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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• September 25 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445
• September 27, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28th 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>495756219
We like this.
Can I post my lalaboy and get called cute?
>>495765619 is a retard
add >>495756527 to the next OP
add >>495756527 to the next OP
add >>495756527 to the next OP
My femlala uhhhhhhhhhhh..... she ummmmmm.... yeah.
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I don't think DeeBee or Joy did anything wrong
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this will never be (you)
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I am dropping all pretenses
Posts gigantic fucking titties
i couldn't get it to link properly. kept saying it was considered spam.
Use the correct thread. Recycle this later.
>another episode of Joy name dropping himself in the thread
You know you guys say we like this a lot but I don't like a lot of it
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Why don't you have an EB.
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im mentally ill and it might finally be time for me to give up subbing to this lonely feeling game
lalaboy like this for my femlala
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Post vore.
I'm not using a vandalised faggot thread.
Trembling, scaly femra hands typed with post.
Gave a cute femlala an hour long hypno-session…
I can't decide between dragoon reaper and viper...
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does xivg like this?
My moonie is logging in, say something nice to her
>Decided not to include the OP
No, and jannies will delete yours. Cry about it.
What makes it feel lonely to you, anon?
Make a thread with a proper OP post if you want people to use it.
viper for fun dragoon for kino and reaper sucks ass
This is the correct thread, let the other one die
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Being a duskie is suffering.
I don't like his hat but it looks good yeah
the dude form highschool musical, the faggy one
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There isn't a single moment in Dawntrail that even comes close.
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We love this!
I'd eb you instantly
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You look like you went to theater camp
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I broke my ring like a few days or something ago
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Did you hear YoshiP stopped the devs from releasing 7.1 a month earlier because he hates gamers
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poll time! which female race force themselves the most? made a new poll to enable voting for more than one race.
i feel an aura of fakeness surrounding everyone and despite having a full friends list, people generally stay within their own group of friends
>alien ffxiv blank OP
>no one bitches about
>homo ffxiv blank OP
>everyone seethes
Make it make sense.
whatever your race is, because you're forcing these polls
Please use a tripcode so I can never see you post again
for me dragoon is better reaper is alright but i dont like the enshroud effect or how the weapons look and viper i havent gotten around to trying yet
You shouldn't, the issue is my personality.
So /xivg/ what will you do for the whole month leading to 7.1?
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I like being alone. Besides people start drama over the smallest of things when it comes to online relationships. Playing alone isn't so bad, this game is practically just a singleplayer jrpg when you get diwn to it.
Skydeep was pretty nice, but overall yeah. I don't think it's really a fair comparison given how long they had to build up to the big moments in Shadowbringers and Endwalker though. Even if you compare it to ARR it still feels a little weak.
short answer? homophobia. long answer? extra homophobia.
>multivote is enable
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my crush doesn't a relationship with anyone in the game, so I never told them I do
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Both true. I used to think it was me but I've learned it's just how xiv and xivg's community is
Clearing WT extremes through duty finder
Femezen are ugly troons
my freaky ass meena has been freed from his shackles and shall now begin his unholy infiltration of the greater xivg thoughtstream
Finish stormblood so I can hang out with a friend at a specific place.
That femlala that approached your male character and typed /pet?
Yeah that was me. Big whoop, wanna fight about it? I'm walking over here.
I hate gathering in this game so fucking much.
My arm looks like a washboard. I wanna stop, but's the only thing that gives me dopamine when I'm down. Alcohol also works, and I like drinking, but I'm not an alcoholic, nor can afford alcohol regularly.
tranny anchor i repeat tranny anchor
It's femra, you don't even need a poll to figure that out
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>he didn't like pic related
Tell me you're transphobic without telling me you're transphobic.
Ur a tranny nigger
Proof? Let's meet
they chilled out compared to 2 years ago. it used to be nonstop femra OPs.
just smoke sis, scar look gross and take forever to heal. make sure you use scar creams as you learn to stop
get involved in and start thread drama about ebins
improve at pvp
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How do you even manage to move lips or anything with fucking ktisis there's like a billion fucking bones now and I can even make my character smile without fiddling with stuff for 3 hours. Is there a more simple skeleton or something? It's incredibly frustrating
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quick modding question; does anyone know why my iris emissives don't show up properly in gpose?
lb14. find me
Enjoy the past few weeks of ew pvp before it's gone forever
smile using default emotes? and then adjust by MOVING face bones, NOT rotating
I play with JP voices, what do trannies have to do with the bad writing?
>wah wah I deliberately fucked up the OP and people are mad
>this is obviously because I'm gay
I'm EU...
I have bad lungs from childhood 2nd hand smoke, so I can't smoke. Also I can't afford to smoke either. I buy a couple cases of beer every few months though.
liar, there's no duskie here
I will try this... But how do I get people or golems that are not in my party to emote or smile in ktisis... Please any more tips are welcome
I learnt the light moonie I have a crush on is in a joke EB and not a serious one. we're so fucking back bros I have a chance
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Alright, time to take a shower, stinkie.
This is the important part. You move facebones, not rotate them.
I've developed a one sided crush for an ebin and I don't want to tell them because they'll just stop talking to me
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beer makes you fat and more ugly than a cutting board wrist. seriously get a cigerette and slowly get better. all you're doing right now is fucking up your immune system and god forbid you use dirty metal, then you'll really die.
/xivg/ is full of homophobic and transphobic spics who are too busy chasing trannies and underage characters than finding any fruitful, lasting relationship.
Is it me?
we should have a high school musical movie meetup...
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we dont like that
I don't know where to find a futa eb that ntrs my femra
could be. initials?
Who's the right...
I wanna host a musical meetup, I think I'll start with Moulin Rouge though
the post says confess not give shit opinions
We like this.
Pose or even emote a bit
You people are so fucking boring even if you mod in huge tits
"Look at me doing default idle stance"
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my sleep schedule is in shambles
ah okay so
in Brio you have animation controls
second option there, blending emotes or some shit - you can set other actors expressions
oh god Wuk Lamat is breaking free from the game to speak with me!
i'd go to that too
That song is so fucking gay holy shit
Well I can't post my malela getting paizuri, now can I?
I don't drink often though, I have like 3 beers every other week. Besides, even if I could afford to smoke, the smell alone makes me vomit.
But in brio I can't select or press the + button like I can in ktisis to add someone nearby to freeze them, or can you somehow?
did the opinion hit too close to home for you
I wish I knew how to make one of those gifs for my character, I love that type of 2000s cringekino
okay so you can't do it to other people, but you can do it to golems created in there
this pic goes kinda hard, i like how she's naked and only wearing the blue mage mask
I wanted to ask what server the hangout and our moonie is from last thread and what color her hair is.
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I need to see femezen feet or I'll die
So what happened to the "OFFICIAL XIVG DISCORD" that existed a few years ago that was hosted by that one lalafell? Did it get schizo shutdown? Did they become a tranny or worse?
It's almost 2025 and we need more gay representation in this community. Post those cute boys cuddling each other, kissing, or lewding. They deserve some action here in Final Fantasty XIV!
So what would a workaround be? Save people as a golem?
no idea who you are
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No! I love this blue bitch
It's a fun idea, been playing with it for a few poses too nsfw to post here
>sub died while I was manually editing a mod
least it wasn't a pose I guess
It's never me
I wish tuliyollal had more npcs
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I am a femlala who fell in love with my friend playing femlala and I think I'm going to end our friendship over it because it's wrong of me
if you need to pose someone out of your party, probably the best idea
Not as good as ozma jack
The cat did it better
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you're lucky mommy is here~
I wish a femlala would fall in love with me. But femlalas hate male midlanders that aren't Ardbert coded.
Top MMO fails to re-invent itself after a decade!

