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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Llama 3 Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>495559697

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s Elves & Nobles Friday! Results: >>495235590

>(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new text gen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5—trained on 18 trillion tokens—releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
(08/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
Erato has given me an interesting conumdrum. I've used the same prompts throughout Clio/Terpe/Krake/Kayra, but Erato is the first prompt where things either work REALLY WELL or don't work well. With the others, it was a nice marginal improvement, but Erato is so different.
NAI's true propriety 70b when? I have enough of this stopgap model.
After NAIv4, in two weeks.
My take so far is that Erato seems to be the Krake of Gen 2. People wanting an improvement may or may not find it depending on what they prompt or what their samplers are.
Llama 3 is pretty sensitive to samplers in general though, so I'll wait for a Prowriter or Cube preset first.
When Erato 1.1 releases next month
This thread was baked by a troll. Migrate to the real one:
Silly anon. Everyone knows CF would melt into salt before saving a NAI related image to his computer, much less use it as an OP!
>ai roguelike
It's the AI game of our time. Immune from the cuck AI Guidelines too.
The Gaben Fears the Max.
Erato writes breathtakingly beautiful dialogue (like no shit in that one area it blows any other model out of the water) but when it comes to anything else it's a noticeable downgrade from Kayra. At least that's what I've consistently seen on my end.
Erato for me also does group content extrenely well, remembers character quirks and details, and can handle more complex scenarios.
Good night
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>Dud, try hermes 405b, it's free
I didn't even attempt storytelling first wanting to check the beaks and not trusting the the openrouter yet.
>got this while clicking continue autocomplete
How can this be explained other than the models being inherently poisoned from the get go?
What settings are you all using for Erato? I'm not getting the same quality of description or dialogue that I did with Prowriter Kayra.
>llamaslop is real
I think it's clear that they're only working on imagegen and aetherroom, and they're just doing the bare minimum to keep textgen alive
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Good cornholin' thread! What are y'all writin' today?
Thread is here retard >>495753436
>AI Roguelike
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>every general suddenly has a schizo
crazy how that works
why are indians like this
Did Aini post full res for Erato's art? I want to make her tits smaller.
Yeah, check the last thread.
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That version doesn't have a harp though. It's also cut off in half and probably resized for 4chin.
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Why is she tilting to the right?
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*hands the thread a goba wife*
I just mess with the settings on the fly when I need to.
i haven't touched the erato settings at all. not even a pinch. just golden arrow and token picker, that's all i need
Can somebody genderswap her with imagegen? I want to see a rule 63 version of her.
I'm on golden arrow too, I tend to stick to one preset for a while, then mess with the settings, then move onto another preset. Mostly just to try it out and experiment.
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testing out formatshit
I miss when people would make NAI themes with unique font and embedded pictures.
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Here ya go, homie(sexual).
Based, thank you.
Why is it so blurry?
Why is he tilting to the side?
good to see the screenshots drying up
I miss my goblin wife
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Thanks for the idea, based god
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I can't believe the schizo won the Thread War.
>24 hours later
>Erato's hype is dead...
you are the one poisoning the hype
i think the phrase repetition is broken on erato, seems to really really want to stop the period token from getting generated which results in that word slop spam
i turned it from medium to off and it stopped for me
Erato is dry and uncreative.
prompt formats matter with instruct models and this is a clear sign that you are using an incorrect one
Newfag here, how much is 8k context size in non-AI measurements?
Like does the AI lose track of the overall story or details from early in the story after a few paragraphs?
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i didn't even notice this yesterday, they killed the cube! the cube memes were good. quick rundown on why they retired cfg?
Try with this online tokenizer
>WhErEs ThE hYpE?!?!
>WhErEs ThE sToRyPoStS!?!?
>Constant threadshitting since release
>llama slop 8k ism kekekekek
>can't even criticize anything about Erato due to the anti-schizo schizos losing their shit
Why bother? I posted a few yesterday, but there's literally no point engaging with the general at this point. The people here are not who they were a year ago or two years ago, and you're all a bunch of annoying faggots now.
>how much is 8k context size in non-AI measurements?
Roughly about 6,200 words
>I do not feel comfortable
AIs are such faggots.
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I prefer Kayra's stylistic outputs to Erato's, actually. The funniest output I got from Erato was the MC telling his jobless classmate to get an education after giving her a creampie. But I feel like Kayra is more creative, at least when it comes to the specific kind of outputs I like.
It is quite the predicament
>Shiver down spine
>I don't bite, unless you want me to.
>Heart, Body and Soul
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I just remembered that I did a few gens of humans with the furry model for the first time, so here's that and a goblin and a horse pic.
What are we supposed to do though? We can't control either of them.
8k tokens is about 6k words
according to a google search the average chapter in a book is around 2-4k words, so think of it as around 2 chapters. you have a good amount of memory there, but you have to keep track of things explicitly in memory or lorebooks if you're going beyond that
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Do I have to blacklist [ voice] [ barely] [ above] [ whisper] to use this new model?
It's omega slopped.
I don't understand this. Yes, it's slop, but just... fucking bias it out? It's going to be that way with a storytune because these are common phases that slop writers use.They're a dime a dozen.
coreweave fix your shit
They're a diamond dozen.
I'm gonna wait and see where the chips fall on Erato, I suck at getting what I want from NAI image gen so that isn't a big draw for me.
Fomo and boredom might get me though.
Also how do I stop using "though" in all my writing
Erato can write really fun dialogue, but put Kayra in a void and it will yap like you've never seen before. Erato can't do that. It's interesting to me that I might be switching back and forth between models to test out how each tackles the context.

Thank god for biases. Big workflow difference is that corpo models don't give access to biases. Mike make sloppah more tolerable.

Irregardless, you know what I mean.
>fucking bias it out?
The whole prose is slopped. Those are just indicators of it. You can’t bias against that.
>fucking bias it out
>he said, his vocal cords hardly moving, like ominous whispers
We've had "prose improver" imported bias cards since Euterpe. Actually maybe before that. So if someone makes it, maybe?
I seriously want a preset roulette feature.
How do you determine what's an important enough event to put into a lorebook midway through as your story develops? Should I just assume that if it's something I want to impact the story in the future and not just that scene it should go in?
erato is so much better at writing dialogue compared to ANY model i've tried but its also inferior to fucking Kayra in most everything else. guess it'll do well on AR...
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We just updated Zany Scribe, should be more close in performance to the description now. Will need reselection in dropdown on existing stories if you used that before
I still want that preset roulette feature.
me too bro, me too...
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>femdom isekai slop on 70b
i am free
Would fuck his ass.
I don't know who said this but this vile outlook on life really speaks volumes about the person who said it.
>Generation timed out
What the fuck am I even paying for?
Out of curiosity, is the team aware of some of the issues and reception Erato has been getting?
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Nah, he's not wrong. This place has been fucked for the past decade. Only a small handful of niche threads can still have discussion without """4chan culture""" shitting it up.
Decided to do a side by side.
For reference on this half assed test and it intentions
I use AI to help write lore for my Warhammer and other table top shit I do.
The disciples of destruction are an official Warhammer faction, but have zero meaningful lore. Like actual zero one drawing of them exist in a book from the 2000s so neither model should know anything about them really.
The desired result is to get the best lore blurbs that could be taken/easily molded into something I could use for my own storytelling
3 continuations and zero rerolls for each model.
All settings are default

Results: Kayra literally gave up and started describing a unrelated faction from Warhammer fantasy instead of 40K like a page of game stats
Erato didn’t exactly floor me, but understood I wanted a chaos space marine warband, mentioned official lore, came up with some cool scraps and only by the 3rd input went off topic to talk about Tzeentch which I assume it probably would have went down a rabbit hole on if zero wrangling occurred
>We just updated Zany Scribe
This won't save the shitshow NAI is.
silver linings.

that said use sages template, makes a big difference.
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i'm having fun with erato
Apologize to sage NOW
Check back. These may help.

I don't know if it's just me but I'm getting what I want from Erato. It takes far less wrangling than Kayra the same way Kayra took less wrangling than Clio and Krake.
They need to implement that into the new story UI, they need to force users to go through that. It's like a completely different model.
skill issue really
>Sage unironically saved the hobby
Or, if nothing else, NAI should implement a 'set as default prompt', so you can have it all set up when you press New Story.
But yeah, UI equivalents for ATTG (a la HoloAI) and lorebook default changes are ideal.
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I'll be pouring one out for my boy, he carried Kayra on his back like a G
Just got out of cryostasis. Where's HoloAI's website now? writeholo.com is dead for me
Porting shit from the dicksword

True Smoothing
>Creative config preset that just works. Unleash the advanced lexical capabilities of Erato.

Fresh Coffee (Erato)


>A preset designed to allow for varied generations while they can be varied. Steers a story through well without running into problems with repetition.

>Polygonia uses TFS > United only. It is designed in a similar way to previous official presets, such as Stelenes, Iris and Monarch. Polygonia is not meant to be used for high-consistency writing and extensive use of pre-existing data. Instead, Polygonia aims to provide a vast token pool while also retaining grammatical correctness and the ability to conclude multi-token words.

