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Fill out those C-01s, boys.

Previous Bread: >>495744512

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://blog.playstation.com/2024/09/12/helldivers-2-the-chemical-agents-warbond-launches-sept-19/

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
saars lobby?
Sex with Eagle-1!
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D10, get in!
'ate bugs
'ate bots
'ate squids (not a racist, I just hate them is all)
luv super Earth
luv democracy
luv /hdg/
simple as
squids added when
Fucking never
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my life for super earth
>squids get added
>whole 21 squid players total
The reality is that no one would want to play against squids.
In HD1 they were the most boring but bullshit at the same time faction.
*hands you a C-01 permit*
why is eagle-1 a dude in this image
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Two more weeks
Never forget that AH thought AT mines were too strong and nerfed them
can you post more images of flutey? :)
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never forget that they nerfed arc thrower twice and i was still doing fineee
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>HMG durable stealth nerfed by -15
>RG no longer goes ap7 on overcharge
AMR and RR are next.
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We want your questions for the Helldivers army
later, yeah, with the flutey songs
>both generals with terrible op images
wow great work, both of you should never make OPs again
ok no problem
did you make these yourself? I love the subtle loli vibes
If you aren't requesting a surstromming stream don't even bother
but who cares
the OP is about as relevant as the MO
which is to say irrelevant
you sound like a little bitch
Everyone always wants to post their fetishes as the OP. One guy wishes to be a tranny the other wishes to be cucked.
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He strikes again! Joel!
>One guy wishes to be a tranny
He did post himself 41 percenting himself in the other thread kek.
The hilarious thing is that if he had just waited another hour or so before starting that it might plausibly have succeeded, but now the start of the defence got completely cucked out by the Pandion liberation
Fucking worthless retard
oh, she's too old to be a loli heh
>starting plain facts makes you a bitch
Ivan, is it you? Does pinya know you're shitposting when you should be irl helldiving in Kursk?
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Bad image. We want nice ones. Fuck it, we'll just wait for fluteposter later.
Did he do this on purpose so people wouldn't get the 55 medals to use on the new warbond?
>Did he do this on purpose
>so people wouldn't get the 55 medals
He did it so they can finally release the chromed out bot death squads, bots need the titanium on Imber for it.
Alright, who said yesterday that the MO will fail with Imber at 90%? Lisan al-Gaib, He is here with us!
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You got an hour to retake it :^)
>99% defended translates into less than 50% liberated
thanks joel
why even bother with MOs when it's all so obviously rigged
haha ok
do you have any more sexy pictures of her
I understand if you don’t want to share though haha
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least rigged MO
helldivers never cry
>not knowing this for months
>still have fags in here crying every day about players not participating in muh MO
There's another thread in which they're crying in kek.
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stratagem strats
>b-b-but why is it in the gaaame if it's not reeeaaalll b'awwwww
>it's an essential part of my enjoyment to feel like I am a commander by bitching at people via reddit posts for playing on the "wrong" planet
>i am a giant baby who shits my diaper over not getting 50 medals
>I need muh live service to feel meaningful because I don't have any goals in the real world
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>HMG stealth nerfed: 50 durable to 35 per hit
>now worse than before the "buffs" patch
>Railgun stealth nerfed: AP bonus removed from overcharging
>already back to before the "buffs" patch
Alexus moment
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they can nerf weapons BUT THEY CAN'T NERF ME
Gas for short CD/confusion
500kg for heavy or loads of shit
Sup weapon of your choice
freeforall slot (red or green depending on team loadout or necessities).
>it's a bird
>it's a plane
>no! it's the dickhelmetdiver
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>gloom reaches meridia
>illuminates appear a week later
There, your railroad
heh heh stop thinking of dicks, civilian
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God, I can't stand these boring ass eradicate missions.
I also said this
Imo, should introduce a standoff enviroment for eradicate missions, like the Rocket evac ones, but instead you are in a fort and the enemies keep primarily swarming from all sides rather than breach-drops only.
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D10 whatever
Probably one OP in Vog-Sojoth (Frozen Wasteland bots), then a Peacock (Ionic Forest bugs) OP
>all this avatarfaggings
Jeez, it sure smell like discord in here
Seriously. Most people already avoid bots like the plague because
>"They shoot back!!"
>"Fucking ragdolling!!"
The squids would have shit like energy shields, damage walls, stuns, inverse controls, blinding, and more. Not a single bugdiver will touch them, and on-the-fence botdivers (aka most of them) won't either.

Squids will be figuratively DOA.
Is the avatarfagging in this room right now?
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>20mins until MO is over
Joel... You will pay for this...
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RR nerf back into a reloadable Quasar when
>16 minutes until botsissies can start crying again
>they can nerf wearpons but they can't nerf me
>went into hiding until weapons got buffed
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>HMG durable damage nerf (intended, not noted)
>Railgun bonus AP at >90% charge removed (intended, not noted)
>AT mines nerfed (intended, not noted)
>Laser Cannon doesn't cool down faster (scrapped, noted incorrectly)
>Guard Dog Rover sets targets on fire faster (intended, not noted)
>Fire dot durable damage increased (intended, not noted)
>Hellpod impact damage increased... (intended, not noted)
>...except Fire Hellpods (developer error)
What the fuck does that statement about the RG even mean? Even if it got to AP7 it still would need multiple shots to destroy tanks and shit due to poor durable dmg.
I'm going to assume they made preventive adjustments because of the next patch's buffs. What's their deal...?
General Brasch was promoted to Super 10-Star General after the latest personal shield generator confusion.
It would probably have been too strong with the buffed damage + 150% overcharge bonus + increased AP with overcharge.
I don't understand the railgun AP removal and the HMG nerf when the recolless rifle is far more powerful and easier to use than both of thsoe weapons? What is the deal with these devs man. Just make the railgun have penetration and give the HMG its damage back. Right now the recoilless is the better choice between both.

I have a feeling they will nerf the recoilless though because they are idiots.
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>HMG durable damage nerf (intended, not noted)
>Railgun bonus AP at >90% charge removed (intended, not noted)
>Increase enemy health by 200%
>Increase durable damage by 100%
>Decrease penetration by 1
>Yep, massive buff, this is going to be too unbalanced
>Decrease player health
These retarded nerfs are not part of todays patch right?
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>This was intended, we just didn't feel like telling you about it
Alexus is back and he's already wreaking havoc
No, these are changes that weren't mentioned in the big patch
You would think a high skill ceiling weapon like the Railgun should reward being able to consistently get 90% charges in the heat of combat but no. Can't have that. You would think using a cumbersome weapon like the HEAVY MACHINE GUN should be rewarded with obscene damage but nope.

I knew something was off with the railgun when it took 1-15 shots to kill a tank from the rear.
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>a high skill ceiling weapon like the Railgun
>hold LMB for a few seconds
>high skill ceiling
railgun retards are mentally challeneged
>make the game fun again
>immediately work the make the game not fun again

Can someone tell Piles about this. Where is he to wrangle Alexus. These nerfs are shit.
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at least I'll always be respected for my railgun skills
Shitters who don't play D10 have no room to speak,
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>Last time we shat on the players' food they got mad so now we'll shit on the players' food and hope they don't notice
please explain which part of holding the glorified slingshot at the center portion of a hulk and letting go on 90% charge involves a "high skill ceiling"
>HMG durable damage nerf (intended, not noted)
fuck you
>Railgun bonus AP at >90% charge removed (intended, not noted)
don't care, don't use railgun
>AT mines nerfed (intended, not noted)
who cares?
>Laser Cannon doesn't cool down faster (scrapped, noted incorrectly)
that's retarded
>Guard Dog Rover sets targets on fire faster (intended, not noted)
>Fire dot durable damage increased (intended, not noted)
good actually
>Hellpod impact damage increased... (intended, not noted)
why the fuck was it not cranked up to 11 in the first place?
>...except Fire Hellpods (developer error)
>hold LMB for 4 seconds
>get ragdolled by rocket strider
>try again get ragdolled by laser cannon
>uh oh time to run
>try to charge again
>dropship incoming
Why did they nerf the HMG and Railgun? They seemed entirely fine to me before.
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>timer goes down
THere are a bunch of useless swiggers
DoomGODs...we were right, again....
>still thinks hulks the biggest threat

