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Concept art, edition

>Official WoW News


>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>495752853
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forsaken paladins when
Next season's confirmed Rexxar bro
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good morning /wowg/
Cunt posted new thread while i was typing my rant so i'm going to copy paste it here because i'm still annoyed.

You know it's actually ridiculous they released delves with brann as he is and was. Like the entire point and concept of delves is to be primarily solo content, right? It can be reasonably assumed healer brann is intended to be used be most dps specs in the game, and dps brann for most healer and tanks specs.
So these retards decided to release the first ever season and forray into delves with a fucking HUNTER THEMED CHARACTER with literally no direct healing abilities? Like the best concept of healing for a hunter character they could come up with was him throwing potions with a HoT at random places in the map at seemingly random times usually inconvenient? To say it wasn't tested would be an understatement, it's like they didn't even think about it when coming up with it. It's such a batshit retarded design that no number buffing could make it not shit.

Like next season they will probably do some paladin character that uses generic paladin spells that directly heal and they'll be 100x better just by default. Sometimes i forget this is a company with decades of experience in the industry.
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Hi everyone! Welcome to /wowg/.
am i having fun guys?
You 100% should be able to opt out of him
i like this
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sometime between now and never ever
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here's how to fix the game
>allow follower dungeons up to mythic 0
>allow delve and follower npcs to be replaced by your warband.
This way I can have a party of wall worgen and be healed by a worgen in my delves. It would be better
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I dislike it because there's just... no logical reason for it.
Much as I joke about black Blood Elves being devolved sand trolls, I'm well aware the actual devolving came from extreme prolonged exposure to big fonts of magic energy.
So what, did these fuckers just decide magic ain't for them, quit cold turkey, tunnel underground and somehow end up as far South East as they could before/during the sundering? Cause that's pretty fucking impressive given that Night Elves at least had to make a switch to natural Druidic magic to cope for a period.

They literally could've just explained it away as a Worgen-like curse they gained from so much appraisal to a Loa like Hir'eek, bat-like transformations driving them underground to protect and gain control of themselves over a long period.
Considering all the Old God remnant ooze and Nerubian minions and shit they're surrounded by, and Hir'eek kind of being a dick of a Loa that was fine with allying with something like G'huun, I would've been much more onboard with that than this whole non-explanation of mid-way to Elf bullshit.
I can understand the female form being the skinny one but when a male fagdragon goes into form i die laughing.
>even the troons that play them hate their legs
forsaken unironically shouldn't even be a race, they should've been wiped out when sylvanas pulled shadowlands and revealed all undead are just evil unless they're specifically lightforged
98% of the shit on the trading post was garbage to begin with. Most months it's entirely trash and maybe every 2-3 months they'll have one good thing.
I feel like the dragon form looks too masculine on female characters personally
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cute pinder
Well that's because the faggot that made it is a tranny furry that wanted to make a gender blob.
If the class came out anytime before BFA we'd have real dragonkin.
Sorry sweetie! We forgot about BFA and Loas lol!
>haven't done the raid this week
>haven't done 8 delves yet this week
>haven't done 8 m+ runs yet this week
>no will to log in
is it.. over?
I'm more annoyed that he can't hold aggro for shit, and doesn't even have a tank spec.
If he's actually a hunter, cool I guess, never really showed much of that through all his archaeology feats, but sure, whatever.
Though I still don't see that excusing him to not be some sort of tank as well. He's a fucking Bronzebeard for god sake. Muradin is likely top brother on being an absolute beast, Magni at least showed signs of being like him on occasion... Did those genes just skip Brann because he decided to go get an education? Don't fucking tell me Brann can't stoneform. He'd be as good a candidate for a Hunter/Tank hybrid as Rexxar.
>Metzen comes back
>Danuser gone
>there's been a clear change in culture in WoW's team about what kinds of themes they want to implement in WoW
>some earthen dwarves are robed machine guys like Warhammer's Mechanicum
>Arathi have a zealous devotion to a mythical Emperor, also similar to Warhammer stuff
>people generally like Arathi stuff, if just for their armor
>harronir are featured in the expansion cinematic
>completely dropped and no one talks about them
If they make a patch about harronir instead of Arathi or Ethereals then I'd be surprised
Keep going, maybe I'll get bingo in this thread.
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Its time for disappointment day.
>why do you keep dying in mythic+ anon? You don't get off to my voice lines whenever you die do you?
Which M+ slop is the best?
>grim slop
>slop of tirna scitche
>ara kara slop
>city of slop
>the slopbreaker
>necrotic slop
>slop of boralus
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Harronir patch is more or less confirmed.
Rootlands got datamined as apart of the zone maps early on the alpha/beta. Harronir's storyline is the one that's currently regulated to side quests, but they're subplot's currently also tied into the whole dead old god blood down in the Spider-zone.
So that plot line will likely be continued next season and considering Rexxar is the Delves partner for season 2. Well, Hunting dangerous creatures in the Rootlands is an easy set up to get him involved in that seasons Delve storyline.
Their subplots.*
harronir are basically 100% confirmed as an allied race at this point so there WILL be a patch dedicated to them specifically.
how are they not a quilboar race again? faggots want them to be a troll/elf race so bad.
Dawnbreakers probably my favourite dungeon after several expansions, I'm always keen for that.
>how are they not a quilboar race again? faggots want them to be a troll/elf race so bad.
Because they look like elves/trolls, not quilboars you fucking tard
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It over… liquid 7/8 and Max will kill it on reset with gear tomorrow.
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Locking myself in the vault if I don't get something good.
Its not looking good for Echo or Method. Max seems to have collected enough donobombs to run away with this. EUsisters, any response?
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>on alt
>looking at some keys
>search for 4s
>all the keys are NW
>ignoring the quills, fur, roots, thorns, pig ears
>not a single discernible elf or troll feature
>even their feet are just human feet
don't throw rocks in glass houses you mouthbreathing fucking tranny
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well done well done
wow token price going through the roof post season
no one is buying wow tokens
no one is playing
no one is resubbing
people have quit
Ethereals will likely get a patch in Midnight. I dont really see them doing ANOTHER "Rift to the void underground" again so soon.
doesnt it go down when nobody is buying?
>a Worgen-like curse they gained from so much appraisal to a Loa like Hir'eek
Damn that would've been way cooler.
It's weird that only a wolf had a druid curse about them when you look at the list of other wild golds.
>waaaa they're elves
>waaaaaa they're trolls
>waaaaaaaaaaaa they're actually quilboars
They're bats you absolute fucking idiots. They literally turn into bats
Metzen confirmed that he arrived almost a year into the War Within's development and only later suggested that the War Within should be the first expansion of a trilogy of shorter expansions.
In order to make it happen, a stupid amount of content was probably cut from the expansion, which would be why the 11.0 story feels so rushed and self-contained, with a lot of shit that should be important relegated to side-quests (harronir, tyrannical titanic keepers, extremist arathi zealots).
Just because the "Rootlands" were datamined, that doesn't mean we're actually going to get them. We were meant to get at least two more battlefronts in BFA according to data-mining and look how that turned out. No, Metzen's probably cancelled the Rootlands in favour of something else unconnected to 11.0, something new that doesn't carry the taint of the loathsome Danuser. I'm betting on an Undermine patch.
she a cute

personally i wish they were all bulkier
they dont look dragon-y enough
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>Tyrannical and Fort don't rotate
>Stuck with Tyrannical stitchflesh forever
it's going to be undermine into ethereal world into midnight
Doomtranny spotted. Wow tokens were literally 180k 2 days ago. The sudden price hike means higher demand which means more players are playing rn
Don't look up what the Troll Druid flight form is bro.
bro i hope they use kezan as the next patch zone and add undermine as the raid. a goblin tier would be kino
>troll druid
only night elves are druids
just triple spear and lust bro
if your dps doesnt suck you can onephase him on +7 and below
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I love modded Doom enemies.
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stop tellin fibs
Based on their appearance, the haranir may be descendants of a "missing link" between dark trolls and night elves, as most of their features seem to be midway between those of trolls and night elves. For example, their tusks are smaller than troll tusks but not as small as night elf fangs, and their eyebrows are longer than troll brows but not as long as elven ones. Orweyna's feet each possess four forward-facing toes and a single claw protruding from the heel, similar to a troll, though all other haranir have five forward-facing toes (though this was a model revision). The haranir also speak with troll-like accents, though not as thickly or noticeably as most trolls. This explanation does not account for the haranir's quills, but it can be noted that the Shadowtooth clan of dark trolls worshipped Agamaggan, the progenitor of the quilboar.
Ethereals are being set up to come back, right? The ethereal princess boss in the raid doesn't actually die, she escapes and leaves a chest behind.
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I'm scared
Anon there is a rotation and you're not doing 10s
I doubt Rootlands is scrapped. What I think is more likely to be happened is despite being wanting Undermine as a raid, they'll likely do a Goblin tie in plot to Rootlands and the Harronir plot. Probably Nature vs Machine for patch.

