should be glad they found something to do other than be assholes in Normal play.

Smith and Velma
I always use Reindog's sticker in 2v2s when paired with a Rick becuase it reminds Rick that he needs to let it rip with the Reinconverter
We did it Reddit
GM in both, even if barely
What lore reason does Rick have for making a machine that turns people into baby Reindogs?
Did Superman request it?
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Rp Loss/Gain in S2 combined with the existence of Shaggy, Tom and Jerry, Auto tech, and Tanks in general made me really hate this game.

pic related
when i get hit with it as reindog i use it too
What's the lore between Superman and Reindog?
the lore is autistic retards in the general who think every character needs a le funnay meme associated with them
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Sour since PFG have no idea how to implement it. Even when other fighters mess their own systems up, it doesn't take them months to fix it.
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STILL learning how to play PPG and I realized that I shouldn't be dashing all over the place, that's just wasting time.
concentrating on a small part of the stage and not trying to sweep the WHOLE place gets me way better results
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>But Steven is popular!
>Le heckin feelerinos!
what am I looking at here
Popularity contest held by Reddit, it kills 1 character daily
Multiversus 2 when?
we don't need r*ddit to tell us steven sucks dude
>cool the powerpuff girls are in this game? let me download it!
>oh I have to pay to get them... nevermind
PFG is so retarded
Technically you could get every BP for free by getting glemium from doing the events/characters/BP
This IS Multiversus 2
That requires a prior investment of having played the game already.
New players? Fucked.
That is really the problem with MVS, it has an objectively dogshit new player experience.
Yeah I'm not saying it's good, I'm from the team unlock everything from the start or by doing a storyline.
i can currently get the next two battlepasses with the gleam i have saved up from battlepasses and events, assuming that they don't make the price higher at any point in the future
They should stop resting PC when my game shut downs because of this shitty update
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no no, he has a point. Thinking about this from Joe Normie's point of view... He has no way of playing the hype new character added to the game without forking over ten bucks. He can't use the beginning fighter currency or anything.
You're acting as if this isn't the standard for the vast majority of fighting games. If the game is fully released, usually new characters not part of the base roster are paid DLC. That's what Smash did, that's what Tekken and Soul Calibur did. Those are full priced games, and they still charge money for DLC fighters.NASB released their fighters for free, but the base game was outrageously expensive.

Multiversus is a free game, and one of their two DLC characters every season is a paid character for a limited time. After two months that character becomes purchasable with the free in game currency, and even before that they still allow you to earn the premium currency in game to buy the battlepass if you grind. I think that's a lot less predatory than many other fighting games.
please fire the ui chuds
>He has no way of playing the hype new character added to the game without forking over ten bucks.
Don't all players get the one-time only 2000 gleam for 5 bucks offer though? I remember that was a thing when the game relaunched.
>discord stack with a tom
>batman runs and grabs jerry every time hes out so he cant be killed
killswitch the character already
You can kill jerry while he is attached to someone else.
yes but that person can run around and give him back to tom and replenish the literal best and most uncontestable move in the game
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It doesn't matter if it's ten or five bucks, they're still going into the game with the intent of playing for FREE but actually not really.
Reindog mains truly are a different breed
im starting to think ppg are really not that good
too slow, too big, they fucked their ability to combo off of a few moves, too much start up lag on moves you can't do anything on reaction you can't space your attacks because stages are too small and everyone can throw things out faster, it's like impossible to land a jab 1 vs most players
At least we aren't the MVC Collection it has 250 players right now and 900 peak
What a disgrace for how hyped it was
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i hope justin wong comes to multiversus to kill it for good
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which hole is each ppg most proficient with?
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It's really fucking hard to land jabs but if you just practice dodging behind players like other characters then the damage racks up fast.
Blossom's so beautiful... nakadashi all of them though.
>dodge behind character
>the move has so many active frames it catches me anyway, or the character has no whiff lag and throws out another before my jab can even come out
Yeah it's... It's not easy, you're gonna have the hardest time with the girls absolutely but you can do REALLY well with 'em once you're in the groove.
I want a new one that isn't dogshit. Played 2 ages ago.
Do most people not like 2’s? It feels like most fighting game players don’t really hold it in the same respect as 1’s even though there’s less depth there on top of the fact the game want balanced for it
I wish we had an Adult Swim version of the PPG so we could have an episode where the girls beat up a pedophile
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Wow, so it's like basically every other modern free -to-play multiplayer game. Shocker
Not fortnite, the most popular of them all.
It's just competitive fighting game autists. Remember Final destination/Fox only vocal faggots? those are the ones actually playing 1v1
I bet these people are the minority in this game specially the game F2P and targeted towards casuals (but failing to please both).
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what did the downtime do?
f2p shooters at least give you five characters to choose from
mvs only give you one free character. and the "free for a week" doesn't count since you may lose the character that ypu like to play, forcing you to pay
is a gay ass model
It's odd to come into a game designed for 2s and play 1s exclusively. That's how I feel about it anyway.
for mvs specifically the lack of team attack makes it way too spammy for it to be the "serious" mode, youre heavily incentivized to just stack enormous hitboxes with a complete disregard for what your opponent is doing
and in other games its just usually kind of boring because people dont practice it as much, the teams are always mostly just last minute pairing of random top players and none of them really take it seriously
Fortnite releases a new fighter with completely new movesets every month? Or are you just talking about skins, because there's still a decent amount of skins on the free battlepass as well as earnable ones during events.
It hasn't happened yet.
You dip-shit, they work on gameplay alongside the cosmetics all the time. You are being disingenuous and also retarded seeing how this whole thing that you're trying to defend is dying
>and the "free for a week" doesn't count
Why not
>other games gives you 5 characters for free
>actually the 5 free characters in mvs doesn't count because it's not the same characters every week
retarded argument anon. This is a system they have to allow players to try out different fighters for a limited time before using your fighter currency on them, rather than being stuck with the same 5 fighters all the time and never getting to try new ones before you buy them

And don't call me a shill for this, there's lots of retarded things PFG does but this is not one of them.
Not that anon but I mean Fortnite releases a ton of playable content every 2 weeks. For example this week released new items, dynamics, new subgamemodes for all the gamemodes etc, so if a casual sees the Dr Doom Trailer they can actually become Dr Doom and play like Dr Doom for free and if they want the cosmetic they have the option to purchase it later
You're being a retarded jaded doomer that wants this game to fail because it would feed your fragile insecure ego to be able to tell someone "look I was right all along, having fun is wrong when you should just be miserable like me"
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Didn't knew he still played this game
Bruh can you stop acting like I should instantly know fucking everything about how fucking fortnite works, I don't fucking play fortnite. I don't watch people who play fortnite. I have no interest in fortnite, I have never watched a video about someone talking about fortnite.

