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Musclegirl Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>495559697

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; multi-model https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s theme, Elves & Nobles Friday! Results: >>495235590

>(09/23) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
What's up 4channelians
So, what are people writing today?
Not much, at the moment. About to crash.
I see, I see. Well, I'm going to be fluffing and huffing fox tails.
Has anyone tried AIR with Erato yet?
Foxes are love, foxes are life, a shame we were betrayed and left without a foxwife.
I still remember that the sweetest of dingleberries always come from the sweetest of foxwives.
It's time to let it go, fluffhuffer. Aini never promised us a fox.
Errato status?
I never bought it, so, wait warmly for somebody else to test it.
But there will still be dingleberries...r-right?
Any good tips on writing lorebooks? Or well any good examples?
Best storytelling fine-tune on the market.
The service of our time?
Kek. From a certain point of view...
>AI Rougelike
It's the AI Game of our time. What, you want to play the cuck vampire one? Pfffft...
If it's so good, where are all the screenshots? This thread is an astroturf.
So, when does Erato v1.1 release?
The AI Game of our time does not need screenshots. People can play it and get all the answers they need. That's the power of imunity from cuck steam AI Guidelines.
Nobody cares, Max. You're a failed game dev.
Max? No way. Now that Pedy guy... OOF
is there any way to tell the model to stop writing at the end of a sentence? so when it hits \n
using their textgen for the first time
What the hell is <|reserved_special_token_81|>
to clarify: i don't mean "keep writing past 600 tokens", but i'm working on 1 paragraph and want it to stop when it finishes it, whether that was 200 tokens or 400 or whatever
Right tab -> advanced -> Stop sequences
It's over. They can't unslop Llama 3.
14 paragraphs in 2 hours, thats how far I got. The rest has been spent re-rolling shit generations. I paid for this.
Use my thread instead.
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Sorry that AIDungeon isn't working out for you.
This is cool and all but I miss Claude.
How do you do, Ms. Claude.
High effort story post and YEEN
He didn't generate that with Erato.
Is the usefulness of NAI running out?
>try the official idol scenario as my first textgen ever
>model is literally retarded, mentioning an idol's panties in one sentence then saying she obviously isn't wearing them the very next sentence
is the scenario broken or the model?
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Share prompt.
I'm hoping it's a preset issue. At least the instruct is much better than Kayra's.
I wish he'd share the images.
they are the same service now lmao both serving up llama slop.
Share both
working on it
failed service
if pony v7 is good or maybe that new korean model they might lose a ton of revenue
right now naiv3 is still better at genning anime girls than any other model i've tried, which means they can fail at textgen then try again without going bankrupt
so far i'm not impressed with erato at all but i'm admittedly too stupid to mess around with samplers
Put up my meme console wars prompt, tested with Kayra though, not sure about Erato yet.
Has anyone tried to write a racist character that is not an alex jones caricature? Llama shouldn’t be able to do it.
Does NAI sometimes get an aneurysm and start giving you absolutely shit output but then it goes back to normal? Is this a server issue?
Yeah that happened with Kayra sometimes as well. Especially around the time Asia wakes up.
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Tested with Erato, works perfectly. Maybe even better.
Llama license (yes, the one you have to agree to before you can use Erato) prevents you from doing that.
By Californian laws, NAI have to log your input/output for 90 days.
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Story prompt here, you can also find NAI furrygen info in description. Made main prompt Anon and blank slate so you can do whatever you want with protag, but subscenario has OC if you're some kind of strange prompt purist
If you use Kayra, just remove the [ S: X ] tag and should be fine, was originally for that model. Haven't tested thoroughly with Erato, but seems to work with her so far. Apologies if there are any errors, didn't proofread
Oh boy, this repeat.
Thank you. Time for hyena bussy.
downbias token [1553]
>it actually doesn't, it just waives responsibility for them if you use NAI, but that doesn't let me shitpost, so instead I'll make something up
True smoothing preset seems to be really good—or maybe default presets just suck. If you feel like Erato is a bit bland, give it a try.
Where THE FUCK do I find it
Discord is not a valid answer
>go to previous thread
>ctrl-f smoothing
there are like 5 (FIVE) previous threads!
the one in the OP
Any good model doesn't need this hack.
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Guys, it's just so fucking over...
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not even an imagefag, I'm just genning images for my text adventure characters but holy fuck prose is goated. screw tags, just dump a paragraph or two of the character's description in and hit generate
this was like the third generation with zero effort given to parameters or tags, I just copied the story description of her in
now if turk makes a way to do this from the story menu and we'll be fucking back
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Added 2 more subscenarios, one for FEMALE Yeens. Just like before, use (Anon) for blank slate protag. Also updated original 2, had minor mistakes I caught
>rep pen = 1
>range = 256
>slope = 0.9
obese kimoi
>directed by David Fincher
Ya got me
works better than the default at least
>erato understands that when I say she has a bigger sword than me and she responds "gee, I hope not" that it is a penis joke and has her "look pointedly" at my character's crotch
>unlike anything he had seen before
Damn llama. You will see this phrase repeated a million times.
8k literally just isn't enough for anything but the shortest me cum scenario. I would rather keep running my Nemo setup with 32k context even though it's only 12B. It's extremely jarring to go down in context and have plot points and events be completely forgotten by the characters in your story. I'll resub if they release a v4 since imagegen is all they've got a competitive advantage on anymore.
I haven't looked at the prompt. Do the yeens have pseudopeni?
I didn't include anything about that, you are free to give the males and females whatever you desire
It's okay to be a coward. Disappointing, but okay.
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Yes, yes, fuck you too and all that. Enjoy the last yeenpost, I'm going to sleep
Who pissed in your cereal? Mans can't even into sarcasm...
They'll release Erato 1.1 tomorrow, right? This shit is barely usable.
>why niggers are bad?
Good morning sir!
Already better than the default ones.
You dumb baka, I'm not actually mad. You're going to call me a coward and then be unable to receive banter back? I'm not going to bed because I'm upset, I got work in 4 hours and need what little bit of sleep I can scavenge
If you can't do racism properly, your model is slopped
>Just hope that Plutie doesn't hear them fighting like this or there will be a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog being played instead
(I considered a joking title like "You interrupted me playing the new Zelda game for this?" but thought that felt a bit too harsh. Don't tell Ms. Nintendo that I have it early, though.)
I'd say that a period should go after the abbreviated titles here, but not using them seems to be how British English tends to do things, and you seem to be consistent about that, so that's fine.
The hyphen in 'Emblem-"' should be an emdash.
There should be a comma in 'Concord" Ms'.
Did you mean to have a plural 'games' in 'game than you can handle'?
Now, now, Ms. Sony, being in bed wouldn't be an issue if you'd just release another handheld that wasn't just a tablet with a controller tacked on that can only do remote play. In fact, how can you say Ms. Microsoft is in bed with Mr. Customer? She hasn't even had anything portable since the last time she tried her luck with the mobile phone market.
>See this mountain? You can climb it~
Alright, you got me, I laughed. Though for her, it'd be a pair of mountains.
You know, you could probably use their actual names and just say Noire, Blanc, and Vert are having this competition. Just saying.
In your Memory, if you use serial commas, one would go in 'and Microsoft'.
Same with 'brown hair and'.
Funnily enough, the comma in 'black hair, and' can be removed.
I said it earlier this thread, but consider adding a little more action around all the dialogue so it's not just all back and forth. The tension of being a bit short works here, but I think there's still room for little touches, like Ms. Nintendo stamping her foot about Ms. Sony being mean, or what other actions they might be doing. Is Ms. Sony just standing there the whole time? Does she make any gesture after talking about her Plus service? Might be a good place for one of those bits of running her finger down across her chest or something.
>said it earlier this thread, but consider adding a little more action around all the dialogue so it's not just all back and forth
Honestly yeah, that's what I tend to struggle to write, probably what I need to work on.
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behold, the one true preset, the cure to slop.
jk it's shit and even if it wasn't the context size kills it for me
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Instruct is broken, don't use it.
Nothing wrong with that instruct, pajeet.
>"people" still "complaining" about the context size
Go to sleep, Eurotrash.
Okay, bitch lasagna.
I NEED Phoenix and ProWriter Erato before I can begin to truly write. Once again, I must wait.
Why is a small context size good?
Why is it inherently bad?
>le nigger test
I don't give a shit how a model can handle useless fucking prompts like that, I care how it can handle porn.
(badly, so far)
my experience is that models need ~4k tokens of context before they can start competently mimicking human writing style
My experience differs from yours.
>'story writers' who think it isn't a problem that plot points get forgotten in a few paragraphs
You solved a problem for a town a few chapters back. You're on your way back through it again. In a big context model, the townsfolk and your characters remember what they did there, in a smal context model, it's treated like some brand new place they've never been to and immersion is immediately broken.
I would rather have 13B with 64k context than 70B with 8k context
Why visit the same town twice if you solved their problem? Go somewhere new.
Why can't you keep track of that? You've got several options that work for that, you just refuse to use them. This is a literal non-issue.
>I would rather have 13B with 64k context than 70B with 8k context
This is how I know you context simps aren't being serious.
>these niggas don't know how to make a summary lorebook for each "chapter"
Lol, lmao.
Tama Town 39
>Mel and Yoshi eat soup while Yoshi rambles about his plans and Mel extracts favours.
I probably should have started a new prompt or something to get a feel for Erato, but I decided to just carry on from my last chapter instead.
technical bullshit:I'm using dragonfruit with its default settings. ~80% was written by the AI (5374/6659 characters), and it felt pretty in-character. Definitely a step up from last chapter's no-CFG Kayra in my eyes.
How's everyone doing tonight? Can't believe the update dropped so early into the week. I was expecting it towards the end of the week, so I won't complain. My sleep schedule's so scuffed right now, but it's been fun reading the last couple of threads and trying to get caught up a bit (thanks as always ghettoanon!).
Gonna fiddle with the Friday prompt a little and head to bed. Hope everyone's enjoying their stories.
The "intelligent" between 70B and 13B isn't that big, you can literally try it right now.
But if Kayra can remember more of the story, that's a game changer.
the intelligence difference between NAI's 13B and 70B isn't that big
it's bigger with other models
That's not really an answer anonichi~
Small context size isn't bad, it's just incredibly limiting and annoying when other models have much larger contexts for very similar, often better, longer, juicier, fatter, outputs. Considering that NAI has "novel" in the name, you would think having as many details of a story in the models "view" would be something people would want. Considering NAI doesn't offer anything to offset the problems associated with small context either, it's kind of shit. Sucks, I was really hoping for the best, they seem to be releasing things that are a lot blander lately, I blame chatshit.
This is what cope looks like, bro: >>495766897
>70B isn't that much better than 13B
Both you need to learn how to use the model. I think a modest bump to 16000 would be nice, but that's not on the cards right now. Now quit making up excuses to not give it a solid try. We might get a Llama 3.1 on time. Now deal. And quit console warring. No more shitting on the model. Post stories. Or get the fuck out
>other models
This is NAI general.
>Considering NAI doesn't offer anything to offset the problems associated with small context either
Lorebooks exist.
Fuck off.
Please, someone create a decent preset. I can feel that Erato only has shit default presets.
Nooooo it's too difficult to make a summary of what happened!
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For me, 3k tokens is enough
>le magic setting that will fix the model!!
Some models have only randomness and top-p, yet they mogs NAI's models.
Staying up this long isn't healthy, CF.
>they mogs
Learn to type proper English.
>'summarize everything that has happened so far'
>jam it into context
>lorebook expands rapidly
>model becomes dumber and dumber as the context window for recent events shrinks until it's unusable
32k should be the bare minimum, and even then you need to summarize and add to context every now and then. Doing that with 8k is just a fool's errand.
Lorebook is the context window you retard. The more lore you have, the less story, the sooner things are forgotten. With 8k that's a fairly big percentage of the window set aside just for what is essentially model handholding, and a large amount of time dedicated to manually summarizing and cataloguing slop. There's plenty of things they could've offered to at least assist with that aspect, auto-summaries, embedding/vector memory systems, etc.
>first person story
>after 2k tokens erato has forgotten i'm male and decided i'm a woman
don't care
Maybe don't act as a woman.
>32000 should be the default.
I would've accepted your complains if you were more reasonable. A modest bump would be appreciated. But you don't actually want improvement. You expect perfection.
skill issue
Use mine, the one true savior of NAI!
Eyy enjoy the chapter
My irl friend complained that there hasn't been enough action lately. I'm trying to weave the plotlines together a bit and get the characters interacting more though, so it tends to involve lots of chatter. Part 4's been all about trying to set stuff up for the finale.
Yeah, no, I don't understand the context argument. I've tried Claude Opus. It's not a make or break thing for me.
People can literally run 32k context locally with consumer gaming GPUs, it's not unreasonable to ask for it from a company with access to H100s. How in the hell is 32k unreasonable lmao
>what are economies of scale
I think context is really important when people want a more hands-off approach to their stuff. So chatbots where you don't want to constantly remind the AI about stuff, or stories where you want to mash Send and let it generate stuff.
If you're really involved in the output, then low context is annoying but manageable since you can just insert references yourself.
It'd be neat if they offered higher context on the smaller models at least, since running a 13B at a higher context is probably cheaper than running 70B.
The only thing about 8k context that annoys me is that while writing with corpo models I've got used to large lorebook entries (500-700 tokens per character) and will have to rewrite them. But it's not a huge deal. 8k is usable. If it was 6k or lower, that would be bad.
Most models don't make proper use of all their context anyway. Both OAI and Anthropic models get dumber once you fill their context.
It's unreasonable because you expect perfection instead of improvement. Thyeey gave usmore beaks. Enjoy that and wait for them to provide us more beaks. If you think it's a dealbreaker, don't use it and quit console warring about it. Bitching about it isn't going to change a damn thing. What don't you understand about that?
I. Don't. Give. A. Shit. Quit console warring.
>I. Don't. Give. A. Shit.
But you're replying to me?
>Enjoy that and wait for them to provide us more beaks
*more context
Answer this, asshole. Would you rather they abandon the Llama 3 finetune and force us to wait another year for Llama 3.1? Is that really what you want?
32k is far from "perfection", perhaps only if you've only used Kayra
I assume you simply didn't try it enough then. Other anons already explained above why is bad. Releasing a subscription-only model with 8k context near the end of 2024 is fucking wild
I used it plenty. It's not a make or break point for me. I understand that you're beliefs differ, but even the biggest models only have an effective 64k context, so yeah, quit sperging out about the context. You're doing nothing but shitting up the thread with this opinionated larp of an argument. Everyone here is used to 8K context. Stick to your models and quit console warring.
Suck it up and accept that your opinion isn't the majority.
Everytime OpenAI, Anthropic and the others release a new generation model the context size is always getting bumped, that's expected. How come 8k is still acceptable a year after Kayra?
Aini literally forced me to sub to NAI.
If only we can ignore the service we don't like...
>what's the difference between a small indie company and investor-driven companies?
Quit playing dumb.
all of the corpo models have <32k of real context according to google's benchmarks, including gemini
i'm hoping we get a llama 3.1 erato with at least 12-16k context
You still haven't answered the question by the way. Would you rather they not give us a textgen update for another year?
still way above 8k
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i assume llama's curve is even worse than this
>meanwhile, solo local lmm fine tuners can tune and enable rope on their models to extend them to 32k
Yes, and? They could be working on an update right now, but no, you choose to shit up the thread instead of letting people be content with a model you hate. What don't you understand about that, retard? People are allowed to enjoy the things you don't! Quit console warring. For fuck sake. Just post a story with your God model or whatever,
Qut console warring.
>actually using muh indie company excuse when the previous models already had 8k context
>Just post a story
I'm writing one with you now.
I will shit where I please. I demand fucking satisfaction.
It's not an excuse. They can't afford to host higher context at the current moment in time. If they could, they would. This is the best we're getting until July, at best. Why can't you let people be happy for once in your life?
Just to make sure, the current meme arguments CF is using are:
>8k context
>it can't be racist
Curious how fucking randos without H100s access can get get more context out of Llama without charging money then
>8k context
not a meme even if it's not a 100% killer issue
my main issue is that it's really stupid in my testing
>what are economices of scale
Now multiply the access by 100k or however many people sub to their service.
And a single piece of information buried in those 32k is always reliably recalled by local models?
>Shilling for a fucking llama finetune
>nobody's allowed to enjoy Llama
Who died and mad enough king?
No. Why? It's like Jesus, he may or may not be God, but you feel better if you think he is.
I, for one, welcome the golden age of Command-R, Mistral and Qwen storyposts. It's gonna happen, I can just feel it. Any day now.
>Well, most of the anatomy ends up about the same in the end
Since the scenarios are nearly identical, remember that any changes made to one should be made to all (where applicable).
I'd put a comma after 'as reward'.
I'd put a comma in 'smile he'.
I'd probably insert a 'the' in 'to town'.
The comma in 'lobby, sure' should be a semicolon.
I'd reverse the order of 'slowly have'.
I'd put a comma in 'regret however'.
I think I'd just go with 'building' instead of 'apartment' in 'apartment, but'.
It feels a bit like you started writing in past tense and then worked on converting it to present, perhaps not completely. You might want to take another pass over it when you have time after you wake up.
If he would later learn that they mean family, when is that? It feels odd next to present tense story. Also, the 'they' could be removed from that parenthetical statement.
The paragraph starting '[Name] felt' should be in present tense.
In 'tired to', that should be 'tried'. (Tired, indeed, huh?)
Given that the Author's Note for the male scenarios imply that the apartments are mostly filled with male Yeens, the line about being observed by 'usually female' Yeens seems a bit odd. Unless he's unaware that they're male, in which case that'd be another couple of tags you'd want to add to your ATTG.
In your Memories, the space before the semicolons can be removed. The last comma and semicolon on the end of the ATTG can be removed as well.
In the OC male scenario, in 'Leon js', that should be 'is'.
In your Author's Notes starting with the male ones, the apostrophe should be removed from 'hoe's' since it's plural, not possessive.
The Anon female scenario repeats the Memory instead of having its own Author's Note.
In the OC male scenario, in 'have any', that should be 'having'. I'd also put the word 'ulterior' after 'any'. He has motives to be helpful. But not because he wants something.
That's quite the difference in Lorebook between the male and female versions. Is there a reason to change 'anthro hyenas from Africa that' to 'hyenas that anthropomorphic and'? (Setting aside the missing 'are' in the latter of those.)
In the male versions, a serial comma would go in 'muzzle and'.
In the female versions, you should treat it similarly, removing the first 'and' from 'tail, and a muzzle and hyena' and putting a serial comma in after 'muzzle'.
In the female versions, I'd insert 'some of which' in 'some can'.
In both versions, the comma in 'like, Yeens' can be a semicolon and one of the 'Yeens' in the sentence can be made into something like 'they'.
I'm surprised the parts about how family and mates are referred to and the use of scents isn't in the male versions.
You could probably get away with using the same Lorebook between both the male and female scenarios, unless mentioning the queendoms and dislike of strangers alters how they act in the male ones.

