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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer
>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

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Previous: >>495696421
First impressions of the patch? Rate 0/5
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Don't let these terrible buffs and nerfs distract you from the fact that drive rush, low forward, perfect parry, and throw loops are still ruining the game.
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My wife and her pantyless, bubble butt.
>Balancing trash
>Content mid
>Terry at least ain't as auto-pilot as I expected him to be
Lmao that terry normal looks so ass, like it has no sense of impact
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what's the knee-jerk verdict on Terry gentlemen?
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What does it mean that I 10-0'd my v-rival trained on my own data? Does capcom really think I'm this bad? Am I this bad?
hes mid
Ryu but instead of light tatsu + light hasho mix terry has a real anti-fireball tool, a walk behind fireball, and better supers
MK won in terms of content but Terry is good. Just sucks he feels like Bison and Akuma as another technical aggro shitter instead of a new archetype.
they're never fixing this game are they? between gachas and this shit being the most popular sf in japan since 2 i'm starting to think this notion that japs somehow have good taste in videogames is a /v/ delusion
What street fighter game are these girls from? What's that? They're not? You're just a pathetic coomer retard faggot thread autist? Oh, I see.
>Good taste
They slop Pokemon harder than fresh cool water in the scalding desert.
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They can reshuffle the samey slimer top tiers and add new generic slimers all they want.
Unless they actually fix the universal dogshit of the game the game will remain terrible.
how do i join the giefcord?
He is on the same archetype as Akuma/Bison of being an overly technical ungabunga that can shit lots of pressure and dmg if you go nerd with him.
I still rather play Cammy or Ken for easier routes and pretty much the same results with more consistency and less stress, but if you go nerd on them they become top 1.
ken is hard as fuck to play if you can play him you can play any nigga in this game
Honestly depends on how technical he is

People said Akuma was this very high IQ glass canon because Tokido didn't like him, but that was his personal take

Akuma carries harder than Bison, his zoning much better, his comeback mechanic much better, his damage much better

If Terry is harder than Bison he is a high tier, if he is easier than Bison, he is Top 3
>Dale running into constant Terry mirrors
And there are dumbass niggers out there who actually think the main reason he doesn't play this game is because he can't rage quit lmao
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How can Capcom be so incompetent? Do they buff and nerf characters by throwing darts on a dartboard?
>He actually playing ranked instead of ducking and playing with his sandbaggers/offline
For real???
99% of players don't play in tournaments
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Is Cammy really that much easier to play than Ken?
Yeah but he's already run off to MK1 now. Quits the second he gets into a match and starts complaning about yellow cards again.
Even tho ragequit is a factor you gotta be delusional if you think he would be loving this game if he could ragequit like in 5.
He hates the universal mechanic, he hates how zoning is nerfed down, he hates how shotos are the objective superior archetype now, he hates Modern, he hates everything SF6 is.
The only reason he touches this game is pure nostalgia to the franchise, if this was anything else he would have never installed again, hands down.
>uuuuh we forgot to buff deejay bros so sorry lol
really capcom?
Ken is great on ladder and in tournaments. Why didn't he get any nerfs? Also Luke/Ed are pretty good in ladder and tournaments as well yet he got buffed? Yet so many low tiers didn't? Make it make sense.
MK1 won this fight.
Today their update was better.
I never said he would be loving the game. This is absolute cope. Rage quitting is literally everything to him in fighting games. If he could do it the same way he did in 5 he would still play the game a lot.
well they made terry yet another trainingboar character. not reinstalling for that. hope mai and elena are simple but they won't be
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thoughts on koiln?
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Crazy that if Crapcom drops a 50$ DLC it will be 4 costumes and not an actual DLC.
why is kolin so closely associated with anal sex?
>he already hopped back on 6 to do sandbag lobbies
Uncle is so mindbroken he can't enjoy shit anymore.
The 68 IQ scholar, who says combos are easy because black niggas can do them, as he himself can't do a single string....
he hates every game
he plays them because its the only way he makes a living because he knows its the only reason people tune in
>Luke buffed
>JP buffed
>Dee Jay buffed
>Ed buffed

>Cammy no changes
>Ken no changes
>Manon no changes
>Lily no changes
>Rashid no changes
The fact this thread isn’t celebrating the Gief nerfs just shows how underwhelming of a patch it was.
Dale has that sick ego of being this God-like legendary SF player that can touch any character and make it work if he wants to

He probs was thinking about how he would flex with Terry day 1 because Terry seemed easy and broken, but turned out to be a pretty hard character

And instead of accepting he sucks and can't play, he is trying to cope by stroking his ego and playing with people who have 0.3% of the hours in SF games to delude himself he is actually sick at every SF game if he wants to play
terry's trials are an example of why this genre is a meme
He won't even attempt to do the high skill ceilling shit Terry can do. He will lame people also by playing like a spamming nervous bitch and calling it footsies.
It really is astounding that someone can be like this for their entire life and never for one second consider that they're actually the problem.
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Smash owns FGC by being the most easy to learn and hard to master, instead of hard to learn easy to master, but most niggies aren't ready for this convo so let's not even talk about it...
Is actually insane how this is not a character for the lols but a grown ass man coping, saying that spamming is "layered gameplay" when is obvious to everyone he hates combos and avoids them even in games like Smash where combos are shorter, more situational and less necessary.

Nigga beat his poor friends in the neighborhood who grew up without a console to practice, by zoning them out, and thinks he is some prodigy by doing that.

Everytime he talks about how he beat all his friends when he was 9yo in the block.
Dale begging for 1 frame links to return just so people are more likely to drop their shit on him was peak comedy.
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Why does Terry's face looks like he was lazily copypasta'd from a smiling old man meme?
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>Believing his lies
He also said he never got smoked in SF3, SF4, SF5 and Tekken 7.
I find it more easy to believe, even with all his advantage by owning the console, he still got cooked and said to the person who beat him to leave his house because they ain't playing anymore atfer beating him LMAO
His garbage ass just doesn't improve. Dude a textbook permabeg...
if you use an ex power wave and if its enough to put you into burnout it plays the power wave voice line from fatal fury 1
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Dude might as well still be 9 years old mentally.
Played Terry, got my placements in ranked. He's pretty fun.
A real man never speaks ill of Shinkiro
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If Shitkiro wasn't all washed up he would still be in SNK
Dude is literally glazing 5 and v-trigger as a mechanic now. He legit should get checked for dementia.
>sucking someone dick forever because they were decent 10 years ago but couldn't adapt
Jap moment.
If he didn't want to be clowned he should focus on improving his traditional art instead of this ugly ass digital one of his.
This is really funny because V-Trigger mindbroke him so bad he calls to this very day any comeback mechanic "V-trigger" be in Tekken, Smash, GranBlue, MK...
>Being a reasonable person instead of worshipping washed up frauds makes me a zoomer
Low IQ boomer self-reporting.

>Nigga cooking him with Cloud/Joker in Smash or poppin' heat in Tekken 7/8
At least he learned to call "Heat" instead of V-trigger in Tekken 8 for most of the time.
Thanks I cant unsee it now
I don’t care for a niggers whining tommy
Please learn when and when not to use commas you gormless no life gooner cunt.
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You cared enough to give me a (You)
So are the smash Timmies euros or just LA time zone zoomers? Can’t really tell
SmashCHADs everywhere in the globe everytime, crabba.
>muh technical skills
pyw tranny
Not really. They usually swarm hard to watch LTG streams this late at night
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You can meet Mary and Joe in WT
Yes really. Smash is so popular in Earth theres always another Smash nearby.
There is no reason to play Ken when you can play Hat Ken, he is better in every single way
This general is probably hands down the worst one on this board. None of you fags play the games this general is about, you just doompost over Twitter faggots and gossip about some washed up nigger lolcow. I'd say at least the /v/ threads are better but half the time you cockbags show up there too using your one feckless and unfunny derogatory nicknames. It's like dealing with a bunch of catty women holy fuck you guys are faggots.
>/vg/ is just porn addicted faggots
wow what a revelation
They’re literally just teens and early 20 year olds anon.
One even admitted that he’s afraid of cumming in a woman before marriage and another rants about wanting rape and kill punk and all niggers because he just hates the fact blacks play this genre lol. Don’t worry too much about it
+1 for replay takeover and viewable frame meter in replays
+0.5 for having a balance patch at all (i wasn't expecting anything)
But fr, except for Zangief and Ed, these changes feel so fucking random and thoughtless. Like they haven't been paying attention to the meta at all, whatsoever.
How do you let Ken, Cammy, Akuma, and Rashid get away with it for so long?
jp buffs are not small, he's easily top 5/6 again.
Yeah but even the fucking Guilty Gear thread has people making lobbies and talking about the games while posting softcore images of the girls. The only thing this place has are obvious children engaging the /v/igger brand flamewars for attention.

