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Waiting to be saved edition

previous thread: >>495526485

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Introducing "Rolling Steel" - Dev Blog

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soon™

Helldivers 2:
60 Day Timeline - Progress Update:


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine II:
Message to the community - a first Q&A:

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
How hot will Nurgle boosted Rinda be?
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2 bedtimes
>What exactly offends you about calling out shit studios for shitty practices?
Using it to promote how good you are in comparison, when your product is still an alpha jankfest.
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You're asking because you'll use your flamer on her, right?
she'll be (modeled like a man and given a woman's voice) out of ten
just like all of darktide's women
>Flamer on boss
Eh, we'll see after the rending blessing how it holds up.
god I wish that was me
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would a rocket launcher be too much for darktide balance wise?
bro, your rumbler
>All rocket explosions launch you and teammates
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It could work, it could be too much, or too little, depending on how it's balanced.
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only head is carapace
i wish there was looter shooter that i can redeem....
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Tchk! Anon, this is soon 2024+1! switch to an ANTI looter shooter like Forever Winter! Did you know it's owned by black people?
at this point I'm surprised none of them is on a wheelchair
sars this game isn't even worth 10 rupees
More staffs with varied primary fire when?
firebolt staff when
Deepwood staff(at least the primary) when?
Shotgun primary when?
I wanna shoot!
feels like that bitch has something extra, could have just been the ambush version but when I hit her with my delete boss build it only chipped off like 25-30% of her health with a full thrust marty shroud backstab bonk
>feels like that bitch has something extra


so un arm-ered but with a third leg?
one of them obviously biologically impaired
Baggin' 'em up! Huehuehuehuehuehuehue....
scary loyalist...
Campus Wumpus!
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What is that Plague Sister going to do to that guard?
She's gonna give him the brown crown.
If my tongue was that long I’d give the deepest rim jobs to little guardsmen
the guard looks girly desu
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sah? SAH?
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I cry evry tiem
Have you tried Warframe? Or failing any good taste, The Last Descendant?
Explain this to someone that never played your game.
Why couldn't he be saved? How did he end up there?
Why did the fall kill him?
>Why couldn't he be saved?
No path up to the ledge to pull him up
> How did he end up there?
The foul machinations of the archenemy
>Why did the fall kill him?
Heart attack
The karnak twins change armor types on higher difficulties
laughed my ass off when this happened in V2
>jump off staircase to a balcony 2m under the staircase
>100% chance to land safely
>game decides it's a steep fall and i'm hanging off the staircase ledge
It's a bug, they put a kill zone there on accident which triggers a ledge hang animation that is pointless/detrimental there. The mechanic exists so if someone slips off a deadly ledge, a teammate can get him back up
To any of the other 3 people who play remnant 2 here: Can you test if you're still able to keep the vulcan cannon spun up while dodging? It spins down for me now.
Need to work on my weeklies for Zealot. Fartshart code if you want to join me. I'll hang loose for about 10 minutes.
Will the crafting update also adjust the Bolt Pistol at all? Last time i tried it (on release) it felt like hot garbage despite being one of my fav 40k weapons.
saaar the white man who made the gun has left the company saaar, I cannot edit this for you, please to be finding the white man who made it saaar
Yeah it'll be tweaked
what region
Uhhh, upstate New York?
Aurora borealis?
Well I'm from Utica, and I've never heard the phrase "mommy hadron"
Eastcoast. Random damnation group really shit bed. I couldn't carry.
Steamed hams killed my general
Oh no I meant steamed RATS. That's what I call hamburgers!
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You call these steamed rats despite the fact they are obviously nurgle cultists?
The anointed senior tech priest demands you insert your pleasure rod into her sanctified orifice to help ease her cognition. As a lowly initiate cogboy, it would be nigh heretical to abstain. What do you do?
it's crazy how we haven't gotten a new staff by now
SM2 got my friends to finally buy Darktide :c
What kind of staff would you want? Beam staff with the primary being a piddly beam for sniping and secondary attach for a AOE Kamaya-maya wave that does more damage the longer you have it focused on an enemy? A rapid-fire staff with a lot of stagger with a secondary attack that sacrifices stagger for penetration? A support staff that buffs teammates' damage and debuffs enemies rather than doing direct damage yourself?
The current roster of staves has a good blend of damage, movement disruption, CC, and long-range sniping. What kind of utility are you looking for?
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>20 player coop
Is there any chance at all that this game might be good?
telekinesis staff
who cares about utility just make it fun
brap staff.
>telekinesis staff
You mean like lifting groups of enemies up without damaging them, crushing them together, or knocking them all back?
>who cares about utility just make it fun
Part of the fun of the current roster of staves is their specific utility. Are we talking a sniping staff? A CC staff? The purgatis, void, and surge staff have a blend CC but their CC comes in different flavors and some are better than others.
>Flamethrower style burning and staggering
>Penetrating cannonball of death
>shock and damage chain lightening
Pitch your concept to me because "telekinesis" doesn't give me shit to work with.
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>tfw just tried forever winter
>optimization is total dogshit
>space marine 2 and darktide are more optimized
>shaders take nearly 2-3 minutes to load even with a high end rig
>game hitches and chugs
>no gunhead robot
And, before some shitmonkey says "OH IT'S EARLY ACCESS". They should've fucking handled optimizing shit for the supposed 2000 series cards they had instead of pissing about. AND FORCING THIS FUCKING WATER SYSTEM WHICH DETERORIATES EVEN WHEN NOT INGAME.
Exactly. Refund it and wait 1 year for the actual game to come out. Or just laugh at it when it becomes vaporware before then.
>Grab barrels and throw them
>Can grab and carry objectives easier
>Can catch enemy grenades and projectiles and throw them anywhere you want and even use them against enemies
I shouldn't have laughed at that
Let me reiterate, THE WATER SYSTEM WHICH DETERORIATES EVEN WHEN NOT INGAME. Meaning there's always a small fucking sliver of the game going lol and dumping your shit it's a p2p game in the sense of multiplayer it all connects to a faggy fucking server.
Would you prefer Tarkov-style bi-ennial server wipes?
Honestly, yeah. I don't play tarkov but that sounds better than forcing an arbitrary water mechanic for what amounts to a fucking coop game. I mean fucking christ it shouldn't deteriorate while you're away.
more like The Forever Stinker
Doubt any other place could be worse than here; Why do you hate the concept of a stash wipe so much that it is such a pain point before you even pick it up? Also, seriously. Refund it.
They really have gone live with that ?!
Yep. Not even the literal ocean of people who will literally never even pick up the demo can dissuade the devs from pushing forward their shit fucking fetishes. They should bend over and become another extraction shooter with a different coat of paint.
>water system
So if you stop playing long enough, the water (which I understand is the currency) you lose all of your money? That's pretty retarded.
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>Black ones! Stove their heads in!
>Hey-hey! Come here you black rat!
>Come on then, you black bastards!
>Taal, not those black bastards again...
2018 was only six years ago but it may as well been a lifetime ago.
Yep. Need to do extractions to add gameplay time to your account else you'll lose everything. Because that's "immersive". Go drop a review on their discussions to get them to stop being such retards.
Already refunded it, I don't hate the idea of stash wipes but fucks sake it could be handled better than "lmao water goes away in real time". Instead they could've had an rng sorta system that pools from the water depending on the raid so that way water would be a high priority to get instead of just causing it to piss away over time. Like, each raid removes a set quantity of water this way you're still on that tight constraint but not with the constant need to log fucking in.
And there'd still be bitching from people saying they should have a mercy system if they fail a last raid when at 0 Water. People will bitch regardless. The devs have to find a compromise that they can live with that isn't constantly draining water. Hopefully if enough people bitch and moan and refund about the water system it'll finally be changed into something worse/better.
surprised they didn't remove them, given how things are now in the industry
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>Can't abide niggles.
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Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon, is this an entirely separate from the main story DLC? I don't think I still have my save, and I'm not about to restart the game just to play it.
im not grinding this space marine shit. wheres the fucking update already.
just download a save
just the good old plasma gun
I got 3 dudes to level 25. I'm done. It was fun.
I warned you guys that Space Marine has no content. Just like the original.
anything really, just to have a new experience. .
Shotgun staff
Wave staff
Beam staff
Telekinesis staff that lifts and throws enemies
Even slight variations of existing staffs would be fun...
Reverse trauma staff that pulls enemies together
Void auto staff
Ye olde surge staff
Fire staff that can create pools of fire

This only took me 1 minute to come up with. I'm sure you could make at least one of these work. It has been close to two years, come on fatshark.
I'm sure there's plenty of stuff they could grab from the lore/universe alone
not like darktide is any better, but didnt stop me. i just dont like space marine i think. i dont want to chain executions just to even survive it feels like shit.
Buffing staffs could be cool too. Lean into the support mage role.

