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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Field of view edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
Engine dev: >>>/g/gedg
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>495723441
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I like it when Frosch makes the thread.
I'm going to shit into froggy greens ass until he's so full of shit it starts coming out from his eyes, crying tears of shit and begging me to stop shitting directly into his own ass. A transfer of diarrhea unlike the world has ever known. When the smoke clears, he will be completely spent and unable to shit up this thread any more. I've not shat in several weeks now as I will need an unholy amount of it to unload in my righteous work.
another day, another thread ruined by tripfags
Ok, and your game is?
Scared, Froggy?
a nuanced and well thought out opinion... in /agdg/... rare
>”im gonna make a rts game!!!! Like a big boy!!”
>proceeds to get giga mogged and skull fucked by kingmaker which lets you have 100,000 fully animated skeletal mesh armies, and a third person character running around killing enemy troops and commanding the battle from the frontlines all in UE5 with 4k graphics 300 fps
lol, lmao even. You incels never stood a chance
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I want to make a futa monster RTS where the units can rape each other.
we got a guy here putting 100,000 anime girls on screen and he also lets you insert into the battle (on a vespa)
And they're both shit compared to SCFA.
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Reminder that appeal is very important.
No, you don't need to take the pedobait shortcut to have appeal in your game.
>100k high fidelity 3d characters
>4k graphics
>Get down in the action up close from any angel
>2d fixed perspective isometric
>Animated sprites that can only face 16 directions (might end up being 8)
>No camera zoom. No camera rotation
I just don't care what other games do.
Only black women can ever be futas.
it looks like retarded goofy aahh assetflip slop
He can’t even get 1k anime girls on screen without crashing his pc and they aren’t even skeletal meshes they’re static meshes with no overhead data like health or damage keklmao
>tfw every single model is handmade
>but because it’s high quality a 70 IQ nigger on agdg calls it an asset flip
What's the hook here. Blowing stuff up is cool Some decent looking graphics/animations. But why would I play this. Are there successful games in this genre?
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you could make shit like Vampire survivor but is a PvE RTS.
Have you considered adding a "Damages" tally at the end of each mission that shows how much carnage your fighting has inflicted on the people?
>Cost of damages
You could even have this delivered by a sweaty and angry Police Sargeant type:
>The Mayor's gonna have my ass for this, Landsword! GodDAMNIT you've chewed through four children's hospitals this week - you know how much that's gonna cost the department?
>I told you to play it by the BOOKS! Now you've got gunships going down over the Upper East Side
>I'd see your badge and your mech on my desk tomorrow morning but GodDamnit Landsword - you get results
Holy fucking cringe stop posting
Kingmaker is an action game where you're a modern person shooting 1500's soldiers.
This automatically made it more interesting imo
you can't have too much appeal. now go put some cute girl in that mech. chop chop
my game has soul
theirs does not
my game is made out of the love of the act of creation
theirs was made to make money.
my rewards are intangible
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New video
nice "furry running away from catfish simulator 2024" game.
No game?
I look like this and do this
Froggy has a game? That's big news
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Dancing ghosts.
the furry or the fish
looks nice
the water
Ok, so in that game there is cover was a bit more overt. That game had a helldiver sort of feel. Dropped into enemy territory. Liberate a city. I see what you're going for now. I feel like with a bit of lore, a bit of reason to be hyped up to be in this war, I could see this doing well. Without any back story of lore, or AI Girlfriend like Cortana talking, it starts looking like a free to play game. Just my nobody opinion.
good morning sir
checkout the kingdom under fire series, especially crusaders and heroes
Froggys game is going to be canceled after this >>495791729
tripfaggots dont have games THO
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new dog
nice dog
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catfish looks too goofy to be menacing, wanna pet it
You're like Froggy?
Is there anything you can work on without a game idea? I'm not feeling any inspiration and all the ideas I think of suck but I don't want to just do nothing
Make a save and load system.
You could write me an "inner glow" fragment shader using edge detection in GLSL.
look up hobbies that aren't games or anime shit or comics.

I got amazing new ideas by looking at breakdance, martial arts, parkour and ballet videos.
i already have one. i'm not sure if it's very good though, it just grabs some of the players data and puts it in a json file and then packs it up again.
me on the left
learn steamworks integration
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today write that one line of code
draw that new asset
do that boring ui
today make progress
This is inspiring
looks like underspace closing the gap against vivilope
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Learning animation in blender, how are my keyframes
all the non-game related stuff:
>main menu ui
>options (resolution, languages, keybind, gamepad, sound)
>base save and load system
>random assets that can go into the game or future ones
>fix known bugs
>do some new mockups
just don't waste your time watching youtube videos or doomscrolling
Try to implement mechanics from other games in a vacuum
that fish doesn't fit in the water at all man I get it's supposed to be cool but it just looks wrong
if this is your game this video alone will sell you $100k, keep the good work
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seems functional but you need to add some secondary frames with movement inertia and secondary motions.
keyframes look good very dynamic poses but theres something wrong with the material on your character, skin looks wrong (really dark)
>looks wrong
stfu think outside the box it doesn't have to be realistic to be good
I wouldnt consider those "key" since the motion is still conveyed without them unless Im wrong. Ill add inbetweens when I get back to my computer and it should look smoother
>swimming in shallow water
>bobbing around feet deep
>human is running in ankle deep water
it's bad and looks dumb
Is there a way to make exposed values mutually exclusive in unreal? Is there a setting for that or do I need to do some code for that
well, they're not really keyframes, but more like secondary frames that happens in reaction to keyframes.
No I have a game.
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>what is mud
You have low test if you dont enjoy chocolate girls.
its swimming in the mud
just like my chinese cartoons
cute, diggin the whole aesthetic
old progress but looks good as usual
pretty good

alright i replied to all the actual progress posts. now i can start work
>nooooo my immersion is ruined I guess I'll just pretend it makes sense
>my immersion is ruined because a gigantic catfish is able to swim in the mud
it did actually instantly remind me of some isekai anime where the guy fights some boss in the mud
but i cant remember what it was and cant be bothered looking it up
nondevs are just retarded
i painstakingly pixeled a car but accidentally made it too small for a person to fit inside it
Which is..?
see >>495795112
nevermind i rememebered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi0gpIkuKiI
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>posting progress in /agdg/
I'm not stupid.
Any ideas on how to insert continuous effects on a card game? If, for example, I have a "all cards increase their costs by 1", what's a neat way to implement it? I was thinking of having two gamestates, the base one and the one where I apply the effects, so that I can easily recover or calculate the gamestate when some of the effects disappear.
I will now buy your game.
I will now not but your game.
speak white, latinx
why do we hate godot?
/agdg/ is the UE general.
for godot you can go to to >>>/lgbt/agdg
Obnoxious cultist fanbase, janky code.
too many jeets in here following youtube tutorials, theyre afraid to learn anything that doesnt have a thick punjabi accent teaching it to them in broken english
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Finished studying HEMA and Iado and fencing.

There's these types of sword attacks.

Slashes, cuts, touches, lunges, stabs and ripostes.

There's an upper motion, a side hook motion, a mid cut and the bottom leg cuts.

There's also parries, which are mid parries, upper parries and circular parry.
There's also upper block, leg block and mid block.

That's more or less what I understood from swords, katanas and sabres.
weaponized autism
none of this will make you a game
So I have to implement a sorting algorithm.
based, i'll never post here
neets will copy my game
i believe in you
Any particular reason not to use std::sort?
Thank you.
God bless.

I'm using C
shhhhhhhhhhheeeesssshhhhh i should've started using AI months ago
i blame cris for making me think t'was a thirdie crutch when is just another tool like photobashing or 3d models really
>using ai
>listening to cris
show your gens
Why? If you used C++ you could just use a sorting algorithm from the standard library that's much faster than whatever you're going to come up with.
dont listen to the retards here, they are either crabbing or just artfags who are afraid of AI
>I was thinking of having two gamestates, the base one and the one where I apply the effects, so that I can easily recover or calculate the gamestate when some of the effects disappear.
This works, but if you have more complex effects of the form "whenever X, Y", then it's hard to apply that to *every* Xer. In such cases, you combine your approach with the observer pattern. A continuous effect is an observer that watches for what it's supposed to modify and then does so whenever such a thing appears. When the effect ends, all you need to do is remove the observer. If you need to remove a trait from other cards as a result you can keep a list of them whenever you modify them, and then use that list to do that when the time arrives.