You can't be serious?
>Jungle planet
>500kg bombs constantly hitting treetops
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HMG was total shit and didn't need a nerf
>nuh uh it's good!
Mega dogshit ammo economy completely kneecaps it.
the fact that hulks have been castrated does not serve your side of the argument
>incoming message from super earth
>announcement stays on map
>back out of map because clearly it wont progress
>my map is now borken and has no cursor
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>They nerfed the AT mines.
I'm confused. Did these undocumented changes go live today or in last week's patch?
And right into one of the trade centers.
last week
I enjoy the image of railgun schizos spamming away at tanks to no avail while crying out to the gods (and being ignored by them)
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gg, fun matches
Why would they do this? Nobody uses that shit?
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gg niggas I hate chickens
Last week
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Buffdivers... The second serving approaches...
GGs, sorry for the abrupt end but i was in a hurry.
healslut gang best gang
Out of principle. The sweedes are mocking us
>better weapons = better battlefield results
They got all of super earths top scientists to figure that one out
Now if only they enacted TSD (Total Serbian Death) as well to prevent sabotage...
>this was intentional, and if so

The fuck are you trying to say you retarded foreign cunt
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>nerf the fuck out of the HMG
>now it takes 1 and a half drum of ammo to kill 1 charger
>1 full drum to kill a factory strider on the underbelly
>6 fucking eye shots to kill a hulk
>despite all that, still only 75 bullets per drum out of 2
>still handle like a fucking container truck even with PP armor
>the ADS sight remains misaligned
What the fuck are they doing???
>make le epic HYPE BUFF PATCH XDD (pls come back the game is dying)
>hide all the nerfs
This is why you can't trust AH, fucking insidious swiggers
I am saying there are a bunch of greater threats that the railgun cannot handle effectively with safe mode. Before you could at least damage them with a 90% charge but now its impossible. Being able to consistently 90% charge in combat does require a large amount of skill. People here even talked about making a macro because its so difficult.
When did they properly align the DCS scope, i had been feeling something was off about it for a while now.
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>buff weapons after a string of excessive nerfs that almost killed the game
>everyone with more than 1 braincell is happy
>playerbase returning
>"ok, now we're gonna nerf....."
What the actual fuck is wrong with them?
>buff all weapons
>whoopsie poopsie actually we nerfed a bunch for no reason
they're just going to backslide into all guns being worthless again aren't they.
They nerfed them in the same patch that buffed everything so no, it's not really a case of "oops we went back to the old ways".

They shouldn't have even put MGs in the game, they clearly have no idea what to do with them.

Only thing I can think of is slightly nerfing Stalwart magazine size and making it a primary, and then make the other MGs have absurdly short cooldown so that it's basically disposable like an EAT, only for small/mediums instead of heavies. Like, you don't waste time resupplying for them, just grab a new one.

They'd still be kinda shit but you can at least see them as having a niche that way.
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>months since we got the space station blueprints
>construction is only now ready to begin
These changes were part of the balance patch you mongoloids
>botsissy MO
see you all in a week when it fails and the usual excuses
>Being able to consistently 90% charge in combat does require a large amount of skill.
I'll be perfectly honest. No, it doesn't.
Being always right actually getting kind of boring.
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>Serb and the nerf splinter faction are still loose
Old habit die hard, think of this as a abusive relationship, AH promised they will change only to beat you up again after a few weeks of good treatment.
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Fire hellpod was already a griefing pick, but now it actively reduces hellpod impact damage by 92% because it had such a low pickrate the devs forgot about it entirely
Welp, lets just agree to disagree.
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This is EDF tier science in action
> Ravager Researcher Ohara here. If the guns our rangers are equipped with are stronger... then we can kill the aliens faster! Truly the marvels of science know no bounds....
>AH no longer even has the balls to put the nerfs into the patch notes
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So the leaks were true.
How to fix the HMG:
>Give it same damage stats as the eHMG
>Increase mag size to 100
That'll basically make it a portable HMG Emplacement value wise, with shit handling unless you're prone
groid smasher 9000
Botdiver Safe Space
Serb Zapper
"No girls allowed blanket fort"
At last... The /hdg/ platoons will sweep the galaxy...
lean machine
Kosovo korrektional klink
Or k.k.k. for short?
Heck Dudes Gents
Gay Nigger Society
Tyrone's Battle Maids
Femboy Deathsquad
BBC Crusaders
>platoon member capacity ends up only being like 10 or some shit
Okay and, it's still garbage, it was garbage since before the patch and it's garbage now. We just know why now.
pretty sleek and easy to remember. get this anon a raise
>automaton invasion on Claorell

wouldn't want us to thin out the automaton side too much after all
Just give back HMGs it's old durable damage, why are you niggers reinventing the wheel?? It's not even a bad weapon still. Best gun you can have while surrounded by devs and chickens with occasional hulk
This. And we should use a specific outfit combo so we can identify each other easier. Winter Warrior seems simple enough!
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>bugs are approaching the black hole
Why doesn't my stratagem hero machine work? :c
only for super paypigs, I mean citizens
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>"woah, the new HMG is fucking great, i love it!"
>learn it suffered a small stealthnerf
>"heh... i knew they ruined it..."
You faggots are incredible
Chuddiver Fortress New Swabia 2
I unplugged it from the super outlet :)
And a simple emblem, like say, a black and white croshair?
Oh, well that's pretty gay. Nevermind.
>3% decay on Gaellivare and Clasa
Yea, forget about platoons lmao
Sons of Brasch
File deleted.
>you only get to pick words from the starship name wheel
>everyone is the same person
as expect from a 3rd world monkey
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>Bot MO
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>cant have dupe names
We'll definitely be able to make our own
Joel the eternal swigger will lower it 3 days before it ends to rig it, like he always does.
>He actually thinks we're more than 2 in this thread
Are (You) me?
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>Clan system
Sounds gay as fuck, why would you want to play the game with the same 3 people over and over instead of meeting new people with new tactics and loadout choices?
We're heading to Gaellivare, boys

>there's no kino space moon planet to dive on at the moment

Why do they do this
Super Outer Heaven
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Thank you, stay away. I'd like actual seasoned divers in my team and bugdivers are not it.
Disregard this, I suck cocks, they just opened it back up on the bot front

Fuck the MO, I'm defending kino moon
DO NOT defend it you cunt. I want an eternal liberation campaign on it
halo general
No problem bro. I'll be back next week for the reward as always.
So does anyone have that super creidit mod, nobody posted it and they were supposed to along with how it works.
>undesirables are in the other thread
Very good.
It's not about rewards, it's a matter of principle.
Next ship module idea. Advanced job training allows you to equip two boosters.
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OMG bros they are listening to us! These devs are amazing.
>the red enforcer medic medium armor with better defenses still isn't in the game
If you won't let me apply shaders to the fucking armors I like then at LEAST let me buy that.
Do you have a pic?
Japanese seems to lose some of the meme dialogue the og has, but the divers and Brasch dialogues are pure Nippon Teno Hekka Banzai kino.
>woah, the new HMG is fucking great, i love it!
No one ever said this
In fact while everyone was sperging out for the RR I actually tried the HMG and called it trash
>HMG durable damage nerf
why....why why whY wHY WHY?! WHY?!?!?!
How are clans gonna work anyway
Anything that lets me skip the dogshit invite system we're currently using for hdg lobbies would be great
Say I'm doing solo bugdives and bringing a support weapon that's not ideal for killing two hundred hunters per second. What would be my best bet for a primary? Tenderizer? I would say Breaker Incendiary but its ammo reserve is too cucked for my tastes even when having all resupplies to myself.
Stupid fucking retard split the threads.
>How are clans gonna work anyway
First week, they won't
Then, they'll crash your game
And then, they'll work, barely, and they'll be bugged for months
They'll find some way to make it shit and we'll keep using the invite links.
From the leaks, you can choose where to set up your personal station.
We agree on setting up shop for the /homo dirty gay/ station on Hellmire, right?
Doomsissy, kek.

No, moon.
Everyone will get pubaids, it will be so great.
>clan closed due to AIDs
timestamp, also in the thumbnail.
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as much as I love Heckmire, anons will probably want one of the bot moons
Robots, on the moon will know fear when they see our clubhouse in the sky.
>new people
>with new tactics
>with new loadout choices
We all know everyone who plays this game looks up a HD2 Weapon And Stratagem tierlist after every update
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D10, Robots.
I'm gonna call it right now.
They'll make the stations so ludicrously expensive that only some players will ever get to make clans.
I’m sure we have some elite autists who can fund it for us
Expensive how, most players max out resources between those rare patches we need to spend anything but medals.
Its not their fault. They made the armor on everything weaker so it seemed better than it was.
>each construction phase requires you to spend max samples and requisition slips in order to move on to the next
>500 super samples plox
Have the Knight? Perfect bug vaporizer.
2/4, get in!
If I'm seeing any of you niggers not contributing the monthly 100 super samples for the station...
Tried it out a bunch the patch day.
It's not good in D10.
You get swarmed a lot.
It does a lot of dakka, but that's it.
Takes multiple hits to kill scavanger and hunters.
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oh dear
>everyone getting their panties in a bunch over the HMG "nerf"

Nothing with AP3 has any amount of durability anyways, and matching penetration against AP4 targets deals 65% damage instead of 50%.