You're talking about the business model of a game made by one of the richest goddamn corporations on the planet made specifically to cater to young children compared to what is essentially an AA multiplayer game for fighting game enthusiasts.
>implying this is somehow irrelevant to a mega corporation with MORE money trying to do the same thing
You are insane, this is something that should be improved not ignored.
I mean WB burnt almost double of the flat 200 million on SSQUAD... My bet this game's budget is near 5 million...
You think PFG is WB, rather than realizing that PFG is an AA studio working for WB. PFG does not have unlimited money and resources, they have a budget given to them by a larger company to make the game that larger company tells them to make. This is not the same as Nintendo working on Smash, it's more similar to Vicarious Visions working on the Diablo 2 remake for Blizzard.
If WN wants the F2P casual market they need to act like a game that caters to the F2P casual market just like Fortnite, not the contrary and catering to the few fighting game enthusiats a.k.a competitards, just look at the cancer balance Nakat created
As if any of that matters for them trying to get people to play the game?
while nude
fortnite let the fucking season go without anything happening for 3 months

talking about the BR
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I agree with this post.
Fully aware and it doesn't disprove my point, which is why I used Vicarious Visions as an example. Just because a big company buys your company doesn't mean you now ARE that company and have full control of everything you make. PFG losing their independence is a double edged sword, now they have more access to funds to develop the game at the cost of having less say in how they handle new additions and monetization.
Dude the Real life PPG where hoes
I’m surprised it even has that much considering it’s a game exclusively for dinosaur grandpas. People want a new MvC not that ancient shit
PPG were reals?
Thread artists are pussies too scared to draw the powerpuff girls for some reason
Maybe they aren't into toodlers
Do it yourself, no one is stopping you to draw it
>You're acting as if this isn't the standard for the vast majority of fighting games.
the theoretical approach is the same, yes, but mvs' execution of this practice deserves execution
to use smash ultimate as an example, each individual fighter pack got you a new character, a new stage, a dozen or so new music tracks and some side content in the form of new spirits and a new classic mode route for $6 a pop
multiversus offers only a single character with no extra content for $10, which is nearly double the asking price of smash's characters if you want every character who's been added since the relaunch (excluding banana guard who is free) you'll be shelling out somewhere around $60-70 (assuming you haven't locked yourself out of the joker/harley starter pack and factoring in the cost of the battle pass, which is also about $9.50)
this also assumes you have the entire base roster, which most new players do not
buying all them too will quickly push the needle into the several hundred dollars range, which is extremely egregious for any game regardless of genre
they've got no problem drawing little boys
to an obsessive degree
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Next stop: MASTER!
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i fucked up the formatting a bit but the point is that the pricing for things in this game is completely absurd
smash is not free to play
yet it still costs less money than buying every character in multiversus and the gap grows wider with every update
>inb4 but you don't have to buy anyone with money
if you don't mind shaggy gaming for your first 15 hours, sure
It's also not cross platform and singlehandedly sells switches. If nintendo released smash as a cross-plat f2p live service game their monetiation would be much much worse.
>I was thinking in just logging every day to get the dailies and then complete them in the future
this is what i did past season and it worked, though i didn't complete the "grind with this skin you need to buy first" events. And i'm also in the same situation as
>the problem is that I already started my classes
so this week i'm doing even less, as in i didn't complete the ppg rift and related event (though it gives nothing so i don't mind)
>It's also not cross platform and singlehandedly sells switches
that is not even remotely related to the monetization of multiversus
>If nintendo released smash as a cross-plat f2p live service game their monetiation would be much much worse.
that does not even slightly excuse the monetization of multiversus
It is directly related to YOUR argument because YOU are calling the monetization egregious in comparison to smash, when they are not comparable
i'm going to assume you're not the person i was initially responding to, because if you are this would make you look even more retarded than you already do
>they are not comparable
can you explain why they're not
>the theoretical approach is the same, yes, but mvs' execution of this practice deserves execution
>to use smash ultimate as an example, each individual fighter pack got you a new character, a new stage, a dozen or so new music tracks and some side content in the form of new spirits and a new classic mode route for $6 a pop
In MVS you get all the stages for free, don't have to pay for a single one of themm. You get all characters for free, you just have to wait 2 months for the newly released ones if you don't want to pay for them. Unless of course you save the premium currency you get in game fir free to get the new characters for free.

You pay a lot more for new content in Smash than you do in MVS, and in MVS all characters are obtainable without paying for real money even if paying for them means you'll have to grind less. That's a better business model for poorfags, and I say that as a poorfag who don't like paying for shit when I can get it for free.
I haven’t seen any new Morty, Steven, or Finn’s though
Oh and all the rifts in MVS are free as well. Sure they're shit, but they're free shit and they let you also earn free shit in game. Never had to pay a dime to play rifts. Never had to pay a dime for new stages and new songs, those were always free and available to everyone as soon as they released.
Because the prices of content for smash brothers are decided within the context of it being a game with an initial cost, along with the initial cost of the console to play the game on, which goes directly to the same company that makes the game. Content added to the game brings in sales of those products.

The prices of multiversus are decided within the context of the game being free to play, cross platform, and live service without a planned end of content production. There is no entry cost, the content added to the game is the only product being sold, the only thing to profit off of, and the developers do not profit from sales of whatever console you are playing it on.