You gotta buy someone dinner before that happens sweetie.
C is elegant in its simplicity. It was love at first sight.
you can literally just press generate and get a new one in seconds just show something
So, no particular reason, you just want a slower development cycle and worse performance in the long run.
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I'm retarded. is there a better way to do this?
don't want to make multiple child blueprints desu
Yeah, use code.
whats that?
Fuck off racist
How does it feel to have your entire general mogged by UFO 50?
whats that?
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I totally could

but I don't really like c++ and blueprints are easier to work with.
Soapland Simulator
baldur's gate 3 is the game i wanted to make, it's over
there's definitely more to be done in that realm, they just released 3 Acts.
No gf,
and I have no game
my darling,
my dear.

No job,
and life is pain
my Carly,
my pear,
my darlingestestest dear.
why do you want to make a gay game?
stop worshipping streamers, parasocial tranny
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>you can't think a game is gay without having streeeamers telling you the game is gay.
every time I see that mask I just think this guys into bbc cuckoldry
forgot 2/3 of my groceries out for 3 hours and have to throw out 30 euros worth of food
it's fucking over
You can still dev
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If you don't care for your groceries how could you possibly care about your game?
Oats never goes bad
Why aren't you studying appeal like this guy?
i care about my game so much i forgot to refrigerate them when i hopped on my computer
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You know there are C libraries out there. You don't have to use the standard libraries only. Why do 2 out of 3 C++ fags never understand this?
>Why aren't you studying appeal like this guy?
I am though
Oh you mean like quicksort that's slower than std::sort?
Takes one to know one, Fagtroon.
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You call that appeal? Check this shit out.
THIS, is appealing.
i dev for alice

noble cat
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Deer skull, which will show up in Marcus' area in the third Untotern level.
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>Takes one to know one
No wonder you're a nodev, your creativity sucks balls. Why don't you go run along and jerk off to some anime porn while eating some tendies funded by your good boy points?
I'm implementing a min-heap in the utils section of my game engine in order to make a priority queue for edge collapse for the sake of LOD.

Then, I'll define LOD levels and cycle them over a singular chunk.

Then, I'll implement a geometric clipmap which radiates increasing LOD levels out from the player position.

Then....dynamic chunk loading/unloading.
Then a fly over webm.
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That's my home board :D

What does quicksort have to do with it? Are you claiming that no C libraries exist with a sorting algorithm equal or superior to quick sort or std::sort?
1 star review
No. Fuck off, fygoontranny
>Networking in Godot is impossi-ACK!
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>Actually working
You know, that's actually good to hear. Great job, dude.
sounds harder in your previous post
This is /agdg/, not /g/. Stop yapping about irrelevant shit.
>no prediction
>convoluted architecture
>reliant on steam AND external libraries
is this a false flag
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Either answer my on-topic question or don't reply to me ...
I dev Alice...
>reliant on steam
It's called "Steam"Net for a reason anon.
do you actually make game or is this just another random thread you attention seek in?
I am become Alice, Destroyer of Idle Minds
It's nearly impossible for someone who avatarfags every day, multiple times a day, to actually make a progress developing their game (if they have one)
maybe it’s a team of posters
The code would be exactly the same as the blueprint if I wrote it in C++. Honestly I don't understand why you even care that it's a blueprint.

I was asking if there was a better way to do this functionally
he should do this. The game has too few interconnected elements to take into consideration right now
If you do in code you can reuse in all your future projects for life.
That's about as clean as it's going to get with a triple conditional like that. You could save a single node using a select instead of a switch, but that wont help much.
It's ok for me to use AI cause i'm black and have a disadvantage cause of racism unless i'm DEI pozzed.
I actually bought the blueprint utilities asset and it comes with these premade, way better than doing it on my own from scratch.
Orblike but it's porn.
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the spirit of progress visited me in my dreams again and said if in two weeks I have nothing playable to show him he will start making me shit myself in my sleep
>my competition gave up on his game and project hoped
post game
I accept that I am not a normal man.
That my charge is to give much time to create ludokino which will be peculiar and stark.
Implementing reserves in a strategy game:
>You select all the units you want to be in a battle and they're all on the field. You keep units back at the edge of the map if you want them in reserve
>You select the units you want on the battlefield and also select the reserves which you can call upon if things go sour.
I like the second one because it's a lot like the reinforcement mechanic from The Troop (kino ww2 game). I would like to penalize the player for using reserves in some way, otherwise it would always be wise to reserve the bulk of your army and be immune from artillery. The Troop uses a time penalty where they cannot be fielded until 40-50% of the turns have elapsed, but Im not doing turn based.
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Got my intro cinematic done, modeled and added the general shopkeeper (now with clothes!), implemented inflation/market force on the global level, and added a display for that value in the store ui. Still need to clean up the shop ui a little and hide the field widget while shopping.
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>my competition is not a neet that can make 16 hours progress a day
that's me tho
To be clear the second example these units are off map until called upon
engines use all kinds of different programming languages and have their own way of doing things so I don't see that as being true

thanks anon.
>my competition made 300 million dollars
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: A weird head.
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>my competition released an underwhelming disappointment
one day we'll all see eachother as we are. and it'll be a mirror.
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I hate the fonts
Thanks. After looking at what I posted, I see I missed updating the font on the purchase buttons. Noob Mistake. Please ban me for a month.
if you're black you shouldn't use computers it's really unhealthy for your inferior mind
Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.
What are games with infinite replayability?
Why spend all your time making your dream game if you can only play it once or twice before getting bored of it yourself?
I know of the usual suspects:
>Slay the Spire (roguelike deckbuilder)
>Minecraft/Terraria (crafting building)
However note: these next games are NOT infinitely replayable despite what people say:
Excellent game but eventually you do everything in it, even with mods. And especially if you yourself are the one making the game
>Binding of Issac
Shitty gameplay, edgy and pretentious, looks like shit
>Civilization and other 4X games
Too boring and complex
>Fighting games
Too difficult and not fun
Woke and looks like a worse Diablo-clone
>Path of Exile and other Diablo-clones
Gets really boring near endgame
>Elden Ring and Soulslike
Memorize enemy behavior and it gets really boring
You do all this work to make a game, but it has no replay value so you play it once or twice and then you get bored.
Just imagine you created something like Portal or Phoenix Wright. Fun games. But once you play through it once you can't really play through it again.
If I'm spending a lot of effort and time into making a game, I'd want to be able to play it over and over.
>What are games with infinite replayability?
fun games
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I kind of agree with you. I'm working hard on finding a nice middle ground between readability and style, but it's not quite there yet, and especially not when I have four different ones in the same ui.
Here's a pic of the seasonal material switches to atone.
>leaves still up in winter
sry it looks nice
nice Shreklike
Just set da leaves to transparent for winter boss.
/agdg/ Game with the best dialogue?
It's what your games would be like if they were good.
Some of the trees do go naked, but the ones in the pic dont. Willows look crazy under snow, dragon trees dont drop their leaves (they're succulents!). But the tree on the left may get the full leave nudity treatment, and I'll probably add at least one other type before I'm done. Do palm trees drop leaf when it's cold?
Kaliina, my pear.
no game has infinite replayability, you will get bored eventually
Post cinematic?
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pear rhymes with fear
>Do palm trees drop leaf when it's cold?
depends on the type of palm tree how much cold they can endure - if it gets too cold the leaves will die
Keeping that close to the chest so there's some zest for demo day. It's a pretty basic classic rpg scene crawl though. In the future when I have more of the art done, it may be a more fully 3d cinematic animal.
>8bit games in this thread
>>ewwww pixelshart get out
>8bit games in a pack of 50
my next game will be a huge success... i just need to find out what to make first..
Shit bait, but on the topic of Diablo/PoE endgames the solution that developers are too afraid to implement is so easy:
>Hardcore only (permanent death)
>Make the game more difficult the entire way through
>Lock lobbies by level range, or lock progression when high level characters try to rush new chars (prevent skipping the actual fucking game for end game bingbingwahoo garbage)
>Any and all mechanics introduced to prevent rushing, smurfing, trooning or whatever you want to call it where players sit in town and wait for a high level sorc to teleport them through the entire game
>Now when you actually complete the quest line, it's meaningful. You played the game and survived and won.
>Anything past that is 'challenge mode' tier content that's intended to cull players that are too attached to their character
poo of exile literally added exactly what youre asking for (ruthless) and no one plays it because its dogshit
fucking moron
>heh i've solved the gaming industry and will make the game theyre all too afraid to make, its GUARANTEED success
>the worst fucking idea ever that no one would want to play
im starting to understand why none of you are successful
This is real shit bait.
This is not fun, it's frustrating. Why play it if it's not fun?
Also, anyone playing it more than once HATES the quest line, it's the single most boring part of the games. Every player just goes through the quest line ASAP to get rid of it and get to the end game.
that doesn't really narrow it down ...
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explain to me why no one is making detective games
They suck and they're boring
i want to make a game look just good enough to get a 100k+ exclusivity deal with epic game store and then im just gonna phone it in from there with fiverr jeets
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It has been officially one month after its release and the game has been stuck at 26 reviews for weeks.
Now that the dust has settled what can we learn from this failure so it doesnt happen to us?
I have ZERO clue how multiplayer in general works, my projects were always single player based, if I were to develop a (mobile) chess like game, what are the things I should know?

