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Dracthyr are cute edition

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Previous: >>495715656
Liquid sisters, its... over for us.
They are surely going to simplify crafting next expansion right?
Casuals are constantly complaining on reddit and forums and here even that the crafting is too complex and complicated, that they can't/don't want to figure it out.
Meanwhile the powerusers are cranking out concentration alts to pump out r3 flasks etc like factories. Realistically, the only way to fix this sort of thing is by having BoP materials like Blood of Sargeras back in Legion.
>Max wipes them with his bad call
>doesn't just take the blame but calls them retards for listening to him
Haven't cared about RWF since Ensidia/Nihilum days. The current batch of raiders are massive faggots, chief obnoxious faggot is Maximum
didn't ask
>Offer to tank a +8 Waterworks delve
>Immediately upon entering "tank take candle"
I left immediately. Fuck are these retards thinking? I'm not busy enough running around picking up mobs, but I also have to hold their hands placing a fucking candle? No. Never.
Enjoy the search for a new tank for the next two hours, cunts.
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Death to every Assa rogue in my lobbies
Death to them all
Echo waking up soon and killing the boss in 30 pulls. Liquit shitting themselves and method pulling ahead. World 3rd humiliation ritual.
>vault says to complete a tier 2 delve or higher to upgrade the slot
>did a tier 8 and it didnt change
what am I missing here bros
>grouping for delves
That mouth just don't quit, do it, boy?
I might even have time for a quick shit
*pulls down my pants*
missing out on potential mythic spymasters is going to break max's brain
chuds when people are having fun
To help out the people who couldn't find a tank. I've done what I need for the week and I'm bored. But not _that_ bored.
>fantasizes about pissing into a young boys mouth
very suss but still
didn't ask
>doing delves in a group
>being dumb about picking up a candle
>thinking you need to "place" the candle anywhere
>thinking it'll take them 2 hours to go on without you
This post just makes you look like a massive retard, just so you know.
they then instantly got a new tank that didn’t complain like a baby
They're still searching as the group is still up in group finder :D
You absolutely place the fucking candle on the ground, retard cunts. That way it doesn't drain as you're moving while fighting. Jesus, you people really are dumber than a bag of hammers.
if its one of the later vault slots its probably still counting the weekly quests n things like that, its a shame that it does not display it like how it does with raiding and m+ showing what you have actually done and what is counting towards the slot completion
They're so damn close. Really wish they'd kill the boss tonight but idk if it's gonna happen. That boss is nutty.
dude folded as soon as the prospect of being the main character came up, you were NEVER a tankchad like us
>You absolutely place the fucking candle on the ground, retard cunts. That way it doesn't drain as you're moving while fighting.
If you're shit at the game, sure. I've never dropped i just run around with it, who cares? You have to actually play like shit to run out fuel and even if you do run out of fuel it doesn't do much you can just run to the next candle buddy, it's really not hard.
No problem for me. I solo this shit anyway.
You are despised everywhere you go. Everyone hates you but not everyone is disagreeable enough to tell you retards to fuck off. You narcissistic attention whores are cunts who take advabtage of the fact that people are too nice or too tired to push back when you shit up people's threads
one of the problems with the totem/candle places in a group is that one retard always picks it up off where you placed it and has no idea how to set it down again EVERYTIME and then you have to deal with a down syndrome spazmatoid shuffler or DH carrying the torch
*plops a piping hot turd right down your throat*
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>ghost wolf
>doesn't provide stealth
chat my poop smells like burnt wood
how turbo fucked am i?
Is it too complex? Maybe alchemy from what I've seen and heard. Personal experience and from the idea of a self-efficient player with a cadre of alts; crafting on it's own feels too tedious or not practical unless you only do crafting. I shouldn't have to care about what melee weapon I make beyond it being 1h vs 2handed. Especially when there's no actual benefit in the end result beyond look. The singular embellished dagger's an afterthought. Before getting to that I gotta be sure I set up the fancy forge right.
Enchanting's lack of cheap enchant alternatives is where the lack of practicality, though that will likely be patched later.

I get that I'm likely a minority since I'm not dedicated to crafting but I like being able to have the option to outfit alts with endgame 'starter' gear if I want. I shouldn't have to start thinking about being a profession baron when it comes to that goal.
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shak is hilarious and im tired of pretending hes not
Cute troll. What weapon is that?
emphasis on the ghost, not the wolf
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I haven't logged in a week.
>it's over
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Let me guess, you're still mining and herbing? *pffffh* *scoffs*
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>new tednie post in 7 days
>STILL no preview
what the deuce? this is the latest we've ever not had a preview.
This is why your dad took your money away
It's gotta be something good right? It's October
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post gold per hour stats
*didn't asks in you're path*
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>Queue pops
>One person declines
>Queue pops
>One person declines
>Queue pops
>One person declines
>Queue pops
>One person declines
Hey faggot quit trying to snipe the queue with your cringe booster
>China came back
>Trading Posts became shitty

Another proof of Blizzard only caring about money. The moment they got sweet cash from chinks they deemed fun stuff made for player useless.
>look mom I got lucky with b2b2b null stones
doesnt count
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>dad yells at me when I'm 16
>says I'm falling behind developmentally from playing wow
>tell him i got autism and have no chance anyway
>"every awkward moment you hide from now is gonna come back to bite you tenfold. it's cute now. those girls love you. your friends will stick up for you. it won't be that way when you're a 30, 40 year old balding man, with no career or family. they won't feel sorry for you then. they'll have their own kids to take care of. learn from them while you can."
>stops my allowance
>stupid dad died of a heart attack 3 years ago
>I turned 30 a month ago
>still not balding
I won the argument.
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didnt even buy TWW after the early access scam
is that seriously a thing? LMAO
the 136k an hour defo got lucky with nullstones
80k wasnt luck though, that was actually bad RNG on the stones anon
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Worship the light.
>have to talk to a npc so that my character isn't wearing a stupid ass chefs hat whenever I log in
why is this even a thing
Yeah it's seriously a thing, has been for all of solo shuffle
They do it in League of Legends ranked matches too, extremely fucking cringe
's paws*
my lifes a mess but at least im topping charts in pugs
>level 5 chars
>realize i only want to play 1
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hope you're edging for edgy, jack
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>it won't be that way when you're a 30, 40 year old balding man, with no career or family. they won't feel sorry for you then.
I have prepared all my life to live as that person. Except the balding part and the career part. Families are not worth it anymore.
The only way to play. I'm hankering for the weapons. My dk needs a good axe or scythe that has an actual blade.
this is the way
I genuinely might not bother with m+ and raiding this xpac. My warlock outgeared normal raid in 2 weeks by doing delves. Decided to do normal raid and I was bored to death within 1 hour, with the same mechanics, same retards and same "honk honk run away little girl" addons carrying me without thinking. I'm starting to become a profession goblin and an altoholic like a good boomer that I am.
bring back extended stats on the character sheet you fuckers
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What level is your annoying dwarf that won't shut the hell up?
So sargeras wants to fuck azeroth, right?
no. im too retarded to read them, therefore they should be hidden from you.
28. I was gonna use alts to blast him up til anon pointed out dwarven medicine does a stacking HoT, since I took note of that and started using the extra potion throw relic I figured he can't really be any more useful than rapidly healing me to full
Try him as DPS. Even post-nerf he's stupidly strong - especially his execute ability.
I just found out cause of an anon yesterday that the KSH gleaming stone reward isn't even fucking seasonal, they actually let you cheese it by still killing the mythic boss any time you want.
Now i have actually have no fucking reason to even bother with M+. I really have no reason to play lmao. With delves i can just play like a casual and sweep the raids on mythic in Midnight and miss out on nothing.
>every single gnome city goes to shit
>the goblin's capital is a hustling and bustling metropolitic paradise where various goblin factions live together in peace and harmony
The problem is that the rework in DF really put the emphasis on "exploit early, exploit often". There were people who got shitload of free knowledge points (like 60+) and many never get punished. This perma sets you behind for the rest of the expansion, as people with more kp can undercut you by 10% and still make profit while you won't go even. Only way to make gold if you didn't exploit or you simply started few weeks later is through concentration builds, but these require dozens of alts to be profitable long term. All in all it's a shitty situation.
It's the sex
It's the distribution of power. 1 psycho goblin can't take over everything and force everyone to wear robo-diapers

Also, goblins are just better
>searching for a tank
>for delves
>T8 delve at that
lmao are you retarded?
NA fucking won
>Also, goblins are just better
yeah, but gelbin mogs any individual goblin hard even if the rest of his race are a giant joke
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8:30 AM on a weekday and this is the norm. Are you retarded? lmao fr fr bussin on god bet
Zoomer cunt
No. Sargeras the eternal seether didn't like how powerful Azeroth could potentially be. What with not being purely titan on top of a solid foundation the Void mixed in. He's also a fatalistic defeatist that thinks the universe should end to stop the void cause, we'll, they can't win if everyone's dead and there's nothing to corrupt
>the best gnome's name is suspiciously similiar to "goblin"
Should I loremaster shadowlands before I buy and start TWW?

