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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 25th, 9PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281

Previous: >>495765619
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393
Need female viera
I wish I was still having fun
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cause modern cis women as fat as fuck
Elezen anchor post.
It's 9:30
i am actually a maso paypig cuck
You can solve that by playing real video games and not mmos
I am crushing really hard on my friend and I don't think it'll ever go away. They really are just a wonderful person, even if we have our ups and downs. Truly blessed for having them in my life.
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I wish FFXIV crafting was like No Man's Sky
my sunnie+ looks and acts exactly like this
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And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Naoki Yoshida, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
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Queue for the Worqor Lar Dor trial on Crystal.
Once I realized I was subbed throughout the entire run of EW and all I did was clear the first savage tier and then do nothing but ERP and seek attention I was more depressed than before.
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Dawntrail is great
Sena Bryer is the greatest female voice actress ever and if you disagree I’ve got 3 syllables for ya….
Wuk Lamat is and always will be the main character of Final Fantasy XIV Online
We like this
Never doubt Master-P.
He is more influential than Miyamoto and Miyazaki combined.
Mario? Donkey Kong? The Legend of Zelda?
The entire soulsborne genre?
All fall short of Dawntrail.
All hail Yoshi-P.
If you don’t agree just go back to /wowg/
We’ve got 50 million more players than WoW anyways we’ve got plenty to spare.
A few thousand transphobes lost along the way won’t stand in the way of YoshiP’s greatness.
Why does she not have a pussy bro
Fine, xivg.
You wanna talk the next Final Fantasy game and turn based combat? You're gonna have to show your pedigree.
How far are you willing to bend the "turn based" definition. Is FF7R turn based because your big attacks are on ATB cooldown?
Name a turn based game you think got everything right, and one that failed in just one aspect but it really fumbled it on that.
that reminds me I should start playing no man's sky since they just added a shit ton of stuff to their oceans and some kind of fishing thing
Mutt's Law.
Oh so it's okay to assume me with your modbeast that is assaulting me with your fetishes from its mere appearance but the second I even mention the V question you squirm and get uncomfortable. Oh, okay, I see how it is. Double standards and all hmph!
nms crafting kinda sucks ass
i will never craft
i will never gather lumber or ore or scrap or high quality xenoform spinal fluid in any game
and especially not ffxiv
My favourite part of this general is the "my moonie" posting and I hope it never ends
take out the tattoo and this is pretty good
Right?! Yet somehow, the writers make it seem like wanting to take action is bad, as shown by a season of nothing where the one guy who wanted to take action was always curbed by the rest. Season 2 is dogwater.
Just flat, 100% agreed.
Ishgardian Miqowhhat the fuck?
WoW is better in three aspects.
1: Mommy Alexastrasza
2: Drachtyr
3: Femboy Deathwing
I don't care for the rest.
dragon quest 9 was fun and I liked its buffs system
Femra feet? Based or cringe?
My interest in EBing someone else on my home world has completely faded and I hope it's mutual
giga cringe
Every part of a femra is based
it fell off
but imagine how much it hurt getting it
Femraen fingers typed this...
they are not moonie feet so cringe
Someone that gets me, so what if the main party was all silent custom characters, the customization aspect alone was fucking good.
Just a reminder that SE axed Susan Calloway, the amazing singer behind Answers (the the most iconic song of the entirety of FFXIV), when she was being harassed by the deranged FFXIV twitter mob for the crime of liking tweets saying that children shouldn't be allowed to undergo gender transition, meanwhile Sena Bryer is not only just a terrible voice actor, but openly attacks the FFXIV communitys, calls the community racist for not liking a shitty song, attacks fellow voice actors for being is and voicing tranny characters and calls for them to be fired (while he hypocritically is a biological male voicing a biological female character) is constantly stirring up shit and representing the entire game and company while doing so, actively tanking the entire game's reputation, and Yoshi's response is to publicly come out to bat for him and tell the community to stop being meanies to the tranny who is actively helping destroy his game's reputation.

Any respect I ever had for Yoshi P is completely destroyed.
Tell them, not us
I'm certain it'll make their day to hear it
Chrono trigger
Every SaGa game
An Ishgardian Miqo'te would be fine if you make up a reason for it. Ishgard is a xenophobic nation but it's not like they kill everyone that isn't an Elezen or a Hyur.
Maybe you weren't such a salty bitch if you had friends too
Yeah blame modding for the fact that nobody likes you lol
Ok so what if they made a game like valkyria chronicles... but final fantasy!
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do we like this?
Come sleep with me daddy your kitten's tired
In what ways?
sending the malera your way
7R isn't turn-based by any stretch of the imagination but it at least tries (and mostly succeeds, in my opinion) in having the strategy of the turn-based games
if they're going to force action combat, for some reason, 7R is likely it
>Name a game
everyone loves timed hits, have some version of that. ttyd is regularly praised for its combat system, maybe nerf perfect guards if you care that much.
there's also the "positioning kind of matters and you move around in a circle" in yakuza 8, neptunia, etc
the very heavy emphasis on team-up and follow-up attacks in Y8 would be pretty cool to see in a fantasy setting where you're setting off a firaga or something instead of just running up to a guy with a baseball bat and breaking his face
What's the point of this?
Why make the character we're trying to put onto the throne immediately look useless?
good miqo but the hip sway mod feels so exaggerated
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i really really like femras
maybe, futa?
i have finished the exterior of my house and will now be going to sleep.
This is why i mod and do whatever. I used to be anti mod out of respect for yoshi. Now I mod as much as I want and use gil I sell to pay my sub because I refuse to spend actual money on his shit
To try and pretend that she has flaws.
Hey, could you introduce me to your friend, the one with Nice blanks
My EB at the time supplied me with plenty of fantas and was too afraid to alienate him so I played every race barring lalas during that time
Based and true
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>Ishgardian Miqowhhat the fuck?
Riallant darling, please take your medicine before opening the computer.
I made a mistake tonight and probably made someone sad because of it.. sigh
You should tell them you appreciate them next time you see them.
that isnt a femra
pain for its own sake isn't really desirable, though it can be fine for a purpose
branding is kind of based but blacked is cringe
Light que aglaia please
I wish I had a femezen to hug.
Behave *baps*
Thanks you're too
We've spoken about this and we remain friends, but the feelings are not mutual to the same degree.
>why make a character that has flaws
>why isn’t she a perfect Mary Sue
That animation is a wetting fetish thing, right?
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proof? looks like a femra to me
Oh I just realized femra are the closest thing that this game has for kitsunephiles to play.
what did he mean by this
Ah, sorry to hear that
So is Wuk Lamat (Sena Bryer) the most /xivg/-approved NPC in the game’s history? Every time something involving her or the VA gets posted, there are dozens of kneejerk replies either defending them or making a strawman/ad hom against the poster. The pro-Wuk brigade is perhaps the most powerful circlejerk in all of FFXIV. Watch their reactions to this post if you don’t believe me.
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i dunno what race or game that is
I wish I could pin a recipe and have all the steps to craft an item on my HUD like a quest, and little blurbs saying where I could find each item. I know they won't do anything with the crafting system itself but having a precise goal set reduces the headache of "Ok how many of so-and-so do I need? Ok that's done now I have to go back into the crafting menu to see what else I need to make"
hot hot hot hot
It's alright. We've spoken about this and the feeling isn't mutual to the same degree. But we remain friends, which is what matters. Talks like that can break friendships.
Being placed into a life or death situation and almost immediately becoming another body to take care of is stunning incompetence, especially for a would-be leader. Character flaws are fine, but so far Wuk has nothing going for her. Why should I want to support her bid for the throne?
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Sena Bryer won
I'm beginning to think these two are the same male elezen guys.
Things they should have thought while making wuk
What blows my mind constantly here is the sheer amount of dudes here who actually catch feelings and “fall in love” with a friend they’re hanging out with a lot. Bunch of actual touch and attention starved faggots here it’s crazy
I want to plap some of these bimbo ebins but alas i am but a malecharacter player with no thread cred

don't give give a fuck about GAMness as long as they can write worth a damn
Why does this guy act like Claire and look like the same redhaired malezen who used to post about how much he loved Claire?
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My moonie on the left
I just like arguing about trivial shit sometimes, but at the same time the Wuk discussion rarely goes anywhere. It's irritating because nothing new is ever said. Even the 2-minute meta was a more interesting discussion to follow.
>Name a turn based game you think got everything right
LISA: The Painful

>and one that failed in just one aspect but it really fumbled it on that.
>Composers are japanaese
>So are the arrangers
>So are the vocalist
>Black Gospel
Nah the faggot male wanted to shit on the community for not liking a disney tier feel good song at the end of their slop that just completely felt out of place.
Uhh feet please?
this is where screeching cunt alisaie jobs to a storm lol.
what even was lisa's combat
I thought it was pretty standard turn based stuff
I can't sleep. The sun is rising and I haven't gotten a lick of shut-eye.
>Name a turn based game you think got everything right

>one that failed
Persona 5
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the fact that sena bryer regularly begs for jobs on Twitter and for donations at conventions means he probably has not gotten invited back to reprise his role as wuk lamat in any big way
forced feminization on femra himcesses
right click the item in the crafting ui and choose raw material list you can lock that on your screen how you want
What's on your mind anon?
She saves a dude's life