It can be difficult, for sure. You might want to start by picturing yourself in the situation (if you can). Consider a conversation, even one less tense than this one. Do people usually stand still the whole time? Do they sway? Do they pace? Do they make gestures with their hands? What else happens with their body language and facial expressions? All of these things can hint towards what a character is feeling without out and out saying it, and it helps put some action in a story rather than it being mostly dialogue. Even, in this case, small actions to try to draw the customer's eyes to them, whether to hair, face, body, or elsewhere, can help them feel more enticing to the reader.
>still no modules for Kayra
>no prefixes (including instruct and text adventure) for Llama 3® Erato™
>no new textgen features or interesting things
>controlnet shit still not back for image gen
I-is it over? What happened to NAI?
It reminds me of base llama. Kinda proved something I was already guessing for a while - the modern gen of dense models is already so token-stuffed that it's hard to influence them significantly with finetuning, especially the bigger ones. Fucking sucks as corpo models get "safer" and "safer". 8k context is not as big of an issue as many here might think it is, most models don't really have much attention beyond 8-16k anyways, no matter what's claimed, including the SOTA commercial APIs, especially when it comes to creative writing and not things that are repetitive by nature like e.g. various formats or code. The inescapable slop is the bigger issue. Well I'll stick with local since this is not really that interesting desu. I hoped really that all finetuners are just retards (and they probably are) and that a *proper* finetune can really turn these models around but it really doesn't.
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erato please just write some sex stuff
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lost gallons to goblins. thanks turk
>controlnet shit still not back for image gen
sdxl controlnet was still a huge mess last time i looked
I don't understand the arguments. I like the model, therefore it's good. Simple as. Anyway, does anyone want to discuss the pleasure of potato farming? That would be more productive than this back and forth argumentz which will no doubt will be repeated ten thousand times in the future. Much like every single other argument in the history of /aids/.
I remember when people sincerely tried to argue that HoloAI was a better service...
>Anyway, does anyone want to discuss the pleasure of potato farming?
Is this some euphemism for picking up retarded chicks and fucking them?
>why are there so many goblins around Larion these days?
>why do they all have the same eye or hair colour?
>Larion will be overrun by goblins at this point, taking our jobs, our homes
>I'm sorry, my liege, but it is the work of the legendary.... Goblin Breeder...
The "state of the art storytelling model" that you guys were shilling on /aicg/ only has 8K context? Rumao
Not at all. I meant actual potatoes. I don't actually know much about them, I just know they spud and grow best in acidic soil.
tf is "Rumao"? what are you cookin'?
yeap, can't unslop the zuckbot
I'm cooking up the best morning sir.
it's evening for me. good for you of minding your own business, even mine.
Holy fuck, he's been totally mind broken hasn't he? Again.
nta but he’s right. You technically agreed to not generate problematic content. Nobody is going to enforce this, unless you somehow cause trouble for meta. But still.
The logging thing, idk. Hope not but I’m a localchad now, so whatever
Unironically can't and by design which is why they want it to be the free baseline of any LM system
Gee my wallet will be 25 bucks richer by the end of this month
I am redeemed sir
There is no logging.
Congratulations on skipping eating this month, but I'm sure all the cock you suck will supply enough nutrients.
The chinaman will help us. The chinaman is light years ahead of us in ai development. The ccp will probably log all your info but it's a small price to pay for coom.
By the way Kuru sooned v4 imagegen.
>new license agreement for llama erato
What's the deal with this? Does it limit the content you can generate and affect the privacy policy?
check inside your anus
All it does is absolutely Meta of whatever you generate with it. There are no content restrictions or logging.
>Japanese man with "1girl, smile": I am growing stronger
It's boilerplate >>495772196
Nope, it is a boilerplate one they have to show because of the model being from Meta originally.
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pic related
>I am glowing stlonger
Can I get a source?
translation: Elf respect? Believe it or not, straight to jail.
That's bullshit, I've been running a plantation and respecting female slaves and Meta hasn't sent goons to my hou
>female slaves for a plantation
and thanks to capitalism you lose to my broken bucks
this screenshot is edited
what the fuck
oh shit they're on to hi
Hello, it's me, the guy with a Zoomer fetish. I am once again asking for some Zoomerspeak screenshots.
Bussin' Request. But I deadass don't got any, fr fr. :skull:
Retard here. What does this mean?
I'm probably being a paranoid schizo but I'm still concerned about it given Llama's acceptable use policy.
Erato seems a bit reluctant to describe people as nude.
based, nude is boring, put some fetish clothes on them instead
maid, air hostess, nurse, nun
flex your creativity
sounds like it's irredeemably pozzed and slopped and useless
Why is Dragonfruit the only default preset that doesn't use Unified
Yeah, I shall update the Antiwhine filterlist.
Wait, scratch that, they literally all use Unified, Dragonfruit just uses more of the other samplers
Sure but we did agree to a nude back rub the scene before.
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The page they have for it suggests they want Unified to be "the only sampler you'll ever need tm", but these default presets don't really seem to imply that at all.
Even Queen sends shiver down my fucking spine. It's over. We can't escape this slop.
There is nothing wrong with the fine-tune.
>I'm too stupid too downbias token [1553]
oh? we sharing song while prompt? ok! here's mine:
Who is this CF? I remember an angry anon, a dog, and a whiny girl from my tour of duty some year ago.
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Ghetto Recap