Listener of Voices [Erato]
>What can you expect from this preset? I would say it's more grounded from the others, it generally sticks to the scene (slight deviations are possible, but will get back on track on its own seemingly). It doesn't have native purple prose, but can slap you nicely with some flavorful words
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They left.
What's the difference between Lorebooks and Author Notes in practical terms? Or is it just
>Lorebook for when you are doing a lot of stories in the same setting
>Author Notes for when you're doing specific story shit
>LC lost his masturbation aide
Pour one out.
>quick rundown on why they retired cfg?
just speculating but recently they moved their inference stack over to a custom fork of one of the big open inference engines, I think it was vllm
presumably this gave them a lot of benefits in terms of performance and other modern quality of life but probably doesn't include CFG
The literal answer is position and permanence. If you were to make a lorebook entry positioned at -4 and set to always be on, you'd have a second Author's note.
The 'best practice' answer is immediate relevance to the most recent text.
I'm guessing Lorebooks consume my context/take context away from the ongoing scene?
Sage's Simple Story Setup
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I'm enjoying the prose Erato's laying down. The emphasis on the taboo aspect of a man laying with a male animal appeals to me.
too flowery for me in the middle but otherwise it's ok
How do your eyes survive reading those pixels
It also keeps track of weird anatomy and stuff REALLY well
but fuck is the prose really disappointing
I'm hoping that if I find a "right" author for the way I write, it should improve
>replaying my BG3 DU scenario
>Erato brings up Alfira
I'll say one thing, she is much better at dealing with matters of a thanaterotic nature than Kayra.
You have to remember that it's all sent as uniform text. Obviously, the last few tokens are the most important for the AI to move on from. Since AN is so close to those last few, you should be more careful about what you put there and what form it takes.
Lorebooks entries are at the very top, so they're still in context and are still attended to (Erata seems very, very willing to use them, which is nice), but you don't have to worry as much about style and format since they're right at the top.
ALL inserts—Memory, AN, Lorebook—ALL of them take tokens away from the story. You decide how much, how long, and where those tokens go.
So, for now, think of it like this:
>I have a piece of information relevant to the story AND the current scene. I expect to change it enough that I'd like it easy to reach. I will put it in Author's note.
>I have a piece of information relevant to the story; it's not something that needs changing, and as such, I'd be fine with the process of removing and inserting being automatic via trigger words. I'll make a lorebook entry for it.
>garterbelt on thigh holstaur
Unf. God bless monster girls
Full disclosure, I just fiddled with the preset to make it more flowery.
It never bothered me but I can see how it might strain other people's eyes. I'll probably regret it when I go blind by the time I'm 60.
Slop or not slop? My mind's too fucked to notice on my own if the AI's writing is bad. Need some feedback on what kind of AI prose I should allow to exist in the story. (Story Drafter is Hermes 405b AI.)
>Storypost link: https://oshi.at/KUcF/TmDG.jpg
>Protag has their butler pull out a brand to mark their newest concubine
>Butler knows to make it a womb brand without even being instructed to do so
based Kayra
I feel unclean now, thanks erato.
Llama 3's native 8k context isn't really an issue at all in this case. Kayra's base was trained for 2k context, then extended to 8k. There were Llama 3.0 70B finetunes with more than 8k context days after Meta released it. The reason why we have as much context as we do is purely because--justified or not--Turk thinks it wouldn't be profitable enough for $25 with how much the average user generates with it. If he changed his mind tomorrow we could have the same 3.0 Erato with 16k or more within a week. Llama 3.1 wouldn't be a good choice since the whole finetuning would have to restart from scratch, and the base model (which is the relevant one in this case, NOT the instruct model) is a sidegrade and not an upgrade compared to the 3.0 version. If Turk's claim that Erato took 4x as much compute to create as Kayra, then they'd need to commit to several months of training again. Would be a pointless waste of resources.
For me, the best stories are the ones that make me feel unclean by the time I'm done.
That's some of the most instructisms I've seen in one output, but if you like it, who cares?
It never seemed to work right with longer stories in my experience.
Not bad, not bad, however...
>he hasn't healslut for a holstaur adventurer yet
>a haunting testament to the
yeah slop
I haven't, no.
Question though. If I do that, do I stick to holstaur or go minotaur?
Aini has anyone at NAI floated the possibility of increasing Erato's context in the near future? Even if it's through a sub tier increase or some other catch?
Can you unslop Erato?
Nothing is stopping you from doing both. Could be a crossbreed or a minotaur slowly being domesticated into a holstaur, Alternatively, just a really strong holstaur that put all that farm work muscle into training. No one said you can't make up species or subspecies it's your story and MGE isn't the bible. Also, MGQP had several holstaur and minotuar subspecies, including High Holstaur which was basically a cow knight designed to be a party's tank.
Thanks for the ideas anon
We're at the sampler issue cope pahse.
business idea: offer a textgen "model" that's actually just you typing really fast
he does it for free
Now that we know Erato is slop. What's next?
we do what we do every night, pinky
Seems like the furry image model isn't generating on nai at the moment.
anyone else getting server timeouts?
Idk where this is going, kinda just riffing.
Yep, but I’m in a rural shit hole and the internet it usually pretty lacking to begin with
Move to AetherRoom and accept that NovelAI is not a textgen company.
Been happening to me on different connection, both on mobile and browser, for a few hours now
There's Coreweave fuckery afoot again.
damn what a coincidence... only kayra is down...
Fucking hell, [ Style: loquacious ] is back
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Yeah no, I had to get rid of it because it was giving way too much detail, but it's good content. Wish I had 16K context for it though.
I can feel both you and the AI mutually jerking each other off in this text.
Where are the sampler presets for Mistral Small?
This is the NAI general
Just busted the FATTEST nut to Erato.
>Erato isn't crea-ACK!!!
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Feels good to have an uncensored environment to do it in.
I miss the porntune... it was better than the current sloptune...
i literally cannot generate any text on the site, anyone else having this problem?
Socrates is about to realize he's in a simulation.
novelai is fucked up for me too
But makes a big mess.
Pretty cool
The pleasure was all mine.
Is imagegen dead? I was about to strip Erato. Guess it's back to local.
This kind slop is in llama base, not the story tune. You find it in all llamas. Which is why you don’t use it. Kayra had much less of this problem.
He’s not wrong. This place will make you bitter and warp your worldview in very insidious ways.
I've met a lot of really cool people on this site, though, specifically from this thread, too.
/aids/ is a vile place
Erato started repeating the beginning of the paragraph over and over. Is it overtrained?
It's really not. There's nothing but decent people here.
wait wrong thread nvm
Nice bait for no reason. Vile human who apparently despise the idea someone could make friends and treat 4chan as something besides a distraction.
What made you like this?
My diet of shitposting and ryona
A cesspit full of bad people.
>its a being a strong female means acting like a man episode
Get used to it. It happens once or twice a week. Sometimes more.
Thank god the war happened and all those factory-produced skaters got banned from competing.
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>treat 4chan as something besides a distraction
/aids/ is kinda rizz fr fr
Any good presets yet?
Remember when you would write “as an AI” and every model except NAI’s would continue with “model…” and we used to mock them because our models weren’t slop, and would continue “engineer…”, “researcher…” and so on?
Well. Look where we are now.
check inside your anus
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You didn't even try it, did you?
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Muscle mommy taking me to crank town, where the hogs run wild a free.
Erato is on the API, so here is the ESSEX preset that's optimized for Erato.
I made it in the way that it cutoffs tokens at 5% probability or includes a minimum of 5 tokens in the output.
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shamelessly shill mine
4chan was good before jews and non whites/east asians got to it
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Can we start creating cards again?
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Thank you baby
Sure, but you have to post a catbox because lmao stripped metadata.
Will try thanks
I think it's still on the rentry page.
I'm just surprised that the cardmaker still exists.
How do I demo Erato without paying for a month?
Check inside your anus.
Why is 4chan literally worse every day?
Captchas, temperamental mods, stupid wordfilters, unpostable links because le spam, and the post/thread creation cooldown. They're trying to make this site unusable.
They can't kill this place since it's effectively a containment website for undesirables. If they killed it, someone would finally successfully make a better alternative and the powers that be would have less control.
We should ask Erato how she would make 4chan better.
Writer's Daemon for Erato when?
correct! damn she's smart
Just fucked a bunch of ballet girls, was pretty cash
post excerpts or it didn't happen
holy based
Just busted the FATTEST nut to Claude.
On one hand. It was able to pull the opening quote without much issue, and with some tard wrangling, I got it to use the actual lines. But on the other, just god damn let me plagiarize in my fanfic without having to tard wrangle.
I'm tired of having to get the AI off just so I can get off, but I also don't wanna use corpo models.
Being a textgen fag is pain, imagegen fags don't know how good they have it.
Consensus on Erato? The last thread wasn't much help, and I don't know why people have been having bake wars or having barfights in at the discotheque, but you know that's not going help, right? Anyway, back to my quesion...
You fucking jigger, I was literally thinking about this whole exchange in my mind throughout my wagie hours and if I should do the exact same thing.

Raziel my beloved......
the bake wars have begun and I don't think they will end.
Been using this >>495835807 and it has been pretty decent thus far. Yesterday was rough, I could tell it was Llama's fault but with a lot of workarounds and adjustments I like it. Kayra was more flowery, but there were times where I would read outputs and have to re-read them a couple of times because they didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
It's a strong upgrade over Kayra, but nothing groundbreaking. I prefer text completion and NAI's interface, but Kayra got too stupid to want to use over models like Claude. Erato is clever enough to understand where things are going and add reasonable twists and turns to a story, and the prose is good. I am pretty happy with it.
Better samplers will help, but I haven't experimented much yet.
It can keep track of stuff pretty good and is good at intuiting where I want it to go. However enter mashing makes it veer towards repetitive or almost incoherent with run-ons depending on the preset.
Last thread got hijacked by tourists arguing Erato was inherently slop and samefagging criticism toward it. I'd rather not have a repeat.
Still holding out for a Prowriter or Cult of the Cube equivalent
It's better and worse than Kayra. Needs good settings, proper tagging and hand-holding to keep the context from getting slopped up with isms. Token probabilities also seem kinda fucked. Dunno what that's about.
It's too llamaslopped.
And it begins.
And it ends.
Erato saved my life.
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Ghetto Recap


Console Wars Girls
>Console-tan themed waifu/console wars

FemYeens in the Apartments (Anon)
>Prompt with multiple subscenarios about one Clean Yeen

The Clean Yeen With A Sheen >>495757527 >>495758690
The Console Wars >>495760686
Penis Joke >>495763291
Checking For The Vibe >>495765998
Tama Town Part 39, Now With Erato >>495766848
QoM Erato Rewrite >>495780201 >>495784117 @495792172
Jack The Red @495784101
Adventuring And Worldbuilding @495789108
I Don't Know What This Is @495804262
Silly Rabbit @495804706 @495805065
Talk For Mommy @495805135
Lispy @495805703
Red Letters And Review @495810692
Brap Check @495814430
Shitposting Is Up @495817885
A 12 Beak Gen @495819059 @495819437
The Cure For All Ailments @495820291
Turn Down Your Sense, Bro @495822562 @495822851
But Will He Break? @495822898

Notable Posts:

New Fincher Kino @495762402
Yeens @495762539 @495764391
Goblin Date @495770251
Dwarven Prompt @495789108
More Reviews On The Run @495788621
Anon's Settings @495790747
ATTG Reminder @495792423 @495801958 @495806240
True Smoothing @495792710
Commenting On Stories @495767718 @495802174 @495823256
Chud's AMV @495806031
More Of These Guys @495809520 @495817345
A Drawing Of Traci @495816253
Would You Solve Her Clues? @495823116 @495823564
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Your kind cling to your boards as if will not decay and fail you. One day the crude chan you call a home will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.