I made a new DH and already completed legion, BFA, and DF.
It's a simple solution really. Make knowledge points farmable through crafting, like having 10% chance to get kp per craft and hard cap them like 20 per week or something, make the cap retrospective like with crests in pve so person that joined 4 weeks late can get 80 kp from crafting, problem solved, now everyone who wants to spend time on professions can make profit (impossible right now even if you spend 12 hours a day for the rest of expansion, you are perma behind in comparison to day 1 players)
>robo diaper himself
>mogging anyone
Sassy Hardwrench beats him without trying.
And the sex giving them another outlet.
Which Warcraft character needs to become pregnant the most?
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Why? Outside of accessing the place for transmog stuff you're not missing anything that DF didn't cover.
>>robo diaper himself
he doesn't have a robo diaper, he is literally iron man
he is also the sole surviving Alliance of Lordaeron leader still in charge of his race
>look at all these other retards
>this proves that I am not retarded for doing what they are doing
Still a gn*me, though
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max is already fucking losing it

liquit always choking
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Weakest fucking bait ever, nigger retard. I solo all delves and just wanted to help out because I'm bored with nothing else to do before the reset.
I swear people like you must be mentally retarded with a reading comprehension that low.
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Alexstrasza, Mayla, Tess, Azshara, Jaina and Thalyssra.
Lovely picture that's going into the collection
I'm... 70% sure there's prof catch-up available this xpac. +1 knowledge drops that continue dropping if you're not at the current cap that week. at least I've seen them for mining herbing enchanting. those were the bugged items which were dropping for everyone at a high rate for ~5 hours and were not rolled back.
>start playing wow
>veteran retards recommend installing millions of addons for new players
>veteran players keep telling to stick to some retard spec from wowhead
>do own build and dominate in pvp and pve without addons
Why are mmorpg players so retarded? They cant handle somebody having fun?
You ever think gnomes look at goblin women and feel jealous?
>turned himself into a toilet
Wew, he should've died
the player character
Dirt farmers in DF never got rolled back and there was never any profession catchups there.
So don't hold your breath.
>wants to help
>bitches out because he has to carry a candle
>calls others mentally retarded
sure buddy
>thinks the universe should end to stop the void cause, we'll, they can't win if everyone's dead and there's nothing to corrupt
this will be retconned in the last titan and turn out to be titan propaganda
So Max is literally just a human DBM? whats the point if they've got weak auras and DBM can't they just have that shit TTS it to them
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>left right left right blue red blue right red left blue left right blue red middle give them room left right rotate
Holy FUCK what is this boss lmfao. Liquid actually had to pause dps some too in their last pull. I really hope they can get it dead but it's already almost 3am.
I want to tank, not carry your fucking candle. Do it yourself, DPS slacker.
>Gnome men
>Gnome women
No, especially since they can join
why havent they kicked him then, chud
It doesn't have to be propaganda considering the typical Titan response to deviation is scorched earth nine times out of ten.
>with a down syndrome spazmatoid shuffler or DH carrying the torch
why did you repeat yourself?
>acklshually i just wanted to help other people out cause i'm bored
>that's why i left the group immediately when they wanted me to help them
Yeah nah i think you're just retarded and shit at the game. Imagine being a tank and being scared of the candle going out LOL.
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Kneel to the King of the Gnomes.
Its a lot easier for some classes than others.
Rogue's can't vanish unless you want to reset encounters.
there's catchup but it's not full catchup. pretty sure for gathering profs you can only catchup the 8 or 9 for herby KPs you get from treasures. but you can't get the KP you lose from not doing treatises or the weekly quest.
>You should totally go above and beyond helping literal random retards in the group finder because.. Well.. Just because, OK?
..and people like you wonder why it's difficult to find tanks lol. Dealing with subhuman scum like you is why no one bothers.
Man NA /wowg/ is a fucking shitheap of avatarfagging gigatroons
is there a meaningful difference between a staff and 1h/oh when it comes to pvp gear?
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You can change the color of your underwear on Draenei?
*kneels on his neck*
>worship me and cater to my every whim mere mortals for I have decended to help you
shouldn't you be in Kindergarten?
Tomboys all desperately want babies.
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>mythic 4
>You should totally go above and beyond helping literal random retards in the group finder because.. Well.. Just because, OK?
No, you should do it because you just signed up for it you mega retard.
I don't wonder why it's difficult to find tanks at all cause i can solo my delves.
If you're playing a pure DPS class you are by definition a lazy cunt and should be treated as such.
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so true sis
>No, you should do it because you just signed up for it you mega retard.
No, I signed up to tank - not carry your fucking candle, DPS nigger. I'll never do it no matter how much you cry, whine and sob. What's the point? What do you hope to accomplish by being a pissy little nigger on here? I will _never_ do it.
Never gonna do M+ unless my life depends on it. I raid with the guild, I delve solo. Anything else can fuck off and die for all I care.
>No, I signed up to tank
Hmmm didn't you make a post a bit ago saying how you wanted to help people cause you were bored or something? Hold on let me check, oh yeah here it is >>495758061

So why did you sperg out when push came to shove?
the only one crying and sobbing is you. how do you even do those delves solo if you refuse to touch the candle? Or is it that doing the candle mechanic is literally braindead easy and you only bitch and moan because... why actually? Retardation?
I have a 300 IQ idea. We should have another faction war expansion, except this time there's no reason or story for the faction war. It's just war for the sake of it. It'll be such a good expansion, perhaps even the best ever expansion, it will make Azeroth great again.
only man has the wisdom and clarity to embrace violence for its own sake
Help people tanking. Not carrying a candle. We're going around in circle, so we're done here. Learn to read, you literal nigger cunt.
>no u
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I hope she continues to do good with her fame.

>liquid wiping early af still.
They just need to go to bed.
spazmatoidism is prevalent in other classes like warriors or rogues too, a friend of mine who played arms used to shuffle left to right on raid bosses when it was standing still
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quit slapfighting and answer me
>wiping early
they just had a pull that went to the final overlap on pace to kill the boss
>no u
I mean literally read the entire exchange again. If you can, that is. All anyone has ever done is make fun of you for being a sperg.
Great idea, I'm liking it. Unfortunately, it'd fully confirm the Alliance as the bad guys and Marketing says that's a big no no. Load up another apocalypse, maybe something involving Loa or the drust so we can shove night elf druidism in there again to save money
Yeah of course we're going in circles, that's how your brain works. It's smooth and has a lot of dead brain cells so you dunt think no gud. Probably why you're scared of running around with a candle in an easy delve.
>with her fame
what fame? who is this? what does she do?
We really need unique IDs on here so I can filter faggots.
Are you fucking auto attacking? No there is none
You wouldn't filter them and just keep crying instead
Like usual
I know but idk, it's 3am. I get they REALLY want to kill this boss for the loot and desu if they get it, I think they get the WF kill on Queen.
If you dont want to read what you type, don't type it.
hey guys. what if...and this is crazy...but what if Light...was bad?
she hawk tuahs and spits on that thang
Homo bait never fails. You always have to respond to anything that calls you out.
It's a 3 hour maint so there's no reason not to stay up an extra hour or two to pull a boss they are very close to killing.
hmm, interesting, interesting.
But what if in the end Light loved us all along
why the fuck in the year 2024 do you have to find a stupid fucking cow NPC to talk to to hide the horrible ass profession gear
its tied to skin color, that DK undies, several races have then, humans have black and belfs have green too
modern civilization idolizes whores and degeneracy at every turn.
if anything it's shining a light on how fucked modern women are and younger men if they're astute can learn a great deal from it
Holy shit you might be right... This thing that has powered morally good characters for a millennia and has done nothing but benefit and help me does seem kind of sussy
>Heh well um actually I was baiting
Never fails
I'm liking it so far and Marketing likes it too. Unfortunately we got a corporate mandate that says Void can't come close to an established win so spin it as a victory for Undeath. In fact lemme help by breaking the glass on undead paladins
what does any of that mean?
They should have gone to bed bro....
you just know
Memeage. Don't worry about it, it'll be forgotten by winter. The avatarfag is just trying to be funny
Azeroth not being good would be an interesting twist.

course i think its xalatath trying to get us to free her when she's already corrupted or something
she spits on the penis to use it as lubrication (or it's some kind of thing she thinks is sexy??) while she's sucking it in her mouth
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Black temple be like
>get stunned by still air son!
Because there are no visuals for anything, it's so retarded
desperate pro-kamala media kikes tried to make her into an e-celeb literally because she said she doesnt like trump.