They are two totally different models of monetization, and yet you brought up the prices of smash dlc being cheaper as an argument for multiversus' monetization being unreasonable. You made the comparison.
>to use smash ultimate as an example
and then you backpedaled
>that is not even remotely related to the monetization of multiversus
>that does not even slightly excuse the monetization of multiversus
if it's not relevant to multiversus' monetization then it's not an argument against its monetization either. You're either being a snake or you're dumb but either way you're not making a good argument.
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Actually this match wasn't that bad. I still lost but it wasn't THAT bad.
You're not just paying a single character and nothing else. You're also getting a ton of cosmetics unlocked for you if you just play the game. It's unreasonable to expect to get everything handed you for free. You're retarded to be upset that high effort new characters are temporarily paywalled lmaso.
Weakest Batmanfan
>You made the comparison.
because >>496066040 made the comparison as a means to justify the use of micro-transactions in mvs, which you would know if you were actually following along
>The prices of multiversus are decided within the context of the game being free to play, cross platform, and live service
you do understand that the platforms multiversus is available on also have an initial cost and that most if not all of those are higher than the switch's own initial cost right
>the developers do not profit from sales of whatever console you are playing it on
the player still has to spend the money to get one of those consoles though
to dismiss it while not also dismissing it for the other game is ridiculous
>They are two totally different models of monetization
then do what brawlhalla does and give people an option to pay a flat amount to get everyone present and future
are you happy now
>You're either being a snake or you're dumb but either way you're not making a good argument.
couldn't have said it better myself
>It's unreasonable to expect to get everything handed you for free.
i'm not saying everything should be free, i'm saying the monetization should be fixed if wb wants this game to exist a year from now
Maybe the prices of certain things but battlepass characters are perfectly fair. They're no different from average post launch fighter DLC. This game won't stay afloat if they have to spend serious budget on extreme high effort characters (no F2P shit does this by the way. All F2P games have chars play the same or without depth) with no way to paywall it. Skins aren't sustainable on their own.
mvs' battle pass is genuinely really good
gives you a lot of bang for your buck
which is why the fact that the price to buy your way in is lower than the price for a single character is so confusing
like does that not reek of something that should be fixed
the cancelled TV live action
>you do understand that the platforms multiversus is available on also have an initial cost and that most if not all of those are higher than the switch's own initial cost right
>the player still has to spend the money to get one of those consoles though
to dismiss it while not also dismissing it for the other game is ridiculous
No, sorry, it's not the same. Smash brothers sells switches, money from switches go to the developers of smash brothers. Doesn't matter if you have to buy a console to play MVS. The devs don't profit off of it, so it's not going to help with development costs and, in turn, it's not going to matter when they have to decide their prices.
>then do what brawlhalla does and give people an option to pay a flat amount to get everyone present and future are you happy now
Not near as expensive to make a brawlhala character as it is to make a MVS character.

Also, it's 10 dollars every few months to get the newst character and a bunch of cosmetics, AND every stage and music added that season is available for free AND if you actually play the game and finish the pass (which you get plenty of time to do even playing casually) then you don't have to pay for any battlepass pass the first one since you earn enough gleam from it. You can actually get all future content for cheaper than any other game. The only problem is getting access to past characters (which you can do for free with time investment), but we already know they're going to be adding a fighter road so new players have a means to access the base roster easier.
>Not near as expensive to make a brawlhala character as it is to make a MVS character.
you can make the flat amount higher than brawlhalla's to accommodate
people will take the option if it's available, especially since the alternatives are the game turning into a job or a subscription service
>we already know they're going to be adding a fighter road
do we though
like yeah there's data for it in the game but to that i say season 2 keep it rolling doc, that shit could very well never materialize
if they add that it would be great, but until it happens i can't give the game credit for it and you shouldn't either
>if they add that it would be great, but until it happens i can't give the game credit for it and you shouldn't either
I mean I'm fine with the monetization as it is without the fighter road. I think it's reasonable to grind for characters considering you spend so much time playing one fighter, you don't need access to all of them. I'm positive that the fighter road will not stop your bitching though. Multiversus fans are genuinely the most whiny, entitled, and economically illiterate playerbases I have ever seen.
those perks are really dogshit for batman
like all of them
>I'm fine with the monetization as it is without the fighter road.
that's fine, but that doesn't mean it's flawless
i enjoy modern pokemon games but can tell you they have plenty of issues
>I'm positive that the fighter road will not stop your bitching though.
if the fighter road does actually happen it would be a good change but this game has more issues than fighters being hard to earn for new players
>wanting a game to improve is entitlement
are you a warner bros shareholder by any chance
Yeah, everyone knows the game is not perfect. There's a difference between criticizing the design of the game and arguing that the monetization is irredeemably greedy and unreasonable to the point that you think the game will/should fail over it, when it is absolutely reasonable monetization to anyone with a basic understanding profit incentive.
when are we getting more reindog skins
reading the room is not putting the devs up on a crucifix
are the devs at fault for wb's decisions regarding the game's pricing or the general live-service fatigue felt by the gaming community? no
is doing nothing to ease these issues going to improve anything? no
You're not reading the room. You're screeching at everyone in the room and everyone who disagrees just tries to ignore you until it's just the screechers making noise and you take that as mass agreement.
says the guy plugging his ears pretending nothing is wrong
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what was the point you realized the game wasn’t getting fixed?
for me it was when they removed the hitbox visualization mod
like they want a competitive game but actively remove the ability to learn about the game mechanics because they’re embarrassed about how shit the game is
I'm not pretending anything. You're a hysterical doomsayer with delusions of being in touch with the playerbase because some preteen redditors and a video essayist agree with you.
Mid Season 2 patch, I was huffing copium thinking they'd get a little better.
>You're a hysterical doomsayer
if someone stating things that are happening to the game is a doomsayer maybe that says more about the game than the person you're upset with
>delusions of being in touch with the playerbase
what playerbase
90% of them left within the first 2 weeks and the rest have been complaining about the same things you pretend aren't problems
>because some preteen redditors and a video essayist agree with you.
i can't tell whether you like this game or not given this is your opinion on the people who play it
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It might be over, they really should be scrambling to fix things FASTER... We really shouldn't even BE in this position in the first place. Maybe the mid-season patch'll do something?
see you haven't stated any "things that are happening to the game" you just say it's failing because uhhh smash dlc costs less than a fighter and when that argument is refuted you sink back to broad statements of the game being bad
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Really hope WB gets into trouble with the FTC for their garbage practices.
>see you haven't stated any "things that are happening to the game"
ok. here's a few:
lack of content; the only things there are to do are online matches where everyone plays the same character because otherwise they can't level up in the battle pass or rifts which has been a busted up pile of shit from day 1
hitboxes are completely fucked and nearly every fighter on the roster has attacks with hitboxes that don't line up with their associated animations due to either disjoints or way too many active frames
matchmaking is completely fucked in that players in gold are consistently getting matched with players in diamond
battlepass exp was nerfed unless you play a specific character, killing both the variety of characters represented online and battlepass progression for people upset about the lack of variety
pricing across the board is sideways; battlepass including one character and a ton of cosmetics/icons/banners/taunts/badges costs less than the price of a singular character with no cosmetics
character balancing is all kinds of wack; problem characters often receive a slew of buffs mixed in with a single nerf so minuscule that it wraps back around to being a buff in some cases (it's happened to wonder woman and morty like 3 times each)
it's currently unclear if any playtesting is even happening behind the scenes at all given how tony responded when someone asked him if the hitboxes were gonna be fixed >>495981653
>when that argument is refuted
well it hasn't happened yet
>broad statements of the game being bad
is this specific enough for you
because these are still pretty broad strokes imo
oh yeah, and some of the pricing for things in the store genuinely violates ftc guidelines as demonstrated by >>496091405
that's a felony, and mvs has been doing it consistently ever since the relaunch in june
All of them are valid criticisms and still all of them combined are not enough to justify the incessant doomsaying spam. Plenty of people bitch about those things ritually in this thread including myself and still I don't pretend that the game will die in two weeks if the devs don't implement my ideas immediately.
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Why do retards play devil's advocate for companies that are trying to rip them off? Rhetorical question, do not respond.
>I don't pretend that the game will die in two weeks
i'm not pretending when i say this game isn't going to be around a year from now if something isn't done to fix any of these myriad issues
i like this game and want it to succeed but the way it's going now it's just not going to happen
Why do you people keep giving this game the time of day if you hate it so much?
Why do sluts like yourself offer your holes up so readily to chads like me as soon as you're challenged face to face
they fixed rainbow dash and tom paddle
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We'll find out in 23 minutes-ish
that was the last patch
they're asking about the one that has the game down right now
We can be silly little Martians on the battlefield again!
We said that about season 3 doing something
>Fixed scale of Wonder Woman that was reduced in a previous update bringing her back to original size.
They made Wonder Woman B I G G E R
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oh nevermind.
thank god, that fucking tom paddle was a nightmare. Glad the rainbow dash perk was fixed too, kind of outrageous how they just... overlooked that.
>Fixed an issue where players were only receiving 3 daily missions instead of 7.
oh good...
and yet you still play
>still nerfing batman leg sweep
these people are genuinely retarded
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Yeah, I know.
Maybe this time regardless....
game's back
What a weird thing to say, as if dropping the game and letting it die isn't easy to do.
But the other hundreds of people from season 2 don’t
if it's so easy why are you here big guy
They have done nothing but fix issues. This game right now in comparison to Season 1 is a difference between night and day. A year from now will have MVS be drastically different.
They aren't. That move is overtuned to all hell. It's stupidly fucking strong, combos, has good frame data, it does everything and then some.
Not feeling as if the arguments are argumenty enough. What are our thoughts on how the 80s Ninja Turtles?
>fixed Marvin's taunt but not Velma's
>They have done nothing but fix issues.
>nerfing low tiers for no discernable reason = not an issue
>cutting battle pass exp to make the game grindier = not an issue
>regularly violating federal law to make money = not an issue
>A year from now will have MVS be drastically different.
the game will be very different after wb pulls the plug on the game and it goes offline, yes
i remember watching the movie where they were guys in foam suits on vhs as a kid in the early 2000s
i wouldn't mind if they were in the game but idk if it's gonna happen bc viacom has a hand in the cookie jar with them if memory serves
>season 3
>still can't impregnate reindog
what are they doing
I would draw them but they'd have to look like their powerpuff girls z versions
>Nerfing low tiers
Disingenious. They have buffed more than nerfed
>Cutting EXP
Already reverted

