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Previous: >>495809378

MISHIMA HEIHACHI TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZWDIKKvNrc

TEKKEN TALK (LIVE): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2xaN9vtlgQ

>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!
these niggas really just showed off 82 damage from a rage art and see no issue
check those shoes
game bad fuck murray fuck harada and specially fuck nakutsku
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Tekken V
holy shit finally. i've been wanting this.
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Play AND LOVE,LOVE! Nike! I mean Leo

smooch Reina
Murray saved Tekken!!!!!
Buff asukas neck
these training mode improvements will help when I get fucked up by pachinko hachi very much
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Fuck Lidia.
Hug Lidia.
Kiss Lidia.
Mating press Lidia into a bed.
Massage Lidia shoulders.
Eat Lidia pussy.
French kiss Lidia.
Dress Lidia up in suits.
Dress Lidia up in sexy cosplay.
Ejaculate inside Lidia pussy.
Princess carry Lidia to the bed.
Twist Lidia nipples.
Suck Lidia breasts.
Lick Lidia midriff.
Excercise with Lidia.
Get Lidia drunk.
Sloppy tongue kissing with Lidia.
Read hentai with Lidia.
Eat Lidia ass.
Get Lidia horny.
Mutual masturbation with Lidia.
Marry Lidia.
Big wedding with Lidia.
Massage Lidia feet.
Fuck Lidia until your dick breaks.
10 kids with Lidia.
Total Lidia Love.
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fix me nigga
>Reina will never look at you like that

Has anyone watched rips stream? Did he call out this bullshit?
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You're welcome, Tekken fans
>can filter moves in the move list
Wtf why wasn't this a launch feature
Nerf this NIGGA
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Reina or Heihachi
Im still in disbelief that heihachi turned into that. I hope im missing something because it looks like he’s just gonna be a literal casino character when he was the complete opposite before
I'm watching pajeetpro
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My Husband
How long has Murray been on the team?
>t. 21'er
they turned eddy into whatever the fuck he is. this is the norm now
Grown ass man by the way
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I fucking love tekken
It's always 1 step forward, 5 steps back with these fucks
how did murray strive so hard from the golden path
I watched for 1 minute and he is unreasonable happy about the move list change. Don't think he has anything bad to say.
miring those shoulders
long enough
long ass time
he's been in a producer role since tekken 4. before that he was an intern
Tekken 4, he only got into dev in T6
Since Tekken 4 days, circa 2000.

His role from Tekken 4-5 was mostly to do with translation and international communication etc.

In Tekken 6 and Tag 2 he joined the design team

In the later parts of Tekken 7 he took on a more senior role which carries over into this game
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wait thats mine !
>Noooooo they turned the Mishima with the best mids and hellsweeps into a casino character!!!!
i need more images of heihachi hugging reina in an affectionate manner
About damn time
Should i start playing Ling because you cant block in this game? Im dead fucking serious too, theres no point anymore. I might as well AOP and pray
in the ass!
Yes! Join the Ling nation!
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nah play eddy
he hasn't said a fucking word for the past 30 minutes now
>decrease the points awarded for losing
too late this game is trash shit
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He "subtly" flashed his shirt to the camera earlier
so is prowess matchmaking still a factor in the "new" ranked system
it's either show up or be replaced
didn't say he had to speak however
For higher ranks
It took less than 1 year to do the most obvious fix about ranking
nah lidia if you never want to block
im obviously plugging ‘achi on load screen
he's reading tekgen
I cant tell is this bad or good? No limit just encourages boosting no?
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Bro why the hell am I getting matched up with these high ass level people? I just got demoted.
they said 'they were getting data'. and i don't believe that fuck.
Get a gf nigga
if they don't fix the usual, people will just plug and cheat even more
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heh, sunglasses on a panda
Nakatsu, the rank thing wouldn't be a problem if you didn't design the system so that the game auto carries you to Fujin leaving only 8 ranks left that actually matter and measure skill
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Fucking finally
ling is shit, funnily enough she doesnt have enough cheese to reach GoD unless you know matchups well
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One and dones bout to skyrocket
they finally took 7 months to copy SF6...
The absolute state of Tekken
Starting to think Nakatsu isn't actually our friend.
this game really was on alpha and the whole "no arcade version will be a shitshow" became true
nakatsu is the main culprit
After Winter
>Still no infinite rematch for quick match
You cant do that in sf6
these fucks legit did not brainstorm ANYTHING for QoL besides quicker loading match before shipping the game
anoooooooooooo next season
What? Nigga SF6 is stealing features from Tekken 8
I wanna bang Leo's cock I mean vagina
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put a muzzle on that bint
>35 finalists
i thought it was only 20. so basically the leaderboard after top 20 is fine
Anooooooooo the Tekken World Tour isn't our problem, please go bug the Thailanders about it instead
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>as you see we are listening
as you see we are listening
>as you see we are listening
as you see we are listening
>as you see we are listening
as you see we are listening
>as you see we are listening
as you see we are listening
>as you see we are listening
Fukurham confirmed
>Thaiger Uppercut will ban Heihachi
Lmao so no all Heihachi top 8
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a fucking