FFXIV disappoints fans with poor quality, lack of innovation!

...seriously, where are the articles from the Big Gaming Sites™ with the clickbaity titles- that would, for once, actually be accurate? I'm surprised we've not seen them yet, because they sure as shit feel well-earned. To wit: it feels so much worse because nothing's masking the cracks this time. And/or there are more cracks than glowing shinies. Or rather, the cracks are all too big and appeared on the most basic, core elements, so everyone feels at least one of them. It's also worse because the cadence isn't really that rigid in the sense that it's been slowly expanding since... HW? Maybe? Whether directly via sneakily adding just one more week to a patch cycle here and there... or indirectly via having things removed from the patches (like dungeons) or moving them to later ones (like relics). Everything's just caught up with everyone now in a perfect storm, really.

Ah well. Please look forward to the next bloated ~3hr long livestream that will not even mention any of the issues - not that it'd matter if it did, because it's not in a language we speak anyway. ... What was that about lack of innovation?
One time somebody made a confession post and someone else thought it was me so they replied to them thinking it was me and I disliked it because I'm not the type to sad post ever, let alone over them
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I think you already do a good job being the gay guy in the thread.
I push everyone away who wants to EB me
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>end friendship because you love someone
>can't reign in the gam energy
holy moly do lalafell really?
Can I be next?
Nta but I remember people would use blingee.com to make them
Now it's an app but I haven't tried it myself
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My Male Midlander is the Hank of /xivg/
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anyone know where that EU BPD femra went? Did they get schitzo'd out or did they just stop posting
They took a break from the game.
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Post images in the snow.
gay and a pedo
sure, thoughts on femsunnies?
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its so over
Lets say hypothetically I wanted some kind of face scar or maybe some body scars for my fiera monk. Where do I go looking for some? Nothing too crazy, I don't want her completely covered in them.
turning my veena into a rava so i can go even greyer
You make your own. Most scarmods are pornslop.
yep wife
sandris nolan? unsubbed
why are you browsing reddit?
do not give yourself ecuts, this isn't roblox or vrchat
Based greyskin
I love femezen so much it's unreal
its not greyer, its darker
I love them more btw
i just like the color contrast
ah fuck
it's so over
My moonie is supposed to start top this week and she still had not looked into any of the mechanics
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>Talk to Wuk Lamat
>Follow Wuk Lamat
>Help Wuk Lamat
>Walk with Wuk Lamat
>Ask about Wuk Lamat
>Carry items for Wuk Lamat
>Give your favorable opinion about Wuk Lamat
>Cheer on Wuk Lamat
>Do chores for Wuk Lamat
>Advise Wuk Lamat
>Get saved by Wuk Lamat
>Dance for Wuk Lamat
>Grovel before Wuk Lamat
>Die for Wuk Lamat
I want to eb someone so I can fulfill my cheating fantasy
Need a fuck toy sunnie EB
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Damnit, I don't have a clue on how to do that. Guess I'll look it up.
It would look cool though!
Depends on style.
O.N. is korbo
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>Smoke up with Wuk Lamat
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its over for her soon trust the plan
Why do modbeasts think having thighs thicker than their torso is sexy? Fuck is wrong with you freaks?
pedos aren't allowed in the lgbt+
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there are some scar texture pngs over on xma people have cooked up, you can make your own body texture map and create a sorta custom look that way, otherwise there should be some premade ones up there as well. hope they come out great mnk friend
Rape sex goon
Nah ON takes way better pictures than Korbo.
I'll leak it with proof for a large house in on balmung.
real mature posts guys
Limsa cat.
I'm very curious as to if yoshi legitimately thought this was ok to release or if he was busy jacking off somewhere and found out later.
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because im waiting on them to propose and ive reminded them im waiting on them to propose and theyve mentioned wanting to with me
now it seems like an inconvenience if i asked so i dont and i think i deserve to be proposed to because i need desperately to feel WANTED by them and whats the point of being in an eb to begin with if i feel i only got it was because they took pity on me and saw it was hurting my self worth every single day and every time they dont ask me or invite me to just spend time with them and sit alone or talk to people and show me off like im the special person to them i want to feel like i am and feel i deserve to experience
Pedophile defender
good morning my wife
and also good night I'm going to bed
It's an MMO general on an imageboard. Mature well adjusted people don't post here.
bro i have been asking this question since like 2012 about Skyrim PCs
Why does the game run like crap now
I can fix her
funnily i think i could say right now, since i'm literally who, but it's really funny how people call me Korbo
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just say it dude, it's like carly simon, okay we get it you're so vain is super mysterious, shit gets old after a few decades
goodnight my husband
Nevermind, had another game open in the background
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>$13 sub fee, $20 base game, $40 expansions
>4.5 month patch cycle with each patch having like 3-4 hours of content, with some repeatables
>~20 jobs but all of the ones in the same role play the same
>story content about 40% voiced
>my job’s pet is currently bugged to do less healing than it should (sch), yoshi p told me to eat a bag of dicks and wait a few months for 7.1 before it will be fixed
>free to play
>1.5 month patch cycle with each patch having about 5-6 hours of content, with some repeatables
>tons of characters, each play different and have a large impact on how other characters in your team will play
>story content and side story content fully voiced
>character’s charge attack was bugged in a small way for a single day, got an apology mail from the devs and primogems
i get fps drops in some of the new areas i think its some of the effects they have going on like the fires in the place near the giant and the lightning storm thing in hertiage found
I want to know more.
China truly is superior to Japan
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no we need femra feet
a delicious treat
We'll bang okay
genshin is free to play unless you want to roll for more than one new character every 6 months
I don't think I actually like male characters, I just like feeling wanted and they're more likely to be lonely and desperate and willing to give me that attention.
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Uh excuse me, I'M speaking!
bro not even shills like genshin anymore at least bring up one of their other games that isn't shit on by hoyo
may i plap?
menhera anon, you must move on for your own mental health. find someone who will make you feel desired.
are you insane
futas are the thirstiest, most desperate niggas in this thread
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I miss the jilk buru
Dawntrail made me a transphobic racist
effy already moved on?
Emergency induction port...
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True true
but it's really funny to keep it up
like the OG alter rule yknow
They're hornier and less into the romance RP though and I'm not looking for gooning.
honestly I should have kept my alt's identity a secret from my main
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>Tokyo Game Show 2024
>September 29
>Letter from the Producer Yoshi-P LIVE Part LXXXIII
>Patch 7.1
Is it time for the producer to apologize live to all fans of FFXIV?
What do you think will be changed in patch 7.1? What do you want to be included or changed?
What happened
I plan on keeping mine secret too
i like this fujo bunny.
I tried. She's unfixable. She craves the abuse :(
What does futa sex feel like anyway
Same old shit they release every patch, please look forward to it!
No no you don't understand. I can and will fix her
Is it too late to start playing the game now?
I'm futa IRL and it feels the same as when I wasn't
Yoshi P ain't gonna apologize for shit.
Unless you kidnap her against her will she'll never allow you to
like gay sex, except with boobs.
like a bag of sand
Nothing will happen, we'll get the same LL as always and people will pretend it's fine.
ESPECIALLY since it's at TGS, there was maybe a small chance of "eto, sumimasen, ruk rumato not popurar" but are we aren't even going to get an apology
I know your alt's name, which server you're hiding on with her and their race. You aren't clever.
Can you go back to being a tripfag so I can filter you or are you too addicted to attention.
You have both organs fully functional? Impressive, a literal medical first.
Since when did /vg/ accept open pedophiles?
You should tell me since we're getting ebd soon
...then I know what I must do, for the good of the thread
My alt has the same unique last name and eye/hair color, I'd sure hope you'd be able to tell
in light of the upcoming evidence drop (including LL) and the upcoming live letter (also known as LL) we need a new naming convention so i can search the archives
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nothing happened but I think it would be more funny if nobody knew
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There should be more gender locked outfits in FFXIV not less.
In fact every single character should be forcibly locked from accessing gear meant for the opposite gender.
The ones who disagree with this are those that are transgender.
Everyone knows I have a femlala alt, the only person who wasn't told explicitly was you
to apologize is to admit you're wrong and if you're wrong you mean to fix or change things. yoshi p is not going to change anything so he won't apologize.
im thinking about it but idk if i can be bothered fantaing for it
Bunny boys
Sorry I meant to say hetero bunny boys
I have a girldick and girlballs, I'm futa and women love it
Final Fantasy??????
And the girlvagina? That's kind of the entire point behind the "dual form" translation.
I'm not, I just think short haired femra in dress shirts, vests and slacks are cute.
My wife likes to help with my lewd gposes, but she has awful taste so sometimes I do them while she's asleep just so I can gpose in peace.
sure but only if they un-gender lock animations
retarded only half ok well a lot less than half of people get the dragoon pose
Lot of smack from people who are just my tulpas
*Disbelieves you away*
Eb that plays ck2 and ck3 with me?
Plap. Goon. Cum. Coon. Troon. Eating Squeer shit with a big spoon.
This is Final Fantasy.
You like this. We like this.
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>Final Fantasy sales have been plummeting for a decade plus
>Continue to dive head first into PlayStation exclusivitity when the 3DS and the Switch were right there
>Starve Nintendo fans out of Final Fantasy to the point where most don't care while the younger kids only see Cloud as that dude from Smash Bros.
>The decline of Final Fantasy finally catches up to Square Enix and they are shitting bricks
>Promises to quit PlayStation exclusives and adopt a multiplatform strategy while singling out "Nintendo platforms" first out of everyone.
>With that said, FF7R3 is already locked up in a deal with Sony and that game isn't coming out anytime soon. FFXVI just got ported to PC, Xbox port hasn't even been worked on yet; no need to talk about a Switch/Switch 2 sku.
>FF7R Intergrade has still not been ported to Switch; but Nintendo fans aren't portbegging for it because they don't care
>The only FF game that's going to get released on Switch 2 in its two years in the market is FFXIV
It's over.
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I like CK but I don't play Final Fantasy anymore.
You don't need that to be futa, you sound jealous
Leviahness (leviah+magness)
also LLs used to be called PLLs, might still be in JP, using LL is just dumb
best i can do is eu4
and im playing some really fucking shit start and we are restarting everytime i get immediately rolled by the ottomans
A queer Squire?
I would rather have the franchise due than be crippled by having to run on the switch
You're a tranny in denial
Sorry anon, already got an EB
>he doesn't know
2/10 shitty bait, made me reply
Does anyone even listen to these?
Sony is currently shitting the bed right now and squeenix even stopped the EGS horse shit with 16.
Can only hope rebirth is spared that fate as well, there's hope for the franchise yet but I don't know if they can survive long enough for their past retardation to save it.
Square Enix is so comically mismanaged they're making Sega start to look normal.