Hilarious how that's all you have to say, conveniently ignoring the loads of fixes they've down to the game's stability, modes and gameplay. Retard.
>After WB pulls the plug
You're fucking delusional to think it won't last a year at least, get off your brainrot doomer pull. If they were eager to kill MVS they would've abandoned it as soon as the beta, dumbass. MVS is still making money.
they nerfed dsmash 2, not 1, the sweep, not the slide
that shit doesnt kill, doesnt combo for shit after the first "fix", and its a rekka so frame data is irrelevant
they nerfed that shit again
because theyre fucking retards

his "problem" attack is the new dash attack anyway, that thing kills at 80 and half the cast cant recover after being knocked offstage by it because of the death angle it launches at
and for ZERO reason because it hits too far to combo off of even after a groundbounce
yeah because a year from now it won’t exist
>They have buffed more than nerfed
go read jake's update history before you try to pretend he's been buffed more than he's been nerfed
guy's been bottom tier ever since the relaunch and the only beneficial changes he's ever gotten have been mixed with a bunch of nerfs
this of course doesn't count the patches where he only gets nerfs like the one that added beetlejuice
>Hilarious how that's all you have to say
hey dumbshit, you haven't even addressed everything in that post let alone the one where i went into some detail about the game's issues >>496091589
>If they were eager to kill MVS they would've abandoned it as soon as the beta, dumbass
it's a good thing i didn't say warner bros was eager to kill mvs then isn't it
To be fair, Batman does not need weakened on his moves.
The BP XP has been fixed thoughbeit.
That's the only character you can bitch about. Every other low tier has gotten a fuck ton of buffs. Jake got buffs but they don't address his core issues. So using only one character to make a sweeping claim that they've done nothing but nerf low tiers is retarded and dishone. They have nerfed countless top tiers and leveled the playing field for countless lower tiers like Garnet, Jason, Lebron and Velma. There's objectively been more good than bad with balancing especially when they've been focused on trying to give more movement and options across the cast as a whole. Down airs as a collective whole feel better to land than before as of Season 3.
It's the truth. It's been reverted already, do your research dipshit
>The game's issues
Because I'm not the same anon and I acknowledge the game has faults. All I'm saying is the fact that they HAVE addressed a lot of shit since Season 1. Season 1 and Season 3 are drastically different states for the game and to pretend otherwise is just you being a dumb fuck. There were so many bugs, issues and missing features at launch it's not even funny. There's significantly less problems now than before.
Already 5 months in, retard. It obviously will exist, stop being delusional.
>I didn't say that!
The only way this game doesn't last a year is if Warner Bros is eager to kill it. And you've denied that they are, meaning the game objectively will last over a year at least. There's too many people still spending money on the game 5 months in with a community despite MVS being as messy as it is.
The last point of Warner Bros was meant for the other post, I fucked up.
>check patch notes
wow it's fucking nothing
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>That's the only character you can bitch about.
there are plenty of characters whose balancing is dogshit enough for me to bitch about it
>They have nerfed countless top tiers
if by countless you mean cannot be counted because there aren't any then you're right on the money
every top tier they've ever nerfed is still in the top 10 while low tiers like velma are still dogwater by comparison
>It's been reverted already, do your research dipshit
>ppg still get a battle pass xp boost, meaning the issue i complained about before has not been fixed
why did you even try to lie about something so easy to verify
>they HAVE addressed a lot of shit since Season 1.
they really haven't
they added back shit that was already in the beta and fixed some bugs that really should've been fixed before the relaunch and that's about it
i don't blame pfg for that since it's fairly apparent wb mandated the engine switch and forced them to relaunch the game before it was ready but the fact that the devs aren't at fault for that particular issue doesn't mean it isn't an issue
>It obviously will exist
>the game objectively will last over a year at least.
>source: my ass
>The only way this game doesn't last a year is if Warner Bros is eager to kill it.
just because warner isn't eager to kill it right now doesn't mean that can't change within the next 12 months
if the amount of money it costs to produce content for and maintain the game exceeds the amount of money they earn from the game, warner is not going to wait long for pfg to fix it before they shut it down
and given that player counts are dropping with each passing week, the amount of money they're bringing in is going to drop accordingly
no, weakened needs counterplay
trying to kneecap batman doesnt stop every other retard from running last stand and snowballing the fuck out of you
These are pretty important little fixes...
They're going to nerf weakened as a whole. But Batman as a character doesn't need built in weakened.
they changed tooniverse to "comic dots", what the hell was the tooniverse in reference to anyways? what was the lore behind that
>what was the lore behind that
there wasn't any
It's a portmanteau of toon and universe, like they come from a cartoon universe.
don't type shit like portmanteau it makes you seem like a virgin
Well yeah I know that, I'm just wondering as to why they added a tag for it as if it already were a thing
>it makes you seem like a virgin
pretty sure that already comes with the territory of using 4chan in the first place
that's the fucking word for what it is you illiterate retard
I don't want fixes, I want CONTENT.
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nah but fr fr on god nah blud thought he was cooking *skull emoji*
*sucks your cock*
still think i’m a virgin?
>Balancing is dogshit enough
Not enough to make dumbass claims like they're nerfing low tiers, dipshit.
>There aren't any
They have nerfed Joker, Gizmo and multiple top tiers. Crying because they weren't gutted is ridiculous. They deserve to have good tools and only adjusted to be healthier. Velma is viable by the way with pretty good combos. There isn't a power gap between her and other characters anymore, retard. Garnet went from dogshit into a complete menace and Lebron too has risen significantly. You clearly don't know shit about the balance or what's going on in the meta game.
>They really haven't
They literally have, retard. Players are still getting 50 for one reason or another.
>They added back shit already in beta and fixed some bugs
Again, still massive changes from S1 when there was loads of issues. It wasn't just "some bugs" there were gamebreakers and piles of bugs they fixed. And that's not all they did either. They added systems that solved their loop/infinite combos and did more effective balancing than they ever did in beta. Ranked is in a better state than it ever was in beta.
You have zero proof that it won't last over than your doomer bias.
>Doesn't mean that can't change