no death matches still ass game
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qudans bros...
>Removing those kissable lips
So when can they announce Kazumi then?
Ranked sucked ass already and they made it worse? I don't want to play some nigga who is 3 ranks below me. Just give me same rank only filter.
no announcement at tgu
dlc4 in january
They have that regional leaderboard too. I think that's where the extras come from. I don't know how it works.
Heihachi being a nice parent to Reina unlike Kazuya, Lee and Jin, entrusting her to awaken her devil might be because he wants her gene so that the samples of ogres can be merged and allow him to archieve immortality
Heihachi literally searched for a woman with the devil gene to fuck in his old age
>Kpiss over JDCR and Knee
that's what after winter means
December 8. Trust the plan.
in 5 years you will miss watching comfy tekken talk
Yeah they're probably doing a "TOMORROOOOOOOOOOW" at TWT finals huh
didnt they say all dlc will be out before end of year ?
after winter is april 2025
Where is Anakin?
Why have Reina then? Why not get the samples directly from the random devil woman
>>>>>please come since we don't have money to travel anymore since the DEI incident
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there's nothing comfy about this corporate ad slop except for talking shit about it with you guys
I fucked a man and I regret it deeply
I was fucked by a man and it saved my life
murray talking about drinking alcohol
Why did they stay up so late for this shit?
it's marduk
What's it supposed to say?
>except for talking shit about it with you guys
that's what I meant
blud has had hiccups all stream
>since the DEI incident
What did I miss?
Please announce something already
in a tekken bracket far far away....
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: World's longest "Etooo"
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Harada ranted on Twitter at people asking him about this and Blue Protocol
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Juri for Tekken 8
hahahahahaa so they palnned marduk then changed because of the leak and now we have marduk monk
hahahahahaa bravo murray!
Imagine them firing Harada because of DEI incident. I hope so. It owuld be epic. Hahaha!!
We are not going to make it through the winter
4th character will be a new character, guest character or someone who has a stance
>I dont know why
>Heihachi trailer didn't bother showing Reina interactions, when Reina being his daughter was the whole twist of 8
>her Heihachi-like Mishima style is meaningless now because Heihachi is back again
>her Taido is meaningless because it got nerfed beyond its hurtboxes being physically broken

What point is there to her being in 8 at this point? Really feeling like Bamco is doing everything in its power to make me regret buying the game in every way imaginable.
>Marduk was so gay for Heihachi he camped out in volcano to save him
Truly, Heihachi can seduce anyone.
A new guest character with a stance
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OLD MAN RETURNS!! - Heihachi Mishima Gameplay Trailer & Breakdown
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>Tekken illustration
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>fandom campaign
fandom this you faggots
Harada still thinks Tekken has a community
You're gonna have to wait for the free(!) story update to experience this part of tekkino 8!
>he didn't see their intro and special interactions
what are we then?
it's funny how much time they still dedicate to talking about the TWT and tournaments in these presenations even though the game has completely flopped as a competitive title
Probably because she did not awaken her gene but was still dormant enough to be passed down
The voices in your head
a collective of shizzos
You're gay and >>495825568 is your boyfriend
I noticed that when Heihachi does the Stonehead throw on Reina, he says "Kou ja!" ("(Do it) like this!"). I think that's pretty cute.
The community died when Tekken Zaibatsu died
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stop it please
I fucking love SNEAKERS and WATCHES!!!
lars was female
my honest belief is that the winner of TWT 2024 will do so with Heihachi Mishima
Why am I watching a Tekken themed shopping channel
All of this is our fault for buying the Tekken 7 DLCs. We caused this.
Who the fuck would buy a tekken watch
bandai needs to sell their slop merch because they dont make any money with games
I would
already pre-ordered and am waiting patiently!
I told you again and again, you get what you fucking deserve
Tekken x Victoria's Secret when?
More than a billion people are living with obesity around the world, global estimates published in The Lancet show. This includes about 880 million adults and 159 million children, according to 2022 data.
What was so pressing about the information in this particular tekken talk that they felt the need to stay up till 4 in the morning streaming this shit??? I don't get it???
I can just creampie the dlc right
Harada is literally making up what's he's talking about right now, look at the other's faces
terry came out in sf6
I did not buy a single DLC though. Never in my life would i pay for frame data. Its all you niggers fault. And you stupid newfags hyped the shit out of the formerly worst tekken. I spit into your retarded faces.
this was 100% recorded at 6pm a week ago or some shit, they are not there talking at 3am, they are not live right now
Someone with more money than brains? Rabid collectors will go for anything.
They are honestly kind of ugly, more like child's toy than a man's watch.
You don't need any data to know that losing more points for losing to a higher ranked opponent makes no sense at all.

Now if they could just massively increase auto-promotion and remove Tekken Prowess from matchmaking, ranked might actually work decently.
reina will never give you an electric hand job
sometimes murray's speech has the same cadence as chris chan and it's very amusing
retard they were reading chat
>they actually have been implementing an anti plug system that rewards you points even if they plug but you don't notice
Can't wait for six years of her waiting in the background before she gets a bossfight as pisspoor as Devil Kazumi was

Not in the trailer; if they showed them on the stream, I'm usually not big on watching hour-long commercials for retarded shit like sneakers or underwhelming battle passes
why even FUCKING live
The desperation is tangible
this is pretty dope
fake placed decoys
Who is that yasuda esports guy? Why is he there?
Its just for youtubers to make "content" and keep tekken relevant in kids heads.
You heard big M? Take a chill pill
>all you faggots need to calm down
Thanks, Murray.
>Why is he there?
to pretend that Tekken esports isn't just the same 10 dudes travelling around because they're sponsored
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Anooooooooooo.... Take a chill pill, and fuck off. And get ready for the next battle pass!