>b-but muh Hulk eye-
It has 25% durability so it doesn't matter, plus it's AP4 so you're doing more damage anyways. It requires about the same number of shots for a kill as before.
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Have this
You basically have to choose between killing things fast and having a good ammunition reserve. Standard Breaker with its mag buff and Blitzer are good for sustained fighting while being reasonably good against hordes (Blitzer has low RoF but has a stun effect and you can just spray and pray with it). Punisher Plasma is also surprisingly good at locking hordes down because it has very high stagger force, but it isn't great at killing them.

Exploding Crossbow, Incel Breaker and Lib Carbine kill fast, but they chew through ammo (Lib Carbine especially can be prone to wasting ammunition).

Tendie isn't a bad middle ground, but it demands good aim for efficiency, like the other ARs.
Since clasa will be cut off from a failed defense, its going to be the jungle shithole instead of the swamp shithole for the starbase.
>join the /halal donkey grinder/ station
>enter the main room
>SEAF robot attendant covered in semen
>corpses of automatons strung across the ceiling like Christmas lights
>barrel fires burning in the distance, people roasting bile titan legs over them
>large conference room where people are yelling over which stratagem is shit
>dedicated Alexus torture chamber with amphitheater
Kino bros
3/4, please join.
Please be fake
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Jim I swear to God if anyone makes DS9 puns inside that thing I'll come up to the bridge and kill everyone
>Alexus is so skilled at manipulation he managed to put the enitre Balance Team on his side
DOomGODS... I kneel...
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And this is why I have + love the blitzer
Absolutely clowned on lolmao
DS9? This is going to be B5.
Anything + Laser dog is really really solid. Laser dog puts in really great work against anything not medium armor.
>multiple hits
Burst of 3 kills hunters, IIRC. You gotta train trigger control and almost treat it like a semi-auto while on full-auto, but the handling and high DPS (highest DPS primary in the game right now) make it extremely effective at dealing with a lot of small enemies. I exclusively use it on D10, both factions, to great success.
Blitzer or Lib Conc with a Sentry is always a great "no fuck you" to Hunters and Stalkers.
First they came for the HMG, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a HMG User.

Then they came for the RR, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a RR User.

Then they came for the Railgun, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Railgun User.

Then they came for my main weapon— and there was no one left to speak for me.
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>critical moment in the frozen battlefield against automaton forces
>bot drops coming from all sides
>Rocking a Recoiless Rifle, this is my moment
>miss all shots
>he keeps reloading me after I missed 4 RR shots and the enemies are starting to reach us
>"surely I can land at least 1 shot on a dropship or tank before we both die"
>anon gets instantly vaporized by a cannonball as I miss the last shot
>it's just a big lobby area
this is 100% better than the warframe clan base idea people thought it was
>it's literally nothing, just flavor text and a 3d model appearing at that planet when you travel there
more likely
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>oh boy blob what planet should be picked for the station
>jungle shithole with terrible nearby planets
>comfy ice planet with cool nearby planets
>jungle shithole it is what a great choice
This community is collectively retarded no matter the war front.
>leanxister attempts to bot planet
Nothing makes me feel worse than missing the assisted RR shots. I make myself look like a proper retard
A lobby/hub world would be too kino for sw*den. Best you're getting is a menu and MAYBE a group chat
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damn bro, save some neck for the rest of us
Lmao who wants this? Clans are what boomers did 15 years ago because Discord did not exist.
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>Moon planet
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You know half the olddivers who are still playing will put their station on Malevelon for zero strategic advantage just for bragging rights.
cry more faggot
Helldivers 2's playerbase skews older iirc, so yeah, millenials who were playing 15 years ago.
Great, can't wait to go back
Vega Bay... Home...
They will just have an option to donate samples and requisition slips to the clan storage, simple
If I see any chuddy dogwhistle clan name I'm gonna join and give everyone super aids :)
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How does second from the right look like asian Leonardo DeCaprio
still no lobby huh
Fori Prime farmbros...
There's a 2/4 in the other thread apparently
sorry I am playing the new Crusader Kings III DLC, Roads to Power. It overhauls the Eastern Roman Empire and allows the player to play as a landless adventurer.
No one has called the hmg great since the patch because literally everyone has stopped using it. HMG and AC were huge fucking losers in the patch.
big E come back baby. lobby is still up
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I asked for it and will enjoy it
That will be my first clan since my Ragnarok Online's guild in 2007
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>Recoiless Rifle
>extraction going smoothly
>no priority targets in sight, only marauders and troopers popping out on the horizon
>start taking them down one by one with AT shots
>d10 exterminate bots
>reloading rr guy
>so easy i can go afk and post here
>MO failure
How in the shit?
Upcoming patch note:
Recoiless rifle: Added recoil
failed to join so I went and validated, but seems lobby is full now
bots attacked the fire planet with 24 hours left, nobody wants to defend that shit
work harder next time, orderdiver
>a group chat
let's start practicing right now
>on d5 playing bugs
>two anons over off to the side ERPing using voice clips
>one anon says "RELOADING YOU" before fucking the other up the ass
i hate this planet i want to go home
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>Add recoil to the recoilless rifle
>"forget" to add it in patch notes
Even with the nerfed flame tornadoes, it's amazing how much they fuck you up
>get ragdolled
>instant death sentence
Fucking hell
But the time expired without either side winning?
>Increased backblast radius by 500%
the order said liberate MORE planets than you lose, anon, not liberate EXACTLY the number of planets you lose
The order was to increase the total, though
yeah it was more like a draw
>removed riffling, reduced range
>firing the recoilless rifle sends you flying together with the projectile
LOADS of people defended it, but the requirement to succeed was insanely high
We did lose the defence and the MO concluded at zero added planets
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>Turn AWAY from the target before firing
>The entire bot column flies away
Why did they nerf the HMG durable damage
>recoiless rifle changed to recoiless pistol
My Eagle-1 pilot has bigger boobies than yours
And my Democracy Officer is balder than yours
Because it would have been retardedly strong with the global -1 armor
We actually succeeded in defending it even with the absurd requirements. Then we had to recapture it from 50%, at -3% instead of simply winning the defence, because Joel is a colossal faggot.
Imber had to fall to follow the ebic forced plot line.
What we did was erased by our very talented GM :)
MO scoreboard said +1, and Imber wasn't technically lost.
>My Eagle-1 pilot is worse than yours
>we start building the base
>planet gets under attack
>defense fails due to bugdivers bugdiving
>progress gets reset and we search a new planet for construction
>repeat till planet is on bugfron or hometurf
Nuh uh my Pelicans gun down WAY more guys when he gets in
i don't know the names of anyone on my ship because subtitles off since day 1
Joel is a faggot. We need three tiers of "orders."
Major Order, Minor Order and Galactic Order.
GOs can be the plot shit. Minors are dailies. MOs are weeklies.
I'm pretty sure the DSS will introduce some rewamp to the Op-system.
RR or quasar for bugs? I haven't tried the former but I feel like I'd never get time to reload, not sure how they compare damage wise either
No, Joel is the best. You never made a game before.
You're wrong, the defence was lost and it was on track to be lost from the very beginning
The delay of people fighting to capture Pandion for a few hours still before swarming to Imber is probably what caused it to fail, it was basically impossible from the jump
See >>495810668
*mutes (You)*
QC is definitely better if you are good at headshots, as the mobility is extremely valuable for bugs.
So it's another bullshit MO we can completely ignore because it's for a feature that was going to get added anyway?
No you didn't and you can't do anything about it.
You forgot to refresh or something, Imber WAS lost and the MO finished at +-0
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What do you anons use for rank 10 Automatons?
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our lives for super earth
on board the keeper of the stars
Recoilless is godly as long as you stick with teammates to protect you from chaff. It can kill Charger Behemoths and Bile Titans in one shot so you should never be flooded with heavies like was possible before the patch. Quasar is harder to get off against bugs because the charge time can fuck you over for not clearing out nearby enemies before trying to get a shot off.
What a load of horseshit. Bots didn't fill the bar.
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Strafing run
Competent teammates to carry my shit loadout
>Bots didn't fill the bar.
Anon WE didn't fill the bar, it was a fixed 24h timer and it was set to finish like an hour and a half before the MO, what the fuck are you talking about
I'm afraid you might be restarted
The mission was to capture on time.
We didn't.
I'm planning on putting mine around Meridia.
You trade stationary reload time for charge-up time, it doesn't matter. RR deals more damage, QC is infinite, try both
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>majority of playerbase fighting on MO planet
>0 progress
What's even the point?
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THANKS looks tasty
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d10 bots moon
It's the delay of the players switching to the planet relative to groups finishing full operations, which is what actually brings the capture rate up. It's just now tipping over the decay rate.
There isn't any. Reject MOs. Embrace the funpill.
RR is no one picks it, AMR/RG if there's already a RR
Walking, Napalm Barrage, HMG Emplacement or Rocket Sentry
>And my Democracy Officer is balder than yours
Impossible, she blinds me with my own democracy
But then how will you be a tribalist nigger
Two bars. Blue bar, and red bar. Red bar didn't fill. Blue bar didn't fill.
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D10 Bots. We are going to the SWAMP, B.Y.O.B.
That's the Ship Master dumbass
>*locks your fun behind MO unlocks*
hmm? what now chuddiver?
Quasar has good mobility and lets you backpack (supply pack or an attack dog).
So it competes depending on what you want.
>stop playing the game
>snoy steps in and kicks Pilesofshidt's ass because nobody buys super credits anymore and this is their only live service game bringing them money
they'll never keep the new stuff locked behind major orders forever, they will eventually softball it to the order divers if they fail repeatedly
Anon you are genuinely fucking retarded
The way planet defences work is that the timer tells us how long we have to fill the blue bar. If we don't do it fast enough, we fail the MO.
The red bar will ALWAYS fill. It's on a timer and nothing we do affects it.
24 hours passed before we filled the blue bar, the red bar went all the way up, then the defence failed
This is what happened, no matter what your retarded fucking headcanon is, please accept reality
Was this simple and thorough enough for you to understand?
I want a place to dump all these resources I've been sitting on so I can have a cool home base
planet defence
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Okay, i guess the universe is telling me i should go to bed early today.
I thought the red bar represented the bot control percentage. My bad, dickass.
No. It works. You're just low IQ and misinformed.
Guess everybody's busy. I'll see you anons later.
I am eating din dins
failed to j-
bitch i was literally JUST joining
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lobby got AIDS, it was gg
attack Sweden with nuclear weapons
retard question. Does this make the MMG less fun now?
Even the AT mines got put on rails when people didn't want them. They can't look stratagems and content behind major orders forever and they know it.
I got stricken with aids as well, ggs friends
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What're you eating anon?
Give me a second. Restarting the gaem.
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>eagle-1 shows up in the ship
>black/bald/debra wilson like everyone else in the ship
Cheeseburger. It was yummy and now in my tummy.
Maybe don't argue if you have no idea what you're talking about
When we're attacking (liberation), there's one bar that we have to turn into a blue one. On defence, two bars and we have to pump ours up faster than the other as it increases at a fixed rate. Simple as that.
What the fuck are you even trying to say, dingus?
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Search your hearts, chudivers, you know this to be true.