And there's nothing that suggests it WILL changed. For all you fucking know, they would've achieved enough fixes to keep bringing back players. S3 already has a good reception as a step in the right direction even among MVS' harshest critics. You're getting entirely in hypotheticals with nothing to show for it. Again, players constantly come back when there's notable content drops. A sizable amount of people paypig for BP tiers and skin bundles. There's people in this game that buy the ugliest skins ever there's nothing showing that MVS can't last a year
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Maybe they just changed their mind about it and figured "nah, calling it comic dots makes more sense..."
>stop using big words it makes me so angry
American education.
>Don't use the exact word to describe something
Are you stupid or something?
there's a difference between knowing things and making use of that knowledge there is some knowledge you just don't need to use if you don't want to be a dork
there's not another word for it dumbass
Imagine being upset at a slightly obscure word being used in a South African knitting forum.
>it's a mix of...
>it a combination of...
>it's word+word
not so hard to come up with heterosexual ways to say it mr brainiac
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you sound like an abusive father. You sound like you have a son that's afraid to open up to you.
you can also use the word we invented to describe exactly what it is
im not upset im just handing out advice dude if i was a lady my nethers would be like spongebob in that episode where he's trapped in sandy's dome when i read that
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>first logan paul advertising electrolytes like brawndo
>now this guy
how does Mike Judge keep doing it?
Why the fuck should I consider what womenfolk would admonish when engaging with the extent of my understanding of the English lexicon? Are you a simp or something?
>Sep 26, 2024 (ie. TODAY)
Fucking retard.
name a bigger downgrade
anyone else fucking hate the name multiversus
it sounds so stupid to say, i don’t care that’s it’s a portmanteau
don't type shit like multiversus it makes you seem like a virgin
>Not enough to make dumbass claims like they're [observably true statement], dipshit.
iron giant's been pulled out of the game before because he was so fuckbusted btw
>They have nerfed Joker, Gizmo and multiple top tiers.
joker is still high tier, wonder woman and morty have never once received any significant nerfs even when it was clear they were significantly better than most of the roster, garnet and lebron are still low tiers, jake is still dogshit
>Players are still getting 50 for one reason or another.
so they didn't actually revert it and it's just random as stated by the sources you provided
cool, thanks for lying again
that also doesn't address what i was actually talking about
>It wasn't just "some bugs" there were [some bugs].
>And there's nothing that suggests it WILL changed.
did you miss the part where 90% of the relaunch's playerbase is gone
>only you are required to prove your claims and i can just say whatever bullshit i want
not how it works
i had assumed they already fixed the ppg's dash attack in the last patch from less than a week ago, sue me
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It's alright. I wouldn't know what else to call it.
it unironically does make me feel retarded when i say it
>ade the comparison as a means to justify the use of micro-transactions in mvs, which you would know if you were actually following along
If you mean the post were you called PFG retarded for putting PFG on the battlepass, then I was following along perfectly and my point still stands. You can get them for free after 2 months, you can get them for free if you grind gleamium, and in most other fighting games a new character added after the game's release would be a permanently paid DLC character like in Smash or Tekken.
You literally only used Jake. Every single "bottom tier" got more buffs than nerfs and diminishing the entire balancing history to just nerfing low tiers shows how dishonest your retarded narrative is. Dishonest doomer fuck.
>Iron Giant
Not a low tier and that happened all the way back at launch. Ironically he's pretty manageable in this current state of the game, retard. Stop bringing up irrelevant shit that only supports my point that they've improved since launch. Iron Giant wasn't removed in S2 or S3.
>Weeeh weeehh Joker's still high tier instead of nerfing him to the ground
Grow up. They fixed him to be healthier to deal with than how he was at launch. They're not gutting good and popular chars just because you're a crybaby that can'r adapt. Garnet objectively isn't low tier, everyone in the community has pointed out how good she's gotten now. WW not getting significant nerfs is wrong same for Morty. They just weren't gutted.
>So they didn't actually revert it
It's reverted, moron. You tried to claim they cut it in half when it's proven that players are getting 50 again recently.
>I-It was just some bugs because I say
Dishonest faggot
>90% of the relaunch playerbase is gone
Doesn't mean the game will insta-die. The idea it needs to keep its peak playerbase at all times or it'll never survive is retardation. Nor that it can't maintain a community nor does it magically mean they'll never come back ever. Retard.
>Not how it works
You're the one making bullshit claims first. Insisting that it can't survive a year just because you say so, you dumb fucking ingrate.
>then do what brawlhalla does and give people an option to pay a flat amount to get everyone present and future
>are you happy now
That sounds like ass for poorfags like me, I much prefer the current way PFG is doing it because if I can't afford the character on the battlepass then at least I can still get them for free next season.
>which is why the fact that the price to buy your way in is lower than the price for a single character is so confusing
That is very dumb I admit that, new characters should not cost 1k gleam and anyone who pays that instead of fighter currency is either rich or a gullible retard.
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>what was the point you realized the game wasn’t getting fixed?
Still not there
>the post were you called PFG retarded for putting PFG on the battlepass
the what
you're gonna have to show me what post you mean because i haven't made any posts claiming anything like that
>You literally only used Jake.
try reading the post you're replying to again
>Dishonest doomer fuck.
i agree, you are very dishonest
>Not a low tier and that happened all the way back at launch.
it's almost like i'm complaining about the balancing in general and not just the low tiers
you would know that if you were reading my posts
>WW not getting significant nerfs is wrong same for Morty.
i don't know what patch notes you're reading but those two have been top 10 for the game's entire lifespan
>It's reverted, moron.
it's not, which you would know if you'd read the comments of the reddit post you tried to cite as a source
"Edit: okay I think I figured it out for the most part so you need to deal at least 70 damage (at the end title card screen) and wait after 5:45 and then you'll get 25 XP I'm assuming it's the same way if you win I was playing 1V1 casual because if you lose a couple times you'll fight Bots so that's how i tested it" - g_ninja1 in the comments of that post