Wow very tolerent of other cultures, if you can't respect their names then you shouldn't expect people to call you a woman.
I play both but I don't wanna EB you
The word literally means having both retard kun. It's not just a synonym for girl with a dick.
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i haven't talked to anyone in game in months and its really impacting my enjoyment i spend more time staring at the ocean at this point
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>mostly confined to their /vg/ general despite its popularity through the past two decades
>confined to their /vg/ general, despite being the most played MMO
>confined to their general, even with troon shit being shilled hard in the newest expansion which you'd think would warrant discussion on chud-/v/
>confined to their /vg/ general while also being a dead gaem
>constant daily threads on /v/ despite having a very active /vg/ general

Explain yourselves.
I like finding new music, and I've kind of built up a taste sense for many of you. Not all though, I just sort of flicker through the replies and put it on while I'm doing other stuff.
That's not your eb. It's a retainer. I'm your eb. Me.
Ohhhhhhhh ({Huh?!})
Thanks, I like you too!
Queue up
Sorry, I'm retarded and can only play vicky 2/vicky 3
You can be kept in the cage downstairs ;)
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and you're literally the reason the franchise died since they started jacking themselves off to high heaven chasing grafix
meanwhile 16 is a middling dmc clone (a pretty one though) and their second best game in ages was a ps2 game
Man, DRK really feels kinda ass in dungeons.
EB to never play any games with, including XIV, but still talk to each other and spend time together when we're done doing our things...
yeah they are dumb as fuck
maybe it's because the game feels kinda ass
We'll bang okay
im not on aether
/v/ threads are made by /vg/ rejects that get no attention here under the pretense that they want to talk about the game.
But it's the same people schizoposting and attention seeking over there too.
The others are social outcasts that hate talking to each other.
Actually, he'll start groveling and crying and beg for forgiveness
Hot take, but Final Fantasy 13 and 13-2 were great games. We don't talk about Lightning, however.
eb that i can call a fag and that's our only interaction
You are probably ugly
FFXIV cannot run on a switch
Aka you think ffxiv should not exist
Actually I play a femra so that's impossible. That femra there in that pic is my femras fiancee.
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does this game have any more cool masks?
>mostly confined to their general
that's a good joke
We should excise pedophilia from out community
>laughs at men getting insecure over futas or tgirls
>also gets insecure at more "women" existing in the community

I miss the way things used to be too...
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I won nothing, but I won.
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Average wait time 5 mins the videogame
>Aka you think ffxiv should not exist
xiv is an mmo and while it has at times been a decent narrative it's never been a good game (it's an mmo) and the narrative has gone to shit too
I've always been very open about how I would happily obliterate xiv from existence if it meant the franchise was good/healthy again, because mmos can rot for all I care
Kill yourself you retarded nigger.
Not for your opinions on FF but for your attention whoring.
That being said 13 is a shitty game but someone at least had an idea for it, if a heavily flawed one.
start with ZT
That femra in that pic is a married femra
That femra can only offer bed breaking yuri
Remove pedophiles
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Just a hunch
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Transphobes are just mad they were not brave enough to drink the Fanta to become cute femra to
You'd have to remove all the troons which make up a large number of xivg, but I agree
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I quite this one a lot. It's called the Classical Secutor mask. It even has it as visor if you want to drop it down.

I really wanted a Payday-passing heister mask. I got the Kubuki cat one from the shop, and I just don't know what I was thinking - that was not it, man.
>another thread crush taken
I give up. No matter what I like male character or female character they get an eb eventually. My raen is doomed to be alone. If anyone in /xivg/ wants an eb ill make you my threadcrush and eventually comically you'll get your eb that isn't me.
you are still a man....you know that right? FFXIV isn't real
big chunks of shit are coming out of my asshole right now
middie come back
>Aka you think ffxiv should not exist
yea, if anyone still thinks xiv should exist over the past few months I don't know what to say to you
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let's be each other thread crush so we can both get another person as an eb.
Thanks for the new content update Yoshi P. Looking forward to it!
ill nab that one, guess im off to find some more
you faggots aren't gonna excise shit
you're gonna witch hunt people you think are pedophiles while the obnoxious pedoposters and actual pedophiles lurking in the shadows walk free to spam the thread with miqitten cunny
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please use my femlala as a toilet...
cute feet
>heavily flawed game
And I agree with this. I genuinely think it was due to how they tried so hard to make Lightning, a soulless Mary Sue bitch, into the center point of the story so hard. It's why I stopped playing after 13-2, because I was happy with that conclusion and didn't give a single shit about Lightning's sloppy toppy fanfic.

