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dix won
Mortal Kombat > Tekken > > > > > slop fighter 6
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>Mortal Kombat > Tekken > > > > > slop fighter 6
Not a fighting game character
Slime rushing all over Sethanies feets
I promise you no one here has played this.
The EVO champion posts in this thread...
we literally had an OP with lumen from gunvolt and she only ever showed up as a PNG in blade strangers in the story mode
any you niggas play the new dix update?
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beating two other retarded porn addicts doesn't make you an Evo champion, nigga
i dont play kusoge
Is it really fair to just throw a bunch of cats at you and call it a combo?
im trying to nofap here
it literally does
how so?
kekken 8 is so dead its not even funny anymore
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learn to control yourself, you fucking animal
he won evo two times and thats a fact
oh come on
laggy online delay netcode evo DEFINITELY does not count
What about if I beat that furry nigga that won Pokken EVO 2016 and used his winnings for more Braixen furry porn?
why does a two time Evo champion is making a fighting game drive the goobers nuts?
how many evos have you won?
Heihachi is now Install Parry character
What does this make you think of it?
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If Baron drew like this, would you play his game?
i'm not a furry...
that paizuri window got my jr wildin out
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none. I'm humble enough to admit that. unlike some of you arrogant apes
some of y'all don't live in reality and are caught up in your own childish delusional world
that's not healthy
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>Look up fencing rules and TKD rules
>It would make a much more interesting 2D fighter than le epic anime american DEI kusoge of MK and kekken and street shitter and the king of mexico.
so are you going to make a fencing game?

I mean, imagine something like a fencing game, but using kicks like taekwondo.
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most of you are not intelligent or interesting
you just mass produce the same derivative slop with no creativity and minimal iteration.
I'm convinced some of you gorilla ass NIGGERS have never had an original thought in your jungle monkey lives
didn't your mama teach you if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all
party game
no one cares
what the fuck else has this dude done?
Yeah, that's what I thought
If Rouge The Bat (Sonic), Krystal (Star Fox), Loona (Helluva Boss), & Sybil (Pseudoregalia) asked you to fill them up with your baby batter in one night at the same time, you would don't lie
unlike timmies and tyrones, I like to read books.
are you going to make that?
I can't ejaculate 4 times in one night...
no, I'm learning stuff to have reference material to use later.

also, cool new ideas come from learning new things.
I don't believe in bestiality
Am I really supposed to care about some random furry party masher because some retard here is making it instead of some retard from reddit or twitter?
if a reddit person made it, it would be much gayer
if a Twitter person made it, it would be more trans
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>USA hours begin
>bestiality discussion starts
Why are you yanks so obsessed with fucking dogs?
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imagine if this bitch had a snout, OOOOOH WEE!
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>I'm convinced some of you gorilla ass NIGGERS have never had an original thought in your jungle monkey lives
This is already confirmed true. Just look at all the NPC anime / gg fans that keep thinking giving an IP to ASW to make a game means its instantly going to be pog.
Shocking revelation, it's not: https://gamerant.com/original-double-dragon-devs-criticize-double-dragon-revive/
I am black.
Don't they fuck sheep in wales and goats in London?
skill issue
Not everyone here is a furry, dood...
I'm sorry you had to find out like this...
Lol? Why would anyone care about the opinion of some washed up boomers that let LE REAL DOUBLE DRAGON die in the first place?
Ah, Wales, where men are men, and sheep are nervous.
How did some guy's random dogshit castelavnia 3d lowpoly clone get popular anyway? was it really just the big butt goat?

Why doesn't everyone just make coom games, then?
If it has curves to match a woman, I wouldn't think twice. Also, enough Becky's on AO3 have constantly been shlicking to getting tackle raped in their fan fic stories by the werewolves from Twlight.
some people have... what's it called?
oh right
ever heard of it? now pull your pants back up.
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>midget spicnigga criminal
>PMC war criminal
>literal hellhound, spawn of satan
Sorry, I don't know enough about this character to make a shitpost, so I'll have to skim the wiki.
Doesn't play the game. Continues to put out mind blowing tech for it. There will never be another Clayton in our life time.
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Pseudoregalia is literally just Klonoa, but for furries. Exact same plot.
klonoa.... isn't for furries? Matthew Perry said he was playing it with his pants down
It's starting to be over. Tekken fans are getting fed up. >>495814692
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I want to make a coom fighting game where kensou brutally rapes the kof girls.

I am waiting for AI to not suck to make me the HD sprites and put them in fighter maker.
Have you seen the comments to the most recent Double Dragon Revive video? The majority are unanimously agreeing that its not that interesting / bad
tekkenfags are paying for dick sucking harada during tekken 7
Can't you just already draw those?
they were payed to say that
why did they make it look like kof 14
I dont have the skills to make the level of art I want.
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Klonoa is a children's platform game.
It was not made to be sexual, that was just fan materials and homosexuals having dirty minds.
The other game was obviously made to be sexual and make people's ding dongs twitch so they could get money.
imagine marrying a nice christian woman who keeps you in check
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mashen 8 has in game ads
Kekken is literally duking it out with Mortal Kombat now which is more shittier game.
you already made this post
SF6 wins this by a landslide
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Shut yo ape ass up. Finna make a damn banger hating ass troon
And i will keep spamming it. Fuck that game.
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Tekken 8 wins this by a landslide
i think hes that boomer he doesnt play dix
What unique mechanic will it feature?
It would probably be faster to just practice than to wait until 2040 when AI gets to pro level.
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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds of fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments
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religious people are cringe
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I don't think even the most triple xest of triple x furry hentai could make a coinflip anime game fun to play.
>who keeps you in check
With brutal peggings?
anon from here bought his of and said clayton was massive
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y'all seriously need to stop encouraging him
he lacks the EQ to realize these are shitposts.
people are finding out furries are into animal dicks. how will they adapt?
tranny keyword
How and when did they find that out? Was it those dragon dildos?
What's tranny about EQ?
Reichan talks about eq and you all want to plap her
So they cut Marduk the original DLC leak character and made him a mysterious mask man. >>495824861
Has any game ever fucked up like this?
More in-game ads. >>495825510
kekkencucks are getting everything they deserve
that's not an ad...
tranny posts
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...what's wrong with advertising a toy in the game that the toy comes from?
does baron's game have a furry nun like this?
even more in-game ads coming in >>495826158
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Trannies invented EQ to cope with their abysmally low IQs. MFS reject biology but then pretend to be intelligent.
THEY SAID IT! take a chill pill they are bringing licensed characters back in for Kekken 8!
remember when they ripped into jive because it had in game ads promoting the grassroots competitive scene that they all claimed to love
the irony is that trannies are usually emotionally unstable psychos like Vicki, so their emotion intellect would be low anyway
What did they say?
Literally take a chill pill. They are talking with other developers about new licensed characters.
did they say take a chill pill or are you saying take a chill pill
I thought KEKKEN was going to beat MK? I guess Mortal Kombat chads stay winning.
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AKI is so beautiful and the jeer modellers fucking ruined her
they said take a chill pill on twitter and comments about asking tifa and other licensed characters
mk1 hit only 2k on steam
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Turbo2 in ST is simply too fast.
Depends on the stage as different stages have different speeds. I would put it to 0 US version or 1 Japan version because it runs too fast on an emulator.
you cant say this or the ADHD turbo mashers get up in arms
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Now that I think about it, most tranny leftist memes on twitter are just their narcissism flaring up. All the shit about "media literacy," "EQ," "X was always Y," and so on is just them going "I know more about any given topic than the actual creator or professionals in the field, so let me lecture you about it now"