please don't start trying to pretend that's how it worked before
>Dishonest faggot
you said the same thing i said and called me retarded
what does that make you
>Doesn't mean the game will insta-die.
i didn't say it would die tomorrow, i said it would die within the next year
>You're the one making bullshit claims first.
>Already 5 months in, retard.
>the game objectively will last over a year at least.
>Ranked is in a better state than it ever was in beta.
>S3 already has a good reception as a step in the right direction even among MVS' harshest critics.
none of the above statements are true
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ah shit
please ignore all the inane nonsense starting at the second greentext, it was intended for >>496103417
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I've been complaining for weeks in their discord feedback section that the Tooniverse skins should be renamed because the Comicbook sheen makes characters look like comicbook characters rather than toons. And that I would really like to have an actual Toon skin with black outlines and flat colors for toon characters like the Looney Tunes, PPG, TnJ, Jack and Velma.
godspeed soldier
Beast after turning back into a human prince.
>please ignore all the inane nonsense starting at the second greentext, it was intended for
Fair enough
Glad they listened to your feedback. I hope they keep listening to feedback...
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you know how older folks used to say using the internet for too long rots the brain? turns out they were right, but it only happens if you spend too long in certain places
can you guess whether this indonesian spider farming forum's video game sub-forum is one of those places
You don't have to tell me, I've been here since the habbo raids
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I think they do listen every now and then. Some of the maps I've suggested last year have shown up as the barebones beta levels someone datamined, and now this change to the comicverse skin. I've also been pestering them to add Sharkhat Shaggy to the variants shop for about 2 weeks now as well as to fix Velma's book taunt not working.
>R-Read the post again
You literally only used Jake. But no matter how hard you bitch, they buffed low tiers way more than you think they did with a lot of genuinely good balance decisions that you're downplaying just to be disingenuous
>"no u!"
Cope. You are dishonest and blinded by the doomer pill.
>Balancing in general
And my point is that the balancing got way better for the prior characters. Bringing up Iron Giant, an isolated incident from all the way back in Season 1 is terrible.
>They've been top 10
WW and Morty have gotten tools and kill power reduced. They're still top 10 because they weren't gutted and why the fuck should they be? That's dogshit balancing that plagued the beta and pissed everyone off.
>It's not
It is. Only getting 25 and nothing else was a mistake that got fixed. Them changing RP gains for players that AFK or don't bother playing the game is perfectly fair and a non-issue.
>You said the same thing I said
You've been conveniently ignoring shit that doesn't suit your narrative and making wide sweeping claims. Down to diminishing the entire balancing effort to just "nerfing low tiers" as if the tech system didn't singlehandedly solve an issue that plagued the beta's entire life cycle. And they tried so many solutions with various forms of attack decay they nothing stopped ground bounce loops and extensive unfun combos.
>I didn't say it would die tomorrow
And you're retarded to think it can't last a year when we're already 5 months in and public perception has been slowly improving as of Season 3. It's clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>None of the above statements are true
You're fucking delusional. TKBreezy and Coney are easy examples of people that hated the relaunch but started to find the game fun again as of S3's changes. It's an objective fact that they've been in a step of the right direction. Literally everyone in the community says similar shit. PFG will gradually win people back with fixes.
Did they really change the Tooniverse name of the skin? Or just the tags?
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the skins are still named tooniverse but the tag for it doesn't exist anymore
Just the tags I think, I still hope they'll change the name of it and make another toon skin though. Comic dots is a good start
>PPG nerfed even further
If only we didn't have to constantly playtest characters for PFG since they clearly don't and have no idea how to balance their game. I'm honestly not convinced they've even played platform fighters before
I'm sure the studio is just filled with drooling button mashers. I believe this is what will ultimately kill the game. They literally don't see what's wrong with characters. You can't fix something if your senses can't even register what the problem is.
>t. just had to fight morty again
I doubt it's what will kill the game. Maybe if the issue was as bad as beta where they made quick patches that nerfed and buffed chars for no reason but it's not.
The fact that it took them this fucking long to do something about T&J's paddle is insanely grim
how to beat morty downsmash
>roll behind, get hit
>jump over and land with an aerial, get hit
>wait for it to end, no endlag
they'll probably get even more nerfs because grounded dash attack is still an insane does everything tool
then again Jack is still a two button machine so maybe not
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it's not really a nerf? Not at all, it just got rid of an easy to do exploit. They're very much still a pretty balanced character you have to have a good handle of to do well with.
Man I said that Jack’s taunt needed to be change to what it was called in the show but they laughed at me
i should really be using ground dash MORE but boy is it annoying to do on controller..
20% player drop in the past week but we’re fine
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I can't see what they could possibly do to improve the game
then again I *am* blind.
If it stays at 2K like last season I think we'll be fine.
That adding less priority to every jab update was a lie right? How tf do I see Batmans just throwing out jabs and winning interactions with that shit
i haven’t noticed any change it sounds like placebo
the problem is that it's too situational to actually make a difference
the moves in this game barely have any active frames so the chance that a jab and another move actually collide is very rare, especially given the situations in which somebody will be fishing for jab
Again, there was no priority before. The hitbox that landed first always won. That's still the case. The priority they added only comes into play if both hits connect at the same time.
Yup I straight up saw the banana guard spear job to a Shaggy jab, the most degenerate shit are WW and Jacks jabs
they put that shit in the patch notes to shut you retards up, it doesnt actually do anything
"priority" has never been the issue, the issue is moves being unpunishable, and jabs are spammable because they want shitters to be able to win mashing a single button
but then if they make jabs punishable dodges will be extremely overpowered because most characters have nothing that can punish roll behind aside from jab