thats basically it theyre so desperate for traction or energy of any sort
staff generally has more stamina than 1h+oh
you should just look at what top players are taking on drustvar
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desu I think we will see the void in a positive light, but it's only going to be through Alleria (and maybe locus walker) using it for good like she had done so far
her entire since she has returned to modern warcraft has been the void... but LE GOOD
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WELP, I was wrong lmfao they just got it. Hell yea
but wouldnt sucking on it already apply saliva? why spit on it?
>if anything it's shining a light on how fucked modern women are and younger men if they're astute can learn a great deal from it
I have zoomer cousins and some even younger and it's fascinating how despite everything in media, education and just in the general world is trying so hard to push everyone into crazy unhinged liberalism, they have surprisingly conservative values. Young people aren't as stupid as we think
how does one shitskin with such a terrible ui become a god?
>I think we will see the void in a positive light
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well like i said, maybe she thinks its sexy? i dont know
Look at the schnoz
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Very good raid tuning thank you Ion
Looks like my heroic pugs
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damn, I was hoping the council boss was going to be a guild buckbreaker
dratcels how do we recover from this?
Well in the basest sense of tribalism: we have always sided with Azeroth cause she's our planet, bwo. It's why we tell Titans tobfuck off repeatedly, beat down Old Gods, and actually brroke the burning legion. Naaru being symbiotic little fucks won't probably ever get addressed since that's likely outside of the scope of their original concept.
In any case, I'm with you on the Xal theory. Mostly likely to speed up the potential corruption if Azeroth is awake in some manner. I imagine things would be more dire if Azeroth was already a void titan
It will be a buckbreaker
The good guilds make it look easy because they are good at mechanics
The average and even above average guilds will fall apart when their weakest link continues to fuck up their orbs over and over again
>Low IQ twitchnigger looks at pull count
>Complains the raid he has never done is too easy
>Blizzard listens and makes the next few raids impossible
It's happening again already
idc what she is as long as we can live on her still.
And it's gonna leak into other difficulties too and raid participation will take a nosedive, death to twitchretards
>too easy
no? Those middle bosses are way too fucking hard. Nobody else is killing that shit without a 20% nerf across the board.
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This nigga dogshit at the game
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i get banned for going on a paladin rant and dropping the gamer word but you guys are free to talk about /pol/ shit unhindered no problems, no questions asked
you guys are a bunch of faggots
if you report your a nigger
end of
World of warcraft
fuck you
good night
After seeing the entire fight Silken Court mythic looks outright impossible for 90% of mythic guilds in its current state though
the jump between bosses 3-4 and 5-6 is factually way too high
sik and rash should be 10-15% harder and brood and princess should be 30-40% easier
Sounds interesting. Also, did I miss something or shouldn't we try to prevent Azeroths awakening at all cost, regardless of if she's good or bad? Since that would literally rip open the planet and kill us all?
I goon to nelf pits
I got banned once for saying sneed
Report the /pol/ obsessed faggots, you child.
pick up the candle, holy boy
171 pulls is a good amount for a non last boss
you got banned on here for a racial slur??? unheard of
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I don't think it works like that, she will probably make the planet shine and then get out of it as cosmic cloud and semi materialize outside of it. Like Sargeras was part cosmic dust when he was humping Azeroth
If Liquid doesn't kill Ansurek first after killing everything else first will this be the biggest choke of all time?
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She needs knot correction
why does she have highmountain tattoos..?
how does that work
No you didn't miss that point about Azeroth becoming a titan is bad for life on the planet. Blizzard will probably think they're super clever by saying she'll wake up in a manner that isn't fel, void, or arcane allowing the life on Azeroth to continue existing. Which would lend itself to some kind of weird life-death mega spirit/loa. I'd liken it to Elune before the deity was ruined but even before Shadowlands they were pointing to Elune being adjacent to the loa
I'm currently delving on my shadow priest, am i having fun?
Doesn't work like that.
See Argus.
Are you? Sounds like you might be
>got to 4th zone
is that fucking Avatar? really?
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Wait a minute... human footman...
Oh my god
It was us! We were the feetfags all along!
rape by worgen
I mean Argus literally is broken in half
No, it will tuen out her awakening is going to end the world
final raid boss is azeroth , she awakens, the world ends,we kill her but the screen fades to black
WoW 2 coming soon
A worgen for every hole and sole
>and sole
when is he gonna ditch the argus armor
My mfw blizzard lets the players decide if they will let azeroth be born or not at the end of TLT. If we allow it then they will make wow 2 if not then we get more regular expansions
guys this game to hard i goin bad to suroundead
fuckin delves impossible +5 bullshit
In his pyre
Red-skinned gote Hunter
Human Hunter?
so in about 2 weeks?
>last boss already at 83% after 4 pulls
is the queen the new xavius
Please. I'd love for him to drop dead
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guys i got a new hat
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Reddit or MMOC?
I'm guessing MMOC desu
anon, he hasnt changed his armor in about a thousand years
I genuinely want a race where the final boss is 10 pulls.
It would be hilarious and hopefully kill this circle jerk event.
>turn off stream
>3 hours later
>turn it back on mid pull with the boss sub 5%
hmt should have been alliance
dark iron dwarves should have been horde
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can they remove this piece of garbage talent already
nice hat anon
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Why is P1 Queen on Heroic impossible for the average player?
>tfw i dont have any porn of my OCs
>put cap on it
>there, problem solved
They just don't give a shit.
Because you actually have to do mechanics. The average player is borderline legally retarded.
why don't they just cap it at the max number of dots a hunter can apply to a single target?
How would the high mountain be with the alliance?
hi im racist
I honest to god don't fucking know. I've must done more than 50 pulls. Yes I died to a poison glob once, but holy fucking shit it amazes me that people just can't time a jump or learn to walk where they should after literal hours.
theyre eons old allies of the night elves in val'sharah
hi racist, I'm dad
holy heck i love overlapping 10km raid wide aoe mechanics on a wheelchair class
Why is the average wow player a fat neckbeard with huge biceps.
imagine the sex
So their nelf allies. Why are the nelves with the alliance? Ultimately wouldn't work since the alliance kids don't find them fitting
there's literally nothing wrong with Faerin outside of her being black, ugly, crippled and using a fucking jousting lance in melee
P1 requires:

1. Pugs to understand to split into two groups
2. Be able to randomly be selected to split up the trampolines and place them right
3. Dodge shit while doing the two above

This requires an IQ of at least 80, far above the avg WoW player
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>do delve
>get item
How I'd fix it
>Combine the functionality of multi-shot and barbed shot
>fat neckbeard
food is tasty
>huge biceps
you grow strong from carrying shitters in m+
does 3star bismuth sell at all
>ugly manorc in trailer
>qt3.14 in game
what did blissard mean by this
Secretly trying to go bear mode bit realizing too late they don't have the build for it. Sunk cost fallacy on the beard
Could be worse.
>pic related
So whenever I'm playing with a guardian druid it's some fat and hairy guy?
>>qt3.14 in game
huh, didn't know worlo had graphical modding
Well I mean what do rwf raiders play as? They're every class pretty much
>abysmal shit
guardian druid is the designated fat furfag spec
whenever you are playing with anyone or solo
Considering graphical mods get posted here 24/7 I'm gonna have to tell you to return to reddit
is that trinket target capped or not? could be pretty good if it isnt
It's just really weird because they don't look like the stereotypical onions gamers.

Minus the fat part because I lost weight.
>tfw have the build for bear mode, 6ft, 270, broad shoulders, hairy
>tfw like girls, traps, femboys
>tfw hate working out and too socially awkward and defensive from years of drunk dad abuse to follow through
I got it earlier on my prot warrior and used it in some mythics.
It doesn't seem to be, but the damage could still be a little better.
But I guess its only a 1min CD, so maybe its a balance...
Every time I see someone call others "kid" it's either some retarded brown teenager or a retarded brown "adult"
i wonder if it scales with frost dk mastery, do any trinkets scale with mastery anymore?
Why are Valorstones capped at 2k? Why do I need them to upgrade if I already need crests? Why do I need them to upgrade items to my current max ilvl in that slot?
There are so many design decisions around that stuff I don't understand.

>Minus the fat part because I lost weight.
Unironically good for you anon, I am proud of you and I wish I had the willpower to do the same.
>Only other kids & browns use this super generic insult
I ignore gooners as they're subhumans not worthy of attention
I guess they wanted to prevent players from hoarding them.
But from past experience the cap will be upped eventually.