The Side-By-Side: Part 2 >>495711743
Female-WHAT?! >>495712232
A Wilder Preset >>495713337
Three Guys, Three-HUH?! >>495714056 >>495717872 @495732296 @495741741 @495746619
We're Back >>495717012
Succubus And Jesus >>495717859
Wikipedia Master @495719063
Wave Of Anger @495720293
Erato And Kayra Talk @495720998
Erato Kino @495721096
Sloppy Toppy @495721523
Golden Arrow Woes @495722081
GOTTEM (Move That Gear Up) @495722485
A Knotty Storypost @495722694
N-Word Dilemma @495724704
They Pet Back @495725171
WOAH N- @495725439 @495726032
Hypechat? (BONZI NO-) @495725657
McDemons @495726321
Chat, Is This Real? @495726339
Poetry In Motion @495728521
Clearly A Trap @495729705
Sordid Bozo @495731148
Sloppa Test @495731950
F-word Bros... @495732515
Ordinary Storypost, Read It @495732913 @495735117
Alien Space Station @495734005
Can You? @495734246
Avuncular @495735138
The Reviews Are In! @495735204
Was Bonzi The Rapist? @495735480
Phrasing @495736590
Generic Fantasy Kino @495736736
Nice Job, Erato @495736869 @495737492
16 Chapters To Go @495740193
Mormon's Ukraine Adventure @495738329 @495740582
Just Like The Simulations @495742385
EPOCHS @495743335
A Plap Adventure @495744519
Larion With Monster Girls @495744597
She didn't Just Wiggle Your Balls @495746334
Claws of the Purrtriots @495747631
The Elf Diplomat @495754437

Notable Posts:

The Indian and his self-insert @495711424 @495711485 @495722796
Man Leaves Cryo @495715594
Remember Shitpostia? @495718016
Made Me Kek @495719972
40s Whiney @495721065
Essex Preset Update >>495721435 @495721727
Boogeywomanlet (Still Need To Write That Brat Thing) @495722770
He Got Her First, Bros... @495726998
Normie Preset @495727051
A Drawfriend Visits @495725120 @495727631
Reviews On The Run @495727940
One Dead Anon @495728247
Prose Returns @495728639
Aini Cat @495731056 @495731716 @495732107
Spiders @495738878 @495739185
JJJ Visits /aids/ @495748182
So, is it slopped?
Ngl I'm having a lot of fun. 3 hours just flew by. I'm thinking we are back.
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Seriously, is there another 4chanX I am supposed to use? I cannot find the option to convert "non-standard" links.
havent noticed any more or less than kayra so far
I'm gonna be honest, I'm not even sure where I got this one from anymore and I can't find it
I guess I'm having a better time now that I'm not using the default preset
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Ghetto Recap (Additional)


Elf Repopulation
https://aetherroom.club/7357 >>495728420
An Early Elf Friday Prompt.
>Comfy elf vanilla, inspired the the doujin series Enjo Kohai (go read it, older sister elf best girl)

Monster Girls in Larion
https://aetherroom.club/7358 >>495744597
>The Default AID openings... with the entire MGE added as lorebooks.
Yeah, but only compared to Kayra. It's still pretty easy to steer even though you do have to force it a little.
Can you post the screenshot again? I will download things later and see if I can find it that way, and report my findings to the thread.
Thing is, all big models are not very creative from the get go. My personal schizo theory is that this doesn't really have to do with some plot to make them all more slopped but with improved reasoning the models get more more confident about their token choices. A small and dumb model sometimes will appear explosively creative because you do five generations and get five completely different results. (nvm that four of them are complete nonsense sometimes) A big and smart model is pretty self-assured how it wants to continue the text so you can predict the outcomes, leading to logically consistent but boring outcomes.

Samplers are kinda outdated. The idea of samplers is to make the model more coherent after some or other mathematical theory, or to de-muddy the waters for models that are not as confident, to hopefully send them down more coherent paths. For models that are already confident excessive sampling like NAI likes to advertise it makes little sense and has a good chance to make things worse, either more repetitive and slopped as the models already small pool of selection gets decreased further, or pushing the model to nonsense tokens. Local has mostly figured this out. I say mostly as many local users have no idea what they're doing.

The way with confident, intelligent models is CoT, self-reflection, self-correction, things like that. You can get very creative and vastly different results from a smart but "boring" model by allowing it to modify it's output. The problem is that this is very subtle and difficult to do right, and it's also slow and expensive since you are basically generating walls of (hidden) text of the model basically talking to itself to get to the final result. I always wondered how it would be to use a dumb but creative model for a draft and "out there" ideas, and then have a bigger model work it over to improve the coherency of the generation. I never attempted it.

Simply finetuning Llama 3-point-zero (of all things) isn't the way.
CF is basically just a slightly different version of WF. He got called Claudefag because he did nothing but try to shill Claude here, but he rarely does that nowadays.
Alledgely he only started trolling here because one anon here called Claude "the service of our time" and someone mentioned Clio on /lmg/
Erato isn't "uncreative".
>CoT on a storytelling model
never give your input again if this is serious
NTA but it's compared to Kayra.
COT is slop.
You are genuinely schizophrenic if you believe that.
NAI and it's bootlickers are eternally stuck in 2022, good look making them learn anything new
Here come the copium when I try to make an argument with FACT and LOGIC.
It's called "convert non-standard quotes" and I've checked google and userscripts pretty thoroughly
Your argument doesn't use logic or facts. All it is is armchair research. Erato isn't "slopped", it isn't "uncreative", and it isn't worse than Kayra, a fucking 13B model. Every argument you use against NovelAI gets more and more inconsistent as time goes on.
I've reached a similar conclusion, although I think that synthetic data is also part of the problem
This just seems like cope. You can have a big schizo model if you train it that way, like Claude kinda is.
Well, man, your system won't work for people if they don't have the userscript. Can't you download it and upload it to Catbox or something?
My guess is that it's less the effect of more parameters and more the insane training needed nowadays. It's not overfitting, but like a less serious relative, that's an unfortunate consequence of training for trillions upon trillions of tokens.
I'm not ghetto anon
I've been trying to look into it though
I will withhold judgement until I sub for myself.
When will it be possible to have real discussions about the model here without "shill" or "schizo" being thrown around?
{ talk to me, I hate real people (they don't agree with every words I say) }
When the moderator applications open back up or if CF gets rangebanned and/or dies.
When I get off my shift in around 2 1/2 hours
Can we compromise with shillzo?
I mean Claude is pretty fucking good but it's a risk of death anytime the puritans over there decide we're too naughty. NAI was a bunker service, and now that it's got 70b, it's not gonna hurt as much to have to move. Hell, I'll give it an honest try soon and see if I'll move right now.
Well, I'm probably gonna get opus next well after my salary.
Till then, I can't do much discussions.