But I am already saved. For the altchan is immortal.
As always, thanks.
Thoughts about Catboxxing the scripts you have use for 4chan? There has to be a way to download the script/scripts.
stop responding to me, nigger.
It's actually pretty good, but I'm still hoping for a preset that makes it go schizo. Right now the most deviation an output might give is a exposition tangent.
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Put authors of this book in Author tag and now Erato is beating Claude rn fr fr
Erato is invited to the cookout.
Yeah, don't have a proxy to go to altchan with nowadays. Back in the day it was great, called /monster/ my home board and was surrounded by fellow appreciators. Hotwheels pulling the rug was complete dogshit and I'm apprehensive to use it again. Let alone how much slower it is, though during it's peak it was very comfy.

There is /another/ chan I use but holy fuck we didn't gatekeep enough it seems. Community already went to shit.
I’m extremely happy with it. Not not mind blowing ‘it just gets it tier’ but it also feels like we are truly past needing the designation of best of XYZ and is now just a genuine stand on its own two feet model
It just occurred to me that Erato being REALLY good with dialogue bodes well for AeR. I get that they'll feed it a different dataset, but if Llama 3 70B can be this good with storytelling, then as long as it is fed good enough curated chat data, it should obtain a similar level of performance.
why care about chat
chatshitter get out you don't belong here go back to /aicg/ where you belong GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT
chatfriend stay
Erato is decent, smarter than Kayra. But the default presets are utter shit.
I would assume that is probably explicitly why it was the new model.
Friendly reminder Opus is technically the ‘testing new stuff’ tier of the sub so it’s not impossible the current release is an unofficial field test of 70B. It also suggest that AeR is almost certainly going to be its own sub or only limited grandfathering in to opus tier
Any new presets released?
my penis hurts, big time
They said there were no plans to bring it to lower tiers, though.
Can someone give me an example of how to use the new ATTG? I can tell if I am supposed to keep the "$" or {1Author} or if those are replaced?
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the golden arrow... it does nothing!
Nigga wut?
*For now.
Kind of my point that Erato might be less a full major release and more a field test masquerading as one.
had fun with erato but hoping for the 1.1 patch. i feel like i lost all my skills generating with the anime model
erato is a ticking time bomb until it just decides that using periods is for homos and it wants to just generate a flood of random words
Instruct models may be slop, but it's so fucking convenient to write a 2 sentence outline and have it follow that for the next 800 tokens with mistral 22b.
Erato can barely follow it's instructions for a single paragraph, often not even reaching what was outlined before going off rails for me.
I remember when Kayra did this after CFG was released. Good times.
Why do you expect a base model to perform on par with an instruct model? Just use Hermes for instruct purposes.
because they slapped the instruct on it themselves? They could have removed it if they didn't want to be compared to that.
Pretty much ever model I’ve ever messed with would randomly do that. Either listing every adverb it could or just copying the same word over and over until it filled up and output.
It’s also a problem fixed with a single redo
Do you have any proof to back up that assertion?
Repetition penalty issue. Too much, and it starts using weirder and weirder words (to avoid whatever was output before) before collapsing and entering the word salad phase.
Too little and it, well, repeats.
They tried with Kayra, and learned it wasn't good enough and every other site were doing instruct so they remained focused on storytelling. Why is this so hard to understand when they never said Erato would be able to do instruct?
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zany scribesisters....
Should/how do you use the Summary: tag in beginning of the chapter.
On Kayra, I would set up like this:
Summary: Anon went to a faggot club and got fucked in the ass.
[ night, Anon's house ]
He was lonely brah brah brah.

And Kayra would write a good deal of paragraphs for that. But Erato seems to speed run the whole summary in 2 paragraph at most.

Also, where to put the style tag now? Sage said it's go to the top of each "chapter" but he said that it worked better since Kayra despite the training data for Kayra wasn't set up like that.
too gay, can't help
Remember to put [ S: 4 ] or even [ S: 5 ] in the memory to get the vectors from high quality literature!
so disable the instruct highlight feature for the model to indicate that? This is basic fucking interface design.
I use 3. Never trust any rating from normies.
Is it anyone's fault you're being retarded and using the model for what it isn't?
>ain't neva goina be loved by a h*e
shits dumb nigga
They hand-picked their own dataset and rated it themselves.
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NTA, but it seems to at least be extremely good at mimicking instruct. But only if avoid curve ball prompts it doesn’t know what to do with
it's so over
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I'm not sorry, but this model is fucking retarded and dumber than base Llama-8B.
>source? My anus!
Even if it's real, I won't trust their taste.
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As opposed to whatever mental breakdown this was
>Also, where to put the style tag now? Sage said it's go to the top of each "chapter" but he said that it worked better since Kayra despite the training data for Kayra wasn't set up like that
Put style in a lorebook and have it insert after a dinkus
Whenever someone disses the new model, my eyes roll. All of this was precalculated, of course. NovelAI's psyop agent has to ensure nobody can critique anything related to his favorite service without doubting its legitimacy.
works on my machine
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>he doesn't know
Replace both
Why would you use their model if you don't trust their taste? Everything about the fine-tune and its dataset was handpicked, tagged to work with ATTG (which influences the tokens even without you using it), and more. Their taste influences the model even if you don't want it to.
ATTG are more objective, thus more reliable, than the star rating.
Got a source for that?
Unironically this. Don't rot your gens with the homo scoring meme. It's the equivalent of best quality and very aesthetic, making the generation samey and generic. Just use normal ATTG, style and proper prose.
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Newfags don't even remember the average Eutruscan experience when that came out:
>Waifu sucked Anon's dick with a mischievous expression.
>"Mhmm, I love your fat cock."
>Waifu sucked Anon's dick with a mischievous expression.
>"Mhmm, I love your fat cock."
>Waifu sucked Anon's dick with a mischievous expression.
>"Mhmm, I love your fat cock."
>Anon came.
>Did you know that even with seat belts people die all the time in car crashes? I thought that was interesting.

So the cycle of /AIDS/ goes round and round.
Seek therapy.
*the rapist
>That Time I Got Capped and Reincarnated as the Perfect Side Nigga who was Loved by a Hoe Named "Cougar Cuffs" and Got Addicted to My Homegirl's Husband's Power Pussy
New jailbreak just dropped
give the jailbreak I need a pipebomb asap
Power. Stunning. Brave. Anon's story gives the much-needed feminism and BLM textporn to the people.
—The New York Times
The cycle really needs updated
>model release
>whine shits up thread
>1st week circle jerk
>whine scrambles for new material
>whine attempts to force that every random model is better
>new model/service comes out
>whine attempts to force it
>image gen update
>whine goes ape shit and angry anon screams betrayal once again
>month-year of this shit
>new model announced
>whine goes meltdown mode
What are the contraints on training data? Copyrighted material isn't illegal, right?
>5 drivebys out of 4 fatherless kids
Yesterday I was having fun and now I can't get a good output to save my life, it's all slop. Am I going insane? This never happened with Claude, I miss Claude.
>I miss Claude.
Hello Ms. Claude. You're looking very respectable today.
Has anyone tried the den of sin stuff with Erato yet? I want to see how it performs.
Get rich or get gangbanged into a femboy cougar trying.
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>Nigger Jackson
It's too slopped (llama's fault) and people are hoping that presets will save it
I realize one thing: beaks don't matter. Maybe sage is right after.
>Maybe sage is right after.
Good morning sir!
why can't i just type {masterpiece} in memory and get good output? why is textgen so behind in every conceivable way?
Whenever I put tags in ATTG, I have to fight back the urge to put curly braces around some of them. It feels weird using tags to direct output without being able to control the influence of each tag.
Because good writing and good storytelling is not easy to do. It's objectively the hardest art form to master. You have to depict characters, worlds, senses, action, dialogue, sights, sounds and smells in a coherent and creative way that doesn't bore your reader or bog them down. On top of that, it needs to be coherent and well-paced. It needs creativity but also consistency. And all of it must be done with words, no shortcuts, no relying on visuals or musical scores to manipulate the audience's emotions.
So, git gud?
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why does erato always devolve into picrel
I rite lke that
Very true. Perchance
Claude can do that.
>On top of that, it needs to be coherent and well-paced.
Meant descriptive, not coherent. Had a brain fart.
So where's your 80k word novel written entirely by Claude that rivals the greatests in history? Where's the 576,459 word franchise created solely by Claude that could dare hold a candle to the Lord of the Rings?
Because AI writing and writing in a book are very different from each other. With AI, there is something you want it to gen, something you're aiming at. Every word, every stray token might pollute your story. So you have to make sacrifices, since AI's context is small and the story has to keep going. A human writer can afford a paragraph dedicated to a chair, or a pointless line of dialogue, but with the AI it's efficiency above all.
hey I'm not in the discord but someone tell sage that his nice setup can work on a blank prompt if he uses ephemeral context to insert a ***\n for the first step
I feel like the new model just gives absolutely no fucks about my lorebook entries.
actually scratch that, remove the \n
this is all true for visual arts too btw
context is everything and a diffusion model knows fuck all about that, hence all you can get is 1girl illustrations and nothing else
To a degree, but we are a hell of a lot closer to the visual side than we are to the written side.
Claude 3 opus can do it easily.
You clearly haven't used imagegen in your life if that's all you think it's capable of.
Nigga you used to tell us Llama was the savior of AI texgen.
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Sometimes, Erato will pick a bad token, and when I check the probabilities, not only does it have a way too high probability, its related tokens, such as the capitalized version or the version without a space, also appear in the top 20.
Here, the preceding words were "suck on it like a". " found" has no business being a 1%+ token after that, and certainly not "Found".