There's a few areas currently in War Within that have all this nature hanging down, that if you try flying up to you get teleported out. If they scrapped the Rootlands, they could've easily just covered up these locations and not left them open for a later patch.
Then you've got the Goblins outside a big lift nearing the Ringing Deeps, that'll obviously lead to somewhere that can't be the Undermine.
oh they swap
thank cunny!
anon you can go in game right now and both are active in all keys.
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>arcane easier to play
>still do more dmg as frost because of so much muscle memory
>arcane gets nerfed
>frost rotation comes to light where you blow all your cooldowns and spam ice lance
>top meters every time
>don't even touch glacial spike outside of downtime between icy veins
>glacial spike getting buffed to do 20% more damage, so is ray of frost but who the fuck uses that shit
we're so back frost sissies
She cute (both forms)
>flying spidermastermind
imagine a flying archvile that can cast while moving
It's also worth noting, that Talanji was used as a placeholder model for Orweyna during the Blizzcon footage. Pretty sure they also share the same VA?
They're obviously intended by Blizzard to be related to Trolls in some fashion.
>echo is falling apart because their healers can't handle the one tank strat
That's what they get for kicking the best healer in the world over nothing
i'm never disappointed to see this wolf though
>the best healer in the world
that's method josh though
>echo play destiny 2 one time
>immediately shit the bed
>Placeholder was a Talanji model.
>Generic named NPC when she's in other peoples party is a Night Elf NPC.
You can't get more obvious than that bros.
when are we getting punished josh: a priest denied his cunny
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>Most popular class is paladin
>Never any tanks
There is no one tank strat on this boss, blizzard hotfixed the tank debuff to make that impossible almost instantly
Prot is fucking trash
sorry for not playing prot
>most popular class is the one that is overpowered at healing and dps
>why won't they tank???
a mystery to be sure
Ret is so op lmao
>echo keeps wiping to the easiest part of p3
>the casters on their main stream coping about how a kill is coming any minute now
They have at LEAST another 30 pulls and probably more with how badly they keep playing p2.
Whens the last time a mid expansion raid was visible from the launch patch. I.E. ice crown citadel is literally right there in the middle of fucking ice crown and you just can't go there yet.
nighthold, tomb of sargeras
Sanctum of Domination in Shadowlands.
Since it's both Torghast and Oribos.
Avid bismuth collector.
Post your hauls, bros!
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>do nothing except fart and belch pure hydrogen sulfide all day
>one sip of apple cider vinegar
>immediately stops
chemicals are fuking weird. how is there enough matter in my stomach to create the like 4 cubic feet of hydrogen sulfide and methane I excreted.
Prot pally sucks balls
I kinda like those silly Pokemon Snap WQs...
Blackrock Foundry. Technically SoO as well.
>cosplaying a panda brewmaster irl
yes it is, devastation evoker is also total dogshit while Aug is the best spec in game
almost as if raw dos numbers from a single raid don't mean jack fucking shit. I'm not surprised that the people obsessed with parses are the most clueless people
"Just can't go there yet" kinda disqualifies raids that take place in areas that you can already go

blackrock foundry wasn't a mid expansion raid.
Just wanting to warn y’all to not trust the AH to match the price of the auction it’s showing when you go to sell. It set my TCG pet at 174k instead of the 1.7M every single other one was at, as the AH tends to match the lowest live auction. I didn’t notice and someone bought it immediately, all my WoW savings gone in this terrible mistake.

Don’t be a fool like me, double or maybe triple check your auction listings. Whoever got my Soul Trader for 174k. . .I guess enjoy your easy profit, I’m definitely feeling shitty about it. Idk if I can even log in for a while, like wtf. I can post an item and it’ll match the lowest priced auction, all that changes when you do a big ticket one? An incredibly expensive mistake and learning lesson I want to share so others don’t lose all their gold.
my brew keg accessory didn't arrive in time for the con. was going to fill it with tuna pasta bake, I had a cool trick prepared where I'd pretend to be guzzling brew but really I was eating the pasta bake and brewing more violently acidic farts in my stomach.
What do I do for the next 3 hours.....
oldest trick in the book
Yes, but the specific parts of the raid you couldn't go. You were stuck in Torghast's basement, dealing with the other wings.
It's the upper parts of Torghast the raid takes place in.
Legion. The Tomb of Sargeras even had the swirly raid entrance if you could get to it.
oh my god...it's been with us since the beginning...
>not available on launch
>not mid-expansion
fucking retard.
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Khadgars girlfriend makes him a chair and you all laugh? Where is your girlfriend? What has she ever done for you?
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Neva Eva
Bro you fell for the most basic trick in the book.
can you post the bingo chart again
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Post your vaults!
It opened like 3 weeks late still during 6.0
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I'm going to gut the employees at blizzard one day for this fucking 'joke'
Fuck should've rolled warrior instead of mage.
Even less buttons to push and simply more dps in all situations.
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kek, thanks
2 tier 8 delve spots and a singular M+4 dungeon spot, i'm in for ruin desu.
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>making your decision of what class you want to play purely on their performance in mythic raids
i cant tell if the dungeons are overturned as fuck or if there is just a massive influx in shitters in my groups, healers specifically
healing is hard
It's big and purple!
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>Thrall picks up all the Orcs he can find and leaves to the other side of the world, having no interest in dealing with the Alliance again and leaving them be.
>Picks up the Darkspear Trolls on the way and a few Goblin allies.
>Saves the Tauren and finds new found allies in the region that they've formed a long lasting brotherhood with.

>Alliance could've just let them all be on the other side of the world and dealt with the Scourge problems in the Northern parts of the continent.
>Alliance instead chase after the Horde because they're just petty.

What the fuck was Daelin and the Blues problem?
Healing in the beginning of expansions is always limp dick bullshit. You struggle to raise the tanks health from 70% to 100% and everyone standing in puddles fucking cripples you. Healing at the end of the expansion is you slingshotting everyones health bars to 100% from 10% as the boss passively damages your whole raid.
more dps = more better
trying M0 stonevault as a 598 ilvl tank for the first time and boy if the trash mob rip me a new one,boss are fine tho.it's like that on others M+ or it's just this one?
the dungeons are pretty easy outside some really hard spots
Have you read Tides of Darkness?
Daelin watched his son die to an orc dragonrider during the second war, it mindbroke him into what he became in WC3 (which is funny since Jaina admitted he was right 20 years later anyway)
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shit is not bussin
>miss kick
>take avoidable damage
>blame the healer

there's some M+ dungeon fights that ask you to dodge too many things at once. I'd say last boss of city of echos and stonevault are both hectic but completely managable. But, the duo boss in stonevault and the mid boss of mists of tirna scithe both have you scrambling to not get 1 shot by shit thats practically happening off screen, even on low keys.
I'll probably get fucked on choices anyways.
I would take 2-player ogre any day. I would play the caster 2nd head and only log in to decompress from work
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femhum pallies
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>they actually did this with cho'gall in hots
>the names people came up with
I don't have the full collage. Have the most infamous one.
which face is that
Are you a warrior eating magic damage?
is there no catchup for coffer keys?
Please please please step on me
made for breeding
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>fucking cripples
Nig'ger>that one
Battle For Dazar'alor and the 8.1.5 raid that I forget the name of because my guild never did it
Get'AIDS is better because of the juxtaposition from the composite names.
>game turns to shit immediately after you hit the timegate
Every fucking time.
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>already complete addicted again
fuck this game is literally crack why is the gearing treadmill so addicting?
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This guy plays the game.
This guy doesn't.
Why would I do that?
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you dont like running the same 5 dungeons over and over?
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...Yeah, i even took spell block for that.
she looks like she fucks human men
I can pay...
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>This guy plays the game.
>mental ill retard who plays the same game for years is burned out and has no fun anymore

I'm 100% sure I play more video games than that guy and I have more fun.
my Cho name is 'Sex'
who wants to be my Gall
gz anon
are you using the blue herbalist gear?
can I still do faceroll mythic necrotic wake on SL difficulty for the mount or am I just cucked out forever?
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cucked till s2
Watching the infinite spinoffs of elf and reskins when they had working models for twin headed ogres all along just fucks with me so bad
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This. WoW players are just jealous that FFXIV is the world’s most popular MMO with over 30 million players and more mods than Skyrim. It has the most evergreen content like Eureka, POTD, Diadem, Anima relics, guildhests, Titan EX, Coils, and so much more. And when you’re done playing, you can just go play other games since FFXIV respects your time. Take that, Bobby Kotick. We like this.
so euros whine incessantly about muh 18 hour headstart but they dont have to deal with the constant extended maintenance that us beta testers have to
so why are you whining little men?
damn, wow being more popular now than even during og wrath really mindbroke zivvies, huh?
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why did they give her this smirk
I used the boost on AD EU (ally). After about 10 hours of playtime I’m now level 80. Outside of a few rare callouts and a few lines of text in delves on zone chat I haven’t seen a single person say anything in chat, ever. Nothing in stormwind, nothing in dornogal, nothing in any of the zones.
you're in the time-out shard
I'm going to pass for now.
It used to be better before the xpansion launched, I did encounter an entire group of 6 people rping at one of the deeps worldsoul spots, which was really neat
>another thread about Gbank deletions on reddit getting bombarded with shills whining that it's literally impossible to keep backups and everyone who thinks that a hundred million dollar operation built entirely on data hoarding should try to keep good backups is an entitled chud
Please just one picture...
TAOOOBA bro's... are we back!?
nigga who cares about your guild banked greys from tbc
someone else complimented my slutmog on ad earlier so there's that
usa won
I miss Legion
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post your race fanfics. here's one I came up with - "American"
I attached a pic for reference

Stand Your Ground
Americans are authorized to use lethal force, increasing damage with guns by 1%. Bonus increased while in starting zones and indoors.
Hearty and Unhealthy
Eat food 100% faster, restoring HP and mana and receiving well-fed twice as fast.
Stars 'n' Stripes
A deep patriotism rooted in their love for black people, drugs, pedophilia, and firearms manifests itself as a flag. This rallies all Americans within 100 yards, acting as a Bloodlust effect.
American Moment
Americans have a chance to lose 100% of their intellect for a moment, before returning to 70% of normal.