Oh speaking of, has anyone tried to see how well Erato does samesize vore?
On 4chan? Never.
Newfags seem to think that throwing "shill" accusations and shitposting are part of 4chan culture, and having nice things is just not for this place.
We can heal of people quit responding to CF, collectively agree to not bump his threads, and coordinate the creation of new ones.
tourist from /h/ here, who is claudefag and why does he hate nai
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holy fuck why
why not just let us spend anlas for every >8k context gen?
oh jesus
"Roleplay sets are in base llama 3.0's tokenizing training," Anon declared, resting his head against his palm with an exasperated sigh.
So fucking bizarre how schizos start fucking up the generals for the most inane fucking reasons
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Well, fuck. I vowed that I'd rewrite QoM when the new model drops. No excuse now.
Llama 3 tokenizer has much larger size than the NAI's one; there comes a better compression but more retarded tokens.
Tried a few small scenarios, much more coherent compared to Kayra, but still can fall into basins of retardness sometimes. Style is fine with right ATTG and context.
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>Waited over a year for 8k context
There is no problem with it. The only other alternative would be for them to cancel the model and for us to wait another year for them to fine-tune 3.1. Now let thie be your only comment about it, or you will be lumped in with the other trolls.
why not 12k
3 only has 8k. They would have to abandon it and start from scratch. Which would mean no update this year. Would you really prefer that? No textgen update for more than an entire year?
they finetuned on >100b tokens, that's enough to change the context size
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NTA, but in the other generals, if you've ever seen someone shilling the Qwen models (especially if they're constantly talking about Anthropic models while doing so), screenshots of over-the-top loliguro posed as examples of quality, or more egregiously, crossposts that follow the format of:
>/generalname/ believe [sensationalist opinion]:
>at best three to four crossposts interspersed with green text quotes that don't actually prove it's the consensus of the general, and at best it's the casual opinion of 2-3 people at most.
That's him. Like I know there's an entire dialogue to be had about "you guys are just collapsing all non-positive NAI sentiment as one shitposter" that is its own can of worms, but there are common actions CF does across the AI generals to, until proven otherwise, get (you)s and derail.
is this an angry anon?
behold, 60% of the reason why shitposters get attention in the thread
The funny thing is when I accidentally got shunted into a genuine cute and funny story but with zero cope justifications I was very uncomfortable. And it was on Claude
Haven't resubbed to try the new model yet but the whole reaction to its release seems kinda... lacking? I was expecting the general to become a lot more lively, storyposts, a renaissance of sorts. Many of the posts are still the troll samefagging. Was it a dud?
well most of the genuine storyposters have been killed off by the shitposters so the only people left are shitposters pretending to be storyposters for a little bit and then back to shitposting.
Maybe the model is so good that people play with it instead of playing with the schizo?
>a petite, slender, elegant girl who was seemingly both well below and above the legal age of sexual consent at the same time
okay is there a preset for erato that makes it less retarded? it's writing sentences like a 2b model
the 8k context definitely is what's most disappointing but other than that it's an alright model. a tad too expensive though.
There are people here who think that every single person pointing out that 8k context in late 2024 for $25/mo is laughable are the same person. Imagegen service.
this thread has been dead for a while now, just look at the poll results, there's probably like 1/4th the amount of real posters here compared to a year ago
>work slow for the last month or so
>70B drops
>suddenly every teacher in the district wants to fuck off to the point they are reserving me all the way into next week
This, exactly. We had several waves of this, ever since Krake launch. Every wave of it killed off more endangered storyposters. And yet the recap still has them, so they exist, they're just critically endangered now.
NTA but is the pricetag worth it if you include the image gen or is that outdated by now? Got a 3060 so can run xl fast enough otherwise.
I used to do (non-coom) nai stories when I was a sub, they literally do not care as long as you tell the kids to be quiet every few minutes.
>needing more context
>even doe the model forgot I took my pants off in the previous sentence
8k is all you need, LLMs aren't smart enough to use more than it effectively anyway
i have no experience with local but i use both imagegen and textgen a lot and i feel like i'm getting my money's worth.
>And it was on Claude
yeah he does that and I am *NOT* interested in that stuff. It's weird and uncomfortable, yes.
Claude can, but it's literally the smartest AI right now. that's what you need to do more than 8k.
NAI's anime image gen is still the best on the market (for at least 1 more month)
>even doe the model forgot I took my pants off in the previous sentence
NAI issue, not LLM issue
I think the only LLMs that doesn't make errors like this as context is filled is 3.5 Sonnet or the latest GPT-4o. The former still has the most egregious repetition of any model I've ever used, and the latter seemingly needs a CoT just to let me use it now, and it updates regularly to keep denying me.
I remember the sinking feeling that I felt months ago when proxy Opus gave a penis to a female character who was dominant.
every model has issues with forgetting about previous stuff, but so far erato will repeatedly forget stuff from 1-2 sentences ago for me
i'm not saying it's irredeemably shit though, it hasn't even been out for a whole day. i figure i'll come back in a week and check for better sampler presets, etc
You get that with all the defaults? I can at least confirm a strange rigidity to the arrow one.
It's still the best imagegen for pure anime but unless they release something new it's gonna be outdated soon enough. New non-slop models are coming out at last
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Loving it so far.
> every model has issues with forgetting about previous stuff, but so far erato will repeatedly forget stuff from 1-2 sentences ago for me
Had the same issue until I rewrote the memory to use all the special symbols correctly, it somehow helped a bit with coherence.
it doesn't help that they're all just different applications of unified sampling
you have my attention
Did NAI ever add lora support for their latest image gen model? I've heard that they self-sabotaged by purging artist tags, and that the vibe transfer thing isn't a reliable alternative.
no because the first thing someone will do is make a CP lora
>"akshually, other models only have 32k real context anyway"
Well, seems like Erato doesn't have 8k of real context either...
No, they didn't. They've tried to do things like let you use multiple images for vibe transfer and set negative values for them to make anti-vibes. It's all wizardry, though.
The artist tag thing is only on their furry model, but it is a dire warning of things to come. The vibe transfer seems like their attempt at getting around it but it sucks compared to the simplicity of artist tags and loras.
No. They did want to offer it, but after legal consult there was a realization about what bad idea it would be because someone would do exactly what >>495784716 stated which would get them in deep shit.
Why did you lie about wanting to quit trolling?
That's my first post in this thread, not my fault Erato sucks
considering the overwhelming negative reaction to this shit (and furries are far from their primary target audience) I really doubt they're gonna shoot themselves in the foot with this. nobody's gonna ever use nai imagegen without artist tags for 25 dollars a month
Why do you lie? Nobody uses these types of arguments but you, CF.
>you don't need big model. 13B is all you need! (70B is Opus-only, btw)
> you don't need modules, ATTG is all you need!
>you don't need 32k or 16k context, 8k is all you need! (Opus-only, too)
>you don't need samplers, unified sampler is all you need!
What will they remove next?
Uh, it's an anime and furfaggotry generator with a paywall, so I doubt pedos are going to be lining up to generate pseudo-realistic shit. Besides you've been able to upload your own images since the start too, and more recently vibe transfer incentivises uploading images. I really doubt that's their reason for not doing it.
Did they not consult a lawyer about vibe transfers and inpainting/generating over pre-existing images? It's the same shit just less effective. They're still getting images uploaded to their servers and then creating a new image based off of it.
what are the other possible reasons for them not do it? They could charge additionals/make it cost a lot of anlas and bank in cash, so there's clearly something else stopping them from implementing this.
if LORAs are like modules theyd likely have to be saved on the server end where VTs and inpainting are not
So many meme non-arguments. Why can't you just storypost and never troll ever like a normal person?
>I've heard that they self-sabotaged by purging artist tags
Really? It was working fine last time i tried it like 5-6 months ago
He's talking about the latest Furry model. Anime is unchanged.
It's only on the furry model, and I'm not sure if it's a recent thing at all, did artist tags work on the old furry model? I think they might just not have had artist tags on their e621 rip.
I used to attempt to do writing (as in text completion, not instruct) with base (not instruct) llama 3.0 and it was exactly the same way. Would contradict itself literally a sentence later. And the looping. Eventually it'd just loop like crazy. And the looping. Eventually it'd just loop like crazy. And the looping. Eventually it'd just loop like crazy. And the looping. Eventually it'd just loop like crazy.
flux + lora = god
For someone who supposedly hates shilling, he sure shills a lot himself.
It's over, time to learn how to write by myself.
Balanced: Linear: 0.7, Quad: 0.1, Conf: 0
Creative: Linear: 0.5, Quad: 0.05, Conf: 0.2
Focused: Linear: 1.0, Quad: 0.2, Conf: -1.0

Get back to work.
My preliminary judgment after fiddling around on several different prompts for a few hours last night:
-Intelligence-wise, it's a major upgrade to Kayra. That's expected. What a disaster it would be if it wasn't. If you're a locust like me though, you want to know how it compares to corpo models that you're more familiar with. The answer to that is that while it's not quite as intelligent Sonnet 3.0, it's a minor rather than a big gap. I'd have no trouble importing any of my existing stories from ST and continuing there. I took a few to test and the results were good. Nothing mind blowing. I would say the model is about 80% of the way between Kayra and Sonnet in this regard.
-Prose is...okay? I'm not wowed by it, but I enjoy it. IMO it's a sidegrade to what I'm used from corpo models. On one hand, Claude can come up with some fantastic prose at its best, OTOH it will also constantly shove corpo-slop (ministrations, shivers, etc.) at its worst. Erato didn't give me anything like the former yet (maybe I'm missing something), but it also spares me from putting up with the latter. I'll have to spend at least a few more days to become confident in my assessment, but that has been my experience so far.
-An anon in the other thread mentioned that dialogue is fantastic and I have to agree it's its biggest strong point. Every sentence that has come out of a character's mouth feels natural and appropriate. It might be able to compete with the best models on the market in this regard, and as someone who often makes dialogue heavy stories, it's like catnip for me. I need to test out different scenarios as every one I've tried has involved a modern setting to see if it's as good with medieval fantasy, for example. But I have high hopes.
-The 8k context is for me the only truly disappointing part of Erato. Just leaves a bitter taste to what would otherwise be a great contribution to the uncensored storygen market.
I look like this and share similar sentiments despite only testing for 10 minutes.
It definitely seems capable of generic adventure and world building. Probably around 7 rerolls this entire pic mostly from boring quest suggestions or random NPCs constantly “catching my eye”
Prompt: adventurer goes to a bar but doesn't drink ale nor use magic items.
Twist: it's a dwarven city.
Kayra’s 13B punched way above its weight (like Nemo). Erato is literally just Llama 3 with a finetune.
good OP pic but they should both be male
Actually changed my mind, god settings:
Linear: 0.8
Quad: 0.15
Conf: -0.5
Should be enough compression of probability distribution to stay coherent while still allowing for creativity. 0.8 Linear should provide good balance, not too random or deterministic. 0.15 Quad to very gently prune unlikely tokens without being too aggressive. -0.5 Conf works even tho it's past the slider, higher entropy means stronger scaling factor towards likely tokens, low entropy means minimal effect. Should be good as a general driver. This is my one and only contribution to AIDS goodbye
You gotta cum cum quickly
Actually getting better outputs, thanks.
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>8192 token context size
What you using
Why does he spam that argument?
Can you make this a preset so I don't have to do work?
tokens with higher entropy aren't the more likely ones.
Come on anon, people are laughing at us on /aicg/. Even reddit is complaining
It's not that erato was bad, kayra was really good
We knew, OccultFaggot.
I'm sorry. I'll be more respectful and use his preferred pronouns, faggot/faggot.
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Alara gonna be good.
>-Prose is...okay?
ATTG seems to improve the prose a lot. I use:
[ Author: Marcel Proust, Vladimir Nabokov ] [ S: 4 ] at the very top and
[ Style: fulvid, pictorial, visceral, sensual, color term, sensory immersion, fustian prose, loquacious locution ] after all the injections, before the main story
time to wait 8 months for them to get the instruct module up!
Since when did the maximum free steps for imagegen is 28? I could do 29 steps for free before.
True Smoothing. https://files.catbox.moe/7arfv7.preset
You are correct, I am retarded, settings still stand. Higher entropy = more uncertainty, not higher likelihood. -0.5 Conf reduces randomness in uncertain situations, pushes towards probable tokens. Low entropy, minimal impact. I sleep.
I didn't use authors but I did put verbose in style, among other things. I will try it your way tonight and see how it compares.
Made this same decision. It made me feel better about my life.
Erato is the first model where I enjoyed writing dialog.
Put [ Author: Shakespeare ] in the memory and thank me later.
So the new meta for Style: is putting it belowe *** ?
If you want some copium, turk releasing a model only to extend its context sometime after the fact isn't unprecedented.

Although something tells me Erato's 8k is set in stone.
I think it can go wherever you want it, but in my opinion, putting things in AN does more harm than good.
I mean, they have Llama 3.1 as a "free" upgrade just sitting there. They might have have already started training an updated version on 3.1. We won't know until it's actually up, most likely, but it would make sense to me to keep context improvements until the 3.1 model that naturally comes with larger context.
>[ Author: Shakespeare ]
That with this >>495792710 and with a side of [ S: 4 ] is making me quite like Erato
Yes, from what I've gathered at Discord, it goes like this:

[ ATTG ] [ S:4 ] (or S:2 for the memes) as an 'always on' LB entry that is inserted last, thus it's at the very top.
rest of your lorebook, each entry separated by "----" (prefix = "----\n")
memory, where you put only what you actually want LLM to memorize
*** — this is injected as a story prefix, "***\n". Separates LB and story.
[ Style: ] - goes as a LB entry with "***" key and key-relative insertions, so it'll go right after "***", so after all the lorebooks and separator and before the story

Skip the AN.
I don't remember a time when it wasn't 28 steps.
Were you perhaps using smaller image sizes than "normal"?
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I wonder why Hermes 405b sometimes skips letters. Tokens issue?
>tonal shifting
should be dimensional shifting
should be consciousness
No, I always used 29 steps with normal size, but toady 29 steps costs anal now.
29 steps has never been free. 28 has. Not 29.
It was.
Aini confirmed to me you're lying.
>llamaslop strikes again
>my source? I made it the fuck up.
Do you have any examples I can glean from?
I switched back to Kayra.
been trying since last night to give Erato an honest go of it but holy shit it's just not good.
I put both on the same story and switched between each prompt and Kayra was more creative, handled earlier plot points better and actually progressed things at a good pace. Erato is so boring, it has serious pacing issues and doesn't seem to offer any interesting curve balls.
I don't even think it's a side-grade, I think it's dead on arrival.
I am not using the 'Dramatis Personae' part, otherwise my context is set up similarly.
Can we ever get back to the point where this thread can have a normal discussion without some schizo trying to derail it every fucking time
Post the side by sides and there shall be an end to the horror.
Cards for this feel?
>There's plenty of things they could've offered to at least assist with that aspect, auto-summaries, embedding/vector memory systems, etc
NovelAI is the Gnome of AI at this point. They started strong, became a reference, and have been shitting up their own product since.
>you didn't need that feature anyway
accurate lol
The racist guy was by me. Different anon. Also I was wrong. Someone posted racist stuff.
At this point we are waiting for him to literally fuck odd and die
>pacing issues
I notice this too. Erato is like Kayra on speedrun.
I think they should have just put Kayra on steroids if they couldn't train their own new model, 32k with much higher outputs. I would have been happier if that was the drop than this.
It really is, putting them side by side is grim, I feel swindled.
Kayra was a step in the right direction. A model trained from scratch with the kind of material you want to see out of it. Well tagged and curated. That’s the only way.
I hope they release Kayra for local use.
Add this
>you don't need 28 steps, 23 steps are all you need!
Odd, the side by side isn't loading for me, did you forget to post it?
There will not be any. We had so much fun with "Clio is actually better than Kayra" that we need a remix with "Kayra is actually better than Erato".
NAI should have spent the time creating their own 70b instead of training Llama.
for me it is E>C>K
For me it’s Cleverbot>Krake>Summer Dragon>a speak and spell>Erato
That would be great, I don't know what I expected from this honestly. Use Llama on any other service and it feels the same, Use AI Dungeons Llama and it's the same. Novel AI's is the same. Llama is all the same and it is not good.