I think the worst part is how arrogant some retards here get yet half the time it's completely wrong. Either that or the autistic fixation on pros and e-celebs like you mentioned.
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go to the overwatch general and tell me it's not pure autism. all they do is post random pictures without text and shit up the thread
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>Terry WT missions are fun
>Terry is fun
>replay take over is pretty nice
>pao pao cafe replacing Terrys theme
>balance patch
>it’s just Terry and no new costumes
>balance patch is actual ass
>li-fen mod doesn’t work in hub yet
It’s a pretty lack luster and unless you like WT like me. It’s not pretty substantial
How does Street Fighter get away with looking like ass?
wow that actually looks good for a World Tour avatar
I know but again I just don’t really fucking care and carry on. The mere fact two of the dumb kids begged this place to donate to a stream about some LTG shit I knew it had to be some dumb kid on summer break
there's a huge pushback against chasing graphic fidelity in the industry now so that's not something it's going to get shit on for
I'm just glad Redditgief got nerfed, but it wasn't nearly enough.
I was gonna be a pedantic fuck about how I meant the fighting game generals specifically but I see i didn't write that in my original post. I'll concede on this one, Anon. I'd say the gacha ones are worse since the Blue Archive one is the reason why mobilefags can't post images in a private browser.
Terry is neat
I think the V-Rival shit is neat if a bit too easy
Didn't actually expect much balance changes so not too disappointed
>just had punk kick my ass during his calibration games
>only managed to get a round in

at least i know I could have done better if I wasn't playing so sloppy
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building a genre and being the king of it for years after being exiled in 98/99
>but but karate fight and uhhhh warrior girls from 1988 exis-
Uh buh buh. Which series is alive? That’s right
The ryo_cyclone dude I pulled this from loved WT so he used some actual recipes to make his girl. As for Mary, I’m sure snk told them to try and make her less shit
NPCs look like ass in every PS4 gen game. It’s a waste of resources
WT content is top notch
Terry is fire
Balance changes are welcome and much needed
>Sandeep, I need that Terry art on my desk, pronto
this is by far the most indifferent ive ever been about a new character
nice try Max
For me it was rashit.
Nothing character V and him being back as the first dlc legit made me not turn on six until A.K.I
>throw loops are still in the game
Abysmal dogshit
t. Jyotsana Pacholski
this is an acrsys balance patch if i've ever seen one
>Rising Tackle is motion
Rasheed coming back was definitely weird but out of V who the fuck could they even bring back? With Ed they at least gave him a near completely different playstyle. Seriously I can't think of a single newcomer to V's base roster outside of Laura cause she molested Sean and Necalli for being a huge jobber.
system mechanics won't get changed. willing to bet real money on it. throw loops maybe the only exception, but drive will stay the same
God I need Blue Mary farting on my face
throw loops are staying crabba
>scissor kicks easier to punish now
People shit a lot on 6’s newcomers, but V’s were even worse. Sole reason anyone ever gave a shit about Laura were just coomers.
I like Ed and Falke. Necalli was a missed opportunity when they didn't give him any of his weird goo powers he had in the story.
Throw loops will be gone after CPT, but drive rush is working as is
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That's cool but she looks terrible lmao
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people are sleeping on this buff, sway is now even potentially even deadlier since the overhead can now start combos on PC.
Manon and Marisa players don't deserve anything
make checking drive rush actually punishable and make parry less brainless and the systems basically fixed
>I like Ed and Falke
NTA but I tried to not mention the other edition newcomers for V and wanted to keep it to the base roster for fairness. Ed and his gf were cool I agree.
I hope everyone sleeps on DJ for the remainder of the game's life
neither will happen
Why the fuck did they buff Luke and Deejay? They were balanced
I miss Zeku
Luke was ass
shoto players will only play the current strongest shoto.
He was at least mid tier
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Luke was losing his protag spot
Maybe when you played him
Capcom ruined Luke’s chances of getting an organic fan base by making him purposefully overpowered since Jive, makes sense nobody plays him when he isnt the top 1.
Luke I kinda get it because shoto players are tierwhores by heart, but Deejay is lmao. They didn't touch Ken because every single Ken player will play Terry now
So now that Terry has been out long enough to make a comprehensive and objective assesment, where does he fall on the tier list?
yeah I doubt we'll ever see another change in the system
He's a shoto with a throw loop, he was never not going to be viable
Teddy Boogers from the hit series Deadly Derangement
top 1 you're a fucking retard if you disagree
water with no ice ass character that plays itself.
>throw loop
High tier at worst. Yes, Ryu is also high tier, just almost entirely outclassed.
Terry deserved those women, raising someone's son, and now fucking Capcom cultists up
Luke was good and just got better
top 5 will be Rashid terry ken akuma jp. screen cap this
No plus frame normals. Hat ken sucks dick
Certainly not by Luke with that damage.
>Ed st.hk from +3 to +4ob
Why tho
I genuinely can't believe people still play Guess Fighter 6. You deserve this patch lol
What is Mayor Cody's tax policy?
because the retards that play this fucking game memed him into being "heckin' honest low-mid tier AT BEST" while having the most braindead neutral in the game and a meme lvl 2
But it's practically a nothing burger when the normal only hits point blank on a standing opponent
is terry's HP cancel > rising tackle heavy > burning knuckle heavy bugged? it doesn't seem cancelable into level 3. It's one of his trials and you can see it frame one cancel into level 3 in the example but he doesn't seem to get special cancelable in training mode visual learning thing IE turn blue when linking tackle into the knuckle. I'm probably a retard but something is a lil silly. he's disconnected from the ground or something it seems like. damn I wish I knew how to make webms.
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He’s plenty organic. Just look at the writing time for WT embracing him
Trial 12? It doesn't work for me too
you dont get that much
oh yeah idk lmao
what's the counter play to throw loops
is this real?
jesus fucking christ words cant describe how ugly this game is what the fuck how is this a success
that's the one. yeah I went into training to see if my timing was wrong but he just isn't turning super cancelable. Capcom come on this is embarassing.
take the throw xiaohai :)
We're cooked
Make a correct read with throw break, reversal, backdash or late tech and don't get meatied or shimmied
jamie will never get buffs since despite him never winning anything he's always in the top 10 played.
>Make a correct read
if you guess wrong btw you either get thrown again or shimmied for 60% + still in the corner :)
the only character with a unique and cool gameplan in this game
yes that's what making a read means :)
sorry jamiefags but "i get a buff every time i land a hit or a throw :)" is retarded and your character deserves to stay """""bad"""" forever
pick a different main
If the best players in the world get throw looped, it clearly doesn't fucking work now does it?

*unzips dick*
It’s real, in Terrys WT dlc(he’s not in proper WT, you have to load him at the WT start or in your Buckler apartment) the beat square is taken over by an event that brings in new npcs to fight and talk with. The boy is there
They read wrong.
Why did I go down the Jamie rabbit hole. I’m so fucking obessed with his moves now, kinda wish I could do his SA1
>take the throw
>delay tech
>OD reversal
>super reversal
>drive reversal
remember when top level sf was decided by the sweatiest tech and the most insane and exciting combos and now it's decided by "tech" that you could teach someone who's never played an fg before in under 1 minute
>Reddit Max joke
holy fuck I hate translators
>Drive down to Memphis
jamie is fun to learn, ass to play in a match. having to constantly sacrifice oki so you can actually have full access to your moveset sucks
a read is informed based on the data you collected on your opponent
a guess is just a guess
remember when you had to pay 25 cents to play with someone and ask them questions afterwards to find out what the fuck happened and why something did or didn't work?
Do you guys think Terry and Mai will get original costumes or will all their DLC be recycled designs from SNK games?
PSA that these usage rates look pretty much the same as they do in every Street Fighter game regardless of character strength
i played on snes at home with my brother
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Uh oh…he about to get hit with the cease and desist check
casino fighter 6 is nothing but a shitty guessing game. That's why you have random winning tournaments
a read is an educated guess.
literally who even plays JP anymore? not even saying the character's bad now
Except opponents can feed you false information on purpose, reducing reads to guesses because there will always be layers that you may not have accounted for.
It all boils down to meaningless guessing.
Puke is a failed hero and fag. Thank god Akuma and Ryu keep that faggot in check
Funfact, he says that in Japanese as well
The localizers directly speak with the Japanese script makers for most modern Capcom games. You lost chud
How is Terry looking like in Modern? Is he up there with like Modern Luke, Ed, and Chun?
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Marisa players don't HAVE anything to begin with you stupid cocksucker
>try out that new AI shit
>it's trash, instantly rank up to master
Welp, kinda expected