As for the weight loss part it's all about replacing carbs with protein and working out+cardio.
and if someone else took care of the candle you'd piss and moan about them not putting it where you want or them "forcing you" or dictating where and how you tank
>offer to tank
oh, you're just a dpsissy who found the talent swap screen, not an actual tank
Most people are fucking retarded, this is also true for WoW
People fail a literal "don't step on that" mechanic again and again
>they're subhumans not worthy of attention
That's how I feel about "people" who post these new oomer/ooner buzzwords
>do trinkets scale
member when disc priest could heal through trinket damage
member tomb of sargeras owl trinket
i member
EUbros..... i think we lost this one.....
>wake up
>liquid killed the council
people were hyping up this boss so much too
so queen is going to die by sunday pretty sure
And people who use "dog" as an insult tend to be russians or some flavor of arab, your point?
Different groups favor different insults you dumbass
China will avenge us
Also didn't the US have a full 24 hours headstart?
Post your char and logs.
>by sunday
She'll probably die tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.
East Asians use dog as an insult frequently too
Point is so many different groups use it that such generalizations will be wrong most often than not
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>So I was right about World of Warcraft
the race will end in less than 24 hours
what a shitty tier fuck you ion
>Hopeful soloing Zekvir
>Scripe doing delves
Echo in shambles.
>people were hyping up this boss so much too
It was Max hyping it as a pre-excuse to losing
Who the fuck cares about world first?
max is cheating
my favorite part about delves is that i have to pull more than 500k hps as a dps class just to make it through the boss fights
cool reddit screenshot bro
>doing tak-rethan abyss
>"Zekvir has breached the Delve!"
>5 seconds later
>"Zekvir burrows into the ground and escapes!"
What the fuck was that? Did he spawn under the map or some shit?
sold a beledar mount for 50k, did I get scammed? should I have asked for more? I already have the mount but joined for the fun of it
Just press death strike every so often?
Why do RWF triggers the thread troons so much? Is it so upsetting that the general isn't purely troonposting, avatarfagging and p*nda posting?
There's 25k people watching the streams so that many.
Yes. Should've asked for 100k
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I had him spawn there and he feared me into the floor and I fell down to this blue abyss. I bubbled so I'd live. As I was being feared he died and his loot dropped down here with me.
Jeets and seamonkeys cause it's that time of day
This is my favorite argument
"If you don't want to eat my shit you must eat this other shit"
It portrays a sense of zero intelligence tribalism you rarely see in real life
damn, I've had back to back drops too
gonna keep joining groups if I happen to notice it's close to the time it spawns every day
my goldmaking schemes continue to bear fruit
making ~25k a day for 10 minutes work doing the Beast Fang on 8 characters
trying to get as much gold as possible, I dont even know what I'm gonna spend it all on :3
Were you able to escape?
echo nuthugger spotted
wow so you tell me the team with a 24h head start is about to win?
RWF is fucking retarded and cringe. avatarfags and coomer posting is also retarded and cringe.
Your post is retarded and cringe for insinuating that i hate one thing and like another.
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>try to get a quick vault m0 in before reset on my alt
>both the hunter and spriest cant break 300k dps aoe
>hunter does less than 100k single target
I really want china to win just because they started like 3 days late
No. I tried to jump off the edge but got stuck and couldn't even log out. I had to alt f4 and use the website to move me to a graveyard.
You should want China to win because they'd get the bounty from Netease while the other teams gain nothing if they win
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It's 18 hours and by this point the headstart is negligible. Echo was arguably ahead when they logged off last night. Also, it's always been like this and EU has gotten world first like 90% of the time.
the bosses are too easy now every hour counts retard
why do you care
the players in echo started this event back during legion. if they had a problem with this they wouldn't have done so
>it's always been like this and EU has gotten world first like 90% of the time.
Honestly proves that US guilds are trash. Having such a big head start and fumbling the bag so many times is actually embarrassing.
Brann kept talking about "treasure" nearby in a certain place so I guess he was under the map, despawned and still dropped the horn.
Wow's engine not being able to cope with 3d movement strikes again I suppose.
DK or DH?
The stream gets embedded in a whole lot of places so it's not even that.
In general? Mechanically? For Fun?
Gen it again but with flat chest
not mine
All of them basically
I need to level a tank/dps hybrid just in case
I'll poomp one with you anon
>Molten Core remained undefeated for 154 days when it came out
>modern raids get cleared on the highest difficulty in a week, maybe two if it's 'hard'
This game actually used to be good.
DK wins on all fronts
DK. DH is boring as fuck, I don't understand how anyone enjoys it.
Thats too bad, slop draeneis are peak coom tho
Noted, I like DH for being a jumpy fuck, the mobility is hard to let go of when you stop playing it, but DK goes get to double flail now so...
I really hope they dont nerf frost, I much prefer hitting obliterate over unholys fuckery
I will when they make SMF good or add 2 handed flails, ones that arent monk exclusive anyway
I need double ball and chain warrior
everything about molten core was easier, but the game was not picked apart on ptu before releases, wasnt pre-gamed and didnt have a handbook so retard could read what every boss did.

it took 154 days because 40 people had to figure out everything by trial and error.

in classic, where mc was identical, it was cleared by level 58s wearing blues and greens. Because it was mechanically known

Blind prog vs solved game is the entire difference
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So I altf4 after doing an m+ and left for lunch
Came back and all weakauras are gone. On every fucking character
Any fix?
ngl I'm enjoying m+ even though people ragequit in low keys for some reason
Imagine a world where addons dont function and ptr doesnt exist
Just imagine the struggle
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lol, lmao
>where mc was identical
That's completely wrong. In classic players had access to massively stronger gear, spells, and talents than vanilla players did when MC came out. Like a warrior is doing 5x more damage on classic than vanilla. Also, MC was glitchy as fuck and not fixed for weeks.
yeah I wasnt even thinking about addons, since I use literally none for pve
If they ever were to make another WoW, without addons and without ptr, 90% of this games playerbase would keel over. They themselves have no idea just how hard it carries them.
And honestly the game has enough features like warnings and even the dungeon guide built in, there is no more need for addons, people just don't want to let go of their cheat tools.
True, which is why I don't understand why you guys fixate and bitch about addons so much.
While you are right to a degree, the warrior stuff has a whole lot to do with understanding how shit works now
People will bitch at Blizzard for mechanics bloat in raids lately, but they do it because all the top guilds use a million weakauras and addons to tell them when to do everything. They openly hate weakauras so they just make raiders life's miserable on purpose.
The game today is made so you don't really need it unless you're a raid lead who calls shit out.
Back then, bosses didn't have energy bar from which you could deduct big bad is gonna happen.
There also wasn't that bong that you got some important debuff you had to deal with, you just got "a" debuff or even worse, read some emote in chat with no sound cue.
Also nowadays, bad zones on the ground have clear edges, so you know where you can or cannot stand, back then you would get vague flame particles that most people wouldn't see on the account of low graphic settings.
You're not some kind of gigachad for not using them, the game is made to be played without them these days.

sovl...no one even knows the name of the bosses in this current raid
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dear blog i had good tw day
Liquid has a team of weakauras writers just for them, how based is that?
Doesn't firedup do all their weakauras?
>Had to bring back vanilla and WC2 bosses just so anyone knew who they were
Does Khadgar seriously have a gf now? Did the hags that populate this game revolt over it?
Because the addon brainrot has seeped deep enough that you will straight up not get invited to raid unless you install the addons they require of you.
if i managed to heal through a heroic necrotic wake just fine and even did some amount of dps as well will i be able to do m0 too?
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the only reason people leave low keys is being of raider io showing depletes
that is it
remove raider io and you remove leavers
it is that simple
>do 1mil+ overall and get friend requests if key goes well
>do 750k overall with hundreds of instances of cc that ensured the key succeeded but never get invited to next key
how do you decide which mode to play bros
Proof? Other than checking gearscore or raider.io score I've never seen pugs factor in any addon bullshit when deciding who to invite and I've played since vanilla.
>if addons didn't exist 90% of people would be filtered
>true which is why i don't understand why you guys complain
So you acknowledge the issue with addons but you don't see that as a problem?
If Blizzard had anyone with a brain they should have redone AQ as the first raid of this expansion
i wish hags played this game
tfw no older wow playing gf left out of society and has no friends
Naguura sisters??? xe did a >>>1<<< parse on negrotic wake...
They do, I got groomed by one when I was a teenager on WoW
if addons didnt exist, people would make out of game boss timers that warn you when mechanics are about to happen. that used to be your raid leaders job but it got automated by scripts because making timers is extremely easy. low effort version would be manually clicking a youtube video on pull, high effort version would be a voice chat bot that activates on pull

