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The Wheel has turned once again.
Four arms and three heads edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

Previous Pantokrator
the important thing that is often ignored with the mods vs vanilla debate is that vanilla is righteous, morally upright and canonical, whereas mods are accretions, perversions of the original vision, and never happened

Dominions is best understood as an occulted history in which (You) will become the pankoman, vouchsafed to us by aging swedish visionaries whose motives are beyond our ken

mods, whatever their content, represent bid'ah that separates us from the revealed vision of the pantokrator's realm
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OP you "forgot" to add the Sloop's link. Don't worry, I got your back.
Yeah but AI spellcasting and worthy heroes are cool right?
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Honestly I just want to congratulate sloop on having his own pet schizo without moving a finger. Wish I had someone who would think about me day and night bros.
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first for i love the melia
Shhhh you arent supposed to bring that up.
Communions spamming body ethereal and mistform and useless heroes are a part of illwinter's perfect vision you wouldnt get it.
You speak as if by chance such words come into your mouth, whence it should be you that guides them so into our screens.

Your effort to sound intelligent, makes a mockery of yourself.
logical and obviously beneficial accretions are the crack through which the devil enters

air magic was brought down by the AI casting phantasms in 5 and now by spamming wind attacks in 6, it is all in service of the wider purpose
you know he repeats these posts out loud to himself and breathes it in
Vampire asura lets goooo
Is there anyone who managed to make him work?
He always jobbed hard and contributed very little in every game I've seen him.
bro just give him phoenix pyre and soul vortex and he'll work
Ah so just have alt 7 during expansion very good
>lamia queen indie casts howl
im gonna be sick
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Give him 2-3 shields ye tard it helps him not have + fatigue from multiple weapons.
Also in Dom6 he can just walk through units and clean like 2 squares of enemy units / turn.
protmaxxing, trample shoes, three shields
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Hey, new guy here.
I am browsing through the web and learning to how to put mods and it's pathetic but... I can't. All I see are references to put mods under steam workshop but I pirated a copy so there is no steam workshop to speak of. Could someone please explain to me where to put delicious slop?
hahahahahha this is the slop babby
Is it even possible to hit 20 provinces by turn 12 as MA Arco??
Yo Itza. Now that the Dwarfs are under attack by everyone just post the graph to let us see how big they are
Put it in your mouth, like you do with my dick.
>just walk through units
How does that work?
what do you guys do with the Telkhine God/Demonax? Idk where to park him since he keeps killing the population, just constantly have him on the front somewhere?
You simply have knowledge...
expand with him asap, then have him fight with my armies, then equip him to be an sc. i try to never have him sit around.
Yes, take an awake expander
Is there a weapon that soul slays?
there's a bow or crossbow, I forget its name
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This is it really.
There are some conditional insta kill items like Elf Bane and Heart Finder Sword too.
Don't be mean
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>talk shit
>get raped
>"umm umm I was actually just pretending to care sweaty"
where do we find these fags?
It's mean to let you suck my dick? I thought you liked it. You go at it with such great gusto.
The fact that these have no penetration bonus really limits their utility
Here obviously. You could go play in discord where others will say pretty much the same thing, but it will be extended into a light novel and drenched in even more passive aggressiveness.
I will set you on the path. In the game's tools&manuals menu, you will find all you need.
The trident is soul slay on damage, the crossbow I think is soul slay on hit.
I don't think the crossbow even deals normal damage, it's just the soul slay effect.
yeah but they're doing a normal MR vs 11 check since they have zero pen bonus
I guess if you massed the ethereal crossbows and gave them to scouts or something they could be a serious pain in the ass since they're relatively cheap
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Hey at least they you can call them slurs
If you have the pearl income to mass the xbows you probably have enough astral mages to just cast the spell, communion or not.
I think its only use is to give non mage commanders something to do in battle, and provide at least some small chance to counter an enemy SC or thug.
The tridents soul slay is completely useless since the only reason its ever being made is because its a water booster.
I suppose it's not a bad effect to have if you use a water queen as an SC
>app data
GEEE THANK YOU WINDOWS for your hidden folders. thank you anon
Sure if your game hasn't ended at turn 110 yet.
Nice to have in an assassination attempt at least.
Still, a water queen can already get to water 7 in battle with a bracelet and robe of the sea, 8 underwater. Why risk an artifact?
>Why risk an artifact?
"That is why no one will remember your name"
getting into LA phlegra and im thinking, is this one of the most braindead nations in the game? what can you even do wrong with this nation
Soon I will be free