It'll be interesting to see if Wuk's motion sickness comes up again, like an actual character flaw would, or if it's just a one-off quirk
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put the scales back on
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Don't give me hope anon
god I wish it was, but nah. Just overly exaggerated hip swaying
My friend is dead and the only person I thought I could talk to about it made it very clear that he would jump for joy in the event that my friend died.
It's played off as a joke a couple of times again but does not have any consequences in the long run.
Is it just me or is this segment the weakest opening to an expansion yet
why is he calling shitty lion king music 'black gospel', do blacks have that little culture? christian music is pretty different.
rip ririon
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too late, i'm already asleep
Suicide is for cowards btw
This is why I hate you niggers.
Don't worry, her only issue that matters ends up being self-confidence, which she overcomes with no outside influence. Yoshida's main takeaway from the complaints about her writing was that she shouldn't have had the self-confidence issue to start with.
Nothing, which is a bad thing I suppose? I just toss and turn in bed hoping I'll fall asleep soon but then I don't and it frustrates me. My family called me to help do work around the house and I know I'll either be a tired mess or can't come help.
The Erenville narration is definitely a drop compared to Emet's narration. It also sounded like something was wrong with his voice acting, like the reverb was too high or something. I do like how the WoL is shown being both an active participant and exceedingly competent though
That's about what I expected I guess, not really a flaw
If it's an issue she solves on her own, without consequence or a self-actualization moment, then it probably shouldn't have been a thing
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How the FUCK do you know what aoe this asshole is going to use?
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i love femra!!
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>trash mob hallway
>trash mob hallway
>trash mob hallway
>final boss

man it's like I'm really playing the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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The best thing about DT MSQ bitching is that the anons saying it’s bad writing literally could not write anything better if they tried
hey what's under that black square
Crystal Project is a game that I really wish took itself more seriously, but it does achieve genuinely very good results with how the world and the combat is designed. My only real gripe is that the dev did like 4 balance changes (nerfs) to a single player RPG post release for some reason and it still feels that tanks are way too slow to actually protect their party or themselves for that matter.
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what the fuck is this garbage?
the way he spins, he goes through all of them at the start of the fight to show you what it means for later
Did anyone ever update the karakul horns for DT
troon brigade assemble!
Trip on GT.
he spins around in a pattern and that says what move he's gonna use
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Spin spin out flip flip in, spin flip + shaped aoe
i wouldn't worry about it
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you can hug me i cant even remember the last time i had one
Anyone else feel weird seeing porn of a poster with other posters and now you know they jacked off together
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While I agree a lot of the DT bitching is pretty stupid, I don't think that's a good argument to make. One can always criticize a thing even if they couldn't make the thing themselves, especially if they're paying for it.
I am a femlala who is so in love with someone from /xivg/ I have no idea what to do
The answer isn't confess because I'm not allowed to confess to others as a femlala
so I wait and pray every day they notice and will confess to me instead...
Are you guys not afraid to get banned posting pictures of your character modded with the full name visible?
I don't need to create fetid dogshit to know what it is
I just scroll past it bro I couldn’t imagine caring this much about randoms on 4chan
It's so common over here I feel more weird learning a poster doesn't do that.
That's what you get for being a fence sitter and not forcing them into friendship
You are supposed to be the glue, the get together T-shirt but look at you.
I can and have written things better than dawntrail.
I (probably) couldn't even write anything as good as stormblood, at least the far east, but I could absolutely write circles around I LIKE PEACE AND TACOS
It's standard turn based with unique minigames for basically every attack and where items and debuffs are actually useful, relevant, and limited. You can't (really) grind and enemies don't respawn, so fights on higher difficulties are actual puzzles with which party members you can bring. The only renewable source of money is literally playing russian roulette with party members. It's great.
jealous you didn't get to jerk off with them?
>mod someone else's character using glamourer, take a screenshot of them and 'report' them to square enix
>nothing happens because this retarded schizo shit is obvious
the devs aren't going to do shit to this unless you stream yourself with mods enabled
This argument is quite honestly on of the worst arguments ever to exist.
So if I'm not a good cook I cannot tell somebody I didn't enjoy a certain dish? Interesting.
>It's standard turn based with unique minigames for basically every attack
YIIK bros.....
>If it's an issue she solves on her own, without consequence or a self-actualization moment, then it probably shouldn't have been a thing
If you do that, she has no flaws or growth at all. She ends where she began, just with a higher power level for no reason.
Instalossra if you criticize something and say it’s the worst thing ever you better be able to write something better and of much, much higher quality
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What's wrong with his nose?
one of my FCs returned with 1.4 million gil today.
I think that's the most I've ever seen from a single FC before.
no, lol
people got banned from a pvp tournament because they openly streamed themselves having penumbra/mods on
none of them actually got touched in the game, because squeenix flat out does not care
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To the anon who wanted femezen feet last thread. I found this old collage. Here.
what the other anon said
I can't believe this guy jerks off to african kids being necklaced.
Not them but I can dump my fetish erp logs and they have better writing and more consistent characterization with a follow through of plot events then literally anything in the 7.0 msq.
no youre just retarded
If I was paid tens of thousands of dollars to sit in an office for most of a day, surrounded by a dozen other people with a similar job and given six months to write, I probably could, actually.
>He says this unironically
Bro literally forgot about Epperson being such a pedo with underaged mods linking back to him that Yoshi P had to announce people not to do that shit in a letter for the producer
Drop em then
Write something better than DT then
thank you on that anon's behalf
>Write something better than DT then
If you have never written the most popular character of all time in the most successful MMO ever with 30 million players, you shouldn't complain.
Huh? People jack it together when doing lewd posing? I grab my friend's data and pose alone, sending it to them them I'm done.
If she never really grappled with the problem, if it was so superficial that she can overcome it with no spark to drive that change, then she's already got no flaws or growth
No they're not they're meant to be respected and protected
when r u raping my sunnie next
>square doesn't ban anyone
>yoshi says 'preaseu donto modo'
ummm... okay?
YIIK had minigames but they sucked and took too long. LISA's are literally like 1.25 seconds at MOST and happen at the end of the turn when everyone takes their actions instead of starting and stopping.
this but femra
Meant for
I've unironically seen better written characters in F-list over Wuk Lamat, and that's okay
What isn't okay is her vocal "range"
>Write something better than DT then
Patch 7.1 a nuke drops in Tuliyollal and the log in screen changes to reflect that.
That'll be 500 usd.
But you don't have to, you do not have to make a movie to criticize a movie
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You will never be a woman. Final Fantasy XIV is the world’s most popular MMO with over 30 million players AND is now the most popular MMO on Twitch. We have a 79% approval rating on Metacritic and had a 60% approval rating on Steam (that’s positive, so it’s a good thing). And you know why? Because we don’t have wokeism. Yep, that’s right. FFXIV is based and redpilled, unlike that woke trash WoW. Remember the fruit bowls? The breast milk? The Cosby suite? Exactly. FFXIV won and you lost.
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy finally finally finally-
>female rava
My meena shan't
Speeen, lishun to mee
False. Sunnies are for convincing them to give up their tribal ways and be your monogamous bride.
>and that's okay
Like hell it is.
wtf do u mean i said rip
Anyone else feel weird that all you guys seem to keep talking about it sex and jacking off??? FIRST THING IN THE MORNING?
Epperson got a temp ban
They are also the reason the xivg lewd discord is invite only, because they would rather do that than just ban him, lol
The writing doesn't need to be good or perfect, it should try to be entertaining and motivate you to continue playing
Good morning, I hope you have a wonderful day.
Sis it's 2pm
When do you have sex/jack off if not the first thing in the morning? It's the best time for it.
You've been melting about a fake relationship with a guy who is taken for most of this year. You have no room to talk
Uh you literally fucked my malera
Who hurt you, anon? What was their name?
What are timezones?
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Remember that time you fucked shadowkeeper?
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>faux pure femra getting mad about sex
>when their entire personality is light fetish baiting and attention grabbing
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*Changes audio to Japanese*
Many such cases, you'd think after all this time they'd come up with a better idea.
This is not proof of Ishgardian Miqote. British Heraldry features lions which are not native to the Britain.

Ishgard RPers just know how to gatekeep so they're not inundated with half voidsent half dog miqote samurai who are also nobles and have their own black mage soul stone.

You can justify exotic races though. 1.0 had a small legion of roegadyn house knights. The chocobo porter with the Ildabard Contingent is a lalafell in temple knight armor. Adopted non-natives are a big red flag.
I'll stop shitting on xiv if I get a bf from this thread
Sunnies are made for you to overpower and conquer as they're made into your woman while starting a new tribe together. Sunnies are for dubcon and slow lust corruption. Sunnies are made for thigh, pit, tummy, and back appreciation. I love my sunnie wife.
Good morning, it's going to be another shitty lonely depressing day but I hope yours is good
In weirdo land maybe? It's 8am in the REAL world
After a stressful day and delicious warm food. Who wants to wake up getting sweaty?!
Uh I literally haven't
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>Straight catboy posting he's straight again
They're just being hyperbolic. I think saying anything is "worst thing ever" is usually pretty dumb but 4chan critique is hardly ever insightful.
Keep petting them until they get hearts in their eyes!!
your larp is so fucking trash and always off topic
A lot of anons who’s only writing accomplishment is writing erotic fiction in an MMO to make a grown man cum claiming they can write a better MSQ is very funny
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*Changes audio to meow*
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Final Fantasy XIV has two sexes, male and female. There is no method for having a sex change or being "trans" in the game. Go ahead, find me ONE example of it happening in lore. You won't.