the only mechanic that needs an addon is when 5 identical circles appear around 5 random players and they need to split into 5 very specific locations in 2 seconds or else they blow up and wipe the raid. every time someone complains about a bullshit mechanic that requires addons, thats what they are complaining about. jailor pillars, nelth bombs, i havent paid attention this tier if theres another one of those but i assume theres at least 1
Imagine making a hag feel happy and loved...
I’m 79, doing the last zone. Outside of timewalking raid what else shoukd I do before reset? Trying to do delve at 8 seems much more doable in quest greens than anything else for decent weekly reward, right?
I'll admit some mechanics need to be adjusted, didnt devs admit a while ago that they design encoutners with addons in mind? that practice by itself is fucking terrible
Stuff like the pillars you mentioned need adequate timers to adjust for shit like that, 15 seconds to get to a specific spot seems perfectly reasonable
Why did they remove persnel loot?
I just did HC I still have a 590 neck, some faggot just got an item off every other boss for like 6+ items or something. I win nothing.
This is such a shit system, just fucking roll for everything lmao.
watching this and seeing people dip low 20 fps
I'm acknowledging the solution has been in the game already since Wrath via proper warnings.
>Bad player looks at DBM to figure out he should use a defensive
>Addons get banned
>Now the bad player looks at the in-game raid announcement to figure out if he should use a defensive
>He still dies in both scenarios btw
99% of players don't gain enough information from their addons for them to all get 'filtered'
Now when it comes to pvp minigames, 90% of players would get filtered if their automatic interrupt hacks were banned.
that's in the past
they're all locked down and married now
Imagine how grateful she would be to get your attention..
They started teasing Khadgar x Modera back in Legion
Professions are so confusing in this game? what the fuck?
And becasue I didn't play day 1 i'm forever behind due to a weekly system? there's no catchup?
what unfriendly bullshit is this?
yea tw raid gets you 1 champ and 1 hero +drops champ. then do as high a delve as you can even if you can get 8. also world boss +lfr wings for tier hunting
>personal loot: you roll on loot table, some chance to win items
>boss loot: items drop, you roll on drops for some chance to win items
difference being…?
>Do delve
>snuggle into hag tiddy afterwards
Need hag wife to mating press and cuddle
>99% of players don't gain enough information from their addons for them to all get 'filtered'
you are fucking deluded friendo
Addons are very helpful in raid and outright insane value in m+. Plater with a good setup alone lets you do keys several levels higher than you’d otherwise do
sounds like you are built to be a tank bvll
>personal loot
>kill a boss
>Get a mythic titanforged with socket staff
>It's a downgrade due to a combination of bad sub-stats and already having a strong off-hand
>Can't trade it to a guildie though because the ilvl is too high

>non-retarded loot
>Mythic titanforged with socket staff drops
>I pass on it and don't even think about the situation further
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My wtf folder is gone
All my weakauras are gone
I am nothing now
I don't even have any action bars
So its cheating then?
The difference being that they can't get multiple items off the same boss and won't win items off bosses multiple times in a row. Rolled loot is inexcusable in retail.
You need weakauras?
>Firelands was more than 13 years ago
Jesus christ
Why does WoW porn obliterate me?
>Changing a cast bar to FRONTAL instead of Anub'anus Cleave literally carries players into clearing their very first +5
Try to knock out the zone weeklies as well for some last minute coffer keys and see if you can get carried through bountifuls.
is it cheating when you do a math exam with a calculator if the rules allow you to use a calculator?
just because you refuse to use the tools doesn't mean others are cheating, it just means you can't prepare for shit
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I thought it was just going to be more meme faggery like Dumass and Johnny Awesome, but the Orkus quest was actually good. Kinda wish I could have set down Kasha somewhere like Orkus wanted.
personal loot lets you change your loot spec and snag tank and healer trinkets without people cursing you out.
Nice, a little too off model tho
>personal loot
>clear the raid
>get 1 maybe 2 items
>keep them if i want them, offer them up to the raid if i don't

>retarded loot
>clear the raid
>i get nothing
>joe shmoe who pulled 10% of his own weight won two pieces of tier and a weapon
>a bunch of spics rolled on every item that dropped and tried to extort other players for gold
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*needs on everything*
not my problemo!
You're not guaranteed to get loot with personal, stupid post.
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So is it over for EU? I don't know how RWF usually goes but Liquid is a whole boss ahead now? Kinda crazy
>do 2s
>hag wife rages and then hatefucks you to let off steam
I'm not stopping until this is reality
True but the odds are low and it won't repeat infinitely. If i clear the raid on two different weeks with personal loot i'm going to get at least 1 item. I can clear the raid 3-4 weeks or more without personal loot and win 0 items.
You are using external tools to gain an advantage
>b-but bli-
Blizzard was dogshit at designing their own game and are actively rectifying that in recent expansions, they allowed it purely because it took the attention away from their incompetence
>all mobs color-coded so you always know what does what, no matter how busy the pull is
>all important casts show up clear as day
>all unimportant casts in the background
>timelines on boss abilities
>hidden "internal cooldown" tracked on important abilities and displayed next to a mob so you have straight up precognition (like being able to consistently interrupt 1s cast Fish Stick in that SL megadungeon despite there being 20 mobs in a pull)
>having clear display of dots on everything nearby (+ pandemic window for when to refresh) vs it being nigh-impossible on default frames
>can even go next level and add some annoying honks and the like that sweats do, for example when your super speshul mega important button is 2s away from coming off cooldown
if you think addons aren't INSANELY helpful for m+ then you simply haven't set up things right. for a good example of addon usage in raid - all you need to do is look at rwf, who fucking pay people to develop Good Shit for them, that's just how useful they are
t. sweaty
Ever since combined bag is default the only addon i use is details
sometimes none when i cant ve fucked to update
americans are just superior
>Stuff like the pillars you mentioned need adequate timers to adjust for shit like that, 15 seconds to get to a specific spot seems perfectly reasonable
the problem isnt the timer, its that the mechanics are identical. a boss will chuck 5 identical bombs at 5 random people. people dont use addons because they forget that "bomb 3 goes on the left side, bomb 5 goes right", they use addons because they cant tell which bomb is bomb 3 and which bomb is bomb 5 without using an addon
the solution is to use 5 unique bombs. the fire bomb goes left. the mana bomb goes right. the smoke bomb gets dispelled. the void bomb gets soaked. you wouldnt need an addon to assign you a task, youd know thats what youre supposed to do with that type of bomb

of course some people will still be too fucking stupid and need a sticky note on their screen reminding them what bomb goes where, but in theory you wouldnt NEED an addon if you had a brain
Is communicating on voice when doing dungeons cheating? This is an external tool that gives you a significant advantage.
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>echo abandoning 1 tank strat because they're too shit to do it
tell me why wouldn't I roll on literally everything I can in a raid, and then sell it for gold if I don't need it
>"b-be nice"
no, tell me what benefit is there to me. I killed the boss just the same as Shitter McWarlockGate who does tank dps
Nuh-uh, the game has built in voice communications that everyone surely definitely uses!
its really over is it
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>hag wife will never have a melty in your arms
>eventually goes quiet because she fell asleep and is now snoozing against your chest
Blizzard intentionally allows addons and can and do break addons or other external tools they deem as cheating, although bots are rampant, either because they can't detect them well enough or because they silently allow them for some reason
They intentionally expose functionality that addons need to function and are fully capable of hiding it when they want (private auras which cause addon-dependent retards to lose their shit)
Literally not being a piece of shit is the answer. It's simply about if you possesses a sense of honor or not.
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The game also has built-in API access explicitly made for addon developers
there is no benefit, the only thing stopping you from doing this is they sell for fuck all gold.
Oh I agree that they're helpful, but to act like good players wouldn't be able to remember the internal cooldown of a mob's spell cast after interrupting, or properly refresh dots without addons carrying them is sheer retardation
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This is your tank for the evening
how do tier peices work? is it by spec or is it by class? ; if I make a fire mage tier peice will it swap to frost if i swap to frost?
If they suddenly said that the game had all the features it needs and disables addons that require those exposed functions, the backlash would be cataclysmic, because by now people have formed parasitic bonds with their addons
>if I make a fire mage tier peice will it swap to frost if i swap to frost?
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>hag wife willl never let you freeuse her while she creates her next transmog
where did this narrative that addons are cheating come from
literally unironically because that is niggerkike behavior.
If you are fine with acting like a malicious antisocial shithead then go ahead. If you have a scrap of integrity, decency or honor then dont act like that.

If everyone acts like that things go completely to shit and become an endless squabble, yes if others act like that and you dont then you lose out on some gold, but you retain your integrity. Things are not shitty *because of you* you are simply caught up in it.

You cannot prevent things from being shitty but you have control over h ow you contribute.
if every tries to be decent then loot goes to the people who need it
Vault of the Incarnates Liquid killed everything first then Echo killed the last boss first. It's happened.
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If they suddenly said they're making the game worse solely for the sake of pandering to retards on social media I would indeed be angry
>one mob amongst twenty spawns a totem
>you can't even fucking find the thing in the swarm
>but you will certainly know that precisely 20 seconds later you need to target this mob and interrupt the 1sec cast
you're either retarded or disingenuous
if it was just a "git gud" question then the tryhards that play this game for 20 years wouldn't bother with addons
you sound like a console user or mac user
>infinite customization and options is...le bad!
>i want megacorporation to lock down everything!
>if you care about customizing your ui youre a gay nerd sweaty