i've always wanted the outside of my gloves to have a bowling pin pattern
They're in Japan and they wanted this tekken talk for the english speaking audience, retard.
akuma confirmed
murray just confirmed Lion from virtua fighter, damn, DLC4 can't come soon enough
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Why does M and H try so hard to gaslight the community? These niggas will straight up look you in the eyes and lie.
>anooo... heihachi didnt fall in lava, some noname dude was waiting to catch him all along... please understandu
i guess even 70s garage porn movies have better story
jun yasuda is part of the development team. he makes more decisions than murray
let them sleep...
you can pinpoint all Japan's problems just by looking at these 4 clowns
ackshually, we are the clowns watching this shit lmao, how bad can our lives be
say what?
The secret sauce anoooo
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>mainman says hate channels are the reason why LTG is so popular
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hes so cool
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>No announcment
was the point of these 2 hours
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Hope ya'll enjoyed that Tekken Talk.
to give you insight as to how shitty the heihachi rework is and give you time to jump ship before it's too late
Common Michael Murray W
couldn't tune in to tekken talk, did they say anything about balance changes
Naked Lili on the main menu
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Bruv why the fuck am I getting matched up with these high ass level players? I'm so sick of gimmicks...
alright well im gay and im going to sleep plus I have no job
murray said the changes are so small that they are not worth mentioning and we can read them in the blog tomorrow
no we won't show the balancing, because we're totally confident that we did the right thing by nerfing Dragunov damage by 2 and remove all Nina's moves for reasons
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prease wait for update all will be fixed
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the reason they're not improving the super ghost battle AI any time soon is because it would mean that more players would play super ghost battle than online Tekken
Should have been there day 1
set it to +/- 2
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You have the power of Leo on your side. Auf geht's!!!
Oh yeah, where is the ghost vs ghost mode?
game is fucking dead
no players to match you with on equal level
>tfw the last master event of the year is gonna be the same old drag vs drag grand final
ok, what do we do for 7 years now?
Thank, Mike. <3
>JoKa crying about stances and 50/50s and heat and casino,playing Tekken 7 and saying it was a better time
>Now he's loving 50/50s, stance shit, heat and unblockables and saying Tekken 8 is the best Tekken while fighting his chat because theyre releasing Heihachi
Where is the integrity
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Tekken savior
super ghost battle is pretty good for practise
It is frustrating how shit the ghosts are and how you can't queue for ranked while playing ghost battle. Basic QoL stuff like stages changing every match also don't exist. So scuffed.
Uhhhhhhh patch notes doko?
The difference is heihachi is based
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next week
but at the same time, if ranked population keeps falling that means they will have to upgrade ghosts to where they seem like real people to fill up ranked queue. quite the conundrum
Buy the shoes, glasses and watch
to be honest, he does like Reina a lot
Thanks for the posts boys. Lots of good content out of today's Dekken Dalk. Lots of laughs with my tekgen bros. Love you skimmas
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Based and same.
Imagine not being hyped for heihachi
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if only she didnt have an electric bro... I could play her...
are you really taking into consideration someone that talks about defense, while playing Feng?
chikurin will use heihachi definitely
There have been a few fighting games that messed about with this idea and all of them seem too afraid to push it as an actually big feature I've noticed, guess the faith in people finding it engaging just isn't there yet
They somehow disappointed more than SF6's nonsensical and nothing patch and MK1 having to charity drive for a patch what is even happening to fighting games man
Where the hell did you see it, am I just blind? It's not in the trailer or the stream.
you guys really think anyone is going to play this shit in tournament when you dragunov will be buffed further (this is what happens with every nerf)
chances are someone will pick him as part of some sponsor if he's losing (like they do with lidio right now)
Love how Harada's only contribution to the entire presentation was telling us to fuck off at the very end of the stream
and Aris just laughed
>heihachi 7 months ago
no lows, too easy to sidestep in a game with no sidestepping, too basic with no mixup potential
>heihachi today
safe hellsweep, 1 million homing moves and a df4 that tracks, stance monkey for epic guessing games

seriously if you assholes didn't cry on twitter for 10 years none of this would be happening
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Heihachi should've been released before October god dammit, hate this seasonal ambiguity shit
He drops on the 30th howeverthoughbeit?
we getting dlc4 before end of year, based
this is the last patch until the end of January at minimum
ranked is not dying you retarded niggers
the prowess system is retarded and cuts half of potential opponents you could have, all for the sake of noobs having god ranks with little prowess
They never said he was releasing in Q3
They said he was releasing in fall
It just turned fall 2 days ago bruv
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We are not going to make it until January lmao
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etto tekgen lobby is up
what you think they're just going to skip on a christmas themed shop update

yeah and winter stretches through next year so the season system is shit, it should be quarters like how businesses operate
When is the sony absolute state of play? Will we be watching?
David Crosby
Here, brother

Why should I care what aris thinks or does?
christmas theme shop update will come in jan
I'm not even joking
It's Akuma, the shredded SF6 version of him
if you're asking, you already care
Thanks, though it's still pretty concerning that they initially made a big deal out of Reina being his daughter, yet it takes some random JP news site to show their interactions
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Here's your battle pass, goyim