The Americans are a friendly and loyal offshoot of humans which resulted when a group of humans were allowed to interbreed between races and castes unchecked. they are bolstered by their allies, the jews, who provide them with healthy medicine and food in exchange for foreign aid. recently, their home country has come under attack from within... the americans seek to restore their honor by fighting bravely alongside the alliance and horde, but struggle with their eating habits and IQ at times.
>getting filterd by mot
She looks like she likes ice cream
upvoted good sirs
Duo in stonevault is extremely formulaic as long as you have a ranged interrupt. Skill issue.
>someone else complimented my slutmog on ad earlier so there's that
you can't post that and not show anything. that's a crime.

Imagine how wholesome it would be for Sylvanas to return in Midnight pregnant with Anduin's child
Don't you mean "homebrew" retard?
first day on the internet?
if you want to see more whining go look @gingitv's twitter
bunch of sore losers
What about Nathanos.
>Imagine how wholesome it would be for Sylvanas to return in Midnight pregnant with Anduin's child
Like, wasn't there a developer who wrote some self insert for Sylvanas?
they're overturned because of the dumb esports shit going on, le mythic week, it's so tiresome
I haven’t played since BFA, but I seem to recall that the wow tokens I used to buy were around 220k? So are there less players than BFA or is my memory just fucked from the last four years of being online?
What about him?
you're insane if you think the mentally ill incels care about reality
so how bad do they nerf mythic+'s for the shitters
worse than cata heroics?
tokens were 280k today = more people playing.
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A moment of silence is in order. They tried so hard, and got so far...
they're overtuned and people are shitters
take necrotic wake for instance the first boss's heave literally does 100% of your health if you dont press anything on 9 and 10
it didnt do that in shadowlands on a 20
just hit 80
what next
they made delves just for those shitters
kino ship 2bh.
>maze+er insta seethe
demand drives the price down retard
there are less people buying or blizzard is artificially raising the price
Rsham totemic vs farseer: which one is easier? I cbf’d tryharding
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please stop making fun of me...
blizz always overtunes m+ for week 1 of the expansion. they always start it on tyrannical (the harder affix) too. in dragonflight and in tww they doubled the damage of random boss abilities 1 week before launch and big surprise those bosses are brutal now
why are they doing maintenance now

i want to play
>avoids the eye of sauron rancid cesspool twitchfags
He gets to watch her give birth
>necrotic wake for instance the first boss's heave literally does 100% of your health if you dont press anything on 9 and 10
>it didnt do that in shadowlands on a 20
It did S1.. especially on tyrannical... it's just no one played on tyran weeks in S1 since you didn't have to do both.
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yep, pure kino

she is anduin's wife now
Dead for good
PvE will NEVER be a real Esport.
I wish I was xal'atath irl
I wish I could teleport around and send my crab army to kill people who annoy me
wow shouldn't be an esport
So is Khadgar dating that one girl again or are people just bringing her up out of nowhere? Did she actually make him a chair?
Okay? It shouldn't be and this game shouldn't have pvp
nobody played s1 of shadowlands because wiping once after spawning the red guy bricked your key
>he can't self insert as anduin
>yep, pure kino
When did that ship blow up, in SL? I guess there was always some chemistry between these two.
Don’t wipe.
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MAX vindicated
>bringing up out of nowhere
Quit speed reading. It makes you less retarded
PvE by definition cannot be a sport.
I did. It was probably the most demanding season I've ever tanked. It was fun in a way, but highly restrictive. I remember thinking at the time anyone who picked up tanking for the first time in S1 of SL would have a terrible time.
>>he can't self insert as anduin
IM NOT WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!
the lowest of the low...
she will never have me...
Will he be holding her hand during the process.
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when maintenance end?
It never blew up. It was forced
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Digits and all our vaults look good this week.
I joined for a worldboss kill in a full 40man raid and the game became a total slideshow. Why? Too many spell effects and prticles? Or is it a cpu issue?
I got a 3070 and some basic bitch ryzen 5000
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>it is just a store mog
back to xiv with you TROON
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My guild of 13 years lost every item and not even a single one was restored. Support said there is nothing they can do about it aside from making noise. Please don't forget they wiped many guilds out.
lot's of retards seem to think so including blizzard, bosses keep getting bugged/automated and they just want people to memoryhole it
not my...
*checks notes*
grey item from a wolf!
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>Heroes of the Storm
Blizzard chasing the esports dragon has ruined basically everything they've made since Starcraft 2
>lost sunk cost white trash hoarder hoard nobody used anyway
they already mailed you your shit jamal
>storing precious items in a guildbank instead of yours
lmaoing @you low iq mmoid
Hahahaha who care dont matter nothing matters none of this matters big deal noone cares its not a problem TWENTY MILLION CHINESE ACCOUNTS
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Digits and my vaults based.
maybe you should have kept all your items on your characters instead of exploiting bank alts
moonie feet pls
>EU hours
>Tranny discord guild's brown third world commies dont understand the importance of ownership/property
checks out.
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its over.
9 vers rings for you
Don't forget the majority of people playing WoW are people like you.
Let that sink in.
Disgusting I know.
I play both games and I'm also a xivgger in vacation on wow
I miss you guys, I do m+ until my brian fries and I come back
kind regards
a sunnie from Lich, Light
19 members
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum
100+ members
>NA hours
dead thread up for 8 hours with coomers only
>EU hours
people actually playing the game
the morbidly obese bald american is mad
What killed the hype?
There was hype? Who was hyped for what?
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I'm so ready for Midnight bros
The Excel World Championships (yes that's a real thing) have more credibility than raid world first
>haha the american in my head is mad!
>the tranny commie thirdie is butthurt beyond belief
>"people actually playing the game"
trooncord browns arent people
they shouldve made tbc flying as fast as it is in dawnbreaker
>demand drives the price down retard
Think about what you just said, there's no way you're this retarded
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>nw 6
>everything goes well
>3rd boss
>1 dps dies
>i revive
>healer dies
>i revive
>they still die again and we wipe
>do again
>healer dies within 1 minute
>do again
>healer dies again within 1 minute
>mage leaves
>group disbands
I'm never getting to 2000
I'm at 1609 and i can't do any keys at 5-6 because people constantly shit up everything and then leave
>19 members
>EU hours
>thread is suddenly filled with seething brownoids
huh, interesting
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are you retarded? i am whiter than you will ever be by simply being a euro
>amerimutt in charge of thinking he's "white"
>delves are meant to be solo dungeons
>brann cannot dps at all
>nor can he tank
Delves are dungeons with a pocket healer
The wow token market is a funny one because demand doesn't rely on playerbase itself, but on playerbase*proportion that would just rather pay for gold, with the amount of people buying tokens with gold affecting that. It's not a normal market.


Historically, the price tends to drop on raid and exp starts.
so why aren't you healing then?
these posts are always scammers trying to get gibs from blizzard, it's the same thing as when a ban wave goes out a bunch of guilty idiots come out of the woodwok and post sob stories, trying to get community sympathy
>>brann cannot dps at all
sounds like a skill issue
level up ur brann
>EU hours
>some addon causing muh UI errors
>can't fucking cast spells using keyboard until you reload
it would be the same shit when i would play healer
just that a dps would die instead of me
methodbros let's fuckin goooooo
That looks like shit
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Your belt doesnt match your mog bro
The lack of "we focus the construct to deal with the dmg aura" concerns me.
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and yet you will keep playing like the whipped cuck you are lolmao
Lads, why are Echo betraying us by playing this traitor music in their RWF. Don't think they have to play only bangers like ominous_winds_chain_rattling.ogg
yo that last slot is sussin fr
it's designed for WFR raiders, have fun!
you can't hype up XIV as the award-winning CUMSEXRAPE game and then not post moonie feet
its only fair that the EU servers go down for the exact amount of time that the NA servers go down for
EU has banked up about six hours since the start of the expansion
make them pay Ion
its time
its only fair
you cant say its a fair race when you make the NAs deal with your shitty maintenances
>watching RWF streams of guilds that aren't even in contention of getting world first.
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It's push week!
sorry bro, there's no guides to youtube for this one. oh wait, there is, watching Echo VODs
pushing my dick down your throat
don't make me rape you
>NA hours
>someone who never left his country only speaks one language cries about culture war shit

Where can I farm Radiant Echo?
Did they bring back any methods to get the original MoP Armours & WoD Weapons or are those still causing people to seethe about missing out?

It's me, I'm seething about missing some
you probably wont even reach my molars
you think echo is going to kill silken court before reset? lmao
Whatcha pushing bud!?
name and server so i can block you fucking bricking shitter liability kill yourself dont say that fucking word ever again
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Echo literally copied max's strat for court because it was better
>EU hours
>Seething brownoid replies to almost 20 minute old post out of sheer buttblastedness

Can someone explain the arcane meme to me? How is this one of the most played classes when every time I do a key the trash is dead before I can even pop my cooldowns? And then it’s 45 seconds of single target until you can do it again. Surely there’s a better suited class for this.
i sentence you to one week of doing delves as a shadow priest
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ist ober fir du
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>feel 1 teaspoon of nostalgia
>immediately get sad
yeah... thanks
>no t8 delves
it's over
>questing in area 52
>notice the sweater that the goblin inkeeper gal is wearing
What the actual fuck did they mean by this
old org was so much better its unreal
>8 tier 7s, no tier 8
I wanted that owl staff so bad
But as a boomkin main trying to play that resto mage tower was extremely cringe
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It's 2x easier for the same upgrade track
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As someone who knew nothing about delves before playing the expansion (other than it was supposed to be a new form of solo content), I always assumed you went in with a full party of NPCs.
When I did my first delves with Brann, I thought: "Uh, I wonder when I'm going to unlock the rest of the party." It turns out it's just Brann and no one else.