You really saw this come to a head with the Justin Wong SFTMTG debacle.
Troons thought they were good at the game and could beat anyone because they fight other randoms in their discord. They expected Wong to go through their ritual and "learn the game for real." This is like when people here talk about drawing a million boxes or cloning pong and super mario 5 times before you're allowed to actually do what you want. But Justin just ignored that shit and won anyway. That's why they got so mad, because he shattered their worldview and reminded them of how small they were. Same shit happened when one of the fallout creators told the twitter trannies their interpretation of his writing was wrong.

They can't handle not being the best or the most right at any given time, and that's why plasmasword killed himself.
lil bro thinks im reading all that shit
it's okay lil nigga you aren't expected to be able to read
go back to huffing galaxy gas
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Ayo what This looks like shit
Brevity is the soul of wit, little nerd.
the bitches got fridge bodies but the dudes got chiseled ultra steroided 12 pack abs and always shirtless
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how hard do you need to cum when you play video games?
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>thinking this hard about men's bodies
Congrats on coming out, I guess?
read all of this and gooned to the attached PAAG
>soive troonies in fgg
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nah he's right
>anime-like artstyle which could be compared to 2023's Street Fighter 6
lol, LMAO even
Guys fight without their shirts on in real life
women do not
crazy how mk1 has like four times the amount of alternate costumes that sf6 does.
they wear nothing but sport bras in MMA
define "fridge body"
good post!
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chain broken
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Games cost money to make, lil ninjer
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Justin is complicit in a suicide case... now I wonder if he bears some type of power...
pawg mind control.
terry is so boring
sf6 is boring

i just beat the big dog in circle of the moon ama
I've only played and completed two JRPGs, Chrono Trigger ane DQ4
the only two that matter
That's not Pokemon Red
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>can finally put my wife reina on the main menu screen

Best addition to the game so far
Of course the faggots of /fgg/ would go with tranny red and not based blue
Why did twitter get mad at Phil Fish for saying Japanese games suck now? All of them said that, too, they made articles about how much they hated MGS4, KOFXIII and DOA were problematic, etc all day back then.
why is EVERYTHING about trannies with y'all?
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Rouge and Sybil? Yes. The dog bitches? Hell no. I ain't no dogfucka
Did he go too far this time?
trannies hate red because it reminds them of periods that they will never experience, they love blue because it reminds them of the troon flag
What makes goats good, but dogs bad?
Thanks to that, he won't get 20-2 anymore, he will start the game, +1 then leave.
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>enters tournament
>learns akuma infinite same day of the tournament
>farms them for content
>calls the game a dogshit kusoge while mauling some troon
>uploads it
>sends a tranny into a 2 year spiral that ends in suicide
Infafune said that Phil Fish was right
Sajam farms content and it's le bad, but Justin Wong farms content and it's le good?!?!?!?
plasmasword is dead, hanging from a noose, right now, as we type. he is DEAD. your ally is DEAD. literally DEAD.
Maybe they should just admit that the game sux. Not saying he doesn't have an ego sometimes (because he is pretty skilled at picking up old kusoge quickly) but they also shouldn't let a kusoge run their lives into the ground like that. It's okay to enjoy kusoge and it's okay to lose in kusoge.

The event may have triggered something even more negative but it sounds like the dude already had issues before Jwong hopped into the tournament.
When you think about it, Justin does don the Light haircut...
They are on discord tho
>I-I can still hear the discord pings
he's dead lil tranny, get over it and start a gofundme for the funeral funds
50-0 timmy
Why would they delete a yt channel with uploads that date back at least 14 years ago?
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Dunno, i missed whatever happened, but they aren't dead
dayum this gofundmetroon giving /fgg/ the discord exclusives
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post proof???
>why would a tranny blow something up due to a lack of attention?
It is a mystery....
I remember Lain blew up his channel after he didn't get enough attention, too.
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>what a knucklehead!
...Lion bros?
Good afternoon, /fgg/. May God bless Street Fighter V.
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>plasmasword was ellie all along

What a twist
>by Canadian gf invented Virtua Fighter
>yt channel - nuked
>twitter - nuked
>twitch - still up but inactive, links go to dead socials
>discord - inactive
The signs are pointing to a dead pulse coming from inside the house.....
why does this nigga even have plasmaswords discord
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Their channel isn't nuked, you retards
because fgg is the troon bloodhound general
>discord - inactive
she was posting in the FK discord this morning
...what's FK?
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Fraud Krew
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do you psychotic freaks really just fantasize about suicide now?
Are the "trannies" in the room with us right now?
how are niggas 40+ years old without having started a family or still identifying as trans?
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You fell for their gaslighting.
you cried about us on twitter, goldydorado
Remember that time some tranny "did a little search and found fgg" like 5 minutes after someone from here mentioned it?
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are the trannies the ones on here going insane over gigamaidens?
trannies are definitely the ones begging baron to hire a consultant to make his furslop into gayslop
>streamed 3 weeks ago
So much for that claim of them offing themselves
I remember during the Chaos Code incident, plasmasword was desperately @ing Mickey Lin trying to tattle on Tenryo and report all of his crimes so Mickey would stop working with him. This nigga has like 2 hours in Chaos Code just doing training mode combos lmao
remember when it posted screenshots from the archive and every single screenshot was when someone was saying something about wanting to fuck it? niggas getting gender euphoria off /fgg/
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I probably have zero hours in your favorite party masher, but you can bet your ass that I'd be trying to get you banned from it in 2 seconds flat as soon as I had anything on you.
If you are a bad person, you don't deserve to play it's really that simple.
Being in the FGC is a privilege, not a right. People like you don't deserve to be around others.
Try not being a retarded dickhead piece of shit for once in your life, you fucking dumbass aggressive ape.
That was you gay ass niggas posting about wanting to fuck trannies.
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these posts arent funny now that I know there's greasy manthas behind them
did you really think they were ironic?
people wouldn't do this "gimmick" for that long as a joke.
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vicki said he wanted to kill people and ivy was gooning on stream instead of supporting the passionate persona community and they're still allowed to play???
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Decided to record a reference video instead of having to animate this shit on blender.