Channeling on a teammate could do any combination of:
>regenerating their toughness
>increased movement speed
>increased melee damage
>increased attack speed, both melee and ranged
>damage resistance
Nope! Just the good ol' plasma gun!
No no no, just the good old plasma gun...
Shotgun and Beamstaff have been in the files forever. I think beam's altfire was a shield dome.
Likely trying to figure out what to actually do with them
>Just port over Sienna's staves, seriously
ive never seen this image without the fish
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Hadron gave me these pills...for the plasma gun headaches...
Hah, that's a great idea, and we hope to one day have it, but for now it's just the good old plasma gun!
ok but how do I clutch with a weapon that doesn't kill the enemy
Deflection staff.
Block ranged attacks like force swords, except it captures the las energy and bullets, and shoots it back. Like the mech in district 9
It's a new world roll for Ne'Rud. Just like how the other two worlds got a third possible world roll with their respective DLCs. Honestly, starting a new save isn't that bad unless you only play on the hardest difficulty and want to play with a very specific loadout.
you use your melee weapon, blitz, and F.
It also could have a primary attack that did some psy damage
>trollhamer reskin
it would be fine as long as they don't give it to veteran
Passive gameplay doesn't sound fun.
>the forever slop
They honestly shouldn't have released the game in this state, but I guess they need more funding. It's still too rough and leaves a bad impression.
It supports aggressive gameplay by running into the enemy as they're shooting.
jesus christ im having weed withdrawal
how embarrasing
this except vagene
Are EDF 6 lobbies just not working right now? cant join or be joined and a lot of others online seem to be having issues
Does the new class add anything? I was getting kind of tired of the old combos.
The good plasma gun, the bad plasma gun, and the old plasma gun...
for me its the brown recon lasgun with weapon specialist
Is darktide finally worth playing? Did the update save it?
The update isn't even out yet
It's TOMORROW (still 2 bedtimes)
The DLC has been out for hours. The last 2 new archetypes added strong skill based play styles. Newest one seems more team oriented though im sure its got some interesting options for high survivability.
every time...
where the fuck is gaben? holy shit its really over
lurk more you fucking retard
Why is it always nurgle?
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I'll be back online lazing around the lobby for about 10 minutes. Me and an Ogryn fella did alright earlier. Neither of us got MVP according to my chart but I think we both did well. (I got netted more than usual in our first game, It made me feel self-conscious...)

The code should still be 8995228725 if ya wanna join.
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I was playing Vermintide and someone said to me "Your pretty good".
Haven't unlocked it yet, but according to the preview they put up of it, it's meant to be a versatile support. It seems like a mix of Engineer and Handler. You get a drone that follows you around providing shields, healing, or fire support. It has ammo like the engineer's turret. You can also tell it to go support an ally instead of you. Best use is probably for shield builds. I think they also added a handgun that shoots a laser that can heal allies.
like that guy from MGS. pistol willy or whatever.
the only darktide personalities that come close to the kino of U5 are bully ogryn and schizo psyker
Its funny how verminsissys only bring up "LE VOICES" when they talk about Darktide
Really makes you think.
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i'm not a "verminsissy" i started with darktide first and now i'm playing vermintide and noticing things
and the vermintide voices and dialogue are better, doesn't mean there aren't any things darktide does better
Which pickaxe do I use on the Ogryn? I haven't touched this game in ages and these pickaxes are all new to me. Is the shield still good to use on Ogryn?
Ah, invoker/ritualist it is, then, I had no idea they added these two. I was really sick of hunter and its combos.
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I decided to roll a few of these before the update incase it becomes more expensive. I got an almost god roll (after the mastery update atleast) in a single roll and then got trash rolls on the things that wont matter post update. I mean its salvageable but it will be almost perfect in a few days.
>schizo psyker
They're all a little schizo.
The problem with DT is everyone's character is their own. This is going to make updating voicelines a real bitch for new content. They'd need to pay each of the voice actors to react and comment on new content. Maybe this can be done with AI voice synth with the current crop of voices but I can imagine some backlash if Fartshart does that.

Bear in mind, some voice actors may have work elsewhere, they may not want to return to DT, or they may even pass away before more voice lines are needed. Whatever the case, there are a lot of different "characters" FS will have to account for if they intend to inject new voices into the game that aren't throwaway antagonists that don't banter with the player characters. FS isn't some AAA company, so hiring a bunch of voice actors to reprise their roles may not be in their best interests financially. I'm surprised the U5 reprised their rolls for various updates as often as they did, even if it was only for 5 or 10 lines.
your what?
Yeah but they don't need to bring them all back nor do they need to really add new lines. They just need to bring in Morrow, Rannick and Zola for most of the new lines to indicated story beats. Maybe Alice and the Shipmistress.
That's what I'm saying. The main ship people I understand. You need to have them available for updates. When it comes to individual player characters (each male and female class having 3 voice variants each with the mono gender ogryn having 3) you have to record lines for all those variants and reactions and follow-up conversations. FS kinda fucked themselves in that regard. What you end up with is a lot of general "okay" banter that is very generalized and doesn't hit as hard as the U5 banter.

You're not going to have a "hoggers bridge" in DT. The banter between the U5 is top fucking tier and you're not really going to get that with any mix of rejects I don't think. You can kinda get the same vibe with them bantering with Hadron, Morrow, or Rannick but it's not the same as the sovlful interactions in VT1&2.
now I noticed that if they add any new class that would involve a fuckload of new dialogues with old characters
Shield good. Karsolas Pickaxe good.
I can't help but laugh when Saltzpyre sees a blightstormer and calls him a fat bastard.
2 more sleeps bros, and evening quickly approaches...
It really wouldn't outside of needing to add lines for their class callouts.
For class callouts, kinda? I don't know how many of the VA's are pulling double duty with different accents or if they hired 3 men and 3 women for each class (21 different VAs if that's the case counting the ogryns). In either case, it'll require quite a bit of work even for callouts. If they ever add a new class with two separate genders that's either another 6 VAs, or 2~4 VA's pulling double duty.