Now the shut the herr up and don't ask me for shit!
bluds think Capcom doesn't want to put a shotgun bullet in Harada's face after what he did lmao
>only 3 more battle passes till I can buy them through free tekken coins
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my wife, they better not fuck up and release another male
Their interactions are full of spoilers, that's why. He basically reveals that they've been planning shit together all along.
I just wanted to mash some dishonest mids on people and instead I get a Heihachi appearance mod for Lidia. I'll never forgive you Harada.
what did he do?
It's Kazumi.
Put miguel in the and give him latinx mix ups
The mystery niggers with the mask who saves Heihachi.
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Okay so who the fuck do they have for the last character? How do they top the resurrected king of iron fist returning from the depths of Hell?
it's definitely kazumi. only other option is kuni.
Devil Reina
What if they didn't release Kazumi but another female hachijou
That's a nice opinion, but not only does nobody give a shit what you think but using the quarter system as evidence of Namco's ambiguity is utterly retarded.
some throwaway touristbait legacy pick like christie or bruce
it'll be a female character so take your pick, probably anna
Wait a minute FUNDOSHI?
I'd be okay with Katarina, I only see myself maining one of these two

I'm not even playing the game anymore... Don't wanna force myself playing Asuka
It's going to be Naruto.
It will be a new Hachijou who looks and fights almost exactly like Kazumi, but is male.
Which tourist cares about Bruce
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>hey Ono lend me your IP and I'll land mine, but first you gotta release your game
>*releases and it crashes and burns*
>oooops let me delay mine, and also lend me an iconic character from your IP
>sure here
>thanks *does nothing except mock him until he gets fired and go to do fateshit*
>oh hey new Capcom producers that got promoted let me just at your face about your old boss that you hated
>How do they top the resurrected king of iron fist returning from the depths of Hell?
all of them nigga have you been asleep for the past 8 years
devil reina makes the most sense
Nothing can top Heihachi, they will just release one of the moderately popular characters and hope for the best.
I was in a meeting for the entire presentation, what'd I miss? Something about plugging.
rosterfags who don't play tekken love asking for bruce on twitter
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Yes, there will be a collab featuring Tekken themed butt plugs.
im not playing the story mode dlc
a man can dream
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Armor Josie
anons posted most of the images here, just look for them
M said they implemented secret stuff about plugging they're not going to reveal because it would make it predictable
nobody gives a shit what you think either so I guess this is a stalemate :/
Only thing I'd like from here is fundoshi, sleepy Reina and Lee picture. Really wish we could earn this stuff in some offline mode, though.
I didn't give you my opinion, you don't even know my opinion on the matter. I only stated facts, retard.
i count 10 things lifted from tekken 7, 5 of them being in the premium version
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Here's your final DLC character guys.
I was very excited for that cape until I realized it's avatarshit
based on what?
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me too, specifically tekken 8
Can’t believe she’s gonna be on my main menu forever …
now back into the same 10 pictures and ritualposts
Another big win for the boys at bamco. Bravo Michael. Bravo Harada. Other fighting game devs btfo by this dlc content.
Lionel Messi
FINALLY. Dont need to stare at a sweaty man anymore. Unironically will make me play the game more.
you can't ironically play a game, either you play it or you don't
you still can't be a female btw
I mean clans like us do perform rituals
>get ready for the next battle pass!
I'm not here as much anymore for obvious reasons but that is a good one!
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duckordie8 can’t be saved

@_GentleMonster_ presents "INFERNO", collaboration sunglasses inspired by Devil Kazuya!

Get ready for an infernal in-game look - this item will be available for free in the #TEKKEN Shop from 10/1(Tue)
i was hardstuck seiryu in tekken 7
yes retard caller anon, i concede to your last retard on basis that those who finish their statements with retard are not retarded themselves
Better than coomer thrash
This is not out yet?
it has begun
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Mods wise? i think you can do it already, choppy but it works. For official implementation, days away on October 1st
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didnt watch stream
why is kazumi?
How many players on pc when heihachi releases?
Lidia bumped us up to 8k for a little bit I think
People are dead set on the idea of Marduk pushed for season 2
Her animations got datamined.
no josie? not interested
its literally just jun animations but retards on twitter and grifters like volskimmer love spreading misinformation
I think I’m “cooked” as the kids say, downloaded this and the Nina one and entered photo mode for a replay and I legit had a strong fucking stiffy seeing reina do a f4 leg raise…
Jesus Christ
just like how 'duk and fakh got datamined
ah yes, the tiger attack and her stance are really Jun-like, right?
volksimmer is based
huh I never saw the tiger attack
either way akuma animations were datamined too, does that mean he is coming back?
Schizos think hamsters look like tigers
I mean Terry legit just got into a fucking street fighter and RONAAALLLDOOOOO SIIIUUUUUUUU is coming to fatal fury. So anything is possible sadly
Im new to tekken 8 and still like the game, but why the fuck is heihachi like that. It sucks too because compared to other modern fgs T8 felt the most complete. Good visuals, funny arcade endings, fun story mode, cool looking stages, large roster. All the bad stuff is the post launch support, every dlc character is just gonna be a nightmare to fight
lil bro is really about to fall for another reddit data mining farce i cant
pajeet volskimmer is a rat
member lootboxes
Lestance8 will never be good Fun7 clears
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reina is a cutie
fuck off skimmer don't you have a 10 minute video to make about each nothingburger from tekken talk to make
Indeed, look at those lips
Not even they're stupid enough to put akuma back in right?
gg ass cut ruins everything
i still havent payed for a single dlc character
Damn bamco really stepped up their game with tekkino8. Makes clearancebin7 look like a damn mobile game
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If there is no scene with both Heihachi and Hachi, I will riot.
>Bros I got an erection looking at a naked girl raise her leg and show her crotch I am so cooked
mid ass tekken7 needed akuma but a cringe character like that won't see light of day in tekken8
>stealing ideas from 4chan cup / divegrass
>this how a sad social life looks like
List of people who hate nu-Heihachi:

Big nose

Inconsiderate raccoon
When is round 3 fight pass? Furthermore where can i keep up on info like that? Is it in the news section of the game?
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what if instead of the other stuff, they sold little dances where they automatically play after the other player KO's?
>fatass hasn't win a thing
Oh my god!!!!
I need to get home now, just another hour until the shift ends
disgusting proportions
Heihachi just looks like Lidia with an ewgf and even more safe mid extensions

This game is like cancer can we just get tekken 9
god i wish i was her mom
Tekken players are pussies who use magic mirror so you literally can't sell post ko taunts.
What's magic mirror and does it have to do why my ki charges are grabs?
List of people who will main Heihachi until he is nerfed?
blud just posted a fotnite videoclip oh my days
Dlc4 Fahkumram.
No installs.
Revamped look (closer to concept art)
Releases early December.
Still mostly irrelevant to the story.
Screenshot this.
I only care about brawlpro
>patch has good qol updates and requested features
very good
>heihachi is barely identifiable anymore
not good
>he doesn't know
>no installs
yeah right, lol he'll have that electricity buff install shit
>Bros... i think i might be straight.
Unironically the most shocking thing i have ever seen in this general.
can they please never bring back any tekken 7 newcomer again?
If you use magic mirror you don't see what the other player is doing after ko. The character just stands still on your end.
Big Nose is the only person on this list that matters.
funny how the loves section is basically all company shills plus joka who wants to win tournaments with him and raccoon who is a professional contrarian
how do you get a gf?
el ogre de america
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So Heihachi is saved by this monk dude and he loses most of his memories.
>How do they top the resurrected king of iron fist returning from the depths of Hell?

literally Itachi Uchiha
>Hm, I wonder why my sons and grandson hate me
Fuck niggas.
Rite of passage.
Miguel Murray dresses in deliberately outrageous ways to get a reaction out of tekgen
Literally irrelevant if the game is not acceptably playable online it is not a matter of discussion it is a minimum necessity
well obviously, that guy is nothing but shitting out 50/50's so this is all up his alley
i forgot mid 8 had a bad netcode. even mk1 got a good netcode lmaoooo
why would a leaker say this
he literally gave input on the character design, of course he's going to like the ideas he pitched in
Give it to me straight, is it over?
unironically yes
if heihachi can't bring bigger numbers than fucking terry there is nothing left
Has tmm ever won anything of significance ever? Ehy are they listening to him?
He did a FT10 against LTG in tekken 8 and couldn't even win all matches lmao
Why not. Leakers also enjoy shitposting
TMM loves any character that projects masculinity on a surface level, it helps him with his major insecurity about masculinity
because he's the biggest tekken content creator
Are people lying? All i heard mailman say is he got to try heihachi for 40 minutes. If he gave feedback thats different from actively developing the character
Why even include Blackheart, this nigga is a nobody. Uoh my characters are tgo from one and dones and blocking, watch my stream!!!
he is the voice of the common man
we love Adrian here
i love men here
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Don't have to win anything. Just have to know what the audience likes
It seems like he won the custody battle maybe
>Tekken 8 outlasted concord and now assassin creed shadows
A cockroach of a game
we are watching state of play in one hour, get your affair in order, faggots
Most Greenie Viewers Annihilated award
I don’t know any mailman lore, whats he like? why is he controversial aside from being kinda whiny when playing online
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It's time.
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Wasn't Leroy the one who saved New York? or it got fucked again and it had to be saved again
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more shitty sony games? can't wait
Post-KingJae era Tekken is awful
Murrat is obsessed with e-celebs. Nigga even mentioned Aris on stream while the fat fuck wasn’t even streaming
Even my fucking Chihuahua saved New York at this point
lil timmys falling for datamining memes even though they've all been wrong so far
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Aris won in all possible departments except not getting gout
lil bro thinks I'm gonna watch gaystation stream i cant
Lidia indirectly saved New York by pleasuring Leroy. Please understand
there weren't any jack-7s in new york in the original story mode, so it probably happens after jin loses to kazuya for the first ime
they're showing Jun spread pube filled vagina in PS stream tune in right now!!!!
that clip is classic. murray is such a clown
Wait, you guys don't really own a pos5 right?
i stopped buying consoles after ps triple
seriously bro even africans have air conditioning at this point
yuropoors are built different
this is not my beautiful franchise
He is from UKistan althoughbeit
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you people need to realize some people don't even play the fighting game portion of Tekken it's just a closet simulator
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yup it's my beautiful franchise now loser
bruv didn't fall asleep during ewc because he was bored that was the oxygen deprivation kicking in from being in that studio for too long
lol what the fuck is this game
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Here's a playful Tekken 8-inspired version of ZZ Top's "La Grange" lyrics. This take incorporates game mechanics like heat engagers, heat bar, 50/50s, and stances:

La Grange (Tekken 8 Remix)

Rumor spreadin' 'round, in that Mishima town
'Bout that Heat, they got it locked down
You know what I'm talkin' 'bout,
Those Heat Engagers, no doubt.

And that meter's risin', you see
It's that Heat Bar, lookin' mean and free
Gotta force that 50/50,
Got 'em stuck, no escape, it's gritty.

Oh man, hit 'em with the stance,
They don't stand a chance,
Heat Rush, yeah, it's Tekken trance!
Spinnin' 'round, mix it right,
You know they're sweatin' in this fight.