I stay thinking because I was like trying to remmember which were the moves.

Could only got to basic punches, basic kicks, stances and guards and slashes.

Not autistic enough to try to do shit like more advanced moves
imagine if cheez were a gentleman
Built for my BCC
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You're already balding? what the fuck?
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instead of cyberstalking SS why not cyberstalk the gofundme clique?
I'm 35.
Why do you think you can't both goon and support a community?

If you can't commentate with a dildo up your ass, that's a skill issue.
im sorry for your loss unc
you could always go turkey
it makes everyone else look bad...
how so?
everyone isn't insecure.
Damn I didnt know the Risette had that Jappa cake. I want a slice!
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>That ass
God I want to have sex so bad, I want romantic sex ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to rub the ass of a woman I'm in love with RAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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...did they really think this would get more people to play Persona 4 Arena?
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i want to defend them but the one on the left is violent and the one on the right masturbates in public
MFs were making fun of how fear looked at CEOTaku, and then trannies hit us with that tactical nuke smdh
Man, we had it good with SF4....
be honest.

99.9% of you couldn't defeat cris at IRL kof.

Psychic Tackle
Tokusatsu Blow
Vibrating Hold
Dog Clicker
I imagine most of you would turn out like this if you ever did finish a game somehow.

Like you would be sitting here crying because Sajam laughed at the TOD he found.
Sajam doesn't find shit, he just has info fed to him by his chat orbiters
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Plasmasword was a Metajini falseflag this whole time? Color me SHOCKED!
Next you'll tell me picrel is a Metajini falseflag too!
Why do we continue to use the tranny leaf's scribbles as reaction images/memes?
Khaos Reigns almost DL'd, i'll leave you faggots to cry about trannies now.
Why does fgg have so many failed artists, writers, players, etc?
Why did Metajini become a /y/ drawfag?
What's the name of this normal?
Ragna's 5B
Jesus kick is more of a Sparta kick. This kick has more of a twist to it, like Bison's medium kick in SFV.
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So does this guy just post pictures of himself on fgg now?
Does he want us to digitize him into a game like Mortal Kombat?
we need to make a /fgc/ fighter in mugen.
There's that one beat em up with the EU FGC people like Kayane and Ryan Hart, but I forget the name.
u rite u rite
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Cheez won.
now the costume is back the faggots are having melt downs
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what's this super called?
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Not a single fighting game announcement at State of Play

I guess TGS is what we have to wait for now
We just got Terry in Dicks, Heihachi trailer and both SNK and Arcsys have something scheduled for the TGS, there was nothing to announce during the SOP.
It's just CoTW and SF6. No VF6 and DOA stopped pretending to be a fighting game
I liked that guy who used to come in the ST channel of Fightcade and pick Akuma lagging his dick off
I don't care about the incels bitching about their mommy milkers being taken away but the double-standard is quite apparent. Society itself is rife with "women deserve whatever their own little heart wants" juxtaposed with "men are too entitled and don't deserve shit."
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I need an ass this fat on my face asap
>people who play fighting games in the fighting game general
i mean
shes reserved for Yu Chadakami.
unironic agp sufferers talmbout we're the ones obsessed with porn
buddhist heavens T-pose ranbu
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Go for it PJ, I believe in you

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Can we all agree Hotashi was based for this? <3
is that "total femboy genocide" poster
I dunno why but for some reason the goats in indie games are mad fuckable.
They make a convincing argument. Plus goat milk is apparently more nutritious and sweeter.
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Thank you friend.
I have no feelings on this matter but I'm inclined to say based
went to /v/ and it has a mk thread and some guy is having a melt down over the costumes
estrogen wont save you from balding lil troon
went to /v/ and came back a femboy
hotashi is a chaser
tranny humor sure is interesting
Bridget avoided twink death and came out happier and cuter. I hope the anime triples down on her journey to womanhood <3
trannies cant magneto
crazy how good dbfz would be with costumes.
SSJ Vegito
Namek SSJ Goku
Bardock OVA Nappa
Base Vegeta with the scouter
23rd WT/Buu Saga/Saiyan arc/22nd WT Tien
23rd WT Piccolo
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considering events are more like conventions now than tournaments, its natural that this is the direction they're going. banning X who constantly shows up to the tournaments and provides competitive value was less attractive in the past, but when your event is some tranny gay sex meet up who gives a fuck about that
how did THEY turn fighting game majors into tranny gay sex conventions
Now just wait for morrigan herself to be added.
because you negros were cool with them from the jump
something about mk 1 feels so ass, X and 9 did not feel like this. skipped 11
so trannies can just say they don't like someone and they can be banned? LUHWOOF
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just try to not be a dickhead?
it's realllllllly not hard, low IQ ape
infiltration wasn't a dickhead...
Max and the SoCal FGC cabal make me genuinely hate fighting games despite loving them my whole life.
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beating your wife halfway to death, then brutally raping her is pretty rude, innit?
why so, shadow pj?
it builds character
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if you really don't see the difference between berating some stupid nerd until he learns to shape up since the world doesn't owe him jack fuck and a fat ugly criminal incel literally assaulting a woman because he can't get no pussy, you deserve to be removed from society and the gene pool just like them.
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trannies suddenly love bullying now that they're the ones in power
it's like when you watch those SJW tranny Netflix films and instead of having everyone be equal like they claim they want, they just replace the dumb helpless chick with a retarded guy
so much for that egalitarian society they claim to want
remember, if they take over, they'll be the ones with the jackboots on YOUR neck

This is also why the fgc is just gdq lite now and will get worse soon
I don't like woke shit so I just don't give it any time or attention, simple as
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GigaMaidens will headline the underground tranny-free FGC events called GigaMadness and invite all the banned players and general lolcows of the FGC
Equality is not the goal, equity is (aka they want the same power as others without the effort).
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What the hell is wrong with you niggas?
Is there something in the water that made every one here go insane over the past year or two?
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someone turn this into a mugen character.
stop hatin on cris
Marisa has a man's body and Preecha is a man in everything but identity
Does Ellie like Dead Rising?
She just hates gamers. She also recently faked her death again

umisho's bussy is next
Why is it always strive players with the weird sex pest stuff? Has this ever happened with Tekken or Street Fighter or KOF?
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Marisa is a muscular woman as designed by shitty artists who have never seen muscular women before.
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Sponsoring a troon seems like a big risk, as even if they're a good player, they tend to be a ticking time bomb and will be involved in twitter drama every other month.