I also assumed they would lean more on "singleplayer-friendly" content, like puzzles, dialogue choices, secret bonus rooms... you know, the kind of stuff that's cool on paper, but a pain in the ass to do in a GOTTA GO FAST AND COLLECT MY LOOT, SKIP SKIP SKIP environment.
But all we got was a bunch of shitty M+ dungeons.
half of liquishit is poached method and echo raiders KEK
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>have barely touched m+

feels good man ngl
Get those tier 8 delves and some M+ 7's this week man. I believe in you.
>they recognize that max is the better leader and jump ship
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>another anti lore class
It's another episode of a shaman dying first during every boss fight because he can't be bothered to avoid damage.
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I'm tired, boss.
current m+ scene is complete shit and you should stay away unless you are a neet
>I heckin love wasting crests and valor stones to upgrade the gear I get from the vault even though I can easily solo 8s at my gear level
yep, sure
>shower: had
>eggs: eaten
>raidbots open
when vault?
>crests and stones
>when they're literally free
You realize that because of their retarded scaling, tier 7 delves are a walk in the park compared to 8, right?
If FFXIV had M+ id would switch. I tried to play and the game is a lot of fun and objectively does a lot of things better than WoW but the endgame gameplay loop is non-existent unless you just like standing around and chatting with homosexuals in slutmog.
>Savage Raids
you can literally do them with garbage gear and then the BIS gear you get from them arent useful for any other content
Fix PvP and add an actual endgame progression vertical progression track and they will kill WoW
hopefully after your raid sweeps 8/8N6/8H for upgrades before opening vault
Darkest before the dawn man. We're gonna make it.
it's funny, the devs can now make extremely large winding dungeons the traditional way finally that people have wanted for so long with a simple checkpoint system in the delves, but the nu devs are so completely out if their element and used to making adhd shit that the art is completely lost to blizzard now
my alts vault looks like that, but with 2 more level 1 world events and raid finder filled out.
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I'll be honest, I'm a passable player, capable of getting 20(10) in every dungeon. I just don't have the willpower to read 10 guides, get declined for 30 mins from pugs, end up with worst possible players that ever lived and get 50 gold for it.

I'll just wait to get carried later. Meanwhile I'm doing delves and shitposting.
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I'm glad I get to access the best XIV content for free on the trial.
Same upgrade tracks
the gearing/itemization in ffxiv and the way dungeons are structured wouldn't allow for m+
>any of the that being true and not just (((Max))) offering more money
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Just as it should be!
you're clearly at least 610 ilvl and complaining that content that is easily soloable at 585 ilvl isn't free enough. And you're willing to waste high value crests so that you have the privilege of grinding longer
>theyre free!
>retarded nigga doesnt know theres a cap
>retarded nigga doesnt know you can buy higher ones when you get 606
>scamming lazy jeet scams himself
shoudldnt'ddnt't have redeemed.
the only thing i need from the raid is h ovinaxx for the ring, i guess technically h silken court axe is better than what im using but no ilvl kyveza trinket might be an upgrade, havent simmed it, and the very rare queen ring but im a pugger so its pretty pointless desu
every tier slot is heroic and ive been 4p since last tuesday
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bro... Don't be like that
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is this trinket really that good?
when do you guys think they're killing the last boss? thursday?
holy sex
enjoy your eye cancer
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> Did she actually make him a chair?
yeah doomtroons were seething about this shit
No, just lame recolors. Like cycle armor here but lacking the cool effects. Enjoy being cucked eternally.
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My brother.
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There may be an influx of players but holy fuck how is it possible for me to inspect a person who has been playing since two-thousand-fucking nine and they STILL don't know what their spells or abilities do?
I'll be honest. If I didn't play a tank, I'd do the same. Anytime I get the urge to play my rogue I quickly go back to tank because getting denied or listing for 30+ minutes is demoralizing. Even if I do get to run a key I can get annoyed if a tank doesn't take the route I like. (Although I would never say anything)
its basically ashes without the curse, so ya prob pretty good
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Report the retarded xiv trannies
like holy shit
oh womp fucking womp pussy
No, he stays behind the glass window outside
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Is there anything worth grinding out the class halls, whatever BfA had, and the Shadowhall covenants?

I remember you got a mount at least from the class halls, but I'm not sure if they had anything else, and then I completely skipped the expansions until TWW.
go fuck yourself nigger.
if he keeps posting shit like pink haired bitch he can stay
ye in na retards are buying tokens to pay for carries before reset it's really not that hard to understand bitch
>play tank
>set the group pacing
>know my shit
>know my party's general strength and ability to succeed by the 3rd or 4th pack
>have VERY high success rate in my content (over 90% without any wipes)

>play DPS
>finally get into group, group takes 20 fucking minutes to realize that another person needs to help summon
>wipe like 2 pulls in
>DPS is in the tubes, dumbass retards dying to the most blatantly obvious shit
>go back to collecting mogs or some shit

>inb4 "hur dur join a guild"
I've yet to be in a guild, ever, that actually has their shit together. The closest I got was in wrath where they had 2 five-man teams running heroics through the week and come raid night we combined into one 10m team, but even then that caused issues.
>humiliation ritual
how hard is broodtwister for pugs?
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You won't get legends like these anymore.
>switch to healer brann
>he's literally doing the same amount of healing as before
and by "same amount of healing" I mean very good healing. healer brann was never bad for healing lol
>getting denied or listing for 30+ minutes is demoralizing
dont apply to shit you dont have the ilvl for retard
Creampie by blind balding stinky old orc peon rn!
its crazy how much better varians design is without the fatass lion pauldrons
>play tank
>DPS is fine
>play DPS
>DPS is shitty retards
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I had a dream that we got a new epic battleground that was like a mix of cs_office and de_prodigy.
Also demon hunters got a new metamorphosis (like druid with werebear) that had giant gnarly claws like bony growths and passively snarled gutturally.
I severely doubt that. The game has elitism about LFR black temple time walking, anon.
>have higher ilvl for content you're doing and you'll get invited instantly!
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
my rogue has higher ilv than the shit im applying for normally.
same situation.
>I've yet to be in a guild, ever, that actually has their shit together. T
nerub is pretty fun.
but will i get to be a dps rogue in nerub?
yeah i got kicked from a bt timewalking because i was telling the raid leader hes taking shit too seriously when he was seething over a few deaths
and then i immediately found a new group because there are 20 of them forming at any one point
Surely this neckbeard loser is winning RWF since he's putting so much pressure on people to raid.
What's that, realm 6th? LMAO, I'd ditch this loser child to go blast M+ with the homies.
skill issue
i play ret
i get invited to anything i want at 214 ilvl
>612 hunter
>apply for normal sikran that has "NEED RANGED" in title, 0 hunters, and is short 4 dps
>get declined
sorry +3 is too hard for you
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blizzard...my legs...
brewmaster monk keeps getting declined for keys. my ilv is 611 sometimes if your class stinks people will just shit on you.
So...are the servers gonna come online or...?
damn racists
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in another universe
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bwos i love this cat
>healer brann was never bad
>they forgot about the +125% hotfix
>humiliation ritual
void elf paladins when

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when im through with this fox, she wont be able to walk straight anyway.
>spawn wrong eggs
>not 3/4/4
>lets fixate reach you
>doesnt interrupt worm
>tank doesnt get big spider before it attacks a dps for 7 seconds
>dispelling root early
>stands in bad
>more wrong eggs
>doesnt personal
>4 pug leave every wipe
>30 minutes in queue for roster
i have 31 wipes in pug but i can do it in my sleep
>if your class stinks
*Isn't the 5 accepted meta classes that reddit is shitting themselvs over currently because of whatever youtubers currently passed around infographic
This shit can literally say "are within 2% of eachother" and the mouthbreathing retards that populate 98% of this game will screech about you not playing the 'right' one
while doing worse than you despite it
S2 when they destroy delves is gonna be something to see.
What is the Maestro cooking? Bet they paid Ion to give them bunch of mythic trinkets in their vaults...
all races will get paladin in a .5 patch
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>apply for any content ever
>don't get accepted unless at least 15 ilvls overgeared because a bunch of people who were 10 ilvls overgeared already applied
Doing 9's atm. Try again.
you can like skip half the fight if you have good dps
bro i cant believe i was hyped for this slop
this shit look so fucking bad now lmao
Permanent shut down. This is just the denial waiting room
shit is that Dremlock fucking 4?
man me and the boys were hyped for this shit back in the day.
>one year
>60 dollars
>preceeded by the expansion with the lowest amount of content over(TWW)
>no expansion features promised
what new class are we getting for MIDnight?
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Would you rather bash your head against shitters in BT or make your own fun?
gay ass faggots
we need like 3 x the delves. instead of delves rotating 3 stories, rotate 2 and double the number of delve sites, give me a chance to get more keys, give me a chance to sell my raid and ability to do m+ for more bountiful keys.
add more companions, add more puzzles. give me more fucking keys.
retarded tranny already seething lmao
Something appropriate for the elf expansion that won't have helves: battle alchemist championed by the undead and goblins
ya no the dps was abyssmal
this guy seems cool
he should become sylvanas boy toy
if you don't have mythic track in your vault this week it's over for you
go back to your 4 delves a week and mogsmountscheevos and let the big boys play
>Something appropriate for the elf expansion that won't have helves: battle alchemist championed by the undead and goblins
don't forget void trolls for added insult to injury
One new spec for every class.
If they actually make breeding and impregnating Xalatath a feature I'm willing to buy the EA edition without hesitation
>make my own groups as a healer that instantly fill up or join the 500 groups already up that are in desperate need of a healer
>get carried because there's a healer shortage in this expansion
feels nice
>Troon squad
They should all follow that fat pie-eating retards example.
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C-can I have an invite to your +10 weekly no leavers group, a-anon?
i'll let you in on a secret
are you ready
that's every expansion retard
her human paladin husband is so lucky
You can have an invite to my filter list
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Who took this picture?
Why do they need 3 hour maintenance on a fucking non patch day? The fuck is wrong with this incompetent piece of shit company?
how did ffxiv manage to defeat wow?
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fake news
the funny thing is, EU hours goes down from 3am to 6am, but NA goes down from 9am to 12pm. EU chads winning yet again
It's up early. I told you morans.
another 45 minutes until the extension is announced anon
Who the fuck are you talking about Anon, not everyone follows your celebrities watchlist.
Anyway, more kino
>When did that ship blow up, in SL?