i wish every game had addon and mod support
>having dbm/weakauras tell you what to do is customization
i just wish wow had ticket gms again
anons, why did they add constant full heals to the game for new players? what is this?
I refuse to play with addons because I actually want to play the game and not oversee addons playing for me, if you use addons, videogames arent for you.
Not all addons exist to improve someone's performance
Many are UI improvements, a lot are customizable to the player's specific needs
The only thing I'd say that addons give a big advantage with is seeing timers of mechanics so that you can prepare, but even then they're not absolutely necessary.
I have bigwigs and details but most of my other addons are more QoL stuff like "Chore Tracker" to have a list of all the weekly shit in the game because there's so much of it
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>boss has a distinctive voice line for each of his 3 important spells
>retards turn the sound off because "it's annoying" and instead listen to their generic "EDM FEMALE VOCALS MIX BEST OF AUGUST 2024" and rely on DBM bongs, honks, airhorns and Microsoft Sam.
>ro bot
zamn that is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!
posting reddit links should instantly permaban you
>doing yogg-saron 0 light 16 years ago
>in a pile of 20 mobs 3 players have to target 3 random mobs in the pile and taunt them away from the boss within 10 seconds or you wipe
was able to do it back then with minimum addons
git gud shitter
Also, modern totems glow and are gigantic, like the ones in the new brewery dungeon. Disingenuous indeed
cool thanks anon.
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>approach something on the minimap
>50 farm bots switching shard at once immediately make it phase out
if you do i'm taking away your White card and calling you a nigger
>enter dungeon with [retarded thing want to interrupt]
>/target [retarded thing i want to interrupt]
>/focus target
>/script SetRaidTarget("target", 8)
>wait until i see it casting
>/cast [@focus,exists,nodead] interrupt

or, instead of managing macros like that for every dungeon, you could just use an addon. its doable but tedious. rwf niggers would still have epic gamer macros for every dungeon
I can't hear the boss voice over DBM going DISPELL, CROWD CONTROL, AOE INCOMING, INTERRUPT
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>only +1 nw 7 when two dps did 1.4 billion overall with no wipes
>Europeans wake up
>They think spamming DBM sounds is peak humor
It's all so tiresome. Why are they so aggressively unfunny?
i remember seeing some tww beta vids with a person doing higher m+ and one of these fucking addon sounds was a gunshot and casing hitting the ground sound, are those sounds so common that you want to desensitize your self too it
at least it's not the same fucking ai slop over and over again
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>bad thing bad
>but what about this other bad thing
why can't we just good thing
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holyshit you really called me out.
yea I was listening to
at frist I was listening to the boss lines but now I don't bother. I guess I could turn up boss vocals some how and hear both.
I put that gunshot sound as a MSBT trigger when I hit a 1 mil+ crit
why don't pet taunts work in dungeons anymore?
m+ boss was at 7%, our tank died, i tried to get my pet to taunt to tank the boss for a couple of seconds to buy us more time to kill but he just ignored the pet completely, what gives?
>clean up ui and keybinds
>dps goes up by 70%

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Hey just wanna let you know if you play Evoker in PVP you actually should just be hanged in real life.
>Can't be slowed or rooted ever
>Cast while moving
>Infinite utility
>Either 1 shot nukes or giga healing
Yeah just be hanged irl by your neck until dead instead thanks
because hunters kept getting kicked it's better this way.
new players didnt know how to turn off pet taunts in leveling dungeons and people would get pissed off and kick them, so blizz disabled pet taunts in dungeons

im not joking
i guess bliz got enough complaints about huntards leaving taunt on
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holy fuck
What's the point of it being a neutral event if you can't buy the other factions drinks.
Lesser evil I wanna say. Not like there is anything good in this thread to begin with. Except maybe >>495770841
that post is very cool
well that's fucking annoying, god forbid I want to try and save a pull using my TAUNT button
fucking apes in irvine
thats a big guy
kauf kleines madchen, lauf
idk what the fuck is going on with this class
why is it allowed to be so fucking good in all types of content while also overloaded and overtuned
>m+ dungeon guides are all hours long videos with way too much information and all of the youtubers have disgusting awful accents that make it impossible to know what the fuck they're actually saying
>except for one guy who makes short 3 minute short boss only m+ guides
jesus christ
if i pull those shoulders off will he die
i now remember tanking that chromatic dragon boss with my pet in dragonsoul
It would be extremely painful
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>Queues become slow as fuck
>tfw no NEET healer to queue with
it's 11:40am
maybe in china, faggot
You from Retardistan or what?
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Stop trying to seduce the bartender you whore
Why do people say you should do 4 bountiful delves a day? It's impossible to get 4 keys every day.
>burger when foreigners don't speak english like a native speaker
You should do 8 8s a week for the vault, that's about it.
Unless your character is fresh, in which case you want to do as much as possible, which is 8 a day, because that is the maximum assuming you're online morning and evening.
Even if you do them with no keys you get brann exp and the delve exp/currency, crests, and you have a chance for zekvir spawns and maps for 610 loot.
should i try pugging broodtwister on heroic or is it a waste of time?
What about maps? Do I need keys to find maps?
And what if I use a map and then do a bountiful delve without a key: would I find the bonus chest at the end?
if you don't have keystone conqueror from AT LEAST legion/bfa then you're a newfag
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On the topic of Delves, does anyone want a last minute tank escort through T8's, bountiful or not?
I'm pretty much just gonna dick around until Shutdown otherwise.
No you don't need keys to find maps that's what i just said. You get them from regular chests and from zekvir spawns.
You can loot the heroic chest without a key they're free.
what about regular delves? are those worth doing?
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echo sisters...
What happened to Outlaw having to use Killing Spree to make some DPS in dungeons?
I actually got myself used to its bullshit animation but turns out nobody uses it anymore?
No unless you want to finish up some achievements.
>week 2 people already want aotc
it's over
Only to fill vault and achievements.
post em lads
casuals are doing delves so only degenerates are left in raiding/m+. the same happened with 3s after they added solo shuffle last expansion
Nerf warriors already I'm tired of losing to these 4 button class retards. Why do I have put in 100% more effort to do 75% of what a 75IQ warrior main does?
>Why can't I just grab someone in the woods and murder then, then steal whatever they have??? What benefit is that to me????
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Are you sure about that take?
anon, both arms and fury are kinda bad right now. if you're losing to them you're either playing an even worse class or you're just bad
>i lost to a warrior so i'm going to pretend it's a dumb zug zug button mash class
Haha i love this meme.
will you pick up the candle
I would like it but I'm EU.
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These are the only two that matter thoughever
If I need to.
Shame. Good luck to you.

Back in the day, putting down raid markers like in the base game has now led to guilds being banned on H Sindragosa. Bigwigs/DBM didn't exist. You had to learn the visuals, and timers on your own or develop your own way to time them. You didn't have anything like Hekili or other rotation helpers. You didn't really have anything that screamed at you to interrupt/cc/etc. or track the durations.

Things were really slimmed down.
I have my WTF folder backed on two external devices everytime I change something even minor
challenge mod doesn't count since it has the difficulty level of delves rofl
>boss has a distinctive voice line for each of his 3 important spells
>Xal's ascension line overrides it anyway so you can't depend on it
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>Fury Warriors have proven to be very strong in Nerub-ar Palace, thanks to 6 out of 8 encounters featuring repeated sets of additional targets. While Fury has always been a very competent multitarget damage dealer, the reintroduction of Bladestorm and unique Slayer hero bonuses to it have made Fury the undisputed king of burst AoE
>All of that multitarget potential is offset, however, as Fury continues to be one of the weakest single target damage dealers in the game. With the exception of Broodtwister Ovi'nax, single target damage is virtually always more conductive to actually ending an encounter, while multitarget damage checks are commonly overkilled as players gear up and power inflation creeps over the course of a season. Many raid groups could be easily fooled into thinking that because one Fury Warrior is very high on the meters in these fights means that two must be even better, though in truth, doubling up is largely wasted - splitting damage between them, overkilling the targets, and leaving the raid with two mediocre Warriors and very little single target damage between them, instead of one dedicated add blaster
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cope legionbab
holy cope
Clearly devs are salty that players hated their new pet class/race
>he actually thinks delves isn't just challenge mode 2.0
holy hell doods how do you even turn your computer on
Brownsissies, your response?
this but "progressive euphoric melodic liquid vocal trance mix 2012"
That it's correct? This has literally been the case for warrior for years now and precisely why freaks sperging out over warrior being "OP" were retarded and clueless.
what a cope
Lmao, just tried this and it's actually real. You just go to full health instead of dying
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Ah so now it's " freaks sperging out over warrior being "OP" were retarded and clueless", totally not brownshitters bragging about other pulling big numbers in a set environment.
Such cope only expected from the brown (shit) class LMAO
You can comb through the archives from the past few weeks and see it for yourself faggot.
this reply chain starts with a guy sperging out over warrior being op you retarded nigger
This but depressive atmospheric post black metal blackgaze dungeon synth ambient field recordings
>healed my first m0 as a holy paladin
>managed to pull through it with a few wipes
>constantly felt like i was badly in need of more and bigger healing spells because tank and dps kept getting chunked by mechanics and mobs
this is too hard...
>Such cope only expected from the brown (shit) class LMAO
Holy pld has big bursts tho???
Wings for giga throughput
toll/shock combos
prism with dawnlights
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see >>495775614
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Death Knight done
Warrior done
Paladin done
Monk done
Hunter done
Mage done
Rogue done
Priest done
Warlock done
Druid done

Shaman next
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Why do men think women fucking dogs is hot?
just finished leveling my abandoned priest for exactly this
how long does it usually take you to get 10 rbg wins?
so retarded that wins accross multiple characters of the same class dont count
You first, brownoid.
Every time, it was some brown faggot seething about paladins linking these logs as a proof lmao.
We don't. Only women think that.
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this is what my details tab looks like fwiw so i don't know if i'm doing anything wrong or if it's because i'm new
>Every time, it was some brown faggot seething about paladins linking these logs as a proof lmao.
yeah, there is one particular mindbroken retard who seethes about paladins every single thread
The quality of that mod says it all.
>how long does it usually take you to get 10 rbg wins?
Took me about 5 hours
The queues are ass for NA right now
You're on the defense, not me. Not my obligation to do your work for you. If you're too lazy then just shut the fuck up and sit down, know your place, bitch.