Again, forget about sovlful banter like we had in VT. There'd be too many variables I think.
havent played since they added the orthos offensive, is the new hacker shotgun and the boltgun any good?
no and no
yes and yes
maybe and maybe
I don't know I don't know
I'm not doing that zoomer shit
I'm doing that zoomer shit
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he did that zoomer shit
Is there actually anything worth coming back to Darktide for? Besides the crafting overhaul anyways
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Hey /coopg/uys,

I've put some time into L4D, DRG, and a little into HD2 but I want something else. Should I get Vermintide or Darktide?
or SM2?
the gameplay
All are good in their own ways, pick your poison.
vermintide yeah, it's dirty cheap, darktide yeah, it's fun, SM2 yeah, but on sale
this general is like 90% darktide and theres a big update in a few days
if i get VM2 what are the must-get DLCs?
As with all games, none until you're sure you like the core gameplay.
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payday 3
This but payday 2
what did you want me to say, the cosmetics?
>forever slopper slopping in to mixed reviews
uh oh, slopsters...
cute rat
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>sorry no I can't chill after work with you guys I have to farm water in my video game or I get penalties for not playing.
>yeah we totally respect gamers, no paid dlc shit, no FOMO
>btw play my game daily or eat shit, nigger
not just your money, it wipes your save, you lose everything
it literally cant get any worse, because it creates a sunk cost fallacy of if you dont play, you lose your shit, this is like playing rust, conan exiles, or ark on a pvp server, for every second youre not logged in the chances of you losing everything goes up, this is a more aggressive version of mmo dailies, theyre forcing players to play the game daily not for benefit like mmo dailies, but because thats the core game, force you into playing the game and turning it in a chore
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More like Forever Blunder, eh
>boomer gamers upset you have to spend 10min on a game daily
You spend far more time on useless shit every day i guarantee
if only it was ten minutes, you have to play missions which can take a while to do, assuming you can even complete them
Sure, it's still a shit mechanic that will inevitably get patched out.
anyone amount of time required is the most retarded shit I've ever heard shut the fuck up
It literally takes me five minutes to run into ashen wastelands, grab a barrel of water and get out.
just say no for once in your life, you don't have to eat all the shit handed to you
Sars what niche does the new shock maul cover that the rashad/devil claw don't?
crowd/horde control
Is it me or are the demons of chaos kind of boring when you realize when you boil them all down, they all behave the same way
Theyre just "Khorne but blue/green/purple."
Thhat description is accurate for stuff like total war warhammer but in lore the different demons have their own quirks. Plaguebringers always counting, pink horrors splitting up and so on
The maul has better horde clear.
>Devil claw
The maul can quickly and safely deal with crushers.
That being said, I don't really like it.
If you meet them on a battlefield, sure yeah. Otherwise they'll try to convert and subvert you, eat your soul or both. It all depends on the circumstances.
They're a bit different in the lore (more of a focus on corruption and subversion) but at the end of the day it's a wargame and we haven't really developed fair methods for simulating combat other than stabbing or shooting

How do you make a game out of fighting a green cloud that infects you with fast-acting AIDS? Or looking at something so horrible and incomprehensible that you cry out for Niggerman before having your mind shattered?
>The maul has better horde clear.
In what fucking world is a weapon without brutal momentum better at horde clear than one with it
because theyre (you), theyre the players and the galaxy is their table top
Are you fucking serious?
Oh shit I'm Sneed in this one, was a good game
Anyone want to play Aurics?
are you ready to have all your mods broken in two sleeps
mods don't break after an update, just patch the game for mods it's like 2 seconds you fucking retard
But this isn't Total Warhammer where the devs change some stupid, random table and actually manage to break 70% of mods for no reason.
Weapons with cleave built in to their kit and don't need BM to hit more than one stringbean?
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With a name like Sneed that's what I figured. Almost got all my weeklies done. Just need to finish up my Ogryn. Get a load of this kickback I got from a Damnation game. Reload speed for the dump stat isn't bad.
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Far as political incorrectness goes that's pretty tame.
The thing that kinda caught me by surprise that the whole roster of heroes are alcoholics and there's an actual mission that's basically just a pub crawl, complete with a game mechanic that requires you to keep drinking alcohol.
Also the voice lines feature references to alcohol abuse, there's achievements in the DLC missions that have you looting bottles of vintage wine and the lobby of the first game was a tavern...
I mean it's lore accurate and it adds to the immersion because I'm an alcoholic myself, but I didn't think they'd be so in-your-face about it in games made so recently.
i'm more surprised that keri's voice actor was alright with so many lines like that, considering what a loon she is
It would be downright perfect for ogryn and pretty easy to implement. Call it a mortar or something.
Imagine gunlugger with Trollhammer
Rumbler (bigger boom)
>elf: starts throwing sticks in teammates' backs
>dwarf with trollhammer: "I'm about to end your whole career"
usually how it goes when I see some cunt bring the torpedo
just zero fucking care for whatever's around the thing they're shooting
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the game could be cool but this water shit and the absolutely disgusting unfished state just ruins it
maybe ina year and on sale
The first rule of gun safety is to have fun :)
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>that UI
Of all the coop games, they want the GTFO crowd. LMAO
What's wrong with GTFO's playerbase? I've only played it with friends.
>What's wrong with GTFO's playerbase?
Small and autistic.
when is the 'doot?
I was bored so I came up with a mechanicus class. Thoughts?

Blitz: deploy mechadendrite (shoulder guns, function like the outcast engineer's minigun)
1. Dual laspistols (full auto)
2. Light flamer
3. Plasma culverine
1. Overclock
You and allies in coherency gain 50% attack speed including ranged, reload speed and 20% movement speed.
2. Might of the Omnissiah
All your attacks gain 100% impact and ignore stagger resistance and hit mass bonus from armor (ie cleave through crushers and bulwarks).
3. Certainty of steel
Passive: immunity to stun, slow and suppression, uninterruptible.
Active: staggers all enemies within 9m and your kills replenish an additional 10% toughness for 10 seconds. Passive bonus disabled for cooldown duration.
didnt read, try coming up with something original
how about this?
Class passive:
You have a heat meter which raises as you use your abilities and some weapons. You can gain some bonuses at high heat, but if you reach the maximum you will overheat and explode, causing you to go down. Heat can be expelled via manually opening coolant chambers and such but you cannot attack or block as you do so.
Spend a moment locking your targeting onto an a single enemy's head before unleashing a high-power laser beam which deals immense damage
>Holy Thunder
Unleash the Emperor's fury with either a controlled burst of electricity or channel a steady stream of volts to deal damage and stun enemies
>Heat Seeking drone
You have a supply of several bladed drones which you can toss out to seek and cut at enemies' throats, can also be locked-on for greater effect but more heat generation
>Violent Cooling
Can forcibly cool your systems, venting the heat in a cone in front of you which sends enemies to the ground. Can be used to save yourself after you've overheated.
>Kinetic Shielding
Deploy a kinetic shield in the targeted area which allows allied projectiles through but blocks hostile ones
>Mechanical Frenzy
Enter an enhanced state which increases your damage and critical chance with bonuses based on how high your heat meter. This comes at the cost of steadily increasing your heat until you reach 100%, but does not cause you to enter an overheat explosion
>Software Feedback
When killing enemies you have a chance to receive helpful feedback on how to better utilize your abilities. This effect can stack and the feedback is consumed to reduce the cooldown of your next ability.
>Mechanical Might
Killing an enemy has a chance to invoke a blessing from the Omnissiah, augmenting your next Blitz.
>Priority Marking
Your augments sometimes mark a Mechanicus priority target. Killing a targeted enemy invokes a canticle, granting you toughness, movement speed, and a stacking damage buff.
Let's not kid ourselves,the most recent vermintide maps and chaos wastes don't have super good dialogues.It's not a darktide problem but a Fatshark one
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I can't vouch for all the newest voice lines' quality VT. I'm just saying in a purely logistical sense, there were less VAs to manage with VT. Supposing the issue is a degradation of voice talent, having multiple different VAs for character archetypes rather than specific characters will only exacerbate things if they want to add additional voice lines for player characters. That means they need to bring back ALL the different VAs for every reject and have them add level-specific context-based lines.

Did the rejects have specific lines for Karnak Twin level for the fight? I don't remember if they did. AFAIK, they can only do generalized banter. I'm trying to think if they ever comment on anything specifically in a level rather than moment-to-moment things like callouts and general 40k lore bits unrelated to level at hand. I know at the start of the level, rejects will comment on certain things like it being too hot or being a factory, but off-hand I don't recall them talking about things in the level.