She even sounds like a negress
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>She even sounds
absolutely not
Fuck you, nigger. It was an honest misunderstanding. Go choke on a cock, and get over yourself.
MG (not HMG)
Supply pack
Revolver sidearm
Either stun grenade, thermite grenade or gas grenade (testing)
Surely they won't dangle Space Stations over our head just to go "you failed the MO lol try again in a few weeks" right?
She's a qt white blonde sex nugget with no arms or legs
Nah, 100% white voice.
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>*super earth falls because of playerbase incompetence*
>*servers get shutdown*
And it was your fault! (No refunds btw)
>getting this buttmad about being wrong
It's ok anon maybe just don't be such an uppity bitch cunt when people are trying to inform you
WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat
That's pretty gud.
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>She even sounds like a negress
Holy projection, imagine actually being this guy LOLMAO
in the last game super earth got blown up over 500 times I think
Fucking based. His fault for being all womanly.
>Super mega update part #2
>Minor buffs that should've taken 3 days at most
>Space stations!
>cocksucker still wants to be a stuck up faggot
Whatever dude. Go find a boyfriend and get laid.
I throw air strike for she
...I will now run eagle strafing runs
The only stuck up faggot is you, maybe if you pulled the cock out of your ass you could think straight for a few minutes.
Am I gimping myself by bringing Smoke Eagle into bots d10?

Don't worry about it
>Kicks you
>Super earth defense campaign
>365-day defense mission
>Will probably require the community to complete like a dozen missions on trivial to successfully defend the planet.
Consider Orbital Gas
Don't worry about it
>Keeps you in the team, pats your back and begin shooting through the clouds of smoke
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For real though, how will we decide what the /hdg/ station will be called?
>For real though, how will we decide what the /hdg/ station will be called?
We should worry about it once we know how it works to begin with.
Strawpoll I guess
>only name the space station when someone gets trips
>no one gets trips
It feels insanely bad against factory striders now.
Helldivers General is a good name and anyone suggesting something else is a troon
>inb4 the space station isn't the clan system at all but just some way for people to communicate ingame and coordinate
Trans rights are divers' right!
As much as I'm trying other stuff, I feel like I've already found my new "best" loadout.
Nothing else feels nice to use anymore.
There should be some kind of bounty-like system to bribe people into playing planets they don't want to
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Heavy Peak Physique Armor
Grenade Pistol
Autocannon Turret
180mm Artillery
the keeper of the stars
They even said they want to add some ingame announcement system so it could be the case.
Hope thry add the priority voting system from the DiversHub app
>Global chat
>Log in
>Muted for a year
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D10 Bots on Gaellivare
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Enforcer armor
Diligence counter-sniper
autospamman or AMR, replace DCS with crossbow if the latter
walking barrage
HMG emplacement
one of the following: 500kg, eagle airstrike, rocket sentry, 380 HE, napalm barrage

very hard to run out of killing power like this
leaks say stations are tied to platoons. every platoon gets a space station
This anon is correct.
Do leaks specify if platoons have a member limit? rip in pieces if so.
Every AP4 weapon is bad against Factory Striders now because their HP got buffed through the roof. Best you can do now is defang it by blowing up the chin guns, making it easier for an AT guy to walk up to it and blow out the face or belly.

This is ultimately better for the game anyhow, before you could just dumpster a Factory Strider with an AC and some mobility, now it actually requires AT weaponry to do it in a non-shit amount of time.
3/4 get in here
That MO briefing definitely makes it sound like there's only one big station being built here that's going to act as a hub for the whole fleet, whatever its practical in-game function may end up being
Maybe there will end up being smaller bases for individual clans but I'm not seeing any indication of that happening now based on the text
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To everyone I played with today: You are all #1.
I feel like it'd be fair now that RR can one shot them. Getting close to a facotry strider not only usually requires defanging it, often it's just impossible if it has a lot of support around it.
Here if anyone didn't read it yet btw
>Months ago, the Helldivers liberated GW1-era blueprints for an interplanetary battle station from planet X-45. Today, after intense research, construction of the Democracy Space Station is ready to begin. This is a great leap forward for Managed Democracy. The DSS will be a powerful strategic tool for reshaping the Galactic Map—democratically directed by the Helldivers themselves. The road to completion will be a long one. A series of large-scale infrastructure projects and heroic taxpayer contributions will be required. The Helldivers will lead the charge at every stage. First, an orbital construction site must be secured. 2 planets have large enough magnetospheres for safe construction: Clasa and Gaellivare. Both are under Automaton control. The final choice of which to liberate is left to the Helldivers. During construction, the DSS will be extremely vulnerable to attack, so long-term defensibility is paramount. The DSS could change the course of the war. Its ultimate success or failure lies in the hands of our greatest heroes: the Helldivers.
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thanks, you too
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>this is 100% better than the warframe clan base idea people thought it was
If there's gonna be multiple of these stations like Warframe's relays, you can absolutely bet Jøël is going to send shit to destroy them. To top it off, the playerbase is going to choose one to be destroyed just to "see what happens."
nuh uh
>bro isn't online to play with tonight
>join pugs
>first game I drop right in the middle of a clusterfuck
>kill 2 tanks and a shitload of devastators by myself with only my primary and thermites
>finally get to call in my gear
>die to some bullshit, retard reinforces me on the other side of the maps
>nigger steals my gear before I get back to it
>shoot him in the head

I believe my actions were wholly democratic
Sorry guys, I had no idea what time it was. Forgive me. I love you, sisters. <3
Why is everyone on Gaellivare, is somebody giving out free blowjobs over there or what?

yeah I know it's probably my mom, inb4
I feel like the CS counter sniper hits all the same break points as the dominator while being better in every other area but stagger.
yeah, your eagle pilot >:)
Your sister is.
I haven't got any warbond other than the free one, here's what i use

-LibPen / DCS (if i really wanna win)
-Impact grenade

-HMG/AMR (AMR if i really wanna win)
-Supply Pack
-EMP mortar/380/120/laser/OPS/ONS/500kg/Airstrike/HMGe

Fortify and explosive resist until they nerf rocket strider's bullshit.
To this day I've only ever had someone steal my shit once. Is it really that common?