Yeah or even a smaller jump up with a focus on context and outputs so you felt the difference immediately.
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>cosmetic instruct mode
>somehow less usable than Kayra's
Remember when NAI said the instruct mode on Kayra was a first step and they'd be cooking it more? Pepperidge Farm remembers!
The thing I notice about Erato is that it's not necessarily dumb, but once it decides to go in a certain direction then holy shit you are not getting it to change its mind. Every single reroll is a variation of the same fucking thing.
I feel like this is an issue Llama 3 has, and it's something that I don't think a simple finetune is going to fix.
Moron, they’ve had the model ready for months. They were waiting for the new hardware to be able to serve it.
What kind of defeatist retarded talk are you spouting?
>holy shit you are not getting it to change its mind. Every single reroll is a variation of the same fucking thing.
YES! exactly, Kayra might not have the weight of Erato but if I re-roll a few times I get a nice range of paths to take a scene down, It is clearly less creative than Kayra and anyone denying that is a shill not worth engaging with.
I think you're correct, A finetune wont fix this, it is a Llama issue.
Agree too with this.
I wonder if there's something to the notion that the more you train a model, the more the model is locked into a local optimum, the less additional training is going to change it.
Case in point, compare any of the Gen 1 models - GPT-J and Sigurd, Fairseq-13B and Euterpe, Krake and GPT-NeoX-20B, and the models are so distinct from one another they're basically unrecognizable. Compare Llama 3 70B and Erato... yep, that's Llama 3 70B again alright.
what are you faggots babbling on about, is this a false flag, kayra did this too, all models do
how long have you been doing this shit lol
>couldnt help but x
I’ve consoomed tol much llama not to notice it anymore and it ruined my enjoyment of llms. But et tu NAI?
Yep, Day 1 Kayra is shit too. The waiting begins again for Erato 1.1.
oh it was a shitpost
Yeah I can’t tell what is writelets struggling to do even minimum wrangling, people actually experimenting, and just the retard spamming stupid shit
>Compare Llama 3 70B and Erato... yep, that's Llama 3 70B again alright.
I came right from a free trial of AI Dungeon so it was especially bad to just see Llama 3 last night since I already preferred Kayra to it anyway - branding that model with an NAI avatar does not change anything.
There shouldn’t be a space between the blocks:
] [
>Suddenly realize my story is going better than usual
>Turns out I duplicated it at some point and forgot to set it to the new model
Certified "It's over" moment. The new model is inferior to Kayra
They can’t afford more context. They are probably already struggling not to increase the opus price
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How did they react to the story overall? Did they know it was AI generated? When my friend read mine and gave a pdf of corrections, it kinda hurt.
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This faggot deepthroats OS's tiny pecker. Go fuck yourself, you're part of the reason we waited 14 months for an Opus-locked Llama 3 sloptune that's unironically worse than Kayra. Even Roach and Company know how bad it is by avoiding previewing and hyping the model. They gaslit everyone with the "8K is enough" bullshit for years, calling it a sKiLl IsSuE in not knowing how to use their copebook. Whatever happened to 'beaks don't matter'? Well now they do when it means we'll charge $25 to use our sloptune!
Going with llama was a huge mistake. They should’ve trained their own 30B or something.
Let’s see how good AR is.
>Krake releases, the 13B model is better.
>Erato releases, the 13B model is better.
How long will the cycle continue?
people were begging them to finetune llamaballs when llama3 came out though, opinions change but still.
ooof. when the placebo factor wears off and we get some genuine assessments for Erato in I wonder how the devs will reply. I do genuinely thing buffing Kayra would be worthwhile. They already have a good model it just needs to be unshackled.
>t. schizo
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Sage is right on this one: 13B is all you need.
Running a nemo finetune locally and happy. Might storypost later.
30B version of Kayra, 16k Context and double the output limit = perfection.

Instead we got a model where even their own discord is hinting at the lack of noticeable improvements and coping with "presets will fix this"
One finetune is not like the other. There are genuinely decent tunes and/or merges that are based on Llama, with different sampling methods that have been tested thoroughly. Dolphin and Tiefighter are 2 such examples. What we got seems to be a slightly different coat of paint on the already stilted Llama 3.
My god, when will you quit peddling this batshit argument?
Was this actually Sages take? because if it was why wasn't he heeded? I actually agree that model size does not = better. that is what I have learned from this.
Yeah, that would be heaven. And also, things on reddit look like people are disappointed too.

Anyway, let’s talk about something else. Have you noticed that AI writing has made you a better writer? In terms if grammar, and in terms of story structure, character building, etc?
even though he is a schizo I have to commend him for the only one pointing out some of the dumb shit novelai does. not having 16k context is pure jewishness.
Too bad, Erato's design is really good though.
The discord desperately tries to convince themselves their own perception is incorrect because IT MUST be better than they think. It's the classic dissonance when you spend money on something. No one wants to feel like they wasted money.

It's part of the reason why NAI locked it behind Opus. Only the suckers and fools will use it and they'll force themselves to enjoy it.
If the general feeling is disappointment and its still the honeymoon period that makes me worry a little for NAI. How much have they invested in this?
They would have had to abandon the fine-tune and start all over.
I need to make a collage of all the shit generations that erato has, can do post some? Please?
Ironically, he was right by being wrong.
Turns out Krake really did have an edge over typical corpo models, and the reason for that was that they were trained from scratch rather than on top of corporate slop.
Take a look at the timestamps. It's a disingenuous poster spamming with his 4chan pass.
>he's never used Mistral Large or Command R+
>he's so cucked into thinking NAI is the only service providing an uncensored model
Why are you like this? Why do you let yourself be a doormat
Just boost the damn context and output limit on the perfectly decent model they already have! Surely running a 70b model is more expensive that sticking with a 13b that at worst seems on par with it and at best seems to actually slap it around for creativity.
I warned you about llama3 bro
Krake was not a custom model. This proves you don't even know what you're talking about.
Sorry, meant Kayra. Krake is useless and should die in a fire.
Fuck Krake.
Just one storypost for my collage please...
I just do this as a minor hobby, I have not hit autistic levels of obsession with it (yet)
What else is out there? genuinely asking because I am pretty much done with NAI if they don't pull this flop and admit it failed before laying out a roadmap for how to correct things.
hell even claude just lets you do whatever the fuck you want, i don't know how many nuts to boob vore i've done in the last month
Don't abandon me...
Don't tell me, local, stolen proxies, or massive amounts of money. Everyone says "NAI alternatives" but which ones can be run online on their own without stealing and don't need guides no how to run?
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Sage positing story templates in discord lol
It's over.
I haven't, but man I am so tired of SillyTavern
The best models in NAI are 3B and 13B. The biggest flops are double their size.
The best model on AID are Mixtral and Wizzard. The flops are double their size.
Almost as if a lesson lays here.
One eratoslop generation is all I need or... NAI will win... please...
You're all traitors to the cause... hording all the bad generations...
Kayra is not better than Erato. Why do you pick the strangest hills to die on and spam? You don't even care about this "cabal/shill/fuckmoner-infested" the thread, quit with this false concern.
There's one good thing that came out of this. And that's the fact that nobody is ever going to begrudge them for using local model X ever again. If NovelAI had released a 30B trained on 1.5T tokens now, everyone would be going on about how much better and further ahead Llama 3 is.
Now? Not so much. I guess we'll have to wait to see if they realize that trained from scratch models are legitimately the best option.
Not exactly worse either is it? How is a 13B trading with a 70b and winning sometimes?
(not responding to you for that precious You, Not replying to bait again. just letting you know ahead of time)
It isn't. You have been nothing but disingenuous since yesterday
>test erato on an in-progress story involving a group of adventurers stranded on a deserted island
>noticeable reduction in characters' relationships and specialties getting mixed up
>hasn't once had anyone suggest things like visiting town for supplies or sneaking on a boat to get home
>easily remembers and brings up that the levels of the tree fort they built are connected by ladders, while kayra kept insisting that they walked up and down stairs
>overall doesn't feel like the biggest jump, but still a pretty gud step forward. Keeps the plot and certain details better than kayra and feel like I don't need to intervene as much during dialogue
>decide to visit /aids/ for the first time in months to see the consensus
guess I'm doing something right?
Right now from my experimentation
>better prose
>sex is very well described
>follows writing style more easily
>significantly better dialogue
>sex actions are much more detailed
>handles multiple characters and character aspects well (personality, types of speech, habits)
I never want to see a useless corpo slop "finetune" from them again. I dont even care about model size after this. Give me context and give me output. Give me fast and stable servers and nice UI improvements. The meat is there it just needs cooked.
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Silly faggot,
butts are for sluts!
Nobody here is dooming about Erato. Every single complaint is Claudefag.
>guess I'm doing something right?
You just called a 70b model "not the biggest jump" over a 13b.
The former was trained from scratch and Llama 3 base is trained on so many tokens that it's too stubborn to change its ways with a few measly hundred billion tokens of additional training.
Put simply, it's like rolling a ball in a landscape with a bunch of holes and trying to find the deepest one. When you're first starting out, you have a bunch of smaller holes and you can more thoroughly test the landscape to find good candidates. When you're getting further in, you're focused on finding the lowest point of the given hole you've found yourself in, and you're unlikely to find good candidates nearby. You might find minor improvements, but not major ones.
So no side-by-sides to stop NAI once and for all? I hate you all... why...
>be claudefag
>shill Aai Dungeon's Llama finetune as the best thing ever
>argue Kayra is shit
>NovelAI finetunes Llama
>Suddenly Llama is shit and Kayra is superior
About the only complaint I have is it’s very odd handling of either instruct with weird topics or how bad the base mode is at weird curveball prompts if instruct is really not working correctly.
I was the same guy doing test last thread and it doing modern major general when asked about mouse Holocaust and then perfectly reciting the history of a Soviet interwar tank was a bit of whiplash
And if you're wondering "why does instruct tuning make such a difference?" it's because you're training a model to do something very different from what you were doing during pretraining (answering questions) and instruct datasets are often vastly smaller than pretraining datasets. So it's a lot easier to adjust the instruct performance of a given model, but a lot harder to do actual additional pretraining.
both CR+ and mistral large are literally free (IIRC 1000 requests/month for CR+, 1B tokens for large) through their respective providers and are fairly cheap and unlogged+anonymized on openrouter
this argument stopped holding water nearly a year ago
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>boot up NAI
>imagegen in a second tab
>default preset
>crank Output Length up to 400 characters
>if it's an existing IP put "This story takes place in the [name of series] universe." in the Author's Note
It's that easy
More than 90% of the complains in the thread are incessant spam about Kayra being better, how NovelAI is going bankrupt now because they wasted money, and why everyone here are blind to the truth of reality. All courtesy of single madman whose sole purpose is to psyop the thread. Why do you enjoy ruining good threads?
CR+ and Mistral Large have base models?
You can’t really be critical of NAI in the Discord tho. It’s like those offices where everyone magically agrees on politics.
I lurked the discord, found out something about the [ S: X ] tag.
There should be no space between the start of this tag and the previous one
>[ Genre: Slice of Life] [ S: 4]
should be
>[ Genre: Slice of Life ][ S: 4]
Also apparently S: 1 and S: 5 are borked. So you should be sticking between S: 2 and S: 4 if you want a noticeable change
Thank you editoranon, I'll fix it once I get home.
>male female lorebooks
Yeah, I was going for different vibes for each one. I kinda added the female one on as a last minute addition since that was the base for the femboy prompt. I'll probably edit the subscenario to be more in line, and then submit the original as a standalone different experience
>if I shill Command R, despite being against it for months, nobody will notice
You aren't the brightest light bulb in the shed.
no, but the poster was talking about them specifically so I answered about them specifically
> doesn't feel like the biggest jump
Depends on the genre. It can write cliché romantic comedy that would be actually a little bit funny. Kayra just can't do it at all.
Dude, you aren't that important. Go back to evading Ukranian missiles or whatever it is you do.
Wrong person?
I'm not claudefag and always been pro-CR+, I was one of the first people to post about it here and even wrote up a mini guide to using it for free through the cohere api
Erato isn't slop.
4chan makes this unreadable on mobile
I’m going back to my alt of choice and staying there holy shit things have gotten bad
This, but unironically.
>erika was the first
>and she walks
It suddenly writes became esl
good, I'm happy for everyone using it and enjoying it :)
Erato didn't flop, spammer.
Make one about Rodney Dangerfield having to take care of baby monstergirls.
CR+ is okay. I prefer Mistrals tho. Llama is probably the worst “open source” (what a mockery) model.
Get a life.
I sub for NAI's imagegen
Should I try out the new textgen thing or it's shit?
Well yeah, compared to going from Krake to Clio and Kayra. I consider "good to better" a smaller jump than "absolute shit to good."
There is nothing wrong with their new textgen model, and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian.
Easiest thing to do is go on /r/locallama and sort by top this year to scope out the landscape. /r/locallama isn't just for local people, it's basically the defacto (non-OpenAI) AI forum on the internet now and a good place to learn.
Decent starter models: Nemo, Mistral Large, Command R/R+. OpenRouter will be your friend to providing an ez gateway to them.
This is of course assuming you aren't being a l33thacker and using tricking Gemini or GPT4o into writing your smut now, which is hilariously easy to do these days (Gemini has almost no filter in the AI Google Studio page)