How's the mod coming along, Warhammerbalancenon?
You don't need to be at turn 110 to have a water queen and const 9
Water queen for sure.
Const 9 extremely situational and nation specific.
I picked 110 because the only game I played where I had both went that long, and that was in dom 5 before single spell level 9 research. I did probably have const 9 around turn 95 or something to be fair.
Point is its probably going to be very lategame and the game is probably close to ending.
Also forgot to consider limited artifact production on top of this. I doubt many nations would be researching const 9 to make this trident first.
>frost father doesn't give +1 cold scale limit
Does the luck scales affect the chance of getting those 10% chance random magic path?
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Do any of you have a favorite unit? For me it is the Onaqui. Can be a thug, can be a blood communion master and spam HoS, gets access to Nature, and generates fatigue inducing bats for free.
yes, telkhines all the way
Bakemono Sorcerers.
Big fat sacred recruit anywhere mage with a unique twiceborn shape. Wish more nations had mages like this.
Nemedian sorceress
Can I play a singleplayer with a saved pretender or I have to make the world and then the pretender every time?
I recall this used to be a button you click or atleast it was more visible idk why illwinter made loading pretenders a 'hidden' keybind
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Thanks... that's strange
Another problem, sorry for insisting, I get a red screen after ending a turn :/
try adjusting your monitor's RGB balance
Red screen means you are using a pirated key that is banned
go to cs rin ru's dedicated dom 6 thread and get the game patcher from there, click drag the exe on it and change your cd key ini to a random cd key instead in AppData\Roaming\Dominions6 folder
thanks. When I pirated the game a good six months ago I just winged a key that was like 1111-2222-3333-4444 and it just worked. Alright I'll do my beset
you may aswell update the game while you are at it then
that's true, I think I have the most up to date version but it doesn't hurt to fix it
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>45$ so I can pick between 3 viable pretenders
nyo thanks
I don't think I've ever played a vanilla games since Dom 4.
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which game?
Dominions 6
he merely adopted the cold
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How the hell do I expand with Vaettiheim?
For me, it's the Dai Oni
Lion Warriors. They're durable and hit like a semi for being 2 per square, can expand with a light bless allowing Machaka the option of full scales, have a clear honest weakness, and are dripping with flavor.
Muspeldottirs. They're tough line mages with a ton of use cases based on their X2 random, and huge map move to mobilize straight from researching to supporting stacks. They're also super hot.
1) bend over vaetti hag
2) expand dong
spamming hirdvaetti also works
Which nation has the worst expanding experience
Which ones have the comfiest?
Bouda. I'll take unrest and heretic any day for those paths.
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average default map gen start
hey Anon
I removed the feet and added a misc to the lords of change
just for you
Should I post link to newest version?
Shut up nigger. Bootstraps.
TWO provinces in your capring?
Geez how much did you have to bribe illwinter to get that start?
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You are like little baby
Watch this
For me? Easiest is MA Abysia. Hardest is Patala.
>comfy and safe at the end of a cul-de-sac
Berytos is miserable for expanding. If you have a big incarnate or very big imprisoned bless its going to be a bad time.
Just to rub it in your colossi and lancers can't even sail with your troop commanders, and the human troops are only an ants dick better than indies.
It's easy if you have a demi lich with fear bless, but then what nation isn't easy to expand with at that point?
*If you dont have a big incarnate
Incredibly stupid fucking name btw
Literally because English people are so insecure that Bag End wasn't good enough so they had to pretend to be French (but this isn't even what French people call it)
This nigga doesn't know about the normans
The Normans have been a scourge on civilization, prove me wrong
>got rid of old English (really cool language with actual internal logic)
>got rid of a based infantry military and replaced it with yet another yawnworthy cavalry military, except strictly worse than the French version across the channel
>attacked Sicily
>attacked the Byzantines
If Harold Godwinson had remained in charge the perfidious albion would not have become perfidious.
That's just what it's called in English. The language we use on this board.
Go be triggered on chatchan.fr if you must, but nobody here cares what you think about such things.
That's not what it used to be called, though. And I'm not French you retard.
>if you know English etymologies, you're somehow an ESL
fuck off nigger
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>That's not what it used to be called, though
>antisloopfag who is also the dude who started quoting bosnian wikipedia is also an anti-philologist
it's amazing how consistently wrong and ignorant you are
Blitzmin I'm thinking it's time for a blitz
Blitzmin I'm thinking this Saturday we'll have a GIGABLITZ with more than six players.
Yes but I'm also an antislopfag and I'm a lot smarter than either of you.
Bosnians don't even have neurons
In dom6 if one unit is twice the size (rounded up) if can simply walk through units, displacing them.
So a size 4 unit can walk through and displace (exchanging position in the battlefield) with a block of size 2 units.
that seems kind of bad in a lot of cases
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Dom7 wishlist: sieges require a minimum amount of patrol strength which scales with the size of the garrison and simply do not act as a siege otherwise.
>t. tolkien
Yeah lmao that's me. Fuckin cocksuckers, bro.
This makes sense, yeah.
See if we get any players today..
this, so sick of a single, leaderless caveman or something surviving the rout and therefore being able to lock down a citadel whose wall defenders alone would've killed the entire event army