SL and her book.
Their interactions were surprisingly close in SL, and in her book she opens up to him and tells him pretty much her whole life. She even outrights ends considering the one individual that gives her hope, as she eagerly awaits for his return
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>Retarded boomer-wannabe cant into context clues.
No wonder you want to go back to when the game was 3 buttons and noone knew you were a retard just by your spec choices.
this is why i dont trust panda players btw
>and noone knew you were a retard just by your spec choices.
people literally knew this back in vanilla tho
hell people even begged blizzard for inspect talents
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should i redeem sirs?
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Sure, take the dick out of your mouth though.
its ugly as sin but +1 to the collection
it's kinda funny how such a small change to flying literally breathed new life into the game
guess it goes to show the real secret to good games is to build a better foundation and improve on it
I think enchants should count towards ilvl
>Daelin started it
He did. The orcs were exiled to an unlivable desert after being freed. Then humanity decided the desert was actually their land, showed up, started a fight and got beaten to death by Thrall, Rexxar and Jaina.

The worst part is they didn't even learn their lesson. The Scarlet Crusade was originally 100% supported by Stormwind City, who for some reason believed that they are "the real inheritors" of Lordaeron rather than the people who actually lived there. And then they tried it a third time with Silvermoon City, because of the 3 high elves who live in Stormwind.
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Why is it that as a solo player, getting good gear in Delve triggers so many M+ retards? I love it though, their tear is like the nectar of the gods and fuels me.
You can only equip 1 transmog.
Ride 1 mount.
Nobody cares about your achievements.
Stop collecting and wasting your time.
In reality: Nobody running M+ cares. Their rating is what matters, not ilvl.
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Mounts, mogs, cheevos. That is the game. I'm sorry you thought it was anything else.
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Orgrim Doomhammer
Of the Horde
>1 transmog
Oh yeah man that's such a weird limit on the game that standardized transmogging. Can't believe it's still there
Anon they care we had half a thread of them seething about it yesterday
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Does anyone have the screenshot of like 50 twitter posts circa DF's release where blizz devs were making tweets berating players and calling them people of simple minds etc?
Sending all my energy to China so they can send Echo into 4th place!
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I quit M+ after watching people fail the same npc mechanics at the same health percentage they'd done 1000 times before. PvP is better.
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Echo sisters...

not like this...
why would i care about free champion gear when i get free hero gear?
I hope max share the special weak auras with them like echo did back in sneedolands
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Honestly, it didn't really make sense when the exodus happened. S4 BFA was the peak of that expansion. It wasn't as good as legion, but still far better than anything in DF or SL. Honestly, I think people used the scandal at blizzard as a reason to shit on the game, despite S4 of BFA and S1 of SL being pretty good.
I don't think flying was what brought people back, I think it was realizing that xiv sucked and is destined to die. Even all the streamers who made a huge deal about quitting all came back.
what went wrong with echo? they're getting beaten by a guild with female raiders
>implying delvekings dont also get hero gear (maps and vault)
whatever helps you feel better about playing second rate content tho anon
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they kicked zaelia because some whore said he is le bad

>beating by a guild with female raiders
you know liquid won aberrus because of a female?
what did he mean by this
anon... your myth track...
>women of warcraft
>the actual women just get curbstomped by str8 males
>unironically the only people upholding actual women of warcraft are fellow (non-tranoid) women and the occasional simp
desu there are tons of women that play this game but they have absolutely zero incentive to reveal their sex
myth track is not worth the stress
Cute bonus hole boi
god i can't wait till addons are banned
Anduin Lothar
Knight Champion
of the Alliance
>method old guard jumps ship when the josh drama surfaces
>they all knew about it and really just left to get a bigger money cut
>still lose to method
brings a tear to my eye
>and they STILL don't know what their spells or abilities do?
NTA but they reinvent the wheel every fucking expansion, it's annoying as fuck to have to re-learn my spec for the umpteenth time
will never ever happen
How is it that your own key is always better than a pug?
because you invite all the big dicks? that's why you install raider io, I +2 my stonevault 7 then a gb 7.
>already at more pulls than it took liquid to kill the boss (171)
>hasn't even gotten a sub 20% pull, which liquid did on like pull 80
they're on track for at least another 75 pulls for a kill. method will get it within 50 pulls.
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I don't care who wins, I just want Liquid to lose.
>collectionfags coping that they're just gambling with time
imagine the chinks pull it off after reset
women don't exist for the purpose of competing with them, you need to free yourself from this missguided modern paradigm that nobody actually believes to be true
Because the average key holder is the literal worst player in the game. They got sick of bricking everyone else's key so they bricked their own. If you are a competent player running your own key then your group will be way above average.

Fuck Walmart
>Echo waking up at 6 AM and going to sleep at 9 PM
Sounds like RWF is just a job and they don't even care about it as much as they used to.
there's 0% chance they lose this tier
better coordination
better strats on average
not too proud to admit when a strat failed (copied method on broodtwister and then executed it better)
harmony with the guild, not all bitching at each other like in echo
paid better and fed better (did you see the slop they gave meeres yesterday?)
You're thinking of the Dragonflight facebook promo / ads
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>they kicked zaelia because some whore said he is le bad
Josh's legacy. Any hole can say RAIDER BAD and instantly cripple a guild
>best zone
>best music
>best dungeon
>best sidequests
how did hallowfall win so fucking hard
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you dont win a mega prize if you win. their income is primarily from streaming, and sponsors. as long as view count is high, it doesnt matter who wins.
>best sidequests
sometimes, you just know
josh wasnt as bad as the other guy ( I think he was the vp of method) who was caught trying to molest people.
correction, can cripple a guild with sponsors
guilds without sponsors don't need to give a fuck
You will say the same thing about next expansion's latest zone.
Hows blood dk right now?
I had not thought about this. I'll start paying attention to who the leader is and who is failing mechanics.

I just invited people around my rating and around my ilvl. Made sure we had a brez and I brought the lust.
>trying to molest
Brother, Josh literally forced himself onto Poopernoodle and did it
Did josh actually get confirmed as to have done something uncouth?
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>Methodjosh returns in the second raid tier
>Method wins RTWF
>Foids seethe
>I just invited people around my rating and around my ilvl. Made sure we had a brez and I brought the lust.
you're doing it wrong anon you're suppose to invite people with 10s and higher ilvl.

the police said there was no real evidence of this.
no sponsers = no money = no gold trading = no split run peon economy = no first war world craft race raid to raid the first world of warcraft race loktar ogar for the horde
dawnbreaker has really grown on me. mostly because its so fast
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>the girl wearing her dad's helmet
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They have played us for fools, anon.
Their Master Ruseman™ tactics are too effective.
Asmon mald about it a few weeks back. Most likly blaming the jews
Before the expansion dropped everyone was saying it was going to be the premier tank.
It's currently one of (or the?) least played tanks in high keys.
As a healer doing mid keys, I prefer a BDK or a Pal over other tanks despite those two being "weak."
china said wowers have the best dick sucking posture. then they come back to our community like nothing happened. i will not forget that and i will not cheer for them.
Asmongold just wants the chair to be replaced by a pair of big, hairy, sweaty balls.
the town theme for hallowfall gives me ps2 jrpg vibes
>the police said there was no real evidence of this.
it's a he said, she said situation and unless she ran to the cops the moment she was able to get to get a rape kit done there's no evidence.

Josh's defense was always "Cops said no evidence" not "i didn't do it" so we all know that psycho did it.
Fucking filthy.
this isn't even the original image the text is describing
Arcane is a bad spec that gets carried by OP spells until the other classes catch up on gear and then it does fuck all.
I have no clue why no one told his the "big hairy sweaty guys wrestling" is also gay too
The big issue with BDK is that the opening of the pull is when they're most vulnerable, so you need about 3 GCDs to get your shit rolling; which often catches healers off guard since they're used to the middle / end of a pull being more dangerous since that's when most tanks have their pre-mitigation starting to run out.

I can live forever as a BDK if I survive the first few seconds of a fight, but the number of times I've had to pop EVERYTHING at the start of a fight because my priest or shaman healer isn't pre-healing me is insane.
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More cinema
Fire just won't ever be good this saga
>it's a he said
the police said it.
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Why are you missing the point so fucking aggressively?
also poor aggro on the pull

my favorite
this trinket is fucking horrible wtf
are the already on the end boss wtf?
pop DRW before the first pack. you choosing to walk into a pack of mobs with 0 runic power and 0 boneshield is not the healer's fault my friend.