No Fluteys Allowed
It's plausible that the station may ultimately end up getting destroyed, but it seems like building it in the first place is will be a drawn-out process that's going to take place over many MOs and will probably be delayed by failures, so I think it'll stick around for some time after wr finish it, and I wouldn't hold my breath for another one any time soon. It's clearly the focus of a new big plot arc for now.
am i gimping myself by using smoke eagle on bots d10?
Read the MO briefing
If you mean why Gaellivare and not Clasa, my guess would be because it's closer to Super-Earth and more firmly in friendly territory
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>look out, another enemy group coming from behind
>and three dropships
>we decided they would just put down a tank literally 3 meters from you and the mission objective
>oh and a factory walker
>3 gunships because why not
>you thought you can take cover? that lasershot 9m away just sent you flying in the opposite direction, right towards the enemy force
>and another tank
>oh you used your orbital strike and turret? guess we gotta drop another group of shielded fucks
>and lets not forget enemy atillery
>another factory strider
Does anyone actually play on difficulty 9? I would much rather have a difficulty 5 game with tougher enemies and more cool-down times
Did they fix eradicate missions?
>Acamar defense will fail because everyone's doing the space station MO
How does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot, dumb bugdivers?
Dunno, I've never had one fail yet
I wouldn't run smoke in a squad unless they were interested in stealthy goofball tactics. In squad gameplay, doing max damage with a bit of support here and there is the best strategy. For solos any smoke is a solid pick.
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>oh ha ha ha
>go liberate Gaylover and Clasa that you have 5 days for
>ignore the planet already half liberated
>tee hee haha
Why is the playerbase so retarded.
>victory on Gaellivare in 2 weeks
Bets on how long Joel holds out before cutting the decay rate?
Yeah dude, there's like 30k divers on Gaellivare and 2k on Clasa.

Bottards will still blame bugchads when they fail it lmao
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Is the liberator penetrator good now?
Did d10 bots last night. Actually having trouble extracting is fun.
I stayed behind and finished off the super base instead of extracting, only one guy extraced, we were out of reinforcements.
Partly because fire tornado planets are a bitch.
It's become less common but it still happens.
I think I accidentally grabbed someone's RR the other day, which I only realized when it wasn't my primary sitting next to it. He looked like he was going to shoot me, but didn't.
Not that it matters, I had given him the RR earlier so it was actually mine, technically speaking
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I want anons to know that I'm always tryharding and doing my best to get the highest kill count while dying the least, so it's only natural that I'm always outperforming you 100% of the times, in everything.

Not really, you can use it just fine so I suppose it's better than it was, but still totally outclassed by most other stuff.

I really think they just intended all the ARs to be newbie weapons that you leave behind when you go above D5 or so.
I mean they're doing exactly the right thing? We're only meant to take one of them, so splitting between the two would be the worst approach. Seems the choice has been made so Gaellivare it is.
Note the decay rates
Not top tier, but it's usable and fun to use.
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>muh samefag
>muh inspect element
Don't care + didn't ask
Of course not.
Any other weapon besides the dominator to bring to d10 that isn't total dogshit?
anon why would anyone care about rock no. 547, neither outcome really changes anything
>b-but you'll lose access to the planet
let's say we won
who can promise me the planet won't disappear into the galactic pisscloud by tomorrow?
I do not give a fuck about the metagame, neither should you
just dive wherever
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Dont >> me
dcs is top
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fuck off
Any spots open for lobbies?
>flamer S on bugs
i will >> you, that's insane
brb in a few hours, you'll regret this.
Anon I'm the one that retard was originally arguing with and neither of the posts you quoted is mine, I stopped at
>S bugs
>not a single shotgun
into the trash it goes

Seems pretty accurate. Do we have a list like this for support weapons?
I might make one but it'll be in some hours (EU night).
Is there a single primary weapon or secondary that can damage and take out those retarded nigger bunker turrets in fortresses?

It used to be common, people eventually learned the lesson. I am fine with people people borrowing when it's necessary in dire circumstances, and if they're cool they give it back. But when it's just selfish niggers who didn't bring their own backpack and take yours, they get a bullet.
I really don't think DCS is THAT bad on bugs
It's a bit retarded how strong they made DCS. I feel like a scammer each time I BTFO a hulk heat sink in a third of a magazine.
Cold bot moon with meteors is up!
takes most of the mag to bring medium targets down and you get 10 mags, so you spend a lot of time reloading
its usable and more controllable than the adjudicator but I would just end up taking the space-FAL anyways

Railgun one shots them now I think.
I actually enjoy it and include it in regular rotation between my 4 main guns

What's your tool for chickens? nade pistol?
>Switch to semi to 2 tap devastator heads
>Switch to auto to mow down berserkers and kill rocket striders by shooting the legs
It's not the best but i really like it.
Either ask beforehand, or take what you need out of desperation and then ask to whom that stuff belongs or let it know that you borrowed something. Look at people's loadouts to have an idea.
This solves any problem, unless the person you are borrowing that stuff to is undemocratic.
>What's your tool for chickens
Not him but still DCS
Depending on the angle and situation you can nail the rockets or put a few shots in the knee, either way goes down pretty easy
I said primary or secondary
>d10 bot jungle map
not even touching that shit with a ten-foot pole
Two days ago i had a mission where FuckStriders climbed over walls and destroyed the generators. I am the last one to get dropped and try to run to the Pelican at least for an extract.
I tried to get in the pelican at least 5 times, and each time i got ragdolled away 1-2 steps from enetring it. It was hilarious and sad.
I sometimes swap my backpack for someone elses when they die and their backpack is fuller, it's the perfect crime and really easy now that everybody runs RR. I do this in /hdg/ lobbies.
All you total newfags getting butt frustrated that people chose Malevelon Creek: Normal Edition, like you don't know people like fighting bots on a jungle planet with decent weather effects.
The only good assault rifles currently are the Tenderizer and the Liberator Carbine. The Carbine does great DPS and the Tenderizer is a high damage laser. Medium penetration is a complete meme because all the Medium pen rifles take way too much ammo to kill even basic+ chaff like Hive Guards to where it's not even worth using against them. They sacrifice damage for penetration and the overall result is a subpar weapon. The Tenderizer is so accurate that you can shoot the unarmored soft underbelly of a Hive guard even when it's hunkered down if you don't have a non-rocket support. The Carbine shoots so quickly that it dumpsters hunter and warrior mobs.
Friends Against Giant Spiders :)
Chuddivers to Chudpods
I repeat, Chuddivers to Chudpods
GP is a decent option, so is HMG emplacement, also gatling barrage and strafing run. Thermites obviously work but that's a bit of a waste. But since chickens can spawn in absurd numbers it's best to have a strong spammable support weapon.
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Bros, my main in Tekken is back and he has a safe Hellsweep... this has to be one of the best months in my life...
Outright replacing common enemy types with their upgraded versions is dumb fucking design, makes higher difficulty missions less fun because they frequently act as equipment checks instead of wrenches in your squad's gameplan. It also punishes players who prefer playing on higher difficulty missions because some unique enemies just simply vanish outright from missions because AH deemed they were less difficult to deal with - ie, jump troopers don't exist on high difficulty because ???? Raiders take their place maybe? I have no idea.
>decent weather effects
Volcanoes are aids and I'd much rather have fog.
Oh now that you mention it, yeah, jetpack bots don't exist in D10. Funny because those nigger bots love to jump on you and have their jetpack blow up in your face and one-shot you.
Yeah this is annoying as hell. Armored Scout Striders should be like 20 - 30% of the striders, not 100%.
And jetpack bots are fun to fight. Love airshotting them.
>No lobbies
Yea and I have no idea if jump snipers have been implemented, it's been more than a month since EoF and if they're in the game I might not even know because they don't appear past D7
qq more