nta but are we using "man you're just like Tolkien" as an insult because that's a fuckin' bizarre choice of insult
I was sure you were making shit up until I checked the manual
That seems bizarrely similar to trample.
Based reusers of code
>if (target = ally) then
>damage = 0
Oh its for allies. That actually explains a lot. I thought I just had conveniently fractional unit sizes.
A SC should be able to keep a fort under siege, you would need to take that into account
Maybe have the defenders automatically initiate battle if their strength is higher than the attackers' rather than it not counting as a siege automatically
>SC insta captures forts
That is not what I meant
not really an insult, but he's kinda the best known for language autism, especially since anon complains about people not using bag end
>t. olkien
>Maybe have the defenders automatically initiate battle if their strength is higher than the attackers' rather than it not counting as a siege automatically
That's retarded because it would just lead to ways to game the system and bait out sallies

>A SC should be able to keep a fort under siege, you would need to take that into account
I'm not sure they would be able to. Even an SC only has so much combat speed (unless they can blink which is exceedingly rare in any case).
I mean only in regard to recruitment, but there's an argument to not prevent recruitment when sieging anyway. Because the province is "owned" by the sieging party, you can probably just rely on how that interacts with resources and RP to prevent people from just sitting there recruiting militia and repairing the fort faster than the siegers and besieging it.
>That's retarded because it would just lead to ways to game the system and bait out sallies
I mean, sure, but it's better than forcing players to use an arbitrary amount of units when they might collectively even be worse than the SC in question

>I'm not sure they would be able to. Even an SC only has so much combat speed (unless they can blink which is exceedingly rare in any case).
Sieging isn't a matter of combat speed, it's about controlling roads/checkpoints and preventing people from entering and leaving
>Sieging isn't a matter of combat speed, it's about controlling roads/checkpoints and preventing people from entering and leaving
And how do you cover so much as two roads then, because castles do in fact have sally gates and hidden paths
Magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.
But you do, because the magic to perform controlled teleports is nontrivial and seems to take forever to do properly (since Blink pretty specifically teleports you randomly)
Oh please, combat is already an abstraction and so is sieging. Come back to me when castles actually have these hidden paths ingame.
No, because we also have an abstraction for finding these hidden paths, sally gates, and keeping track of where people are and where they're going. It's called patrol strength.
Is the idea of one big mean dude holding a fort in check through his own strength alone such a deal breaker to you in a game like this?
Why would a colossal size 10 god give a shit about anything of what you said?
Is there a colossal size 10 god in this conversation?
If we're gonna make a fort unsiegable by a single unit can we also make it much easier to siege a fort that has literally no pd or garrison
It's an integral part of the game, so yes there is. But even a thugged to teeth normal human should be able to siege a fort if they defenders can't get through him.
so what about fliers
should fliers just be able to bypass walls entirely and just walk in and fucking kill everyone?
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Stop arguing about imaginary sieges
Get in the blitz NOW
Yes, me.
what? no. if youre under siege it means the opponent already defeated your province defense and any units you had patrolling and has taken control of the province except for the fortress which is also why the sieging player gets events in that province and half the income.
if only a single unit survives the battle over the province then its no different than a single unit surviving a battle in a province without a fort.
are you one of those people who want forts to have a """"zone of control""""? because this reminds me of that. forts already have a zone of control engrained into the mechanics of a fort, it just doesnt work automatically, you have to use the forts zone of control manually and have your garrison come in and out of the fort to control the provinces around it.
likewisr you need to manually break the siege even if its just one unit sieging, unless your opponent abandons the siege. the game doesnt play itself, you play the game.
The air is just another route inside, so unless you want sieges to be much more detailed and also include everything else that was mentioned earlier I don't believe it should be treated any differently. Increased siege strength on flying units is already a decent approximation of air superiority.
Shit, I didn't know. Pls no smite.
This is a buff to titans and nations that use Giant thugs. Basically it enables army thugging more effectivelly.