>attention whoring
I want to suck the shit smeared hemorrhoids on Yoships prolapsed anus.
I like this. We like this.
Leviah you are a pedophile
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Miquittens are based and /xivg/ culture, they're not real pedophiles
seishun complex @ balmung everyone
Post character I will save a picture of them and the ritual will be complete
This post was made by a real European troon
Fact checked by warhammer chuds
Can you delete your character without being subbed? I don't wanna have a lapse of judgement and actually resub.
Wrong. It was made by an NA Femlala who was prepping the fanta into changing into her but the store keeps getting DDOS'D
what do these miqitten pictures depict, anon?
>shouldn't exist over the past few months.
I raise that higher with the past few years. They've been slowly cutting corners on this game and seeing how much they can get away with feeding their customers the "bottom of the barrel" content. You guys don't seem to give a shit, because you're too busy gooning and gposing in your Second Life alternative.
Why are we europeans like this
How do I get a warhammer eb
It IS ass in dungeons. Stop playing DRK in dungeons holy fuck I hate healing DRKs YOU ARE A LITERAL DETRIMENT TO EVERYONE PLEASE LIVING DEAD YOURSELF OFF A CLIFF
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Well we most certainly will NOT, I don't even know you!
Oh ok. Come to Aether
Oh, cute
Go eat a burger, fathead
Join me on Alpha, Light.
It's getting harder to push back against the paranoia and feelings that everyone is hiding how much they hate me and want me gone.
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Do fishing boats fill up or is there a certain time to queue for it?
Play Space Marine 2
Harmless stuff usually
I would have told you if you didn't post this garbage. Holy shit..
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clean it up healsissy.
EB this, EB that.
I just want a friend that will play Warframe with me and sat racial slurs over VC.
Kys pedo
They've been doing that since mid-HW when they dropped the number of new expert dungeons per patch from 2 to 1.
If you can't survive a pull on Kardia alone i'm votekicking you
anyone got an invite to the dox cord for xiv biofems? i got banned from it
Why are male middies like this to femlalas? I HATE IT
Aids? We like this!
*haimas you*
does it count if its just a colour swap of my character
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why even queue as a healer if you don't want to heal?
Theres a time limit to the queue, cutefish. You can also get unlucky and be the last one filling in on a boat and get one that's mostly empty, some tryhards prefer this.
i just started playing it not to long ago cause of ember booty but im still kind of confused about a lot of stuff but i guess thats to be expected when you jump into a 10 plus year old game
I'm a healer not a babysitter for the disabled. GNB and PLD can do it, why can't you?
nay, i shan't.
series was kinda cute desu, not sure who the target audience was, but was cute
based maliddie
.. What is this?
fishing boats can and do fill but you can always queue up for it until 14:59 minutes after the queue opens
all queues open when it hits 15 minutes after will auto-pop and send you to a boat with X people in it
take mine I have that but they dont talk to me either
boats leave if you get 24 people or if 15 minutes pass.
I love my femra but every now and then I feel an urge to make a catboy to live out my yaoi fantasies.
Why are you queueing as a tank if you're not gonna use your mits?
I cannot have them
Miquittens being cute
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My moonie golem got a major glowup from the graphics update
Why are you not contributing?
Isn't it worse to queue solo? Or does spectral adjust to the amount of people on it?
>they've been doing that since mid-HW
Didn't they originally do that in Shadowbringers? Either way, I won't argue over the nitbits. I've been shouting about this shit since early Shadowbringers and people think I'm a fucking lunatic and killjoy for pointing it out. Yet, the birds have come home to roost and now everyone wakes up to smell the coffee after five years. FIVE YEARS OF CORNER CUTTING ON CONTENT.

Ugh. I swear this community (not iust /xivg/) will worship Yoshi P's feet until the man drops dead.
garuda shield

A starter guide series Square Enix made a bit after EW released, it teaches the very basics of the game, honestly give it a watch its kinda cute.
What do you even want to do on alpha anon
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happy hyursday
Spectral rates are based on how many people are in the boat, if you have a solo boat and get a spectral you're near-guaranteed it iirc
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I feel the opposite, I think it's the most fun one in dungeons. The fact you have a chance of dying makes it more interesting, I don't understand why WAR mains consider themselves such chads for playing a babied, piss-easy job.
You know, sometimes I just find myself looking at most animated things, and knowing that most of those artists have definitely made lewds of their characters. We are such horny, needy creatures, and man, we sure are ASHAMED of it.
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Is WHM fun?
please brothers I need this so bad, please
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what would you even do with it, man? do you think you can keep up with the discourse over there? are you even interested?
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Idk, but it's a healer and I've been loving Sage so I guess WHM should be about as much fun. Therefore, yes
I like it
it's fairly weak compared to other healers because it lacks consistent mitigation (10% on 120s is all it has) but it can heal a fuckton because it has so many different healing buffs
I like all of those things.
its boring to level (like all other healers) but it's fun if you like GCD healing and pressing your spammable nuke slightly less often.
what do you mean
Should I make a sprout female lala at and go through the MSQ as a WHM?
Spent most of my money on glams I probably won't wear
Well what would we do if I did join you on alpha huh?
i like some of those things
if you want
I don't care about the discourse I won't say shit again I just wanna goon
Should have spent that money on a fanta instead
you know what? This is kind of cute.
Can't buy fanta with gil
don't listen to him your miera is cute
we should all ask for invites and mass report this is fucked up
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>XIV Yawnfail is so catastrophic that there is no way they can make a compelling story for the next decade
>Yoshida now controlled by a pink haired lefty californian woman for XIV which means the story is impossible to improve and the voice acting is back to ARR style bad
>steam numbers are lower than any 24 hour peak during endwalker which means the playerbase is shrinking (and will get lower in the next two months)
>yawnFAIL one of the worst rated expansions ever both by critics and fans
>yoshida already switching to other projects to hop off the trainwreck that is yawnFAIL
There is no saving FFXIV. If you are a cultist give me ONE thing that will save XIV that isnt just screaming the B and W boogeyman
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Most fun out lf them imo, you'll spend more of your GCDs healing so it kind of stands out from the others (that mostly heal with oGCDs).
We make femlala exclusive cash-shop items
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>like wh, bloodborne, dragons dogma, star wars eu, berserk, dying light, mgs, birds, xiv, fat cat, running old stuff and femrava (noPP)
so close yet so far
of them*
fucking typo
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I guess I might actually be able to get the general kinda easy then!
...Did we ever actually explain Ardbert to the Scions?
>GCD Heal on White Mage
Fookin Heal Slut.
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Asking the fishing gods for good luck
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Did Big Boss ever explain Venom Snake to the Patriots?
I shamelesly admit it taught me that FATE means Full Active Time Event
As long as they toss out wuk lamat and erenville from all future updates there's still hope.
Good luck anon!
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Slumber party meetup in pajamas would be quite cute, actually. What to do for fun though (non-lewd), I don't know.
You look like Aemon a little bit
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i am
a femra
that cannot sleep
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things can look awfully different when you don't see the whole picture in hindsight. I feel it's gonna go, it'll have to adapt, and it will be something of varying quality. We all hope it's somewhere good, but you know, you can never be sure.
That's because cocaine is a simulant Sniffany.
you're gonna make it
Wake up. I need help killing a Wendigo, Spectral Knight, 5 Demon Centaurs and I need their hoof.
Anon, Zero is the one who had Venom made in the first place. Miller didn't even know he was still alive and Ocelot opposed the plan.
thoughts on using a sunnie as a sleeping aid?
Dragon DRAGONCOCK Fucker
I like it.
whats up bro?
can you kill yourself already? you're not even funny.
they're niggers and need to die
i saw you zoom around LB at mach 10 earlier and thought I was having a schizophrenic episode
I dunno I'm feeling pretty good letting go off the game currently. Been playing on and off since late HW and now that my sub ran out, my house got demolished it kinda feels like there's been a burden lifted from me. I can finally use my time much better without convincing myself to hold on to a game I found harder and harder to enjoy. It was a fun ride but all things must come to an end and the complete indifference the game made me feel after a couple of weeks of Dawntrail made that step even easier. Maybe they can catch lightning in the bottle again and to some degree I would be happy to see it but as it stands right now I'm just glad I can finally put the game to the side.
damn, okay
time to steal your catalytic converter
>I forgot my own lore
oh no...not me..
Blame the netcode
I find myself hilarious.
Gonna go jerk off.
that wasn’t me!!! but wdym using a sunnie
I hope you're on NA
Thank you
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d...wh-{Huh} I dont remember any of THAT in the show..but I mean like, it's possible.
yeah i am
Can trials send tells to those on their friends' list?
Fuck you
Erenville is great and I will marry him
I am
a middie
that also can't sleep
i think they cant use it all only say chat or party
i am yea, aether but i afk around on mung since all of my aether friends are dead
That's not funny. I had my catalytic converter stolen last week and it cost so much to get it replaced. I hope that fucker steps on a rusty nail and gets a staph infection.
Fine. He can be in but he has to keep his mouth shut so I don't have to listen to his disgusting accent and voice.
nothing lewd! just imagine having a warm, soft, sunnie-shaped cuddling pillow
Sorry. Targaryen names always fuckle with my mind.
But that guy is VERY based. I respect his dedication to his craft, his dedication to milfs, his dedication to caring for an older dragon, he's very based despite everyone around him being retarded.
did this middie get all his roulettes done?
>>steam numbers are lower than any 24 hour peak during endwalker which means the playerbase is shrinking (and will get lower in the next two months)
source? I don't doubt it at all, but I want to show that to some cultists
Big Boss was at best apprehensive of the idea of Venom Snake being a thing
He doesn't even know that it was Zero's idea.
*helps this femra polish her nice armor* Wax on, wax off.
bla bla bla bla nigger who cares