>try out Terry
>he is completely busted, even more than Akuma and Bison
Welp, kinda expected
about to see everyone who dropped him pick him back up again.
brianf is a complete pissbaby and will not play a balanced character, he'll be sticking with ed
>Except opponents can feed you false information on purpose,
What are some examples of this?
Come on anon, she has tons of things, like, hmm, help me there guys...
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If you lose to Marisa, you’re not DR enough kiddo
Max? won
how do good players get stuck in it if there's this many ways out.
Dude 23ers are absolutely batshit fucking insane. They'll look at a character whose worst matchup is fucking 4:6 and go "LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE BUFF PLEASE BUF BFUBFUFBF BUF BUF BUFFF BUF BUFF BUFF I NEED MY BUFFS I CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" lmfao
Because Ed is the closest he'll get to boxer, I can see Japan going hard on jp though
That's too much effort for nu-Crapcom
A fun personality
Did Terry save SF6?
Did you just throw me? Well, in my opinion, you should not get any advantage and the game should reset to neutral. Also, throws should deal gray damage.
wisg she was anywhere we were near this shapely and not just a giant meathead blob
its complete dogshit in every way possible and it's easily number 1 fighting game on the market

dix doesnt need saving

everyone will still play it forever no matter how many shitty balance patches or how ugly the game is or how braindead the gameplay is
there's no saving it
Chun and Guile are significantly played less in this game than they were in 5.
Uhm, I just THREW you. The round is over, CHUD.
Terry designs don’t change drastically, no? He’s probably gonna get a new one since KOF14 looks mostly the same
This but unironically
oh so you're part of the problem got it.
mk is unironically better and I'm not even trolling, at least that game offers a little freedom of expression
they're not good players
You don't understand that even if your best matchup is 4:6, you are not playing a low tier character.

I saw a clip of a character setting up a trap at the end of a round that immediately went off on the opponent at the start of the next round lol it doesn't get much more kuso than that.
4-6 match ups in modern fighting games are pure cancer because nowadays everything is a guess and options and character kits are gutted.
4-6 is the new 2-8
>throw loops (i'm gonna act like i'm gonna keep throwing you until i finally shimmy you)
>the whole concept of conditioning
the entire archetype of grapplers is built off the back of this concept
Marisa has officially deleted in this game.
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Have you tried the new AI?
sf6 zangief's famous spd loops
just guess correctly
Real ESL hours
if she hits you with a punish counter charged attack she does a lot of damage.

that's it, that's the character
Just wait until the "Marisa has nothing" people try their second character and find out that nobody in this game has anything, it's all just slime
If you think Terry is mid wait til you see Mai lmao
SPD, DR s.lk xx DR SPD is a real loop i think?
Manon and Marisa players don't deserve anything but misery. Lily and Kimberly players deserve the world and a harem
I'm afraid to see Mai in the horror engine
if you play a f*male character in this game wtf are you even doing
6 lacks evil edgy dude characters
>mutt localization makes cringe r*ddit jokes/references
No bro, they never do that, never happened in any japanese games localized by america.
Because each and every one of those options (besides taking the throw) carries MASSIVE risk.
Guessed wrong once on your delay tech or reversal? Death by shimmy (which gives them looping oki even if you don't die).
Guessed wrong once on your backdash or jump? Death by meaty (which gives them looping oki even if you don't die).
Allowing yourself to get throw looped so you can avoid either of these outcomes is sometimes the best play.
>Cammy and Juri Army

Ask to them
why wont my advanced 5 connect the qcb LPMP
this is why MY LORD was the best addition to the game since launch and likely the only halfway decent evil character we'll be getting
Yeah you're right dude Marisa isn't a low tier sure thing bud
nm I figured it out. You need 3 hits on CRACKSHOO
There aren't low tiers. Go slime for your plus frames and free mix up.
>but it's not as fast as DJ's or Bison's
It's still unreactable dude.
Even Bison has a weird dark enlightened martial arts guru angle going for him instead of being a straight up villain on a mission to take over the world
The massive loaf of shit I'm about to pinch off into your mouth has a better taste than you
boo fucking hoo dude i'm sure you'll get.................................................. G, don't worry

he still seems pretty evil to me but yeah. he's still plenty edgy, though.
you know remember Cammy players saying the character was dead
what did he mean by this?
Where is Claw?
cant quit replays if you queue up multiple??? some weird roll out or too ambitious a patch?
Surprise free DLC in December
if you didn't learn not to listen to cammyfags in sf4, you should've in sf5, and if not in sf5, then in day 1 of sf6. biggest retard playerbase bar none
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>Marisa should be competitively viable
If you don’t play gimmicky bruisers as a fun handicap to dab on shotocels, you’re playing them for the wrong reason.
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>there aren't low tiers
yep that's right bud absolutely right on man
this game is not like Tekken I can't have fun button mashing. what do
Ik it hurts to hear but the system mechanics in this game are simply too strong. There's no character that can't win.
Is this real?
No, it's surreal
whatever you say man
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Support Hershuar
Least mentally ill korean cuck
6 lacks a decent roster. It's really lackluster
Nice patch
Oh my Dood. Ken Masters OD’d on slime in an alley
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Easy but they need to fix that one trial
If drive rush really stays in its current state for SF6's entire life I simply won't pick it back up. Already dropped it hoping Season 3 is enough of an improvement to bring me back.
Nah fuck off. I'll take a million bland coomer characters like Laura over garbage that literally no one gives a shit about like Lily.
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I miss Phil Hartman
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She seems to be actually modeled more like the special NPCs rather than from the Avatar creator
cancel to burn knuckle later
>wake up
>read patch notes
>all the previous top tiers were rebuffed
>the unplayed characters are still left in the dust

capcom is so annoying bruh on gawd
>there are already Terry players in Master
I'm scared
stop capping blud
they did give JP his anti-air back albeit
what makes cammy fraudulent specifically? divekick?
I only did the trials and like 30 mins of training with the rental ticket but I think random shit into crack shoot is going to fuck up a lot of people who are afraid to DI.
and walkspeed, light confirms with retard wall carry, sideswitch with no meter, good AA, jabs, level 3 nullifies zoning and also free get out of corner card if the player jumps
yeah, it's just a late juggle.
I'm kind of annoyed that his crack shoot and burning knuckle need to be delayed. Like wtf is this ? Are we blazblue now ?
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>temporarily allowed to play as Damnd and Rudra
Damnd controls like shit though. lol
well Terry dlc was a flop
You can learn one of her moves too. And one of Joe's. And one each from Damnd and Rudra.
making the dodge input 1 button is completely balls
how do I use rental tickets
Punk fought 4 Bisons back to back
this sim sim shit is cute ngl
Nothing, she is fine.
Her divekick completely skewed the offense in her favor. She gets high reward for jumping and she is a hard character to anti air cause of that
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Come on Terry, that's racist and gay. lmao
Pro will say that he is a solid high mid tier.
Then in 2 months, they will all agree that he is top 1 or top 2 behind Rashid.