you can see it really clearly with joker, what was a really aggressive character is now one of the most passive in the game purely because his jab 1 is shit, he basically cant play neutral with cards on cd
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I feel like they really gotta have a talk about the monetization part of the game for the mid-season update.. They can only ignore the elephant in the room for so long.
>See another multiversus comic cover
>Poison ivy
>Issue #4

These fucking characters will be fucking released in 2025, hell, scooby was in the cover of issue 1, but i bet he might appear in 2
Suicide Squad got a new update despiste only having 200 players on steam. Does that mean they’ll hold on to Muliltiversus for that long too?
Unless WB tells them to shut up or they'll kill them behind the scenes if they dare touch the subject of monetization
Nah only reason Suicide Squad is still getting support is bcuz they advertised one of their bundles as instantly getting like a certain amount of content til a certain season, itd basically be illegal for them to shut down before finishing the promised content if Im not mistaken
something about reindog and filling his butt
multiversus the kinda game where one player presses down special on wonder woman to become borderline invincible, and their opponent’s counterplay is to entirely leave the map with adam up special
who designed this crap
Twice now I've had bugs get to high percent in 2s on Ranked Water Tower and be able to stall out in the sky for 20 years.
Hate that fucking rabbit. Hate that fucking map. Hate this fucking game.
literally who said raising the blast zone 50% when you jump was a good idea
It's just a game, Sam. Go touch grass.
shitters who mash jump out of hitstun sding on batcave probably
the amount of stalling you can do is crazy in this game
it's funny that they keep trying to hype mvs up as this crazy offensive game but in actuality it's all bait and punish/stalling to fish for ToDs
So why some characters attack can keep going even when you dodge them