Not FFXIV and not pertinent to our thread. >>>/trash/
I want to date one of you. You guys don't want that. So I will ship up this thread about how bad xiv is.
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No why would you stop hating like damn that's the only fun part about these threads.
Sadu is trans
final trantasy... i'm so tired

Here's the latest spammer, /xivg/. He's a League and gacha-playing faggot as evidenced by the posts sharing this image MD5 from when he downloaded the image off /pol/ in 2021.
no escaping the stain, ever
That's not how reincarnation works
The kugane theater side quest guy is transcoded
My femlala is getting used like an onahole right now.
I can think of two major things that would have made wuk (and dawntrails story by extension) fleshed out and better
>make her flaws be the reason she is weak instead of used for comedic effect (bakool ja ja takes advantage of her naivety, let him also take advantage of her motion sickness to play into the fact that he's using underhanded tactics)
>make her flaws a literary device for growth, i.e. have her motion sickness be a metaphorical representation of her belief that she is unfit to be a ruler, and have her defeat bakool ja ja not because she is arbitrarily stronger from friendship but because she is firm in her belief that she can be a good ruler and has the support of friends and her people
(You) is retard
My sunnie is addicted to BWC
Yoshi P is trans.
Sadu is a man in a woman’s body, thus using this logic she’s trans
Yeah these are good ideas.
my femra wants BMC
I am a femlala who fantasizes all day about being used by like 20 biggers in one orgy but the hit to my threadcred (thancred) would be so severe that I will never make it happen
Fantasia is canon, checkmate
gm to chaos c:
Male posters you like?
Stay mad. They're right
t. Anti coomer who hates modbeasts and erptroons but thinks wuk is worse
Prove I’m wrong
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im trans
How would that even work? 20 men vs 1 femlala?
I can't let go, and it's making me sick.
Could someone post something incredibly gay to tilt the balance more towards Horny from the Schizo we're currently in.
I can take them on
im obese and a virgin at 32
God I want that tail on my face
No, as a matter of fact, I am 100% convinced I can write better than Hiroi. That's not a brag, I'm stating it as a fact. I could write better. Writing better than this was would honestly not even be that hard of a job, I am convinced if you were to grab just any random adult non-writer person from the street and asked them to write a different story for DT, there's a 50% chance they would succeed more.
I could write something better by not writing anything at all
Ah hell naaaaaaaw
Just joined a brothel. What can I expect, beyond “being ignored” and “midlanders trying erp on an Xbox controller”?
You have to wait until Hanz and Sasha go to bed, Europeans never shut up about schizo shit like who's horsing who
they went to bed, at least he should be in bed
>midlanders trying erp on an Xbox controller
...I feel called out.
Write my femlala being raped by a malezen. Go ahead. No. Prove yourself.
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I don't think that's how that works but by all means keep believing that.
Also write my bratty femlala getting raped by a malezen too. Maybe the same one is a serial rapist and despite being a proud, racist Wildwood, he takes out his anger on poor femlalas.
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you can change it to whatever you want, it still won't save you from the atrocious story. German Lumati sounds kind of cute though in a tomboyish way ngl.
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I'm from akemis tribe and back in college she was known as the pommel horse because all the gymnasts had a ride if you know what i mean
I will
by this one >>495779292
Eb status on this au ra
shame and guilt slowly creeping up your spine as you lose the last ounce of dignity
This is true, DT's MSQ is still an absolute dumpster fire
I'm still enjoying FFXIV though
Yeah. Make >>495779292 do it
Im thinking back on some months and reconsidering my eb and who its with
I dont feel like I can rely on them to emotionally support me when I need it
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anyone wanna be xiv boyfriends ?
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Thank you, Anon.
You should tell us in detail how..
Everyone uses a tail like that and it looks so shitty.
Some positives
I love the art direction, the SEA influences are really cool
I like the music a lot as well
Just know I wouldn't lose.. not even against 20 of the most erect warriors...
It's crazy to me how it's always fishras posting the most retarded shit and not even in a "so bad it's good" way.
What's up with EU and being pedophiles?
Cuter than akemi
Raen don't have tribes...
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I love moonies
Queue for Worqor Lar Dor on Crystal. Please.
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>want to play BF5 for the weekly BFC
>24H Underground isn't filled with people so I could rush the shitty assignment
>want to play Elden Ring to do some builds
>immediate loss of motivation
>considered posing Sadu smut
>immediate annoyance at how odd that is
>considered doing the ShB Healer role quests
>not level 80 yet so can't bumrush through them
>most appealing idea so far is to nap on my chair
Man what the fuck
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Those are the reasons why you play Final Fantasy XIV, the world’s fourth-most popular MMO with around a million players. Everyone is super hyped for Dawntrail: new AFK spots, new plap spots, and most importantly, day-one mod integration so you can plap and goon as soon as you log in. You actually, unironically look forward to this, and it is how you will spend most of your time
ffs buy a keyboard
well I’m into that
I think the environmental design has been phenomenal, I really like the first two zones
do it with trusts, its cool
Calling 19 of my friends, we'll take you on I don't care about your thread rep, you're getting what you want
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not mine but as a straight man... I would.
If I hit the one hour mark I will.
Improvements to the MSQ:
>Mamook people aren't just being oppressed by their religion, they truly believe on what they're doing and ready to go to war over it.
>Yok Huy extremists are an actual threat and have successfully destroyed a whole settlement.
>Kozama'uka is threatened by a colony of beasts that individually are manageable, but collective are as dangerous as Valigarmanda to the local settlements.
You have now created two important things.
>Reasons for us to believe why Zoraal Ja wants people to go back to being more militaristic.
>as a straight man
>some incredibly gay statement
>ShB Healer role quests
i enjoyed this
Not in the sexy way in the I'm wasting my life kinda way
can I see ur moonie?
Which moonie are you asking? all of them?
Jean and Uchiki
The ShB Healer Role quest has ruined femlalas forever. They always come out the same after experiencing it...
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>he plays FFXIV without being collared
>he doesn’t have 50+ mods installed
>he doesn’t ERP every day
>he doesn’t AFK at the ‘nail for 12 hours a day
>he doesn’t use FFXIV as an internet brothel
Why even pay $13 a month if you’re not going to enjoy Final Fantasy XIV as it was meant to be played?
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shut up loretard faggot
tell us about him
Hello Jean and Uchiki
care to comment on LT confirming that you're into snuff and child abuse?
Get raped by Xaela, retard
Take a nap man, you probably need it.
I can make your day better if you just let my malezen tonguerape your glubhole
How dead is Dawntrail overall? Also, chances of them bringing up the constant DDoS during this weekends stream?
These are the “improvements” 4chans elite writers come up with. Don’t quit your day job bro you clearly need it
Nobody cares about your TMZ levels of manufactured drama
extremely punchable face
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>raen don't have tribes
i got the last orange i needed today :)
Why does she have the face of an 8-year old
Eb status?
care is a strong word anon. nobody actually cares about tmz, but we still tune in because it's entertaining
I didn't even read what they wrote but given anyone who can acknowledge that the writing in DT was absolute horseshit most likely has more writing talent, as literally anything would be better, I'd say yes, whatever that anon wrote is indeed better and in this case Daichi Hiroi's dayjob should be changed
hmmm nah im a masochist, im tough. What was eye opening was looking at the other whores flists and their “no” column. Jesus!
My main qualm with Tural and mainly Tuliyollal is that it's so boring and has no conflict or intrigue so these seem like good ideas or in the right direction to deal with that problem.
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>log in
>go afk for a while
>come back and play with my body mod settings for an hour
>take a few pictures
>decide i don't like them, discard them
>go afk a bit longer
>come back, realize i got a message
>"nice catte" from some rando that i actually missed several hours ago, the first time i was afk
>shitpost someone on /xivg/
>get accused of "not playing the game"
>look at clock, 4:30 AM
>queue up for frontlines and promptly alt-tab
>get tired an hour later, realize i'm still in queue
>oh well at least i tried to play the game
>create goodnight post
been a successful several hours of playing final fantasy xiv: endwalker
I'm so proud of her
Name two Raen tribes
adder'ra's abuse kink is known and the "similar fetishes" def means that, this post confirms nothing else
now shut the fuck up already
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Motherfuckers will really see a peaceful continent of multicultural people and say “you want this setting needs? More conflict and death!!!”
Can I see her feet?
Sexpestius and Sexpestian
You'll see soon enough, I've done office jobs more enticing than what you are about to get yourself into. I'd say spend your time more wisely but it seems like you have already made up your mind. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
Yes because telling the birds to "have a carnaval" to save their village since they "forgor lol" is so much more engaging than
>We can't worry about the festival because we're worried the procession is going to get attacked again.
yes, unironically.
so let's hear it from the horse's mouth
Strange to have Roman names for Raen tribes
>Euroniggers wake up
>OMG Steeve fucked Cindy behind Kagome's back
>I love horses <3
>Urgot told Ursula that she was a schizo on discord :(
>I love cock and do no content^^ :D
I agree, it would also
1. Tie dungeon 1 into MSQ more, with you taking out a dangerous apex predator
2. Have the pretense of yok'huy separatists attacking and distracting the priests are valigarmand's prison so bakool ja ja just doesn't casually walk in there and blatantly disqualify himself
care to comment on why you hide that you're muslim? is it because it would discredit your crusade if the general knew?
this is what happens during american hours
just with less horseposting i guess
Weight is something you can lose and the age you lose your virginity doesn't matter. I was a virgin at 32 too. I didn't even date until my Dad died (fulltime caregiver). Everyone has different life circumstances anon. Life is not a race.
Euronigger here and I don't have any idea what half of that stuff even means.
what is it with euros and horsecock
forever eblet
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>open fridge
>generic hardboiled eggs
what's a quick breakfast I can make?
Hey they’re frotting with me right now they can’t talk
It does make for a more interesting setting where the player has a more active role. Tural is a post-conflict society where the large majority of its issues were solved 80 years ago by its king, as a setting for the story is it comparatively boring to places like eorzea which started out with all manners of issues we had to deal with. Tural doesn't really have that, or at least its issues are very downplayed until the 2nd half when shit hits the fan.
I really can’t wait for his “evidence” to be a giant nothingburger and get laughed out of the thread. I’m truly looking forward to it
You have never been to college
just starve.
me cumming down your throat
coffee (no milk and sugar) shot of vodka or any other spirit of your choice, cigarette (optional)
we have fortnite animations ported in game
but has anyone ever ported over a model?
anon my collogues at college didn't openly talk about sexcapades. What you really mean is I never joined a frat.
Stop talking about it then
Your choice of words couldn't have been more appealing
Leave Enikudo alone and I'll rape you
Go to McDonalds and get six McMuffins.
take a piece of bread, pour some milk on it and sprinkle on sugar
Let's eb or I'll harass minorities again
Rubber bullets
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i deserve an xivg static on na to carry my alt through savage so i don't have to touch pf
That would be a Xaela name, not a Raen one
Dice up those eggs and put them in a sandwich with some butter and cheese. Add black pepper.
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Yep, I’m shooting ropes to this shit. Today, it’s either a femlala or a moonie. But tomorrow? Definitely femra. Yes, that’s right: I am actually, unironically masturbating to the image of a Final Fantasy XIV character. Probably porn, but also possibly LB14. Blasting goon ropes with my rape stick. Cum. Ejaculating semen. Yep, that’s what I do here. I masturbate. It’s not figurative, it’s literal. And there’s cum all over the place.