BDK has like the best initial threat of all tanks. are you retarded?
>every boss except reliquary and illidan dies in a minute
>nobody knows anything but everything still gets oneshot
I spent 20 minutes learning the strats for black temple...
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What the actual fuck is she talking about?
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>install bloated addon that makes the game drop frames just to know people's io when you can already see their rating when they apply to the key
you've got to be shiting me
I want liquid to win so xiv trannys will have total death, does echo even have emet dancing memes this time?
women don't exist in any capacity relating to you because you inherently don't view them as any more than an object. so you don't need to worry about their purpose because it will never come into contact with you anyway. maybe if you free yourself from the missguided paradigm you have put yourself in due to terminal virginity, you will be happier.
no clue desu
the rating is irrelevant, you have to see how many keys they completed plus the last season rating.
Bro, it's just a fluff piece back slot
didn't josh threaten to stab his GF over some minorshit?
Allegedy threatened to stab his gf,
Allegedy forced himself onto his gf,
was talking to minors via discord but not sure if it's a crime to chat up minors as i don't think he was charged, the police investigated the first two though.
garona is canonically a shoot retard halfbreed who gets manipulated into doing stuff that isn't in her interests
>BDK has like the best initial threat of all tanks. are you retarded?
not when played by me, shitcakes
Echo not even sub 25%

lmao max will be laughing when he wakes up
i miss methodjosh streams
dude was kino personified

he was literally me
>method still ahead of echo with 40 less pulls
Scripebros.... how is Sco beating us??? How could we let this happen???
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>600 ilvl req for tw black temple full run
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>the list of girls who rejected me stream
how else are you going to trade my 8th alt your drops?
blood boil should insta snap aggro on everything. you're probably waiting to long to do it.
I don't think method can get the last 15% in, they're tired already and can't even juke properly
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I desperately want to ejaculate in Zepla's hag pussy over and over until I either knock her up or menopause gets her before I do, at which point I would become even more unrestrained about the ejaculating into her unprotected vagina.

World of Warcraft.
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>servers advertised as being ready by 10 AM PST
>now moved to 12 PM PST

the one fucking day i can play this early and these lazy fucking pigs move it back.

the one.



Echo going to quit to be ffxiv raiders aren't they
I think it's just a case of most of the 2002 lore for the setting becoming non-canon in the year 2004, then again in 2016.
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Whyte men bad, basically. She's saying that humans are skiving and and conniving people who hide behind amorphous / nebulous concepts like nobility in order to justify Bad Things while berating or thinking others are savages for being more pure with their intentions.

But Khadgar is noting that there's very little commonality in those kinds of societies because the end result is mud huts and dirt eating retards with big muscles instead of somewhat refined and at least attempted to civilize themselves into a working class of species that Got Shit Done.

Orcs and the Horde may be "pure" in their rage or lust or desire for power, but Humans and the Alliance actually DOES THINGS with their accomplishments instead of a recursive loop of violence for the sake of it. It's the age old argument of instinct vs rational thought and Garona is too much of a dumb bitch to realize it. She sees the purity of action as the justification instead of the rationale of an action proving higher thought.
gtfo incel
Women should focus on nurturing their femininity rather than trying to be like men
hamlet has the zombie AGP gaze. I assume he feels nothing if he's not in his bedroom jerking off over increasingly extreme porn. dressing as a woman in public is just a sexual thing for him, probably having tits and feminising himself too. gender dysphoria is just the pretense I bet he couldn't be happier it's accepted now.
t. seen his psychotic pervert tirades in the ej msn/druid irc days
she is a transphobic hag with barren womb
I still don't understand how "fire, frost, arcane" are seperate specs. All magic is arcane, they really made the mages of warcraft the most boring fucking thing in the universe
they got 4th in Arcadion. was hilarious how short the race was. its almost like worlo's WFR is intentionally extended
extended lmaooo
i can only get so erect
Im a tank and kept applying to +7s yesterday where the keyholder was some 580-590 ilevel chud in blues that clearly got carried by inviting high io people too stupid/careless to check the group leaders ilevel. Left so fast, not carrying your key faggot, actually I might start joining and bricking it on purpose since you dont deserve it.
scroop sends his regards
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It's not fair, where's the cutehag WoW streamers? og is too powerful, there's also that nice cutehag who's clothed flew off her just because of Emet smiling
what is a man?
>whatever i want
traditionally being a man is certainly not wasting your life on video games, its doing back breaking labor. since you yourself don't come even a fraction close to being a "man", you don't reserve any right to dictate whether women are also performing traditional sex roles. retard

Orc whore trying to deflect from the usual shit that orcs do by saying "humans just as BAD!"
No I don't care if she's half-draenei. She looks like a fucking orc, has never tried to associate with her draenei side, and has primarily hung out around orcs her whole life.
>trying to play before 5pm est on reset say in any videogame
*cough* bros....two hours...*hack* *drool*
im not...gonnna...make......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It's more what >>495807091 said. Warcraft lore back before World of Warcraft was very much more willing to paint the Human Kingdoms in bad light. Ultimately there's just a period where the narrative of the same Humans who willingly put other races into camps and had them as trophies for entertainment, also did shady shit in their history.
Of course, Chronicles came around and very much then proceeded to push Arathor Empire history and painted Humans in a much more positive light, compared to Pre WoW shady Human lore.
>token prices climb higher and higher
Very organic
The hallmark of a real man is controlling himself, controlling his emotions, and acting appropriately regardless of how he feels.
Isn't her canonical story for her mother being preggers was being gangraped by orcs
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We won. Get over it, WoWbucks. Zepla is just chasing FOTM because she's a grifter and a whore. We in the Final Fantasy XIV community support the REAL MMO, the one with the best story that makes you cry and then lets you play other games.
What addon do you use to check ilvls? I tried oilvl yesterday but I wasn't fond of it.
>mythic+ ruined the game
how do we fix this bros? will delves be enough to save WoW?
girl on the right is cute, where do i get a wow gf?
This whole general must be purged, the entire thread is goontarded.
>bought/used like 5 months of tokens when expansion launched because having so much fun
>already half burnt out
ive made a terrible mistake
not my problem
3 buttons DPS specs should be bottom.
>whatever i want
let me reiterate
being a man is
therefore you cannot dictate anything about how the opposite sex conducts their femininity
in fact, what's more feminine than lounging around at home playing video games instead of working outside? LMAO
How dare you not think a trans woman is not cute you fucking bigot!
>a true man is [entirely subjective statement with no relation to reality]
what makes arms warr so good for DPS and what set fury so far back? i truly have no clue and would like to know more.
Her current one? Yeah. Maraad's sister got kidnapped and raped, he only managed to get to his sister as she was dying.
But that's with the Draenei retcons, originally was Half-Human.
Sounds like we should get rid of m+ then :^).
Let's also get rid of Mythic gear level cause clearly only a small percentage goes for it consistently
If you’re working your ass off,
you’re a slave
better survivability AND threat than vdh
the amount of vdhs ive watched leap into a pull and eat shit astounds me, ive done it myself
also rip aggro off vdh easier than every other tank itg
>arms and unholy top tier specs
Feels good niggers
Khadgar never actually refuted the point bro, he's a little wheelchair cuckboy.
Humanity doesn't even have a single human vs human war on historical record before Alterac betrayed the Alliance.
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>mfw I see girls showering
>tfw i know for a fact that wow skanks can, at the very least, blast MASSIVE fucking braps
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licking Mommy's feet
>The hallmark of a real man is controlling himself, controlling his emotions, and acting appropriately regardless of how he feels.
you described a servile and compliant worker drone, not a man
the jew brainrot runs deep with this one
shitters have been told to Git Gud or Fuck Off since WotLK made raiding so easy that Trade Chat PUGs became viable. So shitters, Git Gud or Fuck Off, I'm not carrying your DPS that's competiting with the healer as you click your buttons with your mouse.
>Liquid had 2 frost DKs, a sub rogue and havoc DH in on their silken court kill
oh no no no its heckin over for any spec below enhance on this list
Men should be extremely complicated, a result of the perplexity of empire building and constant war. A man who doesn’t live this reality, isn’t a man
>contributes zero to society
>peak feminine behavior ie sits on his ass and plays silly little games
>somehow thinks his subject opinion on sexes is valid
>somehow thinks he actually falls under the category of a man
>somehow thinks he falls under the category of an "CONTROLLING" "APPROPRIATE" man
bro your reality check?
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this guy isn't reacting as expected to the wowg psychological warfare
this is even better than a new trading post how will this end
i mean this looks pretty balanced
Have they pushed the maintenance time to later yet?
absolute state of troonry
Originally the orcs squatted in the Swamp of Sorrows for almost like 20 years before they started attacking.
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why are raid and m+ sissies so mad about delvechads getting good gear? saw bunch of random fags sperging in chat the other day about it.
ye. 12 pdt
Discipline is the key to success. Absolutely is. If you cannot force yourself to do something that you do not want to do, how are you ever gonna put yourself through the suffering required for greatness?

is this even a new video? feels like i've already watched all of this
>extended 2 hours
fuck you
fury = shitter padding spec
arms = god tier execute damage really good for LONG HARD MYTHIC FIGHTS
max is gon FLIP

jk echo cant even kill silken court lmao
A woman’s true power lies in her ability to inspire and support her man.