This is why the Asura can be used as an army leader before you hit big reinvig items or soul vortex. He jumps over all allies to get into the frontline where he can dish out a lot of dmg.
You will be made to suck cock in tartarus for six gorillion eons until the next EA
>Why would a colossal size 10 god give a shit about anything of what you said?
Because a Size 10 is the size of a fucking elephant and elephants can't even block the entrance to your average soulless levittown home let alone a fucking castle.
>if only a single unit survives the battle over the province then its no different than a single unit surviving a battle in a province without a fort.
No, it isn't, because the fort itself has "invincible PD", i.e. the wall garrison (and anyone inside). Moreover the real issue isn't just the fact that you need to break the siege but rather that this somehow takes an entire month to do against, say, one Villain.
Scabiel blocks your path
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>blocks ur path
african elephants are 3m tall and size 10
niefel giants are size 9

Anything size 9 and below is king of the manlets tier
Niefel Giants aren't even size 10 anymore dude
I'm very angry about that myself but check urself b4 u wreck urself
my headcanon is that dominions' elephants are LOTR's elephants
Oh what the fuck
Shillfraud scamming us again
There is absolutely no way the top tier giants are only 3m tall, so I don't think size has direct linear scaling. Giants would easily be a couple meters taller, but narrower.
"Alright, Frank, Joe, and I will go right."
"Cletus, Bob, Sloppy Joe goes left."
"If that giant blue hole gets to close to the gate, you fellas on the wall will make new holes in her."
African elephants are also very wide and not very tall
They shouldn't be the same size as a dragon or tarrasque
they arent even size 10, they are size 9
Oops haha
Well an elephant + 1 frog shouldn't be the same combined size as a dragon or a tarrasque
>No, it isn't
yes it is. the opponent takes control of the province except for the fort.
>the fort itself has "invincible PD",
yes, the fort is not under control of the opponent, only the province outside of the fort.
>(and anyone inside)
then take them out from the inside and break siege. why should the game do this automatically? makes no sense.
>the real issue isn't just the fact that you need to break the siege but rather that this somehow takes an entire month to do against, say, one Villain
except its not against one villain. if the opponent moves his army away from the siege and leaves one commander to keep the siege intact - if you anticipate this you can break siege immediately and it doesnt take a month. if you didnt anticipate it or if its too risky then why should you be able to do it immediately?
you can absolutely do it immediately. but if your garrison is too weak or if you cant anticipate the opponent moving his army away, why in the fuck should you get to break siege immediately?
if you anticipate it, you are rewarded, if you dont, you arent. why should the game break siege automatically?
if your opponent raids your provinces and leaves them unguarded, why the fuck should they flip back to you? you have to take those provinces back. you have to play the game, the game doesnt do this by itself.
This general has gotten progressively more obnoxious and autistic over the three months or so I've been here. Is it me? Do I have that effect on people? It was so comfy and chill at first.
>elephant + 1 frog
they arent. size 1 =/= 1 meter, size 2 =/= 2 meters.
the size number is not a unit of measurement, its a size class.
size class 3: human size
size class 2: midgets
size class 1: anything from tiny bugs to small animals
an elephant can be on the lower end of size 9 while another size 9 unit can be on the higher end.
ulm infantry is described to be taller than the average human yet they are the same size for example.
no its me, all those posts are mine, im in your head btw
I knew it. I fuckin knew 4chan was just me and one highly prolific samefag.
It's a few loud ass anons who wants to stir the pot
Just ignore them and join the size convo
It's like comparing a size 10 monument with a size 10 oracle, they're 100% different size
Not only that but size doesn't also necessarily mean "size" either, but rather "How well packed can we put people into one small location".
We can fit three people in one square, or three wolves, or five 'large' dogs. What does that mean? Surely more than five dogs can occupy the space three people can occupy, and surely more than three people can occupy the space that two and a half horses can occupy.

Formation fighter (and the opposite trait I forgot the name of) let us pack people closer together - Elephants are the same size as titanic figures despite clearly being fairly small. Size is an abstraction of how much space a unit occupies in combat, not a direct link to their size. Pathfinder and dnd uses similar logic - a person occupies a 5ft space space, but that doesn't mean they are 5x5x5ft, just that in combat, they take up that space and don't allow others within.
you are supposed to insult him, not complimenthim
Maybe he meant Christopher Tolkien.
Still not that insulting tbf.
Alright, my third H3 didn't die to a random blood vengeance so this is going to be Throne #7 and put an end to this scuffed game.

I'll set everything to patrol so feel free to hit me.
There are one or two retards who show up every few months to contrive some bullshit to shit up the thread with and get a crumb of human attention. You joined when the resident faggot(s) was on cooldown. It's been this way for years.
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what the fuck is this lobby bros
the mighty ocean...

I had fun, and now I really like the forest elves. Hoping the mount bugs get fixed (for second shape and immortal). Feels unsporting to have the buffs outside the forests -- and not getting immortal on the other sacred cav is also a shame.

I finally had no reason to keep delaying making stacks to try and take thrones. Should've tried doing it a lot sooner!

Will send out all I can to at least make my graph move more before the end of the game.

