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flutefaggot on suicide watch edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sept 18: 1.001.101 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4679892274002466936
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://blog.playstation.com/2024/09/12/helldivers-2-the-chemical-agents-warbond-launches-sept-19/

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
off to a great start
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First helldivers worth playing these days?
If you feel like acting a smug asshole towards people that haven't played the game, sure. You get to join the exclusive club populated by you and like 5 other people.
There's an Imber in the fridge about to expire...
and there it goes...
>Laser guard dog now overheats every few seconds and recharges for 10+ seconds
>Imber isn't considered a loss
>bugdivers were crydivers the entire time
We're still on a +1
It's fucking useless now
We didn't lose the MO, you fucking crybaby.
Blame AHS for making fire tornadoes retardedly annoying.
Kill yourself, as quickly as possible please.
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If you got hate in your heart, let it out(on fellow anons)
They didn't fix the flamethrower and they didn't list it in known issues. It's over. Flamer is permanently dead and nobody will ever know.
maybe stop using laser weapons on a fire planet
How do you even view the stats for the flamethrower? The helldivers.io site doesn't seem to list it.
why are there bug breaches every 17 seconds now?
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>botsissies cry endlessly through a rigged MO about bug divers
>botsissies once again handed the loss
>they dont realize joel is fucking with them for being the whiniest sub-group of the community
lol, lmao.
It's time to move on, the creek was months ago and we all got tired of the meme
You think you hate bugniggers enough. You don't.
tHe gLoOm
I would like to thank Bugdivers for doing absolutely nothing again
Doing nothing by logging off would have been better than what they did. That's the retarded part about the system.
Time for another filler MO and no new content!
I'm thinking that Doomfags actually won in the end
We just hit part 2 of the 60 day patch cycle we are still good.
No, zoomzoom. Learn to deal with inconveniences, you pussy.
If fire tornadoes didn't show up only during POIs, extraction, and objectives, and didn't home in on divers specifically, people would play fire worlds more often.

Then again, Experimental Infusion completely eliminates their danger anyway.
>we fixed fire tornados converging on extraction
we fixed fire tornados converging on extraction
>we fixed fire tornados converging on extraction
we fixed fire tornados converging on extraction
>we fixed fire tornados converging on extraction
we fixed fire tornados converging on extraction
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new MO
>Bot MO
Failure incoming
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haha this this is so busted
enjoy it while you can, alexus is gonna get his filthy hands on it
so we're all in agreement it should be Clasa right? no fucking way im defending a jungle shithole for the next 2 months
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>they nerfed laser rover
>it was already bad to begin with
why, why not let the children who are unable to output meaningful damage have a toy that can do it for them?
why ruin this, arrowhead
Calm down, Beavis.
>HMG nerf
>AT mines nerf
>Railgun AP bonus from >90% removed

>Hellpod damage increased to 2500
>fire durable damage 25-50
>rover sets objects on fire faster
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>bot mo
we lost already
>hmg nerf
>at mines "nerf"
it the radius fucking quintupled you nigger retard can you not read
>railgun "nerf"
guess what, they nerfed every heavy enemy's armor tier by one and then made the railgun peak at 1 lower armor tier, so LITERALLY NOTHING
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>clan stuff will be delayed due to Bugnigger autism
>contrarian nigger is upset and being emotional
3% resistance on both MO planets btw
Go to Gaellivare, fags.
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>bot MO
>Acamar defence campaign just went live 10 seconds ago
it's actually so fucking over
>AT mine
>800 damage
>larger radius
so it still does absolutely fucking nothing but on a wider scale
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We only need to take one planet
>will take all goddamn week because Joel doesn't know how math works
Just played halo 3 Jenga on the extraction pad. The chickens were knocking us into the flames below to our certain demise for about 45 seconds. I appreciate they gave us a prison cell of safe space instead of constant tornadoes on the pelican.
helldiver my son
you must choose
will you pick
>laggy jungle hellscape with two supply lines connected to notoriously hated planets
>comfy ice world surrounded by se's controlled territories
Swamp or jungle.
>we lose both everytime
I leave the game logged in to personally inconvenience (You).
We can barely take one bot planet and you retards wanna go for Clasa? No way we'll win that.
We have to go for the shitty jungle planet
Did they actually nerf the shield pack to register ragdolling????

That was like one of the only reasons to wear it
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woah woah now you're asking for too much
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Cephdivers, time to kill some tin cans on D10.
They got told about it on Monday, so they need a week to figure out what's wrong with it and fix the spawn rate of particles.
Pajeet my son, you may have more ammo for your OP support weapon, more stims to heal with, and grenades to throw


You may have a team killing laser rover with the worst primary in the game, that needs to cool off for ten seconds.
Pretty sure Varylia 5 campaign for the mech was 5% decay rate.
Naw, buddy of mine has been using them religiously. Theyre really fucking funny, they don't kill tanks but they fucking detonate groups of enemies.
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Over under on defense attempts until the space station is destroyed?

>Buff AT to actually kill AT
>Nerf AT mines that struggled to kill shit anyways

>Nerf fucking rover of all things
And we're back to It Never Even Began
>Both planets set to -3%
>Not even high number bug players could ever break that
It's not a nerf. It's a massive buff, you get 3 times the range of an impact grenade per mine. They shred shit up.

Also where is the rover nerf in the patch notes. Was this an undocumented thing?
So much of the oddball shit in the game nobody wants to use requires you to have a group of friends you play with who are willing to use team work.
Taking mines, tesla tower, and shit like that to randos is just asking to go bald early.
Where are you seeing the patch notes? Steam didn't show that for me.
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>take planet to build space station above
>then take 2 more planets to get resources
>then defend 4 planets while station is built
>space station destroyed the very next week because we lose the defense of whatever planet it's above
>Bot MO to clean up half of the botfront actually went well with everyone doing their part during Alexus nerf era
>Weapon are now fix and shitter bugdivers return to the detriment of the galactic war effort.
What a monkey paw
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>blob picked the jungle shithole instead of a comfy ice planet
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>HMG nerfed
Fucking WHY
strongest weapon in the game, 100% pick rate
please understand
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NO NERFS ONLY BUFFS redditor status?
No idea, there was no justification for it when it can't even kill shit well from the front.
Doomchads we might be back.
>fire pods got buffed!

Okay. But how and how much?!
Still 2/4.
big E come back baby, lobby is still up

yall need to move to the real thread
>Isn't even certain if changes were intentional or not
>Leaving shit out of patch note every patch
Where the fuck did they find these idiots
Retard question. Im guessing this impacts the fun i have on the MMG?
IRC You can only use clan station stratagems above the planet you build it on or in proximity to it
Heee, you still in the thread B2?
I wonder if they're going to be incredibly gay and make the station have travel time between planets even though we can teleport across the galaxy in milliseconds.
no thanks troon

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