This happend to me once . As I was running toward my gear, this shithead was 3 ft in front of me and snatched my stuff right in my face. I had to shoot him.
everyone's gonna hopkick it and you will seethe
anyway you're an inspiration for us to bother Arrowhead endlessly unless they give us the content that we want, and with zero shitty compromises too
I want to start taking HMGE.
You should. It's powerful as fuck and can tank a lot of frontal hits.
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Who is ready for the nail biter super gambits?
Prioritize rocket chickens and rocket devastators, stim if there's a lot of enemies
You can murder everything until the heavy big guns show up (Factory Strider canon, Tank, Barager).
>something stops me taking 2 eagle strats
>say shield and laser backpack got nerfed
>Didn't actually get nerfed
DCS is superb if you get a bile spewer seed
>medic armor
>supply pack
>stim gun
>experimental infusion
>eagle strafing run
>arc thrower
>orbital napalm barrage
>play around randoms and keep them healthy and stocked
>they actually play decently well and don't die as much
Yep, this support loadout is fun.
On your knees, healslut.
>It's a crash at extract episode
Both dropships and tunnel breaches should be significantly reduced or at least announced from far away so we can lock on with SPEARs and rocket sentries. Make them work for their money. Make the enemy walk to my location.
And let's not forget:
>forest planet, have fun getting sniped through half a mile of foliage!
Should have picked Gas instead of Nappy.
>hotfix to allegedly fix crashes
>crash more often
ebic, Arrowhead, how do they do it
Diff 10 bots on Gallivare (or whatever it's called)
Running Gas nades already, which ihmo are better than orbital gas, especially since I'm running supply pack, I can cover a bigger area with nades.
Orbital napalm trivializes this game so hard on both factions at any difficulty, the only reason to avoid picking it is to not be a cancerous fag to your team, but these are randoms so who cares.
The sad thing is that I top everyone in kills by a long mile anyway.
Has anyone had the bug where a random player has a giraffe neck?
i wish. i love seeing glitches
>Failed to join
I was checking on my pub aids
Have a good one
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If we win the MO and get space stations, what is the name of /our/ clan going to be?
Quads will decide
Sounds like clans will have bonuses. And if you arent a sperg you prob have several circles of friends who play the game, clans let you combine them. Plus hopefully we get a new area to walk around in like our ships.

Why do some of you fags get so bent out of shape over totally optional additions
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my favorite glitch
i replaced pummeler with punisher plasma for robots like 3-4 weeks ago and never looked back
Death To Sweden
Plasma punisher is great yeah
Alexus' boogeyman
Does it fucking matter if theres recoil when you get one shot at a time
Only for when you are trying to watch where your shot lands on long bomb shots.
>imput code for napalm barrage
>0.000001 seconds later, rocket magically spawns in my face
>oopsie first shell drops right between your eyes, how quirky
Hello Neighbour
>6 (six) impact for a D10 Gaellivare mission
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dear old stockholm

i love how it volleys
The best is knowing that it cannot be outrun.
If you drop it on yourself, there's not enough time to run out of the area.
It's the only barrage that does that btw.
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Get to work MO slave wagie.
Completely ignore Imber that could be taken easily since it has a 1.5% decay rate and already half liberated.
Completely ignore the fact that it would mean Gaylover would be easier to take.
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I like to believe that this is Alexus
Is he okay?
Why should we take Imber now, retard
merely pretending
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hey nice helmet
How about completely ignore this dogshit war because none of it matters and joel will alter the results anyways. Just play on whatever planet is cool
Kebab Removers
>And if you arent a sperg you prob have several circles of friends who play the game
What a dumb thing to say
I have a fair amount of friends and NONE of them play this game
This is the natural state of all Serbs.
We have been sheltering their ilk for too long, it's time for nature to reclaim them.
That's just what happens after excessive surstromming ingestion. He'll be fine tomorrow.
Alexus torture chamber
He ate the Surströmming
NTA, but supply lines means we get to reduce the % of resistance on Gaellivere if we capture Imber, which would make capturing Gaellivere and Clasa easier..
Alexus breeding chamber
Literally false, only if Joel wants he'll reduce the regen rate, supply lines are just doodles on the map
Same thing I use for bugs.
>light servo assisted armor
>grenade pistol
>strafe run
>cluster bombs
Combat Controller build is fun.
>Inb4 Alexus is now in-game literally a high level traitor who is responsible for constant large scale sabotage of the Helldiver corps, and the Ministries just can't pin the bastard down because the algorithm.

Piles is Senator Killjoy.
Yup, no planet is captured or lost without Joels consent.
SC farming, need friend for douple door 30sc possible now
>we have no agency because the faggot GM will take it away the moment we do well
Fair argument, but if we push his shit, they are forced to compensate us in some way for our efforts.
Capturing Imber now also means we get to capture an easy planet, which ends up put in a defense campaign at worst and also blocks other invasion campaigns, and since it's a hellmire clone, it would be easier for the majority of people to play defense than capture.
It's just common sense to not leave the planet near Gaellivere that is almost captured exposed, since it gives direct access to the supply line and gives to that nigger Joel an easy excuse for being a faggot, and this MO is going to last a whole week.
But whatever, blob said no.
>it still would need multiple shots to destroy tanks and shit due to poor durable dmg.
>poor durable damage
225 base, 450 at 80% charge, and 550 at 95% is "poor durable damage"?
Average heavy had like 1k+ on the weakest points?
>I knew something was off with the railgun when it took 1-15 shots to kill a tank from the rear.
>from the rear
the railgun has 5 penetration and the rear of tanks is only 3 armour. If it still had the increased penetration with charge it would do literally nothing to effect how many shots it needs to kill a tank from the rear.
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Any lobbies?
>reinforced scout strider seed
I would have more fun swallowing cyanide to be honest
Volcano is just the meteor shower on the moon biome, but with fire explosions instead.
they are 4 armour all around so only the torcher and crisper go hurt them
I'd host but I'm connected to my shitty backup Internet
Reduced ragdoll my ass, this is literally unplayable
Reduced ragdoll*
*By rocket AoE, now we have lasers and accurate rockets
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gotta dodge laser bullets by sliding and take cover and wait for an opening
Rookie numbers

gotta use 'em, man
Good footwork fluteboy
So you guys just record yourselves playing this game and edit out any thing interesting to make these cute little clips?
>2k absolutely illiterate retards on Clasa.
Holy fuck, the Plana voice pack is so fucking good.
Not me, I only post interesting clips
holy FUCK you feel so SLOW when you're not using peak physique
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>Hey Cadet, uh...did you get a picture of my girlfriend from Pelican-1? Straight blonde hair, brown eyes?
*blocks your eagle strat's path*
Where is your shield?
Diff 10 bots 3/4, Gallivare divin
an eagle NEVER misses!!!
I think by "out" he meant "into clips" i.e. he was complimenting your work
Fuck, 2slow
link it
I'm just a little bummed because think I'll get left out of the space station
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oops forgot my slideee pic
*checks your Steam profile*
*sees Darktide*
Yeah, definitely getting left out. Back to /coopg/ you go.
>continuing to blame bugdivers for your own inability to finish MOs without help
We'll build our own station with hookers and blackjack
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alright, now watch my back, rookies
Wearing explosive resist armor allows you to tank the Railgun unsafe overcharge. It does 50% of your HP bar instead of the full instakill.
I'm on playstation
wearing any heavy armour also lets you survive it
Someone make it so that this guy doesn't get in. The seething would be incredible lmao.
nobody cares if you're a console pleb, the /hdg/ group would probably have <50 total players so everyone would PROBABLY be welcome
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>shoot at teammate with stim pistol
>miss every shot
>they die
Based, but he probably kisses ass and got friendly with hosts. I know his types.
We should build a proper defense system by capturing all planets around Gaellivere, then Gaellivere itself.
Imber should be taken now, not left to decay, we aren't in a hurry to take Gaellivere, we are in a hurry to build a proper defense system that can hold once we have started the building of the DSS.
Then we should close Claorell and Lesath after Imber, and capture Gaellivere after we have taken Lesath.
If we manage to take Lesath and keep everything in check, we should then move to Vog-Sojoth to close the last hole and start our turtle formation, so we can only be attacked via Penta, Chort Bay and Menkenth.

Right now the only smart botdivers are on Imber, if you can, you should help them out.
>inb4 MOs are rigged and Joel-
Yeah whatever, let's try anyway. Failing this MO will set us back months of content release, the blob will fail it at this rate, let's try make a retards-proof system.

Needless to say, that ideally we'd leave the bugs front to rot and let them do whatever the fuck they want with it.
Darksissy detected.
It's the announcer voicepack https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/297?tab=files
MOs are rigged nigger Joel can take away planets on any given day if they feel like it.
Feelings hit huh? Fucking lmao.