Can I still ‘develop’ the game as if it is a singleplayer game and then implement the mp stuff, do I do it from the ground up? Is it more complex than basic coding?

Sorry if this sounds ignorant but I genuinely have no sense of direction regarding this as I do not have any experience in terms of gamedevelopment withon the realm of online/network realm
then why are all three existing detective games major hits?
drop the weird obsession with anime unless you're making a p*rn game
Not a thing anymore, you are too late.
Never spend more than 5 years on your game as a solodev
>Anime games don't sell in general, few do and those suffer from survivor bias
>The age of 2D slop is over, your games needs to be AAAA in quality if it is 2D unless it's porn or you have a BIG following
Email hundreds of streamers, market for months or years, don't just make 10 unengaging posts on Reddit one day.
>tranime art
>bullet hell action rpg
>very gay cutscenes with 'cute' humor
>10 years to make
>no hype on release or coherent marketing just 4chan avatarposting
>represents himself online as bocchi the rock of all characters
i cant imagine how anyone thought this was going to do well
>If drugs are bad for you, then how come millions of people take them?
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just separate the user interaction from the game logic and it should be fine to change it to multiplayer later
e.g. [board interaction]: user tries to play Ne3 -> sends a request to game handler and waits for a response updating the game state
then the game handler could either be a singleplayer one running locally or a multiplayer one over a network

2d? Maybe he should have gone with 3d capsule art.
you have no argument
No marketing was going to save Marmoreal. A $15 early access game that's only about 2-3 hours was never going to get anywhere.
Reminds me of how transwiz's game flopped lmao
2 games released like last week that were 2d. One is making many millions, the other will pull in a couple million.
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Lack of appeal
post games
Bullet Hell is probably a genre to be avoided. But I think the big issue was content. Wasn't this a pretty short game? Should have figured out a way to produce content easier, if that's true, I haven't played.
how do i check is a lerp is done in godot?
is approx is still too strict.
God is real
use unreal instead
ChefRPG, Fields of Mistria, both basically just copies of Stardew. Not that it's bad, Chef diversified away from farming. I'm not saying it's not a legit game, I'm just saying both were pretty easy games to envision.
points which stop me immediately from buying:

-looks like you can only play as females. This may not be true, but that is what it looks like at first glance.

-anime art is a soulless art style when put into 3D form.
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do I really need to show little girls in panties for my game to sell?
you can add UFO 50 to that list
>Fields of Mistria
Had following outside this general, like I said. Fields of Mistria even had a wikipedia page.
trannies will never learn
Well ya, no shit you need a following lol.
Not save it, but it would have made a big difference. Marmo essentially did zero marketing. Posting on reddit only works if you appeal to the mind of a redditor.
>I quit my job and spent 10 years making anime diablo
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>the only blue archives posted are the lolis
but they have such pretty women your age in the game too you aren't actually interested in going to jail and ruining your life right?
>>I quit my job and spent 10 years making anime diablo
Genius. Can you do social media marketing for my game?
fucking leddit, you need some fucking bullshit story to gain any traction.
or pay for updoots.
Now that you mention it... how did marmanus support himself for 10 years while developing the game?
Ya, it's not 2012 anymore. If you want to stand out from the rest, appeal is needed.
sugar daddys
Marmo confused his meme status here with a following, that's what me and other anons were talking about.
Are Diablo games doomed?
All over sexualized stuff is anti-soul.

Even the AsmonGold mouth open Stellar Blade reactionary slop that is coming out today.
i like men, what is the best engine for people like me?
Doomed to succeed
Did you look at the game anon posted? You need /m/ content.
kloaca of troglodyte will decide this
post one example from agdg
I was listening to a guy talk about steam marketing and he actually seemed to make legit posts. He said Reddit and Twitter is basically good if your art style is incredible. You'll go viral based on art. If you have average/below average art you're better off spending time making a good demo and releasing that to streamers. For those games he basically said you can try posting gifs on twitter for like a month, and if nothing is happening, it's probably not going to on that platform. And then to hope you have good game play. So there's two paths to go down. Twitter if you're beautiful, Demo if you have a heart of gold.
agdg only makes orblikes
post two examples from agdg


reactionary slop is bad and the left's ugly slop is bad. Make fun game. Only make things sexy in a tasteful way.
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>if your art style is incredible
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>posts inferior shun
I coomed to hentai on my second monitor while reading your post
>got yet another hemorrhoid from too much time gamedevving
shun small is the weaker unit
Its ok anon, there's still hope. Yea you're not the cool good, but with a good personality (demo) there's still hope to go viral.

This is assuming of course, your game is worthy.
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>not the cool good, but with a good personality
You at least need some appeal to emotion, desires etc. Every redditor want to quit their job so that resonates.
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I'll counter the loli posting and try to set some of you straight stop liking lolis stop being a pedophile this is for your own good
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Trying out some UI layouts for the activities.
but im concerned because i might be trying to change how the whole game works in general which would waste my early progress.

If im making a weekly scheduling system then having a time of day would be obsolete since it would work in a day to day basis instead.

If im making the gameplay like in the demo in where you click on things to move from one location to the other then how would i improve the fels stats? How would i able to switch from seasons into another if its a "slow burn" instead of weekly right?

It would be dumb that if after 7 days its already summer, fall or winter.

Ill have to figure it out. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I know this is bait just so that you can samefag your annoying fetish spam but games with women instead of little girls from the same nip publishers sell a lot more than lolitroon shit.
In fact the shitty gacha you post is not making a lot of money despite having a monopoly compared to other gachas, so no you're essentially losing a lot of customers.
what's blud talking about :skull:
Blue Archive's most selling banners have always been hag banners like Asuna and Kuroko. The game being for lolicons is just lolifags being obnoxiously vocal like always.
ZAMN lil bro got cooked and started acting amnesiac
nah dfkm bro on his joe biden arc fr
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Everyone likes cute lolis though?
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it's time to start liking adult women
It's time to start posting your game
total codechud death
You first
Any of you girls know what engine this game is using?
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>lolifags are so retarded they can't understand there's an entire world of making a loli game that doesn't happen to be softcore child lolita porn or just illegal pornography in argentina
Lolifags are so stupid they can't see the appeal in cute SFW loli works such as alice in wonderland book.
I always like adult women because I like tall giantesses. You really would only know if the woman is a tall giantess at her full maturity level.
talking with a godette with a cute anime pfp
we might be back bros
how... where...
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ice cold enginedev theme:

i refuse
unity, he's been working on it for 5 years+
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I DM'd a D&D game last night. It is a lot of fun to make games.
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She cute
>can only like one thing at a time
I'm still working on my Hawken-like though.
That's good. More hawken for the porkin
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“What if I learned in coding school, just so I can possibly create my game faster… well before GTA 6.

https://youtu.be/s4dBvSj9Zpo?si=hHFyeu_s0L4ROQO7 [Open]

This is the link I wanted to learn to reach in success coding. Basically 2D/3D third person beat em up, similar to sifu and pseudoregalia.