why do trans girls have such weird looking dicks?
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so one FFXIV mount makes more than persoyna and yakuza slop does. glad we got that cleared up.
why are Euroids such doomers all the time
you won't change their minds
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This awful lvl81 dungeon is twice as hard as any EW expert dungeons and takes also twice as long. What a disaster. I needed to use my whole kit to keep our tank alive going wall to wall. It's way overtuned and it's literally the beginner dungeon of the expansion. Sure we made it, but it took a lot more effort than it should.
They know they're not Americans and never will be.
My Male Midlander has nothing left to lose, and he's going to make it your problem
I'm aware of how fucked up it is but I'm gonna throw hands at someone who won't even use the correct racial slur (nyagger)
Get fucking good.
I envy you guys lead tainted drinking water and imitation cheese.
Youtube is that way if you want to see the story you faggot, I for once enjoyed the dungeons in this game
I did just in time, except frontlines because it's dead right now..
Is this femra in bed or still in game, what is she up to?
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this technically but I'm assuming there was just some outage on that day since it was only that one day
funnily even the absolute worst DT day is still 4 times more people than any day pre-shadowbringers
good luck
fighting the 3 sisters at once was cool
that's because mare users treating this game as social hub keep the numbers up
hey, we don't have lead in the water
it's fracking runoff, get it right
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>start playing FFXIV
>everyone just ERPs all day
Major Zero, anon.
currently running around in uldah until another 90k dc hits me. how about you?
Quick question are you playing on NA servers?
god forbid, people use the most socially oriented genre of game as a tool to socialize instead of just autistically grinding content
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>neighbor tells me I'm cute and asks if I'm gay or straight
>get embarrassed and run away
Btw these very same secondlifefags are the ones that kept endwalker alive during its last year or so.
Yoshi knows what mare is, the GMs know too. They have a discord where the gms talk about mare, some of them use it.

The devs have realized that as long as they don't fuck with mods or erp they'll keep a manageable player base no matter what they do because these people view the game as their social lives because it largely is. The secondlifification of xiv started long before mare but mare made it worse.

It's time to just accept this isn't a video game anymore, just a virtual chat room with Simon says for gameplay
And then at 85 Vanaspati is a walk in the park. It's just not consistent. It's really weird.
I denounce the Patriots.
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anon this has never been a video game it's been an mmo, but I can excuse you for your misunderstanding
>The devs have realized that as long as they don't fuck with mods or erp they'll keep a manageable player base no matter what they do because these people view the game as their social lives because it largely is.
I've personally seen several SL/RP/AFK people unsub and/or quit entirely because of how bad DT was and a few others leave for their friends leaving or the ""drama"" around it.
That I can agree, I remember how excited I was after doing the 81 dungeon thinking it set a standard for EW...aaaaaaaaand then back to dissapointment in all others
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Final Fantasy XIV is truly one of the best games of all time, I can’t think of anything more videogamey than FFXIV. I hope all plugins get banned soon so we can get videogamier.
Yes why do you wonder?
>people spend the past decade crying that no one socializes in MMOs anymore
>when the playerbase of an MMO does socialize somehow that's also bad
Going to dump a redpill for you all. The Japanese can adapt but they never actually learn unless something catastrophic happens(like 2 nukes). They're not white despite the honorary aryan memes, their minds aren't like ours. They never actually learn from their mistakes and it's part of why they're dying out as a race.

Yoshi and square will learn nothing from xiv. They'll keep squeezing money until they can't, shove the game into maintenence, then shelve final fantasy as a franchise outside of gachashit
I wanna fuck fox's massive titties
Wow also has a similar philosophy with moonguard's status as an ERP hub. Killing off a segment of your playerbase that is constantly subbed and has low expectations is IMMENSELY stupid from a business perspective
You're right. Many have left. Yet many more will remain. They're the ones keeping those numbers up, it's almost entirely artificial.
>socializing = RAPE
Thank god that I means I never have to play with you!
why would you wanna play xiv when there's better games this shit literally just exists for erp
Grats bro.
hey now, some people have the game open while they watch movies and play other video games.

Doesn't that sound like somethin' to you, eh?
It's also why they never truly do anything about bots btw. Many count for playernumbers and sub payments too.
I was fishing for a bit but now I'm also running in grid cuz I'm just not tired anymore
Gonna protect you from the 90k's so you can play some more with your golems. *casts cover on you*
>goes to where the ERPers are
>acts surprised when there's ERP
Get the fuck off Balmung nyaggah. Come to Aether do Eureka with my bunboi.
Did you guys like my song?
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Lucky you!
Bots legitimately do not matter in this game because other than some mildly annoying chat spam you can easily filter they don't negatively effect anything.
That's why I started playing, I already gave a miera a blowjob
Like what?
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Exaaaaactlyy, I mean he's EVIL, but he has a VISION. Very evil vision, out of one eye no less. Truly dedicated man who unlike everyone else, was actually about taking action.
Someone named Fuzzy Wuzzy or something sent this to me too earlier, truly amazing how many accounts are stolen for this so easily...
Come to Aether and PvP and do dailies
I am on aether and was raped by a femra and a male elezen because my catgirl pet them
kys. don't reply to me.
How can you say you can tolerate femlalas if you don't spend 20 minutes killing this singular DT A-Rank with me...
God I love this artist and those two characters
Femra wife like this...
don't reply for me faggot
Aemon is literally the only good thing about the show in this post season 2 world. He's also malezen coded so it helps.
aether is constantly locked or I would
Is your alt, Guilty Gear...? You have the same shaders
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God I fucking hate paissa
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if you hate ffxiv and don't play it why do you still post here
I would never say I would tolerate a lala
I don't tolerate femlalas.
Looks like we're not spending 20 minutes killing a single Starcrier...
Everyone has the same shaders if you're using the gshade neverupdate
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>reddit/r/ffxiv is trash
>xivg is trash (worse than reddit)
I'm starting to believe the problem is the game. Funny how on wowg and wowcg people talk about the game, and when they aren't talking about the game they are acting like actual men and not some limpwristed tranny. Fucked up. I'm going back to WoW.
I can tolerate femlalas it's the irritating voice 5 miqos I wanna kill at a-ranks
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Why are elezen players so racist ingame and out of game? They can't even rp without racism. Why?
vtuber loli nigger belongs on >>>/trash/
delete this
Fat Cat Fact #298