What's up with that?
I used to beat it to Carmelita like crazy when I was going through puberty
not a furry, doe
yes you are, creepy ass nigga lmfao
I heard they're adapting that light novel soon
Crunchyroll really is ramping up the depravity, huh?
take the word "strive community" out of yall heads. its an FGC thing. this is IN OUR COMMUNITY. motha fuckas will throw a label on a bunch of people when its just a group of horny fucks. don't let this not make you play strive or enjoy the game.
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I spent like the last 4-5 days non stop watching videos of martial arts, from boxing to krav maga to TKD to lucha

And now I wonder, how it was possible that SNK and Capcom were aware of all those motions from so many martial arts.

Was the director of kof or SF a major fan of all those styles of fight?
A number has not yet been invented which will describe the sheer quantity of sales GM will have
I'm trying to temper my expectations. But thank you.
If Charlotte from Castlevania Portrait of Ruin was in a fighting game what would her best assist be
why do you guys keep gooning to charlotte when shanoa exists
Thoughts on the Giants of Kandahar?
Big if true.
I'll take both thx
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I'm behind on troonlore.
Who have the strivers raped this time?
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soive had like 6 pedos and rapists get exposed in the last 12 months
meanwhile the biggest drama in both the dix and t8 playerbase during the same time was shit like if ken was better than luke or if marduk is really coming
i legit thought this was a fake trailer
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Dang I didnt know Kekken players have freak offs. Paul mains, explain yourselves.
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This is fucked up
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everyone is laughing at us
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Have not booted up trooni in weeks
have been enjoying dooberz
have been enjoying kino strike
might have to remove that slop from the roto
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anime community went from niggas with no hygiene saying they got no hygiene to being sexpest general where homo niggas in dresses are fucking on each other in polycules. pandemic BROKE niggas
emi gon get me right
No, just Ts. I wish Ts nothing but the worst and curse them to their own existence.
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also based. rope all troons.
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this so much
Is Vegeta Blue/Vegeta SSJ/Vegeta a good team to learn DBFZ with?
Chadton was right
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its a good team. run SSJ point, Base mid, Blue anchor.
what assists?
Blue A
Base A
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COTW waiting room.
gayton has AIDS from getting buttfucked so much
he would fit in perfectly with the Strive crowd
who in fgg would be most likely to be caught on stream gooning with a vibrator
Reichan or Ellie
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From the leaks of some discord chat logs, It looks like Strive TOs are hesitant to take responsible action in their community for fear of... cancelation...
you cant write this shit
Community-wise, Is strive worse than Smash at this point?
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same cloth
them trannies have em by the throat luhwoof
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All the right moves.
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All the right moves.
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Late tonight, but I'm trying to finish up Gretel's specials and get to her supers.
the retro game for evo 2024 will be ragnagard
Who's a good (non-DLC) anchor for Cell/Goku Black?
2025 im drunk
Cell himself is a good anchor, you'd be better off looking for a point since the base game has great points (A18/Blueku/SSJ Vegeta/Blue Vegeta etc.)
actually, the base game has Trunks, Beerus, A Gohan, Kid Buu, Tien and Krillin who are all good anchors, use one of them
'member 2XKO?
Irrelevant shit no one's talking about because the only people gassing it up were paid shills
we 1:1 reskinned skullgirls for sonicfox and put the rock in a wig on the cover why didn't you like it???
why is he still crying about a licensed league tag kuso?
ill be crying if it flops
Man, I might be bad at fighting games because I can't blame my teammates for losing, but at least I don't let all the people who 2-0 me live rent free in my head.
what about 2xkuso?
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Is the “Jag” catfish gone, and he has another lined up?
On my personal chaturbate, sure.
We have plenty of xhamsters & other gooners itg.
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
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>in charge of knowing even the tiniest iota of how the law works

Pick one
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Here are technicals_'s jaggers:
>>495909425 #
My fujo said what?
>>495909446 #
Natalie Wynn.
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I'm so awake, I'm even recalling all the lawyers and paralegals that took down kiwifarms for 7 consecutive times.
So 495909446 should be:
>in charge of knowing even the tiniest iota of how the law works
>cat with big boobs in a thong leotard
>wolf with huge knockers in a loincloth
>squirrel with gigantic tits in a microdress
I'm not going to sugarcoat it
Your character designs are so bad, they feel almost AI generated to me. Like someone went into NovelAI and typed up "sexy big boobs 10/10 knockout cum my brains out all the assets out big ass hentai furry xxx" into the prompt-o-matic and this was the result.
If you want your stuff to have mass appeal and get actual fighting game players interested instead of just a handful of brainless porn addicted incels, then you seriously need to get a consultant or just hire a professional character designer.
After people are done jacking off, what do they have left? Is this really all you have to offer?
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Complaining about boobs? What are you? Gay?
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Money makes the wrld go round and round and round and round
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Terry is in SF6 before Seth
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>browsing new games on steam
>see this
okay which one yall niggas made this
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Mai is in before Maki.
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Who's Terry?
Morrigan will be in SF 6
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Terry Bogard