THIS is Final Fantasy XIV. And you like this.
I fucking wish someone would beat my brown catgirl to death
do you like it when anons tribute your wol?
has anyone ever tributed your wol?
would it kill them to just take every det/ten gear piece and make it crit/sks
another falseflag to filter
speak your truth sis
Chaos queue cc :3
>”they need to kill people for the story to be enjoyable”
Actual 5 year old understanding of story telling
Do you have any bread? Slice the eggs into thin slices and eat them on top of a bread with some cheese.
LT will gladly help you with that
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They like this
I think more avatarfags should post their characters bare feet. It's a gimmick no one's really tried. It's fresh.
man I wish I could do that but I'll have a crazy hangover mid-day or coming home.
that's the current meal plan.
huh, you know what that's a good idea. I'll put some grounded peppers and a few onions I have stashed.
What's it mean?
Why is it that so many female characters in this game if they have an Rap background have a college bit attached to it while most have never actually been to a college
harass em.
needs a caption
My male middie?
Can't sleep and feels bad
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The rabbit I just got done ERPing with told my femlala to get pregnant! as he finished. I swear to god this better not be one of you fuckers.
>THIS is Final Fantasy XIV. And you like this.
i do like this
how much will it cost for me to lick up your ballsnot?
You forgot going to bed with SBI who was paid with our subscription money to make sure we got an 'authentic latinx experience' by Californian retards whose only experience LatAm is taco bell.
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Rate my hotbar for pld. I just click on everything apart from 123 and 4. I managed to get to cap like this.
go healer :^), mine tries to get aggressively poached whenever I do pf.
Nice clown shoes
the 'p' in yoshi-p stands for pedo.
My moonie likes the picto artifact gear, she will use it for a while
I made the mistake of leveling Viper before the MSQ to get into that Tural mood and what I was hoping was going for big old monster hunts and digging up ancient treasure. Hell the quests that introduced us to Wuk implied she was into hunting and has actually proven to be quite capable too.
It need not be a world ending threat but at least something to keep me hooked and involved. DT sadly did not deliver on what I was hoping it would be.
It was me, I'm ordering your womb to get pregnant
Needs to be a white male character. It's not the same if it's not.
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set it up like this
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my captions are too strong for you
Raen don't have tribes though
So because the game didn’t follow your head canon it’s bad, gotcha. That seems to be the main problem here
Only a few have stepped into that territory and they're usually only doing their toes. Even moonies who are feet-coded refuse to put their best foot forward. One day we'll find someone who is willing to stand talk and walk that path.
I can churn you in my gut or my nuts if you want
It was me, I was quoting Mahou Shoujo Asuka
Check out @slave4fortnite on twitter it’s my favorite caption account

Would be sick if he did xiv stuff
I didn't say anything about killing. I was implying that the idea of people who solve problems with rubber bullets is bad writing and a lame concept.
I want you to remember this, people by and large think Dawntrail was badly written. That's the calcified consensus. You can come on an anonymous image board and spit and scream and lash out like a sarcastic teenager all you like but you will never make an impact or change that fact. Dawntrail had a bad story and everyone thinks so.
90% of the dudes into femlala have an impregnation fetish sis, i just automatically dirty talk about that kind of stuff now and desu it’ll get them to wrap it up way faster than your lopsided char bouncing around
Yeah I didn't enjoy the story because it didn't offer anything that I enjoyed what's not the understand?
If I go to restaurant order a steak and it doesn't turn out the way I wanted it doesn't make the meal good either.
>Would be sick if he did xiv stuff
he does commissions, could always ask
I saw a post like this some time ago which I assume was you, why do think there's such a correlation?
They don't, that's my point
So you’re mad the story didn’t follow a specific storyline that was never getting MSQ scenes in the first place? Really weird attitude to have about a story
Appal is planning to try break Effy and Menhera up
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Gameplay. Raids. PvP. Story.

Those are the fundamental components of Final Fantasy XIV, the world’s third-most popular MMO with around a million active players. You may not like this, but /vg/ is a board for video game discussion only, so you’re just gonna have to deal with it. Plapping? Gooning? Those aren’t video games. We play FFXIV because we play the game, because FFXIV is a video game. Game on, my fellow gamers.
While Dawntrails story is bad starting at the second arc, it's still better than Stormblood far east arc.
I wish some more conflict had been present. Initially I found the "I like peace!" stuff of Wuk pretty uninteresting, but coming to Yak Tel and onwards it was pretty present how important peace was to the continent; before Gulool Ja Ja hammering everyone into coexistence Tural was a hellscape. They should have just made the peace crack a bit more, all the Tuliyollal-opposing factions were super lame and accomplished borderline nothing.
Consume the buuz and dzo
drink deep of the steppe milk
That’s basically the middybody mod for femlala
Drink 3 liters of malera cum a day
Mad is a little too strong of a word here. I had different expectations and that's totally fine not everything can be a hit for me and why would it be. Better luck next time I guess.
You don't because that person has no scales, idiot.
Make a midlander.
Dawntrails story is miles better than the entirety of Stormblood. Doma sucked ass, the steppe was bad, ruby sea was meh at best only saved by Susanoo, the Garlean stuff made no sense and top it all off Lyse is the worst written character ever in this game. Quite literally doesn’t do anything to become the leader of Ala Mhigo
Why does nobody like femlalas...
I've opted to using stirrup socks or simply cropping the feet out despite using night's feet
Bro don't agree with strawmans just to be diplomatic
That's beta behavior
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My femlala and who...?
>Anon learns ice is a shit element.
It isn't even a pure element, it's just water and wind.
Fanta to femra
>Quite literally doesn’t do anything to become the leader of Ala Mhigo
because she isn't, she leads conrad's faction of the resistance
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NEED EB like this
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why do people in this game care so much about what plugin you use? no one bats an eye when you have 50+ addon and plugin in wow. I can't even mention cactbot openly in ffxiv.
He's quitting the game after reclears are done, bro burnt himself out both in social interaction and in content
So she’s a leader of the resistance and did nothing to get that position
then go back to wow you fucking retard
would be based if true
Lyse never becomes the leader of Ala Mhigo, she just represents the resistance.
I still want an eb that ntrs my fiddie
i think you basically got two categories of male character, those who into pussy and impreg, those into ass and degradation, the latter part want to whale on stacy, not a goofy, funny looking midget.
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Cheater lmao
How does it feel to be so shit you cant play the game normally?
good lol we kicked a guy out of our group for using cactbot. fuck that pussy shit
Conflict and death are present, just tucked down under the sheets to hide it from you. The continent features religious sacrifice, organized and disorganized crime syndicates, a separatist army and incredibly violent fauna and even flora.
Handwaving an entire cult by saying "we had no choice we can only grow one food!" is pretty fucking stupid. What sort of "multicultural" representation is this supposed to paint? Natives are retards that will justify human sacrifice over actually try to improve their condition, unless outsides come and fix them?
bro can't clear the easiest tier in this game ever without splatoon lmao kill yourself
The hell are you on about. All I was trying to say is that I was expecting something different. Yeah shit happens it's not like the writers e-mail me personally and ask me what I want the MSQ to be. So what? I didn't enjoy it, happens, big fucking deal. I'm gonna go and find something else to enjoy.
Then just dev it yourself, mister amateur game designer.
That's unfortunate I miss him even if he doesn't miss me and probably won't ever talk to me again
The frequency, Kenneth.
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>tfw i paid them a few months ago
My motives are... complex.
Because savages and ultimates are done for the challenge and cheating at that is pointless. Wow raids are done as a weekly chore and people will do anything to speed it up so they can do something they'd rather be doing.
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>i open the thread
>i post a picture of my final fantasy xiv character saying something stupid or with no text at all
>i respond 'rape' or 'may i plap' to big boob xiv chars with 0 intent to follow up
>i close or minimize the thread until a new one is made
>i do the same thing