Same reason that people made fun of people in TBC who did nothing by raid Karazhan all expansion. Improve yourself instead of being a badgecuck handout NEET
>bible shitter
could you thump your bible a little harder on your keyboard and stop playing the video game so badly? at least do something right
idk if you're retarded or pretending to be retarded but he is condensing thousands of years of philosophical thought on "maledom" into a small pill to be swallowed.
Feel free to read anything from the greeks or the romans.
>suffering required for greatness?
greatness doesn't require suffering, that's why the chefs of Europe who don't run their kitchens like Gordon Ramsay are all more successful than Gordon and the chefs he trains in America.
Suffering doesn't build anything it just breaks you down. You're already broken, a crab trying to drag others into the bucket. Die in a ditch while the rest of us work smarter, not harder
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unironically this
a good woman will bring out the best in (You)
>Whyte men bad
In the light of extreme irony, warcraft was actually at its absolute zenith of Cameron-tier HUMANS BAD narrative around the time of The Frozen Throne. Arthas, Garithos, Daelin Proudmoore, the bad guy from Thrall's novel. WoW didn't shit-talk humans nearly as much and the worst it did was Cataclysm where humans were just mass raped accross the globe by the Horde.
What's your excuse for being a useless waste of oxygen? No woman to inspire you?
You're looking at raid logs which are not real fights. the list actually almost flips on it's head for M+.
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There are two themes that authors should never tackle, or rather never develop, as they are too complex and give rise to too many paradoxes that inevitably ruin world building:
>the place or places of existence after death
>the multiple times

The whole of Shadowlands and Wod and certain parts of DF are incurable warts that totally disfigure the world of Warcraf now.
t. person who has never read a single pholosopher in his life
Freedom will only come when you no longer trade your time for money.
>maintenance gets extended every single week now
They don't even have a team anymore do they.
I just opened my vault and it was dogshit. You know what, I hope next week’s maintenance takes the servers down permanently. Fuck this retarded game.
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stay mad xister :) ill be getting gear without having to deal with mouth breathers such as yourselff.
Why is the xiv tranny this mad today?
>muh stormwinder's burden
silvermoon > lordaeron (even undead) > dalaran > a city with an open sewer everybody shits into
horde have the worst AND best cities
Every maintenance has been like this since TWW launch btw
Theyve been more frequent and longer.
I hate the retards who make this game im not lying.

its a fucking routine weekly maintenance
You’ve never pushed yourself because you believe the goal can never be achieved.
human player counts didn't matter until WoW when they became most of the player counts, cata devs wanted to break, humiliate and teabag those players not moralize at them
dude, wow is literally bigger now than at its peak
he's basically woken up in his biggest nightmare of course he's gonna lose it
>have rule over yourself and you will be free
>through discipline comes freedome
no one cares about your hero track vault lil bro
anon is has always been that way
Who knows probably thinks the general sent a specific free agent retard to spam them.
I still don't know why, at least for WoD, they didn't have some bronze dragon give a line during a quest along the lines of having contained the breach as some sort of pocket universe/timeline, and the legion was our legion trying to undo it.

Maybe that was the storyline, but I don't remember much of a storyline.
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This expansion is the most rushed in history, so every week there are several things to fix, correct or adjust.
Just give it to me straight.

Is season of Discovery fun?

I don't care about any armchair game dev theory. I just wanna know if it's a good time.
shut the frick up
we all loved wod and shadowlands' setting was not the problem
Agreed. Multiple timelines / universes is a lazy writing tactic to make sure a franchise can be milked until the heat death of the universe (see: comics). And the afterlife is always handled poorly.
yes Sister!!!! that will show him!!!!
don't project, crab boy; nobody is gonna be pulled down into the dumps with you
Asses for horde,
Feet for you!
It has faster EXP leveling and your characters will eventually end up on classic era realms, you can use it as tool that way.
Go ask classic. Their dead thread could use the shot of life
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now I will open this by saying I do have autism.

and I want to review on my actions and get opinions - was I in the wrong?

>talking to guild officer pre raid
>he laughs at a joke I made and asks what goes on in my head
>for a example, tell him about my theory that your farts amount, farts size, farts frequency, all has have a strong effect on your thoughts
>he doesn't even hear it out before laughing
>tells everyone as they show up for raid about my "fartlosophy"
>all start calling me names like mr. farty thoughts, fart-for-brains, desfartes
>get embarassed when I mess up on sikran
>officer says "Look he's getting all fartmotional"
>say "fuck you" and leave raid, discord, guild

officer is spamming my phone saying this was an overreaction and he loves having me at raid. but I feel like I was bullied. thoughts?
Suffer because you’re weak or suffer to become strong, but there’s no avoiding the suffering.
>Feet for you!
g-go on then...
>Amerifarts crying over the extended maintenance again
If anything delves are just making everything worse. Mfers showing up with 605 gear 0 clue on how to do anything.
It was fun for 2 months a year ago.
It has been getting worse with every passing week to the point of parody.

There is nothing to discover except retail spells, which you will now have to get all on your own since the only people left have everything.

Imagine trying to do the frozen murloc rune lmao your ass is gonna have to wait until level 40 to get that done.
lmao. Okay but the universe did begin with a big bang.
>confirms his only knowledge of philosophy is out of context one liners
Plato wrote of society to care for the meek and downtrodden. You of course wouldn't know that because you know nothing
so fucking based. EU stays winning, americans stay having 7 hours of downtime. oh no n on on on on o no
>mental masturbation over his autistic obsession #5347
literally all of his videos
I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, yeah. I focus on SoD and play retail casually.
Garithos did nothing wrong. Only thing Daelin did wrong was having an orc loving traitor cunt of a daughter. Blackmoore's only wrong was being a drunken fuckup. Everything else he did including beating the shit out of the orcs and trying to rape correct Taretha for being an orc loving cunt was correct.
The classes play like a shitier version of cata classes. There is a reason why cata is doing better
>616 gear without to raid for 5 hours with dumb people
lol. Lmao.
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more like a big brap
you were bullied. these guys are assholes.
this post made me realized i can just go kill time in HC but classic has a fucking 6 hour maintenance for no reason.

Fucking shit fuck company dude imagine any other industry where you can take the piss like this with no consequences.
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i said this years ago and people called me crazy. it feels so good to be vindicated.
only it didn't take 300,000 years for the first noble gases to form
'member when blizzard used to comp you game time when they fucked up and you couldnt play the game you paid for?
go at it blind. there is a lot of cool stuff to do. the priest's prayer mechanics for example is one of the best RP functions i've seen in recent memory for example
I started 3 weeks ago and got the frozen Murloc rune about five minutes after coming across it. Literally I just asked a passing lock to help me out and he did. It’s not a dead game and people are still making alts or wandering about low level areas. It’s easy to find someone to help.
wait so? if i don't use raid.io do i still get depletes? also how do i avoid getting depletes?
couldn't you blame blizzard for being too slow to react to raider io and letting it get a foothold like gearscore?
>extending a couple hours vs the multiple times the game was unplayable for hours at a time each day
fuck off, addict
this is why delves are the best thing in years. not having to deal with pseudo e-sports meta zoomers who will only invite overgeared people. really, a true blessing.
i considered trying it but it doesnt have nearly enough content to draw me in
maybe with P5 i'll give it a try
>Plato wrote of society to care for the meek and downtrodden
what... what does that have to do with anything? are you genuinely retarded or are you trying to push some agenda?
The conversation was about discipline being core to manhood which is reinforced by everything and everyone. There are endless pages on it. You'll not find a single piece of evidence to the contrary.
>actually discipline is BAD! if you have self control you're a WOMAN.
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no im too retarded
times change goontard
i guess... i'll go play turtle or something?...
We are beating BG3 today
So M+ because of poor implementation
sorry sir but WHAT are you gearing for exactly?
Such an ugly ccp whore
this is why i like delves. I'm tired of toxic positivity and Toxic Negativiety.
You mean 2 nonths ago with the prepatch. Do asmonfags really
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mists m+6
with this comp
3 melee
will we do it?
no depletes are shown against your will
blizzard dont show
raider io does
im 100% sure it is an api thing
i think the gentleman you are replying to has an agenda other than constructive discourse
>meta zoomers
Oh it wasn't just the zoomers
Less than 10% of players are as you describe them
mists is literally free on any key level and evoker is worthless unless you're running a melee stack and then theyll still bitch
ya you're good
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Echosisters, what's going on with our team!? Scripe and Roger need to COOK to catch up with those LiquiGODKINGs
so if a key doesn't time i should just quit?
but 4chan told me wow is dead, meanwhile the average 4chan thread is up for 1 days now on /v/ or /pol/
>echo keeps wiping at thee same spot every pull
me worshiping the dark gods is more relevant to this thread than whatever these convos are.
I do look at depletes though. Depletes are a sign the person has a lower chance of being a toxic fuckstick that leaves the first time shit goes sideways. And a higher chance they are actually interested in learning the dungeon and getting better.
if you could get your foreskin back, but you could never log into wow again - would you take the deal?
>shadowlands' setting was not the problem
it was actually part of the problem though
shadowlands was a realm of original donut steel shit that made no fucking sense and even at its basic level contradicted the established lore of warcraft
when mists of pandaria made an entire new and unconnected part of the world to explore, it was good because it didn't have massive ramifications on the setting as a whole, and also served as an important staging ground for the alliance vs horde war
by contrast an expansion about the afterlife HAD to be built up from the existing lore and could under no circumstances be just a bunch of nonsense thrown together - and yet that's what it was and it was SHIT
I was just pointing out your only knowledge of Plato comes from memes.
Sorry, but being an emotionless statue is in fact not the properties that will lead to success, it'll only lead to peptic ulcers. Touch some goddamn grass and fuck off, retard
cause the discussion was started in good faith.
>remove pet classes
>PvP is suddenly 300% better