And yeah it's totally warriors that seethe about paladins not the other way around. Good thing you're not a paladin, right?
no one is buying tokens with real money
no one is resubbing
people are quitting 1 month in
m+ season start, players are down
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ok i scrolled through and i found a post
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>No trannys
>no coomers
>no bearded women
>no furrys
my valorstones are capped but i have no crests.
what can i do with them?
nothing its a retarded blizzard timegate
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>muh reddit online argument etiquette
Get fucked faggot lmao
I post here every morning and every time, some brown retard spergs about paladins posting pics of some unspecific logs, wouldn't be surprised if it was you.
There's no "excess valorstone exchange", it's just made that way to prevent you from hoarding them.
You could effectively do that with the wax, but they nerfed that to shit as well.
Not me, i don't recall seeing such a thing. I do often see paladins seething about warriors unprompted though. Much like how you seethed about warriors unprompted.
>install a MY game
>without prompting, my web browser now has a MY addon installed
Use beacon of virtue, that's how you pump out big burst heals.
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meanwhile I have 128 in herbalism skill and 613 finesse
you really need to go back to ifunny
how in the FUCK???
t. newfriend
when is this bitch going to rape anduin
You should read up how professions work.
Or at least read ingame tooltips.
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Wrong image
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i am ;w;
you wouldn't get it
I have 100+18, wearing three profession items (non tauren)
which spec did you max?
I have bountiful botany to max, luredrop to max now idk whatr to level
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>wake on
>echo losing to liquid & method

day improved
>Only 2 dps
And the third?
How about the healer and tank
It's a team effort not just two carries
good morning saar
nta but there's the blue prof accs, enchants both permanent and temporary and the phials
ofc that doesn't guarantee you will get 8 pieces and all of them 3* from every gather, you will still get shit loots like 1 piece of 1* quality sometimes.
you need to go back too
You can get the mage tower artifact appearances again?
Explain the appeal
>be fury
>have the worst tier set bonuses
>have the worst boss damage
>reveesfuryseventeen does 5M dps buffed by Augs and PI
>fury gets nerfed
>gets nerfed again
>starts getting declined from keys because of low dps and 0 utility

The 0.001% fucked everyone again
reminder that niggers like you bitching about cross character bullshit will kill this game. very soon everyone will have everything and nobody will have any reason to play
>0 hunters in the silken court groups
it's literally joever
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tankchads help me out here. in siege of boralus, how the hell do people pul that enforcer by himself? when i do it, it ends up chain aggroing the pack behind him. i can't ignore him either since some retard dps WILL pull it
good morning friend
busy getting gaped by they pets
what are these people trying to convince themselves of when they post this shit? its like they're miserable cunts their whole lives and now they're doing it on a weaving forum for a random video game. i can imagine this dude screaming and shitting his pants whenever his parents tried to do anything good for him.
anyone know where the special assignment is? none of my characters have it on the map
It's located in your bathroom, go take a shower stinky
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They don't
That's why women do it and not men
Azjkahet one sometimes bugs out so you need to do a WQ in the zone for it to appear.
What a shit opinion
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I shiggy diggy my niggy
it's not an opinion
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Nobody tell him.
Anyone wonder if the tauren female voice actress is fucking tired of having to do the same voice for years and years because for some reason the devs want a specific type of low female voice in so much of the modern content
Your eternal flame looks low and why no beacon of virtue?
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the doomtranny bot is fueled by cum.
But seriously, tww m+ numbers have increased drastically compared to DF first month, i remember it was like 2 million samples flat back in first month of DF and we're barely a WEEK in TWW and we're at more than double and a half of that.

This is "the worst m+ pool in the history" btw. There's also delves """cannibalizing""" m+ btw. WoW is so insanely back.
learn to read. the game fucking tells you. why would you ask some lying attentionfag for advice?
I see thank you, what about the specs?
>blue prof accs
whats this
>whats this
The blue BoP gear that costs 300 acuity a piece to craft (along with some regular mats)
you are telling me 5.3 million accounts, not toons, attempted M+?
>he doesn't play with voice and music volume at 0%
i bet you play in fullscreen too
Nah that's toons but vast majority of players don't have alts anyways or maze+ with them, i do but it's all professions only.
but i have beacon of virtue i don't know why it doesn't show up like that in details i'm sorry for being a garbage healer ughhhhhhhh
I'd say most have 2 at this point considering how alt friendly the game has become
so probably 3.5M or so people are pushing end game content, which is still cool
Why in the FUCK can't I sort my characters by server anymore? Fucking useless piece of shit
NTA but
>I'd say most have 2
remember the 50%.
the average wow player
probably 10% have 2 alts and 5% have 3 or more alts
Game is more alt friendly, but also it has delves now, which get you better gear for less effort.
>max is losing
>max is winning
>huh no one fucking cares about this slop go back to l*ddit
Echo jizz guzzlers are so weird
there is nothing wrong with doing the melee shuffle
casterkeks are just jealous
i love it. it makes traitor altfags upset

Go to sleep Max.
Please come collect your sperging retard. He started playing in this last month and has done nothing but transparently falseflag.

Best regards, /xivg/.
i know i just used to make fun of him for doing it and it was really noticeable if he had some kind of spell circle or target on him
your problem now
holy shit i fucked up with bismuth in ringing deeps
how are you hitting 130k? is that from null stones?
Why, you never come collect yours.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I am quitting my druid to play my monk instead because monks are more fun.
That's it. That's the post. Thanks for reading.
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>how long does it usually take you to get 10 rbg wins?
like 5 hours, DPS queues at low MMR at 5AM burger time is cancer
you can keep him
only if you completed the challenge during legion
echo is literally being beaten by a guild with female raiders now kek
gingi is going to kill himself
Echo falling apart.... it might be over echosisters...
Not my problem
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for fucks sake learn to read a fucking reply string you useless piece of shit. it's bullshit anyways the faggot clearly sold other shit. the best you can do is 50k in an hour and a half. the extra 30 minutes in pic related is me just being lazy
Besides the spergout two years ago those are almost universally just people who played or still play wow fucking with this place. This guy suddenly appeared during Euro hours at the same time someone who types exactly like them started playing and complaining.

Understandable. I will go back to gangstalking them.
You are wasting way too much energy on this lmao. Don't you have a game to play?
I've been milling all the herbs I've found, probably wasted at least 500k this past 2 weeks
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holy we're back...
>take dogshit alt into black temple because nothing else to do
>hero track weapon from bt quest
>ansurek ring from tw weekly quest
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>echo comms still muted

>Don't you have a game to play
Several. But I have been schizoing retards in these threads since WoD so it's a hobby at this point.
what are you trying to say? what is your point? spit it out retard
Each to there own I guess but I wouldn't wanna waste even a lick of brain energy on folks like that myself.
nice loot, i got the transmitter for my DK and some heroic level legs
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>Several. But I have been schizoing retards in these threads since WoD so it's a hobby at this point.
>Each to there own I guess but I wouldn't wanna waste even a lick of brain energy on folks like that myself.
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>queue as tank
>get invited
>they dont know im not actually going to pick up aggro or do mechanics and that im just here to skip the queue
Everyone does know because it's expected these days. You play like a nigger.
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You will never be a woman. Final Fantasy XIV is the world’s most popular MMO with over 30 million players AND is now the most popular MMO on Twitch. We have a 79% approval rating on Metacritic and had a 60% approval rating on Steam (that’s positive, so it’s a good thing). And you know why? Because we don’t have wokeism. Yep, that’s right. FFXIV is based and redpilled, unlike that woke trash WoW. Remember the fruit bowls? The breast milk? The Cosby suite? Exactly. FFXIV won and you lost.
This is what happens when they aren't allowed to cheat with their private aura solver addon exploit
Prove I'll never be a woman and suck my cock.
Enchanting is my primary profession so unfortunately I'll be DEing all these welfare epics thank you
I quit xiv because of the woke though
Not just maze+ but also raiding, raiding numbers are very similar to Legion if you compare heroic boss kills, which means they are literally double of first DF's month, and then again we're just 2 weeks in the raiding scene. Expect lots of deserved shilling videos at TWW's first monthiversary, it's bussin like crazy.
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why is xalatath's cgi face so good and unique and her in game model so slop yasss queen generic? typical blizzard
I would have played it if they didn't fumble femhroth but they did so it's a pass from me.
same...got a 610 zhar'doom staff so now I'm really considering the reroll, but I got guldan skull on my main which is also insanely good
They both look shit because they are elves
Probably the same reason every other cinematic character looks nothing like they do ingame, retard.
was DF's first raid puggable on heroic on literal day 1?
left bad
right coom
wowbros... we're so fucking back...
Let me guess, you are a mutilated amerimutt.
because blizzard can't help but pander to gooners?
>echo switching to max strats
I guess he was cooking after all....
xiv is less woke but has inifinitely more trannies than wow
I play both
Right looks like she is weak to kisses from human male warlocks
Not at all I just have a thing for orc ladies
Right is way cuter though. Left is definitely made by people who went out of their way to make her look masculine
So you do post here. Thanks for confirming it for me, retard. >>495781457

This is going in the data collection log. Keep posting. It makes my job easier.

if you think her face is maculine i can't imagine how fugly high estrogen you are you failmale
Yeah until kurog/dathea
Which is kind of the same as brood and princess now, and Emerald Nightmare was a joke of a raid in terms of difficulty, your point?
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Her facial structure is really masculine. You'd have to go out of your way to find a woman like that.
i can understand why you might say that seeing as for you going outside and touching grass is going out of your way
Oh, he's a League player, too! AND a gachafaggot! AND he played Apex!