Darkstalkers is dead though
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No change to Ken
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>Priscilla Salamander
1000% sounds like an /fgg/ shitpost
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How do you win this matchup, bros?
I just saw Heihachi trailer. Why is he a anime fighter now? Is Bandai that desperate they try to reach out for DB audience with Tekken?
For me it's Reina The Lightning
Rey has killed a guy
taker hasn't
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He lives to serve
How come kekkenfags aren’t having a meltdown over ingame ads like people did with SFV
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why do tekken has every fucking movement in a martial art and 50 kicks variations instead of having a smaller movelist like kof or SF?
knowledge checks is how 3d kusos hide the lack of depth
Akuma never killed a guy and yall niggas love him
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don't care finna SMOOCH dis bitch
HE KILLED... *skims wiki* GOUTETSU
bandai fucking tekken fans in the ass and they are asking for more reina buffs
i want to confess that i actually hate marvel
I used the naked lidia mod and fapped to her in the menu.
Next stop: naked reina mod.
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>cat with big boobs in a thong leotard
Is that a Cammy reference?
That's not furry enough to be an fgg game, they don't even have snouts!
because 3d games are not 2d games
In old tekken games you would use the variations for mixups, risky rewards or specific situaions
In Kekken 8 you just spam heat and other spam moves you have, Tekken 8 might as well be just be 10 move list characters.
Am I crazy or does the Ken AI in these Street Fighter games really like going for consecutive triple shoryukens
It's pretty common in old games. Even Kensou's AI in KOF likes to do light dragon kick then heavy dragon kick. The point was to teach the player how to read patterns.
My fighting game AI will call you the correct insulting slur of your ethnicity
the saudi check didnt clear fully, terry is mid in sf6
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why are they so racist against cleveland jrs?
Who's a good (non-DLC) mid for Cell point / Tien anchor or alternatively who's a good point for Cell/Tien?
Do trannies really just use blacks as pawns in their game? Like do they really go LOOK, MONKEY! HE SAID THE KILL PHRASE, GO ATTACK!
kind of weird how they try to weaponize them like that.
What's the end-goal?
their end goal is a china style revolution in USA.
unironically why do you people keep yourselves fully updated with the latest soive troon drama?
have to know my enemy to look out for them and what they're plotting against me
Have you looked at social media? You people are the easiest to manipulate by far.
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Infiltration said the no no word on stream and the trannies used the manufactured outrage to keep him banned even longer.
Krillin can easily fulfill both of those roles.
you should be glad he even considers you human
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american companies literally ban japanese streamers for saying run away in japanese.
who is stupid enough to yell out NIGGER and FAGGOT on discord on their main account anyway?
all of you retards are in a community filled with catty trannies and also want to be a big gay esports star, so why the hell are you giving them Ammo against your "career" like that?
are zoomers really that low IQ?
But the trannies say nigger even more than him?
Most of them don't even black people and are always threatening to lynch them and throw them through the wall over stuff like them voting for trump or liking white len
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Lunar was right when he said the trannies are untouchable, just look at how everyone is tiptoeing around saying anything about UMISHO now luhmow
transexuals and blacks have the exact same relationship as sauron and orcs...
you nerds need new bits
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The funniest part about this to me is that they're basically telling on themselves.
They had no problem with him calling people niggers until after he touched their buttholes or whatever.
Why is it suddenly a problem now?
Reminds me of when the Tekken Emily thing happened and they suddenly started listing all the bad things that homosexual did (calling people chinks and niggers and retarded) on PUBLIC DISCORDS, but no one cared until apparently it raped one of Vicki's other gay friends.

Let that be a lesson to those of you that think you're hanging out with "one of the good ones."
They will turn on you as soon as it becomes convenient.
I legitimately can't.
If I don't shout the word nigger every 5 minutes I'll fucking die.
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>sonicsol: says he wants to kill someone after people harass him for months solely to make him flip out, instantly banned

>vicki: says he wants to kill someone over something he's not even involved with, nothing happens

and y'all called clayton crazy...
why they ship this nigga with penny, aint gwen enough?
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"I wish this piece of shit would die" is not a death threat
take your meds, low IQ incel. And pick up an English grammar guide, I guess.
I don't even think that Vicki is necessarily poltard levels of racist. It's just that blacks and transsexuals are both so narcissistic and arrogant, they both need to be the center of attention in any given situation. So that's why she butts heads with them so much.
remember when that black grantroon said that all latinos were worthless
i mean...was she really wrong?
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LMFAO, after I posted receipts, they started bargaining with their anti social behavior!
When [bogeyman] goes low, faggers go lower!
I dont play fighting games anymore because I got “good” at them and now my ego is out of control so whenever I lose a match I want to go kookoo mode and go on a rampage
The same people that left Clayton for dead at a tournament also want to have sex with him as we have seen in his DMs. That is some sick and twisted incel shit. Vicki is in the same category. Vicki hates Clayton because Clayton only fucks top tier tamanthas not Vicki goblin tier.
Be honest. You think Clayton was going to fuck Vicki when he gets this boy pussy instead?
kys clayton
You're mad Clayton won't have sex with you over a video game. Once again Clayton being the only person to create PTSD in a discord tranny just because of his existence.
damn she hot would suck
Does Clayton really think it is a flex to fuck trannies? Well, I suppose it is in the anisoy community.
>this nigga RAPED me
>and to get the coons on my side ive attached discord logs of him saying nigger
Android 18 or Krillin, both are top tier points/mids
But one of the main things people have tried to cancel Clayton over is propaganda that he hates Transgender people and has tried to kill them even. LMFAO which is just as ridiculous as it sounds. Now it's even more funny to see the real reason discord trannies hate him is because he only fucks with hot ones, not the goblin incel ones.
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this is all technicals fault
Clayton, I do NOT care.
Clayton is a beautiful man who is being sexually harassed by the LGBTQ but you don't care because he is a cis gender male who is not a incel like you and better at games than you. Who is the one that needs to touch grass here? I'd rather support Clayton than support a discord tranny like you any day.
Keep it down, Clayton.
Soive's first EVO champion been chilling in polycules and lying about rape? das craaaaaaaazy
Just like jewish niggas who use niggas as their shield same shit. LUHMEOW. Tired of these jewish nigga butt pluggin eunuch change agents fucking up the FGC
we all know all youll niggas would suck and slurp all over claytons dick if you had the chance, dont try to lie
polyphobia isnt funny
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time to spend the entire day watching pixiv sensei videos, so I can learn to make cute and funny /fgc/ fanart.
Spent $5 on Terry only for him to be link heavy and weird
you didnt expect links in a sf game?
why not /fgg/ art
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sure, I mean fighting games waifus but cute and funny in pixiv style.
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>gachas now have more soul than modern FGs
What went wrong?
the funny thing with smash is it imploded on itself and that nigga technicals was just farming content off it. the soive community is so mentally ill that they actually let some low-tier commentary channel break their whole shit. nasty ass community fr
Prove it
reminder that its a fgc thing not a strive thing!
some old american animator said that modern kids not longer learn proper 2D animation in schools because nobody can draw today, so they don't have teachers to train kids.
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I pulled the shark bitch then dropped this turd icl
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lol? there's more people drawing now than ever before in history, animation is just the dead discord discipline of drawing since everyone just lets computers do 80% of the work now compared to before
making tranny twitter shit is not 2D animation.
I know this is uncomfortable but do you have any screenshot of cheez using racial slurs
Richard was CANADIAN
canadians are just the eurofags versions of americans.
doing clean up art on rick and morty isn't inherently noble
Doing roughs for blades and beasts is definitely noble
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I rather draw inbetweens on shows like isekai harem monogatari than draw "serious" and "adult" american shows.
doing inbetweens on your mom's fat ass
I thought clayton was literally dying, shouldn’t he be out enjoying nature and living life to the fullest instead of talking about trannies on youtube????
...do squirrels count as white?
you cant even draw a line, lmao.
how do you know he doesnt do that
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And what does that have to do with gachas having better 3d animation than also 3d fighting games, retard?
did you really just want to bring that shit up?
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since when are you apes experts on 2d animation?
what have you animated?
do you niggas really jack off to chipmunks now?
is this how far society has fallen?
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now you need to reach my level, little nigga.