Unlike other cats Fat Cats were never domesticated by Hyurs. They have always been polite and simply chose the easiest path to food and frens
Qrd on why someone's skinwalking that healer sprout that got blacked ages ago?
I love you fatcat poster
>I'm going back to WoW
Good. Stay there.
Oh trust me I hate that korean f2p MMO looking ass as much as the next guy but I don't need you to reply for me
I bet on that house too, plot 19 ward 19
>They have always been polite and simply chose the easiest path to food and frens
that's what domesticated means
who knows, man. I've long since given up trying to understand these retards
now do i come over there and hunt for you or urge you to get in bed since it’s VERY late hmmm
i know a femezen who detest lalafell
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I stopped playing this faggot game 2 months ago and my life has dramatically improved since. The best thing that could happen for FFXIV is if the entire dev team dies in a fire. If you're still playing this game you really need to take a look in the mirror and shoot yourself in the head. And because I know that certain ebins are jannies and will ban me and delete this post for some bullshit reason, I'll give you one: you should all kill yourselves. You will never be real women. You are faggot ass nigger loving pedophile dogs who should not be around children.
You're not allowed to send me to bed until you're tired enough, so either you hunt for me or I go over there and hunt for you
Wow! Never heard that before!
and yet you're still here.
They're lazy and can't think of a more interesting way to rp.
stay mad lalanigger lol
The rope around her neck isn't tight enough, she should be actively hanging with her neck snapped not looking like she's pretending
and you're here out of some charitable mission and not because you are damaged enough to let this game live rent free in your head, right?
I hate this place so goddam much, usually that would be the time I'd hope on FF but I don't even wanna play that anymore either...
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"I'm an elezen but I'm racist. I think elezen are the superior people and also hate niggers and jews irl lol"
Because I'm not a good person, so it's better for me to stay EBless.
sena was right there's so much racism in this game
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This is the only image for Elezens
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>want to post my profile on a FFXIV dating discord
>afraid someone there will recognize me from /xivg/ and spread my IRL photo
>also all the men's profiles are using male avatars while I play a female character so I'd look like some indecisive agp tranny or something

it's over for me isn't it?
bro there are like 4 people that play elezen
Funnily enough xivg has a couple pretty good elezen roleplayers.
Make a male alt
these servers are the worst you are not missing out on anything
which dating server is it?
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Make a male alt like anon said
and good luck and report back if the results are good
>guys my life is soooo great that I'll spend my valuable free time to come to the general of a game I totally don't play to tell you how great my life is
from the thumbnail of the video the face ont he left looks ok
>”XIV is shit you have to play this other MMO please!”
>”XIV is going into maintenance mode play this other MMO PLEASE!”
>”XIV will never recover PLEASE play the other MMO I BEG YOU”
Imagine letting XIV mind break you so badly that you shit up a general for a game you no longer enjoy
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Do you guys actually think that looks good or are you just farming (you)s I am genuinely curious.
if I ever quit this game I'm done with MMOs forever, because the genre is fundamentally ass and I only stick to this one because of sunk cost and generally liking the setting and story
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Have you SEEN the average FFXIV player in roulette? They would get killed in loop by the goblins at the start of the game. But only if they found the guarding buttons during the tutorial. That's their actual level of investment in XIV. Also see Dawntrail. CBU3 bumped up the difficulty slightly, and /xivg/ basically rioted screaming about how they were catering to the tryhard Soulsborne players. That philosophy exists among all successful MMOs because if you encounter a bad player who doesn't get better it affects other players' experiences while in single player games that doesn't affect the player experience of others at all. The main issue with FFXIV is that CBU3 brought the MMO approach to difficulty to a single player game. Furthermore, there are scant options to make the game more difficult until you beat the game and start NG+.
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something evil lurks beneath the lb tree...