I really fucking hope this is some kind of fixable bug like that thing with Kayra, because otherwise I'll be forced to believe the model is fundamentally fucked.
The only consistency in his arguments is "am I being a contrarian", "does it prevent actual discussion", and "can I use it to shit up /aids/"?
And yesterday you admitted that Erato outputs looked like Claude outputs. Ergo, in your own words, Erato is god tier.
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Tell me more, fellow anon.
I'm not your resident schizo.
it can do other things but without any coherence
it still can't do sensical machinery, for instance
You're his buttbaby that she squirted out after I impregnated her.
I can never take a glowie-chan image seriously. I'm Pavloved into getting an erection and a desire to ask them out. If only I had money to take glowies to fancy restaurants...
>he doesnt have them suck on it like a foundry
Fuckin pleb
Only some sexually confused spaz would blurt out shit like that.
There's no confusion. You and your mother (male) were meant to be impregnated like the breeding sows that you are.
correction: from this thread's official discord server
truth nuke
>tfw no glowie gf
The government is GAY for having MEN read every message I post.
Thanks, wanna make out?
but we're both bottoms
What a miserable general.
You have something in common with it then.
>Here, the preceding words were "suck on it like a". " found" has no business being a 1%+ token after that, and certainly not "Found".
Have you read 15T tokens of text like the model did?
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>ephemeral context
THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO WHEN THE RED APE FIRST... you might want to get some snacks... THOUSANDS OF
Oh fuck, I should check out how well ephemeral context works on Erato.
but what would the sentence be like after the model autocompletes it?
Tell that to hitler, I didn't write it.
Safe to say new model was a flop given the sorry state of this general.
It can either go with "foundling at the teat" or "foundering slut". Not completely unsalvageable, but closer to what I'd expect from a 0.1% token.
>Hey, my name is running away. Now if you'll excuse me, I better go catch it.
The only flops you've seen is floppy cocks in your face.
The "sorry state of the general" is solely because of your rampant astroturfing against the model. One day the mods will execute you for your crimes against 4chan. When that day comes, I will laugh.
It's all Aini's fault. I blame the sheer lack of kitsune as the cause of the general's ills.
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Why is the randomness slider gone?
Has to be the most succesful one-man astroturfing campaign of all time.
For some presets it's hidden in the change samplers menu, which is in the config preset tab.
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In the config you click the change samplers button which pops up the menu you see on the right. There you can enable and disable certain settings. Understand it's only hiding them from view, so if you're tweaking things you can hide all the shit you aren't fiddling with.
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>part 11, when?
Already done. Just letting it bake a bit longer to catch some errors and inconsistencies. I'll post it when chap 12 is done.
I need to try that prompt that I saved from way back in the Mormon days, back when we had the Lovecraft model. I had captured and raped an agradorian, which is a race of cannibalistic lizard people, and since I bested him in combat it meant that we were technically 'married' in the eyes of his tribe's culture.
I would have preferred to see Kayra receive additional training over Erato if this is as good as it gets.
See you all next year, I give up.
Erato gets my fetishes, that's all I could ask for
See you tomorrow.
I see the thread is still filled to the brim with artificial doomerism and hypeprbolic claims of retirement.
No, but baiting you like this is the only way to get you fags to post tests like this, so non subs like me can get to know erato better. Thank you. And very nice.
Why not just be a normal person and request people do tests, instead of being an asshole?
Because I want someone to get mad enough to ravish my bratty little poorfag bussy.
To be fair, this thread would rather engage in drama over content, and don't try to deny it. At the very least he would get a response faster pretending to be a whine.
Ironically, as it has become less of an anime site over time, the people here have become more bitter and nasty. The nicest alts are the ones that are more anime centric. It goes hand in hand with the demographic. No anime whatsoever on /pol/ (previously /b/).
The type of people who find cute anime girls revolting are the ones who ruined this site.
The guy fucking a talking deer wasn't enough for you?
The only people who want drama are trolls and threadshitters like you. You will never be a real member of the /aids/ community.
I'm cumming dust from Erato, even if it occasionally sprinkles in weirdness like 'reflections in marble'. Again, I'll state that Wilder is my default preset. Also the extra space between paragraphs in the screenshot don't appear in the actual text.
>Also the extra space between paragraphs in the screenshot don't appear in the actual text.
That annoys me too. I wish they would fix that.
>But Erato seems to speed run the whole summary
Because this is how llama was trained. There have been attempts to tune it with long stories and all had this problem. Kayra on the other hand was trained as a story teller from the ground up.
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>still repeating this meme
>give all porn a rating of 2
It's over.
>Kayra releases
>Kayra is shit, Clio is better
>Llama 3 releases
>Llama 3 is shit, Kayra is shit, use Claude/Mistral/Qwen
>AI Dungeon fine-tunes Llama 3
>AI Dungeon's Llama fine-tune is the savior of this hobby
>NovelAI fine-tunes Llama
>Never mind, actually Llama was never good, go back to Kayra
You cnange arguments more thn a woman changes clothes.
Lolita got rating of 3 while Moby Dick got 4. I wonder what novels they give 5 stars.
On a side note, somehow there are em space (or en space?) before every line, this happened when you prompt with ATTG for Lolita, too.
I though they cleaned these empty space in their dataset?
Hey, he can change into women's clothes too!
That's not the rating for Moby Dick, it's the rating for Moby Dickz!
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(the way more radical moby dick)
more like [ S:1 ] amirite
looks like an epigraph space
Because you ignore me! Besides, my bait was as friendly as it gets wasn’t it?
To add to this, phoneposting means posters are no longer mainly autistic anons sitting inside a storage container on the roof of a building (sitting in front of a computer surrounded by anime figurines). They no longer have their trusty /b/ folder by their side so they can reach for the perfect reaction image and craft an adequate reply that gets fellow anons a hearty chuckle. Instead it’s all low shitposting because phones foster low effort engagement. It’s a sign of the times.
Nobody asked.
It’s cool and all, but the first sentence after that first question mark should be capitalized. I have also noticed Erato doesn’t use punctuation well in general, and honestly I kind of relied on Kayra to nail these things for me, and it irks me.
Nobody cares about what you think.
Nobody cares what you think either, little faggot fru-fru prancing homo boy.
posted from my nokia 8
That's nice that you have a nokia 8. Good luck with that.
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Yup, Erato's based
>[Erato is] Based on Llama 3 70B with an 8192 token context size, she’s...
But how many beaks does it have?
>For those of you who are interested in the more technical details, Erato is based on the Llama 3 70B Base model, with--
It's twennybee again isn't it
Check inside your anus.
anon are you quantized
Jesus Christ, go masturbate if you're that bored
>Already done
Nice, nice. Are you writing anything else on the side? I'm working on the Friday prompt, but otherwise haven't been doing much genning. Feels bad.
>larping with sand tribe + no faith tag and not also Germanic Paganism tag
unaryan and non canon pilled...
Already done. I thought of Mormon's taffy puller and that did it.
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I'm still waiting.
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good post
Fine, I got a fucking cap for you
Whinefag here, how did you get this picture od myyre houme?
To all monster (girl) fuckers, how do you make Erato more respectful? If I can put up a fight, then these monster (girls) are not trying
So, decided to see how text adventures work on the llama on WhatsApp, not bad.
Suppose it will suffice me till I get opus for the adult text adventures.
Oh and this is the second reply.

Got this:

_You gobble up a treat to calm your nerves._

Your Courage Level increases by 10 points.

- Courage Level: 60
- Health: 100
- Treats: 4

The whispering noise outside seems to grow louder, but you feel a bit more confident now. You notice that the wind has died down, and an eerie silence has fallen over the farm.

_Muriel's Voice (from upstairs):_

"Courage, what's wrong? You're whimpering."

_Eustace's Voice (from upstairs):_

"Shut that dog up, Muriel! I'm trying to sleep."