You are saying intelligent things but the playerbase does not do intelligent things. You also cannot coordinate the playerbase.
Nobody cares
If you're not hotmic'd with a smoke alarm battery beeping in the background, nobody gives a damn
>flag raising song is Erika
Holy shit I need this
sorry i had to drop. turns out he had a fender bender and needed help nigger-rigging it so he could make it to work tonight
so the gloom has done nothing for the past like month
It's cooking
It's just glooming here menacingly
What fresh kind of homosexuality is it where they disband the lobby before you get to see the stats

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what stratgems do I need to bring on bot D10 so I don't get kicked
I've been playing D7
Goon cloud
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D10 Bugs
It's a called
For worrying about other dudes.
what strats do you usually take
I like the EMS mortar and recoilless rifle

I wanna see how many kills I got and you're doing it on purpose because you have a smelly vagina
RR is great. EMS mortar is not my favorite, I won't call it bad. Idk, just don't take asbolute trash and/or teamkill and you'll be fine.
I told you.
That's your new nickname too, urabitch.
Any particular mission that's good for SC farming?
I find fucking nothing at all. Feels like they nerfed the shit out of it
Diff 3 if you want to waste your life grinding currency.
Diff 7/8 if you want to full clear the map while still having fun.
Walking barrage is convenient
Most of the reds can be good, it's really down to how you use them
Seems like pure hetero to me.
>I've been playing D7
pubby d7 is harder than /hdg/ d10. you will be fine
EMS mortar has a nicely short cooldown. If you put it up often and position it well, it can make a profound difference.
i ain't joining no group
>I find fucking nothing at all. Feels like they nerfed the shit out of it
I can 100% confirm that's not the case
Just this week I've seen map with over half a dozen SC drops and once I got two 100-drops in one mission
>D3 with fellow autists that are SC grinding
>D1 solo since its the fastest
EMS mortar is still really good on D10 bots but you have to be conscious of where you put it. I usually run both mortars and set them down just outside the walls of any base. Orbital 380 HE Barrage is a must for the Fortress/Heavy Outposts. Railgun shits on basically everything that's not tanks or turrets. You can leave those to your teammates who are probably running rockets/airstrikes. Or if you have your mortars up they can destroy the tanks quite quickly as well.
Wanna do a few quick ones? I could toss a podcast on
TCS was up for about as long as well until it went south.
I think the amount of ways you can be instagibbed by the bots are not fun.
I think it was just to stop us from going too deep into bug space like we had been, we kept going so far there were no supply lines yet and had to just fight on hellmire in an infinite loop
this is forcing us to move in a different direction
Wow the games servers went down again
Why are you all talking instead of playing.
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Hellbros are we getting anything to eat during the State of Play?
We're like their biggest franchise now?
Sar, I am to be kicking many bastards as of late. They do not do needful when I explain them. Kicking is best feature of game.
A playstation console in the spess station
>we aren't in a hurry to take Gaellivere
>5 days left for MO
>5 days and a few hours to capture
cameo in an Astro Bot update >>495847280
it just started like 5 minutes ago so nothing big yet

Joel will lower the regen at the end.
Planets matter more. Pick flat ones with no water, like the desert,moon, or the tundra. D1 for solo, light medic armour, nade pistol, and always be stimming to replenish stamina.
What's the point of this post? We're not playing a game where that sort of strategy is actually capable because NPCs are the captain of the ship.
As he always does if we're meant to win. It always has to come down to the wire like we actually have some kind of agency.

So basically for the next 4 days do whatever the fuck you want since nothing will matter until the last day.
nobody kicks you for your loadout
usually shitter hosts kick people for not being reinforced in 5 seconds, but that's usually bugdivers
I've never been kicked from bot lobby
On the last day it's more of a case of "you *can* win this if everyone actually co-operates instead of being retarded niggers that split up the liberation". Like the last MO with Imber. That wasn't a railroaded defeat, it was entirely possible to win, just that bugnigs will bugnig.
Nta but I'm down
Sars must be of the understanding that dalits will reinforce the brahmins with the swift action. They will be the kick for not doing the needful.
>for many months, don’t care about stats at all as long as mission gets done
>one day, open the stats screen out of curiosity because I felt like I did well
>lead on everything
>gradually check the stats more and more
>I am now a complete statslut who gets easily upset if none of my numbers are yellow
Oh, what have I done to myself
EMP Mortar
Orbital Laser if your team has the NEED FOR SPEED (less value if the game drags on forever and everyone digs in but I find this does not usually happen in D10), Orbital Railcannon Strike if not
Your choice of 500 KG/Airstrike/Orbital Barrage

There's lots that work, but make sure you have something for dealing with heavies, crowds, objectives and towers.
Take the a10pill, the strafing run is meta on bots. I'd attach my name but true niggas know I've been shilling it since the patch
why is strafing meta
If only eagle had an actual 30mm BRRRT canon instead of what i asume is some wimpy .50cal guns
I guess we didnt get Imber huh
Nah man, the loss of Imber may or may not have been an intentional railroad, but if they thought we had a plausible shot that just shows how dumb and incompetent they are
By the time Pandion finished we were so behind on Imber it was basically impossible to pull ahead. The engagement there was high but we never had a chance because the devs act based on retarded assumptions.
They're the same projectile as the rotary autocannon IIRC. So it's 20mm. Maybe they should add a 3-use "heavy strafe" with massive aoe and more damage.

For bots:
>2 kills anything besides a factory strider in a pinch
>1 kills fabricators with massive range so you don't have to waste rockets on killing fabs
>combine with servo and it's the longest range stratagem in the game
>kills chaff and strips armor off enemies making them easy cleanup with any primary
>5 uses, almost always available
>enemies funnel through chokepoints towards you so a parallel line oriented towards the player is better than a wide perpendicular line like the cluster or airstrike
You could solo bot d10 with strafing and RR. Nothing else is needed.
The gun on the model looks fairly beefy and iirc the strafing projectiles are the same damage as orbital airburst shrapnel. The game’s sound design just needs a ton of work
Does it actually 2 shot tanks? Does it one shot armored striders?
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What did I miss
Whats new
whats this about space stations
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10 bots gaellivare
this host has verified files, updated drivers and restarted pc
Read MO
That information is classified to the /hg/ version of the thread.
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For the love of god can we stop getting fucking campaigns against bots
I am so tired of killing bots
whose ready for Illuminates to blow up all those new space stations
we're supposed to get Democracy Space Stations AKA Clans according to leaks.
prepare for aids
3/4, disregard the nigga above
Is it the latest update that added patrols of FOUR fucking reinforced striders, because jesus fucking christ, this shit is impossible to deal with without at least losing a reinforcement
>reinforced striders
Are those the rocket chickens?
Your thermite grenades?
>4 divers, 4 sets of thermites
np fren, gn

t. never owned the game
What is this, Eagle for ants?
That's fucking nothing. On just 9s yesterday there were fucking 20 - 30 armored striders. I have no idea why the fuck that happened but the director/seed was just spamming them, actually impossible to fight. On the fire planet no less so if you even just get ragdolled, it was fucking over.
Never seen that on 9, the 10 felt easy by comparison.
Me and my friends play D10s and haven't had a single problem with the super chickens.

Acquire skill and friends.
Did they change the sfx on the rockets and orbital gatling barrage?
>Space station arrives
>It's just flavor text
How mad will you be?
She sure is so high up atm.
Mad, but I will be mad at /hdg/ because they tricked me
At worst, it will be something to do with the SE terminals that don't do anything
I'm honestly expecting this.
Flavor text and you can see it in the background when you load onto the ship, return from a mission, and from the bridge.
This has never been the case so idk why youre acting like it would be now
Mine strategem should come with a mine sweeper
This is some next level tryharding metabuild.
>Save the children MO
>Think it's a joke
>Actual children saved
Maybe you're right.
Bugs feared us like never before
>build a space station MO
>arrowhead builds a real space station next door to the ISS
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botdivers can't even complete simple eradication missions
many such cases. SAD
Don't mind me, just running Localization Confusion in the mission about speedrunning bot drops
I ask again
Why does every third mission have to be boring bullshit like eradication and blitz
gives you about a 90 minute gameplay loop of "find operation planet, run an op, hop off"

they're both so fucking BORING god i miss civ extract
It's just going to be the clan system, I don't know why people are convinced it's going to be anything more than that. At best you'll probably be able to see the station when you first jump to the planet it's currently orbiting.
Blitz are cool
I like leaving erad till last since players seem to be more willing to have dumb fun when it's at the end of the op
I've always done that out of the habit of frustrating the XP farmers around game launch.
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>hold down trigger until barrel melts
>call down another gun
But eradicate is no longer “dumb fun”. They nerfed it so hard that barely any bots show up.
Dumb Swedes
>teammates have Quasars and RRs
>I'm the only one killing tanks with my thermites
I'm so tired
>get ragdolled into a puddle of water
>gracefully breach the surface like a diver coming up for air
why would i wait 10 seconds to kill a big bad meanie when i can kill it instantly
if the tank is easy to thermite it's just a waste of ammo that could be spent on better economy against hulks and other niggas
>go to launch hd2, feel like being an mg chad
>instant crash report popup
okay then
But the RR is good at killing tanks
like a revolving door of pain
verify your files
if that doesn't work, reinstall
if that doesn't work, try dx11
Democracy protects or medium padded for bugs?
3/4, blitz and geo left
if you're stuck inside the base of a tree you can call the strafing run right in front of you and it'll destroy the tree and free you
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well /hdg/?
He should be. But i'd give him a chance first.
If it doesn't affect me I'm not killing it
full, sorry to the guy we lost to pub aids
Normal Canada, no.
French Canada, yes.
That depends. You need to ask if they are from Brampton specifically.
What was his loadout?
Why did you write Normal Canada twice?
Depends on how deep in rural Canada he is
>water warbond
>frogman armor
>doesn't get slowed in shallow water
>can swim unlimited distance
>Bots bots bots
>Everyone is willing to do another operation
>Bots again
Same 3 primaries. Same 3 reds. Same 3 blues. Same 3 greens. Same 3 secondaries. For 3 fucking hours
That was me, I'm from Halifax
>harpoon gun
>water balloon throwable
I can see it.