Terry made all shoto completely irrelevant. mmw
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god fucking DAMN is terry underwhelming
>crack shoot is a free safe get in tool
>but in exchange you get literally fucking nothing if it hits cept the heavy version which gets you a knockdown
>quick burn is a fast standing overhead you can cancel into
>but in exchange you get literally fucking nothing if it hits even the OD version which just gets you a knockdown
>burn knuckle is a good get in tool that might actually be plus if spaced correctly
>in exchange you get fucking nothing if it hits except a knockdown and if spaced improperly you get combod
>btw all of this loses to drive impact and most of it is reactable
>fireballs suck cept OD but then you had to spend OD for things other characters get for free
>framedata on normals either sucks dick or they are stubby and shitty
>his super special lane mechanic will go unused because the target combo you need to DO it is -13 on block and it isnt hit-confirmable except on punish counter
>the target combo that leads into power dunk is worthless because it ISN'T a true combo and your opponent can just block and then kill you for attempting it AFTER they get hit by the first part

the ONLY saving grace of this character is his throw loop and lvl 2 cashout but MAN in exchange for everything that makes an SF6 character good Terry is so underwhelming compared to basic DLC of SF6 like Ed, Rashid, Akuma, and Aki, let alone broken bullshit like Bison
heres what im thinking for the new patch
all the pros dropped luke
>adjusts Guile meter gain but doesn't touch Rashid's
what did Capcom mean by this?
Playing Terry makes me realize how utterly spoiled I am when I play A.K.I.
Terry doesn't get much of anything without a DRC, does he? It's so different than A.K.I. who just lands a DR 2MK and then gets a full length combo, I don't have the muscle memory to drive rush cancel my pokes at all

His 2MP is the one I want to use when I'm in range to do so, right? Since it links into 5HP on drive rush hit and that seems to be his party starter button
gold players analysis
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Yeah they're probably fucking
forgot to mention the WORST part about quick burn is that on initial block Terry has no low pressure
where things like Jinrai and Bisons bomb overhead have the mixup potential in just being bummed out by a low Terrys quickburn is a special where the first hit can be blocked low and then just stand for the follow up
against him theres no need to be afraid of the overhead cause he gets nothing if it hits and you can just block anything he puts out low and then stand up for the block pressure because after the low forward Terry has no block pressure that includes a low hitting attack
Terry is Ryu with an anti-fireball tool, thats it
why wasn't ken the protagonist of this game
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Da alfa gives his verdict
Rashid was also mid on release and Ed was low. Akuma also wasn't "that good".
Punk also said aki and rashid weren't very good and we all see how that turned out
so with simsim you can simulate ranked without being in ranked? interesting

unfortunately i don't know who i want to fucking play anymore
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She definitely has the nicest looking tits in the game
said same thing for ed then started losing to ed
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bros help i canst stop staring at JK legs
based Terry
/vg/ fearmongering sissies BTFO
How is Luke
a bad character?
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So it's all but confirmed that at some point, Rudra, Bosch, Thrasher, and probably Li-fen will be a DLC pack right?
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>neutral drive rush
>low forward drive rush
>fireball drive rush
>perfect parry
>throw loops
Why were none of these things addressed in the patch?
wait, this joke is actually based
Guys don't you think that Rashid and Ed are kind of meh?
Blue Mary petting dog
I don't see the issue
because they dont want to address it
For the people that regularly defend SF6 do they not mind how chaotic and volatile the game is because of DR, PPs, throw loops, etc? Or do they actually think these mechanics make the game better and more skillful?
Just woke up, looked at the notes, and this is basically my impression. No Jamie or Honda changes, but Luke and JP got buffs? Is this another case of
>Alex is the strongest character in the game according to Capcom's internal testing, why do you guys keep asking for buffs?
>li fen coming downstairs with some buff guys arm around her
>she said they were setting up his rival AI
>see something dripping from between her legs
And you can pet the dog too

Bosch maybe. Damnd is the only one of the other three that doesn't use a SF character's moveset, so he might be somewhat more likely
hope they give avatars more unique abilities even if they suck, throwing the wrenches was funny.
I would drive rush my tongue all over that
this but li-fen
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I mind how chaotic it is
I wish it were less volatile
throw loops should be fucking buried
with that said it is still a fun and skillful game, although not nearly as much as it could be
also every other fighting game in the market is somehow worse
Patch sucks. When's Abigail?
rare reasonable take on /sfg/
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can we please get an anti fireball character next season....PLEASE
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youre not gonna pick it back up
>also every other fighting game in the market is somehow worse
In Melee Armada didn't lose to nobodies
In Smash 4 Zero and MkLeo didn't lose to nobodies
In Smash Ultimate Acola doesn't lose to nobodies
In Guilty Gear Strive Tempest doesn't lose to nobodies
In Guilty Gear Rev 2 Omito didn't lose to nobodies
In Tekken 7 Arslan Ash didn't lose to nobodies
In MvC3 Justin Wong didn't lost to nobodies
In SF4 Daigo, Bonchan, and Fuudo didn't lose to nobodies
In SF5 Punk didn't lose to nobodies
In DBFZ Wawa and Nitro didn't lose to nobodies
In various KoF games Xiao Hai didn't lose to nobodies
In SF6 Xiao Hai wins the most stacked tournament then loses to a nobody Ken like a week later. Mena wins Japan Evo then loses to a nobody and can't even top 8 a 200~ person tournament. Uma won Capcom Cup then went 129th-192nd at Japan Evo. Every game mentioned here except SF6 is consistent enough where the best players in the world don't lose to nobodies. SF6 is too volatile to be consistent so the best players in the world can win a huge tournament then scrub out 0-2 in the next one just like Punk, Angrybird, and Mena did at EWC. This kind of thing is extremely rare in basically every fighting games except SF6
>problem-x lost to beslem
>NL and zhen lost to brickterium
>nephew lost to vwsym
>bigbird lost to zangief_bolado
>endingwalker lost to juniorleo
>NL and rainpro lost to senor power
Patch and Terry are out and yet I can't find the will and the energy to check them out.
No. Yes.
Is Cammy the "easiest" top tier to learn? I don't want to play Bison
me neither but I blame it on not caring so much about terry and mai I might revisit when elena comes out or if I get the itch
or my friends asks to play
>In SF4
...Luffy won EVO. That says enough about that shitty game
The competition is just that stacked in 6.
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This just makes me wonder if Capcom is eventually going to add team matches to the other modes considering the tech for it is clearly here
That was an outlier because of capcoms massive blunder of having a balance patch so close to evo. Luffy got lucky that he played Rose.
I just know.............
*plays Cammy*
>young black man get jumped by boomers
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Trust no one
I played for 15 minutes and then went back to work. Its the same shit expect with Terry and he is a meta character from everything that I tired. Low forward DR, neutral skip that can be made plus ob very easily, fireball, fireball DR (not sure how useful it will be for him though), throw loops, extremely good raw DR because the start up acceleration is insane, high damage, easy combo routes, easy corner carry. Its boring now thats all the game is
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I'm actually fighting alongside Terry here against Ryu. Would have been nice to actually take them both on
terry is not easy
>Would have been nice to actually take them both on
that would be hot
it's hard to get hyped when i don't even know who to main anymore
the only character that works with my playstyle plays like hot ass in this game
>neutral drive rush
>fireball drive rush
These are fine, you can check these
>low [medium kick fuck you] drive rush
>throw loop
Need addressed but this is a minor patch, we'd have to wait until Season 3 at earliest
>perfect parry
I agree it's a problem but I don't know how you'd fix it without removing it entirely. Perfect parrying a jump-in or poke is fine, it's just awful for killing meaties. I guess you could make it not work on wakeup, but that would feel like an arbitrary change
>also every other fighting game in the market is somehow worse
Untrue, it's just that the better ones (like KOF XV) are dead. Although maybe that's what you meant by "on the market"
NTR queen
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I really want to improve, and I have compared to when I firsr started. I just don't like Dix (no Diddy).
The drive syste makes everything feel same-y. While system mechanics of some sort have been riddled throughout Street Fighter history, I just don't like this one. Playing against V-isms in Alpha 3 while playing Dan is more enjoyable.

But objectively speaking: Is it better to stay on 6 where there's more qually skilled competitors to me, or just go to the older games that I actually enjoy?
>also every other fighting game in the market is somehow worse
no. this is the worst modern fighting game yet. you are encouraged to do anything else but block.
its by far the best which says something about the competition
I haven’t played this game in 8 months because I sucked so much ass at it and hated the driving dashing being so involved in play. Terry looks so cool I’m willing to go through the bullshit.
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>Last month I was able to reach C Cammy Master so I wanted to draw Cammy... I've been hooked on fighting games for the first time in a while
Quoted from the author of Tokyo Ghoul and Choujin X
what are the v-rival challenges?
will he make a Capcom character finally have sex (read get raped by a female) like Kaneki?
What did he say?
it is by far the worst, most guess heavy fighting game
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Probably the bustiest WT npc right now, that should be good new for Mai as it should mean they won't nerf hers
>you're good, I'll give you that
Pooji lost
who'll be the black queen of Season 3?
how do you check a fireball drive rush? drive reversal gets countered by simply not pressing anything after drive rush
>But objectively speaking: Is it better to stay on 6 where there's more qually skilled competitors to me, or just go to the older games that I actually enjoy?
what's your objective?
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makes sense that a hack like ishida likes dix
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Vrivals feel way more "real" than CPU's but Li-Fen your advice is appalling and Chun is disappointed in you
It feels more real than CPU, yeah, but it still does frame 1 instant whiff punishes and random perfect parries occasionally which remind me that I am still playing against AI.
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it's still plus on block with 0 pushback
From a casual standpoint I just hate the way combos look in this game it looks like the sonic 3d blast of street fighter games and the drive gauge just turns me off. Just too much going on for my peebrain to have to care about managing between rounds when it’s not even that fun enough to look at.
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>switch to xbox one pad from a stick ive been using for like 10 years
>d-pad already malfunctioning after 2 months

what the hell is this
>xbox controllers
>ever NOT drifting after a few months
>what's your objective
To have fun.
gief players are pussies, he deserved more nerfs.
>t. Nemo
Yeah it's almost like giving up half the season to SNK guest characters was a stupid idea or something.
>To have fun.
i'm not mad at you at all, but i really fucking hate when people use this word loosely.