(Can anyone tell me why I always try to cast Gift of Nature's Bounty in every game I play?)
Therodos wants a lot of easy to capture ocean.
therodos wants a chain of coastal castles first and foremost and doesnt care much about the sea unless its not too much trouble to conquer it.
>tendies are all immune to polymorph
Maybe the thing I hate most about Dom6 is not being able to cast transformation on my divine glyph.
Money is cool, Riches from beneath sure helped me shit out enough mages to compensate for all the good ones being insane (though I still forgot to send a high earth gob there...)
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a sight to behold
Imagine paying for troops
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why are cyclope soldiers so kino
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ggs jotun and mari

glad our game ends with a banger
Mind if I ask what your pretendie build was? I have really gotten into Orks with this mod but having a little trouble making them killy enuff
they are mekone hoplites but not pretentious
Sure, though it's not very good since it's just scales plus a SC chasis that solo'd one throne, cast Riches form Beneath and then got to another throne just in time (with help, which he needed since a throne lich started casting Life Drain)

Heroism was going to be the big gimmick that lets me cheapspawn tons of boyz once I'd gotten some Astral mage to craft shrouds but it turns out the promotions are limited by events so not only

Was still useful to keep my prophets on the High Score Table and Turn them into mummies so I could pull off my 3+1 throne claim for the win in addition to beating an effective xtra magic scale.

A better bless might just be trying to Fearmaxxx with your Fear Javelin/Fear Sickle sacred gobz, otherwise you're just a slow recruit Giant nation with green chaff.

I'll type even more once it's over and I get the score graphs for the AAR.
Oh yeah and undying was a mistake compared to +1 HP which would help the HP 9 gobs regen.
10 hp is still 1 regen, you need 11 hp for it to jump up to 2
imagine not being able to
Oh, right.
Can drop a point of dom for a point of Glam (also being able to craft Gossamer veils) for +2hp
>plays turtles
>last to do their turn by 8 hours
>doesn't do a double
Give it to me straight, /domg/.
Are Laestrygonians OP? Do they need to be nerfed?
Or am I too retarded to deal with them
You have 30 turns to kill phlemgra or research soul slay
they're extremely strong supercombatants which can cast most of the relevant self-buffs but also act as army casters
show the one you've having issues with
if they've got no cold resist toss 5 W1 mages scripted for frozen heart and watch them die
Laestrygonians are really good but Phlegra is not
who ended up being the best fight
i was skaven but it was my first MP game and I felt I could have put a more stalwart defense in the caves maybe
small boon to lose to the eventual game winner at least
It was you, mostly because history repeated itself after I emerged from the cave to fight norsca, got owned at his cap, got a nap (he initiated) and then I just throne rushed so my game boiled down to:
3 big battles vs skaven 2-1
2 big battles vs vamps 2-0
1 big battle vs Norsca 0-1
1 Stomp vs Khorne 1-0
>1 Stomp vs Khorne 1-0
you hate to see it
Any fire mage can cast cold resist so that's not gonna do much
I enjoyed watching his foreverwar against Ai Nuln but he was sitting next to two thrones.
>but Phlegra is not
why not? provided youre being targetted before your laestrygonians arrive, the cyclope soldiers and the communion mages seem solid enough.
You get like three cyclopes per turn and your auto communion mages hurt as much as help.
It worked fine in dom5 before illwinter decided to mess with it.
Size 1 was up to 1 meter, size 2 was up to 2 meters. Size 6 was up to and beyond 6 meters. Simple as.
>You get like three cyclopes
its four. and i know people say this is bad but in practice, thats how much resources you have available anyway, so it doesnt matter much unless you have production scale which i dont think is good for phlegra. and when you have a second or third fort up, its doubled or tripled, and i think you should build a fort/forts quickly as phlegra because it also boosts your research tremendously.
those things are terrifying with trample
Buff abysia
thanks for drawing idea. ill try to deliver tomorrow.
Fire still sucks
Twink abysia
Absissya, if you will
I figure I gave the underground way too many provinces, but it didn't look right at 20 so I kept pushing... ended up with 30 I believe
>turn 10
>oh nice, a scout province, let's set it to recruit forever
>turn 60
>89 commanders are doing nothing
bro your Hide and Wait command??
hide & wait bros...
Press N, you Nidder
>he ist smashing that N button repeatedly every turn even after giving all commanders an order just to make sure
>Recruit too many scouts
>End up with three scouts on the same province set to hide and wait
>Can't be bothered auditing all these slackers and sending them to other provinces instead of leaving them there to jack eachother off
Fog of war makes it pure agony too since you can't just click around the map randomly at the start of the game.
>Want to build fort
>Can't afford it
>Don't want to set him to wait and forget about him when I do have enough money
>So now he always shows up when I press the lazy (n)iggers keybind and makes it feel like I haven't finished my turn
illwinter needs to add a "wait" filter to the f1 overview
33, last I counted, with a bunch of mines (all but one on my side)
>has great sacreds
>has good assassins
>has great mage priests
>has blood access
>has great infantry options
I press J
>has two to five magic paths, but really only one
Make it so non-cap forts can recruit Warlock Apprentice as long as a Warlock is present.
cause i lose
sloop do this. make it two warlocks even, just let me cast blood for more than 2 battles
you're playing a bad guy nation you're supposed to lose
that's the majority of nations
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At least I won this