We may never get any new reject lines now that I think about it.
I haven't done any exhaustive testing, but I've seen speculation that forever winter is very heavy on VRAM right now. That would explain why a lot of people's PC's are struggling but mine runs pretty well once it's loaded (I bought a 4070ti super precisely because it has more VRAM for generating AI porn).

The water mechanic is kind of gay. But giving feedback about shit like that is exactly what early access is about.

>not just your money, it wipes your save, you lose everything
The tutorial said you keep your characters and your XP grind. You lose your stash and your town vendors. Obnoxious but not as extreme as you're making it out to be.

Personally I'm expecting the water mechanic to be re-worked in the future. However in practice I doubt the water thing is as big of a deal as most people are making it out to be. Most normalfags that quit playing a game for a month aren't going to be coming back anyway even if the water system didn't exist. Functionally I don't think losing your base to water is that different from losing your shit because tarkov wiped progression again. Water just psychologically feels bad, which is reason enough to address it.
It's a double edged sword. On the one hand the logistics of so many VA's is a problem and stands in the way between us and banter SOVL. However if we would have only have had the Moebian 4, then we would have been fucking stuck with the nigger psyker as one of the unavoidable cast members.
Okay question. Is it just me or is playing a gunner in Darktide kinda really bad? Compared to Vermintide there's far less ammo recovery and melee for the most part just works better.
if you run out of ammo ever, you're dogshit
you have to try to run out of ammo
if you just want to be "the shooter" and never pull your shovel out, thats not gonna work in aurics.
Unless you generate more lasgun ammo than you expand.
It took very specific builds in VT2 to have sustainable ammo generation. Did you only play Javelin elf before it was nerfed or something?
It's also just a shitty idea in terms of effectiveness in both games.
yes it does, AFFIX BAYONETS
It's a give-and-take. If the token black guy had some good lines, I wouldn't worry about it if the Moebian 4 had more sovl. It's clear the devs had a vision of a "live service" experience with the way the hub works. They can have other players effectively advertise cash shop items while also making the game feel more "alive". I can see what they tried to do and the only way they could have done it was the way that they did it with all those voice options. Consequences will never be the same though.
Some weapons are more ammo-efficient than others. For the veteran, Autogun MK 1 or 7 is pretty decent. Most of the lasguns are pretty ammo-efficient. You can also mitigate the ammo issue by choosing the passive that gives you 1% ammo back per special kill as well as the other perk that gives you 25% more base ammo for your weapon.

That's just the lube on the dildo of melee combat you're going to have to sit on though. For pox walkers and most average scab or dreg grunts, you'll want to utilize melee. I reserve ranged combat for taking down elites, specials, or scabs/dregs picking at me from a distance with guns. If I have a weekly contract I may use more ranged attacks but I'm never under any illusion that I can play 100% ranged and nothing else. Whether you need to use your melee to block or because your melee is good for killing armored enemies/bosses, you're going to need to switch it up eventually. Unless it's you and 3 psykers (HERASY! You should still be willing to use melee even in that scenario) you're going to have to learn to spend your ammo wisely.

Getting headshots and hitting weak points will also help your ammo economy. That's more of a skill issue thing of course. If you're not sure where a specific enemy's weak point is, test shit out in the psykhanium,
>EP Smite a Horde
>Fire shout it
>Battle Meditation keeps procing
>Destroy the entire horde and then some in a single Smite Cast
Why cant it always be like this?
You seem to be lost...
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me, with a trauma staff:
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I've done one sleep, what now?
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Drink alcoholic beverages until you black out. If you run out of alcoholic beverages before blacking out, drive to your local liquor store and purchase additional alcoholic beverages. You may consume them in the parking lot or on the drive home. You'll be asleep before you know it.
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one more bedtime
The duelling sword feels better on psyker. It won't feel right on the other classes.
I mean one more bedtime and I can change the MkII to mkIV
People say there would be drops on thursday stream.
Those are pretty nice stats anon, too bad they are on the wrong dueling sword
see >>495910063

every retard cricle chaser engi takes the talent that removes friendly fire from bombs and torpedos
man I kinda miss playing OE, can't play him in non-twitch matches really because how broken he is
you don't have to pick the bomb talents, I love playing engie with the slow firing mingun.
there's still the stigma of picking OE nowadays
eh 90% of the cata games I play are completely mute, besides my profile is public meaning people can see I haven't picked the bomb talents nor the trollhammer.
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Christmas came early. The discord just booped about it.
zealot will give it attack speed.
imagine the SPM (stabs per minute) with momentum and fury of the faithful
Not a 10gb patch. Just the good old plasma gun.
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what the frick
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I'll post some screenshots once I get the game up and going. Gotta dab on all you gearlets.
>Mod status: ded
what's a gearlet?
I guess the mod allowing you to barter at once is kill
holy shit there are people talking on your mourningstar
we're so fucking back
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People who have no gear. Apparently, I've MASTERED EVERYTHING, at least when it comes to Ogryn. That's what I get for being a tryhard faggot. No progression for me :(
I don't use any barter mods. It's probably something to do with the UI but I couldn't tell you what.
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is it today?
this is the old (and cheaper) Steel Legion veteran bundle, we got so fucking scammed
Fatshark releasing an update early? I cannot believe my eyes.
is it bugged tho? I have everything at max mastery
>one of us is early or the others are late
New free weapon skins coming with Masteries
>clandestum gloriana (snow map)
>auric, histg, prime time, randos
minimum 3 attempts to get past the first part.
Splitting up? Good idea!
Barrels? Never heard of it.
Deemonhost? Lets talk to her!
wait the update is live ?! I thought it was some pre loading
too bad the head cosmetic looks like shit
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Australian time lmao
That's it. You're done. Hope you enjoyed the new weapon progression system.
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I SEE! Open up your inventory. I got a shit load of mastery things pop up.
It's live motherfucker.
YESSS bros darktide is fucking saved! we got the rework that we should have gotten 2 year ago!!
if luck is on our side we might see the coveted 8k playercoont again
uuuuuuh is that soul i see?
>there are anons still in time travel sleep, unaware the update is already out
>literal red weapons
Heh, well played fatshark.
is that real branxian wood i see
it's that dakka

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>everyone looking at cosmetics
>I'm too busy spam-clicking to unlock all my blessings.

bye bye space marine 2
hope to see you again in the future
>accidentally accepted the prompt to verify game files
one more sleep for you
NTA but most of the time people either don't care or ask me nicely to change career, I only found an instant kick retard once, perhaps it's a region thing
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The store is dead? I may need to relog.
everything is max lol
looks like a candy cane lmao
I instantly maxed almost everything EXCEPT my two most used weapons
stores offline
party finder looks to be offline
I'm not seeing the new blessings on staff weapons and I can't even swap blessings either
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How does this work? Why can't I level this up?
please understand there was labor day and saints day and midsommer's day and the winter solstice and the football was on and national sweden day and
It's a bug, exit the menu and reload it. If the issue persists you're fucked.
>have to manually go through and redeem all blessings up to level IV on 30 weapons
zealot didn't have talents reset
wchich classes got outside of vet?
No, you just have to spread out your upgrades rather than pour them in on one blessing. But being maxed out you still get everything.
>Forgot they redid the Psyker talent tree
>Looks like they added 100 new nodes
I'm going to wait for someone to update a build guide
Time to shower and go on my route
you just need several level 1's before you can start getting level 2's.
Just level all to 1, then all to 2, then all to 3, then all to 4.
Click click click click click click click click click...
all classes got talents reset, except zealot
>talents got reset
that's fine, I know what my builds all are so I'll just redo them
>loadout names got reset
oh GOD
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How do I change the Mark of a weapon?
You can't change the mark of a weapon?
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clicked them all
Go into your inventory, not Hadron.
Blue armor stock just plummeted. Unequip your blue armor now!
You can. Go to loadout and marks will be at the top right.
Mine bugged out because I was clicking too fast, but yea, you're right.
thanks guys
wait never mind its fixed
im saved
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done waiting for the content
waiting for the bugfixes now
How much do you bet the early release is another fuckup by a dev and they're playing cool about it
>early release
>give out everything new for free when it was supposed to be a progression grind to last another 8 months
I guess psykers because some talents got modified
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Damn didn't expect to have mastered every single weapon lmao
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You know, if Fatshark was EVIL instead of being IDIOTS, I'd hope for them to take a break from time to time.
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literally nothing
Nobody mentioned the funni commissar lady???
penances seem to be bugged, half of them have just locked themselves
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> Almost 900 hours in DT
>all current weapon penances done
Damn, I hadn't gotten the blessings on ALL of the weapons but apparently, I got enough... Whelp, time to uninstall and wait for new content I guess.
Try logging out and logging back in? That fixed it for me.
just another UI bug
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they reworked power cycler, also has 2 hits on tier 3
I guess we can all agree psyker is the trve winner of this update.
>skipping the cinematic crashes the game