You really caught a gem, wowg!
who cares she's hot as fuck in game and that's all that really matters
there are far more in game cutscenes than cgi ones anyway
the point of my question was to gather information, hope that helps
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Here's a screenshot which will illustrate my point even more
You faggots shit this general up for literal years and continue to shit up threads on /v/, you could eat razors for all I care
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not canon though
>best female villain they've had in a long time
>errrr akshually she's better when she looks like a flat faced nigger in game!
She's not really that hot ingame either, her tits are way too small for her to be hot
is this from the new raid?
>no cgi of her feet
Not interested until it's available for femworg
>Gets outed for shitting up another thread
>Starts shitting up /wowg/

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she kinda looks chinky but hey, it works and it worked like wonders. Xal'atath won.
the fag is most likely fishing for a ban with his weak ass bait and deadd trash game. though i don't get why, the absolute state of play is today, prime shitposting time on /v/
ok now i know you're actually retarded
what, you have no talent points left
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Still offering on NA for the last hour and a bit if anyone wants.
Anon, he's making the exact same type of post but about wow in /xivg/. He plays both and is just being a faggot.
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>the retarded asmongold viewer doesnt understand how lighting works
btw this is a man
Faceblind moron
Her closest real life race resemblance is caucasian of some sort, but most of all she just looks like a blood/void elf
Need mor big titty xal
imagine her milkers floating and wobbling like her hair whwn she levitates etc
i thought it was 1 point
good morning SAAR
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i'd pay hard cash to see them scissor
harronir are evolved quilboars
prove me wrong
they are NOT another faggy elf race
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>Fire this low despite the buffs
Finally my time to shine
I doubt the modern dev team even know what quilboar are.
She was clearly headcanoned by some people into having a male body in this and the spider cinematic.
I'm not an Asmongold viewer and Xal does not look like Olivia Wilde
I got clammy hands so I gotta keep drying them between delve pulls u_u
no, they're the link between trolls and night elves
you can give them tusks
You're a fucking retard and I'm done wasting time on you
Why is every single mage poster an absolute retard
>you can give them tusks
quilboar literally have tusks. do you even know what a quilboar is?
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Troll elf.
they are just angry echidna
she only looks kinda asian in this specific frame.
yea, the small, pig like people. harronir are way too tall to be related to that
yass, they're so incredibly black-coded. Can't wait for them to lecture us on how bad the titans are.
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>next zone will probably be all about these ugly retards doing gay druid shit
god kill me now
isnt it goblin kino? or the ethereal raid
i forgot
i would take these quilboar nignogs over generic elf race #32 any day
The fuck even is that thing on the left? Never seen that thing before.
>another generic elf race
>another generic troll race
ethereal raid is in midnight bro keep up
harronir. they've been in tww for a total of 2 quests. probably the next major patch is going to focus on them though.
i think they should put more details on her feet if the keep on focussing so much on them in cutscenes
I hope they drop harronir completely, I don't give a fuck about yet another nature aligned savage group that are always right and boring as shit
i'm a 125iq midwit
yes we can lol, mobs just switch aggro to bran
talking about this
Oh well I'm probably gonna skip all of that and only start reading quest texts again when I'm feeling extra fruity.
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quilboar race is BASED
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>you see, it was the system of oppression put in place by the Titans that forced our people to still be living in straw huts in the Barrens
>confront your own inherent bias, quillboar were kings and queens before the elves came and purplewashed our history
no and no amount of faggy fanart/coom shit will change the low hanging retarded crap.
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Night night wowgee
you're such a faggot, you only hate them because they're nigger coded (so are orcs and trolls btw)
cant wait to see it
My magnum opus, my crown jewel. This project, then I am done

... and then playing Dracthyr male and seeing what comes of that
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I'm white and i hate shitskins and shitskin like characters(Also you shitskin).
They are the mid evolution from trolls turning into night elves
>but then why do they have fur and quills?
Because the current art team is fucking retarded
i really don't know what i should do in wow? heroic groups wont accept me, +7 wont accept me, and I've got no idea how to pvp.
>I'm white
push your own key nigga
t. mage
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Correct. Cope all you want shitskin redditfrog poster.
how iss the game alt friendly? it takes so much fucking time and proffesions are worst of all
i actually didnt believe this but tried today and had like 20 applicants in 1min
it's not just the fur and quills, the vines and thorns motif and the same ears is way too big of a coincidence
>hope they drop harronir completely
Too bad cause they aren't getting dropped. They where supposed to have a 5th zone that got cut last minute, which means it's 100% gonna be the .1 patch zone. They also have all their playable race customization options already finished, only thing that's missing is racials.
>frogposter is nonwhite
checks out
i cant do a +8 right now. most groups i've tired it with just crumble apart and people rage quit within 5 mins. no i''ve got no idea why, i'm not the healer or the tank.
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>frogposter is a brownoid
No amount of seething and samefagging will make you white silly amerimutt
you will never have blue eyes
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Shut your monkey lips
post hand abdul
yea harronir are boring. I don't need another troll, elf, navi expy.
I bet you're a turk
china has killed the boss
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Le Batino..
awful DEI slop
god I hope metzen shitcanned this and we never see them again
looks sexy
>Concept gave them more prominent Elf ears in early stages.
God they're really are just going to be Proto Night Elves, shilled as something for the Troll fans when Troll fans don't want it.
Do I lose my item while it is put up in a recraft order or can I keep using it till the recraft is done?
need to breed
You lose them, but can cancel the order and it'll return to your mailbox immediately.
You lose it until the recraft is done. Go fish or something.
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Why would troll or elf fans like the idea of a "in-between" race.
I've only seen people hate this shit outside of the one retard replying to himself in this thread.
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>log into bank alt that was collecting dust
>check bank
>have a hundred of these
what the fuck was I smoking?
order resource caches
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fucking kek
Those things cost blood of sargeras right?
My BT rewards this timewalk were:

>Hero Crit/Haste cape
>Hero Rod of the Sun King
>Hero Haste/Vers Mail Gloves
>Hero Madness of the Betrayer
>Hero Crit/Haste Cape

Fuck Delves though. Fucking no maps total, and my main has been running 4x bountiful 8s per day.
>Harronir are designed by the Drac'thyr, Winter Queen, Incubus and Sethrak designer.
Explains so much
but the winter queen is hot af
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Being dead for the AOTC kill feels terrible but after progressing on it for hours and finally getting it, maybe it's not the worst.
Sethrak are kino
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>7 hours ago
Where is... you know... HIM?
You know it's actually ridiculous they released delves with brann as he is and was. Like the entire point and concept of delves is to be primarily solo content, right? It can be reasonably assumed healer brann is intended to be used be most dps specs in the game, and dps brann for most healer and tanks specs.
So these retards decided to release the first ever season and forray into delves with a fucking HUNTER THEMED CHARACTER with literally no direct healing abilities? Like the best concept of healing for a hunter character they could come up with was him throwing potions with a HoT at random places in the map at seemingly random times usually inconvenient? To say it wasn't tested would be an understatement, it's like they didn't even think about it when coming up with it. It's such a batshit retarded design that no number buffing could make it not shit.

Like next season they will probably do some paladin character that uses generic paladin spells that directly heal and they'll be 100x better just by default. Sometimes i forget this is a company with decades of experience in the industry.
>perfect performance all night
>fuckup and die on the actual kill
i cant afk fly in these shitty underground zones
I need a cinematic of CGI feet, tits and ass. And her sensual fingers touching something.
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You can't, they're linked. The r.io routes are fucking trash this week, they don't make any sense.
I do this: I take the first pack, tank everything on top of the bomber in the second pack. And then I chainpull the patrol (4) when it gets close.

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