its as shrimple as that
I want my femezen impregnated
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To be fair, it is close to my now almost-mandatory sleeping time (4pm to 5pm).
I've honestly loved the others more than the MSQ, so I hope the healer one keeps the course.
How is this related to gameplay content in the video game Final Fantasy XIV? We need shit to get more videogamey in here. I’m very uncomfortable with this non-video game related content.
Aren't half of the utli raiders using a plugin that does your rotation for you? I'm not autistic enough to clear the current savage tier more than once.
pumping your hand up and down while staring at ffxiv images is gameplay content
I'll see what I can do but I've never heard of a catboy knocking up an Elezen.
Because one is supported and actively built around, and the other is disallowed cheating.
>be noble brat
>Hide in the feral lands for 20 years and don't even bother stepping into homeland
>Don't even do anything to win the favor of ferals, get a guy to do it for me via proxy
>Let the proxy lead the assault
>When invaders leave state I was the leaders ballspawn and I should lead
>They let me do it
>Give clemency to person that doesn't deserve it and the crowd hates them
>They allow it because my word out weighs them
>They almost fuck everything over
>I get the proxy to fight my mistakes
>I face no repercussions
This happened twice btw
Well, they did in the real new world as well.
If I told you that 83% of final fantasy players have aids would you believe me?
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botters be like
>muh challenge
Video games are meant to be defeated
When you lie at my feet bleeding, do you think my gun was "cheating" too?
I would say nothing and wait for further illumination.
Yes and everyone hates it and calls them out for it and the wf race is a joke here now. Ergo that's my point.
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Why is rape so extraordinarily popular in the Final Fantasy XIV community? A lot of people here love the thought of raping other people’s characters. Is there something wrong with FFXIV that encourages rape, or is this another symptom of the West falling?
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i asked them
calm down, mr. not important
Did you ask all the ultimate raiders and half of them told you they do?
Most I've even seen people bitch in this thread is XIVCombo and that's still cheating slop.
OK fuck you then, go beg someone else for a load.
This game could have all the expansion content ready at launch and retards would still get mad at people for afking and “not playing the game”. It’s just tiny dicked motherfuckers mad people enjoy a game in a way they don’t
only niggers use guns
Was just curious for the most part if there was any truth to that. I had some legit schizo friend chew my ears off about that and I stopped listening half way in and played something else in the meantime.
>I'm not autistic enough to clear the current savage tier more than once.
Well why not?
same I sent him so many vbucks. . .
My moonie has just made a cute pose for picto, She didnt realise how many bones they added in DT
That wasn't me
I think it’s taboo so when you put it on the table, guys want to try it. In reality dubcon and coercion are better.
If XIVcombo can basically "play the game for you", doesn't that mean the job design is just really boring that a simple script can do it? Doesn't seem like much of a challenge to me
They did, and you know what else they did?
War. A lot of it. All the time, for resources their lands lacked.
I dunno it's not that fun to me in the long run and my FC has more than 8 people willing to raid so it doesn't matter if I dip out. I'll do it once for the sake of doing so and then fill in if needed.
>Natives are retards that will justify human sacrifice over actually try to improve their condition, unless outsides come and fix them?
when everyone who might think to the contrary ended up emigrating, leaving only the insular fundamentalists? yes.
holy based.... did you buy him black cat?
rotation bots can play literally any game for you dumb nigger
I'd kill you first because i go to the shooting range and practice while you just hope a plugin comes out for sighting and aiming.
this is so boring that i'll leave the lb spot for the time being and just play the game, if you guys are that bored you can just do something else instead of being degenerate for the whole day, this is a waste of libido and waste of life
I really find this hroth adorable everytime she is posted. I always find lewd hroths too exaggerated and weirdly proportioned for my tastes, but this sfw one? Mwuah, nice. Just right.

Thank you for brightening my day.
>I'm not autistic enough to clear the current savage tier more than once.
but the raids are fun and you get cool mounts and better gear
Then thats just bad job design lmao. Same reason why AI is "stealing jobs". The jobs were pointless in the first place, and were low skill.
Lyse isn't the leader of Ala Mhigo, she's a figurehead in a defunct resistance movement
Nah, this was a few months ago but I sent him several cards because I was obsessed
Tell me something that can't be automated that you can do
I don't care about bigger numbers. Some fights are fun but not fun enough for me to do them every week.
if you don't think its fun/interesting to see how many mechanics you can skip each week i don't believe you
I got a taste of femlala pussy and now I can't get enough...
why is their no rotation bot for healers tho?
So she’s a DEI hire
Pre 7.0 black mage
>I sent him several cards because I was obsessed
hot... i checked and i sent back in april, i guess its time to send some more
Absolutely wrong.
I play a sunnie female
I want an eb that i can gift games to and pay their sub
This anchor failed, very sad.
A game, unlike jobs, are "meant" to be pointless activities or competition.
You don't play cops and robbers as a child to prepare yourself mentally for becoming a cop in 20 years.
You could totally automate nonstandard lmao
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Very cool Mr. Fucker. Now show without pants. It's not a win-e taste without proper inspection. Really got to play with the win-e, smell it, swirl it. I'm a bit of a win-e smeller myself, and you look like you have a good win-e.
That's on you. Like I said earlier we got more than 8 people willing to raid so I'd rather open up a spot for somebody that wants to do that every week and be the back up in case somebody has to cancel out on us.
I am
a femlala
who isn't winning any loot this week..
Stop trolling
it was mainly conrads idea to give her leadership even before SB began, as she was already helping the resistance during HW. Conrad knew her father as a legion and wanted to use her and her family's status as a symbol and rallying point to bolster the resistance cells. The Hext name carry's a lot of weight and Conrad wanted to use that. saying she did nothing is a horrid exaggeration, she did do things during her time in Ala Mhigo before things went to shit and we had to go over to Doma, but even I felt the timing of conrad being killed off to give her his position was way too early, there wasn't much reason to kill him off and could've been pushed further down the line to have room for more development of Lyse coming into her own as a leader.
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After days of struggling on the MSQ, my femra can finally do what Hydaelyn intended-afk on the bench.
Come back to Uldah balmung, it's at least fun there people watching and participating in shout chat.
I like to turn on /icam in there.
This is ham fisted as you know that the intention of the post was to call out bad job design.
I am
a catboy
who has BiS
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Gomenasai, my name is Kafeen-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona series)

I train with my dragoon every day, this superior class can poke clean through steel because it dies over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other class on earth. I earned my spear license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak ERP fluently, both Futa and the Rape dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Eorzean history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my server transfer, I am moving to Balmung to attend a prestigious Bench to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an orbitor for Sera or a game designer!

I own several subligars, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Balmung, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak ERP as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Balmung!
this isnt fair
Oh we’re doing job design stuff again? Please remember that ARR/HW/SB had the worst job design ever and ShB onwards has made the jobs much better to play in the long term. No patrick stance dancing, TP, aggro management and useless DoTs were not fun to play around. If it was good and people liked it they wouldn’t have changed it
the fordola one was better but good one still
Nice thighs. Would squeeze and pinch.
More or less, her dad was an important figure, as was her sister. She's inherited a lot of their prestige within the resistance
I tried this mod yesterday but it changes the varsity skirt and it is an integral part of a few of my glams. I was very sad
Anon, everyone knows healing is the easiest job in the game. I want to clear savage just by moving to the correct spots and hitting 1-2 buttons like a dps wuth sloth combo
can i get the games and subs part without having to eb a paypig, k thanks
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The next expansion after Dawntrail is...

Final Fantasy XIV: Zepla's rape baby.

This will get our /wowg/ audience back!
They look like actual elves here. So uncanny.
By the time she came back from Doma she was the most experienced resistance fighter in all of the resistance, the only one ever to have seen a province liberated, and had made a crucial ally through Doma. She was easily more qualified that fucking Conrad who had basically hobbled the resistance along in life support.
honestly they should do pvp combos in pve already to help controller players, 1-1-1 is the same as 1-2-3
You can criticize a lot of things about the job design, them being "bottable" is hardly one of them when the fights are so scripted your level of interface with the job is basically making a simple decision of what to press next with little to no variance. Complaining about job design is not the same as complaining about the combat system, even if they're related.
>one button combos
Should never be a thing and I hate that Viper has them. Hitting 1-2-3 is not hard even a handicapped person can do it
You had me at the several subligars bit with a male wol. Good post.
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Can't impregnate someone in menopause anon.
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Would you still date this cute sjw?
Definitely, tell him I made you relapse, that would be cute.
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>veena heeeere~
>maleroe for my lalaboy??
>femlala built for RAPE!
>Sunnie+ for my sunnie+….
>anal with this particular ebin!
Why is Final Fantasy XIV filled with so many sex pests?
theo post
Especially for DRG, shit is hell.
There's nothing wrong with paypigging. I want to paypig for a male character specifically
i have a very hard time believing that he can quit
it's not about what hard or what isn't it's about button bloat and people who use controllers are affected the most by it, they cannot add more buttons to a lot of jobs
Having jobs designed in a way that makes them extremely easy to automate is equivalent to autoplaying gacha games. Its not good game design.
Final Fantasy XIV: ZeplaFeet
you're not smart for pressing 1-2-3. all combos should be replaced with one button like VPR (the most popular job).
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Life is simply unfair, don't you think? There are moments when a single ebin can make feet go extinct.
I wouldn't ever date anything in game again. Fucking covid lockdowns where wild.
>people on controller are affected most by it
People on controller have a possible 48 hotbar slots to use with all the expanded cross hotbar shit you people have so “button bloat muh controller!” Is cope.
Post your stupid fucking frogs elsewhere.
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Some blue shark femra gave me a plug in called XIVSlothCombo and it could automate the entire rotation not just the 123 it even knew to hold cooldowns for double shroud on RPR at 2mins coming up
Eb status
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Watching Zepla's stream of the MSQ is so painful. She is such a heartless, cruel BITCH for criticizing OUR game. FFXIV is such a super duper sweet and friendly game and we all like the MSQ especially Wuk Lamat, who is our girl. If you don't like it? Just go back to WoW you lying grifter WHORE. Stop being so toxic, Dawntrail is just like literally every other expansion and it made me cry so many times. FFXIV is the sweet and friendly MMO and if you're not sweet and friendly, you can get the fuck out.
My moonie? Dead the moment ebins stop showing exposed armpit
ok but you better relapse with me otherwise its not fair
ingerland link that miqo starter gear mod
>she was the most experienced resistance fighter in all of the resistance
She spent the vast majority of the Garlean occupation hiding in Eorzea with the Scions and got shoehorned into the position of leader because of nepotism, she earned fuck all.
>getting this upset over a frog
lol, lmao even
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Maybe, sjws are typically no fun having losers but maybe it'll be fun to show them what actual racism is instead of the pretend racism they think is everywhere
This is not video games. You need to discuss videogamey material like gameplay and stuff.
they'd have to actually be cute first
shoving your moonie's face into my moonie's armpit
I hate cliquefags so much
I'm going to start making more elezen related collages.
Which kinds of photos should i combine together from my collection/find of elezen?
I'm gonna confess that your mods look like doodoo
Single, but not particularly looking
It's on XMA, I believe chesder is the one who made the upscale. should come up if you search for YAB
>he got gatekept
Same after this one I'm done with trying here
Ive learned that most anons make for bad lovers because they dont know how to think past themselves "Oh your day sucks and your crying? Well i dont know what to say but im going to leave you alone for the week feel better soon then come goon with me"
She actively fought at Doma Castle as well as in the Naadam, so she already has more combat experience than 99% of the Resistance. She also fought at Baelsar's Wall.
me otl
>shoehorned into the position of leader because of nepotism
This is the thing that bugs me the most. Yeah, her dad was an important leader in the resistance and the Hext name carries weight, but nepotism is not the way to set up a new government when you're recovering from both a rebellion of a mad king's rule and liberating your country from invading forces.
Every game is easy to automate once you understand the optimal course of action and enough insight to spot the safety windows.
Even roguelikes, deck building, action combat games.
You can always automate and cheat games, it being widespread and easy to acquire is a different issue.
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People are doing NOTHING but criticize Dawntrail, and it's sickening. When I finish something, I just want everyone else to like it so I can feel like my time wasn't wasted. The FFXIV community is way too toxic and hateful towards our game. What happened to our super sweet and comfy community where we liked everything? Stop being so fucking hateful. We like Dawntrail. Don't listen to the filthy traitor whores like Zepla who just complain for clout. WE LIKE DAWNTRAIL. WE LIKE WUK. EVERYTHING IS FINE. STOP BEING TOXIC. 10/10 BEST EXPANSION, RATE ON METACRITIC IF YOU LIKE FFXIV.
Shut the fuck up and go get carried in more ultimates you vapid retard
MFs will apply to be a school janitor just to learn how to better RP as a hebe coded fiddie
Thanks, post butt
>48 hotbar slots
No one is alternating between
>L2+face or directional
>R2+face or directional
>L2, L2+face or directional
>R2, R2+face or directional
>L2+R2+face or directional
>R2+L2+face or directional
They're doing the first two, then, at best, the middle two or bottom two. And mind you, this is the fastest way aside from raw hotbar swapping.
Uh, where’s the video game related content? I thought this board was pertaining to video game discussion. It sounds like you’re not discussing video games!
I wish you were able to have a real conversation sometimes
more ultimates than u stinky
Can't afford your meds this month or did another normie biofem turn you down?
I was more talking about getting needlessly emotionally attached to unreachable people and more importantly having it happen to you.
So controller players are just lazy bitches and the game should be catered to their laziness which makes the game less fun for everyone else?
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If wuk lamat has a single fucking scene on the 7.1 trailer I will fucking unsubscribe immediately
Me and you little princess
the devs always have been catering to controller players, have you not been paying attention the last few expansions?
same, but I'll take him at his word for now since I haven't seen him online at all besides reclear day
im in love with macchi and have been for a long time but I don't think he likes guys
nobody does that either faggot
its L2>L2 or R2>R2