never change obesemegalodon
FSR3.1 has finally been implemented btw
if you're out of the loop, it means you can use frame generation even if you're using DLSS/XESS/native now
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Yeah dude fuck this lmao
lazybones alert!
lazybones alert!
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do darkbabs really?
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Mom, dad, this is my new girlfriend, say something nice about her.
can't wait for someone to make a mod of this just like penance
Anyone else getting 4 points left over for the S*rge Staff?
work smarter, not harder
how am i supposed to know which staff you're talking about if you keep censoring it???
She's in the mourningstar and speaks to Morrow sometimes. She has a funni accent.
it's peak shopclick gameplay tho
it's out!!!! something is out!!!!
>niggers rest all builds
Absolutely fucking dog shit
downloading the update right now , any mod got broken ?
they changed the names of all the staves anyway so you wouldn't know regardless :)
You're right about that.
Darktide is clickcore.
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>unlocked and unloaded
I got that little introductory screen explaining the changes, is any of it worth remembering.
>itemization changes
I don't even know how the old system works.
>group finder
I'm autistic and don't look for groups
>item sacrifice
some itemization thing again

Point being, how have they not fixed the fucking loading times after a year of this being out? Is this a fucking pajeet studio?
A shit ton especially UI ones
there's a mod to skip loading into the hub if you're interested
wait it's actually out? i thought it was tmorrow
Scroll up brother. It's out and we're in.
I can't tell if it's already out or if I just got the info screen as a preparatory thing.
All I can tell that's different is that the requisitory screen where you buy new weapons is empty.
I'm not sure if they reset the graphics or what but I was dropping a lot of frames in the hub and after I joined a game. Going to do verify integrity and hope that fixes shit.
I run the game on two separate SSD instances, that way, I can pre-load unloaded game chunks to load into games faster. I can get in and out of mission load/complete screens in about 3 seconds.
give train map
>auric maelstrom with exploding flamers
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try shooting the backpack of a flamer in the meat grinder
>I run the game on two separate SSD instances, that way, I can pre-load unloaded game chunks to load into games faster. I can get in and out of mission load/complete screens in about 3 seconds.
I have it installed on an m2, I have no idea as to how you are doing the rest of it.
The fact you actually went through the trouble of doing that reflects extremely badly on the development studio though.
The performance is bad in general, whoever coded this is either a retard or a newfag. Either way, underqualified and no doubt set back further because this shit has to work on a console .
>Point being, how have they not fixed the fucking loading times after a year of this being out?
loaded super fast for me, do you have an ssd?
It's on an M2 SSD. You are going to have a hard time finding a faster drive.
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fartshark I kneel
This game is ridden with awful voice acting like a pox walker is ridden with worms.
Holy fuck, I can tell the audio director is some fellating cockmongler going out of his way to find the worst, faggiest accents possible.
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>Electrified Heavy attack
Shame there's no VFX on the weapon itself.
so how do i access new mission?
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You have to go into the registry keys and fiddle with kernel shit. It's too much work for most people, but you can have two SSDs working in tandem to load the game faster. Occasionally, a ghost version of my character will try to join the game I'm in and crash it for everyone else but that's a risk I'm willing to take if it means I can get moderately faster load times.
You can still do that with barrels.
the only va I don't like is the british lad near the mission selection
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what's wield speed?
darkbabs finally get a mechanic that vermin tied had from the start?
weapon switch
Guess the switching speed
wow so useful
Commissar Dukane is her name. New member of the Mourningstar. Morrow warns you to be careful with what you say.
where is she? is she pretty?
WTF new comissar has executed my vet?? I can't select him anymore
>you can't craft heavy sword on a vet in the armory
fuck this update
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What's a good combo now? I remember XeSS to be the least ass-looking one.
why can't i redeem
yes for the psykers bolter
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>FOW cata twitch
>having fun, 6 out of 10 waves cleared
>some random OE nigger joins in
>instantly kicked
>comes back
>"why was i kicked?"
>kicked again
>joins once more
>tries to tk people
>bh instantly deletes his ass off the game
>kicked for the third time
>we wipe at the 8th CW wave
such is life in ratclick
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I am a kind anon (I waited for 15 minutes for her to talk again)
is Darktide saved can i come back now...?
>blessings just keep resetting
>i have maxed out mastery for weapons i've never even fucking touched
alright, i'm gonna give it a day first.
Yes, but you still have to stay out of my aurics
nobody cares nigger we've got bigger fish to fry
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>says kinetic flayer only procs on elites, specials etc now
>still procs on mooks in psykanium
lmfao eat shit shopclick nigger
your game will still be dogshit tomorrow
None of the important problems were even looked at.
Also some things related to items and characters seem to be broken because of the new patch but that'll probably get fixed soon-ish.
seethe and cope, rattranny, seethe and cope
Also: she has a funni eastern European accent.
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>change weapon mark
>doesn't change weapon mark
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>see 150 new replies in an hour on copeg while at work
>kinoshark released the update early
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>pigclicker in charge of calling anyone a tranny
>relatively new (100 hours)
>expected all weapons to be around level 10 from blessings
>patch maxed out every weapon except 3
>those 3 have exactly zero exp even though I know I had blessings for them
I have no idea how they calculated this.
can you carry me through once so i can see what its like
this never happened
I didn't use frame gen before but this update had AMD FSR frame gen enabled by default, which was wrecking my frames
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Well yes, I shoot the flamer's tank on purpose while the zealot is killing it in melee, how can you tell?
Bros, should I just take the rest of the day off at work? I wanna craft :(
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guys these are my ogryn weapons. they're the strongest ones I have. I like this club cause it's super fast and sends hordes flying in all directions.

I prefer something fast that cuts through mobs like butter. Is this cleaver knife worth upgrading and if I did spend the resources what blessings should I put on it? I'm having a hard time differentiating all the ogryn knives from each other.

I also don't like the ripper gun, feels like I could just use my melee instead every time I pull it out. Should I be running kickback or nade launcher instead? I use rocks to snipe elites from afar.