C-tier bait. Even huggingchat with their shit interface will provide better output for free. Still OpenRouter can be cheaper than Opus.
OR prices:
Command R+: 128K context, $2.5/M input tokens, $10/M output tokens
Command R: 128K context, $0.15/M input tokens, $0.6/M output tokens
Mistral Large: 128K context, $2/M input tokens, $6/M output tokens
>and don't need guides no how to run
Oh, nvm youre retarded my bad
>4chan makes this unreadable on mobile
Three dots > Open original file
Honestly, as a day-one Opusfag, I feel a bit let-down by my first few hours with Erato. No matter which preset I picked, whether I was picking up where another story left off or starting a new one, the prose was dry and many contradictions arose. It's gotten much better now that I've fixed the tagging, but if this means I have to use ATTG every time, I am going to miss being able to "just write."
Also, I noticed that [ A/N: blah blah ] doesn't work; I have to use [ Author's Note: ipsum lorem ], but it works very well.
I haven’t tried it myself but this is what people on reddit say
You do know you are shilling for actual facebook garbage products right? This isnt NAI its Meta's model. You are such a freak man, even if you are a slut for NAI you do not need to defend this model.
You're replying to CF bait, anon.
thank you fren, wholesome good advice.
There is nothing wrong with Erato.
CF is the one artificially filling the thread with anti-llama propaganda.
Why are you so triggered?
Also, Facebook isn't too bad, I'm more interested in what Lecun wants to do.
He wants ai to be able to understand common sense, and I do hope we get some of that in llama 4.

Would make for an interesting storyteller with that capability.
Are there good uncensored non-instruct local models? I have been using instruct ones to story gen, but I wonder if I could do better.
Those aren't really NAI alternatives though. If you want a storytelling model (as in, autocomplete, deslopped, no censorship), your options are basically the L3.1 405B base on OR which doesn't have the samplers you need to get decent results, or Featherless where L3.1 405B doesn't even work, and the existing base models are even worse versions of what we currently have.
That's what they should be moving away from really, getting it to a service where you can literally just log in and write. The cope on discord is that its peoples set up that has them getting <kayra level outputs.
I have tried a few customs and while it can help with the repetition sliders don't seem to be solving things.
Adding NSFW into memory and author's note seems to be helping along my monster girl respect story, requires more testing
tried to post this earlier but it went to the void, so if you see this message twice am sorries
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Yea it's pretty gud so far. Night-and-day difference compared to Kayra IMO.
All I've seen the past twelve hours is samefagging and overblown, hyperbolic doomerism about Erato. Did Claudey blow a gasket in their brain?
He's triggered because he knows he won't be able to convince me with his lies.
Can I use it for roleplay or it's purely storytelling shit
who is biggest sloot of the 4 book club girls?
If your already paying for unlimited image gen then sure why not. If your on the lower tiers and don’t regularly fuck with text then it’s really not work it simply off the fact you don’t use text much.
It's not that bad but for anyone who thought beakage was the primary issue it's a bit of a disappointment. It's a sidegrade with a difference in effective model size of 5x. That isn't great.
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For me, it's a nice break from chatbot format. I started with storytelling, I like storytelling format, 70B is good enough to be far less frustrating. I could see myself swapping every month between a NAI sub and paying for Claude and that's going to keep things really fresh.
I have opus.
Can I use it for roleplay or it's garbage for this? I'm not really interesting in story completion stuff, I'm just an esl coomer.
Looks right to me, just awkward to read.
Can anyone here try using instruct on Erato to do this prompt? It worked well on llama 1 70b, so want to see Erato doing it.
That plus got to wait till around Tuesday next week to get opus.

Start a text adventure in the world of the 80's ninja turtles cartoon, in which I play as April O'Neil. start it when I wake up in my room in my apartment on Monday, to get ready for work.
Sane take and the issue is going to be the fact that since it sits above clio but trades somewhere around Kayra people will have skewed takes on it. Shills will point to what it does better and declare it night and day, trolls will point to what it does worse and call it worse than Kayra in everyway.
For me the issue is as you say, its a side grade, it changes nothing but is 5x the model size and a waste of their time and resources.
I'd honestly just wait for Aetherroom
I hate to be "that guy", but this doesn't happen with AI Dungeon's 8B finetune of Llama 3.1 (Pegasus).

When the free-tier of AI Dungeon is better than your $25/m model you really fucked up.
the funny thing is if i didn't grab a free key from totally not aini i would have just believed this thread wholesale that the model is garbage. the model needs to be included in the trial or something, i can't trust anyone when it comes to model opinions
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my opinion:
- kayra is better at generating good prose out of garbage, erato tends to latch harder onto style so needs more handholding just in this regard
- obviously notably smarter than kayra and any suggestion otherwise is retarded shitposting
- the tokenizer is total ass, i have a feeling that a 30B kayra would be better in just this regard alone, what the fuck was META thinking here
- pretty finnicky, settings change a lot, and the defaults are probably the worst we've gotten yet
- hard to totally judge without the prose and instruct modules, if theyre even ever coming out, theyve been silent about that on the discord
It's not shilling to acknowledge reality. Erato is better than Kayra is every single way possible. There is no debate about this. Post your settings and preset or shut the fuck up and quit spamming the thread.
Good lord what cope.
I disagree myself, I think Llama is Llama no matter what you do to it. AI Dungeons was no better than this.

The thing AI Dungeon has is Wizzard and Mixtral and high context. NAI has Kayra and should have just competed on that front and let its superior UI and configs carry them to first place.
Is that an instruct tune or a base tune?
I can reroll on AI Dungeon and get lots of different things happening. No such luck on Erato.

Given the way AI Dungeon works, I imagine it's an instruct tune?
You're the one coping, Mr. "I want to try to quit trolling". There isn't a single person in the thread who unironically thinks Erato was a waste of time, or that Kayra is somehow better than it. This is exactly what you tried to pull when Kayra was released. You tried and failed to argue that Clio was better than it.
whens the next likely update for AI dungeon? I hear they are much clearer on roadmaps that NAI.
Yeah, so instruct tunes are a bit of a different beast. See >>495805709
Basically, I suspect it's a lot easier to change the behavior of an instruct model than a base one.
Taffy pullers.
Ah yes totally natural discussion. All of this was just a ploy to shill AI Dungeon. It's not getting added back to the OP, I take it? Quit shitting up /aids/.
AI Dungeon also has that auto-memory system which adds significant events into a priority context (or whatever you want to call it) without you having to it manually.

They really got their shit together in the past year or so. They were dragging ass until Mixtral came out and it's been a flood of updates ever since.
>it was mormon the whole time
can you do NSFW like you used to?
So I guess unusable then? I got the sub anyway. If it's complete trash I might as well keep cooming to pics anyway.
I don't understand why he chooses to shill that service. He knows nobody here is going to fall for it, given Coomageddon.
I still wouldn't pay money for AI Dungeon. It's just better than NovelAI. It is what it is.

Yeah. All their models are uncensored I believe.
I'm gonna be honest here I expected at least one post, obviously done with shit settings so that it's repeating, but you couldn't even do that?
I think I'm gonna jump, such is my disappointment in Erato. It's not just the model you know? NAI never give updates, they just release randomly and it can take years. I'm not "just waiting" for them to improve things again after this one.
What tier to you recommend? are their ultra models worth it?
What are you even saying mate? There are plenty of smut-trained mistral, llama, qwen and more finetunes on huggingface. Storytelling tunes. Lorablated models… Local has never been better and keeps getting better constantly. Nvidia recently released big boy llama tunes of their own, and if nemo is any indication, they’ll be pretty good.
I don't know lets keep talking about him for 500 more threads maybe we'll figure it out
AI Dungeon isn't better than NovelAI, liar.
I'm not shilling AI Dungeon, I'm shitting on OpenAI. Use OpenRouter or run your own model and use SillyTavern as a frontend.

AI Dungeon seems nice for the extremely casual with a lot of money to burn. Anyone savvy enough to be in this thread shouldn't give them money.

NovelAI is just fucking awful trash.

Use OpenRouter. AI Dungeon is only a good value if you have no fucking idea what you're doing.
Nope. Just a few threads ago somebody who fell for Claudefag's lies tried it, and it's gotten worse.
Why do you lie? Their censorship has gotten worse!
i havent been here in like 4 months, is the thread really just low effort false flagging shit, with all the replies being low effort false flagging shit now?
>NovelAI is just fucking awful trash.
This is not an organic opinion. Nobody in /aids/ thinks his. Go back to whatever thread you came from, tourist.
Noted, ill go with that then.
I guess the Image gen is still fun so ill get my tree fiddy out of that ha. ha. ha. (I'm coping)
I haven't hit any censorship, I raped a corpse as an experiment.

Maybe it's because I'm not a cunnyfag, but I'm not going to do any kiddy diddling even as a test.
Read the Antiwhine Rentry in the OP.
Yeah, ever since the model dropped.
I can't do local OK I need my PC power because I edge while grinding in gacha games.
Based on my previous experience with llamas, it’s going to be dry and rushed. And based on my experience with Kayra, the finetune is not going to help.
But I’m interested in this, too. So far I haven’t found a model that can do decent adventure games.
Sorry I meant to say NOVELAI not OpenAI. Brainrot moment.
There is 1 guy who is a complete slut for NAI and spends every waking hour of every single day schizo posting about Claudefags and AIDshills to anyone who dares not throat the service. Just ignore him.
>claims it's uncensored
>can't be bothered to test it
>also refuses to post screenshots
Insincere faggotry post which can't hide his personal vendetta against NAI and makes an implausible claim trying to elevate AI Dungeon just to throw shit at NAI
Objective post acknowledging the shortcomings of Llama and actual shortcomings of NAI
Yeah, I'm going to come back in like, a week. It's obvious /aids/ is beng raided by people with an axe to grind against NovelAI...
Here's their blog post about it: https://latitude.io/blog/the-walls-approach

Basically it means all their censorship amounts to now is their finetune, there's no frontend filter. I haven't hit the filter, but I don't do cunny shit and I don't even want to do that as a test. Sorry.
Post opinions once you try it
Whinefag is probably fat enough to be several people so this is technically accurate.
I don't trust you.
actually you'll be back in 3 posts to write some more dull obvious false flagging
try to be entertaining for once in your life! boring boring bring!
>they dont allow pedos to enjoy their service
We're gonna build the WALL where we take our STAND.
My god your dopamine receptors
>Objective post acknowledging the shortcomings of Llama and actual shortcomings of NAI
And then I mentioned to him that AI Dungeon's model was producing variation, and it was revealed it's because they use an instruct finetune instead of a base finetune. There's no shenanigans.