"Fun" does not have a universal definition. What may be fun for you, may not be fun for someone else. For example, I get the most enjoyment out of fighting equally skilled players, but if I went to an older fighting game, I would be hard pressed to find that experience, so it's best for me to stick to a modern fighter with ranked matchmaking.

So now, I need to ask, what is your definition of "fun" in this context?
and by "in this context", i mean your situation whoops
He's not a smut writer but if Capcom gave him the go-ahead who knows
True enough
>Double Knee Press:
>1. Reduced the body hurtbox on block and hit for the second attack, from the end of the attack's active frames until mid-recovery.
>2. Reduced pushback on block, in line with the above hurtbox reduction change.
Didn't get to play yet, is scissor kicks it still braindead easy to space and make it safe?
obviously, unless you have pro player positioning, but bison can still drive rush and kill you
What SF girls are these?
What WEG is this?
Can I get a link to all the patch changes?
I will fap to this WEG
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I get what you're saying about "fun". For me is playing a faster paced game. When I go back to 4, 3rd Strike, or Alpha, I end up enjoying it more. It's the same situation for me with other games with the newer games feeling slower in general.

>+R > Strive (Strives high damage makes the rounds/games fast, but its definitely slower paced than +R)
>Melee > Ultimate
>Black Ops 3 on back > The new Warzone CoDs.

And even within the FPS family, I'm having the time of my life learning Quake. But Quake shares a similar experience with older fighters, where like you were saying, the opportunities for equal competition are much lower. So I just end up getting my teeth kicked in until I adapt. While I am pretty mentally tough, and don't mind losing like 30 games in a row, it doesn't mean that I have to put myself through that just to learn. In hindsight, that's a pretty rough thing to put myself through when I'm not even at the highest levels of play.
yeah terry is retarded 100%
I want to fuck Blue Mary

rubbin' to big titties
we know, Terry
this was the big dlc we were all supposed to be excited for? Mid ass Terry and some random "balance" changes - lol
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every single DLC character has had a throwloop
i just cant do this anymore bros. it's so clear this is how capcom wants the game to play
Mary's tits are banging tho
ryusisters....we're done.
Capcom once again being shit at post launch support. Why are they so allergic to making changes this was such a nothing of a patch
Backing down status?

Shut up crabba
the changes you want aren't the changes capcom is willing to implement. but yeah why rashid level 2 went untouched is beyond me
terry doesn't seem to have a throwloop?
Shinkiro loves Ingrid, she should be in the game.
So it sounds like you care more for the faster pace than the competition since you have the mental fortitude for it(jealous desu). Based on that, I would recommend returning to your older games then.

You have stated your displeasure for how dix plays, so you aren't really getting your type of fun out of it in the majority.
nevermind he does, it's just tight
i hate how he draws mouths so much
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If I had the money, I'd travel to every single SF6 character preview event and upload a video claiming that throw loops have been removed with the character patch
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>trans rights Terry?
id love to see her with jason luv or dfw knight
I just still don't understand catapulting Gief into stardom while Sim, Honda, Manon, Marisa, Kimberley, Jamie, Lily and Dhalsim are all noticeably weaker than the rest of the cast and even arguably pre-buff Gief. They're so slow to tweak things like we're still "Figuring things out" when shit gets solved in a week.
It's frustrating that you can crack the DLC for LITERALLY every single other fighting game out in the last 10 years, but it doesn't work for SFV and SF6 (the most jewish games)
He got the n word pass from logan
pay up, piggie. I want 8 years of support
nigga what are you whining about?
muh knee? he's still lobotomy-tier and the only functioning grappler
seriously kill yourself. you reddit faggots are so annoying. remove this character from the game, nobody likes him other than 40 year old bear gays.
no thank you.
Are you forgetting how much they all screamed bloody murder at the first post patch tweak that nerfed a single one of his pokes? Gief mains are such obnoxious victims
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will Heihachi get Tekken to these numbers?
t. tekkenfag who jumped ship
that game is unsalvageable
Rashid was good from launch, but Aki wasn't that scary until the buffs.
when did cute easter colors become trans rights
it's an america thing
tekken is 70 dollars in case you missed, and they can't put it on sale all the time now
Terry feels scrambly af with his party specials
So this is how Street Fighter dies? With slime and applause?
i wish they updated the character quiz for the dlc characters
so is simsim trash or actually useful
>Luke buffed
>JP buffed
>Deejay buffed
>Ed buffed
>Cammy, Ken, and Akuma untouched
Amazing patch
nice try Vesper
Kinda miss the stick raffle era with everyone scamming each other
JP buff, life is good
>dhalsims super 1 does grey damage on block
whats the point. if they wanted to give it some utility have it do chip damage at least, better yet, let it chip kill.
do enjoy this
So we're just back to Season 1? It's fine
>all the same characters that were slightly nerfed ages ago were rebuffed
>lily, manon, marisa, honda untouched

wow capcom is working really hard!
I wonder if he'll ever get "cancelled" for this considering he's pretty popular now
he addressed it on twitter already a couple years ago and apologized and I guess twitter accepted it
how is fchamp still banned
terrance bogard is fun
he never apologized
it's funny that every new character that comes out I already know how to play, drive rush fireball motions
nor should he
im slimin' mon
Always felt like purple would make more sense. If their whole thing is rejecting the gender binary why would you pick the colors for a baby boy and baby girl

drive rush
Capcom doesn't know filipinos have the pass
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Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
I think I'll boot up some Alpha 3 tonight for some Dan action.
imagine dan in sf6


drive rush
sean in sf6 would be hype


drive rush
shotos play like shotos? I'm going fucking insane!
Sakura is an exhibitionist
>fight cammy
>lose in one knockdown
>play as cammy
>mix myself up cycling 4 mixup options, try to whiff punish apes who can't be conditioned, etc

i cannot play this bitch. i do not undertand her.
Throw loop fighter Dix
sakura cr.mk

drive rush

ass fart on face new special
>Wong and Punk downplaying on Twitter before the character is even 6 hours old
I hate ghetto FGC retards. Good at one game, but complete brainlets everywhere else.
Shimmy alone will get you to 1500 MR
I love Ingrid
I made a video about it
I love ghetto FGC retards
it's just discouraging that i have to play around a style that requires intense conditioning and reading
cammy at a high level has to do things nobody else in the game does, my opponents are glue eating niggers and i have to react to a 10 frame button whiffing. why play this character lol
honest question, if i liked marisa's gameplay, would i like ken?
spiral arrow
Probably yeah, he doesn't do nearly as much as damage as her though

*teleports behind you*
I mean it sounds like you're doing too much. You gotta stop mimicking what you're seeing someone like Punk do and play to the people at your level. It's true across all characters. That's why SF6 sucks ass for short sets too. Games end way too quickly for you to get a read but it just means you have to play safer.
Right now it's dumb.
> You gotta stop mimicking what you're seeing someone like Punk do and play to the people at your level
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>bison can kill you instantly in the corner
>"let's give the 25% damage scaling nerf to ............................... zangief"
Marisa's playstyle is unique (in SF6 I mean) so it's impossible to give you an answer.
Both needed to be nerfed.
One is a dlc character.

That's all really.
>Gief faggots comparing their miniscule nerf to a top 2 character (who also just got nerfed)
How are you all so insufferable?
I would play Marisa if she didn't have dogshit anti airs. They should have given that upper body air invuln that JP got back to her chp.
is that the guy who posts sf4 compilations (of other players) on youtube?

Heavy burn knuckle can only be super cancelled on the first few frames, you have to delay the burn knuckle to get the super cancel. If you don't delay it, it will hit meaty aka it's later frames and you can't cancel it.