I just don't know what it is yet...
Sorry that was just my fart
/poke /poke /pet
We love staying up late huh?
it's gonna be me when I show up in about 10 hours
>stop playing game
Anyone who plays an mmo, any mmo, is mentally ill and should b ignored (yes this includes me).
>using an MMO to be social is bad according to 4chan autists
>using an MMO to date is bad according to 4chan autists
>using an MMO to goon is bad according to 4chan autists
>playing an MMO to only grind raids and parse is good according to 4chan autists
>playing an MMO to be on an eternal gear grind in the name of “content” is good according to 4chan autists
>but being social and afk is the biggest sin
I start to get the impression it's not a me-problem, but a SGE-problem how much this job sucks compared to WHM. At some point I'm running out of everything and have to spam diagnosis to keep the tank alive.
who hurt you?
>>playing an MMO to only grind raids and parse is good according to 4chan autists
>>playing an MMO to be on an eternal gear grind in the name of “content” is good according to 4chan autists
These are the reason MMOs exist yes, and it's the reason why MMOs are all horseshit.
Are you stupid? That's someone taking pics of people in Ul'dah to post here to mock
it’s the g (gock) virus vector
One instance of exposure turns all the ebin female characters into ebin female+ characters
Right and that's why their clients are synched up?
My fiddie looks and acts like this.
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>dumbass doesn’t know what the Ul’dah syncshell is
nothing but catboys around... i've been duped...
There are public syncshells you absolute fool.
Yeah, there's public syncshells you can join to see the modbeasts like it's a zoo. No need for direct syncs
As if they'd let in some troll
Yeah I don't because I don't link my client with randoms
Anon you're... really doing something wrong if that's the case. You understand SGE is a shield healer, not a raw healer? You're meant to shield the tank and prevent damage. Not heal it. If you do things right you can cover any damage on the tank and the rest of the party with the tools you have at your disposal. There should never, ever, EVER be a scenario where you hardcast a non-shield GCD heal.
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holy fuck i knew it
>>playing an MMO to only grind raids and parse is good according to 4chan autists
>>playing an MMO to be on an eternal gear grind in the name of “content” is good according to 4chan autists
no, these things are also bad according to 4chan, just look at any thread about "why MMOs bad now?" or "how to save the MMO genre?"
just like the classics in the 'cord
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So considering that Final Fantasy XIV is the finest and highest-quality MMORPG on the market, has Square Enix spoken about porn integration? I mean, we have actual, IRL porn being posted here and it's considered on-topic, so Square Enix must have integrated it into the game, right? Can I use my FFXIV account with OnlyFans?
Are you really that unawares
Half the fucking people here can't seem to get enough of looking at the horror shows and all the QS beasts join every shell they can to show their garbage everywhere
Don’t dig too deep
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please queue aglaia/euphrosyne/thaleia on aether
Post her
Is there a plugin to automate my island sanctuary workshops planning? It's a lot of clicking...
>Can I use my FFXIV account with OnlyFans?
I get you're joking but a ton of people do this on twitter and they get serious money out of it.
Somewhat more seriously one small way to make the game better would be to just let people fix the game for them with shit like viera hats but also all the random misc fixes and plugins, since more than a a few plugins have just been added to the game over time.
It'll never happen but, would be nice.
I really don't get a kick out of heavy modding like that. Not even as a joke so yes I am unware. I used some mash up mods before for glams and hair cuts and that's really it. Some of them broke with DT so I really just stopped using mare all together.
You actually went??? No...... since you posted "hmmm" I thought you weren't feeling like coming to hunt me so I logged off and went to check if gilga was open sorry about that....
balmung ul dah is filled with nothing but people who actually think that looks good
That is pretty sad. I don't think I can describe it any other way.
Woke up from my nap, time to start Dawntrail for realsies
oh i was actually duped? killing you when i find you btw
Domestication implies they originally avoided people
Good luck lil' rabbit bro.
I personally suck at maintaining relationships and have people come and go often. It would be a disrespectful idea to have someone else commit when I'm not gonna.
Also my WoL is a dense thunderfuck
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how xivgers imagine themselves hooking up with catgirls
You need to be an ebin first
Thread I need help. I'm a mentally ill black guy that plays a male lala. I think a white troon is trying to groom me. Do I go along with it?
Everyone knows me
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What's your favorite shader from that collection anon?
my sunnie must be immune because she's never had a + and never will
It hasn’t been unearthed dumb ass
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How you actually hook up with (befriend) catgirls.
SGE really doesn't have that many or strong shields compared to SCH.
No! I was trying to hunt you.. because you weren't sure.
it's over, we're gonna have to kill each other now
It's never worth it dawg. The perceived benefits from the attention you will undoubtedly receive will be dwarfed by the mental anguish it will inflict on you in the long run.
What are you looking for? If you're looking for a fellow grownman I'm here
I use gentle & soft the most. They're my current go-to shaders for pretty much everything
A shame. If she did, my moonie would love to suckle on it...
What race is the troon in game?
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why do i have to die?! i didn't leave!
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Judging (you).
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How bizarre that worlo has become the MMO to play if you want shit to do with people and FFXIV became the one if you want to just ERP and idle around.
Not even MG Goldshire is as pathetically horny as the people in this thread
I wonder if some of you will experience what I did, desperately clinging and hoping it'll get better then you realize five years passed and your friends all are gone
We like this?
They said it was hiding anon
I am a non-+ rava with IBS. Irresistible Bunnyhole Syndrome
Are you still there?
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>wanted to take a screenshot in a crowded area
>go lay down because l can't find one
>can't sleep
>check thread before trying to sleep again
>uldah modbeast talk reminded me that place is always full
Holy shit why didn't I think of it sooner. Thank you, Anons.
what's the ul'dah syncshell?
Femlala. He isn't even ugly, he just has deranged eyes
>desperately clinging and hoping it'll get better then you realize five years passed and your friends all are gone
xiv right now is exactly the kind of game I want to play so my only hope is that we keep getting cute things in the mogstation
They look very nice for what your going for with your bun :3
I usually use some combo of truerealism and other Back to Nature for better shadows.
this thread fucking sucks
a shame about the tattoos
Bro none of my friends treat an mmo like some sort of hallowed ground. It's a (very bad) video game and I talk to them more on discord than here.
I'll soon be joining them and I can only hope that all of the terminally mazed mmo players (not to wow, to mmos in general) can go back to their cattle simulator so I can go back to playing real video games.
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sunnie intelligence strikes again... buhh
there's plenty of sunnie+ out there, I'm sure your moonie has plenty of opportunity for that elsewhere
you're welcome
>desperately clinging and hoping it'll get better then you realize five years passed
I think the game is in the best state it’s ever been in
>and all your friends are gone
Unlike most of you asocial retards I can make friends and talk to people pretty easily so this isn’t a problem
Currently letting my sub run out. I haven't seen any orange names in a long while and the quality of this expansion made me go through all the stages of grief. I had a fun time doing Eureka and farming EXs with my friends as well as goof off during the downtime but now it's time to spend my times elsewhere I feel.
I've been trying to incorporate immerse rtgi into them cos I used to really like it, but it doesn't seem to play nice with the lighting anymore, gets very overexposed for some reason. I'm pretty novice when it comes to tinkering with shaders though
Every time I try to join it's full...
Just like your mom does lmao
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Raiders. We like this. We need this. Yoshi P develop more!
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>pink alien penis
>ugly fucking body writing
>ugly makeup, hair, and face
Yes let them groom you. Same race couples are based.
What do you enjoy the most right now?
>dragon's dogma 2
>shadow of the erdtree
Are japs actually hacks too?
>None of the original UI left
Grinding out achievements, leveling up my jobs, doing hunts and playing frontlines. I also don’t really play or interact with anyone from here anymore so that probably impacts my enjoyment of the game as well in a positive way.
i went back to uldah.. but im getting a bit tired now sigh
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Always have been
I actually play other games the majority of the time. I have my issues with XIV but I can just play other things if I'm not having fun. If I attempted to do so for Worlo, even the most basic "free, casual" play would require multiple hours daily.
>shadow of the Erdtree
Yeah fucking right it was PEAK. Miyazaki is unironically a fucking genius
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Wow is better.
>has talant trees
>has more (and better) lore
>real pvp esport scene
>races are better
>raids are hard not easy like ffxiv
>doesnt have a stupid name 'xiv' like its some kind of woke pronoun
>Has Thrall, nuff said.
Oh so you're basically me during late ShB, EW.
Enjoy it while it lasts buddy.
Shadow of the Erdtree was really good
I also really enjoyed DD2, though I never played the original much so I went in not having any expectations
Anon I know but they still have enough.
>Armored Core VI

No, they're just really good at making games that are good but have such glaring flaws it ruins your enjoyment if you're an autist (most of 4chan).
Go play it then.
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>>has more (and better) lore
why does it matter when both games get mogged by osrs 1000 times over
Don't you have a +1 to disband because your party is dogshit before giving up and begging Blizzard to not give your specific spec a dogshit version of Brann in delves?
>>has talant trees
Ah yes “The illusion of choice”
>has more(and better) lore
If the lore was better and so good you wouldn’t need multiple YouTubers to try and make it make sense
>real pvp esport scene
Not exactly a win when Counterstrike 2 is a bigger esport scene
>races are better
Uglier and worse looking you mean
>raids are hard and not easy like ffxiv
Only mythic is hard and that’s only until someone world firsts it and Blizzard then nerfs the raid into oblivion
You forgot better music
Mare was a mistake. I really fucking hope SE get off their asses and stop client modification.
I hate M2S with a burning passion. Dogshit ass fight, easily one of the worst fights they have ever made.
she/her my ass
>enjoy it while it lasts
And when it goes away I will simply find something else to do in game. MMOs are all about setting your own goals and making your own fun, a lot of you seem to have forgotten that and NEED to be told what to do by developers for some reason
is the guy whos been melting for 3 days now really zir?
>go to aco

why is he so mad?
Why would you ever need that? Just arm's length??
t. brown-haired male middie who wants a submissive biofem gf but does not go to the gym
show me your sphene
now that I have my weapon should I just downgrade my remaining books for the last twine I need?
>Talent trees don't matter if you're doing serious content (and if you're not you'll still follow a guide anyway)
>The lore is bad and actively gets worse the more they touch the old lore
>It's boring to watch and play
>They have more variety but there are legitimate balance issues + the graphics are overall worse
>Chris Metzen
>go to aco
>every picture is korbo after sex pesting some ebin
its small
Sorry about that.. didn't mean to make you waste your time because of a misunderstanding.. I'm back in uldah but I won't make you hunt me down if you're getting tired
I hope you have a good night..
And I hope you're not too mad at me
>Mare is le bad!
>letting others see your modded character is le bad!
>in an MMO, a social genre of video games
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I am
a femlala
who is now awake