Is the full-auto lasgun build a meme if I'm using the lasgun-critical-hits-cost-no-amo perk? I like the plasma gun as well but I have some piece of shit grey plasma gun and idk if I should try to get a blessed one to drop or buy one from the armoury or upgrade a grey.
can you upgrade the stats from your existing weapons ? got a few 76
new grief?
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>log in
>zero mastery xp
>vendors are completely broken, except for the premium shop of course
sweden i kneel
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damnit what did they change why can't i get what I used to have
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You have no idea....
>had lots of blessings unlocked before update
>all of my masteries are 0 anyway
>sacrifice all of my bad roll flamers to level up my flamer mastery
>says it's going to mastery 10
>nothing happens, it's still mastery 0
>tons of menus are just blank screens now
>the mastery system is a heap of spaghetti code over the top of the old system that barely works
it's so over
which node are you missing?
I found it, I had picked up two perks up top I skipped on. I just swapped which of the first forks I went down because the coherency bonus isn't really worth anything, I was more picking it for the "Leader" larp
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>paypig shop instant access added to esc menu
woah, you don't even have to walk over to it anymore! crazy! revolutionary decision teebeehaytch
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Should've boughted more Commodore skins.
No refunds.
Nice update
>except for the premium shop of course
Not even the pig through works.
I think it's time to VERIFY, darkbros.
When the server catches up it's over for you
So what weapons got Slaughterer that didn't already have it?
>Framerate is worse
Old greif, new look ;)
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wait it's no longer columnus? they fuckign deported him to vraks?
I went from 200 to 90. It's over.
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just be patient
Check if AMD frame gen is on, it was on for me by default even tho I'm team green.
that's been there for quite a while
well you can see why I don't play your god awful game
They renamed a ton of shit. Headhunter isn't a thing anymore.
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Shieeet, I might pig for that one even if I already have the original SL vet. Looks proper long.
this coat is like the savlar chem dog one and I know the physic on it is shit
Feels slower for sure. I've been fiddling with my settings to get things working smoother. Haven't gotten things perfect but I'm sure they can't completely ruin the game with one update...right?
I sure do love AI-generated frames.
This is retarded, I can't upgrade anything. I'm going to bed. This shit better be fixed when I wake.
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New chest for veteran datamined (unlikely to be available this week to)
Thanks, this was the problem for me. We are so back.
was swagger always standing by hadron's?
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Come play modded Valheim - NorseCode

Make a profile on r2modman
Install NorseCode_Ashlands_ModPack and update everything
Use the following connection info:

pass: 12345

(optional) join the discord: https://discord.gg/8PwjVknV
woah, very cool, I hope they mark this as Premium work and let me pay a Premium price for it
That's the Dukaine drip used for her character, unlikely they'll give us that anytime soon.
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also with new pants/boots
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how the fuck are you guys getting maxed out mastery? i just logged in and all my shit is at 0
Ps2 games had this mechanic. I'm pretty sure every game that had a flamethrower unit had this mechanic
how many times have you oinked for lady alice?
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ah yes the optional shop in the menu is quite the dealbreaker
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>I'm pretty sure every game that had a flamethrower unit had this mechanic
you don't play many games
fucking hell they even renamed marks
>that Swagga nigga chilling near Hadron
What is he up to?
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Why the fuck does the new update FORCE you to use frame generation? If you disable FSR 3 it automatically enables DLSS frame generation and vice versa
i didnt get mastery xp for completing a mission

where's that guy that said the update was going to be flawless without bugs or delays first day and no controversies
i turned it off in the opening launcher and it didn't bother me anymore
even FEAR2 had this mechanic
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which is it huh?? huh???
litteraly nobody said that
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>THammer is finally good
i haven't looked at weeklies this whole year but i managed to farm 80k melkbucks passively
because it was suppose to be out tomorrow :^)
you're him aren't you? well fuck you bitch
I have not bothered to pay attention to the crafting changes, give me the quick rundown of how to maximize this shit
How do you pronounce rapier without it sounding like rape?
>where's that guy that said the update was going to be flawless without bugs or delays first day and no controversies
in your head
Do a quick rundown on deez nuts.
Ray Pierre
esc -> operative -> masteries -> select weapon -> blessings menu -> spam click the window buttons to unlock everything

Then go to hadron, find your weapon, and click empower.
That's about it.
Going to downlaod some new drivers and see if that eases my burden. I'm still seeing dips after fiddling with the various display settings.
it's over
Is Hadron still bugged ? Whenever I go to her it crashes the game
oh I see, the game says I have nothing to unlock in the blessings menu despite having 500 hours in the game
>weapon sacrificed
>still have weapon
>mastery at 0 exp
Nice game, nigtiders
clanky refuses to empower my dagger!
The eternal swedes does it again
Well I’m pretty sure we all weren’t supposed to get max mastery on everything so probably they shut it down. Go level up your weapons sucker.
She knows that you've been looking at THOSE kind of doctored images of her.
uh bros I think there's a snowstorm coming
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>they deployed the corpo pet fag
>dumb niggers sacrificing their guns before servers catch up
Lmaoing @ ur life
I thought he was a girl
to this day I still don't know if that thing is a man or woman from its voice
assume the worst
>tranny "grandma" voice
>disconnected 3 times in 20 minutes
so another 2 months and we're good?
they really had to scrap the bottom to find a content creator willign to prostitute for this, obviously not Telopots since that hamplanet can't stop spewing "retard" every two words
>release tranner
this seems like a "wait 2 days for servers to stop shitting themselves" situation doesn't it?
business as usual
*naruto runs to your fridge*
*empties it in 0.005 sec*

"HE....HE'S FAST!"
GYEH GYEH GYEH GYEH anon, I was a pro E-sport gamer, you know...
whens the last time a game or update released and it just worked?
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unironically used to this shit from playing mmo expansion releases
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forgor pic
>Helldivers unfucks their weapons
>Darktide finally releases actual weapon crafting and customization
We're so fucking back it's unreal. If Space Marine unfucks its green weapons I'll be in co-op heaven.
i have played enough that containers filled with gas blow up when you shoot at them. i never played a metal gear game but i bet that flamethrower backpacks blow up in that game,
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>Forever Winter still shit
wait this came out? isn't it still deep in development?
vermintide 3 fucking when
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what's the point of this? The extra damage is barely noticeable.
it's out in early access. It's trash.
does it stun?
I took it for fun but yeah it seems pointless.
I always laugh knowing some manage to simp for that in the youtube comments
Quick recap:
>Talent trees touched so if you didn't remember your skills you get fucked
>No mastery xp for ppl with +900 hours because???
>Weapon shop seems to be missing 8 types of weapons per character
>Sacrificing does nothing, you just lose the weapon