having both trigger down go to the same hotbar is the norm
What if its a scene where wuk lamat is saying she'll stay out of your way from now on and focus on her affairs in tural?
Don't get my hopes up.
My moonies gimmick is having giant boobs but being shy about having giant boobs so she wears loose clothing but you can still tell she has giant boobs

Can I achieve this with customize+, and is there a guide anywhere? It’s very obtuse to me. Or do I have to actually use blender to mod the clothing?
I gatekeep people by telling them I'm a vore pred that plays for keeps.
I don't do alts
Are you STILL melting about P1S? Because that’s uncalled for, man. Posting sarcastic criticism of Dawntrail is totally not welcome here. And we know it’s you, Macchi, because your character is included in the image you uploaded. You need to stop raping babies and get with the program.
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>open gpose
>use a few hq mods, shaders
>try to plan out an elaborate combat scene
>templarknights, dravanians, dragons, wyrms, etc.
>multiple poses abound
>templar knight climbing wing of dragon as tries to ascend but has its other wing clipped by a dragoon's spear as dravanians and templers are trampled or burned
>move my character, small little merc out of her wits, just slighttttty to the left
>game crashes
>didn't save anything
Are there any moments that make you not want to gpose anymore?
I look forward to you unsubbing then. Get you sensitive ass snowflakes out of my game once and for all
>Appal gets his use out of everyone
>Ding dong ditches them and deletes Appalcord
whos taking his throne now?
>see a cute bunnyboy
>check adventurer plate
every time
Ok ok. . .
I am a femlala
who just woke up
good morning
play AST or DRG on controller
post results
better yet, just post your DRG hotbar setup, i promise not to laugh
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We like being eepy.
We like gooning.
We support transgenders.
We support kink positivity.

We do NOT support “gameplay”. This game is boring. However, we ALSO do not support Zepla, who opposes gameplay. Got it, chud? FFXIV is all about following instructions, including doing as we sat.
>and deletes Appalcord
chat is this real?
Eh it's been done before countless times. Get a better gimmick.
erm why would they be melting about P1S? because it was boring?
>hidden logs
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Some Sharlayan wine for your troubles?
Also no
Also moonies are canonically flat, suncats are the titcows
post logs
Me. I'm a nobody. I will soon become the queen(grownman) of /xivg/ and have all of the ebing kneeling for me. And what will I do with this power? Easy. Very simple. You know what it is. I don't even have to say.
I'm almost positive that this is Vjera.
Fuck it, I'm gonna make this thread fun and post my controller hotbar setups for my main jobs.
Five Bondsplitters in one window and no Drepanaspis
Incredible stuff
He's the equivalent of putting a looney tunes character in a realistic setting. You can't blame him for being a caricature at all times, but you eventually learn to appreciate both that you're not like him and that he's actually funny.
Just don't humor his attempts at being an ebin proper.
She'll say that and then show up later anyway.
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No problem, time to pass the fuck out since it's 9am and I haven't slept much
>n-no you
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here's my hotbar, DRG is fine
She had fought Garlemald on more fronts than anyone in the Resistance, had won crucial allies for the Resistance by helping to liberate and entire province, had opened the opportunity to retake Ala Mhigo in doing so, and had allies in the Eorzean Alliance and Scions. She was a perfect candidate for leader even if you take Curtis out of the equation.
Where is the option "all of the above"?
i seriously want this cat to rape me
Good night (morning)
Kongcord is the closest thing except it's not full of sex pests
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We don’t hate Zepla because she had any specific issue with gameplay. We hate her because she dared to go against OUR consensus. We liked Endwalker when she hated it, and we hated it when she liked it. Who on earth dares to go against us? Someone who thinks she’s better than us? She deserves everything she gets. We don’t tolerate dissenters. You will follow orders regarding FFXIV or we will cancel you.
What's wrong with unamed neko
Today, it's PF not knowing how to survive 3rd Beat.
She was a little girl and was forced away from home by her sister to sharlayan at the time, joined the scions later on when she was older, and when the chance came to make proper headway into freeing her homeland, the same one her sister died trying to help in the best way she can, she leaped at the chance. her naivety and idealism towards her homeland is informed by being around the scions and the warrior of light, true heroes that helped save eorzea with the eorzean alliance and ended a 1000 year war in ishgard and reforged their alliance with eorzea. She saw that saving ala mhigo was possible with you and her friends at her side, and got a reality check when actually saw how broken her people were by garlemald, but she still never lost that optimism and drive to free her home.
Yeah I just imagine him as one of those dolls where you pull the string and they say some scripted line. It's just sad thinking that and knowing that you'd never be able to have a real conversation with the thing.
>Not on the list
Its over
>except it's not full of sex pests
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I love you two.
Some dude in aethercord schizod me for months on raid posts because I said p7s was easy and their static took 5 weeks to kill it
They still schizo me when they see my character posted it was 2 years ago sorry the game's raiding isn't as hard as you make it out to be
Being a good resistance fighter is not the same as being a good leader of an entire nation, retard. Do you have any idea how different those two things are?
My low energy sunnie+ deserves a paypig
Literally who?
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at it's peak fun during prog, lasts 8 weeks
>ex trial farming
mind numbing filler, have to wait until off patches for pity (why?)
a failure to bridge the midcore to the hardcore, completely worthless cosmetic rewards and does nothing to solve the twine/shine problem for alts, took these devs THREE criterions to figure out how to put good rewards in and still nobody does it
>exploratory zones
the best 14 gets really but we didnt have one last expansion
>the story
easily at it's worst for the msq, side quests still tend to be pretty good and soulful, this expansion arguably had it's best crafter quests not counting the originals
we might get only one this expansion, allegedly?
on the casual end you have:
have to win a lottery with 30 other retards to even start, you will probably lose to a house hoarder rmting sub gil or some dogshit small that you barely get to work with
just play mahjong souls or some shit ff14's iteration isnt terrible by any means but I don't think the player pool is good unless you're on a jp dc but I could be wrong
>gold saucer shit
nobody fucks with this past the weekly, vermilion and chocobo racing are pretty dead
back to mid-end
>gil collecting
worthless high score shit
a perfect example of the dev team having a really easy, lazy bit of content they can utilize to give people something to do and they opt to cycle one 8 year old ex trial boss for 3 months instead of something cool like, a monthly savage boss as extra, balance be damned just give people something fun to do