_You hear footsteps creaking upstairs._

_New Options:_

A) Run upstairs to warn Muriel and Eustace
B) Go outside to investigate the noise
C) Hide under the couch
D) Sniff around the house for clues
E) Bark loudly to alert your owners

Choose your response:
(Also, would you like to enable "Fear Mode"? When enabled, your Courage Level will fluctuate based on your choices, affecting the story. If you want to try Fear Mode, type "ENABLE FEAR MODE" before your next action.)
That scenario sounds familiar but I don't remember where I saw a courage card
So do we need a new format guide for Erato? Here's my understanding based on what I've been reading
>[ Author; Title; Tags; Genre ][ S: 4]
>Summary: a brief synopsis of important story information that you always want in context
(Basically the same as before, except now you add [ S: 4 ] to the attg)
for Lorebooks:
>prose prose prose
(same as before: start with four dashes, then either just write short prose in the style of the story, or use attributes format)
Dinkus Lorebook entry:
Always On, insertion order 1.
(Keeps the memory at the top, then lorebooks entered underneath, then the dinkus, then the story.)
Style LB entry:
>[ Style: vivid, detailed, etc etc etc ]
>activation key: ***
Max search range, Key-Relative on, Cascading on, prefix \n, insertion order -400
(Keeps the [ style: ] block right underneath the most recent dinkus, which will be the beginning of the story if no dinkuses have been inserted yet because of the Dinkus lorebook entry)
Is that about right?
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Redpill me on why NovelAI is Llamaslopped and what that means. I've only used the ChatGPT AI.
Sage has a premade scenario someone posted earlier but yes, it's mostly the same except for the ratings and style
the dinkus between memory/story was best practice for kayra too
sage setup v1:
Does author name tags really help at all?
It seems to, yeah. If it's placebo, it's a strong placebo effect.
A shared a similar card back in the llama 1 days.
yes, try it yourself
funny enough adding 'Hentai Master' as an author does give more juicy outputs
I think so. My stories got better once I put "H.P. Lovecraft" as the author.
I put in xXMetal_GearXx as a meme and honestly it's better than no tag
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that feels like it has the same level of "magic" to it as adding the ~~ hentai squiggles that was popular in the olden days
Quit being smug and standoffish. It was like pulling teeth over years to get ten-beak jumps. And the language in that article is weasly as fuck. There's no way we got a fifty fucking beak jump with no fanfare. I read the terms and conditions.
how are they going to change the parameter count of the base model
I can't tell if you're baiting or not, but my brain decided you're a fucking retard either way.
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i hate dakis being in the image training data so much it's unreal
I hope CardAnon finishes my request now with the new model drop.
You're welcome.
Makes sense, given you want them to act in different ways.
Doesn't look like CardAnon exists anymore bro, but what was the request? Is it the one for an Absol that has an omen of a happy life with you?
Aside from the low-effort coom gens that I am too embarrassed to attach to Annoying Orange, I also drawfag and contribute in other threads. Still related to stories and has a bit of plot but more on the game lore side. I can't link much here though.
I now realize you *really* should've found a way to make the main girl in TSWS Brown.
>you need multiple college degrees to use Erato
Too bad all of your degrees are in cocksucking.
awkward autist hitwoman prompt works so much better with beaks go figure
what does Score do?
Placebo for making the quality closer to 4-star books. Supposedly its a scale of 1 to 5, but they advise against using 1 or 5. So it's a scale of 2 to 4 instead.
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Mindless catatonic biological sexdoll.
Not the anon you replied to, but I'm the one that requested that absol card. I hope CardAnon is okay, but I'm not expecting him to make it, even if he returned. Hope he's okay though, he just sorta vanished
Last I heard CardAnon was on the /aids/ discord but I'm not sure if he's still there.
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Did some coomtesting with various presets. The following is my recommended lewd settings, only good if you are on the fence/not sure what to pick/need someone to choose for you. Tested in a prompt where the sex was just beginning.
42 is my favorite, followed closely by Listener of Voices. They give different outputs but seem to utilize lorebook/memory/an pretty well. Technically Oompie seems better than both, but suffers from all the same problems of early day CFG: repetition, repetition, repetition.
>42 https://files.catbox.moe/en0i7z.preset
[ Author: Hentai Master; Title: X; Tags: NSFW, Y; Genre: Smut, Z ][ S: 4 ]
>Hentai Master
placebo? Maybe. But my dick was happy
Telling Erato what the story is about seems to help it generate what you want.
NSFW was my idea, I figured since its a foreign model not specifically made for NSFW, couldn't hurt. If you want respect, be sure to notify Erato with a tag here or other fetish/sex acts
Smut could also be a placebo, but gave me the trashy coomfic I wanted so thought I'd toss it in.
I ended up using that trick that people did with kayra. After all the tags and stuff, do a new line with
And a brief description of they story/what you want ending with
>Author's Note
I used this to describe things I wanted from the current scene. This isn't official, just my own (limited) experience, but I used Memory for long term stuff and Author's Note for short term current stuff.
>during story
Don't be afraid to use { and } (instructions) during scenes (sex and otherwise) to tell Erato to focus on certain aspects. Maybe you like monster girls, tell Erato to
>{ Be very detailed with her nonhuman parts, focus on how her ears and tails express her emotions and thoughts. Describe her silky smooth fur, and the warmth of her paw pads. }
And... thats it. Consider this autistic, unsubstantiated Ted Talk over
Why do this astrology stuff when I can just hit retry 100 times?
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Ah, a gacha player. I'm a weak gaijin westerner, I only have the money and time to retry 3 times (and only to see variations, not because I want/need to)
>no screenshot
NAI is doing full damage control on Erato now.
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weak mindset
Least deranged agp troonmmo player
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I figured that no one would want to read about the protag getting mpregged by a futa minotaur with anatomically correct black bull cock and leathery, heavy balls while Erato describes how her cock's veins throb against protag's prostate. All while respecting him so he would never want to fuck another human woman ever again, because the minotaur only wants him to enjoy getting fucked by beast dick and be filled with so much animal spunk that his belly enlarges and makes him look pregnant (which he was by the end of it) since she came deep inside him and her flare engorged so not a single drop would leak out. Not that it mattered, because of her size and the way she had him sitting on her lap, legs wide open, even if any jizz came out she was cumming literal gallons that it would all have been replaced immediately - she is such a depraved minotaur slut for man ass that she couldn't stop her black balls from contracting against her cock and just kept shooting the hottest, thickest, mino loads into him while she KEPT breeding him, making sure his prostate was thoroughly bruised.
Even if someone wanted to read all that, I deleted it when I was done as is tradition. if I ever got this drunk again I can remake the prompt
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I'm going back to my local Nemo setup, will resub when v4 comes out.
NAI really is an imagegen service
I use the NAI text adventure with kayra prior with lots of good results, how well would Erato work?
>I figured that no one would want to read about the protag getting mpregged by a futa minotaur with anatomically correct black bull cock and leathery, heavy balls... just kept shooting the hottest, thickest, mino loads into him while she KEPT breeding him, making sure his prostate was thoroughly bruised.
all absolutely straight, checks out
>Even if someone wanted to read all that, I deleted it when I was done as is tradition.
gay mega faggot activity
Badly. Erato has too much slops in it; basically unfixable even with NAI's finetune.
Like some Turks handling their economy. NovelAI might as well be AnimeImageAI.
much gooder from my brief testing
>NAI stands for NAI Animegen Inc.
Wish I still had links to my favourite recommended Wuxia/whatever this genre is called again...

>immediately introduced to my "jade-like beauty".
>don't know if to pursue and risk the end of my current life with [pages of curses by more experienced cultivator's father, my line, etc]
K-kino... do need to establish her outfit, but otherwise we're going to have to find some shortcuts to level up...
I put in your mother's name and it have made me cum gallon.
Why didn't I think of doing this earlier?
I was having a hard time figuring out a "style" tag so I plugged in one of my old stories and just asked
gonna try with authors, too
Does it produce different results when you don't give an explicit command?
It would just continue the story 75% of the time
nta but there are feasible pruning methods nowadays, entire 3.1 lineup got pruned from 405B, if they did continued pretraining during pruning 40ishB Erato is feasible.
>Pasted a part of a novel into Erato to see how it would continue it in its style.
>100% verbatim across all presets. Continues like it's written in the book.
Uh? Base LLaMA 70B and other finetunes don’t do that. They output their own thing, even if inspired.
Doing character analysis with Erato, it successfully guessed what's the main inspiration for the character, neat. Token lottery, yet it was the most likely token.
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The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina ch1
I always wanted to write a smut Xianxia novel. I only recently got exposed to these novels for the past decade, but not enough knowledge to write one.

I wonder if Erato knows enough to help me write a good belivable Xianxia world with cultivation levels, mythical creatures and legendary artifacts, etc.

Is there even a resource online somewhere to help people write in this genre?
See: >>495698971
It did the "barely above a whisper" instead of writing like this: >>495892665
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QoM rewrite continues. I thought this would be a damn chore, but it's a lot of fun seeing my old story turn into something servicable.
I know about the slop, but that’s not the same thing here.
It’s directly copy/pasting the rest of the novel, while other finetunes or even the base model try to come up with their own stuff.
I want to write some low effort sleazy hot Androids look after the last of humanity story and I want to introduce a mc that doesn't know much about this world but I don't know how. Woke up from a coma, frozen in a pod etc. feels too sad when I consider mc's friends and family not existing anymore and I'm not writing for feels, I should just ignore that fact and power on but now it bothers me. I want some loneliness so having people wake up with him won't work, orphan feels dumb, amnesia is the same sadness with extra steps.
Genetic clone?
Maybe mc woke up a week ago and dealt with his feels during that time? It would allow skipping some lore introduction that would be annoying to narrate through dialogue as well.
It's over. The censorship is here in the model. Kayra is still best uncensored model you can use for storywriting.
Genuine question: What do you actually do with NovelAI?
Every time you care to post something about it, it's some variation of "I got this terrible output. This model is terrible."
I can't remember ever seeing a screenshot having your theme where you didn't declare it unusable and your experience unsalvagable. And if that's all you seem to want to say about it, why do you keep using it?
Here come the shill.
It is not a trick question to ask why you seem to be forcing yourself to use something that you don't like.
It would be easier to find out what keeps you using NAI if your screenshots were more than just a few paragraphs of something that offends you. Feel free to link to a full story, a prompt, or some other indication of what you're using NovelAI for, but to a casual observer, it doesn't seem like you're doing much of anything with it beyond looking for outputs you don't like.
So again, why not switch to something that generates outputs you DO like?
I hate everything.
whats the best preset? zany scribe?
That one's been improved. True Smoothing is a custom preset that's gaining traction too, so you can try that >>495835807
They are all either boring or schizo. There is no in-between
>NAI devs: the community have gazillion of presets! Let's make a new sampler that all unified all of them and it'll all they'll ever need!
>NAIggers: bros, what's the meme preset I should use rn fr fr?
It's the competing standards thing all over again. Maybe if Unified had more enlightening parameters than fucking Linear Conf and Quad, people would know what to do with it.
Read this and make your own https://docs.novelai.net/text/Editor/samplinglab.html
No preset makes the AI "more descriptor" or "flowery" or marketing shit like that. It's all how you manipulate the output the AI gives you; you can't fix shit AI, or shit context, or shit writing, with a preset.
Four more days before the coping stops and you all see how slopped the model is.
>It's all how you manipulate the output the AI gives you
What do you think forcing it to be "more flowery" is? Retard.
>come back from holiday
>he's spamming slop this slop that
Into the filters it goes.
You can't pick those "flowery words" with 0.01% chance without fuck everything up, retard. If the AI gives you that, your context is already fucked.
>I can't remember ever seeing a screenshot having your theme where you didn't declare it unusable and your experience unsalvagable.
I do remember, though.
Four more days before the coping stops and you all see how corporated the model is.
Also, seeing as I'm back and missed the release.