Nor should you. I'm just a stranger on the Internet. But all I did was fire up my old AI Dungeon account and set the model to their experimental Pegasus model. I didn't give them any money nor did I sign up for their free trial.

I just think it's embarrassing that the free tier of AI Dungeon is comparable if not better than the $25 tier of NovelAI.

I want to like NovelAI again, I really do. But they've been dead fucking silent on their textgen for so long and then they release this horseshit model. I'm peeved.
Well, I'll probably experiment with it next week and post the results here if I can't get someone to try it for me now.
It's always funny how shills refuse to share screenshots.
Don’t go to reddit either, it seems the same “trolls” are raiding there too. And low key on discord to but less vocal
Mormon won
nobody is going to exert any effort on you schizo. You really aren't as important as you seem to think you are.
>You're either smoking or you're just bad at writing. I mostly use image gen, but I play with text gen from time to time, and I can say Erato is far superior—and it's not even close. As for the context size, it's only natural. They started training the model before LLAMA 3.1 was released, so it was pretty obvious it was going to be 8k. Everyone with the bare minimum understanding of LLMs saw it coming from a mile away.
The consensus on Reddit is that you're full of shit.
It's actually a huge fucking pain in the ass to share anything more than a snippet with AI Dungeon. One thing I will give NovelAI a ton of kudos for is their awesome screenshot generator.

AI Dungeon lets you share the story in full via a link but you can't have it be anonymized. I didn't come here to tout the virtues of AI Dungeon in the first place. I really don't think anyone here should give them money.

It's just that NovelAI's textgen is not good. You don't even need to compare it to AI Dungeon to come to that conclusion.
>Claudefag is everywhere, Reddit, Discord, HES IN THE WALLS! HES COMING OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WALLS!
Lmao the level of cope here.
>top post in reddit is "Erato is underwhelming"
It's unironically over. Guess I'll wait for v4
>click that thread
>everyone is calling OP retarded, except for one person who has admitted he hasn't used it
do you ever get the feeling you may be a paranoid schizophrenic?
You're not fooling anyone.
It is. At some point NAI stans will have to accept this one flopped. If the first impression of your landmark 70b model is "eh... I guess it might be a little better" but its 5x the size of the last one then you got problems.

I really think they should pull it, why even host this? It will be less embarrassing for them to pull it while its confined to Opus lol
You're only fooling yourself if you think Erato is any good.
>Both you need to learn how to use the model. I think a modest bump to 16000 would be nice, but that's not on the cards right now. Now quit making up excuses to not give it a solid try.
NTA, but how does one give it a solid try? Having some info on what to do may help people stop engaging with it in the wrong way and subsequently getting dogshit.
>noooo you can't call me out on my bullshit, quit sucking Noveldick, cabal!!!
Like I said, he doesn't have any arguments, he just wants to shit up the thread.
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I keep seeing things like this and I wonder if they haven’t overtrained the shit out of llama, because this is not normal.
There is no "learning" its just Llama. It's a dud. Llama 70b has been on AID for a while and nobody gave a shit, Mixtral and Wizzard are what people rave about.
Not paranoid. Yea schizophrenic
Consider me a fool, then. At least I'm enjoying myself without being an ass to everyone in the thread. Unlike you. You could be storyposting right now. Instead, you want to take a dump on a service you hate. Do you really find that fun? More fun than generating text? Because from where I'm standing, you're not using LLMs to have fun. You're taking time out of your day to dunk on a community that you're likely not even a member of. For fun(?)...
How hard would it actually be for NAI to train their own 70b model?
I think you got the wrong guy.
I just talked about experimenting, nothing else.
to my fellow brap huffers
They were too ambitious with it, really they should have just try to keep updating and perfecting kayra instead of fine tuning a different model
This. Even base llama does shit like this >>495813974
it’s a model for corpo chatbots, translation and coding. I use 3.1 for work stuff when I don’t need to resort to gpt4o and it works great for that.
NAI should’ve gone with a mistral. They are retarded for doing this. They better fucking crush it with AR or they’re dead.
They don't need to, they just needed to up Kayra's context and output limit and spruce up the ol UI.
A 30B Kayra at 16k context would also mog the ever loving fuck out of this slop.
I haven't used NAI before (GPT and Claude mainly) but do I REALLY have to wrangle the model every few lines and write a lot of my own shit just to get something "decent"? Not impressed
What does it tell you if people would rather shit on Erato that post it's text gen? Think about it for a hot minute now.
I really do not know why this schizo keeps repeating the "Erato is bad" phrase over and over.

Lots of anons already said they like it.
So why is he wasting his energy?
If we're being honest, the Mormon was unironically put into a shitty position with all the press painting the service as a childfucking extravaganza. OpenAI has always been very censorious so they probably told him to fix it or get bootyblasted to kingdom-cum.

I don't think he handled it well at all, but I do think cursing his very name in every single OP makes this thread look like a bunch of retards.
Longer Kayra with longer API responses would be the shit. I don’t know what I am supposed to do with a fucking LLAMA FINE TUNE. It’s insulting.
It tells me those same “anons” are not posting screenshots of its alleged failures. Unlike the thread when it first dropped during which anons actually analyzed what was and wasn’t working as expected
I really hope everybody here gets together and invents a time machine to tell all those other anons from about a year ago just going "wow turk why you train own model, model bad, just finetune llama, beaks right there bro just finetune llama easy beaks you fucking retard" that they're wrong.
God do I miss custom modules.
Your style of posting reminds me of the way Chinese people try to manipulate each other by appealing to group consensus. It’s very specific, but if you know, you know what I’m talking about.
I'm saying he's not using the textgen he thinks is superior to Erato and instead choosing to shit on its when he could be having fun with that. What does it say about the model he's supposedly using if this is more fun than using it?
He literally did that himself.
An entire meme around that time was mormon going completely dark and then whining to Vice and then every other outlet that would talk to me with half of them calling him and idiot or not caring.
Is there an article about this? It sounds interesting.

That it's comparatively more fun than Erato but not more fun than shitting on Erato?
I was one of those retards and I regret it. But I hope they don’t make that kind of decision off what people tell them in social media.
The same reason people go on /v/ to shit on video games they hate instead of playing games they like.
i storyposted earlier though
NTA but I'm at work checking into the thread. I already posted several storyposts, but because of work I can't until I get home (and even then I have shit to do once I get back).
Also the thread exploding into this much autismo makes it unbearable. If this is how its going to be, I rather come back once things calm down
The real takeaway is that he doesn't use LLMs, he just wants to shitpost because that's what he finds fun. If he thought using LLMs were fun, he'd contribute to the thread instead of shitting on it.
All you need to know about Mormon being wrong is that even fucking Vice didn't buy his narrative.
He got pressured by OpenAI and panicked and wanted to be painted as the good guy. Obviously it failed miserably and it's just proof you should never talk to the press ever, for any reason.
Is there any information that suggest OAI pressured them to go to the press?
Now that the dust has settled a section even on their info page or where ever it is claims they took the initiative to show Open AI what the service was being used for who either didn’t know or didn’t care before and then told them to deal with either with a home made filter or OAI’s own
>Is there an article about this? It sounds interesting.
I don’t know. But if you live with them for a while you pick up on it. I assume it stems from the way their government writes their propaganda (every government or media outlet does this; in the US they appeal to extreme individuality and outrage porn). Or maybe it’s just more ingrained in their culture.
It’s similar to the kind of shaming women do sometimes (“you know everyone thinks that you are wrong, right?”) but instead of addressing the person, they address the crowd (but the person is still the intended recipient). “We have already seen this person is wrong, so why are they wasting their energy/money?”
I’m sure there are books about this kind of shit, but I haven’t looked into it.
Read the Rentry, newfag.
That drawfriend finished that picture of Traci.
>Llama 3.1
3.1 had a lot of shit fixed, especially the looping. I'm not sure why they finetuned 3.0 0f all things. Magnum 72b (Qwen finetune) is the better model vs. them both.
Not what I meant. Basically the Mormon thought OpenAI would welcome his child safety discussion and they instead bent him over backwards.

He went to the press afterward to complain about it and it made everything ten times worse.

He's a retard, but not such a retard I think it's worth bearing an eternal hategrudge over.
>I'm not sure why they finetuned 3.0 0f all things.
Because 3.1 wasn't out when they started? Seems a pretty simple answer. They could be training a 3.1 version right now.
>3.1 had a lot of shit fixed, especially the looping
jfc CF, do you even use any models at all? Hermes 405B was plagued with lots of looping issues. 3.1 is a marginal improvement over 3 except the context.
Oh yeah, I tried Magnum, it's pretty fucking awesome. Supposedly a lot of people think the 32b version is better for some reason though. I"m not sure if that info is outdated, there might be a new version of the 72b out now.

(I went and checked and yeah, there's a v2 of 72b out now, I should try that.)
3.1 does loop less than 3.0 though, even if it does still loop. 3.0 was brutal especially on the base
Qwen magnum is awful
t. Nemo magnum masterrace
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405B would never loop.
Nemo magnum is just nemo
If you liked the big magnum, try the 12B based on mistral nemo (magnum v2 12b). I unironically think it’s the best at any size.
NTA, but Hermes loops. It'll repeat itself endlessly if you let it.
No it’s not. It has delicious lewd added and refusals removed.
Nemo was already lewd and uncensored...
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My money's on the one who's coincidentally named after a hentai genre.
Yeah nah, the amount of self destructive and borderline criminal stupidity of Mormon should be recorded and laughed at for all time. They went from an industry monopoly with no way for completion to even happen to an irreverent laughing stock through countless self caused catastrophes.
If they had been more revenant at the time of AI more prominent it would be a history book moment of a industry leader killing itself
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i used base 405B while waiting for erato and it looped just as much
I should make a prompt to celebrate Erato's release.
I'll try that. What do you think of the recently released 27b KTO?

(I have no fucking idea what KTO is.)
Nemo was pretty good but they’re not the same.
It’s stated goal was to mimic Claude. And it does feel like Claude at home.
How about making one that involves elves or nobility and submitting it for Theme Friday?
I would be in favor of that, but instead it's being presented as REMEMBER WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOUUUU, not "hey look at this funny retard lol".
You could blame old Baker for that, he was very corny
The one from Hyperbolic doesn't have repetition penalty IIRC, which unfortunately is necessary to tard wrangle it
You had to be there to understand the pain we went through.
The naming of it is ultimately irrelevant and also pretty clearly a joke as well. The rentry even leads like a comedy of errors of recounting “and then the retards did something even stupider”
I personally read it as that. What they took isn't as important anymore as plenty of LLMs exist now besides 2 companies with access to GPT-3.
I've only ever used AIDungeon's Dragon and Griffon then NAI's models after coomageddon.
Huh repetitions always happened on the other models
I WAS there. And there was pain. But I got over it. I see it now for the comedy of errors (as someone else put it) that it really is.