I will make it everyone's problem
my femezen is not racist :) she love eveyone regardless of colors or race!
I'm quite sad knowing that Krile doesn't actually get much content in this expansion, she's my second favourite lala after big dick Papalymo
My moonie wishes you all luck in your reclears today, may you roll high
i wasn't expecting crazy shit like 37+ vocations i just wanted dd2 to be as good as dark arisen
at least it had cute froths
Imagine not only being a midget physically irl because its the only chance youll get to be tall, but also being a mental midget thinking this shit is ever hot or attractive.
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I woke up..
It's time to post questionable material in the thread and then cry when nobody plays with me after
Empowering mental illness is a bad thing, yes. The same as accepting trans people in society
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Eb status
How is modding mental illness anon
i'm think i'm going to reply again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Ly3zws7uM
>Papalymo gets killed because you can't have a foil character calling your strong female lead a retard
>Krile gets thrown to the wayside because you can't have a character taking attention away from your strong >female lead
There's a reason why it's not to be fair. Izuno didn't direct dark arisen. The guy that did and ddo helped with the game but had no creative control. All itsuno. It's why it repeats the same mistakes as pre dlc dd1 and then some.
nta but I was happier not knowing what my FC mates consider "hot".
Don't get me wrong there are some fun things like I remember one guy had a big old tent mod we got a lot of millage from but having to see the monstrosities some people create is really off putting to me. It's even worse when you gotta play along and not be an asshole about it because there are people who couldn't deal with yout telling them simply "I like your vanilla character better"
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So given that there's an extreme overlap between the players of FFXIV and BG3/AC6/SF6, is it fair to say that FFXIV would benefit greatly from an overhaul to satisfy those fans who would otherwise be playing robot games? Yoshi-P did it with FF16 and he could do the same with FF14.

Such features could include:
>limit break turns you into a giant fighting robot
>lower the tick rate so everything has clunky kino
>include romance options in the MSQ
>lower tick rate in PvP as well
>include a Portuguese language option for BRs

While the biggest strength of FFXIV is to play other games, there are rare times when FFXIV players enjoy playing FFXIV too, and these would make FFXIV more tolerable to people who would otherwise be playing the latest FOTM.
>Mare is trans coded hallucinations
oh this actually makes sense
surely not moonies
That’s not mental illness, so again explain how modding in a game with no anti is mental illness. The only mental illness I see are from the people screeching about harmless modbeasts standing in Ul’dah
Mare is too cliquey. It's not really socializing on a grand scale in a mmo if you're only enabling it in small groups.
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Who's that? I've never heard of her.
What if we had a ff14 overhaul that made it like a final fantasy game.
A shocking idea, I know.
thats the funniest fucking thing too.
> i want to learn about these people even though my brother is a threat (was he really? )
>focus on erenville and krile
>im fucking bored lets get out of here - wuk

fucking hiroi is a god damn hack.
single but I am JP
>hehe i am le so heckin cool ill argue with this guy on 4chan
No to all of this shit but I did enjoy the mecha cutscene minigame in the werlyt questline
which of the 50 flavors of Final Fantasy you want bud
What if I use mods to make my character smaller than average? My fiera is femra sized
no, because if you bring in robots wed never hear the end of gundum troons who place their whole entire personality into a FIFTY. YEAR. SERIES!

Even a lalaboy?
werlyt was dog shit and so was the stupid mech battle fight theyll never use again.
i look forward to ignoring his kickstarter next year or in 2026
bigname auteur devs are simply the worst
i'm not mad don't worry despite that being pretty unforunate but i am very tired, so im going to head to bed..
There’s this funny feature in Mare called the pause button and you can pause people and they will never know you did it. You should use it
>too cliquey
>”hey wanna trade codes?”
It’s only “cliquey” if you’re a social retard that stutters asking a simple question
Yeah I’ve got nothing better to do
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>Modding is to enhance being social
Gonna have to stop you right there.
Mare is bad, everyone that says "just don't sync" is a facetious idiot. 80% of the usage of Mare is sexual/fetish garbage.
Mare did not create those retards, but Mare did over time explode the scene twelvefold and even morphed the scene around it.
Mare is a click of people alien to the MMO part of the game that gracefully allow you the privilege to mingle with them from time to time if you bend over and follow their guidelines. The dev and code itself is pretty solid, but the damage it has caused to the community is honestly immeasurable. The quicksands have never before been filled with so many goon zombies, and that's saying something.
Let's eb
>8 movie meetups
they just need to add sex emotes
depends. is the viera acting like an adult at this size and isnt bratty, annoying, obnoxious, immature, and/or childish?
>baldur's gate 3
>assassin's creed 6
>street fighter
What do these games have in relation with mechs?
Whatever team they have planning their next Final Fantasy should be made to go play BG3 and Star Rail; the goal is to make an even better turn-based game. Also, the character designs should be FFXV-esque, since the aesthetic is undoubtedly what made it into a big hit and other companies aren't doing that. Don't listen to the goddamn feminists who've cost the entertainment industry tens of billions of dollars. And get good localizers who are in touch with the fans, even if they ask for more money because they know that they're worth more than some fat snarky feminist who doesn't even speak Japanese.
Welcome to the confluence of every shitty timezone, it's either this or rampant porn posting
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4 niggers in a row and either an implicit or explicit job system
you know, final fantasy
like the one hiroi just shat on
I am very aware of that function and I have gotten tells akin to "Why did you pause me on mare :(" because I didn't react to them spamming some meme emote I have already seen 20 times.
Like I said I'm not opposed to modding there is some real creative stuff out there but the majority of stuff I can happily live without.
Gundam TROONS NEED to fuck off, giant super robots are cool
I’m considering another stellaris run but for some reason I can’t stop idling in xiv
How do you guys deal with lack of motivation
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You are like small baby
BG3's environmental hazards and position + Star Rail waifus would attract an entirely new generation of ff fans. Sadly, not enough people like turn based games to make it happen.
feeling worthless and needy as I take my consumables and buff my catgirl with estradiol and spironolactone
I wish it didnt make me so needy
my sunnie+ looks and acts exactly like this
I'm glad.. sorry again, I'll make a habit of staying in uldah so this doesn't happen again.
I'll head back to bed too then..
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I do not believe you have tens of thousands of these
that's just 1 on 1 though. lot of people have their own synchells that exclude everyone else.

if the mare dev was serious about wanting this to be a mmo feature they'd just have one big server.

nice try attempting to imply other people are socially awkward when you can't have a conversation online that's not in text(I know who you are and you can't complete a single sentence on vc without stammering l0l)
man i fucking love perky tranny tits so much
disloyal hands typed this post
>Also, the character designs should be FFXV-esque
i mean to be fair it wouldn't tank the game outright but come on now
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He died doing what he loved
Flexing on everyone
>”Mare bad because sexual and fetish stuff”
All these anti Mare posts read like they’re coming from asshurt “traditional” RPers every time
they remind me of the old school banana tits that are extinct
bonus points for being pierced
where can I meet you? i am not in-game right now though
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He could have thousands of copies of each with different md5s.
new, took the furthest out meetup to be able to post
Turn based boring as hell lmao
How are you still not in bed?
badlands chugs died for our sins
>lot of people have their own synchells that exclude everyone else
You can pause individuals in syncshells too you do know that right
>I know who you are
Link my lodestone, my fflogs, my tomestone.gg and drop my initials then if you’re so confident (you don’t know who i’am)
i want them to go back to their mid/late 2000s experimentations with making RPG combat cinematic and exciting before they abandoned it completely
they could do something like the last remnant, except not for autists and crazy people
Unicorn Overlord begs to differ
An adult but shy. Based her on smaller bunnies you'd find as pets.
>Mare bad because sexual and fetish stuff
Sweet dreams..
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>hey wanna pose?
>"ok sure"
this is sexpesting

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