gachas are made by passionate waifufag gook autists.

3D fighting games are made by people that doesn't care about appeal (AMERICANS) and can't animate (INDIANS).

I had to read the animator survival kit to learn 2D fundies.
ellie draws better than this...
why are they crying
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that's 1% of my power, little nigga.
no way, that's better than ellie
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amour > shuckle > illyapedo > viddy > PJ > baron > ellie > cris
we never even have seen the illyfag draw. At best, he did "cleanup" on some other dude's cartoon
e.g., he traced already mostly clean lines and called it his own work.
furry pedoniggas really do be like this
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double jumpslop
dive kickslop
bruv why are they crying
Who is the best animator on fgg
name a fighting game that doesnt have any of those
super turdo
if he's doing that he's better than anyone on that list...
they're getting raped
No way
Amour's lines are cleaner
you just think so because she has big tits
PJ and Baron are the most creative people here
they've created entire worlds in their heads
If that were true, I'd be dickriding PJ because his tits are even bigger.
super turdbo has dhalsim divekeks
You don't run or dash in Tekken, you WAVEDASH
oh I forgot to add:
why has vappa become snkfags
this thread is the same 4 people
is sf6 still good?
that implies it was ever good
50% beast combo
it was good the time between the teaser with ryu's muscles and the first gameplay
super street fighter 6 arcade edition finna be peak
maybe woshige will nerf throw loops inshallah
FF13 is so fucking bad
13 and 13-2s music is better than the games themself
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holy shit fighting games are bad
this genre is an abomination
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
crab ass nigga
FF XIII is a masterpiece vappa
SF6 is a psyop designed to remove all joy from fighting games, don't get gaslit. Please find an alternative. Fighting games are great, Capcom's garbage is not.
why do humans take sex so seriously
literally WHO?!?!?
nigga needs sex explained to him
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Sonicsol had to be put in his place.
Im playing MK and having fun
Im playing SF6 and having fun
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explain exactly what's wrong with exposing racism
are y'all some Oreos?
because youre mashing instead of learning how the game works
would be raping this fat whore with my BEE DUBYA SEA if you know what I mean
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Alpha 4
Nope, im learning the game, its fun, fun mechanics, fun core gameplay
>faggot ball kusoz
kill yourself tranny
some of you itt are backshot babies
when capcom making jojo hftf 2
do "people" actually challenge and play fighting games each other here?
they used to
ever since /sfg/ was made people just stopped playing for some reason
pull up and catch the fade you broke bum ass nigga
They're buttbabies then?
we play more than /sfg/ unironically
how would you improve them?
trannyvel is dead and buried
Which games have the most (and the least) LGBTQ friendly discord community?
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let's start simple
make the designs a bit more balanced and diverse, perhaps?
do we really need 20 variations of "costhot porn star in a fetish outfit with a snout?"
how about some variety?
you get a broader audience that way
why do you need a broad audience for a passion project?
To get enough funds to make it financially viable?
he should throw a human slut in there for the normies
Why would you spend several years working on a floppa that only 4 people will buy?
its really just that jivers did play while dixxies do not and dodged ever since that dogshit game came out.
the slimer game clearly attracted some outsider audience, probably redditors.
GigaMaidens has peak character designs.
jojos probably has the least.
pre-pandemic french bread and examu discords were were also very unfriendly, but they're probably the most friendly now
>BBW lamia
I thought you guys ran the trannies out of the examu games, was that just a meme?
a top arcana heart player got banned because he was trying to brutally rape some bbtag tranny
depends on the game i guess
That was way back in like 2018, way before the pandemic

On that note, I think that Melty was pretty tranny unfriendly 10 years ago, but Uni, not so much, plenty of homos in that community for a while now
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You weirdos talk about discords like they're these wild jungles and you're making a discovery channel documentary....
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The scrubquotes discord is full of trannies who are extremely fucking creepy, like the absolute worst of their ilk. The extra narcissistic "I am completely justified to be a shitty human being to other people" types that probably have molested kids behind closed doors.
Shame because the owner of the discord seems kinda nice but he's run in with a crowd who are fucking weird.
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Ah! Sethanie stepping on my balls!
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I mean, half of the western FGC are jungle dwelling animals that play GORILLA characters, so that makes sense, right?
anyway I have to go with Rock Riot
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...why are you in the scrubquotes discord
scrubquotes was always weird so im not surprised the discord (didnt even know there was one LUHMEOW) is trooned out
I'm not I left
Weird how?
page dedicated to corny ass niggas screencapping messages.
this guy has a lot of videos about having sex with trannies.
t. a scrub quote
back to discord troonmantha
You guys do that with transsexuals all day on here...
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Scrubquotes is just the FGC's version of Retsupurae

Not surprising it would attract extremely narcissistic types like transsexuals.