Only if they put in underwater enemies like bit nasty terminid sharks the size of trucks and submarine bots and you have to shoot them with your frogm'n harpoon gun.
owari da...
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>harpoon gun
Oh God.
>slow reload
>fires a huge fuck-off spear that pierces armor and staggers chargers
>sends stalkers flying
>nails everything smaller than that to the ground
>will absolutely blow off limbs
>will kill a hulk if fired at it's goddamn face
>goes right through the chicken walker plate
Blitz isn't boring. That shit always devolves into chaos and it's great
you people are fucking retarded
this was already in and since you subhumans didn't notice a thing i guess it didn't really matter at all since you still breeze through everything with the buffs
3 40 minute missions means operations take 90-120 minutes
2 40 minute missions and a 10 minute missions means operations take 70-90 minutes
This game has been ass tonight. I haven't had a single game that wasn't a laggy mess. Flat out can't interact with consoles whatsoever.
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Verminbots Gaellivare D10
after playing D8 bots and finishing with everything completed but zero reinforcements left I remember why the playerbase prefers bugs
ragdolled and one-shotted is very annoying
>5 minutes in
>Try to complete everything
>I have no practice doing a thing and was bad at it my first try, millions must bugdive
I lost it
worst games I've ever had
shit host
Mortar bugs aren't nearly as annoying as the turrets that snipe you from a mile away through fog and smoke.
It's a hole devs fall into all the time, making everything AoE and explosive because they can't design anything interesting.
I've gotten surrounded and 2shot by alpha commanders and hunters, and backstabbed by bile titans more than I've been ragdoll true-comboed by bots
>swim too far out into the Traitor zone
>instead of getting hit with orbital shells, a sea monster arbitrarily eats you like it's the Spore creature stage
Don't forget the Grapple Primary, with shot, pull yourself or pull enemy fire options.
As well as a Net Grenade, that explodes some distance from the ground and cover a moderate area in a large fishing net, downing all enemies and doing minor dmg till they break free. Less aoe but +2 charges compared to EMS nades.
>Nova Scotia
You pass
3/4 yet again
You can run any strats and weapons you want anon. You can also run a lobby yourself.
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looks like im fucked up with mega aids, thanks for trying to help in my time of need anon
MMG is still the best MG for what it can do. The HMG is what nobody uses.
These are just patch notes from the buffdivers patch, you mongoloid freak.
Agree on the MMG. Fucking stupid thing is worthless. Send it back to super earth with a sticky note on it saying, "keep your gay shit."
>saves niggers on his drive, posts them with unironic "bbc" filenames
>doesn't play the game
kill yourself
>bomb hits tree
Patriot exosuit is fucking worthless.
>can't kill chickens without rockets
>rockets take multiple hits to kill chickens
>3 rockets for a drop ship
>rockets wont take out fabs
No reason to bother taking it further than that.
>rocket can kill charger
>rocket can close bug hole
>rocket can kill titan
However so can the Emancipator and you get 200 rounds to stomp all over every goddamn bug that lives.

Mechs seem like such a wash. But if you wanna just stroll through bugs solo like a retard in your giant retard machine, at least the Emancipator can do it.
sweet little lies
agree on the HMG*
>exosuit is fucking worthless
>Pick something else
>Instead of boring it's shitty and boring, so much so that you end up picking something else from the ground
I already tried every single weapon in this game, bot side is peak midwit metafaggotry. I have no clue how you fags tolerate more than 3 bot missions. Oh wait, you don't, almost everyone fucks off after a single operation
They are fun on lower diffs where the enemies don't come in packs of 30+5+ heavies where all you ammo is gone in no more than 2 encoutners.
I only kick Chinks or griefers.
>D3 with fellow autists that are SC grinding
You might as well just do D10s according to the google docs.
Emancipator is godly for extraction and dealing with Stalker lairs.
Killing chargers from the front is a huge waste of ammo, but it -can- be done. It fucks chaff up so bad if you aim more at the ground below/between small bunched up groups. Fucks up Brood Commanders and Hiveguards so bad. Hunters get fucked. tiny bugs get stomped. Stalkers get one-shotted. I've even dropped shreikers out of the sky. Bile Titans get turned into bile spewers. I haven't taken it against an impaler, yet, but I can imagine that it's not going to do well against it. Those tentacles are going to rape the emancipator hard.
I had someone in my lobby run four turrets yesterday, he wasn't a shitter like I expected and he seemed to solo half of the D10 maps.
I take my Emancipator into level 5s to help out people in their teens. Sometimes they blow me up by mistake.
Sometimes I step on them.
A lot of times I just stomp across the whole map like a metal god.
I was just on a bot map for the first time in awhile, the autocannon mech seemed really useful for pushing on the stratagem jammer areas
I took it in Diff 2 just to see what would happen, and I found myself having a very hard time hitting things with it. Against bugs I feel like a fucking marksman. The lowliest bot dregs felt like they were The Fortune to my autocannon rounds.
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bugs d10
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>space station
fucking finally
D10 has no POIs, D1 Gaellivare is where it's at POI-wise and you can even help with the MO while doing it if you so desire.
>Players are actually able to go positive on liberation on a -3% decay bot planet instead of that dogshit planet Pandion.
>People actually think the space station is going to be anything other than another plot beat for the game that will be lost in the sauce after future MOs roll around that Gaellivare gets captured by the bots, like with the Menkent Line.
I want to roll with some HMG turret bros
Or it gets nuked by the bots and becomes a derelict floating in space. No you can't go there and fight in it, either.
>failed to join
You're doing it wrong. Here's a good loadout for patriots (bugs only)
>Patriot Mech
>Rocket Sentry

You only use the rockets when you can't use thermite/crossbow/spear. Use HMGE when you need to hold a position. You can make the mech last a whole match with good support while traversing and you basically can't die while you're in it. Solo clearing mega nests is easy with this.
Also, fully expect Joel to be like "Oh, we need titanium to finish the station. Go capture Imber again." but this time there are Steel Legion bots there and it'll take a full week to cap that planet.
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HMG emplacement but with 1000 rounds and 4 barrels instead of 2 with the maximum fire rate of the Stalwart
used to love gael but i fucking hate getting mogged by bushes and having RR proc on nothing
>retarded sperg can't wait to jump in
>doesn't realize the HMG was always shit so this doesn't change anything
take your doubel digit IQ and blow your brains out if you can figure out how to work a gun, sodomite.
>max RoF of the Stalwart
>runs out of ammo in less 1 minute
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bot moon
You are a hysterical woman and should be embarrassed for behaving the way you do.
>actually they "nerfed" it along with the big patch and you never noticed, therefore it objectively didn't matter
>uhh well it still sucks they NERFED it and I FEEL this way and nothing will make me change my mind
seek out a fucking mental hospital
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So when are we getting a Meridia equivalent on the bot side? Which planet should be blown to shit?
3/4, running with a pubby
ping for a join and i'll kick
launching game :)
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Art anon please draw a confused helldiver looking at infinite karate chopping hulk. Bonus points for helldiver aiming down sight
that hulk just couldn't take it anymore
god shut up you pedantic pussy, HMG is bad, we knew it was bad but didn't know why, now we do.
Go bawl your eyes out somewhere else you pathetic little pussy boy.
Did Not Read.
>desperate post to save face
Nobody will know who you are come next thread, you will be forgotten. No need to keep this up.
HMG was good and is good.
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Oh, and I would like to add that it would be super mega bonus points of a kind anon would also animate the hulk chopping but I know you use MSPaint so it's probably asking too much. Three frames of the chopping would work I guess.
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Kino in the most thalassaphobia kind of way.
>jax and daxter
>spend a little longer to get sides
>crash out
we got too cocky, SAMbros...
why did we have to open our big fat mouths...
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This must be the side effect of the stim pistol...

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