I absolutely kneel fatshark, this level of incompetence shoudl be studied
Slopdivers won...
seems flamers can also self destruct in meele dealing fuckon of damage
self destruct? Or teammates having a laugh?
>Talent trees touched so if you didn't remember your skills you get fucked
Psyker I can understand, but as far as I can tell they removed 1 node from vet and changed nothing on ogryn? But still reset everything.
nah it looked like self destruct, zealot was fighting it, heard like 3 ticking sounds and there he is on the gorund in pool of slame
Yes and yes.
if you can't delete bosses with it anymore I have no interest
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new penance rewards
Gonna be a few hours before I can play, thanks for beta testing NERDS! I wanna play :'(
They can nerf it to hell and back I'm still never using the shotgun or ak.
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>Headhunter autogun?
>That's cultural appropriation from native tribes that still practice head hunting, rename it to Vigilant Autogun
>Blazing Force?
>The association with smoking weed needs to go. We're a respectable company. Rename it to Inferno Force. Heil Lucifer! :3
>Trauma Force? The word Trauma reminds our players of their actual psychological trauma. Change it
Ok anon, slow it down a tad. You've clearly had too much to think tonight.
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>0 mastery for people with hundreds of hours
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>flamers are now husks from killing floor
oh no
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If you got a more sane explanation for changing every fucking gun name after 2 years, I'm listening.
The enemy you silly willy, not the weapon.
so you can pevel up the weapon stats now?
WOAH, any new outfits?
As soon as fraudshark's servers are extinguished, yes.
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I'm not getting in the train until I can change my weapon's Mk
What a round man
>8k players only
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So Flamers explode now? Both versions? I've gotten so used to fighting them in melee...
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Having last played around the release, I came here to ask if Shopclick is good now but reading the thread, the Swedes broke everything again with the major patch, didn't they
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new map is fun as fuck
>3 times new auspecs minigame
>power cell delivery
>assassination mission boss
>destryoing some computers
time limit seems to be 9 or 10 minutes, on auric HISTG I have barely made it and I was rushing it as fast as I could (other party members were not)
It's literally constant tits to the wall action
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You'll learn to lose that habit very very quickly
servers are having a hiccup, nothing wrong with the game itself
it should unfuck itself soonish
I was JUST about to post this, but apparently the FUCKING swedes released the update an ENTIRE day early. They have completely RUINED MY BIT! Man this shit's such a fucking scam bro, it's so fucking RIGGED. I'm soda pressed.
Nooooo now I actually have to go back and get the Martyr skulls I never gave a fuck about... I'm only at like 4700
You have to leave /coopg/ forever
>more penance ui cosmetics I will never use for being penance cosmetics
>More paid robes (tattered, of course)
Give us fucking ARMOR
We are full fledged agents of the inquisition we could walk into any home and blow the head off most every citizen on that planet we should not look like rank and file anymore.
The house ALWAYS wins, anon. Your little stunt will cost you dearly.
Just go to your inventory you dingus and select the weapon.
modern software architecture is obsessed with microservices. With every update every piece needs a few hours to update themselves.
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I did that 1 hundered time and everytim it revert to the previous Mk, GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER!
Restart your game bro.
buy aquilas or stfu poorfag
>cant do anything with the new system yet until the server unfucks itself
T-thanks, surprise!
i played one game before wageslave and looked like if you damage only a bit of their tanks it's not enough to kill them but guarantee a explosion after death, even in melee
No. You get to be le epic crackhead butterknife hobo and you'll like it.
Do I still need to actually use weapons to get XP even though I collected a shit ton of blessings? I can change most Blessings but nearly all perks are locked.
They will NEVER get descriptions entirely correct.
What stat should I be dumping on the combat knife for Zealot now?
the good one
>wouldn't you like to buy these other, slightly less tattered robes, they're yellow :)
I just want something worth my actual real dollars.
whatever you say poorfag
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Just played the new mission and realized this is the 2nd new mission in a row in which some slav dude is piloting the VTOL and speaking instead of Masozi.

Has Masozi been fired? This could truly be the moment Darktide redeems itself.
It's very clearly a man and he doesn't try to look otherwise (in fact he looks really normal), but he has the most unfortunate natural tranny voice imaginable. He belongs on the Warhammer is for Everyone side though, so I guess he deserves it.
she was still present in previous mission, he was only transporting steel
IIRC she's sorta was, something about not renewing her voice acting contract or something.
Masombo died on the way back to her home planet

it was AIDS

The mission is fairly short and you're encouraged to go fast. If it takes you more than 8-10 mins I think it results in mission failure.
Source? if not you're just full of shit
Zealotbros hows the dueling sword?
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what do you mean now
can't craft it yet
I've failed 3 times in a row now on histg. Always 1 person dragging their feet, and another pushing so far ahead they die alone and start seething.
10/10 fun times
I've been saving up my mats for the crafting update since I didn't want to bother with the korean mmo gacha system, was just wondering what's good.
Darkshit is unplayable. Running at a snail's pace, looking around results in graphical issues (very fuzzy), slight delays in hits, including from las/bullets from both sides.

Waiting until it's fixed, however long that takes.
>Hadron's servitor speaks now
I was going to be waiting a while regardless because mods have to update. Already cleaned up my load list to not have inventory-affecting ones.
works on my machine
I AM full of shit!

auric trains seem to be borderline impossible with randoms
>psykers tickling others with flame
>everyone getting knotted
>snipers just get ignored
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Hammer status?
has anyone sacrificed weapons yet?
>looking around results in graphical issues (very fuzzy)
sounds like FSR3 is enabled for you which the game does automatically now, gotta disable it in the launch options
swede quality
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and that's a good thing btw
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I turned off frame generation and that made shit smooth as a baby's bottom. I'm not sure if my GPU doesn't support it or what but my game is running a lot better now.

Also, I like the new train mission. My friend who enjoys going fast will enjoy it as well I think. As an Ogryn, you can charge in and beat the shit out of heretics. Good times.
Yes. I just lost them :(
Just use the group finder to play with coopg if I was at home I would have already started running lobbies
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I think I inhaled some of it
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nice game swedders
i have 4070s
You can't currently, maintenance underway.
it's in maintainence like half of the game
turns out that fsr framegen turned itself on despite the toggle showing OFF, i had to swap it to on then off again
god i love sweden
I hope they add a visual effect for the new scriers gaze talent
>inquisitorial strike team
Rejectfags blown the fuck out.
You thought the update released early but really they just needed today to unfuck whatever gets fucked up every time they update this jank piece of shit.
oblivious bros, we won
>long time fartshart combat designer leaves studio
>they start adding retarded stuff like this
Great stuff.
>lose train mission
>"today we pay the price for relying on grendyl's rejects"
game crashes on losing the mission
>Game politely tells you to stay out of my aurics LOSER!
Did they change veteran's skill tree? All my vet builds got reset.
the game had a similar issue on launch where ray tracing was enabled for everyone by default, even for GPUs that couldn't support it
Yeah, they removed node in Executioner's stance tree and made it part of the ability itself.
Oh no I didn't unlock anything
are people really complaining about the skill trees getting reset? just take the 30 seconds to select them again? am I missing something?
Why not? If you shoot a bullet into a gas tank or you blow it open with a power maul, what's the difference? Both should blow up.
whats the least shit recon lasgun
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being a whiny crybaby is part of parcel of modern gaming
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Trust the plan bros.
Oh, I see, I'll look into that; thank you.
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>roll out update a day early
>so you can integrate and bugfix it on live servers for the day
bravo, fatshark
>the death of farming
wouldn't go below 70 dmg or 60 mobility, everything else 77+
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Bro, shut up or I'll use this on you.
what mods are you using that would potentially cause those kinds of problems you psycho
electricity is cool
Put that away. This isn't cod
a second hive city just flew over my house
can you make mini thunder hammers fatshark? The shock mauls are kinda gay
>exploding flamers
How much damage does it actually add? Any Psykanium testers?
I don't know why you had to specify it's not cod, I don't think I've ever seen a fish hot dog before.
14, 8, 4...
i'd rather have this then to have the update shit itself tomorrow lad
>boltgun sway is fixed
Praise be to the God-Emperor!
VId or VIIa
VId has a large ammo reserve and highest RoF; if you want to hold m1 and walk through the mission.
VIIa takes 2 ammo a shot but has higher damage and some penetration making it more effective when used wisely; If you want to shoot normally but with a rapid fire laser.
>Could empower weapons when I tried it out at 7am
>Now I can't
The fuck
viia sounds more my speed, thanks
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Server spirits aren't happy anymore
I can't tell, does Surge hit Twice on the Surge staff's alt-fire or no?
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so It's not just me?
I know my computer from 2021 isn't the strongest thing out there but I get random stutters and loading screens TAKE AGES only for it crash as I'm trying to load in