Try doing fullscreen burn knuckle into level 3 and it won't work, but point blank burn knuckle does. Same with ex. It's probably like that because they don't want yolo tipper burn knuckles into level 3.
>people so fucking bad they are learning cancel window and delayed juggle in 2024
>being mad that people want to improve
zangief post
I don't think grappler players really started trying to play "seriously" until recent years. It used to just be about having fun and scooping but now they're just as sweaty as everyone else but play the victim because their characters are (rightfully) flawed.
it's annoying. i am a manonfag but it's embarrassing because all grappler players do is shit their pants on social media
just play the game. stop comparing yourself to overtuned bullshit characters and enjoy that you beat 90% of the playerbase with minimal effort. faggot
Improve ? Their first reaction is "IT HAS TO BE BUGGED"

Fuck these people.
>"He feels ordinary"
>"He feel like Terry but with sf6 mechanics"
what did they expect from this homogenised piece of shit? Did they think we were going to get Terry with short hops and kof mechanics? Hes the same shit we keep getting with all the characters
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it really do be like that
>(who also just got nerfed)
Bison did not get a real nerf
Zangief players are the biggest crybabies and attention whores I swear.
It really is mostly Gief players too despite the fact that you had pro players saying he might be Top 5. Manon players are depressed by loyal despite her barely being functional. Lily players just do their thing and I almost never hear shit from them. Honda players honestly carried on the old grappler player mindset of just being along for the ride and having fun doing silly shit. Gief players THINK they're le silly pink color throw man but they've become the villain.
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Heihachi didn't even fall into the volcano
That's how every casino archetype is in any game.
i hope snake eyez and punk both get shot in the head
snake eyes yes, but leave punk alone. Dude is cool now, even though he is a little retarded.
the last days of the alpha
Why is it always White people?
Berry Togard looks kinda fun. Is he worth buying SF6 for?
there's a sf6 demo on steam you can try it. it has ryu and luke to give you a feel of the game.
If you're a fan of SNK/Terry, he's very faithful to his own games
I don't know you reasons as for why you are not already playing this game, but I doubt Terry would change anything.
Like, he is a character in SF6, and he is as fun as any character (except Lilly).
Yea, but that's just practice only. I'd have to buy the game to really get a feel for it.

That and I doubt my 1050ti could run the game
Anyone complaining about the trials is justified, these combos are terrible.
No, he's just another generic shoto. It's Ryu with a hat.
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people can reach legend within 24 hours on a new character. the god gene is real
Shuckle never misses
Those trials took me 20min.
This is the furthest thing from impressive. Nobody knows the matchup.
>literal who gets first legend with terry
everyone plays the same this game is mickey as fuck
No you see her high damage means she must be extra weak to jumps... and lows... and throws.
>machabo is a literal who
Revelator fundies
Imagine learning delayed supers and timing when everyone else playing the game is comboing with two buttons repeated into level 3
This character is ass. Lmao.
no clue why someone like machabo would debase himself playing this trash. fuck capcom does not deserve even 1% of their retarded inorganic success in japan.
What’s the Terry safe jump
EX DP every time
Take the throw. Always take the throw and pray he makes a different guess.

t. suffering through the exact same shit in Granblue even with grab invincibility
>1year+ after release
>still haven't fixed target combo cancels
rip kimberly mains
this game is trash
*turns blue*
You cannot delay Burn Knuckle because it's a special canceled one.
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Tongue-punching Cammy's pooper. Simple as.
whats the issue with target combo cancels
>In Smash 4 Zero and MkLeo didn't lose to nobodies
You're underaged or retarded if you don't remember the sheer volume of "nobodies" who caused upsets in that game. Fucking Leo was a nobody in that game
made for balrog and dj
Wow this balance patch was ass. You don't touch Rashit? Really? Instead you nerf Zangief and buff Luke. Fucking idiots.
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i turned blue when i was negative which makes me the victor
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What's the problem with the zangief nerf ?
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get fucked fagief
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How are we doing Kuma bros
redditgief bitch asses, those nerfs werent enough
i dont even know how to taunt
gief is still overpowered
3P and 3K together
he's not even top 5 yet received more nerfs than all top 5 characters combined and they buffed characters that were better than him.
I’d rather them let gief be retarded than try and make manon good
that sounds hard to do you'd need to use both hands lol
i've never even played gief retard
He was broken and deserved a nerf.
The fact that capcom are retards and did not nerf Cammy/Rashid/Ken does not mean that this Gief nerf is a mistake.

You're just a Gief faggot who can just win by stealing rounds with your casino character, and you're just mad like a baby.
may I post the punch?
nigga he got one thing single nerfed
please suck a shotgun. i'm begging you.
so simsim is going to get better over time? or is it just kinda lame forever?
This game is terrible.
why would it get better
i thought thats how AI works
I don't think anyone should write off the headbutt scaling nerf, that nerf means Giefs cash out combos now dont even do more than 5500 anymore. This also means headbutt resets are now less potent overall even if its now +8 on hit instead of +7. Though more importantly, JP got a lot of his nerfs reigned in so he might seriously be relevant again which will further fuck other Zangief.
Gief cash out combo is a fucking mistake dude. Why should he have a 6000 damage combo when his 360 does 3000 damage ? He is a fucking grappler.
i just think its funny they keep nerfing characters menaRD wins with
Jesus fucking Christ Terry’s stHP is an absolutely atrocious button
Birdbros I have to drop her this is honestly tragic
blanka level 2 is still OP as fuck it's just the pros who can afford to play 8 hours a day have gotten better at dealing with it
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I'm enjoying 3S Koomer, atm. Neutral/back air plasma is a dream.
this. he shouldnt be able to do any of that shit.
Marisa has no future, like Manon or Lily.
Capcom has no intention of ever buffing them.
It was mainly the air ball and Blanka Chan scaling nerfs that screwed over MenaRD. He used air ball a lot more than even other Blanka players and when the EX version became potentially punishable, he lost his free turn move essentially. The Blanka chan scaling nerfs also meant his 2 touches weren't happening anymore.
i hate his heavy kick, should've been the cvs2 kick
Marisa functions fine. What is your issue with her?
Do you people want her to have a projectile or a DP or something? What is wrong with you?
It's actually insane that they didn't touch most of the consistently weak newcomers. Manon, Kim, Jamie, Marisa- this is a large chunk of your "new generation" and they're all irrelevant.

Would the game be better if they were strong? Probably not, actually. Good Marisa, Jamie, or Kim sounds absolutely miserable. But still.
remove them for sf3 characters
Manon, Kim, Jamie, Marisa and Lily could reasonably be someone's bottom 5, swapping in E Honda for someone and it's entirely newcomers. It's extremely weird.
i just want a character that requires very little labbing that can rob matches very easily
i didn't like bison
I just want the game to be INTERESTING. Like if shit has to be a little wacky so be it but try shit out. We're over a year in, let's see what these characters look like when they're good instead of leaving half the casts barely functioning while your Top 8-ish characters all do the same shit.
>I want to play Zangief
Then play Zangief.
Just try to not be a fucking faggot sucking black dicks like other zangief players.
i'll consider it, but i'm not sure why i would play a worse marisa
>i just want a character that requires very little labbing that can rob matches very easily
when is sf6 getting a male newcomer that isn’t a flaming homo