Also I’m back from hiatus after experiencing a shitty life until I put my two shoes together and listen to my humble gut“

Copy pasta due to my solo thread would possibly die fast unfortunately
holy obnoxious faggot kys
are you planning to only use the 3d model from now on, or still use the 2d art for other stuff?
what kind of game are you making? I love anthro girls
What did I do? I do as you say? Unless you’re the other anon
Getting a lot more from my reddit posts lately, used to be 1-2 clicks, now it’s 30 clicks. Conversion into plays/downloads on itch seems to be same in absolute terms, though. I wonder if it’s bot/scraper traffic?
Obviously nothing is "infinite" but it's something you can replay for a very, very long time.
>bot/scraper traffic?
Would not be surprised
It's funny that my game got scraped and put into a database site. Made my game feel so official.
A sifu style beat em up.
Chess. Very few chess players ever drop it for the rest of their lives because they got bored.
C-can we see it? Brutal: Paws of Fury came to mind for characters
Chess is literally one of the worst examples you could have picked because it's a solved game.
wait... a Sifu with playable waifurs? please show some stuff!
stop making games with female anthros
Fighting beastmen sounds pretty kino.
Not a solved game for human players.
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How do I fix this?
Unfortunately I’m just progress-sing ideas before when I’m ready to code, this. This is concept of the character designs so far.

Which is why I had to find the most reliable coding in engine for me that easy to learn. I do buy commissions tho. All I just need is a new computer due to my last one being broke as shit, but after that, and after I save money for programming school, and after I got my progress I could sent you 3d preview of a demo if you want to? After all I’m saving money due to my shitty wage job
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These are my progress for now until I get my new PC so I could finally code, due to my last PC being broke as shit!
most reviews are people from here throwing marmo some lifefuel (including me), which is why his sale/review rate is around 7 when the average is over 30

game is honestly horrible for its price point. you just slay hordes of disposable trash till you get to the boss and i'm pretty sure it has anti-speedrun mechanics like forcefields and invisible walls to prevent you from skipping these trash-tier enemies
also the demo has too much content, enough to play it till you get bored (like most people do nowadays, few people finish games). the point of a demo is to blueball you, leaving you longing for more, but marmo absolutely NEEDED to share his progress every demo day for whatever reason

it would have been a very decent thing if it was just a beginner's first learning project done in less than a year
lot's of people rightfully trash marmo's nonexistent marketing, but quite frankly no amount of marketing could have saved it
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Never, I'm not going back to adult women.
working on car collision mechanics today, so that you can collide with other cars and maintain your momentum as long as you hit them in an optimal spot.
>vid related
based children
then you wont be going back to prison either, you'll be going there permanently instead. Kid diddler.
Reddit brain take
>But Bobby said!!
If Chess is solved and you know the meta, why can't you beat stockfish? It's just a matter of making the correct moves known for centuries?? After 4 moves there are a mere 280 billion positions to know.
This anon is right. Chess has been played by people for their entire lives before any of us were even born and it will continue to be played after you're gone.
>then you wont be going back to prison either, you'll be going there permanently instead.
Is this supposed to be clever wordplay? Holy shit you must have an IQ of 60.
you can't just change the color palette of luna and say it's yours
>Chess is solved for the 7 or fewer piece endgame
>You just have to memorize 424 trillion positions
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Never give up on your dreams, keep fighting, even if you fail on your first project you will learn and become stronger for the next, apathy is the biggest of our enemies if you fall, stand up and fight again! perseverance is the key.
I'm glad to see devs making some nice looking female anthro related stuff I will always keep an eye and buy projects like that
If chess is a solved game post the solution
>barely tap the tire of the car
>lose all momentum
>can hit side and front of car with no problem
Explain what an optimal spot is.
how fat and bald are you?
talked about d&d in the godot offtopic chat and dm'd her
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you mad kid diddler? keep jacking off to drawings, don't even think about going beyond that.
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Amen anon, amen…
C has a quicksort algorithm built-in though? It's called qsort and it's in stdlib
The winning move is not to play
That's the spirit.
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the winning move is not to play
There's 5 extremely good devs who have posted in the last 6 months. If you are one of them you know who you are.
there's no way you can't actually do pixel art right anon I mean it's just squares
I fucking lied the turn off your phone and close your eyes strat doesn't fucking work at all now I only have 2 hours to dev today. New strat, set alarm for 7:30 and after I eat breakfast and everyone poops and stuff I'm going to go on my walk first so I don't just get back in bed.
Great anons think alike
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who's gonna tell him
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Pretty sure he means not the engine or axles
It looks bad and I don't want to do it.
90% of the best artists on this board are pixel artists
i love vague posting it makes me feel like im really in the show "bocchi the rock" as bocchi, the rock herself making a vague post that could be anyone and then I know my friends are gonna post "thanks xD" with their profile pics on mmmmmmhmm oh its just like bocchi the rock
Give me one reason why I should godon’t instead of godoing
maybe try godokillyourself?
Pixel art is a solved game
we truly are a bocchi the rock
i dropped it for the rest of my life because its infested with cheating poos
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It was out of nowhere, no plan but I used to make campaigns so I had a few in my mind to play out.
>AI wins at Go
>Go is solved
yes (42)
she's not a tranny but she does seem a bit unhinged and is working on a farming game with furries
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congrats sisters!
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losing no momentum seems weird, maybe it should have some other kind of mechanic where you crush through the car instead of ragdolling it into the sky
the car destruction in this old game was always very satisfying, check that for inspo
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Just my personal suggestion, maybe your project would look better if the body proportions where more in line with 00's fighting female characters, you can keep the toony look, I'm fine with it but bodies like Ivy Valentine/ Timespliters 2 will help to make your game more appealing not only for the furry community but for those semi-normies that find female anthros appealing, your game will be released in 3-5 years in the future so all this woke nonsense will be out of the window and sexy will come back, you need to plan not for now but in the time context this project will be released

>furries and troons and pedophiles in aggydaggy
I'm thinking it might be time to leave but unironically
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we really live in a society
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My doctor perscrabinated me antidepressant medicatation for my depression do they affect imagination?
Will taking this impact the quality of my games?
>chuds lost yet again
human men
adding this outfit on a furry girl to my game.
Leave to where?
Its the same everywhere else.
It's not chud behavior to want to avoid being around people who want to cut their dick off or who want to fuck animals or children, it's pretty normal to avoid people like that
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taking medication to mask symptoms of your mind telling you to fix things in your life.

This is unhealthy.
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Hey a fellow spiderdev, nice dog.
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>tfw using a fuck ton of filters to hide the ugliness of my game
hahahaha wtf. I wonder if some of these lunatics make furry versions of historical figures like hitler or stalin or abraham lincoln
Oh shut the fuck up napalmbonerfart go suck trumps dick and fuck off already!
I get all my lore and worldbuilding from the based neckbeards on /tg/.
Cute. Is he the spider’s friend?
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Guillotine.
True. if you want to be a true autist about speed you'll have to do something else. If memory serves, the void* dereference helps slow it down.

See you tomorrow.

Just take the pills. They might not make you happy necessarily but you'll probably be less miserable.