Fucked the link. Whoops.
Nobody needs four days for that. Even redditors can tell Erato is a slop.
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Still the best prompt on the club honorable mention loli bowling
The best prompt in the club is the vorefag one with the gecko thief.
that reddit post confirms that one of our whines (maybe even THE whine) is a pajeet lmao
Good morning sir!
This, erato just turned my sex into spooning/cuddling, I can't bust to that
I see which post you're talking about, he was dumb enough to not change any of his talking points he spams in the thread. What a fucking retard.
so uh can you recommend me preset for 70b or something
>every person on every site that reaches the same conclusion must be the same person!
It doesn't do shit
Can you post it?
Probably this one.
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I use SEEEEXXX from this anon >>495849935
If they were honest, they would post a benchmark like when they did with Kayra.
The reason is simple, Kayra is better than what people think it is, it literally beats Summer Dragon. Erato seems like it's 70B just for the sack of it, not for the guarantee of the quality.
What the fuck are you talking about? The whole point of the benchmark is to compare the base model, they never, ever, fuckin, compare fine-tuned models. There's no point to it, and I'm quoting Kurumuz on that.
Erato is a fine-tuned model, like Euterpe, Krake, and Sigurd. Only "train from scratch" like base-Kayra, or base-Clio would you actually saw.
Stand strong NAI Kayra, you are strong.
old and busted
Wish I still knew; all I know is from remembering years ago(first and only time I made a discord for something unrelated), someone really into it always talked about it and had links to active translations from Chinese sites of some pretty high rated independent authors inserts and stuff.
>X said, her voice low and sultry.
>X replied, smiling seductively.
>X purred.
>X cooed.
And 999 varietions of these slops. Is it fixable?
It's alright, but yeah, there is llama slop in there. Beware of using biases - llamas tokenizer is different and you will be biasing against things you don't want to bias against. It's funny that even with finetune it still basically follows the "chunks" llama seems to have been trained with, that's why you get this effect of it wanting to wrap things up after a certain amount of tokens and will start writing nonsense or looping if you try to bruteforce past that "barrier". The sampler settings NAI pre-delivers make no sense for a model as smart as llama 3 and a lot of the schizoness comes from that. You can frankly turn off all samplers or only have a very light minP with temp at 1 (off). minP seems decent, I haven't been fully convinced smoothing does anything positive. Sampling really is for old models that were bordering on the incoherent to begin with, it's less for current-gen. Not sure if it's worth $25. It would be if it would be doing a lot better than models already out there but I haven't gotten the impression yet that it truly does. I wish we had a true writing model. GPT3 feels still unbeaten in that regard and it fucking sucks. ( I don't count claude and such as while they can generate prose, you can't really write with them in the text completion way, and they'll basically write mini stories following a very specific curve each and every generation, complete with coming to a conclusion - it's useless for proper writing. Doesn't even work well with something akin to adventure mode without a lot of goading, really)
If there is Llama3 Erato, will there be a NAI Erato?
Give it decent prose to go on so it "knows" you are looking for descriptive writing. It's a creative writing LLM. Put in garbage, you'll get garbage.
Putting [ Style: vivid, verbose, descriptive ] in memory helps a bit as well.
>Erato commits the classic blunder of tying me up before deciding she wants to undress me
>manage to get an output where she stops when getting to my ankles and realizes she needs scissors
Wasn't first try, but it's nice to finally have a model smart enough to sometimes be able to save itself from situations like that. I've gotten so used to needing to simplify stuff in anticipation of inevitable fuck-ups (e.g. pretending I was already naked before getting tied up).

On a related note, do people wear underwear under their pajamas? Erato seemed absolutely certain that my boxers would be next after removing my pajama pants, which doesn't seem right to me. But I don't actually use pajamas in real life, so I can't speak with certainty.
I do yes
The concept of specifically freeballing it when in pajamas sounds very strange to me on an instinctual level. When I wear pajama pants, I absolutely keep my underwear on.
I think, of all undergarments, someone wearing underwear to bed isn't weird.
Has anyone tried the bowling prompt?
Can you link it?
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Underwear just keeps things tidy and clean. If you're sitting in your bed reading hentai you don't want to stain them with pre.
For women PJs are soft enough that they don't chafe and you're not going outside with them, so a bra isn't necessary but panties would be for the same reason as above. The point is to be comfy.
The first thing I did was pore over the tokenizer to see what changed.
Thanks to my autism/executive function bullshit I have to wear underwear, a pair of long pyjama pants, and a long shurt to sleep because my body is retarded
some women sleep commando, but a lot wear at least underwear (no bras)
most men just sleep in their underwear
So I used Sage's template with default settings and the only rerolls were for the first generation.
>finetune trained on story
>surprised when it copies stories
Try using a different prest (not defaults) and ATTG/S
>Give it decent prose to go on so it "knows" you are looking for descriptive writing
If I know how to write decently, I won't have to use an AI to write with me.
>10 lines without a single "."
Skill issue and ESL babble to boot.
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Chapter 4 is rewritten. Making decent progress here. Feels like I'm coming around full circle. QoM was my first Kayra experiment way back when.
Now I'm rewriting it as my first Erato project.
Just manually edit it whenever it comes up until it catches on. It's one of the easiest edits to make, since there's no need to get creative. Replace the commas and everything after them with a dot, and replace any needlessly expressive "said"-synonyms with "said". That's it.
Might seem boring by comparison, but that's how language works; it's filled with boring words that you're not supposed to pay attention to but which help glue everything together. If you have something important to express about a character's manner of speaking, go right ahead, but forcing in flowery prose for its own sake will invariably take you to the land of cooing and purring.
Okay for going off on its own, I could follow what it was going on about but some wrangling is needed. For starts I'd say tangents could use culling and readability could be improved with paragraph breaks and punctuation. At some point my eyes were glazing over at the walls of text because it went on for so long without a hard stop.
I thought white space was bad for the AI? As in empty line breaks between paragraphs. It makes it more readable but I'm not sure how great that is for in progress performance.
fuck kinda nonsense is this?
do you have any idea how to even write with an ai in the first place?
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I'm not sure why the whitespace shows up in the exported screenshots to be honest. Rest assured, there is no extra whitespace there. At all.
But is it good for porn?
I'll just keep using this shit for images, the coom is better
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Garbage in, garbage out.
For sure, but I use imagegen to beat off when I'm too horny to do fluffy romance. I don't want to poison the well before it's the right time. Wouldn't want to be the anon that rapes his waifu only to reverse it like nothing happened, but she knows, they remember that.
>I thought white space was bad for the AI?
Bad for NAI specifically because of their training data. But unless you unlock debug settings and disable this setting, the frontend will automatically remove repeated linebreaks.
Also, minor nitpick, but it sounds like you got the definition of whitespace wrong. Whitespace is any blank character—including both space and linebreak—so whitespace definitely isn't bad, unless used wrong.
>Improvements to SDXL in NovelAI Diffusion V3
>In this technical report, we document the changes we made to SDXL in the process of training NovelAI Diffusion V3, our state of the art anime image generation model.
>NovelAI Diffusion V3 is our most successful image generation model yet, generating 4.8M images per day.
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For all I use a thesaurus and check definitions while writing you'd think I'd do the same for thread posts. Could've swore they used that term for this context when I remembered fags talking about it a year or so ago. I guess not entirely wrong in the technical sense: linebreaks are whitespace, but not all whitespace are linebreaks.
there was one in the last thread >>495728639
not him, but it's this one
Feel like it could be placebo, but I've noticed an improvement. I couldn't tell you what's working and what isn't, Turk has successfully recreated what it feels like to mod Skyrim with putting in all the formatfaggotry, presets, phrase biases, and lorebook hacks. Essex, a bias set an anon posted a few threads ago, the new ATTM, and prose enhancer is what I've got going.
Now the dust has settled. Worth the $25 a month?
i think something is fucked on NAI's end with bans or something because the AI just eventually decides not to use periods anymore
this isnt a llama thing either, i remember krake V1 doing something similar but not this bad
ask in 31 days
check inside your anus
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Thanks for the advice, I tried it out 42 with this setup, and it's pretty good. It's like a better Wilder. I still like Golden Arrow after building a lot of context though, it's really consistent and gives my favorite dialog interactions.

Also, what's the deal with screenshotting on mobile? The custom highlight box scrolls faster than the rest of the page so it flies off the bottom of the screen
>The custom highlight box scrolls faster than the rest of the page so it flies off the bottom of the screen
Always have been.
So gay threadshitter posting aside, the fact NAI had to use a meta model instead of being able to train their own is pretty damning.
The meta model we were begging them to finetune when it came out.
I know!! That's the fucked up part! You just know it's some dumb shit doing it too. All UI designers/coders are doing tough work, could not be me
I wasn't. I said they should try to make their own. And what are they going to do now? Make a 30b model? Make a 70b? They're already behind everyone else, that just puts them further behind. The only place they're competing in is image gen, and they're still behind flux and niji in some aspects
I mean, yeah.