Very interactive gameplay from Terry
lel nice try
it feels like terrys normals just dont string together at all, hes like the opposite of bison
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It means you know your own bad habits.
for me it has been a scarring experience watching my v-rival mash in panic pathetically on wakeup those light jabs that end in no combo
That's how I know its really me and now i know how it looks like to the other person
ken requires a little bit of labbing for some of his oki and run stop autism but that's about it really
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rolento, gill, alex, fei long, sagat for season 3 trust the plan
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manon's feet.
niggas go crazy for this shit
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Just saw a boring a shit easy mode drive rush power wave loop. Can't wait for that to be the only thing I see online for the next month
thanks for the suggestion bros, but i think it's probably best i'll keep attempting bison
I need manon to peg my black ass while calling me the n word in french
you like zat? filzy nègre
Manon has a japanese accent
u have no idea how bad I want this
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grapplers having incredibly rewarding strike isn't really that unusual though
the scrubs are on right now if you want to get terry to master quick
Still not coming back to the game
Dropped him weeks ago
bye bye dale
terry bogard? i dropped that idiot days ago
The issue I have is that its AS strong as his throw. When the other characters in the game make you guess throw they're giving up damage to reset and make you have to guess again. Even if they never attempt their strike and win just making you take the throw they had to keep taking that risk and guessing right. With Gief it doesn't matter. He doesn't prefer one over the other because any time he guesses right you're losing a third or more of your health.
>Be black
>Manon main
Might be nice actually.
Twitter is saying Terrance is too linear and straightforward
How can SF6 drop a comically lackluster patch like this and still be the only somewhat relevant fighting game
hes terry. always been power wave crack shoot man since his inception. if you don't like that, then dont play him

its competition is granpoo and soive
it's a casual party masher and nu-crapcom is really good at paying influencers like Max Dood to pog out no matter how lazy their dlc is
>boot up 5 again
>can't pick a character because the alternate costumes are so good
How are 6's? Aren't they all battle pass bullshit where if you buy the game too late you're shit outta luck?
This but Ken and Akuma
mashen 8 sucks and mk temu suck. capcom has zero competition, and they are buddy buddy with snk so they wont see cotw as competition either
it's only relevant in japan
wish rashid would touch me
I don't think I'd say that's true, Gief gets way better oki on a clean meaty strike compared to SPD and considering the character's weaknesses are ostensibly mobility/neutral that's something to consider. like manon's strike infamously sucks and it's a big part of why she's bad despite having pretty solid neutral buttons. On a grappler the idea is generally that you should be fighting pretty hard to get in then they're taking incredibly disadvantageous guesses where being wrong on either is terrible, right
Fighting games are an inherently niche and unappealing genre and SF and MK are the only ones with enough cultural cache to get people to turn their heads. MK's fanbase is huge but more casual so they're not playing as regularly, for as long or as seriously. Which just leaves SF as the only semi relevant game in an irrelevant genre. They don't have to try because there's no competition
>comically lackluster
they added replay takeover, player ghosts, a new character, singleplayer content, and a balance patch and it's not even a new season. that feels better than average for me
Yes but you're not acknowledging that the alternative is not just "Throw and Reset" for Gief it's a fucking SPD. If anything his Strike being even more desirable than his SPD is a huge red flag
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the AI thing is actually kind of cool, the master tier is kind of ass cheeks tho but i guess that makes sense since im 1600 mr and i assume its only 1500mr?
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he would if you looked like this
people are expecting massive system changes, i dont think its happening until SSF6
gief doesn't reset off of SPD though, that's the thing. Against a throw loop you guess wrong to not get shimmied four times and then you get shimmied once and lose the round, against gief if you goes for SPD he gets bad oki so you get to play the matchup again even if you just got chunked. they made him more like pot or something in this one where the throw is high damage but puts you out of range while strike gives you pretty much everything
I look like this.
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th-thanks simsim
isnt it li-fen saying that
I think it's from all master players and then it also assigns one of the regular cpu levels to determine how much it input reads
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She's only for Terrance Bongo cock
is that terry's daughter or sum'n?
Anyone else kinda irrationally bothered by the inequality in the challenger screen distribution? Like how the fuck did they pick two Lilys when Honda Luke and Sim got none. And then in the Udon of illustrations Sim and Honda STILL got nothing
I like King of Fighters but I dunno if I like it enough to get SF6 and Terry. Is it worth pulling the trigger or is the game in an awful state currently?
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should 6 start adding fomo character customization like kekken?
capcom cant even make costumes
its probably the best fighter currently but thats not saying a whole lot
that's young terry
i was getting bricked up for nuttin'
If there's something SF6 is doing right is costume parity
It's from all master players but like, 70% of masters are below 1400 or something like that while 1900+ mr is not even 5%.
So basically master v-rival is pretty much 1300mr or even less.

I'm 1550 with Cammy, played 10 v-rival matches and did not lose a single time...
Beware that SF6 Terry feels super heavy.
I apologize Li-Fen enjoyers, she is indeed prime waifu material.
>V-Rivals do instant DPs on reaction
So it's just their normal shitty CPU AI still
it prepares you for the cheaters
I cant do terrys advanced 5 trial I feel like a fucking worthless piece of shit stupid fuckign useless failing piece of worthless shit
late power charge cancel .

If you can't do a terry trial, the answer is always late power charge cancel.
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I refuse to hit Plat with another character then coast along my plateu. How's the Sim Sim thing? Can I just brute force some learning for a while, or are custom rooms/Hub still the right thing to do?
It is day 1 of the AI ghosts, I guess.
When has fighting a CPU ever been helpful
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You do realize the localization team is more prominent then ever in capcoms works. It’s literally on their website you actual raging little chud.
For someone who hates dubs, you sure buy products written by mutts with little to no research
The whole point of v-rival is to make people afraid of ranked think they are good.
I'm not making this shit up, Li-Fen literally says this when you speak to her.
Yeah it's a silly little gimmick. It's more annoying that it just represents more wasted dev time on shit that doesn't matter.
i cooked myself into diamond 1 on terry
i need to take drugs that will lower my life expectancy and make me better at the game. a win win for me
On one hand, both the tekfags here and on reddit are complaining about him being yet another stance transition character, I'm seeing the opposite of hype. On the other hand, the update has new story content, casuals might come back for a day or two to watch the story movie.
Nah it's only avatar crap on battle pass. The actual character costumes are sold individually.
Kimberly and Manon are both a bit like Honda where they completely dominate people below a certain rank. The only difference is they fall off a lot earlier. Lily seems to really fuck up people in low ranks as well.
As a Kim player I think she's probably a bit stronger than most tier lists imply but her terrible defense and low damage will keep her kneecapped forever.
>Make my own v-rival (1550 mr cammy)
>she jump HK instead of instant divekick
>she spam cr.lp from full screen
>she does the target combo into j.mp divekick, a combo I never used a single time
>she never use SA3

Wtf is this shit.
kek true
So the new "fateful day" world tour mode pretty much confirms that there will be more guest characters beyond Terry and Mai? It's obvious the other stage will be for Mai, but Capcom would really add such a feature just for two characters, right?
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they did that whole boss akuma thing for only 1 character apparently
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It helped Capcom nab a shit ton of quarters trying to fight Gil.

I'll just stick to casuals. I get to fight Diamonds, and I learn a good bit vs getting mashed on in the hub by Masters.
>capcom usa
Got any of those funny Aleks Le tiktok clips?
trans rights!
probably the next pass has another boss character for that shit, gill maybe?
This sold me on Terry.
Yeah my rival doesn't know how to block on wakeup or anti air and doesn't do the same oki I do. I will say I did see it interrupt my shit with the counter string I usually use.
Its tekken 8 ghost all over again lmao
>new ai shimmied me into a 60% combo in arcade mode
I fought the Jamie Sim Sim and he was just walking back, reading inputs and doing random sweeps. You might turn into a worse player fighting these things.
>JP website
>literally tells you they work on the script with the old Japs in the same room
Delusional. You lost, go to memphis
Minus the input reading, this is your common gold jammie there.
Chun Li and Chun Li Jr
they made a glorified cpu mode for the ERPhub avatarslop timmies instead of actually balancing the fucking game
God Terry ready feels so fucking boring to fight. Same shoto drive rush bullshit yet somehow has the lamest combos of them all
Just guess better lil bro
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Why does Capcom spend so much time and money on the Avatar stuff if they know that focusing on actual character costumes and real content is way more lucrative for them?
They did balance the game.
They buffed characters that were in dire need of help (Luke and JP) while not touching perfectly fine characters (Marisa, Manon, Lily).
I have a hard time believing it, but it looks like their pass shit and all these world tour avatar cosmetics are more profitable.
Maybe a combination of extremely low effort content that cost basically zero to make and enough dumb people to buy it.
yeah man those internal metrics you are citing are probably far different than what those retards in accounting have
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Come home, white man...
don't worry 6 months from now we get tits mcgee with a thong that heals and does walk back crmk drive rush. it's gonna be so sick
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The birthplace of my wife
>implying she will waste meter for a shit heal instead of using it for SA3
I can tell you right now you will never see her heal in this game.
Never visited the batthub I see
Both NA and JP have loads of pass users in it, doubly so in japan
yeah i guess they could use it for gill/seth/g etc
the cosmetic season passes are often in the top 10 best selling sku's in japan on steam. they probably cost a fraction of what the actual costumes cost to make and "real content" like characters takes months
She’ll heal in her taunt animation but it will be really slow or she’ll just heal back drive gauge lol. She’s never getting usf4 healing which was a just an oversight to begin with.
Played the Luke one and it was a lot better but the input reading, lack of mental stack etc is going to teach you terrible habits.
She can get her usf4 heal as SA2, but it will never be good for the same reason it was not good in 3.3.
The heal is not busted. What was busted in SF4 is the synergy with the focus system and grey health. Meaning it was an ultra that fed on itself, and you could do it every round, even twice per round in some case.