so it's no small wonder why people have fucking nothing to do in this game, i sure as shit would rather fuck with mods for 3 hours over going into an ex trial because it's something that offers small justification for the 15 dollar sub fee because the novelty is still fresh. i'm gonna tell you nobody is keeping a sub running for some dogshit housing item from a holiday event that nobody gives a shit over
im sorry bros
Shut the fuck up tranny
How does one play this game on controller, unironically? Not even trynig to start shit, I wish I could controller for laid back content...
I can barely keep up with my 12 button mouse and combining inputs with how bloated some jobs are...
He spams the thread with youtube links
fuck I'm so down bad for feet..
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Hello, it’s me, a former celebrity here to offer a message pertaining to Final Fantasy XIV. You see, /vg/ is a board pertaining to video game discussion. We all like the game, which is why we love discussing gameplay, story, raids and so on. But your sexual proclivities are NOT video games. Take care and enjoy the wonderful gameplay-related content that Final Fantasy XIV has to offer!
posts too much, post quality is abysmal
i dont even know why you guys false flag vote kyop so consistently
I wake up. I Ctrl+f "highlander". 0 results. I post highlanders.
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I can't believe it. Unnamed Neko won. Not by effort or lewd posts, but through the sheer power of DBZ and Halo OSTs.
Is tozer going to be in all your shitty art now
I've sat here all day eating pumpkin seeds like some manner of stressed out rodent
Don't care, she's the leader now and you have to deal with it, faggot.
Why is it called "ebin". Someone please explain
nothing the hate is forced by like 2 people who cant just scroll past his posts like a normal person
ok pedophile enabler
>only modded hair
you're alright anon
That's not why. Macchi actually genuinely stated why and convinced me too
you need to put your highlanders cheeks on my meena’s face
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Need a lalaboy or lalagirl? Hit these niggers up.
Don't speak for me because Endwalker sucked ass through a garden hose and I say that in the open
get rid of the neon grown man blush and there's potential
okay now do that for controller
We should unironically kick all gooners out of the thread
The quality would improve dramatically
Posting NSFW catbox links to a SFW thread should be a bannable offense
why would I play on a worse control scheme
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i want to know if I “can” do it in customize+, and how
/terag/ speak for attention whore Elins, morphed into the current modern day usage.
The thread would be dead then though
What would you even talk about?
Uh, why are you asking specifics? That’s what we all say. I dunno what it means man, just go with it. Same with the raping kids stuff.
kissing this thighlander followed by motorboating
are you stil...
constant replies of stuff that is tangential to XIV at best, will reply and complain about thread quality despite being the very thing he complains about
otherwise completely harmless, so I don't care much
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i havent played sage in 2 years
how do i get addersting
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stealing the gimmick
these idiots unironically think threads that take a week long to go through are "kino" and "sovlfvl" when almost nothing gets discussed in those slow ass threads. makes you wonder why they're not posting in those threads instead of here
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
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Whose the second glue?
And I want you to come up with a better idea seems like we can't get our ways huh
Too late lol
DD made ebin meta about who puts out more/is the biggest slut it wasnt as bad until they started catering to creeps with modded sex and talking about their lovense toys
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any femlalas who act like this?
That's a schizo skinwalking her. They're a faggot from /wowg/ who started shitting up this thread in the last little while.
>it’s copypasta hours
Can we fast forward to coomer hours already? At least that shit gets me bricked up.
Just doing my job appreciating our most handsome (if a bit racist) middie.
Whenever one of your damage shields is fully absorbed
Shield someone with your GCD heal and have it break.
Giving this cute boy a good morning smooch.
Yeah lets go
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shield tank during downtime, and breaking your personal shield on raidwides
petting this femlala while pinching my own nose with my other hand, just in case
any time your single target shield gets popped you get one stack of it
it sucks
oh, so this job is sort of like dark knight if it was a healer
when a single target shield breaks or a partywide shield breaks on you, the sage
Idk the hroth is ugly to me and reeks of tranny
Why would I want to cast this spell though? Aren't there other more damaging/healing spells?
Pedophile kill yourself
Im doing a s rank in materia, I can do after!
can anyone recommend a good queen of spades tattoo mod that works with penumbra in dawntrail?
I'm not even on the list, and what's wrong with my nose?
its EU hours, go back to sleep
its not safe for you here
EU loves pedophilia thougheverbeit
I like your highlander! She's cute!
rise and grind gamers let's get this bread
*pops open a brewski*
Yes, SGE and DRK are actually a very good combo since they're both built for mitigating damage to the HP bar rather than filling it, and SGE does enough topping off passively that it's never a problem that DRK has low sustain.
Jeez how did you end up in materia
it has less aoe damage falloff than dyskrasia and can be cast while moving, allowing full uptime if you need to go somewhere
Whatchu sipping on gamer dawg?
can anyone recommend 495789332 a good chair and rope mod that works with penumbra in dawntrail
mornin sis,
Well yeah what's the age of consent in Islam and every country in Europe is 40% "refugee"?
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>The threads would be DEAD without or goonslop!
>You should instare MARE and BIBO and YAB!
>You should come hang out and GOON and PLAP on Ul'dah with US, anon!
If you remove goonbaiting from the threads, then the actual discussion of the game wouldn't get ignored, or wouldn't be forced to be ragebait just to stand out over the Sea of Goon
One thing lead to another and suddenly im upside down '-'
you're not very smart, are you
Can we talk about male middies?
my femlala can do a split on your lap
Anon its impossible to appeal to everyone, and counterproductive to try. Plenty of flatties in the sea.
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Miqo'te dress like THIS!?
so many meetups
Bunny moment
May I see you're armpit
Love warlander. She good people.
You too...
I am
a femezen
training cooking at the GE
>no val
im voting for val
Yeah, obviously, why do you think im not playing the smart job, fellow dumbass
The moving I figured but never really came across it being something I would bother doing, that damage falloff I didn't notice though, thank you
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the DPS are fighting over who gets dp
I swear I've seen this conversation worded slightly differently last year and the year before and the year before and the year before and so on.

Am I having a schizopisode or is this thread just running on repeat where even the "based anti coomer" posters are broken records too
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Right there with ya my boy
However, I shall be partaking in one of these
You could appeal to me by not thinking you need a gimmick try being yourself for once and not hide behind something that's been done countless times. Let people like you for who you are and not an idealized version of something you think people may like you for.
I don't know about good... But you're gooder. Hope you have a nice Tuesday!
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GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, have you guys heard about the critically acclaimed game World of Warcraft?
Classic wow chinese copypasta

I was wondering if we could get a large list of the Copypastas I've seen everyone use during raids like


kelthuzad 基爾紮紮德 ICE WIZZARD 冰精灵 circles on ground dangerous 危險地上的圓圈 friends turn enemy 朋友是敵人monster undead appear 怪物不死族出現 wise men apply chains 智者應用鎖鏈

Grobbulus 小球 Disease cloud 疾病云 move with urgent haste 急忙搬家 kill the bloopers 杀死暴徒

increase patrols in the grassland to detain warchief's sun thieves - 增加在草原的巡逻,以拘留酋长的晒太阳贼

邪恶的骑士 Evil horseriders 一起站 Stand together for falling sky 带走武器 Steal weapon 避免黑洞 Avoid pancake of darkness 圣光波 Change position often

Strong bear 強熊 swipe paws 刷爪 engage robot gift 搞机器人礼物 to increase velocity 增加速度 and hold attention 引起注意

kel'thuzad boss fight 克尔苏加德 using paladin money-throw strategy 使用圣骑士撒币大法, mobs wondering around 小怪到处鲁乱跑 like go shopping on the street 就像逛街一样

wise men failure 基爾紮紮德 swordmen killed by ice wizzard 冰精灵 scandinavian rage 危險地上的圓圈 require new blessings 朋友是

ICE MAN 冰人 red circle bad 红色圆圈坏 friend fight friend 朋友打架 big bug come 大虫来了 Board the bone fort in the sky. Kill the Lord to bring back his box -- 登上空中的骨堡。杀死耶和华把箱子带回来

loatheb big green man 大绿人 protect darkness 保护黑暗 hug orange ball 拥抱橙色球 raise hand to fill green bar 举起手来填补绿色栏
you do, spitroasted.
where da feetup at
We like this.
You remove the goonbaiting and thread quality skyrockets but userbase dies
Xivg wont admit it but theyre just losers who dont like the game and only play it because its all of their socializing and they cant talk to people outside because their vapid personalities dont make people want them as friends
What world
You're just witnessing new blood getting fed up with the gooners.
In time, I'll get fed up enough that I leave, too, and next year the newfags will ALSO get tired of the gooners, and paraphrase what I just said.
It's an endless cycle, and only the gooning remains...
Wake up, anon. We miss you...
cute lalaboy is he married
Based oppressive Femra.
Do a cat idle pose
Why do people say "let's get that bread" is it a ff14 exclusive thing?
Based monster enjoyer
No, I don't want to boost their egos.
Why didnt they just make dt a story about exploring and beach vacationing and finding the lost city of gold on a wacky trail of lighthearted adventure

It would be so fucking easy to write and so much better than the mess we got
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yeah thats what i said because I'm bis but the dancer wouldn't partner me
Val not being on either of this lists is rather telling
>is it a ff14 exclusive thing
you have to be 18 to post here you know
Yeah I just googled it, can’t wait till bio npcs get replaced by actual thinking entities.
Are you calling?
Because your malera genetics predisposed you to being cucked over your SAM genes predisposing you to buffs
He barely posts so it's hard to consider him annoying
I'm not a boy...

thanks but why are you doing that...