Had a really unpleasant time past the mid game with everyone falling for the goblinoid lies and successively declaring me the threat, particularly that idiot Tilea who I could not convince to cease his foolish endeavour.
Apparently he had a "game plan" of holding up in his cap with gates of ivory and enchanted forests plus god knows what other spell
yeah and only games that i win are canon (i exclusively play good guy nations)
Do the lucid mod temp items stack? I want to use blood magic as abysia without being raped by heat aura on my slaves
Items never stack, under any circumstance, but since it's blood slaves you should be able to put it on multiple commanders (blood mages grab slaves in a 7 tile radius)
oh shit youre right, it's not attributed to one guy nice.
gg, I kinda feel it too even if the "unreliability" of certain players helped me out more than anyone like when my Greatest Ally Ulthuan randomly attacked the Skaven.

Did you notice Tilea forgot to put the inanimate regen item on his Immobile despite declaring war via Wild Hunt against everyone around him?

I realized I neglected to bring Cold Resist to the Coastal Throne backup mob while the earth shaman went insane but I wasn't going to just pussy out on ragnarok. Though I was burnt out enough I couldn't be bothered to cast bunch of akashic spells to see if I had any path variety sites I missed.

Also it was less lying and more buttering up the Elves and Humiez with trading (and a NAP in the elves case) and then just hoping to get away with the Throne Rush once we froze our fight.

Aww what the fuck, where are the graphs?
I find NAPs to be extremely gay so I just refuse them, maybe I should accept and simply break them instead

I refused to fight you around the time you should have gotten pillar of fire I was surprised how well my daemon did against that until he got stream of life'd, figured my smaller elite armies wouldn't do very well against that so I just waited for the scraps to be finished and the gaylves to be free to 2v1 you. Though with the awful diplo all game I wasn't sure he was actually going to join me or invade me. Not sure what the hell he was thinking when he grabbed that fully enclaved throne south of Naggarond

I had one true ally all game and he spent 90% of the time jobbing to AI Nuln... wish I could have helped you, BROTHER
>was surprised how well my daemon did against that until he got stream of life'd
I ended up misplacing my Just Man's Cross gobbo in the back and he was the first to get jumped.
Don't think it would have helped that much if he got to fire because Soul Vortex just kept sucking all the low MR boyz around him and that also protected him from Pillars.
Assuming they script it, which a lot of people don't
>enemy SC is clearly in range
>mages blast the chaff anyway
even when the range is 50, how tf doi make them use it properly
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do your fucking turn your shitter and this time do a double
Daily prayer and good diplo so your friends beat the other guy up if he starts overcoming you.

He's acting in character.
>so your friends beat the other guy up if he starts overcoming you
i am trying to take his cap for the third time
Trade with them for whatever item will help you against the thing you have a problem with.
been playing as the noldor in tw2med mod is there a close equivalent to that faction in this game? for those that know.
>MA elves shouldn't come with built in magic weapons for free, but on Sloop's they do.
Would you rather pay 35 for the Sidhe on MA income or 40 for the Tuatha on EA income?
wtf are you on about?
Oh yeah almost missed it, thanks for the message.
Probably not going to play a real game of Dominions anytime soon since this type of autism is bad for me.
Might show up as the guy who names commanders in a blitz sometime.

Also part of the modeling gimmick for my tendie was motivating me to get back to the Primary Hobby, so not having to do turms means I can bring Oyumaru Recasting (>>495960737) to the 3d world by recasting with Oyumaru.
not sure whether to use a 40k nob or a AoS Brute™ for the body yet.
Are you saying Sidhe or does that mean Tuatha? I can't tell.
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I have some mundane graphs from a site, happy to share. (Tho I wanted to see research graphs).

I was eventually going to go for thrones, easily had enough nearby, but I played it wrong. With low player count lategame I really should've paid more attention to throne possession.

I was telling both sides I'd attack the other, but my indecisiveness cost me.

Glad the great eagle thugs predicted that one demon prince move so I could see if they win (turns out demonbanes are good against demons, who would've guessed).
LAmentation turns are longer than 24 hours now?
I think it was extended.
>MA elves shouldn't come with built in magic weapons for free
Why not?