Now we just need PewDiePie to play SF6 on stream and get mad about it so we can have that become a huge shitstorm just like with Slowbeef.
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do other communities have their own version of scrubquotes?
is there an account that has autistic rts players screen capping beginners?
do random artists make cringe compilations of 12 year olds on DeviantArt?
"artists" make fun of beginners all the time
didn't read but that is the woman who did the cattleya cosplay right
it isnt about making fun of beginners
its about making fun of egotistical beginners that will find excuses in anything instead of getting better
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that tranny AdaSix got so mad at lunar for beating him in a dead discord game with 10 players called melty blood, he started banning this guy from his tournaments

lunar pointed this out in his document and they called it harassment

this is literally the same shit scrubquotes does, so WHY was it suddenly le bad?!??!?
that only happens on here
the people making fun of them are just as egotistical and sperg even harder when they lose, so isn't that a bit hypocritical? seems more like they're projecting their own flaws onto others
they do it on /ic/ and tiktok and instagram and twitter
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Justin got an egotistical tranny to run into hiding after he beat it and you all called it harassment instead of an epic scrubquotes moment....
koleen or whatever the asian chick's name is
She made a bunch of videos "ironically" titled stuff like
A lot of artists are actually very cocky and do stuff like that.

Ironically, people only started to hate her after she had 4 seconds flash by of saying a black woman had a gorilla jaw, they apparently never found her unlikable before that, lol
but youre projecting onto them because where is that coming from with what proof
pj told me they were narcissistic trannies and he never lied on here before
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John K shits on other artists all the time and you all love him.
she's a goddess, vappa
nigga thinks anybody knows who john k is
that's the wacky ren and stimpy guy that brutally raped that one 16 year old
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Less than a day for TGS to start.
koleen is just the art version of majinobama
not skilled enough to say anything meaningful so they just pass off everything as ironic meme humor and make fun of people worse than her
that's... just jiyuner...
didnt obama place at evo
jiyuna used to be a top melty player and was decent at blazblue and persona
what has obama ever done?
The 4th best x-men vs street fighter player.... in 2023....
most youtube art guys are literal grifters that do nothing but make entertainment slop for 12 year olds
like imagine if every fighting game channel was just a clone of max and sajam
art youtube is just midwits like that 9 out of 10 times
How easy is a Goku Black/Cell/Tien to learn DBFZ with as a beginner to 3v3 fighters?
the game has autocombos bro
Tien is the most white bread character in the game, very easy to play. Cell has braindead neutral and Goku Black has braindead mix
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Most artists are retards and easy to grift. Just look at how Cris thinks he's some art savant because he skimmed some meme books 10 years ago and refuses to listen to advice or improve. Just pretend you know what you're talking about and mix it with some basic art theory and you can scam thousands of people for ad revenue by repeating the same videos and selling meme courses.
To be fair, Cris is still the best artist on fgg with the most experience
the gooner show?
Can we agree that Ellie is the worst drawfag? Zero improvement, just spite driven drawings
(Tokyo Game Show)
In other words
Ellie's latest drawing looks no different fundamentally from her stuff from years ago. Don't let the different eye rendering fool you, they are still the same airbrushed blobs as before
PJ commissions other people. He doesn't count
Haven't seen Amour, Ilyapedo or Viddy draw. Does anyone have examples of their art?
Shuckle's scribbles show genuine love unlike Ellie. You can also tell they were made by a bio woman, whereas with Ellie it's easy to tell her shit was made by a severely AGP tranny
Baron knows his fundies. He doesn't skip them, or else his drawings would end up blobby like Ellie
Cris hasn't improved, but his stuff isn't spite-driven like Ellie
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I randomly remember /fgg/ posts in public and start cracking up. that one silver sakura nigga that was seething over a psn message gets me alot
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>PJ commissions other people. He doesn't count
I always draw my own characters first before I commission other people. This is one of my own drawings and I have many others. I never ask anyone else to design my characters for me, I do it myself.
Is that Illyapedo?
That's viddy's drawing for baron from like 5 years ago. He's probably better now if he stuck with it. I don't think the Illya guy ever posted anything
What about Amour?
"the illya guy" someone get these /afgg/ tranny freaks out of here
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We'll still have that tranny leaf Ellie
nigga this thread has been nothing but anisoy discord homos and cheezposting for 2+ years that battle has been lost
what fundies? he gave up on drawing and just scribbles stick figures now.
why does he still have nightmares about a thread that died half a decade ago?
why are you a tranny
this nigga indignant cuz nobody remembers the illya niggas name
i was raised by a single parent
And drawn by a real woman, too?
I would say Ellie has competition, but Amour has her beat by being good at art and games and being an actual woman with big tits LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Furdem said "muh fundies" and then he draws like this
how is that not fundies?
die troon
Better fundies than Ellie
my mentally handicapped 6 year old sister can draw better than that...
Why do boxes drive this guy insane?
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COTW waiting room.
post her work you won't
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Are we bouncing?
you freaks would start stalking her
nice try, sicko
backed down like a bitch smdh
As long as she doesn't pull an Ellie, she's safe
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Shuckle is the best animator on fgg by far.
Like it's not even close.

The retards like Cris and Baron are just wasting their time while she belts out masterpieces like this.
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>you need to pick the shoto and learn fundies before you can play the character you want!
>you need to draw 5000 boxes before you can attempt to draw an anime girl!
>you need to remake pong and doom before you can make the game you want!

why is it always the same meme party advice?
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how come normalfags accept le wholesome frieren even though she's... a loli? and one of the main characters in fact liked her sexually. would Himmel be banned from evo?
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huh. where?
this pedonigga's brain is rotted beyond repair you hate to see it
does vicki still think he's.... black?
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she's 1000 years old but it's okay because it's le wholesome chungus anime that i like instead of the weird incel anime you like
because she looks more like a young looking petite woman, at worst a teenager and not a literal child like illya or art with toddlers in microkinis
same reason that chick from OPM is popular
Wish I was cheez bros...
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stop nooticing!
>blackface fursona
>digital blackface memes
what the fuck is a blackface fursona lmao
illya is 18 in fsn...
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it's not "meme advice"
most beginners are stupid as hell and can't do anything without someone holding their hand.
They need to do tedious repetitive tasks to get their basics down.
Most of you are not smart enough to be skipping steps.