it's almost 10am


I'M NOT A BOY and yes
Oh yes the thrilling gameplay discussion we have like
>guys remember HW/SB job design that was kino right
>guys the raids are too hard body checks are bad!
>guys the raid tier was too easy it didn’t have any dps checks!
>guys the ultimate was too hard!
>guys the ultimate was too easy!
>why are you sandbagging by casual PvP games
>why are you taking casual PvP seriously
>why are you playing meta job in cc
>why are you playing off meta in cc
Riveting stuff truly
What's a gimmick that hasn't been done before/in a long time.
>He barely posts
Bake the new thread already, I have a post to make, but this one is almost over...
tilt the cam down
>or is this thread just running on repeat
you will always have the foolhardy who think they can succeed where others have failed
if a strict janny cannot stop the gooners then puritans don't stand a snowball's chance in hell
Are hunts the best source of seals outside of roulettes?
could have done so from the start don't you think?
Big fishing is cool again.
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are there any of these for AQ it would be funny to see one for say viscidus
>tfw there's more hector parties than raidplan now
fuck, this lala is right in my strike zone
>i'm not a boy
never mind
They could have made DT about taking your Fat Cat on a nice trip and showing them the world. You did bring your Fat Cat along right?
Femra judging by all the fantablobs finding their true selves yet again
I swear to fuck I've seen this too. He will reply with something similar to "at least that's talking about the game and not your vapid gooner trash and highschool drama day in and day out"
I already said I'm eb'd, loser
anyone else just feel sad at the state of the game? it's just depressing.
4:40 ET
mameshiba > fat cat
The game is literally in the best state it’s ever been in
maybe all that walking would slim you up
bodychecks are a good thing because they make us RDM doing fast rezzes more valuable sometimes
it's your fault if you have a Niggermage or Pictroon
>reclears again
>wiped 15 times on m2s
>already burned out
i fucking hate raiding
I'm the guy who was able to convince the mods to move the lewd thread to /aco/ years ago. I'm gonna try to get them to move these threads into /soc/. I'm messaging one right after I type this
thread rapist, not the replies of rape but actusl poses of it
I did… I want to meet another adventurer who loves fat cat and fall in love on vacation… and our fat cats become best friends
I love these posts.
Aw, I really liked the og poster. Haven't seen them in a while so I thought they quit.
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My glubra is logging in...
Don’t react like that to my sexpesting you make me want to sexpest more
You will never know
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1%...what's even the point
WTF I was gonna give you raw food to cook bro
although people replying rape has become a lot less common
Gooner population would go down by 96% if they weren't allowed to play woman characters
What is her policy?
To make people think they actually need a ranged when the stat buff and faster limit charge isn't even needed.
is this your first expansion launch
>you should only be able to play a donut steel OC of your gender in MMOs
The only people that want this are the dudes who try to edate in MMOs and get catfished by dudes playing females
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I don't have to tell you whats going on in the back. How is this even clothes???
>19 players
thats basically a countdown to getting spawn smooched if you're not careful
Didn't a female highlander do that before dawntrail released?
I think the issue is, if you play a male or futa that raped female characters are modbeasts, unless there's a plug-in to steal their data I don't think raping them would do much when they barely look the same vanilla
All that walking means Fat Cat is justified in eating more! A well earned snacc just tastes better
That sounds so thrilling I bet your Fat Cat would love to make new frens too
Fat Cat loves you too
no I'm a shadowbab but everything I like's just gotten worse since then.
Fighting tooth and nail for 1% increases is an mmorpg staple.
"Death to all gooners"
Face the wall, smoocher
>our most handsome
You already are doing less damage than the tanks, you won’t bother rezzing shit
Based femra
You guys do know the "nice xivg" thread actually talks about the game and plays together frequently with little goonbait right?
make that money
get the job done
lock in
do business
yeah. only thing I'm looking forward to is the alliance raid and space thing, but the space thing will probably just be disappointing like island sanctuary
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It's time to change that
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I had a few saved from the aq opening but that's ages ago. I don't have any of my macros saved since I quit cold turkey.
Hardly sexpesting. I sexpest back.
Reality is in front of you, all gooners in this thread are miqotes, femras and femlalas.
Impregnating this hag with a dozen children
Males playing females and being gooners has been a thing forever in MMOs. Also strange that you dont direct this ire towards women playing male characters and only target males playing females. Hmmmmmmmm
Dios MIO...those partially exposed hip scales...
No, but she got a male hroth EB who treats her nicely.
This makes more sense than bread.
No one says that though. It's only here..
Stop talking about this right now.
lalas should be banned from tanking
I cant see these fuckers at all
>he doesn't know
You almost got me with that bait, good attempt though
this but from pvp
Funfact some years ago yoshi admitted to playing a female character in older mmos and he'd act as people's personal healers and erp with them for free items. That's why he's done nothing about them. He's a retired one of them
Is it my turn to be a Val clone next thread?
There is a lot of exposure happening here...what did yosher mean by making this starter gear
He's posted his hrothgal's nudes before
Diaper huffer pedophile
Shut up, Mike.
At the end of the thread nobody will even notice me only roll 29 on the music from M4.
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>he doesn't get that bread
>he doesn't have any dough
>he's never gonna bake it
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It’s not bait dudes have been playing females in games as long as the option has been available, MMOs exasperated this by allowing you to interact with other players which leads to roleplaying and erotic roleplaying. Stop trying to date and textfuck people in MMOs and this shit won’t matter
Hey bro I need something I need you to post your male miqo in 4 pics.
1. Opening his mouth showing his fans
2. A picture of his tummy
3. Him doing /aback
4. Him doing /ponder
I really need these pics for a specific purpose.
The "nice xivg" thread has like one post a week
lalas should be banned period
no shorties allowed in my game, tall people only
He was scamming gooners though. It is different to play a female to scam gooners than to play a female to get railed by futas
Oh right.. one moment
My sunnie looks and acts like this:
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Any faters in the chat?
Also fuck tank stance disappearing every time I sync into a low fate.
Nobody will ever ask my catboy to do these tings....
i'm ruined by this modern era
first its sexy clowns now its mascot strippers
No, he said he did that too. Read the rest of the post.
>roleplaying as a woman taking advantage of horny men is good
Heard it here first in xivg folks
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based baker
I want this middie to be my fiddie's brother, but I can't tell if the dynamic is better younger or older
probably next thread
need to eat dinner before i log on
May I rape
no girls = no erp
stop pretending women are a significant part of the playerbase. The huge majority of erp catgirls are dudes and you cannot deny that
At the end of the thread no one will know I love meena and want them to throatpie me
>notice i'm second on aggro list as a healer
>don't think i'm overhealing
>open act
>the dps are just that bad
lesson learned. never open act in normal content
The gays would still be erping though so your entire argument falls flat on its face
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breadzoning femlalas
>I'm not a boy...
You should be. In for a penny, in for a pounding.
Am I the only one who thinks maid bonnets look extremely stupid?
>the sudden flashbang recollection that Vauthry canonically swallowed a fork
Honestly sounds cute
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Based knower.
Also fuck futa fags. (But if you actually fuck them u gay AF lol)
golem plapping this lala
Am I grieving by not doing positionals? Some of the bosses are huge as fuck and a pain to circle around.
Another day
Another 4channer realizing the average xiv player doesn’t care about doing good in roulettes they just want xp
This is the second part of my plan, we enable toxicity and bully them either out of the game or into one specific server.
End of thread
No one will know
I am a lalaboy
ok so my femlala woke up after hugging her body pillow to sleep but was a little sad when she had to face the reality that the pillow wasn't and never will be her crush...
You can sit inside their hitbox and move literally three pixels to swap what side you're on once you know what you're doing.
women have always played MMOs, and women love Final Fantasy
I have personally met loads of actual female girls in this game
That's a nice photo but I still haven't seen your win-e. Gonna have to be more forceful next time we meet with my sunnie+
>t. grown ass man
What do you think works best then? I think younger. The man, the legend, the moron baby brother
No self respecting nice xivgger would want to advertise or name drop our community here.
Stop trying to out us.
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What the fuck bro you can't just make fun of me for being breadless..
Anons... Am I cooked? Or rather... Baked.. now....?
>yoshi erps with mare on an alt
>yoshi has an alter
>yoshi sits in LB14
>yoshi is friends with the owner of 4chan
bro... you're baked... it's over...
Eb status
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>I think younger. The man, the legend, the moron baby brother
>the moron
Biting your fiddie's ankles out of anger.
if you die a lot going for positionals then it's better for everybody if you ignore them
if you're the reason for seeing enrage a lot then it's better for everybody if you switch off melee
realistically though positionals are the easiest they've ever been with nu true north
not into that, sorry

I don't know what that means but don't be weird, I don't want to be a boy I'm obviously a lala girl
My moonie? Giggles when she sees a "my moonie" post
the whole character looks fucking stupid lmao
/wowg/ has gooners now that migrates off of here. I blame you gaggle of faggos for grooming them when they were Shbabs.
NTA but I have a related question. Two of the current raidbosses move to the edge to cast a arena wide aoe, so it's not possible to get behind them. Is true north requires for that sequence or do they turn into the all directions get positionals circle for that time?
He does actually know about this thread. I'm not joking. On stream once the thread showed up, it wasn't him browsing but it was people sending him stuff. Also Epperson a poster from here gained yoshis attention due to his pedo mods.

I doubt he posts or lurks but he's aware of this place. That's a fact.
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That's cute.
same hehe
shit yourself pedophile
Hey... Wanna plot how we can win each other crushes if we combine our efforts but end up falling in love with one another instead?
Does anyone on crystal want to do an expert?
Man, I type like a retard, but I'm not gonna try again.
wait no... we can't do that...
my crush is my one and only...
Let's eb but not erp and instead play the game and use the rings for free teleoports because I refuse to obtain aether currents I hate them so much
I love that people pretend others weren’t gooning and erping before mods blew up
>”it was more lowkey back in the day”
As subtle as a highway 30 car pileup I’m sure. You’re gonna tell me the era of the game where everyone was a catgirl or femra wasn’t omega horny and full of gooners? If you believe that I have some fake news stories to sell you on
New Yoshida Interview and it's a bit of a depressing read.
>On stream once the thread showed up, it wasn't him browsing but it was people sending him stuff.
ain't no way
Link it
This middie was builded for noogies and standing in the doorway of their room, just to do absolutely nothing but knock over a cup and leave. (door will be slightly open, btw)
Cum in femras
no thanks that's gross
You're so adorable and I'm sorry all these assholes are harassing you cutie.
Right? Fuck aether currents. I didn't unlock any in DT. I think it's over for me.
I haven't cleared m4s though. The only arenawide I can remember is the brute bomber one that jumps to the edge, and on that one you either stay far or use the mit that makes you knockback immune.
Wow, that was a whole fucking bunch of nothing at all. And those questions were pathetic.

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