>Would you rather pay 35 for the Sidhe on MA income or 40 for the Tuatha on EA income
MA, probably? What are you talking about though.
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Return to whence you came, foul creature.
*goes back to higher quality sloops games*
>trying to design efficient and cost effective expansion parties
>indies drastically outnumber me so they wrap around and walk past my frontline and kill all my commanders and their bodyguards again
I miss blitzes..............................what went wrong?
I was possessed by gay spirits and can't play any more I must perform gay rituals instead
Managed to get 3 yesterday, so probably still doable.

It is a big commitment, so not surprised interest wanes (I'd expect it to pick up again).
Is there a gay blitz orgy this Saturday?
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>no double
who the hell is he talking to
he is roleplaying, obviously
He is edging you
I can't make those, time zone doesn't line up, but so far looks like no. (Someone should host, they generally had a lot of players).
Phœnix pyre
Hey Blitzmin the turn is not hosting
I like that spell!
Gr8 b8 m8
Just got home from work. I'll look at it in a bit.
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Which nation does Hannah play
Can you ask sceleria if they accidentally took their turn using the beta client?
Logs are whinging about sceleria using file version 626 but dominions 6.19 is 625.
SCELARIA IS ILLWINTER! They're branching out! Forgot to turn off the dev version!
reveal crannog ys
reveal the ea/ma mongol nation
reveal the ea ancient egypt nation that is actually ancient egypt
Reveal LA ermor
Whats the nation with the coolest national spells/summons
shinuyama or Naba probably. Or lanka.
Yeah ngl bros I dont think pbem is for me, this shit is boring as hell. Its a shame blitzes are pretty rare. time to look for a discord with an active blitz group.
you should definitely blitz to start out to get some reps in, then PBEM might be more palatable that's what I did
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therodos and berytos because they can summon telkhines
thats why you join multiple games, im in 5 currently
Arco because half the spell list is already national summons masquerading as generic
Do your turns you NIGGERS.
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Are you just being difficult because I called you a nigger? If you're LA Man I'm going to rape you to death in front of your mom.
I am in fact LA Man
Go ahead faggot my troops are ready
i have done all my turns im just posting the no.gif to every do your turns posts i see
I meant IRL. Do you have troops IRL?
Well that's cool then.
Ubar is such a dipshit
just lost a match as Shinuyama to Ulm despite having 3x of his territory because every single throne besides like 2 spawned in his vicinity
Be behind the McDonald’s in 30 minutes and I’ll show you my fists of the gladiator
are you in the game too? ubar still hasnt submitted and admin isnt setting a timer
I'll be there, and you better not pussy out
>admin isnt setting a timer
this is so stupid from the admin side cause as long as theres ANY timer the game will always move. I'm in a game rn with a 3 day timer and that stuff is still advancing like 2-3 turns a day
>3 day timer
How do you not lose your mind with any timer longer than 24 hours?
Not everyone here is a neet
i have lost it a long time ago
You think you're better than me because you can't DO YOUR TURNS every day?
simply be in 6 other games at the same time
I’m better than you but it’s unrelated to the turns
What's the reason then?
I don’t play dishonest nations
youre better because youre a good goy wagie slave? did you take your monthly booster shot yet?
I don't know if I do or not. Can you provide a comprehensive honesty tier list?
Ah that's me, I'll fix it when I get home
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>send threatening message
>get gaped
manlets, when will they learn?
if i take the last throne, will we still get the fight on the next turn or does the game end?

ive never actually won a game
I've only ever seen mage cast close combat spell once(fists of iron) without combat caster, but what is the chance?
EA: fixed Muspelheim(they are boring)
MA: Fomoria, Lanka
LA: Oceania, Nazca, Machaka, fixed Ind offshoots (they are boring), Ys, Na'ba
Guns, arial combat, naval combat, layered underwater, planes.
victory is the last thing that is checked on a turn
so if you take enough thrones and control them at the end of the turn, the game ends immediately
thats going in the book
>arial combat
finally a readable font
That too.
just make man ai
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Dishonest f**r blessed Pan tries to 1v2 wholesome giants to force them back into caves but gets TRAMPLED. Why didn't his ally Ind help him to turn this into 2v2? Because he likes to watch (from two provs away), they call him Cuck Of Chilad for a reason.
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Says the undead who just lost their god for no reason
clown brawl
he will be back
thanks for the all the gear bro
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Not as dead as the orcs that's for sure
arial combat but comic sans overmap
New LAsting, sorry I was away
bro? LAsting is over
Dark Elf weapons should inflict bleeding
fight me
Needed more giants
That’s going in the book
as if dwarves can read
it's a picture book
How are you gonna paint with such stubby little fingers lmao just one smoosh and the entire thing is just big blocks of color with no detail
No wonder dwarven murals are the size of houses, it's the only way their clumsy asses can apply any level of detail
Fuck I mean LAmentation.
Can't even remember the name of my own game.
how to make my own natgens?
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Any new LA games?
>dwarf is as graceless even in victory
well that fits
download :
then go to documentation for... (you'll never guess)
>less damage but with piercing and/or bleed
I'd be cool with that
>sombre posts leaks before amuys does