Now don't you hesitate,
To use that Heat, dominate,
50/50 split, it's your fate,
Make 'em guess, it's too late.

Oh, Mishima dojo's callin', man,
Heat Engager's where it all began,
Tekken 8's that battle ground,
Gonna bring that Heat, all around.
need one right now
kek based Dev1LAsuka shamed this retard into moving
they just have a permanent respawning g-corp army in new york and different people walk by and save the city from them every day
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>eat the low
>eat unblockable
retarded ass fucking game
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>watch hechachi gameplay trailer
>he just lidia+reina stance bullshit but mishima electric flavor
show last dlc so i can make up my mind to uninstall
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Cute family photo
>red heihachi
>red effects
>red rage aura on kazuya
>red background
>red floor
i guess spectators enjoy visual vomit
>his fucking df1 is -5 on block
ruined. I don't care how OP the rest of the character is this isn't heihachi. Take it all back.
they tried to warn you with Tekken 4, you weren't supposed to take the gameplay seriously
Big Nose having a breakdown on stream about Heihachi's OTGF not launching was hilarious
>it's gameplay trailer day
Ah so we have to wait out the "LOL LMAO HE IS SO BROKEN" tourists. At least for a few days until release
just frames
guard breaks
mixup from a blocked low
2 heat smashes
auto parries

heihachi mishima is the ultimate tekken lifeform. if dragunov is the distilled essence of tekken, heihachi mishima is the result of concentrating that essence down to a single tekken atom and splitting it in half
Jack, Paul, Law, Jin, Kazuya, Nina, Eddy, Jun and Dragunov still aren't in Tekken 8
Except the entire movelist has been shown already across multiplte channels with in depth explanations on how it works on block/against sidesteps and other situations.
Had a blast playing tekkino 8 with anons in the lounge yesterday!!! Heading to the lounge in 2min with my jin to fight!!!
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Wtf is this DEI shit
>white grandfather
>white father
>blonde, blue eyed child
>>>DEI shit
I wouldn't have a problem with Spammen 8 if the gameplay loop didn't consist of either playing by myself or watch the opponent play by himself.
it's up
>Wtf is this DEI shit
older men kinda hot huh
What's that? You denied two wifi matches? OK well now you have to wait 12 minutes to be matched with some guy in Zimbabwe who's also on wifi LOL
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when i saw that safe hellsweep
and i saw that forced mid/high death mixup
I'm so fucking hyped for Heihachi
so when's patch 1.09
said no one
Should land somewhere around December 7-15
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Oh shit my bad I thought they were a gay couple
they are, just not the right one
guk guk guk *sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp*
ahh thank you murray for the extra helping of sloppen today. i'll be back on october 1st for the next portion of my irregularly-scheduled sloppen
this shit is not relevant unless you are GoD and you need 1 extra frame to react to hellsweep
I've never read a post that screams greenie more in my life.
Why couldn't we just get Pierce Brosnan in the game instead of his shitty granddaughter and her annoying shrill voice
Least obvious Law player
Who wants to meet me and my jin in the lounge for some fights???
im kekken king, post yours
if you play tekken then who will keep the general alive?
>Generic white dude
Wouldn't sell very well I suppose
is it ok to fit my Hori Fighting Commander OCTA up my asshole?
he was trying to architect his way through the tekken girls. he had already gotten to asuka before he was stopped.
damn what did heihachi eat in that lava, he looks chunky as fuck
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Holy fuck Harada didn't lie, Heihachi is completely dead. What is this stance garbage, why are all fundamental tools nerfed? Why the fuck did this happen when we have Reina for stance gimmick?!
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>Reina is just T8 Heihachi without all the install gimmicks and other bs
I thought Heihachi was going to be the honest Mishima, but turns out it was Reina all along.
he's just larping as a lava golem. didn't even get a lava shower.
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works on my machine
Julia with install that increases with each bow and arrow hit
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No that's Jin
akuma last dlc, screenshot this post
Anna with 4 stocks unlocks her bazooka moves
I seriously can't believe temu 8 players have been begging for less forced 50/50s and unblockable mixiups and everything being safe with followups and then bamco added more of it 3 times in a row how sadistic do you need to be to hate your fans this much
lei wulong but you unlock stances with power ups
>be heihachi
>play the game normally
>save your super power up mode until last round
>now you are in god mode for the entire round
and obviously there's no tradeoffs anywhere for it either, you get the stacks just by playing the game normally and all his regular stuff is beyond busted as well so it's not like you are at a disadvantage while building it or saving it
So anybody want to fight in lounge for a bit against my learning jin???
say that again i dare you
he's going to be busteed for tournaments, like a free get out of jail card
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reina is actually the main character
jdcrkino is truly back on the menu boys
the only tone deaf here is the competitive playerbase that can't realize Harada wants you dead and buried since Tekken 4
bye bye reinabro
every time this hgappens its a million random spanish posts.
i hate it.
>i hate it
but i'll suck it up and buy some coins in the meantime
Not at all, the devs liked Virtua Fighter 3tb and wanted their own Tekken-y version of it but fucked up, Koreans in particular got really asshurt and Harada has been apologising to them about Tekken 4 ever since.
so, he wants you dead
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nice projection
Feels more like Harada's just a submissive cuck, on top of apologising to asshurt Korean femboys so much, his entire marketing and communication strategy has always revolved around reacting to whatever SF is doing
it's not a projection, I love to suck stuff