None of this shit will happen in SF6 for obvious reason. And in a game where you die in 3 interactions, you want to dump your meter for damage and nothingh else.
>already seeing exponentially more JPs
What makes these players specifically so pathetic that they all dropped the character after nerfs and only came back when he got buffed again
You begged for throw loop removal but Capcom sees this? And they realize their fans are happy.
imagine the disgusting amount of money theyve made from avatarshit
>Murray from Tekken admits they talk with Capcom and other publishers in Japan to loan out ideas so V-rival was infact a Tekken patten they were allowed to use
Funny. Game warring spics and Jamals on Twitter really think Harada and Matsumoto wanna gut one another but they know they own the genre entirely so they just share with japas only.
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sounds right to me
Your fault for not expecting the sweep
>Luke gets slightly nerfed
>completely drops off in use
>"n-nooooo not our heckin new face of the series, he can't fail!!!"
>give him buffs
Fuck Luke, he's literally only good for being Jamie's dildo and Capcom execs need to accept this.
they are probably on friendly terms lol. harada strikes me as someone who hates his fans not other managers

harada shows up at majors in NA, hangs out and gets pictures with people unannounced, and then just disappears back to his VIP/hotel area

very based individual
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I hate throw loops so much.
chun players are basically the same thing
He’s just an old man but he probably hates clingy fans on twitters. For years since T6(late era) and tag2 to now, he legit comes to most evos and big Tekken events for pictures and sometimes plays. I met the guy for a photo and he’s ok. But I think he’d hate me if I just started asking random balance questions when it’s clear he doesn’t fully understand higher level play for games. But most directors fall into that cycle
i play cammy and i am black tho
There's literally not a single black chun-li player in the FGC
This game is fucking ruined. Can't get away from all the Latin America flags on WiFi in the NA lobbied
terry looks so small
isnt he just slightly buffed
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matsumoto seems affable tbqh i feel he'd get along with people
The buffs are completely inconsequential, unless he gets his damage back he’s going to stay mid tier
honest mid tier
i remember him trying not to laugh when harada showed a picture of ono on the harada podcast
I can’t decide what I hate more between those, crMK drive rush or anti air perfect parry
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World tour needs a rape mode
I can see your black feet
Is there a season 2 guide for JP anywhere? I can't see anything up to date and the stuff I can find online is way different to what people use against me online.
anti air perfect parry doesn't really bother me i hate random grounded perfect parry more
Not a single honest, non violent, or sexual offending coon in this thread fr
>oh is that a punish counter jab?
>oh well xD lets just do jab jab combos

>oh I got a jump in punish counter 15 hour confirm window?
>oh well xD jab jab jab jab jab jabjabj abj baj ab jab
I still remember some CPT stream where a jamie did jab jab jab into drive jab jab jab as their only offense and waow lost
i'm sorry that you're not forced to do 1f links for lights anymore, dale
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I don't understand how you get your own v rival. It says i need to fight my character 10 times online? How the fuck does that make sense
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milkies are live
actually i do jab jab > TURN GREEN > jab > MEDIUM PUNCH > special
Terry's SF6 model looks creepier than anything in Resident Evil
Tardgief guys
jab jab drive rush is too hard for me
Anyone else feel like they just don’t have the brain space to learn multiple characters? Whenever a new one comes out I just can’t fucking remember any of the combos in an actual match.
I really like Terry he feels so perfect for me, I was waiting for a character in this game to release that I felt comfy with. I just want to be competitive in a street fighter once in my life
that was true for me in 4 and 5, but 6 is easy you can learn a character in a day
That was mean in late jive era with the surprise season V.
All my time into Seth/Chun and Alex made my brain melt when trying oro and akira. But now I can since six is pretty simple. I know you guys don’t like saying it, but six followed the Tekken route somewhat, all characters get a bit samey
Yeah I can't juggle if I need to do walk back crmk slime or walk back crmk slime
I cant even learn one character. It all just goes out the window in a match. I wish I could get those thousands of hours back from street fighter 4 and 5. I was lied to, practice doesnt do jack shit for fucking retards like me
just got back from work
is there a lobby?
i wish terry's dp was charge.. fuck fireball/dp input overlap im not playing him now
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So crying about Ysaar for a year didn't convince Capcom to nerf him? That's too bad.
you can only fight against your own v rival in a mirror match. before you can do that, you must fight in a mirror match against an equally matched opponent at least 10 times so the AI can try to learn how you fight in a mirror match.
they nerfed zangief therefore i will buy the character pass dlc from a third party key site so capcom doesnt get my money
Asking for Ratshit nerfs when theres worse offenders is bullshit
I wonder if the meta will even change all those buff and nerfs were so minimal
The only relevant thing is Gief getting gutted.
Maybe JP will be better, but I don't think we will ever have S1 JP were he was Falke on steroids.
it'll probably only change once a year during their big patch in the Spring. this patch was full of random shit, so it's clear that they aren't taking their goal releasing multiple impactful (and smaller) patches throughout the year seriously. they could have released this patch last year and nobody would have batted an hour over their "1 patch per year" philosophy.
Luke might become a top 7 on a good day now
The bottom 5-7 have been consistently unviable overall since launch and they're adamant about leaving them to suffer Capcom is apparently compromised at a competitive level
This. They are positivists faggots.
>L-Look we technically did hold our word! Heres a patch!
Surely Dhalsim is top tier now, right?
>MK1 releases a new expansion with fan-service (animalities)
>Not even Costume 4
If they don't want to buff low tiers at least nerf top tiers
whens ssf6
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Now post some gameplay
>I paid full price + maybe more for DLC and special edition just to look at pretty Unity assets
At this point just learn Z-Brush or something LMAO
Tekken 8 is approaching below 3000 concurrent players lows shit died in less than a year
The hair looks so tacky it ruins her to be honest

Or just pirate the game
Tekken is a game to cum not to play
Lili's hair looks like some cheap wig made outta straws
>mk1, tekken 8, and sf6 doing their big update at the same time

this can't be a coincidence
the only thing 3d games are good for these days is having porn-worthy characters
Ive probably spent upwards of 700 hours masturbating to overwatch, fortnite, tekken and sf characters and less than 10% of that time actually playing those games
once you accept this and stop expecting anything from these kusoge you will be so much happier
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next season, trust the plan
It isn’t lol. They are in the same genre and know when big releases come about. Even NRS knows, only the Japanese publishers are buddy buddy(V-rival was revealed today by Namco that it was allowed to exist since BN let Capcom use the patten for ghost data)
Not really. Only MK is doing a big update today. SF6 is doing a minor update, Tekken's update comes out next week and is also minor other than the new story content.
Its obvious they time their updates to try and steal each other spotlight or sometimes they do the opposite and time to not compete
Is all about what they want to do
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I used to play PSO2. When it came west, someone in my circle saw a gothic lolita dress in the gacha. They installed the game, spend like $60 rolling for it, and then played for about 3 hours before never touching the game again.
Cosmetic paypigs are the worst blight that video games have ever been stricken with.
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You told us the first time chap….
>SF6 is doing a minor update
these are as big as updates will be for sf6, so yes, it is a big update.
Trust the plan for season 3
>Punished Vega (forma del Claw)
>Symbiote Suit Spider-man
>Sunburnt Sakura
>Cody (criminal again)
>>Cody (criminal again)
man i wish. hes gonna be a fag mayor again
Stop the hopeSISSY posting
You arent getting cool characters, only Tekken and MK collabs if you lucky alongside some unlikable character nobody asked for like Alex
I don't even mind guest characters because I am not a retarded capcuck but
>Only fightah game collab
>Only popular fightan game collab
Boring as shit
Because the Illuminati are completely absent from the story despite being completely functional at the end of 3.

Where the fuck are they?
Gill died and got his BBC annihilated by Alex, preventing his resurrection
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Terry has rarely had English voice acting in the past, with Street Fighter 6 we were fortunate enough to call on the same voice actor as Garou: City of the Wolves. Because the voice actor was already familiar with the character, we worked together to change his lines during recording if he wanted to try something different. We hope that we can give you a great alternative to the already great Japanese voice acting!
i have no idea why JP needed all of his S1 kit put back into place

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