That's not good advice. Some people who have chemical imbalances feel miserable no matter what. I do think doctors are trigger-happy with medication though.
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I try not to lift if I can, but I did recently transcribe a Go game into my book
I'm not even american retard
>that guy who takes 2 days to follow a 30m tutorial
OH wait that’s me LMAOO
another game style I personally like is the Sinemora character style, realist but sexy with a nice dieselpunk clothing direction, a shooter/squad Commandos like game with this look could be an interesting proposition if the world and it's lore play with the animal-species characteristics
I know that feel.
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Yeah lemme just overthrow capitalism real quick thats clearly the more realistic solution.
better than taking 2 days to do nothing
this is genius, great style
this is probably ironic but I know real people who talk like this
>Some people who have chemical imbalances feel miserable no matter what.
I don't want to necessarily advocate one way or the other, but there are some doctors who disagree with the "chemical imbalance" model of depression orthodoxy.
Yes, aside from the nuances of whatever drug you're supposed to be taking, there's a link between depression and creativity. Great artists don't tend to be happy and content people.
no jewish brainwashing pills in here
nigga am about to blow inside a bocchi poster
>everything is everyone else's fault
Typical retard
why couldn't i be an artist like anon damn
you got a fever and the idiots with diplomas want to treat the infection with Antipyretics
The greatest artists were literally just tradesmen thoughbeit. Emotions had nothing to do with it.
absolutely flabbergasted rn
where did all these goobers come from
these scoundrels just appeared out of the woodworks
i don't like cris and fagtroon and bokube but their persuasion is a gazillion times better than these folk
butt... would you also add those body proportions? that's the key
im not him im a different guy who's still brainstorming his next game with furry babes
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I am an ideaguy and worldbuilder by trade
I'm sorry man. I had been here though.
anything cool to show?
honestly thinking of doing the meme and quitting my factory job to dev fulltime, I don't even have a future or career to throw away
plz join the discord of random devs and shit up their chat with "great" ideas. love when that happens to mine.
Ok, but game idea?
Progress is going very well, Honestly didn't expect to be at this pace. I discovered the reason why there was one bug I wasn't sure what was causing it. It was because certain meshes didn't have something checked. All of them didn't have it checked. Now the bug is gone.
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got the games mixed up, i was thinking of this one
Can you build me a world that involves an ancient evil?
>Nothing is ever anyone elses fault its actually your fault that a house costs a billion dollars and you would have to work for 5 lifetimes to get anything better than a coffin appartment(and by the time you were done the house prices would quadruple and you have to do it 4 more times)
So true.
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Why am i walking every other tick while in the air wtfffff
You can buy land in New Mexico for 2k that is the same as 10 football fields and a tiny home for 40k. It is insane that before 2008 a trailer home was around 40k and now a new one is 100k.
i mean optimal as in t-boning another car is optimal. hitting a car from behind is also good but not as solid. head on head collisions will be decided by mass + velocity
seems weird but is very fun in practice. but yeah i wanna checkout burnout but dont have an easy way to play it.
Vague posters should have their scrotums peeled like potatoes. This fucking tranny went through the trouble of screenshotting the error and posting it here, asking why, and neglects to include their code.
Vague posters should be suspended by chains clamped onto their nipples and then lowered into a vat of boiling hot vinegar. Even then, the average aggy dagger would look on apathetically:
>God I wish that was me
Should be able to get a PS2 emulator or something
You are evil
wtf another $100 agdg game
very little evidence they actually work.

There have been studies that taking a lot of magnesium is much better to lift your mood.
Give that a try rather than sapping your brain.
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good to know another king, any genre in mind?
why vinegar
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burnout looks dope but the way the crash mechanics work won't fit my game i dont think. the core idea behind my collision mechanics is that your forward facing direction is a weapon that scales with your speed. aka - tboning someone at max speed is an instant kill, but 2 cars hitting into eachothers side will driving down a road will basically cancel one another out and will simply bump off one another.
>the progress >>495825987
>code: blue
0 reviews
26 reviews (20 reviews are from agdg's discord)

why are we flopping so hard?
lack of anthro women
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Unlocking and selecting different class(es) fully working, shop will also house permanent upgrades.
this. pretty sure normans would rather play as furry instead of anime
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you'll see when i have start working on the prototype
yeah let me post my 4000 line cmc really quick. This function that prints the mode is the only one called in tick, SetMovementMode() also says when it is called and its not saying shit, its just magically changing modes back and forth between walking and the mode its actually in. Im probably just not understanding something. Im just crying into the abyss anyway not actually asking for help
>li'l red
11 reviews

We're so fucked, bros.
You guys don't make good games
Customization, different weapons, varying mission types and environments where you need to play tactically, and (hopefully) a story as well.

Hey, dev here. There's already a counter at the end of each mission that racks up the amount of damages, but no casualty count as the excuse (for now) is that the cities have been evacuated. I think it'd be cool to mix it up and have the player try to reduce collateral damage for a few missions in "populated" cities. Maybe when you tear buildings down, little people will scatter and run away into other houses that are still standing.

I like the idea of the angry sergeant. I really want to have a cutscene where the player is told that their combat performance has become "highly retarded" if they keep racking up D ranks.
no ill probably only charge ~$25-$30
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Just about finished with my inventory systems. Will go to quests and dialog next. After that, basically start making my game. As in, the actual quests and making the levels.
looks good, what game?
got a pic of the gameplay?
how do we fix that?
I didn't mean you should copy how the crash mechanics work, I just think it has a nicer style than the ragdolling. E.g. a small hit has the cars grinding against each other throwing sparks everywhere, the big hits that result in a takedown crumple the car and it gets destroyed during the crash
How did you make such a nice UI?
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Hawk Tua girl went viral for her rant on UV unwrapping in Blender.

"The key goal is to balance stretching, seams, and efficient use of UV space, rather than striving for zero distortion at all costs. Strategic placement of seams and distortion in less noticeable areas of the model is a more realistic approach."
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>mobile ui
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>tfw inventory system is weird and not good
I don't want to write it again, fuck I hate inventory systems so much. Literally every time I started doing inventory system I soon dropped the project. I won't drop this one, I redid inv 2 times already, but fuck me I just want to be over this hump and have inventory that works with cool looking icons.
Play test more probably? If it were easy to figure out how to make a game good, everybody would do it.
Make a Kobold with big tits next
This clown world is always surprising me. She gives good advice.

It's quick, easy to navigate!
Doesn't need to be intricate for a game of this simplicity.

My main project will have one.
but not demoday playtests? when has that worked?
Me and all my RPG projects.
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cute dragon foot
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It'll be a 2d Action RPG with life sim elements. When I say Action RPG I mean closer to Stardew than Diablo. Combat will be critical to the game, but I'm not making some game with like, fireballs or whatever. This isn't going to be DnD.

No, not yet. I've worked on saving, home screen, crafting, vendors, dialog and quest systems (which still needs some work), Inventory, hearing and sight for NPC's. But I have not added any real game play yet. Have been building up assets. Here's a gym I started to put together.

I'm hoping I can announce my game in some RPG show, so I'm being a little quite on the details and setting.
that's me but those 30 minute tutorials are bullshit anyway miss one step and you don't get the same result as them that step wasn't explained and happens in less than a second and you'd have to frame step the video to see it
kobolds are lizards albeit
human men
UIMaker 2000
Everything made in photoshop.
What's a state machine and do I really need one?
I wish I was an idea guy and worldbuilder by trade. I have so many ideas and worlds I could come up with for a price
a loop with conditional statements inside
Ya I had a follow up post after someone responded about a similar game. With a little bit of world building (literally just anything to explain the setting and hype me up about being dropped into enemy territory) I can see the potential better now.
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same but would do it for free if in exchange I see more games I like (games featuring playable sexy anthro girls) sometimes it is important not only to feed our body but also our soul, also it's fun
Oh I see, so you are more referring to the resulting victim cars movement + vfx. Yes, big t-bone-insta-kill hits will shred the other car into pieces that go flying everywhere (just havent hooked up the destruction system yet). Small collisions will just be sparks + dents etc. Driving down a road while both cars are pushing into eachother laterally will result in lots of sparks but little damage.
I don't want to hate on code:bluedev or marmodev or anything, but they have kind of ignored demo day playtest feedback in the past. Code:Blue releasing in particular was surprising when I first heard about it, because I distinctly remember one of the DD 58 streamers talking about how much they did not enjoy it (while also apologizing to the dev for that, since the dev was watching)
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Automatically blends animation loops based on states.