it's up
>it's up
It's up

Get in faggots
DOA's cool but I only like brown girls and most of Lisa's outfits/designs are pretty plain and unappealing, shame
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>Sign in to confirm your age
shant be watching your slopcore ironically
I'd care even just a tiny bit if they were air forces, tf are these
astro bot is too mature for you
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85% of the time I play T8 I look like this
Tekken really is revolutionizing...in game advertisement.
foamposites look like weird dinosaur shoes, doesn't remind me of tekken at all. Possibly one of the worst sneaker sillouettes of all time.
but there won't be any tekken content?
tekken 8 just prints money. feels good being a tekken chad who got on the ground floor of it all and will soon reap the rewards of my loyalty
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GAME FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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move on henry, people already dumped their tekken bags
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keanu is in sonic now
You heard that right. That's Keanu Reeves
The most hated VF character in the most gimmicky Tekken yet.
Can't wait!
Aris is being racist to asians again
>Yeah. I had lots of fun playing with DoA 2 Hardcore in my PS2
>It was.... 20 years ago.

I want to die.
kek i thought the same
whatever the fuck happened to dragon age
I swear this is the best fucking change they've done so far. You currently have to be pissed off and want to learn what just fucked you up but you can't be TOO pissed off because of how many menus there are.
Game of Thrones killing the fantasy genre, that's what happened
must be a laugh voicing VF characters
Until they add an option to let you kill your opponent irl at the results screen i am going to spam nigger at murray every day with bots so i can hold forward on my first match so i can finally stop playing this
sweet a new remedy game that's impossible to run at a decent framerate on modern mid-range hardware
it's just the expansion of anal weak 2
i heard a woman talking and thought it was control 2
control 2 trailer is long awaited now, i thought it was control 2 too
fuck yeah, legacy of kain is also coming to pc the same day
I expect a Asuka/Jun situation for Reina/Heihachi
All the horny waifu players will stick with Asuka/Reina
All the people who actually want to win will play Jun/Heihachi
asuka is way more fun to play, fucking retard
only wuxia surpasses Tekken in the gaylord department
nobody is playing jun
i wanna get into romance of the three kingdoms but it looks like a pretty big timesink just to understand memes about lu bu and cao cao
y'all watching snoy state of play?
Jun makes me horny
I found lots of juns in ranked. But you are right in the sense the tier whores will pick a cheaper character.
we are watching capcop horror engine mogging everything
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all the tier whores are picking asuka
k-kaffee konigin???
Penis caffee?
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>remasting horizon forbidden west
sony is retarded
steam lines for coffee should be gray. brown lines makes it look like she have a mug full of poopoo
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Maybe it's that expensive poopoo coffee
its a mug full of poopoo
>stances and installs
finally a fun mushima
how much longer must the corpse of nier automata be tossed around for collaborations
as long as yoko taro gets paid he'll keep doing it.
new nier is in the work
only will be when Yoko Taro is homeless, he doesn't like to work
jeus fucking christ sony really did die when they cut off japan
When 2B comes to Tekken
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I had a question for the thread that now that Azucena is mentioned I remembered.
Do you lose your winstreak if you plug?

One game what this faggot did in this frame.
ghost of tsushima 2?
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not anymore
ghosts of lesbians 2
i love women
ghost of yotei, cool
He doesn't lose his winstreak if he disconnects on purpose?
female samurai? I remember those
anoooo she's a ronin???
he does you dont
is she mulan (or does she actually have a COCK)
Shouldve had a bikini
they will do hot springs for this character too right?
she's too flat to be a samurai, should have had 2 big milkers
So he got his winstreak legitimately then decided purposefully to spite me and make me lose the promotion chance when he would lose his winstreak regardless? Would he have lost a lot more points if he had not plugged and lost normally?
the japanese worship penises. the female genitalia will be hidden behind a mosaic
My drive to improve at tekken vanished with the heihachi trailer. Like its all gone now, am i overreacting. Heihachi’s whole moveset just looked like the embodiment of everything wrong with the game.
whatever, monhun wilds is coming out. if tekken crashes out by the time dlc4 comes out i'm jumping ships.
where is josie
The state of slop
why does reina look like a silly hamster or cat

why does she look like that
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Reina mentioned.
Street Fighter Won
do ESLs really believe install in fighting game terms is shorthand for installation
the "Most AIDS Infested Transexuals" award!
uh is it not?
SF would never have installs/stances/5050s
they typically say "movements" and not "moves" so that must be what it is.
aris told me he hates black people
what is it then
based cuppa poster
it comes from dragon install right? it's called that even in japanese with Insutōru a loan word which is short for installation. can't see what else it would be.
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i hope kunni terrorizes d8 ngl
>falling for obvious bait
please go back to /r/tekken and stay there
>immediately thinks the two men are gay lovers instead of both being Lidia's father and grandfather

Brave of you to out yourself anon.
>I hope kunimitsu terrorizes a graveyard with not a single soul but with cricket soudns
Urban Square is really a full on Nike advertisement now this shit is beyond SFV lmao

where's the top 5 kekken stance 50/50 montage
Hey Cunny players, how do you cope?
Are you playing Yoshi?
nice artwork
Why didn't they just guess correctly
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I haven't seen any gameplay videos of him but does he have his own moveset? His stance looks different from Heihachi at least. Maybe he's the last dlc?
the fuck is this
seiryu is a manifestation of the thunder god that only heihachi can see. he's like devil jin. at the end of the dlc story mode they become one super heihachi
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what the fuck is the dog-ear hair seriously going to be the pic next to his lifebar