Want to know what happens when you skip around and try to think for yourself with a low IQ (e.g. most of fgg)? You get slop like this.
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most of y'all can't even make a straight line, but now y'all are animators?
please learn to walk before you start running
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the funny part is, jappas dont even make a distinction between pedoniggas and lolicon pedoniggas. its entirely a weeb nigga invention
lmao illya is the same height and wears the same fashion as frieren. she's also literally 18 years old. you're a lolicon, nigga.
that's just fur
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this bitch looks 10 years old here senpai most people can't fuck with this
it's just pixels so who cares in the end, but this isn't hard to understand
So do you guys just start ranting about cartoon character ages at zero provocation now?
quite literally the new bronies
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Just...do the thing you want to do? Grinding some dead guy's meme cartoon heads and aimlessly doodling floating cubes will teach you nothing and more than likely burn you out. You learn by failing and using critical thinking to observe your shortcomings and push forward. Those exercises do nothing for literal beginners.
>curate their whole identity around their fetish
>make everything about them being a furry
>feel a sense of community for being a furry
lolicon pedoniggas
>curate their whole identity around being a pedonigga
>make everything about them being a pedonigga
>feel a sense of community for being a pedonigga
hol up
remember when dood and sajam shilled THE FUCK out of this game and then pretended it didn't existed after it flopped?
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If you get burned out from putting in your reps (which every artist had to do), then you clearly were not interested in being an artist.

Get to work, boy.
remember the pogback revolution
>kof flopped
>poomina flopped
>dnf flopped
and sajam shat on all of them
multiversus didn't flop because it was f2p
it flopped because it was not fun
they made it less fun ironically
Did you expect him to hype up bad games JUST because they had rollback?
be realistic, now
he did that for every single turd he mashed in pre soive lil negro
lumina sold over 300k copies and kofxv got updated with crossplay and is getting character dlc later this year.
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that's the pedonigga anime where she's actually underage
lunar was obsessed with the real one and they still called him a pedo
she is older and looks older in fsn, but it's not like people here/online/in general only post art where she is older. you can 100% find a toddler looking hoe in a microkini in lunars likes, it's not hard. like i said, it's just pixels but it's an easy target. no one looks good defending pedoniggas lol.
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>Fate/Stay Shit
I thought you people had better taste than this.
Fate/Stay Still lil nigga
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ryza will be a guest character in gbvs rising, but you didn't hear it from me.
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illya fine asl nigga
call me whatever you want
>posts Shit;Gate
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Is this what YOU PEOPLE do all day now?
S;G is based
Steins Gate
Timtims LOVE that shit
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Nen. Impact.
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imagine if it wasnt tagshit and had arcslop graphics. what could have been
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Then post a better anime nigga
jivie vs THE OG
ayoo jwong is my favorite influencer
this is gonna be lit no cap ong fr fr
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Stop going nuts.
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Built for my Bee Sea See
Has been cancelled.
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I found the secret jap course on youtube where they teach the totally sacred secrets to draw waifu pixiv shit.

Now I get why dirty gaijins can't draw pixiv stuff, when japs simply keep that shit only in japanese videos.

Dirty gaijins aren't meant to learn the nip secrets of waifus.
kek, mena broke these bums
but enough about jive
>asian party wife

Show us your wife
SG is one of the most overrated normalfag anime get real.
Isn't it quite common that white dudes (that lack testosterone) with asian wife get pussy whipped and also get abused?
IIRC, Geoff the Hero caught a black eye from his asian gf.
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sounds hot. imagine coming home to your aggressive PAAG wife
relevance to fighting games?
she's more on the slimmer side
wtf really? I don't remember this story. I remember this nigga used to be so aggressive and internet tough guy on twitter. How did he fall off so hard?
I think being all talk is really all he amounted to at the end of the day.
People think Mena is one of the best Street Fighter player because he wins in Jive and Dicks. He has to prove it by winning in IV and III.
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guilty gear strive
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Haven't been to this shithole for a few days. What's the strive drama about now?
you ain't gonna draw jack shit, cris
>he has to prove it by winning in two dogshit dead kusoges that almost permanently killed the series
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I mean looking at this just tells me he really isn't that smart of a person or just too limp wristed to do anything so he just decides take the abuse
trannies lying about being raped. nothing special
wish i was nagoriyuki...
Jive was closer to killing the serie than SFIV ever did.
SFIII has way more players than SFV.
aint no way, that nigga geoff be talking spicy on twitter while getting beat by some 112 lb asian girl lmaooooooo
shuckle giving me a black eye for not laughing at her comics...
timmys getting pieced up by shang tsung looking bitches
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all of you betas would let an asian chick beat your ass, too.
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if i fight back the trannies will just get me banned for life
just because asian women only know how to express love through violence doesnt mean you can belittle them
I'm a near 300 lb fatnigga. I'll eat that Shang Tsung motherfucker LUHWOOF. Lil Timmy really out here getting his ass whipped by ricetwigs. Not a good look Timmdawg
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>I wonder why Strive sucks
>Listen to NA
I understand now.
I will be honest
I expected WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY more spicniggas
Based LATAM rejected that troon shit
long as I get a nut after i'm calm with a black eye or two, gotta be a paag though
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>/fgg/ says timanthas have event TOs gripped by the balls
>now it comes out timanthas lied to get a player banned and TOs knew they were bullshitting and did nonthing until this was exposed
i 100% believe the buttplug shit
shuckle isnt violent, she just enjoys making men brutally rape each other
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Timmy the Hero really got ultra combo'd by his twig 99lb asian gf
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If he hit her back or defended himself, you all would have been calling him a violent, racist, white supremacist incel, be honest.
>bridget not even top 3 in the troon nation

so it's just a loud minority talmbout this shit every day
Why do African and Korean niggas hate Bridget and Testament?!?!?
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>robo Ky
lunar was complaining about the 'mantha menace for years only to be proven right long after he was exiled
I'm just shocked that he's that frail to be tossed around like a training mode dummy irl even by 99lb asian girls lmao
Which nation do you consider the troon nation?
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Clayton leave some asian girls for us
pastel folk want him because of the hecking memes
NA, obviously.
is this his tranny?
crazy how that nigga got footage of a mom and a daughter feeling him up and suggesting to take him back home for some "oyakodon" lmao
he actually wasnt, lunar was openly pro-troon and even compared the pedonigga plight to the mantha plight, it was only in private that he voiced disdain
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
he made that 90 page schizo document that ended up being right with recent events, but no one wanted to support him because he likes loli
so why do the jappas and chinappas love dix
nigga that is not clayton
I got a clip on my TL of some vappa saying how satisfying landing a treey combo was and I stopped watching after he did consecutive slimes
he only voiced "disdain" because of the constant harassment being done to him over time.
He also made a comparison that saying TRANNY over NIGGER is more likely to get you banned in the fgc roflcopter
jun the jiangshi told them it was poggy
....is she a paag?
that's not even him, why are you so obsessed?
All the right moves.
it gave vtubers and their simps super powers

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