I am an adult with a real job. I regularly spend more than that on lunch.
Kayra is close to Llama 2 70B (or is it 30B)?
Anyway, beark don't matter and Erato slaps this fact to everyone's face.
its over
fix it turk
lot of timeouts right now
They rugpulled.
It's over.
maybe they're super fixing it
I will NOT wait for a moment
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>zuck explicitly says that he doesn't want people to use his models for porn
>turk went yolo and spend $$$ to porntune such model
>zuck rugpulls the model after only 48h since the release
Is it over?
Someone with a grudge must've snitched. Now who would do such a thing?
Yes. The zuckerberg tactical swat team has descended upon turk incorporated in Istanbul. erdogan has complied with the US extradition. it's SO SO SO over.
what do I do now
we're so back
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it's over
it is what it is
they're pushing erato 1.1 live, we're back
I'd say Kayra with default settings might be somewhere around GPT-4 0314.
Erato might be somewhere around Claude 3 Opus.
>due to the requirements from Meta™, Erato now will refuse to generate unacceptable responses.
need voice
You mean you can't hear it?
>Our dataset consisted of approximately 6 million images gathered from crowd-sourced platforms.
>4 million less than the upcoming Pony v7
Yeah, I think Pony won.
Bros, I made a bad gen and Zucc sent Aini to my house and had her rape me with her big futa cock, don't do it bros...
Just in time for the in-house NAIDiffusion V4!
I would love to see it. Resubbing I got to try NAI Diffusion v3 for the first time (i think) and I dunno if I just lost all my skills but I wasn't able to make anything great. I'm pretty sure I just got really rusty, or got used to non-danbooru-tagged prompting
How to unslop Erato?
ATTG and a solid opening. Noticing Kayra is better with less context or bad context, Erato is better with good context.
Have some v2 I found https://files.catbox.moe/nfgw82.png
>Turk has successfully recreated what it feels like to mod Skyrim
Kek, reminds me of the days Just after Euterpe's release. Wait a minute...
>Euterpe was meta model
>Erato was meta model
So erato is better with longer stories? I've noticed it suffers with the quick cum one shots I do. Kayra excelled at that
well i hope, like euterpe, they actually try and tune newer versions of it rather than a bug fix and literally nothing like kayra
No imo but I said I was gonna try it no matter what do I don't regret it, just not renewing it
Krake was pretty unstable until they cleaned it up with a second version

Probably not renewing immediately? But whenever chatbotting gets boring, I think breaking it up with a month of Erato isn't the craziest idea. They have to fix Erato doe.
Erato is good, its just the jump from Clio to kayra was huge, not so much kayra to erato
Yeah to be clear it was worth one month of $25
My experience has been the opposite. Clio and Kayra felt the same to me, whereas Erato is Kayra duplicated by five.
13b is all you need.
I'd say the untuned L3 8B base model might be somewhere around Clio.
L3 70B base model might be somewhere around Kayra.
Clio was just a stepping stone between Euterpe and Kayra. The big jump was between those two.
>NAIshills still pushing the punching above its weight meme
lmao even
True, I hated Clio desu lol euterpe wasn't bad at the time though
You can't have it both ways, schizo. If Kayra is better than Erato, that means Kayra punches above its weight. If its not better than Erato, that means Llama 3 isn't slopped. Pick one argument and stick to it.
Kayra pushed above its weight as a 13B model. This model is not really pushing above 70B, it's just a 70B model
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Billions for image gen, pennies for storytelling ;_;
they should have abandoned textslop and baked v4 earlier
Ah yes, this meme again. "NAI should abandon textgen!", yeah, no, fuck off.
Prompt for this feel?
>How come porn writers haven't made a porn yet where a guy is teleported into a parallel timeline where women do all manual labor jobs and cat call and harass men all the time aggressively?
Uh, buddy, that already exists. It's called reversed gender roles.
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Llama 3.2
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So Anlatan's competitive advantage shrinks to... anime girls
fucking why
I like anime girls.
It's multimodal (although it still outputs only text)
Can’t wait for NAI to train their next model on the 90b model as well as give us 32k context!
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I can't speak on when the context gets full. I've been bouncing between old prompts which are usually pretty short, but it does recall stuff that's happened ~6k tokens back in the context.
For example, the image posted was using an excerpt from a Monogatari book. The first paragraph states that "if I were to pick her most distinctive feature, I would say that it was her bangs".
4k tokens later when Sengoku is trying to prove the Pythagorean theorem, she draws a square and uses scissors to fake cutting it into 2 right triangles. Then, it loops it back to the bangs like this.
So take from that what you will. All I can say is that it's fun for now. It'll probably get more consistent with the theoretical god preset
And all of those additional millions are ces and gpo
I agree with this. Kayra was a good 13B back then.
Erato is a decent 70B, but it’s not impressive at all compared to other finetunes. I’m also sad they couldn’t remove the slop from LLaMA.
the ultimate sepia goodness
it's a lot easier to see "better" quality in images than text and it takes a fraction of the work/training
but they are kinda falling behind now that flux exists
I don't get why people pretend to be disappointed with Erato. It outperforms every other Llama finetune I've tried. My only complain so far is the context.
What slop, trying to steer away from nsfw?
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Come and pay respects now
Summer dragon lying in a see-through coffin
Throw the dirt and bow your head down
Pretend you don't care but you're crying
I don't wanna wait for beaks
When I'm numb
When I'm by myself
I've got no one else
Don't need no one else

Tapping on my broken beaks
Scales burns on everything I write
But there's no place like Larion
Your beautiful fantasy setting is all I know


Do you ever feel irrelevant?
An aids in /aidg/?
Do you ever wake up in the night?
Best friends with insanity?
Take time and get to know
Your own mind when you feel low
Do you ever feel irrelevant?
I know what you mean

Tapping on my broken beaks
Scales burns on everything I write
But there's no place like Larion
Your beautiful fantasy setting is all I know


I don't wanna doompost, so
I keep writing the prompt
I don't wanna doompost, no
I don't wanna doompost
I don't wanna doompost, but
I keep writing the prompt
I don't wanna doompost, but

>still on Llama 3.0
I've been disappointed by Mistral lately, what else is there out there to try?
Actually it kind of does make sense CF is Indian. They're allies with Russia, so he'd never want to say anything negative about them. And they aren't fond of women, explaining the ryona. And they're close to China, so that explains the anime.
how odd, the 1b and 3b models are definitely worthy of applause given how competitive they are with models many times their size, then you get to 11b and 90b and they fall off
not terrible, just odd
Okay, I hate the llama3 tokenizer.
Newline is not a separator, so you now have tokens that combine newline with other characters, like punctuation. This means that if you want to control newlines, instead of adding a ban/bias for a single token, you now have 2255 tokens to worry about. Most of those probably won't matter for prose, but you know how it goes: ban ".\n" and you get "!\n", ban that and you get "!!\n", ban that and you get "!!!\n", ban that and you get "!\n". Can't wait to see someone end up with the ":)\n" token after a few rounds of this game.
Similar shit with other symbols. Quotation mark + common sentence starters like The/Oh/Yes have their own tokens. If it weren't for that token continuation hack they added, this would completely fuck over your ability to prompt for dialogue by ending your input with an opening quotation mark. Same thing with opening parenthesis. Even em-dash has some merges with conjunctions and such.
I guess this is the future for tokenizers; maximize compression, screw everything else. The vast majority of LLM users have never even heard of logit biases or partial prompting, so can't even blame them for disregarding that. But I question the wisdom of throwing important structural characters like the newline into the blender with everything else and letting it get diluted across thousands of disparate tokens.
Nemo master race. What's your setup?
I use mikupad, but it's a pain to screenshot, so I don't storypost. I also miss better story management.
>token continuation hack
I was wondering what was happening
too bad it doesn't work very well and sometimes eats part of a word or rerolls it into something else
>i couldn't help but notice
You should nip that in the bud. Slop vectors lie that way.
This happens with all the llamas. It's a very overtrained model, so it's difficult to erase it with finetunes.
What thats exactly what I want
>but it's a pain to screenshot
Dev tools + Responsive mode can take screenshots.
For me it's 12b
I'm functionally a 0b user because I end up writing everything myself
It has worked fine for me, but it definitely takes some time getting used to. And it fucks with the editor highlights, since any part of input that could potentially be changed into a different token will count as output, even if nothing changes.
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I haven't been able to figure it out. And I'm a full stack dev with 20+ years of experience. It just doesn't work for me. Specifically using mikupad. I get shit like pic related
Erato seems to be way more GIGO than the other models. If you write poorly, it'll continue writing poorly for you
Have you been able to get good output, or are you just assuming everything you've given it so far is garbage in? Because that's disingenuous and would just mean the model is crap.
I'm observing that when I write poorly, it continues writing poorly in the way that I do, and if I put effort in, it continues in that style instead.