Handy for jumping, crouching, running and the like.

Depends on your game.

Only if they are a wise old wizards that can teach her powerful new magicks.
nice, keep doing the cool shit!
kobolds are descended directly from dragons, you can even see it in their features, for example their dragon-like snout
lizards are completely different branch of evolutionary tree and have nothing in common with the noble kobold race
saying you don't enjoy something isn't useful feedback
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what am i supposed to make of this information
I've been checking these charts and shit for a few days and i still have no idea what value as information any of this has for my game
I really like them. It just makes it easier to handle state. Like a pause state. My states have 3 methods, Enter, Execute, and Exit. It just simplifies game flow. Having a million bools everywhere like "IsPaused" or even an Enum holding all the states can work. I prefer a state system. It's just easier for me to visualize what's going on. And by doing something like a VendorState, anytime something goes wrong with Vendor I know I can always just start debugging in the execute method. "Alright, what's wrong, go to execute, step into next class, breakpoint, fix."
I prefer dog/wolf kobolds
>what am i supposed to make of this information
nothing. pretty much all of the direct navigation traffic is actually bots as well.
I prefer little dragon people kobolds.
can I see something about the gameplay? will it have Steam release
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>approved for disability
>denied for SSI
>swapped to SSDI
>all the time in the world to dev and max out my hobby skills
I think I'll read platos republic and pick up qi gong and then buy fiber optic internet
so i might as well just ignore this "marketing and outreach" submenu thing entirely?
All of that so you can make what kind of game?
are you guys tracking your weekly twitter follower count / increases? i feel like its one of the most important devlog metrics
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Jim C. Hines goblin trilogy has some cute canine kobolds, i recommend the graphic audio adaptions.

Early access already available on steam.
Currently working on a big update reworking a lot the leveling up and skill system.
Huge progress today. Some idiot shared his genius idea in a thread yesterday and I was able to lift it perfectly into my game. I am so gonna make it.
wizard game, you do magic, many magic, lot of magic, open world, multiple maps based on different cultures magical practices, cryptids (somewhat) and lots of mythological beings.
well unless you're looking for something specific. can be interesting to see what external sources are bringing people to the page, and if gaben has blessed your game with the discovery queue.
You are gonna credit me right?
If you're the rts guy I hope you do steal my ideas
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wow you're really popular with the ladies anon!!1
Sounds good.
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writing your own world is the enginedev of settingbuilding
im just gonna rip off tolkien with a random OC donut steel race with big titties to cater to the furry audience just like everybody else
standing on the shoulders of giants n all
top down survival games are not my thing but I have it on favs just for that character of yours, why the game is so cheap? it's like a test/first game?
what the masses actually really want is just generic ass fantasy
>can be interesting to see what external sources are bringing people to the page
Well that's useless anyway. All I care about is if they buy the game or not and this doesn't matter in that regard
>and if gaben has blessed your game with the discovery queue
Well I think I'd notice this by the increased sales amount.
Fuck you. I want generic ass fantasy done well. Stop giving me slop.
the only races in my game that will be based off Tolkien will be elves, orcs, and dwarves. why? because they've permutated pop culture so much that historically accurate one's would be too jarring and people would more than likely be disappointed about gnome sized elves that are giant trickster assholes
you will eat the slop and you will be happy
doubt this broad even knows what blender is truth be toldbeit
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do you draw the art yourself or do you have an artist?
>captcha: TH WPN
The bot cancer must be eradicated.

I think its funny how Japan was so deeply influenced by AD&D but doesn't seem to give a fuck about anything that came after.
>found another gigantic repository of textures from old games
yup, I'm the comfiest man alive rn
Hawk Tua girl went viral for her stance on JAI.

"People often expect it to provide features like a polished editor, asset pipeline, and extensive tooling, but JAI focuses on improving productivity and performance for developers who want more control over their game's systems. It’s a tool for creating custom game engines rather than being a complete game development environment itself."
Im so ugly holy shit.
I just saw my own reflection in my screen and i got scared of that zombie that appeared on my screen but then i realized the screen was just black and it was my own reflection.
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you may not like it but this is what peak kobold form looks like
Nice sounds good
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That feel when I realize that despite all the positive DD comments, my game is not going to make it.
gnomes and halflings already embody those tropes of little elves mostly anyways
Will GABE N approve my game build today?
Shes suprisingly smart for a girl who got famous off saying "You gotta give him that HAWK TUAH! spit on that thang."
thank God no one praises my game on DD
It's an early access state, i'm for the notion that early adopters should get a bit of a discount on the account for the support and helping with testing, full version i'l bump the price to like 5 buckaroos.

It's cheap because it doesn't and will not have the depth most games have, just a small arcadey game you can play with friends.

These drawings are from an artist, i'm not this skilled. Art like this and music are not in my skillset, everything else i do myself.

I'l stick to my coding, 3d animation/modeling/texturing and sound effects.
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oh theres also that other reading of tolkien lore where as time went on humanoid races got smaller, less magical, and less long-lived
you see that in dark souls too. like the progression from giants to really big men like the silver knights to normal sized men like hollows
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why the hurry? Relax
I don't have time today. stop pestering me with this shit
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Cant stop thinking how 99% of videogames have dog shit melee combat.
you can't even run 99% of video games
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just look at this shit. Can you imagine a dev nowadays having the balls to have his texture library look like this?
Name 10
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Some progress.
cris your games are even more dogshit, shut the fuck up
GABE N please... let me release my game PLEASE...
How did they make textures like this
with soul__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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with a camera
>fishing in vampire survivors
no I don't mean the atlas structure, I mean the nonsensical jumble of single squares that don't seem to fit together but are pieced together into beautiful coherent environments
Just for my first game desu, once I'm a millionaire with a farm and a family I will make my unique game.
>I don't see how anyone these days can call an array of pixels from a static image to overlay over a polygon face
hey, uh, are you new here? is this your first day devving? never bothered to learn programming?
how come some jrpgs with static sprites feel so lively while others feel wrong and boring? the first etrian odyssey feels very dynamic to me, but some modern indies feel like a screenshot.
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marmosisters? our response?
Etrian Odyssey isn't static though. It moves when you move.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024


No need to clap anon, i know i'm good.
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I'm pretty happy with this bullet pattern, I think I can start working on the last boss now
they manage to gather some "success" by releasing a streamer bait game and now think that the only way to succeed is by pushing out slop as quickly as possible.

soulless behaviour.
>Make a small game
>It fails like 99% of small games
>Try again
>It fails
>Repeat for 5 years
>No great success yet
>Repeat for another 5 years
>Now you are almost 50 and have a legacy of shitty small games and nothing you are proud of
You terrified someone will show you up just like that 1 anon dabbed on the 10 man collab? Same. although the art for the mockup is his, it does prove that all it takes is one talented anon with no qualms of cloning yours just to beat you to market eg Bodycam cloning Unrecord which hasn't even released. The cloning team, a pair of rich kids or at least one is according to info I vaguely recall. Imagine being on the unfortunate end of being targeted by some more capable whether by talent, money, or simply a determined neet.

No thanks, we already entered the cloning age, it's only a matter of time before people start cloning unreleased games that are either popular or show gmi status.
I had a 2nd player blueprint hiding in the corner of the map the whole time...
and somehow hobby devs call this great lel. jobby dev that must make it or throw in the towel eventually. no way am i wasting my life away devving for 40 years and all of my games flopped. imagine wasting all that time not even doing something fun

>not fun??????
>get another hobby!
cope and sneed, it never was one i want to have a game
99% of small games are made by beginner game dev trying to sell baby's first unity tutorial. If you ship 10 small games and they all flop, that's a (You) problem, and whatever big game you could've made in that time will also flop even harder.
>make a big game
>it takes 10 years
>it flops because it's actually just a small game pretending to be a big game
>sort of... stretched
>like butter scaped over too much bread
Did Marmo allow him to include his game into this video?
wtf I like little girls now???
my art is soulless
what i meant is that enemy sprites don't have animations. their position is shifted around and they might shift color as well, but there are not multiple animation frames.
can I just say it guys?