this used to be a bombad general
I haven't played the mod but their weapons should be magical and either high damage or AP, and frequently use poison
>half of pangea is freespawn units
honestly not a bad defense into 6 supercombatants and nearly 3-4x the sacreds, doesn't pan come out on top of this in terms of gold? what was the gear like on both sides?
I'm pretty sure losing your tendie is infinite gold if they don't lose theirs also.
>He still buys wokehammer shit.
it's a disciples game and thats a disciple so not nearly as bad
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
It kinda really depends on looting rolls: Onis had... 125 gems of gear (!); shit like 40 gems of ogres or 24 gems of shikomes or 15 gems on Minotaur GSS thug pale in comparision with that.
Most been looted by Pan but immidiately taken back by Muspel (or not!).
By the way 50 minotaurs are quite costly. Anyways it largely decided by loss of tendie and three heroes; 4 Pans also kinda hurt (Pans are anyfort, but still not that much cheaper/less valuable than Dai Oni).
Only need to buy one set.
I half-read your post earlier and thought you were 3d printing em. That's pretty cool, didn't know people could just cast their own.
Shoulda been in the game for the yearly hobby blog.
That is (or at least was before the advent of 3d printing) most common way to pirate miniatures.
Soft plastic is extremely expensive to make (yeah, plastic itself is cheap, but forms are precision made and super pricy, like hundreds of thousands of dollars pricy; it's like only thing GW has due to scale of their production), but various resin-like substances always been cheap (but quite worse in quality, mostly like less stable - pirates frequently bypass that by making many copies and just picking up good ones for sale; still being under GW's price). Metal is relatively pricy (esp. after pandemic-induced price hikes), but forms are cheap too. It was popular back in the day for small productions runs, like even old GW did metal.
I was there, I just got my ass kicked early on
The real trick is to use a lot of green stuff to cover most of the model.
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It is done!

Map would probably benefit from some extra connections (noticed some spots where it looked like they should count as adjacent -- even if it means that forted, the province would draw in more resources).

Overall map would probably play better with random terrain. Could turn it into a 5 player blitz map!

2 thrones being 'safe' (more than 2 moves from center) is probably bad for keeping game balanced, but even if you hold both safe thrones, you still need a third, so maybe it is fine.

I really liked how the center Vast province played. Never got raided from it, but was worried about it!

What are some other board games/maps that would be easy to convert into dominions maps? I considered Spirit Island but couldn't find the assets I wanted.

(Gameplay wise, glad Ashdod was threatening enough that I was able to peace out with Ulm. Shame about Shinu having to leave. Only fought Nid when I had overwhelming mage support, I wonder what spells might've helped them turn the tide

Being in the east also felt like a strong spawn, lots of highlands which are less poor than wastes. I have a new appreciation for Tien Chi as well now).

Maybe I'll try an og map next . . . but drawing is hard.
My name is Fongo Borongo and I must advise you, do not love Xibalba, also, I am a liar...I love Xibalba, and my real name is Dongo Gorongo
Congratulations! It is a cool map, agreed on it having some blitz potential.

t. Nidders
I love these posts that contain literally net negative information.
why do you say literally when it is already literal, everyone does this now and it is annoying

t. Dongo Gorongo
would you say literally everyone does this now
I would not, because it would be unnecessary to add the word literally into the sentence. It is already literal unless you make it plain through your words that it is otherwise. But that was funny tho
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The revenge of the manlets...
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nactions for this feel?
MA Arco
literally how the fuck do you play late game, I have gem longevity AND lucid gem gen on for mods and I still just lose like 40 gems before i even get to the fucking fight

like it actually just ruins the game for me seeing some shitty 800g army completely burn 20 gems for no reason. And this is WITH magic phase baiting gone + a few temp gen generators
Bring more gems, unironically? If it's lategame then spending 10+ gems per fight is normal.
I doubled my gems on them and have another double on my scout following, it's still annoying and stupid to need 4x gems just to do it once because the AI is uncontrollable. I should be able to set a slider for how many enemy mages or gold value before it shoots gems out
There's a lot of shit you should be able to do, such as telling your mages to "use evocations" or "focus on buffing" so they don't spam the shit out of blade wind against ulmites
I would be fine with a literal DO NOT USE GEMS THIS TURN command if I think the enemy isnt going to be doing anything but being a fag

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