which costs me another 10 minutes
who cares when you can make it into an absolute primary fire cannon with the new nodes
alt fire is a noob trap
No, it's purely for Blaze Bolt maxing
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It took them years to do... this?
>loading screens
could also be server fuckery
after every major patch your rig needs to rebuild the shaders, until every single shader went through you will have stutters, how do people still not know this
Yeah but I want to go full Palpatine with it not spam orbs like some D&D larp
the FSR3 FG isn't working correctly
i experiment with all these technologies in games often and FSR3.1 FG in this game has some kind of issue both with VRAM usage and framepacing. i wouldn't use it, if you're hell bent on forcing frame generation for better performance either use DLSS (if you're on rtx4000) or lossless scaling
After 30 seconds of testing in the shooting range, flamers explode if:
1. their backpack is shot twice (upwards fire jet, panic animation)
2. they die (from any source) after their backpack has been shot once (lateral fire jets)
Did the bolter and pistol get new skins? Lemme see em.
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heard there was a big update, have they fixed darktide yet?
>imagine not waiting until maintenance is over
is like you WANT to lose progression
It's in progress.
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yeah, i never wanted to use it in the first place
it turned on by itself when the patch dropped while showing me that it was OFF, my only clue was that the DLSS framegen option was greyed out despite me using a 40-series card.
and for those who want to use it, it's semi-broken anyway according to fartshart (picrel)
what progression
>log in
>everything is 100% unlocked
I didn't even get all traits before update
The tier 3 &4s were weighed much more heavily.
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yes or no motherfucker
So when will maintenance be over?
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>when will the maintenance end?
>6gb update
>btw update is actually coming out tomorrow lol
are these faggots fucking retarded
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>shopclickers reminded time and time how unfathomably incompetent swedes are
>You don't understand we couldn't just update the whole game it is a big process
>Why??? You just don't understand..
I am a tech illiterate zoomer could someone tell me why they can't just do all this shit before pushing the button that uploads the changes to your computer?
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Why was this update rushed out? Why couldn't it just wait one day?
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The incompetent swedes had no idea what would break they just knew something would, and they didn't want it to be broken on the advertised day when everyone tries to log on.
>Helbore Lasguns went from Mk I, II and III to Mk IIIb, IV and V
>Notice other little weapon changes
What's going on
Just change the mark bro.
>they don't know what happens after maintenance ends
nobody used other weapons anyway
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As long as it's up and working by tomorrow they won't have told any lies
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Alright, I'm going back to flirting with my death cult assassin wife in Rogue Trader, hopefully swedes clean up their mess by the time I'm done.
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>Train mission: Beaten on Auric Damnation
>all weapons: Fully mastered
>Party Finder: Ignored
It's been a fun update. See you guys in 6 months when a new update drops. Time for me to reclaim the sleep this update robbed me.
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Ogryn bros... we are forgotten
sorry I did 2 sleeps in a row by accident
They are scared of breaking the game right before the weekend and having to do overtime to fix it so they shipped it early
No matter what you do, don't check the weather forecast for Stockholm.
>owlcat slop
don't return
is darktide officially out of early access with this patch?
nope it's broken
This looks fucking garbage. They couldn't even be bothered to add something to the skins? It's just a colour swap? People here really have low standards jesus christ
this patch is early access
I mean yeah every core mechanic is in and in a good state apart from the shitty fomo store and that you still can't choose what mission you wanna do
Once the patch properly lands, yes. They're rolling it out gradually today. The map and the new stuff is in, but some of crafting features aren't working yet.
crafting was working for like an hour and then they disabled it
fucking hell I hate the bomb hack minigame in the new mission and of course no Vet is mentally able to take care of snipers
Thought the train thing would be harder but it was a decent jaunt. There's always that 1 idiot that seems to stay behind because?????
just keep the ball in middle haha whats so hard little man
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please spoonfeed me the tldr of the itemization overhaul
just don't press it too hard or you get kicked out the game :)
it good
the train mission is alright, short and sweet
it's very teamwork reliant though, with a good team it's easier than normal missions but with shitters it's worse torture than ever before
can confirm no one carries the batteries
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Morrow and this new commissar lady are gonna fuck, aren't they?
Maybe this mission will train retards to do the batteries in the fan event.
Hadron can upgrade stats up to 380 total. No you don't get to choose, but you know before hand what it'll look like.
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I like how randoms start the minigame, notice it;s different and instanlty drop it
At least it's not dreyko's tree of delights.
The emperor says trans rights!
I still don't get it
am I supposed to notice which orb is the correct one? or I'm just supposed to randomly select them until I get correct one?
The Omnissiah says "biological constraints? Lol, lmao."
I was playing the dumbest Ogryn build. Shield and club with a stubber. Loyal protector for agro and Feel no pain to give me a little breathing room as I charge ahead into bullets like the low IQ hambeast I am. It works great for the train where you can just smash through stuff.
yeah and it will be the same one so if you get interrupted, you should know which one is right
Hover over orb for a second, if it turns red it's not the one you click. That's it.
There is no indicator, you have to just select through each one until you find the white dot. One thing though, the correct circle doesn't change if you only get halfway through the minigame and get forced off of it, the correct circle will still be the same if you get back on the auspex.
Select a circle.
Click once.
Is it green?
Yes? Click a second time.
No? Select another circle.
It's funny how ogryns are the best at these minigames because they can't be interrupted.
>Hadron needs us to work this machine, best let the giant idiot savant and his pet rock do it
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Okay now when are they going to let me attach a sight to my gun without having to use a fucking terrible shit mod that has a chance to coinflip memoryleak 16gbs every 30 minutes
percussive maintenance
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Auric Hi-Int Rolling Steel NOWNOWNOW
>best mk is the default mk
thanks fatfish
Is there still not a version of that mod to just do that? I had to remove it because of all the fucking bloat the autist was adding but I miss having a sight on my IAG so much.
>six ears
>He's never had a catcowhuman gf.
Bolter is actually good now.
Thammers are good.
always has been on vet ever since the skill tree rework, people just didn't catch on to the marksman bolter build
>no penance for winning the new map
But what about the bolt pistol
No I mean it's actually good now because it doesn't sway or randomly move your cursor. It's accurate and the player no longer has arthritis while holding it.
also got the recoil reduced
So maybe wait a day?
oh they fixed that shit after what two years?
yea fuck that. I just spam my keys and click. it's how I play the big game and the minigame
it was always good now it's just better
explain to me how the fuck randoms get lost in a fucking train
>Here's your auric bro
it's ok one guy left and we one
Why do the objectives start after you've walked past them?
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They're protecting your rear bro, don't you know anything about TEAMWORK?!
unironically, an actual interesting mission
>error 2014
Is my mastery completely broken or what, I have every weapon at mastery 0 and after finishing 2 games not a single XP point was given to me
nigga READ the thread
it's in maintainence
chewsday m8
holy kek we just won within 2 seconds of failure the stress is real
Which is the best hammer now?
Where's the new BGM give it to me
is rending good?
Always has been the crucis. ironhelm and generalist weapons are for faggots
I will NOT read the thread
Also the new map's background makes me dizzy holy shit
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>sacrifice a metric ton of weapons to get my duelling sword on zealot up
>close the menu
whuyh whuh huh whuh?
>jtc is a straight up cock gobbling shill, but he's one of their staunchest supporters and his opinions are neither good nor bad because he doesn't have a spine
>telepots is retarded, but he's good and his vids are great, but he fucked himself too early and none at fatshat will put him in the spotlight
>fuuplaayz is also retarded and a russki french boi who has fucked himself by talking shit
>jsat seems to have taken a back seat and is more involved with the dev team than making content
>chocoB is an autistic jap who barely speaks any english
>Reginald would have been the superior choice, but comes off as arrogant
>tanner is a troony fuck boi who's too young and has fucked himself as well

yeah basically jtc was the only option, regardless of your preferences, he's a safe bet shill and that's that
Still no normal map and difficulty selection. That will be another year until they overhaul it and game is in 1.0 version
>new system eats the fucking blessings you already unlocked
That's fucking gay, dude
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Jumping back in. This better be good.
This mission is gonna make the zealot speedrun penance a cakewalk.
It’s pretty tedious if you had 5 loadouts on every character
God I regret making a female vet. She's so fucking annoying.
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Did they buff these things at all? Are they usable?
They fucking turned my columnus into a Vraks! What the actual fuck?
Wow what commissar's voice actress is excruciatingly bad. Overacted and leans too hard into the swedish accent, like they got a local intern who likes LARPing on her spare time to come in to voice it.
>your weapon equip speed changes dynamically over the course of a mission
>t. My muscle memory
Yeah, I'm about to disappoint my friend because he loves the idea of dating an Eastern European (she sounded Eastern EUropean to me) woman in uniform who can kill him in an instant.

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