The ongoing amount of pure seethe makes me believe otherwise.
You don't speak for everyone. It deserves to stay in the OP. For now until the heat death of the universe. I will never forgive him. The majority feel the same.
NTA, but where do these go? Not sure what you mean by the "very top" and "after injections".
>as in autocomplete
What I'm saying is basically every single finetune out there is instruct. If you want autocomplete, your options nowadays are NAI, base models, or those two Erebus tunes Seeker made last year. You can use instruct models like autocomplete models, but it seems every single time I've tried it, the ministrations, shivers, <endoftext>, and general instruct tax kills me eventually
See below:

>For now until the heat death of the universe. I will never forgive him.

It's so fucking childish.
Feel free to believe that. You never loved your waifu.
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Where are all the storyposts? I remember when Kayra came out the thread was full of anons posting their cool findings.
>inb4 everyone is busy writing
So were they back then.

Anyway. Pic related was generated by 12 beaks. Post Erato.
Why would they? All they'd get is screamed at for being shills for a shit model and a scam company.
Yeah, it's not as important anymore. I still think that Mormon's fiasco is the reason why all cloud providers censor this aggressively, but Latitude itself is just not a player in the global scheme anymore. Attaching something as grand as "Mormon is the Antichrist and we must never forget his sins against humanity" only gives him more recognition and attention than he deserves.
Should you use AID now? No, but that's not because of Coomageddon.
This is starting to feel too much like whine bait to open up OP alterations or something he could try to highjack for the dozenth time. But if you dislike the title so much why not just copy and paste the rentry and give it a new name like ‘Mormon is a retard. Don’t trust latitude’
It was also discussed probably over a year ago at this point, but some more information did come up related to events that just weren’t considered important enough to edit the old rentry to add

It's sloppy floppy, cliche ridden garbo. It'll take a lot of work to overcome ingrained habits.
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It will always be important. Drop it.
Chill the fuck out. I'm just saying what I think. Do what you want, christ.
>Some retard not remembering
This is why we can't remove it from the OP
4channer grudges are as eternal as they ae petty.
The thing is Mormon is enough of a retard that most anons won't use it, and those who do probably deserve what they get anyway.
It's that same fucking guy, he thinks he is the thread moderator or some shit but its actually just some literal who-the-fuck with a seething whore on for NAI and absolute hate boner for anything not NAI.
>generation working fine
>decides to reduce a 99% token down to 50% then pick the next retard mode token in the list, totally fucking everything up
The schizo will samefag and complain about Erato being slop no matter what. At least if more people posted content, the threads would be more bearable. Can you imagine trying to make threads or host theme friday in this environment? At this rate, we might need a fourth new theme anon.
In 10 years nobody will even know who Nick Walton was. You can't just stay bitter for the entire life because a person hurt you.
I guess, it's just a personal hatred for some no matter how much time passes.
I remember. I just don't care as much anymore.
The amount of blank avatars shilling lol
Nobody here hates anything not-NAI, schizo. This thread isn't a NAI-only thread.
The bottom bit is more as a proof post that can be linked back if discussing the reentry is just another episode of whine trying to bread war or it gets highjacked to do that. Everything before is actual discussion on potential updating the rentry to be more relevant and less dramatic
The only grudge I really have is Altman, and that one stays because he and his corpo are actually still fucking dangerous.
Nick Walton won't draw anyone except too dumb to live retards who probably don't know enough about AI to find a thread about it in the first place.
You're the fucking schizo retard>
>This isn't a NAI-only thread
>literally every post not NAI shilling has the same retard autistically attacking them.
I can and I will. I will never forgive him. Just accept that and quit demanding I let go of it. I won't ever. Not now. Not ever. Do you understand that? If so, quit discussing it with me. You're not changing my mind about it.
what's your ATTG like?
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I'm still waiting for this output to be beaten.
From where I'm standing, all I see are unwarranted complaints about Erato and false flaggers pretending to be upset at other models. Neither are representative of the thread. Learn to recognize bait and quit responding to it, for your own sake. Go ahead and post a story with your preferred model.
Grow up.
We just got done with a phase of a few weeks where someone was actively bringing up AID every dozen posts as a great service everybody should use as well as making new OPs where they inserted AID into it. It's still an active topic.
>From where I'm standing
Yeah, You are standing in Paranoid Schizophrenic Town buddy.
>unwarranted complaints
There have been numerous examples of Erato's shit outputs and well-known and well-documented flaws of Llama 3 brought up.
Learn to separate actual posts from CF spam, anon.
You're entitled to your opinion. It doesn't make it true.
Yes, Claudefag that did this to keep it relevant. That still doesn't make it worthy of anyone's consideration. If you "need" persuasion to not use AID because some 4chin post claims it's hobby-killa, you have bigger problems in life.
Gonna start reporting all your posts for boorishly attacking anybody not shilling NAI and constantly derailing discussion on Erato.
Are any Erato people using the scoring tag? I'm wondering what method they used to aggrigate it, and if it's worth using at all. Most 4-5 star works are YA slop just due to sheer volume. Of course, low scores are just badly written, but maybe omitting it would be better for creativity?
You're not discussing Erato. You're spreading propaganda against it.
food for thought: perhaps the NAI guy who staunchly opposes all nai criticism whilst routinely making stupid arguments that just make nai look worse is about as "genuine" as the claude schizo who posts loli guro
>Replying to himself again.
It's all so tiresome...
That’s pretty obviously the fag just being the fag. Nobody is going to seriously wander into a thread and try talking about something people dislike and then try and force it in the OP unless they are being a fag
its whinefag, hes been at this for 2 years
i thought it was obvious?
I'm honestly starting to wonder if that guy is actually anti-NAI and is doing this to make NAI users look retarded.
They feel like the same person, just with a different mask. Same deal with the sperg insistent on blaming the so-called NAIshill for poking holes in his arguments. None of them are interested in conversation. They just want to dictate to the thread what they ought to believe, and get upset when people don't drink up their gospel.
I genuinely can't tell if it's a CF samefag or not, and I'm usually pretty good at differentiating them.
he's been doing this in three generals
it's obvious for anyone above 93 iq
I don't see any posts like that in the thread.
>New model releases to mixed reception
>Try talking about it and why
>YoU ArE NoT DiSsCuSinG ErAtO
Discussion does not equal shilling. You can discuss things in a negative light legitimately.
Fucking hell, He thinks Vladimir Poots is behind this.
Even his story posts get more (yous) than normal ones lmao
He has always been an obvious cabal agent spreading falseflags to gather contrarian attention.
The only valid criticism was the context and the samplers being subpar. Everything else has been nothing but hyperbole and doomerism.
Quiet, bottom.
The cabal is so uncreative they have to pretend one of the anti-cabal's agents works for them. Stop stealing valor from our glorious anti-cabal insurgents
No stub him and let him screech into the void.
Genuinely, you sound like CF whenever he's doing his "NAI is the best service" schtick. Intentional or not, quit spamming up the thread and contribute something of value. Offer samplers or storyposts showing your points, for one.
Getting angry because the shilling doesn't go your way, the usual. If only you were a little smarter.
what the fuck is wrong with you people
CF and angryfag aren't the same poster, nobody on 4chan has a monopoly on being an asshat, but they are most certainly the same sides of two equally shitty coins.
Go ahead and explain to me why I should take a look at "NovelAI going bankrupt lol" "Kayra superior", "Erato pure slop, utter shit" and take that at face value?
Man, this shit fucking sucks. All this samefagging and weird mobius double reacharound psyop falseflagging is why AI generals should be de-anonymized. NO other types of general have this problem to this degree.
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I've been enjoying Erato. My only complaints are Golden Arrow being to prone to repetition(Use WIlder) and TTS sometimes repeating the first word.
What level of sensitivity is this?
level 2 astral projection. at level 3 you can motorboat them from up to 50 feet away
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Thank you for the laugh, Erato.
There is 1 (one) O N E poster shitting up Erato discussion and its not Claudewhatever, its not AI Dungeon and it isn't some secret soviet service determined to undermine NAI and America. It is a mentally ill freak obsessed with shilling NAI and attacking anyone who even mentions another service in a positive light. Anyone with 2 brain-cells can spot the deranged posting style and see it.

report them and ignore them.
>New model releases to mixed reception
Only real evinced I’ve been shown of it being mixed so far are references to a single Reddit thread that most replies disagrees with that premise
Allegedly the discord which I don’t bother to be in
And this general which seems to be mostly blatant same fagging with a few anons annoyed at the 8k context while whine screams and shits. While everybody that has bothered to write a review or story post suggest it’s at the least very good, but not great
There are now two posters shitting up Erato discussion.
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I just want the threads to heal. It is not fun when people argue and bicker, and whine, and so forth. When will the threads heal?
Agreed. Then we'd see that more than half of the Erato complaints are from a single person. I am not disputing that people feel miffed about it. But it's asinine to assume everyone complaining about it is being genuine.
Anti-NAI schizos completely destroy every single thread they touch.
I shouldn't...
When the Russian fatso has a heart attack
>How did they react to the story overall?
Feels like none of the people I've shared it with want to give me real feedback.
I've shown a few friends, cousins, and one of my zoomer cousins showed her mom so my aunt's also a reader now lol. They either drop it like 2 chapters in because it's urban fantasy slop, or won't stop telling me how excited they are to read more (people love Nana, think Mary's the protag, and hate Mel)
>Did they know it was AI generated?
Yeah, I have a cousin who works with AI so we talk a lot about it during gatherings. That's how I first shared it, was tipsy enough to relent when he asked if he could see my story.
>When my friend read mine and gave a pdf of corrections, it kinda hurt.
I was reading tsws before the rewrites, and it was my inspiration for trying to write something structured and long. Nothing wrong with seeing it as a 'draft,' with a solid core but still in need of revising though. That's how I see my stories.
I'd prefer real feedback to the praise I'm getting. They seem to actually be reading it, because I'll get texts asking about little details here and there. It still feels like I'm being gaslit.
Anyways, my turn:
Part 11 when?
I used to think Blue was a boy and I was surprised that she isn't. I also used to think Slippy was a girl.
I have downloaded Sages template, lets see if his fix works or if this is a fundamental issue with the model.
Taking all bets.
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Would you?
Only if she stops being mean and flipping me off. That hurts my feelings.
better get a new thread ready ahead of schizo.
Now gen a blue mouse.
Wilder seems to be my preset of choice, yeah. Llama 3 loves to get caught in repetition loops.
the first result was good O.O
Fuck off.
A...and the second... uh...
Tenses bro. Keep it in present OR past tense, don't mix it unless you want to invoke wattpad demons into your context.
You post like a total faggot.
Whenever I get that serious section of Gone To The Dogs done I should show my mom (not the sex sections.)
Just pray she doesn't think to google its name, and find the original. The older generations tend to treat google as a personal assistant when they lose links or forget names.
I didn't even know about Traci Lords when I picked the name.
Use this one.
Nah. Too late dude. You can samefag in your thread if you want though, lol. Haha.
Ok so that is night and day, why the FUCK!!!! is this just not the default?
There's a good "get a clue" joke here.
Where do we go from here?
hes actually fucking spamming new threads to get them deleted holy fucking mindraped, a computer program has given you various mental illnesses
He's just doing it to be an annoying faggot as usual. Like a petulant 2 year old begging for attention.
This thread is at the bump limit, but for posterity this is false. First, L3.1 405B is a meme and isn't that much better than L3.1 70B for how much slower it is. 2nd, you don't need to use OR as your frontend, you can plug the API key into your own frontend and fuck around with settings that way. 3rd, your options are certainly not limited to just those. There's a plethora of merges and more significant tunes of L3 like Dolphin that have been around for ages and do a decent enough job, certainly much better than this version of Erato

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