And when you get multiple attacks going they dodge and your attacks dont connect
Multiversus is definitely turning a profit through the battlepasses and cosmetics, so yeah you can expect MVS to keep getting support for quite a while unless they royally fuck up something again but considering they have the Battlepass down to a T right now and that's what killed it last time I don't think we need to worry
Some characters just have better dodges
I think you also lose your invincibility the second you press an attack button
As long as Smash has bubble shields, MVS will be the crazy offensive alternative
Nothing in any version of this game is even remotely as aids as G&W or Sonic
dodge grants invuln to whatever hibox it touches, not just for the duration of the dodge
so in order to consistently cover dodge you need a multihit aerial that creates a hitbox AFTER the dodge is finished
most characters obviously dont have this
Suicide squad has been on development for years, they're just adding what they already finished
>MVS will be the crazy offensive alternative
this slow as fuck dodge spam game is nothing offensive
As a zoomie who grew up with a G&W main brother, yeah this might be why I hate Smash actually.
You DO know this same shit applies to Multiversus, right? They outright teased and promised a lot of upcoming chars and we know these characters have been in the files for years.
Is to use a purple move, armor breaker move or just a multi hitting move.
Then you're a retard that never played or watched competitive Smash. Sonic alone makes MVS at its worst look like modern gen Melee.
Friendly reminder that Reindog is wanted in 17 states for indecent conduct, streaking and performing sexual acts in public.
The other 33 states don't have enough evidence to present charges yet, if you have any please present it to your local law enforcement
Ok hear me out, is Taz's tornado and cloud not ridiculous? I'm not talking about the character himself, I'm talking about the moves themselves
theyre both retarded yes
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>get paired with master 3 black adam
>"oh nice, i should be able to get some RP for this"
>he proceeds to die 3 times before i die once in both games because he keeps getting combo'd into the upper blast zone by enemy arya
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>in plat with velma, paired with a master jack player against a diamond morty and a gold tnj
>get our assess kicked, I get highest damage and 2 kills while jack got none
I swear some people must just have no lifer friends carrying them or some shit
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Daily Deals
finally, something worthwhile
>tfw diamond i
holy shit
just one more rank up and i can stop playing ranked forever
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>he ranked
Release ze discord duos
Mmm undead Diana
Don't like the signature, but fire works for my style, weaken doesn't really make sense on a light character with weaken on half of his abilities & same with shock when he can just press a button to get the same effect at any time.
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Jason is still the ballsiest addition to this game, I can't believe they added this serial killer next to kid characters
Joker is in the game, bro.
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When are we getting THIS taunt?
>What lore reason does Rick have for making a machine that turns people into baby Reindogs?
I always assumed the mini-Reindogs were just used as a placeholder until they could model some weird Rick & Morty-style mutant alien thing... No, apparently Rick just has a fuckin' Reindog gun for some bizarre reason. Upon further thought, why have struck enemies transform into anything at all? When Rick goes through the cloud, he grows giant. Why not just have the struck enemies shrink to a helpless tiny size (and prevent them from using moves)? Why turn them into Reindog?
One second before EoS
Even as someone who got used to Solid Snake being able to put Mario in a chokehold Jason's addition was still insane. Hopefully his frenemy Freddy comes along for the ride.
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yeah but he's a composite of various other PG versions, they couldn't even give him his heath ledger or joaquin phoenix look (yet)
WB will add Jason and Clockwork Orange to their crossovers but still censor Pepe
>-19 RP for losing to a diamond and a master
fuck this retarded ass fucking game holy shit
Iirc the gun was originally going to turn enemies into little chronenberg monsters like that one episode, but either it was too morbid and would bump up the game's rating or maybe they were having issues making a good looking model for it. I do wish they could have been a little bit less lazy about it though. Giving all characters their own "kirby hat" version of themselves as Reindog puppies would have been kino.
Wish we had a mode where 3 players fight against a giant Jason Voorhees.
That sounds silly. Who'd want to play a silly mode like that? What's next? Snowball fights?
where's everyone going? bingo?
and now i just got 25 RP for winning against a team of golds with a gold partner
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Why doesn't Jason have his uppercut from Jason take manhattan, that would've been cool
It may sound silly, but I never actually played that mode because I thought that teams was already silly enough as it was. I guess I just want Dead By Daylight, but good.
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So where’s this supposed to be at
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Well, I fucking did it, bros. Chalk up another JasonCHAD into the /mvsg/ Hall of Masters. I've come a long way from getting hardstuck in Platinum III last season after starting pretty late, despite a 58% WR.
I think I'll be getting other characters I like into Gold and then leaving it at that. Don't really care about Grandmaster or getting above Master V. I don't think I'm going to bother with the climb ever again, honestly. Once feels like enough, and I doubt this game is going to have the player base to sustain climbing in solo queue without constantly facing Discord Grandmaster parties by the time this season ends anyway. I already proved I could do it.
I think this game makes people more tilted than smash. I just had a batman spam the salt emote while he was losing, then had a Superman fly off the stage, presumably because I wasn't blindly walking into his silly back and forth thing
another section of the Gremlins theater
Scrappy Doo boss when?
How high were the people who wrote this movie?
You know how far away Voyager is from Earth?
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Got bored. Here's how many people are in Master in 2v2 for each character.
Looks like it was made specifically for the trailer, like the corridors from the Agent Smith trailer. They did recycle some of these assets for the Warner Lot and Gremlins stage though.
they really fucking murdered joker huh
didnt he used to be the highest
Nakat will look at this and say 'Hmmm Wonder Woman needs to be buffed nuhuuuuh'
why is bugs bunny that high
Im on this list.
fraudulent retard-proof character that kills you at 80
>only friend who plays this shit is a rick main
>can't play bugs because if i use down special once all his shit flies off the map
le sigh
Because the character is ignorant garbage who's bullshit is constantly downplayed to hell and back.
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>Only 1 Master Beetlejuice in the game
Looks like it's up to me to make it 2.
Can someone please murder all Jack players?
There's 3. You can be #4.
I love how different the sandworms in the cartoon look from the movie. Movie was worm-in-a-worm, cartoon it's just a four-eyed worm.
Trying too but I can't figure out how to carry with his terrible hitboxes and framedata.
Samurai Jab back to the Jab
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First Taz now Jason, I guess I'll try getting Bugs or Superman to master now.
Imagine a Samurai Jack main being stuck in a shit silo and needing to eat all the shit to live.
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Settling for 4 also works for me since I'm definitely not going to work past Master V.

There's plenty of little changes in the show that make it neat on its own. Like the dad not being a sick fuck, for starters.

If you're fighting someone annoying then you can do jab jab down attack over and over for an infinite across the stage. That's one good combo to burn through some of an enemy's early damage. But yeah, BJ does kinda rely on having a teammate that's not an idiot half the time.
Getting the first jab is the issue. The top tiers just have better ones and they also have huge retarded hitboxes they are throwing out 24/7.
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I am currently a top 50 2v2 Arya in Plat 1.
Batmains are sharty bastards
professor's head is coming out of the bathroom wall
he's had nerfs almost every single patch since beta you retard

at this point just fucking get good, nobody fucking downplays bugs either that's harley and ww mains
It was directed by James Gunn. It was already twisted as hell before the final shoot.
>carried shitter cope
i play reindog
get fucked
I think I hate banana guard the most.
>he's had nerfs almost every single patch since beta
Wow cool, and he is still fundamentally retarded. Funny how that works.
mama said there'd be days like this...
Jesus Christ. I'm playing FFA right now and I got matched up with Powerpuff Girls, Beach Ready Garnet, and Matrix Code Jason. Next match: Powerpuff Girls, Beach Ready Garnet, and Matrix Code Jason. Same players. After that: Powerpuff Girls and Matrix Code Jason. Same players. After THAT: The same Powerpuff Girls player, but now as Samurai Jack. Apparently there are only like eight people playing the game at the moment.
Dead game
It's 4 AM in the morning, why on earth are you playing this game?
inb4 "because I've lost control of my life"
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Yeah I'm really feeling the dwindling numbers too. Ranked is pretty bad too, getting matched against gold players while you're diamond... eugh.
braindead characters are often very powerful in 2v2 where you can't just focus on avoiding their stupid, easily avoidable hard hitting shit
it's why characters like shaggy and jack excel, plus anyone who can fill the screen with shit like tom and jerry, bugs or lebron

jack's is hard hitting AND harder to avoid than shaggy's, plus he's a sword character in a platform fighter so he wins all trades with disjoints, this is why there's so many masters, if banana guard had more obnoxious moves aside his side special he'd be up there too but that's really the only big one he's got
I don't think I can complain about Jack at all at this point, he's not THAT bad compared to the banana's lingering hitboxes.
Shaggies can get pretty irritating, but those are the ones that are playing smart and looking for the right opportunity to side-special, I can't get THAT mad at shaggies... But banana guards are just SO irritating, the VOICE doesn't help...

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