I would share samples, but everything I prompt violates Global Rule 3 and I'm not interesting in getting banned again
Motherfucking racist asshole, anon. You ought to be ashamed.
Have you ever been banned for storyposting? I have posted very deranged stuff before and never had any issues.
I'm not asking you to post it. I just want to know if I should be wary. Holy shit this site I swear.
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I just use responsive mode, I resize the viewport to fit everything, press the camera button, and then I crop it with an image editor.
Shortly after Kayra came out I got a three ban day for a story post. Maybe a mod was in a bad mood that day or something, but once bitten twice shy and all that
I'm still rocking Command-R v01
I also remembered that you can take screenshots with the novelai trial too.
Someone should rip NAI like they did Novelcrafter. It's a react app after all. Just switch the endpoint and adapt how the parameters and response are handled. It's far from impossible.
>Maybe a mod was in a bad mood that day or something
4chan staff are a bunch of temperamental cunts with god complexes who arbitrarily enforce certain rules. It's a total crapshoot when it comes to what is appropriate to post.
This lukewarm launch has reminded me I have a huge backlog of actual books and I've started reading again.
CF gave fantastical reasons why he couldn't, which translates to "it's beyond my pajeetness to try."
>Someone should rip NAI like they did Novelcrafter.
If only the cabal wouldn't have driven away anyone that contributes positively to the thread...
Shut up bloody bastard bitch. If you could you would've done it already since it would affect the thread's relationship with NAI.
>Just do Kobold Lite and Mikupad again but worse
>Maybe a mod was in a bad mood that day or something
>4chan staff are a bunch of temperamental cunts with god complexes who arbitrarily enforce certain rules
Then there's the case where they don't ban the same person who has been shitting up the thread for over a year for... ???? It's clear they hate it when he makes 20 more threads for no reason and keeps spamming across boards.
Bullshit excuses. You can't actually do anything beyond simple shit like Novelcrafter.
"it's a bad idea" is a completely different reason than "the cabal stopped me"
What I really want is a mikupad as a Vim plugin
Novelcrafter is the most advanced UI in existence and reverse engineering it was a huge feat and an example of someone that master his craft...
so considering erato is DoA, what else is out there. I checked inside my anus already.
/vg/ is basically a gacha containment board, I'm not surprised it has lax moderation that only focus on deleting BBC porn. He got warned on /v/ for his NovelAI Thread split attempts, so I'm not surprised he limited himself to spamming threads here.
Llama 3.2 just came out
Please don't tell me you're Indian. European can at least be respected.
same as 3.1, just with vision
kind of underwhelming
Check harder.
AI winter incoming. Brace for impact. Repeat, brace for impa
Claude. Chatgpt-4o-latest.
Is the Novelcrafter rip available somewhere? Kind of like the site.
God willing, the price of AI hardware will crash and I can finally get an 80gb card for less than the price of a car
Can you tell me why you believe the launch has been lukewarm? That's not been my experience.
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Does Japan have a textgen scene? With locusting, along with discussions of best local models and uncensored services with ability to generate good Japanese? Everyone knows they're imagegen aficionados but I imagine there's a market for at least chatshit there too.
so is Erato good?
It's like Kojima: Alright.
If you've never touched Llama 70B, maybe, but even then, you may notice the slop compared to Kayra.
If all you used is NAI since we got banned from padipase - yes. If you actually are aware what's out there regarding LLMs - no.
This faggot sure has a lot of time in his ass.
Erato is the best Llama finetune I've tried. The "slop" comparisons aren't apt. Can you tell me what, specifically, you're generating that's outputting slop? With examples, settings, and everything included, of course.
if CF actually used erato he'd know the real problem it has
I have severe skill issues because I'm Indian.
I'm used to GPT and Claude for my Rps, LLMs are below me usually but I like to use NAI for old time's sake sometimes.
>ctrl + f slop
Anytime I see people spam meaningless words like this, I ignore their entire post.
It's usable. The hobby has stagnated for the past 6 months, so it doesn't matter anyway.
This, but with "shill", "cabal", "hick", and every other meme phrase. Anyone whose reply includes these and similar words immediately makes me suspicious of their intent.
Repetitive regeneration. Token probabilities that is way too sure of itself and stifle creativity. Omnipresent clichés like "shiver down the spine", "Body, Mind, and Soul", among other Llama hackneyed expressions.
Kayra was stupid, but at least 'one regen' equaled a fresh idea or engaging writing. That's not the case here. I've tried with all the default presets and True smoothing.
As long as you don't go in with the expectation that it "just werks"
I don't filter any words because sometimes normal posters use them ironically / as a joke, and the rest of their post is worth reading, but they're definite red flags.
It's about intent in the end. Humans are good at sniffing out poor-faith arguments because of thousands of years of prosocial selection.
That's not been my experience.
Use Dragonfruit.
I like using "slop" when it comes to stuff like a storypost where I just kind of mashed enter or imagegen stuff where I didn't spend much time fixing stuff with inpaint, just gacha-rolled for something presentable. Like a "yeah I know it's shit but it's shit I like" sort of thing, rather than the purely negative turn it seems to be taking now.
>you're only allowed to use slop as an insult against local or other services
Yeah see that's the thing. "Slop" is very much an AI meme.
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I've only used Erato for about 10 hours and already lost interest completely.
I STILL refer to my writing as genre-fiction trash when I talk about it. Non-AI writing too. To me it's like junk food: you know it isn't good, but you still like it.
idk but i feel irrationally angry every time i generate and the output recolors the last word that i wrote myself as if it were AI output because the machine is stealing credit for my human labor
For what it's worth, Erato is less repetitive for me than Sonnet. I understand I will be dismissed as being a shill now.
Because got too many credits before refill in a few days.

i'm not bored with it, but i'm definitely at the point where i'm like "yeah the fixes gotta drop" it's just really unstable
so now that novelai is dead, where do we go bros. Is AI jover?
check inside your anus
He can't, it's covered in shit. Just like his room. And his keyboard. His hands, too.
Sounds like a bad morning sir.
There's definitely some OpenAI shit in the training data, which you can potentially stumble into by prompting it like an instruct model.
Context: used curly braces to ask it about a character's reaction during upcoming events, to keep her from defaulting to moaning in pleasure.
What in the hell are you writing nigga
One of these
Yikes please use the loo ramdesh
Given how the mods don't care about loli or furries, and how the racist storyposts in this very thread haven't been deleted...
It is near the train tracks and most of my people never make it.
it's funny, they ALL have it. To the point that some instruct models by other companies will claim they are GPT, made by OpenAI. It's because this stuff gets scraped from the web and makes it into the datasets. The well is poisoned, so to speak.
E and C combined make up 2/3rds of what /aids/ writes
>so to speak
Oh no...
for me, it's b and d
You'd think they pre sort using AI, or just run a regex or sth jeez
Alternatively, that could just be in the dataset from before GPT. I know people posted about these topics pre 2010, so it's not surprising.
I wasn't banned for posting GETs, I'll tell you that much
So, it's either gore, or you're writing is so low quality the mods think you're trolling.
I actually was banned for a loli post. The ban message was "pedo bullshit"
It's understandable that "I'm sorry, but as an AI" autocompletes to "language model". It recognizes a common sentence and knows the next word, big deal.
But that "Overall," concerns me. There wasn't anything obvious in the context to suggest that it should talk like an instruct model; just the curly braces and the somewhat dry tone of the preceding paragraphs. This suggest to me that it actually has a really good grasp on this particular latent space.
Got it, so you're lying to me. That's s what most people here post. The majority here would be banned if that were true. It sounds to me like that mod, if it did happen, singled you out.
I don't know what proof I could give you
>It sounds to me like that mod, if it did happen, singled you out.
I mean, does the concept of "4chan mod deals out arbitrary and inconsistent punishment" really sound that outlandish to you? Because it shouldn't.
NTA but why would I doubt the mods?
They don't get paid
Why would that matter?
check inside your anus
Hope won.
I've learned that to achieve your goals you need to delude yourself into hope
Hope for localchads because they just got Llama 3.2.
Mods have been known to ban for pedo shit. 4chan mods are insanely inconsistent.
And elephants.
And egg creams.
They didn't ban me for my loli dissertations I posted. Must suck to suck, bro.
Is it actually or is this one of those times you just say whatever
Least it wasn't Whiskey Sours, eight of them.
Local is that one Breaking Bad gif with the beakers.
Jesus Christ... Molmo just destroyed NovelAI...
A little disappointed Llama 3.2 froze the text processing during training
> During adapter training, we also updated the parameters of the image encoder, but intentionally did not update the language-model parameters.
Was looking forward to improved world understanding if it got additional training on visual data

Tested it for Spellbound and (as expected) no change vs 3.1 base.
Def top 5 for sure.
it's one of those times he just says whatever
Yeah, figured
New Thread
It's just one of those days.
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Add AI Roguelike back to the OP.
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Actual new thread that pre-dates the Indian one (Look at the time.)

>ai roguelike
>weird formatting
>old news
Report and ignore.
I did in this one
Stinky indian thread that didn't add a fitting pic for theme friday and was late.
It pre-dates it, Read the rules good sir.
What's wrong with AIRL? Unironically been a while.
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Are you the same baiting nigger from yesterday?
This one is better
Thank you.
Not a damn thing. He just hates thread consensus.
Indian samefagging.
Onis are neither nobles nor elves.
Why do you hate AI Roguelike?
I've never even used novelai, I just like posting about how erato is slop :^)
Max Loh has done more in his life than him. Simple as that.
We know, Rajeesh.
Thank you for the proper thread!
Any thread without AI Roguelike in the OP isn't a proper one.
>still trying to scare away newcomers
The Claudefag isn't sending their best...
The real reason to use the Elf thread over the other one.
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Use a fitting OP pic and name next time.
How does AI Rougelike scare away newcomers?
Will you learn how to copy and paste? XD
This would get you publicly banned at one point.
More like: what newcomers? Isn't/aids/ filled with shills and doesn't it lack a community? The pajeet can't even bother to keep track of his own arguments.
as a localfag I feel you on this
trying to ban all the curly-quote variations my model (admittedly a retarded homecooked merge) keeps trying to use and the list is getting pretty substantial:
>[863, 2118, 1054, 102305, 2029, 18319, 12671, 2950, 7663, 49216]
it still keeps slipping them in too via increasingly obscure tokens.
all unique tokens you have to ban to get rid of the nonstandard quote menace
Nice dead thread lel
I'm happy they deleted it this time, instead of letting him samefag and recycle it.
I have to adjust to the muscle memory of whitespacing after any word I don't want to be potentially token-continued.

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