God I hate pet screen clutter so much is unreal. Kill BM’s, light Unholy DKs on fire, exile Demo locks for eternity.
if you finish a key but don't time it, that's a negative mark on the retarded app.
if you ragequit every key you don't time, the retarded app wont show it.
people who have the retarded app then invite people who have never depleted a key and wonder why they ragequit.
It's better to just play the game.
Do you think asmon will double hate wow now that it is successful without his genius ideas
what;s the problem?
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So this is what the Horde turned into...
why wouldnt i just steal someone elses foreskin
If this post ends in a 1 2 3 4 or 0 maintenance will get extended
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Genuinely, I think the boundaries weren't clear and they stepped over the line. If this is the only time that it's happened, then have a genuine talk and hear them out. As someone whose also autistic, I know fleeing from the problem is the obvious solution, but maybe they'll appreciate that about you.
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Can any hunter help me with a macro please? I want one that when pressed puts misdirection on my pets but without changing my target.
So like if I'm targeting a mob in a trash pack i can do misdirection without having to target my pets and then click again and target that same mob.
horde sisters...
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shouldve posted the gif with it
WoD was about meeting dad again. That was the point. That was everything, it was about meeting dad again, imagine meeting dad one more time.
The storyline didn't make sense because you don't need a storyline to meet dad again, you just need to meet dad again and be with your dad.
no probably not
For the type of content you're running (i.e. not RWF top 0.1% of players) you're not even close to being in a position where the difference between the tanks matter.
Americans are getting really angry right now.
yeahhhh that'll happen
i hope the smelly fat girl who thought this shit up got fired.
i'm late but thanks to the tankchad that replied, this is exactly what i've been trying to do
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servers up bros
fucking burger hours
no point in rustling jimmies about extensions before 30 minutes to time retard, lurk moar
you dont deserve this (You)
built for the rape pillories in Stormwind Stockades
>try to revive Horde RP
>picture of the reason Horde RP died in the first place
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Fuck M+ now and forever.
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is this what you want?
You're not pointing out anything. You're deflecting that you have zero supporting evidence and that your argument is obviously wrong.
Discipline is absolutely core to both success and being a man. There is zero supporting text to the contrary.
how is echo still competing if the servers are down?
yeah? just join anon. the only requirement is you are a thread user
Thank God I love my dad. Fucking writers.
>what... what does that have to do with anything?
idiots think they are smart when they mention shit like plato or the heckin roman empire
>maint finishes in 30 mins
>dont bring the servers back on for several hours
we are not even pretending anymore
bros...about to switch to fury
its just straight better for less effort
Sounds like the writer should've taken a sabbatical
Are we all playing SoD together then?
>extended maintenance every fucking week
thats down even longer than retail
They are trying to let Echo kill the silken court before they let liquid back on.
>touching SoD
I really like mountain king fury. only it eats 1-2 talent points from the base tree which you're already short for.
Remember when the maintenance was done before reset even happened and you could watch people have meltdowns about bad vault loot?
It couldnt be more obvious
i hate the race
what a waste of time
>get declined from 4 as 602 ilvl
>message the leader telling him he's a useless filthy nigger looking for people to boost him
i win
Well idk, it doesn't mention not changing my from my current target to cast misdirection and it requires a whole ass addon?
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>5 hour maintenance
its ok. i'm up to 605 and people still don't wanna do m+ or delves with me
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Feel free to stop avatartranning on CD any time
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>the story and the world are kino
>It's ruined by coom
You'll be fine as long your meleed are MELEE MANDIGODS
for no fuckin' reason.
Why ddi they get rid of bonus rolls again? that shit was kino
I pointed out everything, little crab. Now go outside instead of frothing impotently just because your idea of traditional gender roles is totally divorced from real life human behavior. You don't even have a position to debate against or deconstruct you're a bitter retard projecting on everyone else. Just kill yourself
I like you
By the way wtf is up with BM hunters in this expansion? I didn't have to cast misdirection once on my pets for them to hold aggro on everything in Dragonflight but now i must. And it's not just delves but literally any pack of mobs.
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SERVERS ARE UP on classic xd
that is such a beautiful cock wtf (im straight btw)
it's over already
but not because of us dps
tank was dogshit
we wiped on 1st boss, i had aggro all the time and the bosses were just roaming around the room
then wiped again before coming to the boss and he went offline
Just don't deplete keys, it's simple
>posting an image on an imageboard is avatarfagging
you're a fucking pussy who let bullies win instead of showing them the consequences of bullying you, you run from your problems a lot dont you? fucking pussy ass bitch!!!!
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Caved in and got TWW, enjoying it so far, more than I thought I would since I disliked Dragontopia and Shadowlands very much
He unironically took 8 sabbaticals in a row
and now
he is back
He should've taken 9
I don't eat much and Im very fat im not lying I eat 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch and usually steak or chicken with some veg for dinner but im still very fat and i fart a lot and i play a panda because this post is on topic
burgers make a thread, you sure dont have a vidya jame to play
every single time people complain about m+ in here it turns out that you're all dps complaining about tanks and/or healers
Retard take
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What is this expression meant to convey?
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It's comfy besides the nigger and Anduin being a bitch.
>foxniggers who killed horde rp
i honestly cant tell if this is a shitpost or not because i know most of you have the capacity to be this refarted
just checkin in on Anon, did you end up to deleet your character to get rid of autist on friends list? Let me know, that shit's hilarious you'll coward
>damage to bosses
>best class is the one that always specs single target because its AoE is THAT bad
are you doing any activity or are you just sitting on your ass 24/7?
Why the FUCK is every Retail WoW maintenance always extended? Why can't they just give a genuine, accurate timeframe?
Tell him to reroll ranged.
Strip away his MELEE MANDIGO badge.
I had the same happen, dps dealing 500-700k damage, all but one ranged sissies.
has no relevance whatsoever
the vast majority of people just suck at this game
im not even trying to ride a high horse or anything its just the God's honest truth
Reminder for burgerstanians
Open vault on an alt first so you get the shitty roll out of the way
You know
In 8 hours
The core argument was discipline is key to being a man. Supporting evidence was brought up. You have failed to explain your position or bring up any supporting evidence.
I'm getting the vibes that you're in the middle of being brainwashed and not that you're a brainwasher.
It's not too late to save yourself anon. I believe in you.
i walk
>extended maintenance
Game is dying and spaghetti code is about to break...
someone already posited that the casual player actually gets less gear compared to the hardcore player this season than they would have in some previous seasons.
The same dungeon except everything has 20% more hp and does 20% more damage is not good content or fun to play. Add new mechanics, bosses, areas, or routes for every difficulty tier or fuck off. Something noticeable should change between every level.
Walk harder
how much
like step wise
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>do you love men?
No, I play Horde.
>arcane mage got kicked before we started the m+ and replaced with a hunter for no reason
so fucking awkward lads. why do they do this?
kek based, fuck mages and fuck fotm rerollers
another 90 minutes of maintinence? Pick a corner of your fucking hovel and start cleaning. Do something creative, read, write, draw. get up off your computer for a bit. Just got done making lunch and vacuuming my bedroom and switching over the laundry.
if they are gonna do that then they should just do more dungeons instead of wasting resources rehashing and reworking old content
the hunter is probably a chick that the cuck who kicked the arcane mage wants to fuck
>does yoshi lick mario
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Method might have the most awkward stream out of all of them. You can listen to this juicer talk about how much weight he can lift.
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im going back in on the pretenses of friendship.

they will fucking pay for what they did.
Men with vaginas
Women with penises

That simple
i got kicked at fyrakk heroic once and got sick and wanted to kms
was a dark week
not on eu heh
eat shit na shitters
No. I’m playing on a private server while waiting.
Wait i can do top damage? Can anyone link those bm talents?
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>yfw echo dont kill silken court and max gets a 1 boss mythic loot advantage
No they shouldn't, that's retarded. They should make bigger dungeons like BRD and section it off into M+ and use different parts of it for different levels.
so if i want to get sexually dominated by dominant women with VERY big dicks, i shouldn't keep an eye out for orc mommies??? wtf???
>retards getting baited by this
he was just joking, don't be a sissy retardkun
>making fresh new content is retarded
do you eat shit? If you want to keep replaying old dungeons with graphics from 2004 then go play classic
Women do not play video games.
Go seethe about your vaults
Yeah... Fucked up I know :/
its a foregone conclusion really
just compare max hero crest upgrade ilvl from s4 vs this season
you're at a 20 point deficit
your average player cant get past ovinax or kyveza in the hc raid let alone kill court and queen to get their 30 gilded crest gibs, and those players have NO HOPE of clearing nines for filling up their gilded crest weekly cap
Fewer larger dungeons is the same amount of content as shittier smaller esports dungeons except way more interesting
classic and vanilla had way more toxicity
so i love these bots literally spamming the most retarded talking points just to say "WOW NOW BAD"
kill yourself
You should but it requires even more legwork
I really wish it wasn't crit/haste, but rather versa/mastery or something.
Oh, would you look at that? The servers are back up and my vault is shit. Just kill this fucking game already.
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Who wore it better? I like yours for a rogue, though.
That's me, I'm that tankchad who replied. This is my first season tanking, so of course the first thing I did was download a bunch of pre-made routes from Raider.IO... and they were all broken, every single one of them. Whoever did them never stepped foot into the dungeons and tried them, guaranteed.
Even worse, it's like they were made bad on purpose or something. Some pulls had certain mobs manually removed with CTRL+click, so they didn't count for the final percentage but you still pulled them because of course you did, they were inside the packs. I ended certain dungeons with 120% enemy forces or something stupid like that, and I couldn't understand why.

The good news is that I had to come up with my own (probably dogshit) routes, so now I understand how MDT works. And I learned dungeons way faster as well.
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>earned season maximum
>not getting any from m+ anymore
how the fuck am i supposed to upgrade my gear now?????
wtf is this system
you wait until next week when you can get 90 more crests
why even is there a cap for this? that's so fucking dumb
>why are there arbitrary wait times in an MMO
maybe you should find a different genre if this bothers you so much
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>told us to wait
>waiting already 2 mins before the boss
what are you doing panda nigga
he left
why do the retard blizz devs need 5 hours of maintenance every week?
zug zug bix nood
almost as bad as this one
Lmao the absolute state of games “journalism”

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