I seriously LOVE this hobby!
X is banned in my country
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>shows marmoreal while talking about it being hard to focus
........ come here marmo *hug* it's going to be okay
not me
>Small games and big games are the only size of game
sadly many western AAA companies forgot the "ass" part
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I put a woop in a car.
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IT'S OVER ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ชี้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่่่่่่่่่
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I hate this hobby
Small and big game in the context of the conversation is specifically how long you expect to take from start to ship, you retarded zoomer.
show your game
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I see......
based wooperposter
i forgot that i was supposed to code the whole game before even thinking about assets
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i'll only share my game here at the marketing stage
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>Ara floppped!
>It had similar take on grand strategy to what I had in mind for my game.
>It had similar take on grand strategy to what I had in mind for my game.
Explain to me how to make car like this.
that feel when my game is gonna make it.

i think your game fell through the cracks/wagie handling it quit leaving yours unreviewed and not transferred to someone else/wagie was lazy and targetted you specifically leaving it unreviewed

ero dungeons right?
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my fucking sides, felling guilty for laughing
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yea, its time to dev.
>Short and long time is the only time
and let me guess, way better art than yours? seeing that kinda stuff would probably be enough for me to just abandon my game if im far from done/release
5 years is a very long time, if someone doesn't have anything to show in that amount of time (not just in gamedev) but in anything then they are procrastinating heavily. Don't drag everyone else down with you cause you sit around masturbating to asian cartoon porn all day.
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>see hobbydev finish a game
>they're proud and happy, people play it and are having fun
>"how much have you made on it hobbydev?"
>"oh idk, never really bothered to check"

How does this make you feel?
why would someone lie on the internet?
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We need to kill Marnix for direspecting our community, in Minecraft.
>Puts marmoreal in S-tier during demoday
>Shits on it in his latest vid because one person on 4chan told him to kill himself
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holy fuck
that kind off btfo should be a technical foul
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how's that porn game going anon
My feelings about B*teme and M*rnix has gone from amusement to disdain in a short span of time.
probably the same. i made the mistake of making my page way too early. just how many gamedevs have seen it and saw potential?
5 years is not a long time unless you are a full-time dev. For a hobby dev who only works weekends, 5 years is enough time to make a 2 hour game
I keep telling anons to bank on appeal but they never listen
>way better art than yours
I wasn't going to focus on art anyways. The systems are very similar and in similar way. But I still think my game has a chance. There are still differences.
>12,800 a month
huh i lost like 12,800 just in the last 30 days. itd take about 5 months waging to make it back ;_;
uidev should follow in his footsteps
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Thanks, here's another one.
Posting biteme here has taken a different tone since they got a small taste of success. It will get back to normal once funds run out early next year.
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Can any /agdg/ friends recommend me some books on post-processing? Here, I'll offer a lewd image that doesn't cross the sfw line as tribute.
With how slow my progress is I don't feel comfortable trying to profit off my game with paywall site dedicated for it.
>slow progress
you're a perfect fit
I'm so fucking done.
soft spring and high damp
You're spending years making your masterpiece while this fucker who should be on a watchlist is making google salary for an anime rape simulation to other degenerates.

How is this fair?
It's literally easy money and I don't have it in me.
you going to post process your text adventure Faggy?
>get really lucky with one streamerbait game
Make slop to fund your cream of the crop.
suply and demand. not many devs are willing to make cherry pie
just like make a good game
love from kazakstan. the hags looked disgusted at his unfortunate happening, truly disgusting behavior. one even stole an apple. the only ones who helped appeared to be girls who are still unrotted by the hags typical behavior.
>searching for a meta
is game development a MOBA now?
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>5 months waging
kek this is 1 year waging here, without conversion. with the currency conversion with that money i could live 5 years here. brazil
I have multiple casseroles in the oven. Not all things are tied to Frosch. I have projects and a life outside of aggy daggy.

>you going to post process your text adventure
I mean the text adventure game is rendering with an imgui console so I could if I wanted to.
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Any tips?
Already have a well-paying job that leaves me plenty of free time, I don't care to waste my time making streamerbait trash. Actually, I'm not after money in the first place, my game will be free (completely free (no DLC (no P2W (seriously, nothing)))), I just want to make something really good.
straighten that neck, speed up punching animations, learn to use OBS instead of recording your screen with your phone
Looking good.
sudo apt install ffmpeg
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thanks, 4 of us are now assembled, 5th is holding the camera
Thank you, but while there is value in looking at the code of others, I'd like something that organizes common techniques and tricks.

Thanks bro. Sometimes /agdg/ is just so mean to me. Glad you're in my corner.
dog shit general
>Im hungry
>Its 11 PM if i eat now it will all go to my ass and i will get cellulite
How to fix this?
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game development?
checked. lost this gambling on stocks. shouldve sold preemptively. id have been up 10k+. not a fully realized loss yet
Game development doesnt burn any calories thoughever.
i look like this and do this
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He's actually right, it's weird how many smarmy posters replied to you. If you have good skills, you can pump out quality games in 3-4 months. Aside from technical execution, the key is 2 things: First, having a strong marketing/conceptual hook. And secondly, that hook needs to give you a big bang for your buck as far as adding content goes; i.e. a gameplay system that requires enemies to have 30+ animations to function at baseline vs a system where enemies only need around 10 animations each. With the second approach, you'll have more time to either add more enemies, flesh out your level more, etc.
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first is a slow punch, second is a fast punch, both of your punches are slower than the slow punch. you can either speed up the animation, or remove frames.
memefont menu
It's easy to "succeed" if you have 30k subscribers and buy every asset and line of code in "your" game.
i am officially losing it, i can't make low poly hair, it's over blender sisters...
>If you have good skills, you can pump out quality games in 3-4 months.
So why is BiteMe making streamerbait slop instead of quality games?
75% of unicycle buyers are japanese 5% koreans, he showed less than 2% of his youtube subscribers are japanese or korean in a video so it had nothing to do with his subscribers, also the sales from their main subscriber countries were terrible
Why does he look mexican?
Thats just how white people look like in America.
Yes we already know that Marnix took the "yellowpill", (or sweatshoppill as I like to call it) and is now just peddling asset flip streamer bait to asians that will buy anything their favorite vtuber plays, instead of pretending like he has any vision or passion about gamedev.
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>anon only needs maybe 98 review 14.99 game to make 5 years wages
Wish it was that easy for me. I need maybe 959 reviews at the same price for the same outcome.
>It's easy to "succeed" if you have 30k subscribers and buy every asset and line of code in "your" game.
You don't need either of those things to succeed, just make better games than marnix lol
Because they're not good enough yet. For most, it's still gonna take several years of experience and failed projects before you can make something worthwhile and sellable in only a few months
Nobody in this thread has passion or vision for gamedev.
We all want to make shittier copies of other games some people just want to copy unpopular genres which doesnt make them quirky or unique.
where is code:shart in all this?
Kill yourself
>spend several years getting good at making slop so you can... sell slop
unicycle but you get 3 random upgrades every level
the uk really has a cucked looking police force. looks less respectable than the voluptuous latina security guard i talked with doing store security. even ancient "police" had a better outfit, not this crossing guard tier looking outfit
mother bitch I fuck you bloody
well that makes two of us then
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Your assumption is that something made in a short amount of time is automatically slop. That's not true.
in the case of marniggs it is

your competition btw
>That's not true.
But it is
The real slop are the friends we made along the way.
Holy fucking shit, I feel bad for Marmo
>make an amazing 2 hour game is 3 month
>somehow it's still slop
>make an amazing 2 hour game is 3 month
Such as?
I wanna be they guy
New cris coping mechanism just dropped
bocchiposters btfo
Out of my small quirky ideas that would be fun for an hour, my big ideas aren't that original gameplay loop wise. When I think of a game idea it's usually a set piece or vibe that I want to see and I think that's why I'm not cut out for this. I don't think Genre X but Y concept is valid unless you are talking about game mechanics.
you dont have to play this. just miss out.
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fat nodev with a horny penis, take that away what are you?
I fuarking love bitememe
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Why the fuck is this shit still included in Unity? Why is the default input solution, and the only input solution that is shipped with Unity, deprecated 6 years ago? Why do I have to go download the only viable input management solution? It doesn't even help me do anything. I had controller and mouse/keyboard support working in c++ with xinput and that was way easier than dealing with this bullshit.