They don't have hair gels in a remote mountain monk's temple.
same, as well as her tabi feet all over my face
heihachi might actually kill tekken
The ironing
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heihachi is based
Heihachi IS Tekken
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bullshit into stance into bullshit into stance
Anyone want to have a blast fighting against my jin in the lounge!!!
reina was purpose-built to keep the kuni fanbase busy until her release. a lot of the more competitive ones play victor though besides yagami.
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Look how these monkeys massacred Tekken
Tekken killed itself long before him
Guard breaks are the worst mechanic in any fighting game. Im holding back you stupid fucking game, why the fuck do i suddenly duck for something that isnt even a low. High’s already exist for a safe or even plus move on block
idiot this game is AGGRESSIVEEE
steal ur turn back or DIE
>f3 doesn't CH launch
>it's now for some guaranteed stance transition bullshit
Let’s fight in the lounge, my jin vs you!!! Let’s go, hurry up!!!
sidestep right duck. there i solved the heihachi matchup. now stop crying
kazuya better get installs, mid electrics, stances and a 9 frame unblockable launching low
seiryu playable in tag 3
dlc privilege my boy
pay up
Azucena fff3,2

Now that was a move.
I fucking hate this game but I can't stop playing it
This is the last Tekken lil sis we're lowkey in the Tag 2 and SF4 era again
don't forget the plus frames and the mix
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Tekken 5DR truly was the final Tekken game. Rest is just glorified fan mods.
bamco saved us from drag vs drag grand finals for the rest of the year by giving us heihachi vs heihachi grand finals instead
womp womp heihachi literally fucked my mom and shot my dog
im going to seethe forever btw i dont even play tekken
Nice greenie gameplay
5DR shills are just as annoying as VFags
this was the azucena counter and people cried until she was nerfed to F tier
*just as based
Greenies are the only ones who like that Mishima and Steve fest
I see. You're pretending to be retarded, right?
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I did it! :D
heihachi has a real ws launcher btw. characters can't have flaws anymore unless it's joke characters like asuka and steve
See me in a lobby?
nostalgiafags are the worst
Consoomerfags who mindlessly eat shit are the worst
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I was defending this game this whole time and my reward was seeing heihachi get turned into lidia.
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to be fair, they gave him that in 7. but now it's 15 frames lmao
a chicken sandwich costs $6
Sure in 8
Want to fight in lounge against my jin???
alright blast bro let’s go
hellsweep pick up from ws3,1+2 was ass and people still opted for cc electric
now it's a regular ws2
>loves cute girls like Reina and Xiaoyu
>hates edgelord tryhards like Jin and Kazuya
wow I'm literally heihachi!
Sure EU?
Lmao no we're gonna have 5f rollback
>hellsweep pick up from ws3,1+2 was ass
nah they buffed it and made the pick up insanely easy. you could even do b3, 2 for pick up.
EU players are GAY
It's never been more over
Ok, meet me at America 1 - 0004 on the beach.
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>not an edgelord tryhard
Lucky you then ;)
Lol why buy heihachi when I already have the ENTIRE season 1 cast in tekken 7?
Everyone is welcome to come fight in America 1 - 0004, I’m here with my jin!!!
I trust Main man
They need to fire Nakatsu, Shimbori, Murray and so on
I 100% expected Heihachi to come back as DLC but I thought they'd at least shoebox him till season 2
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Does this look like an edgelord to you?
can someone explain why 112 making kazuya explode
>heihachi mishima has better ws punishment than most of the cast
oh brother
At least she's relevant unlike Asuka
asuka is the better tomboy hands down
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heihachibros.........hold me please...............
Not when the Hach kicks her ass back to DeviantArt where she belongs
Lava powers
seiryu is reina's mom
heihachi fucked my ass
heihachi is in my ass right now
And that personality being?
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enjoy 40% of a 10f and don't forget that

the floor is lava
Weird to think sparking zero is going to be the best fighting game bamco releases this year
im loading my rifle to blow my brains out because heihachi has another stance
my life is over how can this be happening
this but unironically
Don't do it, just upgrade to Deadlock and live happier life
Lol how is this new mechanic heihachi has balanced? So you’re telling me that he just becomes god mode for a round and can rob you? Are they going to make him mediocre overall because of this perk, make it make sense. Just make normal characters for fucks sake
Just upgrade to Tekken 5 DR
Self-righteous, short-tempered, egotistical, thrillseeking, less-than-intelligent, motor-mouthed, sassy, compassionate, determined
Some of these are self contradicting
he'll feel like shit without it and OP with it. they have no idea what the fuck they're doing
i just dont like heat engagers
remove those and revert ra mechanic to t7
Geniunely, are Murray and Nakatsu even functional adults?
heihachi is every single tekken character morphed together. soon we will have no need for large rosters, we can have heihachi and 30 preset costumes
so dbfz?
i don't want to play tekken anymore
8s story is so ass, so old fuck is just alive before super saiyan 5 angel jin fights ultra demon kazuya?
I want to play Tekken. Just not HNM's gay ass mobashit version of it
heihachi is the only character that can toggle ultra instinct for a round thoughbeit
heihachi was somewhere else doing other stuff while the shit that mattered took place WOOOW thanks harada for giving me another 30gb download for something i don't want
i want to lick heihachi chest scar while it glows
kazuya main btw
What do you mean?
get on rpcs3

New bread
Have a blast!!!
I share the hype even though it's the holiday version. Old man needs his diaper though for real.

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