Same story with Netcode
Same story with the Default Render Pipeline

inb4 "Unity 6 will fix that" we unironically have to wait for Unity 7
If you take away my penis?
A woman i guess.
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I'm not cris. This is why most devs here are failures. You always manage to have the worst take on damn near everything, and I've seen the fruits of your labors. The only people succeeding nowadays rarely post in this place.
Well that's even worse
When penguindev made slop for tiktok no one said anything but suddenly making streamerbait is le bad, curious
Got examples showing otherwise?
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penguin heist has soul and vision, and he worked on it for 3 years. It's the literal opposite of marnix slop
"Good games take time"- Somebody who took 10 years to make his game and it was shit.
It's crislite, thank you
We hate belgi*m people around here.
The fact that you redditors can't even conceive of such a thing shows how little experience you've accrued with gamedev. It's a bad look honestly.
>desire to kill marnix came back
welp there goes 3 months of therapy
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Decided to record a reference video instead of having to animate this shit on blender.

I stay thinking because I was like trying to remmember which were the moves.

Could only got to basic punches, basic kicks, stances and guards and slashes.

Not autistic enough to try to do shit like more advanced moves.
posting progress :
im trying godot after a few hours in game maker. godot feels more python. i wish i could import python libs.
Holy kino.
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I'm just asking for one example.
I've taken a few embarrassing pose reference photos but did you really have to do this on a public street?
>having shame in your own game's references
omg is this the kind of retard that hangs in here ? bro i feel at home now.
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he got a massivy dumpy, though.
you gotta admit /agdg/
I'm not a teenager to be embarassed for doing some random kicks on a street, lmao.
>record slashes
>half of them are off screen
What did he mean by this?
You could've looked up keyframes or posed them in blender
well, I was careless, lmao.

Also, I lacked a stick and open space to try them.
Damn, I haven't seen your figure in months and it makes me wanna hit the gym.
Fuck gamedev, I'm going to /fit/ and fucking college freshman pussy in a year
you need a society check bro. no normal 20+ or even 30+ is not embarassed for doing kicks on the street. i mean, i can sing live, i had a band and when someone catches me masterbating im not embarassed, but bro this shit ? lets say you atleast got balls to do it, but its weired as fuck, lets say it will dry any pussy anywere in any culture.
Tip, you can set up a focal point for your camera by placing a thing on the ground that marks the ideal spot to fit everything in frame.
relax marnix
Idea guys, how do you come up with lore that gets players curious and obsessed? With plot that players get invested in? With characters that players fall in love with?
don't you live in a literal jungle
how can there be a lack of space
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For some reason this animation isn't reversing?

I've used lerps before successfully with this exact setup, but this animation isn't working like it should. The button just stays pressed when it should reset when the player walks off. I must be missing something trivial
I thought It would be funny to record them.

there wasn't people outside anon.

dunno, I just considered it to be a joke for my 4chan friends.

colombia is not 100% jungle.
>Zanzibart, forgive me.
>Age of fire dude, you just have to, fate and all.
>This guy shaped like an onion!
>there wasn't people outside anon.
nevermind, if its for a game its ok in my book. if this works you will make them wet with moeney anyways.
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marnixcel stop posting
can chat gpt 4 debug this image? real question ...
It's also a funny video for the hilo latino.

wonder if some of those fags will rip the frames and put them in mugen, lmao.
The Marmo playbook right here.
Where's the ganguro type?
spaghetti sisters sure are something
It just comes to me naturally. I tap into my childhood
he is not latino, he looks like asian or some shit.
This, how do you guys not have this ability?
Yep I'm retarded. I swapped A and B.
You are the self-conscious virgin, he is the chad who does whatever he wants. He gets laid and you don't. And if he doesn't get laid he will the moment he decides to.
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>____ forgive me
>Players go HOLY SHIT THIS LORE IS SO DEEP and make 30 hour long videos every time
Fromsoft discovered the secret formula.
I'm a brown spic.
Final Fantasy.
??? Friend, have you ever seen a native south American?
There is nothing wrong with using event sheets/blueprints.
i will now copy fromslop
im brazilial lol ... but he does not look like a normal latino. well he hangs in here so ... he is not normal.
hi Spic im br. lets speak in english since my spanis is malo.
I need a whole book analyzing the formula they use because they've perfected it. A game focused on action and somehow people are attracted to its story, lore, and characters. I don't think Wukong has even been as good in that department.
I look like an average brown colombian bro.
this post would be extremely funny if it wasn't for the fact that it is making fun of a mentally sick man
cris, your hairline....
and just to bug you out. brazil has the biggest japanese comunity outside japan. pro tip : shes brazilian.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Untotern's Ringfloater sprite is that of a human cage.
Instead of writing an actual story make a bunch of vague hints at a story like "____ forgive me..." and let the fans write the story for you like Fromsoft and Five Nights At Freddys did.
Doubt. No brazilian here and we have lots of them ever talk about getting a Japanese wife if they were so close by. I dare say, we wouldn't even have brazilian game devs if they could do just that.
send me some cocain !
It's called iberian blood, anon.
Based on the video though I could tell you are on the spectrum. That's because when I record myself I see the similarities in the way your eyes shift,your posture, and voice.
Anyone know a gamejam where idea is to adapt boardgames?
The lower races should never have been given internet access.
I was diagnosed schizo, dunno if I also have some aspergers.
Yeah, I'd love an internet without americans
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I need to make money from my game to buy Mr.Brush's course.
The little girl in the green jacket is really cute ngl
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this will never really replace the real thing. The reason why normoids are slurping up this faux-depth type of presentation is because in the mainstream media they have been robbed of stories and worlds with real substance for a long while now, which means they latch onto anything that even barely resembles the masterpieces of old
it's why a mediocre game like Elden Ring is lauded as a masterpiece and it's why people watch House of the Dragon. It's just the smouldeing remains of a ruined industry and the vultures looking for anything to eat
who is she
as long as you're not doing something morally deplorable, have fun and don't care about people who say 'ew cringe'.
you dont get it bro. a lil history for you:
Brazil was receiving japanese since the 2nd world war, waves and waves. this book is about how japanese integrated with brazilian hue gene. they are like the brazilian jews here. they are like mustard race. once i was smoking marijuana with a japanese and i said : careful the police comes here often. his response was : have you ever seen a japanese arested ? this was news to me. i live in SP now but im from rio, and in rio japanese are a small minority. in SP they rule the fucking state.
House of the Dragon is good thougheverbeit.
it's normiecore TV slop
At least none of you are trying to make games just because you can. I haven't seen many shmups or retroslop here.
i hecking love low poly!
It's an adaption of the genius that is GRRM. The books are obviously better at some parts, but most people don't read, so this is still good as a visual portrayal.
I agree it looks great
i'd make my game look like minecraft if i could
>genius that is GRRM
ok zoomer
that actually was the only correct part of his post
>stories and worlds with real substance for a long while now
Such as? And don't say Tolkien.
ufo 50 got me itching
The Bible
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>can't test controller inputs because Steam eats up controller inputs when running the game
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he's a hack, the lit equivalent of a cheap jump scare
well if you have the skill to transpile i got a code i did ages ago in unity:
sorry no idea anon
holy shit, it's real
no, it's AI dumbass
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Kinda difficult
Third attempt at coding my porn game failed. I'm rest a bit and try a 4th time.

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